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  • 8/14/2019 TR Able seafarer engine III-5.doc





    TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENTAUTHORITYEast Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City, Metro Manila

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    Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994

    (Republic Act No. 9!"

    Section 22, Establishment and Administration of the NationalTrade Skills Standards of the RA 7796 known as the TESA Actmandates TESA to establish national occ!"ational skillstandards# The A!thorit$ shall de%elo" and im"lement a

    certification and accreditation "ro&ram in which "ri%ate ind!str$&ro!" and trade associations are accredited to cond!ct a""ro%edtrade tests, and the local &o%ernment !nits to "romote s!ch tradetestin& acti%ities in their res"ecti%e areas in accordance with the&!idelines to be set b$ the A!thorit$#

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    The Training Regulations (TR) serve as basis for the:

    1. Competency assessment and certification;2. Registration and delivery of training programs; and

    . !evelopment of curriculum and assessment instruments.

    "ach TR has four sections:

    #ection 1 !efinition of $ualification % refers to the group of competenciesthat describes the different functions of the &ualification.

    #ection 2 Competency #tandards % gives the specifications ofcompetencies re&uired for effective 'or performance.

    #ection Training #tandards % contains information and re&uirements indesigning training program for certain $ualification. t includescurriculum design* training delivery; trainee entry re&uirements;tools e&uipment and materials; training facilities; trainer+s&ualification and institutional assessment.

    #ection , -ational ssessment and Certification rrangement % describesthe policies governing assessment and certification procedure.

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    'AR(T('E SE)T*R


    +a&e No#

    SE)T(*N A-.E SEA/ARER EN0(NE 1ST) Re&!lation (((345A.(/()AT(*N

    SE)T(*N 2 )*'+ETEN)8 STANARS

    -asic )om"etencies 2:

    )ommon )om"etencies ;:7

    )ore )om"etencies :

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    TRA(N(N0 RE0.AT(*NS /*R

    A-.E SEA/ARER EN0(NE 1ST) Re&!lation (((345

    SE)T(*N A-.E SEA/ARER EN0(NE 1ST) Re&!lation (((345 A.(/()AT(*N

    The /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 Regulation 45) $ualification consists of

    competencies that a person must achieve to enable him to perform engine 'atcheeping duties*oversee fuel* bilge and ballast operations* operate e&uipment and machinery* operate electricale&uipment and maintain engine room machinery and spaces.

    This $ualification is pacaged from the competency map of the 6aritime #ector as sho'nin nne7 and complies 'ith the re&uirements of #TC3 Regulation 45.

    The 8nits of Competency comprising this $ualification include the follo'ing:

    )ode No# -AS() )*'+ETEN)(ES

    59911195 articipate in 'orplace communication5991119 3or in a team environment5991119< ractice career professionalism

    5991119= ractice occupational health and safety procedures

    )ode No# )*''*N )*'+ETEN)(ES

    6T6=,291 0aunch survival craft and rescue boats 4 lifeboats6T6=,292 revent and fight fire6T6=,29 erform survival techni&ues during ship abandonment6T6=,29, erform first aid treatment on board6T6=,295 rotect marine environment6T6=,29 Comply 'ith emergency procedures6T6=,29< Conduct shipboard security checs

    )ode No# )*RE )*'+ETEN)(ES

    6T6=19, erform engine 'atcheeping duties6T6=19< rovide support in fuel* bilge and ballast operation procedures on


    6T6=19= rovide support in operation of e&uipment and machinery6T6=19> rovide support in operating shipboard electrical e&uipment6T6=195 6aintain 4 clean engine room* machinery and spaces

    person 'ho has achieved this $ualification is competent to be: / "ngine

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 1

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    SE)T(*N 2 )*'+ETEN)8 STANARS

    This section gives the details of the contents of the basic* common and core units ofcompetency re&uired in /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 Regulation 45).

    -AS() )*'+ETEN)(ES

    N(T */ )*'+ETEN)8 +ART()(+ATE (N *R@+.A)E )*''N()AT(*N

    N(T )*E 4==:=4

    N(T ES)R(+T*R This unit covers the no'ledge* sills and attitudes re&uired togather* interpret and convey information in response to'orplace re&uirements.


    Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of ?ariables

    1. @btain and convey

    'orplace information

    1.1 #pecific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate

    sources1.2 "ffective &uestioning * active listening and speaing sills are

    used to gather and convey information1. ppropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas1., ppropriate non% verbal communication is used1.5 ppropriate lines of communication'ith supervisors and

    colleagues are identified and follo'ed1. !efined 'orplace procedures for the location and storage of

    information are used1.< ersonal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely

    2. articipate in'orplace meetingsand discussions

    2.1 Team meetings are attended on time2.2 @'n opinions are clearly e7pressed and those of others are

    listened to 'ithout interruption2. 6eeting inputs are consistent 'ith the meeting purpose and

    establishedprotocols2., Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner2.5 $uestions about simple routine 'orplace procedures and

    maters concerning 'oring conditions of employment areased and responded to

    2. 6eetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented

    . Complete relevant 'orrelated documents

    .1 Range of formsrelating to conditions of employment arecompleted accurately and legibly

