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Training and Certification of Huawei

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  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    Training & CertifcationCertify today. Master tomorrow.

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    CONTENTSverview ............................................................................................. 1

    uawei Certi cation .............................................................................3

    uawei Training ...................................................................................8

    artnership Model .............................................................................16

    xperience and Strengths ..................................................................17

    uccess Stories ..................................................................................18







  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    1Training & Certi cation

    With the constant development of information and communicationstechnology (ICT), IT and CT are converging as a whole. Theboundaries between Internet service providers (ISPs), enterprisesand consumers are blurring. Cloud computing, Internet ofThings (IoT), and mobile broadband-representatives of the newtechnologies-will bring enormous opportunities for the ICT industry.The growth of the ICT industry depends on the growth of talent.

    Huawei launches Training & Certification Solution by relyingon its years of experience in developing ICT talent and its deep

    Partners: share industry valuesEnjoy the support of Huawei marketing

    activities and receive invitations toparticipate in workshops and activitiesorganized by Huawei in various regionsto enhance your popularity.Apply to become a Huawei authorized

    learning partner (HALP), and cooperatewith Huawei to enhance and develop theindustrial human capital.

    Customers: enhance theorganization's human capital

    Rely on the Huawei career certification

    system, and make competency improvementprograms specific to various positionsand roles within an enterprise to achievevisualized and systematic management of

    employees.Enable employees to obtain ICT certi cation

    to enhance the understanding andapplication of ICT new technologies,and help enterprises have greaterachievement in the ICT eld.

    Individuals: promote personal careerdevelopment

    Participate in Huawei certification and

    training, constantly update knowledgebase, follow the ICT development trends,and improve personal competitiveness.Become Huawei certi ed to have a distinct

    advantage in terms of a starting point.The Huawei certi cation helps individuals

    to be job ready and achieve success inthe ICT ecosystem.


    Bene ts

    insight into industry development, based on the individual careerdevelopment life cycle of the ICT industry chain and guided by ahierarchical career technical certi cation approach.

    This solution leverages Huawei's Cloud-Pipe-Device convergencetechnology and covers IP, IT, CT, and ICT convergence technology. Itis the only one of its kind in the industry that covers all ICT technicalelds. It is an updated certi cation system with new technologies,new ideas and new industry trends.

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    With high education as starting point, professional certificationas pulling power, Huaweis talents nurturing solution providesa complete solution to students, new employee and engineersof associate, professional and expert levels, based on the careerdevelopment lifecycle of ICT talent.

    Through partnership with higher educational institutions, we can

    Career Development Life Cycle




    New Employees orJunior Engineers

    CT IT IP

    ICT Talents forEnterprises

    Practitionersof the ICT Industry

    P r of e

    s s i on

    a l

    C e r t i

    c a t i on





    E m pl o

    y m e n


    E d u c a t i on



    Expert-level certi cationEnhance the capability to deliver in a complex technical,project design and integrated operational capability.

    Senior-level certi cationEnhance professional development and the

    capability for specialization.

    Huawei Authorized Network AcademyObtain professional certi cation to enhanceemployability and build a competitive edge.

    Engineer-level certi cationEnhance basic job knowledge and skills.

    equip college students with technical skills that are needed for theICT industry.

    For the ICT employees at the different stages of their career, wecould provide tailored capacity development solution to improve theirprofessional skills and the overall human capital of the organization.

    Huaweis Talents Nurturing Model

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    5/243Training & Certi cation

    Huawei Certi cation


    Huawei can cultivate high-tech talents and equip new employees with the skills to perform their job functions in every technical eld in theICT industry.

    CAN represents the three key characteristics of Huawei certi cation solution.C onvergence means that we are in line with the current industry trend of ICT convergence: IT and CT technical elds are integrated intoone solution.A ll- elds means that we provide a complete professional technical certi cation system covering all ICT technical eldsN ew refers to our continuous efforts to ensure the latest technology in the trend are incorporated in to our training and certi cation programs.

