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TPW January 15th Optimized

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TPW Illus Llyn Hunter TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166  Air Dragon’s Guidance  Ater this card enters play: You may put the Ring o Air rom your discard pile into your hand. Battle/Open: Discard this card: Strai ghten your target unit. I you control the Ring o Air, you may target and straighten another unit.  A ir • DrAgon • U niqUe   pqrqqs 

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 Air Dragon’s Guidance

 Ater this card enters play: You

may put the Ring o Air rom yourdiscard pile into your hand.

Battle/Open: Discard this card:Straighten your target unit. I youcontrol the Ring o Air, you may 

target and straighten another unit.

 A ir • DrAgon • UniqUe


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Earth Dragon’s Guidance

 Ater this card enters play: You may 

put the Ring o Earth rom yourdiscard pile into your hand.

Battle: Discard this card: Bow a targetenemy unit. I you control the Ring o Earth, until the turn ends, negate the

straightening o any cards now in the unit.

e Arth • DrAgon • UniqUe


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 Fire Dragon’s Guidance

 Ater this card enters play: You may 

put the Ring o Fire rom yourdiscard pile into your hand.

Battle: Discard this card: Ranged 5 Attack.I you control the Ring o Fire, you may 

make another consecutive Ranged 5 Attack.Te element o destruction blesses those 

who value courage and intelligence.

Fire • DrAgon • UniqUe


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Void Dragon’s Guidance

 Ater this card enters play: You may 

put the Ring o the Void rom yourdiscard pile into your hand.

Battle/Open: Discard this card: Look at the top 5 cards o any Fate deck. Putthem back in any order. I you control

the Ring o the Void, draw a card.

 V oiD • DrAgon • UniqUe


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Water Dragon’s Guidance

 Ater this card enters play: You may 

put the Ring o Water rom yourdiscard pile into your hand.

Open: Discard this card: Give your targetPersonality Naval. I you control the Ring o  Water, give him and his Followers Cavalry .

Te element o change blesses those whovalue adaptation and strength.

 W  Ater • DrAgon • UniqUe


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On All Sides

Starting with you, each player may targetand destroy a Personality with a base Gold

Cost equal to or less than his controller’sStronghold’s Gold Production plus 2.“We ght, back to back, to preserve the beauty 

and strength o the Emerald Empire. Inspired by the memory o Hida adaka and Matsu Itagi,we ght as true brothers.” – Akodo Shigetoshi 

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Successul Bounty

Until your Events Phase three turns romnow begins, ater each time a Personality 

opposing a Magistrate or Courtier becomesdishonorable rom an action’s eect, thePersonality’s controller loses 2 Honor.

Tere are ew who can escape a suruchi magistrate’s long reach. In the end, all criminals must ace their ate.

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 A Tranquil Mind

Until the game ends, beore each player’sEnd Phase begins, he may look at a

number o cards rom the top o his Fatedeck equal to the number o Rings hecontrols and put them back in any order.“Te Great Clans snipe at each other, driven to

distraction by the threat o the zombie inestation. Canwe aord dissent in the ace o destruction?” – anari 

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 Triumph Beore Battle

Until your next turn begins, ater eachtime an enemy Personality is destroyedduring a battle by an action one o yourPersonalities perormed, gain 2 Honor.

 A Lion warrior’s inspiring presence can push his soldiers  past their breaking point. Oten, a Lion army succeeds 

beyond expectations because they believe they can.

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Simple Men

Bow this card and one o your Farm

Holdings: Produce 4 Gold.“It is upon the backs o such men that the ate o the Empire rests, and yet it is they who are most requently overlooked. Now the plague ravages them, and the samurai seem more 

interested in their wars.” – Kuronada

F Arm • r etAiner   pqrqqs 

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   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0

   9  –   J   a   c   o   b   K   r   e   g   e   r


 Tetsu Kama Mine

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold.

Reaction: Ater you attach an Item romyour hand to a Kensai or Lion Clan

Personality, bow this card: Draw a card.“For their aid in its deense, the yield o our greatest mine 

shall ever be shared with the Lion.” – Mirumoto Kei 

mine • SingUlAr   pqrqqs 

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   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –   L   a   w   r   e   n   c   e   A   l   e   j   a   n   d   r   e

 The Blessed Herd

Bow this card: Produce 6 Gold.

Battle: Bow this card: Give eacho your Cavalry Followers at the

current battleeld +1F.“Teir lives were spared during the War o Dark 

Fire, and now they will bear the Empress’ servants into battle against the orces that brought such a

war to be in the rst place.” – Utaku Yu-Pan

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 10 0 –

7 2

CrAb ClAn • ShADoWlAnDS 

berSerker • D AmneD

Battle: Bow a target enemy card with lower Force.

“Tey are no dierent rom any other Shadowlands creature. Destroyers can die.” 


Hida Shimonai

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7 2 –

4 3

CrAb ClAn • S AmUrAi • CommAnDer 

Battle: Straighten your targetPersonality or Follower.

Te Crab ought daily to destroy the inexorable army.Despite their greatest eorts, the Crab warriors ound 

themselves retreating rom the constant battle.


Hida Kichiro

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7 2 3

 5 2

CrAb ClAn • S AmUrAi • hero

Battle: Discard a HeroicStrategy: Ranged 5 Attack.

“How can you put so much value in paintings, ans,and perumes, when bushi all to an unending oe?” 


Hida Demopen

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 5 1 –

 3 1

CrAb ClAn • S AmUrAi

Battle: Bow enshi: Reduce the Force o a target enemy Personality or Followerby an amount equal to enshi’s Force.“I am young and I know my weaknesses. I nd my own, unique ways to help the war eort.” 


Hida Tenshi

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7 2 –

4 2

CrAb ClAn • S AmUrAi • t ACtiCiAn

“‘I see no way we can retake the Crab lands withour current resources,’ Satoshi said. ‘No matter,’ 

Reiha replied. ‘We will continue to ght the enemies o the empire or as long as a single Crab warrior 

draws breath.’” – Te ale o the Jade Widow 


Hida Satoshi

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7 36

2 3

CrAne ClAn • A rtiSAn • Storyteller 

Political Limited: Bow Gisei anddiscard the top card o your Fate deck: All players lose an amount o Honor

equal to the card’s Focus Value.“You cannot tell a good story unless you are 

willing to suer or it. Smiths sweat over their orges, potters wear away their hands,storytellers give out bits o their own heart.” 


 Daidoji Gisei

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7 3 5

2 4

CrAne ClAn • CoUrtier  

S AmUrAi • m AgiStrAte

 Ater another player’s Personality becomesdishonorable: Give your target Samurai +3F.

“It does no good or the Tree Armies to bleed intothe south i Rokugan shatters rom within. We will use all o our strength to hold the Empire together.” 


 Doji Gotobo

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6 34

 1 4

CrAne ClAn • nonhUmAn • k enkU • DUeliSt 

Iaijutsu Battle: Choose your perormingPersonality, and bow him unless he has won aduel this turn: Bow a target enemy Personality 

 with equal or lower Chi than yours.“Only in challenge is there growth. You see a

time o diculty, I see a dojo without walls.” 



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8 44

 3 4

CrAne ClAn • S AmUrAi • C AVAlry 

Battle: Bow or straighten a targetPersonality with lower Personal Honor.

“I have ridden rom one end o this province to the other. You cannot nd a village that is ree o the 

 plague, and some have been overrun by the dead.” 


 Doji Tadanori

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   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –

   T   h   o   m   a   s   P   e   c   q   u   e   u   r

7 34

 3 3

CrAne ClAn • S AmUrAi • iron CrAne • SCoUt

Battle: Even i Kyorai is bowed,i a Recon action has targeted the

current battleeld’s province this turn:Move your target Personality there.

