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Top 5 chapter 16 sarah maxson

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CHAPTER 16 TOP 5 Sarah Maxson Pindar 355


Sarah Maxson

Pindar 355


Taylor Swift may not be the best singer around but

she and her PR team have made her into a superstar

because of her personality.

What made Tswift so successful so quickly?• 5 things to create the perfect superstar

1. Interviews2. Biography of Client3. Solid Marketing Strategy4. News/ Press releases5. Public Appearances

# 2D A M A G E C O N T R O L F O R H I G H P R O F I L E C L I E N T S

We all know celebrities can get out of control. Take the

recent Nicki Minaj-Taylor Swift incident. How do

publicists handle conflicts like this?1. Damage Control: Some practitioners will outright

lie to protect their clients image. Others will prepare a statement to explain the clients behavior.

2. May minimize clients activity on social media/ public appearances

3. May utilize social media to issue apology

# 3P U B L I C I T Y C A M PA I G N S

So ya wanna plan a big event? HOW THE HECK do

you get people to come to it??????• Publicity campaigns include publicity to stimulate

ticket sales. • The “drip-drip-drip” technique involves a steady

output of information as the event is being planned• You must define your target audience to ensure

that you’re hitting your maximum potential


What does a PR person do in the sports world?• Creates positive image of the team• Keeps public interest even when the team is losing• Helps build and maintain the image of their star

players• Runs interference when a problem arises with a

player or the team• Athletes are easy targets especially when they’1re high

profile. I’s the job of a PR team to ensure the player is kept in the best light possible


How do PR people get others to travel to different

destinations?1. They stimulate the public’s desire to visit a place2. Arrange for the travelers to reach their destination3. Making Certain that visitors are comfortable, well

treated, and entertained during their stay.
