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TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O...

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TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872
Page 1: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •



Convention of Royal and Select Masters



June 12 and 13, 1872

Page 2: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •


.\ Com·emion of .lllnstl'icms Companions t'llpt·ef'cnting the inlet·ests of Cry pi ic ,\lnsonry, \\'liS hcl.l nt lhe 1'(10111 or Adclphic ConnciJ. Ro~·nl llltcl Helec·t :I.Cilslet'!'. '""· 7, in Council llllll , U nion S<JIIIU'Il, New Yol'l< Cit~·, nt 10 o'clocl< 11. nt. on 'Ycdncsdlly, .June 12, 1872.

I llustriou., CmnpAnion ,To,.inh 11. Dt·mnmond. of ~!a inc, made n siniemem ns to tlw object of the nl<'Clin:;c. nncl t'llad the follow­ing cnll, wbil'lt l111cl hee11 sent to llw \'urions Grsncl Councils of tho United i'itnte•:

t'OII'fi .. \XO, IMP.., ).fny 10, 1811.

Jlmrl /lhutrioltl i"Ompmlit)ll:

.\t tb~ &h'fon of thf' Grnnd Coune:U ol ""hw, h~hl on the:- &hhtl ln-.lant, lfttr • conrt ... nte \\itb Comy.aniOil.!J horn .)1.-... ~:athu.sett.s., 1 WM dif'f'tltd to tall a ('Oil\"tbtlon M Rtp~tali\M from lhr ~'u.l Gnnd C'ountlli of .Royal a1id Scl('Cl ll•'ttr.. to ulf'M. in ~t"w \·ork, in Jun~, 1872:, lor the rur­pose ol &t't-Uring uuironulty iu the- ritual, ~lt., oi tha C•·yptic 1Ut('.

Acxordingl,r, I luwe ft~ed upon the sccurut Wcdnesduy in ,Juua of LhM ycRI', r1utl you a· Ornntl t'oun.,n Is hereby im·ll ed to h(' n:oprcsented on thAt OCCMion; Ol' H your Clmnd Couuell d~Hnec~- ()r rlt!j~IN•I• to ne:l in the IH'l'nllset, we thnll be hnpllY to meet there any of lhe (."omJlrtnion., io your SttUI'.

lla:ssaehw•t'U• 111nd ~Iaine will be tht~ prtp;tl'ftl to e-xe-mt)li(y their ritual, en•n if t hey- ba'~ onl,\· tht"~h·e, to "·llnt·~ h.

Due ooti~ of tht pia~ o{ nte<et'ing •·Ill 1)(' ginn.

"ioura. fmt~THII11~··

,JOSL\11 B. Ol\U)I)IO:<O.

M MI JlluitriOlUI ( 'OHt/j411fiOn:

l'OttTLASD, i.\Jnrc.h t, UJ72.

'rhe C6ti\'tmlion rt(trrt(l to in th~ lor~tn~ tt~11 will ult'tt. .. l t11t- Countll lfall. No.8 l"nion squut, ,;t"W \'ol'k, on t~ day named, at 10 o'tloek to the (ono-noon.

Yoli.Til fratel'nfl.lly,


Page 3: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

8 Transactions of the

The CIIII\'Cnlion wns Ol'f(llnizcd by the election of Illustrious Compnnion William I'. Andcrli<Jn, of ) fnssnchuserts. ns tcm­t>OI'fii'Y Pl't>sidrnt. nncl Illush·ious Companion 'I'bomns J . Cm'Oon, of l\cw .rorsc,l'. lc111p01·nry Scrtchu·.v.

Tho l'rcsillcnl nppointc<l ns n Committee on Ct·edcntinls:

Un1x·ns Higginhothnm, of New ,Jersey . . r. E<hYin Mnson, of nisll'ict Columhin . . Tosinh n. D1·nmmnml. ur :ilfni n~.