    .2 3orplace data is recorded on standard 'orplace forms anddocuments

    . /asic mathematical processesare used for routine calculations., "rrors in recording information on forms4 documents are

    identified and properly acted upon.5 Reporting re&uirements to supervisor are completed according to

    organiAational guidelines

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 2

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    RAN0E */ BAR(A-.ES

    BAR(A-.E RAN0E

    1. ppropriate sources 1.1 Team members

    1.2 #uppliers

    1. Trade personnel

    1., 0ocal government

    1.5 ndustry bodies

    2. 6edium 2.1 6emorandum

    2.2 Circular

    2. -otice

    2., nformation discussion

    2.5 ollo'%up or verbal instructions

    2. ace to face communication

    . #torage .1 6anual filing system

    .2 Computer%based filing system

    ,. orms ,.1 ersonnel forms* telephone message forms* safety reports

    5. 3orplace interactions 5.1 ace to face

    5.2 Telephone5. "lectronic and t'o 'ay radio

    5., 3ritten including electronic* memos* instruction and forms*non%verbal including gestures* signals* signs and diagrams

    . rotocols .1 @bserving meeting

    .2 Compliance 'ith meeting decisions

    . @beying meeting instructions

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919

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    EB(EN)E 0(E

    1. Critical spects ofCompetency

    ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate:1.1 repared 'ritten communication follo'ing standard format of

    the organiAation1.2 ccessed information using communication e&uipment1. 6ade use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer information

    effectively1., Conveyed information effectively adopting the formal orinformal communication

    2. 8nderpinningBno'ledge andttitudes

    2.1 "ffective communication2.2 !ifferent modes of communication2. 3ritten communication2., @rganiAational policies2.5 Communication procedures and systems2. Technology relevant to the enterprise and the individual+s 'or


    . 8nderpinning #ills .1 ollo' simple spoen language.2 erform routine 'orplace duties follo'ing simple 'ritten

    notices. articipate in 'orplace meetings and discussions., Complete 'or related documents.5 "stimate* calculate and record routine 'orplace measures. /asic mathematical processes of addition* subtraction* division

    and multiplication.< bility to relate to people of social range in the 'orplace.= ather and provide information in response to 'orplace


    ,. Resource mplications ,.1 a7 machine,.2 Telephone,. 3riting materials,., nternet

    5. 6ethods ofssessment

    5.1 !irect @bservation5.2 @ral intervie' and 'ritten test

    . Conte7t of ssessment .1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual'orplace or through accredited institution

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 ,

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    N(T */ )*'+ETEN)8 *R@ (N TEA' ENB(R*N'ENT

    N(T )*E 4==:=6

    N(T ES)R(+T*R This unit covers the sills* no'ledge and attitudes to identifyrole and responsibility as a member of a team.

    LEMENT PERFORMANCE CRITERIAItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range of ?ariables

    1. !escribe team role andscope

    1.1 The role and objective of the teamis identified from availablesources of information

    1.2 Team parameters* reporting relationships and responsibilitiesare identified from team discussions and appropriate e7ternalsources

    2. dentify o'n role andresponsibility 'ithin


    2.1 ndividual role and responsibilities 'ithin the team environmentare identified

    2.2 Roles and responsibility of other team members are identifiedand recogniAed

    2. Reporting relationships 'ithin team and e7ternal to team areidentified

    . 3or as a teammember

    .1 "ffective and appropriate forms of communications used andinteractions undertaen 'ith team members 'ho contribute tono'n team activities and obectives

    .2 "ffective and appropriate contributions made to complement

    team activities and obectives* based on individual sills andcompetencies and workplace context

    . @bserved protocols in reporting using standard operatingprocedures

    ., Contribute to the development of team 'or plans based on anunderstanding of team+s role and obectives and individualcompetencies of the members.

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 5

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    RAN0E */ BAR(A-.ES

    BAR(A-.E RAN0E

    1. Role and obective ofteam

    1.1 3or activities in a team environment 'ith enterprise orspecific sector

    1.2 0imited discretion* initiative and udgement maybe

    demonstrated on the ob* either individually or in a teamenvironment

    2. #ources of information 2.1 #tandard operating and4or other 'orplace procedures

    2.2 Dob procedures

    2. 6achine4e&uipment manufacturer+s specifications andinstructions

    2., @rganiAational or e7ternal personnel

    2.5 Client4supplier instructions

    2. $uality standards

    2.< @E# and environmental standards

    . 3orplace conte7t .1 3or procedures and practices

    .2 Conditions of 'or environments

    . 0egislation and industrial agreements., #tandard 'or practice including the storage* safe handling

    and disposal of chemicals

    .5 #afety* environmental* houseeeping and &uality guidelines

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919

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    EB(EN)E 0(E

    1. Critical aspects ofcompetency

    ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate:

    1.1 @perated in a team to complete 'orplace activity

    1.2 3ored effectively 'ith others

    1. Conveyed information in 'ritten or oral form

    1., #elected and used appropriate 'orplace language

    1.5 ollo'ed designated 'or plan for the ob

    1. Reported outcomes

    2. 8nderpinningBno'ledge andttitude

    2.1 Communication process

    2.2 Team structure

    2. Team roles

    2., roup planning and decision maing

    . 8nderpinning #ills .1 Communicate appropriately* consistent 'ith the culture of the


