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Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

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Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland- Cohen, PhD
Page 1: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP

Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD

Page 2: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Who’s here?

o Administrators?o Teachers?o Paraprofessionals?o Behavior Specialists?o Higher Education Members?o Other related services? o Others?

Page 3: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

FBA is….

• an empirically supported practice that has been demonstrated to improve both the effectiveness & efficiency of behavioral interventions in schools

• Blair, Umbreit, & Bos, 1999; Carr et al., 1999; Ingram, Lewis-Palmer, & Sugai, 2005; Lee, Sugai, & Horner, 1999; Newcomer & Lewis, 2004.

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Ingram, Lewis-Palmer & Sugai, 2005

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Newcomer & Lewis,


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Since 1997 FBA has not been implemented widely in schools.Not due to lack of knowledge, but to practicality of use

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Concern• As schools adopt Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports, the

behavior specialists in the district are often overwhelmed with requests to conduct functional behavioral assessments and building behavior support plans.

Basic Message:

Any time you feel overwhelmed the answer is likely to include investing in

the training of others.

Page 8: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

District Behavior Support Specialist

Support Teams

building behavior support

plans from Assessme

nt informatio


Train 1-2 people per school to conduct “basic” FBA/BSP

Train and coach

PBIS at all three tiers

Page 9: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Maximizing Your Session Participation

Work with your team

Consider first question:

– Where are we in our implementation?

Page 10: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Current Issues and Needs in Your District…

• Do people already know how to do FBA in your schools?

• Can a district leader teach FBA/BSP procedures in a reasonable amount of time?

• Are the basic FBA/BSPs developed by school personnel valid for improving student behavior?

• Do our school teams understand the CRITICAL FEATURES of function-based interventions ?

• Do we have materials that are practical and effective for use by district specialists?

Page 11: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Maximizing Your Session Participation

Work with your team

Consider 2nd question:

– What do I hope to learn?

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We hope you will learn to…• Identify the research-base for the use of a practical approach

to training school personnel to conduct FBA/BSPs

• Identify the procedures for school district behavior support specialists to use in training school personnel to conduct practical FBA/BSPs

• Identify a process for creating capacity in schools to support the development and implementation of function-based interventions

Page 13: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

“Scaling Down to Scale up”• Scott, Alter, & McQuillan (2010)

• In order for FBA to be applied in typical classrooms we need to simplify the practices associated with effective FBA

• It is essential to use straightforward language, rationale, and examples of how FBA can be applied in the context of classroom


Page 14: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

“Work Smarter NOT Harder…”By using the 4 “P”s• Proactively build capacity- Train 1-2 school personnel in each

school with a “flexible” role to conduct FBA/BSPs for students with mild/moderate problem behaviors

• Parsimonious tools- Use simple tools and terminology that are relatable to school personnel

• Practical Trainings- Provide short training sessions that teach “less more thoroughly” based on established instructional practices

• Prioritized follow-up- Through use of quick in-training assessments to determine those participants that will require more follow-up coaching

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Determine Student Skills& Expectations of


Plan Instruction: ü What to teachü How to teachü How to evaluate progress

Deliver Instruction

Evaluate Response to Instruction

Instructional Response

Progress Monitoring

Student, Grade, & HomeStudent is Progressing

Need for Instructional Modification

Responsive Instruction

Page 16: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Training Series

• 4 training sessions on conducting functional behavioral assessments (FBA) for students with mild to moderate behavioral problems in schools.

• The training series teaches participants to conduct interviews and observations in such a way as to precisely determine the relationship between student problem behavior and the context:– What the problem behaviors are.– When, Where, & Why a student’s problem behaviors occur.

• A summary of this information will help an individual student team develop effective behavioral supports that:

-prevent problem behaviors from occurring -teach alternative behaviors-& effectively respond when problem behaviors occur.

Page 17: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Practical FBA processD.A.S.H.

