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TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc...

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Page 1: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount
Page 2: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


TOWN OF KINGSTONrt ,\ ss,r clI us t;1-$


rlfit) 0Tlttt


Fot the Year Ending Derembcr 11




FOR ' lE YE.-\lt 1944


l'lJr'$ulh, lIass.

Page 3: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount



lJorn-No(cmber 28, 1862

Died-July 19, 194.1

Ir! thc passing of Arthur \l'ordcn Picrcc, the tor\n

has lost &nother ,ialue(l lrnd rcspctcted omcer. The

lloard of ltegislrars, \'ho $orked lvith hinr, hns also

lost a good frierrd. llr. Pierce rvas born here, and

spent his cniite life in Kingston. lle alrvays harl a

grc:rt deal of intcrcsl in to\r'D allairs. llis last ltosi-

tion fof thc'l'orrrl of Kingston \!as as ir mcnrbct of

thc Bo:rr(l of ltelrislrars. tle scrtctl faithfrlly anrl

conscientiousl).. for cight !ears,

llr, l'icrcc NIrs employcd at thc Cobb & Dre\v Co.

for a pcriod of sir!.r--t$'o years. lle rctirc(l onl]' a

]'ear lrcforc his dcath. This l\as a record of \rhich

he \vas justifinblt proud.

Page 4: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

I'opuf ation, Jnn :rrJr l, 1940-2,j77

l,cgnl \totcrs, J NtBry l, 1940-1,.186

Ninth Congre.,$ionnl Distt.ict

I,'irs! Councillor I)istricl

First IIt'n1oul.h Ilelrc.sentfltivc Distric[

Consisting of l'l!r outh, Khrgston, IIfllifa\, PlyDrpton, Carter,wilh nccling place in I'l-rnloxth, and hadDg one reprcsent:rtilc,


S.i..l,xcr-lyillinm ll. I'ost, Ch:rirman, Percy l\'. U.iley andJohn J. lloore; Clerk of Selectmen, Irna A. Ilrlfini.

?olu'l 6'lril'-Ccorge W. C(shnla .

Iorr'l lrcost/rcr-Ccorge \\'. (' shmtn.

Ior{rr Collaclor-crorgc \\', Cltshntfl D,

,lssasso,3-Frfl|lcis P. llcllfanus, Clltirnlan nDd Cterk; IlenryL. Ilarker nn(l Johl 1'. tlandtll.

Bon oi I'ublic ll'euarc-Johtr J. lloore, Chairnan, Perct \l'.

Bniley,willtnm l[. I'ost. trlrs. llrrriet \Y. Ro]'nl, \\'elfarc AgeDt.

Sch6ol Co:/|,lnitlcc-Doroth)' Hathfl$:ry, Chairnran, Ruth II.Ilailev, Ernest II. Cotc; llichud R. ccssncr, P. Cabot Rush-ton, l,aurcnco ll. lluruham seried to ^.Lpril 15, l9-l.l; Irrank

Page 5: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

A. Itsndnll I'ro^c alc.ctcd a! o joint moetinA of thc Selc.ctmen

|lnrl thc School Conlrnittc.o or llfly 16, 1044, on(l scrrc(l untilJult 24, 101.t: f:rncst lI. Cot{ *rl$ cl..cta{l nt a joint m.ct-Ing of thc Sclc\tnrcrr nnrl tltc SchQol eonrntittec on Novenrbcr

14, l$.1.1.

oanl ol llrltlth*l'erct W. lloile)', Chairntan, .lohn .1. trloorc,

William ill. I'ost.

Ur,rstol,ir s--\f illirrrrt ll. lho\r'n, (lilitc ('. l ison

lltrlrr (]rlrtrrrsst.'trr's-li lph 1". Slrlltoto, Chrirnlltn, I'rank,\'S&nrpson, llcnrt J. \\'alsh, Li coln C. Itrlrtlett scrrcd until

Jrnc 25, l{,.1'l: Srnrucl (;. ltornet \rrts cl(:ctc(l trt joiut nrec!

inri of thc Srlcctnlctl $n(l the lkthr(l of Wntcr (lrnrmis'iioncrs

on Jull'2i, lg.l.t. Itrr{l scrtc(l l|ntil Scptenrl}cr ?, l$ ll: I'rank

A. Srtntl)sotl \rtts (lcctc(l ltt l{ joillt nll\,tinl{ of thc Sclctt len

irnri tha llollrd .)f \\'lttcr Conrnrissioners on Dcccnll)cr i ll l l-

.1t.rfur'.rlr)-All).rl ll. lloltrras.

T rrc ll' n r.l ( -l

olttr'l'. ltrrndall.

/,if,r'rrrt/ ?i]r.sl.'.s-\_ert'cll (). Itlltncllrlr(1, CIlairlllfln; Iktrrt --.L

liarkc'r-. 'l'relsuler; t'l'lrrlk r\. ltnndtll. Sccretrrl; (;rlrl \f'Stc,lnr:rilr, llaltcl r\. Sorrlc, rrnrl John ll \\'right'

PI n!n,utt,l (.ir,rririrsiorr-t |.'rl 1,. Ilrrils.t-' Uhai'rnrtn: (icotgc '\'(:;tll(lini, Jr., Arltotlc J. Slxlh, Geonic J 'lurn" L'stel r'Zahn'-

7o&,r. .,lccor{xturxl-lrmr A. Iiullini.

Chi(l t'l I'oli.r-\f illi'i||r II. ll[o\v .

,l'oltcr'Ol,ii."crs-licrlerick It. Cot ro\\', UllScnc C )lcrrl.. Colico

C. Tison.

Sptcir Policc Olhctls-l'cter J. l)rics, IIcnr-1 1{r.itzrnaclcr,Ccorgc T. I'rrtt, Dntil Saucr.

Sup.Jirl cftlcnt o/,Slrccl.!-(;corgc l'. llolnlc$.

t'orcst l'irc ll'(l rtlctr-(j cQI gc l), llolncs.

fitc I; ,Ji ccr$-lrtliar W. I.oring, Chairnran; Albert ll. llol es,

Clcrk; Gcorgc Il, llolnres, Chief Dngincer; lllrorr S- Ilol-mnn, Elnil Saucr.

Su|/rri ttul?Il ol llolh lltorl;:.tohn 'l'- liandall-

.i.ni.r o/ lt'rirlt ts ortd .l/.4sr1r..,.-Ceotge'l'. Pratt.

lus!t@lor ni ..lrriDrals-Clarles J. l)rury.

l \t)t cl or oi Slft r lt h I c,.i'!r-tihtrles .1. l)rrrl'.

lhc t llo ri ol I/.flrfl-Ce(r'ge \1:. Cushman.

.lrtari,rl{x/rnt o/ .lc/rrnls-Char'les \1'. I-rult ance.

lros Oriccr'-\\'illir(ri ll. llro\rtt.

Iiar'lrorDroslcr'-Coiicc C.'l'iion.

Sllp.ri lctulcnt oi ll' tcr D,:l)uttl, ti l*Lincoln C. llirrttctt.

ilssl. .S(lcrirr,artdaxl a! ll'ltt.r Dt:lttt'tt atir-l(cnneth L. I)iltis'I'nul \rcrdelli lcpl:rctng llt. Datis rtlile he is serring in theU. S. .^\rnrJ.

,l.gisl,'ars o/ I'otcrs-l-,ouis lt. Gluss, Chairman; llatold lr. Bat-lles tn{l hon P.'l\rra (;colljc \Y. Cushnran, Clerk. Arihur\1'. I'ierce scttetl uniil thc tirne ot'hir death' Jrrtl' ll). l9l-l;llarold I.. llnttles Ntls xDlroinied August E, lSl.l.

Page 6: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

I'ilancr (,'n Dt r'till rc-0 r.fc* ll. Sgrr rzi,Chn irnrrrrr ; l..red 1,. Itnilrrlrr\vrclcc \y. IlnitcJ-. Orril C, Ctrllcl., r\rrrolrt t.,acchini_Il.'-rutr S. llolrnflrr, ltlelrrrr.rl 11'- l,<rr.irrg.,lrrsclb Ia. )tc:\|nnur,llichrrrrl \\'. O'llri('n,

.SrrfiUixrr Co'tsl.rrfur-\Villi|tnr ll. Ilro\r'n, Colicc O.'t'ison.

Srt'?ti l.:ni. IolOldllnt\i ! t;tot! 4-ltichscl lt. )lccrnth.

/'otrtrrl /f r"r2r:r-llnril Surer.

Dicckn' oI I,l rotllh C.ntl lJ d,rtrrsrlrrr Sr:r.r'r'cc-lvillinnr ]1.l1)st,

I'crcr l'i.,r,crs-lRcob ll, l)rics, Ilotrce C. \l,cstol.

/.'it'ld /Jri|r'r-l\'ar|en S. Nickc,r-son.

.|Ico.tulct* 4 ll'oal anl ti,r'l.-llcrlr-v l.'. lhll)oni. liusscll C.


,ristr ti,u u ilt..:-S:rnr rre l C. ll(rnno)-, \t'lll€r ll. l)aris, Albert lf.l).rrrlus. l)r'. ,\rtl)ur ll. llolnl$. rr.onk ll. fihu\..

'l'nslctsllnlcr lht ll'ill oi Ichahod lll.sll,lrrr-llar\.e] A. Sorlc,J.rhn'1. C!shnlfln, r\ll)crt Il, llolnrcs.

SIL,or ll'e ilth|rs-l)llri{l Ircckhilrn, ^_ornrnll

llcrr!, (lmr,{e \1'.

L{)ritti,l:ldji:rf \\r. l,.jring, llrsscll C. Loriu,{, llichrr(l ll'.l.{)riDg, l'-nrnk A- llrrrdall, Olirrr Ihrnh{nt, lltrshnll \Yhit'Ie,v.

C('1, I'i)r),lrn-ltich rd \\'. Irring, l'. Cnl)ot Itushton, Inror-Jrtckson, laugcue C. ltcrrl., (;corgc'l'. I)r tt, Ll(ltnund l)uLe,.Iohn ll. lYest, llichflrd \\'. O'llricn, t-oxis J. Dube. l,ouisII. (ll:rss, Asit \1'. (ilass, tlonry I,'- Ilcrsct,2\bcl L. I(ecne,Ilo$'ar(l ll. trllcFxrltnc, Joscph llcdorlr, Joscph llccralhI')ar'l l): rllirrfi. Ilorlcr. llotnrcs, Atlrcrt Allrcrsli|li, lloxrer'l'ilton, l,eno Znt|iboni, Alltahtnr r\. ltullini' an{l Ch:trleillcctrrt hr.,.

. Itr lhe Arn)c{l Forces.



^NNUAl, 1'0iyN IIltul'tNo, ll.,lRcfi, t$,t,1

]Iarch 13. lt.H]'hc ndjotrned niceti g r,|&.s callcd to or(lcr at ?:00 (,,clock

l,.ll. bt the ]lodcrttor,.\lbert lI. llolnes. No (lcn)aD(l for thercrrling ol thc rlarInnt.

.\rticle 2. 'l'he follo$ing ollicers rrcrc choseD;JItastD'ers ol lllootl uttrl BllrL--llusscll Ct. lding, IIcnrt F.


I)it(cior ol l,lthto|lh Colt IIt li-rtcnsrox .Ser.!rce_\\:iltianr ll.l,ost.

I'i:1lL Cott littctc-Dr, r\rthrrr Il. IIolmes, Albert \y. Douglas,Srtruel C. Ilont|ey, \\'nltcr R. Davis, !-nrnk Il. Shn\v.r\rticlc ll. On the motion of Ilarokl J. \\'eston, \roted:

Thill t.hc rcDol'ts of'l'o\rD Oliicors jrs l)rintc{l itr the'forvn llcportlrc accepte(1.

I)tlc to the f ct th i there \\.ere |lof cnough rotcrs l,l.cscntto cotrtinue, Articles lS nnd 2.1 lr.ere aclc(l on,

.,\rticle 4. Or nrotion of \\'illirm ll. post, \:ote(l: Thrt thesalaries of clectetl oniccrs bc lixc(l as follo$.s:

.\lodcr:rIorTo$n Clcrk'I'rcasur.or

CollectorChnirman oa Scl(.ctnrcnOthcr Selectnen, ench


. 600.00?00.002?5.00

.. . .. 13?.50

Page 7: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

_ l0_

(ilrtirtnrn of ltolrrl of llcrllthOther :\lenrl)er$ of llo^r(l of tlcllth' cncll .

(:hrirnrnn of llortrd of I'nlrlic \yclftrcOthcr trtonlbcrs of ltorrri of I'rrblic lVclfnrc,

c:rch('hairntnr of llosr(l of .\Fros(ol n

OthCr A-\scssors. allrch

\ltfitcr Conllrlissioners, crlch

G( c,'o| {iot t:t "tt I

llorleratrrr', Srrl;rtI

Sottctnrcr, SrLrrir's rtt(l Ii\pensc-s

,\cc{,unt:rn( il tt(l All(lit(t_

'l'l casrrrer rr{l (:oll(retor


lilcctiorr rtrl licsistt tion

Irinnncc Conrnrittce

'li^\'D I lou$c Jl irltenrrncc

I'rolrc(iott ol I).rlolI' {trlll ,)r'ol,trlU

l'olirc ]l:rinlcn;rrrcc

l)os Onicer






,\rticlc it. Or thc nlotion of llnrr,!' ll' llclchcr, Vote(li'l'h:rt l)urlgct itenls l-61 irttlusivc he rnisctl anrl $lltlrol)rintc{l ns

rcconrmentlcrl Lt t|c l"in ttct' (l)ntlDittec-{8ch iient to In con'

si{lcrc(l $epnrrtclt.











l.l. l'irc I)clilrlnlcnt-Jlaintonance

15. Sciler of Wcights anrl ltcasurci

16. .Snpprcssion of lloths

l?. 'l'ree lVnr'den

lS. Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll

10. Itountie$ on Sciris

20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal Iluiklings a d Property

21. Insl|rnnec \\ln kmcn's Conlensation

2?. lltnicitlnl lJuil(lings lnsurlrDcc l.\nd

23. l)eicnsc

Ile lth( iS ntleliotl

2.1. llcrlthPcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t theirnrount $1,820 bc ehangc{l to read g1,620.

..l rr.rdnrcnl ri Crrric(i2i. lnsDect{rr of Attinlrls26. Inspcctor ol' Slrughterirg


Ordinar.v llepairs, S:ll rt of Sulerintendcnt a dUarc of llrrilling I' rl lol Ior' Erluil)nrcnt, arxl











500.00$ 2;.00

r,t r?.00




















I':rinling $'hitc Lirres ol Stlccl

Ilond llachincr-r., llo:r(l ll chiner-\' l.'utld

Ilord .Uachine l._v-'l lx Le\'t

Strcct, lJirc(tio x {l D:r gcI Sigtls

Page 8: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount





Cio rilirs

l'l|blic \l'clfnrc-,\dntinisl rrlion

I\rblic \1'clfnic-(lenclal Iltlicf

Aid to I)cpetld{rnt Chil{lrc -A(lnlit|isttntion,\irl to l)egrcnrlcnt Childr(!tl-Assistoncc


Old Afo r\ssistn cc-Ai(lSolli'lr's'llelirf

.Scrr ools

Schools - l)cptrturcrtts, inclt|(ling or(liDnr! rc_


-school lrrrrlres-1,:rl,rrr Ortlr"


t,ibr:rt'1'-l"r'onr l)og I'ltrrd

l,ibrrrrl-Fronr'l'irr Irr.v

l!tct.ttliort rt tr rf Un.l(l.rsi.tirrl

PLr! 8rouI(l :


li)il raor(linlr) llcp'tirs to BuildinA

lbu n Crecn and lvsr ltcmorinl l)lot

Clrc of Olher llunicit)il I,ropert-v

Obseryance of llemoritl rrnrl Arnistice Days

Corinl-v Aid to Agriculturc

To$-n lleports, I'rcpnr.atiol ald Di:it bution

l,egrl Expenscs aud Contingcncics

Ilcscrre, fronr Ovrrlal surplus

r(cscrte, tront I ati t_c\.]

IiDlcrl,_iscs lrx., Cart.1( r.i.s

Water DepartnreDt:

































l,.l0.l.s.l ,rlcrcsf






i?. llaiitensnce ..

5S. Eqtipment

;9. I,ainting Tank . ..

00. Alc['ife Conrnrittee.t2.


01. Intcrcst-'[]cntlrornr]' l,oirns

lbtal Budget ltcms \.otcd ... ..$1.13,099.21

lxss Amo[Dts to bc 'l'r.ansfc-rrerl 3,,195.f6.t-t.

Anlounl lo bo raised b)- tnNntio $1,r0.203,05

Page 9: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

.\rtielc 0. On thc nlotion of Geotgc W' Cushrinn, yoted:.l,hllt tlle'l.o\n 'l't.cfisurer, Nith the {pprolnl of tltc Sclcctnlen,

bc lln,l hcrclrt is nuthorizc(l [o l)orrd$'nionc]' from tinre to timc

in :rnticip:rtion of thc letenue of thc tinrlnclrll Jcnr lr:Sinning

,lltnu rt l, ll,l,l. llnll to issllc ll nolc or notcs thercf(rr, pnlixble

Nithi {}nc yr'Ilr trd to ronc\9 IrnJ rlole or notcs rls nnrt l)c gilcn

for lr trcrio(l of tes-{ tlllln otlc }.'t'rlr itl tccorllllllcc lrith Stction l?,

('ha1'tcr 'l l. (ioncrtrl Irrts.

,\r'tit'lc ?. On thr: ntolion nf John J lloofc, \tolcll: 'fhlt

Sl.ir00 bc riliscll nntl illlprol)l'illted to l'e tlse(l 1!'ith tlnt lttllls that

nlirf hc nll{rtl.c(l l)-r tllc Stntc {rr CollntJ" or l)oth for (;hil)ler {10

ntflit|tc|lnncc $ork llxl lrollsfcr front nlrriltblc filnrls 's3000

,i""urrnt ol Strtc llll(i (:.nlntt sll'lre tln{l rei bursenrcnt receircd

lre crtditc{l lrrrct tri srrrpllts rc|t'ttttc'

rlrticlc 3. \\'illi|nl trI. t1'rt nrovell thrtt thc strnr of S2l]'!00

ln trlrrsferl,ca fri)rr1 ;rY:lil:lltle funds ill thc ttcll_{ut!'for lho l)llr_

chase of $nr l,on(h or atllljl'l'on(ls th$t ate ltg:rl inr'o$tDidtts

in. ..rin,a. l;arrks t,r rsllLlis|r :r posl-ttltr rchflbiliiilion fulrl in

"."""f,,n"" \rith thc l)rovi-'rions of Chniltcr it' '\cts

of 1l13'

,\rticlc 10. On the nrotion of Lincolrr C. Ii|lructr, \,oto(t:Th:tt $3,300 bc t.aisc(l :rld at,pr.opr.iatc(l fo. tt,o pu.poro Jio-Ilnqing the Drcsenl,.4 irch \'trter pipc on Srmmer Street fronrthc profcrty-of Frcderick E. Na(lr, 12$ Sumner St,.ect, to l;;;;-eityolJrrnc :r-. An(lerson, (lloustol). l6l Summcr Strc;t, \rit;'a0 irch $ttcr n in.

. ,\rticle ll. lfillianr Il. I'ost mo\.e(l that thc sun of,r7i,00bc raisctl nnti npDroDriflte(l to lro used for insulalilg in the To*.nIloosc. ,l/rlfol is not carricl. (l'cs-34: No_;?j.

'lIc follorvirrg tcllcl.i r\orr,;:||t,oi te(l lrt thc Jloilarirtor.:

lLrrokl J. ll'cston, illl;crt Ir. Allrr.ghirri, Nerr.ell O. Ill nch_ar{|. (;corae r\. \\'nlsh.

,\r'ticle 12. \\'illirrtu ll_ i)ost mor,e(l r t the sunl of S32i.00b{'raised antl tlll)rol)t'il{t(rd ior \.eirthel. sit.ippiDg for thc ,l.o\rnIlortse. J/olrorr r.r rrol carrird. (l-c.c-l,l; No-.l?).

,'\rticle l:1. On lhe moti.rn of John J. lloore, \,oted: ThrtSi00.00 bc rnised itrrri :rpproprintetl for the l)urchase of a t\vo,$lrt' Lilk l.l e(itrc c!' l\lo{ltli|tc(t llobile Cnr lla(lio for the l,oliccDepilrtnlcnt.

,\tticlc t,t. On rc nrolir,l|.rf l,er.cli ll,. Bailcl, \,oterl: Th t1.j00.00 bc raisc{l iln(t ppropriilted for !se ir nlflintlliDirrg rluringtle ensuiug l'cnr, (hc nlos(litito conlrol \rork as eslirnaled aniiccrtilie(l to b-r ihe St:rte llec:lrrration ljoar{l itl nccofdr cc \r.ithIhe t,toyisiols of Ch{tt)tet. I12, -\cts of t$31_

^ -'\tticle 15. O thc nroiidl of l)ercl.W. thilos, \roterl:'fhat1750.00 be r[ise(l nD(l lppr.ol)r.iate(l for thc esiablishnrent andnlrrDlon Dca of n fr.ce Le(l i|| tIe ('ontflgions \\':rr(l of rhc Jor(l:rnlloslitrtl fot th,'c:rr.c:rnrl lrcxlDlcnt uf l)cr.sons c0l.tilicrl b). 1h|'sel{ctnlon to be r{'si(lcDlJ of lii r,,lon lr (l rrrrablc to Jrn-v forjsuchcalo atxl lrcirtnrenl, in accor.rlarrce Nith Scctioll i.t. ChRlrtct. t,ol the Gcneiirt L:r\ss:ls ntncn(lc(l Lr1. Chapter ?2, Acts of I0Jl.

ll:rrrt ]1. llelchcrthis artickr Le Nnlcrl{lcdr's Gr r',-trrl.

nrotctl ntr anrqttlnrettt thrt tlte srln of

fr,'nr S?0n00 t'i SlO00n "t al xrlrrr''r'

'\ {otc \rls t:rkett olt thc tlirtiotl rs trtllcnrlcd {s follot(s:

votcrl: 'l'hat thc strnr {'f Sl0'000 be trflnsfcrred fronr it\':lil-

:tLh' frtlrtls ilt llle tIr:rsrrr'! for lllc I)\lrchrtsc of \vrll lrorxis or utlcr

llolxls th:tt re ltgal irrvr'stnr':nts [or s:rrirrtls ban]is lo e r'''"'tl post-$i|lt rchatriiitation fitrrrl iIl ccoxlance ri'itl thc !)rorrsrlN

of Ch:tptcr il..icts of ltl,l:J.

,\r'ticlc {}. On llro nroliotr of l'incolrt C - IJ0rlhtt'

^\'otr'l:'l'hrrt $10.i00 l,e rnisrd Dd lrDplul,rintetl for thc l)url|u:' "' ',','r."i,ri.-,i'" prci, nl I irrch ,r'ni., riir," otr I';{0rgrt'{rn s{rccl $1rn

fl l0 inrh \\'lller ttlllill

Page 10: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

Arliclc 16. On thc motion of tlarry ll. Bclchcr, \'oted:'l'hat g10,000 ro$'avnilnltle in Frco Corh bc nppro;)riatcd for thcusc of iki ,\s:icssors in thc rcductiol of tho lax lcit'.

\\'hen lhis trticlc \rns originnllJ'takerr rlp, no ntotion \rrsnrr(lc: thcrcforc, no lrctio \ro$ tsker. Afler r\rticle 23 nas

Irclcrl orr, Ot ft,r ll. sfxrzi nnrlod [o rcconsidcr this nrticle.

Article l?. Ol1 thc tiotioD oi ll rl C. I'ttttltling, Voltrl;'l'h t lhe surD {,f $:i,600 lre r$iscrl and llpllroptiated to lr} tlst{l

for t'rtendinF lhc rvitcr ntain ipproxintlltel-r l'600 [c'ct on GrtrcStr€et to thc t)rot)ertl'of l.:srl C. l)llrrl(ling.

,\rticlc IS. On tlrt nrotiorr r)f \\'illirrnr ll. l'o.t, \'o1.'l:

'lhrt thc Stlcclnron Lc arrl hcrcby nrc lulhorize(l lo c(cpl iar

the'll^rn a gift of SlSt:il far lhc purpo$c of cstrrLlishing a

l,'l;rg llrui, th{r ftrnds to bc pltccd in the keclring of thc To$tr'l1t'l-surcr lrtt(l :(lnrinistsrc(l joilttt lrf thc Sclcctnle , ln(l thr'

'11)1r 'lio;rsurcr. thr! inconlc or lrtinciprl or Loiltto Lc ltscd tor

thc purcha|sc. rrplecp or rephcenlcttt of 8tr ''\nlericrn l'l:rg

for thc lol\D:rtrrl for suldrli -scrricc in ordcr thnt lhe l-lng ora]'

bc tlropcrlj- distllll] a{i.

l'kt11 l'rrttrl

\\'c (lt{' rttl(lct.iglr{11 rcltresentin( thc forlnel liitlgstutl Socisl

Chrb. Kirrt(sL,,tr ('hlrtrlLcr of (lonrnrt'rce:rnrl liinFslo|l lJots Clrtb'

tio in thcir bch lf pre-rctrt lo tllc'l'o\rn of l(irlt{sto the stlnr of

$151.:tl for thc purl)osc of csttblishirrs I Flnx Ftlnd'

'l hi-c fun(l is b be in the ct|tto(ly of thc 'fo\\: Trc:rsurer' :rnd

the incotltr or_ principtrl or both to lre llsc(l to purch:rsc an Anlcr-

ic:rD I''llg, arl(l to rcl)lrrcc ,qnnrc l:hcnetcr thc Sclcctmcn a|la

'l'rclsut_c. in thcir jotlanlcDt (lcelll it [(lvis:rl,le' If, t|[ aIL\' tilre

thc inconrc shoultl bc glelttcr than thc:lnrollrlt licces-q:rr]'lo pllr-

ch sc lllgs, thc c\ccss irtcotile nuty be uscd for thc rcpairs ano

paintirg of lhc llag t)olc irrcluding the roplaccnrent of sxnte IDecessary, irn(l for the rephccnlctlt of thc h8ltrrtls or care "'thc llctnorixl Irlot.

It is thc intention of the donors thatlhis funrl nrny bc addcdto, lry nnJ' individunl or orgnnizitlion nt any time if thct so dcsire.

It is thc desirc o{ thc (lonors (hat ihc flng be tlisplal.ed o|lthc'l'orvn llng pole (luri g the propcr hou,s of evcry st:rte rn(llntiorral holiday an(l or cricry pleaslll day duriltg thc peliorlfrom April l9th throlgh Novembcr llth.

l). C bot Ilushtonllcrl)crt L. ClnssFmnk r\. Ilandnll

,i\rticlo 19. On tltc nlotion of l)orothl IlalhaiYal., \,otc{l:Thnt thc to\rn rnise an(l rp|ropri tcthcsu of t165.00 to coi'erreliremcnt pn.r of lcnchel.s $ho h{\.e leeu called to serre in thparme{l f()rces, in flccor(hnce i\.ith ChaDter ll! of the Cenel.alLa$s of il|ts-\rchllsett.s, l0.l:t.

,\rlicle 20. On thc nr,.'tion of L urcrrcc ll. Iiurnhnnl, \!ote{l:'l'hrt the torrn rnisc ard appropriale thc stm of g,100.00 to corerthe cxpcnse of \tocrtiotrnl ltduclrtion in lgl,t for lcgrl re.-\identsof I(ingston,

.,\rticle 21. On the rDotion of L:tnrcnce Il. Ilur. hafi, \toted:That tlte torrrr rlisc an(l ll)proprintc the sum of $1i0.00 to belrsrd iD grading Rt lloNlan(l,s Linc School.

Articlc 22. 'l'o scc ii lhc lotvn teill \-ole lo rlise anti appro-pri(le a sunr of nto|lcJ.' to cosct- tlc l)urchilsc oi a llarcel of l rdas r f ture school site. .\o ,rolto)t )l,l/c.

.\rticlc 2:l- On ihe moiir,n of l,xure ce Il. Butnhanl, \iotfll:'Iirt the to\n raisc lrrrrl a1r1,ropri:rrc g20.i? to lr;r1- :rD unp:ri(lblll fot tltitio to Illa \\'ct n)Ltuth Vocltion:rl School fronl NovenFlr'r 90th, IC.lU, lo DccsnrLcr 2Jr(1, 19.t3.

Articlc 24. Orr lhc nrorion of trnra A. llullitti, \'ote(l : 't hatthc follo\\.ing fluDr.oprirrrion l,rl;Lncrs bc closcrl out to Surplusrtcte||ue:

- 16-

Page 11: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

' $2.t0.s0







To adjourn.



'l'oND llouse l'ixttl csI'oliec Utiif.tt ||]sI'olire llrtuiIrtrtlrrtI'lllica ,\-c\r (il lris.r'lilr(-..1 I"il cs.-latltlilnDL-rliI lr'rilth-lirlrlil)tnt'rrtI I i,jli\rnt.-l':(ttli!nlcrltSchlxils trlrrirrtonrtrrcr-l ll.l2Srh(rrl l':(trri!nn'rtt-l !)'l:\\'.t'ks I'r{rf l crs r\{lnlitlistrlrtirnl\\'. l'. ,\. Stx'rirrl t'ill{'l,l'tirlxi-)0ti.0Il0 (;i|l. -slrrt{lt)it)c, o{c,

On lhc trlotion of lrillirrnl )1.($:li) l'. il.)

,trtirlc 10. 'lk clicrs' llctirentcnt

lrliclc 20. \'ocational lirhrcfltion

Ariiclc 21. Grarling-Ilo$'lantl's Lnne School

rlrticlc 2il. Unprid Ilill-\'oc!tl.ional ErlucaIion



,Articic 8. tloDds ro lrc t{ken fronll.'rcc C sh $ r0,000,00

Chnptcr 00 to be takctlfrom Frec Ca-<h :1,000.00

l'rec and nnlppropri-lrtc{l cash 10,000.00

'lbt{l of the tbove

Totrl flnrounI to be ri|iscd bt taxation, \totcd:


To\s[ Clerk.






$r?.r,23$..r? -



I'osl, r\rticlc

i\rticle 16.'l'lrc votc clrccktr' u;rr Gcorgt '1. I'rltlt.

l,t7 tr,l{:t.s pr.csc i-i,5 nrcn :l d :}2 $ol 0n.

Stuno4t al lir ?'or|rr .lfcclitrt

lltl(lset lt"rtts, \ide{l

l,f,i ,\'lr,!rrrl- lo l,r, lr |lifeIr, rl

.'\rr:"uDt of llu(lgr,t lttntji to lrc r i"!c(l lrt'l rrr:'tiott

A rticle



,\ lticle









Ch:r!t..r 00


11':rtar-lltergrecn StrcljI

\\' ier-Suntnrct' Streel

I'olicc lla(li.'

)los{luito Control

Jordxn Ilospitnl

$ 1,r0.203.!t








Page 12: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

I)rtoJnn, I.tox, 2

,lnn. 3

Jnl|. 19

J:rtr. l'JJrrr. l3Jrn. l7I,'elr. l:Ji\1ur- 2

lllnr. 6

Itnr'. IIlar. 0

tlr. I Itl:rr. lll\ltr.29llnr. 2?

i\ pr, ?

Apr. l0,\ lrr'. l.l.,\p!'- ts/\l,r.27Il!ry l2

BIR1'ilS ltItC0trr)ttt)Nalre

J)nn;r (1,'icbrook I lirrt.{;r'r(lorl [,cr! .-\lrtoliotliLl:r: ia l1:i: ic llq'rti*rr:rri.r',i:r r''xrirtii terita:rg,:li,.i i!o 'li'sc}h .llrtinri, J..i\3!irllil I.cc I itlrLatlr'

.(:;l irilfil I..a. l'irrtrof:rit-i:i il Sr.lrrrr llar:tirtlli .|:']i'l h Itaul ('ushnrl|lll,r'r:u l.r.c tii l:id+n I

.t on|l l',ifluic haenI i]Johl O::cnl JolrltsotlI)iala ]llllo'la-E$ilnr.iItltth tiri(l ltitchcUCt,nr,hir -,\trnc ]lerrtIrr,rtdri llry Crindini\\'nlt,:r (irr1. .;\nloniotli-.\ l:it:r tlanilitit Silr.lr.rnrtc.

'\ ll\!rL liut)rocirtili"hnr,!,\rrh4rr), )lnlor:('.tr,L!i ..\il$tl licr|.],li;l r'.rn li!lilte liv{'rririrt

l':ri$ilrrl I'rruiris l"eirb;rnkr lhutlltt arxl Ka{hcrirl: [.orrircI"r.rniir llliipt" ( u.lrrtl&n nrrrl .\l:rrr- Lottisc Nnr.lll)ilu J(,liri (jlri,l,,ni nnrl llcr.crl). Lorrisr. llrrrKt,.rsI{.Jt:.!r lir'(!t}rtrr :rrrd l.ivl'lirtr ottcfir',,rt:'. I.t. J'rirrr-orr :rurl l,,,nrl ll. .\tctirrrvlrrll.t:trirlo 1,, 'fn3silnri :ruil lrl:r l;', \'ickurson\\'jrrlerr il'rrl,.:rl Ilit('hlil iiri(l l.lthlr t.ilL,1. \yr.lls\r'r'rrrrrr: l.r:rrr,.ir ll,.rr1- .,,,1 lilsi,, l,orricr, ltontil;" r''t(' ,\li. fi:., ( rtl,lirri, .1r.. {rrr! {icrtrrrtir' l.'lort,rrct, Irrrtnnnrlllrr|'r',\rrt.,rri,,ltr rrrr,l Illrr; .lrrrrrrrr:r (:hrllrrckJ{,hn Jr<(rljit Siirn nnil lllr.y .\rrn Itcr.a:rgt-toJ,,ir l.lrrrr.: ltrr|'11., 111 rrrrrl r\ilr IIny,\Lrrrricr.l'lrr11orrr .-\ rrrirfir -\tnlofi . rinil r\r:rlr3'l.h.rrrl$Jtrllrrrrr'l I'crry r:)il {.r,':i'!-, f{nr..! \'crdoltil,rrrr-!i .\1, "'r,. ll,.rr l.ir.r.rs,,n nril l!(,i-i!tlr-1, i\ln-r i:olrl,

IN Iit:{(;S'r'ON r,.0li 'r'ilti YE.,\n. t944\'lrnlcs r|{ ['tr r(.nt-3

ll;rlr';. llirsl :rnrl llt'lrrr ljlizabr:th lttilc-vl,'rarrk l,r:ruls 1\r:toniotii rl{l ClijlrlaL{e Itt,len llork.\ r:o:l ir:r, .\lrin !:l r:uri ar;ri .\l :rri,:,\!lta;nr:!i..r llt.'lisl$Thrrtl -r llol PL \':rnlariKr:li l r:rl l.),rro! ily l,oubit Johlrs.rtr,.1!lotr .losct,!r flstilzi ar:ri Ilartlrl ltay llotir!t.Ioln )lrtriiri llnrricl: l.'rh.!.it aril I'crrl lllnnchr: llcssic 'l'etollnuiri ii. l,ilrrr{tnl tQrl l,cliri;r l.t(irin

\\ alchcl

l)n iellrl' 15

Na rncliol, l,ol)cr llor ljrntoil'{nl {:hristian Sltolyslcndllialo Clor:ia \iicr.a

lluth l,urrL

lloclt lr ,\rgqlinn 'l'lrornnsllrrttlii,l Dttialtl Not'wayl'flnl Znclrnriflh crrrhnir rl

|\"rinrc!:r of lrnr.c,rl:iCocrll.L. Snlto-\ ntxl l,:utr.t lhl'bor.l.\r'thur \'{leitrtin.! Shi}$stcilrl &!ld lt4rnth}, Ant{:li0,\fnntrel \tienr norl ltrl.!. (itoriii C:rt.,r!(ieurrar: 1.. Lunt, .lr. nrrrl l'hclnra l. ltr,rr.,-Johtr 'llrourris 6p1l H611'n11' ,\tlbcl \\'illilrrrsouiYillinl \YtIlhtct Nolsrrl' :rlri []oritic liit:r lirr.rurriflnf!rr,:, \\illlln,$ a'r,.1,-.-- nr,r tr.i..;-

\\'et'Lc r

Page 13: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

trltrr. l!lhrr'.2?,\It., ?

.\}l'. l0,i\llr'. l'l'\ttr' lE3\lil'.':?i\t a1. l2

ii5tihirr r\rrrrc trli'rrylltrlnltr )lr]. (-\r!l.lirri\\':rlt1, r- ( ;Ii.,- r\ri!r'ni{r! t i:\rit:r (l;111rlin.- 511t,.J r-r!rra.r! -\ll'r. rt lll||r.(,(.hLlii;lr;r lr! A:illrln). llalorrr:Jt'Lri,\il:rri t't.r.r.yIi rt r cri l,:lrii|lr l,:v.r.,,'r

).i,':;r:;u; l.'rarr,:i; ll..rr1. arri! lil;i* l,otrirrr .\lrirtfiI,r' tx,' ,\li'',r.., l rrrrrlrrri, Jr :rrrrl ri rtrrrrlr. l..lorrttc( l' tnrtnrllIrlri .\r.t,.rri,,:U irrll :.1.,r\, .lorrrrrrrr tlhrllrtckJiiiur Jr<n'F| -\::!l lh,l ,11*rl. .,\rrn Irlr.atrlleloJ,,hrr l,lrrrr..-, ltu,!..\.1;t lrrrl ..\il: lla.,- ilrrrr,L:r-llt:rnnr, .\rr,lrrr< .\tlrlorr! $rrrl -.\rlric:,l.lrtirirng,\{',!it.f: I'r..r-: ;!!:,t { ruo:int. .\llr_r \.cr.rirlii ,1 ,,r,.r J1 ,,.'1.,.r,,,\ L!, '..,:, :,r,t I'or.,lit.!. Itrr! t..,t,l,

l)sloIlay 1ri

llay 20

llay 2ll

Jurrc I

.lulc 3

Juno 6

June 6

.lrure IJuly 0

Jul)' l0Jul), l9Aug. ?

.Aug. 22

Sept. ?

