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Tracking the Birth Pains- False Messiahs of 2015

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Tracking the Birth Pains False Messiahs of 2015

Trackingthe Birth Pains

False Messiahs of 2015…

"For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I

am the Christ,’ and will mislead many

(Matthew 24:5-NASB).”

False Messiahs


Bernie Sanders

Rapper Killer Mike just endorsed Bernie Sanders for

President & likened his words to those of Jesus Christ!



The UnKnown


Prominent spiritual leader, Rabbi Kanievsky, declares:Messiah is at the doorway!

“My dear brothers, I would like to tell you something

very interesting. One of those who is very close and

dear to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky came to me recently and

said that Rabbi Kanievsky told him to go out and tell

the people, ‘We are in one of the most critical hours

for the nation of Israel. We are on the threshold of

the Messiah, and the Messiah is standing just outside

the door, and the only way to be saved is through

learning Torah, and through works of loving


“My dear brothers, I would like to tell you something

very interesting. One of those who is very close and

dear to Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky came to me recently and

said that Rabbi Kanievsky told him to go out and tell

the people, ‘We are in one of the most critical hours

for the nation of Israel. We are on the threshold of

the Messiah, and the Messiah is standing just outside

the door, and the only way to be saved is through

learning Torah, and through works of loving



The Hidden


The former President of Iran announced that the “evil U.S.” was trying

to arrest the Muslim Mahdi!



Alan John


Alan John Miller, of Queensland, Australia, believes he is Jesus

reincarnated and claims to remember details of his former life as

Jesus. He is married to Mary Luck who believes she is Mary Magdalene.


Check out the excerpt of the

prayer fake Jesus teaches people…


Travis Refuge

“Prophet” Travis Refuge, a.k.a. “King David”, leader of the Hebrew

Israelite Nation is recognized by some as the black Messiah. Refuge

is warning “negroes” to leave America.


"America is facing Civil War and complete

annihilation for what she has done to

Negroes/Israel," said Prophet Travis Refuge. "God

has give me a message of deliverance, and a

message for those calling themselves Jews who are

occupying the Promised Land of Israel. They are

Gentile counterfeit imposters pretending to be the

true Israel who are really the Negroes."



German man

An independent mayoral candidate from

Cologne, Germany was stabbed by a man

claiming to be the Messiah.

Source: http://www.ibtimes.com/anti-refugee-germany-progressive-cologne-mayoral-candidate-set-win-after-stab-wound-2145680

“I am the Messiah. I am doing it all for


Declared the attacker as he stabbed the mayoral

candidate in the stomach & neck.


Russell Brand

Russell Brand Once Believed He was Jesus



Barbara Brand in the Daily Mail: 'Russell came into my bedroom and he said that he was the second Jesus. He was very upset that I didn't believe him. …

But that's not a normal thing for a son to say, is it?‘ (Umm…No it isn’t )


Aravindan Balakrishnan

A cult leader from the U.K. is facing trial for various crimes against

his followers. At his recent trial, the cult leader told the court

that he has power over an electronic satellite warfare machine named




The Philly Jesus

A man known as “Philly Jesus” has launched a $70 million

dollar GO Fund Me campaign.

Philly Jesus wants a Jet, tour busses, a

helicopter, & a stadium to take his message


Philly Jesus has raised $92.00!

Philly Jesus often walks around Philadelphia dressed like Jesus.



Louis Farakhan

Louis Farakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam,

claims to be the Messiah that both the Jews &

Muslims await!


“I am the Messiah who has come to end this civilization.”

-Louis Farakhan


Unknown Malaysian Man

A Messiah wannabe from Melbourne, Australia held up a restaurant using

a meat cleaver while declaring: “I am the Messiah.”


The Real Messiahhas already come& He IS Coming


“Before Abraham was born, I Am!”

-Jesus Christ (The Gospel of John 8:58)

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of

life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes

in Me will never thirst.”

-Jesus Christ (The Gospel of John 6:35)

Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying,

“I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have

the Light of life.”-Jesus Christ (The Gospel of

John 8:12)

“I am the door; if anyone enters

through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find

pasture.-Jesus Christ (The Gospel

of John 10:9)

“I am the good shepherd; the good

shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.”

-Jesus Christ (The Gospel of John 10:11)

Jesus said to her, “I am the

resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if

he dies.”-Jesus Christ (The Gospel

of John 11:25)

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no

one comes to the Father but through Me.”

-Jesus Christ (The Gospel of John 14:6)

“I am the vine, you are the branches; he

who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do

nothing.”-Jesus Christ (The Gospel

of John 15:5)

“I have given them Your word; and the world has

hated them, because they are not of the

world, even as I am not of the world.

-Jesus Christ (The Gospel of John 17:14)

“Behold, I am comingquickly, and My

reward is with Me, to render to every

man according to what he has done.”

-Jesus Christ (Rev. 22:12)

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