Define behavior in observable & measurable terms

Ask about behavior by interviewing staff & student

-specify routines where & when behaviors occur-summarize where, when, & why behaviors occur

See the behavior

-observe the behavior during routines specified-observe to verify summary from interviews

Hypothesize: a final summary of where, when & why behaviors occur


Session #1

Session #2

Session #3

Session #4

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Format of Practical FBA Training Sessions




Checks for Understanding



Key Points

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Practical FBA vs Comprehensive FBA

Practical FBA Comprehensive FBA

For: Students with mild to moderate problem behaviors (behaviors that are NOT dangerous or occurring in many settings)

Students with moderate to severe behavioral problems; may be dangerous and/or occurring in many settings

What: Relatively simple and efficient process to guide behavior support planning

Time-intensive process that also involves archival records review, family-centered planning, and collaboration with agencies outside of school

Conducted by whom: School-based personnel (e.g., teachers, counselors, administrators)

Professionals trained to conduct functional assessments with students with severe problem behaviors (e.g., school psychologists, behavior specialists) 19

Focus of this training series

Page 20: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Session #1: Defining & Understanding Behavior

• Overview of the Practical FBA training series and introduces concepts, examples, and practice opportunities for participants to learn how to:

(a) Define behavior (WHAT), (b) Identify events that predict WHEN & WHERE the specific behavior occurs(c) Identify the function of behavior (WHY), and (d) Construct functional behavioral summary statements

TASK: Find someone at their site whom they may conduct a practice interview with next week.

Page 21: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Always start with the Behavior1- Once you have defined the behaviors (the What)2- & know the Where & When the behaviors occur #2 (Routine &

Antecedents)3- Then want to find out WHY (the outCome of the behavior…what

happens right afterwards)



When _____ happens….

1 Behavior:

the student does (what)__


..because (why) ______

Page 22: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Rules for Defining Behavior

• Definitions of behaviors need to be:• Observable: The behavior is an action that can be


• Measurable: The behavior can be counted or timed.

• Defined so clearly that a person unfamiliar with the student could recognize the behavior without any doubts! 22

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Functions that behaviors serve










What is the pay-off of the problem behavior?

Page 24: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Create a Hypothesis Statement for Johnny’s BehaviorAfter interviewing Mr. Smith and conducting several observations of Johnny in

the third grade classroom, the team determined that during less structured class time (free time, cooperative group art projects, etc.), Johnny tears up his paper and stomps his feet. After Johnny engages in this behavior his peers laugh at him.

Routine: During __(some routine e.g.: _______________


Antecedent/Trigger: “When ..”

Behavior: “Student does..”

Consequence/OutCome: “Because..”

Peers laugh at him

Therefore, the function of the behavior is to:

get/avoid Peer Attention

Less structured class time

Third grade classroom

Tears up paper & stomps feet

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Session #2: Investigating Behavior

• Review content from the first session

• Instruction, modeling, and practice opportunities in conducting FACTS interviews with staff and students

(modified from Borgmeier, 2005)

• Practice constructing behavioral summary statements from each interview.

TASK: Complete a practice FACTS interview with a staff member at school site.

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Setting Events/“Set ups”




4 terms of Hypothesis/Summary Statement

Following events that

maintain behaviors of


Preceding events that


Observable behaviors of


Infrequent events that affect value of outcome

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Select #1 Ranked Answers to Insert into Summary

Have Teacher Rate the Statement

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ANTECEDENT(s): Rank Order the strongest triggers/predictors of problem behavior in the routine above. Then ask corresponding follow-up question(s) to get a detailed understanding

of triggers ranked #1 & 2. Environmental Features (Rank order strongest 2)

Follow Up Questions – Get as Specific as possible

1 X a. task too hard ___ g. large group instruction___ b. task too easy ___ h. small group work _X_ c. bored w/ task ___ i. unstructured time_X_ d. task too long ___ j. transitions ___ e. physical demand 2_X k. independent work 3_X f. correction/reprimand ___ l. with peers ___ m. Other, describe _____________________________________________________________

If a,b,c,d or e - describe task/demand in detail __writing sentences, paragraphs, letters, journals, etc. student cannot write because they don’t know how to read or spell fluently______________________If f - describe purpose of correction, voice tone, volume etc. _________________________________________________If g, h, I, j or k - describe setting/activity/content in detail ____Independent work involving writing or reading; works better in small groups if he doesn’t have to read or write_____________________________________________________________If l – what peers?

