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TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch...

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TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can Make $100,000 in PURE PROFITS in the Next 100 Days Using the ONLY COMPLETE Turnkey ‘Plug-In’ Business-in-a- Box System in Existence Today!” STOP Taking On Business Opportunities and Money-Making Schemes That Are INCOMPLETE, Impossible to Pull Off, Aren’t Very (or At All) Profitable, or Are Just Plain SCAMMY (Illegal). Believe It Or Not, There ARE Some Bona-Fide, Solid, and HIGHLY PROFITABLE Turnkey Businesses Out There…And What I’m About to Share With You is One Amazingly Mind-Blowing Profit Generating Machine on Steroids! FINALLY, The REAL DEAL on How to Make Money Online... The Internet is CHOCK-FULL of Get-Rich-Quick SCAMS and I’m MAD AS HELL! I’m NOT Going to Take It Anymore! (And Neither Should You!) I know you’re MAD, too! Who wants another SCAM to rob you blind when you’ll probably never be any closer to making money online? I know YOU don’t! Here’s something that you HAVE to read if you want to make loads of cash online NOW! You’re Going to Discover How I Turned a Fleeting “Idea” Into a $35,000 Per Month Income In Just 90 Days, Working From The Comfort Of My Own Home…And How ANYONE Who Can Follow a Simple Blueprint Can Make Tons of Money, Too! Here’s How I Did It...But First, A WARNING
Page 1: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed!

“How YOU Can Make $100,000 in

PURE PROFITS in the Next 100

Days Using the ONLY COMPLETE

Turnkey ‘Plug-In’ Business-in-a-

Box System in Existence Today!”

STOP Taking On Business Opportunities and Money-Making Schemes That Are INCOMPLETE, Impossible to Pull Off, Aren’t Very (or At All)

Profitable, or Are Just Plain SCAMMY (Illegal). Believe It Or Not, There ARE Some Bona-Fide, Solid, and HIGHLY PROFITABLE Turnkey

Businesses Out There…And What I’m About to Share With You is One Amazingly Mind-Blowing Profit Generating Machine on Steroids!

FINALLY, The REAL DEAL on How to Make Money Online...

The Internet is CHOCK-FULL of Get-Rich-Quick SCAMS and I’m MAD AS HELL! I’m NOT Going to

Take It Anymore! (And Neither Should You!)

I know you’re MAD, too! Who wants another SCAM to rob you blind when you’ll probably never be any closer to making money online? I know YOU don’t! Here’s something that

you HAVE to read if you want to make loads of cash online NOW!

You’re Going to Discover How I Turned a Fleeting “Idea” Into a $35,000 Per Month Income In Just 90 Days, Working From The

Comfort Of My Own Home…And How ANYONE Who Can Follow a Simple Blueprint Can Make Tons of Money, Too! Here’s How I

Did It...But First, A WARNING…

Page 2: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

WARNING: This information I’m about to reveal to you can completely change your life within just a few short months. However, this is NOT a get-rich-quick scam. This is a solid business

built on integrity and honesty. If you’re looking for some kind of scam/scheme then this is not the opportunity for you and I suggest you continue looking elsewhere.

Dear Internet Entrepreneur,

If you’ve ever wanted to make a ton of money from home, then… This Is What You’ve Been Waiting


You can finally STOP LOOKING at all different types of scams and schemes to make money online

when I’m about to share with you something that is highly profitable and completely legal that is NOT

network marketing or MLM.

DO NOT READ THIS BEFORE BEDTIME! You will be so excited at the possibilities for your new life

having massive streams of cash flow flowing in that you won’t be able to sleep a wink! And if it is late and you

still want to read this then DON’T SAY I DIDN’T WARN YOU!

In the next few minutes I’m going to lay out the brief overview of how I made a HUGE AMOUNT OF

MONEY (MILLIONS OF DOLLARS) with a specific marketing strategy to rake in money from a SUPER HOT

online product type.

And you will be able to get your hands on this EXACT Million-Dollar System to help generate your own

five- to six-figure MONTHLY income online from the comfort of your own home, garage, corner of your

bedroom, or wherever you want!

People think I’m lying when I tell them…

How I Made $78,392 In My First PEAK MONTH When Just Starting Out by Selling a

Specific Type of Product That ANYONE Can Make Loads of Money With...

Actually, as of right now, it’s been MUCH, MUCH MORE but I got used to telling people what I was

able to start making after only doing this for my first 6 months and that is about $80,000 per month, give or take!

(I’ll show you my current numbers in a minute.)

Now, let me get one thing straight! Yes, this is possible for ANYONE to do. It doesn’t take any special

knowledge, talent, or skills. It just takes DESIRE to implement. And no, not EVERYONE will get in on this

opportunity because I would be CRAZY to flood the market by allowing thousands of people to get in on this.

And, no, this is NOT some network marketing or MLM scam.

Now, you’re probably thinking…

“Hey, You’re Making All This Money Because You Got In BEFORE There Was Any

Competition! What About Me Getting In Now?”

Yeah, right! I wish! If there truly wasn’t any competition then I would be making about $10,000,000 per

month right now! Seriously!

The industry that I am making money in is a HIGHLY COMPETITIVE multi-billion-dollar market but that


Let me tell you something: There’s a rampant LIE going around on the Internet about how to make money

selling “niche” things. While that’s all fine and well, it’s VERY HARD to make a ton of money selling your great

grandmother’s secret sausage recipe from Naples, Italy!

I mean…come on!

Page 3: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

Yes, selling things that are HIGHLY COMPETITIVE is, well, highly competitive…But it’s where the

money is! HELLO!! The reason it’s so damn competitive is because there’s SO MUCH MONEY IN IT and

there’s EVERY REASON why you should be grabbing your slice of the pie, too. Don’t you think?

Do NOT fear competition! Embrace it! You should fear markets where there is no competition because

that only means there’s NO MONEY in it!

I have so much more to tell you but check this out first…this will FUEL you to read even further and

get you excited for what’s coming next:

The Proof is in the Pudding! CHECK THIS OUT:

Month #1: $14,932, Month #2: $38,374, Month #3:

$53,286 & Month #4: On Track for $75,000!

I tried other internet garbage before. I even

eeked out an income with a couple of them. The most I was ever able to make online was $1,200 in one month but the average was between $300 and $500 a month;

certainly not enough for the type of income I needed to pay all of my bills.

When I got your business-in-a-box system, I was

incredibly skeptical to say the least, but the idea behind it got me motivated because I knew how much potential it had. Worst case, I would try and fail. No big deal,

because I’d done plenty of that already. (I have a life degree in failing.)

