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Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

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Training Program
Page 5: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

January 19th & 20th Houston, TX

Redhawk University Redhawk University You’ll learn:

How to use RWA even if you’re not licensed!How to become 65 licensed and an IAR.

Why Tactical management is a better fit for your FIA clientsHow to use Redhawk’s RAMP program when you’re not securities

licensed to increase your premium.How to increase the value of your practice and create ongoing

revenues with Redhawk.

To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Page 6: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

ABC Planning Process Training“ABC’s of Investing”

Page 7: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

ABC Process vs. Transactional Sales Model

Page 8: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

The ABC Planning Process isbrought to you by the letter…

Page 9: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

People Process

Plan Product

The ABC Planning Process Priorities:

Page 10: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

The ABC Planning Process:Is a system with predictable resultsMakes innovative use of technology and mediaIs a Process vs. Event or Transactional sales: Investigate, Recommend, Implement, and Review and AdjustGets the prospect “emotionally invested”Creates ReferralsIs incredibly compliance friendlyIs NOT a Wall Street “Greed is Good” model

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One Question…One Question…Does the

ABC Planning Process work?

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One Question…One Question…Does the

ABC Planning Process work?

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One Question…One Question…Does the

ABC Planning Process work?

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There are two types of planners, which one are you?

Transactional1. Event oriented2. Looking for one asset to

put in an annuity3. Looking for a “sale”4. One and done5. Stuck in the “Client

Acquisition” mode6. Few referrals

Process1. Process oriented2. Looking for the best

financial plan for the client3. Best interest of the client4. Ongoing relationship5. Service creates “raving

fans”6. Referrals come in on a

regular basis

Page 15: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Why is a process so important?

A process helps clients make better decisions.

Better for the client and better for the agent. Better decisions usually mean:

•No Buyer’s Remorse•Larger Cases

•More Referrals

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Five reasons people “put you off”…1. They don’t like you2. They don’t trust you3. They don’t see you

as a valuable part of the process

4. They don’t have or haven’t expressed a compelling reason for change (Pain!)

5. They don’t feel a sense of urgency

“Objections are the result of a poor selling process.”

Todd Duncan, High Trust Selling

“What I have found is when you connect with the consumer – if you do it right – you do not get

objections that are really excuses and there is no “close” because

the entire process is the consumer doing their own close.”

Jack Marion, Change Buyer Behavior and Sell More Annuities

Page 17: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Four reasons people make decisions…

1. They want to “feel good”.

2. They want to avoid “feeling bad”.

3. They want to move “away” from a position

4. They want to “move toward” a position

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Three Components of a Financial Decision




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The Power of the Process!The problem with transactional

sales:• “Buying” is an emotional

decision. • Emotions are fickle and can

swing either way, at any time. • “Selling or Closing” relies on the

salesman’s ability to control and lead the prospect’s emotions.

• “Transactional selling” creates an emotional ledge that the prospect has to “leap off”.

Process will win more often than

clever closing techniques ever will!

Page 20: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

A Planning Process allows the prospect to “close” him/herself:

1.It presents Logical reasons for purchasing an index annuity and where they fit into a client’s portfolio.2.It deals effectively with a prospect’s “fictional beliefs”.3.It allows the prospect to work through their emotional resistance to change by getting invested in the process.

Process will win more often than

clever closing techniques ever will!

The Power of the Process!

Page 21: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

The Four-Step ABC Planning Process

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We investigate…•Each other, •Their portfolio, •Any leaks, gaps, or deficiencies in the client’s current plan, (diagnose)•Needs, wants, and goals,•Present sample solutionsThis meeting is designed to solicit the client’s ideas about investing and their needs, wants and goals. Set up next meeting by establishing a commitment by both


Four Step Process

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Recommendation 1. We recommend…•Specific elements of the solution•Which product is to be used•How it will effect the strategy

2. We mold the plan to the client’s suggestions

3. The Client will be asked to affirm the allocation and make the decision to move assets.

4. All the information needed to fill out any and all apps is taken and the third meeting scheduled.

Four Step Process

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Implementation We begin the process of implementation by …•Going over each product thoroughly•Going over each application, especially disclosures and suitability forms•Procuring all needed signatures•Explaining the time frame and process of transferring assets•Preparing the client for conservation efforts•Setting up proper review expectations

The third meeting allows for ample time to explain applications, procedures, timeframes and set up realistic expectations for good client communication.