Make sure to ask follow-up questions in the right column of Antecedents & Consequences section

Page 30: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Session #3: Observing & Summarizing Behavior

• Review content from previous training sessions & practice interviews from week before

• Instruction & practice opportunities (using videos) for participants to conduct ABC observations of students within routines identified as settings in which the problem behavior occurs most frequently (based upon the staff FACTS interviews).

• Participants practice constructing summary statements based upon data from their observations to verify or modify summary statements derived from their FACTS interviews.

TASK: Complete a practice ABC observation at school site.

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Videos used in training available from Sopris West: Scott, T. M., Liaupsin, C., & Nelson, C. M. (2005). Team-based Functional Assessment and Intervention Planning: A Simplified Teaming Process. Longmont, CO: Sopris West.

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Practical FBA ABC FAQ:

• “How many times should I observe the student in the routine?”• Observe until you are convinced (about 5 to

10 occurrences of behavior OR 3 to 1 ratio verifying FACTS summary).

• You may have to go in on more than one day or period….but make sure you are going during identified routine.

• Need to be convinced your observation data are accurately representing situation

Page 35: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Session #4: Function-based Behavior

Support Planning • Review of concepts, skills from first three sessions• Review practice ABC observations & summarizing results• Provide opportunities for participants to practice the

skills that they have learned in conducting interviews, observations, and constructing behavioral summary statements

• Introduce the Competing Behavior Pathway and ideas for helping individual student support teams in designing function-based behavioral supports.

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Competing Behavior Summary

Typical Consequence

Maintaining Consequence

Desired Behavior

Problem Behavior

Alternate Behavior

AntecedentSetting Event

Summary of Behavior

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Add relevant & remove irrelevanttriggers

Teach alternative

that is moreefficient

Add effective & & removeineffectivereinforcers

Page 38: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Summary of Behavior - ShaneSetting Event Antecedent Behavior Consequence

Teacher/Staff Interview Summary StatementAcademic Failure in previous class that day

Difficult tasks, any word problems & most math operations

Work refusal, doodling, not follow directives, yells at teacher, disruptive

Avoid math task, doodling, work refusal, sent to office

ABC Observation Summary StatementNegative relationship w/ teacher???

Teacher confrontation

Work refusal, doodling, yells at teacher, disruptive

Avoid teacher confrontation, avoid math task, to office

Final Summary of Behavior (move to Behavior Plan)Negative relationship w/ teacher & previous academic failure

1. Teacher confrontation

2. Math task

Work refusal, doodling, yells at teacher, disruptive

Avoid math task & teacher confrontation

Page 39: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Examination of Efficacy of Practical FBA

• To determine if staff with flexible roles in schools (e.g., counselors, administrators) can be trained to conduct FBA for students with mild to moderate behavior problems (i.e., students with recurring problems that do not involve physical aggression or violent behaviors).

• To determine the efficacy and acceptability of Practical FBA methods and tools with school personnel.

Page 40: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Methods: 3 Phases of the StudyPhase 1- Practical FBA training on FBA tools & methods provided

to 12 school professionals.-Pre- & Post-Tests of FBA knowledge

Phase 2- 10 of the 12 Trained participants conducted an FBA

according to procedures they were taught for one student within their school.

-Using Practical FBA tools: interviewed, observed, and hypothesized summary of student behavior.

Phase 3- Functional analyses conducted by researcher to test each participant’s hypothesis/summary statement

-Experimental manipulations to determine the efficacy of the Practical FBA training .

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Pre/Post Training FBA Knowledge







Cohort 1 Cohort 2 Cohort 3 Overall

97% 96%87%





Overall Pretest M= 39.50% (SD=18.82%)Overall Posttest M= 92.55% (SD=7.22%)

Results: Phase 1

99% Inter-rater Total Agreement on 25% of tests.