    ConvergenceAn ICT multi-technologycerti cation in line with theindustrial climate of ICTconvergence

    NewAn updated certi cation systemwith new technologies, new ideasand new industry trends

    All- eldsA complete professionaltechnical certi cation

    system covering all ICTtechnical elds



    All- elds

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    6/244 Training & Certi cation

    For ICT practitioners

    Based on IP, IT, CT and ICT convergence technologies, Huaweiprovides three certi cation levels, which are respectively associate,

    professional and expert, to provide ICT practitioners hierarchicalcerti cation training, covering all ICT technical elds.

    Vertical Industries

    C a r r i e

    r s F i n

    a n c e

    P o w e


    G o v e r

    n m e n t

    E d u c

    a t i o n

    E n t e r

    p r i s e

    T r a n s p

    o r t a t i o









    hing Cer



    Sales Speci




    Field Spe



    sion Cer



    Sales Spe





    Field Specia


    Capability Library and IT learning platform




    Career Certi cation

    Routing & Switching





    Storage & Server




    Relying on the deep understanding of industry features, Huawei provides multiple industry-specific capability development solutions,which can best suit the needs of different industries, such as carriers, nance, power, government, transportation, education, enterprise,and etc.

    For channel partners

    With career certi cation as base, specialist certi cation as pullingpower, Huawei provides three types of certifications, which are

    sales specialist, solution specialist, and field specialist, to helppartners gain a competitive advantage and maintain a stable pro t.

    Huawei Certi cation Architecture

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    5Training & Certi cation

    Advanced Routing &Switching Certi cations:Huawei Routing and SwitchingSales SpecialistHuawei Routing and SwitchingSolutions SpecialistHuawei Routing and SwitchingField Specialist

    Wireless LAN Certi cations:Huawei Wireless LAN SalesSpecialistHuawei Wireless LAN DesignSpecialistHuawei Wireless LAN FieldSpecialist

    Transmission Certi cations:Huawei Transmission SalesSpecialistHuawei Transmission DesignSpecialistHuawei Transmission FieldSpecialist

    Security Certi cations:Huawei Firewall Security SpecialistHuawei VPN Security SpecialistHuawei Security Sales Specialist

    Collaboration Certi cations:Huawei UC Solutions Specialist

    Huawei UC Sales SpecialistHuawei CC Solutions Specialist

    Data Center Certi cations:Huawei Data Center NetworkingSales SpecialistHuawei Data Center NetworkingDesign SpecialistHuawei Data Center NetworkingField Specialist

    ICT Convergence Solutions

    Certi cations:UC Integration Solutions SpecialistVC Integration Solutions SpecialistDC & Desktop Cloud IntegrationSolutions Specialist

    ICT Career Certi cation SpecialistCerti cation

    Routing &Switching

    A s s o c

    i a t e

    P r o

    f e s s

    i o n a


    E x p e r t

    A r c

    h i t e c t

    WLAN Security






































    UC&C VC Cloud Server Storage ICTConvergence

    Wireless Transmission



    Huawei Certi cation Portfolio

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    6 Training & Certi cation




    Re ect the comprehensivecapability of knowledge,application and creativethinking when under pressure.

    Authoritative questionsthat re ect the depth ofacquired knowledge.

    Re ect the practical

    capability for operationand deployment in actualenterprise networks.

    Driving career success in a better way.

    In the Huawei Certi cation system, HCIE represents the most advanced level of expertise in a speci c area.

    In order to be certified as a HCIE, the candidate will be tested on three aspects: theoretical knowledge by written exam, practicalcapability by lab exam and comprehensive quali cations by interview.

    A certi ed HCIE is able to design enterprise networks, has an excellent understanding of the network technologies and is able to applythis in practice. Moreover, he/she is extremely skilled in using Huawei equipment to construct, operate and maintain the enterprisenetworking, as well as capable of troubleshooting based on a perfect understanding of networking technologies.

    HCIE, Huaweis highest ICT technical certi cation

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    7Training & Certi cation

    Fast, convenient, but still professional



    19 days training

    3 test items

    Fast Track

    5 days training

    1 test item

    The fast track for Huawei certi cation is to enable individuals, who have the relevant quali cation certi cation, to get quali ed certi cationoffered by Huawei.

