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Toxicology Exam YASER BIDAH (1)

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  • 8/13/2019 Toxicology Exam YASER BIDAH (1)



    1- Antidote of mercury may include:

    a) Dimercaprol

    b) EDTA

    c) Deferoximine

    d) Succimer

    e) Naloxone

    2- Which of the following is a benzodiazepinics antagonist:

    a) Naloxone

    b) Physostigmine

    c) Flumazenil

    d) Naltrexone

    e) Penicillamine

    3- What would be the best treatment for cyanide poisoning?

    a) Antivenin

    b) Sodium thiosulfite

    c) Acetylcystein

    d) Oxygen therapy

    e) Sodium bicarbonate

    4- Carbon monoxide can be highly toxic because it easily binds to:

    I- Hemoglobin

    II- Myoglobin

    III- Cytochrome oxidase

    a) I only

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    b) III only

    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

    5- Acetaminophen toxicity most well know complication is:

    a) Cardiovascular failure

    b) Pulmonary edema

    c) CNS lethargy

    d) Liver necrosis

    e) Sedation

    6- Salicylate toxicity treatment include which of the following?

    I- Alkalinization of urine with sodium bicarbonate

    II- Decontamination with syrup of IPECAC until 30 minutes of overdose

    III- CHARCOAL every 6 hours

    a) I only

    b) III only

    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

    7- Hyperphosphatemia is best treated by:

    a) Magnesium hydroxide

    b) Calcium carbonate

    c) Aluminium hydroxide

    d) Sodium Bicarbonate

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    e) Sodium phosphate

    8- Correct statements regarding IPECAC may include:

    I- It has an emetic effect when large doses are administrated

    II- It has a expectorant effect when small doses (1 to 2mls) is administrated

    III- Used in decontamination procedures during toxic treatments

    a) I only

    b) III only

    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

    9- The organophosphates commonly found in insecticides are thought to act by witch of the

    following mechanisms?

    a) Combining with acetylcholine

    b) Potentiating the action of acetylcholinesterase

    c) Forming a very stable complex with acetylcholinesterase

    d) Reacting at the cholinergic receptor

    e) Preventing the release of acetylcholine from the nerve ending

    10- all of the following can be recognized as atropine poisoning, EXCEPT:

    a) Dry skin

    b) Mydriasis

    c) Flushed appearance

    d) Diarrhea

    e) Delirium

    11- Antidote for atropine poisoning may include:

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    a) Physostigmine

    b) Aminophillim

    c) Pralidoxine

    d) Flumazenil

    e) Dimercaprol

    12- Poison Ivy can be treated by which of the following agents?

    I- Topical antipruritic

    II- Antihistaminics

    III- Systemic corticosteroids

    a) I only

    b) III only

    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

    13- A patient is stabilized on heparin as anticoagulant. After one hour of administration of

    the drug, he exercised bleeding from his gums, while he was brushing his teeth. The

    pharmacist can advise him to take:

    a) Ascorbic acid

    b) Vitamin K

    c) Protamine sulfate

    d) Warfarin

    e) Quinolone

    14- N-acetyl-cysteine may be the antidote of choice for which of the following agents?

    a) Aspirin

    b) Warfarin

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    c) Digoxin

    d) Lead

    e) Acetaminophen

    15- Dimercaprol (BAL) + mercury (Hg) combination characteristics include:

    I- Dimercaprol is the best antidote for elemental mercury inhalation poisoning

    II- They form a stable complex excreted renally

    III- Penicillamine is an alternative when mercury suffer GIT absorption

    a) I only

    b) III only

    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

    16- Naloxone is the best antidote for which of the following overdose agents?

    a) Opioid overdose

    b) Heavy metal overdose

    c) Benzodiazepinics overdose

    d) Organophosphate overdose

    e) Digitalis overdose

    17- Management and characteristics of Digoxin toxicity may include:

    I- May cause heart failure, cardiac dysrrhythmias, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, and confusion

    II- Treated by decontamination and supportive therapy

    III- Treated with a digoxin specific antidote known as FAB antibodies

    a) I only

    b) III only

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    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

    18- Death due to cyanide poisoning is due to:

    a) Cyanide-RBCs complex formation

    b) Cyanide-hemoglobin complex formation

    c) Cyanide inhibiting of cytochrome oxidase

    d) Cyanide increasing hemoglobin levels

    e) Coronary vessel oclusion

    19- The toxicity of methyl alcohol is due to formation of:

    a) Ketones

    b) Formaldehyde

    c) Free alcohol radicals

    d) Ethylene

    e) Aldehyde

    20- Acetaminophen toxicity is due to:

    a) Oxidation stress

    b) Active metabolite

    c) Free radical chain

    d) Reactive metabolite

    e) Reduction of metabolite

    21- Salicylate toxicity excessive respiration is due to:

