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TOP 11 Communication Failures

Date post: 25-May-2015
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Untuk sesi sharing dengan teman-teman di FEUI tentang Business Communication - fokus ke hal-hal kecil yang memberikan dampak besar, baik komunikasi sebagai atasan/bawahan, ketika meeting, presentasi maupun negosiasi.
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1 Communication Communication


TOPTOP 1 brought to you by

Created specifically for our friends at FEUI, 4 March 2014

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The The

QuestionsQuestions WHY IS THIS?

- PINTAR, tetapi gagal


- PERFORM, tetapi tidak


- BAIK, tetapi tidak bisa

memberikan value.

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1 Communication Communication


TOPTOP 1 • Sebagai Atasan, Bawahan

• Meeting, Group Setting

• Presentasi

• Negosiasi

• Interview

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TidakTidak menunjukkanmenunjukkan apresiasiapresiasi 1 •Memanusiakan


• Focus on THEM

•Pujian yang efektif

• Feedback vs. Criticism

•Catch what’s RIGHT

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TidakTidak membentukmembentuk connectionconnection 2

• “Build Rapport”

• Show Similarities

• Show Interest

• Show Care

• Sebut Nama

Charm = create extraordinary rapport that makes other in their presence feel


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•Being Fake

•Basa basi


jawaban “cantik”

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TidakTidak menunjukkanmenunjukkan/ / memberikanmemberikan VALUEVALUE 4


• Ideas

• Thoughts



• Effort

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TidakTidak menunjukkanmenunjukkan effort, interest effort, interest atauatau enthusiasmenthusiasm 5

• Show Initiative

• Show what

excites you

• Show what you

have prepared

•Make time

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Video: NonVideo: Non--verbal Communicationverbal Communication

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ProsesnyaProsesnya merepotkanmerepotkan atauatau tidaktidak nyamannyaman bagibagi orangorang lainlain 6

•Bolak-balik, berkali-kali,

lupa, salah/kurang


• Instruction

•Negative = Fokus ke

masalah dan bukan

solusi (i.e. “Tapi kan..”)

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Sentences Sentences

that Killthat Kill


1. Don’t be ridiculous.

2. It’ll cost too much.

3. That’s not my responsibility.

4. We don’t have time.

5. We’ve never done that before.

6. That’s not the way we do things around here.

7. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

8. We’re not ready for that.

9. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

10. It will never sell.

11. We will become the laughing stock of the entire


12. We tried that before and it didn’t work.

13. It simply can’t be done.

14. It’s too radical of a change.

15. That will make our current equipment obsolete.

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Sentences Sentences

that Killthat Kill


16. It’s not really our problem.

17. Let’s get back to reality.

18. Let’s form a committee to decide.

19. I need to go over the numbers again.

20. It’s not in our budget.

21. We have done alright without it all this time.

22. It won’t work here.

23. Okay, but if it doesn’t work, you’re the one who’s

going to get the blame.

24. I don’t personally agree, but if you insist.

25. Are you crazy?

26. _____________________________________________

27. _____________________________________________

28. _____________________________________________

29. _____________________________________________

30. _____________________________________________

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TidakTidak preciseprecise. . TidakTidak adaada data/data/buktibukti.. 7

• Sepertinya, kira-

kira, katanya,





•Wacana facts

facts with meaning

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TidakTidak mengupdatemengupdate progessprogess. . HanyaHanya terpakuterpaku keke result.result. 8

• Takut salah

semakin salah

•Menutupi kesalahan

•Gak enakan

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TidakTidak mendengarkanmendengarkan.. 9

• Look

• Inquire

• Summarize

• Take Notes

• Encourage/



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TidakTidak bisabisa mintaminta maafmaaf dengandengan efektifefektif 10

•No excuses

• “It’s not my


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TidakTidak menyesuaikanmenyesuaikan diridiri dengandengan lawanlawan bicarabicara 11

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The Relator

•Warm and friendly •Slow and easy

•Shares feelings •Good listener •Cooperative

The Socializer

•Relationships important •Strong feelings of

personal worth •Fast-paced •Enthusiastic and persuasive •Not afraid of risks

The Thinker

•An efficient perfectionist •Slow and cautious •Task-oriented

•Follows directions •Works well alone

The Director

•Emphasis on results •Little concern for relationships

•Does not share feelings •Seen as dominating •Fast-paced and decisive










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1. Tidak menunjukkan Apresiasi

2. Tidak membentuk Connection

3. JAIM 4. Tidak menunjukkan/memberikan VALUE

5. Tidak menunjukkan effort, interest, enthusiasm

6. Prosesnya merepotkan atau tidak nyaman

bagi orang lain. 7. Tidak precise. Tidak ada data/bukti.

8. Tidak update progress. Hanya result.

9. Tidak mendengarkan :D

10. Tidak bisa minta maaf dengan efektif. 11. Tidak menyesuaikan diri dengan lawan bicara.

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How you


is a reflection of


who you are,

your values and

how you value



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@aristiwidya | @astra1304