I got to work right away, got my website up and running, and within the first week I had $2,450 in orders! I couldn’t believe it. I told my wife, “This sh** actually works!” Then I quickly ramped up to make more and more. This just blew the roof

off my bank account, seriously. Now, all my bills are paid. I even paid off my car and I’m now having a house

build from the ground up. I’m starting to save for college for my youngest son,

Jimmy, and was able to pay off the student loans for my oldest son, Craig. To say that I’m shocked, amazed, and indebted to you forever is an

understatement. If anyone is skeptical and doesn’t want to try this then don’t try it.

Your loss. More money for me, I say! -Stephen Reisnic – Tampa Bay, FL

*IMPORTANT LEGAL INCOME DISLCAIMER: Even though GSS has written affidavits on hand for every one of the income claims, these income examples are representative of some of the most successful participants in the program.

Some students may make little or NO MONEY AT ALL with this program. These claims are not a guarantee of your income,

nor are they typical of average participants. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your input,

determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions.

And I have a lot more testimonials to back up the power of this incredible money making system! I’m sure

you’re skeptical as hell and you SHOULD be with all the crap floating around out there. But I’m sure you’re

asking yourself…

“Anybody Can Make Up a Bunch of Testimonials, Can’t They? So, How Do I

Know This is REAL?”

Page 4: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

And you’re right. Anyone can type in a claim and say it’s real, right?

After all: who am I? You might not know me at all. I could be a complete con job from the street just trying to get my hand in

your pocket for all you know.

But I will tell you ONE THING that separates successful people from those who cower in the corner and

cry over life kicking them in the groin all the time:

Successful people KEEP TRYING until they find something that works. Broke people are skeptical,

cynical, miserable, critical, and on some level DON’T want to be successful because they like wallowing around in

their own pain and world of destitution.

And if you’re one of those people then that’s fine with me. Find something else you can bitch about. What

I’m about to reveal is ONLY for those who really want a complete financial change in their lives. If that isn’t you

then just throw this away or give it to someone who wants it.

But if you have that ember of hope that you can make money, too, and if you believe you can follow a

simple set of instructions then YOU CAN make big money just like me and the others who have followed in

my footsteps!

Important note: It’s NOT my job to twist your arm, beg you to see reason to change your life

financially, and “sell” you on the idea of making big money.

The bottom line: Either you WANT big money or you don’t. Only you know the answer to that. Let me tell you a little something about what happened to me more than a few years ago (more like a

decade ago)…

I was dabbling in every kind of Internet “business system” you can think of and, at the time, the best I was

able to do was make about $10,000 per month on eBay. Don’t ask me how I bumbled into that kind of money but

it took me about 8 months to finally figure that one out and no thanks to any of the books and courses I purchased

on the subject either.

But I was unhappy. People on eBay are CHEAP as hell, complain about every damn thing, and I was doing

a lot of labor intensive SHIPPING for a few bucks here and there. I was working MORE than if I had a 9 to 5 job.

Okay, why am I complaining? Because even though I was GROSSING $10,000 per month, I was only

MAKING about $6,000 or $7,000 per month.

Okay, still not bad. The problem was that I was shipping my ass off because each item I was selling was $2

here and $5 there. Imagine how many items I had to ship to make $6,000 per month! Right…it was NEVER


And then eBay PULLED the rug out from under me (and everyone else) by increasing fees, limiting

exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

“decent” income plunged down to grossing about $2,000 per month and making about half of that.

And I couldn’t pay the bills with $1,000 per month! (Thankfully I had the cash flow from my real estate

investments but I REALLY wanted to make some kind of online business ACTUALLY WORK!)

So, back to the drawing board I went!

I started searching for another way to make money online. I bought every course, system, ebook, etc. I

could get my hands on and everyone had their own rehashed version of the same thing. It was either making

money with AdSense (which isn’t really possible anymore) or making money selling as an affiliate (which

EVERYONE and their mother started doing, making it relatively unprofitable).

So, I kept searching!

AND I HIT ON SOMETHING INCREDIBLE! In fact, this is SO INCREDIBLE that my financial life

changed so fast, discovering what I did will make your head spin! This is how fast everything changed…

Friends and Family Thought I Was Slinging Dope for a Living!

“How did you go from having a bankrupted business to now driving a paid-off brand new Navigator and a

BMW within just a few months? How are you now buying a huge custom-built home AND a vacation condo on the

beach? You’re going on vacation again? Weren’t you just in the Cayman Islands two months ago? What the hell

is going on here?”

Page 5: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

The questions kept coming and coming and coming!

My problem: I wanted to hog all the secrets to myself and yet I didn’t want them to worry that I was

doing something illegal because I wasn’t.

I didn’t want to share my secrets because they would all want to get in on the loot, too! I’m stingy! What

can I say?

Then this family acquaintance of mine kept poking and prodding. “What are you doing? How can I do it,

too?” His construction business hit rock bottom because of personal problems and he was losing his house. So, I

felt bad for the guy, didn’t want to see him, his wife, and his 18-month son tossed out onto the street so I gave in.

I said, “Look, I’ll write out a simple set of instructions and you’re on your own.”

And here’s what happened…

$40,000 Per Month Average After 120 Days!”

It’s true that I kept bugging and poking and

prodding for the secrets to this system and I’m glad I did.

I was having a really hard time with my

construction business and I had no idea what I was going to do to support my wife and kid. I was

desperate to say the least and I wanted to try anything (legal) to make a living.

At the time I was losing my house. I can’t

believe that it was only about 8 months ago when I had my SUV repossessed, my home was on the verge of foreclosure, and my wife threatened to take my son to go live with her mother because she couldn’t deal with

the stress anymore. I took your simple set of instructions. It took me a day to set everything up.

Within a week I was making money. Within my first month I grossed a little over

$11,000. I had hope for the first time in at least a year since my construction business went to hell.

I know you didn’t have to share your success secrets with me so I’m eternally

grateful that you did. You really are a kind person who wants to help people. God bless.

-Casey Hagen – Woodland Hills, CA

*IMPORTANT LEGAL INCOME DISLCAIMER: Even though GSS has written affidavits on hand for every one of the income claims on this site, these income examples are representative of some of the most successful participants in the

program. Some students may make little or NO MONEY AT ALL with this program. These claims are not a guarantee of

your income, nor are they typical of average participants. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your

input, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions.

Since you might not know me from Adam, I’m sure you’re still skeptical so before I move on I want to say

one thing: Every one of the testimonials you will find in this report was submitted with signed statement stating

their claim. Does that give you the right to demand their personal address and phone number so you can hound

them for their personal bank statements while I get in legal trouble for violating confidentiality by giving out their

personal info? Hell no…so don’t even ask!