The committe<~ reported lbo following clclcgn1es ns present, wh ich I'CJlOI't wns ncccptctl. "'"' nil the Compuoions: nn mcd lhcl·cin were 1-eccil·erln~ me~ubcrs of lhe Con,·cntion :

A 1 •. \HAll.t\­


Cn"" ecrroUT-

!J .. LJ:XOTS-


NJ-:W BJt\-."XSWTC"It­

NEW Jmtijt:Y-

ll. n. Webl•. .John W. Si111nns (?>I'O:>!!f) •

J oscph K. Wheeler. 1. \\'. Cut•pent.c•·· F1·cd H. Wnldeu. ,y_ n. Higby .

• Jonnllnon .l. l"•·cnch. Gordon R. Gnrdcn. .Tosiu h H. Drummond. Chnrlcs rr. N OJ'I'iS.

'Yill inm P . Andco·son. Gco''f!C 'J'n pic~·. F;. w. Fni•·chilu. E. A. Dnnicls.

" '· .\ . P rnll. .Uieu McT>owcll (J))'(>D'!f). U. 1-'rccl Wi ltsie (pro:,.y). Thomns .J. Co•·sou . . J. Shcville . . 1. T. Sey-mour. '1'. H . R Uc<lwuy. M. Lligginbolhnm.

Page 4: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

Conve11tio11 Qf Rovctl a111L Select Ma$!en


Rnoor. Is~.lxo-­

Tt!N;N l!SS. .. :t-;-

\Y r$CO.NSl.S-

G. ~···~cl Wiltsie. Jnckson II. Cllosc. Ocorgu W. '!'horne. P. 0. c. D<lllSOil.

Thomns U. Cnl'l'.

l:itillmnn 'While.

1~. Rdmundsou. G. S. nlncldt•.

Willium C. Swnin.


The following Compan ions were tluly ncrrcdiled f1·om Lnfny­ctle Comll'il, ·w,>sbinglon, D. C.:

Ed win B. MeG rott,l' . . J. l!:dwiu i\Lnson.

The .folluwing Compn_nionn:. uol n!"c.a-cdjtc<l 1Hl dclcgolco} WC.I'C


Onro-Sou•J•n c .. , ROt..JN A-

'£honHtS A. Cunningham.

WiUinm ~L Cunninghnm.

Albert G. Mnckey.*

~I \rt(•t·s ll1(301NllOTIIA.lt,


.)o•J.\ 11 ll. Dnnmoxo, Committcq.

The Pl'csidcnt nppointc<l ns o Committee on ·rrrmnnt•nt Or· gunbmtion:

.1 . T. Soyn1om'. of Now Jersey. Willinm C. Swnin, of 'Yisconsin. R D. Webb, of AJnbnmn.

Page 5: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

10 Tr·a,..aclions qf the

Tho committw ·~ported Cor pennonenl oOire•-s or the Con­\'CJltion:

,..or l'rf.•idr,.t, (;cmlon H. Gno~len, of ;\(nine. Fvr .~e~rrtary. 'l'honuos .J. Cor<iOn, of Xew Jeo-se~·.

Compouion Gno~len cleelint'<l to nccept the nppoiutment, whet~upon Compnnicm .J <l'in h II. Drummond. of :\In inc, was placed in his ~tend. The ~ommittee •n~uently •-.:ported for Yicc-Po't"<ident.:

Tllom11s n. Corr. of Xoo1h Carolina. W .• \.. Prnll, of i\!i<..onri.

Tbe Cono·ention unnnimouoly eleett'<l tlw oOiceo-.. ns follows:

Pro4idcnt. Jo&inh )1 . Drummond. of Moine. Fir8l !'ice-l'ruidcnt, Thom11s B. Cnn·. of Xo..th Cnrolinn. Scumd l'irc·P>-t8idcnl, W. A. Pr11ll. of ;\lissonl'i. Scov:tart;, Thomns J. Cor~<on, or Kew .ler;;ey.

On mol ion of Compn niun ,\.llll'l'l (; . ~I nckey, I he P 1·csiclent ICompnnion • \ nclet·ocm) n ppoi nted the rc>l lowi ug Commit tee on Uules :

\\'. A. Pmll, of i\!iSS(l\ll'i. Gonion H. On 1·den, of ~l ni uu. E. Edmundson, of T~nn~<sec. G. Fo•cxl \Villsio, or New Yol'lc. T. B. Con·, .... r Noo·th Cno-olinn.