    ,. Resource mplications The follo'ing resources 'ST be provided:

    ,.1 ccess to relevant 'orplace or appropriately simulatedenvironment 'here assessment can tae place

    ,.2 6aterials relevant to the proposed activity or tass

    5. 6ethods ofssessment

    Competency may be assessed through:

    5.1 @bservation of the individual member in relation to the 'oractivities of the group

    5.2 @bservation of simulation and or role play involving theparticipation of individual member to the attainment oforganiAational goal

    5. Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion ofissues and strategies in team'or

    . Conte7t forssessment

    .1 Competency may be assessed in 'orplace or in a simulated'orplace setting

    .2 ssessment shall be observed 'hile tas are beingundertaen 'hether individually or in group

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919

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    N(T */ )*'+ETEN)8 +RA)T()E )AREER +R*/ESS(*NA.(S'

    N(T )*E 4==:=7

    N(T ES)R(+T*R This unit covers the no'ledge* sills and attitudes in promotingcareer gro'th and advancement.

    E.E'ENT +ER/*R'AN)E )R(TER(AItalicized terms are elaborated in the Range of ?ariables

    1. ntegrate personal

    obectives 'ith

    organiAational goals

    1.1 ersonal gro'th and 'or plans are pursued to'ards

    improving the &ualifications set for the profession

    1.2 ntra% and interpersonal relationships are maintained in the

    course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation

    1. Commitment to the organiAation and its goal is demonstrated

    in the performance of duties

    2. #et and meet 'or


    2.1 Competing demands are prioritiAed to achieve personal* team

    and organiAational goals and obectives.

    2.2 Resourcesare utiliAed efficiently and effectively to manage

    'or priorities and commitments

    2. ractices along economic use and maintenance of e&uipment

    and facilities are follo'ed as per established procedures

    . 6aintain

    professional gro'th

    and development

    .1 Trainings and career opportunitiesare identified and availed

    of based on ob re&uirements

    .2 Recognitionsare sought4received and demonstrated as proof

    of career advancement

    . Licenses and/or certificationsrelevant to ob and career are

    obtained and rene'ed

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 =

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    RAN0E */ BAR(A-.ES

    BAR(A-.E RAN0E

    1. "valuation 1.1 erformance ppraisal

    1.2 sychological rofile

    1. ptitude Tests

    2. Resources 2.1 Euman

    2.2 inancial

    2. Technology

    2..1 Eard'are

    2..2 #oft'are

    . Trainings and careeropportunities

    .1 articipation in training programs

    .1.1 Technical

    .1.2 #upervisory

    .1. 6anagerial

    .1., Continuing "ducation

    .2 #erving as Resource ersons in conferences and 'orshops

    ,. Recognitions ,.1 Recommendations

    ,.2 Citations

    ,. Certificate of ppreciations

    ,., Commendations

    ,.5 'ards,. Tangible and ntangible Re'ards

    5. 0icenses and4orcertifications

    5.1 -ational Certificates

    5.2 Certificate of Competency

    5. #upport 0evel 0icenses

    5., rofessional 0icenses

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 >

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    EB(EN)E 0(E

    1. Critical spects ofCompetency

    ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate:

    1.1 ttained ob targets 'ithin ey result areas (BRs)

    1.2 6aintained intra % and interpersonal relationship in the course ofmanaging oneself based on performance evaluation

    1. Completed trainings and career opportunities 'hich are based on

    the re&uirements of the industries1., c&uired and maintained licenses and4or certifications according

    to the re&uirement of the &ualification

    2. 8nderpinningBno'ledge

    2.1 3or values and ethics (Code of Conduct* Code of "thics*etc.)

    2.2 Company policies

    2. Company operations* procedures and standards

    2., undamental rights at 'or including gender sensitivity

    2.5 ersonal hygiene practices

    . 8nderpinning #ills .1 ppropriate practice of personal hygiene

    .2 ntra and nterpersonal sills

    . Communication sills

    ,. Resource mplications The follo'ing resources 'STbe provided:

    ,.1 3orplace or assessment location

    ,.2 Case studies4scenarios

    5. 6ethods ofssessment

    Competency may be assessed through:

    5.1 ortfolio ssessment

    5.2 ntervie'

    5. #imulation4Role%plays

    5., @bservation

    5.5 Third arty Reports

    5. "7ams and Tests

    . Conte7t of ssessment .1 Competency may be assessed in the 'or place or in a

    simulated 'or place setting

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 19

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    N(T */ )*'+ETEN)8 +RA)T()E *))+AT(*NA. CEA.TC AN SA/ET8+R*)ERES

    N(T )*E 4==:= faulty machinery e&uipment handling e&uipment and lifting

    gear5.19 using e&uipment beyond safe 'oring limits5.11 poor houseeeping procedures5.12 non%compliance 'ith safe 'oring procedures5.1 hot pipes and valves (steam* fuel oil* lubricating oil)5.1, cold pipes and valves (refrigeration and li&uefied

