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Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

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Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande Kemafor Anyanwu {pravind2, vvdeshpa, kogan}@ncsu.edu. COUL - semantic CO mp U ting research L ab. Introduction. Growing interest in exploiting RDF data for decision-making - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
owards Scalable RDF Graph Analytic on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande Kemafor Anyanwu {pravind2, vvdeshpa, kogan}@ncsu.edu COUL - semantic COmpUting research Lab
Page 1: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics on MapReduce

Padmashree RavindraVikas V. DeshpandeKemafor Anyanwu

{pravind2, vvdeshpa, kogan}@ncsu.edu

COUL - semantic COmpUting research


Page 2: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

IntroductionGrowing interest in exploiting RDF

data for decision-making Requires support for analytical-style


e.g. : Sales (Cust, prod, price, loc, month, year)

* For each prod, count for each month of 2008, the sales that were between previous month’s avg sale and next month’s avg sale

- More complex than traditional SPJ queries

- Often include multiple groupings and / or aggregations

- Next release of SPARQL expected to include such constructs



Prod Month Count

Prod1 Feb 3

* Example from [1]

Page 3: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Analytical Query ProcessingTraditional OLAP techniques

Requires star / snowflake schema Enterprise-scale

But Semantic Web data (RDF) Semi-structured (labeled graphs)Absence of star-like schema Billion triple data sets

Goal : Exploit MapReduce-based frameworks to develop a scalable, cost-effective platform for Semantic Web analytics.

Page 4: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

MapReduce-based Data Processing

High-level dataflow languages - Pig Latin, DryadLINQ, HiveQL, JAQL

Hybrid approach - HadoopDB [5] MapReduce in RDF processing

Graph pattern queries [8], [9] Graph closure computation [10]

RAPID [6] Succinct expression of complex queries Optimize multiple groupings /


Page 5: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

RDF data modelStatements (triples) Graph representationSub Prop Obj

R1 type Ranking

R1 pageRank 11

R1 pageURL Url1

R1 avgDuration 97

UV1 type UserVisits

UV1 srcIP

UV1 destURL url1

UV1 adRevenue 339.08142

UV1 visitDate 1979/12/12

UV1 userAgent SCOPE

UV1 cCode VNM

UV1 iCode VNM-KH

UV1 sKeyword comets

UV1 avgTime 3



Groups = Stars

Page 6: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

SPARQL Query Matching graph pattern

Traditional Querying of RDF Graph pattern matching

E.g. Get details about all pages visited by particular users between “1979/12/01” and “1979/12/30”

Page 7: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Example Analytical Query on RDF data

Compute the average pageRank and total adRevenue for all pages visited by a particular srcIP with visitDate between 1979/12/01 and 1979/12/30

Pattern matchingStar sub graphs – Rankings, UserVisitsJoin between the stars

Grouping based on value of srcIP propertyAggregation on value of pageRank and adRevenue

Page 8: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Pig : Data Processing Express data processing tasks using

high-level query primitives usability, code reuse, automatic optimizationPig Latin data model : atom, tuple, bag

(nesting) Operators : LOAD, STORE, JOIN, GROUP BY,

COGROUP, FOREACH, SPLIT, aggr. functions Extensibility support via UDFs Operators compile into MapReduce jobs

Partition REL A using values in age column ($1)

SPLIT A into minors IF $1 < 18, majors IF $1 >= 18;

Equijoin on REL A (column 0) and REL B (column 1) JOIN A by $0, B by $1;

Page 9: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Package tuples

JOIN A by $1, B by $0;

Compiling Pig Latin’s JOIN to MapReduce

$0 $1

C1 P1

C1 P2

C2 P1

$0 $1

P1 18

P2 25


$0 $1 $2 $3

C1 P1 P1 18

C2 P1 P1 18

C1 P2 P2 25

Annotate based on $1 (join key)





C1 P1 P1 18

Reducer 1

C2 P1 P1 18


Reducer 2

C1 P2 P2 25




Page 10: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Pattern Matching in Pig : Approach 1


Prop Obj

R1 type RankingR1 pageRa


R1 pageURL


UV1 type UserVisitsUV1 srcIP 158.112.2



Prop Obj

R1 type RankingR1 pageRa


R1 pageURL


UV1 type UserVisitsUV1 srcIP 158.112.2


Sub Prop Obj

R1 type RankingR1 pageRan


R1 pageURL Url1UV1 type UserVisitsUV1 srcIP 158.112.2







RankingsStarPattern = JOIN triples1 ON Sub, triples2 ON Sub, triples3 ON Sub;


triples1 triples2 triples3

Issues- Self-joins on very large relations high I/O costs- Generate meaningless tuples additional

filtering step (R1, type, Ranking, R1, type, Ranking, R1, type, Ranking)