The committee uu1cle the following 1-cport, which wns adopted:

Rule 1. In thf' d~hlou of all llU~llonJ ~tore the COIJ"l·enlion, eueh Sfble or Dlrtrlt-t. shnll be.'! tntltltd to tllrft" ,.,.tt•, to IN C1l .. t. by delegnles, If wucb have \xofn cho-tn. or In the a~n~ of n•~h dtltgat~M by their pro:des, and io cue no delq-.tt-4 b,., ... bttn ('lf'f'tfd or Al)pointtd, the: <rota lllll:f be caat. by any po•t. or ptN>ut oftittr or <~U«"h Council or Orand Cou-MU, the ~-'mt' having brotn a~pttd by tht C'ornmittft on Credtntiab and reported lo thiJ Conrtnlion.

ln ta~ of thue hth'lf lM) 41<'1«1:illt·i or rtp""".-uutln••, fUl~A~nt, tb~ b.igb~t. oftkotr •h•ll be tntltlfd to tuo \dl~ and thfl othC"r to 4'1tlt'.

Page 6: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

Conuetttion of the Roua! and Select Master~. JI

Rule n. No w~rubcr .l!bRJI be RHO\\'C'd to !J)C:\k on l't.ny (lue&tion IIIOra than five J.ninu(es., without nnonimoua c:on~nt, no1' n ~ond tlm~ wtthout. pc.nuif14.101) from the Prc"ldent,

\\'. ~"-· Ptt .. H.I.,

C. Jt. 0-AILPF.:q',

t:::. Eo.uu~DSOX, G. F. Wtr:rSf&t T. n. o..\mc,


On motion of C<lmpauiou T. 1:L H. Redwuy, Companions 0. Freel lriltsie, G. W. Thome and J . Shoville, of Now York, were appointed a committoo to procu re 11 room for tho ntoeting of the C01wention this evening. Th!!. committee reported tbat t\ •·oom in this hflll would be nt tho sen·ico of this Convention, which t•eporL wos adopted.

E. Ednmndson, of Tennessee, ,T. E. 1\:U.son, of Dist.rict Collun­bin, nnd R. D. Wcbv, of A ln boma, were fl)lpointed n committee to report whnt 1nnUers sltotLid be bt·ougbt before the Convention. T he conunillee pt-esented the following, which wtiS ncloptecl:

Your Commith"C: on Uut~in(.l!Ss he•·cby reporl: We l't"«»llUittnt.l to the! Co1wtnUon Uu~ Appolnlmc.nt of eommiltees ""

follow~: , Ist. On Nouu:ne.Jntul't!: to raport proper nnmes of onicers of the Grnnd

nnd subordinate tmdi~, 1\nd auuuea of tho meetings of the sam!!. 2d. A Committ~ on tho Order nnd :Somber of l>egre¢!. lo b<' eonfcrred.

lu .eubordinnte Coun~ilJ i csnd 3d. A Committee on the Exeu1pliflootion of the Work.

E. E'DMmmso~. RD. WEDB1

JOU::X EDWIZ\' )f-"SO~, Committe~.

Tho Pr~idcmt. (Componi<.m CM·1· in i ~~~ c-hni 1·) o.pJ-.nintPd thP. committees, ns follow6:

On Aomenclal·rtre-

J osinb H. Drmrunoncl, of :Muine. Thomns .J. Col'son, of New Jersey. W. P. Andc•-son, of Mnssnrhusctts.

Page 7: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

12 Trtmwctio•• of the

On On/a il!UI Xflmln,. "/ lll'!ftWtt­

\\', .\. ]>,.nJI. of )Ji"nm·i. .Joh 11 \\'. Ri"'"""· ,,r New Y n~·k. G. Fml 1\'ilhit•. or ;\(II\' Ynrk.