    . shipboard emergency #hipboard emergencies may include:.1 flooding.2 fire or e7plosion. fuel oil* lubrication oil* steam and gas leas., overheating and overspeeding of machinery* governors*

    emergency trips.5 dangerous atmosphere. fuel spills and overfilling of tans

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 ,,

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    EB(EN)E 0(E

    1. Critical aspects ofcompetency

    ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate::

    1.1 Carried out fuel* bilge and ballast operations on a vessel'ithin the scope of responsibility of an ble #eafarer "ngine

    1.2 dentify malfunctioning and faulty machinery and e&uipment

    used in fuel* bilge and ballast operations and components andinitiate appropriate action for repair or replacement

    1. "7ercise all re&uired safety* environmental and haAard controlprecautions and procedures 'hen overseeing fuel* bilge andballast operations and related maintenance

    1., dentify typical operational problems and haAards 'hencarrying out fuel* bilge and ballast operations and taeappropriate action 'ithin the scope of responsibility of an ble#eafarer "ngine

    1.5 Communicate effectively 'ith others during fuel* bilge andballast operations

    2. 8nderpinningno'ledge

    2.1 Bno'ledge of relevant national and international regulations*6@ Conventions applicable to the management of fuel andballast operations

    2.2 Relevant @EH# and anti%pollution legislation and policies

    2. "stablished engineering practice for the management of fuel*bilge and ballast operations including pollution controlmeasures and the maintenance of related machinery*systems and e&uipment

    2., @perational characteristics and performance specifications forthe different types of shipboard machinery and e&uipmentused in fuel* bilge and ballast operations

    2.5 rocedures for carrying out shipboard machinery testing*trouble%shooting and repair as part of routine maintenanceprocedures to ensure compliance 'ith the company andsurvey re&uirements and established safety rules and

    regulations2. lanned maintenance systems and procedures for the

    performance monitoring of machinery and e&uipment used infuel* bilge and ballast operations including responsibilities andre&uirements covered by various forms of vessel survey

    2.< The nature and causes of typical fuel* bilge and ballastoperational problems and the available methods for theiridentification and rectification* including machinerymalfunction fault%finding techni&ues

    2.= uel* bilge and ballast operational haAards and problems and

    appropriate preventative and remedial action and solutions

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 ,5

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    2.> rocedures for the shipboard treatment of fuel and lubricatingoils* including:

    2.>.1 bunering procedures and arrangements

    2.>.2 the use and operation of centrifugal separators

    2.>. the function and operation of a shipboard fuel blenderand alternative fuel treatments

    2.19 Causes and effects of fuel and lubricating oil contaminationand 'ays and means of controlling such contamination*including the sampling and testing of oil

    2.11 rocedures for assessing the performance of different fueland ballast pumping systems and their components

    2.12 @perational problems that occur 'ith pumps and pumpingsystems handling sea 'ater and action that can be taen tominimiAe or rectify these problems

    2.1 roperties and characteristics of li&uids* fuels and lubricantsused onboard vessels.

    2.1, nfluences on vessel stability and correct procedures relatingto dry%docing* free surface* cargo shift and otheroccurrences affecting stability

    2.15 rocedures for the initiation and coordination of temporaryand permanent repair and4or replacement procedures onboard vessels at sea* alongside and in dry doc

    2.1 #afety* environmental and haAard control precautions andprocedures relevant to shipboard machinery inspection andmaintenance operations

    2.1< 6aintenance and repair records that must be maintained on avessel to meet the re&uirements of the company* surveyre&uirements and regulatory authorities

    2.1= Bno'ledge of fuel* bilge and ballast systems* machinery ande&uipment and ability to read and interpret material safetydata sheets* technical specifications* machinery designdra'ings* machine dra'ings* operational manuals*specifications and electrical and control circuit diagrams

    2.1> 6aritime communication techni&ues needed during fuel andballast operations

    2.29 Bno'ledge and ability to read and interpret machineryperformance readings and indications

    2.21 /asic principles and procedures of machinery lubrication*including:

    2.21.1 theory and types of lubrication

    2.21.2 relative characteristics* and applications of mineraland synthetic oils

    2.21. contaminants that may affect lubricants* their effect onmachinery performance* and action that can be taento avoid and remedy contamination of lubricants

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 ,

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    . 8nderpinning sills .1 Carrying out fuel* bilge and ballast operations on a vessel.2 dentifying fuel* bilge and ballast machinery and e&uipment

    malfunctions on a vessel

    . Taing action to minimiAe any damage and pollution thatcould be caused by fuel* bilge and ballast machinerymalfunctions

    ., dentifying and evaluating fuel* bilge and ballast operational

    problems and determining an appropriate courses of action

    .5 pplying safety precautions relevant to fuel* bilge and ballastoperations

    . Completing operational and maintenance documentation andrecords

    ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources must be provided :

    ,.1 3orplace

    ,.2 Tools and e&uipment appropriate in fuel* bilge and ballast


    ,. 6aterials relevant to the activity and tass

    5. 6ethod of assessment Competency must be assessed through :

    5.1 !emonstration and &uestioning of related underpinningno'ledge

    5.2 3ritten "7amination

    5. ortfolio

    . Conte7t of assessment .1 Competency may be assessed in 'orplace or in simulated'orplace setting

