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Tortilla Prices and mexican crisis

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  • 8/14/2019 Tortilla Prices and mexican crisis


  • 8/14/2019 Tortilla Prices and mexican crisis


    Presentation Flow




    Of Mexico

    The NAFTAStory




    Significancefor Mexico

    Mexican Scenario

    Tortilla Crisis of

    2007 - Causes

    Tortilla Price

    Stabilization Pact Free Market vs.


    Alternative Measures

    What is NAFTA?

    The NAFTA & Tortilla

    Crisis Linkage

    Role of US in NAFTA

  • 8/14/2019 Tortilla Prices and mexican crisis



    The soaring crude oil prices and issue climate change

    In 2006, George W. Bush proposed to reduce petroleum

    consumption 20% by 2017

    2 main options : Ethanol and liquid coal Ethanol turned out to be the fuel of choice

    US - worlds largest corn grower

    An annual 35 billion gallons of ethanol in 2017 is

    equivalent today to 317.5 million tons of corn. Impossible to achieve that target without the Latin


    Mexico started exporting large amount of corn to US

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    What is Tortilla??

    The basic food of Mexicans

    Staple food of 100 million people

    Basic source of energy, fibre, proteins

    Made from specially treated (nixtamalized) maize flour Majority of Mexican population is extremely poor

    A $3 billion industry with 100

    million Mexican eating 11 tortilla

    per person per day Tortilla is a part of culture:

    Tortilla art

  • 8/14/2019 Tortilla Prices and mexican crisis


    The Basic Story

    Tortilla price increase is ethanol driven

    BUT the segments of the maize-tortilla chain transmitted these

    price increases differently

    This is due to: Asymmetries in the maize producing, processing, and retail


    and raises topics of broader relevance:

    Free-Market policy vs. Regulation Are consumers the only winners/losers?

    Indicators for predicting future crises

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  • 8/14/2019 Tortilla Prices and mexican crisis


    Agriculture in Mexico

    Lack of Productivity Agriculture accounted for 7% of Mexican GDP in 1998 (down

    from 15% in 1960) Employed 22% of labor force. This difference indicates lack

    of productivity in sector

    Food Economy in Mexico

    High food subsidies and price cap

    Removed in 1999

    Imports freely allowed from US and Canada

    I ntroduction of NAFTA When NAFTA was introduced, corn accounted for 60% of

    Mexican land under cultivation, made up 2/3 the value ofMexican agricultural output.

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    Oil & Food Price Synchrony

    From 2004-07, crude oil prices rose 89%, increasingly

    synchronized with food price rises of 84%

    2006-07, US ethanol distillerydemand increased twice asmuch as global demand forcorn.

    US accounts for 40% globalcorn trade. Corn expansion =

    knock-on effect on soy &wheatps.

    US ethanol ~ 33%(FAO),70%(IMF) corn price

    World Bank: US policyresponsible 65% food pSource: ERS/FAO

    US Ethanol Production 1995-2016

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    Price of Tortillas, & thePeoples Hunger

    Price of tortilla, Dec 06: 6.00 peso/kg; Jan 20th 07: 8.50


    Increasing of min. wage Jan.07: 3.9%; increase of tortilla:


    Since NAFTA, tortilla price soared 738%.

    In 1994, with a minimum daily wage in Mexico: 32 pounds

    of tortillas; in 2007, barely, 10 pounds.

    Source: IMF

    World Food Prices

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    Does the problem really exist??

    Source: FAO Stat

    World Production of Maize

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    The Tortilla Crisis of 2007

    Mid 2006 Petroleum prices increase

    $$ and Politics drive US emphasis on corn-based ethanol

    Ethanolprice increase Maize price increase

    Tortilla prices reach 10-15 pesos (20% of daily min. Wage)

    Food crisis


    Political crisis

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    The Causes

    Rise in corn prices on the international market due to the

    increased demand for corn for U.S.-produced ethanol

    Speculation by transnational monopolies that dominate the

    corn and tortilla market in Mexico

    NAFTA's commitment to completely open up the sector in

    2008 and its incremental liberalization of the corn market

    since 1994

    Led to Mexican dependency on imports from the United


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    The Alleged & Not Alleged Causes

    High international corn prices due to increasing demand oflivestock industry and increasing amount of American corn

    for ethanol industry

    But, in Mexico, corn had increased its price also because it

    is an oligo-controlled market: Cargill, most of the grain andthe importation process; Maseca (Gruma-AD), 85% of the

    corn flour market.

