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Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria

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  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria


    Beafl castles, gardens,

    pars, mntains Bavaria in

    Germany has it all. Discover the

    Renaissance heritage of Augs-

    brg, Regensbrgs Italian heart

    and Dachas ral histr.

  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria



    DESTINATION Bavaria: Castles, mountains and much more

    march, 2011

    Cies, culture, sports and leisure, holidayswith the whle famil and mch mre thereare man reasns t spend r hlida inBavaria!

    hi-TeCh And TrAdiTions

    Laptp and lederhsen this epressin hasbecme ver pplar and refers t the sc-cessfl ceistence f the high-tech indstralngside ld Bavarian tradins and cstms.

    Mnich is the capital cit f pblishing hsesand ther indstries, lie bitechnlg, at-mbile indstr, air and space travel (oberp-faenhfen) and is als hme t renwnedniversies Bavaria hlds a leading psinin man areas f bsiness and edcan.

    For tourists from all over the world Bavaria isthe mst pplar desnan in German. Thisis de t its man aracns: wrld-famsbildings lie Neschwanstein Castle, thefams beer fesval, the otberfest, and theHrhas in Mnich, t menn bt a few.And also amongst German travelers Bavaria isthe mst pplar desnan!

    CAsTles And pAlACes

    In Bavaria will nd the mst impressive

    castles, palaces and gardens f German. The

    experienCe BAvAriA And iTs world

    fAmous lAndmArks

  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria



    DESTINATION Bavaria: Castles, mountains and much more

    march, 2011

    most famous include the three royal castlesf king Ldwig II, Neschwanstein Castle, thepalaces f Linderhf and Herrenchiemsee(New Palace), the kaiserbrg (Imperial Cas-tle) Nremberg and the Ral Residences inMunich and Wurzburg.

    The Prince Electrs and kings f Bavaria havebilt mre than 45 castles, palaces and ralresidences. The historic heritage also includes

    lavish ral gardens, palace gardens, pars andlaes. These niqe eamples f Erpeanarchitectre cmbined with decrave wrsf art aract ve millin visitrs per ear frmall over the world.


    When the Electrate Bavaria was appintedkingdm f Bavaria in 1806, Bavaria started itslng jrne int mdern mes. The sccessf this jrne is amng ther reasns the

    reslt f the sstemac spprt f science andarts b king Ldwig I (1825-1848) and kingMaimilian II. (1848-1864). The invited art-ists and sciensts frm all ver German tBavaria, thus turning it into a center of culture

    and science.

    up t the secnd half f the 20th centr,Bavaria was an agricultural county. But even

    in the 19th centr the ings f Bavaria sp-prted trade, cra and indstr. Francnia was

    the driving frce f the indstrializan andthe rst train in German went frm Nrem-berg t Frth in 1835. The rst German hdr-pwer plant, bilt at the Walchensee in 1924,and the rst research reactr, bilt in Garch-ing (near Mnich) in 1957, mar milestnes nBavarias wa t a mdern high-tech cntrwith a massive eprt rate.

    modern sTATe

    Tda, the Free State f Bavaria is a primelcan fr ecnm, science and technlg,and taes a leading psin amngst Er-pean and glbal cmpetrs. Several Nbel

    Prizes, which have been awarded to Bavariansciensts, als prf this pint.

    Bavaria is also a country of culture. This isstated in the Bavarian cnstn and the Gv-ernment taes this tas ver serisl. operahouses, theatres and museums are stronglyspprted and are internanall renwned.

    The Bavarian peple can be prd f thedevelpment f their cntr, which has seen

    high achievements, ideas and commitment.The can be prd f ne f the mst bea-fl hlida desnans in the wrld.


  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria


  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria



    DESTINATION Bavaria: Castles, mountains and much more

    march, 2011

    Frther east, n a Chiemsee island cntraststhe impressive Herrenchiemsee castle. Ld-wig II named his ral palace bilt in 1878 theTemple f Fame, whse brad state staircaseleads p t the Great Hall f Mirrrs and largestaterms. otside, the castle pens t a

    grandiose court garden that demonstrates theabslte pwer f the mnarch a tre NewVersailles aer the eample f the Frenchking Lis xIV.