Straighten his unit i he moved.

“You must take this news to Lord Kikaze. I will delay them here.” 


 Daidoji Kyorai

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8 20

4 3

CrAne ClAn • S AmUrAi • enlighteneD • hero 

iron CrAne • SCoUt • e xperienCeD 2 • UniqUe 

 Your other Iron Crane Personalities have +1F.

Battle: Ranged 4 Attack, or Ranged5 Attack i Akagi is deending.

“Nothing disturbs him. Human or creature, living 

or dead; they are targets and nothing more. His calmstrengthens all around him.” – Daidoji Gempachi 


 Daidoji Akagi

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9 36

4 4

CrAne ClAn • S AmUrAi • DUeliSt m AgiStrAte • e xperienCeD • UniqUe 

Battle: Bow a target enemy Personality withlower Personal Honor than Hakuseki’s Chi.I the Personality is dishonorable, Hakuseki

challenges him; destroy the duel’s loser.“You are a dishonorable cur, and your very 

existence weakens the Empire. Happily,I know how to correct this problem.” 


 Doji Hakuseki

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8 3 5

4 3

DrAgon ClAn • S AmUrAi • C AVAlry • k enSAi 

Battle: You may bow one o Mori’s Weapons:arget an enemy card. Bow it i it has noattachments or i you bowed a Weapon.

Far rom the ront, Kei directs her clan’s war eorts. While ew riders have the skill to

traverse the narrow mountain passages, their switness has become vital to the war.


 Mirumoto Mori

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 5 3 3

 1 1

DrAgon ClAn • S AmUrAi • DUeliSt

 Ater Haru issues a challenge: Give him +2F.Haru may ocus one additional card

each time he ocuses in a duel.“He was one o the Dragon’s most eligible 

bachelors. Strange that he shaved his head and 

was given stewardship o Jousai engai, the Furthest Fortress.” – Yoritomo Yoyonagi 


 Mirumoto Haru

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7 3 5

0 5

DrAgon ClAn • S AmUrAi 

 JUStiCAr • m AgiStrAte

Battle: Bow Yukari: arget an enemy Personality with lower Personal Honorthan Yukari’s Chi. Move him home. I the Personality moved, gain 1 Honor.Te Kitsuki magistrates, long the diplomats o 

the Dragon, have become leaders o the Dragon,Badger, and Ox against the Army o Fire.


Kitsuki Yukari

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7 2 –

 3 4

DrAgon ClAn • nonhUmAn 

r  yU • C AVAlry • t ACtiCiAn

“Te massive Wyrm shook the earth with its ury. Atop it, the Son o Fire cackled and ordered the beast orward. When all seemed lost, the Heavens 

opened, and answered my pleas. Ten the noble ryu,children o the dragons, surged orth to conront 

the twisted abomination.” – amori Sugi 



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7 10

4 2

DrAgon ClAn • Fire • monk • t AttooeD

Beore the resolution o a duelinvolving Konishi: Give each o hisocused Fire cards +1 Focus Value.

Limited: Give Konishi a +1F Fire token.“Destroyers in the south, the undead throughout 

the central Empire, madmen in the north…and you think that is enough to deeat us?” 


 Togashi Konishi

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9 3 5

4 5

DrAgon ClAn • e Arth • ShUgenJA   A lChemiSt • D Aimyo • l oyAl • UniqUe

Limited: Give Shimura a –1C Rage token.

Battle: You may destroy one or more Ragetokens on Shimura: Ranged 3 Attack with +3strength or each Rage token you destroyed.

“Te kami o the earth are stoic and slow to respond. My hate gives me the will to move them.” 


 Tamori Shimura

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 5 37 

2 3

l ion ClAn • S AmUrAi • CommAnDer 

Limited: Discard Kuma rom your provinceand pay 3 Gold: Create a 2F Follower and

attach it to your target Lion Clan Personality.“Te ront line has allen back again and again,until the whole o the Crab lands has allen. Our 

 oes are inexhaustible, their numbers without limit.Our task is impossible, but we will never alter.” 


 Akodo Kuma

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6 36

 3 2

l ion ClAn • S AmUrAi • t ACtiCiAn

Battle: Even i Satoru is bowed: Move himto a battleeld with one or more enemy 

units. Straighten his unit i it moved.“In times such as these, Korin, we will need your  amily’s knowledge o history more than ever.” 

“It shall be yours, now and always, Lord Shigetoshi.” 


Ikoma Satoru

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6 00

 3 3

l ion ClAn • S AmUrAi • DeAthSeeker • hero

 Ater Haruya is destroyed during an Attack Phase: Gain 3 Honor.

Battle: Bow a target enemy card with lower Force.

Some among the Lion, the most seasoned veterans o 

the War o Dark Fire, were sent to aid the Dragon.


 Matsu Haruya

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7 37 

 3 4

l ion ClAn • Spirit • ShUgenJA 

Battle/Open: Copy an ability that doesnot itsel copy abilities rom your targetdead non-Unique Personality to Iwao.

“Our ancestors are unwavering in their support o this war. One has gone so ar as to ght 

his way across the veil o death to lend aid tohis great-great-grandchildren. Never doubt the resolve o the Lion!” – Kitsu Kiyoko


Kitsu Iwao

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9 4 10

 5 4

l ion ClAn • S AmUrAi • t ACtiCiAn • CommAnDer  D Aimyo • p ArAgon • e xperienCeD • l oyAl • UniqUe 

Battle: Bow a target enemy card.I this bowed a card, gain 1 Honor.

“I have tasted love once, and shall never know its like again. Marriage? It is a duty, like war, but I ear I shall be ar greater at the latter than the ormer.” 


 Matsu Kenji

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   B   r   o   t   h   e   r   s   i   n   A   r   m   s  –   E   r   i   k   F   r   e   d   r   i   k   s   e   n

7 37 

4 2

l ion ClAn • S AmUrAi • n AVAl  

hero • e xperienCeD • UniqUe

Battle: Bow Mikura: Ranged 4 Attack.“She is a valiant warrior, i a quiet one.

She serves within the Imperial City, and has completed two tours o duty on the Deathless as well. I see in her the qualities that make 

her lady Kenji great.” – Ikoma Otemi 


 Matsu Mikura

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   W   i   n   n   e   r   ’   s   C   h   o   i   c

   e  –   L   o   n   S   c   h   l   i   t   t   e   n   h   a   r   t

7 47 

 3 3

l ion ClAn • S AmUrAi • JUStiCAr • p ArAgon

Nishijo has +2F while attacking.Battle: Give a target enemy Followeror Personality a Force penalty equal to

Nishijo’s Personal Honor. Gain 1 Honor.“Come at me, gaijin demon! Come and test your 

iron armor against my grandather’s steel!” 


 Matsu Nishijo

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7 2 –

4 3

m AntiS ClAn • S AmUrAi 

n AVAl • CommAnDer 

Chiako enters play paying 1 less Gold.

 You may not assign this unit to, and Chiako will not move into, a deending army.

“o the Mantis, the Divine Empress assigns 

the task o reaching the Ivory Kingdoms, todetermine what there could have given rise tothese Destroyers.” – Voice o the Empress 


 Yoritomo Chiako

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7 0 –

4 3

m AntiS ClAn • S AmUrAi • m AgiStrAte

Limited: Straighten and take control o another player’s target non-Unique bowed

Holding with Gold Cost lower than Ogata’sChi. Te Holding will not be destroyed while

you control it. Beore your Dynasty Phase

begins, return control o it to its owner.“Te plague leaves some unable to tend to their lands. We shall stand in their place, i we must.” 