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Acceptability Ratings




Use Aga



est to


Tools E

asy to



er FA




ABC Form

Confident In

form In



Time R




l Ben







65.6 5.5

5.75.5 5.6


5.5 5.45.7


Results: Phase 2

N=10Strongly disagree

Strongly Agree

Page 43: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Comparison of Summary Statements Generated from Interviews

• 9 out of 10 of the summary statements hypothesized by the FACTS interviews with teachers were verified by results of experimental functional analysis.

• The one FACTS summary statement that was not verified by FA actually resulted in further clarification from the direct observation. • The school participant decided to use the results from the

direct observation which resulted in a function that was verified by experimental functional analysis.

Results: Phase 3

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Participant 2Hypothesis: Access Adult Attention

1 2 3 4 50%











Control ConditionEscape ConditionAttention ConditionIOA




ge o

f Int


ls w

ith O



e of






All 10 of the FAs confirmed the Hypothesis Statements

Page 45: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Contributions of Study• Use of Basic FBA v. Comprehensive FBA

• Proactive, Parsimonious, Practical

• School personnel can conduct “valid” FBAs for students with mild to moderate behavioral problems.• Usefulness & acceptability of training/tools

• Utility of FACTS interview tool, but implications of essential direct observation validation

• Ideas on how to organize personnel within a school/district to implement best practices

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How hasPractical FBA been used? • Designed to be used by someone well-versed in FBA and

behavioral principles (e.g., behavior specialist, school psychologist) to train school personnel.

• Springfield Public Schools trained instructional assistants, teachers, principals, vice principals, counselors, and specialists from elementary, middle, and high schools (over 40 in attendance).

• Rural Virginia K-8 School District (20 teachers and staff)

• Also being used in Australia, and Canada ….soon in Saudi Arabia??

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Different Formats Used• Middle and High School Administrators and Counselors

• 4 sessions, 1.5 hours, 2 weeks apart

• K-12 educators – general education teachers, special education teachers, title reading teachers, classified employees• 5 sessions, 2 hours, 2 weeks apart

• Elementary teams – principals, counselors, school psychologists, special education teachers• 3 sessions, 1 half day followed by 2 sessions, 1. 5 hours, 1 week apart

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Beyond Training to Professional Development• Teacher self nominations• FBA support

• Walked through DASH assessment procedures• Provide feedback on data assessment• 1-3 hours of direct coaching

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Teacher Evaluation of the Process• “…it really helped me to understand

behavior and how to see things from a functional perspective”

• “Truly great professional development opportunity that changed the way I look at behaviors”

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From Practical FBA to Practical Training on Function-based Interventions

• The most important purpose of conducting FBA is to inform the development of Behavior Support Plans that directly address the FUNCTION of student behavior

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FBA-BSP in Schools: How are we doing?

• Growing body of research showing that FBA can be effectively conducted by typical school personnel

• (Crone, Hawken, & Bergstrom, 2007; Dukes, Rosenberg, & Brady, 2007; Loman, 2010; Maag & Larson, 2004; Renshaw et al., 2008; Scott, Nelson, & Zabala, 2003)


• Schools continue to struggle to utilize FBA information to build BSPs

• (Blood & Neel, 2007; Cook et al., 2007; Scott & Kamps, 2007; Scott, Liaupsin, Nelson, & McIntyre, 2005; Van Acker, Boreson, Gable, & Potterton, 2005)

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Traditional BSP Development

• Traditionally the role has been the responsibility of one individual with extensive knowledge of developing and implementing function-based interventions

• Lack of trained school-based personnel common concern (Borgmeier & Horner, 2006; Ducharme

& Schecter, 2011; Hawken, Vincent, Schumann, 2008)

• Lack of contextual fit (Benazzi, Horner, & Good, 2006)

• Schools continue to rely on punitive consequences to for dealing with problem behavior (Cook et al., 2007; Ducharme & Schecter, 2011)

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A Proactive Approach to Behavior Support Planning

• Majority of problem behaviors that teams encounter do not require comprehensive FBA-BSP (Loman & Horner, in press)