Four Step Process

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Review & AdjustWe begin the process of Review/Deliver/Adjust by …•Reviewing the ABC plan•Review/deliver assets•Annuity contracts review six months and then anniversary. Annually after that. •Security accounts review quarterly face-to-face the first year and semi-annually after that. It’s still important to review quarterly, but you can do two of them over the phone in normal years. •Always set give calendar of client/prospecting events.

Four Step Process

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The 12-Step Investigation Process

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The Prospect’s Agenda

1. Keep the perceived “salesman” at a safe distance.

2. Get the information needed.3. Leave without buying or

committing to anything.

p. 28

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12 Step Process1.90 Seconds2.3-5 Minutes3.Standard Disclosure


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“Standard Disclosure”

“I need to give you the standard disclosure I give everyone I interview with, and it’s simply this....”

“As we go back and forth asking and answering questions, I may discover what you need and what I do are two different things and I will be

upfront and tell you. Would you be comfortable with that?”

p. 29

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12 Step Process1.90 Seconds2.3-5 Minutes3.Standard Disclosure4.Explain Process


Page 31: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

The Four-Step ABC Planning Process•Investigation – “Our planning process begins with Investigation. We investigate each other, investigate your portfolio, investigate any leaks, gaps, or deficiencies in the client’s current plan, and investigate sample solutions to your needs. We also look to establish specific, realistic financial goals. We make use of our own “Financial Snapshots” software to help in this process. You will receive brochures from the financial institutions we use, “Financial Snapshots” and the ADV II (prospectus) for (Your BD or RIA). The meeting usually lasts about an hour.”•Recommendation – “The second phase of the planning process, Recommendation, brings the specific elements of the solution to bear on the diagnosis. This may involve the use of Fixed Indexed Annuities, Fixed Annuities, Life Insurance, Living Trusts (through our excellent Estate Planning Attorney), or Securities Accounts through (Your BD or RIA). This phase may include income planning, protection of assets from market loss, or asset management recommendations. It’s at this meeting that you’ll be asked to make decisions regarding asset allocation and transfers. Again the meeting usually lasts about an hour.”•Implementation – “In the third phase we begin with the process of allocating assets to the proper areas by way of applications and transfers to the various companies. We then begin to follow-up on the transfer of assets to the proper companies which can take 2-6weeks. Once the assets are transferred we sit down again with you to review the end results. We then meet periodically to communicate progress and answer questions as they arise.”•Review & Adjust – “The fourth phase is the ongoing process of reviewing accounts as they relate to the ABC’s and adjusting as necessary, while keeping you informed of upcoming events.”

p. 29

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12 Step Process1.90 Seconds2.3-5 Minutes3.Standard Disclosure4.Explain Process5.“Tell me what you were hoping I could do for you?”


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Financial PainHere’s where we begin the process of finding the prospect’s compelling reasons for change. These reasons often center around some sort of PAIN they feel over there finances.In order to find the PAIN it’s important to have a strategy for asking questions

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The PainRemember to try and listen without thinking of your PRESENTATION!

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The Counselor…1. Describe the process2. Ask them to agree to the

process3. Ask them what the problem is

three times and they can’t use the same language twice.

4. Ask them what they think a good plan of action is.

5. Determine each person’s role in the plan.

6. Carry out the plan, review and adjust.

p. 28

Page 36: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

“What’s Important to you about…”

1. Taxes2. Safety3. Guarantees4. Long Term Care

Planning5. Income6. Liquidity7. Achieving


8. Return on Investments

9. Diversification10. Inflation11. Passing assets on

to heirs12. Communication

with your broker/agent

p. 30

Page 37: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Types of Questions“What” “Why”

1. Tell me more about that.2. Could you be more

specific?3. Is there anything more?4. ________ means?