 Tsuruchi Ogata

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8 1 –

4 3

m AntiS ClAn • nonhUmAn • ningyo thUnDer • ShUgenJA • n AVAl 

Battle: Attach a target Spell rom your handto Sarassa. You may take an additional Battle

action to use one o the Spell’s abilities.“Alone among the humans, these Mantis revere the Spawn-Father, and aid in his deense. For 

this we are bound by destiny and the will o the gods. We are allies, now and always.” 



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7 22

4 3

m AntiS ClAn • S AmUrAi 

SCoUt • trAp e xpert

Battle: Bow ahei unless a Recon actionhas targeted this battleeld’s province this

turn: ahei leads the enemy into a trap. Bow a target enemy Follower or Personality.

“Te ruthlessness o a Yoritomo paired with the training o a Hiruma. I nd him

quite unpleasant.” – Moshi Kalani 


 Yoritomo Tahei

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   W   i   n   n   e   r   ’   s   C   h   o

   i   c   e  –   J   e   s   s   e   A   n   d   e   r   s   o   n

9 2 –

 5 3

m AntiS ClAn • S AmUrAi • perFeCt

Battle: Ranged 6 Attack.“Lord Naizen and his orces prepare to sail to a

distant land in accordance with the Empress’ wishes,” Nobumoto said to his men. “In their absence, we shall scourge the land o these plague zombies rom a sae 

distance, and earn the gratitude o an Empire.” 


 Tsuruchi Kuze

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   S   o   l   v   i   n   g   t   h   e   R

   i   d   d   l   e  –   M   a   n   t   i   s   C   l   a   n

9 20

4 4

m AntiS ClAn • S AmUrAi • n AVAl • m AgiStrAte e xperienCeD • UniqUe • ChAritAble

Battle/Open: Bow a target attachment.

Battle: Destroy a target enemy card without attachments and that has a

lower Gold Cost than Gidayu.

“O course I volunteered or this duty. Sailing to a mysterious land in search o secrets and adventure? What ool would not?” 


 Tsuruchi Gidayu

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7 2 5

4 3

phoenix ClAn • V oiD • ShUgenJA • iShiken

Limited: Look at the top card o your Fate deck. You may put it

at the bottom o the deck.“I tried to divine their intent once, and it almost 

destroyed me. Te nature o the Destroyers is 

simply too alien. Other methods must be used.” 


Isawa Minuki

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7 36

 3 4

phoenix ClAn • e Arth • ShUgenJA  inqUiSitor • m AgiStrAte

Battle: Bow a target enemy Personality  with Personal Honor lower than Shun’s

Chi. Gain 2 Honor i the targetedPersonality is dishonorable or a Shugenja.

“It has been six months since Mizuhikowas seen in Phoenix lands. I the worst 

has occurred, we must nd him.” 


Isawa Shun

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 10 46

 5 6

phoenix ClAn • Fire • ShUgenJA • DUeliSt 

elementAl m ASter • e xperienCeD 3 • l oyAl • UniqUe 

Beore the resolution o a duel involving yourFire Personality at Ochiai’s location: Give

each o your ocused cards +1 Focus Value.

Battle/Limited: Ochiai challenges anotherplayer’s target Personality. Ochiai has the rstchance to ocus in the duel and must use this

chance to ocus i possible. Bow the duel’s loser.


Isawa Ochiai

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8 30

4 3

phoenix ClAn • nonhUmAn • A rikUrA -no-bAbA  e Arth • Fire • ShUgenJA • A lChemiSt

Battle: You may discard a card with anelement keyword: Bow a target enemy 

card without attachments. I you discardeda card, destroy the enemy card.

“When you have lived six centuries, maybe then you can lecture me about silencing avolcano! Until then, listen careully…” 


 Agasha Giu

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7 46

2 3

phoenix ClAn • A ir • ShUgenJA • tenSAi

Battle: Bow Imaishi or one o his Spells:arget an enemy unit with a numbero cards equal to or lower than the

number o cards in Imaishi’s unit. Moveit home. I it moved, gain 2 Honor.

Some Phoenix, eager to avenge the clan’s losses during the War o Dark Fire, moved to conront the renewed Yobanjin army.



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 5 2 5

 3 2

phoenix ClAn • S AmUrAi • DUeliSt • y oJimbo

Where once the Phoenix struggled to divine the nature o the universe, now they have amore ocused goal: determining the methods and goals o the Destroyers, and nding ways to combat the plague ravaging the Empire.


Shiba Kotaro

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6 1 –

2 3

SCorpion ClAn • nonhUmAn • goryo CoUrtier • ShUgenJA 

“I you have the opportunity, sister, we can garner some advantage or our Clan. Tese 

 papers will prove that the Crane Clan is at ault.Tey must be ound at the proper location.” 


Shosuro Rokujo

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7 2 –

 3 3

SCorpion ClAn • CoUrtier • S AmUrAi

Reaction: Even i Orikasa is bowed,ater the resolution o one o your

Political actions: Straighten Orikasa.“I believe I know the perect opportunity,

Rokujo. Leave it to me.” 


Shosuro Orikasa

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7 10

4 3

SCorpion ClAn • S AmUrAi k enSAi • bitter l ieS

Battle: Show the top card o your Fatedeck: arget an enemy Personality. I 

the card’s Focus Value is odd, or lowerthan the Focus Value o one o Eiyu’s

 Weapons, move the Personality home.

Te madness o the Bitter Lies proved eective even against Kali-Ma’s orces.


Bayushi Eiyu

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7 1 –

 3 5

SCorpion ClAn • S AmUrAi • m AgiStrAte

Battle: Reduce the Force o a targetenemy Personality or Follower by an amount equal to Sorii’s Chi.“estimony, and only testimony, is the true method o divining the truth.” 


Bayushi Sorii

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   N   e   b   r   a   s   k   a   C   h   a   r   i   t   y   A   u   c   t   i   o   n  –   A   d   a   m   C   a   r   e   y

8 0 –

 5 2

SCorpion ClAn • ninJA • A CrobAt

Battle: I Keirei is at the current battleeld:Move him to an adjacent battleeld.

 You may target and give a –1F Poison token to a Personality at the current

battleeld or at Keirei’s new battleeld.

“He is merciless to his oes. His methods are unconventional and completely eective.” – Shosuro Jimen


Bayushi Keirei

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7 3 1

4 4

SCorpion ClAn • S AmUrAi

Battle: arget an enemy Follower,or an enemy Personality with lower

Personal Honor. Bow it.Te Scorpion armies watched with grim

determination as the armies o the Destroyer 

continued to inch closer to their own lands.


Bayushi Shigeo

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8 1 –

4 4

SCorpion ClAn • A ir • ShUgenJA • ninJA  k UroibAn • e xperienCeD • UniqUe

Battle/Open: ranser a Poison token rom atarget Personality to another target Personality.

Battle/Open: Even i Rieko is bowed:Straighten a target Personality.

 Although the Kuroiban could nd no way to stemthe plague, or the zombies it produced, Riekocontinued to ght them wherever they appeared.


 Yogo Rieko

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8 0 –

4 4

SpiDer ClAn • ShADoWlAnDS nonhUmAn • oni • monk • k enSAi

 Ater Ao-bozu enters play: Lose 4 Honor, createa +1F Weapon Item, and attach it to Ao-bozu.

Fear Battle: Bow a target enemy Personality  with ewer attachments than Ao-bozu.