Rankings star pattern = 3-way self-joinUserVisits star pattern = 5-way self-join



Triple store

Page 11: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

LOAD all the RDF triples

Sub Prop ObjR1 type RankingR2 type Ranking

Sub Prop ObjR1 type RankingR2 type Ranking


Sub Prop ObjUV1 destURL url1UV2 destURL url1

Sub Prop ObjUV1 destURL url1UV2 destURL url1


Sub Prop ObjR1 pageURL url1R2 pageURL url2

Sub Prop ObjR1 pageURL url1R2 pageURL url2


Sub Prop ObjR1 pageRank 11R2 pageRank 27

Sub Prop ObjR1 pageRank 11R2 pageRank 27


Sub Prop ObjUV1 type userVisitsUV2 type userVisits

Sub Prop ObjUV1 type userVisitsUV2 type userVisits


Sub Prop ObjUV1 scrIP scrIP

Sub Prop ObjUV1 scrIP scrIP


Sub Prop ObjUV1 adRev 339.08142UV2 adRev 330.51248

Sub Prop ObjUV1 adRev 339.08142UV2 adRev 330.51248


Sub Prop ObjUV1 visitDate 1979/12/12UV2 visitDate 1980/02/02

Sub Prop ObjUV1 visitDate 1979/12/12UV2 visitDate 1980/02/02


Ranking = JOIN(compute Star Pattern)

UserVisits = JOIN(compute Star Pattern)

JOIN between Ranking, UserVisits


FOREACH group GENERATE aggregations


Sub Prop ObjUV1 visitDate 1979/12/12UV4 visitDate 1979/12/02

Sub Prop ObjUV1 visitDate 1979/12/12UV4 visitDate 1979/12/02


Approach 2: Vertical Partitioning


Page 12: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

LOAD all the RDF triples

Sub Prop ObjR1 type RankingR2 type Ranking

Sub Prop ObjR1 type RankingR2 type Ranking


Sub Prop ObjUV1 destURL url1UV2 destURL url1

Sub Prop ObjUV1 destURL url1UV2 destURL url1


Sub Prop ObjR1 pageURL url1R2 pageURL url2

Sub Prop ObjR1 pageURL url1R2 pageURL url2


Sub Prop ObjR1 pageRank 11R2 pageRank 27

Sub Prop ObjR1 pageRank 11R2 pageRank 27


Sub Prop ObjUV1 type userVisitsUV2 type userVisits

Sub Prop ObjUV1 type userVisitsUV2 type userVisits


Sub Prop ObjUV1 scrIP scrIP

Sub Prop ObjUV1 scrIP scrIP


Sub Prop ObjUV1 adRev 339.08142UV2 adRev 330.51248

Sub Prop ObjUV1 adRev 339.08142UV2 adRev 330.51248


Sub Prop ObjUV1 visitDate 1979/12/12UV2 visitDate 1980/02/02

Sub Prop ObjUV1 visitDate 1979/12/12UV2 visitDate 1980/02/02


Ranking = JOIN(compute Star Pattern)


Approach 2: Vertical Partitioning

Issues SPLIT : Concurrent sub

flowsRisk of Disk spills I/O

costs Structure of intermediate


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Compilation to MapReduce Jobs













Step 1 : Pattern MatchingStep 2 : GroupingStep 3 : Aggregation

Rankings UserVisits

Page 14: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Our Approach : RAPID+

Goal : Minimize I/O costs


Concurrent computation of star patterns using grouping-based algorithm

Can improve efficiency using Operator-coalescing and Look-ahead processing

Page 15: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Concurrent Star Pattern Matching


Prop Obj

R1 type RankingR1 pageRank 11R1 pageURL Url1UV1 type UserVisitsUV1 srcIP 158.112.2

7.3UV1 destURL url1UV1 adRevenue 339.08142UV1 visitDate 1979/12/1


Sub Prop ObjR1 type RankingR1 pageRank 11R1 pageURL Url1R1 avgDuration 97UV1 type UserVisitsUV1 srcIP 158.112.2

7.3UV1 destURL url1UV1 adRevenue 339.08142UV1 visitDate 1979/12/1

2UV1 userAgent SCOPEUV1 cCode VNMUV1 iCode VNM-KHUV1 sKeyword cometsUV1 avgTime 3

Use grouping-based algorithm on a triple storage model- GROUP BY Subject

More efficient if prior filtering of irrelevant triples`

Filter irrelevant properties

Compute the average pageRank and total adRevenue for all pageURLs visited by a particular srcIP with visitDate between 1979/12/01 and 1979/12/30

