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Tourism & Local Development

Date post: 12-Apr-2017
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Tourism and Local Economic Development Emeritus Professor Harold Goodwin WTM Responsible Tourism Advisor Director Institute of Place Management at Manchester Metropolitan University & Director of the Responsible Tourism Partnership

Tourism & SDGs

Tourism and Local Economic DevelopmentEmeritus Professor Harold Goodwin WTM Responsible Tourism AdvisorDirector Institute of Place Management atManchester Metropolitan University & Director of the Responsible Tourism Partnership1

The fundamental question that should be asked is Will our village, town, city or region be used by tourism or shall we use tourism to make a better place for us to live in? [email protected]



Responsible Tourism

Local Economic Development




What about putting something back? Take only photographs, leave only footprints


Sir Colin Marshall, British Airways 1994

Tourism and the travel industry is essentially the renting out for short-term lets, of other peoples environments, whether that is a coastline, a city, a mountain range or a rainforest. These products must be kept fresh and unsullied not just for the next day, but for every tomorrow


Our holidays their homes

Tourism in unusual in that consumers travel to the point of production (the factory) to consume the product.Opportunities for additional sales of goods and services:Complementary product


Culture & TourismYour everyday life is someone elses adventureSwedish NGO fly-posting in Ljubljana, Summer 1997


Tourism is a social constructTourism is what we consumers and producers make it. We can change it.every individual tourist builds up or destroys human values while travelling.rebellious tourists and rebellious localsOrders and prohibitions will not do the job because it is not a bad conscience that we need to make progress but positive experience, not the feeling of compulsion but that of responsibility.


Jost Krippendorf



Why Responsible? AccountabilityActions and consequences can be attributed to individuals or legal entities, who can be held accountable, and legally they are liable. Respons-abilityIndividuals and organisations are expected to respond and to make a difference. This requires partnerships, a plurality of relationships, learning, praxis, and critical reflection.

The Ostrich problem Theyll sort something out

Why Responsibility? to respond, to act, responsibility implies and requires action. critical to creating change is acknowledging and owning up to problems, and taking responsibility for making changes.Responsibility is free you can take as much of it as you can handle

is to take responsibility (actively) is to bear responsibility (with a negative, burdensome connotation) is to carry responsibility (more neutral than bearing responsibility) is to have responsibility (objective fact of having an obligation, e.g. legally) You really have no sense of responsibility.13

The antonym is IrresponsibleTwo primary meaningsUnreliable, untrustworthy, unlikely to be held to account or mentally or financially unfit to be held accountable

Lacking a sense of responsibility, akin to carefreeness the trait of being without worry or responsibility

Manchester Metropolitan University. Centre for Responsible Tourism MMU


"Corporation, n.An ingenious devicefor obtainingindividual profit without individual responsibility"Ambrose Bierce14

Responsible Tourism An attitude of [email protected]

Sustainable and Responsible

Sustainable Tourism and Responsible Tourism are not the same thingResponsible Tourism is about taking responsibility for achieving sustainable development through tourism.


Taking responsibility You cannot outsource responsibility ..Whose responsibility? EveryonesNobodys


Responsible Travel takes a variety of forms, it is characterised by travel and tourism whichminimises negative environmental, social and cultural impacts;generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances the wellbeing of host communities, by improving working conditions and access to the industry;involves local people in decisions that affect their lives and life chances.Cape Town Declaration 2002


Better places for people to live in, better places for people to visit makes positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage and to the maintenance of the worlds diversity;provides more enjoyable experiences for tourists through more meaningful connections with local people, and a greater understanding of local cultural and environmental issues;provides access for people with disabilities and socially disadvantaged people; andis culturally sensitive and engenders respect between tourists and hosts.


20Whats in EFM is becoming more important than VFM Experience for money vs. value for money

We are seeing experience inflation Brits once thought Florida was a big adventure Now they want to visit Orangutans in Borneo or dive the Barrier reef



Responsible tourism

More authentic experiences that create better places to live in and to visit

Tourism is a cultural process.Memories of a place are jointly produced by the tourists, the locals and the place the physical space and the human activity that takes place there.the destination of the tourist and the inhabited landscape of local culture are inseparable Ringer (1998)

Local economic development


Successful tourist destinationsoffer the visitor something uniquethey create a sense of place, an identity which is different from their competitors.no two communities are ever exactly the same

Numbers => yield Seasonality & extending length of stay


24Resource Uniqueness Generally, the less unique a destination or the weaker its sense of place, the harder it will be both to draw people in and compete in the tourism market place. Indeed, if every tourism destination offered virtually the same set of [experiences] tourism would become somewhat meaningless.Godfrey & Clarke The Tourism Development Handbook

25Destinations are cultural landscapes

A place has a topography, buildings and managed land it also embodies meanings. Residents and visitors find meaning in the experience. Memories are co-created by locals and guests, by residents and visitors.



Stories & Meaning

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success = Competitive advantage + Sustainability

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Local Economic Development Extent of linkages to the local economy the more the better.Who benefits? Community, local elite, national elite, source market businesses

Tourism as an additional livelihood strategy?Dangers of dependency? www.haroldgoodwin.info31

It is not tourism until it is soldTransport to and in the destinationAccommodationFood and drinkAttractions Crafts, souvenirsPurchased locally, mail order or in city shops.

OwnershipSupplementary livelihoodEmployment local?Tourism services local?Young people

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Eat the viewImprove the market for products which:come from forms of land management which enhance or protect an areas distinctive landscape, wildlife, and historic features and which help conserve soil and water resourcesstrengthen the sense of place of the area in which they are produced and in doing so provide an opportunity for the farmer to add value to the productConsumer awareness of the linkIncrease demand for distinctive local productsEnhance market opportunities



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Tanzanian Fair Trade coffee sold in Dutch supermarkets


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