• Using simplified FBA-BSP procedures that “match” the level and intensity of problem behavior

• Provide FBS at the first signs of persistent problem behavior

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Practical FBA

Basic FBA:

Behaviors and Maintaining Functions are Easily Defined and Identified

Complex FBA:

Behaviors and Maintaining Functions Vary, and are not Easily Defined and/or Identified

(Loman, S. & Borgmeier, C., 2010)

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From “Basic FBA” to BSP: Training Curriculum

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Determine Student Skills& Expectations of


Plan Instruction: ü What to teachü How to teachü How to evaluate progress

Deliver Instruction

Evaluate Response to Instruction

Instructional Response

Progress Monitoring

Student, Grade, & HomeStudent is Progressing

Need for Instructional Modification

Responsive Instruction

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Screening and Assessment

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From “Practical FBA” to BSP Training Series

• Intended for training school-based professionals who:

• Have an understanding of basic behavioral theory

• Have some training related to and experience with the FBA process

• Have the role/responsibility of leading team-based behavior support planning

Page 59: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Assessing Knowledge of Behavioral Theory

• 10 item pre-test• Assessed ability to:

• Operationally define behavior• Define reinforcement, extinction, response class, ect. • Identify antecedents, consequences, and behavioral function

• Average score: 98.6% (range: 91-100)

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Assessing Knowledge of BSP Development

• 50 item pretest (Versions A & B) • Assessed ability to:

• List the critical features of behavior support plans• Identify missing or incorrect items on sample plan• Discriminate between Function-Based, Neutral, and

Contraindicated strategies

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• In science, when asked to work with a partner or small group Jacob (6th grade) makes inappropriate comments, pushes materials off his desk and refuses to do his work. This is most likely on days when an altercation with a peer has occurred prior to science. Based on the data collected, the team agreed that the function of Jacob’s behavior is to avoid working with peers.

Function-Based (FB)? Neutral (N)? or Contraindicated (C)?

1. ____ Teach student to appropriately request a break from working with his partner(s).

2. ____ When problem behavior occurs, allow student to work alone.

3. ____ Develop a behavior contract with the student specifying that if he works successfully with peers for a specified part of lab time, he can spend the remainder of class time working independently.

4. ____ Review class rules about respectful interactions with peers at the beginning of class.

5. ____ When problem behavior occurs, send student to resource classroom to the complete activity.

6. ____ When presenting assignments on days when Jacob has had a previous peer altercation, provide a choice of working either individually or with a peer partner.

7. ____ Provide tokens that can be exchanged for items at the school store when student engages in appropriate peer interactions.

8. ____ Provide pull-out social skills training 2 times per week for 20 minutes.








Average Score: 61% (Range: 43% – 69%)

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Planning Instruction

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Defining “What” to Teach• Focus on Performance Expectations

• What do we want learners to be able to DO?

• Concepts, principles, rules, strategies, or heuristics that facilitate the most efficient and broadest acquisition of knowledge

• Teach “Big Ideas”• Focus on essential elements, not details

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4 One-Hour Training Sessions

• Session #1: Using FBA data to identify alternative and desired behavior

• Session #2: Identifying and selecting function-based prevention, teaching, and consequence strategies

• Session #3: Contextual fit, implementation and evaluation planning

• Session #4: Leading a BSP team

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How to Teach Desired Skills

• Critical Features of Instructional Design(Engleman & Carnine, 1991; Gilbert, 1978; Kame’enui, Carnine, Dixon, &Burns, 2007; Markle, 1969; Sidman & Stoddard, 1966)

• Primed Background Knowledge • Explicitly tying knowledge that the learner brings to new information

• Conspicuous Strategies• Teacher behavior that make instructional delivery and problem solving

strategies explicit (e.g., advanced organizers, guided notes, highlighted text, verbalizing covert behavior)

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Critical Features of Instructional Design, cont’d • Mediated Scaffolding

• Reduces the task complexity by structuring it into manageable chunks to increase successful task completion