And if you don’t believe me about whether this works or not? I actually don’t care. I’m doing extremely

well with this and so are others. I know the reality of what’s going on. It’s up to you to ask yourself if YOU want

in on something this powerful or not. Either way, that the end of the day, my numbers are what I say they are and

they’re about to get even better as time goes on!

Page 6: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

“Okay, That’s All Fine and Dandy but How Do I Know That This is a REAL Money-Making

System That I Can Use for Myself to Make Money With?”

Again, if you’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme then LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE! This is 100%

legal, ethical, honest, and is a REAL BUSINESS for long-term cash flow.

Now, you’re probably wondering how someone like you can make the kind of money that some of our

students have been able to make and exactly WHAT will you be doing/selling online and/or offline.

I’ll come to all of that in one second (I promise)!

If I hadn’t personally built several multi-million-dollar businesses and hadn’t personally helped others build

their own successful businesses then I wouldn’t have believed it myself…I wouldn’t have believed ANY of the


So, I know how you feel. Once I get into the nitty-gritty on exactly how you can use my EXACT step-by-

step blueprint to make yourself a fortune from home, you’ll see the power of how incredible this home-business

opportunity is and how you can do this too!

By the way, I’m glad you are doing the research in finding the PERFECT opportunity for you out

there…but I remember just how frustrating it was to find something HONEST and REAL out there! So, turn off

your “skeptical radar” for just a few more minutes while I explain EVERYTHING to you! (You can always turn

the “skeptical radar” back on later if you’d like.)

Because I’m sure you’re just looking for a way while asking yourself everyday…

“Why is it SO FREAKING HARD to Find a Simple, Easy Way to Make an Honest

Living From Home?”

I know how you feel. And I also know that you realize in your heart of hearts that there are people –

average everyday people JUST LIKE YOU – making huge monthly incomes from home.

These people aren’t very well educated. Most don’t have college degrees. Some are high school drop outs.

Many can barely balance a checkbook or sign their name. And yet these very people are making mind-blowing

amounts of money.

It’s amazing!

Let me just remind you that you are definitely in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME and I will, soon

enough, explain exactly how YOU can make these huge sums of money for yourself from home.

And YES, it can work just as well, IF NOT BETTER, for you!

And You Are Extremely Fortunate for Finding Yourself Reading This…Because No One

Else Will Give You a Straight Answer on How to Really Make Money from Home! And

When I Say Nobody, I Mean NOBODY

Everywhere I’ve looked I found myself neck-deep in lies, hype, bullshit, nonsense, and piles of garbage

about how to make money from home. Almost 100% of it is completely bogus.

And you know what I discovered…? There’s a really ugly secret behind all this:

People are MAKING MONEY by selling “get-rich-quick” schemes but don’t really do what they say

they do…

And That Was The Problem...

At one point I was stuck in that “mode” where I thought I had to buy another program, course, system or

another “business blueprint” and work a lot harder at it. Maybe I had to spend a little more money or research

more. I really didn’t know HOW to make this Internet business stuff work at the time.

What I didn’t take into account was that it was all a set up for failure from the get-go. The people that sold

those courses, whether on late night television or on the Internet, were SCAM ARTISTS trying to make a buck

selling their bogus “systems.”

Page 7: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

As soon as I realized the “scam,” I was FINALLY FREE to discover the REAL SECRETS behind making

money online!

Okay, let me go back a little…

"Rewind" To July 2005: How It All Started For Me...

I had lost my second business due to three HUGE lawsuits against my company. My trading software

company was grossing just under $5 million dollars each year and several vultures/life-sucking entities decided to

get on the bandwagon and suck me dry financially in the form of a really large lawsuit that lasted for 2 years.

Long story short, my company went belly up as it was forced into bankruptcy.

I was in a “mid-life” crisis. Do I start over? Do I just go out and get a job now? What do I do now??

I was just so burned out. I felt like everyone was kicking me while I was down. I didn’t want to start

another successful company just to lose everything again. (When something like that happens, it takes the wind out

of you psychologically, mentally, and emotionally for a while…and some never recover from a blow like that.)

In the midst of trying to figure out what I was going to do, I decided to find something where I didn’t need

employees, overhead, an office and warehouse, and all the other necessities of a huge business.

I wanted to operate everything from home! Was that too much to ask?

I Had to Lose EVERYTHING and Hit Rock Bottom to Discover the TRUTH About How to

REALLY Make Money from Home!

I was in “thrashing” mode where I was desperately trying everything under the sun in order to become

successful at SOMETHING! ANYTHING! Just to regain my sense of momentum, focus, and self-worth! (I’m

one of these people who cannot exist in life without having a successful business.)

I didn’t realize that each “system” I researched and ultimately tried was completely BOGUS. What a

complete joke everything out there turned out to be! I just couldn’t believe people were schlepping such garbage!

Then I Realized Why I Was Being So Stupid!

I was too busy running around like a chicken with my head cut off for, at this point, several years now (that

had gone by) that I didn’t see what was in front of my face the whole time! MODEL SOMETHING THAT IS




The next question was, what can I sell that would make me a lot of money?

I made a list of things that made LOTS of money: Software, designer clothes/handbags, diet supplements,

anti-aging skincare, Internet downloads…BACK UP! Supplements!

Okay, that was it! But, wasn’t there too much competition? Could I really get in on this game?

A Multi-Billion Dollar a Year Industry That ANYONE Can Cash In On

All I had to do was study those who were making a killing in the industry, “model” or emulate them, and

make my own fortune, right?

I found an incredible source for supplement products that were all natural. All natural is where it’s at in

today’s day and age. Very few people want to subscribe to putting unnatural chemical-ridden products inside and

outside of their bodies anymore.

But I found that this business wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be because of the competition and

because I was too focused on trying to do things exactly like everybody else was doing them. I was printing up

expensive 4-color slick marketing pieces selling weight loss pills – like everybody else did – and then mailed them

out on rented mailing lists. My margins were so slim that it didn’t make all the effort worth it.

There I was squeaking along, making a few bucks here and there from my health supplements, and I was

still banging my head against the wall. What was I doing wrong?

Page 8: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

I WAS MAKING MONEY BUT NOT ENOUGH. On average, my diet supplement mailing profit

margins were a very skinny 10% to 12%. By the time my other expenses were weighed in, I was running AT A

LOSS! I had to go back to the drawing board because…

I Knew I'd Never Be RICH At That Rate!

If anything, I’d be back in bankruptcy court again. Naturally I had to figure something else out!

And quick!!

What I was doing was working marginally but by the time I was paying my bills and trying to put money

back into the business, I was “stuck” at this invisible shelf where I couldn’t afford to send more mailers or do more


That's When It Hit Me! Go Back to GRASS ROOTS Marketing!