Scpt. ?

Sctt. l8Scpt, ?tSc|t.28Scl)t.20Oct. 2

Nov- l9Nov. ?1


Nsrtollo-r' l-6pil. Dos Safltorf'nll Christinrr Sh0r'istcarll)iarro (ilor.in \f icr.lItuth LunIItorll'n rlngclinr rl'horrrns

l)ctrnis l)cltld Nor*,ayl'nul Zaehar.inh CushnanllilLeIt. l,:volctt,ldnllrsItuth llllis,Stt|rtcvstrtI.!ro1',,\ntholy ilftrlinl,ilrvlld Urbin l)cgnruissqltr, Jr.,l o"vcc llliznbeth DycrSlatrl.!5' licrloth lrelon(lIlrlrrk Silvt.,\rn tltvott Jltrobsonll,rl'crL,tocel)h Cr\'ncco(lalol .lcrn'l'nmutinol:ils rrlrl Llhtrlo-s rllclltrrusIlichald I lcnr'.\' llrltrgu[iSt(.lth.,!t llossillaric.,\ln llllboniStcplten \Vninrvlight Picrcc( lnltrl ;\nn 'l'htrrshct'l,llic l"t lrrcirr ltar.vclli

N*ltnrsii ol Pnl.cntsCIrcs:rr 1.. Snltos Ilu(l l,lrur.lt I|rll.bo?n.\tthtrr' \'rrlcirrtirrt. $iho!\.stco,l rrrrrl ll,,r',rthr. -.\rur.lirr \\.ccbcr.tr[ntrnol Vict.it anrl ilnr]i (ilorin (:!rtori(;eorso L. l,rrrrt, Jr'. nnd 'Ihclnrn I. ltcrryJohrr 1'hqmr$ an<l li'lortnrc llntrcl \\:illinrnson\\'lllirrtr Wlllnco Norrrnl. trul Colnio liit,.r l(ecnrrnOcor'f,r' \f illillr Cushntnrr arrrl Dot.is lnne llotrlcn

- licttuollr l,l. ,\Llalrs arrtl llclcrr Lyrlin 'l'rrrgr.r.stL'rril' t'. Strtrtovtrtll orr(l Jlltrc lrtrr.i|lgt.rnllnlitt l.'tlnt:i:s ll4r'tin lur.l ,\<lolilo I'tlrlcr.r pcr.nt,rl'jtltvtttrl [-ilbirr I)i.slcuiriscrrrr rrnrl _\lgclinn nr.,V l,crr:,iIl(l$rr.rl \\!rrl.il Dyer.trrrl N,:ltir li. Itlssctt\Vcldo[ l,]lnror.c lr.clnt|d

'tnd r\tbct.tu llo|l|llit|c pcck

Sclctino Silr.t lln(l ltrt-y i\ll?zilli\\'oorlro$, Ilichlrr(l Jncobsorl tnd Cl,nthirr llttrcti Il:rilcyJoscph -\orrzn (lnvrceo trnil Anncltc lloslurtr{ lloltof!{elloris I'hilip 'lirr.tnIino !rn(l j\t&rji llitn liir:rlrlo.lrrsclh li{ynronrl trlclltrtlus cn(l .{Dl-y ltnrgucr.itc nrcotnrnIlenIy Joseplr llrl{guti lln(l ildl.c(l [,.r,rnecs \\rrlr.ehnnrS&rrt{r (ieorgo llrrrsi trntl llclcll II{rr.rictL llurlellcrrry [l. ll lboni nIrtl Cur.oliuc.A. Coroni.,\lbctI lr. l)ier.co, Jr. nn(l .,\nlt \\', I]ittingcr(icorgi: lilrfar.rl'l'hr.flshcr. llrxl llnzcl \yirrifr.erl l*l$-or.tlsl,oui$ J. trln!.vclli ll|ld ilnirrhl (i, .l'lssinat.i



Page 14: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

DatcDoc. 3

f)oc. 8

Dcc. L1

f)cc. tgDec. l3Dcc. 16

Dcc. l0llcc.27

Nalto,lo-ilnc I'orrcirtrCnrol l,ca WestgstcSsndro !;lizfl be!h r\ndcrsorrllclvin.,\llnl Chorrlllary;\nn florbozr.\ lfrrtl l)nvirl l)orueh, Jr.]lsrr(rirc( linrily llnydcrrJolrn llclono

Or'\I IS$ tONS i\ N Il,' Nflnre

Jiichri rrl Crctiitori

I.en{r lfin{cr

Nnntca o[ ptlrclrts,loscllr D- Fr'ueirr anrl l)clilr N.,r-ntnl,rrl!r{nrrc ll. \\'estgatc $rrd l-eln l). Nnnl6Z,ril.'r'nrrk (=1.,\rrdcr-qorr nnd llliztlrth,,\uir'fatldiir(lhrrrlog l,cnr ('hcrr-v nl(l Itcnrl l.ouisc llenri.,\l-nr:rndo lltrbozn nnd ivellie .t_ younFtl,rnr\ lfrr.td lllrvirl Ihrsch nnd l;'loronrc illaric lltlrlJ:ll.rlrtrtnr ltsrkar lln)-dcn nrrrl llnrjorio lt{e l.;\rcllJo:cph lJclnxo rnd livr,13'n Johns

(:(rl t(:1'toNS ()lr t Ii'l'lt$ l,.tttt g'1.111;U

Nnuos ui l\rn:rtts

a;corrlc L:r!-iinoll arrrl Alics..\. [J:tsler

Joiln \f llltr!f lit)(l (.'hl'iJrinil l( tit?.nlirrlirr

Page 15: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

OIIISSIONS i\NIl (l()ttltllCtl.lONS Ol,' tJtr t.llS lrou O.f ER \1)r\RSDttc Nlller{}20

Sept,l2 Iiieli rtl:Clqtinorlr806

llnr-. l6 l.crrt \V intcr

Nntnos of l' rcrrt$

(iqortic L:tTtinotl rrt(l r\lic.o r\. Elslcr : - .':.-:::

Johrr \\'irtter nrlll Lllrlistinr l(ritzrrrrt-Lcr , - i. -

., I'l'iior,rris ll. \';rntrurl'li lrril i)riro!h1, 1,. Johrlron . .. .:....

Stnruel l)ickscn :rrrrl llrrlion l.ussicr. '],..-

.lllrrr .\llrr r'Jlhirri rrrr,l llirrrrirn tllr.ter.i t'.I:lllirtr" l!!lsrvcrth l,hinrrcl' rrnrl l,lliz:rlrt'th l,'rtrnccs .\lnglrrt)ilirr S

| ,: .Joitrr l)itrs rrlil [icolginlr Satrtos t' ''.....,lrrliri: lttck rlld .\llrt .\. Schulitt ',,-_ l

, .:'S('vcrirx) Silrri nr(l i\l tr.,r, trlrrzzilli I ,.1

.Jacob Sutrer rrurl llarlrnlrr ltcchtcl _ :

Nich.lts li, Ziusius irnrl lr'lolillt l.lrrrrrrrtnguc t





llnl- 22100?

llay liilSlitr


i\lcy 22190?

Junc 2lc;J8

llatlrrtt rr l.ouisc \r{ntortioli

llolrcrt l.ldrvtnl l)ickson

t\lLct t l'clrlirnrtrl r\lLe r.ghili

-\r a \\!nllar:tr Irltirrlcv

,-\nr ,Sollto$ l)iris

14dril linrilic l)ccl<

,rr p r. 13 llarrtrcl fiilvtlli03

Aug.22 llrril l,'rcrlericltSutrcr'1r27

Jnn. l3 llolrcr'1,.\-iclrt'lnRZinsirts

Page 16: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

l'c[. li,

fol,. l!



'Tlt'l*ll',ll'i:,iili':""u,, [i[:uii'"9i1,:,','L:ll;.11;, ll';:::.:llo''iliii'J.jl't.:11ir",,,,",,,.,,


"',,ii; il"i';,]-"- l;,;lii;H"_,

"'3:"lf"i,':,:*'ir*1" -tsrf.iii',""(,onr,

"l{'"'iilli.11:}i':' bljii;:jl'-iil.ii:i,l i{,#"}.;l,i,1li iil+;*;' ;:lil./lll.,:,11.'iy"","n. |-,;l:l;;;ll,

'' ;;;,,iilJ'i1,,'1,*1T",.,,u.,,, lclt'*l:"".-.r'irjj t.tu.,t, r,, i. tt.t)nnirt\trr':.,,r1,\L.r't.rry{ ::nrin. }:h:.r Sllrenr,irr:1 lllr::r t,xlr.irx,

lu\iUr'rr, ll a!h tiio(.la:


ntARRrr\ctis ltr,:{:olt l)rD tx ittxr;slrtxl,'oR,t'lllt i.lt^R l0,t I

D.te Nnm.3 noiirtoncc :lrrrriadnt

''' ' ^ii:[1,'3*i;'];ff:i1,."" F;T::"" riinssro,,

''' ' "T:;;rf,:..ifii,,.ilTifi* *ilf:t:l Kinssron

Julr 6 Jirtrca fttr-rflon't f;mnnn. Jr.,fir,,n rinrhr},, *'*' " llffllili" .\. Y. Rinssron

Jtr! 6 ,Iohr 11'.:lrnrlDzr- .r".*,"ti. '{'i srr" l\;lt:,:t;lrchah tln"st'n*'' 'o ""iil',:;:l'"'"xi" fli*,:,J r'\.n,ou,h

Julr ?2 Jofir' t'nt'icr, t|.,,Iirs. uir,r,"ii.iii ,i:.i;t*1,,"i iiilfi;;i, r.ryhnuth

Julr 20 rilirnftt l.nnci! \vnrtt6.tr' ilil:;,.ii;,:'ril.,i;;i.- [,';'f:.# riin{non

'* 'o ,'",'.:,,::,.1:1i'1":'"^lj'";" fifil:; riftHahd*"" u'i1""[,J"l,l!,.":i:1iT:*.,",",, LTfi1?& Kinas,an

crnr. 2t t,nris Sn13irrD.ii L c"rori i;.1,;"* LY!tr

s.nr. ?? t:.1\.nr,t Frnr,.ir :[ij,,n.ttir, rr".; i.,,ii,ii ' fr,Ti.i# Kinsstonorl. :: ltcJrjn l:nrt Ir,tc|:on

.rr,ror., 3a-1i.1 j;oi1 ii ,ii;15i1;:l:[. ***..\rf. 3 !il\.ir,l ,\. (;ittel{i

rr.,oi.c l:. rrolrirri i;l;;# Prj'norrhr-of. ll .r.rin J. Srrlia.. it"ii.iiii,i'ir. c-"r" I#;:n tli''"to!\rr. 12 l.crtic J. t,ojttr^i'ii,i -"iii r"",,,.. h:l(':on nin'iorph

nt linr,tolnh"' 'o "'i,'..u,n{ii,",'i,,,lll}"i:.jL ftllfji;,1','. pr,nbu,h

\o,. t9 a;itlclr l:. Tnrnrcr r,l.rri"".r 'c"iiiiii li;l'.llii Pr'n,ou,hliir. 26 t.'rcJnrn.t r!.illixh ttritd- r...,i,i. ir;;;;;iir;:i;iy lljls:X prym,.u:},

D(r' I lton,.r Snufor,l Titron.t"""i.ii":"]iiii:i.n"rr i-il[8il riin(ston

lltr I t


1l.r :r0"'iii;','tri:: i.1lit;,'l;r*,1..*, ij,Tfili,

t.ilirn !.. Itnrt,^f

"i'','",:ii;-',i' iiJi:,.'; illi:i' " i;ilfir:i;"iffli;,i)':"i:: ..,,." Fil;i;.fii'iii,,').''ilx,:'iri'#lt iilis:t

"'l'.',."tJ,,1f;l1.:'* i',.,,#lll

Page 17: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


Ilct. 3

l)ce, l0

l ir:c. ill



-ei.pf- l6



Ir rrr nk ('. ,\rr,lcrs,'nl'llir.alrth,\. ll'nrlrliri

r\ilri{r:o l,(llliLlt}{l lill3F{tlilfll(itl Arlr-lr. Ilc'l'nr,'

I lrti rt' (l;r*erir (i:tni! illeL:n ll ct''rl lJlilrl

L:0Rltl{CTlr);\ (.)l,l r\.\rr n,'t:+

.11trl+n lili:,:rrrrt\ S.*r.ctllr'1,'lr i;llt;irl,rtlr 'l':u:1J l'' 1'

llA tilltA(lU troR tf):t:l

I i r'.i i'J e r:c {-'

li:i r;g:ir:,irl(lrrfsi:r:i


K;iirgrtorli i q-sfon



li i:ig.:lr;::

+ a-

c!;x-i I

nll:t- l:l

.-oi::,.1 r:a .:.a,

Ii ,-: .;i- n=

Page 18: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

rl 5 !bc x,

3 r E ..-:J:1 3:|rrrr;rn f 5:i;

,1 h h:1.

i'E ii l.


ri ]l


,Isr. l0.hn, 30I,'eb. IIreh. liFttlr. '.11

Fe l). 2.t

l'ct). 2?Ilrrr'. 7

illar'. I)

Alrr'. .l

.r\ pr, l0

.ADr. 1 IApr. 2.1

llay il

Il&y 6IUay 7iUaJ' 2.1

Julrc 2June l2Juuc I ll,runc I r

Jrrrre l?

I ) !j :\ 1l: I I.S

l)ntr: NalrcJrln. ! I ll|rr.e.y S. lln-r:rvol.tnn. il ittnI1' li. l)rie:i

ll llcc)lt l)L't) tN t(lNCS.l'oN trolt.1go

l'. ll. ll. (:illtsc 0f l)e{thn! --. -- ll},.l)ottt&li(, lrleur nrrinSJ 6 29 (-llr.rslh, l\lto..ar.dinl Insuf_

I l(. tcll(.\'ll,5 3 .l ..\ r.t t r.iosclcrosis60 ll 23 Co,.orrrrlr, 'l.lrrorrrlrosis.lN S l.l C,,rr.(lio.rlnsI l)isc:rso0? I 2? (ior.onnrtr 'l.hrolrbosi-c6!l ,l lil Cinslric IL.lllorr.hnrr?t, il ltl Gnsttic Cnlcr,r.

l? -- - Shrrkll8 ti I 'lirbe r.r,ultrgis of tho l,u|trrliS I t5 {:oron!rr.v f)cclusirrrra;l I :: l'rrr,r irr!, 'l'llI.r)ttlLr'sis?:l I ?l ('rir.dior.rg,"a.11l11q. licn:tl I)iscxsc1)0 ii 3 cir.t rrllltor.t, l..rrilrrrc68 5 !l Nrrlrtsthctlill C;r. !.c(|)ti;l .l 6 ( {.rol,nrl 'l,ltr,}ntlx}sis

?'l f) l6 (ior.onlI'y ()cclrrsiorrsti 5 lt 'l'hir.rl l)cgr.cc Ilrrr.rrr

6.1 t lti ('cr.cbrlll IIcnrorr.hirgc80 I I6 ill1'ocrirrliLir6it t; l3 Ccr.cbr.rrl I I orrror.r.lnr:e62 g 24 (inr(,i11onlrt of Ilrc,rSLdtJ - 2jl (lerr.lrr.nl llcrrror.r.lrfigcti5 -- 22 {,'cr.obt.ll llcnlot.t.hrlg.a

'l'l I I,) \'ti:Att l9.l,l

Itrrt ctrl s' ,r_trrrtotr.l,,lrrr .\llxrvr'll nrrl )lrrry {)rossJuh11 llnplo"1t1 111y1

-- -

Jnlrc:r llitchcll nn.l llrry l,rustic..\trrr l), :\nrlor.sorrllos(. lll. licsslerl|lrynrd (.'adoroLte\rirrcerr! (iilli\iil.tor.io'l'lrssirinri,,\dclintrl).0rhlcy

.\i'lntrl(li,'l't(ldinl.)rlrra l,c1}na (;nu(t!iorl.r:,r*iLlrr rloli,.i,Il,'||llfolrl ut.tr l;rllnrri,.r:iJohrr Iit,.k, lt rl.Ianrt's .\1.'l'rrr.ntr.t=lbnklo .,\. \rllcr.itniJohn ll- lft-.t)onllrl

\\'illitlr'l'. {iibb-c.ltrt{)li lirr{lolt}lllirthi:r'ilc \y ilhcna

I.orvlituily 1.. Colr.C.!orr{(: (-1. ('l}ll-.:(t

-,\ |ln! I )ul-t|iontrllrie l'. li:urtcrrrllJcrrnis \\'. llirtagr:r.tJ'

[rt(l .----: __ _{ icJf r.., \\'.'l\!r.lor. I thl I.;lizqbclh Il&rtonl,r;uis \th'r.lrri lnit lllizllrcUr Gignoni,\llrrrr ]lcl)orrrrlri nrtrl Illizrrlret.h lt.

( )'lioh r.l({rI'elllnr L-. (iitlbs nn(l Julin ..\. Prerr:el'hilip \\'. ttudoll)h tu(l r\[arie itJaucr

l.'rtlli (:olra(l nld lilthorirre :\ttcphcclior':rr:c Ilillcr.rrntl llnrity r\. BaitcyStollhqn itl, Ctltfirje n[(l .,\rrnl. .L l)ougl0sJ,,ht| l)t'tcr.t lln{l (:lru.:r l,'utlkN_slcisso Dul)olL anri r\urorc Loptge\\'i1lia1rr Ilrrggcrty nrkl ltot.Nlrc(

I tctltc-f

Johl J, llertttl rind illurrrrrrt .-=-:- =.

(ir.orgc C!tilor.cttc In(l Luniix& Dtrinont.1,,:rr,lh ( i illi arrrl tlotikllr'l'assirrnri.\lrtr-rrtilirrn'l'nssirrnr.l rrnrl Slrrlh jllrriniCtjlts t'. \l'oorlrr,rrr-,1 rrrrrl Ihlosino L.

KcirhIilio'l'lrllirr nnrl r\ lrlrr i\tlltngorliI'r:icl l.), Ode nl(l lasUrer ,\- Str.ln(l I.\n(lrr'\r' t'qc(.hi nn(l Illibor. I,{lvnrrchi tg1.,..'.1, t.-,..,..^: _:l.l.,rct)ll llrDrru(ci rtl(l ilor.ic :

Page 19: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

Illt'\'IIIS Itli:colll)ltl) IN IiINGS'llo N.- Jrolt 'f lll4 \'lil"\It l$'l'l -- (li)nlinttetl ..

,l$rc :12 John Rcllcl. .! ,l ll llorlsinrr.1it.is rr:rl (J|hth:rlrnitit.lohn liellc;- iru(i Ju+ti!i+ \l'illi,s!rrs-

Jrr|r. l Jonnic S. lltrbtrins iii ; l'l tltt tr:in..rtrt n oi I,ir,er Jtrsr:ph S. llal,lrilis arl.l l,l|cy }l' I..'llton

.Trly li llcni! ll. Sartrpsori 5t -l li' "\rtlrit'stlcrosis "\rcl Il' llsntpscrn ond Jrrl:n ll' Ilttnt

Jull 11 l)rriit. liogtinni ;i5 ll 'l earcini'ttrn of St{r4}rech P4'11psi1 l"ogliani sntl '---..- Cuslcl'lini

July l1l .,\r.tl[lr \\" l,ifl\!r! si i 'il tihrotrir: ]tyrrcrirditil Js.tres l]. I'ion:r' nrrl '\lsrthn t.1' lLirker

Jrrly :li lrigclilr l.'. llutli,,i !!li $ t (llrci,rorlrn of Sfo,ttittth (;ttctnxo ll$llloni rnd I'rrrrlinu Rnlnni

..\n{- lgi }lrr5 1,. i'lr:rrr<lltrr iilr 5 ll 'lr.tit}onrli

of fitotrr;rr:lt lltt{'l \\" L}unbrr od Ilnr}''\' lirlhrqp

sdtlt. 2 \\'rltir \\7. Iaii:hirr I I ll ll'ul'crctrlorts iltcnirrgitir \1'ftltc!'-llich.tcr ari{l }l{ri{trrs" I}arry

scDl'.]:lI.-|or.ll,-\grrt'sSt<,rrrl|?.1-''.1l}1l]5|in$|oll.<tructi<,rltJrIilltrl.rril}|!nr|sor.!liI}IrrnBl'!.srl,t. :ts oitilid --i(.llerrsehU ti'..i ti i; [:s.rillat]u of li-ropheglr chri-.ti:ln stuer rt:il t're<tcritkn slill'f'Or:1_ I lilh \\.. ,\tc..ill ?l ll i? .,\ r( c rioscl*r.rtic llelri l)irr-ai.' S"-'l+tlll llavie ntiil lllizrr 1\'. Wolht'ilrn

tl:i, .{ \f iltiarrr ll- l'h,Ir}x* il I li t'hrr'ri.- }lyttrrrlln} ltrsuf' \f iliiarn li' 'l'hontn'+ s:rti o}itt' \f' I' iicictlcy ffltt nr--t'l I

Or.t. i:j :\lic!i :\. \\nrrl ?? 1 '10 f'nrclioc li'nilttre \\'illin[r .|\' ILtxrit n:rrl t'nth"rirt('l)rvicr 51

()ct- 2i {=:tik!t, \Yi}thr-,)t! {:hr.i|k: ltl.r)cn&linl lqsui. ,lnrRt \t'lritirr,{ alrl Flrrtrt;o '\(lnlic ,'f .*- ' - - \\ hithrg ?lr 't !l flcicncY' - :^

oct. ?ti I'rr.Jtthrtl llrtltnrr {il I 12 Ccnrlrt'nl lletrttrrhrg.. Itr Joh&[ lflgtrt:rll tr:rl llatmn llorrrrnr

;i; -i r.,,iris t)unni i3 :i err rurrrrorrarr rirrrr'lr r"i,,.:ilfi,,?,ljllj o,rd A.lclliilc.' - , '

Nori. ,t \!.illirrrl ll. (::rlt .!{i ri I (:cr{bnrl llrr orrhrrio lli'ntl}' C'tttttl nnrl '\'ln Jol]!rso11. . ,.;;;. ii .r.'c!lic I.^ !,r,r'r,!l ?{ !i lo L:or{,r}riry Orcluiior! '!*.clth \Ylllllrls sthl llclen Kilr'r!'ll:

' ir;;. l, lt.lx,cc:r ltlnnl: !6 -- - ,lr{trichopreurloni:t - --"- \\ittllol! nnrl -\lnrln Srcuin '

ij"". iS teh:ilro{l pron}i ry.4r1 Sl 2 13 .,\ rt crlo*clc nrtir llrtrt llist'n:c lclttboii \focrl lnl }t t..'}' I'crry

l'()ltltliC'l'tO]- ()1" '\ I)l')rVl'll lr0Ii l0'l:il)rrlctl) l:| :it1'nt'

tl:t. ?.1 i.::iIi!: fl. iit|litlrY. ll. ll. (':Irr:tr! t)t l)onlhs| i' ',.t,1'r:rl !lIr'r,,t'rh:tK"

l'rr!r, i,t'N:rrlr'rL'.,irItlr {i 1.. l,rrht}!r,{ rrrr.l ti.!.:rr ll.

i ,, i. '.ll(i tj( rt((; t.; \\'. r'r:SItlt.\N,liJrrr! (,:L,t.li,

{tll''iiiiltiiiiliiiitlili?itlCl t-

Page 20: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

. :: ::::::':-

,.' 1, : l',,.':





-llaik'3'; I.ttd t,.llriill'5, l,nivreticcI;itlttn, J5lmes N.ilrorrLilgs, Eugenc .1.

iarirr'eil, 1\tiilianr l.i.

fe!lc]', Ortin fi..ltillarzio, l\f illitrnrG;t:'uii. Irlirrro S.

iiiar:rniiitcr,. .,1ngelo .,\.

Age I;)mplo1.nrr.n l

67 \l:onr,,er

6B (_lrn n Lcrr -1. Grou.r:r.

33 issl. I)rr-;rluctiorr trtgr..rtt'l.r I Jfl t t.j-t nir,)t

;l.l fl rain Saiesnrnri:'i$ Ilefrr:--t \\:or!:r:rjilJ f r;i;i ln.!,r.. )1,.1.s|1n,,1:15 l,arv,r.+ r-

,17 (i:r r-1;r-:ltrr

!.7 irf iil lVarkcr

.,\ ddrc.cs

106 Snntrner Sircc tB re.,r.ster iloatlIi rcr'..ster Iloadiltl ilaplc Str.cci\\'aJ;pir:e IioatlS tr *:rncr S!,r.ecl

I ? l:lr'r'rgr.rr:n St r-ce!iicrr:cil;., Ii oatli)l f,a rliin:1 it*ari2?l ,1Ia in StreciJl;rirr Slrcc:,I'r:i:irr.ol11 ;!1;.gq,1

:.'iS f,ia in St !.ectIiiver Rorrd

6.l Etergr.e'_.n S tleet\\'esL.Sirr-elI i5 ]I:r ir; ,streetOfI'f.,r'ergrecl St rr.r L

Irt r':rbrr;I;e ,Si 1ss1,

{.tr}' ilain Sirr:e L

-ltilln,\il.Eet:\Iai:i Sl rtrL1\'l;ipi1g ll11dIr t'.,'.Jn{_'rt Sr l.C,f t

ij i'r,',ri; -! | t'i:r--t

i {|0 SiJn-r!lr-1, Si roelil-r -{irritiililr S ircoLI'i:r;;lry4lqs g11.'r-,1

l:t Siillltite I Stf,:Lril'i.nl l.!I{i!:t S t-feet

S.i -s u nr:rti: r Slrli:i


{ilir--s, I,arkr:r r\. :ii Scirr.1::rl.i.liarrri..ir, IlnroLi Ir. .l:t Ir, [,.,,.^ \\,r,r.k0riioinre.e, Roger,.\. tl {-rilhs,.. !irnpio-rr.air;,'r:c, ltarshlrll \\'. :ll t,lrrirn..rt:aI ..lt.tisil=ori+r, Ilusscll C. ,10 ij,l,i :liinlguf."lar li c'r:z.ie . 1\'illiarn Ii. ;;fi .i.rurk llrirerlfrilantrs, [rrrrnci:r I'. l?,.\:-.r_..s::qr.il:rgl;:thlin, pliilcrnari G. -r,.r .fael;in:r

i: r.i.]!arlclli, Louis J. :Jl ,\sst. l,.ircrl"Iri:r:<, 1\.illinlr l,, .li) {_,rrrriagr: lirnpli;yee-ciirrlrJr.:, J,Quis N. 4? (l,rrriagc llnrplo.r.ecSitirhari, Niclrola:+ Il. A:l {.or.rlnKi, iiniriL.,r.eoS:rrrlr:ri .1[crtari l). .,19 FrrrncrTli;;;t1;15,.\or:nnn Fl, ?,J Insurlr:i:,-r.-\grr.r:iT,iliiri, I'aul li. 39 Jliil \\.i_.r!:er.il'lf ;:;nin1, !,.rirq.*r.'4

",tJt.) ijg Irr,=i:rl l:,-*1,lo5.t,r:-$$i. itairn Jl. :j,t l1.fi:i---c \l.r-,r.j.:r::.ll'ii:a|, lllrr.i' \\,.,,ir. ?l .i.,r.;,e.,r.r.ii,:r.St_::i-:rq:


.r i'ilgltilll, J. l.cllr,.r j.].1 .\l;r,.irirri.t,. -',:',,,,rrr, .J. J.Cl((,.r. j.li .\l;r,.irirriri

l;thn, llou':rr.rl l. 3O :.1.,11, \ti,'t il I'(l l. 30 i.r1l:.r, .\l;111..rgr,1.


Page 21: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

___:J0 _ :


In ntiki g this tclrorl (thc thir.(l n (lcr \vflr col(litinn{l ,.,,.Sclt.irrrn id,l lh:rt rhr,\. ulrst tlrlt xi\.c $rrilrl,lc ,;.d;;,l.r,;;tlx'sr.. \vllr' lt^\'c L] lltrit. cr'0pr.rjrliorr nr,,l rritti,,,{,,es.; t. ,..,if.r la'\or'l tn.ir ncrunl (tnlk,r.

^ll(l ,-if l,,^t ";,rrL;;;;i;;;; ;;:it tlosii,iie to nrorr' e0icienll,v carrt orr.

(tutJtJtndir|tl i|'l]otlg lltcrc firc:

;"'",15,ti.11,1"",1,:1,}; ;iff ;l15i,,Il;i fil:l"n<ri*res,,,,ins

,,.'. lili:;.1'l:,;;"J1,;l,llj:.;,::,1, l:,",:i:,,f.,;: r;il,:iihill;iil'#[l*;'lr,ritlil,$ili ;i,*lmrc(r,,.\v.,.c, {ha{ i,

ll *il i:i:,!:ii,:';:*J,T :i'{ili"ll: 3iilil",",,1l,",,"j1i,:jli"ll:,,,',j,illjJ?l'l::l'1,.|,;i l5li:1fi ill

*'.r"'i,'". ",,i i'n"j

::. -31 _-

(;. lhlxrPr lloltncrl''rcd 1,. ll0ilcl,

llo8or ,\. llol rcsI(ni lt0t.lensenllrrrrl:rll S.'l'honrpson

Orcitr l,(,lletir,r'l ht rrr,r k of ('i\.ilirn l),.r'{,trs{r, unrl(r ,\lh,rt ll. llrrlrne.r, .,n,1

lhc l'(il't iulx)ttnll rsork of our locll lvar I'ricc atlri ttlfi.rriiirSortr(l certnirl)" descrrr orrr thfl||k.s l'lrl lhc thfinhs of o r tolrns-pcopl:. 'l'hc locnl -stnle {;ui:r,l (;roup nrlcr. Cilpl. CL;rrlei $,-l;rrr'tatrcc Lls irn ser.crll occ;rskrns lrtr.n 61 r.1,r." gr.rnt hcip,

(;lr.v's llollch l,ark slr rrscri ;r grc:ri rlcal rhtaing thc junr-uer lrJ' oltr o\vD t(,rstrslrr\'pl(, llnd l)-r tt| tr-r outsidcr.s. .l.hc s$in-nrinr: frruililic's sholrl(l be inrproved. One of oltr post-\r.rn. Ir(i$1rnliry ri'i:ll br thc lrrriliinlr ol sorle kirrrl rrf I Llrthiou*, inst.ljln-tion of xln||sr_ntcltls trr lc chihlrcn. slch lls string,r. elc., :rndgcncrll intl)rorcnle t .rf the gro||n{ls. llr, Iinril Snuer ir:rs lxenpttt l-linlc clllclllk(x. rrt thc l;oach ilnd it is intcresting to Doir ilrltte c{runtc(l rluring his iinr!: lltcrc .t,S00 btth(,ni lr,r{l 1,.100 carj.

L:rlc itl tho -\.c.r .\lich&et ll. trtc(;riih fo n(l it rtc(cj-sart tntcsian his iDsiti{nt xs jlrnitor of 0rc'lbND Ilous.. ltr, llccn,thhtd frtithfull-r serve(l thc torrn in thfll cnplrcitt for rbout si)it.flrI'cnr.s. lt \!lts \yith sincorc rcgrct lnt -roltr Setcctuc accelia(llrs restgnttion. llr. Itntil Siluer. rva.s lppointc<l j nilor iD ]lr.Itccrath's t)hce.

. 'l'h(.'l'o\\'tr IIousc is iI ncc(l of l)flil|t. Irottr insirlc flnd out.It.ts :rlso ncccsslr..v to rnakr, sonrc roof rr.|:lirs. ,l.he roof $,,rk$illh rc to Le donc in tgd5. \1'e lecl thltt iDflsnluch ns thclolrn

lvlLLIAtt f,I. pOS,l,, ChairnrahJOIrN J. OORE,PF]RCY I\" BAII,I'Y,

Bonrd of SeleetDlen.

Page 22: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

llonorsl,lc llo;rrrl of Sclcctnrenl(irtgston, llnss|tchuscttsCcrrilerrrcl:

'llrc rclxlrl of the l,olifc l)(,l,nl.trnfltl isJull-r strl)[lilte{1, I his rclx,t.I is ft.otn JnnutrJ-ber ll l, lt,l.l.

--- 33 _Sotkos ot Intandcl, Sale or Trnnlf.r nf v^,^ris:or lcrmltr l*ri . .

-' ." '1"" ur rroro' Y'hictcs rslue,l

Suri[ onsos Sahcd tor Our of To$n loticc5:Br Doss Dcs(torerlUs! of Policc A;rllulancd " .

l'r.ait Coliasca lnstccte,t





hcrewith rcspctt_I, l0.t,l to l)rc(.n1.








S l:l!.i',1




Rc-sl)ectf ull.y submitted,

fli:,ffi $;ji"*,iig 1ililFil{dlrr ff "r, $#i

t,l.5T Ot..Ot rl;NcEs

Irririn,r i .\taror tchi.lc \l,rlc htoricrrall).iri.( n }tolor V(Ii.h 1r lin,tingcr t.{fcLri!inr n ll.,r,r \'rhi.le ;\_o( tr.inr: ,.i(ntc.tOtI(' )lct4 \1'}liita t-nu.3 \.iotntc(t

Ib!nlllo1.,. \it.i.lc Orr.hlor.a ItNt(.t trn.l $arhcllJIir6r \,hr"i t)l-rilnr's 1.,(cr1,,r Sa.r,ctrrtr\l



Chief of police,

l-i.LF"! f.' rl,t -snlc d{ t,ntu,r -su,prnd.,t .,r {tonrr,tninr ot l,nlirc

lltstoslTr0.\ 0!. ti\st:si,,'ur'.r i,, I ;i"s itrrr,,.oti\hlunr lt.rrrtrrd r! To$trIJi,trri.. , 4 .,,r It,.tu, ,r Li ( ,,,nt,t.r,r,int

,tolcr:.{tl;ul (ix,ht..'jutri,xlst s-Fhr(r,.r !! rl. .u.( of t.o,r(rn,r

Jr t s(.!: t. t, A .\- t:O U SluldhoLil(s Ta,|l:.,t ro. \'ie:itiotr of .l,a:rn .t.ratri. r.!$:ecbr!!lnirr5 fnrcsrisrtLdlloror Yet'cle,\cctdcnt5 Itrtrtirit{\t

Page 23: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

Jnnl|!rr,I,4, loliIlortoraLIrl llo;rrrl of Si'l:r:lrrrerr


l)urin,j the l):tst )-{rtlt. t;0 sltil|ln{rt|ts {rf cntuc. consislinL {}f6,lir c.)\vii. iind ti lrrtlls, xrrivcd fro,|t \icrnront, Nclr ll:rtllt,shirc!rtl(l (-'fllt;t{ll!. 'l'hese itnirDril.l \s{!re pr(_rl)crlt insltecterl |lnrl rcl,ori(lito the Sll'ie l)it.(.ell)r of l,i\.rstilck I)ircrsc (:ontft)l.

'l'lrrrc rrar trrr :,lauIJhtrri'lg rrctirit]. ilr l(ingito rluring lgll.

SereD I)o!is \rcr. (lunrs ti e{l on sltspicioI oi hnrilg ll:rbics,litit \i:re proDtlrtlt rclc&sa(l fiftcr thc usr.nl fourte{in rlat l}rrio{|.

It('.sl)e{:l f Illr" sulJlt|itterl,

cll,\Rl,Es J. t)ltuld'.

Ins|)cctol of ,\ninrnls i (l Sl ughtering.

l)uc lo the-unl)rcccalelled tla-v ll.enthcr {lut.iug tt grcator l)rrtof lgl.t, thc (irgstoti Forcst Irirc Dct)artncnt lad { 1sqq1(lnunbcr of cnlls, thre.e of ltich rver.c of such prcporiiorrs ir--".-$as nc.ccssttr],.t9 ctll in orrtsi<le akl. One of tt,o.. ti.o" toot io,,"dil.s of pxtrolling brforc it \rits (lechie(i comrrfetely o;l;i*iiiri,"l1.

. ..ln.r.lt; l16 calls \1cr.c a .cn(lcd, l.Nentl of [lle fires rrere se!11.Ihc i\eri l'ork, NcN, llavcrr arrri lf".ffo"f n^if,"",i ti,"'t"*r,Ininl rcirllrtrrse(1. S2,186.02 to rleft.l.\. l,,lrr, """,;-; ;rti;;;;:ii:irfi llose riilrolrl set tir.cs. ll'c s.r.re also callcrl to

"*.i.i'jlt.]_ftouth four Iinres, l)u.\bnr-y lhrcc iin]es,,rs r..ott n" catt" to t,tyirii_ton, Ilitlifa\, I'cnllrrolie n (l Frectolr ,

y"1'!:ii::iii, jl, ifi! ""::::ii,:ii,,:t,:,i:::J'i,,::J';;"j;;il,;:,:ibe,purchascrl lhis coirring scason to take carc "f ,rl;ri';;;;;;n"Til:llltiil',j;tij ll;:;',:l;;*'*u or o,,'" tin,ro. ria*iiig

ilil,:]:i'l-i"l'Jl'x":i:,lili""Jl,l l[i: $'xliil i;l,:li,;::urou[ Ore,locrl Crtntccn of 0rc ilcrl Cross. ff," St^t" Cu".,l, ^n,fi[",j'J^T"iij]t.,.",, of Conscrvar ion. uua"r. oi.r,i"i iiiJ,,ili

.-36 _


Ilespcctf ull-v sutrnrittcd,


Forest Firc \yarden.


