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TRACKSYS Final Project Presentation and Demonstration.

Date post: 18-Jan-2018
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OVERVIEW  Project Description  Use Cases  Prototypes  Demonstration  Development  Design Patterns  Technical Implementation  Reflections  Recommendations  Summary  Client Feedback  Questions
TRACKSYS Final Project Presentation and Demonstration

TRACKSYS Final Project Presentation and Demonstration MODUS PWNENS DESIGN Gordon Celesta Project Manager Jordan Ell Designer / Programmer Triet Huynh Designer / Programmer Brian Richter Designer / Programmer Braden Simpson Lead Programmer OVERVIEW Project Description Use Cases Prototypes Demonstration Development Design Patterns Technical Implementation Reflections Recommendations Summary Client Feedback Questions PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Run 3 owns an Indoor arena, with eight tracks, located in Sooke Athletic clubs search for and book track time for runners training to qualify for the Canadian Olympic Team at the 2012 Olympics in London A Club representative applies for registration with Run 3 and sign a waiver before making their first booking The club representative views their future and past bookings The arena manager adjusts Club bookings and fees, when necessary The arena manager bills each club on a monthly basis for the number of hours used The clubs pay the monthly fee to continue making bookings The arena manager views at a glance the availability of tracks for the week. The manager checks the track history and schedules maintenance when required The manager sends contacts the Clubs when tracks are being maintained. CLUB USE CASES Club applies for registration Club checks track availability Club books track Club cancels booking Club pays monthly fee Club requests history MANAGER USE CASES Manager searches for club Manager charges additional fee Manager bills Club Manager views track schedules Manager books track for maintenance Manager views track history Manager sendsnotification to Club(s) PROTOTYPES Registration Track Booking DEMONSTRATION DEVELOPMENT - UNIFIED PROCESS Inception Phase Domain, Use cases Requirements Client Meeting 1 Elaboration Phase Low fidelity prototypes Client Meeting II Construction Phase Rapid Implementation Transition Phase Testing DEVELOPMENT - NETWORK GRAPH https://github.com/bradens/TrackSys/network DESIGN PATTERNS Singleton Manager Database Boundary Classes Object Pool Database Boundary Classes Observer Servlet Handler Model View Controller TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION Server Side Architecture Codehaus Jetty Embeddable javax.servletContainer Lightweight, Standards compliant Great eclipse integration Google Gson Easy to serialize java objects into json data to send to the client. MySQL Client Side jQuery & jQueryUI Easy to use, rapid development results. Great AJAX functionality, giant community and documentation. HTML/CSS styling and content Eclipse Integrated plugins (github, jetty, Aptana Studio) RECOMMENDATIONS Additional meetings Lab for the class Start project earlier More time for coding and a more iterative process for the implementation phase in stages. REFLECTIONS Team dynamic "Jelled" at Felicitas Skype Google Docs Group study rooms SUMMARY Use case driven development Unified Process Four primary use cases Club applies for registration Club books track Club pays monthly fee Club requests history CLIENT FEEDBACK REFLECTIONS Very detailed handwritten mockups Team used Use-Cases as basis (gave us an easy understanding of their work) Professionalism (Business card) Proper agenda, team lead us comfortably through the meetings QUESTIONS