    Take HCDP certi cate for an example, in the standard procedure to get the certi cation, one has to attend 19 days training and pass 3test items. However, if he has the relevant quali cation certi cation (such as CCNP and JNCIP), he can only attend 5 days training and pass1 test item instead. And then he can get the HCDP certi cate offered by Huawei as the same as that through the standard procedure.

    Fast Track for Huawei Certi cation

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    8 Training & Certi cation

    Huawei TrainingAs the new business is constantly emerging and the industry competition is getting more fiercer , the ICT industry convergence isirresistible. Enterprise customers need to improve their ef ciency and hold their costs . Developing the staff's ability is the key to achievetheir goal and spread their way to success.

    As a main part of Huawei professional services the product training service which is rely on the hole platform and meet the demand oftalent development can help enterprise customers improving their staffs professional skills , team capability and performance .

    SolutionsOneNet Solution U-Practice Huawei Academy Online (HAO)

    WLAN Technical Training Cloud-ComputingTechnical TrainingIP Network

    Technical Training

    Scenario 1:network lifecycle

    Scenario 2:customer position

    and role

    Scenario 3:business cycle

    Scenario 4:organizationand process

    Scenario 5:customer'sexperience



    Networkplanning andoptimization



    Operationpositionand role





    New employee,expert,











    Remote lab



    Carriers Finance Power Energy Education GovernmentTransportationIndustry

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    9Training & Certi cation

    Training Architecture



    Routers &Switchs Network


    ARG3/X7Products Training

    MPLS Subject WirelessMesh SubjectCapwapSubject


    Data ConferenceSubject

    InstantCollaboration Subject


    Unifed ComputingSubject

    Distributed Cloud StorageSubject

    WorkforceManagement Subject

    QoS Subject WirelessRoaming Subject RFID SubjectMultimediaCC Subject Multimedia Access Subject

    IntelligentRoute Subject

    IPv6 Subject

    IP MulticastSubject




    WLANEngineers Training




    UAP/CCProducts Training




    PBX/UCProducts Training




    GalaX/VDesktopProducts Training




    WLAN Design Call CenterDesign

    Single CloudDesign

    Uni edCommunication


    I n d u s t r y

    I n d u s t r y

    C e r t i c

    a t i on

    S p e c i a l i s


    C e r t i

    c a t i on

    C a r e e r

    C e r t i

    c a t i on

    K n

    owl e

    d g e

    S k i l l

    Process PMP

    Industry-speci c Capability Development Solutions

    RSBasic Training

    WLANBasic Training

    CCBasic Training

    UCBasic Training

    CloudBasic Training

    Training Certi -cation

    Standards ......


















    Finance Transportation Power Energy Education Government

    Huawei Training Architecture

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    10 Training & Certi cation

    OneNet Solution



    and IOT brings anew generation ofIP-based network .

    IP-based networks

    require employeeswith full range ofIP-based skills .

    IP-based networksrequireIP-based businessoperation .

    Terminal devices,network security andcustomer business aredeeply integrated intoIP-based network .


    Cross-product convergence training, cross-network convergence training, cross-businessconvergence training.

    Training on network perception and business realization .

    Bene ts

    Convergence technical talent Master the application of IP technologies in data networkequipment, security equipment and wireless equipment, getto know the technology related to IP network, and improvethe maintenance capability for the corresponding domain.

    Based on Huawei's products and experience in IP network construction, Huawei OneNet Training Solution Provides integrated coursesabout IP network and IP-based ICT technologies, including switching, routing, WLAN, UC, CC, Server, Storage, and etc.

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    11Training & Certi cation



    Bene ts


    Comprehensive theoretical training: simulate signaling process inside the equipment, to learn equipment log,cross-network knowledge, upgrades and patches, advanced troubleshooting, and optimization methods.

    Lacking leading

    technical talentspecializing inone domain.

    Lacking experts

    who can locate networkproblems


    experience on networkdeployment.