    .2 ssessment shall be assessed 'hile tass are beingundertaen either individually or as a team under limitedsupervision

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 ,

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    N(T */ )*'+ETEN)8 +R*B(E S++*RT (N *+ERAT(*N */ E(+'ENT AN'A)C(NER8

    N(T )*E 'T'

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    RAN0E */ BAR(A-.ES

    BAR(A-.E RAN0E

    1. @peration @peration and maintenance of the e&uipment and machinery maybe carried out:1.1 by day or night1.2 'hile under'ay1. during berthing and un%berthing operations1., 'hile anchoring or mooring1.5 'hile in port1. 'hile moored or at anchor

    2. "&uipment andmachinery

    "&uipment and machinery may include2.1 valves and pumps2.2 hoists and lifting e&uipment2. hatches* 'atertight doors* ports and related e&uipment

    . 6aintenance .1 6aintenance include

    .1.1 planned maintenance systems.1.2 operational checs.1. recording.1., reporting.1.5 isolation.1. cleanliness.1.< use of correct tools* parts* and lubricants.1.= 'orsite preparation

    .2 6aintenance tools and e&uipment may include:.2.1 hand and po'er tools.2.2 greasing and lubrication tools.2. protective clothing and e&uipment such as:

    .2..1 eye and ear protection.2..2 safety boots and helmet.2.. dust and fume mass

    ,. 6aintenance haAards EaAards 'hen operating and maintaining dec machinery mayinclude:,.1 rotating and moving parts,.2 high pressure systems,. slippery dec,., sharp tools and implements,.5 po'er tools,. electrical circuits,.< cleaning chemicals,.= oil,.> pollution,.19 heat,.11 cables and ropes,.12 faulty machinery e&uipment handling e&uipment and lifting

    gear,.1 using e&uipment beyond safe 'oring limits

    ,.1, poor houseeeping procedures,.15 non%compliance 'ith safe 'oring procedures

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 ,>

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    EB(EN)E 0(E

    1. Critical aspects ofcompetency

    ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate:1.1 8sed and carried out planned routine maintenance of

    e&uipment and machinery1.2 dentified typical problems related to the e&uipment and

    machinery operation and maintenance and too appropriate

    action in conunction 'ith other vessel personnel1. "nsured the e7ercise of all re&uired safety* environmentaland haAard control precautions and procedures duringe&uipment and machinery operation and maintenance

    1., Communicated effectively 'ith others during the operationand maintenance of e&uipment and machinery

    2. 8nderpinningBno'ledge

    2.1 #ections of the relevant maritime regulations2.2 Relevant @EH# and pollution control legislation and codes of

    practice2. rinciple design and safety features and component parts of

    e&uipment and machinery2., rocedures for operating and carrying out plannedmaintenance of e&uipment and machinery

    2.5 rocedures for isolating defective e&uipment and machineryor components

    2. Repair and4or replacement procedures for e&uipment andmachinery and components

    2.< rinciples and procedures of machinery lubrication as theyrelate to e&uipment and machinery on a vessel* including:2.

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    . 8nderpinning #ills .1 8sing and carrying out planned routine maintenance ofe&uipment and machinery

    .2 dentifying the operational and maintenance problems anddetermining appropriate courses of action

    . "nsuring the application of safety precautions relevant to useand maintenance of e&uipment and machinery

    ., pplying environmental protection procedures 'hen carrying

    out maintenance operations

    .5 ction taen promptly to report and4or rectify defective ormalfunctioning e&uipment and machinery* and componentsin accordance 'ith manufacturer+s instructions andestablished procedures

    . 3or is completed systematically 'ith re&uired attention todetail

    ,. Resource implications The follo'ing resources must be provided :

    ,.1 3orplace

    ,.2 Tools and e&uipment appropriate in e&uipment andmachinery operation

    ,. 6aterials relevant to the activity and tass

    5. 6ethod of assessment Competency must be assessed through :

    5.1 !emonstration and &uestioning of related underpinningno'ledge

    5.2 3ritten "7amination

    5. ortfolio

    . Conte7t of assessment .1 Competency may be assessed in 'orplace or in simulated'orplace setting

    .2 ssessment shall be assessed 'hile tass are beingundertaen either individually or as a team under limitedsupervision

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 51

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    N(T T(T.E +R*B(E S++*RT (N *+ERAT(N0 SC(+-*ARE.E)TR()A. E(+'ENT

    N(T )*E 'T'

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    RAN0E */ BAR(A-.ES

    BAR(A-.E RAN0E


    @peration of shipboard electrical machinery e&uipment may becarried out:1.1by day or night in both normal and emergency situations1.2under any permissible conditions of 'eather

    1.'hile under'ay1.,during berthing and unberthing operations1.5'hile anchored or moored1.in dry doc1. electric shoc.19 founding4grounding of vessel

    ,. records Records4documentation may include,.1 #6 Code safety management system plans* procedures*

    checlists and instructions,.2 vessel and company+s planned maintenance system* repair

    procedures and instructions,. electrical e&uipment and vessel manufacturer+s

    specifications* instructions and recommended procedures

    ,., electrical e&uipment running sheets* operations logs andother operational records and4or computer database ofrunning information