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    The Causes Multiply

    Tightening local supply

    Corn importers/producers in Mexico, tighten control of

    market due to rising international prices

    Creation of artif icial scarcityCargill, ADM-Maseca etc bought Mexican corn at low

    prices in 2006, stored it, used rising international prices as

    pretext to raise domestic prices & sold in December at

    double prices

    Traditional corn mil ls driven out of market

    Traditional mills making up 50% of the market driven out

    through supply control

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    Price Transmission Varies by SectorPrice Increases compared to July 2006 prices by


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    About MASECA (GRUMA)

    Gruma, a TNC, founded in 1949

    Industrial production corn flours and tortillas

    Controls 66% of Central American market

    One of the biggest beneficiary of subsidies in 1980s and 90s Government openly favoured Gruma on the pretext of more

    efficient processes

    Expanded in C. America on the back of its Mexican

    dominance Strategic alliance with Archer Daniel's Midland (ADM)

    Enjoys highest corn subsidies in US

    world's largest agribusinesses

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    MASECA Corporate Ownership Structure

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    TNCs Profits

    Source: Respective Company Financial Statements

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    What Is NAFTA?

    North American Free Trade Agreement

    Signed by the governments of the US, Canada & Mexico creatinga trilateral trade bloc in North America

    Agreement came into force on January 1, 1994

    Advantages of NAFTA for M exico

    In spite of being resource rich, Mexicos population growingfaster than the number of jobs. Needs investment, technology, andexports to spur the economy

    Advantages of NAFTA to US Access to Mexican Labor and Markets

    All three nations need the agreement to compete more effectivelyin world markets

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    US-Mexico Trade

    Mexicos trade with the US has grown considerably since


    Devaluation of Mexican peso against USD in 1995 limited

    the purchasing power of the Mexican people and also made

    products from Mexico less expensive for the U.S. market

    1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2007% Change


    US Exports 50.8 54.7 75.4 100.4 86.1 93.0 114.6 119.4 135%

    US Imports 49.5 74.2 93.0 134.7 134.1 155.0 197.1 210.2 325%



    1.3 -19.5 -17.6 -34.3 -48.0 -62.0 -82.5 -90.8

    U.S.-Mexico Trade: 1994-2007 (US $ billion)

    Source: Congressional Research Service

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    The NAFTA part of the Story


    US agricultural policies and NAFTA combine to affect cornproduction, producer welfare, and biodiversity in Mexico.

    Motivation for Mexican Govt. Use NAFTA to encourage reallocation of labor out of

    agriculture, and within agriculture to more productive crops(sugarcane, coffee, horticulture)

    Relieve fiscal pressure by decreasing need to subsidize

    agricultural inputs. Relieve pressure to farm marginal land, improving

    environment. There are typically costs of adjustment. Theplan was to offer adjustment assistance.


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    Decision to not use Adjustment Period

    NAFTA allowed Mexico a 15 year adjustment period oncorn trade Farmers given more time to adjust During the first year of NAFTA, Mexicos tariff-free import quota

    was set at 2.5 million metric tons of corn. This quota was to expand3% a year , reaching a tariff-free import quota of 3.6 million metric

    tons of corn Mexico exceeds allotted tariff-free quota

    Mexico did not collect revenues from these above-quota imports Instead of phasing out corn tariffs in 15 years, tariffs phased out in

    30 mths Corn prices fell 48%. (Imports of US corn rose by a factor of 15)

    Mexico essentially removed trade restrictions, eliminating tariffrevenues

    Loss together with a restrained fiscal policy, reduced Govt'sability to support agricultural sector

    Decreasing government support for farmers compounded the

    adverse effects on corn farmers


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    Mexicos Rapid Adjustment

    Loss from TRQ - $2 bil l ion

    Reasons for the decision to speed adjustment includedisorganized control mechanisms at the border and

    perceived need to lower prices and reduce inflationarypressures


    Mexican corn production remained at high levels

    Area of corn cultivation expanded, so productivity fell

    Increased fruit and horticulture production has not absorbedamount of land or labor that govt anticipated -- moreefficient use of inputs have led to productivity increases,lowering amount of labor per unit of output


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    Graphical Representation



    b Lost tariff revenueAdditional lostProducer surplus

    Effect on producer due to reduction in domestic prices from ato pw, rather than from a to b, as permitted by NAFTA








    eUse of tariff

    revenues &


    Mexican corn

    farmers wouldhave impacted



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    Proposed vs Actual Impact on Consumer

    Consumers were expected to gain from cheaper corn


    Tortilla price did not fall as Mexico ended price controls ontortilla and stopped subsidizing tortilla mills.

    Tortilla producers are local monopolists in Mexico, and they

    did not pass on cost reductions -- lower corn prices-- to


    Price controls can increase economic efficiency if good is

    provided by a monopoly.


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    LinkageNAFTA & Tortilla Crisis

    Removal of Protection

    Extraordinary protection for corn systematically eliminated since


    3.2 million producers - majority of the small-scale producers affected

    Elimination of CONASUPO in 1999

    Eliminated the state-owned enterprise CONASUPO (National

    Company of Popular Subsistence) which regulated basic grain

    market & prevented monopoly creation & speculation

    Producers in the hands of a very small number of large TNCs

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    Does the US Have a Responsibility?

