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Training Opportunities for Green Careers

Date post: 06-Apr-2018
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  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


    What it means to be

    green and how Utahs

    economy is affected by

    thegreen movement


    Training OppOrTuniTies



  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers




    itodcto 3

    stt of uth g Job sv 5

    sesp T povd Cht 8

    amt 9

    How to a fo T Mo 9

    stt Co e Ccm 10

    g Cotcto Ccm 12

    Energy Management/Efciency Curriculum 16

    rwb e & Tmo Ccm 20

    attv F Ccm 24

    lbo Mkt ifomto/W 28


    State EnErgy

    Sector PartnerShiP


    Department of Workforce Services

    The paper used in this

    book is FSC certifed.

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


    Gr carrsctc to uth cotd qtof f d dvf uth

    vbt coom, d thelds are experiencing dramaticowth. g c boddened as careers in clean energyproduction; energy efciency;ho , wt, d otodcto; d covto ofwt d oth t oc.Th uth Dtmt of Wokfoc

    svc d t stt e sctopth mhz fo c cto:

    1) attv f

    2) e mmt

    3) g cotcto

    4) rwb

    odcto d tmo.

    g c mo commoth o mht thk: mchccotcto, to cotcto,

    ctc, dt -o, mb, o ofo,d vhc f covo tch-c fw of th c thtmake up this growing eld.

    g c tc otchoo d ctc tocov , mov bd

    oto, d covt wb to b fom ofctct o ht.

    For example, a building energyt modoftw d dotc too to ctbd wt; wh otchc dtm how mch

    o bd w odcd t oofto motqmt.


  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    Ua Aci Wrks Grw Carrs i Gr Scr

    The Governors Ofce of Economic Development provides

    o ctv to ttct c mfctcom to uth:

    Utah recently launched a state-wide home efciencyretrot program, known as Utah Home Performance, thatq td tchc to hom fomc, d td cotcto to mmt thd;

    rock Mot pow d Qt g hv vtdmore than $191 million into energy efciency programsov th t 3 (uth C e, 2010). Thprograms require skilled and knowledgeable experts tommt bd movmt tht v dmo;

    State government agencies are leading by example byttt octv bd ctc (bd

    bchmk) d cotcto tdd (leeD dENERGY STAR), which require expertise in construction,bd oto, d bd .

    g c ovd t cth fo ct d-off wokand current workers who will benetfom ddto t d w k.idvd c mo

    mktb, o -to-dt tand certications, and use industry best-ctc fo ovd vc dodct.

    Th coom od focotd owth d to cotdconsumer demand for energy efciencyd c oc. uth

    om, ctv, d cotd ttvtmt c o mjo o dv dmd fo c.

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


    Nowadays, the word green is com-mo d to dcb how coomcctvt otv mct th vo-mt. Fom t b ctcto th ob mkt c, th b b d to coomc -t d ott k. Bt wht dob ct m? ad how uth coom ffctd b th movmt?

    i ffot to w th q-

    to, uth Dtmt of WokfocServices (DWS) partnered with veoth tt (Mot, Wom, sothDkot, nbk d iow) to fomth rock Mot & noth pg Job Cootm. Th cootmw commod b th u.s. Dt-mt of lbo to ch th coom b ohc , dtd occto. To obt fomtod tho tt, t w dtmdtht ch tt th cootm

    wod codct g Job svwth th ctv tt. i uth,DWs md ov 11,000 tbh-mt co 19 dt cto.

    po to ch v,howv, th cootmdd to cotct appropriate denition for t td to jobd b ctvt. W ct who t wt

    cc b secretary? If a business replacedod ht bb wth mo efcient ones, was that a greenbusiness?

    it t ot, wht w wtd tom thoh job vw coomc ctvt tht w

    dfft bc th w . act job th m whthh/h cc wt o thow t

    We wantedto measureeconomicactivities thatwere differentbecause theywere green.

    Sa f Ua Gr Js Sur

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    th b, d bk o to bk ood dof wht t of ht bb

    . Cov, ctc whokow how to wd tbmht hv v dfft t ofkowd, k d bt th ctc who w dtbd. Fthmo, btht ot to mfct efcient light bulbs is specialized in , wh mot b tht ht bb cupgrade to energy efcient ones.i hot, fo th o of thstudy, we dened a green job aso wh th mo dctfom -td ctvt t of th co job dt. Wdened a green business as a rm

    tht m ot to odc coomc odct o vc.

