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Toyota Final

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  • 5/26/2018 Toyota Final


    Toyota offers diverse preferences with flawless

    quality at affordable price and at perfect timing.

    Toyota has always striven for better cars for more

    people. After the world war II most people couldnt afford a

    car even at cost.

    The Toyota Production System (TPS) aims at

    elimination of waste, which snowballed


    JIT and Jikoda helped in reducing the inventory.

    The five whys


  • 5/26/2018 Toyota Final


    The 5 whysThis exercise consists of asking a chain of why questions until the root cause

    is identified and countermeasures are determined.

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    They had increasingsales

    Toyota was exporting its

    products earlier whichwas not a viable option


    The yen was becoming

    stronger so investment

    in foreign market would

    fetch more return.

    They had to train people

    with regard to the TPS

    that they followed.

    Also they released a new

    version of Camry which

    had increased variation

    in seats. But there was an

    engineering flaw in the


    Why a new plant in US Problems they faced

  • 5/26/2018 Toyota Final


    Georgetown Ramp Up

    Replication of Tsutsumi plant, maintaininghigh quality, low cost.

    Selection and training programs reinforcing

    TPS basics. Month long trip, Intense personal training,

    one to one approach.

    TPS isolates problem from people therebyenabling them to focus on solving theproblem.

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    Operations Production


    Planning process, example

    2 major principles used

    Heijunka- evening out

    advantages: supplier surge, bottleneck elimination

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    Kanban cards- JIT principle, connects supplier and

    workstation, part code number, batch size, delivery address.

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    Assembly Work charts (cycle time, sequence of task, timing).

    Red , green ,yellow lines and andon cord.

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    Quality Control

    1. Setting tough standards and checking every vehicle against


    2. Following through with customersexperiences with shipped


    3. Inspecting problematic items amongst other items at the

    receiving dock.

    4. Providing instant feedback to direct operations including

    final assembly by rigorous inspection.

    5. Prevention of problems happening in the first place by

    working closely with the design team and suppliers.

  • 5/26/2018 Toyota Final




    1. Policy of engaging low cost suppliers over low price

    suppliers always.

    2. Practice of Cost Estimation by encouraging suppliers toshare their cost data with them.

    3. Helping them improve their manufacturing processes with

    inputs from Toyota Kaizen experts.

    4. Subsequently resulting in reduction in procurement prices.

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    Camry seats consisted of front left and right assemblies, the

    rear seat benches and backrests and the bolsters.

    For the Assembly, it was a soft part prone to damage as

    well as the bulkiest.

    For the QC, it was an item of safety.

    For the Purchasing, it was the most expensive of the

    purchased parts.

    The seat was a sensory item for customer satisfactionwithout any precise industry standards.

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    THE SEAT TMMs used Sequential Pull to get the delivery of seat sets.

    SupplierKentucky Framed Seat (KFS).

    Just in time inventory delivered according to make and model


    1. Transmitter attached to car body sent real-time manifest

    information to printers at KFS and TMM .

    2. The car body and the seat sets simultaneously travelled down the

    assembly line in the respective factories.

    3. The seat sets are then strapped according to the order.

    4. Delivered batches of 58 seats to TMM within 30 minutes

    5. Sets waited in TMMs receiving dock and hoisted to the overhead

    conveyor according to the manifest prints.

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    THE SEAT-Assembly

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    Exception to Multivendor policy and in house

    assembly of seats.

    Locational closeness helped Sequential Pull. Kaizen tips to KFS.

    Initial Start up was difficult.

    Model Change- Sequential pull till last day ofproduction- 10 days to change over its

    process- 10 weeks to build-up capacity.

    Kentucky Framed Seats

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  • 5/26/2018 Toyota Final


    3 styles 4 Colors were changed to 5 styles 3


    Camry Wagon +8 North America +10 Europe+18 Japan and Middle East

    Inventory build upDelivery deadlines

    missed Without affecting line solution


  • 5/26/2018 Toyota Final


    Seat Installation & The Hook

  • 5/26/2018 Toyota Final



    A type of visual control

    Displays the current

    state of work It is one of the main

    tools of Jidoka.

    Allow speedycorrective action to be

    taken by supervisors

    when a problem arises



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    18/29The Andon board

  • 5/26/2018 Toyota Final


    Key control tool for Just-in-Time production.

    Instruction for production and conveyance to check against

    over production and to detect irregular processing speeds

    The functional categories of Kanban are:

    1-card kanban (referred to as Production Kanban)

    2-card kanban (referred to as Withdrawal Kanban)

    Part Specific kanban (used for single part family or grouping)

    Route Specific kanban (used for mix production)

    CONWIP (CONstant Work In Progress)


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    Kanban card

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  • 5/26/2018 Toyota Final


    Kaizen refers to the seriesof activities or practices

    that focus upon continuous

    improvement of processes.

    Kaizen activities typicallyemphasize manual work

    operations rather than


    Not an activity to beperformed by a specialist,

    but can bein fact should

    beperformed by all

    employees at each job site.


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    Manufacturing and conveyance of only what is needed, in the amount


    Enhances efficiency and enables quick responses to change.


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    Four Ss

    Sifting (Seiri):Go through everything in thework area, separating and eliminating what

    isnt needed.

    Sorting (Seiton): Arrange items that are

    needed in a neat and easy-to-use manner. Sweeping Clean (Seiso):Clean up the work

    area, equipment, and tools.

    Spic and Span (Seiketsu):The overall

    cleanliness and order that result fromdisciplined practice of the first three Ss.

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    Stop production lines in the event of problems.

    This prevents passing on defects.

    Build in quality at the production process.

    At the same time, since defects are prevented automatically,

    inspectors become unnecessary, which in turn results in significant

    labor savings.


    Heijunka / Leveled Production

    Overall levelling in the production schedule with respect tovariety and volume of items produced in given time periods.

    This is a prerequisite for Just-in-Time production.

  • 5/26/2018 Toyota Final


    Unintended Acceleration:

    Toyota's Recall Crisis

    3.8 million cars recalled

    Due to floor mats that could jam the accelerator pedal.

    There appear to be two root causes for Toyotas quality problems.

    1. Outgrowth of managements ambitions for rapid growth :-

    Vision for rapidly increasing global market share

    Sales grew faster than the company could manage

    Priority over the companys traditional focus on quality

    Expansion gave management little opportunity for adjusting

    its systems and practices to accommodate such stronggrowth personnel were stretched increasingly thin

    New contract engineers to boost engineering capacity as

    much 30% of its development work

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    2. Increasing complexity of the companys products

    Typical auto sold in the United States or Europe has more than 60

    electronic control units and more than 10 million lines of

    computer code a fourfold increase over what was common a

    decade ago

    Lead time between exterior design approval and start of sales

    was compressed to less than 20 months.

    Accelerated design cycles strained the companys development

    and production systems and pushed human resources to thelimit, creating the conditions for quality failures.

    70% of the value added in Toyotas vehicles comes from parts and

    subassemblies produced by its suppliers

    On the other hand, quality experts say Toyota proved itself inept at

    crisis management and marketing.

    Toyota representatives reacted to the complaints in ways that

    confounded marketing and crisis management experts.

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    29/29THANKS YOU