I had to leverage my advertising dollars and put it into something that would make more money…Or,

essentially, I needed MORE BANG for my advertising buck. I decided to bury the diet supplement business and

move onto another type of supplement. By now we’re fast forwarding through the Great Recession and now we’re


PAYS to try and “reinvent the wheel.”

If somebody else has a workable doable PLAN for you to become successful using RIGHT AWAY (instead

of you slaving away in some kind of lab trying to figure it all out yourself) then DO IT! If you don’t, you could

stand a good chance in wasting a ton of years trying to “invent the light bulb” when somebody else already has and

you can simply “borrow” that same blueprint!

I decided to do 2 things differently: (1) change the type of supplement I was selling, and (2) change the

marketing I was sending out. Instead of diet pills, I started selling all-natural sexual enhancement supplements to

older men. (I switched my target market from younger women to older men with expendable income and DESIRE

for these types of products.)

I then started using an UGLY and kind of cheesy looking sales piece that WASN’T an expensive slick 4-

color printed sales letter but it was a black and white letter on regular bond paper that looked like somebody wrote

all over it with a black Sharpie marker.



couldn’t believe how many years I had WASTED doing things the half-assed way!


I finally dug my head out of my ass and figured out how to really make money. I had to base my project on

the NUMBERS FIRST before doing anything. This is when EVERYTHING CHANGED for me. All I had to do

was match up my percentages with the right “sweet spot” for my selling price and I could make an untold fortune

selling my products both offline AND online!

Oh, and it helps to sell a product where people have a fanatical desire to buy your product. When I shifted

from weight loss products for younger women to sexual enhancement products for older men, my sales percentages

also went up due to selling a product where these men had an insatiable appetite to get MORE PRODUCTS of

ANY kind for sexual enhancement.

Just to give you an idea of how much money a business like this is worth WHEN you set it up correctly, if

you want to take a look at the numbers, here’s what they’ve been like for me for my male enhancement supplement

business for every 10,000 pieces of mail I mailed out:

Page 9: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

You Can Get This Spreadsheet for Free at www.MonicaMain.com/Spreadsheets

What are you looking at here? With my diet pill business, I was barely getting between 0.25% and 0.50%

in orders for all the mail I was sending out. This means I was getting 1 to 2 orders per 400 pieces of mail sent out.

AND THAT DOESN’T CUT IT AT MY PRICE POINTS! (If I drastically raised my prices, I could make it work

but…really. Who is going to pay $350 for a bottle of diet pills? Nobody sane, that’s who!)

So, take a look at what started happening for the newer product line (sexual enhancement pills) that I was

working with. If you knew what you’re looking at regarding the numbers above, you’d be pissing on yourself right

now. Yes, these are REAL NUMBERS, folks. Not something I just pulled out of my ass for kicks.

By running your eyes across the yellow line to the right, you’ll see that your total gross is just over $13,000.

Your net is “only” $6,075. BUT, on average you’ll get between 20% and 25% in upsells selling whatever back-end

product you want to sell with nothing more than a simple flyer that is inserted in EVERY order that goes out. And

yes, these back-end products (when selected properly) sell like HOT CAKES. The price point for the customer is

$187 (but less product cost is $175). Also, almost always, there is a minimum of 20% in back-end sales. When I

dropped the back-end price to from $147 to $127, I increased sales to 25%. Again, this is all of this was deduced

on testing over the years. This adds another two grand to your profits, increasing your net to over $8,000.

If you created any type of high-demand product “kit,” these would be what your numbers could look like

based on your first 10,000-piece mailing selling a product at around $197 (which should be your MINIMUM price

point). Take a look at the light green and yellow horizontal lines where the black arrows are. Depending on your

mailing list, this is what you’re looking at for numbers. Your best mailing lists (which will be about 3 to 5 really

solid ones) will give you upwards of 1.25% in orders on mailed pieces. This is a pretty good number for direct

mail these days. Long gone are the days of getting 2%+ and that was way before my time, from what I hear. (I

have a feeling that 2%+ was a fallacy told by old-school direct-mail marketers but…what do I know?) My “bad”

lists will get me at the 0.5% ratio. The average is at the yellow line or 0.75% and where I found myself

consistently hitting with the sexual enhancement business which, as you can see from the profits on the far

right in green under “net,” I’m making over $6,000 per 10,000 piece mailing BEFORE I do any upsells or

auto-shipments! And absolutely ANYONE can duplicate what I’m doing, EXACTLY as I’m doing it!

Are these profits something you can see in your own business? Yes! And I’m not done yet explaining all

of this to you. It’s about to get EVEN BETTER!

How One Small “Shift” Changed My Entire Business…Now I’ll NEVER Go Back!

I shifted from selling to the “Average Joe” to the affluent customer. That’s what changed everything for

me! Why sell to the affluent? Here’s why:

I noticed a trend over the past handful of years (post-Great Recession mostly) where it seems that the

middle class is vanishing quicker than ever. Yes, the statistics have shown (on charts and graphs) that not only has

wages remained relatively stagnate in comparison to inflation for the past few decades while jobs have been

steadily eroding to the overseas front…BUT what I noticed is that my target “wheelhouse” of mostly business

opportunity enthusiasts were disappearing at an alarming rate. Decent mailing lists for this type of customer were

becoming non-existent. Opportunity magazines started folding, leaving only a couple left in existence today. This

completely coincides with the disappearing middle class who, for the most part, were “demoted” to a lower-class

wrung and could no longer afford “frivolous” purchases such as trying to invest in themselves with an education on

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how to generate wealth. They were too busy counting pennies and clipping coupons for the basics to survive

instead of trying to find ways of pulling out of their destitution.

In other words, this market is pretty much dead.

That’s when I realized that the rest of the products and services relying heavily on purchasing and

consumption by the middle class would be quickly dying as well. This makes CHANGING your customer

ESSENTIAL for ALL BUSINESSES a REQUIREMENT if you are going to thrive in our current and future

economic environments.

In other words, to survive (and ideally THRIVE) in ANY kind of business, you’re going to have to sell

products to PEOPLE WITH MONEY! It may seem obvious but, believe it or not, a lot of people are missing that

important mark.

Here’s how my numbers changed:

You can see that on the green line (at 0.50%), my net profits (before the 20% upsell conversion) that I’m at

$33,375 in PROFITS at 10,000 pieces of mail! That’s a FAR CRY from the paltry $1,700 I was at before when

scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to sell some lower end product to a lower end market. And, again, like

with any other mailing, I find myself hitting the 0.75% level every so often with a good mailing list. You can see

that puts me at over $56,000 in PROFITS which is $50,000 MORE than what I was making before when selling a

lower-end product to a lower-end market.