    Th cootm th dd tocf wht cotttd -td ctvt. W cm wth

    six green economic categories asfoow:

    ReneWAble eneRGy AndAlteRnAtIve FUelS

    Examples: Manufacturing,cotcto, ch, o dvof wd, o, bom, hdo,

    othm, mth d wtcto f oc.

    eneRGy eFFICIenCy AndConSeRvAtIon

    Examples: Manufacturing,cotcto o tto ofenergy efcient products such as

    weatherization, retrotting andtotto tchoo.

    PollUtIon, WASte,And GReenhoUSe GAS(GhG) mAnAGement,

    PReventIon, AndRedUCtIon

    Examples: Reducing greenhouse gmo, wt wt d othott.

    envIRonmentAlCleAnUP AndReStoRAtIon, AndWASte CleAn-UP AndmItIGAtIon

    Examples: Clean-up and disposalof wt, hzdo mt dlandll restoration.

    edUCAtIon, ReGUlAtIonComPlIAnCe, PUblIC

    AWAReneSS, tRAInInGAnd eneRGy tRAdInG

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


    Examples: Activities that educateon energy efciency, energy ratingsystem certications, enforcementof comc qmt dt o ffctv of td odct d oc.

    SUStAInAbleAGRICUltURe AndnAtURAl ReSoURCeConSeRvAtIon

    Examples: Low carbon and organicct, d mmt, wtmmt d covto,wtd toto dvomt covto.

    i th d, th uth jobv wtd tttc vdo t of 47 ct. Ov

    400 com otd hv tt o job d ov 500com otd b d m ctvt. som ofth mot commo otd

    job w vomt ,bd cotcto who cz cotcto d m.

    Th mot fqt otd coomc cto wEnergy Efciency and Conservation,

    stb act d ntroc Covto dpoto, Wt, d gho

    g Mmt, vto, drdcto.

    althouh the rocky Mouti &nothe plis gee Jobs Coso-tium is just beii to iteet themajor ndings of the Green Jobs Survey,the esech hs oved ecoui.We e ii bette udestd-ing of what green means for Utah, itsecoomy d its wokfoce, d welook fowd to be ble to eot moeifomtio s it is ucoveed.

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    SeSP traiig Prir Car

    T itttog





    rwbe &


    Bdd ad TchooCo

    Dv ad Tchoo Co

    st lk Commt Co

    sothwt ad TchooCo

    uth stt uvt Co of

    et uth

    uth B ad TchooCo

    Ua Sa erg Scr Parrsiputh Dtmt of Wokfoc svc (DWs) w wdda $4.6 million State Energy Sector Partnership (SESP) grant to develop the workforce force and create jobs in Green

    Construction, Alternative Fuels, Energy Management/Efciency, and Renewable Energy Transmission in Utah. This

    project will provide training for 1,400 individuals with the skills required to work in emerging energy efciency and

    wb dt. T w b ovdd thoh J 31, 2012.

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    e acdm T w mt wth e C

    Dvomt sct to dc th dvd d do, d ct to chv thm.

    ev e acdm t w hv cc to thWokK tm to cdmc d, dtfoccto k d comtc, d tt torecognized certications. An initial WorkKeys assessmentw ow th t d th e acdm to fo chdvd d, d w h thm bcom fm wth th

    process used to obtain national WorkKeys certications.WokK ow dvd to dmott th k v toemployers in a nationally recognized, veriable format. Increasingmb of mo WokK to c ottmo.

    hw App fr traiig m

    To nd out if you are eligible for no-cot t o of th escto dcbd th bookt, oto js.ua.g d cck o thstt e scto pth gt(sesp) k.


    State EnErgy

    Sector PartnerShiP

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    Statewide Energy Management/Efciency and Renewable Energies

    TchcFodto dittd sk


    e et

    et OsHa

    poc Ft ad + Cpr

    e et

    Comt sk ad Mth sft rto Tchc

    sTaTe COre energy CurriCuluM

    a tct w comt commocore training in addition to a specialty

    om. Th w ovd th ttd

    fodto k dd to co ov

    to any of the specic training areas. This

    w ow dvd to mov d ot of

    occto/cto th mkt ch.


