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TOPIC: Othello by William Shakespeare

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Aim 12 Othello Act 2 scene 3.notebook 1 September 27, 2019 TOPIC: Introduction to 8th Grade Social Studies TOPIC: Othello by William Shakespeare Aim # 12 : How can we use our close reading skills to improve our comprehension of Othello? Do Now : Take out guide questions and complete "Frenemy" Do Now Homework Othello vocabulary test - Wednesday 9/25 Complete sentences for vocabulary words #16-30 - Due Wednesday 9/25 Read Act 2 scene 3 and complete study guide questions - Due Thursday 9/26
Aim 12 - Othello Act 2 scene 3.notebook1
TOPIC: Othello by William Shakespeare
Aim # 12: How can we use our close reading skills to improve our comprehension of Othello?
Do Now: Take out guide questions and complete "Frenemy" Do Now
Homework Othello vocabulary test - Wednesday 9/25
Complete sentences for vocabulary words #16-30 - Due Wednesday 9/25 Read Act 2 scene 3 and complete study guide questions - Due Thursday 9/26
Aim 12 ­ Othello Act 2 scene 3.notebook
Aim: Let’s ace our Act I close­reading exam!
You may have your text­dependent review packet on your desk. You  may NOT have your book, book bag or cell phone near  you. Place  all items in the back of the room.
Struggling with a central idea? Here are 2 questions that you can  answer in your introduction that will force you into writing a  central idea: 1. What is the subject/topic of this passage? 2. What is Shakespeare's main message for the reader? What is his  moral message or the lesson we can learn? ex. In the play Othello, by William Shakespeare, the central idea is  (state central idea). The author uses (identify the writing strategy)  to prove this central idea. 
Aim 12 ­ Othello Act 2 scene 3.notebook
September 27, 2019
***Minimum three sentences***
In the play Othello by William Shakespeare, the  central idea of this passage is that we must be  careful who we allow to get close to us as  people may not be who they appear. One writing strategy that proves the central idea  is characterization. Characterization is how a  character is described. 
In this scene Iago is explaining to Roderigo why  he is upset at Othello for being passed over for  the position of lieutenant and wants to get  revenge.  Iago states, "No, calm down. I'm serving under  him to take advantage of him. We can't all be  masters, and not all masters should be  followed" (I.i). . Iago is characterized as a very beguiling  character. This connects back to the central  idea because Iago is not who he appears to be  to Othello. One must be aware of what a person  says compared to their motives or actions.
Aim 12 ­ Othello Act 2 scene 3.notebook
September 27, 2019
1. advocacy ­ I am an advocate for civil rights because I believe  everyone should be equal.
2. affinity ­ I have an affinity for Peter because I've known him for so  long and he is a great guy.
3. agile ­ To successfully rob the bank, the thief needs to be agile to get  away quickly. 
4. alacrity ­ The students lacked alacrity when they walked into the  classroom Monday morning after the long vacation. They were not  happy to be there. 
5. beguile ­ The car salesman beguiled the man into buying a car with a  lot of miles on it.
6. bestial ­ The soldier attacked the enemy in a bestial way by chopping  his head off. 
7. bestow ­ The queen bestowed power to the knight after he slayed  the dragon.
8. candid ­ Hugo is a very candid person who will always tell you  exactly how he feels.
The man took a candid photo that we did not have time to pose for. 
9. castigate ­ The bully castigated the new student and made him feel  extremely depressed.
10. consecrate ­ Romeo and Juliet consecrated their love to each other  by getting married.
11. desolate ­ When I was in Boy Scouts we went camping in a  desolate place with no one around.
12. discern ­ North and South Korea are discerned by a border.
It was difficult to discern if the man was telling truth because he had a  reputation for lying. 
13. enmesh ­ My comb became enmeshed in my hair because it was  full of knots.
The fly became enmeshed in the spiders web.
14. entreaty ­ I entered an entreaty with the judge for a reduced  sentence for the crime I committed. 
15. facile ­ Getting an A in gym is facile as I am very athletic and good  at sports.  
Aim 12 ­ Othello Act 2 scene 3.notebook
Character Description Direct or Indirect Location in play
Othello Indirect Act I, scene i Iago  and Roderigo are  discussing Othello 
being passed over  for the position of  lieutenant. He is a  beguiling (tricky)  character. He is  Ensign.
Direct Act I, scene i
He is a Senator.  Iago and Roderigo  woke him up to tell  him that Othello  and Desdemona  got married. 
Direct and Indirect Act I, scene i
Roderigo wants to  marry  Desdemona. He  has been rejected  by her. He is  giving money to  Iago in hopes to  win over  Desdemona.