011 f.'umplijiN1liml of lrtw~~

.Jolut Shodllc, or Xt•w ,lcr..e~ . • \Jbcrt G . .\Jn•·ke,\. of Smnh Ca1'01inn. C. Tl. Xor•i~. nf .\lu'''"'"""'tt"

ComJ>nnion .\nd~l'-'111. or ~ln!>'ndlllselt~. <>lle"''l illl' fnllowiug 1'l'}.Oiut ion:

lltiJOit't<t.l. 'l'hhl H I• llu• I•WU"i('! or tbi• {'on\'t'llliOI) t11at llw ('rypUo df'~l'Ni .!tihouhl hr. undt•a· th•· ··x••ltl .. h't' Ju••l .... li l'lion nf C:rnntl eouu(lll ... 1111 11 thn.t 11(1 IIJIIl l'lb6ultl tx_. f(I('O~nizt"'1 n• " ll'~ulnr t 'tHIIIJO'Inion uf thr Jtht•, ''hca lm"' 1101 l't'C'('hl'\l tbt' lk'l!rt>t>-t unth•r .. nc·h juri dlctlnn.

1\'hich. nftet' di-cu,,inn. "'"' ~fl'l'l't'<l to a 'IK~·i11l •~munittl-e. f"mhh .. tin:z o( Compnnious Cnn·. ,,f Xt~rth Cnrttliun. 'fhurul•. uf X rw York. nod \Yill'eh•r. ur Con1wct il'llt.

On motion of Cmupnniuu Cl. \\'. Thorne, tho Cnmpnnion' of .Mn!-,nciHI!'<!tts nnd ~!nino wr<-e i1l\'ilt<l to exemplify the Wlll'lc of tho clin·e,,enL dega·ct'~ t h i~ t'''<min~.

Ou motion of Compnnion U. 1~. \\'iltsie. it wn~ •·c,oh ed thnl when this Com·ontion ndjourn it ndjom·n to mt'<'t nl S n'ciO<·k thi~ erening.

On motion of CNnl>nninn \Yilluun P .. \n.Jer-on. llw Com­panions of Xcw York \\e<X• in\'ited to exempli(~· tl<e work of the deiP"""' nt 10 o'dCll'k !omen'""' morning.

On motiw or COIIIJ)IIIlinn G. F. Wiltsie, Compnnion .r. 11. Mm·<·ny, of .\delphi!' Comwil, No.7. wns employed to t,vlr fOI' this Ct~nYcnlion.

lt "'"" resolwd thnt the hout· for the moruing '"'simi be 0 u '••IO<·k.

Page 8: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

Conuention of Roual and Solect Masters. IH

Om·in~t the >(>""ion Compnnions .J. P. Dot~mu,. ,\L P. G. )[.; Churte, Bt"<·hwl, P. G. )1.: J. \Y. Pt"e..ey, C. W. Chose, Pcter Oohh• nncl Clcurg~ Scott. of X~w .)erhl!~·· Componions J. ~[. Knnpp nne! llenry R Slont. of Xew York, nnd oth~c· Compnnions. W(!l't.~ pt'CM•nt RS \'h,i lQI'S.

()on,·cnl ion utljotu·ncd.

" 'r.ux..:tUMl', .J une l~, 1872.

'l'h~ Cnnl'~ntiun re:t~mblcd nt 8 u'docl; p.m. on Wcdncsdny . .fmw 12. in the llnll of .\delphic Couneill Cnmpunion Cnt·t· pr~­'idin!!.

Tit~ w01·k of the degr«>S Wll> th~•• e~emplified with the follow­in!! t':t'l of C>llic·~•.,:


t-;DWI;'!i U .. \lct;Jorr\·, Of ])i.,.tdt'\- uf ("OHUU011t, Jl. I. Jlu.tp·

l'nn,Jtt S. CRAIH, of Di'"t.ritt of ColumbiA , . • • . ft. 1. llttttcr Or.olt(.lt: TAri.XY, of 'la~thlJ.;cit.ot, . . 1. ,\1. of Work \\"n.I.IA)' l\ .\xnr.ftSOS1 of ~L"'";oMliU .. l·H~ . . • • • • • • . • . ('lllil. Q/ Guard OO.li"IQN n. n,\JIUr.~, (1( lluinr . ••• • . • •• • •• • • • . • . •• ('fJmluctor .lollS EtiWlN ~1·'-.!iO:O:, o( WMhillJ.,:lOU •• . •• , • ... •• .. •••. ..... •• se,~liiiC!I ,J, l l. .\(URILl~o Y, of ~cw York . •.•••. . , ...•• o o , , , •• o.. • • • • • • • • o 1'ylo,.

ltOL\J. I)E{:U 1·:~:.