Page 24: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

,,.,",:,i',:li #,iin"fll iJ"lii;:jH;";ly"' srzi.00 \rns apprc

of this rnrourt glili.no r,u, r,..ou o.po,Lil'l ,l:'tT,t;,1i, ot"t*"

il T1kl,rq.thi.: reporl. I want to iraaiD cnrdrasizc lhe factthit.shclllish rliggirrg l.ill lrc a nrcnns "i fi*fir,"",i'i""'" *".1i

l"".iTl,,T,:1T1,, J,:, j',l", ;;l;''f,,.Jl:;,'fi :l:yr''erio,,.,.br.'this

il-."illi""a. - """'

.-11,: fi*:'i:" givc|r tlis .ve0r arc figail cstimatcr, \vith thc

ir;.,l:'_1l. "t lhc nu'rlrcr or pcrnrits issuc,t rn(t ,r* ,*"ii,i"'.i









ConrDrcrci l (liggi g, ISi hushcls at .t.{J0 lrcruusncl

Fflmil].(tiaginf, 2Zt l)ushcls rt g1.00 I){r bushcl'faken from grnnts, 2d bushels rt S.t.00 pcr trushel

Se:t$ornls laken, 2.1,000 nt .0lc c8ch



I(eslectfulll sut)nritte{1,

$ lir5.00

.lOIlN'l'. la'\i\- Di\1,t,,

'[rc{ \\'ardin-

Totsl I'rhlc of tako $2,??2.00

Commercial rliggcrs permits issued, 5 at ,J,00 $2d.00

Famil.r' diggers permits issuc(l_2? I

Rcspcrctf utt!. sub&itterl,

coLtcE C. TISON,

Shellfish Constrtble.

Page 25: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

. 'l'lo nnnufll repor.l of thr l.ish Conrlittcc is hercb_r.sttr-rri{terl for thc }c[r lg.l.l.

_ 'l'ho nlcrvife rixhts \vcrc nol, sol(l in eithcr Jones lliicr oiSrnelt llrook.

'll'ore rta-" c rtctl lrout i000 l|lcrvi\'es frorD Sntclt llroo!: toS-nlcii l,l>rt(l lnrl a ,artat ,llrnt \!,ent up thc lish ,ru)." f; i;ir;Itltcc flt|d Ilussrll lto'|(1.

.,ls soo| :rs po:r.tiblc, ilr. lllrDes of t|to Stnte t)elt. oi Cor.sertrtknt is to rrtnkc n srrr.r.cy of thc possibility of gelting tiiirinto Ill:tch \\,ai{!r. l,ond :rnrl al-so into Crorsirrg I'onrl.

_ 'l'lr|rc scrrrrs to Le gre:ll ntrxlbcr ot sttlclt conrilrg lrjll lh.ltl(.\rir'('r. r r{l as tllct. s| lrn in runrring irater, bclo\r the lunrp-ing st:rtion rlanr thc rivcr is closc{l to tro t fishcrnlcD br iheS{rl(. I)olxrrttt|ent of (.{rI}er!ntio





. Con(litiot|s ir.ihis l)epartmcnt har.e shoNn fcN chlDgessi cc,lgll,,\!rltclt llrc incrcas,. in oml,lo)_rn(.nt (lenlr||(ls rur,k ntlnnS stitcR \rlrclr clitsto(l :ttllonK rrllllol,jthlcr.

As of l)cccntbcr: , tt.tI ri,l Nls l/citrg extcnrle(l to tlrefollotling cases.

I'hysic lly untit J

I.o\r. nlenl||lit.v

.\ged (not eligitrlc for.0. -.\. A.1 ,Itcst)(]cttullt sut,niittr{1,

.,OIIN J. ttOOllU, Chair.mnn

\\'tLl,t.\ I. POSf,I,DRC)' t\'. lt.{tLIiY,

flo rd of Public \\'elthre.

lleslt!ctf ulll subrlriticd,

,SAIf UllL C. IION5-DY, Cliirnratl

Anl'ltura tJ. lrot,] ts.\1'AL1'tflt lt. D,\\'t.s,,\l,l t't' \\'. l)ouGl,rls,l'liANK II. Sll,11\"

Kingstorl l"ish Commiltc.'.


Page 26: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

- .10 --


r\ctivc cnscs .r|lluxf]' l, ll],t.1(iases opcrrrl d rilll{ thc lenr(iises closcrl drtring thc lc{rr\cti\1: clrsor l)clccntlrrr 31, l!).14

Itril)cnric(l lil.l!;Itxl,en(le(l | !.14


lctir'c citscs.lsnInrri l, I g.l.t

clscs opcnc(l (l[ring thc ].ear 4

.0('ascs closerl during tltc.renr

0,\clilc cnses l)ecentl)er 31. 19,14





s:t I,t i:1.06

$2$.2J;- l0

'l lc unll)cr of lrersons r.ccrtir.in8 this kin{t of lssijln ce didot r'ar.v grc tl-\. (Itring lhc 1.etrr. Ncrcrthelc.,,s the l)er crrc shirr

of (r-pcnses, bornc lr). {hc Str|te rn(l .l.olvn, irrcrelscrl consirlerabll..'lIis. irrcl'else rcsullcrl frr,It a slcp.rrl irr tlrc l,ltrlget .chtrluie

lllrtllsherl l,] lhc Slnln \lr,lffiro llet)rlrtrDcnt.

As thc l,'c(lcrnl (;o\'ct.nucl![ doc,s rrot ptlrlicipntc irr an-r.carc be-vorrd the set fifur.c rrf S.10.00 lrer. nro|lft, nll of this erceire.rlcnsc i.\ nccessitril.! lhc corrbincrl obligrtiorr of thc Si:rte rniltltc'linln.

\\'e Dr:tt l.,ok flir rrlded incrclrscs in [ris categor.r, inasmuchas sc\.cr:rl bills h re l)!\cn ifltt.o(t ccd in thc l{},t|., lcFisinturt forfultl!('r lil)crrlizing thc l:r,$.s pefttining to iid to lhc rgr(1.

Itxtrcndcd l94il

0xtlendcd 194.t

Arerngc ntotutlli r!!tc per fnnill,




Ilespcctfull.r s||blDitte{i,


Itcspcctf ullt sltl) tiltcd,

.IOIIN .t. I'O0RIt, ChnirDrnrl

\I'ILLIAlt lt. POST,

PI)RCY \\'. llA rr,Fll-.

Page 27: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount



liuri ti l!r.l.l th(! Ch!rpt(!|- 110 t)roEr.ni cr,lstitnte(l {he ntaiorI,s[l of lll( cr]Islrlctiott \rork dccrrrtlltlishe(l cn oui rqil(ls for;helenr, L!n{l(rt this pro*r'llnl rrc -5r'nle(l .1,000 iect o11 y,sulrroloSl|{{t \\ith aslhnlt rnd:rtr) c, rtpplic(l l| t\(o inrh t^r nririerl inplr(o sllrfircc k] 2.i,00 f0rft of t (l orr \\11|i||I lloi(|, an{l :r}rt,ijnln t$o irrch rslhllt nri\{r(l i|l ||lncr, sorf{cc olt n lDrliot| nf FllmSilrccl.2.rl00 icct in knslh.

Itr llrr ntrrin, nrost .rf rillt' {'lforls \vt'rr, ccntcrerl o lolrlin;urrr {'si.lil|,l rni|,ls i I,xsJairlr at|(l -l|f,. (,'nrlilioI lrr ronrir,uc,!;urlrhirrg, rthich olrst t'r. kt'l't ut' urrrit such iill'i"

^,, I,,r,,r,,rrlr

nlxtcrirls rro nlore !rr:riltlrl{r lhlrtr thc-r llrr.c lrecn the Ihst ll,in

'l'ltt hrrrric:rlc il Salrt{:lnl)or ciltsed ron.\i(lcrll)lo danr:ri:clo hir{hrr:r.r .rhrrlc trros, nnrl rrcce.s-.ilatcrl sIl)stllntiol otltlitl)r- tlc Ilifh$ol l)ep rt tc,tt i|t orrlcr to clern lr lil. ricllris, Th.-l"irc I)c|rrrlD)!||i ,rnll St le (;t|tr(l lenl \.rlu|1blo as,list:rnce 1Le

nisht of tha hurricrnc. \\'itho!1 thcir ;rid it rrorrl(l h:rLp Ltlcn nrrch lilng{rr tinrc t.) {'l)eD:rll ihe highrvrts for lt.a!el.

Itcstlcd f l|llt sub||li{tc{1,

c ltoncIi P. I lol,ll E-s.

Sul)eritrtendcnt of Str.{{s


Therc rlerc !er,v tc\v contar

;ili hirl iil j,llilr ::.*i,.ffi :*inur

I l $,,,::,:, Ii iil liiilr ilft ".j

u:# * f#1"",,,1":*l

,,,,",,:llli,ilii il"il,i H:liLfi ,TJ,,xil:I,fl#filfliiji:,

;1:l[liilrr*il"i.rii,l;'n*:itilt-ri,,]r;:",ii,rri[:l'J';":j;:i,J;i]l,l,,i;".,,,T"liii,"lf,I1i:;:l"i il:;'l ;il:_ llutjtrg lhc -rcar. s.c harl olc

i1;{:ii11 ji,',,'1,., i:ru ri T: hil,;r :llftiri, \1'c rvorrl,l likc to;rsl: r.orr to cc,

*i j,, r;:"F*ilrfiirili.""*H "ii:. nltll'lr$:

- I)lcasc (lo lot llrt ;ll-r; gll.l,:r,.rc r

:i;:ru, ll,x""iri iil"lif ilfii:,ilj1;'.#;:'rilriirilllff ll.:'il,l"";::'. :l;li:,i",1'lliiii. ^

*,,'* "i", "i.'.,,,,a 1i,".",1i:

llcsllecttullt subttrittett,

PL-RCY \\'. B,{lLlll-, ChairnranJOIIN J. IIOORE,\\'lr,LI.,\lt t\t. Pos,f,

Iiins:sion ltoard of Ileaith.


Page 28: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


l)uc to lhc noccs$ity of coDserrlrg sptcc lhis rcl,ort lrillht hricf.(JUI Nrcirlrrt ltn]ricl,v ci, tit|lt{$ lo irrart p0rvcr (luc of nlitnr-

{'f llle (1,t|tl,hrrf trrenrbcrs rr.orlirrg out rif to\v,, rturin( the (lar.Lut "soIr. \ritJ *sl)rlr, ho\r"' thls fft r,.nottr:lt ntctt ht,vc rcsl,n,uln,lto (tuicklj'trk ctrc of all crlls,

l.'rotn thc llecorrl:I!.rpvlci lo thc l.'oll!tu,; ! I,'it. Cilts

Iirillinl:s l{;ClirnDet 22,lutos 4() t of 'Ii)$ I :'l o l)uxl)lrt 2'li) l'l.rrr1t,ton 2

Scvcrill of these lut(l iho trrrrkings of scrious lire.c, but br-quick $'or'k tolte of lhctn c|lusc(l ntorc thlln ninor (hnuge.

11'c rc frcqu['ntll. told 1,,!' l,cople \rho nlore ltrout in l..irrl)cpirrtulcnl circlcs thnt for n toirn the sizc of Ki gston r\.c nol\.Irrtc :r s.ell erluippod :rnd eflicicrrt Conrpnny,

'l'hc crrchkcr., Ilr. l)cllcticr, hfls Iis hotrc $t thc stttionarrrl rr ill be pleascd to sholr. -vou xl)out rlnd exl,llliD the equilrnlcnl.

\1'c rrc co|lvillcorl thc Sjclcct tcn ntrr(le it \icry \\i,\c Droir.$hen thct :rrrtlrgcd to plllce the dutics of thc l,'orcs[ I.'irc $8rdel||rlrl tho l'irc l)clt:rrll .nt CIicf ltn(lcr ihc snnte l)ersorr:rnrl tohousc the c{luilnltcrt of l)oth dcptrtnents under the somc roof.'l'his is a rer.r' econoDicll lrnrl t,licierrt lrr.rl goItelt 15 ryr, l:lr:col)serr'€d their opcrttioD.

lacspectfullt s!l)nrittcd,ll YlroN s. llol,ll..\N,ALIIEII'I' ll: ltOlllES,(;. PAl,lt Dla lloLllES,Etr n, sAUtflt,IIDGAR lv. l.OItlNG, Chairrnatl

Bos'd of Firc Dngineers'

lg4l Ta\ Rnte,92i.00 lor thou-carxl

):lll],]lig" "l,l:"t t;st rc ns of J'lnul' ry r, re.t.t s.t,?80..t;0.0f\,nlualion of I,crsonal l,ropcrt.v its of Jinuat.J19.t4


,..--_- Totol, tnl:,ut ion 0s of JflnrflrT t, tgl.llltcreasc in r.altrntion or:cr Jnnulrf. I, Ig.t3









'l'oiln ApJ,rol)riations:i\lnrch Ig,t4

Stato Assessncnts:Statc thxStatc l'!trk,sStrte,\udit

Count\. A.sscssDlents :Cornty.l'ax(lO,t3) Undcr estinateCountt: llospital

-t\tlditionul A'noutlts io l]c llflise(t:i\taturirrg DebtInterest otr n:alurirtg arrtl

I)ublic Scr\.icc l_oansOlcrhr-r for lt.t.l








1'otal of All -{ppropri:rtio s arrrl -.\ssc*:nrenrs $20s,257.27

Page 29: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

'1'otnl (lc{hrcli!,1$ (cstinl!lte(l recclDts nn(laulLorizcd tannsfers

'l'olnl ln b{r lr;sr.l |r}'locfll lrriaiiol

Ilaiscrl as follorss:

Ilfll l.lstr|{r t$1,?36,,1t0.t10 |lt S2,1,00

trcr tltotisxrxl)

Pcr-io'r:il I'rot)crtl {.r29 l.:lL{}.ttO rt rr?i.ooIror tholts n(l)

I'oll 'l'rr\ ( 1,0:tl {t S2.0ll rnrh}

lblrl rniscrl by l,ocnl 'lirxntiorr


- I94.7

'fo thc Citizens of the .l.o\rn of l(ingslon:

. l'oIr. rvatcr. rlellrllrtl{,Dl ,lnfirrr tJlr. t'l,aI sa\. nnrtl chalgcjiI llcr.Ji(, llcl. jlt lhe Iit.st nlcetiD(. n

Lr i1.:l :: tr,c ro,,,.,r ;;,ii;;"i#j,,",,:lllf ,

jl," ;,,,i:iH i:il::li:C. Iillrtletl, Cltair.tn:|ll; illjnointc(l C

\\'irfrc,t J. sl. ,r","",. i,,ii"'.jrii,,,l"!jcou{c \\" ctrshnrirn. c:arri:

.\:-sistxnl slrpclinlcr,t",,ii " "''""""t flrlrl l'ltrl \:orrlclli ;rctirrs

On JIne t5, ll.l.l. r\.o flcr.ct,rert \r.ith rcJJt.ct. thc t.crignlltioDuf llr. lYilflr.{l J. St. l\nrurt. rrilrr harr rcr.tcrt tha rlrr16,l. ,1o,,".,-uert fol.riletijc, J,cirr... Jlr. l.inc.ln r.. na'rteri ,;;:;,,;;i;,1:;;Itrt,clrrtcnrlcnl. l)uc to this alt)oiDlmcnt, it ".". """":;iri,..;;;lrnr. lo l.esign :rs lt'nlcr. colllllisiioncr.. Sanllel C. U;.|;;r: rr;letr,c{crt Io lill this vxcnlct.jrt jl joint rlcctinr ,ri,f, tf,n Snf..ini"l,-r)x sct,lctnl)cr^?. ll.l.l. \r.c lccclltcd llr. lrr,""ri ,;g;;;i;;,.Jrr. t).:ilk /\. Santpson rr.a. eleclcrl to fill ,i_ ,,,;",,"r- ,,i; ;;;;liillll',:,1:"u

thc scl(,crmen. rfrcr. $.r,i"r, u.. s"ntor.o i.". orici",i

,.-_ \1'c nrr Ileascrl to rcl)ort thjrt trl thccn(l of lllc (lel)trtnrc,rttl!err,,tho ,innlcilrl sl.,ttus of lhc \\,atar Depnt.l,ltcnt ,; ";;i;;i.trc still conlinlcd lo collcct aI out. nccounls tclor.c ttrc cnri oi

lll,i'"1;ll,,,Jil"^:'ilii'j,lil. "t 'u" co*n,itn'o,it..-c"ri""ilo,,.,"^"i

Ilalarrcc, Jarrrrar.5 l, Il.l,l .\one(onrtnilnrertts rlrtring t$t,t $lr,ltii.;;-{oirlenrcnlsrn(llln}.nlellsrefun(lc{|,t.00


st l6,il:1.00

$ I07,10 t.2t



sl t6,nr3.00

Il(*l,ccl f ulll' sul)nlilted,

l.'ll,\)i(-:lS 1,. llcllr\N US, Chairlran.lOllfi'r'. R,\N r),\ 1,t,,


llorird o[ -.\sscssors.

Anrcunt Coliecterl-,\batenlentsOulsiinding lrccenlbcr Bl, l914

sr 5,320.80l6?.9?None



Page 30: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

Il nccor(ht)cc \r.ilh {t \.oi€ ltrdrtDrJ, Nrrch, tlu,l, \|.e cxicn(lc{l $,::-t.,lll"

Atrnutl 'lb$n }tftl't;r'ore ,stlcc[.

! lYotct llllitt l'65'l fcet on

'l[e S3,;J{]0 D|)r.o|1t.ixlcri tor t.L,Ulil0ing lhe $tt.r nlair onSunrnx,r Slt'cr.l rtls foill(l to lic inst|licictt t. Ao ff,i".."ri.,i""to lltc frrcl lhnl lh( l)cprlrtnlctrt oi lrutrlic tyortr. r.oqui.o.'r.lo t.ct,tncc th{! si(lc\xlk to il.s originll condition. flcrcfnre, ,irlre trsking lhe votcrs to trrlsfcr tho un"*p,,n,t",t t,uior"o i"thc (:frr\.c Strccl. pprot)rtrliolt t.i lhc S mnrcr Stro"f

^pprr.pri ti', . \\'u rc Ioping to {lo thc Suntntcr S{.rccl. nnrl IrrcrrielrrStrcct projccts jl|st ils soot| ns rrcrlhcr pcrollts.

l)uc l(J ihc extrcnlc drolt(lrt cspcrienccll lls{ srlunler,,rlrr$1ttcI sltlrpl]. nd 1vfil0r stor.rxc irns yet) lo$, \\.hich crratr,lrn ertren)a fire hnztrri, rrnrl nr:r<lc il t|ece-<sort lo curtflit {hc uscof tltc hos('s- 'l'his cf,.'pcr.irl|c{t pronrplcd your \\'rlcr (:onrninsion(!rs [o rnrhe n cotlrl)lrtc strrdt of rotllll,)ing tlte l]resrnlsr"stern I)-v i crcrrsinf t\.||t!r sltlpl-r dnll pnntping fncilitics. kri(inr itts, en r(srrv{}ir to rcl,lirce ptcsenl l(ingslon rescnoir.crilellsion of Dtnins l)l petitio s. 't'his rvou|il cost in crcess ois250.000.

'l'he Selctrtrllcrr hi.\.c r-ccei\'c(l scrcrnl pctilionr tor {hc o\,t(!rtsi{,rr of rvnter nrflins. $hich $ill nll l}o phccrl in thc \rarr:rntfor Joor ;rclioD lhis 1.car.. '{'he ll'atcr Counrissioncrs rcalizelh t it $ill lxr,yr:rrs lrctore crcr'-vthin$ c:ro be (lonc, t t f€{! thr,t:t sl:rr't shorrkl lrt' nlxrle this .rcxr. 'l'hcrcforc, Nc nre i scrtingi,n;l!ticlc in lh(: |i.trraut for lt sunr of ntone.y, to bc rai.ed hl'Ioan or olhcr\..iso, for thc lurpoir! of olrtiirrirrg rtdrlitionll i-.rtersupl}l.r', and I:r] irut t)pro\inr lel). 21.000 fcet of !it)c.

'llrr.rr.:|lcr l:rnk o,r Srnitll':- Ij,Dc rr.;ts I, i tcrl at;r r,r:,is590.60.

'l'hc lixtrr[c.-. h Ic not l]cen inspcc{€{l for. scvcral t!':rti:thelr-'fore, rtc h:rtc i|lchrllc{l it|r itcnl in thc Ilcgular l$.15 llail}tcnruce l)u{ltict to do thi.{ ivor.k.

_ 49_

'l'hc amount of lrrrter pumtrcd inl-onr lgll rvss 00,943,01?.g gollon..

to thc sJstcm (lurinS the

Tofrl numbcr of scrliccs rclaircd (fur.ing lg,t4 2,Tottl nunlbcf of nctt, scrvices durrng thc year 3

Tolnl nunrbcr of scrriccs at cnd of I.enr 1,0,t0

"*ll;,i:;::'l:",i1ffii1,,"J':;li'ii":;i:;:il :?r theqltendid co-


Kingston l\'ater Comnrissioners.


... l'orlhis .Dc!flrtnc !'s \!ork for l{r4.t, the sunl of g1,j00,00\ras apDropriite(l nnd of this, g3S6.59 lyas e,\pended as follo\rs:

Superit|tcndenILabor1'ruck llire _

EquipnrentInsecilcidesCas arrd Oil

?otnl ,s3s6.59

Iours resDectfull!',

s227.132l ?.08r.16.00





Page 31: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

RltclflpTS ANt) l)ts tJ uRstilt ltNl's t..olt


Ilcoitc ol Frulcric C. ..llL r$ ,,lln.l

llxlrncc, Jnnlrlr!: l. l01l





Ilakncr, l)acenll)cr;Jl, I {It,l

Ja uilr.y l, l0Jl, Lr:tllrrcc or ltanrlInconlc for ihc ! crr

Piid for:

llooks, nlngrzines, clc.IlepltirsSe ice chtrgeBnltlncc on hond


630.t0_.--- 98,91E.80


s,1sr.02- --





s70.2: .:12

2 t3,000.!;




Thc Frcderic C. i\drnls I.1tn{t stflnd,< inrested ns follorys:

2 shares Americnn 1'ctephore & TclegrnDh Co.0 shlrcs Iloslon Elc\irted tnihvi-\. Co.

23 shnres l'lymo[lh Cor(lngc Co.'l{ shflres Pl}nrouth A*ntio al lJan(t.2 sharcs Cerlilic.1te of [,articipalion; pl].nlouth Nationrl Bank,

'Ir{stee.l-t00.00 Atchison, 'l'ol,ckfl & Santfl Fe llailrvay Co., 47d bon{l

doe 1095.S1,000.00 Itio Grnn<lc lfcstcrn llaihra-v Co., ,l% bond due 1339.it'000.00 on dcposit in thc Neir ltedford lrive Cents Salilgs

Ilank.$36,1.60 oI deposii in thc I'lymo th Fire Cents Sa\.ings Bank,

S2,Ur.6l on {leposil ir thc South Scituflte Snrings Bank.52,000.00 on dctosit iD thc \yhiinrnr Sa(ings Bank.

lleJl)rctf rll-\' srlrnlittcd,


1'ortn 'l're:lsurer'

Page 32: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

.lnnunrl. l, l$.14, l)fll ncc on ht,n;llncut|tr. for thc ycsr

lJalsnce nI hnn(l

lncnnc ol lhc IIo3( ,1. Colc l.tDtlJnnlnr-r. l, l:tl.l, b|llnnco on hl[r(llncot c for th(! Jeltr

I'ri{l for:SupplicsI)rcnrittnt rrl'l'rcasttrcr's Lonrlllent of s:rfcIlnlnD(e on hxn{l

l canc ol ,lttrie (:.'l,hor ns |, tul,I nxilrl' l, 10.t4. l):tlnxce on hl|ulIlconc for [hc ].eltr

I'aid for:'l'reasurcr's sallr.v rn(l eJipctses





^_ ,'l'he llo,sa A. (lolc lral(l stnnds il\.cst€(l as follor.s::1.:j.1 9i ""

(lct,r,:tir ir tttc rtrirt;e$.nrcr Si,rinxj BiDk.rtcluiit i|| lhrj l'l)-tlloutlt lrirc Ccnts Sn\.iDgs Binft.

nr,rUo.zU (rn rlnlorit itr tlt( tlo(.klt l(l Snt-jnrs ltink.

I,lBIIAIT I..\N,S RI,PON?To lhc Trustees of the Frederic C. Adams t,ublic Librar],:

.. Thc:lnnunl rctrcrt of llte Lilrrarrnn for thc.vcar l9J.l iskrclrith.prcscnted. Thc llast .rcllr |.cl)r.cscnts a l)cr.iod of i _

;l:1"":, "li:lllll'?,, nc\v t.csisrr.:rrions, anrt gcner.at,,.; ; il,;.'"'{r.r. Atrnouglr nlfl .v of our .\.oung l)mplc of the [orr. :rrerh tlrc itrnred forces, thc usc of ttrc lil_,ra15: f,". .f"",fiir: i"""""*,i,_-

11,.9rgt, thc lnterstatc Libr.ar.I Loan, thc Librarinn hrst{'cn itlolc to-sccurc various books of rron-tiction aronr tho librfl_''!r ur Lnc utt.r,jion of I\rblic Lilrr.:rrics, Grccnliclrt, Nc\.lo||,l'lJnroIth find lhc lJoslo public Libmr-r..

I|cortc ol ltltro C. euirbl| l,1ntd -53-The principnl of this frrnd St.000.00 ic on (lcposil. in thethirharcn Institxtion for Snvings.

llook l,i as

D[ring the yerr l$,14, filcs to thrcorrecrerr rr1: tr'" rir,"".i"u, nn,i'lin;;'i,,1":r",illl il.;ll"1l;ll. '**

'I'ot ll tt D.o f,ri, t iel

,,. Exl)cndilurcs fr.onr thc'l.o\tt,\pl,rol,l.iittio|l lrill I/c fo[n(lir thc rcport of thc ,i orvn i\ecountani-'Ikcenrl)cr :ll, I fl,l,l.

ItEN..Ia).L. BARKDIt,'I'reasurer.

$ l3:|.I5t2,72



*,,,,.1|',J iil'l,ii;r,l",l',l"fi "'i,lll,;',ill{l"l,l;l fi:;;:"u'*"u,


Page 33: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


Stl|tisticnt lloDort for t0.t4:

Nunrlxr of books irr l}e l,itrrarl,

,\(l{lc(l pssl rcrr,:}I):i. l0 of rrhicl \rcrc giftsI)lsclrrlcd, ol(i trul $,orioitt lrooks

]lrrxtrzirrls, trcchlit s nnrl rinilics

'lt)lrl llttcn(lnn(c iti rcldirrg r.cnnr

'l'otr{l cit.culltion

l\drlt non-fi0tiotl cir.ctdrrtiru

Jur'0nile circullrtion (tt the Lilrrirry)Circlrhtion pcr (nttilr'l'ot:{l rcgi$trntior

Nerv lrorro\vers, lft.l.t

I)ecenll)or :ll. t$,1,1.


I t,t63










Duri[g thc prst year., Loth thc pla-rground an(l thc Com-munity Buil(litg hrvc l)cen !se(l for n)an,y school and puiriicactivities.

'l'he cnlcrracnc) orr:n izati.)lts hilrc hlul thc usc r,f lhc build_iIE 0s usulrl. 'l'lcse organizatiols inclu(le thc ttod Cross ttioottDonors, Surgictl l)rcssing Clisses, Stnte Gulrrd, nd thc Emcr-gcncy llospit&l fol. loc{rl d(rfen:ic.

r\s usrrnl, lhc Girl arrrl Ilo.r Sc,rut xctiYilics rrcrc corrrluctcrl.Thcre las becrr nruch bascblll, footh.ll and basketball pla-vcillhis 1crtr, llfilh spccial cDlphrsis lrcing plnced upon pliysicalfitncs-., lhrotxhont lhc.olntr.J., r\ic l-oel thai this is arr ileat placetor orr touth to get tfiese ilctirities.

'lltc rc||tals for the f;onrIn nit-r I]uil(ling for l0,l; \rill trclhe sxr e its lflst.teitr,

Ilcspcc(t ll-y st|lrntittc(1.

.l,r ^"

l,l1' CIION l^- C Ll ttlt.\nCO,l,ibrrrirn,

NI.:\1'l ,l, O. l ,..rNC .{ll D,


ll,tR vD'r' .r. soullt,JOIIN D. \l'R r(;111"

CiRI, \1'. S'I'!]GJIIA IER,

IIlth\RY 1,. lJ,\Rlilill,-

\1'holc IluiklingIJascnrent s.ith kitchenllNsentct|t Nithout kitchenAuditoriuntSide loonr-tfternoorrsSidc roont- -er.crr i tgsIlchenrsals







llcspect f ull]- subnritte{I,


r In the Alntcrl lrorccs.

Page 34: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

'l'o tltc llo|tor.nble lloard of Srlectnrcr'l'o\rn of l(inF:iton, llnssncltusefls



,,,",1.1ii?:1 lfillll'J:,,;';1;:"*lli". liB,,c,n,,,rriLq,crio s oi

IRNr\ rl. RUFl.,tNl,'l.o$r!,Accountnni.


GltNt:R.l l, I rtvtt]iurlTi I };-(---(]trrr.Ft y(,rr


IOl.ll. 1-,1.\r:s-Cnrrlnr f.nrI)oll t-i.....!

T.{,\l:s t'rcritus ).(.rs:

It(!l'f.x 'l ir!e laoleorDrinD;^.1( of Tnl{ I'oss.rsion t,ratrrl}'

T.lrl T.xos I,r.rjaB l.fl,.s

Totil ?!\ei iD,l irrs l;n€!sc,

s I jt.l,jt.sij

TOT,I t. cl:Nl:nAL t$:r,Dr*Ut:

COITTIERCIAI, REvD}iUEl)El,rt taTJt E:.\-T,t r,


lncomcTdr-. .._

I,ICT]NSI:S .1ND !'INES:l.iccrsei-l'crldldrJaburl !'inca ..

rPtfIl,]:cEs:no:o. t:ctricte Dicisc, l9-rl.1or \'ehicto Hiciso, l91t

Tot:!l I'ri$tegc.r

. $ll,5t.t.1?15,9SS.00





20.! |:J3t-0sJ55.!S

6.?36.19| 51.31

_-=- ,7,6;5.,t0



cts:hi.ii3=--- fto{,totl.5s








5{0t.3.tI r.00t.51


. 357,00

s l l s,Jri6-01ll?1.t9

Page 35: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


t,t( l;r-st:s ..\NI) I't:[]nTs:,\lcoholicComm(,o \!iclu:rlc.l,orll'F Ir.!.Sh.lln!h l,crnriti(;rnnlc.l ,l rrnsJrrl: Collf(torllotor Vohlch l,lc(trrc!


lloll thr l,ontrnrls'f.r lillL. l)r.dr rnrl llclrnr.!:\lunicilnl l.irtrn-rlc .f ()llicc Sut'r,lictLlrrrti!ir)r: Collr



. t0.00?0,00

Ariio and Traltar Csmr psrk LiccnsrTmnlicnt Vcn,lor's l,lccnsc






Ilr(;tnr',t,t st2,?0{i.00 llc',i{l of llo'ld ll',chinorr

ofisct of Outln).-Chat. r0

,\tD Io DtI|ENl)ENT Ct l.l)Rl:N:i'roni Ststet'.onl l'edcr.t (;ranr_t!;sisrnn.cl'bnr F{dc.nl (imnt-Adhitrislralion

ol.l) .-lcl; ASSISTANCT;,

l rott| Srnt! . .

l'ro,r l'c,lcml (;rnnl-AsiisLlncct roh l'Rlcml crsnr.-.\,Jnrtnisrrrtion

ssfi.r5.. .1,500.00

-_=_- 16,121.?5s?ii-00




TOTAL lltcltw^,t's. ... . ... i6,l2l.i5



C .u Ttt:S .t:\D SOt,lIlrks, trri.\_lr!.t.rsItn tunsr:tlt:NTs rrNo 0r..1NTS:

fbn| Stitc . S59l0i

Thhsnorratiotr f.on sratr ''N:l;'r0tv^* (:LEtrx:

Slh of lllt,r Si].6rInfirtrrti!tr of |tcnlcr in 0lcont"[n'ino t.00Certifi.trtL.i llc'|istrsllon t_Oo

'IOTit. (;8.\_l:I.\t, (;4, \'l: I N tt t: n- T

f ltO'llicll(1.\_ (rli l'1.:ttSO,\_S,t:itI I'ttOt,EIl.l


ll(irol, r!.xr(n{ frr llor 0fitc€rl,is.lirts 10 C.ft-! tl.lotrot.'ictrhr's Frc!llcturr of lssurnn(( I'nDnx !l,ountic! on Sc.l3E\tina0ishiir l.'drrsr l.'irL!lloths

|| E,tl,Ttll.'cc for l,rslcurintloD LIcoDse .. . ...!'ca for -Uilk Dciler Ltcc.sc ..... . . .:. .

Ilccrcatioml CaDrt l,iccrs!


c t.3llos.{r0

I t.002,ts6_0!

I r t.5!_ $:t,H{.3r




$ r |,051-0o500.3?

12,02?.63{ | 6.t5

_ s33,9{r0.15


TOTAt, ctt.-lIilTrDs ..rND sol,Dt!:ts, lJEf,-rt tTs s?6,?30.921 (rTAI. l,llOtI:UTTOS Op l,l:ttSO;\-S,t.\-t) f ttOI,t:ITt t:l.lll.ir


scllool,s .\-\D t,Il!tt.\I t:s$cltoot,sr

lullio' nnd r 6nsrDrrxrin,: r,on, srat(. s60d.o0r!r'on, fronr uosrotr 9i.x7I u'r'otr, rem rtrdili,tuit J6.!l


Page 36: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

lfook! l.aitS.lc ol l,o.rn

L ,n /t R l':llooli l.'inr.r






TOT,\1, Sctloot,s jt,\-r) t,ll tJ\ n].

It l;( ll l-:,111ON,\ til, Un-(:l,.tSSt ]'l l:t,




TOT,IL ltt)t us-DS . .

TOTAI, COrllrr:rcI,U, t!tvDNUA


c.rtsll, JAnguAIn t, lg.t.t


ri tcfi t)u.t o N ;


TOT,\1, ||l:ctl;\1.toN

$1\Tt:lt t)t:t,lltaT.\rENT:

J\r.l:$'tt !: !-olttrtTTtil::




ll30.0o s6!,313-3t



_ i?0.00'l'o?,\ l, DN-TEtit,r.tSl:S

s l6,s3t,s0

-- ft5,631.80





l.\..tlitt!:a I ,l Nl) .,tt.tTUtun-(; l[ItTDil-EIl;S1':

On Tr-\.JCrn Tnx I'itlc ||rdetritrrionOr l rust l.'units

TOT,1t, lNTt:tEst,$r,1!3.SJ

Page 37: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

crJn-nRil, co\rl,t R N Ir I,tNl',ldYl, llcli qrrcnt Tsxc!:\!3eiation l)ues . .

Sooii Bindina





.-- f2,026.?5

sEr,tl: j":\ttN:

Snlorn i(:l{ri.nl?lsto.isiiot! llu.!Strl,s{rit'tinnAdrt. l,iqU0r l.ic.,l!rrl,rin{in(, Stn{ionarr n'xl l'orrnrcSut,t'li.r



l Il!:,lSUtallll irn_lt {:OlJ,r:gfotl:'r.cx5u..r (Snlirr)(ldll.cr(,r (S.hr,i)Clcricxl'friFl l:xt'oDsr,rrihtin(. Stationcr!. nnd to.r-,rc-\ntrlI ltoDrtsSuU,lics'l yt)rtrritc. ll.t,ri.sS(fo l)clDsil snil l,os! Onicc ltor

CloricnlI rlrtins, Strtioncr): snrl lrosrrgcSurttl. Ilord ....

Associolton DuciSurl,li.3ItR..onlins l.'co;

r:LLCTION rl ND It:c rsTn..\Tlo.\- :

ll(,jirlinrst:lc.rion OrJi.crsl'!ihting, SririoncrJ sn,l |o5ti!.I rnr.t t:r-ronscSUDJ'li.s .. _.

Fti",\Nct: co]ltr ITTE!) :


_- sl.st?.56





....---- !,055.5i







:lc.oonrnnt $ 1.5t0.00Clerl..l 6?.t.0O|rinlin,:, Sblion.ry ind l).,!t{,rc 3.00/|ss(rinrioD l)!c! t0.00'fn!!(l l:rl'cnro t.b0S{r,rlirs t6.0?Tlt'cn.il.r.o.lrtddln'rlln.hin.ttrthirs i:1.b0i;:rtc ,\!.ltr

__ Or,l:


s&10.00?00.003 ts.00?3.td


s.000.ll I




Sal.ricsClcrrinlPrintins, Srntioncrl. nn,t t,osrn,:cTrn!(t l:rtl.nscS!ptli..r

'rddins .lhchinc Jlait|tcnnnccissfttrtiotr Dueil.i!ling t,ropcrt!- TBosf.rsrliBdzire SIbscrinrion





Tdx Tillc Cosr5Ti\ Till. !'orGclasu rcsIlurgldrr In3umn..





ltiii.ll;";1;xi""; -"1 11i'*"

Page 38: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

'lo\t N tlousD:

JllnilorJrr'ilur'. Sn!!lict}.0rlLisht

l:rtuittnontI'nin!in{ Toal lt.ulcLctlorir!|| llixrr


612.29rs4,06ci.t5? t.00Jr-61


'ul).63.-- {t,050s?





_ $.t,{?6.69


riquhmcntlIo3cCnsolina rnd 0ilfirc Truck nerni.sllldrnnt Scn'icarudl

n([lr Xoot ,losc )loule ltcrrxftirrs -. ..

-srtnli.s . ..I'.iniin,l' Ststion.r, and t,ostn(cTrlllchonensso<iation DresOlh.r Inbor


1 ,li i.a.G

t;2.stlto.zrJ| 29.1Izt..t316.25








TOt.lt, (;!:Nl:R,.1t. (;ovr:tNJtl;fiT

I,ll(tf liL-ItON 0f Pt;ISOn-S,t n- t) t,ltol,til{r.).

tl l.l tt.l!


( hift0lIi.crrI'rintin'l, Stntiorert Anrt lto5rn,i.'l !t.*rirc. trtni15Snpr'lic5

ll. (;. rr,l C:rr (\'omtl.nIl. C. trn,l (\r ltcr,riffLo.l:-ut! t'r.



sutl,l|r,'ssto\i or. ltoTlts:






stIt:l,t_1.'tslt I


Cos, Oil. etc.

I-I R I::

Irbor .

lnsrcticidesc!s, Oit, €k. _

Ptinti.A ..