  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


    Energy Management/Efciency & Renewable Energies

    g Cotcto



    stm Cng/lng

    Hzdo MtHd & rmov


    nt gMmt Tch

    RetrotHVaC tm


    e Mmt/Efciency

    e Mmt/

    adt so

    Wthzto Wd

    icto gothm

    smt gd

    rwb e &Tmo

    attv F

    sTaTe COre energy CurriCuluM




  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    Facis Clean technology attracted nearly $12.6 billion in venture

    capital investment between 2006 and 2009 alone; 80% of avt ct vtmt 2008 wt to th c cto. (pw Chtb Tt, 2009)

    gob, wb oc, ch wd d o, cv 12-tm ovmt bd thfo f. (Boomb, 2010)

    i th rock Mot o, owth job

    otcd ov job owth d owth job wwth th cotcto d tt cto. (Hdwtecoomc, 2010)


    pw Chtb Tt, Th C e ecoom, 2009, : htt://www.wctothtt.o/oddF/C_ecoom_rot_Wb.df

    Boomb, Fo F sbd a 12 Tm sot fo rwb, stdshow, 2010, : htt://www.boomb.com/w/2010-07-29/fo-f-bd--12-tm-ot-fo-wb-td-how.htm

    Hdwt ecoomc, C e ldh th rock: Comttpoto th em g ecoom, (2010), : htt://www.hdwtcoomc.o/coom/Celdh.df

    Wa is gr

    csruci?Green construction refers to buildingdesign, construction, and retrottingpractices that exceed minimum codetdd d coot vomtpreferable, energy-efcient practices thatoft cd wb tm(.. oofto o). Th objctv of

    cotcto cd: dcdvomt mct of th bdcotcto d o-tm oto,movd occt comfot, cddbt of th tct, d dcd comto. Commo cotcto om cd: energysTar fo nw Hom, leeD, d Hompfomc wth energy sTar.

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers





    Cr Cpcis:

    Building science principles

    Basic electrical knowledge



    Trade school training

    Apprenticeship programs

    Job experience


    On-the-job training

    College or trade schoolcommdd

    Fuaia Kwg:


    Applied Math

    Technical Writing

    Computer Skills


    Green ConstructionWok

    Green Retrot Technicia

    Solar Thermal Installer

    Hazmat Removal Worke

    First Line Supervisor-Extraction


  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


    SUCCeSS StoRy

    Jared Thomson hit the ground running to expand

    on his existing plumbing background to become ao thm t. it o fo mbto tf ov to o thm bc th wok v m o who jommb c do th wok. Fo com tht doing plumbing it is not hard to do solar as well.

    aft wok t Tt Mchc tt h ftwet in the solar thermal eld, he began working

    wth tt- com, Wt so d ookfo mo oott to tz h o thmk th dt d w cotctodt. Fom th, h fod th ovtvcom, DwTk tht cz whohouse efciency retrot and construction projects.at DwTk, Jd t wt ht d othermal panels in new construction and retrotsthat are switching to cleaner, more efcient options.

    Jd tt, i k wht i do. it c to homowners be excited about being greener and savingmoney.

    At-A-GlAnCeCareer Prole:

    g Cotcto

    Certication required:Jom lcdpmb. O-th-job tcov o mb.

    Arag wag fr isccupai: Jompmb th hh $20 ho (v).

    K cags i ureld: edct th hom

    ow bot th vft th t cot of thtm.

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    Facis uth kd 12th th u.s. fo dh

    efciency according to the American Council for an EnergEfcient Economys October 2010 State Scorecard up 1c fom 23d 2009! (aCeee, 2010)

    Fom 2007 to 2009, rock Mot pow d Qtg hv toth vtd mo th $191 mo toenergy efciency rebate programs. Through these programskilled and knowledgeable experts provide technicaltc to b d homow, d mmt

    building efciency improvements. (Utah Clean Energy, 20Sources:

    amc Coc fo Energy-Efcient Economy, The2010 State Energy Efciencyscocd, 2010, : htt://www.c.o/cto/tt-oc/cocd

    uth C e, ct dt

    fom rock Mot powd Qt g DsM advogo ot, (2010)

    Wa is rg

    aag/efciency?Energy management is a multi-milliondo dt bd o dc comto o hom d commcbd m thoh cenergy efciency while providing the

    m (o btt) comfot d occtexperience. Common energy managementtchq cd bd tracking, implementing high efciencytchoo d oc (.. hhefciency lighting, daylighting, and advancedbd coto), d comobd tm.