    I- Excess production of CO2

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    II- Pulmonary irritation

    III- Central stimulation in the brain

    a) I only

    b) III only

    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

    22- Grayish mouth and loose of teeth are toxic symptoms of:

    I- Fe salts poisoning

    II- Cu poisoning

    III- Lead poisoning

    a) I only

    b) III only

    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

    23- Vomiting is contra indicated if poisoning is due to:

    I- Bleaching

    II- Gasoline

    III- Light petroleum

    a) I only

    b) III only

    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

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    24- Universal antidote is a mixture of:

    I- Activated charcoal

    II- Magnesium oxide

    III- Tannic acid

    a) I only

    b) III only

    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

    25- Amphetamines overdose is best treated with administration of:

    a) Salicylates

    b) Benzodiazepinics

    c) Barbiturates

    d) Naloxone

    e) B and C are right.

    26- True statements regarding the treatment of hyperkalemia:

    I- If change in ECG is detected give Ca to counteract the excess of K on the heart

    II- Bicarbonate and insulin administration can shift K from extra to intracellular

    III- Enema of kafexolate (exchange resin) or dialysis helps to remove excess of K from the


    a) I only

    b) III only

    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

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    27- Cardiovascular drug that overdose can cause cyanide intoxication include:

    a) Nitrates

    b) Nitroglycerin

    c) Nitroprusside

    d) Isosorbide

    e) Isosorbide dinitrate

    28- Lead poisoning can be treated by:

    I- BAL-Dimercaprol

    II- EDTA-Edentate

    III- Penicillamine

    a) I only

    b) III only

    c) I and II only

    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

    29- Specific antidote for iron preparations overdose include:

    a) Dimercaprol

    b) Deferoxamine

    c) Penicillamine

    d) Naloxone

    e) Sucimmer

    30- Atropine, an anticholinergic drug is used as antidote in the poisoning treatment of:

    a) Organophosphates

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    b) Heavy metal

    c) Salicylates

    d) Tricyclic antidepressants

    e) Iron

    31- Treatment of tricyclic antidepressants overdose is done by all the following procedures,


    a) Control the seizures and cardiotoxicity

    b) Administration of benzodiazepinics or phenytoin to control seizures

    c) Activated charcoal can be used

    d) MAO antidepressants can helps to overcome the patients seizure

    e) Control acidosis with administration of sodium bicarbonate

    32- Specific antidote used for poisoning caused by snake and black spider bits

    a) Deferoxamine

    b) Ancrod

    c) Antivenin

    d) Psysostigmine

    e) Naloxone

    33- Best treatment for carbon monoxide intoxication:

    a) Alkalinization of urine

    b) Oxygen therapy

    c) Supportive therapy

    d) Acidification of urine

    e) Gastric lavage

    34- Which of the following is the isoniazide antidote?

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    a) Vitamin A

    b) Bitamin B6

    c) Vitamin B12

    d) Folic acid

    e) Vitamin E

    35- Which of the following is considered the warfarin antidote?

    a) Vitamin K

    b) Heparin

    c) Protamine

    d) Filgrastin

    e) Vitamin E

    36- The major first step in the initial management of ANY intoxication and poisoning is the

    supportive care treatment that involve:

    a) Detoxification

    b) Decontamination

    c) Hydration

    d) Evaluation and support of vital function (Airway, Breath and Circulation-ABC)

    e) Toxicology laboratory tests

    37- General management in treating patients with depressed mental status include:

    I- Treat hypoglycemia with 50mls of dextrose 50%

    II- Administration of thiamine 100mg IV push

    III- Administration of naloxone

    a) I only

    b) III only

    c) I and II only

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    d) II and III only

    e) All are correct

    38- Decontamination procedures may include:

    a) Gastric lavage

    b) Emesis

    c) Administration of activated charcoal

    d) Administration of adsorbent agents

    e) All are correct

    39- Intravenous calcium administration is used in which of the following situations?

    a) Verapamil overdoses

    b) Cocaine overdose

    c) Verapamil overdose and hyperkalemia

    d) Hyperkalemia

    e) Nifedipeno overdose

    40- What is the mechanism of action of the mercury antidote?

    a. Binds mercury in the GIT to prevent absorption.

    b. Reduces mercury to a non toxic form & stored in the liver.

    c. Rapidly excreted by kidneys.*

    i. (a) Only.

    ii. (c) Only.

    iii. (a), (b) Only.

    iv. (b), (c) Only.

    v. (a), (b), and (c).