TRI]l\irNC Srr-{DE TRr]Ei_rNardfh




Ll,ici HuFi,,(r StJ2.00Ctricf l:Dsinror's _\::isrtrhr O3.St

s 160.0{)3,259.i2

Fisht;g rircs

Page 39: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


I rt: l.'!; n" S l; :

(rl lt[: I,ti!]1'ti(:l l(,s:

li'ruDri.'r ,r1 Scnl.In{r'rx( on .\lnn;.irnl ltortit;,rg'- ind

'It.rlna n'tr q.rrt,rDrsr jbh tDrodi..



3S.iro| 1r.5:,


rnsF.tion of AniDrsls ...tn3Fctor of ShushlcrinBllosquito Conlrol l\l ntcnrncc


Surc.,Dten,tcnt of Strecr.3claricrl .

l!|rcit.ilcr Iloprir!

c r:n" D n..\ t,:









T01',tl, tllOTt:(rft0)i Ot. t'l;tts(,]iS ,\,\-t, t,|lOt,HiTy Std.S .il

lll.:-\ 1,1-tt _i ti t, s.\ li ..1-l.to;t..


|,|.!5?.a tt0l.oJ

._._,*..,_ s?.t.tr;.rjl






32 t-.29



-.- $5,179.60

Suprlie.Ihnac Oil

Srn'licsll. \'- neaistmtion

&l'ritm.nt nnd lletairsPrl.I rlaterint .nd Tr.Tnick llircCrnnc lliicJlorinal-nbor on Itoltcr Iluitrtins

no,lD rlACt NElrrlG!i. Oil, atc.ilcp!irst:quitnncnr




_ ,1J39_23




ll.dififtc iut )tcdicil Arr.r{!inct

llilhtl,frir, Cli!ri.I'ltn,!oih (.na|! tkrt,irtrl

lk'tn.hi of lte.d :\nio$tl

t\st,l;itTto^":Inir,(.ti.4 !f s{hoot chitdrctr:


tiuhc, Trn!rl t:\!rns|r


| lli.naJ

I5'.t. in:?5..t5








TOTAL GENEnA L ll IC Invl\}',{N-D Ro--\D ttllcxlNERy S9,t3i.8S



Page 40: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount





sNo$'rt:llo\!ALr$.1|..!l'lr$i,,| rn,t $n.tinrSurIlicJSd d

or,|tlt l,l(;l|lvlll.rStrcr't l-i*hllhrstrtcl. l)irec:i,n nn,t t).r(!r,St8ur

ToT,\t, stl:r't,u, It(;trrv,lyS

TOT,1r.,\t,t, lttctrivlYs

(;t:NEtt,\t,,1t),\t I.\tsTD\.t.loN:

-strlsrr.-lYrltnre .\,lcniI'}rintin(, S.rt'oh.r, nh,t I'osti{L

Tmr(t l:tr,.nrcS{riil Se^.t.r hdcrSut,!lif!

oL'T,stDt: tt!;r_lt:t' llt,fo\\,)iia;r<e.ics lnd t'..!iri6rr


=.--'-r i!z,it6J6


_=-- t2,t;6.t?


l!'elfrre Ascnt .. ..SulJ'lios . .,..-1ddE!so8.ith nctai.i


Cs3hOhter Citics ,n{t To\rnr.{lt Ertm



. {1,0t0.00

.. ... i2,270..r6





t ls,-qt7.r!

Cll.tllllltis,in..D SOt,t,|Dt|S, t il.ttif 1,2i6.{l

-'- t29,tl2.16



ncinrlruhcrnent frolll Dsratc to C. of U.

. $30,202.18




SOLDIEIlS'RT:LIEF,:cto.crhs atut l,rorisiom ,rS0.00


I 10.10__ st,036.0r

l'ucl s 13.9$I16.60


ss!.80'I O l'At, SoLDTERS'tu.tLIEF



Page 41: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

.sc|l()t,s:S!thrin1.h.leot, Snlhr,.Cl rksclrel Ccnrutl'rintiDs, S|ntlon(ry nnrt t,ottrlra(;h.||tntion Ernc!u.Sul,lrjotcrdaDt'r Tinrol l;rtcnioOfinr. S ft'llc.Tckttnrrc,

919.(r000.003 t,l.l30.00



--".,^_ s?J?0.?7

:t!,09t.t0l..l ?lr.?ar

t.?t!.s0I,SS0.ts:1.?i3.00I,t'01.0 |



tt;.t!ri,n I


___*_ $.t.t,62s.??



. st,?{0.0:t

_?t_fuolLishl ..

A.r i.s .


TOT.r\L Lltttitn)'

10T,ll, scltool,s AND L[]t,\ltY

lllicllli.r'l t(r)t_ .\rD U.\..Ct,.rSSIt..tFt)

I'r,ill'(iIlou^-r):JiniiorJanito.'s SutllicsOther hbor!ull(;as

I-inhtsTel.r,horcIleriirsErlrnonlinllrt ltot,.irs ro ltuili jncnepniB to I.-unrishin(s

'l.rclt.r5 silhricrstrr{rr;!.ri'Snlnrict


ticl,trirs ro T!,,c$r,tcri nn,t ,t,l.ltrr: ltr,

l;ltritrD.)tllcrh!l'lnr311ro1licl,tut t,rntl,.s*hbor


\'.iar,on.t !:lrcitiorIlcdi(uclr r'n!. tor Trs.hc15

't'oTAt, sclto0l,s


issislnhcc ir Litrmr),





! t7_5 tt.23t.6 |



$2,C0J.?6I|.\ Rris:

Cale oa (;rccn trnd Nrlr Jt.D,oriil l,lo!

TOT}1L ltEcfit;l\TIon-


Ol!s(.r!!n.e of )lcno.int xnd :\rnri!ti.cDats

l)rintiDs ni,t lri3rritrutins To\fn kcpons|rtrrouth counr! Airl ro r\sriculturc




6 ts..Jl2,705.42

3?.t 3.Q

l63.dil___-_ ;7,5?7.5.1




lsr3.03LEGAL l;Il,r:NS!:S 1ND OTtruR CO^-TINCETiCtES:

t,};CAt, E\l,U^-SES:OFihion rcndcr.d ro SctDot Con,rtitlccut'n,on on Untos (itlc


Page 42: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

Olinlor mr ltohrr. t,trr(c.! trtr scatdcnr

Olh. (ronti.{rn.tcr

'l o?,\t, (!NCr,ASSt r.lt:D

TOT^l, tt:c|lt:t,no.\- r\Nt) Us\Ct,ASStr:rr:r)

l'l-!rtl,le -sttltt.t(:8 tjsl,t I 'l[s!:sr\'.-t,tt:ta t)t:t,AtrTl[:NT:

.\l).\l I r.' l ST tl.\Tt On_:

('.trrlni!ri{,n(r6. tu!irh1(-rJxtmitnrcn{ (:lor,(

!_orl(rnri(rrJ$1.!,1:tirr{nlItir,rl,rr. SrnrbncD. rn,t l.orti,:r.r5l:izti. sutri.rtr!ioxSull,lic!

TOTAT, lvATl;lt D!:PA lt't,.ll E^'T

,{r,c g tr.l: co]l-r[t]-IEI: :


L'.ruipDen! ... . ..:. .Sotpllcs - . ._Shoi'cl


lul.'jie:,:rilco Loris :

Fire tquilnrcnt

lltiNICtI,At tNDt)IlTt)D\!:ss:l'uhtic Sorrhc l,oinsj

. rrra EquiFh.nldnI|citrtri;on of ticlcnuo I_qns



_ 12,20r.39

nIt,LAClt!(; lltATDlt lttlN oN suttlrDR $TftEET:Pipc snd l'irtinajSUDlllc! S?ic.ia

I t!.9s


2, n.!g|,130-00


2t.t tfir.!6?.a0

_--- s t,t0t.9:l

igt.t5I l.co


. I,05t.1??00

' s5so-to

s75.00. ts6.35

t206.C0r t5.05

T.ucks - .. .. .. ...._ .. _.

I'irc rnd FitttDas .tr,00r,&!0.08

3S0.0,5t.t,] | lisi.!t3.ti





s57.00(ll,t; n.\ TI \q t_\ I, l: n-s i:n- :


sut,t,lifrl'x.lI'o\or.n,, t-i,ih,.-\1. \', l:(.r!s!ririor


I\'t'fitt t;s.t. .1,\D l)I;1t1.


t:\'It:.\_StO.\- Ot r\.r 1.t., .r ^r

j\ (,rj r;II0\.t:5ltti;nT:s3,000.001,000,003,000.00

__ s10,000.00



. 910,2_t0.00

Page 43: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

,t(; Elicl':

Stnte Tsrstrlc I'nrl! 6nd tlcren''rtion!



9l?5.93TOTAI, It!]}.UNI)S

TOT.I', P]tY,\I!;NTS

cAslt, DECEJtut:lt 31. lo.,.l


--- t9.0r9.15


?r6.00*----.- Sl?r.'6.t7

tr.isc Taics



Nitllol'li'U lrrCo0ntt l'nrl'\rnout,, ('ounrI llorr,ilnl--]lnintf ntrncc

Ti)TAl, t,l;Ir,t(: .i trusT

TO ti\t, i\(;,;r*(:Y

l lru-s I:,ILiIII,I(] TIIUST:

IncoDx' Tho|nni l,.in( lr$c:!funt t.'lrrlIncdnrc S{hcol l'tr!!i! tor L$tuirsItr.otrrc S(hel l'rrtr,l! for (:.sh l,rirctIncorne S.l',.o1 l'ond! fur ltonttlnrotnc l,t.) r'..r'nca llc oriJtl t'{r,lln(oDc ]ln,l(lh }j. \\'ith€16ll lrun,il'lnra l,'un,l


. !s3t,030.69









Slo,nao i'l

TO rll. ,\r;l:Sr'r',\r-l) Ttrt'St.

INY t:STlt ti:t'I:l'ost $!r ltehal,ilirit j,]n ljun{t:$'nrlldn'l!

't (il.\ I. .\t; t:)icy II UST,t ^-

t) | i- v ]:sT.\t t: i-I. iii,ll'S6l

ti.al t;slale Tlres

li l: l'U.\* DS


Page 44: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

l)Ii B'l' Sf iVI'li i\l lln"1'

.'=*-''.'--:'-''''-:-_ '

(,'rt5utrdir!H l'ni,l Out.'trn(linF Duc I

liarnc of l-,-ln l$sro(l ;\ntrruni ltntc Jro. t, lgtil Ig.t't l)er. itl, l0t{ lgt6 Igr

\\irlt,r' l,orirr. l{!:t? Nrr. 15, I {l;lt

r\I'I'ItO pRI r\.f leNfjr,rrD(ititt

l!'iirrx.. .\DFrot,rtd-Jrrrr, l,'ll uriiil lt,.rcipt,r

,,,... Ss6-00. i,ll?,00?,2i!0.00


'l rdlrf.r! lt"ruh,t.li,it!t I




Page 45: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

N lrrct trott!lr I ir.-r i ,\oY. I a), r,rt lJri,rn-'u.ru | '. '. rr + I ra,l,|lu.uu +,,,uurr.ur! t:',w!.su lnrvvv.wv


' Gtncral-Gor-crnnrcna:Unlcf4t-ei -_... . -Sclcclnrcl

. Acco[ntitnI ln(l rlu{litor.. .l,rcnsu ri:r. ntrrl []ollcctor.

'l'ax'fit-lt lf orccto*rircsr\gscsitors'l'olyl Cic!.klrllcction :inrl ileristfliiorrFintltcc cd lnliltec'l'rt\;ll I Iou$e ]trrintcllrtncc?fo$.n

I loure [,.ixturc-qljoor.lr for \rlnrlt

Irro{{rction l)f Ircrso|ls i(x(tl'ro l ('i l t. ;

l)nlirr: | )r't ':r

r t rlt, rtI'r,licc lj ifor.t|l-rIl rlio.*l'r-rlir'r. t,;rr.I'olicc ljituip||r0 tI'olir-r.r-1s t'r1ii! t

-l:, ill)(Jg 0ttir.,'rShc tishlltlbor'f,lttst!!rl,'irc ll'Jpt. fl llillt!itilttceScrrler trl \\'ci;:hts tr tl-_ rllctsur.cs'.juppl'c-qiriorr of lt(,t h.s'l'r.ce \\,1r.derr

^ l!l'.lt0 t,n I A:t'tONS r\ Nll ItX pltN UITURES

Lr )crintrllnxr. J\tr0rotl!.ln-

Jrn, l, 'l I IoIr lleccl!,lr

s26.00r,l l?,00 .. . . .

2,286.00. 2,666,00




:t..t 01u5.00







,rccou N't'$

'I rrn!frrr ll.f nrlr


g lii.,l6






$2S.00r,l | ?,002,?3(i.009'05ir.00


r!.t 3.5i1700.00



.l,tr:.i 1.00.-\o




.t,{i | !.37






I,S.l?.6tj5C5.. l01,l.,l It6,t5


Cloreri toll.rr||u., cti:,






-l?.l I.s0s


e3. itl t.$753..10

7.:J6.l t:1.' )Jt).10

llnlnncc : it)fc. :llt 'l I

$r u,Dit




4.,t ?ri.s{,




Page 46: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

S!.r ls

llldgs, $nii


ll.- l itt -

.lrrt. l; 'l I




tl tli lt...lt,lr


I t.00


I.flin i.0r!I tl.111)

I l.tl{}

l,!! Ltl.l53,J.:!'J

1.50 ${lq..l2

'lirtit-l'rtrosf.rr ltrf!rn,li .\r:rlLil'1.




I l 00

t.{il.J.61.l0l .11:3


allor.ill.r llal,rttcrll.t..u.. tlr. li.r. :ll. 'll

-,t a









I t!"q..15 !,000.00200.00

t 00.i-r0. ?,600.0{i


l,ti:0.t)0 l,lilg.n-:]1t-50

t.i0,60t50.00 ti(].00s0.00 !0.00

300.00 , 3tr0.00

?,6io.00 t,{6d.ri0!3.1t

J.t.Jl..t6 l,?39.!S?0{}.00

100.0! 7D.$09,5.!0,0r1 g,53d.sil

":.??i.0rl 'l.05ll.tr?



t.5rr),(i(t,j,.!:iS.;S:!Jl.i.d;I rr:.70


. l*ou


$!! 1.0,'t




10J.00 :




.rriI l.q.3ir

a! |,.t!i

,1.i} |[?i.10



i.l'i _.qlj?,r,.t0

Page 47: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

Strc{t, l)it tti,ln ul(l l)un*{,f$ll{ [s

SohN llLJlt!'!'iilStroal l,iFhrintlDrtilrrgc=-.Ilnin trnrl

(it ecn Sl-c.Chn|. 1t0- \\'ntrt,inK lloxrl

:\l rr lrr t.(lhn}, !i0=--ll.rintrrrlirrcc(,\ r-r. t )'l'hi)nrr\$ Srrc(!l()lI l::srrrRrrc,i Srrrrr







.lar.t{l 3.1.t: t t!i.ili|



I iJ00.tlrl


iiss.0t| 39.t0

lll0,0rr i9.{'0'J,I'10.00 ::,tliri.,qr1:1,1?ar.d{) J.0t,l,ti?


lilr t.!l$

I .:]!ir !.11{! .1..1!rs.?s:iJ,l.0;t;t!.;r)

.1.0 ti7l. | 0


10,r.00 .. : :.8ir.0l





. 10.t.008ii.0l


. t8.26li9.ir5

|, t05.rl0I l.;,.1 5.il l.t.l

I ?0.t.r:J,?01i.?6

|,0i3ll.I Il ls.;t0 3 r.5l?..t.t



I,0t)6.01.l , l .l (i. r'.r*

r J0.50:i, r.t9.tii




_ l:l rll ;10,14 rtizu:r.:r{! i},1S.901,'(;

l,.tli lt).1I lrcIllJ.iii :t,ls r.?0 FG.l r,5.20

Chnritics lrrrl Soltlicrs'I,rrblic \\'r.lr1rr.c :

A dl|liltist r.$t iol)(icrrcrrrl llqlir:lJ\. t). ct.


I t.?91;.(; 100.0t)t3l.25rc t,{j50.00

22.1)0!.(; 060.00r,?$?.0lFc t*,000.00

. 500.00


r1rlnr in is{ r.lt ionr\irl

O. r\. r\.Adtl| irlistrnt ionAi(l

Solilir':rs, Iklicf 2ut(l lturi{rls

Sclrools nnrl l.iltrnrics:Schools:

School DcInI trnc!ttsll intcDil|lce- llt lgl;(tuiDl cntIlxt ruor.rlint t..v llcltrr ir.slt(lt||l,||l(,nt f ot. sclrool

LlttlcltcsIt(,lirorncnt Ih\. [or


5:i.;151"(i0:.:7.5 0 t,.( i

.t l{i. t51,.(lI,l ${1. t:ll,'(;















66,.131.16 . ..

Page 48: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


6.tl:13.?:i:0.$8 l0{).0o

tiixt.!0l l r-).'::.:

li...lt'l. frnnrl. lt.trrt!l!'lrl{l

li'0.00I tio.'J I'i 00.0{)


g.? i ?.00::.l9.iil






l:r t,i!t{lnl



'i,i r:.-t5nit.0i!

l -{ ?,=q li,9.0r!



5,rril3-?ir 5,!rlir.d.lI io.;:r;0ri-iro 6tlrr.r;r]i l a].:::l

l r0.! {!1..1()

t I i.|42

Jilr l, 'l I

190.'i I













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3,t it il


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lhlitt..l).r-:ll, 'll


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1.5,53.?r')t00,00 100.00

i:,r100,(t0 -ni.00


.. lt,:r00.00





i0.iltr:l lO-a!O

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Page 49: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount




[,li'.):].?il:(r.lis I ilo.O0

{itro.ooI I I'.'.i::


ir.0no.00 .i,1r5'f.{10

i,,|.r:r:i_1ir j;.1!ir:till::{r.risrn'lr.alir i.:r4.iirli I i'-:li

::.lad,to. 60.00 '

|,nn3. r-US


ris,? |t:10-slr

li..t| | 1'-!!


'l I l,6ii

. 10,600,00




l9 t.0it!0.10!0-r r

.l r7 .2iit.00






?,{l {ltl. r10


.{li)2l l.f-ro







.t t t.s3

.l I li60



r-.oIr llcvetllto\l'. l'..1. I'ir;r. l, virrs6fr0,000 4;,r1, Sr n ntlrrirjcNcrv llnxirrr t,'ir.c,il.irck

IDcOnlc fiol|l 'l'ruSt l,'nntl!.\Villitnr ll. \\'iltis t,.nn(t'l'honrns l)r.irrec llcnev, l,'un(l..\r'tlrrrr. lr. \\'atlsrr.olUr l,'urr<lSclrool l,'urrrls:


I.ucy P. .-\nlcs ilctrror.inllltrrrtl

r\tndclla li. \l'ithclrll l.,rrnrl\\'ilhholrlirrK'l':rr

,\ssessnlen{ s:Strtc'lhxStnto.{urlit.

Stltte pttl.ksIions

50.00. 2.t0.00+. ?,000,00r







3,95,i.00 s,iJ5't.00





of lluniril'al

rn(l Ilcicr'\,lt-.t I l.lt3

t.l5.l6 ... .. .1.il0


'J?3..t Itr't.it'l22.13



. r.s3





.1.J9 1.t0.5.1 t.li.l6

Page 50: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

,,,,,","."J:r,r. t, .l I

(=-our!l.l- i'il\l)l\-rnouth ('ouIt.v ll o.il)ito I

llfli iCnI|n.('

, , ' r\5,c4$snrcnti!

S Surl,l!rs l(nrr'rrrrr. (L-- .t l).)I.'(; Ir{.hl {rl Crfi|!l

. cl.os!:l):,Sitttrlrv,\l||lrotrt irt tolrs lo llclcrnrllistiitrilcil lltaoiJlLs to llcr0orririlcvcriurr to l.:, .t lt.'lotnll'!trnr,.for* frorl llc-rrrsc

{:l,t1r.i ln it,rlaa..Ilrrrrn.. ctr. l)n'. .11. 'l lItdoi ll...lt!li

,',ili | 5t

?.;9l _0!


s..ttr t.{tl t.?i.i.:t9:,95?.0{r

'lr:rnrtrr. llat|lrt(lrt{rl;i | .\|r,n rt

.\rnll:rlllr l: \ F. rr,l.1l

;.'JS t.'" 1 i,ti,{1,:1

'1.?fit.0: :!,1:ll.[i,:]

IJAI,ANCE SI-IEU'I'-Dcccnrber 31 , t!{,1't'o\l'N otf tilNcs,foN

(;tiNt.: ,\t, ;\(.(.otlN,fs

t,tAnil,l1'il,;sSAI,o;rr.rilr \\'i!hhol,ti F'frt\

llol l,i..crrses l)trr, Llou!rtt.I Ollr r..s

Page 51: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

BALANCE SI-IEII'I'-Dtccnrtrcr 3 1, 194.1

'l'o\\,N OF IflN(;S'foN(l ttN I,) .\ r, ..\ CCe U n-'t'S


.,\r-rortnts Ilec(:l\'ft lrl{r :

'l'l|xof :


l.e\')' of l!)11:l)erio:r;rl $ l{i?.?iIlcirl 1t,00t..t2

I.erv lol'rlt,l:J;li crr I i){)?.53

'l'&x'l'itl{rt'lirx Itosscssiotrsllr,tor. Vohiclc li:-\cisc 'l\t x

l)(:l)ll r{ nrc|ltt|lt'ublic 11'clI al L.-Ce |lc|lll

$$1,030.09 \Vithhoktirrg ,fns ..Ilof l,i(-cnscs l)uo Cou ntt.'l'BilitlKsSnk: of 'l'rr.r- I)osscssion Itr.trtrcr.t!llo:rtl rlltrchirrcr.y Frrnrl'l'r'rrs( lir!t|(19 Iricotllc:


$l I,ti;f,.1?


\\'illlrrrl ll. \\'illis l,rrrrrl g,t0l}.S{;'l-lronlir:rJ'ri|lr.Clh'rtcv.l.'rr rl .l?3.S0.\tllrt||'l'. \\'|lrlsr1'ot th l.'rrnd ,ii,l2Sr.huol l'urrrls for l,c(,tlrr.c:{ t??.9Jli,'h('ol l.'utl(ls for llorrks ld.Jls,'lr'i,,l l-tt|lll{ flr. Pr.izo" :0.1tl,lrc.y_l'...\ltcs.\lcnrot.ill l,.rrntl,lt0.:t?llrrrlolln l.), \f ithcr.t'll l,'rrnrl A.00


I l,?B(;.?t)

?57.{;ti:,{J lo.;1) I"oilcl x I

:r2.?3 ;i: ii.o. ,\.o..\,

Gulrrts i(.1. r\rlnr.c. ..\ i(l

A. .\ nl






llcliefO. A. A,

1.683iJ. t il



O. r\. r\, llecor.ct icsSprciul l)ststcs of l)c(!ers{!(l


UIlcr-pcnde(l ,l p]]t.ol'.ilr t ion Batnrrccs:'lh:r'l'itlc l'orcclosur-es : 19.66Ne$i l)oor.s fol. \,llltl[ 4g6.00Ilotlio-l\rlicc Car. 600,00Ilslrrlucc .\lrrnieiprrl lluiLlirrgs

lll(t t,roltct.tl :}09.03

Page 52: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

I n.rlr ra!ncc \ltot.kntcrr,.s ilont-l)enrol i6ll

l).)icrr$cllrratl ll nchilrry(iulrrl FonctrrStrc+t, l)iroctir)n


Si e.'. ]ltil:rrirl {irrert

\\'rit,t)ilti ltoi.!l alh5F, l)0 .,--llnirir:rrnnctr

'l hrnrls Strcci()tf lirtrFlr',.'l St|.tetl'..rntnrrtnt,titlt rtnlk:rllofite l,::rk Cpiiri

l.-nr:{ l)atu:rgc:l!i'trbr{rhtr lit., tlucifc Nr.. !t.10I'r.rrfurokr: St., l)r.:.rr.c No. i?',1\\'intcr Si., lli,cn:tr So. l$l\\'l;r1rln6 Ilrl,. llrcrco No. tjS0l,n .li!lri lt.l., l)(irec No. ?!$tiilc nrvl Onlt

Sehooh:lis(r'lrnr{ii!tN rl. lirtt!$irsl'ilxitinta'nt fot $chqi'l l,urrehr:t{irn{lint: ill llo'.r lqtrtl'r l-nnr:l)rivr'rtul flt lliKh Schrol

['l;r] iarrutld iItr,lxiir:r to ltrilkiingIir.crl]$liontrl l::(Uit,!rI|'xt rinrl

Il{! I}nir13

I'iirk::{ln.r.{!f Qthtr ll uni..irr:rl[]r'o1*'ri r:

l-.'!?nl Il\t{!r,.r':r rrxl .1.!!rirr-1lcnr.lrr

'l'oiYn liccorrls(iriryr, StoDei

\\:trtet. I)cpnrinrentr

riD.i lllrtF{'r

.l3 r.g9660.35.15{|.17200.00




n,F I&i t.t 0



1n0.001r0,9 t






I',-qu iprncrrt lf0,S$,\dditiolrl \l'clls I ti),?zlI'pltrirrg \\'l tr.r' Iltirr orr. l.:\'('r'Kr('('t| St r,,(.i lt),6(10,00lloplncirrg \\'ntcr ll:rrrr .rr.. l;lrnrlrcr. :ii r {'{)t !,}iliS.tr0r')li:::I,,,",11,..\.,,r(.r uni,,,,'l

Page 53: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

ll,t t rlurrlirrrr lj lir't'lirrIl,grripnr'.nt {or Srh,rr'l l,tlrf hi'.r(;!:I!lirrt: n! I Io$llrrrl's l,sncl)rir.crvn! ttt tliFh Srh.lol

Irln,yKrotrrt(i:lla't'niri tr! ll||il{liuAll'elt'ntr,,r;ri l.irrrit,rrrr.lt ;rn,l

Rtit'$irdI':i rk il( irlr. i'l {lthfr llrtIlicitrnlL'.r:rl l.i\r{.h;..r i,r,!t ( r:"tir'-



1n0.0{!I ll(1.'J I



iiO.00.:_,100.00 :.:


r0,600.00 .




'l'orvn llecorals(;rrtr! StoDcJ

\\'rrtrl. Dal)rltnlaot :Iiqtril,tnct|t.\rlditionnl WcllrIlcDlllcirrg \\'ntcr illniD orr

llrlrl.tarl]ctr StrcoLllol'l{ci g \\'nt{,r rin orlSlrDlnlcr Sirccl

li\lcnsion r,f llstcr. :\liri 0tl(rf(,vr,.\itr.rctNrri. Iirc 'li.uck (Non llcr-


lit'soIYr, I.'rrrtrl.-(Jr.cr.lrr\. Sltllr.lUs( lvt,r'lrr] s.lleserlr.rl ti,r. ..\ lrrt/,rrtcnt oi .l.lrc-i

:l,c\'! of l9.l.l $2,lie.ltil,cvl.of llt.lil . C:lS.S.i

llcvcnul- ll('5p1ys,1 Unl il Collect0rl;'l'ns'l-jtlcs g7a,?.dcI rrr.' t,t)ss{,sstr)D .l,Ol0,trgll, \'. llxcisc t{)JJ it2.?8DctlrrtrlcnIrl l}ii0,SiSl,{'cill l.:stnt c.; of I)t,r.cnscrl

Pcr.sons .1s.66

Surlilus llcyct|Qc (l:, & l),)


l,0tJ.,t0 I.@


t9.820-03 '



$0ri,022.?0 $96,022.?0

Page 54: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

-.::.::'.:. l-. i

-\ct I.'l||t(leri ot l.'ixc(l l)cl,t

Illilll' :lCCOli;r*TS

$tt.ii00.00 Wntcr l,srn l$37


,\,r- Lr l,r- \'1.i.$'t'I tilj't' ,\c(:ot-tli.t's

lsi.!.|i).Sr;r 0 .


Tlt l:s't'Trust lirirxl-r, (lish nntl Sccrtritit:,;

In Cusl{xl}' o!'l'orrn 1'rcn-quro}'\\-nshl)unt l,'utl(l i'rlts(c,,sLihr.t\r) t)ult(l'l'nr$tc{.s




S | gfi,2t;,. r0


i l::n.:.:ril.l0

>1 ',z4E' '1 oi|, -1 ;tA <co5 =to'1 l;!-r - -l* Eol,iqr4. 'd rn

i" 3 *'E -Ro -; !r

J il -r, r.<.\ iii =,- Y;i:' ';-:o.l'i'

- ir r; -,



Page 55: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


Gerttlencn I

I'subrriit:reconnl.s oi lhc torr;n of1 4.1, to Decenrlrcl 16,vi-iions ol: Chaptcr,l'1,rcyrort ntrrlc to nrc b-r.

o'i Accori n l-q.

'l'\'it.l , r'rrrr

Chailnra n

nl-t rf,pot't rrl' un aud il rit' the lrooli-i nnrlI(intistotr iot' thc peliorl l'r'onr Jarru:rr..t, l,lS'1.1, nra<le in accortlatrcr-. rvith the pr.ti-Cient lal Lar';s. ll'hi.r is in lhe folnr oi' ullt'. IIcr'nt:in Il. I)ine, AssistatrI I)ilcct,rr

\''cr.r' tr11l1' *1.6s11';,

1'l lll(-rDOli |; r*. \\:,\ 1l IjilLl..

Di lce tcr of,\crri:nts

here *;itir

.\i1 'j l,l rrrirr;-.. ,\: . \\'.,ri.i. .:I) ir.,'e:l.rir: oi Aeei.riinl:l r('rriil'I tli(jn I oi (.j11.;r1,1';s; inlt.., it riri'l'ir.rlrt jorr

'\l;rtc I l<,ttsc, [ioston

in st, r'irci icns. I i:: i r',,1 ttiiitlt itij ii,riliiIiingsicn lol ihi: 1:t'r'ittl

L'xiurlinirti{Jir. iosubmitttrd tirerri;n:

torlri of

Page 56: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


'1h,. finarrtirrl lrrrrrr.rrcliortr, lrs Iccor.rlcrl ot| lltt lrool:! ai tirsr'\1.tll (lolrlrlrrr0rrts rr(r'iritrlr {,r tlislrrrrsilrX rrr,rncf fur thn l"rrn(,r'c,nn,riiling lrills fr,r colllcti{rt. ircic ex&triocd. ch.rcfic(|. xn{lrcritir.{l b] c.,nttlarl*{)ll trilii thE Lookr "f thc for*tr a.coL,n,.rutrri'lrl lhc lli'ilsur{'r,

'lltr: lttrrrks ii (l ilcc(,tllls in thc ollicr of ihc toti.I trcr{llltlil\rr.t-,. 1'\xnlinctl trrd checltrl. 'l'he ntcipls, lrs rccordcrl on ihrLrlg|r'- sr:rl chrchrrl \vith lh4 rccor_(ir of !ll(: si)rerill (lepirt|llrntjni:tliirit: t)ir-rDlt!Iti to tho tro.isrtrrr;lnrl $ilh thc trct.\ltrFr's l,o.,l:r.rtl'i1,. iirr' r'!r,,r'rL1l I'jrlltr!rrls 1,r-crc ch{jckc{l \r'ith thc tr..:i.rnrr\r'rrr'r;irtj i..r,rl lr\' lh,'seli'ttlrx.n tlrl \\itll tbo lr,,"srrr"r.. c".irl,',,'l:. ll;r :r;,plopriritir,lr lrlll trnnjifers frotu the rcscrlr ftrlll.tr: rrci,rrL](l tj!t lltc ll:dgrI, N(,r.r'checkt{l \rith thc lo$ll rl.rl:'irt ]i,r'rli .'t' b\-'t r:eeii tas $ {l \rith lhc iiutll,)rizrtictl oi lhfllll:!trcc r!'r nritier..

'l_hr tii$li ;icc.,ullti,It'J lril{rr $:r,o trIirl.,-zod, j,ltrl jr l,ll:nt.isl,i!.t. ..!hir;r i. ;rtrturrllh,rl r., tl)is I'Fpol't, .!r-irr ptirpitrr{l shr\r.;igth, lin:,hc;i:; conrliii.rr of t[r'lorr'n r,n l)of.!:i5+r 16, lrli. ,\nerrnrirr;rijrrt of lilr. Ljrl:rn(- siree{ irrrlicltr:-. thrt thr: to*n i.r i!l( {1t g{^i li ; lc;xl crr,rrlili,tn.

'fhr. l,in,ks r .l ;r(ar! tlri of lhe t!\r'n tre;rirrrer r--erc,':ariin,rl:rnrl chtckr.il irr {l.,t:1il. -lh!' |.c(ofti(,{l rcccit!ls rr.,rc c0nrp:ircri rtillrth{. t(:c{'rdi;n ill!r {l'!lrirtrrx, t:.t collcctirrlg nrone5 for ill. talrn:rrrl with,rlhtr s(,1lr'c{!s fr{rn] rvhich uot)er.- i\'lli pai(l i|li,} tltcl.r\rtr 1r'r.lrsnr'r, lrhil,r tlr! l)arl.!li. t_r rvr,rc thcckrrl \.ith ilie silL1-t-nlrtl i rtnrrjrnl-\ l trhor.izin!a thc llisl)rtrs.nlcnl of to$rl f tds.'li:o crsl li:tlrrncc on l)freltrl)cr t{i, l0l.l. \.ii,r Iro\.a{l l)t.recrn-cili.ti,)n .)f tho bltnk lltiln cc rrith x st{ttonlcnl f!rnished t'i thcbrnk of rl.t)osit and hl lctu:rl cortrt of thc cfish in lhc ol]i(e-

]'hd t)lrt nlenli .rf llrtrtrinI{ (lclrt r {l intersst 1\cre l)ro!'ed\tilh the rtnrounts filling ril|! n{l $rilh the ca||cclle{l sc.urii:tion filc.

'tlrc .:rri'rgs lrlrtrk |nmk.. n (l secl||.ilics t.cprcjcnli|lI tnli!attrl irrrr:sll|rcnI fo (l inrcstmcnts in thc custo(i!. of lltc tonn

-s9-Ircilsurct.i trl thc tntslcos \lcrc csntninc(l anrl listc(|. Thc i conlcrras pr.orcd, the \vilhdr. tvltls rnrl rlisllrrscnrent" rv";;-,;;;;;;and thc clsh balarrcc rras.cconciled Nith

" "t,,t"nl;;i ,.;;;.;,ifrom {he l)fltrk of (lcposit.

'llte r.ccr,rrls of t \ litlc. llclrl lrl. tc to$t! $r,r.c ctiilIrilctlan(l chcckcd. 'l'he tmounts fl(lderl to the t{x ti e acconrt rr.crecotuiflrcll Nith thc collcctofs records. thc r4deDrplion-r \\.er.ochcckc(l N.ith the r.ccciDts as recor(lerl ou tt,o t.o""u"o,il, c""t,lrooli, :r d the tflx (itlcs otl lan<l rverc listerl n(l conDaretl \rithlhe rccor(ls itr thc llegistr'.r of Deerls.

'l'hc books anrl accounlx ol lhe to\,\.n collcrtor. $icrC ox nrinqlalld chcckcll. 'l'hc tascs outsllltrrli g nt thc timc of tho l)r.c.,iousc\nrni t,li(jI ir rl illl .ilrl)scrlrrcnl coIrn)ilntetrt{ \.or.. lrrrlit.rl itnilreconcilerl ryith lhe n-qscss.)rs, 1rlr!.rants. 'l.he D:ttnlents to thetl.?itsltrer rycrc checkcd to thc lrc:lsl|ret.,s cash lrook. thL rocor.deditllatcnrc ts rrcrc conlpxrerl rvi{l the a:se.,r.sol.s, I,ecords of abtte_[tents J]r_:Illcd, thc tt.:lnsfcrr to thc t!r\ ii c itcco!Dt $ct.e checkcd,find lhc o l-.ttn(linc :icrourlls rr.elc IisteLl rn(l r.eco c:te(l \{ilhlhc ri'slecl irc le(lgcr itcco$nt-r.

'l'he (lcl)aItlt:cllitll acc{) nts r.eceirnble outstanding eccot.{liljgto the l)rcri(tu; oinntinrtion. as Nell irs nll sflbse(luent conlntil-ttrcllls. tt'clc nuditc(l and pr-or.eil. .fhc

l)ntmcnts to tile trcnsur.erricre checkc(l lvitll the lt.cllsnrcr's Iccor(le(l rcceipls, !lnrl thcout-stfindinK accotnts NeIe lisle{l an(l prove(|.

'l'he coninlilnlcnls of \r iel.l. tes lnd chargirs \rcl.e e)ianlilre(innd chcckc(!. 'l'he ecor-ileil In).ntents [o lhe tr.ensuror \rerc conl-J,al'ctl \Tith ihc trca-stu.a,t.s cash lrook and lhe abatenrelts *.er.eIcrilic(1,

vcl'i,icatiotr oi the outsl:ln(ling ttx, rleptrtnlelllul, and \.tlcr.:rccourts \riils nrade b1. nraiiirig noiices to a Dunrbcr. of p€rsons\ltosc tl:rlcs ill)tx,tt.c(l on thc Looks lnrl t.r.cot.(ls lj o\ving ntolo.rIo thc lorvn, thc rel)lics Iccrircrl thcrcto in(liciii g thit thc flc-coults, as liste(|, flre correct.

Page 57: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

- 90:-

'l'hc tol.n clcr.k's rcconlq of rlog lnd sportirrg liccnsei isjucd\rcrc c)innrittc{l rnrl checkcd. 'l'hc ti8}'tlents to thc Slnte rvenrcrifie{l l)y contprtrisol rritI the rccr:ipls on lllc, lhc plr].mclit.1

t(, thc l()rrn lr-({rsurcr \!{!tc {onrpl.[e(l \\'ith thc trcnsurcr'-s carhlnok. &nd lhc ctsh orl hlrntl s'ns lerificll.

't'hd srrct! bolds furtrishcrl bt the scvcrnl oflicirls R{l[iridto file slrch srlrci)' $'|]rc csfinlinc(l flD(l foltn(l to bt in l)roler f.jrm.