1. Sounds important, tell me why?

2. On a scale of 1-10, how important is this? Why is that?

3. I wouldn’t have guessed this one was important to you. What did I miss?

4. Where does this fit into your “important issues that need to be taken care of?” Why? p. 31

Page 38: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

“Concern” “Impact”

1. How long has this been a concern?

2. Sounds like you’ve given up?

3. Has there been a recent event that has made this more important?

4. That’s got to hurt, how long have you been putting up with this?

1. How would it affect you if you did/didn’t solve this issue?

2. What would the real impact be if you got this solved?

3. How much do you think this might cost you if you don’t find an answer to it?

4. Tell me how this looks fixed and what impact it might have?

Types of Questions

p. 31

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“Highlighting” technique…

1. Listen for emotional words instead of listening for something to present to.

2. Repeat the word in your mind and tag a question on it.

3. The key is patience and a belief that you are not obligated to answer a questions and give your knowledge away.

p. 32

Page 40: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Sample Emotional WordsFrustratedAfraidAngryBaffledDiscouragedDepressedDisheartened RuinedInfuriatedAnnoyed


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Highlight the Emotional Word“_____________ means?”

“Really? ___________?”

“Again, you feel ________ because….?

Page 42: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.


• “It’s probably not your broker’s fault, right?”• “The market probably won’t go down again

this year right?”• “You have a lot of assets here, losing

another 20%-30% really won’t matter, true?”

• “Would it be a fair statement that you have little or no interest in ________?”

p. 33

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• “I’m a little confused, you say you’re afraid of losing money in the market but haven’t done anything yet. Why not?

• “I think we have a problem in working together. You already have a broker and I’m not interesting in giving financial advice to educate him, so now what are you going to do?”

p. 33

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12 Step Process1.90 Seconds2.3-5 Minutes3.Standard Disclosure4.Explain Process5.“Tell me…6.Snapshot



“Let’s take a snapshot of your finances to see where the things we’ve been discussing fit into the whole picture.”

Then pull up the Financial Snapshot tab on the software and interact with them as they go through their finances in rounded numbers.

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Snapshot Software

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12 Step Process1.90 Seconds2.3-5 Minutes3.Standard Disclosure4.Explain Process5.“Tell me…6.Snapshot7.ABC’s


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Snapshot Software

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1% – 5%1% – 5% 4% – 7%4% – 7% +30% – +30% – -30%-30%



Tax-Tax-DeferredDeferredModerately Moderately LiquidLiquid

10%10% 30%30%60%60%

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1% – 5%1% – 5% 4% – 7%4% – 7% +30% – +30% – -30%-30%



Tax-Tax-DeferredDeferredModerately Moderately LiquidLiquid

10%10% 30%30%60%60%

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Snapshot Software

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12 Step Process1.90 Seconds2.3-5 Minutes3.Standard Disclosure4.Explain Process5.“Tell me…6.Snapshot7.ABC’s8.RYG DVD


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Retain Your Gains DVDRetain Your Gains DVD

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12 Step Process1.90 Seconds2.3-5 Minutes3.Standard Disclosure4.Explain Process5.“Tell me…6.Snapshot7.ABC’s8.RYG DVD9.4 Year Graph


Page 54: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Year FourYear One Year Two Year Three

Items to Consider:

___Surrender Duration ___Liquidity Options ___Caps ___Income Riders ___Crediting Methods ___Other


5% cap





10%+ 5%



Explain FIA’s by Using a Simple Four Year Graph

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12 Step Process1.90 Seconds2.3-5 Minutes3.Standard Disclosure4.Explain Process5.“Tell me…6.Snapshot7.ABC’s8.RYG DVD9.4 Year Graph10.Redhawk


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Redhawk Wealth Advisors - RIARedhawk Wealth Advisors - RIA

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Redhawk Wealth Advisors - RIARedhawk Wealth Advisors - RIA