\\'uJ,IAil P. ,\Not:au;o~. of lla111•11t"lut~U~ .. •••••• . Pllll.LJI' S. CuJo, of Distriet of ColumbiR .. c:cor.tGC TAPIT.Y, of lflli$llehtL#o(!tt~ ..•• t::. U. McOJtOTTv. of Distritt Q( Colurubilt. ••.•••• C:ottoo:c R. 0A&n0', of .)Iaine . . . •••• ~ , .•• JOliN Eowax )(ASOS, of ))i<otrid of Columbin

'>l'PER·EXCF.t.U::O:T m-:nn£~:.

PIIIIJI• K ("'a.o\10, of Die.lriet. or Colmnbh' •••

. )1. I . Jtosteo­. 11, I. Jla&ter

Jl. of Ce<. . ('cr,u. v/ Owunt o ••••••• f"!J11ductof'

. • . ~Otfi•d

(:oamos lt. (:.\Rilt:!'\, of )binr . .. ...... .... o o, ••••• ••

.. .JJ. J.:.c. KiHg . . o.Cqmp. Gcd . . t•t K. of 2'.

. . .... .. u /1 •• , 7' .

.. .. .. . .. ~d. K . of 'F.

WILlJAl.l )'. 1\:-nut~S. of )ln""~lehu .. tlt ...... . (:t:.OIIUti T,\l•t.t:\', of )l n~<'-hll>l(.'t.ts • .. • , •••• JOliN l~U\\'IS ~r ... sox, or Di~t.rif'l of ('ohuubil\ •

Page 9: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

/ 4 Tra111aclion3 of the

On motion of Compnnion Wiltsie, of New York, U1e thnnk-s of the Cmll'ention \\'CI"e tendCI't'<l to the Companions of :\ftti ne. MnS!.nchnsetls nnd Di;trict of Columbin. f01· the exceedingly in­te•-esting nnd l>l'olicient mnnnet· in which they hn ,.e exemplified the work of the !>4'\·e•·nl degre~.

Con \Cnt ion ndjotll'fl('(l.

'J'n'~DAY1 July 13, 1$7:!,

'l'be Convention renSM'mblcd in the Hall of Adelpbic Council nt 9 o'clocl< o. m., Compnnion Drummond in the choit·.

The minntl'8 of )'l.,te•-dn)•'s proceeding~~ were rend nnd np­pt-o•·ed.

' l'hc wo•·k of I he Ro~•nl nnd &llcet dcg1-e<'S wns exemplified by thn Companions of New Yot·k (the work on the Super-Escellent degree ueing t>tn illecl, il being slnlcd lhnt the New York work on thnt tleg•-ee wns tlrce isely the some nR !hut exemplified the e•·en· ing hcforl') t,~·-

,J ucl<son I I. Chn8c ........... .. ..... .. . ns T. I. Jl. J. J. Mn •·tin .. ................... ns R.I. Deputy. ,T. Senl'lu ..... ..... ...•............. ns /. P. 0. lf' ll. J. Bogle .. . .................. . .. . . us 0. of C. W. G. McK night. . ........ . ............ ns 0. (lj 0.

On motion of Ootn]Jnnion W. P. AJlllc•·son, of 1\fnssnehusctts, the t hnuks of th~·Cotwcution wcl'e •·ctlll'necl to the Compnnions of New Yo•·k f()r the nhlc, efficient nnd ~nutifu l monnet· in which they hnd exemplifil'd the d~gt'('('S.

On motion of Compnnion Cnr•-. of North Cnrolinn. the &ere· tory wns nutbot·iz(.'(l to fnt·ni•h the proceedings of U1e Convention to tbo pt-ess lor publknl ion.