'l'ho r'{:cor(k of rrcci|lts front liccltsc, perrrits, nnd grarrts,

fronr thu rc$lcr of $eights rrd nrcfl-surcB and the libr:rr!,.-'rlr.cll its flor rll (rthcr (lcilrit'tttu:xt-\ in \rhich uon{)" $nr c.rll(rlcd

for lhe torvn, $'ele ttirnlincd, chcckcti, rrn<l rcconcilad $i!h li.lrcnsrrrcr's rin{l th0 nccontttx.nL's l)ools,

lrr n(l(lition to tIir Lnlntrct sltcei rr:fct tcd lo. lherc ilrs r,ir_

D{nl(l((l t,) lhis r-eport tnblcr slto$'ing r| rcconcilitrtion oi lhi

lroirsurcr'.i i:lsh, tagciher \vilh sunlnlflrics (tf the Lrr' Inr tii:*.(isl)artrl]tlltirl.:rttrl rtrrlt'r rtcc,rrtttls, ,li \!'cll ts lxhles slorriltil l:i'cerluliti0n antl 1r;tlls:r[tiotls (]f thc lrx'qt:rDrl itlrt'stnicnt fuxlii

\\'hik: r:nx:rgt'(l irr n;:r!:itri: thr: .rrr.lil. ctltrpt.!rtliu rt:'' r''ccilt'tl fr('nr thc otlicirl:. of thc lor{o, for r|hich, on lrtlh*ii oi nii:rs-si-{lrrrts :tnri f.,r nr-,-+.-lf, | \{ish l.r e-\Prcss lll!t,rtcillii..'tr.

Itcstr€ct fillll stll!nlitl!(1,

*$l _


lraldncc Jsnus4' I, l9llltcccipts Jdfluary I to Deccml,ar 10, l$t.i

I'nJncnls Janl|nr] I ro DccarrlFr 16, t!l.ttnlince Docanrlor 10, l9{{:

Cssh in o,Ii.c vcrincdThc llljmouth N"atlonnl Bnnk

l'3t''nicrts to trc:r-urcr Januir,r I r.r l).rcr.i..rI '.i. I I' I.l

.{lnicrtrnls Jnnurrt I to l)lcqnlF. ld_ t-rrt!


-- 5?7?,963.95


.1r ,i;



-'- s2??,!s3.!5

'tic t,ltDouth n..rtionit ttank

lhl6ncc l)ftamber lG, l!1.1, rEr itd.menr l!jl.i3l.??Ilnl$nce llcccorl,c. 16, lC.ll, rEr chftl: rcaisrrr S7?,St!-.t9OqtsliodinA (hc.ks l)crcnrbc. li;, tar . !,cr ti.r t,!lJ.?!l



lttril, EST:\TI: 1.A.\i;S lr t3Ouinardi s Jab sry l. lrlt SS!t,.21ir\brtenrents ond latmenl: rcfu:ricl Jiluary I rn

l)ecchbcr 16, to.!l iB.i6

I tIIAN Il. l)1.\8.

Assirt:rnt l)ircctor of .'\('')tl'li!'

PERSO\.\I, PR']IT:!t'If T,I\ ES

Oul:tindnls Janunrr t, l9J.lI'n.!!tcnts to trcnlurcr JrDu..:r r ro t).Lcnrl,rr

10, r(r{{i.bitclrcnts Jnruirr I io DeNDt,cr 16, ltll




RH.{t, t:,s1.\Tt:'i--\\ts - l!lrJOursr.ndins Jatruln l, 191.i slr,3t.t-:1.!Abntcmenis a l pn!trr.nis rriun,ird Jn rir!.. I ro

I)..er!ber !6, tg{.t il.li_ s I I,j?-r_:Ir

ll Il l):Clrl]

Page 58: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

I'4ynrrntl ro trer!iaor Jrntnry | to D(c.'rrl,crI,i, ll'i I

-.\tnt.,ar,,tr Jnn!rr).. I to I)rr1n'ln. ln, l!rl,Trrlii{rfr.(l to i5.r llr:i..lnnrir!' I t.' l)Ntnrl,cr

r ri. tttl(rntrlir,'ltnt tr.,rnrl\'t )'i. la'll. i1r ii!'-

POt,t. 't'l\t;s . tlit I

ri,IrhIrrh.nr Jinuir! t to l),.'n,l,.r 1." lltil.

:\l.itd'Lnt nml r,!ytrr!'I,t r.fur!!$l Jn'$irt I t"!r..rr"l{.r l{i, l9l I

I'lrtnrcr!! lo trri1rrftr .rintriry t !a li(.(,Jtrl'c.I !:. lll I

/\t'ilr|ttrti Jrnriry t to l]{a'rttl{r 16, l!l'l

Outslondina J'lnlan l, l9{l s23.00

Connnitmcnt . Jlnuhry I to l)ccemlcr 16, l${.1,

r'cr warBnrAlratamenli nnrl Iryncnts rrfu do.t Jinurry I to

l)c.nr.Lr ld, l0ll

tnlnrcrts to tr(nsurcr Jnnui.r I ln Dcco hrt0, lc{ l

ItoTon \.DInct,l; Erctst:1.,\]i!:s_ lgl l

ConnnilDrent Jflnunrt I to Decanrlcr 10, t3t.t,lcr $nrrinr3 s3,r{r?.03

ru,trtenr€n(s sn,l t!-rncnls rsfondc.t Jxnu.rt I toI)cccnrt'cr !6, l-QJ | ?.SJ

$l{,,0i6.$ |a,rt.??








tl:lisoNAL l'llol'|Elllt' TAI!:s .- l'I-It

(lonrnrntrtr: Jn|nrnrt l I' ll({.tildr lri. !911,

l,nr_h.:;r: rd rrrilrr.rr Jittrr.,ry | t.' l)..un|{tM, l!tI

/\l,ntr'rncrrr Jir.r'xr! I t. l,r'crrr'rr lri, l:'l.()ulilrndiq: I)..r$l{.. 14. l!ll. trr lisr

t!t/\t, t:sTrlr'ti 'r.\ I l;s * r9r.l

C'onrnrilnr(rrt Jr!srrt I t. lr{'rnrl{r lli. l:'il,

I'a!nrcnts lo trcnsurcr JnDoln I to Dcccmbc.r0. l0tn.. . s33r0..t3

AUatcnlcnts JnnurD I to D..ehb. t6, 19Jl 57.6tOutsiandinA Deccmber 10, l3ll, n€r liit 30.?S


Inicrelt collertiotrs Januah- I to Dc!-enrt'$



$t,&l t.0s560 0q




t 7.]r j i5





tFr \'nrnrtr,\batcnrnls lDl th)..nlrn{s rofun{l+11 J.'ru.!t I to

I),rr'rl{r lC, l!l I

l'r!Dtnts to !rclrsr!r.r .hntt!rt I to t)c.onrlRrt6, r!t.t

Alnt€nants Jintnr.! I to llc.rrrLrr 16, !9tI'Irnasfcrcd to rar tittcs Jinuf). I ro l)rcc lrcr

Otrtstuktitl,. i).ccnlBr 16, lglt, lcr li3t l!;929.16:-----a'

10, l3t.t:

l,ert of t0l2Lclt of lltSLtly of l-o.ll



llirto. lchicle er(isa ta$:I-ct:r af l!.lilI-cl! df l9ll

l'aluents to ircs3rler J.Dunt1 ! to D.ceDrb{tr0, lcr.l





s9l,! l l.l{Jlit$.?6





r6, lc.t I


Page 59: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


(.t'rtl.olk.lio t J.ntl!ry I to l)c.smlart6. l!lt:

I c\} "f lullI'ilm.nl! tr' trsn$rf! Jnnuiirt I (o l)cccral,tr

10. trt t


t)os r.,ccnsos

r,iccnscs issuad Jdnu..r I to DcccmlFr l;, l3tr:SnnIcd rcn'rlcsllalca



54 6'1 2.00 112.002:I @ 52.00 s.t r?.00J3 @ ;.00 105.00r @ 25.00 25.00

talmrnts lo trcnrurer JnnunD I to I)!.cnba,16. t!tl

fccr retninc{l Jnnnary I to l).rcr l,cr tr;, t!tJ{_3.1r on hnlt(l Dccenrh. 10, I{,t{, lcrific,l

-sr,ortinc I.i.ensLs

l,i.rrircs iisuc,l JnnurD- t to lhcrnrlje. lrt, r!rr:Serics n_o. Is(ri.s n*o. !Serior No. tScrics \*o. .l

Scrils )io. 0Serie! N"o. 13

lirncnls to l)iy;rion of l.'ishc.i.r and Cj c.J.nunr]- | to l)cccnbcr tt, tlJl

l'co: nl.iircd Jhnuar! I to tte.cutc. lC, LiuCrsl, on hnnd Dc.cnrbc. I$. t!t.t, rc.ilied





It:llsn.. Jstrurrt l, 1.4lr

l nrritrr l lc ttrr tilh'. hnunrl I t.lItrccorlx,r ln. l9l l:

]'axes | 113

lnt.rq', r..l cor'rs













I'r!..flrro(3 lo lr.itutcr Jsnurrt I nt l)..cnlbofIrl. I!'tl

/\t'trtnrcnli Jnnrarr I &, llticmlk.I 'r.

llt.lTnr litlr! flrRt,icil J.rlui"- | t4 l)c.rnt*r

| ';, l!tlll.,l,rn(r l/c.cmlcr I'i. t!ll, tEr li!t


lliltrr...L,nrii.-r l. la'l I'I'ix titl.s fortcloAcd Jnnunr' l {o l)r..cmbc!

ll.i.'t.rl:t; @ s2.005i ct ?.0060 @ 3.?;! 6: 1.25

: 6i] r_2;l@ _s0




I ii, It.l I

l.ho.l ("urt t(r nd'hal ra rnr tosrr's.iohrSeUirF t'ri.e in rr.clr of t$ot islue ol lnt

|rrnrlntr t,) trcisur(r Jnnunr). I to Dc.cnrborI l;' lglJ i9!r5oo

llafance l)c.ctDbcr le. l9{.t, l,rr lilt


Ouistnndinti Jrnu^rJ. I, l9t tl-i.(n!es, pcrniis dnd ,j.!n!5 iiiunt Jnnurrt I ro

De.crnLcr t6, t0 t{::\urolnobile ttealers.Bccr, \rine I!nd liquor

I'i.tolShellnshTraitor pnrk














Page 60: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

I'rl..rncnb lo lrrr.urrr J^nunr' l tn l)Remlrr-97-I,I BNJ\ ITY

coltu\*tTy |lousll

Chiqaca Jntrun.t I to lrcccnl[rr ld, l.il.!I'rlncntr to irc'lsrrer Jtrrllnrt t to t)ecomlrcr

t6, t!tl

Al'itrmrrrt\ Jnntnry | io l,Frrnl{r 14. InllOntrlnn'lirr ll'{rDl+r 16. ll'll, I,rr lirl

Itr:r'r\ tT-\t Eli'r-/\ t, /\c{:ou,\-l's

Ijincs Jnnuno I lo Deccnrl,cr:ll. l:,tttrrmenl to trensurc. Jnnud'r- I to Dcc.orbcr

21, lr'l.l .. ....... .. ..C.rh on hdnd DRtnrl4.::1. I0ll, \.rific,l

t6, |9tt s3'16.602.006.00

t tTt-9tr{,15!.97



t6r.! ?






R l;(: l: I Y1t rr t.t

$160.09 '-'




lr'rlr!ntr{lior: J.irri!.' l. M l(i{r$itnrnl: Jrnunrt | 1.) l)r.rh}{.r Iri, l!lt

I'a! r;rri!5 rr l.(nlrrrr,!:tnirn'1 l t., l)cc.nrl'rrt6. l!rl

jl|t$i.otrr!: Jnnunri I !6 li..rulE! t!;. t!rtl(lutrtnklinf l).ctnkr t6, l:.t1. t]or llii:



{ll'l rF. iiti!tnn..\li\TtiIt tATt:S tr-D Clr.\n(;ES

Comn:ittrcnl3 Jrnoar!. I to l)c(enhcr16, r9.t.1 gt5,csl.??

,tbitrnrcnts snd rrarnicras Fltrndcit J;rnu.r! | toDftcmbe. 16, lgtl i.00

_ $15,958.??

I'alrrcnts to trctrsu.cr Jnnui.r I lo D.ca hu16, lt.l.r ttt,sq?.s(l

,lbat.ncnts Jrnuar, I to Dcconrbe. t6. tgtl lo?.t?Ouislandins Dcccnrl,cr lrt, l!r.1, ltr list tS.00

_ st5,08s_??


'l \Itis ot{ !:5T..lT}:s (if Irl:i'};.{stjt, tt)tso\-\(1,'axrit .ftr Janurr: I r,, l).artrrl+r 16. t9lt.

O!lslrr'linr: l)...|h1,.r t6, t!t t. t)r. liit

Sl l,!:.1I :t


St:.\l.llli t)l \\',:lC llTS,\i_Ir tl t;ASlJIit:S

I.'kr Jnnrtrr! | to l){(.njU.. !6, l!Urr.r0nimrnrr rd rRa!ur( hnunrr I ra trc.n;llor

16. ||itt

|a!!nnts l. lrcnsu..r J.ounr) | to Dt(onrl{r16. l!'t I

Il!;,\L' t I ) t t,l Itl:$ t; s]'l,kcnscs

Li.tnn.s isisd Jnru:rrr I to L.cfrtlLcr r'j, trrrr:llilk nn,l (lcnrn

l'a.r(u.irarionIl(crr htioh .imt'

l'.r!u,(nis to rrcirur{.r Jnnurr} | r(, Dftrr t(!t6, tt t]

\\'lLr,tt]l rr. irrr,Lrs cIl.\lltTl' t uNI)

ln Cusi.dr ot'fo*!'rrc.s{rcrS'jl.3l




or| lnnd st brciuring of !.nr lltlOtr band DcccmlFr 10, tgl l


Sarinss SecuntiesDepostts I'n. \'slne Totalss,s50.35 sl,l t0.00 $10,:-o0.35sc,ol2.i? $1,110.00 s10,.152_57

l|aj entsss.001.00


I to llccelrrber 16, l9l.lS:13?.?2 i\<ltle/l io :aainss depo:its gr02-??


Tnrrrl'e...d ro ro$n ?6.00

$:llii.'ll s237."13

Page 61: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

.lrnq6rv I ln tt...rnl{r }0, t1'tlInc.n,( Sn'is.i,:j .l.!{t.,J !o :n!irB,,!.t!4rirl

t lf f I L: l| F, $.\ trs\y{)lr't- \\. t:t,t,\ l|t: ].tj.\-t]In t u(t.Nt) ,,f tinrn Irri{'rc.

(h irtr,lit I'rqir'lirl of tdir l!llOr lrind l,.. trl{r lrl, l!ll


0" ilrtr! n! tr.i'!tri,i,: .f :.xr I:! i i{'r htrr,l l)..(n,l{r la, l!ttl


()r Lnr'i trt I'rr'rnt{ ,f rrir l:,t t.)!r hsnrt t)(c.lnr,rr t';, ll't.t


l)nhar (lit lrr:irltillg ol tcrr triti()rr h.ril l,c..trrh!r t0, l!tl



In Crstnt! of ToEn Ti€aslrer

S.!inssD.posits Totnl$5,000.00 $6,000.00

. . i5,000,00 15,000.00

l'rtnlontsJlnurry | to DcremlE. t6, l0.r.l

Inconrc 5110.63 Trinsfer.cd to toNn g110.63

ul,t2ABuTS r.. ct,ovt:I Dlitn-Krn*c ].ouNT.\t^- FU^-r)

In Ctrdodt ot'lb{ r'lrcrsu.ct

On Lnnrt nt l,!shrnirs of rcrr l0l tOtr h!trd t.conrl[. t6, !9! t


Or lnrd st l@sir$ilts of r.!r l!.1.1

On hund Dccanrl'er 16, l9l1Itcceit,li

Tll(r]l j\S trlll)i('l; tll:.\_t:\'(,l,EliT tjUn-tlIn ( uit,!l! ,'t li'nn 'lic.rrtr.cr

.r3rtirJ l I/' ll..r'tnl<r 16, I1'!tS3L.l?,\dti.,l rorrrirr:t,l.p!iit!

l. ltt:l)!;ltl( (-. r\tl_\-\ts s.jttool, t. t:xt,rI r url{rl ol

J.nu{r} l to D.rcnrler lrj, l0llSI2.:ll -\ddc(l lo sarirss dctDsits

t,ucf r'. r]lt;s ct:tft:]unl' FUND

In (irn.dl of'lo$n l.rc.surq








Sili !r5DcFsits 'tot.ls0t2_9t $6t291i025-25 5025.25


$;i3 t:








JrhrnD l t., lit(1! lar 16, lllllliLLnn Sl!0.53 Irsrrs(.$iJ to l4r'rt

tost ..\. cot,t.: scltoot, l.u)ittlrl (:r!rcll 0f li,n n tit'rfir.

Ilc(ct -r PslmctrlsJ$nuir! l n) Dftcn'l)r. ll;. l$l.l

$tl?.st Trnnsfar.cd to tolrD $.ll?-2b

On hnnd st I'cs'rniaf nf }..:rr l!tl I

On hrnd I)accDrl,lr Ic. l:l ll

Itr (-ltslod) of 'l'$rn'f(cistrrer

Ot hrhd st LcxilnitrH of rri, II' I IOD la'rd Da.cDrbrr !d, lttl


SxrinsjDerosit! Tdtal

5:t0.o0q-00 st0,000.00s20,000.00 s20300.00

Sariug:Deposits Total

35l-17 $rt.t7ss5.lj6 tt5.66

la$cipts P.ltrtents.l.nui.1 l to DocenrU:r 16, llltJanunrt I t{, t)cccrltbrr t(i. lrrli

320,!0 'Inrrir"r'rr.l l. i"r.r' $1.09 ,{dded ro s^linss dopolits Sr.09

Page 62: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

On hnsi sr l{,fltrriDr ot y'rnr t$l{On l'rn{l lx..$nlicr ld, ll'll

Snytn|.'I)apNitsslll.l?lt t0.lti


In tl,rl.llr ol l'oEn T.c.iurc,

-10r-}.I,AC FUND

In Cuslodr. of To*n TreEs{.cr

On hnnrl rt llcllirnios of rerr t!t.rOn hn (l DQccml)cr 10, l9ll

Iloccipk lhynanrsJnnurn I to Dftenlbo. tS, tgl.l

. fl6l.3l i).po3irql in sa$n8s brnk,70



si] Fl








\Iilhdrn\rn itutr .nvirsi

I t., l)ttrnrhr 10, t!tl'Imnrfcrrd to torn


(;itt . .

s3 00


ld t:rrl,Nlr ol'l'{rrn I'r.n.ur.t

f3,t 1t. t0





ln Cuikxl!.of ti,{ n ltcas{...


I'ar raluc Total

On ),an,l nl lil:irrh* .l ,.nr l!l lOn lnrd l)c..ula-r t6. t!ll

On hnul rl 1i.,.;oi;r{,rt r'.!r tLrrtOn hard l)rc(nll..r tt. t!!i I



On hnnil it boainDiDa of ycs. l9tlOn hntrd Dccenrlle. 10, lt{.t S10,000.00

llccctt'L.! polnlcnt3Jinusry I to Deccnrlrer 16, lgt{

nlpmpri^tion by tol.n f10,000.00 S€crrities purchoseit .


In Cuslodr ot TrlsrcesI t0 lrtrfnrlr. 10, llrllS5t.l? i,l,lcd ta !!!inxt dit,osia:

It Olllilti:;\-'S {'oJll,ti-S,lTlON INStJtIAXC}; t'f )iD

In (iAlnlr ot In$n li.nsur.r

lt.t l|ra!3,ttti.ii




I ro D.c.ntar t6, t'.ltt

sll.?l A&t.,! r; sn$nrs dtl)oiitr




CishOn hsnd st bcsinrins of

ycrr t0{{On hnnd DaceDrl,er t0.

r0.u at;.00

lliihdm$n from saiilrss

lncoma .. . -.

Rc.aipts P.Inrent!J.nua.! l io Dcccnrb.. 10, l9.ll

Sariflas SertrritiasDcro.rils Pat l'alue Tolal

s2?d.6r $10,000.00 Er0,z?d.cr

120i.!s $10,000_00 tt0,s22.93

Bcneficilri.. 5130.00$S.Go Su.tt!' boml . . ?5.00

2S0.3t .\dninstdti6D expense . 9-00Casl rn hArd DcceNber 10.

r!t.! 15.00

s9s9-00 t239.00

Page 63: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

r\^-.-lr: C. TllOtt.tS l,rEtrull' r-UNt)

In Ctrsladr rt T.osiccs

I'nyntctiisJnn{nrl I Ir l).(l,ltlrr 16. l9tt

l r.nrtcrr*l fro[r lrinrllal rt,lrlcd lri .n!ina! dctaril!rnr'urt €t'J1.35 l,ibmry r':t*nre

Csrh k! t'{ *itl,drn$n (.d"Iii!inx! drtrslii

(' l! 0r hllnil Jtrniriry I,I9t I




lrit..'l05t 0l





llrcrirlB falnrerti.lanvn.t I to l)cconrb$ lG, l!,t.t

Iftorre S2i.orr r:.:h on h.nd Dccouber 10,: Cash on hr {l J.nt'nrr l; 191{

r0|| .]r.5::

C,r hntrd st btsh$iDs of lcar lll!On hnrrl Dcsenrl,cr 16, ti.l I

On hnDd nl beainDing ol !c.r t:!llOtr hnnd Dccclnbcr lti, l$ll

SnrinsrI)ctosils Totils1,000.00 s1,038.52

ft,oo0.oo s1,063.52

170.'ll lliht .hnr{c.


I t6..rs

1s36.-t9 sti: t3

'Ortntrann n.coutrt

l.'l iltl:l c (:. r\or\-\!s t,ll t:\Il !'uNrr ..t'8r:\..c0,,1Llr (iritrxl! ot -fn rl..s


lrtrioti c. QUI:|llrI l.ll,Ir.\RY !'urit]l! (luslql! 01lttrslccs

.S.\inE3l)cltraits$3,ts'i.:lSa'.!!4 ?l


:l l.!i i ll3 | l,l't'l :r I



J5,l65.i:5.1-''l ill




Sa!inssDcro5il,_ Totilsrt33.l5 so33.l5

s6l;-s7 s0lt.sl

.tn*unrr I lo I)(<cod*r lt, lltll'li3n:f.rjsl to in.onrt

Itcolrr, -i{21.3t rc(ount

[{rs/l .\. col,}: t,ll r,\[]- f u.\"1]

ln Cr.trd) i,f l ru\i.$s_Atin8.

Cnlh l)cpo:ilsllEs-ss s5,000.u0srit 3l !5,000.00

llcceirts Ir.]' ents

JiDuAr.\- l lo l)ecemL& 16, l9lllncdrlo Sl:!.?? Add.d to si!:nss dcposits Sl2.?::

0! I'irrd b.rinr;'r{ ul r.rr lrllOn [in,l lr(rlrnt,rr 16- l!tt


OD hrrd i! lFllirilirta of I..r lgttOn hand t)..c!rl*r l!t, t:lt I

lD.ohcCr+h otr I'and Jnnonrt t,

ttt I

llcl rtrts l,AttrrLntrJaruArt I to l)!'.cDrb.r 16, lg:i

S100.{S Lihr.rr.ip.nrc(ltrsh on hin,l l)a.i'nrl)!'r l6'

r6s.$5 t a,l.l

Page 64: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

Balarrcc Shqct-I)ccenrbcr I 6. I 9.1.1

'f0\\'N otr l(lN(;s'l'0N(l tisri||,\ l, .\ccotiNt's

J\sst:'l.s(l:r sh

,.\e.ounls llc'rcilrrblc:'i'nxt s;

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Page 65: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

trlri|rir. \'qhielc I.:x.i.e'l'nroill.cr.t of t{ll I

'l' x'l'irL'n'fnx Ito-"tirssiorrr

IlaI$rl!re|ll.all:lrolicrI'ul,!ic \\'i.ll:rrr:()i,l .\r:c 2\1!i!rtrtt.t!

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.18.5(l L!rrr.sponrlcrt -\ pt) r.(,ilrin t ion lltrltnc(.i :._ l?.llrl.4SlS-00 l{esorvc lru[.]- L]vcl.Lrl' Slllt,lus : - , l.r.r5i]..10

'llS.'12 Otlr'lnl.s l .st,r.r,'c<l fot. r\bltorrcnt rrf 'l\rrcs:

Nct liuri(lc(l or l'ir(.(l Dcl)t

-l'r'trs[ :rnrl I nvcstnrcnl IrtlndrC[sh |rn(l Sccrrritics:

Ir Ctrstotly of:'fowll'l\'crrstlrcr'l'l ustccal-iltrnly'l'r'ustccs

llrvlrrrrt- ll).1.1

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!)r l.t,.tccouN1'S$r,000.00 \\'lltrlr.[,o:ur lfrij?

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\\'illiAtn ll. \\'illis Chflr.it\. l,'t|n(l'l'honrls Pr'irr<.c llcncvolt,rit l.,rrrrrllrthtrr F. \\'trdss.or.lh We lfrir.r,Fund

Irtc(lclic C. .,\rlanrs School FundIlosl r\. Colc School F r(lr\ttnie C. 'l'lrernrns School launtll,'lizrrlrt.th F, (ilur'or l)r irrkiug

Irotrrrtrrirr l.'rrrrrl

$638.$!3?; l8?. t0








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Page 66: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

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iirr' l.'unrl l10.:ltll unicip:rl lluiliiili: lerrrnqrr:

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Page 67: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount




rllrs. l)oroflry J.ll[hllva.l,, C.,hait.ntanI'. Cabot Rushton, Srrc1s1r,.,.\l rs. R rr t h I I. lJa ilc.r,

Ilichlrrl' Ii. Gcssner.lrl'ne.st I I, 1.:61.


C:htrlcs \Y. l,ag,ratrceJI r',s. (llr.r.ic l). Ilolrucs


'f ernr cxpiles

Iie.sidence, I(ingson,

School Cnrntittce

ljcplcnrbcr 6 to l)cccmltet. 22,l)cccnrber 22 to Janunr1,2.

Januarl' 2 to li.ebr.uar,,t, .l6,I'-cl:r'uar'.t. 16 to Ireb1'gar..v 26,

Irebluar';. 26 to April 14,

Alrril 1.1 to June 15.




exllilcsexpi lcsexltiles








l,'all '['er,nt

\racalio rr

\ltialerj'L'errn\raca fion

Seconrl \yinter .l.ernr

\iac:r tion



r $,15


I v.l i)


i{lGl I .St:llOOL Giir\ DLrAt'rON

Jurre i3, Ig4;-.r

llc l'ol Columl.rus l)a,y, Octol;er. lZth;Oclobel l9; Ar.nrislicc Da1-, lfovenr-

1ir'ececlirr.g .fllhanksg.ii,ip.g alrl flic22,' liood Ii'ritlav, ilIarch i!0; llc-

Page 68: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount



Signrrl fr.lr all

-\ltillnt trrl grrttlc.t l_li

r.t ? :15g l'{r (lcjJ

it, 1 ,.1rt

A. tt.

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Page 69: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

Fruncir lll, r\lortnlnrcy li,'l'rc|1tl)oloth-v N. Olivor.l,ottia (i. Cot nerrll:t.Itlyla lltelnialItuth ll itchclli|ltonc St)[t lrI.l(l\\:rr.l .t- llo{rtllIlahlotr ll. l,coturttliUrrtJ'(:. Sulli\'rJilidtrn l'1. trluttlItsl.hcr l)illrlrz.ioNrtda l). Whr:rllitrthr:t'itrc IJ:rr.dttirllthel tri. Nicholsorrlld:r Llillxsciolllsl;clh llnt dyl,rrcy (i. llnc

I!trrl]flril J. I Itlc,{llill't.J\. Currirnl"lorcnca S. lllnrnc,,\ toitlctte (:trfr'r)ltYAll.y Str'rLLon


ll.S. ir t)rl.ll,S. irr lt(1,


l|.S. iri ll(1.li..S. ilt ll(1,ll^S. in lll.I|.S. in l.il.l].S. io E<|.

ll.S. ir lt(l.l].S. in llil.

(iul{lurl0 \\'ork[]oston UIivel.xity

lloston Unilctsity

llosr,o|l [iniv('r'iityllostutr l;nitclsity

LI. S. .,\ r.nry Sr:heql

llrr t(,i t liillrKc

II ishlliglilligh :

lligh I ,

llish I

{lDbb X(,'obL 6

. Crobb ICobli:(trtrtr

I Iorvltnrl's Lrnc

s'li\lr!'r l)cglcc Collogc l)crlrceIt.S.irrl,irl. llrhlKeNstt,r'l'clrher.s Colleg(,

t iolb-v CollegoNo hcrsterl [Jnilor.silylltgiut, Shsk,, Normrllirfts CollagoSnlent'l'erclrcls College'l\rfts CollcgcIlo.stol CollegcIt. C. /\. Iustitutof,'rrrrtittghlrr'l'crehcls L'ollogcll|.itlgc\iatct'l'ench!'rs Collcgcllosio!1 Unircrsit!-Ik'sl.oD Univcrlrilyllrirlgcslrlcr'l'clchcls Colh:gcllr' ga\yntor"l'cnc[cl.s CollcgclJIi(lfcr\!rtcr'l'cnclrcrs CollegcS:rlcrrr'l'clchc rs Collegeli'annirrgton Stnta'fclchcrs

Collcgell.S. in lil. l,o\\cll Strrtc'l'erchor$ Collc|{e

Ilridge\yrtlcr'l'c!lcllcl s CollcgoCrrlly Scltool of I.jriplcssion

ll, j\lus, IlosloD Univcr$ityr\r't. ltrrss. Sehool of Art

IIo\rlotrd's Lancllolr'llln(l's Ll!ne

llal)lo ..\ i'cntrelltrrnxir'l'r'irchrls Collegc llnplc r\vcnuc

Il islr

Page 70: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

rtlipoR t ol: scltoot. co!\tMrTTt;t:

l.'rf ll|c ]'clr l$4 1

lluriDX lhc Itl r l!,11. tht Sr.hool (:onrrittcc his had a[rrnusual nttntlr:r ',f chlin{"..i irr ils l)crronnel. Jlr'. Itriuan, *ho:etrrt|l {lrpiftil ili lli.lJ, fflt oi)li*irl. ott nccrrlnt oi his h('ilih torrrri|al| iu tirrrc {or r sucrrss,ir'1rr lrc rlltcl.rl :rt tlr{! rt r|t|al ]lirrcl:rl{,rtirtF.

llr. liithat.d Cr,-r.,n.-'r ..u. chcttrl tr' lini-th tltc rnc\!iri{Irrr . ln ..\l,ril Jl[. lrurnltltnr scnl hir rasiFnntio[ t,] ihe'lr$r,(-:lcrk rs sr(,|l xr thc ,Jilice t]f l'rice '\(lnril|isinrti.rn l)(ran i..rlf{,r'ct: ili rr+:rtlntion rr'hich \(rnrll Ire\ierll Linr tr{rn:crtirlt r'c

thr, llrriorri x li.J;rIrl .,thilc lirillirtrl l| trrrtn olli|:t- lrr Jlat 1it*

Scldol t:ortlnrittcc l|n(l tht S|l|:Ltnxrti &plroint({l llr. l'r:rnli A.

I{anrla!1. $ii,' h:|ti -.ir:nili.:d his nillinl:trr.s-q lo scrr{r ntilil l}(nlri! ir!\!'rr (!i!rti,:,u: l,rt. il .lull llr'. ll,rndnll r.sirred. 1lr. !:rnesl

Il. fitl': rrr! r|llointcrl {r lill th{i t qnnc}-.

'lh.rc hatc lxi'|| I \\'.] j.r'ii,us chnrrgcr irr tl]r ltrit|iD: si:ilIl.;rst llny, )lIs. ll:rr'-'; 1,. (lh ndlcr,,lu" t,, illuo*- lthith lnlfr rt-sull({l ir hl,r rlc.-rt|. |l'ni in h(.r rcril{trrltiotr. \\'c rris}t io c]il'rt:sour' :rtil,r1ci:rti.,rt of lrr:r- feill:frrl. .'{!icieni scl ricc, hi]r co{rf.rli_

lio,l rrtil {rullrusirrsnr \\'hil! 1.,rt(lring, tin(l htr ki dll' intcrad in

tnrttiljt :rn{i t.:ichirg ns:Briat|s. )lt. llrtl'nlontl (;. llccflilt'r"t'rin(il,ll of thL' llish Schorl nrtd xs- iii$!rt t,' lhc Srrl)r-'rinl'nr!"rrl'tcr|trin:ttc(l thc ltn\a! .'f abscne l.r'lntcti Iim ill l-tbroirt' lri'.

Iis rcsigrrlltiorr in Jrrll'. llr_. llccrirtllt critttcd nlllll! teilDnsr_

l)ilitit-\ th|rruKhout th. ithool stslenr. (tiroclert tlrc ftctilitiri.t'lihc lli(h School lnrl lr'as ortr rrf the lcxrler's of e{tltc:ttio in llirIr'giutr.'l hc (:ontnriltc!' si||cclol.\_ tct{rcls his lcsigtratiorr' IIisl)or','th\'\\'. Oti\.er rr:rr ,{(tirH l'rincit)nl:'l thc Ilirlh Scho{rl unl"

llr'. I'r'antis1t. ll,,r'lrr forrrrr'rl-v a tcachcr iIl I(inFilon rllrl l:ilfrrrssisti||rt Irrillcilxl srul nssistnrit to thc SllllerilllcDtle'tt iD Gurl_


fnrl. Corrrr. $as clectcd tlr.iDcipnl of l(il|gsloI IIigh School iA_uri1st. ttjs fanrilinritt rrirtr our. pr.ogr.air

"*r ii"ir"rJ","ii"sof our. Itotltcnts, trrs $isdonr atrrl rounrl-thc_clock:rctirit.r hlr._ennhlcd thc llish School to t)roccee(l $ith u"i,ur*iinii i"",i"i..f,ip.

'l'ilcrc-Jtrre been shnnt r nho i[ thc pcrsonnel of thc jani_tors. llr. I(r'itzmtrcher nDd llf. llrerctt conthuc to scrrc us, butllr. Jrmcs Shnw and ltr. llorvar(t Itusliton resignerl on ccountof illness. lIr. Ilazeldinc is no$ subsiituting as jatlitor. and fire_nl n ix ihe lligl . ril llal)le ,\!.cnre Schools.

'lhc ltansDUrttlliun cotrtf:rci \\'ith lh(, l,l-\.nroulh {Drl lirDck-toti St. Il.r. irns rcnc\rcd fol. thrto -vears :lt a stight lr(lilition:rl

r\tl inspcclio,l ot lhc :r Durrl :chool censns irxlicntc-L tlx in-crcase in the lo\tc!.grl(lcs lor lhc nerit li(e I.crrs. ,l.his i cl'easeaatl :Ilte:rdj- brt rlon,ou.1ru,"U in Grarle l, \rith i? t)upils iD Scp-loDrb€r', 19,14. as courpaterl tr.itl B6 pupils in lglj- IIo$.ln (t sLanc School is greitlr- orerrro\r(le{i. hoirsins C5 pupils this.re:rr-

.\ chrrDge long rontcnlliltrterl l]t.thc Conl|nittce \.as the.nrll.clo,ring llour fot' (;11|lle t durirrg thc tr.-rt t\rr) nx,Dthr ol theI.-all tefnl.

Gcncral lririntenilDcc i\.ork \\'as calrieri on itr all schoolilniklinL.s. l)ltrt of the ll sentent of llfll)lc ..\\'cn|te School rvaspninte(l and nddilionxl liqht-s i :tnlled. lt had been tllarr ed tol)aint tlc lunch root|i in the IIi{h -school this }-c:rr, but thc llighSchool roof dereloped sereral leaks, und later Cobl) roof Nasdanragcd b1'the hlttricane, so that lrronet phnnc(l for other r.c-prul s hrrl to b!' nsed for. the roof:.

All the school buil(liDgs arc urgcntlti in need of rvilrdorvscreetts, ln the lligh School a t:rnkless hc:rter N:rs i,rslalled.8i1ing lot wrtct to thc lunch roonr, \\'hich \rith a sm{ll amountof extr'lt pil)ing s'iu c\tcn{i hot $ilrter to the gii ls' toilet room-


Page 71: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

'lhc b,,ilrrs lr lhe llirih Schrrirl shoull he rclrllc(.d. l,,.aljhtvt, dttclr'lrrl frtr;rtcntly nr(l lcrr' scctlols trur-o fr"r, iu.i"i!.,ifroll tintc lo tiuc, lrul it $ill tto\ri l,e intl,O,isitrtc t"tirif rrnl.irritloirap;1irs for thesc lroilcrs iis thc rnrinufniiurors iu,"" ,ro;,o ooioibusinr,ss rlrtc to \rlr (olrlilio s l lil \rc lr(lcrFt;r rl tlrit rhr r:,1.tcrrrs of th( Loilcrr hrrrc b.r.rr rlostr,'lcrl, r\rr rrrticln r,;ill rl,le;rrin t[c 'lb\lr \\'ln lltl to rlfilrlc thc tot'tr [o lakc sotrre ncli.,ri lilhrcsttrct tc' thc lligh,School hcntlxg ststclr.

rour ollter tt liclcs h \r l;eri jrcparcrt bI the ichlo! t:,r:n-ntittr(! for tho prrrprs.! of cnnl,lilii the to$rr to lnl:e tLt rtr..ssort lit si -slclts lo$rrrl ;r :iolutiorr .'f our rcllool horrsinx l)roL:,.nrr.'l'herr cotkl Lre no post-ryrrr |rr(,ject nnrre rrr:trlerl, riore l!rri}-lthile. or rtlorr! plllriotic thrll thtt of thr {(lcrtrrilt{r h'rusin,t ri



'lo thc Citizons of I(ingston:

_- 'l'hc yc:rr. l$,ll hns seen nlountiug diflicolties for out SchoolDcpnrtnrcnl, espcciallr itr.{ccuri t{ high gr:r(lc ot.nc$ tcachersctttccs, l l( tn repalrs for IniiItcltrncc ttl(l ol,cralio of SchoolIln Ils,

'l'hu suIlt.r. oI ncu. leirchct.s is nruch lc-rs lhnn for.nter.ly.bei g bo t onc hrlf of thnt ol a !-ear ago, lrith ne$, teRchersnluch inclined to trrit for the nlost (lesirrible openiDgs ir fotvllsncrrcr their ltonlcs. 'lhc ltrger to$ s are nrore cagcr than e(crto get our l:oung tcrchers and (lemin(l less $ipeiience thanfolnerl-r'. Thcy nre olleriDg theDl nlltch highcr salarie.s to changetheir positions. lye tuust be reaiistic and be rcady to mcet theieollcrs rsith conrt)nrnble salaries.