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D.I.A.L. - Blended Strategy

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12 Step Process1.90 Seconds2.3-5 Minutes3.Standard Disclosure4.Explain Process5.“Tell me…6.Snapshot7.ABC’s8.RYG DVD9.4 Year Graph10.Redhawk11.Sample Solutions


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Snapshot Software

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Snapshot Software

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12 Step Process1.90 Seconds2.3-5 Minutes3.Standard Disclosure4.Explain Process5.“Tell me…6.Snapshot7.ABC’s8.RYG DVD9.4 Year Graph10.Redhawk11.Sample Solutions12.Close


Page 63: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

ABCABC Planning Resources• ABC Planning Process ABC Planning Process Starter

Kit• ABCABC Planning Process White

Paper• ABC ABC Concepts DVD• ABCABC Planning Process Script• ABCABC Planning Process Flip

Chart & Worksheet• ABC ABC Planning Process Training

DVD• ABCABC Planning Process Audio


• ABC ABC Seminar: “Wall Street is Broken”

• ABC ABC Snackshop• ABC’s ABC’s of Conservative of Conservative

Investing WorkshopInvesting Workshop• www.planningwithabc.org• ABC ABC Landing Pages• Financial Snapshot Software

Page 64: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

The ABC’s of Investing


Page 65: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

If you can answer this question effectively, you will significantly

increase your production!

Where do Index Annuities fit into a client’s total portfolio of assets?


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What if they simply can’t decide on percentages?Let’s use the

example of Sleepless Steve.


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RULE OF 100 100 6565 Investor’s Age 35% 35% Percent of Red Risk Assets


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Every time I explain the

AABBCC’s of Investing, everyone chooses a

different profile than what they currently have.

Explain the ABC’s with Every Client


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What is your client’s greatest priority?

What is your client willing to give up?




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Year FourYear One Year Two Year Three

Items to Consider:

___Surrender Duration ___Liquidity Options ___Caps ___Income Riders ___Crediting Methods ___Other


6% cap





12%+ 6%



Explain FIA’s by Using a Simple Four Year Graph


Page 85: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Download Snapshot Software1. Go to www.planningwithabc.org and select the “Agent

Tools” tab. Then select the “Financial Snapshots” download. Also download the NetEnabler if networking your office computers.

2. Contact a marketer and they will send you an order form. The cost is $250 and annual renewals are $75.

3. After receipt of your payment you’ll receive an email with your activation keys. Remember, you must be an active producer (at least $75k per quarter) with BHC/Dressander/Futurity in order to purchase and retain your software.

4. Any questions or problems with download or activation email Dave Vick at [email protected].

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Training Program

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The Art of Asking Questions

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Why are questions so important?

““I like what you’re I like what you’re saying here and I’m saying here and I’m

going to think it over.”going to think it over.”

Page 89: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Why are questions so important?

““I don’t want to move I don’t want to move my money from the my money from the

market until I recover market until I recover my losses.”my losses.”

Page 90: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Using the “Art of Asking Questions” sets you apart from the crowd of noisy

financial planners trying to sell their wares and puts you in the position of

Trusted Advisor.

Are you going to be part of the “financial noise” or will you be

different from the crowd?

Why are questions so important?

Page 91: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

What does “being different” involve?

Being Different

Finding out a prospect’s:

1. Financial Condition2. Goals & Objectives3. “Compelling reason

for change” before we present a


Why is Being Different Important?

If you continue to present solutions before you know the

client’s financial condition, goals and objectives, and

compelling reasons for change, you are not acting like a trusted advisor, but just like the last three salesmen they

encountered and part of the…NOISE!!!

Page 92: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

So, what is “being different”?

“Being different” is acting like a trusted advisor by

committing to a planning process rather than a sales


Page 93: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Becoming a Trusted Advisor…

Part One:

Mastering the body of

information that is relevant to your niche.

Part Two:

Mastering the ability to

persuade people to move from point “A” to

point “B”.

Page 94: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Two Facets of Persuasion

The Discipline of Questioning

The Art of Listening

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What does the questioning and listening process reveal?

