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Training & Development - Assessment Methods

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Training & Development Assessment Methods M R Jhalawad
Page 1: Training & Development - Assessment Methods

Training & Development

Assessment Methods

M R Jhalawad

Page 2: Training & Development - Assessment Methods

Evaluation Methods 2

Evaluation is a continuous process

We will discuss six evaluation models


Evaluation is a critical step of training event

Evaluation occur before, during & after training

Evaluation apprise investment in learning

Evaluation is measurement of training outcome

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Evaluation Methods 3

The CIRO Model The Leatherman Model

The Hamblin Model Phillip Model: An ROI Model

The Krikpatrick Model Hodges Model

1970 1996

1974 1997

1976 1999

Assessment Methods

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Evaluation Methods 4

The CIRO Model

The Focus is on:

If problem has learning solution.

What would be objectives?

Learning structure, media, & methods used

Reactions of participants on training event

To which extent objectives achieved

1. Content Evaluation

2. Input Evaluation

3. Reaction Evaluation

4. Outcome evaluation

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Evaluation Methods 5

•Trainees’ reaction •Content & methods learning


•Before & after the event•Trainees learned what was intended


•Job behavior at work•Learning transferred to workplace

Job Behavior

•Effect in terms of cost benefit analysis


•Learning affected organization’s well being & profitability

Ultimate Value

Hemblin Model: Suggest five levels of evaluation

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Evaluation Methods 6

• Participant’s satisfaction• Perception of its quality & relevance• Disputed whether reaction show effectiveness


• whether participants have observed contents of training• Measure actual learning achieved



• Relates to learning & job behavior / performance• Any change initiated in terms of behavior / performance

Measure business impact of organization


Krikpatrick Model: Measure four dimension of outcome

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Evaluation Methods 7

Leatherman Model - Suggests how & when evaluation can & should be done

Within-Training Evaluation

• Discussions with trainees how they view training.

• What should be done more of, less of

Terminal Evaluation

• May be carried out by discussions


complete standard evaluation form

Post – Learning Evaluation

• Measures final outcome of training.

• It is difficult stage involving various problems

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Evaluation Methods 8

Philips Model: An ROI Model

Included one more element to Krikpatrick model

He called extra element as ‘Return-on-investment’

Seek monetary value of results & cost of program

Calculation formula is:Net program benefit / program cost X 100

It is time consuming exercise

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Evaluation Methods 9

Hodges Model of Evaluation: Called “Components for HRD Evaluation,” uses 3 framework

1. Need Assessment

• Determination of objective based on need analysis• Objective & assessment closely related• If objectives vague, difficult to evaluate

2. Formative Evaluation

• Important step to complete when program is ready but before conducting actual training

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Evaluation Methods 10

3. Summative Evaluation

Reaction Evaluation Were they satisfied?

Learning Evaluation

Performance Evaluation

Did they learn?

• Were they able to use it? • Were they successful in

using it?

Impact Evaluation• What impact has it had?• Was there a financial return?

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Evaluation Methods 11

An Example of Reaction Evaluation QuestionnaireTitle of Training / Development program:_______________________

Trainer[s]: ________________ Date: ______________Participant: ______________________ Dept: ____________Que. 1 To what extent do you agree with the following statementAnswer on a scale of 1 to 5. [5 strongly Agree, 1 strongly Disagree It was a good use of my time 1 2 3 4 5

The content was relevant to me

The objectives were clearly stated

Stated training objective were fully achieved

I was encouraged to actively participate in the training

Training methods were effective

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Evaluation Methods 12

Que. 2 Circle up to four words below which best sum up overall opinion of this learning experienceInteresting Challenging Exciting Boring Confusing

Difficult Practical Theoretical Irrelevant UsefulInnovative Complicated Nothing new Exhausting

Que. 3 Overall rating of the training programIneffective Very Effective

1 2 3 4 5

Ineffective Very Effective1 2 3 4 5

Que. 4 Overall rating of the trainer

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Study this small story.Hope that makes aBIG change in YOU.

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A Professor began her class by holding upa glass with some water in it.She held it up for all to see & asked the students:

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“How much do you think this glass weighs?”'50g!' .... '100g!' ..... '125g‘ ?the students answered,“I really don't know unless I weigh it,”said the professor,“but, my question is:What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?”'Nothing' …..the students said.

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'Ok what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?' the professor asked.'Your arm would begin to ache' said one of the student.

“You're right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?”“Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress & paralysis & have to go to hospital for sure!” … ventured another student & all the students laughed …“Very good, But during all this, did weight of the glass change?” asked the professor.‘No’…. was the answer.

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“Then what caused the arm ache &the muscle stress?”The students were puzzled.“What should I do now to come out of pain?”asked professor again.

‘Put the glass down!’ said one of the students.“Exactly!” said the professor.Life's problems are something like this.Hold it for a few minutes in your head & they seem OK.Think of them for a long time & they begin to ache.Hold it even longer & they begin to paralyze you.You will not be able to do anything.

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It's important to think of the challenges or problems in your life, but EVEN MORE IMPORTANT is to‘PUT THEM DOWN’at the end of every day beforeYou go to sleep.That way, you are not stressed,you wake up every day fresh &strong & can handle any issue,any challenge that comes your way!

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So, When you go home today, Remember my friends to …

'PUT THE GLASS DOWN TODAY!'Wish you all good luck in your

career & stress free life

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