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Top 10 Excuses

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  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    Top 10 Excuses

    For not continuing my witness after today

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    1. Scared to get Rejected

    What are we more worried about?

    What God thinks about us or,

    What man thinks about us?? What is the worst thing that can happen to

    us when we share our faith?

    They can kill us and send us to Heaven! Is

    that such a bad thing?

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    2. Afraid of Losing a Friend

    If I would die and go to Heaven and my

    friend would die and go to hell, what

    kind of friendship do we have?

    If we are not eternal friends, are wereally friends at all?

    They may say, He is the only friend that I

    have got that is into this whole God andreligion thing.

    They will realize that you are the only friend

    that they have that cares where their soul

    spends eternity.

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    3. They Have Already Heard

    Repetition is very

    valuable when it

    comes to witnessing.

    This might be the

    perfect time for them.

    You may be the one

    who reaps the seed thatanother has planted!Paul Lafleur Witnessing in Olde Towne

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    4. I Dont Know How to Witness

    That is why you are here! Didnt someone lead you

    to Jesus? Transition the

    conversation withsomeone: Can I ask you an

    interesting question? Can I ask you a tough


    Luke 12:12 says, For theHoly Spirit will teach youin that very hour what youought to say.

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    5. I Have to Much to Do

    What is more important? Studying for a test?

    Your job?

    Planning your vacation?

    Making salvation bands or the bake sale atchurch?


    Preaching the Gospel to the lost that Jesus died for.

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    6. I am Just Lazy

    How do you think God feels when I say I am lazy, butmultitudes of people die and go to hell every single day?

    As a Christian, what is moreimportant than seeing your

    home, your school, your city,

    your state, your country, your

    world coming to the savingknowledge of Jesus Christ?

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    Charles Spurgeon

    The saving of souls, if a manhas once gained love to

    perishing sinners and his

    blessed Master, will be an all-

    absorbing passion to him. Itwill so carry him away, that he

    will almost forget himself in

    the saving of others. He will

    be like the brave firefighter,

    who cares not for the scorchor the heat, so that he may

    rescue the poor creature on

    whom true humanity has set

    his heart.

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    Romans 10:13-17

    For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord

    shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him

    in whom they have not believed? And how shall

    they believe in Him of whom they have not

    heard? And how shall they hear without apreacher? And how shall they preach unless

    they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful

    are the feet of those who preach the gospel ofpeace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    7. I Dont Know Enough

    If it was a prerequisite for us toknow enough, could anyone ofus ever share our faith??

    This is the one way that youwill learn the most about yourfaith!

    You are saved and they arelost. Who knows more in

    every single conversation? Memorize the 10Commandments

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    Charles Finney

    If you do not make it a

    matter of study, how

    you may successfully

    act in building up the

    kingdom of Christ,

    you are acting a verywicked and absurd

    part as a Christian.

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    Oswald J Smith

    Oh my friends, we are

    loaded down with

    countless church

    activities, while thereal work of the

    church, that of

    evangelizing the

    world and winning the

    lost, is almost entirely


  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    8. They Wont Want to Talk About It

    At the most 50% of

    those we ask wont

    get into aconversation.

    This is a crazy world

    we live in. Lost

    people know that.They are curious as

    to what is going on.

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    9. I Cant Answer Their Questions

    That is a goodquestion, and I dontknow the answer.

    Would you like toknow the answer?

    Yes? What is youremail, address, phone

    numberThis nowallows follow-up andshows that you care.

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    10. This is too Confrontational

    Acts 18:28 for he (Paul)vigorously refuted the Jewspublicly, showing from theScriptures that Jesus is the

    Christ. The Gospel is confrontational

    We need to deliver the truth inlove.

    It is better to leave a sinnerconvicted and angry, than tohave a decision withoutrepentance

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    The Spiritual Firefighter(The Bunker Gear of God)

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses


    Live Fire Training Watersource Ministries would like to thank

    Mark Cahill (www.markcahill.org) for his books The One Thing You Cant Do In Heaven and One Heartbeat

    Away And for his continued example of radical obedience to Gods

    directive to preach the Gospel to every creature

    Living Waters Ministries Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron and Mark Spence

    For their Gospel tracts, books and incredibly helpful website www.livingwaters.com

    Both ministries having provided the permissions, researchand information that made this presentation possible

    Steve Wilson (Xtian) for his video compilations anddedication to the Gospel and reaching the lost

    All of those who helped us to get our start Especially Jesus Christ The King of Kings, without

    Whom, none of this would be possible! Even So,COME LORD JESUS!

  • 8/14/2019 Top 10 Excuses