You irrc rcftinded lhnt the netr'larv on nrininrunr salaryfor [cacltcrs. 91200 ior torfns the size of Kingston, also raisesour s lflry nee{ls, for all teachcrs.

'lhis ycar liiugstor h:rs c\perienced ll high percent{ge oftcacher ihnngcs, as note(l tudlter olr in this report. Ilan]. ne$tefic}crs htrrc joiDcd otr statt. Witho[t eJicepiion, they ha\.ecltcrc(l ot thcir duties lrith ivonderflrl spirit and eager.ness topcifornr \:ell :r !it:rl civic .,utl'aD{l a flrtriolic serrice.

Orrr okl stflII hi.j coolicrrlorl \rithout rcscr!c in hrlt)ingthcsc ni\y teachers to tit into our school progr:rms Nith thegrentcsl effcctireners.

The morale of our tc chers is a tribtrte to thcir fine civicspirit :rnd high professional st:rndards

our -cch4ol chillrcn.

lx)ll01'lI l' ll,\'l'llr\\1'.\1', ( hrirmrnP. C,\ ll0l' ll USll'l'Oj\.., Srcrlt.ri-IrU',t'll lt. ta.-\It,nI'lllCl I i\ R l) ll. C li-\S^- li!lritNlllil'lr. (iol'li.

Page 72: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

-nt-Ilt ll(s1., tilrtr.i_ftlucntion s111111 g,, o , tu tc \.t,r!. lrrit thal.nI ri' l,ri'l'Iilcrl. uhrrrlt!(i :tIf Lt"irrI on irr t,d sirtiDnul LIin-

.ilr'( inll-v i1 srrnll s.Nnrcnts'f r.drrcltlonat,,"tiriii""_ ii.' ;::';,,f t'. rirrk:'l,lc r,slrlls fror|l llrt..ncrt" ,ft,rU.un,t Xnr.l fr"ln;.0llllIrt! {lcs{rilx!{l rs 'rlrvolrti{,nizi L erlrrc:riirrrr.', fn *rr,ott ,lrirt('nls tltjr is tr[,., r'sllccitllJ- si cr, lltqsu,\rnrI nrtrl .r-nrt.ular,,(l(,lrnirr rlx.cirlt:rou;r. of trrnrr Ilr'.r'rlrliqkli to s!eciric knoirlcrt[r.,:t|ni \tr.t IiXh ilagrcer of skill.\. lirr. cot Uat serrices. l.he,.:e deIiccs, ptr!liculirll thc tltotiotr liicltrr(rs nlti olhcl risu$l ed ca-ti('t| r.tuit'nx,||i, rc of e orlrxltr hr,lp nnd rlo irpptj. iI slcciriiclr{l,l silitntioli nr'l f,'r st'{rcitic rl:ills. 0rrr scho{t-\ hirrr ioundlh('rll {rf ostinlirlt{. rtrl e i|l {ir.inif '[lcktiround kno\rkrltr,r" inIh{.sciottir{i:., (hfr irtr.r. t,h}-."ic-r, I'ii}ln! "; in {coFrnpht. hirtrrJ:rx{l nrfuntxndiuJ. of lrnrple ;rrrrl (nrr{!nt {r\.onis. 'l'h.:ir r;iuitlorlucirliorr I'ro}|r_:ru.i shi,rrIl l,u ox'r;rrrrLrrl.

I.:t,l:( ,\l trl)i l.'t:tD,\r-[:.-T.\t-,r \oT {'tt \:\.. ]l

.,\ r't rl lri,i'{ it;it{'tnr'|1i rtf rirni. ffln{l$t rjritfils {'f.rl$ctr1jnrts i,n:)r!_i:rrrl {or l!rl.rt.. l,r'r,jnl. lr:rs:.t !ri (.it,l{..r rn $Jrich {,rrtchr!ilJ nri ,)t|:nnirrll : rd olierrtcd. 'l Ic1. hatr ljr. lilriic t'n:

rducati,)rr i,ir' l \{!rj lotrx tillie. :inrl \r'ill lrc far ntanl ilr'c:,ri..

'l-!rt: liirr:{'.\'l i(,f,.' \t. Il.i{ii:.\}t (;}::i[lr.\t,

ll i: inli,,!rl;Lni ir ti':,ii7,r :l::,i liro idncr,li,rD rif i, !ilrjrri !::r.,.r:tir)1r,rrs l11,rr.is. l.'l t!.:. \.. i, |:Ii! rrrii2. lli'l a lt,i,iiiiltit]|1sts nr:d nFr!ls rll:. fr \,.irh th! ir:Lri;1sing ;tfo. Ii,r !l:$.l,;r:ji' lrrsrn.. ,iflic(.lr rr. cl:is,.itl,il i:ti,r infi.r s t.vl;!.. !:ch tfjiir:. ..Fcifil t'r,,(r: rrr,rf lrrrrrin!: irrt;riti,a. I'or thc rrrr"'ichil{ll|lrn(1, thcrc :ir'(, lhr' :,r(<I\nrrrtrLr lin(l tht' .lcntrii;ir:i.th,nls, r:rch with its 4islincii!r ptQtr:!r s f,)r st)t.tit! rr.';iil'irr'-rorrtL, l,alaittr!n:t !ritlt :rlt. l\!.1!e. thcr'e xr(. thc s.!ir ilIir:'icit.{tls. \rJrich rr{r usr:,lll ili::rir-:Il:rterl ns "junior hi,rl's{l't:iild "scliur high" sclrools- I.)rrch tl t)c of -!cIool lr:r-n x {listin.tirrltrlill(:rr.tlt l!t,c of plofr:iIns of !rlucxliotr ind \vork.



lyhcn !r litllc chihl nrales his tir.st rl)Ioflrnnca :rt school,\rhclher in Gnr(lel, or t)rc.prinrar.r'."t,*t, oI. t<iu,loagn.t",,, o,cvcn nurscrJ scnool, tlc ts in \tLnt of a unrlcslan(ling of othct.chiklrcn likc hinlsclf- lls necds to acquirc patterns oi fersolaltnd soci:rl sclf-relinDce. 'fhesc patterns of ..socinl a<talrtation,,n rst lrc ncquircd lreforc thc chikl is rea(i-v io tcarn iris firstschool lessoDs itith confidencc antl \rith undi{ide(l intercst. pr.e,prinl:rIJ'scllools gi\.c the t)util thc ne{dcd so{iirl experiences,so th{l he gcts alons Nith others $.ith conli(icnce.

r\borrl thc age ol six, lllc child shr(ts in nee(l of nerv kin(lsof cd calire c\pcricnces. lle clrr Lrcgin to lcnl.|l lo relr(l fln(l[ccds:t kilnl of scltool progl.linl to aid him in thinking, and itlacqlriring nranl' |lc\. lcar ings trld undcrstandirgs abott the\rorkl and its pco|,le-s. These ne\r- Iearnings become firnt!,nrentallools irl lcarning nerv kno\\le(lge. and undcrstindings, throughnature studl', geographl, histort, and csNrially the understnnd-ing of ot|l' o$n past histort nnd its lcxders. 'l.hc eleme tar],schools le;trh fflr ntorr ihan j[sl skills iD r.ea(lilg. \,rili||g, an(lIrrithmotic-

'l'hc chikl in the elcnrentir'-r school shoukl be illir.o{luced tortlusic nn(l the olhor rlls. IIis charncter {lelclol)nrent in theelcnrcrtil11- sclcol.r rirqllirei gui{h ce. tnd his social derciol)-urcrll in the-\e .r_eats reqlt;rc-r c:rt.cfill Dulture. 1'hesc pr-ogr.xnsin prlctice, rcquire thc best trained rnd cxDclicnce{l teachcrsobt:tinnble, togcthef \yith anqrle spaces nDd classrooDl xn(l plal'-{roon{l f:lcilities. Irr his,r:rrl! perio{l of eigclness lrDd curiositt'thc chil(l shonkl harc full scopc for mnkiDg disco\:eriei:il)outhiuself, his tcllo\\'s, and thc Nor'ld:rbout him-

Sl:cor-t,.rty S(:rtool-s-Dt!'Fr:RENT PnoBLEtt

\\'hcn the chikl rcxchcs tte age oi t\rt'lrre or tLercabouts.utule, tlrorgh thc processes of ndol.sccnce, begin.{ to irans-fornr hinr i to a di,Iclent kind of peNon. fle groiis lapilllf in

Page 73: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

_ lr0_sizc rrn(l slrctt!{th tltlrl ttrtrl}r)s(. Ncrv glnrultrlar sccr0tinls c(urjrrhrouxh his lrluxt; hc is rcstkss trrd

"'n,,," ",f."u,u.*. .iiulii)i

nlllsl nD\r' Kiv0 llirl c\t,lonrtor.r opDrrrt Iitics iu .""i*,n.. i,, ,rjcrcflliy! nurl cxprcc.riy,. lrts (\shich rrrc Ic,(ion). in r,fl nr:ir'iihurrrlrrr knortlerlfr. nnrl sorlh.v c|ltcrlrisc l|l rvhich he mrr 1,.-

l) (l(li F itttcrcsl. 'lhls too is rrot the otrll t^:+ ,,i ftro i,,".-ltcrlirt'r Fclr'''l (lhc "julior. hiXh school" xrr,rlr,.t, fr,r fl"re

"rrn|lln.v nlor(! krrowlcdlcs 14 ntrslcr. itl scielcc. rrrnurernaiiclrioci$l stu(lies tnrl lilxll$h. 'l'o frril iD thesc special fuDctionsfor thc child is to f{il t ost irtlricnll-r

\\'h.n thc I'orrth hrs hnrl perhl|!.s threr icn.i in iutcrnl({ierc-{clrDl ("jr||ior high rcho{,I") t,vpc of \rork hc sftoull pr.xcedto !l dal hilh scltool or rr trarlc school, lr'herc olpdrlunitiej:tret'|i\'an hirn lo (lcL(.lot) hi:i srr:atcsl {|bilitics nnrt itltcrrst-r, .,il,:nto thc I'oint \rhtro hr crtl t{ot x lirinlt l)t tlc|lt. Sincc thi: i-ilikcl-r to l)e his In.st fornral L{hrcl1iton. thc lixlt schurl rho ldhclp hinr to nclicr'c lrllllctr, nrrd lreprro linr rlill rri.-e tSrid:ilr.:nnd courscl to f:rcc irn!enrlilrg opporturritics nnd reilEll!ibiliiie.iof ndult Ii fc-

r\i_ J\cl Tt; ll(ont.liI*l(tS(istns s I't!tlt,\lt,t S( ltonl,

(,:lildlfx)rl (.{lucflti{rn in l(inrlston inclu{ks gr&dcs orrc ihrouEh

-{ix onlf, Il (locr n.}t lel irrclurlc n||! l}rc-|riturry. i,r kindir.glrrlctt. ttol nursr'r_-'-. :chr,,()l c\trerir cc in tlc ;rl|blic sch,roli. Ye!

sonle of thcst tirc-primtrl. cspcr.i('ncc.r xrc oi r('r_\-. gr€at iri'llortflIlco i(, (rur childrc|l. 'l'h! linlc h:rs corne $hctl nt le:1it.l1'tattr of lrc-lrinr;rr-r schooliDg is rlcsirabic, cren ncce::rrl,

^..t:if li(rt,{;}: ls l}t:ft:t,oHNc

(;t:t(lcl in liin*lrtot has ilcrcnscrl fro r lort rrrnti"'r ni

:JG llupils, iD tt.t:i, tt, i? in tO.ll. Irrr.:eDt irrdic:itioDs r.! li1:r

lhe ,i[st grades sill lr'nch 1 nerr hir{h in irnother liro io ti]F-t

t.e.1rs. lt is jut)ossil)lc io lrc{licl Lcttcr tllan lpprorinr:i{e nu 'befs, becart.e of sovar:rl flctors- i\lrc:rh tha n$nrber of r,'$tluDils for Crn(le I in Sc tcnrLcr 15,15 ltppronchcs.l[t The nuni

-lt?-.!,cr rvho Niill]lave lo rcDcat lc gradc ts slill unccrlxin, but in-diclluons, Dase{l- on protlous ,r-t,ars, shoN A probnble CIflSS Ofotcr 50. This is alrc:rdy i fu load for t,"; r'or,r,


lloreol'cr, the 0nural nunlLcr of birthi dIr.ing the Dast li\.e).c11rs is nlark€dly higher tharr for thc l)leyious nr" yinr., iu-rlictrting a noticcsble iDcreflsc in numbcrs for Grade t. nurureri-more there is not likely to be n tlig shift of t)ot)ul tion frotn I<irt8'_ston,-_'lhc experiencc of the pist ],ears sho\-s that any shift Jffrnilies o t of l(ingston is equallcd b], nunlbcrs in new familiesmori g to to$n, It is piobablc that the first gra(lc ntry rcach atot'|l of 60 to 65 clikh.en before the nunrlrers ryoulil be ext)ectc(lto (lrop. This is:r full loa(l for t\\'o teaclcrs arrrl I prinrnr.v_gr.nrlereme(linl teachcr.

Ihs-ptt]|.\ar Cltss_..l IIFtrA large p{r! of the time and efiort of tha tcachcrs itl thc

cj|rls l,'!rll rsccks irt Cr;l(lF I is rle\otcrl to geuing lhe ncrr chil(lrcllxcqtraintcd $iih school procedures, \rhich are neir to them, andi sdjusting themsch:e.J to liring quictlr and s'orking in socinlfrolps \yith their nen chil{t-ncigltbors. This adapting proccssLt the pupils has lrlri.a].s put a strAiI on the ner\'cs and resilianciesof six-teor old chiklrcn. lt dctinitell' rctards the ellorts of thetcnchcr to begin teaching of rcading skills, .A, pre-primart classrvould get thc childrcn $cll adjusted to school life beiore theyrtere placc<l in Crade I, Nhcn they \dll be rcad], to learn to read.

A[ prascn[ there is not clflssroonr spacc for srch a clnss.It fact, lharc is t|ot adequrte sp{ce fo} thc pre:ent Crade I.In llos.htd's l^1nc School buil(ling, one teacher has a larro\yroon, Dartitioned fro thc iargcr room, $here she can tvork$ith b t l5 chikirr'I. The principal nrust terch the other .10

childrcn in the adjoiniDg roonl, which is \rell suited in ,loor spaccfor a nt:rriinrum of 80.

The cllect of the strain on nerres of l'irst Gmde t)tlDils hasbc:en a problem for mNry ye.rs, and is shoivn b!'bchalior prob-

Page 74: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

- l18-lcnrs nrrrl rnlhr:r frfrlltcDt |ll,rn ca$ of chllllrcn, ,l.Iiq r."lr *"Sclrrx,l ('oxrlrlttcc rlccidcrl ti, trr llrlf,(h.t-. sessiotrs ,* ,, i,r,ilipcrio(1, frorl t'nrll Sclrtentlx.jr to curl-v Novcnr6cr, nl,out Arnlisticc I)n:i.

,\ ^"

lin"r;otn.lfi t N(i,l'ltIoUT

(;hil(lriln in (;rr{b I c{[]c io sthrxrl iI thc mrrfiiu on thto]!l llal, nrtrl ltrd scti\t nkn.nilg "f ,ror*. ,t't,on ut,oi,t n.'r",

llrose rr'ho coulrl Ho h,,rrrc L)- rr'IrlhiDll ,,r-u,r con11nrrci:,1 t,u" r,!-rrrcr,. I'ir'r.rr j(hnl tich(.t:.i tlt(l sr.nt h,ltc. l.hnf Irif :,t +IljrlJont l:l chil{lrtn \shr, liro n llte ootshirls of to$1, anrl nl.rlntt.to bc sclt hontlr o|l th! citrlic$t rcrttlxr -{chorl li[]i triF!,Fhortl]' ilfk'r t$r,- 'l'hcrr: chiklrr'rr h;rrc lo loie -ral|rc i0 niuii.of rchoolirtf tver'!_ rl;ir-, tln{lct. citltrt plun. nlll irc coliirir,r:rlri;haIdictIlx.rl l,). r}is short .lnt, 't'l,lr rrqrs plnn lr:$ iirtn ,;rrIrlrclrqr tinli. to t:i!c nrlivirlr(l itll{Diio t.} thr,:!c ahifulr"x i!,}-itJtirrq . $hich h:rs hclpr,{l to otf$,t thc t{)sjr,s (,f tll.ir slr"..!sch.tt rlxt. l'le I'rincil)nl l$s ltfirl linl: itl th. xit.n!._{,r: r,r tr!.roter -rtx,ci|ll i struction of I t:rrrrrI of nrlrrll, lii (i|ul.: lt |i!ir;:ito strerrctlr{:ri 1||eir f,rttnililirrns in tirst r.ar{(le rcirlins ikil!,i.

It nt$st l)c r.cntrnlr,red th i tltert] i-{ irl\\.;rl.s hd:rr}- i,r*!.rr,-in tho lcaehinl' lxrfrinr it! llo\rl tld's I.a|lc ,Scloot. t;"rruse oitIc,,\,'r'-rr,,rj,liIx-\iillt: trut,ili in Jti rr,,n,. for lhrrllcxthcri-xtld |lo n)orrr sl):tcc for t,slrrrnsirirr. .,\lso tho |irgc fir.lIlr;rdrs eornirr{ in each lenr firrlc it iml)os:il,lc 1o jelrr.gni4

-{ltlxll iaroutr:. wh.r \scr.e shjlr i|l (hliclopinrt l.cjrdinK rcaditris f,irsltccial leurlinl irork to l)t.i g lhenr lilck tL, :.9r'xdc. Coni!,Itlli lltlr r srD:rll nrrrtlln"r 0f I,ut,ili nt il l,r, .,nt.vdl xl,,jrr, !otllghcr Hrr(hl \\'hitc still lsckit|f sontn,rf tltr: ttni i||I i|l rcjr,tir,.ithtr sht,rrll har,..'l his rtrccinl rflr.rrloott r\'ork hlrs I'con :rn rtnr.nlous ll(lYltrrli|gc to tlrtsc lupils, tr(l th(J lcrchel.hns {lonc r 1ar}tricc piece of "r.enlerlinl \rork" f{rr thcsc I,ul!ils.

Tl)e re.sulls ot thc lirst tridl of thc shorl (t y for Cradt I:rrc cncournFinti. Aatendnlrcc hits nro nted hil{her thnn $tabcforc, to 08t rgrinst prcrioirs licr1rgej ot 02-0.it2. Thc

-_ ll0 _

lcflchcrs rclot t lllat llrlil alcrtncss to lf'arning is much higher,illrt cltnlrrrnrrtc lltugucs uuch lesrc|lc(l for tc n)iljot.it],Of lhcscpupils,

Il)irlr rrr::.'T StruuLr, l lr: Coi_itn_ur:n

ll,lilc nrartf parefiis nre Dot l.et ar'are of thc fains in ljtrpilIcnrnings nnd ttitudcs, it is hopc{l that tnot.c un(l nlorc par.ent_rryill sec that thcsc ar.e r.cal gainr-. It is thc bcst Dlrn .vct ilcriscdantl rvorktblc un(lcr ccnriitions |rxisliDg lrt lli\.1;q1,1," 1_uu.Schtol,

(;r'xrlc ll in llo\rl:nrl r Li.[(, Sr,lrr,trl has irs orrrr slr.r:iall)roblcnls, lrcc|tlsc ot tllc ero$diDg oi sonrr 3S chil(lre iIl :lrool|l (l{litrll fot tire c{i$ritl;(Drl acti\itiej of 20_2a. 'fhe .for\l1_irg is ljo screr{r:rs to clir)ir:tite:rlnlor-[ all lcnrtling-ictiritl. :rrcl|sfol lltcsc chikirerr, ln,l !rnl.e thenr llui one srrtilll cor.l)rr. i,,rlrtt\rsilrtj retdi[t{.

Ilccxusc of lhcsc crrrrlitionr, it is planncrl t.) continre titeItan of thc shott sc:i:ir fllr Gr::rle I, lrext lirll, fronl the otlcn-in,j ot_ school to t tiLtiirl :rtcr rlatc, lrcrhaps to Jrnual.J'. l-.t.19.16, }cforc thc chil(lrcr] vill renlaifi in school all day.

Ct:rdc III i,r (lilirl{d lretrtc{n Colrb n (l iUaple ,\rc. Schools,irn(l hils st,rces l|do.t{:rt{r lbr leflruing actidties oi Dresent nunr-lJcfs. llorrcrcr \rh€n the ihird glrdes lrrc €onsolidtted, theyvill La<lly olcr-croNd on{: roou. .As Grr{ie III is generall5 con-si{lered its prr't of thc trlinlar.r grnde.r. it should be planne(l forlrn(l krl)t \vith thc lil..il tivo grrilcs. ConsequeDtlJ aDI a(ljtlst-nlcnt needcd in Grarle III shoul{l be Dxll. of the plnn irl\olyirrgfttljustnlents in Glll(lcs I rn(l G[l(le ll, an(l lirc-plinrxrI fl:rde-

L r.rul l'Etx \Rl S( oot.s

'l'lrc uppcr Dlinl:rr]- scilools. Grades lV, V and Vl hirle"c:rrricd oD" \rith ihr rincst of slirit. In the Cobb School, thastalT of lire tcrchers lioished ihe school I'car in JuDc $ith a verl'good lccord, as sho\n bt'lhe rcsults of thc annual flchicrenrent

Page 75: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

-_ 120 .-leiL.i, \'hich tR,ri.tjctx:rnlt)- |lLovc the ti tionnl Nornls. tt,,,i--tlrri.currrr'r'. lhrtr, of thosc tc'chors loft f.r, ,,",r, ,;;";;;";'ill:no\r' tr'..,ch,.r'r \vIo trkp thcir t,lncc$ hnsc nti ,u*,fo

"i*fioni'"jjjl1,,$ nrl st ri'ng tcrrclirrH cnrrr.rr. (r,,. *1,*1""r" ""r i".;;;,):;:;n1{lrli\'. rlu', to tltc i,nergr. nrtrl r,rrrrrirge of ttrt,..c frrr,rrx fci"tr,...


. Illpl,' r\rcnu{ lcnchitrg f,llrlI hss ,rNnin rlonc ' rnr.,. I.rncjinr, Nith i rlltirt cr,tnlrclr.I(r \1tich (lcseri.el co[lnlolrlntiorr. '

'l'hc llirCt ,Scllrx)l Irot:flnl rul(l rvorf: i:l ,loirf fonrnnl \{i!hr'( lr( \\'e,l Yill.,r ulrlcr {h,. lolr,Frshil, of llr. .\!r,yg1, ll""}. f;;r;;;:;lro Ini rti,xr{1t in trii riLr.rr, to rthich ior "i" *"r,"",i,,iii"r,..frrltrl.

'llr nccrls of ttro lliltr Schrnt nll cerrtcr nroln{l lrof4rcrtuitxIont. for Shot] f.jr.bo1.s, (,.txrkin1; rtrd S(,\t.ilg f,,f^,r^fo.i".for *irls, rrnrl l;cttr:r Scitrrcc hrbor:it!ric.3 f.,r hiolog!., t,hriicj indcircrrlislrt. l,:,lu:rlll. i llt(,rtlurt ix the Crrirls|ltc prrrxralr'$.t,rch isslill il the !c1rirnin11.\t:ixrs_ 'l.his neud" r,"p"";*i ntiontiou, ,,i,iJ.\lr. trlrr. n is l!linlr;nI to ,rira it.

'l'r:AC|| r r_t; STlf f -f)titr'l.Ot:(;t[:s, I'AO8IJ]t

-'1h,.-t,l|st Ic&r |l:rs bcr.rr 0rtr, lunl: t.tfort lo kert, ortr hrnchingst lI t llish Icrcls ,,f I,rof(\{i(rt|Ill t,rdllttl|tton rrl(l succer,lulNorl:._-'l hc trllsent 1,,:rcller shorkxe i9 rluo (,spe(iflllI to th,.fiill.rlrti ull ('rrnlirl;rlus :rtlrihhlc irr thc ttacIcr trIriltitUt irrjritu.liol,s.:.,r1 th! irrilllctrrrnls,,f hiHltar stilrtiltF stilfiriqi in rtlrrrl.lD\vrr :tr(l citir.s sL(.rc litinx cr,rrrlilions nrc rtore lllurin{ lh.rn||t l\ txston..'l-his is tr fflctr,r lti stro||N rrs thc high salariei an,lrr';rx.s t)l[orcrl irr rlcfense it|rlrtstrjer, :l|lrl lhcllttrrcrio oi -rrriccrvllrl llrc iirnlrrl forccs, r5 11'.1V1;9, \l',\C, ctc. lo Irrojhrcc ih.sllorlitgc.

i\lns .\l,il!l' L. CI.\NDLr:B

^, \lc rcconl rriith ,le.tr r"r..! the t,3$sin1; of ltrs. llirr. l-I ll;rnr!lot, of llai|| Strtrt, KiIgston. \1,ltcll iho Idc(l for t(,:rchcrj


b{rame ncutc r\lrs. Chanrllcr relurr

:::,ll*tt ;:*il l;itglti ff [:l.F ::i ::,



lll:'j:::1:lf.ll:ith tr'" r-"""s "i,ir,r.o"

ii l;:l:r:,;ff :iih:ilI,,1i16\.crJ,{rnJ \rrr!i carcfultt. I,taurcrl rnrt crcrt. f""*n ,.iri,iiy i^ugf,i.::,j.L.ii. q.:* nrorc ol-.her tlrccious encrs-v than shc sloult.ili,i"J:il T;l"lll::Jt,tt'",,,tt*n..',n"t i.,".o,uroo.|. .,,,i

;[ \$[ir*r#n*nr*]*rru;;iii'jil"';;i_",:l )ilJil':lilllil:ffil xlti;;,'i:; ;iil't:i::;

'l't),lcttr:R CxAn-cr\_!bR TlrD ltEconD

.. ,ltl JRltu:rh-, ,\lr. Itx.rrron(l (;. ;\lccrrrrnt rrts graltcd learc{rt nt scncc frott| hiji position ot. l)rilciDu

ro,trrrhrri,ke i,,|-.i,";i'.;i;; :;;,rll' ii"l'-iX,i"llJ' i,1l,lllllifr l.In J no ltc resignerl his t,rrsitiorr io Kingsto . llis xcti!.ities lln(l

;Jir;;i::, :Iili. :';;lJii',;l:,i,,', his,sio,iarcs "n,r 1,uv,ir* i1..

,, ,?"-tit]* lhc sur nrer JIr. Frencis ll. ,\lornn \!as elcctc{i lo:i""1,;1il: ji:::" l{i :' i,i:J' y;:"1' r ish schoor, i,o. o nu'r,".rcspccred aft | riketr 14. n1

j. ii" 1.. " "a""i,1"*1,1'i",

Ji"T,,i,":fjleacrgl..and clear conrnlon sense, co titruing,ritf,out u,u"f, "f,,,n*o:,1,:,1:,':,:..,1,r9 ",r1.,"rns

csrnr,tishcd in rhe past. n,t , ii. .,"1,

iii+:ii,i" r;lEff '1,lJi: !:iiH,:"{::"",1d:.J'"",-.1i,;";::[,"^",Tlli':f1,""','i.T::ll;:ill'J:,i;,::: il*lllliiil,i:;

lliss Ellen ,ltcrccr, tencher of llistort,in the High School$'as.granled nrilitar-v leave oi abscnee in Novenber, to enterservice in the lyr\l.Es_ Iter teAching duties n." nff"a fo. ifr"H,:""1H.i:i":3;',"'1":Iatr:r'

or arockton' u g'oauate or n'iago-

Page 76: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

llrs, ]llrt ltldrc(lfo, tcsc}cr of l)onroetic Scicncc &xd oihers l,jcc{x in ih( lligh School rr$i8Dc{l [o rcs n)c hcr d tics in;;;lror r'. trliss Ilnty (:. Sulli\.0n. of \yorceslcr, xra,lunlc oi f.ror.ilxlrrrrrr 'li:arhrrs Collc[t. rtfls ( k ctcrl 1o tlris pr.,sitiorr, $hcrc sieis doillg sorrrc \:er_\i Ilnc \rork.

)liss l rlI Wt.rnn. of (]uinc), ll|t(l t(.ttfhcr of (;rflttr \: in(-'obb Scltool, r.[sit:,tcrl rlrtrin!: Lhc sutnnt{,r- lo firjcalt x lroiiiionirr llocklrrrrl. Ili-.s lldrr l)c Ilrrscio. xko of eui ctr, & (l gr {halcof llridfcwrttrr't'oa.hr.r$ Collosc $$s elert.{l lo this pasjtirn.\'Icru rhr. is rloirrt rr'rl sRlixfllctr)rl \rork.

lliss ..\n;r5l:',li:r Sl(tlti,j. r,f {::rhtl,r-irlj{r, rc-,tignrtl hrr j,rjilirtl !ts {qrcirrr af (irarlr l\', (irhb -school to accFt}t n i,j:t ii*iD \\'iDci)cLlrr. -\lis" I.ltltt'l .\iriri'1.!')n, ot Quinc.r rind ir rl.:{l;;,:r'if lit'irl{c$jrtr,f'li. rh..r (i,lli,fi(. r{&s cl{:ctnl tn this t).,iiij.nsh, rr. :l:< ,rl:,, ii rl,,irrt' r',.rr' lirrr. rrbrk.

lli:.:. SliIl,.i tlillrls rirtr or' I'i!rrlo th rcsi{rr.\l frrnl iii,j(;r:|llc lll i!;.itinn tn (irliir Scha,l t!) br nrirricrl. lliri ( iitiirrriljrllxrt;tttn r,f l,it ro t|. rnil t:r:rt[r:!te ol !tiiil!:!$:rlrr'ir-r.!.:.:.(irllt'11r, rrith one ;e:1l of {Nlrcrirlec in rreslrrl Jlllssa.ii,l.li:..$x.i fi{rltll to thi. !.sition. wi(:rr: sht, (oo i,r doini: t.rr- ri"rll or.l:.

li;sri ;\Lllfilrri (lillis or' lib nrorrth. rrio had ltr.tn r":!rn.',it.' (;rarl(! ll, llolilnn(l's l-arrc Schrxri rv!,! g. te{l }liliiar.r icrrtof lrirserltr 14 rDtot- ll|r';ic,j i|l ilxi \\,rl\:1.:S. tlcr. Ilojilierr iJ in'iri5lillcrl b1' )lirr llarlnrl ll:rlt1', of \\!iDclx.Jler, 11ri(hrirte 'f I.4$.iiStat! 'leaclrrls Coll.gt', \.hcrr shc is |lr:rkinf a stro tr irsinrin{lo ir ir'lrcltinl{ c:rrccr-

Ilrs. l,uc-r ll:rc. oi l'l,rnrotlih $ s r'trgN(.\l to fill thc r?lc:ttt,*cd bl tlc sickncss rtxl r..sitarrnliotr of llrs. Chnldler, in ilellortland's l;rne School, Crl{ies I :rn(l . She lr:ts crpal}l}- itirriilllo thc cnlirc sittrntion an(l is t)roling n tnlilnlrlc lcacher.

: -123-Lu^,clr I,RocRAlr )1,

r.llsewhcrc .$.ill--bc found dctailcd connieDl on thc lunch-room progrnnl fot. Elcnrcntlr!. anrl Scconrlary schools, ,fhis

isDroving oxc.of.t}e nlost inu)orlanI De\r fcatur;s t" t,;;i"";,'-:;;guflr(l n (l l,uikl t) thc hcllth of o ril shoutrt be *r"i,,",r,,,"r"-ul"*,;:i;:,1,'lflil.,:t-_.;ljl":'""'",

,\&Ts I\ocR,\i!_\rltxLtzril,

. ..'l'ltc ne$ progrant in lttsic is |clrr.itlg excellcnt l.ruit, (lucto lhe conJcicntiouri $ork of lliss Antoi[cttc Gnrlet|, in illlditisiols ofclcfi)olrl t.I.irDrl .icconrLlr.I.gt.itrtcr, bath irt rocnl aIl,lilll_,',:]".t]1., .|l',j.,". Jrer. Jtusic :tt,tlrccixtio'' prosr.itrrr is l,r.o\.Illl{ cIIcclr\.o ||l leilchin!. ILrlilj ltoN. lo lislc to nrrrsic rri i rli...crlnlllatto .

., , 'lhc.Ar{ Dfotlt|lnl is rrtuflll!. i,ttcrcjtitlg llrrl inll)or.t: lt, iofrt rcrls thc.t0(lent to lhiIk jrt|rl cl.c:rte ti,rrallr.. it is cl0sclt.intcrli.alctl \rilh clnssmom rrolk in each sr.a(lc. llfs. Stratt,r;lis fll.so irDl)r.ot inlj the iplreci:ltioD of rfl bl.orr st(lcnts bl,shol t \roll plannc(l urril.J.

I(t \"csToN\ I'osr,\V^tr ScI|ooLs

- ADlongs[ lhc p.rst-trnt. ciric irlxl nrcrr]orial enlerpriscs, De\fschools for thc conting geleratious re \,cl.,r. rmlorta t.

. lt is gcncr.ally r{raliT,ed throughout liingslo . ltilt thc torfnnas ol|tgrorrn nlost of thc e(luc:rtional lflcilities nflordod by iisl)rcscrl school lLrnt. IIere lrrc t11.o r.ct.\. scriorrs shortag;r itlplant, $'hich lintit tlte t-rpcs oi -.chooi ctiriliesi

A. liingston nccds a nelr high :chool bnit{liDg rvithnrarlJ iDciclscd fncilitie-s for ed cation on ,.interuediatelevels (junior higll school), an(l for .tpper sccondar-r lc\iels"(senior high school) edocation.

Page 77: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

tt. Iiin8$tol &lso Deeds; nith'criunl dcstcrrtion, nuchiucrc$sixtt of el!rlrcntitrt Fahool fncilillc-i. (l-Vt.)'l'his nrcnns intnlo(li8te; &n(l llost clrcfulill&nning, of n

luikli u trro{rtni, comllcte ltul tlcrllrlc cnouF}i to fulll Irotidefqr lrll forcsrcrble rr(a{i$ of c(htc{ttior of thc pr(scnl nn(l lroltiblrtrutrulntio .

Nr:\v Sclroor, ll,rn-T A Sot,uTtoi-

liin{$t.Jn is l)eing cnllcrl otr Lo cortsidcr buihliDg r ccntralizrrischool trl{int, for n nlftlcrn ttt)c of schfirl protirnnl, airlerl tn{l;rtlliscd b1. thc lrcsl. €ducotiolnl tirl l|rchitect's:rdvicc obtnintbte,rn(l t.r l)c blrilt trs soorr rl the to1\.n dctcrntinqs condition_i nnriaht,

'l'hrfii (li:ilincl si(-l)$ tac 'locescjrrt

In loug rnnge planrring:(l) 'l'hc rrluctltiorrrl llrns for rnliqus lctels of lc$rning. (2)Acqritirrg thc hDd for th(' ft|ool sitc. (:t) ItrectioD of luild-in,.:s rvlich rrill lrorsr the r.nrioue fncililics rrc.cded.

.\ r:tt' Sc||oor-l't,An- Nt h-c l)aosluDutD

Kitlg$lot| n!e(i:i t{) plrtl for its schools, |rnd thcir fulurr,in terDs of nrfln! )ertrs. 'l'hc enlirc l)!l)lic must lrc follf ac-(turintcd sith rs rnrrrl' phnscs ts possiLlt'. 'l'hc I.'llts'l'stcp is'tlluI'LAN for tltc tunctions of our schools, dctinitc, comlrchcnsi\t,lnrl lleriLle to thc chnrgiDg nc{ds of orr chtl(trcn. Thc S[COr-l)step i.e the ricrtuisition ot enol|8h ifin(l to cllrrt out the phlsicalhortsing of t[c plan. 'l'hc'l'llllll) Ftep is tltc erection of lruilding.irshich rvitt bc rturrrbL.. econunticxl to ol)4r:rtc, &I(l llc\iblc to nrl\'tnll forc-<a\crl)lo ncc{li lts thcr nrisc. !'urthcr, thc Dlnnt should

bc n$ail l,lc to irs rnnn). :rdltlt, ci{ic, prtriotic, rnd smirl grollsrrs r)ossihlo

In Irclaring 'l'llE l,l41ll, it is highty (tcsirnlrle thrl tha'l'o\rn of Kirlgslon s<curc out.sirlc !:(lucstionnl Advisors to aid in

preparing the most delirriblc &nd eonrprchcnsirr plnn for lhc


to$D., Suclt,serrjcci lre a\.fiiLrl)lc, nn(l fun(ls shotlld bc nla(lc::l:,'1:i1.ll |T 91.nrlrce charscd ,''rt r,."i,^J,u.ti".pr"" ii:1,:i:,1,,::.:,.1 l:.::i. or.r)crsons. tn this ,rny ihc soinrtcsi rrossl-t)Ic x(ltlcc cntl Dc sccured.

. l\Iy thsnksalxl gratitude arc ertcn(le(l to all \llto harc ili(tc(llli::Il LIl"1l

Iinc, t)r.ofcssionrt slirit anrt coopcrarion to keej,out.sc oots so t gtl ||l lhcir scl.!icc lo thc chilrlrcn anrl 5.orrth.This tributc is esDeciallJ {luc in thcsc trting \var years, \rhcn.io nnch of olr f{ture is at slake-

- t2,t --

Ilcspeclfilllt srbmitted,


Superintcndent of Schools.