Kind of makes you ask yourself, “Why would you EVER waste your time again in selling to a lower-end

market?” My point exactly!

Now realistically not everyone will be targeting what I call the “elite level” of affluence. As far as I see it,

there are 3 main “groups” of the affluent: the “mass” affluent (upper-middle class), the “elite” and the “mega rich.”

The mega rich category accounts for the top 1% of the population. The “elite” falls in around 4% to 7%

(depending on how you classify this group based on income). And the “mass affluent” is around 10% to

12%...upwards of 15% in the years to come as we continue the separation of the classes. The way I see it, there

will be a “top” 15% to 20% and everybody else will be at the bottom (lower-middle class and BELOW down to

destitution or extreme poverty) as the middle class continues to disappear. (And if this isn’t a motivating factor to

light that fire under your ass to do something about your current state of finances then I don’t know what is; it’s

coming down to it being NOW OR NEVER for you to become a kick-ass profitable entrepreneur if you don’t want

to recess into the cesspool of the destitute bottom-feeding population.)

Back on track, a good “aiming point” is to target the “mass affluent” then you can go up from there. This is a

fantastic starting point because there are many more of these people by population size and you can just “jazz up”

regular products and sell them at higher prices rather than completely reinventing product lines as you would for

the elite and mega rich.

The other thing I should mention is that you can use online marketing to funnel in your mass affluent into

your online money funnel. This is almost impossible to do with your elite and mega rich whereas much more

expensive (mostly offline) marketing strategies are required to lure those people in. In case you didn’t catch that…

This ISN’T Just About Direct Mail Marketing…There’s the ONLINE MARKETING

Strategy Too That, If Done Correctly, Can Make You a Freaking Fortune!

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I’ll be honest: selling online is mainly for “lower end” products EXCEPT when selling to the “mass

affluent.” There’s really not much room for the super higher-end selling online (expect for just having an online

presence with a high-class website) UNLESS you do this one thing: lure higher-end online buyers into your online

funnel then sell them OFFLINE to close the deal. Or vice versa.

But since we’re focusing on the “mass wealthy” then we can use either just online marketing strategies OR

offline marketing strategies. OR (recommended) BOTH! This is where the REAL money is…in doing BOTH!

“So, What Is It? What Should I Be Selling to These People, Monica??”

I think I’ve kept you in the dark for long enough.

After lots of trial and error, trying to figure out SOMETHING that would work for anyone to make money

with from home, I discovered the highly profitable world of selling all-natural skincare products.

The skincare industry is HUGE! It’s a multi-BILLION dollar per year industry and anyone can take their

cut of the pie at any time.

Competitive? Yes! Highly profitable? Extremely! Something you can make money with? Damn

right you can!!

But it’s not just enough for me to tell you the “secret” of selling skincare products online and offline. You

have to know HOW to sell the skincare products otherwise the competition will BURY you alive within mere


How You Can CASH IN BIG with My Turnkey Business-in-a-Box:

I have been able to create an incredible complete business system for you… Most people can’t write a sales letter and I have done that for you. It’s all part of your business. I have

written out a complete set of blueprints including a simple set of instructions: this includes the TESTED and

PROVEN sales materials you can use to make a fortune selling skincare products.

But not just ANY skincare products. OUR skincare products. Yes, that’s right. You don’t have to worry

about how to get the product or, if you don’t want to, even concern yourself with shipping anything out to your

customers either. We can DO IT ALL for you!

You will not only have the exact marketing materials that have made me HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS

OF DOLLARS that you can use online AND offline but I will even set you up as an affiliate marketer to tap into

our already pre-created highly successful money funnels where you just send traffic and get a commission while we

handle ALL of the administrative and shipping details. You just send the traffic over! That’s it!!

You Just “PLUG” Yourself In and Start Making Money!

This is powerful stuff!

You will have a complete system or “blueprint” if you will. All you need to do is “plug” in and make

money. It’s that simple, really!

The System is So COMPLETE… It’s Just TOO EASY for Anyone to Make It Work!

I worried when I put this system together because people seemed to be always looking for…

Easy money with no work involved

A way to make money while sitting on their ass all day

Something that didn’t require too many brain cells

A system to work without reading through too much

Page 12: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

And I’ve created a blueprint that’s pretty damned close! AND IT’S WORKING! In fact with OUR sales

using the same exact business success blueprint that YOU will be using…

12 Months Later: $122,943 In a Single MONTH!

Within twelve months after starting our skincare business, we hit $122,943 in a single month using this

exactly system. This was AFTER re-inventing the wheel and all of the trials and tribulations I had to deal with.

All trials and tribulations that you WON’T have to deal with because I have created the ultimate

BLUEPRINT that you just have to follow STEP-BY-STEP for high-profit success without the hassle!

And after going to the drawing board many times over to come up with a successful business-in-a-box, I

hand-selected a few people including students and acquaintances to participate in something extraordinary starting

last fall…

The Ultimate “Turnkey” Business Success System!

I chose 3 people…and they’re ALL making money with this. You heard from 2 of them. But there’s one

more. His name is Bob Corales. With a couple of months, he quickly ramped up to $50,000 per month and is now

up around $75,000 per month. He stays steady at that. He doesn’t want to go “bigger” because he says that he will

need an assistant and at least one employee that he doesn’t want…


He pulls in $75,000 per month FROM HOME by himself with NO EMPLOYEES or OVERHEAD! Most

of the money is FREE and CLEAR (except for what he has to pay in taxes).

I should mention that Bob uses a different type of sales strategy than just funneling traffic online. But it’ll

be a sales strategy that YOU’LL BE GETTING when you get involved in this to start building your own wealth

because this is what I finally decided to do:

I Took My ORIGINAL Blueprint System for Those 3 People…


What I did: ELMINATED the trial and error (re-inventing the wheel). Eliminated the “baggage” that

my first 3 guinea pig people had to deal with including all the marketing that didn’t work as well, growing pains,

and floundering about to figure things out half the time.

And created the ULTIMATE home business!

Now that I had this ULTIMATE business, who was I going to share it with? I was so excited and yet I

thought to myself…

“By sharing this system, I am now creating my OWN competition and I’m not getting anything out of the

deal! What the hell am I thinking?”

What was I going to do?

I had a moral dilemma! Be greedy and not share this with anyone? Or share this with people and rob

myself of hundreds of thousands of dollars each month in profits?

Then a Wise Friend Told Me: Share This Secret But For a PREMIUM Price and Share

With Only a Few of the HIGHLY MOTIVATED!

No kidding!

But what would make it worthwhile price-wise and how many should I share?