The Needs and Objectives of your

prospect.(If you listen not to present)

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The Trusted Advisor’s Goal for the Financial Interview Process

The Goal of the Financial Interview Process is to have the prospect reveal their financial

condition, plus their compelling reasons for change and act on

them in a timely manner.

Page 97: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

The Prospect’s Agenda

1. Keep the perceived “salesman” at a safe distance.

2. Get the information needed.3. Leave without buying or

committing to anything.

Page 98: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

The Counselor…1. Describe the process2. Ask them to agree to the

process3. Ask them what the problem is

three times and they can’t use the same language twice.

4. Ask them what they think a good plan of action is.

5. Determine each person’s role in the plan.

6. Carry out the plan, review and adjust.

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Start with a “Standard Disclosure”

“I need to give you my standard disclosure I give everyone I interview and it’s simply this: As we

go back and forth asking and answering questions, I may discover what you need and what I do are two different things and I will be

upfront and tell you. Would you be comfortable with that? Fair enough?”

Page 100: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Describe the Process•Investigation – “Our planning process begins with Investigation. We investigate each other, investigate your portfolio, investigate any leaks, gaps, or deficiencies in the client’s current plan, and investigate sample solutions to your needs. We also look to establish specific, realistic financial goals. We make use of our own “Financial Snapshots” software to help in this process. You will receive brochures from the financial institutions we use, “Financial Snapshots” and the ADV II (prospectus) for (Your BD or RIA). The meeting usually lasts about an hour.”•Recommendation – “The second phase of the planning process, Recommendation, brings the specific elements of the solution to bear on the diagnosis. This may involve the use of Fixed Indexed Annuities, Fixed Annuities, Life Insurance, Living Trusts (through our excellent Estate Planning Attorney), or Securities Accounts through (Your BD or RIA). This phase may include income planning, protection of assets from market loss, or asset management recommendations. It’s at this meeting that you’ll be asked to make decisions regarding asset allocation and transfers. Again the meeting usually lasts about an hour.”•Implementation – “In the third phase we begin with the process of allocating assets to the proper areas by way of applications and transfers to the various companies. We then begin to follow-up on the transfer of assets to the proper companies which can take 2-6weeks. Once the assets are transferred we sit down again with you to review the end results. We then meet periodically to communicate progress and answer questions as they arise.”•Review & Adjust – “The fourth phase is the ongoing process of reviewing accounts as they relate to the ABC’s and adjusting as necessary, while keeping you informed of upcoming events.”

Page 101: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

“What’s Important to you about…”

1. Taxes2. Safety3. Guarantees4. Long Term Care

Planning5. Income6. Liquidity7. Achieving


8. Return on Investments

9. Diversification10. Inflation11. Passing assets on

to heirs12. Communication

with your broker/agent

Page 102: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Types of Questions“What” “Why”

1. Tell me more about that.2. Could you be more

specific?3. Is there anything more?4. ________ means?

1. Sounds important, tell me why?

2. On a scale of 1-10, how important is this? Why is that?

3. I wouldn’t have guessed this one was important to you. What did I miss?

4. Where does this fit into your “important issues that need to be taken care of?” Why?

Page 103: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

“Concern” “Impact”

1. How long has this been a concern?

2. Sounds like you’ve given up?

3. Has there been a recent event that has made this more important?

4. That’s got to hurt, how long have you been putting up with this?

1. How would it affect you if you did/didn’t solve this issue?

2. What would the real impact be if you got this solved?

3. How much do you think this might cost you if you don’t find an answer to it?

4. Tell me how this looks fixed and what impact it might have?

Types of Questions

Page 104: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

“Highlighting” technique…

1. Listen for emotional words instead of listening for something to present to.

2. Repeat the word in your mind and tag a question on it.

3. The key is patience and a belief that you are not obligated to answer a questions and give your knowledge away.

Page 105: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Sample Emotional WordsFrustratedAfraidAngryBaffledDiscouragedDepressedDisheartened RuinedInfuriatedAnnoyed


Page 106: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Highlight the Emotional Word“_____________ means?”

“Really? ___________?”

“Again, you feel ________ because….?

Page 107: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.