    A lt mre mdest, bt nt less ambant,appears the Ral Villa knigshas am Sch-achen sth f Garmisch-Partenirchen, theings hnng castle and mntain refge. TheSwiss-stle chalet 1866 m high, enchanted bthe Alpine bacdrp, saw the eccentric ing

    aracted b the illsin f a far-awa rient, ashe wld dress p in Trish cstmes and ladwn n carpets and pillws, while smingwater pipe and sipping n Mcha cee withhis servants disguised as Muslims.

    Bavarian rulers have lived and reigned in thecentrally located city castle of Munich. Todaythe Mnchner Residenz (residence) at theend f the ld twns pedestrian zne is acmple f si crtards and msem with

    130 rms. once in 14th centr jst a smallmoated castle, it became in 1506 home of theWielsbach dnast nl the end f their reignin 1918.

    In waling distance net t the fams Hf-brhas (state-crt brewer) ne arrives atthe 750 ears ld frmer Imperial castle (alteHrg). It is ne f Mnichs ldest architec-tral mnments, where the hse f Wiel-sbach resided before their removal to the new

    residence n the nearb mre pen grnd.

    At the tsirts f ld Mnich ashes theamazing Nmphenbrg castle, a ral smmer

    and later subsidiary residence. Built between17th and 19th centr in Italian barqe stle(Agsn Barelli) it has been srrnded ba capvang French stle par with arcialcanals and spring fntains. Highlights aretherefre nt nl the massive Rcc-dec-rated Great Hall ("Steinerner Saal"), bt alsthe small par castles hidden in wild frests.

    otside pre-Napelnian Bavaria, EmperrFrederic Barbarssa (122-1190) bilt an

    impressive castle n an islated sandstne

    rc in Francnia. The striing landmar tw-ers abve Nrnberg, the mdern center f

    Middle-Francnia and medieval melng pt fcrasmen, traders and inventrs. The ImperialCastle has been enrel preserved, incldingthe residenal and state rms in the Palas,the Sinwell (rnd) Twer, and the 14th cen-tr 47 m Deep Well, which in mes f siegewas the mst imprtant srce f water frthe castle.

    Tw ther tstanding castles mar the cen-ter f Lwer-Francnia, the frmer bishp-

    ric town of Wrzburg and northern terminus

    Nymphenburg Castle

  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria



    DESTINATION Bavaria: Castles, mountains and much more

    march, 2011

    Herrenchiemsee Castle

    f the Rmanc Rad. on the site f a fr-mer Celc refge (ca 1000 BC), Francnian-Thringian des had bilt a frtress (Festng)above the Main River in 8th century. 500 yearslater it was trned int a fred refge castleand in 17th century encircled with massivebasns.

    The habital histric residence f the prince-

    bishp acrss the river (Residenz) is ne f the

    mst imprtant barqe palaces in Erpe(uNESCo Wrld Heritage). It was eqipped withan astounding staircase in the main entrancehall that shws giganc fresces (1752/53)b fams Venean painter G. B. Tiepl (thefr cnnents). other tstanding featres

    are the Crt Chapel, the State Galler withVenean art, and the Crt Garden, ne f thenest fr natre lvers.

    At the Austrian border of southeasternBavaria there towers above the old town ofBrghasen (histric landing site f salt batsarriving downstream the River Salzach from theAstrian Alps) ne f the largest castle cm-plees in the wrld: the 1000 m lng Brgha-sen Castle, bilt in 1025 b the Wielsbach rl-

    ers n a rc prmntr. Mdernized dringthe 16th centr threat f Trish omanEmpire, the might gthic frtress with a de-ant Palas (dcal private rms, chapel, nightshall) and si crtards (stables, brewer, ba-ery, arsenal, Gunsmith Tower, Grain Tower,St. Hedwig Chapel, bildings fr cials andcrasmen) was badl damaged dring Nap-leon wars. With them had come the end of aniqe frtress that nce served as Bavarias

    secnd capital and brsar (1504-1802) livingfrm 12 maret twns, 17 mnasteries, 107parishes, 252 castles, 1920 villages, 4509 sli-tde farms and thsands f crasmen, whdeserve the great honor of builders of all castlemonuments we admire so much.