    Diversi ed

    operations cannotbe implementedon live equipment


    mastery oftheoreticalknowledge

    Live network practice: deployment commissioning, advanced troubleshooting, scenario-based planningand optimization practices, and upgrading practices.

    Professional talent Cultivate professional talent specializing in a speci c domain by repeatedtheoretical and exercises.

    Interdisciplinary talent Cultivate talent having a knowledge of various domains while specializing in one.

    Practical experience Huawei's strong service system provides practical opportunities from whichcustomers bene t a lot.

    Maintenance ef ciency Improve organizational performance by cultivating experts.

    In addition to professional lectures, Huawei U-Practice provides the lab environment close to reality or even live network practice. U-Practicehelps YOU through actual operation, so you can master technology and get familiar with devices in a better way.

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    12 Training & Certi cation


    Bene ts

    Huawei Academy Online (HAO)

    Need Fast improve the

    knowledge andskill for newtechnologies

    Need Save the

    budget on thetravel, logisticsand organizing

    Need Easy toManage the

    staff learningprocess andresults

    Need Large scale

    competencecampaign for massstaff and wide areas

    Need Shorten

    the off-jobtrainingduration


    Web-based Training: Comprehensive self-studyanytime anywhere

    Live Virtual Classroom: Remote learning andinteraction platform

    Online Test: Effective assessment and analysise-Lab: Simulation of operations typicallyexecuted on actual network

    Lower Cost Save the budget on the travel, logistics and organizing

    Large Scale Fast deployment for the new service and technology in large scale staff

    High Ef ciency More effective and fast utilization of Huawei learning resource in your staff training

    Convenient Management Easy to Manage the staff learning process and results

    You do not have to leave working or travel to attend training. Huawei Academy Online(HAO) provides an online learning environment, sothat you can participate in Huawei's professional training courses anytime and anywhere.

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    13Training & Certi cation

    IP Network Technical Training

    ScenariosWith the evolution of cloud-computing and IOT, users have an ever-increasing demand for a standard, high-ef cient and low-cost network.

    It is now clear that IP is the core technology of modern network. The IP knowledge transfer service facilitates IP network planning,

    construction, quickly establishes maintenance teams at all levels, and improves IP network maintenance and management capability.

    Bene tsThe world-leading experience in IP network commercial use and the perfect IP course system and delivery model help customers to quickly

    establish their IP capabilities.Hierarchical customized courses ensure that customers at different levels and with different requirements can acquire knowledge that is

    useful for them.Perceive the IP network development of the industry and learn about the evolution direction to guide network rollout.

    Theoretical trainingTraining on network planningTraining on technical solutionsTraining on Huawei devices speci cation

    Brief introduction to solutions anddevicesTraining on engineeringspeci cations

    Theoretical trainingBrief introduction to solutions anddevices

    Training on hardware installmentTraining on software installmentTraining on network elementcommissioningTraining on network commissioningTraining on test and acceptance

    Training on project management

    Training on alarm and traf cstatistics monitoringTraining on performancemanagementTraining on resource management

    Training on data con guration andadjustmentTraining on operation andmaintenanceTraining on network troubleshooting

    Training on performancemanagementTraining on resource management

    Training on network optimizationNetwork analysis and assessmentTraining on technology convergence

    Network analysis and assessmentTraining on product convergence

    Training on the outline of networkplanning and optimizationCommunication about serviceexperience and industry developmentTraining on business convergence

    P o s i t i on/ R ol e

    Network Lifecycle

    Network Planning

    Planning/ optimization

    O&M/ construction



    Operation andMaintenance



    Focus on the IP network technology and products, Huawei provides you with a series of professional training programs based on theNetwork Lifecycle and staff positions/roles. For each of the stages in the network lifecycle, we customize specialized courses for differentposition/role of staffs. With Learning closely to your work, Huawei helps you improve your work performance.

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    14 Training & Certi cation

    WLAN Technical Training

    Scenarios802.11 has became the international Wireless LAN standard. With the development of enterprise business, mobile office equipment

    spreads, users have an ever-increasing demand for access to high-speed network at any time.