Sub Prop ObjR1 type RankingR1 pageRank 11R1 pageURL Url1R1 avgDuration 97UV1 type UserVisitsUV1 srcIP 158.112.2

7.3UV1 destURL url1UV1 adRevenue 339.08142UV1 visitDate 1979/12/1

2UV1 userAgent SCOPEUV1 cCode VNMUV1 iCode VNM-KHUV1 sKeyword cometsUV1 avgTime 3



Page 16: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Concurrent Star Pattern Matching -2

Filter irrelevant triples by coalescing LOAD and FILTER operators

input = LOAD ‘\data’ using loadFilter ( pageRank, pageURL, type:Ranking, destURL, adRevenue, srcIP, visitDate, type:UserVisits )






Our Approach


Savings by Coalescing:Context switchingParameter passingMultiple handling of same data

Using Pig Latin


Page 17: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Grouping-based Pattern Matching


Prop Obj

R1 type Ranking

R1 pageRank 11

R1 pageURL Url1

UV1 type UserVisits

UV1 srcIP

UV1 destURL url1

UV1 adRevenue 339.08142

UV1 visitDate 1979/12/12



BUT heterogeneous bags

starSubgraphs = GROUP input BY $0;

Page 18: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Filtering the GroupsBUT all possible sub patterns computedFilter non-matching sub patterns

Value-based filtering validate each sub graph against filter condition

Structure-based filtering eliminate sub graphs with missing properties

Missing srcIPvisitDate between 1979/12/01

and 1979/12/30

Page 19: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Joining the Stars : Look-ahead Processing

Annotate based on Subject

Process each bag Annotate based on value of join property

Group by SubjectProcess each bag Structure-based and value-based filtering

Join between the star sub graphs

map map

reduce reduce

Star Pattern Matching Cycle

Next Cycle(Joining the Stars)

Group by SubjectProcess each bag Structure-based and value-based filtering Annotate based on value of join prop

No repeated processing

Page 20: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Example : Look-ahead Processing

Star Pattern Matching Joining the Stars

Structure-based filteringValue-based filtering

Look-Ahead - Annotate bag based on join key

Join between the star sub

graphsEliminate properties irrelevant for future processing (join and filter prop) Minimize size of intermediate results

Page 21: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Comparison : Pig vs RAPID+Pig Approach RAPID+

Multiple map-reduce cycles- N star sub graphs N cycles

Single cycle- N star sub graphs 1 cycle

Potential for increased I/O (i)Disk spills (SPLIT operator)(ii)Materialization of several intermediate results due to sequential computation of star patterns

Minimized I/O(i)Filtering in triple storage model + load-filter coalescing(ii)Concurrent computation of star patterns (single intermediate result)

Would require advanced optimization techniques- Introduce project operator to eliminate unneeded columns

Smaller intermediate result sizes- Eliminate tuples and columns not necessary in future steps of processing

Not applicable Minimize repeated tuple handling by look-ahead processing

Page 22: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Case Study Setup: 5-node / 20-node Hadoop clusters

on NCSU’s Virtual Computing Lab [13] Dataset: Synthetic benchmark data set

[4] Tasks: Baseline case

Task A (PM) – basic pattern matching(2 star patterns and a join between the stars) Task B (PM+GA) – pattern matching with

grouping and aggregation (two look-ahead processing opportunities)

Page 23: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

Experimental Results

Cost Analysis for Task A (PM)5-node cluster

Cost Analysis for Task B (PM+GA)5-node cluster

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Experimental ResultsScalability Study 5-node vs 20-nodes

1.8GB per node 2.8GB per node

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Conclusion and Ongoing work

Promising results even for baseline caseFurther opportunities for improvement

First-class operators vs UDFs Exploit combiners during aggregations More efficient data structures for

processing bags Further look-ahead optimizations during

multiple groupings and aggregations

Page 26: Towards Scalable RDF Graph Analytics  on MapReduce Padmashree Ravindra Vikas V. Deshpande

References[1] D. Chatziantoniou M. Akinde, T. Johnson, and S. Kim “The MD-join: an operator for Complex

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[12] Prud'hommeaux, E., Seaborne, A.: SPARQL query language for RDF. Technical report, World Wide Web Consortium (2005) http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-quer

[13] VCL Setup at NC State University, https://vcl.ncsu.edu/ [14] HiveQL, http://hadoop.apache.org/hive/ [15] JAQL, http://code.google.com/p/jaql[16] RDF, http://www.w3.org/RDF/

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Thank You!