• Gradual and planful removal of supports as learner becomes successful

• Judicious Review• Distributed, cumulative, varied

• Strategic Integration• Curriculum design that offers the learner an opportunity to

successfully integrate several big ideas • Can help students learn when to use specific knowledge beyond

classroom application

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Format for Training SessionsEach of the 4 training sessions includes the following


Objectives: Content and skills participants will learn during the session

Review: A review of terms and concepts (short answer, choral responding)

Activities: Practice opportunities to better understand content and develop skills

Checks for Understanding: Activities to check for understanding or identify points that need to be discussed or practiced further (*submitted to trainer at the end of each session)

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Example Training Slides

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Objectives for Session #1: Identifying Alternative and Desired Behaviors

By the end of this training session Team Leaders will be able to:

1. Explain the difference between ‘mild to moderate’ and ‘severe/complex’ problem behaviors

2. Label the essential components of an FBA summary statement

3. Describe the three essential characteristics of alternative behavior

4. Identify examples and non-examples of appropriate alternative behaviors given sample scenarios

5. Construct an example summary statement including antecedents, behavior, consequence, and function, and provide examples of appropriate and inappropriate alternative behaviors

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From FBA to BSP

• The most important purpose of conducting FBA is to inform the development of comprehensive Behavior Support Plans that directly address the FUNCTION of student behavior

• Start with FBA results, specifically the Summary Statement

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Essential Components of FBA Summary Statements

• The summary statement should include an observable description of:• Targeted Routine• Any identified Setting events / “Set-ups” • Antecedents / “triggers” for problem behavior• Operationally defined Problem Behavior• Consequences that follow the problem behavior• Primary Function of problem Behavior

• Multiple Functions = Multiple Summary Statements

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ExampleSummary Statement for Ben’s BehaviorIn Social Studies, when asked to read independently, Ben (a strong reader) often gets out of his seat, walks around the room, and jokes with peers. Ben’s peers laugh and talk to him as he walks by. This behavior is most likely to happen on days when Ben’s parents bring him to school (i.e., he doesn’t ride the bus with friends).

Setting event Antecedent Behavior Consequence



Out of seat, walks

around room, jokes

with peers

Asked to read


Peers laugh and talk

to Ben

Ben brought to

school by


Access peer attention

Social Studies

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Activity 1

Summary Statement for Jason’s Behavior:When Jason is asked to outline a book chapter in Language Arts, he often argues, refuses to work and uses profanity which results in being sent to the office for ‘disrespect’. This behavior is more likely if Jason has an altercation with a peer on the bus on the way to school.

Setting event Antecedent Behavior Consequence

Peer altercation on

bus on the way to school

Asked to outline


Arguing with teacher, refusing

to work, profanity

Teacher sends her to the office



(page 10)

Language Arts

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Activity 2 What is wrong with / missing from this summary statement? Sarah often leaves her seat without permission, walks around

the room and makes faces at peers. Sarah’s peers laugh or tell her to stop. This behavior is more likely if she has forgotten to take her medication before school. The function of Sarah’s behavior is to gain access to teacher attention and to escape tasks.

Setting event Antecedent Behavior Consequence

Routine: _____________

Sarah forgets to take


Out of seat, faces at peers

Attention from Peers

Function: Adult Attention

Escape from Tasks

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Critical Components of Behavior Support Plans

• #1: Complete Competing Behavior Pathway• #2: Function-Based Preventive, Teaching, and Consequence

Strategies• #3: Implementation Plan• #4: Evaluation Plan

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Selecting the Alternative Behavior

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Developing a Competing Behavior Pathway

Natural Consequence

Maintaining Consequence

Desired Behavior

Problem Behavior

Alternative Behavior

AntecedentSetting Event

Targeted Routine

Summary Statement: We already have this!!!

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This is what we want…

Natural Consequence

Maintaining Consequence

Desired Behavior

Problem Behavior

Alternative Behavior

AntecedentSetting Event

Targeted Routine

But… start with the Alternative Behavior.

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Why the Alternative Behavior?

Success, teacher acknowledgment

Sent to hall to ‘calm down’

Function: escape task

Complete writing task

Crying, pushing

papers off desk

Raise hand & ask for break

Asked to complete

Independent writing tasks

None Identified

Routine: Language Arts

Why not go straight to the Desired Behavior?