    WTO on NAFTAs 10th year anniversary

    "NAFTA was not a development model

    When NAFTA was applied, the US offered no compensation

    or sector transition funds despite the huge gap between thetwo economies

    U.S. govt has given Mexico an average of only $40 mn USD

    in aid annually over recent years, while U.S. companies have

    reaped record profits, and enjoyed cheap illegal Mexicanmigrant labour

    Mechanisms to assure that U.S. companies pay living wages

    and provide decent working conditions are practically non-


    Mexico's status is one of the most une ual nations on earth

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    Reducing Inequality

    No convergence between Mexico and the United States

    Agreement granted tremendous advantages to the most powerful

    and insurmountable disadvantages to the economically weaker


    Small companies became prey for larger, especially transnationalcompanies

    Consumer power decreased as monopoly marketers grew

    Women now make up 65% of Mexicos poor & remain in dying


    Need to Address Problems

    Shift from emphasis on free trade to eliminating inequalities

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  • 8/14/2019 Tortilla Prices and mexican crisis


    Crisis Response : The tortilla pact

    Government pact with private sector

    Keep grain & tortilla prices low

    Authorized over-quota imports

    Prices stabilized in February/Marchbut

    No enforcement power

    Tortilleras (family businesses) represented

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  • 8/14/2019 Tortilla Prices and mexican crisis


    The Free Market vs. Regulation

    Benefits of the Pact:

    Helped level prices until international market stabilized

    Required little investment

    Maintained free market agri-food policy


    No formal mechanism in place to prevent a similar event in the


    Ethanol plants under construction in Mexico

  • 8/14/2019 Tortilla Prices and mexican crisis


    Asking Pertinent Questions

    Are Govt. subsidies a cause of market distor tions?

    Free trade in agriculture with wealthy nations that heavily subsidize

    already privileged producers has hurt small farmers in developing


    Government subsidies for agribusiness & family farmers treatedsimilarly

    Create subsidies that create stable l ivel ihoods, sustainable

    food supply & environmental conservation. El iminate the


    Patents on l iving organism justi f ied?

    Patents inhibit public research into public-interest agriculture by

    restricting ability to share findings

    Lead to looting of public gene banks by private interests

    Who is real l benef ited b these rotections?

  • 8/14/2019 Tortilla Prices and mexican crisis


    Asking Pertinent Questions (Contd.)

    Concentration of global food trade

    Consider costs of allowing a handful of TNCs to control the global

    food supply

    Anti trust laws must be applied to break up their

    stranglehold on international markets

    Reliance on international markets for food?

    Jeopardizes conditions in domestic economy due to external


    Develop national food sovereignty policies & bui ld reserves

    to control pri ce volatil i ty

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  • 8/14/2019 Tortilla Prices and mexican crisis


    From Key Factors toIndicators

    1. One major staple food (maize)a. Heavily influenced by international market prices

    b. Imports make up large percentage of consumption

    c. Consumption most important to poor consumers

    2. Long-term under-investment in maize sector

    a. Inability to rapidly increase production and substitute imports3. Concentration in market chain

    a. Major reliance on few intermediaries

    4. Asymmetry between sectors and industries

    a. Family businesses vs. large corporations

    b. Technology divide in industry and agriculturec. Disproportionate transaction costs (esp. information)

    d. No one-size fits all solutions

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    Could GM Maize Be The Answer?


    Ability to use insect-resistant Bt maize could increasenational maize production

    Reduction in price in global market, which is rising due to

    increasing demand from USA for bioenergy


    Impact on Mexicos genetic diversity

    Fear that GM maize pollen will cause outcrossings &contamination of the seed banks

    Presently the decision remains pending before the MexicanGovt.

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    Not mere market adjustments

    Profound implications for who controls Mexico's basic food


    Long-term solutions to price increases must be rooted in

    policies that increase Mexico's food sovereignty and give

    more control to local producers and consumers.

    Short-term panaceas that benefit WALMART, GRUMA,

    and U.S. agribusiness

    Improve the standard of living of the average Mexican?

    Or may lead to greater malnutrition and instability?

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    Food for thought

    The current market situation for cereals and pulses in India

    1960s: Large scale food shortage in India

    1970s: Green Revolution (Dr. Norman Borloug)

    1980s and 90s: Higher yields of rice and wheat meant higherprofits for farmers

    Pulses became marginalized crops due to lower profits

    The recent increase in pulses prices (up to 100% )

    Reduction in area under cultivation of pulses Higher spending power

    Large scale global crop failure

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    Appendix: Exchange Rate Trends