“Tere are things that walk as a man whichare not man. Teir true countenance is horror incarnate.” – Te Book o Kuni Mokuna



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   W   i   n   n   e   r   ’   s   C   h   o   i   c

   e  –   P   r   z   e   m   e   k   K   o   w   a   l   c   z   y   k

7 0 –

4 3

SpiDer ClAn • nonhUmAn • JorogUmo • ShUgenJA   A rtiSAn • inFiltrAtor • origAmi m ASter 

 Ater Kanashi enters play: Gain 2 Honor.

Limited: Give a target Personality a –1F Web token. I his Force is now 0, bow him.

“We are not your allies, but we are enemies o 

the Destroyer. I could explain, but you will be  joining my web shortly, so there is little point.” 


Chuda Kanashi

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9 0 –

4 5

SpiDer ClAn • ShADoWlAnDS • ShUgenJA  D Aimyo • e xperienCeD 2 • l oyAl • UniqUe

 Ater Mishime enters play: Lose 4 Honor.

Maho Battle: Bow Mishime: Destroy a target enemy Follower or Personality 

 without attachments. I this destroyed a

card, create a 2F/2C/0PHShadowlands •

Undead Personality in your current army.“Die!” 


Chuda Mishime

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9 0 –

 5 4

SpiDer ClAn • ShADoWlAnDS • S AmUrAi • p ArAgon e xperienCeD • UniqUe • D Ark perFeCtion

 Ater Setsuko enters play: Lose 4Honor and put a Dark Virtue romyour discard pile into your hand.

Open: Give Setsuko Cavalry ,

Duelist , or Tactician.“Te stakes are high, but it is such a delightul game.” 


 Daigotsu Setsuko

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7 0 –

4 2

SpiDer ClAn • ShADoWlAnDS • S AmUrAi p ArAgon • D Ark A rt • the F Allen CrAne

 Ater Shimekiri enters play: Lose 4 Honor.

Battle: Remove a Fate card in your discardpile rom the game: Ranged Attack withstrength equal to its Focus Value, and +1

strength i you removed a Dark Virtue.“He is powerul, beautiul, merciless.” 


 Daigotsu Shimekiri

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7 0 –

 5 2

SpiDer ClAn • ShADoWlAnDS • S AmUrAi

 Ater Arima enters play: Lose 5 Honor.Battle/Open: Straighten your

target Personality.“We know where the Ebon Daughter is now,

and we shall crush her and her pathetic servitors.

In the end, Daigotsu shall reign over all.” 


 Daigotsu Arima

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4 0 –

2 3

SpiDer ClAn • ShADoWlAnDS 

ShUgenJA • UnDeAD

 Ater Otsu enters play: Lose 5 Honor.“We must nd a way to disrupt the Ebon Daughter’s 

control over her creations,” Mishime said.“I am sure it can be done, my lord,” 

Otsu answered. “My death has given me 

valuable insight in this regard.” 


Chuda Otsu

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 10 30

4 4

UniCorn ClAn • S AmUrAi • C AVAlry • t ACtiCiAn CommAnDer • e xperienCeD • UniqUe

Reaction: Ater one o your Personalitiesenters play: arget him, create a 1F

Cavalry Follower, and attach it to him.“He proved he had surprising talents at this 

 year’s Winter Court and ghts like a demon

against his enemies. Most important o all,he is a true riend.” – Moto Jin-sahn


Shinjo Ki-Chang

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8 20

 3 2

UniCorn ClAn • S AmUrAi 

C AVAlry • SCoUt • l oyAl 

Battle: I Hee-Young is ace-up in oneo your Provinces: Bring her into play atthe current battleeld, ignoring costs i a Recon action has targeted the current

battleeld’s province this turn.

She laughed. “O course I can make it through enemy lines, my lord.” 


Shinjo Hee-Young

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9 44

 5 4

UniCorn ClAn • S AmUrAi • C AVAlry • b Attle m AiDen D Aimyo • p ArAgon • e xperienCeD 2 • l oyAl • UniqUe 

 Your other Battle Maidens have +1Fand +1PH while attacking.

Battle: Even i Yu-Pan is bowed: Straightenher. You may target and destroy an enemy 

Personality or Follower with 0 Force.Te years weigh heavily upon her shoulders. She has seencountless tragedies yet she remains strong o heart and resolve.


Utaku Yu-Pan

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7 20

 5 4

r onin • ShUgenJA • C AVAlry  

CommAnDer • SCoUt • V illAin

He gripped the dying ronin’s throat, energy crackling along his arm. “I do not care about your oolishlegion,” he whispered. “I seek my son, Kuronada,and I will hold his heart in my hands as he dies!” 



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   2   0   0   9   W   o   r   l   d   C   h   a   m

   p   i   o   n  –   A   n   d   r   e   w   O   r   n   a   t   o   v

 5 0 –

 3 1

ShADoWlAnDS • nonhUmAn • goblin 

SCoUt • e xperienCeD • UniqUe

 Ater Gutobo enters play: Lose 4 Honor.

Battle: I a Recon action has targetedthe current battleeld’s provincethis turn: Destroy a target enemy 

card without attachments.“Flesh makes us strong.Pity there are no more Horiuchi.” 



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 5 0 –

4 0

ShADoWlAnDS • UnDeAD • plAgUe

 Ater Te Cursed Dead enters play: Lose 4 Honor.

Te Cursed Dead will not bedestroyed or having 0 Chi.

Battle: Give a target enemy Follower orPersonality –4F. I its Force is now 0, bow it.

“Wretched abominations, the likes o whichcannot be permitted to exist.” – Kuni Daigo


 The Cursed Dead

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   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –   A   r   i   e   l   A   l   v   a   r   e   z

 Mouth o the Plague

Fire • moUntAin • plAgUe

Tis province does not hold Dynasty cards

unless you are a Crane Clan player.Battle: Give a –1C Plague token to

one or two target Personalities.“We sow our seeds within it, and allow the kami themselves to spread the death o all 

samurai.” Te Ebon Daughter laughed. “Te children o Doji are rst, but ar rom last.” 


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   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –   C   h   r   i   s   N   i   c   o   l   l

 The Oni’s Footsteps


 Your Shadowlands Personalities with one or

more Shadowlands Followers have +1F.Reaction: Ater a Personality enters play rom this

province: Permanently give him Shadowlands.

 A wretched place, considered cursed and haunted by demons by most who know o it. No one travels there, so

it provided the Spider a perect reuge rom the plague.


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   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –

   C   a   s   e   K   i   y   o   n   a   g   a

 Mountain Storehouse


Battle: I any enemy units are at the current

battleeld, which must be this province’sbattleeld unless you are a Lion Clan player,

bow this card and choose a perormingPersonality in your home: Move him to

the current battleeld. Straighten his unit

i he moved into a deending army. A well-kept secret o the oturi Dynasty.


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4 –0

 3 0


   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –   B   o   b   M   a   r   t   i   n



 Will only attach to a Ninja Personality.Battle: Ranged 3 Attack that may target a Personality with Followers i he has one or more Poison tokens.

“onight, Noritoshi will die!” 

 The Silent Blade

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 3 – 1

2 0


   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –   C   h   r   i   s   t   i   a   n   E   n   d   r   e   s


C AVAlry 

 Attaches to a Dragon ClanPersonality paying 1 less Gold.

Tis unit may assign to a deendingarmy during Cavalry Maneuvers

even i it is not Cavalry.

Saved rom death, used in service o a Champion.

 Mountain Herd

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8 –0

6 0


Ranged Attacks targeting a card

in this unit have –2 strength.Battle: Bow each card with lower Gold

Cost than this card in a target unit. Destroy any cards with 0 Gold Cost in the unit.“All o us, the last survivors o our individual 

units. Tere is a reason or that.” 