I chose $1,497 $997 for the price for the Affiliate Distributorship level and I want to share this system

with 25 people ONLY. Remember, I’m not trying to flood the market with this.

That way I can still make my money while sharing my secrets with a select few who really want to make

money online while allowing THEM a chance to make money too without floods of competition surrounding them.

After reach my 25 new students then I will pull this system off and you won’t be able to get it anymore!

Seriously! That’s how incredibly LIMITED this opportunity is.

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And if you don’t believe me then TRY ME!

Ask the people last year who were lining up to pay $4,997 for me to build a custom website for them each

and I had to turn away quite a few of them because they missed the deadline for signing up!

And, trust me, you DON’T want to be one of those people because…

Every Person Who Got in Last Time All Made Money Like Clockwork and Are STILL

Making Money Here More Than 6 Months Later!

You missed out on being one of my original 3, not by any fault of your own because I hand-picked them to

participate. But now here’s another chance for you to get in on an even better deal!

The benefit of you getting in NOW is that my NEW blueprint is BETTER and MORE POWERFUL

than the initial “original” blueprint. This will allow you to SPEED past all of the problems, trials, testing, and

other issues that I had to deal with (and some of my original distributors had to deal with) and get to the BIG


But I’m NOT accepting everyone! Again, I’m only taking 25 new people AND THAT’S IT! Why?

Again, I don’t want too much competition for myself. I don’t want to flood the market!

Plus, I am offering unlimited email consulting for ONE YEAR and I can only deal with 25 new people

PLUS run my own multi-million dollar per year skincare empire.

“So…Monica, What EXACTLY Am I Getting With Your ‘Business Blueprint’?”

You have a few different selections, depending on what you want to do. Here are your options:

Affiliate Distributor: At this level you will instantly gain access to all of the marketing materials needed to

sell profitable all-natural skincare products (made by my skincare company California Glow) for both ONLINE

and OFFLINE sales. You’ll be shown EXACTLY how to set up your distributorship which is as easy as giving us

the name in which you’d like to conduct business. You’ll essentially become an affiliate for the sales of our

bestselling products, getting monthly commissions for all of your prospects that convert to customer sales. We

handle all product shipments, customer service, returns, and administrative issues. You just send traffic to your

affiliate websites and get your commissions. And we give you the tools for that including online ads, mailers, etc.

Your commissions will range from 35% to 75% depending on the product AND you’ll get 50% commissions for

all new distributors you bring in! You can get in at this level for only $1,497 $997.

Independent Distributor: You have much more control over what you make at this level. However, this is

unlike the level above where you merely send traffic to get commissions while we ship product. In this level, you

will have to set up a complete business (corporation, EIN, business address and business phone number) and you

will purchase product from us directly in bulk. Then you’ll distribute it online and/or offline using the blueprints

we provide to you. We also provide more marketing materials including online money funnels, offline full multi-

pages sales pieces, and a complete party plan if you want to sell this way too. You can ALSO put our products on

store shelves and make huge amounts of money distributing products nationwide. Your product profit margins are

HIGHER in this level than in the Affiliate Distributor level above because you are buying product in bulk in 12-

unit to 24-unit increments at a time. You will also have Affiliate Distributor access in the event that you’ll want to

work as an affiliate as outlined above as well. You can get in at this level for only $3,997 $2,997.

Entrepreneur Distributor: On this level, we create a fully functional online money funnel for you

including testimonials, video sales, and everything else you need to have a highly profitable online money-making

machine! We help you create YOUR OWN product line (limited to 3 products maximum) under your own label.

This can be any type of product but ideally you’ll be selling a CONSUMABLE product of some kind so we can

better assist you. We’ll also be creating a full 4-page sales letter with a “lift” letter, testimonials, and order

form/card that you can use for your mailings. You will have access to making money with the first 2 levels as well

as making money with your own product line using an entire business that we create from scratch for you. This



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way you retain 100% control while getting 100% of the profits from your product line as you build it into a multi-

million-dollar empire. Since you’ll have the distribution blueprints from the first 2 levels, you’ll know exactly how

to market your business in every way possible. We will also create online and offline ads for you to funnel traffic

into your online website. To get in at this level is only $19,997 $14,997.

What’s awesome about this whole thing is that you can UPGRADE your level at a later time. You can

START OUT with the Affiliate Distributor level and then work your way up to the Entrepreneur Distributor level if

you want. With each upgrade, we give you a CREDIT for what you paid for your last level and add it into your

next level so you don’t have to pay the entire enrollment fee all over again!

And If You’re STILL Skeptical? Check Out My Current Numbers Below!

If you’re skeptical and want to email me then go ahead. Email me PERSONALLY at

[email protected] or call my office at 661-295-5050. I’ll answer any questions you may have about this

incredible complete turnkey business system.

If you are one of those people who want me to give you the system for free, DON’T ASK! It won’t happen.

The $1,497 $997 price is the basement-bottom cost that I’m willing to go and if you can’t do it then MOVE ON.

Considering that most businesses cost between $25,000 and $1,000,000 to start, the $1,497 $997 price is

pretty damn cheap as is. And if you’re one of those people who want to email or call me so that I can “sell” you on this business,

please don’t waste my time. Either you know that you want to make money online or you don’t. I can’t convince

you otherwise.

Still skeptical that this can’t happen for you? Well it can happen, and I'm PROOF! Here it is:

Profits from (First Quarter) January 1, 2017 to March 31, 2017

$549,784.82 in the First Quarter of This Year With Skincare…And We’re Diving

Square Into Another Recession! This is Recession-Proof!

Did you know that we have been spiraling into another recession for the past 12 months now? I didn’t.

And from my numbers (above) you are probably realizing why I’m not seeing the recession like everyone else is!

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Did you lose your job? Does business suck for you now? Are you a victim of the recession? YOU


Can you IMAGINE making this kind of money while we’re in a recession? Can you imagine what’s

possible when the market is doing great? I’ll probably be doing DOUBLE or TRIPLE my business during the

good economic times! (I can’t wait!) But so will you, too!

What is ‘Auto Ship’ and How YOU Can Use It To Make an Untold Fortune Year Around?

The nice part about the skincare business is that many of your customers will sign up on “auto ship” where

they will AUTOMATICALLY be billed for the product EVERY MONTH and you will ship them a fresh supply

EVERY MONTH. And yes, you’ll be making money on that, too!

So, even if you are hitting on a slow month, you still have hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of

people who are being charged automatically which can add up to HUGE MONEY FIGURES.

How much?

On one of my auto ship programs each customer is charged $87 each month including shipping. As an

Affiliate Distributor, depending on the product, you’ll be making approximately $43.50 per month. So, when you

get up there in pulling in your first 100 auto-shipment customers, that’s a whopping $4,350 per month in extra

month in commissions on top of all your other commissions. If you double that, you’ll be at $8,700 per month!