Direct Act I, scene i
Aim 12 ­ Othello Act 2 scene 3.notebook
TOPIC: Introduction to 8th Grade Social Studies
TOPIC: Act I scene i Homework Questions
1. Why, according to what he tells Roderigo, does Iago hate Othello (referred to only as "him")? Support your answer with evidence from the text.
Iago is upset with Othello because he was passed over for the  position of lieutenant. The position was given to Michael Cassio  who Iago believe's doesn't deserve it because he is not an  experienced soldier. "And who does he choose? A guy who  knows more about numbers than fighting!" (I.i.).
2. Roderigo tells Iago to stop following Othello is he is so dissatisfied with his actions. Why does Iago claim to want to keep working with him?
Iago will continue to work with Othello because he is plotting his  revenge and wants to secretly destroy him. "I'm not who I appear  to be" (I.i).
3. Who is Brabantio, and why do Iago and Roderigo awaken him in the middle of the night? Why does Iago slip off so quickly once Brabantio comes down? Brabantio is the father of Desdemona and a Venetian senator. Roderigo and Iago awaken Brabantio in the middle of the night to tell him that his daughter Desdemona has married Othello. Iago slips off so that Othello won't find out he was speaking against him.
4. What is Roderigo's relationship to Brabantio and his daughter, Desdemona (I.i 94-100)? Roderigo tried to date Desdemona in the past and was unsuccessful. He is not liked by Brabantio.
5. What is Brabantio's reaction to Othello's marriage to Desdemona (I.i 167 - 172)? Brabantio becomes very angry when he finds out that his daughter Desdemona has married Othello without his permission.
6. Why does Roderigo hate Othello? Roderigo hates Othello because he is in love with Desdemona who is now married.
7. Why should Roderigo pay particular attention to Iago's ideas and motives?
Roderigo should pay particular attention to Iago's ideas and motives because he is giving him money to help him win the heart of Desdemona. Additionally, Iago states, "I am not who I am" meaning he is not who he appears to be. This should be a red flag for Roderigo not to trust Iago.
Aim 12 ­ Othello Act 2 scene 3.notebook
TOPIC: Introduction to 8th Grade Social Studies
TOPIC: Act I scene ii Homework Questions
8. How does Iago lie to Othello at the beginning of the scene?
Iago also warns Othello that Brabantio will be angry with him, even though Iago was the one who informed Brabantio about Othello's marriage to Desdemona. "But he kept chattering so foolishly, talking about you in such insulting and despicable terms..." (I.ii).
9. What do you learn about Othello's background in this scene? Why is this important concerning his marriage to Desdemona?
We learn that Othello comes from a royal family. He is very modest about this and does not like to brag. This is important concerning his marriage to Desdemona because her father assumes that he is not good enough for her as he is simply a Moor. However, since he comes from royalty Brabantio is more likely to accept him. "No one knows this yet - and I don't like to brag, but I come from a royal family..." (I.ii).
10. Why does the Duke send for Othello? What danger is Cyprus facing?
The Duke sends for Othello because he needs to speak to him immediately regarding Cyprus. Cyprus may be attacked by the Turks. To prevent this from happening, the Duke sends Othello to Cyrpus to defend it. "Something about Cyprus. I think it's important. The warships have sent a dozen messages tonight..."(I.ii).
11. How does Othello respond to the irritation of Brabantio's attacks? Why isn't Othello arrested as Brabantio has ordered?
Othello tells Brabantio to raise his sword so that the dew will rust it because he does not want to fight. He respects Brabantio and his position as a senator. Othello is not arrested because the Duke has sent for him and he is more powerful than Brabantio.
Aim 12 ­ Othello Act 2 scene 3.notebook
TOPIC: Introduction to 8th Grade Social Studies
TOPIC: Act I scene iii Homework Questions
12. Describe the relationship between Desdemona and Othello? Who first initiated the idea of love?
The relationship between Desdemona and Othello started when Barbantio used to invite Othello into his home to hear stories of war. Desdemona became infatuated with these stories, how wonderful Othello's life was, and fell in love with him first. "She loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them" (I.iii. 168 - 169).
13. How does Desdemona respond when Brabantio confronts her? Do you think she should have taken a different approach to the problem?
Desdemona responds by explaining that she is torn between her father and her husband. Although her father gave her life and education, Othello is now her husband and must side with him, similar to the way her own mother sided with Brabantio. "To you I am bound for life and education...how I respect you. But here's my husband. And so much duty as my mother showed to you, preferring you before her father, so much I challenge that I may profess due to the Moor my lord" (I.iii. 182 - 189).
14. How does Desdemona argue that she should be allowed to accompany her husband to Cyprus? What assurance does Othello offer the Council that he will take care of his business, even if his wife is with him?