Iron Gauntlet 


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4 –0

 3 0




Battle: I a Recon action hastargeted this battleeld’s provincethis turn: Ranged 4 Attack.

“Any other archers may nd their weapons less eective against the plagued dead, but the Hiruma are quite 

experienced in such matters.” – Hiruma odori 

Hiruma Sniper 

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 +0 +0

4TPW Illus Erich Schreiner  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9

  –   H   e   a   t   h   S   c   h   e   i   m   a   n

 Agasha Kitsuki’s Ashes

 Attaches to a Crane Clan

Personality paying 2 less Gold.Battle: Move this Personality home: arget anenemy Personality with lower Personal Honorthan this Personality’s Chi. Move him home.

I he moved, his controller loses 2 Honor.

“All ancestors must be honored.” – Daidoji Kirimi 

UniqUe  pqrqqs 

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 +0 +0

4TPW Illus Jason Behnke TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –

   S   e   b   a   s   t   i   e   n   K   a   c   z   m   a   n

Iweko’s Journals

 Attaches to a Scorpion Clan

Personality paying 1 less Gold.Reaction: Ater the resolution o an actionrom one o your Political Strategies, bow 

this Personality and this card: Draw a card.“Tey oer ascinating insights into the mind 

o a brilliant Kitsuki.” – Bayushi Hisoka

UniqUe  pqrqqs 

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 +3 +1

 3TPW Illus Anthony Grabski TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   K   o   t   e   i   2   0

   0   9  –   G   r   e   g   W   o   n   g

Radiant Steel

Focus Efect: I you are a Dragon Clan

player, give this card +1 Focus Value.Battle: Bow this card: Destroy a

target Weapon or Armor.

“Kei-sama, the Ox and the Badger stand beside the Dragon in this battle.” – Morito Garin

 W eApon  pqrqqs 

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 +6 +1

 3TPW Illus Jason Juta  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Rising Sun Blade

Battle: Bow this card: Destroy a target

enemy card without attachmentsand with 5 or lower Force.“Contain yoursel, Shimura-san,” Kei replied.

“Te Empire relies upon us to hold the north, and bloodlust shall not sweep away our sense o duty.” 

 W eApon  pqrqqs 

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 +0 +0

 3TPW Illus Artist Name TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   G   i   f   t   s   o   f   R   y   o   s   h   u   n  –   J   o   h   n   P   o   p   e

 Talisman o Yume-do

 Attaches to a Crane Clan

Personality paying 1 less Gold.Limited: Bow this card:

Look at a target ace-down card.“Te Realm o Dreams will grant 

 you its insight.” – Ryoshun

UniqUe  pqrqqs 

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 +3 +1

 3TPW Illus Artist Name TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   G   i   f   t   s   o   f   R   y   o

   s   h   u   n  –   S   t   e   v   e   T   a   b   o   r

 Talisman o Yomi

 Attaches to a Phoenix Clan

Personality paying 1 less Gold.Battle: I this Personality is honorable: Movea target enemy unit home. Bow it i it moved.

“Te strength o your ancestors will chastise your enemies.” – Ryoshun

 W eApon • UniqUe  pqrqqs 

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Rise Corrupted


m Aho • plAgUe

Battle: Bow this Shugenja: Lose 3 Honor.Destroy a target enemy Follower or Personality 

 without Followers and with equal or lowerChi than this Shugenja. I this destroyed acard, create a 2F/2C/0PH Shadowlands •Undead Personality in your current army.

“Will they save their Empire at any 

cost?” – Chuda Mishime 

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Whispers o the Forgotten


 A ir 

 Attaches to an Air Shugenja

paying 2 less Gold.Limited: Bow this Shugenja anddestroy this card: Destroy a target

dishonorable Personality.What greater dishonor can there be than

 or one’s deeds to be orgotten? 

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   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –   K   e   v   i   n   K   e   n   n   e   d   y

 Touch o the Flames



Focus Efect: I your Personality in

this duel is Fire, draw a card.Battle: Bow this Shugenja and destroy thiscard: Destroy a target unit with ewer cardsin it than the number o dierent element

keywords on all o your Shugenja in this army.

“Must re always destroy?” – Isawa Sawao

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 Tetsubo o Earth


e Arth

I this Shugenja is Earth, Ranged Attackstargeting him have –2 strength.

Limited: Once per game: Create a +3F/+0CEarth • Weapon Item with the ability “Reaction: Ater an action targets this

Personality: Negate the action’s eects that wouldmove him” and attach it to this Shugenja.

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 Thunder’s Blessing



 While this Shugenja is Tunder, he has Naval.

Limited: Destroy this card: You may equip Spells as a Battle action. Aterthe resolution o an Equip Battle actionyou took, you may take an additionalBattle action rom a Spell it attached.

“Sample the blessings o Heaven, my riend!” 

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 Trust the Void


 V oiD • UniqUe

Limited: Bow this Shugenja unless he is

Void, and destroy this card: Show the top3 cards o your Fate deck. Choose anotherplayer, who may target one o the cards.

Discard the targeted card and draw 2 cards.“All is well, Ningen-san. You have earned your rest.

Kimi will take your place as you desire.” – Isawa Ochiai 

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 1TPW Illus Ancor Gil Hernandez TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166



Reaction: Beore the resolution o another

player’s action: Reduce each Honor lossrom its eects by 3. You may target andrehonor a dishonorable Personality.

Battle: Bow your perorming Shugenja:Bow a target enemy card. Gain 2 Honor.

“No, the rumors about her must be abrications.” 

Unimpeachable Name

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 3TPW Illus Ancor Gil Hernandez TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Open: Bow your perorming ArtisanPersonality and discard the top card o 

your Fate deck: arget a Personality.Bow him i his Chi is lower than theFocus Value o the discarded card.Te Doji excel in nding the perect git  or their adversaries, garnering avors 

and advantage along the way.

 Thoughtul Present 

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 1TPW Illus John Moriarty  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Battle: Choose your perorming

unbowed Commander and bow hisperorming Follower: Destroy a targetenemy card without attachments.

Nothing can stand against Rokugani honor and resolve.

Overpowering Assault 

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 3TPW Illus Brandon Leach TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Reaction: Ater the resolution o aBattle action you took that gave a

Force penalty to an enemy Follower or

Personality without Followers, chooseyour perorming unbowed Battle Maidenat the current battleeld: Ranged Attack 

 with strength equal to her Personal Honor which must target the enemy card.

Te Utaku charged without any sign o ear. Teir 

thunderous assault trampled their oes under their wake.

 The Wind Never Stops

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 1TPW Illus John Moriarty  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Battle/Open: Choose your perorming

Paragon: Give him +1F or each o his keywords. Lose 4 Honor.“For victory, some will do any deed. Every 

source o strength is tapped, every advantage taken, every weakness exploited.” 

 Murderous Intent 

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 3TPW Illus Luis Nuñez de Castro TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166


k iho

Battle: Choose your perorming Monk 

 with no Weapons: Remove an ability rom atarget enemy Personality with equal or lowerChi. Give your Monk +2F. Draw a card.

 You may take an additional Battle action.“No,” he said sotly. “Tis lesson will not be pleasant.” 

Cold Hands, Stone Heart 

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2TPW Illus Jarreau Wimberly  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Battle: I you have attached a Spellthis battle to a Shugenja who was

opposed at the time: Draw 2 cards.“Battle is a terrible thing or any soul, even

more so or a priest o the kami. But we have our duty, as do all samurai, and we must be 

 prepared or any eventuality.” – Isawa Sawao

Concealed Scroll

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 1TPW Illus David Horne TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –   K   C   W   o   n   g

Battle: Choose your perorming unbowedCavalry Scout Personality, and bow himunless a Recon action has targeted this

battleeld’s province this turn: Movea target enemy unit home. You may target one o your Personalities andmove him to the current battleeld.