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    Cr Cpcis:

    Evaluate energy use patterns for residentialho & commc bd

    Know regulations and policies affectingm cto

    Select and operate various energy analysism d moto dvc

    Write reports providing results/commdto fo cot v

    Cr Cpcis:

    Perform energy assessments/audits

    Develop energy conservation measures

    Perform energy simulation modeling

    Perform supply side & demand side energy consulting

    Conduct technology feasibility studies


    HS diploma or GED

    AS or AAS Degree

    Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET)Certied Energy Rate or Building Performance

    ittt (Bpi) cdt commdd

    eucai:Bachelors degree in related engineering eld

    Masters in Energy Engineering for career advancement

    Certied Energy Manager (CEM) credentialcommdd


    Energy Management

    Energy EfciencyCott

    Energy Auditor


    Energy Engineer

    Energy EfciencyCott

    Energy Managemente

    Energy Manager (Enginee

    CEM (Certied EnergyM) e




    Fuaia Kwg:


    Applied Math

    Technical Writing

    Computer Skills

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


    At-A-GlAnCeCareer Prole:

    e M

    Certication required:CeM o qvt.

    Arag wag fr iscarr:

    $50,000-$100,000 .

    Priar cisa cusrs:Students, faculty and tax.

    K cags i ureld: K wth

    tchoo d tht ch wth th eld.

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


    SUCCeSS StoRy

    Mk rchd w o t to th wod of c wh h b th B d Dvomt Dcto t itmot Wd d so

    2009. po to jo itmot Wd d so, Mk d hclean energy stripes performing energy-saving retrots in large commercialbd fo ctc cotcto co uth. aft v h com dc comto, Mk ttd vo c tht focd o to thoh wb occh wd d o. et itmot Wd d so, uth-bdcom cz th tto of dt d commc wdd o ojct.

    it h b b fo Mk c jo th com, h tt,it v dmd bc th dt m to b h-mod.There is a lot to do, the phone doesnt stop ringing. In the past year alone,itmot Wd d so h dobd z d t dot ook to bow dow tm oo.

    Ct, itmot Wd d so ctom b v bod.Th t wd d o o dt d commc bd,ovmt bd d hh ttto. Mk ot tht

    tto jt o c of th job. Th com wok o d, d b dvomt w tto. Mk tt, rht ow, thdt o tht, tho who t kd to do ot of dffttasks and ll a lot of roles.


    pw Chtb Tt, Th Ce ecoom, 2009, : htt://www.wctothtt.o/oddF/C_ecoom_rot_Wb.df

    Ksl nw, st pc to hot o-ow tto cot, 2010, : htt://www.k.com/?nid=148&sid=12246453

    Dt nw, slCC cv o- t, 2010, : htt://www.dtw.com/tc/705341542/slCC-cv-o--t.htm

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    Cr Cpcis:

    Reading and following blueprints orengineering specications for installation and

    Detecting errors in equipment based onmchc, ctc, hdc, d mtc


    Coordinating on-site installations

    Providing training and technical support toctom

    Preparing technical documentation andtcto mt

    Troubleshooting and repairing building-automation-system eld cabinets, includingcommcto qmt, td cctbod, ow , ctc/ctoc

    coto, o, d tdc


    Automation Technician

    Instrument Technician

    Instrumentation Technicia

    Control Technician

    Process Control Technici

    I&E Technician

    Measurement Technician


    HS Diploma or GED

    Associates degree recommended

    Rwa erg

    & trasissi

    Fuaia Kwg:


    Applied Math

    Technical Writing

    Computer Skills

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


    At-A-GlAnCeCareer Prole:

    rwb egto

    Certication required:

    NABCEP certication,nto ectc Codt. Fd t ctc. Td mz o t oc ofdcto.

    Priar cis acusrs: rdt,

    vt commc,ovmt, d hhdcto.

    K cags i ureld: H odtd th ttotm d how t m to thm. Th mjot

    of wht w do dctoo to th cttto of tm.