    ,.5 vessel+s survey procedures and instructions as they relate toshipboard electrical e&uipment

    ,. vesselJs safety and emergency contingency plans andprocedures

    ,.< electrical e&uipment and vessel manufacturer+sspecifications* instructions and recommended procedures

    ,.= relevant sections of national and international regulations*6@ Conventions and Codes* dealing 'ith shipboardelectrical e&uipment operation

    ,.> instructions of relevant 6aritime uthorities and classsocieties concerning shipboard electrical e&uipmentoperation

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 5

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    EB(EN)E 0(E

    1. Critical aspects ofevidence to beconsidered

    ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate

    1.1 operated shipboard electrical e&uipment againstspecifications on a vessel

    1.2 identified malfunctioning and faulty electrical e&uipment andcomponents and initiate appropriate action for repair or

    replacement1. e7ercised all re&uired safety* environmental and haAard

    control precautions and procedures 'hen the operatingshipboard electrical e&uipment

    1., identified electrical e&uipment operational problems andhaAards and too appropriate action

    1.5 communicated effectively 'ith others during operation ofelectrical e&uipment including effective use of internalcommunication systems

    1. ensured adherence to national and international regulations*

    6@ Conventions and Codes

    2. 8nderpinningBno'ledge

    2.1 Bno'ledge of national and international regulations* 6@Conventions and Codes

    2.2 6arine @rders applicable to the operation of shipboardelectrical e&uipment on vessels

    2. Relevant @EH# legislation* policies and procedures

    2., "stablished engineering practice for the operation of marineelectrical e&uipment

    2.5 @perational characteristics and performance specifications

    for the different types of shipboard electrical e&uipmentusually found on a vessel

    2. The nature and causes of typical shipboard electricale&uipment operational problems and the appropriatepreventative and remedial action to be taen in each case

    2.< Control circuits used onboard a vessel and their associatedoperational electrical e&uipment

    2.= rinciples and procedures for electrical measurement*including the use of multimeters

    2.> rinciples of marine electrical practice relevant to detection*identification and repair of faults

    2.19 Bno'ledge and ability to read and interpret electricale&uipment performance readings

    2.11 Bno'ledge and ability to read and interpret 6aterial #afety!ata #heets

    2.12 Bno'ledge and ability to read and interpret vessel andelectrical e&uipment specifications* e&uipment dra'ings*operational manuals* and electrical circuit diagrams

    2.1 @perational records that must be maintained on a vessel tomeet the re&uirements of the company* survey re&uirementsand regulatory authorities

    2.1, 6aintenance haAards and haAard identification andprevention strategies

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 5,

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    N(T */ )*'+ETEN)8 'A(NTA(N3 ).EAN EN0(NE R**', 'A)C(NER8 ANS+A)ES AN ST*A0E */ ST*RES

    N(T )*E 'T'

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    RAN0E */ BAR(A-.ES

    BAR(A-.E RAN0E

    1. 6achinery include 1.1. #team* diesel* diesel electric and gas turbine propulsionsystems and controls

    1.2. "lectrical systems and controls including prime movers

    1.. /atteries* transformers* s'itchboard* distribution systems*lighting systems

    1.,. #teering gear* stabiliAers* bo' thrusters* rudder post

    1.5. luid po'er systems and controls

    1.. !ec machinery

    1.. i7ed fire fighting installations and fire control system

    2. Coatings 2.1. lastic

    2.2. Resins

    2.. 3ater%oil based paints

    2.,. "po7y%based paints

    . #urface preparationincludes

    .1. Chipping

    .2. #teel brush

    .. -eedle gun

    .,. #and blasting

    .5. 3ashing

    .. #craper

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 5

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    EB(EN)E 0(E

    1. Critical spects ofCompetency

    ssessment re&uires evidence that the candidate :

    1.1. dentified machinery malfunctions and faults

    1.2. !ismantled* inspected and repaired machinery asdirected

    1.. Reassembled and checed repaired machinery

    1.,. ssessed the need for protective coating

    1.5. repared the surface

    1.. Eandled* prepared and applied materials safely

    2. 8nderpinningno'ledge and ttitude

    2.1. -ature and causes of shipboard machinery malfunctionand the available methods for their detection and repair

    2.2. 6aintenance and repair haAards and appropriatepreventative and remedial actions and solutions

    2.. Bno'ledge in the preparation of surfaces and applicationof coating

    . 8nderpinning sills .1. erforming the initiation and coordination of temporaryand permanent repair and or replacement of procedureson board vessels

    .2. Testing of boiler 'ater* machinery cooling 'ater andlubricating oil

    .. 0ubricating machinery

    .,. reparing surfaces and applying coatings

    ,. Resource implication The follo'ing resources must be provided :

    ,.1. 3orplace,.2. Tools and e&uipment appropriate in maintenance


    ,.. 6aterials relevant to the proposed activity and tass

    5. 6ethod of assessment Competency should be assessed through:5.1. !emonstration and &uestioning of related underpinning


    5.2. 3ritten "7amination

    5.. ortfolio

    . Conte7t for assessment .1. Competency may be assessed in 'orplace or insimulated 'orplace setting