Te wounds o the previous two wars lie deep. Te Unicorn Clan and the Lion Clan

stand wary o each other’s intentions.

Hasty Evaluation

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2TPW Illus Angga Satriohadi TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166


 V oiD • k  AtA 

Limited: Put this card into play in your

home. Discard any other Kata cards youcontrol. While this card remains in play,your Monks without Weapons have +1C and

you have the ability, “Battle: I this actionis taken as an additional action, choose yourperorming Monk: Negate his next bowing

or destruction rom a card’s eect this turn.”

 Dance o the Void

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4TPW Illus Drew Baker  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166


D Ark V irtUe

Reaction: Ater engaging, i you are

the Attacker, choose your perormingSamurai: You have the rst chance totake a Battle action in this battle, which

must be perormed by that Samurai.Daigotsu smiled. “You have ound the Ebon

Daughter’s stronghold? I know what we must do.” 

 Deathly Aura

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 3TPW Illus Storn Cook  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166



Focus Efect: Ater this duel ends, i the

duel’s loser did not ocus, destroy him.Battle: Choose your perorming unbowedPersonality: He challenges a target enemy 

Personality. Bow the duel’s loser’s unit.Failure to respond quickly means death.

Impetuous Challenge

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 3TPW Illus Evan Shipard TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9

  –   C   a   s   e   K   i   y   o   n   a   g   a

Crab Clan players may play thiscard paying 1 less Gold.

Limited: You take in the amilies

o the Dragonfy. Create two 1FFollowers and attach them to one or

two o your target Personalities.“We know what it means to be cast out rom

one’s home at the hands o an inhuman enemy.

You are welcome here.” – Hiruma odori 

Unexpected Sympathy

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2TPW Illus Evan Shipard TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9

  –   C   a   s   e   K   i   y   o   n   a   g   a


FeAr • m Aho • k iho

Spider Clan players may play this

card paying 1 less Gold.Limited: Bow your perorming Shugenja:Lose 6 Honor. You take in the amilies o the Dragonfy. Create two 2F/2C/0PHShadowlands • Undead Personalities.

“Come with me, riends! Quickly!” 

Questionable Charity

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2TPW Illus Drew Whitmore TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9

  –   M   a   r   c   u   s   F   i   n   g   e   r

Tis card costs 1 less Gold or each unityou control at the current battleeld.

Battle: Move a target enemy Personality home. I you are a Scorpion Clan

player, his controller loses 2 Honor.“Te delicious irony is that, should Jimen and Noritoshi put aside their dierences, they could 

unite their clans in singular purpose. Fortunately,

that will never happen.” – Daigotsu Susumu

Unwavering Commitment 

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 3TPW Illus Jarreau Wimberly  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –   J   o   e   B   a   r   t   o   l   i   c   k

  –   I   n   m   e   m   o   r   y   o   f   W   i   l   l   i   a   m   M

   a   r   t   i   n

Battle: Give your perorming unbowedBerserker Personality a Force penalty up to hiscurrent Force: Give a target enemy Follower

or Personality an equal Force penalty. Destroy your Berserker i he now has 0 Force and

no attachments. Destroy the enemy card i it now has 0 Force and no attachments.

Te Damned rushed orward and cut through the remaining zombies, heedless o their own injuries.

Heedless Assault 

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 3TPW Illus Oliver Specht TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166



Battle: Your Ranged Attacks have

+2 strength. Other players’ Ranged Attacks have –2 strength.“When the Yobanjin approach through the pass, we will 

have the higher ground. Teir orces will be pinned,and the monks should buy us enough time to whittle 

down their ranks rom above.” – Ikoma Satoru

 Narrow Clis

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 1TPW Illus Bob Stevlic TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Political Reaction: Beore a turn ends,i the active player has gained 8 or more

Honor this turn, excluding gains rom battle

resolution: Set his Family Honor equal to itsvalue when the turn began. Draw a card.

Battle: Give a target Personality or Follower –4F.

“Te hand that wielded the blade was mine, but 

the honor o the victory was yours, my Lord.” 

Proper Deerence

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4TPW Illus Asier Martinez Lopez TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Open: Destroy one or two Personalities orattachments with base Gold Cost o 0.

Battle: arget an enemy Personality.Bow him i he is attacking. Destroy him

i his base Gold Cost is 6 or less.With the Unicorn provoking the undead hordes 

into advancing on the Crab line, the shock troops o the Crab moved orward, and trapped the monsters 

between the deensive line and a anking attack orce.

Claw and Shell

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 3TPW Illus Asier Martinez Lopez TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Battle/Open: Choose your perormingunbowed Magistrate: arget a Personality  with lower Personal Honor than your

Magistrate’s Chi. Reduce the Personality’sForce to his own Personal Honor. I his Force is now 0, gain 2 Honor.

“Lady Kei is sequestered beneath Jousai engen. It is our job to watch the roads so that none approach

beore the birth o the heir.” – Mirumoto Mori 

Patrolling the Roads

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4TPW Illus David Horne TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Battle: Choose your perorming unbowedScout, and bow him unless a Recon action

has targeted the current battleeld’s province

this turn: Move a target enemy Personality home. I he moved, gain 2 Honor.

“Your surveying has done us a great service,Lord Shinjo,” the Hida said, “but we have one more task or your men. I promise that  your contributions will not be orgotten...” 

 Feinting Position

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 3TPW Illus Patrick Reinemann TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –   C   h   r   i   s   S   t   e   p   h   e   n   s   o   n

Reaction: Ater another player’s actiontargets your perorming Kensai, bow ordestroy one o his Weapons: Negate his

destruction rom the action’s eects.Battle: Bow your perorming Kensai or

one o his Weapons: Draw 2 cards.“Te attack by the Yobanjin archers was 

unexpected, but a true master o the 

daisho is never without a deense.” 

Hundred-Fold Cut 

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 1TPW Illus Storn Cook  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166


k iho

Battle: Choose your perorming

opposed Monk or Shugenja: Give himtwo +1F Fire tokens. You may targetand bow an enemy card with lowerForce (ater adding the Fire tokens).

“Chosai knows much about re, yes. But we have our own store o wisdom, and we are quite 

willing to share it with him.” – ogashi Sho

 Fire Blossom

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2TPW Illus Scott Neil TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Battle: Choose your perorming MagistratePersonality: arget an enemy Personality withlower Personal Honor than your Magistrate’s

Chi. Move both Personalities home. I theenemy Personality is dishonorable, youmay target and straighten a Personality.

“Divine One, my magistrates work tirelessly to create stability. With the cooperation o the Crane and the 

Scorpion, success is assured.” – Shosuro Jimen

Honor & Strength

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2TPW Illus Patrick Reinemann TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Reaction: Ater an action is announced:Negate all Honor gains until ater the action’s

resolution. At that time, i this negated

any gains, negate all Honor gains untilthe end o this phase and draw a card.

Battle: Choose your perorming unbowedPersonality: Bow a target enemy card with lower

Force and without attachments. Bow its unit

i your Personality has 7 or more base Force.

Only Actions Speak

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2TPW Illus Greg Lambrakis TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166



Limited: Choose your perorming unbowed

Ninja Personality: Create a battleeld (not at any province). Only Ninja Personalities willmove to it or rom it. Assign your Ninja’s unitto attack there. Assign another player’s targetunit to deend there, even i its Personality isbowed. Fight a battle there (ater this action’s 

resolution). Ater the battle ends, lose 5 Honor.