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    41. Which one is true about IPECA:

    a. 1530ml/day (one dose) will give an emetic action.*

    b. 1ml2ml tid (for adults) will work as expectorant.*

    c. 0.25ml0.5ml tid is not recommended for ages less than six.*

    i. (a) Only.

    ii. (c) Only.

    iii. (a), (b) Only.

    iv. (b), (c) Only.

    v. (a), (b), and (c).

    42. The organophosphate commonly found in insecticides are thought to act by:

    a. Combining with acetylcholine.

    b. Potentiating the action of acetylcholinesterase.

    c. Forming a very stable complex with acetylcholinesterase.

    d. Reacting at the cholinergic receptor.

    e. Preventing the release of acetylcholine from the nerve ending.

    43. Which of the following is considered CNS poison that is selectively toxic to retina?

    a. Warfarin.

    b. Methyl Alcohol.

    c. Arsenic.

    d. Carbon tetrachloride.

    e. Ethyl alcohol.

    45. The antidote used in treating Heparin over dose is:

    a. Vitamin K.

    b. Warfarin.

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    c. Protamine Sulphate.

    d. Pralidoxime.

    e. EDTA.

    46.Which of the following is true about Chronic Hemochromatosis?

    a. Excessive deposition of iron in tissues leading to bronze skin.

    b. Causes hepatic necrosis.

    c. Causes diabetes mellitus.

    i. (a) Only.

    ii. (c) Only.

    iii. (a), (b) Only.

    iv. (b), (c) Only.

    v. (a), (b), and (c).

    47. Propantheline is a synthetic anti-cholinergic anti-muscarenic competitive acetyl Choline

    blocker at cholinergic neuroeffector

    sites. It is also used as antacid. Its side effects include:

    a. Constipation.

    b. Dry mouth.

    c. Dry skin.

    i. (a) Only.

    ii. (c) Only.

    iii. (a), (b) Only.

    iv. (b), (c) Only.

    v. (a), (b), and (c).

    48. In all of the following kinds of poisoning, there should be NO EMESIS (vomiting), because

    emesis will lead to

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    iii. (a), (b) Only.

    iv. (b), (c) Only.

    v. (a), (b), and (c).

    52. Which drug is used in organo-phosphate poisoning?

    a. Pralidoxime.

    b. EDTA

    c. Methyl cellulose.

    d. Sorbitol.

    e. Pancuronium.

    53. Which of the following can be given in base poisoning?

    a. HCL.

    b. Vinegar.

    c. Lemon juice.

    d. Weak acid.

    e. Strong acid.

    54. The anti-dote for Iron poisoning is:

    a. Deferoxamine.

    b. Penicillamine.

    c. EDTA.

    d. Folic acid.

    e. NH3cl

    55. Death due to Cyanide poisoning results from:

    a. Cyanide-Hemoglobin complex formation.

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    b. Cyanide combining with red blood cells.

    c. Cyanide inactivating Cytochrome oxidase.

    i. (a) Only.

    ii. (c) Only.

    iii. (a), (b) Only.

    iv. (b), (c) Only.

    v. (a), (b), and (c).

    56. The anti-dote for Cyanide poisoning could be:

    a. Sodium Nitrite and/or Amyl Nitrite.

    b. Sodium Thiosulfate and/or Sodium bicarbonate.

    c. Oxygen and/or Hyperbaric oxygen.

    i. (a) Only.

    ii. (c) Only.

    iii. (a), (b) Only.

    iv. (b), (c) Only.

    v. (a), (b), and (c).

    57. Cyanide toxicity symptoms include the following:

    a. Headache & Dyspnea.

    b. Nausea & vomiting.

    c. Ataxia, coma, seizure and death.

    i. (a) Only.

    ii. (c) Only.

    iii. (a), (b) Only.

    iv. (b), (c) Only.

    v. (a), (b), and (c).

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    58. The anti-dote for Copper poisoning is:

    a. Penicillamine (used also in Rheumatoid Arthritis).

    b. EDTA.

    c. Sodium bisulphite.

    d. Ammonium Chloride.

    e. Sodium Stearate.

    59. Drugs containing hydroxyl or carboxyl groups are detoxified (metabolized) by:

    a. Acetylation.

    b. Reduction.

    c. Glucuronic acid.

    d. Hydrolysis.

    e. Oxidation.

    60. In the toxicity of Carbon Monoxide (CO):

    a. It forms methoxy hemoglobin (HB)

    b. Carbon Monoxide poisoning is characterized by lack of oxygen in erythrocytes.

    c. Carbon Monoxide combines chemically with hemoglobin and reduces its capacity to carry

    oxygen (O2)

    i. (a) Only.

    ii. (c) Only.

    iii. (a), (b) Only.

    iv. (b), (c) Only.

    v. (a), (b), and (c).