Page 78: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

RtiPoRl' Ol: 'rHn

rtRrNcrpAl_ olr t't{ti lltGt.t scHool;

l)ccrnrbcr jJt, lC.ll

ll r. (:hrrrk.\ \f . I,ll$ mDc!-

Sn,lcrinlcn(lerit of Schoolsl(irrllstorl, .\lllssnchosolL.i

l)oar llr-. l;:rrtlantr :

ll! raiisorr of nr). rcc{rllt {})lxritltDlent r-c t'tincip:rlof Ki|lgslanlligh,sclrool it is !ee.\<irrt tltnl nl]. rrl!('rt lrc onc of r..lloriin!il(],llr ot intcrfJt frorr rtcorrls lcft l'-v ltr. .Uc(hrth-r &ut ltirrOli!{r, ns rvdl ns \rh;rl h i lxr:n rcconrllislx:rl sifice -setrt,..ntlcr,$ltorl nrv :rplx,inll c|ll t,xrk dlt|cl. lnclnrle.l slso in this rclartrrill ln.sonh.r)f tn.y tJlxns for llt,, conlinx Ien..

IJr- lt()l,l,ll ItN'l'

onc class i lhc six grnrles rvi r lcss 0or r?. in trr is year,s ir.sr ;, ";;: ;i;;'l;"J.t,l J,,J,.i:,'iltJ' J,lilllthr

. a serious hotrsirtE shortn8c \vi t)c fclt in our Iligh Schooli' tltc ncr-t fc\r lcilrs all(l nust l)c hrkcn l"r" ;;;_;;;:,:;;;;;;our Itflrrs fot tLc ffiture.

_ 'l'lre cttects of \ar. arc fclt keenly i thc high schools of.1Drer.icit.,l'he.nrostobtiousofthesenl.ethe*trortngo"otto,,"iio,-.,,,

lllatcritrls,, nd scr.sicos. -.\ Ics obyious, l.ct equ^lly itnport:rntc{Icct,.is the scrious c-t otionnl rrrr(l 1,s.r.chotosieal rcactioni \!ticii:lt-c Dct g cxlcr'te cert L). thc ].o t :ll re high school lctcl.

'l'ftis tikcs ihe fornl of the much l)nlJlicize(l juvenile (lclin_

l,lllil".,' ,"1 \\llich t(inssrurr hjls \'cr.r- tirdc, :l'r{t rhc rc'|dcnc! r,,teit\1'.sc||oot ;||t(t tjlkc (lr;rItng{ of rf r.lifiro jolrs ol.joil rcar.rrcrt torces. lhc nec(l for suirlnr(" ,1. rl,n.c ;o,ru,tt,;i;1,. ;;.

becoDlc jtsl, ils inlt)o].tfltt as the acn(lcmrc Dr.eDar{rtior rol.\}orkot. collcgc. I[ is lhc gofll r,f rrur school to deter.nljne. in so fnl. lrslros-,iiblc, the e{lucrtion:rl, cnrotiotlal, socitrl, a|ld occuDntiol:ll nccdsair(l !rl)tihtdes of.rur. I)upils. 'fo tri(l in 0rrs pr.ogr.am test.s ot r.oc:r_lio ;ll. i tct.c"t, trrech nicnl lrllri r{lcr. :rrrd socirl :r|ljnsl||rcIt h.r\{,:t|tca(l.r ber,tr :r(tn llirlcr, (l to tllc clc!c lhirD(l lrrclt.th gr.nrlc. lD:rrklitiol thc loti.:t'ltiij (,t liducatioDrl Der.cloprDert hal.c lrcenschrrhlerl for thc I:itlcr. 1.ar.r of.lanurrl... ft,o.n t"at. ,,r" ,,,, ,,tlronrpr to c\ntlr;r[c thc ,.d C:rlioDill otfot.iDx ol ouf ..chnol, \rithllrc itltcntio of iIrlt,rrirrf,olll.ktro\\.lc,lge r,I rhe str.cnglLs arllt\rcahrrc.ses of our pl.ogritnt. .{ nectsslt.t adju ct to llte nbolelc,siing pfogrnm is tlle il](liridral counseling N-hich at l)r.cjentlas to l* done throlgl] the t)r.incitrl,s ollice. It is hop;d ratour'gui(laDcc pt.ogrant m:}-l. Le oDlar.ge(i to irrclutle a irarttinreFrlid:rrcc lcflcler. \r'hnjr I'r.ogr.rnr $ill incl rlc Rn oIt;ortUIil].fo!' l(sting, g{li(lnncc rounse!ing, antl romc tenching, especialll.lr_clflss iD o(cuDntionirt irriolrnrliorr, pr.ejenll-r lreiDg gi\'cn rLl thcnrlrth gr:rrle lcr.cl I'r thc juri l strUliej teAchcr-

The usual high.school progrant htN bien condrcte(l un(lersotrc diflicrltics. ln :rddition 10 the brsjc sutlject oferings, pre_In(luclior coul.scs in Elcctricilt- nD(l Iladio nrc being taught in

liingsl{,n I lir[ ScL.ol llcccn!l)L,r:ll. l9ll


'li,i !


;- t,l,I


r'! |


s-'l|li 1r lii t I l'."' T,ril

l,l 3 l;-r I0 I.l Sd

I.l l.t 2:i t 0 t7 l l:i

:ru l{r '.tn 2s !l :ls :0 Jt I!1

'\ quich t{itrl)ce rl thc riir,I r ch rl \rill shotv thll thc r'nroll-r.ni r( liingstott lt;t:h Sc|{x,l htls {lcc[cns{l slir{hth.\\.hcD con-

t):rrc(l Nilh thc rccords .,f l)rr.viols }..crlrs. .l'ltc :i[,o(e toilll. I09,

ls tl (lcc|.ctlsc 'lf.lt;. orcr. las[ -vear's lotnl of 206. Ilo\r_erer, ii!itlr-esiigalion of thc clernenitrr,\i scllools' crtrollolcnt shor(s orlll

Page 79: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

- t28- :

lIc Seicncr' l)cInrlDtr.tlt. l,re-l'lixltt /\eroI&otics hns l,@" r..plsslrl llis lcrr, hut \yill Ilc tsuglt ncrl ftnr t,, tf,. i*.fiiirrnrl1. \thr.rc il-{ c.ntr.'ic r.urtr'nr Fer.rls ntorc srritl,f,l.;. ,f.trc

..,i]',j{rf llrtso I'rc'ln(lltctiol .;ortrssq ltr* nlrctrll- 1"",, ,,.".;;;r",;;crl'(.rirncrs of Inrr xnt(hlltcji iI lhc rtrnx,rl furccr. .\ n",* q^xy..in p-v:clolrryl is Leirrr: phnrred for the secdrrl l,r,lf fon. nf ii"Scnior llolct Nkinti chrsst os rtdl ls n [nlf 1.cal coi,r.c in

",1.trtncrrl sltoir for llpse bol.s $.ho nrc rblc to fit it lrrto thcir sclre{ui€.'l'ltc rrrc (rf ahc. hllf Jcnr coursc in n school orrr sizt 1y11s,; pa55;1,1lr 11tch ntorc rnrk{l ctrricl,luhl rritltollt incrensin,i the hunt}rr.'f tcrchers re(luire(|.

'l'hc at rli:nt-\ oi liirt:ston ltillh School Inrc bcen .lrlc lo(Irrrt ox thcir c]itl:l crrrricltll|r profrnt . tho!I{h nt iime-j iheoutlook $..r$ lot trto lr{rnisinx. l..Go )nli rvrs lgrin tric{t this fallnn(l cxltcriclc{'rl onE of its nlost succsscful {e$rDs untlfr the r,lrl.r(,fl chin,; of \1 r. .,\t|tono Sllrllt.,l,he f uturc of frrotball in :r scho..rl()rtr stze nrust, Df ncc.B$il.r, bc I Jrxr-t,)--ycar lrot:rin, {let;.nrl_i g ctch flrll uport thc lutrtt)cr of (rlt(li{lnt{s rtho rclrort. ll'e ioun,Jorrrsclvrls onc of llc fcrv schnoln of our sizc on the South.\hore$hich hts l{r(.n nlrlc to support ll tc$nt, Sonrc icfifi,Is ar(: tr.{ingl(, rcr'tto th{r.{ix-nlflt| {!,ltc of ,|nnte $hicll lends itselt nuch morcsuihhlr to our cnrollnlrnl. (;irls' hockol.stso cnrricrlor I Iirnitcrlscherlule riurirrl': thc fnll s4flBo|l.

li:rskctball rtas rrcll slllrlrlc(l this pltst I.car r {l thr rrrtrs.xsr)n ls rfilli,r in ofrornliorr, Nitlt oltr hontc,innes llciDi pli,iednt lhe llecd (brnrrunit-v ltuil(linr:. lliarti,ne lril sportiliorr re,stt'iclion :rro folt lllucli nlorc ka.e l-r in tlis slorl hc,(ru:c of llec\tonsivc sc[((lulc a,xl thr filet thnl l)oth bo].s'$n(t girls'tcnn-it'lat lhr..{.|lrr, :-r.Lc(l lF. t'hc t,rohlent of t..rrclri g ll,. Iir'., t/tnrrllr" lo lhc rcririrfltirrr of thc rex lar coach. lti,..r lillctl ]lcrcer.\\'ho cnlcrc(l lllc \\htes, lllls l)cc solre(l tcnll)ornrily b-!. cltl,jiinsthc rkl of otre of our. grit(l filcs, )li-as lrcrc Zonri.

Ilst sDrirg lhc baseLnlt scasol -<fl\tj Xinrjston \titho[i ilrusual tc rn. l'hl: oossillilit,v of tl te:inr tlris conring Slring rrill

_t20_(lcpen{l lirrgcl.v ul)on con(lilions ryhiclt nt lrcscnt are impossiblelo forescc.

Thc record of the Kingston scllools In suplort of the larious\ritr gonc.r' {ppenls is onc of lrhich \.e can [rul-t'. be proual. Irorthc t)criorl from ,Lrnl||lr.v I lo D{.ccmbcr gl, t9.r1,-thc iligh Scltoolsltdcnls l)ut.cha$crl fl lotal rrf $3.7?J.60 in n^. fr""r|" ",,i'.*r,1,".'I'hrouglroul. nlosl-of tc 1.c;u our scliool hns nainlained L,€ttertltan

-00% t).rrticifntion ftnd $as lcrnrittc{l to flI, the IIi ute.\llrn l.hg. S t,port of thc llcrl Clos,., t\'rr. l.irrrrl, anrt ltitksectlurt\'c \r'ns cq||a ]. c lhusiaslic,

1'he strdent corDcil \,..lrs l.c\.irc(l after tl l:lpsc of;r lear. ,fhonew-council las lleel \.cry actit,e and stro$s ltromisc of fl sllc_ces.sfrrl,r-cal,.laviI!..:tlrc:r(lr- slronjorc{l lhc mo;t srrccessirrl nr:,g.it?r e (n\.c.tI Ulc llistorr- of lhe school. ,l.llc

ln.ocec(ls of lh^dri{c h:rrc bccn uscd to l)ulchase a ne$ conlbiDaliot slklc Dro_jcctot_ xn{l o!;(tuc ll.ojcctor aDrl |r sul)l,l} of da cc rccor(ls fol.luse nr sctrool rta (cs. fhc coulrcil fllso conrluctc(l thc IIilk\rcerldri\.c $hich fitrnished valuablc c pok lor the ar.nrcrl serrices.

. ,'l'he scltool lunch lJrogr.tm hlt; opcrate(l \.et.J successfullt,rl[ring the pttsf Jcrr rn(lcr tllc \\'. l.'. .1. progrtrnt. This lr.ogranrl\'as licr'-r abll- directcd bt lliss Dorotht, tt'. Otir.er ot the higiischool conrrDercial dcpflrlnlent, to rvhom Ne Rre rndcbto(l t-or.nlarrr.long hours of l,ainstaAing \r'ork. ,\ tolnl of J0,0Si (onl_l)rcrc. tltlchos rvcr.c scr|crl nllrl tIc t)cr (cnt of thc totil schoolt)tt r IoJ)trtirtion 1:lkinF n(lvaltlagc of lhcsc llntl|tc(l trIt|'iliouj|lrnc|lcs ls Incrensi[g rl;rilt. l.he Iigh school l,rn|lch of thc l |lchI)roJcct tt:rs lr |irr i||re Cook a|l(l hcl|lct. $.ho nrc nblc to hnndlcour srrrullro|| vcr.t. r:rl,:rl,!r \\.i r sonrc strt(lcnt hetp. Tho lrrgenunlber of l)uDils l)ariieipating iD this l)rogram ha.s nla(le iI nec;-sar-r' for us to use the asienrblt- hnlt as a cafeter.ia. This atl<ls toolrr allcfl(l.v scrious roonr shonngc, but scenrs to l)e thc onll, rolu-lron lo thc I'roblcD).

^ , T}e thi|'tl $nrtiDt(, grnrlujltion Ir.ogrjrnl of I(irrgstoI Iligh

nchool \sns held nl Ihc Rrc(t Conro ril.r. B ikting on \\,crlncsrl;u.,

Page 80: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

Jurrc I l. 'lhc ,\nIc ll'ltltc \1'[$hl)l|t.nc a

;11' li *' ;, *',,:, i lill,i'i:i,ilililllil il,lIi:Tl;1,'l fi ,:l:l1:l REPORT OF SCHOOL NURSEtiruinx h0r ,rturtics nt ]tssrnchusctt$ Slrlc C"ff"_. '.r,r,,lii"jll,-ti.;r.lrcrr. .\ssircinti,rn scl(,lnrJltil \rBs nttnrrlc(t

" aii.,. iifli.,"'l':rsrirtali. ulro cnrollrrl at lirirlgcrr.nter Stnlc tcact,o". r.^ii.ll'

Jtiss tirthtci.n Itnhtcr \,ins rrsrrrrlcrt n f,"rfi"f r'.f,"l"."i,l,iilT'"lillheriru, (iihbs Sr:crt,lnrirrl Sclrrrol in B,,st(,r. .t.he U.,f,'ff."C"if:itizcn A\rnr(l rrrrs t:ivcl [o lliss llcicrr ttr,ilcf oi tfro (ra,io"i;!class. lt is xirinitic.rnt to loto ihnt cvcr-v orre of tfr" i,i""-f,"ri,j rd|ltit{'(l hst J tie i.,r rrorv i thc lrntoil serriccs. Of tlrc fiiieengirl,. rr'ho ryrrc gradoltc(l scrc hflr.e ,lotin ol lo arlrsncrd irain.int: in c,rlla8c or rrrrrsing sclool,

Irr_r.l,rsirrtl I rvorrll lik,.ro s{r\. tLrtt I ryns rr,rl.fort,rn:ttc in

"lrcccr',lI|rN rucir rrrr nl,l,: nrlt|lit|istrnt.,r lrs .\tr. ltslrn)olt{l G. llc-(:lr tI]-. )luch of th{. rlork r.nrricrl on rlrrr.i,,x tf," f,"1;i f"r,: ",""ii.lns lrc-n llx(lr. c:rsicr rluc Inr(elt to his €nicic;t orKani;lio;.I a.trt :rlso r'er.1. forl r|'|tc in irrhct.itlng I \.aat coolcrfllirc nnd\''.ll .t.rni

c(l st;rlI of t(,xchrri, Itlrt. I cr,tcntl nl.v thr ki lo lou3,rtrl.lhc Schnol (:orDtnitlc. for .v{)ur lrnrlcrslnn{lirrg anrl irmpr.l,xlir'srll'lx'rt rrhit.h is so ncccsslr.r to thc srrcct,ssful ol,r,i:ttionof ll! sch(rc|.

Dccenlb€r 80, lg4,t

lur. Chflrlcs l1'. l^'lrvrancc

Superintendent, Kirgston Schools

IJear: Sir:

.l hcrcb.v subnlit thc follo\riIg r.cport of lhc Hcjrlth rvorkc:lrrtc on tn ute Ktngslon Sclools for lltc vnar crrdi g Dccct Lcr22. lC.t,t.

Num|er childr.cn cxamincd in 104,1 4?i, 8-v O$cnr C. S\r.opo, Srhool fh,!-sicinrlNumber School clrlls nrarle Ly School Nursc ?00Number Ilonrc c:rlls nrarle IrI School Nurrc 080Ucnsus, 19.1.1, urtder 5 r..c:lrs to 2l l.ears g66Nunrlrcr Children entcring school Seprcnruer ttt4b BgNumbcr Statc childrcn, {. T\yo Nith lIrs. palard},

ofl Brook St., ind lwo $ith llrs. Wade, ElmSt. All attend school.

-- I'ntricill 1\'hitc, n Slitc child, rr:is :rdot)ted b5. rs. .\larionllnrnish, Pcml.,rokc St.. l9.l{. Thc (hikt is in llaple AvenueSchool, Grade 5.

^ .Joon_-Robi son, a Citl. child. \.as fl(lot)tcd bJ Itrs. RalIhrjentoro, ilnl' Arcnuc. Thc child is in Cobb Schoot, Crade 4.

lltsll€rif||ll]. sulnDittcrl,

r.'n^licrs tr. NoR,\N.




$/illirn Paul, cight }.ears okt, 1\ho is a lhysically h:rndi_capDed boy \r'as taken to the St:rte \\'r.cntham School for treat-men{, July 19.14. IIe is inrproving.

Number crilpled children ..

Number mcntall-v handicapped

Page 81: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


,.r-unrbor of chiklrcn atterrrling tho frcc Dentnl(jlinic, rutrporle(l L-r. tlc l{lngBton l}olrr(l ofIterltl 9,

i-unrlref chiklrc ottettllinr9 llo l)it'httrerin Clinichrld In trln1., nhiclr ir rlso snt,lrortc(l t,s theIiinraston ltoxr(l of llcrlth Zz

'l'hert rvcrc ?i, nolicc,g lia l oul nnd I corrsider rcller ccnt rcrt lort. | ;eg1t_.1 lha! ntorc peoplc(lo rtot fc.l rttt inlcr(.si i thr \rork $hich,hc\rcrrr, rrlll $oo|| l)<cot|l{: n slirto lntr.

Nurnlrtr of rhillr| artenrlirrx r(. ltou rl-uI for.ltil(lrc|l clttcrinF i-c[o<)l S(ltemhrr lt.t.l .10

Nllnllxrr .!f Dc\r' c{rir's of llxt foot 22

.,\.'l'. Il. (:li ic rtrrs hcll iD Ock,ln,r t!.t.1 for tlc:.{conrl m,llhird tarfidq:r. Serrrrl].-tttio chillto|| $rro gi\.r.n ule -Sliitl Tr.ti.'l'h{.!rc \icrc tlro l)osilirc rcnctions. .l'hc-(o $erc \.ralcrl artrl foundk] l,c ncriat;rc.

'l'llelc rtrc rS lltt)il$ ir thi. School S,vst{.m rvcariug ghs-.tt_'l'hc trlassnchl|sctls Yisi('ll 'l'est rvill l)o Bi{er Janl{r).. l$li.9-10-l l- 'l lt.! firft rnrl sccortd 11r:rlc clrildrcrr rrcro titen tlr li.,e'l'est iti Octolrtr. ,.\!l \\.{.rc founri nornrnl.

'l'hc Itlollfllllr-r (irades Into harl tn irrspccliorr eac! nrorrtiIi)' thc Nltrsc.

'l ltcrc h:rs lxr'n |lo cl)i(luic of contr(iolrs (lisen-r.,j this r-ajtr.


No{cnlber 21, lg,l,l

Dcar ;\liss lltngc:

'thc l(irrgston l)ental School CliDic for 19.11 has been moslsucce.isfrl. 'l'lc chil(lrcn all secm to u derst{nd its inrDortnncc.A \.er-r fcrr \verc (liflicult and iefllscd to hi.ve tvolk dolte. 'l'hehiihcr grndes sholve{l r dccirletl irnprorcnrent in thc calc ot thcirtccll. lllln,ri l)are i.! :rrc takirrg their ahil{lrcn to the dontistsho\ring thrt thc lessorr has heen lear ed.

1'hcre are 95 chikiren, S lerfccl mouths, and a fc\i.'\rishedonly to bc checke(l as trhrt \r'as necded to be done. l\te lillcd 204citrities \tith nltlrlfilrn, 66 ca!itie.i $ith ccmenl, rnd ? Nith gutta-tercha, I fccl thrt thc clinic is t,roring [o lhe chiklren arrd theitlrarcnts the grale necessitli oi giring n1ore carc lrnd attentionto thcir mouths.

Sincerely yours,


Il cs l,cct f ul l.'- sulrnr i tt(.(1,

I|lti\I.\ J. llitNcE,

school \ rs"'

Page 82: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount



Octolrer l, tn,t,l

'lFofl! und* 5 t.nn i,f n*o ":;:

Itrrkrlr 6 trnrr of n(c ind u tor?yonB rIl'.r!ort 7 tfnri o{ n{c nr,l i|tul.r l0 ,car' n3I'ortron! l ).ir! ot r(..n,t unilor:lt lcnra t00

.t tIl

i\1"1'rts* D,r NcD s'iit'l'tsTtrxScl)ienllrcr t9.l:t to J lte t!.1.1


lirp"nsc ot Initr .tiorTenclcrs'Silaries

,\Dlropri.tion lilt'etrdcrt [.qu.stt(!llarcl 19{ I lgtt lludget lgt6

s12,t35.00 sJt,8?t.?o s36,250.00,00.00 160.00 250.00

r,160.00 l,t?s.?6 t.st0.003,0i$.00 t,001.?i .t,131.002.:ld.l0 z,2,)ti.lti 2,ztt,i.7t,$3!_!0 1[]0.00 3!0.00i00.00 300.00 i100.00

l!i00.00 1,536.1ri 1,5UO.001,500.00 1,500.00 t.500 o0750.00 E07.20 a!5.00212;.00 tl'!.5u 32i.t0

I,.100-00 l,6lt.n 1,600.0i1?,600.00 2,?06.62 9.6dt.0q3,0s0.00 3,ir]3.50 3,cl.r.oolt0_00 l:t0.50 2n0.00

12i_00 r::7.59 l:15.00

,l!$tr*! ll.hb{rtripArcmrc l\tl(nrhr.cI'er.ont ol ,\ll.!d.r..

(;l.lr To.{!

l0? u!13 strs3 t:,js5 ltt

.lls i,r,l

t;ridr! ?.t!!0?



"tli3i:t!ttrit. t

Surcr'!isorsJllnitors' W.sersupt. nnd Clerk

S.hool llrsi.isn

Ilools .nd Surllics II'!,hIl@ki nnd Snprlics-Elcn-Jrnilors' Sulplils rnd t-i,!hrSho! enrl Lnh.Itcrsi6fu.lTmtFDorlnlionTr|)€(ritcr ltepnirs, cr..

,lutiliarJ-.larn.ics:-sclto0t, lt tji\trll.:lts Il 'Octolcr I

r!r Irts tit? tt lst0 t9il9 t-q:l\ t9t7 r!36 l!:t5.,i :iri ti 39 3:t to il? t-.1 t3 5l:rs .ta ilo {3 rt? i}J .to :is it 53yJ 3s .tri 37 . :tt t? t!) i.i 5lls lar :15 J9 J0 t6 iO 52 li 5t15 3.j -tt :!S J6 .i9 St &l 5! $trj :t7 35 ls ,t? 60 5i] ts t3 3tlI .l? 53 a,2 .lt ,tri &t lS Jn :,5lt; ::!r {:t ls .t6 5t l? iti; 3t ti;lj3 {0 !! .r{ {.1 33 35 35 J:i 3:lr;! 1l :i9 :!i !6 :!n tl 96 i ...'l

'.rJ rti Jt 2t 25 lit t9 Z:: ts fl3l ?.t !t ?6 !5 ?t t9 ?0 ..:0 :19

t-q l0 5t

llcnlth-TErcl and SupnlicaSutt.-Trb!cl, SuFrlies






Crens!s, (;rndu.tion ErnonseTclepl,oncllondNe\r U(tuilnr.nlI-unch lloohr Nasc-

3!5.00 3ll..t| 315-00:10.00 :0.t.?8 ?10.00

10.00.1t0.00 {26.70 .1i0,00

2,000.00 r,9;2-ss 2,000.00

s5d,r3t.t0 s56,3d2.5s ;s0,t0-q.16



ll.as!.huserk Srhooi l,-xnd P.rl ITuition Sllle nnd Citr \\'xrd!

llisccllnncous Illccirts


. ii1,!00,90'ts6 l.l0 {57 {0t -ii5 .l5l {7li ls3 .lst t9!

Page 83: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


)lllNl ,)lts lt" oc't'O1 .:rr r,,||,nl

lilNcs't'o:\- scltoot, l)tit'..\ lt,t'It I.:N t'

l'tr I ril:i .\*cilhor l\l)sent nor'l.nr(ll.lictrtell|lJcr. t0I:l-Jxnc 16. 19.1.,

Cobb Schooliltonict ltnlagl|ita CJnlhia Rossi

:llanlc Arc,|ltc

Richrril llalboni

John Cranl

Robert l,oli))gJohn Caulfieldllend:rll Thonll)sonRoDcrt ZinsiusLouis Borghesani


Clxss of 19,14


\\'erlncsdal. Ereni||g, Junc Fou ee thNitrctc'en IIrndrerl Jrol.tt_fouf

nt lJight o'clock

Ilecd Conrmu it)- Buikli|lg

King;to , ]ltssachusctts

.'\I).\IIS PRIZESK{thlern llnhlcrDorothy llarkIth-r'llis ProutyCarol Adanrson..\dele llyrick

/\licc lrrndfordI':ruliDc lulrickJu:rnil:r lturgc.asJrnlcs ltter(ttl'{r1er Irringllila \irlcraui

t':lhct l.'inncrll(l$'ard,StlrnghcllnniIIUcAtDD Cotli|lgrYoodl)oran{lo,\ndersonllobcrt Cibbsllettl'Ilurfe.* Kathlcen llahler'


for cscellerce itr stud]-. of United States llistory

Page 84: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

- 138 -D.,\. lt. C00l) Cl1'tZtl'.*SIt tI Aiy,\l )


ttrlcn t!nilt,y

tllr.(s .lrollo.. l)arc to \rcnturc, llqrc lo \Vin

Cla$ Coltr':t: laotnl ltkre r| (l lfhito

_ l3c_


l:dlif:,.l::* iiiii,,H,iltil:::i:,iili;,l iT""i:^l"ilil:,l :l ll'l,ll"'i;: jli'li l, ;T,llllfi l' r hc a mirrnr r,

"".r",, ",iurc grcar n0rtlbcr of [,brest Fires ,,,,.t,'.ti: ]t;""

occasiotlc(l .bv

;!1ff i," l :lJ1Lt f .'ii


il:i'li: 1H.' T ;ij' : ll:l:, J' :i

3;*l :;;;fu ;', *i;",.,il:i, lti:iji ,,1;, li;,f l;il""itfi Inrnn.cr irr proccriing r,;,1, ii;11;i;;l ;;lil ;jj:il[ llff ::illfl :l:

cRAt)u..\1'tfi(; CI,ASS

Juna ld. lnlt

'llelcl lteerl lla ilt'1'

itorlot| I]hrk|iotrnan llouch rd.rohr l.'rnnlilit| (i$ulticllJrlc l,ec C'h{r(llcr\\'illianr itolltrl l)lrisorll,orninc l)orolh1. l.'rcchinillarb;rrr l,ouisc (jullorltril,ucille Ilelen (ialletti,ln llcrgct\\'all&cc (ir$Inl l| | lohrosItdgar l.'r:rncis Iiecnc

' llonor Grol|p

llclcl l(eitllJcnr k ise lrolz

'llolrcrt Cr|shnlnn lrring, Jr,

'l($lhlcc )lrhlcrlhrlritr.I laslcy llerr.r

..lo! cc Itlninc .llitchclllllr,r l,ouise I'ircsJllmc..i llol{r'[ l'osi,'hlllis lkl!n l'roolrllett-y.\nn Sch ei(l€r

l.tlltilll :\lilr-t I osslDitrl

Itarlo virr,.!||i \'ernazziro

TrunslrrsJurre ?, i!].1,1-Forcst Firc Dcr)t.Jrtly 5, Ig4.l-jrolcst I.'irc Det;t,rug. I, lC.l4-FiDancc Corrtnittc{!Scpt. 6, lg,t4-.1.o\\.n CtcrkSept, 6, l$l.l-Forcst pireI)cc. 7, lt,l.t-llog OtticcrDcc. 20, 19,t4-tfeaithI)ec. 20, I0,t.t-Trec \\': .denI)ec. 20, tg4.tjnorv Ilenloial









Iln) |norrl c, trlccrrih)', l\'inciltrl

Charlcs l1'. l,lr\:riulcr', Superiltetrrlcnt

Tol{l lruD(l S3,000.00

. -I)uring thc tear. I,our l.'inance Comnrittee joined thc ..lsso_ciation of the 'l'orvn Filance Comnritt€es; an ot.ganization \rho.en-tenrtn[sltiD lisls sonle cight] -lNo to\r.ns, cirst of \l.orcestcr.\r'a nre ftrithfl,ll.r. l oDrling thc ntectirrgs i Boston an(l areplcnsed to repofl that to ahe Diescnt time, nruch informatioDhas been obtained Nhich i|l oul.opinion is rcrJ \,Aluable. \yeare also kepl iD coDstant torch Nith nrrnicipal questions anrlproblems as lhet'unfokl thro ghout thc State. Ive sincarely hope

Page 85: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

- r,l0 -lL;,t f[( rc l'iltttlcc Co[lntitt({.s in orrr torvn collinuc this mfln.lr'r'sllil' anil rnlirirrirr lrr r{tivc Interc.\t irr itr actlvifinr.

'l'h0 iinsncl8l cotdifion (,f otr lo$tl is 0xcellent: the totnlinrlcblc(lucss n-< of Ja unrt l, l0,lit b{irs g9,000.00, This isl[a snrlllclt 'l'orrn dc'LL for :r rrrnrber of year,r.

ln nrklitiorr, rlur. lo curlfilltrtenl of nrnfcrinl anrl sut,nli(rlnrl t,thcl fltiors. ltnn-\' olllcinl$ nnd 'l'o\rtr llrp:rrtrnetlts i;cr.rrntblc kr trse lhtir ontitc l,ntlricts. As n rcsult thcy turnc,l tacti io tho trolrrur!, such ( ncxpcn(lc(l bthncc_r1, 1sr 1r,}1a1, fl,*citi?ens :{h{ltll ho t:ratrful. Jlccl|uso of lhi. ntxl o0lrr con.lril)lrl;ntl fftctots. lh! clcr!s.{ ;rnrl drllicio e} l,nllncc is tnosujrll)-hixlr. \\'c nrr'. thcrcf'lrc, in |l posi(inrr to fncc rominx proirlcsrsti'tth fl {hx|.c,r of rar|sonrllc confiticnrc.

\\'c \roltld l,e rontiss itr our (lul).. ltorr$cr, if 1rc fnilr(l tocill;rttcntion t.J thc f$ct th{t our torvrr is faco{t $itI Iit lrnst l$orr jot'ltr'.]lJk,r t, ||finttrl-r, ol|r riehool llrrtt rnd \r'[ter stpph;rn{lnt{i s. l.irlunntolt, thcsa trroblEntJ xt.c not l}citU{ nclalf.cte{i n!Ihe (lol,:rrlnx.!tts in!ollL'{i }lnri} rlrcr(l!. rtrrt.tul long rnnge l:lan-||ing in thrt tliroctiotr. \'out. l.'itrntrcc Conlrt|ltt{e hn-q rncoorngsllhis dttrinta thr I'aJt -rc r nrtrl Ins gircn considci$lJla tine to thcdiscussiul ()f thesc Iroblenrs.

l'out'ollicilrlr h vc fldtnittii.'tcrc{l lhc'lhr\' ttfl:tirs in a $fc,rarc lr {l l,||:iinc.r-rlikc nlr||trcr $ith thd l]sst intcra3ts of tho To$nlrlrrlr]'r in nind; foI tl{t, nrr(l for ihcir cotriinued cGolFrationNilh us, r\.c re nx,il p|rcci[titc.

lle-.il)€ctf |lllJ. Jul)uiltc(1,

OltFllO ll. SCA IIZI, Chnirm r

1,..\ \1' It.l NCII \\'. Il.\ I Iri f , Sccr('trr.(I,1rtiI) t,. ltr\ tt,DYOllnlN- C. COLLIIYAITNOI,D I.i\COIIINIllYllO,\- S. IIOLTIANITICIIAITI) \1'. I,OIIINGJOSIiPIt R. llclllAn'USnlcllAltr) \\'. o'8lltEN.






Arrnual Toryn Meetirrg, 1945

lbgether snh a Copl of rLc \Varrant Atriclcs

and Acrornprrry ing llccorrrurcrrtl.rrionq.

Page 86: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

, l - l4:i -


'I'o the \rotors of (ingslon:

This leal. Ne htrrc pr.cl)arcd the budgct items in al) ltnusutrlntflrncr; cohlntns shotr.ittg urc t\:er.age er..FeD(liture of each itcnlfor'1041, l0'12 ond I9.l:1. The rchtal c\pc diturc for lg.t4 xlxlyour Iriitance Contniltcc rccontmen(latiorr for lC.ti. This sho\.sn lire tc:li pictur.e of :rll itcms inrolrcd. you \.ill fllso DotireIhe l)ct'centage of fecontn]e[de(l total as apl)licable to the itenrsin gloup forDt. llt sincerely hope you $.ill fintl this ar.t.angementco'l\'crriert anrl helpfirl.

Follo*iltg the budget report r.e hrve conl)ute(l lhe lO.lJtax rntc as recurirtcll. as possiblc if ont. tecommendfltions ar.ecarlied. 'l'his conl rtntion inr.oltes some uncerlainlies such nsthc Stlltc 'l'a\. 'l'his is a tx\ Nhich has been lcr.icd afi ually bl,thc State against citics ald [o\r.ns. \\'e hate been if,fornred bynutloritntite sol|rces thrt lhis ta\ \ro ld be repeated br the StatcI-egisl:rture prioi to thc bcghning of thc Staie tiscal Icar, \rhichis Jnll' l, 1045. 1\'c harc hcrefore not illcludcd this anrornt inour conlput:rtion.

T\o nlnjdr Droblenls rlhich ha\.e confrcnted our. [o\rn fornlaDt: tcats :tplcrr ior discussion and decision in the $tarrant.The School Dcpilrtmcnt is asking for rn approlriation to pur-chase n portiou of the latc .,\lc\ander Ilolmes property on trI:rinShcet for future school usc. \\'c hit(e reconnnendcd this \riththc uronel to conre fronr the Sutplus Cflsh fund. This appear.sto be a desirable piece of Dropcdt for the Tolvn to o\rn andlj€c:lttsc of ils ceDtrtl loc[tioD, size and laDdscrDirg, sho[ld beidequrte for nnt. future school nee(ls.

Page 87: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

\\'c hrtr.nlso r(cornlnrnrlcrl thc nrliclc strl)n)ltt(rl l,J. lhcll'nlcr (otnnlissionrs trr irtst ll n ltrxe rvclt tr {l t,ltmn rt r!-'l o\\'rr rvrtor I'ropcrt)- ro,rothcr rLi6 thc l&ri1'. .i i;,.i;',i"il;rrnirrr fmll thrl polnt to South Slrcct trnri ntn,rx ffuin'ii.o,r'llf1r r,'rrll ls (:r'r'rc.rrt Strrct. thir proj{.ct *1,",,|,t t,r;ll;;;nrort'rlrsirnhlc rliitril,rrlion of snt", [.r u tn.r"

",u,to..;'...1{l, rts. 'l hr.r"it lf lhis rv,rrl is 97n,000 nnrt "" ".,",,;",;i; ;;;ir.u,: tir Ln h'Ilrirl irr tcD vr.rrs nl S?.irO0 clrch J.rar,

,\ls" fflror.crt is tlli. lrt.riDg,,f I|lrt,r.,xit teh,Cnt,o fr oi l0 ir.\|&l(r l,ilrr] stxrlitrf froni li.rltth ,Slrrct rnd runrring ilorrg $api-pinl: lloarl. 'llis is l lnri of rr futnrr pl,rr to ertcrr,l rluict..*,yicc f urlltcr in thnt sectil}|r .f our.'lir$n. .l,hc

co_rl ef lhis,\richi:i Sl;r,000 nh{l irc ltIvr] r!(:.rnnlrt|dt.rl that this anrorrlt l,c a1pr,rt,r'ir,tr.d florrr this r-(,jrr'i t8N l,r\.

liccll|s(! of tIr siza lrnrl D:rtlrrr .,f lh{, $Dr,}Utrts r(q citoiir i!li-s Iejrr'r rvllrrllll \rc |lr.c ,|i|eI thr.\r! prcl)lcnl ctrciu] an{i{l.txil.1t ntr'{l.r' xnrl (lis.ur:iion. Orrr rteciriorrs }rrr.r l,eon l,lrserl onlltc futot.e $dfltr., {rf onI c{runl nitl nn{l nlso ir) th{j freah:s!,.to.,rl to tlld l.r.r.nlij-et t|nttlircr r!.ould l)rerflil.

\lr. sitl(,.r,,1\' 11,,1r, .r-r,lr rrill follorr ,)rrr rccorlrl,, ilfltin s.

llcsprctaull). s!bn)it|!d.

Olal.'ll0 I l- SGl llZl, ChairmanLrr\vla,\ n-Cl.: l\': Il,\llJtl', SecrtlnrJt.'Rt:t) L. A ,I:\'oSRtN C. COl,t,ltl'.\lln-Ol,l) l.'..\Ce ll INIlt ylroN s. ot,NANlllCllARl) \i'. LOItln*C.lOSlal'l I R. trlcll,\ir- USRl(:llARD \\" O'BRlttN.




",*,*ilnL;rJ" see if the roivn iril| \.ote to rix the sataries of

","",c|;:;,"..:.:,ff;ii,f;lilt;"illli: r the sarorics for Ir,c

tr[oderlltorTo$n Clcrf $25 00

Trcnsurcr .. .. 200.00

collector . .. 600.00

Ohairnran of sctcomon " ..... 700-00

orrrer sot"ctn,oi,, en"i, 215.00

cr'i.""." "i u"i,j

"i u"^rrr, lil.llUttcr. JenrlrorsoflioarrtolIlcnlth,cnch . ZZ.;Oulatrntirn of Board of public ll,clflrre .. S;;.;;Olhcr i\tcrnbcrs of pul)lic \\,elf:rrc, cnch 110.00Clr irnran of Boir(l of Asscssors .. U00.00ut|ter Asscssot.s, c:rchrv,rtc. c"rttn,i""i",,'".",;";i, . I .. t33,33

_-.-11,: " ,lb rai-ae-and appropr.irte sucn sums ot money aslnay be necessnl..v [o defrat torrn chalges.