    By Dr. Engelbert Altenburger

    I-Shou University, ass. prof. at the Faculty of Interna-onal Business, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,

    [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria

    7/12 59

    DESTINATION Bavaria: Castles, mountains and much more

    march, 2011

    Dachau is known around the world as a learn-ing and memorial site, the city aims to coun-

    teract its past falling int blivin. At the sameme, the mre than 1200 ears ld twn isfamous for its amazingly diverse arts and cul-tural scene, even beyond the region.

    on 15 Agst 805 the nble lad Erchanafrom the comital family of the Aribones

    dnated her estate in (then s-called)Dahaa t the dicese Freising. With thedeed f dnan Dacha was mennedfr the rst me. It emerged at the crsswa

    between a wide swampland and wded hillcntr and was named maret alread in1270. The advantages lcan at the cn-necng frm Mnich t Agsbrg brghtDacha nt nl liberes and gains bt alswar and miser. one f the wrst perids frthe peple f Dacha came dring the Thirtyears War, when the maret was sieged andplndered b the Swedes.

    Towards the 19th century Dachau was dis-

    cvered b painters. The fnd man arac-ve natral mves in the marsh and swamp-lands and by the beginning of the 20th centuryDacha was amng the mst fams arstsclnies besides Wrpswede. The names fman fams arsts are cnnected with thetwn t this da, amng them Carl Spitzweg,Ma Liebermann, and Lvis Crinth.

    Parclarl wmen increasingl discveredthe art f painng and parcipated in private

    painng classes ered b the arsts cl-

    nies, since the were nt admied at the StateAcadem in Mnich befre 1926. Their wrsare sll n displa tda at Dachas Art Gal-ler and the twn f Dacha is an acvel par-cipang member f the asscian f Er-pean arst clnies, ErArt.

    Dring Wrld War I Dacha impverished

    and with the instn f the cncentra-

    n camp in 1933 the reptable arsts twnbecame the epitme f the inhman NS terrr.Tda it is the twns highest maim t eepthe memory of the events alive. The concen-tran camp memrial site with msem andarchive contribute to this considerably, as do

    the dialges with cntemprar witnesses,the internanal th meengs, an annal

    dAChAu: The CiTy of BAvAriAn kinGs

    Dachau tradional country-fair every August

  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria



    DESTINATION Bavaria: Castles, mountains and much more

    march, 2011

    smpsim n cntemprar histr andmuch more.

    Aer Wrld War II epellees frm the easternprvinces f German fnd a new hme inDacha. Nwadas the greater district twn fDachau counts more than 42 000 inhabitants.It is nt nl a central Erpean place f learn-ing and cmmemrang bt als an imprtantart and cltral center in the metrplitanMunich area.

    Today Dachau, the former city of the Bavariankings, becns visitrs t get t nw the twnwith all its diversit: the smmer residence fthe Hse f Wielsbach as well as the impr-tant Erpean arsts cln at the trn fthe 19th to the 20th century. Worth seeingare the pictresqe old Twn with Art Galler,St. Jab parish chrch and District Msem,amng thers. Dring the smmerme, thetpical Bavarian atmsphere can be eperi-

    enced at the s called Dachaer Vlsfest,a tradinal fl fesval in Agst, renwnednt nl fr its lw beer price.

    In recent ears Dacha has been fcs-ing increasingl n tp range pen-air eventsdring the annal Dachaer Msismmer(Jne/Jl)."Jazz in allen Gassen"(jazz in allalles) r the fams Barqe picnic heldin the crtard f Dacha castle are high-lights in Dacha's annal events calendar.

    Famous far beyond the city limits are also theseries f classical Dacha palace cncerts eachyear, with 6 concerts scheduled throughoutthe year featuring world renowned orchestrasand sl arsts.

    Dachau is conveniently reached by train or bycar frm Mnich within jst 20 mintes. Thatmaes it an aracve da ecrsin as well.


    Dachau castle View of Dachaus Old Town and Town Hall situated onthe so called Karlsberg

  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria



    DESTINATION Bavaria: Castles, mountains and much more

    march, 2011

    It does lie a bit o the beaten track , its tre.yet, the cit that was sll at the bac fbend nl the 1980s is nw right in theheart f Erpe. And a visit t the cit that callsitself Regensburg is certainly well worthwhile,

    in parclar becase it lies in the centre f atriangle that has Franfrt, Mnich and Prageat its corners.