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    Wa ar

    araifus?Alternative fuels are used ttv to o vhc d t ow hmf mo dott d oft odcddomestically. As identied byth e poc act of 1992,ttv f cd: bod,ctct, tho, hdo,mtho, t , do.

    SUCCeSS StoRy

    When Guy Simkins went to school to become a mechanic, he expecteto b cz th tff: cbto, bk d, d o fo

    Howv, wh h b wok t th st lk Ct ittoAirport, he soon realized the signicant job-growth potential in natura vhc. at th st lk Ct aot, vhc tht w too bow hd to b covtd to t bc ttoairport, they were very conscious about clean air, states Guy.

    now, v t, h ccf b do tdtomchc wok d cz t vhc. g ot thth vtmt to t tm vb fo tho c th

    o th od t d, ch o of h ct st. go thruns a shuttle system. That natural gas eet gets its repairs and natura covo fom g atomt. Th two b ofor natural gas, the rst is cleaner air, and the second is the cost of fueNatural gas is less expensive; you can spend as little as $1.50 per gallo

    Having the ability to expand his business to the cleaner option of natu h b ood fo b d ook to cot to ow. g Th t codo ffct m b. Th mo th wod

    t ot tht th c to f, mo o vt tgas vehicles.

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers





    Cr Cpcis:

    Basic understanding oftomotv mchc d

    Understanding of alternatives:FuelsEmission ControlElectronic Ignition

    Diagnostics Techniques

    Safety procedures specic too f

    Policies and regulationst to tto

    oto d cto ofCng cd


    HS Diploma or GED preferred

    CNG Fuel System InspectorCerticate

    Automotive Service Excellence

    (ASE) CerticationAAS Automotive Tech.


    Fuaia Kwg:


    Applied Math

    Technical Writing

    Computer Skills


    Gas MeasurementTchc

    CNG Tank Inspector

    ASE Certied AlternativF Tchc

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


    At-A-GlAnCeCareer Prole:

    Cng Vhc Covo

    Certication required:

    iMpCO, Mo, epaCertied InstallationKt mt b td bcertied companies.

    Arag wag fr isccupai:$26 per hour as a mastermchc, $15 ho

    t v.

    Priar cis acusrs: idvdvhc ow d tgas eets.

    K cags i ur

    eld: udtd botthe benets of natural gas.

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    Job Tt sOC Ccm T povd()

    Ho et

    lv W





    Green Construction Workers(Laborer)

    47-2061 Green ConstructionSLCC BATC USU-CEU DATCSWATC UBATC

    $ 9.45 $ 12.55 610

    Solar Sales Representatives/Estimator

    41-4011 Green Construction Industry training 20.54 31.48 220

    Solar Thermal Installer 49-9021 Green Construction SLCC BATC DATC SWATC 14.41 18.56 160

    Solar Photo-Voltaic Installer 49-2094 Green Construction SLCC BATC DATC SWATC 16.15 24.63 40

    Hazardous Materials RemovalWorker

    47-4041 Green Construction SLCC BATC DATC UBATC 13.38 20.83 20Hazardous Materials FirstResponder

    Hazardous Materials Handler

    Hazardous Materials Technician 17-3029 Green Construction SLCC BATC DATC 17.12 28.92 N/A

    First Line Supervisor-Extraction 47-1011 Green Construction SLCC BATC 19.93 26.10 440

    Electrician 47-2111Green Construction,Renewable Energy



    15.24 20.02 410

    Plumber, Pipeftter, Steamftter 47-2152 Green ConstructionSLCC BATC DATC SWATC


    13.90 20.79 320

    Cement Mason, Concrete Finisher 47-2051 Green ConstructionThis class taught in generalconstruction at all locations

    13.00 16.56 130

    lar mark Ifrai

    BATC=Bridgerland Applied Technology CollegeDATC=Davis Applied Technology CollegeSLCC=Salt Lake Community CollegeSWATC=Southwest Applied Technology CollegeUBATC=Uintah Basin Applied Technology CollegeUSU-CEU=Utah State Univ.-College of Eastern Utah

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    Job Tt sOC Ccm T povd()Ho etlv W




    Installation Helper 49-9098 Alternative FuelsSLCC BATC DATC UBATC USU-CEU

    8.12 10.68 90

    Weatherization Installers &Technicians

    47-4099 Energy ManagementSLCC BATC DATC SWATCUSU-CEU

    N/A N/A N/A

    Installation Helper/Seal,Duct Tester 49-9098 Energy ManagementSLCC BATC DATC SWATCUSU-CEU