Desdemona argues that when she fell in love with Othello, she threw away her old life and is now a part of him. As such, she is now part of a soldier and should accompany him to battle. "I saw Othello's visage in his mind. And to his honors and his valiant parts did I my soul and fortunes consecrate" (I.iii. 252 - 254). Othello assures the council that he does not want her with him for sex and that if he neglects his duties he will retire (use his helmet as a frying pan) "Let housewives make a skillet of my helm and all indign and base adversities make head against my estimation" (I.iii 272 - 274).
15. Reread Iago's lines, 361 - 375. How is his "parable to the garden" symbolic of his character?
Iago's "parable to the garden" is symbolic of his character by making the comparison that if we didn't think ahead, our actions may get the better of us. He tells Roderigo that we choose who we are and who we want to become, "Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus. Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners" (I.iii 319 - 320). 15. What is the "real reason" Iago hates Othello? (lines 429 - 434)
The "real reason" Iago hates Othello is that he heard a rumor that the moor had sex with his wife Emilia. Although he dismisses this as a rumor, he uses this reason to hate Othello. "I hate the Moor and there is a widespread rumor that he slept with my wife. I'm not sure if it is true, but just the suspicion is enough for me."
18. Why is Cassio a particularly handy scapegoat for Iago's plot?
Cassio is a particularly handy scapegoat for Iago's plot because he is younger than Othello and handsome. He is a smooth talker and people expect him to be a seducer of women. "He hath a person and a smooth dispose to be suspected, framed to make women false" (I.iii 388 - 389).
Aim 12 ­ Othello Act 2 scene 3.notebook
TOPIC: Act II scene i & ii Homework Questions
17. What is the situation at sea as Act II begins? What has happened to the Turkish fleet?
As Act II begins, the situation at sea is that a storm made the water very rough. Due to the rough sea, the Turkish fleet has been destroyed.
18. Which ship from Venice arrives first? Which ship arrives second? Why is it surprising that it arrives before Othello's?
Michael Cassio arrives to Cyprus first from Venice. Iago, Desdemona, Emilia and Roderigo arrive second. It is surprising that these ships arrive before Othello since he left first needing to get to Cyprus as quickly as possible to defend it against the Turks.
19. Who is Emilia? What does the discussion between Desdemona and Emilia tell us about their relationship?
Emilia is Iago's wife and Desdemona's attendant. The discussion between Desdemona and Emilia reveals that Desdemona is a strong woman who stands up to Iago while Emilia is weak and lets her husband insult her.
20. Why does Iago want Roderigo to anger Cassio? What is the purpose of Iago's plan?
Iago wants Roderigo to anger Cassio so that Cassio will lose his position as lieutenant. The purpose of Iago's plan is to keep receiving money from Roderigo while getting Cassio to attack him and eventually lose his position.
21. What keeps Roderigo from seeing the truth instead of Iago's lies?
Roderigo is not able to see the truth because he is blinded by his love for Desdemona.
Aim 12 ­ Othello Act 2 scene 3.notebook
TOPIC: Introduction to 8th Grade Social Studies
TOPIC: Act II scene iii Homework Questions
22. Why does Iago want Cassio to drink more wine? What is the outcome of Cassio's drinking? Iago wants Cassio to drink more wine so that he will become drunk and aggressive. He will have Roderigo attack or insult Cassio in some way and hopefully Othello will see. The result of Cassio's drinking is that he gets drunk and gets into a fight with Roderigo. Montano attempts to break up the fight but is stabbed by Cassio. "I've got a jug of wine, and those two Cyprus gentleman want to drink a toast to the black Othello" (II.iii.26-28).
23. What lie does Iago tell Montano about Cassio? The lie Iago tells Montano about Cassio is that he is a big drinker and enjoys drinking every night, saying, "He drinks like this every night before he goes to sleep" (II.iii.115).
24. Why does Othello strip Cassio of his rank? Othello strips Cassio of the rank of lieutenant because he was drunk and got into an argument with Roderigo and a fight with Montano (who he stabs). Othello states, "Cassio, I love you, but you are never again going to be one of my officers" (II.iii226).
25. Why does Iago want Cassio to ask Desdemona for help in restoring Othello's faith in Cassio? Iago wants Cassio to ask Desdemona for help to make it appear that she is having an affair with Michael Cassio. Iago states, "I'll poison the Moor's ear against her, hinting that she's taking Cassio's side because of her lust for him" (II.iii.335-336).
26. How does Iago get back in Othello's good graces? Iago gets back into Othello's good graces be not wanting to "rat out" Michael Cassio even though he tells Othello exactly what has happened. He says, "I'd rather cut my own tongue out of my mouth than say anything bad about Michael Cassio."
27. What is Roderigo's complaint, and how does Iago answer it? Roderigo's complaint is that he has no more money and wants to return home to Venice. Iago's advice is to be patient and wait for the plan to work. "If we're patient, we'll be rewarded with the fruits of our labors" (II.iii 355-356).
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