1iuDcE1 l9,t5

Gl:Nlin,l I. col. ult\v t.\...r:7.6?7; ot t-,,rnl

r. od$ator, ,qrhrr2. Selcctncn. Sntincs ird E\lcnses:1. rtccount.nt iDd tu,trror.1. .Tlrasurer.nd Cotrecror

. Financcr:";-;;i:; --


s35.00 $25.00 s25.00r,0t7.66 1,0j5.i5 c33 009jtc5.ts 2,227.07 1.8,19_OO2,is$.0i !,c07.t0 2,i08.i0

Page 88: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

6. Tsr flll. forslorur$ .

ii. ,\i!(..4i'?. 'lonr (;trrkS. Ilc<Uor trlld llcrittmllonr.i. Fnrtrn.c Oo|llnilt.c

10. To*n lknr!e trlntudctnocc

ptto'r'ri(;r!o.\ or' I'Elrs(rliti .rNr,r,ft0t,Ht't'l':

I l.xi?. of lbt.lI l |oli{c )liinl.mn(.l!. l)o,,. O|IkrrI ll. Shcllnlhl l. llarl,or ll.il..l!. fi.e l)cniitnrchl-Jlnint.h.n..ld. -{rilu ol trici*hl!.n,1 }lcrlunrl?. Sut,t'relrirn ol Jloth!13. T.r( \tnnlcn19. l'orql !'irc-Ir.ycnlion en,l t:r-

!in|i.lrhmcnl20. l'orr.l l'ir.r-Tr|1(ki?l- Ilorhri$! oD S.il!22. hrturrn.( llunlrirlnl lluil,lioFt

.n(l I'm!..1t?lt, Iniurnn.c \Yor!or.n'! Comtt,!.rlinn2-1. l).{rDr.

llt:/1l,'lil,tn_l) S,rliITlTlON:1.129'.0r Tdrl

25. Ilcihlr20. h'trcclo. ot ,\ni.ridh27, lnstEllr ot Sh0,rlktin*|llcItr1'lls:

9.?r7. .l I'otrl?a- Ordi$rr ltcr,sir!, :r-il6rt of Su!|.

nn,l Cr.e ol llldr. rhd Lol fo.l:.loip- nnd l,.hrtins lYhltc l.hc!otr Slr.(tl

!9- lior,l 6. ncrr. llqd lls(hhe.r.

:10. SlRct, DlEction rn.l l)anSc. Slstrt:tl. Snos llemorll lu.ludisx rlsintc.

mncc of t'.nc€ do'l SindinrIlold!

3?, Slrst Lishlin,<

tE.;6 ?00.00r,671.6i l.8l?_l;0 1,900.00it99,l0 6iJ3.l0 65960-l33.El 6u. ta3.!0

3,33 16-16 ?0.!0l,:153.t? t,!i0.5? 2,.tt5.0!



6 t0.02l?395.3?






r.tlJ.it " i,tio.iigf,1.3:l 52.00

691.20 %0.63?r,.[5 3.t3

:t.i19.t3 t,I]31.91?t2l 3!:t.t{

t,03Lr.0l 4s6.30?0,63 t3s.-q{

I,t?t.?? 3.9rt.03

7.\3 1t.00

l.?i?.0? t.0s2.tlr0l.ri! 101.03355.02 tJo.0l







I,t 0.00100.00

r,0r0l9 ?,010.00

160.00 [email protected] !).00


515.2.t .195.16

t,162.8S 1,2{{.E?

r.6?8.06 Itl0.03



I,031_l It60.0060.00






{1,78% of Totrl10. S.hoolj-IncludineS!lari6, 3itr'

l€nancc; O.diha.I RePaiE andSchool Lunches-Labo! Onlt . {8,136J6

't l. Yocstionsl't l. Yocstionsl !:ducation -..........l?. Reti.ehent Pay for luch.rs

LIBR.IR'..:.oEt' of Tobl

{3. LibraD'-!'rcnr Dos }\nd ...{.1. LibBr}--}-rom Tar l2tt .



{5. Plsyrolnd UainteDafte .....

il6. Plsyamtrnd - Eit.aordim.! Re-piiB to Blds.

il?. Perh...-................-.48. Town Gnen snd lyar €nonal PIol-19. Care ol othcr llunicipal ProPertt60. Obsen8nce of lle.norisl 6nd Am-

illice Ds!'s .

6r. CouDtr Aid to Asricuhue .. - '.5?. Torn Repon! - PEparaiioD and



125.E3 ?6.00?.63 65.61

30.{0 ....-....

156,?? 126.63100.00 100.00

{60.{! 687.3t




?,t50.m ?.E05.!o

r-i39.2a 1,800.00' 7t.vJ t50 01'

53. Leaal Expcnses srd Cotrlinslncie!54. C€nlus .-...... :.. . ...55. Rei€ne, trorn Ore.la.v Surplus : -

66. Rserre, tbn Tsr l,a$' -. .'-.-..





2.?1J.65 , 2,63056 ?,500.00

?,7i1.9a 9,66€.6? 2.as3 00TOTAL ......... ...... .............. ?,llt.lg 2,952.00 3,500.00

Page 89: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


r:sl t:trI'lrIsl:.5:l.6li. ot rot.l

6?. \t.l.r l).r,trihll(rit - ltnl|lrcnnhco : 0,oE?.9tI's. lVnlrr lkt,irlhrnl -lituit'rr(ntl,!r. lftrlc. l)r't,irrncnt -Sunry of !'ir.



2t,0s 57.06










[o. Ilr$tt. C6ru{ltl..

lr,t'l'tI| lic t)II1"rn.-t) |li l l.:Iti.s't:.0r9. ot 1ol'l

01. ilnruritrs t)cl'!0?. Itrt(r.rl or llnturin* lrrl4d:1. lnlc..!t-Te'!ti,mrt l.!snr

'llte reconlman.l A icte 6 otght to pnss.

^^,...1-.t:-t;. ,tb

see if thc to\yn $ill authorize tho Setectmen tocon\.ct or disclrnrge ar1. intcrest it ma1' have i, nu,i t" ii,"-i"ni{cscntrert in n rlec(l or mortgagc ,r"rn' O"u""i-j",i",*"" .i..ii,"

rotrn, dateil_Jul-v J, lCld, anrl rccor{lc{l sitt tf,c frfyrno,rtf, gouulS:

l:.f1"^,1;'^:l lr::f .'" Booh r 688, pascs 4li.l rc, upon "rrch

tn, n,,".trs lnc uont.rt of Sclcitrilcn ma]. rlelcrminc.

\1'c reconmcnrl Araiclc ?.

Art. S. 'l'o scc it. the torln \rill:1.n:t): l:", I ""^ :f.*;;;';;:il1 #illi,"" f"i:j'"i,li,':ili"ll:;t-,:,-lt",oni"" n(trtiliolfl| \rcls, install:ng lipcs ;;li ffi;j;;sralton cqlit)ntcnt jrnrl inslalling apt,r.o\tntarct.v 21,000 fcet of::iiil lili:_llr5lorhan six inchcs irr rrianreicr, ;; i^k;";..

IVc rcconnten(l Article I $ith ,$?i,000

^nd i;; ;;;";ji;';; ;;::i';;'ldJ;ornt,,o'. c\ccc'ri.'E

. .Art. 9. 1b scr if the to.rrn Nill vote to iaise anil appro_lriale, or tiansfer fronr ar,ailabie funtls, a sunr of nroney for thcp[rpose of extending the $aler nlai[ approxirnately tiro nr ci:l,,li;Hi,,l5"1:;r,

*tring from sorth sirc"t, * t.r" "rrr. ^"iii"

^-_ 11'c rccommcnd ,{r.ticle I (onl-v if .{{iclc 8 carries) $ithax,aDt|r'ol)rifli ion tlot e\cocding gli,000 (to be t,rtren tronr therJro ut\ rc\J) to try at)Dro-\imrtctr 6,000 fc.el of t0 in. DiDcflom Soulh Strect rrlorrg- iVapping ionrl.

_ Alt. t0. To see iI lhe toivn Nill r-ote to iaise anrl appro_Prtatc a sunl o[ monc.r for thc purDose of extending $,ater rnains

'li,t!l ltu.ll;(r lt..on' rr,tili,,trrToi.l llr('mh.ni.'|. -qt..hl,\rtl.hi'l-,n.,t, .\ll tr.(omm.n,t'rt0nr

l;:lln'ir.,l Stntc.l':it'|er,.Dnntf tirG, 1.. tt. oittt,t. ,\r-i..qtrr' l;rllnllr ol otr.l', nn.t .tt oth(, rmour. t.-,ttrlrrrl l't Inr t,,lr ril\.d




(;rin,l l o!nl, lt..ohr'.ndrrli,n n,t tirrth.r.!llrtnt.li.[{ t. (rm!!lc r!tlhrt(d Irr rit.r

Itrtlnrl.d k(.it'r., in.'n'. rdrpori{on. *n$.lin. ti\.\. fn,nr Stnt., |nolor r.fit(|..r.'..trnd otirr I'ril r..titrr (.on btl,.. !r,kc!tl,rn lirnli.n

ri\lln'nlc'l t'rtnn(r lo tr r.t,.,t t,1 r t$1 onk,.nl rc:il rstit. nxd inh*il,t. Fr{nrt t,n,r,-.trt, olt!r. rhr{ nnnor r.ftt.lrs

Eitlhil(d t!\ r!t. trr.d rtton ntx,lr.c.dF-.nxnd.'llrn. urin{ pr..l,,ur 1."1r .rturtl,,n.aor .\s-(..ur\' r.rl irc ot .e,r.nr r.:.),








tt. 6. 'l'o s(.c if ihc toN.D li'ill \'oie to thorizc lhc to$Dtrc surcr, \rith ihe :rlrprorxl of thc Scta.ct|ncD, to lrorruw ntorLrlfrolr tinlc to tirle in anliciniiiiorr of the tcv{\ue of the tinnllciilIcrlt l)cl{inrting J:rn nt'-r. i, t0.la, nn{t to isstic I note or lole:

Page 90: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

Irl)l,rorlnlntclt Zl6 fc.ct, fronr Gray's-ltench to nrotrcrty of Cu..tnlo Cuhlnboul, nlso knorrn ns thc Kenncdl. Cott,.xcs.

.. \\'e rcconrlnc d :!l!tjlc t0 ouriht to pnlrs $ith an flnpropria-tior not cric(rdin[ 9300.00.

lrt. ll. 'l'o sco if (hc lo\rrr \sill \.otc to rnlsc flDd xDnr^Iritrl(., or lr:rnrfor froxl ntlrlldl)le iunds, n suru of,nouor for'it.t,urt,o.qc of eritcltdixf the n.nler nvrin npproxirnately is00 i*ion Slllia l'ltce llond, st&rtinr{ froin thc corrrer of tii" prq,;;i.,,of llorocc C. lYelilon, to nnrl irreludirrg lltc l,rollcrty o;,f;;;;lU. txrl (:hflrloltc lhndcr, or tnkc trn],riction reiatirlc thcreto.


Ilecotrtruculniiorr to corllr' ltt 'lb\rn l\lecting,

,\.t. 12. 'lb soa if thc torrl rvill ruurorize the school com-tnittr\e to tlcrloirc l)). Iltrdhnse or enti,!eDt (loli;rin n l)nrcel of lan.ltor thc l)urllos{. of crectit|{ n school housc l(l lransfcr a sumrrot in excq\.rf $ 10,000.00 fron nvnilnble fQn(ls for s$i(l properti_

\Yr' r('conltD0r(l r\rticle 12 ou(ht to t,:rss.

Art. l:i, 'l'c!:irt if ttlc towr! rr.ill Inrt n collhittei! (oll5i!i-Inl. of thc Sclt(x)l C'onr tittec. srrd (tre lncntber to bc ilpointedby thc Selcctnrcrr, [rr.{, mcrrilrers t{, L}c nl)poinl€(l Ly the l..inano-I3onrd, nnd onc |llet|tbcr tr) be dllpointc(l bj. tho No{lcr:rtor, t0;rcl xr il l,tlilrlinta co|n lilt{{ for thc purlose of l)rrlirrin[ pl3rNror:r nerv school or rchool lrrrihlirrxs.

\\'c rcconntren(l r\rticle l;t ouraht to ltoss.

,\rt- I,l. 'l'o s{[ if tllc tolrn $ill nulhorize ilte lr ildinccorrnlilla! to cnrplor an :rrchil.rct nnd nn d(lltcational adriser lodrnN up plans for n ne\v sahoot or school buildinss, and raisaIlnd lDpropriatc thc surtl of $l;000.00 for enlplojing such ser-vices, nnd for thc neccssfir_\. e:(pcnscs of the conrnrittee.

Ilecomncnd{rtion of Articlc I.t.to corDc ot totyn nlceling.


-_,-.1:r. tU.

.To sec if thc toNn rrilt rolc to rrise an(l nntlro-prlatc a sunt of moncJ to be uscrl to inslall a ncN boiler.or boilcrsnnd to makc other nrcessarr .hahu.thc High Schooi.

"!(!'trt'r uttrrrlics irr thc llcnling s1'stcnl of

,.__ ll,c recommcnrl Articlc l5 ought to pnss rrilh ah appropria_uon not c\cccrling g2,325.00.

. .A rl.. 19. 'tb scc of Ure lown \rill rotc lo rnisc nntl at)tlro-t'r'ilttc,9t,s00.00 for the t,ullosc of builrting

""A ,,i"j"t"i,li,usr(lcrvxlks.

\1,e recontnrcnd ..lr.ticlc lG ought to plrss.

..-,_.1\.-t.- ll. -fo sec if the toNn rvill votc to raise nd apfro_

l)rrntc a sunl of.rnone.t- lo bc uscd in conju|lclion .rith n,r1. ^onc_vl*nt:t] lllI bc a ottc(t t,.v rc Strtc or Counrr, or frrtfr, ior'ii,an_

ler l0]li{lt11r }Iaintenanee tork an<t transfer f"";, ,ii.^;;;;jl,1!i ..S..i{m.90 to the.account of State ald C"""rr, ";;;: ;;,;rcrnrurrrscnlcDt rr.ceil,cd to l/e crcditc(l tr^"1 lo

"ur;,tus r,","ui,n.

\l'e rccomDrend Articlc l?.

. Art. 13. To sce ii the to\r,n 1r,ill \'ote to rtise and Dpro-llrirrtc thc sum of 9ll00.00 for the pur.Dosc of nrainr.airrirrg rluringllle. cnslir)lj- Je:rI thc nrosquito cont rot rvorks n. ".t

ir;to,f ,;;;;certificd to lry thc State Reclanlation no".,t in """o"Aun"o

,rdithe lro\-isions ot Chapter 112, Acts of tg:I.

., \1'e Iccollncn(l ,\ jcle Ig ought to lass rrith an approt,ri _llon o[ cxccc(ling S300.00.

-.\rt. 10. To sce iI the to$.n $.ilt vore to ttirnsfer the uneri-pended balance in the E\tensiofl of ll'ater llain on Gro\.e Strcetappropriation, amountirg to Sl,ZB4.6l to the aDlroDriation nladert lhe-Anrtu.l Torvn lleeting, ltarch, 1044, for.ilie purpose ofreplacing th€ { $ater nrain on Sumnrer.Street, fron, ttn prop_crtl'of l-ledcrick Nara, 129 SDnnler Str€et, to thc p.onort5. ofJ:rne N, Anderlon (Ho ston), ltil S[nrmer Street, rritt a e-rtatcr miritr.

\Ve reaonmcnd .{r.ticle lg ought to pass.

Page 91: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

Art. 20, 'l'o scc if thc tntv tvill r..,tc to rlsc &n(l nllnrGprir{lc lr rilll of ntorcl for tho trurpos{ of crtcrrrlinp r.r"" llilrrl' (;rorc Strr:r'1. throuFh Irkc Strc.ct, or ut, t'.ij,f,r"i." iir,li(lllo.27) throuf)t l,nkt,Strr..t. \vhr.rrcr.cr ecms to l,c to

'relrcst i l{lr.i,t of lhc to!\.||.

\fc (io lot rccorrrnrenrl r\rticla 20,

,\lt. :ll, 'li) srxr if thc tor\.n rvill r.(,te to raire arrrl rrrrrraIrri:rl" ir il ',f ro c). to irrstnll [,,Irosi||tntc11, :t.O0O tL,et ot rrliert|rri . in llnrl hrrci iftcf rla.'crilrrl, rnrl tr' uppr.rl,rl,,tc,,f,f,ruri-Diritclj' *0,t50.00 trr rorlr thc co$t of s.1i(l instr,ttritior,. Su"t i,,-stlrllntion to slflrl on l,llring .\\,clue (rvltich lr..l or"u o,,

" i,l,,ircconl(r(l its .,,,\h- lL-N h,'), coDnrctitll, to utc trstc!. t{i; irIlitcr Sttiiet:rnrl to rurr :rl,trg l,,rrin,t ,\rcnnc 1. ..lrro$ Strtri;

lllt.'lco .-'.lstorlt ilt jtrrorr. Strcet sbo l 210 f!r( to x lrollrx$lrr,rrl t., irr krio$rr is Joncs ltir.i:r l)rir.c, trhich is ou ilerl otl;r! rlr &lt:aclrr,ti hcrcto, in I :orrlherll, rlirccli.rit $lroot:j{_10 ft.ei;lhtnft curti g to {r \\.asterll (lircclioD lor $lJoui 000 frfl. thc}(ecnr\'ing rtorthcrl.r lrlrt0t l0 {lc{r.{,s rv.sl anrl contltrrring appror.irlltlcl_y iD thi.i dircctiqn to ltircr Strcct, $t n point al,orri 6OOfrrt rtcst uf thc sitfti li Foinl. lt is urirlcrjrt{ro(l thrt n co[(litionlo {ho linrltint| of this pctitiorr is lhnt titlc hollers of propcril.o|cr rtltich thesc r{ritcr rt|xins \rill ru rr.ill grrnt rt |rol,cr rase-trlcnt llotlg the ceursc i(i bc iolio$.erl in l -i,ing tha nutin:i.

tlir (lo (rt rccorllntrt,,l Article 21.

.,\rt. 22. 'l'o sec if the torsn rrill tota to rnise nnrl xlrpro-l)rl{rtc !r s$nt of ntotre-r (o iDslnll {t)l)r.oxinnitel!. 1,200 fcet of\vttcr n)fti'|, ill laul ltcrcinltftcr {lc.icril)e(l nnd to {Ipro!riiteftIt,roxilrrtclt 92,?00.00 to corcr $c cost of mid lmta alion.Sxcl instrll;rtion [o atnil on lrring ,\\.cnuc, (ivhich is shoNn onn Itn recorri€{l rs.,"\lr.l)a.N:rh'.). cont|ccli H to 0re s:rtrr nl3inin llite, Strort;rnrl lo rurr rrlong Iarinr{.\vcnuc to Arro$ Stract;tlrcnca eirtcrl-y ilr .lrrorr Strc,ct nbo{t 2IO fcct to I proposedroa(l to l)c kI<r$.tr as ,,Jorlr:s Itirer l)rir.c,', .\ehicll rrill bc a con-linrri H of l.'r:tnklin Strceti thcncc nlong fho l,ropotcrl J{,ncs

:- lE3 -

Ii\cl Lhirc in n southerly dir.cction nlrout g00 fcet. It is unrlcr-srooo lnat l con(tition to lhe granting ot this Ftition is th'lltitlc holdcr.s of lr.ot)crll, o.ot.,r.ti"t lhosc rvtrler nrains $,ill run\vill grant n l)rol)rr easenrent along rc coursc to flc tottotrcj inrj|yrng tnc miltns,

lyc (lo ot Iccontnlclr(l At.ticlc 22.

. Arl. 23. 'lb str if thc torrn rrill votc to r isc al(l fll)l)ro.Drinte f.l.$9 to pal. an unt,:ikl bilt of lha plal,gr.ound Deprftrrrcrrt.

\\'e rccommcn(l r\rticle 2:1.

..\rl. 24. 'lb scc if Ule toiv[ $ill \'otc to [ccil]t as a lorrnira}', lhe pri\.ate \r:rt Do\1, k oirn as SecoDd Brook, bcgi ning rttthe Drol)el.ty :rsse.ssc(l to Edna ll. Schr.ager (formcr.l-v the Ains_Northt)r opcrtt') , to propertl assesserl to Ruth D. Noithey. (ap_prox. ?00 ft.), ns lai(l out bt, thc Selectmcn.

1\'c do not rccournrerrrl Ar.ticlc 24.

Art. 25. 'lb scc it' thc to$rl rrill {ot€ to transfcr fi.omnr:rLilaLIc funds itr lhe lroasur.r-, thc srtm of $10,000,00 for thcD[rchirse of war bouls or othel bonds th:rt ar.e legal .inrestment-sfor sa\'illgs btt*s, to be ndded to the post-\\rar R€hrbilitationFund in accordance lr.ith the protision of Chapt€r 5, Acts of l$4g.

\le do rot reconrntc d ..t icle 25.

.{rt. 26. 'lo see if the to\rn \rill rote thxt the follolying:tDl)l'ol ilrtioll blrlancc be close(l out to Surplus Rercnue:

('h pr.00 -\\'appirrg R(1.-llai tctlfltlcc gZO?.,ti

lye recoDrnren(l Alliclc 26 onght to ptrss.

Page 92: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


colt]loN\ylri l,, t ot' :\r/\ss^Cfi u$nTTS

*.... i],:-!.. 1: ':iT 3rd arproJ,riare suc}.sums of money asmay 0e necessary to defray lorvn charges.

^ - Arl, 6...Tokec if thc lown \rill rote lo authorize thc loNn

:::,::,::: ):'ii rhc aDlroYnt of rhc sclecrmcn, to r.,orroN monc!.rroni Itmc to linre in anticipation of the revcnue of thc financialJc:lr

rlcSrnntI|g Jirnuirr-v I, lC4S. xn(t to issuc a nolc or notesrncrcr_or pa}?ule \r.ilhin onc r-cirr, jrnd to rclerl. nJ, uotc or olcs;rs.mry ne gtvcn for a lcriod of lcss than onc year in accordnncc\sith Scclion lT, ChlD..t{, General l,:r$s.

Alt. 7.. To s€e if ute toNn ilill arthorize the Selectnlen toconrc,v or (lischnrgc nnt,intcrcst it moJ hlrye i" ^n,i

trii," f",,,idescrilrc(l in :r rloc(l or mol{grgc from Auglrsf, An(lerson to tbc_r

o\r||. (|ntcd J utJ" 3, I C:15, lrnrl recordc{l rrilh lhe plt.moltth CouDt}-RcgislrJ oile€rls, it| Book t6g8, prgcs.lt5..lj6, uDon such tcrnrsns thc tloar(l of Sctcctnrcl nra1. ilclermirrc.

- lrt. 8. 't'o see if ote toNn \rill \-ote to raise, by loan orolherNisc, il sum ofnto[c.y for incrcasing rhc rralcr suDfri]. sJstemlrt rtc\.clot)ing additiorral rrclls, installing nipes an,t prrnrpingslalion cqxit)nrcnt nnrl instfllling npproxirnit"ty 2t,00d fee't o;rvirtcr n);tDt not less lhnn six i ches irr (liflnlelcr, or trke jlxJ;rction retrtil:e thereto-

Art. 0. To sec if thc tor\'n ttiill \.ote to raise aDd appr.o_l)riate, or tralsfer from arailable fnnds, a sunr of monel, for thepurpose of extending [he waler nrain approximatelJ t$,o nlileson lltapDiia Road starting frcnt South Str.€t, or talie any actionreiatire thereto.

Arl. 10. 'lo sec if the to$n \yill \.ote to r.ai..c anrl appro_priate a sunr of mone,r'for the purpose of eitendirrg rvatcr. mainsapproximatelt' 215 fcrt, from Grat's Beach to property of Gus_tavo Cuidaboni, also knoNn :rs the Kenn€dy Cottrgas.

Art. ll. To see if {Ic toNn \.ill rote to rcise anrl annreDrialc, or lransfer front lr:ailablc funds, a sum of monc.r fori thc

- 16,1-


lLrtrofr,t. ss.G ITT!;TINO:

'l'o cilhcr of the Con:it:rl)lc,! of tltc.l.oNn of Iii gston:

I lhe n ||la ot_ thc (:o lnronNerllh ]ou nre rc(luire(l to nolifttttt(l \rxrlr llc irhlll)itints of s.lrkl t(]lrn r,vllo arc (luali,ied lo !.o{.,in {onrr rillnirB {o nrcet nt llrc l.O\t,li llOtrsl, on

S:rturd.r,, rhc'fcrrl Day of lrt.rrcl Nvc.rr, ,9.15

for thc follos.irrg purt)osrs, tiz.:

_*_ 1ll t. I'o ch,rosc ntt ,.rcssnr.!i l.urv|| Olticers, rhe follo$ingorrcors ||ri l',In.chosrlr on o c h llot_viz: ,l ]torlcr:rtor, a ToNiClerk,.Il l'rr.;rsrrr{,r, n (.ollcct,,r df'l.nxe.r. t\\.o (.o stirblrs. ind !l r{'r' \tnrrte,t. nll for onc.rotrr. Olrc t(t,rl)cr nf lhe Schnrl Conr.tntttc{' flDrt t,tre \\'ittcr (:ontt|ti-(sio,,cr, orch fr,|. t\\.o ILlrrj. One

;\ClCclrrrllrr. oI(, rl!e,Jsur, oDc Dtt,ILer of urc lt,rlrrrl of l\rLIicrlcllnre, l\lo l cr llt,r{ of the Sr.h.ml (ir tnlitt(f, t$o ,l,rust(r,s oftlt'l\rhlic Librnry, olte llcnrLer of the I'hrl.gr.ourrrl ConrrIrilsion,flnd onc \\'ntcr Conrnris,rioner, lrll for thrce te&rs.

Arl. 2. At lhc closc r,f thc l.:lcctioll nrrl rfter tlrc rlnol|ncc.nlcrrt of thc..resulls .rf the elcction, thr. nrcetinF r\'ill sl:t|ld Ad-Jourrrrl rrntil ltoNl),1\', thc trvctfth (in]- of ltnrch, follo\in[,nt 7:00 t,. ]t., jrt llrc RHl.:t) (.O;\lIf U^\..n.]. BU ,t)tNG, \'hrnsrrcll ollrcors irc to lr nontinnlcrt ft oDt thc tloor Nill b., choren.

Arl. :1. 'l'o lellr nttrl ftct uporr tltc rcl)orts of To\\il Olliccrs.

,\rt. t. Io firi lhc snlaric.S of clcctC(l olliccrs.

Page 93: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount


lrul.posc of nxtc rlin* lllo \fnl{r tI|ttin llItrroxltnjttel]. lg00 f&rorr S.r.lr.i;r I'l cr ltosrl, stntlirrJ': fron.r ri., acr c. u.,,'.t,,,;:,; ;;,;;i,,;iil1,:::",i:'lf;,lill,:ilf:il)t. lnrt r-hrrrl.rra Atrrnrt.r., or rnke lrr.1. ncgorr ."i,,i,," i,1"llll]"

r\rt l:t. .tr) rc(. if thc tr,\sn r\'ill auttrorize thc sch.r,rl ct,nr.ntitte,,tn ncrl'iro L,r ;trrrclrrrrc or.ntit','l rlo't.in . ,;r;;;i;;j;;:ifor {lle lltr.lrrtsf of ercctlrrX t -cchfi}

, ot irr erccri or s r0.0.ffi;;ili:,,1i:';;,:il'il:li[lH;;ll

. Arl_ l:i. ,lb.rcr,, it llx. to$ $ill lrn!.] {l contnlilfco c,,lls;sl-in{ 'rf {hc Sclrool (.o!rnriilcf. 1|t|rt nrry lhe s-crccrnrr-.n, t,r,, ,,,,r,,r,"*'ii, ijt"

mt'nl'-'t' lo lrd U'l)6itrtcd

It.:rr rt, rrnrr,,," ,",.,,,'"..',, i,",,;;,:;,,,11,J'llf tli:ui,;li,:;HT;

rct ns I Lrril'lllr c.nrrlilttc for i,rnn,. u u"rr..t,*,i'*

""i,.Ji,,,iii,,,1".". """'oie ot rr'!arinr t't*ns

........11::. '., ti,.s{1. if the r,^rrr r\'i j.rtrhnriz,, rhr. t,uit,jin;.(r)Irrr)rlte( lo cnrllor, ntr irclilr,ct xn(l nn (.{l clrtio al ll iri.nr to{rl|\' rlp ltlfllr:: for x n$r' scho.rl {rr Jcllool buiklinris, rrrl raise:ul(r n,)prot)tiatr tll., surt| of SI,000.00 lor on,trturii,g

",,.h r0.-ttces, :rr.l f,'r thL' r.ccss;n.r r,nlx,nsrs of ft,u


-" '

..,, ,)i, ]..t -'t'n $ec if rhc ru\\.n rritl rore ro r:risc an,t nlq,ro

!'l,i 'l' " r,,:r, (,t tn,,rrr-v to lx. srll ro inrtnll n rrerr tnil..r or l,oit.rs

;ill"l;-i:'il';,:ll.'' 'rcccss:rrs chnrrNcr in tho he&ti,,F .rr-,.trn, oi

. .l\rt. 16. 'lb .ree if thc to\vn will loic to raivr nnrl a1pro,

l',',,'"',lli,,illton t u riir lhc In'rt,o.e of tlrihtirrr rnd nrainrniriing

,.-,_.,1n. lf -tb

sc1-' tf thc torvl s.ill yolc to rnise nnd appro,lrrti(( rr st|rtl of-ntoroj.to hc usc{t in coDjunclio rri{h trrrt nrone).'

l:.:l':1 'll,li,l" "ll:l:(t l,.r rhc stxrc or Counrr_, or.t,orh. fo!.chap.::,- Y,'.ll,iLl,1I llii tc,I||'rcc rrork

'lnrt trnrrsfcr frou t\.8irib:e:.:jl::i.f;1,0u0.00 to ttrc flccol [ of Stxrc fi (t Coulty shrr,:, rh.,tclrlll)llrJcr)ctrt r'.cci|''xi lo l,c crc(litctl lxck to srrrrrhrs rcrrrrue,

Ar(. 18. To scc if the toNn \.ill rotc to raisc nnrl annro_t,riatc thc sum of 9300.00 for lhe purnose of maintaining auiinglhe_.ensurrg.Jicar.thc mosquito control works as cstirnaterl andccnrrcd ro bJ thc Stote Rcclamrtion tsoard in nccordancc Niththe provisions of Chapter 112, Acts of 1931.

Art. 19, To s€o il thc to\rn irill votc to transfei. lhe nex-pcDded brlnncc in the Exlension of Water ltain on Groi.c Str.cot

^t'I|roDrialion, amounting lo gl,2l{,61 to the anlroprilriion nra(le

at the-Annual ToNn llecting, ltarch, 1944, tor the liurpose otrel)laciDg lhc 4 Natca nlain on Suntmcr Strect, fronr ttrc Irop-9rl-r of Frcderick Nava, 121) Slnrnrei.strect, {o thc propefu ofJane N. Anderson (tlolislon), 16l Summer Str.cet, $,ith a 0,,watct nain.

Art. 20. 'fo see if thc toivn $.ill tote to raise nnd :rpl)ro-priatc a sunr of nronel: for the pnrpose oI e\tending $.ntef Initinslup (iro\.c Strcet, throngh Latie Strcet, or uD penlbroke Stt.cet(Iilc. 27) through Lake Street, \.hichcr.ct. dcenrs to bc to tltcbest intercst of lhe torvD.

-.\rt. 21. 'l'o see if thc torvu Nill lote to rtrisc nd alpro-l,ri:rtc n st|nr of nronc-\' lo ins{:rll :rDpl.osinratelJ J,000 fct't of rtxlcr.nrnir, iD land hercinafter described, nnd to aDDropii:ltc appro:(i-nl:rtel.r $6,?50.00 [o corel. thc cost of said installation. Such i -st:rll:rtion to s{ rl on Loting Ar'c c (\r'hich is shoNn on R lllirrrccordc(i s "AhJ)c-Nah"), connecting to thc \r'ater m{in inItircr S(re{t rDd [o ftn along l,orilg A\:enire to Ar.iuy Str.cet:thence caster'l!. in Arrory Streel. nbout 210 lect to a pioposerlrord to be kno\fn as Jones Rircr Drire, \\.hich is outline(l on :lplan rttflche{l hcr'eto. iD :r southerlr- {lircction about 300 fcct;tllenre crtrring to a \resterlJ (lir'ectiotr for about 600 feet, thencecIr'\'ing noltherl.y xboul l0 degrecs \rest and contiDuing attror-irratcty ir this dilcrliorr 1o ltircr Strect, at a Doint about 600feet \rest of the siartins point. It is nnderstood that n conditiouto thc grartiruj ol- this petition is that titlc holders of prolcrttovct'\shich thcsc $ater mnirrs Nill run \r'ill grant a proper. eirse-nrcr[ :rlong lhc corlre to be followe(l irr laying the nrairrs.

Page 94: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

- t68:-

. ttrt. 22, ,l'o sce if lhc lotvn $.lll lotc lo rois{ nnrl rnriNprlntc n suni of uolc.v io Instlrllrv.tcr ,".i r, i r r.rr(r hcrcr n.f r{ r,'LlXlil;X,',tl,flt,"t li:.::-:lrplroxinrntol) 52,?00.00 to corcr thc cos[

"f *t; i;;i;il:ifi:Srrch lt|stflll|lliun to stnrt o Lorirrf rrr'cnrrc, (rfhich iq.[,^.., ^,.n pL'ln rcconk'd ts.,.,\ h. I tc.,r-nh" ), connccti nt to,-h; ;i;;;;;il Ititcr Slrctt rrnrl lo rrrn nlong Iarlng ,\rrnrre to ,f..".. ,rr;:l.lthcrrcc r.:rste rl.r ltt ,\rro*, Strccl nt,,,iit Zf O il;;;;#::rirnd 1o lr{'knorvn ls..Jol(.J llit.er l)rltc,,, rrhlc}r ,*irr r- ] ]l'j.tinutnx of I'rn.kitn strcd; thrncc ntoni iil';#"_; 'ffi:.;lli\.cr l)rilc in r.routhcrl! rllrccUol nlnut 300 f*l'liij""A"Istoo{l th$t :r conditklr to the grnntlng * lf,f" f"iiti"u-i"'if,"ititlc hoklers of propcrtt,oru. lrihich tf,".ru ,"*o.',,_iu., '*rif i,i,i;',ll#;iil ;l,ji;:|"'

cnsncnt .long thc c.ursc to rrc rorro.r:,i jn

. ,lrl. 2tl, To rcc if thc to\r.n \fill \:otc to r&lse nnd [!l,ro-Irrirle 9.t.90 to t)$y nn unpntd trill of {hc f,lnygrounA


Art. 2.1. 'l'o.!cc if thc t(,rrn ir,ill rotc to ncccpt ns { to\m\r';r]', thc lrrirntc rrny no$, k|lo$-tl ns Seconrl ltroo}. lrc(inninr attlrc }r{.,trcrlr ascss,{r{l to !:dn|l It. Schrnfier (formcrlrj the jinsNonrr_Dropcrt) ),lo prothrrty rir.t|rc(l to lluth D. No;thcy, (:tt_prD).. ?00 ft.), rrs l&i(l out by thc Sclcctmcn.

..4r1.26. 'l'o sce if lhc to\vn Nill rote to trnnsfcr fromrr'nrtntrtc funris i thc trersur!,, tltc sunr of ?10,000.00 for thcIurclr&s{-' of \y[r- bonds or othcr l)on(ls thnt nre lcgAl inrellnentrlor rl.1\ings lrsnls, to bc nddcrl .to ttrc I'ost_lvnr llchnlrllitstionr untJ lll nccordnncc tvlth lhe yrror,ision of Chnpter 6, Acts of I9{i.

irt- 2j_ 'tb sca if llrc lotfn $.ill \.otc thrt the follou.ingsltFroprirtion bulnncc bc closed out lo Surplu$ Revenue:Chr!. 30-ll/rDl,ing ltd._l[slntennncc .i2g7.17

__. , 'Io t.r{nsuct any othcr l)usi||css thrt miy le8nlly comc l)cforc

a3t( mc{ting.


,, _The t)olls wilt be oD€ned at 10.00

;i\1,T"i:1,:r,#,1.fr{;l;1ffi ,,r"",*:li:ii:l*ii'.ri,

. _ Anrl yol nrc rcquir€d to serrc thl

f *il;:tu"r;;;"J;,;;",il.;;,:Ii;T,i1"1"1,:,,,LT,:ITJ;

,,^,_Il.""ot t"U hot and make return of this lrsrront s,ith yorrroorngs thercon at. timc and nlace of said rne€tlng.

Civcn under our hnnds this sixth drt, of February, lg{i.A True Copy. Att€st:

tvll,I,rAtr M. POST,



Seleotmen of Kingston.

Page 95: TOWN14403534-636B-4C7F-A… · Irot esL l.'ircs-l,rcvc tioll 10. Itountie$ on Sciris 20. Irsurancc on lUuniciDal ... llcrlth Pcrc] lV. llaile,r mo\c(l an irnlel(lme t th{t the irnrount

J\lc$ife Committce.\!.,iossors: llcport-.I)cptn(lcit Chlklren









l,ihrnrian's ltcporlllst of Jurors:llr,l h I)cl)rrrttllc||t laelortOkl ,\gc Assi-rtnicc llcDort .

l'lrr1l{rorrrl Conrrtissiotr .-.',.I'olicc l)el'||rt €ntSch(xif f)cp8rtrrcnISclcctt'lr|l':t lacport


Slclllish ( onstrl,lcSt{rtc,\ulit of.\ccornts, Yr:ir en(lixJi lkcenrl)er 16, l0,l.l'l'o\r'n ,\ceountn l's ltaporl. . .

ipirroprintiorrs |lrrl lixpcn(liturcslhl

'lcc Shect .. .-

l)el)t Sirtcmc t ,: -

'l'o\vn Cltrk'li lleltort- llirths ..