Silent Struggle

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 3TPW Illus Asier Martinez Lopez TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166



Battle: Move your perorming Courtier

home: Give the current battleeld’sProvince +3 strength. I the enemy leadercontrols a dishonorable Personality at the

current battleeld, he loses 2 Honor.“O course we must care or the peasants.

But i we lighten their burdens, they will worry 

that something is wrong.” – Kakita Idzuki 


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4TPW Illus Greg Lambrakis TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Open: Choose your perorming Personality:Permanently give him the ability “Battle: Bow this Personality: Ranged Attack with strength

equal to his Personal Honor. I this destroysthe Ranged Attack’s target, gain 2 Honor.”

“Te Destroyers are powerul and numerous,but they have no honor. We will strengthen

ourselves with bushido and drive them rom the Empire.” – Utaku Hana

Honor’s Hope

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 3TPW Illus Julie Dillon TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166


 A ir • k iho

Battle: Choose your perorming unbowed

Shugenja and bow one o your emples: Moveyour Shugenja and a target enemy Personality home. Bow each o their units that moved.

I your Shugenja has Air, gain 2 Honor.“We know that Kali-ma seeks something, and we must not rest until we nd it.” – Isawa Kumai 

Blessings o Sky

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4TPW Illus Patrick McEvoy  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Limited: Pay 4 Gold: Each player may targetand destroy a Personality with a base GoldCost equal to or less than his controller’s

stronghold’s Gold Production plus 2.Open: I it is not your turn,

bow your Stronghold: Straightenone or two target units.

“Tey have let us unmolested or now. We will all 

die beore we lose the castle.” – Hiruma Gohachiro

Province Assaulted

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2TPW Illus Patrick Reinemann TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   K   o   t   e   i   2   0   0   9  –   S   c   h   a   r   w   i   n   F   a   r   n   u   s   c   h

Battle: Give +2F to each Magistrateand Scorpion Clan Personality in your

army with Chi greater than a targetenemy Personality’s Personal Honor.“o the north, the Dragon, Ox, and Badger 

stand with the Imperial Legions. o the south, the Crab, Lion, and Unicorn hold ast. Te Empire is ringed with honor and steel.” – Miya Shoin

Precious Burden

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2TPW Illus Luis Nuñez de Castro TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Battle/Open: Choose your perormingDeathseeker: For each honorably dead

Personality in your discard pile, give yourDeathseeker +2F and gain 1 Honor.“Filthy undead!” the Deathseeker howled.

“Tese were men o honor and strength, and  you will desecrate their bodies no longer!” 

Remember Their Valor 

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4TPW Illus Kurt Huggins TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Reaction: Ater the resolution o anaction that bowed a Ring: Straighten it.

Battle: Give a target Personality or Follower–4F. Bow it i you control a Ring.“Te rst war against the Army o Fire taught us that 

the Dark Oracle’s blessings were potent, but atal.Te second has taught us that the rst was a lie, and that there is no end to the great traitor’s deceptions.” 

 Deception Revealed

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 3TPW Illus MuYoung Kim TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Battle: Choose your perormingunbowed Yojimbo: Bow a target enemy card, which must have no attachments

unless you control a Shugenja.“Perhaps some do not understand, or even

think it oolish. But I honor the pledge o my ancestor to stand beore the Isawa and shield them rom all harm. My duty is greater thanmy lie, but not my honor.” – Shiba Yoshimi 

Stand as One

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4TPW Illus Jeffrey Lai TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166


 V oiD • k iho

Battle: Choose your perorming Monk or

Shugenja: Look at the top 5 cards o yourFate deck and put them back in any order.Draw a card i your perormer has Void.“One cannot stare into the Void. One can but 

allow it to stare into you.” – Isawa Kimi 

Stare Into the Void

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 1TPW Illus Christophe Swal TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Open: Destroy one or more targettokens on your target Personality.

Battle: Choose your perorming unbowed

Personality: Bow a target unit with lowertotal Gold Cost than your Personality’s

unit. You may target and destroy anenemy card with a base Gold Cost o 0.

During such trying times, there are many who embrace 

those traits that once might have been considered weaknesses.

Strength o Will

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 3TPW Illus Christophe Swal TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166


 W  Ater • t Attoo

Battle: Choose your perorming

attooed Personality: Straighten hisunit. I he has Water, you may movehim to the current battleeld.

For many, the tattooed order o ise zumi that served the Dragon were a peculiarity. Since the Army o Fire 

came, they are a source o awe and sometimes ear.

Cricket Tattoo

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2TPW Illus Eric Lofgren TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Reaction: Ater a Ranged Attack targets one o your cards: Give the

Ranged Attack –3 strength.

Battle: Bow or straighten a target Personality  whose Force is dierent rom his base Force.

“More than one samurai has allowed condence in his abilities to turn to arrogance, leading only to death. With the trials beore the Empire, how 

many more will perish?” – Seppun ashime 

 The Cost o Pride

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2TPW Illus Isaak Lien TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166



Tis card has –1 Gold Cost or

each Courtier you control.Battle: Bow a target Personality with 0

Personal Honor. His controller loses 2 Honor.

Battle/Open: Straighten a target Personality  with 4 or higher Personal Honor.

“I they were allies, they would be unstoppable.” – Otomo aneji 

 Foolish Pride

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4TPW Illus Kurt Huggins TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166



Focus Efect: You may attach a

 Weapon rom your discard pile to thisPersonality ater this duel ends.

Battle: Choose your perormingunbowed Duelist: Bow a target

enemy card without attachments.

“Calamity is no excuse not to practice!” 

Part the Waves

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 1TPW Illus John Moriarty  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166


FeAr • k iho

Battle: Choose your perorming Monk: He

eigns his injuries. He contributes Force tohis army’s total Force even i bowed. Movea target enemy unit with lower total Force

than your Monk’s unit home. Lose 3 Honor.“I do not ear death, my riend. I hope you

do not either, or yours is at hand.” 

 The Serpent’s Deception

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2TPW Illus Andy Hepworth TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

   K   o   t   e   i   2   0

   0   9  –   B   r   i   a   n   F   o   x

Battle: I a Recon action has targeted thecurrent battleeld’s province this turn,

choose your perorming unbowed ScoutPersonality: Bow a target enemy card. Bow its unit i you are a Crane Clan player.

“Entire units lost to the plague. Now we must ell our own brothers. Is there no end 

to this disgrace?” – Daidoji Akagi 

 The Trap is Sprung!

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 3TPW Illus Randy Liu TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Focus Efect: In this duel’s resolution, i thedierence between each player’s total score

in the duel is 2 or less, the duel is a tie.

Battle: In this battle’s resolution, i thedierence between each army’s total Force

is 4 or less, and there are one or moreunits on both sides, the battle is a tie.

“wo strangers, perectly matched, meet and ace o at a

crossroads. Such is the stu o legend.” – Shosuro Atesharu

 Two Men At A River 

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 3TPW Illus Erich Schreiner  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166



Battle: Destroy a target

dishonorable Personality.“When conronted with vice, some men weakenand succumb. Others react with blind, unettered 

rage, destroying what they see at any cost, and perishin the process. Tose who succumb and overcome,

they are truly strong.” – Kakita Kensho-in

Relentless Conviction

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TPW Illus Alex Drummond TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

 Fortress o the Forgotten

Battle: I any enemy units are at the currentbattleeld: arget a non-Unique Personality 

ace-up in one o your provinces. Bringhim into play at the current battleeld.I he is a Berserker, you may ignore his

Gold cost; i you do and he entered play,destroy him beore this turn ends.