1. This is what we’re asking

the student to do.

2. This is what the student wants now.

3. Look how different this is

from what’s happening now

4. The student is going to need to gain writing skills

before being able to do this like peers

5. So… in the meantime we use

the alternate behavior


Page 80: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Three Essential Characteristics of Alternative Behavior

• Alternative Behavior:• Serves the same function as the problem behavior (reliably results in

the same type of consequences as the problem behavior)

• Is easier to do than the problem behavior• Requires less (or at least no more) physical effort than the problem


• Is socially acceptable

Page 81: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Identifying Appropriate Alternative Behavior

• When Pam is asked to work on long-division problems in math class, she argues, refuses to work, and uses profanity in order to avoid/escape the difficult task.

Which is the best alternative behavior?

• Move to sit by another student

• Request adult attention

• Request an easier task/worksheet

• Ask if she can play on the computer instead

• Ask for a reward for completing the task

1. Serve same

Function? Does it provide escape?

2. Is Behavior easier to do

than problem behavior?

3. Is Behavior socially


Page 82: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Identifying Appropriate Alternative Behavior

• During independent reading time in language arts, Audrey makes noises, talks out, and walks around the room. The FBA has shown that this behavior is maintained by adult attention.

Which is the best alternative behavior? Why/Why Not?

• Ask to sit at the teachers desk during reading

• Raise hand and ask for a break

• Request help/adult attention

• Ask for a reward for completing the task

• Request an easier task

1. Serve same Function?

2. Is it Easier?

3. Is it Socially Acceptable?

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Activity 3(page 12)

• Complete the next one on your own.• Please write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for each option AND explain why or why


Page 84: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Identifying Appropriate Alternative Behavior • During independent seatwork, Ronnie makes

inappropriate noises and makes faces at peers. Based on the data collected, the team agreed that the function of Ronnie’s behavior is to obtain peer attention.

Which is the best alternative behavior?

• Ask the teacher for help

• Finish all work, then ask to talk to a peer

• Request help/adult attention

• Ask to work with a peer tutor

• Request an easier assignment

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Evaluating Response to Instruction

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Evaluating Response to Instruction• On-going Formative Evaluation

• Utilize multiple response formats throughout• Written responses

• Circle correct answer / Fill in the blank / short answer• Choral responding• Think, pair, share

• Culminating activities – used to adjust teaching

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Session #1Checks for Understanding

(Page 13 in Workbook)

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Check #1Critical Components of Behavior Support Plans

• #1: __________________________________________________

• #2: Function-Based Behavior Support Strategies• #3: Implementation Plan• #4: Evaluation Plan

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Check #2• List the three essential characteristics of alternative behavior:

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

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Check #3

• Write an example summary statement. Include the problem behavior, context/ routine, antecedents, maintaining consequence, and hypothesized function (use boxes provided).

• Based on your example, what would be:a) An suggested alternative behaviorb) A alternative behavior that would not be likely to be


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Session #2 Identifying Function-Based


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Teaching Strategies

Consequences Strategies

Eliminate or Neutralize Setting Events

Prevent/Modify“Triggers”/ Prompts for Alt/Des

Teach Alternate / Desired Behavior

Reinforce Alt/Des Behavior

Response to Problem Behavior/

Identifying Behavior Support Strategies

Team identifies a range of strategies/ interventions to address: - Prevention - Teaching - Consequences

We consider the FUNCTION of the problem behavior when selecting these strategies.