    The WLAN knowledge transfer service facilitates WLAN planning, construction, quickly establishes maintenance teams, and improves

    WLAN maintenance and management capability.

    Bene tsThe world-leading experience in WLAN commercial use and the perfect WLAN course system and delivery model help customers to quickly

    establish their WLAN capabilities.Hierarchical customized courses ensure that customers at different levels and with different requirements can acquire knowledge that is

    useful for them.Perceive WLAN development of the industry and learn about the evolution direction to guide network rollout.

    Training on network planningTheoretical trainingTraining on Huawei WLANsolutions and devices

    Training on engineeringspeci cationsBrief introduction to Huawei WLANsolutions and devices

    Theoretical trainingBrief introduction to Huawei WLANsolutions and devices

    Training on hardware installmentTraining on software installmentTraining on network elementcommissioningTraining on network commissioning

    Training on test and acceptance

    Training on project management

    Training on alarm and traf cstatistics monitoringTraining on performancemanagementTraining on resource management

    Training on data con guration andadjustmentTraining on operation andmaintenanceTraining on WLAN troubleshooting

    Training on performancemanagementTraining on resource management

    Training on WLAN optimizationNetwork analysis and assessment

    Network analysis and assessment

    Training on the outline of networkplanning and optimizationCommunication about serviceexperience and industrydevelopment


    P o s i t i on/ R ol e

    Network Lifecycle

    Network Planning

    Planning/ optimization

    O&M/ construction



    Operation andMaintenance


    Focus on the WLAN technology and products, Huawei provides you with a series of professional training programs based on the NetworkLifecycle and staff positions/roles. For each of the stages in the network lifecycle, we customize specialized courses for different position/ role of staffs. With Learning closely to your work, Huawei helps you improve your work performance.

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    15Training & Certi cation

    Cloud-Computing Technical Training

    ScenariosCloud-computing technologies and strategies training for managers.

    Master cloud-computing solutions, construct suitable cloud-computing networks, and promote cloud-computing services.

    Establish capabilities of cloud-computing network O&M.

    Bene tsMeet requirements of managers and technical engineers to follow advanced technologies.

    Obtain the capabilities to support network preparing, rollout, operation, service providing, etc.

    Training on cloud computingtheory

    IT basics of cloud computing

    Training on advanced technology cloud computingTraining on cloud computing theory

    Training on system planning anddesign theory

    Training on Single CLOUD installationand capacity expansion and reductionTraining on exible computing cloudoperation and managementTraining on desktop cloud operation

    and management

    Training on exible computingcloud CSR handlingTraining on desktop cloud CSRhandling


    P o s i t i on/ R ol e

    Network Lifecycle

    Pre-sales Service

    Planning/ optimization

    O&M/ construction


    Network Planning EngineeringImplementationOperation andMaintenance

    Focus on the Cloud-Computing technology and products, Huawei provides you with a series of professional training programs basedon the Network Lifecycle and staff positions/roles. For each of the stages in the network lifecycle, we customize specialized courses fordifferent position/role of staffs. With Learning closely to your work, Huawei helps you improve your work performance.

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    16 Training & Certi cation

    Partnership Model

    Huawei AuthorizedLearning Partner

    Huawei AuthorizedNetwork Academy



    Provide support to partners

    Serve with partners together

    Serve customers directly Customers



    International examination services and IT learning platform

    Huawei can serve our customers directly, or serve with our partners together.

    And the partner system consists of HALP (HALP, Huawei Authorized Learning Partner) and HANA (HANA, Huawei Authorized Network Academy).HALP can offer training service to individuals, community, our partners and so on.

    While HANA can help to train the students at school.

    Meanwhile, Huawei would provide rm support to these partners.

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    17Training & Certi cation

    Experience and Strengths


    Training center

    Cooperation withHigher Education

    Huawei AuthorizedLearning Partner

    More than

    20 years experience in communications technology training.More than 3 million trainees in total.

    Training and testing services covering 160+ countries.