    Sme peple call Regensbrg Itals nrth-ernmst cit, fr thers it is Germans medi-aeval miracle. Bth grps are right. Its ntnl the stle f bilding that maes visitrsfeel that the are in an almst Italian atm-sphere: the stle f life enjed b the pepleof Regensburg in the summer is also reminis-cent f life in sthern Erpe.

    Peple here tae ever pprtnit t rga-nize a street fesval, whether it featres jazz rthe arts, a jbilee r lcal tradins. And thefact that Regensbrg has mre pbs per sqaremeter than any other town is easy to verify at

    ever trn in the pavement cafs, pbs, res-tarants and the man shad beer-gardens.

    Regensbrg which srvived the SecndWrld War almst nharmed presents itselfto visitors today as the only almost intact

    mediaeval cit in German, a place that ncecounted among the greatest and richest urban

    centers in Erpe. yet, despite its great past,

    2000-ear-ld Regensbrg is b n means jst

    a sleep histrical bacwater tda. In fact, it

    has 150,000 inhabitants and is nw the hlargest cit in Bavaria. It nt nl has a nguniversity with roughly 25,000 students butis als an epanding ecnmic centre prvid-ing wr fr abt 100,000 peple each da,largel in ver mdern high-tech enterprises.And which ther cit can er a 330-meter-lng icn: the Rmanesqe stne bridgever the Danbe?

    The lcals, admiedl, wld prbabl main-

    tain that the Histrische Wrstchl, the lile

    old restaurant that stands beside the bridge, is

    the real smbl f Regensbrg. The Sasagekitchens characterisc lile sasages arerepted t have been served here with hme-made saerrat and sweet mstard fr mrethan 850 years.

    Regensbrgs Dmspatzen, the wrlds ld-est bs chir, are als freqentl regarded asbeing synonymous with the city. Georg Ratz-inger, the brther f the present Ppe, Bene-dict xVI, was the directr f the Cathedral

    Sparrws fr man ears. The Ppe himself

    reGensBurG: younG, iTAliAn, And

    riGhT in The heArT of europe

  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria



    DESTINATION Bavaria: Castles, mountains and much more

    march, 2011

    has clse cnnecns with Regensbrg. Aerall, he was a prfessr at the niversit herein the earl das f his career and he sll hashis private residence in a village n the edge fRegensburg.

    The best way of discovering the heart and soul

    f Regensbrg is t tae part in a gided tr.In the crse f an entertaining, rghl tw-hr wal, visitrs can becme acqainted withld bildings and histric events, dramac inci-dents and amusing anecdotes, hidden court-yards, narrow alleyways. This is the best wayt begin t get t nw the ng and dnamiccit behind the ancient walls befre taing theiniave and independentl and brimmingwith ideas eperiencing Regensbrg mre

    intensively. A guided tour is, however, also theideal wa t begin t nd t what maes theancient place s thfl, and hw the ld andnew cizens f Regensbrg enj their cit andthe way of life here.

    yet Regensbrg ers mre than rban life,since its aracns d nt end at the citsbndaries. Being sitated near the cn-ence f the rivers Regen, Naab and Laaberwith the river Danbe, the cathedral cit ers

    nt nl the cltral amenies and hspitalitto be found in a large urban centre, but alsopprtnies fr recrean and relaan inthe varied countryside of these river valleys.Whether enj hiing r ccling, inline-sang, mntain-biing, rc-climbing, rw-ing r caneing, can pracce all thesesprng acvies in the area immediatelaround Regensburg.

    Fr the cclist, parclarl, there is lts tchse frm: apart frm the fams DanbeCcle Path leading frm the rivers srce tfar bend Vienna, Regensbrg is als thestarng pint fr the Regen Valle Path leadingt the brder f the Czech Repblic. Alterna-vel, its pssible t ccle alng the Naab rthe Laaber n a vage f discver thrgh apeacefl and pictresqe landscape r, if pre-

    ferred, through countryside that will challengeeven the t sprtsman. And nl a relavelshort distance from Regensburg, you can visitthe Bavarian Frest Natre Reserve and theDanbe Grge near kelheim.