You can take a vacation for a few months and still have that money coming in! How powerful is THAT to you??

Just to give you an idea on how powerful this can be, I currently have 542 people on ONE particular

auto-shipment program which profits me $47,154 EACH MONTH.

And this is just ONE of my auto ship programs! I have several others just like it!

This is what is SO EXCITING about this type of business. You can set up these AUTOMATIC streams of

income so that if you have a slow month, you’re still RAKING IT IN.

Talk about security!

Can you get that kind of security for a job? I don’t think so!

And ANYONE with a half a brain can do this!!

“Could Anyone Really Do This?” The Answer Is: Yes, Yes and YES!!!

Ask yourself these questions:

Do you speak and read English?

Can you follow a simple set of instructions?

Are you willing to spend a little money on online marketing to make money?

Are you willing to push aside your fears and GO FOR IT?

If you answered YES to all of these questions then you are ready to go. If you answered NO to ANY of

these questions then perhaps you aren’t ready for this POWERFUL MONEY MAKING MACHINE!

How You Can Make THOUSANDS of Dollars in a Matter of a Days of Starting Out

There are NO SPECIAL SKILLS needed EXCEPT that you have to be able to follow a simple easy-

to-follow blueprint. And that’s about it!

How fast can you make this money? How fast can you set up your business?

Realistically it takes only a couple of days to set everything up. AND THEN THE MONEY STARTS


How You Can Make MORE Than Most CEOs Within Your First 100 Days!

How can I be so sure?

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Since I don’t know you personally and I don’t know how motivated you are then I’m NOT sure what YOU

will personally do with this explosive business.

I DO know that those who decided to follow the simple blueprint instructions EXACTLY are ALL

making huge sums of money still to this day!

This business blueprint is VERY EASY to follow. If you know how to speak and read English then you

can do this. If you are WILLING to follow the instructions then you can do this. If you put the time and effort into

this then you can make a lot of money doing this.

Will you?

I think so.


Because you want a financial change in your life otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

I know you are frustrated with trying to make home-business opportunities work. I know you’ve probably

tried every scam under the sun. Maybe you are tired of trying. I don’t know.

I do know that those who STRIKE IT RICH didn’t quit until they hit on the gold.

You’ve Come So Far…You’re About to Hit the Gold Mother Load!

Just One More Strike of the Axe…

Did you ever hear the famous story about the group of people who set out to find oil? They searched,

searched, and searched some more. They exhausted all of their financial resources, time, and physical ability.

They felt as if they would drop dead…SO THEY PACKED UP AND WENT HOME right in the middle of an


A few weeks later another team of excavators continued digging in their same hole only to strike oil less

than 12 inches down!

They made TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on the backs of those who were broke, beaten, and too

tired to collect their fortune.

I think you are in that situation, too. You have probably exhausted your financial resources on scams out

there. You are probably tired, mentally and emotionally…and maybe physically if you have a demanding job.

And you don’t know if you want to swing the axe again!

But you’re about to STRIKE IT RICH!

Do you want someone else to take YOUR SPOT because you are too skeptical, tired, drained, etc. to

go on? What happens when that person who “takes” your spot (because you didn’t want to do this) starts

making $50,000 or $100,000 a month? HOW WILL YOU FEEL THEN??

When getting into a new business, here’s what you need to ask:

DOES IT OFFER MASSIVE INCOME POTENTIAL? YES! Even though I cannot personally

guarantee what you will make (because I don’t know how motivated you are and what you will do with your

business) but students just like you are making $50,000 to $100,000 per month after only 12 months!

DOES IT OFFER TIME FREEDOM? YES! You wouldn’t need to dedicate more than 2 – 3hours

a day to this business. If you are really “gung-ho” and want to double or triple your business then you

would be able to streamline the process and still work less than 30 hours a week (and that’s if you REALLY

want to work more for more money).

IS IT MOBILE? YES! You can live ANYWHERE and make money doing this. You don’t have to

depend on your local economy. You can live in a small town if you want. You can even take a vacation

and, as long as you have a laptop, you can work from anywhere.

IS THERE PROOF OF RESULTS? YES! I’ve shown you testimonials of our successful students.

These students have sent in signed affidavits proving they are making the money they claim.

IS IT SIMPLE? YES! The system is a complete step-by-step BLUEPRINT that anyone can follow

along with. And if you get stuck, you will have DIRECT ACCESS TO ME! I want to make sure you are

successful and I am making myself available to help you with your success.

Direct Access to Me Is The BACKBONE For Your Success:

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Even though I give you a complete step-by-step BLUEPRINT that ANYONE WHO CAN READ

ENGLISH can follow, sometimes people need additional support.

Imagine having DIRECT ACCESS to the originator of this massively successful system? Can you

imagine how successful you’ll be with a “guru” at your fingertips? None of the other “programs” or “systems” out there offer SUPPORT which is why most people fail.

That’s another thing you should seriously consider when getting involved in any home business or business


IS THERE SUPPORT? If there isn’t any offered support then there is something fishy about their “system.” And the ones that DO

offer support will probably throw you in the hands of an $8-an-hour employee who doesn’t know his ass from a

hole in the ground…and he’s supposed to be your “success” coach? Please!

Even though I’m confident that my step-by-step blueprint is so easy that a 6-year-old child can work the

steps, I still offer the support you need FROM ME PERSONALLY and NOT from an employee or my assistant.

And how confident will you be going out there, starting your own business, knowing that you have my

100% support?

You may never use the support but I’M HERE IF YOU NEED IT!

And you may need the support and I’M HERE IF YOU NEED IT!

How powerful is that?

But are you still afraid?

What are you afraid of?

Are you afraid that this isn’t real or that this is another “scam” or that you won’t be able to make this work?

I think the biggest fear is FAILURE. Because after all…

Failure Sucks! …But You Will NOT Fail As Long As I’m Here!

Most “programs” and “systems” out there will be a pile of books, videos, and audios that you have to weed

through and figure out on your own.

And there isn’t any support at all!

The few companies that do offer support have you deal with their hourly wage-earner employees who (1)

know NOTHING about how to be successful, (2) can’t advise you on how to be successful, and (3) are usually

there to try to suck more money out of your wallet with another sale or product that you “need” to make it.

And I’m NOT one of those “hourly” wage-earners. In fact, you’ll NEVER deal with neither of my two

assistants nor the ladies in the accounting department nor the shipping dudes nor my customer service staff.