• “It’s probably not your broker’s fault, right?”• “The market probably won’t go down again

this year right?”• “You have a lot of assets here, losing

another 20%-30% really won’t matter, true?”

• “Would it be a fair statement that you have little or no interest in ________?”

Page 108: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.


• “I’m a little confused, you say you’re afraid of losing money in the market but haven’t done anything yet. Why not?

• “I think we have a problem in working together. You already have a broker and I’m not interesting in giving financial advice to educate him, so now what are you going to do?”

Page 109: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

So, will you be different or will you be part of the…

• The Art of Asking Questions separates us from the crowd

by being a trusted advisor who is committed to a planning process rather than a sales


Page 110: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Annuity Laddering

Page 111: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Why Develop an Annuity Ladder?Planning without a Ladder• Usually one long term annuity• Lack of liquidity• Crediting methods of only one

company• Safety related to only one

company• No diversity performance or

management• Larger commissions (7%) –

Smaller cases• No consideration of Guarantee

Association Protection

Planning with a Ladder• Multiple annuities• Liquidity develops over years• Diverse crediting methods by

various companies• Safety of multiple companies• Diversity in performance and

management • Smaller average commissions

(4.5%) – Larger cases (2 ½ times)• Maximum use of Guarantee

Association Protection

Page 112: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Why Develop an Annuity Ladder?Planning without a LadderAverage case $100,000Average Commission % 7%Average Commission $7,000

Plus, with a long term annuity you lose the chance of:1.New business with the client2.Referrals

Planning with a LadderAverage case $200,000Average Commission % 4.5%Average Commission $9,000

Plus, with short term laddered maturities in annuities you pick up the chance of:1.New business with the client2.Referrals

Page 113: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Compliance & SuitabilityYou are in a much more favorable position when it comes to compliance and suitability issues in the industry.

Page 114: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Dave’s Annuity LadderDave’s Annuity LadderFive Year• Lincoln Nat’l OptiChoice 5• Aviva MultiChoice Income 5• Allianz Endurance & EliteSix Year• NA Freedom Choice 6• American Equity Integrity Gold• OMF Escalator 6 (6% Bonus)• LNL New Directions 6 Seven Year• Great American Legend II• North American Charter 7• OMF Accelerator 7 (3% Bonus)

Eight Year• AVIVA BAA (4% Bonus)• OMF Escalator 8 (8% Bonus)• NA Freedom Choice 8• LNL New Directions 8Nine Year• OMF Spectrum Choice 9 (3% Bonus)• Legacy Premiere Mark SE Plus (10%

Bonus)Ten Year• American Equity Retirement Gold

(9%)• Allianz MasterDex X (7%)

Page 115: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Training Program

Page 116: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.
Page 117: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Download Snapshot Software

1. Go to http://snapshot.vickassociates.com and select the “Download” tab. Then download current release (i.e. 1.5.3.msi.), then download the “14 Day Trial License”. Also download the NetEnabler if networking.

2. Contact a marketer and they will send you an order form. The cost is $250 which you may pay by check (made out to Dressander or BHC), VISA, or MasterCard. Renewals at $75

3. After receipt of your payment you’ll receive an email with your activation keys. Remember, you must have a business relationship with Dressander or BHC in order to purchase your software.

4. Any questions or problems with download or activation email Dave Vick at [email protected].

Page 118: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

• ABCABC Planning Process Script• ABCABC Planning Process Flip

Chart & Worksheet• ABC ABC Planning Process

Training DVD• ABCABC Planning Process Audio

CD• Financial Snapshot Software

• ABC ABC Concepts DVD

• “MVP Mondays” Webinars @ 11AM CST

• “Dave’s Ladder List”• ABC ABC Seminar: “Wall Street

is Broken”• ABC ABC Snackshop• ABC’s of Conservative ABC’s of Conservative

Investing WorkshopInvesting Workshop• www.planningwithabc.orgwww.planningwithabc.org• ABC ABC Landing Pages

Page 119: Training Program. To register call Redhawk WA at 888-835-4295.

Training Program