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Session #2Checks for Understanding

(Page 26 in Workbook)

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Consequence/FunctionAccess Peer AttentionPeers laugh and talk with him, and talk about it after class

AntecedentAsked to finish homework or write in his journal independently

Setting EventParent brings to school (does not interact with peers on bus)

Alternative BehaviorAsk to work with a peer

Problem BehaviorOut of seat (walking around room), making noises, and talking to peers

ConsequenceGood grades, teacher acknowledgement

Routine 1st Period Writing

Setting Events Manipulate Antecedent Teach Behavior Alter Consequences

Arrange time for positive adult attention before writing on days when student is brought by parent

Remind student before independent-work time that he may choose to work quietly with a peer

Allow student to sit with preferred peer in 1st period writing

Teach student to appropriately ask to work with a peer

Explicitly teach what “on-task” behavior looks like (and does not look like) in writing class

RewardsStudent can work with peer when asks appropriately

Student can earn 5 minutes of free time with a peer, if stays on task for 90% of period for 5 consecutive days

Response to ProblemWhen student starts to get out of seat/engage in problem behavior, remind him to ask appropriately to work with a peer

Desired Behavior Complete writing assignment and turn in work

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Response to Instruction, cont’d • Summative Evaluation

• Final activity – given scenario and FBA summary statement, lead team in BSP development

• Posttest data

• Application in real settings (Woo Hoo!!!)

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The Study

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• To assess if a four-part training series was sufficient to allow

individuals with basic behavioral knowledge to master the

skills needed to guide a school teams in using “Practical FBA”

information to build formal behavior support plans that are:

(a) Technically adequate

(b) Contextually relevant

(c) Effective in changing student behavior

Page 98: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Design by Phase • Phase 1: From “Practical FBA” to BSP training series – 13

BSP Team Leaders• Assess change in knowledge (descriptive)

• Phase 2: Six team leaders guided behavior support teams in development of BSP for 1 student

• BSPs assessed for technical adequacy and contextual fit (descriptive)

• Phase 3: Student BSPs implemented• Direct observation data to assess:

• Impact on student behavior• Fidelity of Implementation (experimental)

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Page 100: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Pre/Post-Test Results: Assessment of BSP Knowledge

ParticipantPre Test

Post TestPercent Change

1 63% (A) 96% (B) +33%

2 67% (A) 84% (B) +17%

3 69% (A) 94% (B) +25%

4 65% (A) 86% (B) +21%

5 60% (A) 88% (B) +28%

6 63% (A) 90% (B) +27%

7 43% (A) 82% (B) +39%

8 61% (B) 92% (A) +31%

9 63% (B) 82% (A) +19%

10 45% (B) 80% (A) +35%

11 67% (B) 90% (A) +23%

12 61% (B) 86% (A) +25%

13 80% (B) 94% (A) +14%

Mean 62% 88% +26%

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Int with PB








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Int with PB

Implementation Fidelity







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Talk outs

Implementation Fidelity

% 1

0 se

c in










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Int w/ PB

Implementation Fidelity







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Int with PB

Implementation Fidelity



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% 1

0 se

c in












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Implementation Fidelity








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Implementation Fidelity








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Implementation Fidelity








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Implementation Fidelity


Page 103: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

“Work Smarter NOT Harder…”By using the 4 “P”s• Proactively build capacity- Train 1-2 school personnel in each

school with a “flexible” role to conduct FBA/BSPs for students with mild/moderate problem behaviors

• Parsimonious tools- Use simple tools and terminology that are relatable to school personnel

• Practical Trainings- Provide short training sessions that teach “less more thoroughly” based on established instructional practices

• Prioritized follow-up- Through use of quick in-training assessments to determine those participants that will require more follow-up coaching

Page 104: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Thank You for Attending!

• More information please email:

[email protected]


[email protected]

Page 105: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Where are you in implementation process?

Adapted from Fixsen & Blase, 2005

• We think we know what we need so we are planning to move forward (evidence-based)

Exploration & Adoption

• Let’s make sure we’re ready to implement (capacity infrastructure)


• Let’s give it a try & evaluate (demonstration)

Initial Implementation

• That worked, let’s do it for real (investment)

Full Implementation

• Let’s make it our way of doing business (institutionalized use)

Sustainability & Continuous Regeneration

Page 106: Training School Personnel to Implement FBA/BIP Sheldon Loman, PhD Kathleen Strickland-Cohen, PhD.

Maximizing Your Session Participation

Work with your team

Consider last 2 questions:

– What did I learn?– What will I do with what I learned?