    8.12 10.68 90

    Weather ization Operations Manager 11-9021 Energy Management SLCC BATC DATC USU-CEU 23.47 35.37 N/A

    Energy Auditors 13-1199 Energy ManagementSLCC BATC USU-CEU DATCSWATC

    N/A N/A N/A

    Energy Engineers 17-2199 Energy Management Higher education program N/A N/A N/A

    Energy Assessment Technician 17-3029 Energy ManagementSLCC BATC USU-CEU DATC


    17.12 28.92 N/A

    Commercial & Industrial FieldAuditor

    19-2041 Energy Management SLCC BATC DATC SWATC 21.56 29.02 40

    Heating, Air Conditioning,Refrigeration Mechanic/Installer

    49-9021 Energy ManagementSLCC BATC USU-CEU DATCSWATC

    14.41 18.56 160

    Insulation Workers, Floor, Ceiling,and Wall

    47-2131 Energy ManagementSLCC BATC DATC SWATCUSU-CEU

    11.65 13.65 30

    Surveyor 17-1022Renewable Energy

    TransmissionSLCC 17.15 27.03 40

    Solar Energy Systems Service

    Technicians 49-9021 Renewable EnergyTransmission

    SLCC BATC DATC SWATC 14.41 18.56 160Solar Site Assessment Specialist

    Solar Energy Systems Installer

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers


    Job Tt sOC Ccm T povd()Ho etlv W




    Solar Energy Systems Manager 11-9199Renewable Energy

    TransmissionSLCC BATC N/A N/A N/A

    Wind Turbine Service Technicians or"Windsmith"

    49-9099Renewable Energy

    TransmissionBATC SWATC N/A N/A N/A

    Wind Energy Project Managers 11-9199Renewable Energy

    TransmissionHigher education program N/A N/A N/A

    Wind Energy Operations Managers 11-9199Renewable Energy

    TransmissionHigher education program N/A N/A N/A

    Wind Energy Engineers 17-2199Renewable Energy

    TransmissionHigher education program N/A N/A N/A

    Civil Engineering Technician 17-3022Renewable Energy

    TransmissionHigher education program 15.56 20.67 30

    Electrical Engineering Technician 17-3024Renewable Energy

    TransmissionSLCC BATC DATC 18.11 22.61 N/A

    Industrial Engineering Technician 17-3026Renewable Energy

    TransmissionSLCC BATC DATC 17.42 27.73 20

    Mechanical Engineering Technician 17-3027Renewable Energy

    TransmissionSLCC BATC DATC 16.31 22.23 10

    Industrial Machinery Mechanic 49-9041Renewable Energy

    TransmissionSLCC BATC DATC 14.40 21.27 130

    Electrical Power Line Installer/Repairer

    49-9051Renewable Energy

    TransmissionIndustry training 19.48 28.70 70

    Control & Valve Installer/Repairer 49-9012Renewable Energy

    TransmissionIndustry training 18.64 24.63 20

  • 8/3/2019 Training Opportunities for Green Careers



    State EnErgy

    Sector PartnerShiP

    Bdd adTchoo Co (BaTC)stdt svc1301 North 600 Westlo, uth 84321(435) 750-3250www.btc.d

    Dv ad TchooCo (DaTC)stdt svc550 et 300 sothKv, uth 84037801-593-2500www.dtc.d

    st lk Commt Co(slCC)Dvo of Cot

    edctoCo & pom fo (801) 957-5303www.cc.d/cotd

    sothwt ad TchooCo (sWaTC)stdt svc510 Wt 800 sothCd Ct, uth 84720435-586-2899


    uth B adTchoo (uBaTC)C Ct450 noth 2000 WV, uth 84078(435) 725-7103www.btc.d

    uth stt uvtCo of et (uCbo, em d gCot uth Wokedcto Dvo451 et 400 nothpc, uth 84501(435) 613-5440 (800)8580 Ext. 5440www.c.d

    uth stt uvtCo of et u(usu-Ceu)s J Cot Woedcto Dvo238 noth 100 etBd, uth 84511(435) 678-3437www.jc.c.d

    Department of Workforce Services