    Hourly 50+ candidates receiving Huawei technical training throughout the world

    200+ certi ed senior experts of architecture and development.

    Cooperating with colleges and universities in 30+ countries, helping nurture local

    communication talents.

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    18 Training & Certi cation

    BackgroundA major customer requested several groups of employees to

    receive HCDP certi cation training.Customer office located far away from nearest official training

    location.Customized training location to be created near customer of ce

    including fully operation lab equipment set up and withoutcompromising on training quality.

    Huawei SolutionsProvided customized training solution close to customer office

    through partnership with tfk technologies, the local HuaweiAuthorized Learning Partner (HALP).Assured availability of all lab equipment at temporary training


    Customer Bene tsNo extra investments required for travel expenses to training location

    or hotel accommodation for employees participating in training.Employees received high quality training at comfortable location

    close to home.Guaranteed same training quality as could be expected at of cial

    training location.

    Success Stories

    Customized Training Solution with tfk technologiesin Germany

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    19Training & Certi cation

    BackgroundMatch the national technical skills upgrading plan of the UAE

    government to meet the talent needs of ICT industry transformation.

    Stage 2, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gulf Group (the Middle

    East's largest education group), enriches its ICT training certi cationproduct line and expands its brand image and market sharein Middle East by establishing a strategic cooperation partnerrelationship with Huawei.

    Huawei SolutionsProvided solutions for complementing ICT certi cation and training.

    Jointly built a socialized training business model and a Huawei

    certi cation brand which are in line with the requirements ofthe region.Provided professional training for Huawei certi ed instructor and

    offered certi cation services.

    Customer Bene tsBrought new business growth for Stage 2 training and education

    services.Improved the in uence and brand image of Stage 2 in the Middle

    East education industry.

    Stage 2 in Middle East

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    20 Training & Certi cation

    BackgroundThe Malaysia government initiated the ICT industry human capital

    strategy for preserving ICT industry talent.

    Higher education institutions and government agencies collaborated

    in the human capital development program that coveredundergraduates and graduates.

    Huawei SolutionsBuilt a laboratory for IP technology teaching.

    Provided courses of higher education institutions.

    Provided training and certi cation for teachers of higher education

    institutions.Provided student certi cation.

    Customer Bene tsTrained 10,000 communications technology resources for Malaysia

    within ve years, which met the Malaysian government's requirementfor nurturing and preserving ICT talent.Supported ICT subjects of higher education institutions to improve

    the skill level of the faculty.

    Malaysia Human Capital Development Program

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    21Training & Certi cation

    BackgroundA higher education institutions-enterprise cooperation mechanism

    must be set up to promote the construction of professionallaboratories and improve the skill level of the faculty.Industry-leading courses must be introduced to promote a better

    way for subject construction.Student employment must be improved by means of hand-on

    training and career-oriented education.

    Huawei SolutionsProvided a program for constructing an IP technology laboratory.

    Provided authorized IP courses by the Huawei Authorized

    Network Academy (HANA).Provided high-quality teacher training.

    Delivered students certi cation programs.

    Customer Bene tsObtained programs for constructing advanced laboratories, and

    provided better environment for school training.Provided world-class technology courses to students, helping

    them master cutting-edge ICT knowledge and enhance theirhands-on ability.Participated in Huawei professional teacher cultivation programs to

    enhance hand-on ability and improve the skill level of the faculty.

    Network Academy, Jilin University

  • 8/12/2019 Training and Certification of Huawei


    Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    General Disclaimer

    The information in this document may contain predictive statements including,

    without limitation, statements regarding the future nancial and operating results,

    future product portfolio, new technology, etc. There are a number of factors

    that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those

    expressed or implied in the predictive statements. Therefore, such information

    is provided for reference purpose only and constitutes neither an offer nor an

    acceptance. Huawei may change the information at any time without notice.

    Trademark Notice

    , HUAWEI, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Other trademarks, product, service and company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.


    Huawei Industrial Base

    Bantian Longgang

    Shenzhen 518129, P.R. China

    Tel: +86-755-28780808

    Version No.: M3-142070799-20120420-C-1.0