You’ll be given my DIRECT contact access to deal with me DIRECTLY! I’m the one who will give

you pointers on what to do if you’re confused. I will be the one to help you and NOT any of my other staff


And how many “gurus” out there ever do that? NONE! Absolutely NONE!!

That, in and of itself, is EXTREMELY VALUABLE in your success in this system. The ONLY thing I ask

is that you go through the ENTIRE system first before contacting me so that I know we’re both on the same page.

"But Monica, I Don’t Know Much About Setting Up Websites or Doing My Own Marketing!

How Can I Make Money With Your System?

That’s why my system is a STEP-BY-STEP BLUEPRINT with tools I provide to you for every aspect

of this process! Everything is laid out for you EXACTLY and it’s pretty simple to do! We furnish the

websites. You just market the site(s) using the marketing tools provided. All you have to do is follow a

VERY SIMPLE set of instructions.

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Listen, if you can boot up your computer, surf the web, and check your email then you can do this. If you

can’t do any of the above then you should probably learn how to do those things anyway. Here’s what I’m going to

show you…

Why This Turnkey Blueprint Business in a Box is Your BEST BUSINESS


Discover how to make HUGE SUMS of money with skincare products that are a multi-billion-dollar

per year industry and YOU can have a piece of this massive pie!

Anyone who can follow a simple set of instructions can earn TENS OF THOUSANDS OF

DOLLARS in mere weeks…or even days!

You can build an AUTOMATIC MONEY business that can get you massive amounts of

AUTOMATIC CASH, even if you decide to stop advertising because of auto-shipments!

I’ll show you how to automate the process so you only have to do this for a couple of hours a day

while TAKING THE REST of the day off!

You can LIVE ANYWHERE and still make a killing as long as you have an Internet connection and

access to the post office only if you choose to market offline!

But remember, I’m NOT flooding the market with this incredible opportunity!

Become One of the 25 Students I’m Taking On Because…

This can be a LIFE CHANGING, LIFE ALTERNING opportunity for you! There shouldn’t be ANY

hesitation on your part! None whatsoever!

If you still have questions, email me at [email protected] and I’ll PERSONALLY answer your

email! Or you can call my office at (661) 295-5050.

Don’t miss out! You cannot afford to miss the boat on this one!

See you at the top!

Your mentor,

Monica Main

P.S. This complete business in a box practically RUNS ITSELF. All you

have to do is “plug” in and start raking in enormous amounts of cash!

P.P.S. I will be PERSONALLY working with only 25 new students AND

THAT’S IT! I cannot afford to flood the market with these secrets and I cannot

work with more than 25 new students at a time. If this is something you want to do

then SIGN UP NOW by filling out the enrollment form and distributor application.

*IMPORTANT LEGAL INCOME CLAIM WARNING: Even though GSS has written affidavits on hand for the testimonials shown, these income examples are representative of what one could expect as a financial

outcome but, in no way, presents a guarantee of this type of income. Some members may make little or NO MONEY AT ALL with this program. These claims are not a guarantee of your income. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your input, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions. By

ordering this opportunity, you are agreeing to this Income Claim Disclaimer!


Page 19: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

Become a Skincare Distributor! “YES! I absolutely want to become a skincare distributor! SIGN ME UP NOW so I can be one of the 25

to participate in this VERY RARE opportunity! I’m choosing the following distributorship level:

Affiliate Distributor: My registration fee is a super low bargain of just $1,497! All I must

provide is at least 1 starter website (from Godaddy or ClickFunnels) so that the traffic can be sent

FROM my site in order to ensure that I get my commissions!

Independent Distributor: My registration fee is a super deal price of only $3,997! I get all the

stuff at this level plus I can participate at the Affiliate Distributor level as well. I understand that if

I want to go into a higher level, my registration fee can be applied into a bigger distributorship

package later on.

Entrepreneur Distributor: My registration fee is a mind-blowing price of just $19,997! This is

exclusively for those who want to have us create a product wheelhouse for them (including a

money funnel website and a full sales piece for mailings). At this level, I understand that I also

gain access to the Affiliate and Independent Distributor levels also for that extra money-making

kick in the butt!

Call: (888) 982-0GSS or (661) 295-5050

FAX 24-Hours: 661-568-0030 (For Credit Card Registrations ONLY)

OR Mail To: Global Success Strategies, 25852 McBean Parkway, Suite 215, Valencia, CA 91355

Or Online at www.100KMap.com

First and Last Name

Home Phone Email Address (REQUIRED)

Billing Address



State Zip Code

Payment Method: Check Cashier’s Check Credit Card If you are paying by check or money order, make it payable to “Global Success Strategies." Personal and business checks take 14 days for clearance.

Credit Card # Expiration Date (MM/YY) CID

Signature (Required) Today's Date

For Payment Plan Options, Call Our Office at (661) 295-5050 We’re Available Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm Pacific Time


*No Income Guarantees Are Implied or Set In Stone; You May Make More or Less Than What is Suggested in This Special Report.

**Credit Cards ONLY for Split and Stretch Pay Orders. Check and Money Order Payments Must Be PAID IN FULL!






Page 20: TOP SECRET: 100K in 100 Days Secret Revealed! “How YOU Can ... · exposure, and changing a bunch of other policies that made doing business difficult and not fun anymore. So my

DISTRIBUTORSHIP APPLICATION Monica is very selective about who she will be working with for the different levels of the Distributor Program since some components with her are one-on-one, depending on the level chosen. Her time is invaluable and she needs to take precautions against wasting time with tire-kickers or with those who aren’t that serious about investing time and effort into their new business. Since we have LIMITED spots for this opportunity, NOT EVERYONE WILL BE CHOSEN TO PARTICIPATE! Please fill out the questionnaire with your enrollment form and we will let you know if you’ll be accepted into this opportunity or not. Please answer the following questions as honestly as possible:

1) What is your biggest motivations for becoming a distribution entrepreneur?

2) Do you currently own a business? If so, please explain describe your business, how many years you’ve owned it, and what your gross annual sales are:

3) Monica will not tolerate working with lazy people who are not willing to pull their weight. This is not a program where Monica does all the work while you prop your feet up and do nothing. What things are you willing to do to help Monica HELP YOU with your new distribution business?

4) What is your monthly NET income goal within the first 3 months of working your new distribution business? _____________

5) If Monica were to select you for the program, what would be your level of commitment in how many hours a week you would devote to your distribution business? ______________________

6) Do you plan on investing your profits into Passive Income Strategies such as cash flow income-

generating real estate? If elsewhere, please explain where you plan on investing and why:

7) If Monica wants to interview you before making her selection, at which number should she or her assistant use to set up the interview? What are the best days/times to reach you?

Phone Number: ( ) _____ - _______ Best Days/Times: ______________________________