“We go orth to die.” – Hida Ikarukani 

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TPW Illus Alex Drummond TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Seawatch Castle

Iaijutsu Battle: Even i this card is bowed,

choose your perorming unbowed Personality:He challenges a target enemy Personality.Move the duel’s loser home. Te winner’s

controller takes the Imperial Favor.Te serenity o the waves has given rise to a unique dueling style, popular among prominent yojimbo.

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7  3

TPW Illus Alex Drummond TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Great Hall o Records

Battle: Straighten your target Personality.Give him +3F i he is opposed and a Hero.

“Our duty is to maintain a record o all the Lion’s exploits. Not only that they can be 

remembered, but that they can inspire new  generations to greatness.” – Ikoma Korin

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 Festival o Founding

Have a happy teenth

anniversary. Draw a card.Regardless o other circumstances, during the 

Festival o Founding, all citizens o the Emerald Empire give thanks and celebrate the oundation o Rokugan, remembering the Kami and their valor.

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Recruitment Center 

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold.

Limited: Bow this card: Givethis card a Recruiter token.

Limited: Destroy one or more Recruitertokens on this card, and destroy this card:Create a number o 2F/2C/2PH Ronin •

Samurai Personalities equal to the numbero Recruiter tokens you destroyed.

“We are unconcerned with your past.” – Yoritomo Jera

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 Tsi Mokotsu

Bow this card: Produce 3 Gold.

Limited: Bow this card: Create a+1F/+1C Weapon Item and attach

it to your target Personality.“Perhaps it will be used or display, or carried by a great warrior. I never know or certain,

but I will nd its true orm regardless.” 

oriole ClAn • r etAiner   pqrqqs 

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 5 1 –

2 2

SerVing girl  oF the blUe t AnUki

Limited: Pay 2 Gold: Give a targetPersonality a +1F Sake token.

Limited: arget a Personality. He has hadtoo much to drink. ranser a Sake tokenrom him to another target Personality.

“Tis is one o the Lord Kincho’s avorite blends,sama. I am certain you will enjoy it.” 


Blue Tanuki Serving Girl

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9 20

 5 5

r onin • S AmUrAi • DUeliSt • k enSAi t ACtiCiAn • hero • e xperienCeD • UniqUe

Iaijutsu Battle: Bow a targetnon-Unique enemy Personality.

“An incredibly gited warrior and ocer who will helplead the Legion against the enemies o the Empire.Tese rumors o his ather, whom he claims is dead,

trouble me, however.” – Te journals o Utagawa



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F Arm • SingUlAr 

Limited: Pay 3 Gold: Create a 1F/1C/1PH

Personality with your Clan alignment. Many o the greatest tales are o Champions 

and their amilies, but just as many great heroes arise rom obscurity in the rural provinces,

destiny cannot be easily predicted.


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 5 – 1

 3 0



C AVAlry 

Cards in this unit do not bow rom battle resolution.“Place a man upon a horse and you double his tactical 

value. I he is actually trained or such tactics, thenhis worth is twice that again.” – Akodo Shigetoshi 

 Mounted Support 

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2 –0

 1 0


Tis card has +1F while attached to a Duelist.

Reaction: Ater this Personality wins aduel: Give him +2F or gain 1 Honor.

“I do not know where Lord Noritoshi has gone.I you love me as you say, Muhito, you will not ask this question again, not even or the Emerald Champion.” – Kakita Korihime 

Iaijutsu Student 

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 +0 +0

 3TPW Illus David Day  TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Writ o Reprimand

 Will only attach to a Courtier

or Magistrate Personality.Limited: Destroy this card:

Dishonor a target Personality.“Censure rom the Divine Empress or her Champions can cripple every aspect o a

samurai’s career.” – Shosuro Jimen

 W rit  pqrqqs 

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Grip o the Earth


e Arth

Battle: Destroy this card: Bow a target

enemy card. Negate their straighteningi this Shugenja is Earth.“What blood sorcery has created, the earth can

consume. Teir contagion will pose no threat whenimprisoned ar beneath the earth.” – Isawa Emori 

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2TPW Illus Britt Martin TM & © 2010 AEG xx u 166

Limited: Give your targetHolding a Recruiter token.

Battle: Destroy a Recruiter token on one o your cards: Create a 2F/2C/2PH Ronin •Samurai Personality at the current battleeld.“When you woke up this morning, you may have beenwave man scum, but no longer! oday, your ancestors 

weep or joy, or today you are samurai! o war!” 

Rallying the Recruits

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 10 0 –

7 5

ShADoWlAnDS • UnDeAD • S AmUrAi • t ACtiCiAn plAgUe • e xperienCeD 6 b AyUShi p Aneki • UniqUe

 Ater Paneki’s Disgrace enters play: Lose 4 Honor.

Open: I Paneki’s Disgrace is dead: Bring him into play.

Battle: You may discard a card rom the currentbattleeld’s province. Bow a target enemy card.

Destroy it i it has no attachments, you discardeda card, and the enemy card’s Gold Cost islower than the discarded card’s Gold Cost.


Paneki’s Disgrace

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0 0 –

2 2


May not be included in decks.“Although the plague is relatively contained,

these monstrosities have begun to appear throughout the Empire. How do they slip ree 

o the blockades?” – Asahina Beniha


 The Walking Dead

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0 2 –

2 2

S AmUrAi • y oJimbo

May not be included in decks.“Te true measure o honor is to give o yoursel 

to another without reservation or hesitation.Te honor o the Shiba lies within our sacrice 

to others. It is in this that we nd our true  path to the next world.” – Shiba sukimi 


Selfess Yojimbo

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0 0 –

2 2


May not be included in decks.“Tere are dangers well beyond the simple ‘evil’ 

that samurai perceive. Actions motivated by hunger can be ar more dangerous than malice 

conducted or its own sake.” – Kakita Kensho-in


Spirit o Gaki-do

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 +1 +0

0TPW Illus Artist Name TM & © 2010 AEG xx l 10

 Ao-bozu’s Blade

May not be included in decks.

“He said he was a monk! He lived among us or weeks,helping with all manner o diculties! Ten… he just started killing everyone! When he was nally wounded,he cast aside his disguise and became a demon o bone 

and re!” – Te only survivor o Harmony Village 

 W eApon  pqrqqs 

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 +3 +0

0TPW Illus Drew Baker  TM & © 2010 AEG xx l 10

Earthen Tetsubo

May not be included in decks.

“Do you eel that weight? Tat is not iron or steel. Tere are no olds within it, nor studs o jade. Tat is the simple, unbridled power 

o earth, waiting to be unleashed. You should be honored to bear it.” – Kuni Kiyoshi 

e Arth • W eApon  pqrqqs 

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0 –0

 1 0




May not be included in decks.“Tere have been too many deaths, too many losses. Athousand years o duty broken by a handul o ailures.I or one will not bear them. It alls to use to erase the stain o our ancestors’ misdeeds.” – Seppun Katsura

 Toshi Ranbo Guard

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0 –0

2 0


May not be included in decks.“Embrace atalism i you wish, my riend, but I 

have no plans to die. I will kill all whom our lord bids me kill, and I will return to my amily intact 

to share the comorts I have earned or them.” 

Inantry Follower 

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0 –0

 1 0



C AVAlry 

May not be included in decks.“We ride to save the Empire, but we never know i our homes will be sae in our absence. Duty is ever rst,but my heart sits heavy in my chest just the same.” 

 Dutiul Cavalry

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0 –0

 1 0


May not be included in decks.“Te loyal vassals o the Empress require little encouragement to purge the land o 

the undead horrors currently aficting it.” – Moto Jin-sahn, Shogun o Rokugan

 Farmland Conscripts

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Settling the Homeless