    .2. ssessment shall be assessed 'hile tass are beingundertaen either individually or as a team under limitedsupervision

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 5=

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    nit of)om"etenc$

    .earnin& *!tcomes 'ethodolo&$Assessment


    ,. erform firstaid treatmenton board

    ,.1 #imulate immediate life%savingfirst aid

    ,.2 #imulate action on recogniAedsymptoms and acute illness 4inury

    ,. #imulate action on 'ounds*bleeding* burns* bone* oint andmuscle inuries









    5. rotect marineenvironment

    5.1 #imulate garbage disposal


    5.2 #imulate garbage segregation

    5. Record garbage segregation anddisposal









    . Comply 'ithemergencyprocedures

    .1 #imulate correct action onbecoming a'are of an emergencyin accordance 'ith vesselprocedures

    .2 #imulate emergency proceduresand contingency plans

    . #imulate procedures for the useof various survival e&uipment

    ., #imulate procedures in theoperation of various emergencye&uipment









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    )*RE )*'+ETEN)(ES

    nit of)om"etenc$

    .earnin& *!tcomes 'ethodolo&$Assessment


    1. erformengine'atcheepingduties

    1.1 Carry out engineering'atcheeping procedures

    1.2 roper response and reportingon machinery malfunctions andemergency situations

    1. "fficient gauges 4 instrumentreadings and record eeping






    !emonstrationand @ral"7amination

    3ritten Test

    2. rovidesupport infuel* bilge andballastoperationprocedures on


    2.1 Carry out fuel and ballastoperations

    2.2 Carry out preventive maintenanceof machinery and e&uipmentused in fuel and ballastoperations

    2. Carry out repairs on machineryand e&uipment used in fuel andballast operations

    2., !ocument operation andmaintenance and repairprocedures performed







    !emonstrationand @ral"7amination

    3ritten Test

    . rovidesupport inoperation ofe&uipmentand


    .1 erform e&uipment andmachinery operation

    .2 Carry out routine plannedmaintenance of e&uipment andmachinery







    !emonstrationand @ral"7amination

    3ritten Test

    ,. rovidesupport inoperatingshipboardelectricale&uipment

    ,.1 @perate electrical e&uipment,.2 pply diagnostic techni&ues and

    rectify problems







    !emonstrationand @ral"7amination

    3ritten Test

    5. 6aintain 4clean engineroom*

    machineryand spacesand sto'ageof stores

    5.1 dentify various engine roomsystems* i.e. fuel system*lubrication* oil system* cooling

    system* steam system* etc.5.2Bno' the operations of main and

    au7iliary machinery ande&uipment

    5.ssist in dismantling* repair andreassembling of machinery

    5.,roper sto'age and maintenanceof tools and e&uipment

    5.5roper identification andapplication of cleaning e&uipment4 gears.







    !emonstrationand @ral"7amination

    3ritten Test

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 2

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    This section specifies the &ualifications of trainees and educational e7perience. @therre&uirements lie health and physical re&uirements are also stated. assing entry 'rittene7aminations may also be indicated if necessary.

    6ust have at least t'o (2) years sea service as 'iper4 greaser on board vessel 'ith at


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    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 5

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    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919


    QT" #escription QT" #escription QT" #escription

    1 set etal -iles

    (various sizes)

    1 unit 8isc grin!er,

    pe!estal type ith toheels

    1 pc. arine !iesel engine

    (static !isplay)

    2 pcs. 9ack sa 1 each hain "lock ( 1 : 4


    1 pc Engine &og +ook

    2 pcs.each

    9aer, "all

    peen an! straight peen

    1 set Wel!ing, arc (ith

    ork "ench an! copleteaccessories

    1 pc Fresh ater generator

    (static !isplay)

    1 set 8ial gauge 1 set Wel!ing, gas (ith

    ork "ench an! copleteaccessories

    1 eachtype :size

    Personal Protective

    E*uipent 7 har! hat,orking gloves,coverall, sa-ety shoes,goggles an! earprotector

    2 sets 0type :size

    ol! chisels

    (various types an! sizes)

    2 pcseachtype

    Punches prick,

    center, !ri-t

    1 unitt /ir copressor

    (open an! coplete -or!eo 7 operational)

    2 pcs. 5lan! packings (various

    types an! sizes)

    5 pcs ?ice grip ; set Work "enches ith


    19 ls Rags (paper4cotton)

    25 #panner


    1 assy Centrifugal pump

    (for dismantling andassembly)

    1 pail aint (primer)

    5 pcs liers

    (assorted siAes)

    2 gal. Thinner

    5 pcs #nips 1 it irst aids it

    2 sets Taps 'ith


    1 pc resh'ater tan

    (1 m)

    2 pails Cleaning solvent

    2 pcs. #ounding tape 1 assy !uple7 oil filter 1 sac o'der !etergent

    #oap2 units ortable grinders 1 assy !uple7 fuel filter 1 sac #a' dust

    5 pcs. 6op 1 "ngine room 'ith

    control room model

    25 pcs aint brush 1 cu.m. uel%oil tan

    overhead or enginesupply

    Trainin& 'aterials 3 Reference-ooks

    19 pcs 3ire brush 1 unit !ec lifeboat (12

    persons ro'ing cap)'ith complete fittingand structures such asdavit* rigging4boat falls


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    -@T" : mplementation of the training program can be made possible through a 6@ bet'een the training schooland industry. t is so because of the high cost of e&uipment that the school can+t afford to attain.