    Photo credit: Regensburg Tourismus GmbH

    By Regensburg Tourismus GmbH


  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria



    DESTINATION Bavaria: Castles, mountains and much more

    march, 2011

    Two thousand years of glorious history havesclpted the face f Agsbrg, where past erascome alive. Follow the trail of the Romans,

    whse Emperr Agsts had the cit fndedt immrtalize his fame. Immerse rself inthe wrld f the pwerfl Fgger and Welserfamilies, who made medieval Augsburg anes f the Hl Rman Empire and a hmet fams arsts.

    The oldesT CiTy

    Fnded b the Rmans in 15 BC it is the ld-

    est city in Bavaria and second oldest German

    twn. Agsbrg's citscape develped vertw millennia and was shaped b all the greatstlisc epchs. The Renaissance in parclarrished here and Rcc became nwnas "the Augsburg style." Great buildings, mon-mental fntains, lavishl laid-t streets andltramdern architectre aest t the cit'scsmplitan bnt.

    Feel the overwhelming beauty of the Renais-sance, which is sll ver mch alive here in

    the majesc architectre f the mnmentalRathas (Cit Hall), an impsing Renaissancemasterpiece bilt 1615-20 b Elias Hll as anepressin f the Free Imperial Cit's civicpride.

    Adjacent is the Perlachtrm, the twer frmwhich ne enjs an impressive panramicview f the cit's architectral gems.

    The magnicent Agstsbrnnen fntainwas erected in hnr f the Rman Emperrfrm whm the cit derives its name. It is nlone of many Renaissance fountains which sur-vived intact. Maimilian Street, framed b thehistric faades f statel patrician hmes,aests t the cit's aence in the das f thefamous Fugger and Welser merchant dynas-es.

    The Fggerei, bilt b Jacb Fgger the Rich,baner t ings and emperrs, is the wrld's

    ldest scial selement fr the pr. Even

    tda its residents pa an annal rent f lessthan a dllar. of Agsbrg's nmers glrisreligis edices, the Dm (Cathedral) withve windws f the ldest gred stained glassin German, St. ulrich-Mnster and Prtestantulrichsirche cnstte a splendid architec-

    tural ensemble.Cncerts in splendid halls, pera and per-

    ea in pen air theaters, art ehibins, mag-nicent chrches, the Fggerei and the Schae-zler Palace draw trists frm the enre wrld.

    museums And lAndmArks

    Maimilian Msem cltral gems f theld trading twn date frm classical anq-it thrgh the 20th centr. The RmischeMsem ehibits archaelgical nds frm thefnding f the cit at the me f Christ's birth,and from later centuries when the Romanrled the land.The Detsche Barc-Galeriein the Schaezler Palais, cntains wrs f Ger-man old Masters, amng them Hans Hlbein

    AuGsBurG: The CenTer of

    renAissAnCe in BAvAriA

    Tt nb Gg fat

    Even though the tourist numbers for city toursin Germany recorded two-digit growth in 2010,Augsburg even tops by far the other major cit-ies like Berlin and Munich. The ocial stascsshows an 18.8 % growth in arrivals and even23.10 % in overnight stays for Augsburg. Incomparison Berlin recorded growth of 11.7%respecvely 14.2 % and Munich registered11.9% respecvely 12.6 %. This massive gain inovernight stays is due to two new hotels oer-ing in total 400 beds.


  • 8/7/2019 Tourism Review Online Magazine - Destination Bavaria



    DESTINATION Bavaria: Castles, mountains and much more

    march, 2011

    the Elder, Hans Brgmair, Lcas Cranachand Albrecht Drer. The Maimilian Msem

    helps visitrs trace the histr f Agsbrg.Als featred are nmers ehibits frmthe era f the cit's great silver- and gld-smith masters.

    The Lepld Mzart Famil Memrialreminds us that the great Wolfgang Amadeushad frefathers frm the regin. Represent-ing literature is Bertolt Brecht. The memorialin his name hses a dcmentan f the

    writer's Agsbrg ears. The Natrmsemehibits ra and fana f the Alpine fthills

    dang bac 8-12 millin ears, while insightsint the epanses f the niverse are gained inthe Planetarim. The Stadheater is a meccafor music and theater lovers. Widely acclaimedare perfrmances f pera and perea in theFreilichtbhne (pen air theater).