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919

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    :#4 TRA(N(N0 /A)(.(T(ESA-.E SEA/ARER EN0(NE 1ST) Re&!lation (((345

    /ased on a class siAe of 2, students4trainees



    S# 'ETERS

    0ecture Room (Dob4 #ite4 #chool ,2.99 ,2.99

    Trainee 3oring #pace 1.59 7 1.59 4trainee

    2.2.5 per trainee 5,.99

    0ecture Resource Center ,.99 7 5.99 29.99 29.99

    dministration 4 aculty 9.99

    Total 3orshop rea 1,.99

    :#6 TRA(NERS A.(/()AT(*NS /*R 'AR(T('E SE)T*R

    /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 Regulation 45)TR-"R $80CT@- (T$ )

    6ust be a graduate of /#6ar"4 6"

    6ust be a licensed operational level or holder of Certificate of roficiency (C@) for

    /0" #"R"R "--" and4or e&uivalent #TC3 Certificate

    6ust have at least a total of 2 years sea service e7perience as /0" #"R"R

    "--"4@iler and 1 year sea service e7perience in engineering 'atch or as6achinist4 3elder4 itter if not a licensed operational level engineer

    6ust be physically and mentally fit as per relevant #TC3 Regulations

    6ust have a good moral character 6ust be good in communicating in "nglish

    6ust be a T$1 certified trainer ; or have undergone Trainor+s Training (6@ 6C .9>

    and .12)

    Reference: T"#! /oard Resolution -o. 299, 9


    nstitutional assessment is undertaen by trainees to determine their achievement of unitsof competency. certificate of achievement is issued for each unit of competency.

    TR% /0" #"R"R "--" (#TC3 45) romulgated -ovember 2919 =

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    ssessment of an individual+s competence leads to the issuance of a Certificate of roficiency(C@) in the relevant unit of competency.

    Certificate of roficiency (C@) is issued 'hen a candidate has demonstrated competence in allthe units of competency that comprise the relevant promulgated &ualification.

    1. Candidate 'anting to be certified 'ill have to be assessed in accordance 'ith there&uirements identified in the evidence guide of the relevant unit4s of competency. s arule* the unit4s of competency shall be the benchmar for all assessment under the TrainingRegulations for 6aritime #ector.

    2. Candidate must have completed the prescribed course of instruction or ac&uired all theunits of competency contained in this Training Regulation and 'ith e&uivalent sea servicee7perience. The follo'ing are &ualified to apply for assessment and certification:

    Eolder of C@ for Rating orming art of "ngineering 3atch ; and

    Eave completed T"#! training program for ble #eafarer "ngine and not less than12 months on board a vessel of

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    E/(N(T(*N */ TER'S

    or the purpose of his training regulations* the 'ords:

    # A!Filiar$ machiner$ is a diesel engine that acts as prime mover from a ship generator.The other machineries found inside the engine room other than theau7iliary engine and main engine.

    2# -allastin&3 eballastin&

    transferring* taing in or discharging 'ater ballast. t is usuallyarranged to 'or the bilges* fire system* or sanitary circulation asre&uired.

    :# -il&e the lo'est part of hull ne7t to the eelson

    ;# -oat /alls the rope over in one or more blocs as a hoisting rig or tacle* thepermanently secured end of 'hich is called the standing part* it+s'oring end the hauling part.

    4# -oiler a 'ater heater for generating steam

    6# -!nkerin& the process of loading* storage of solid or li&uid fuel oil incontainers* tans from 'hich the fuel can be continuously orintermittently 'ithdra'n the ship fuel oil storage tan.

    7# )ondenser a heat transfer device that reduces a thermodynamic fluid from itsvapor phase to its li&uid phase..

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    4#.ashin& a fastening made by a piece of cordage* chain* or 'ire in securing amovable obect or uniting t'o or more parts or obects together.

    6#.ife raft a passenger ship e&uipment covering deficiency if any* in lifeboatcapacity for all persons on board.

    7#'ain en&ine Iacket refer to main engine cylinder liner.

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    The Technical "ducation and #ills !evelopment uthority (T"#!) 'ishes to e7tend thans andappreciation to the many representatives of business* industry* academe and governmentagencies 'ho donated their time and e7pertise to the development and validation of theseTraining Regulations.

    TCE TE)CN()A. REB(E +ANE. 12==5

    )a"t# (*/*N)E /# TNA)A* +N 1Ret5ssociated 6arine @fficer+s and #eamen+s 8nion of thehilippines (6@#8),< en. 0una #t.* ntramuros* 6anila

    )3E A./RE* 0# CA-*)hilippine ssociation of 6aritime Training Centers* nc.(6TC) rudential /an /uildinglaAa 0acson* #ta.CruA* 6anila

    )a"t# B()T*R S# E. +RA*ilipino ssociation for 6ariners+ "mployment (6")6RC 2999 To'er 1>

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