T he Specinl Committee to whom wos 1'\'ferred the resolution offered by Cornpnnion W. 1>. .\nderson nt yesterdny's meeting,

Page 10: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

Co1111tntion of Rov<ll and Stltt:t Ma1ter1. 15

•·~pOt'll•d the foUowing J>t"\lnmble und t-csolulion, which wct-e ndnpted ' •

1\'lif''<ro#, Jn wme JuriAdlrUon• thto quMliOn Juts 1)(1('11 utootNI of sur· I'Nidtdu~ tho Cryptic d•-gi'N'A to tlte thAf)i.('J'&: ~tnd

\l"hcrto•, There aro uumy C'ornp.~u•ioni who hn,•e recth·l';l tho dC'g~ lu f"hAJilflrs., 01 from SoY('rt'fJ(n lnliJW"t'tOn of the Ancitnt nnd A«"t~J1t('(l Hitc; thtrdotf.'

lluolrcd, That it It the ttnll of lhl• C<n:rftDtion that the- t'Q-J1tlc d~ ,...-f'tt" •hould bt undtr tht- "xths .. lw~ jurl&dlttioo of (;rand t'oun··ll•. •nd tlaat no ftnr •houltl M rt"ro'~nfud M a Corupanlon of thi" ntt .. "ho hA• not ,..... ~h-("ll 1hc d(lgt"ftS in n. l~t~\\ fully ('OD•tlt.uttd Council, or h> authorh,· ol lbt" RUJ)n'IUC Cotmcil of lht- .\n<'lcnl .-nd •\eetptOO Rite, prE>\·Iou' In thl'f dtAtP, 01' I"H"t'l1 I"'' (ully hcnll'tl.

T. J3. C•nn, 0. W. l'll011Sr.1

.f. 1\. Wur.t:Ut111 f'mJuttiOt.-.

The Committee on :\ouwtwlnture mncle ihc followiul( "'JlOrt. whirh wn~ adopted :

'l'lw Committee on Xomrndniure recommend~ lhe following fm· title!< of Gmncl nml -.ulxmliuate bodic;; of lhe Ca·y)>tir Rite:

llost. lllu!l!triou4 Onnd ~ln"~ter. Depuly (';mml ~ll•alc •·· Grnml t)dntltH\I Coutluc;-tOr or Work. Omnd Trt't\~H I'l'r. C:mn•t llN'Onl..r, t.raml CaJ>tah• of the GuArd-.. Grand C'omh1t'lo1 vi tht" ('ouUoCII. (;nnd Stf'want. Grand ~dt inti.

To which ma~· ~ addtd Orand Cllapl•in. and Onnd lle..,.hat or Onnd Ml'*'tf'r o( C<"r("rnonJt-o.

for l'ltlbordlnnte Counellt omll th~ word .. Gmml ," 11nd In ~Into or thu. wnr1l "Mo•t," (or fln-t f'lffiC<' I'1 u..o the word '"fhri~."

Tht·Y Al80 r('('()m mend 1hnt m(.'(!tlngs of Bodit11 or lhi~t Rite ttt ciN1om· l nntC!d u~mbHes.''

JO$tAU ll. Dnulu.to~u. Tno»A£s J. ConRO!t, \\'u.uA:W: P. As-or.:a~so.

ro,.. .. illrt.

Page 11: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

16 Tra11$aclion$ o/llle

'!'he Conuniu~e on 01'(lcr ond :\ •m•bc•· u£ 0<-g•·ces •-epo•-Lcd os lollows:

).tour t\)IUIIIitll'f! to whom Wft<i l't'fcrn"CJ the '!Ubj(o("l Of 010rtlt'r nnd ~umbc·r ot ..0.'t'rt'1."•," wo\lld N.\os(X'C'Hully ~port:

'l'hnt in tt.o opinion of your conunitlt't! ihc df'JP't.'f'" ol Cryptic ).fn'Jonry !ihOUitl C'Oilllil'!t. or

lil_, Roylll lln.{'!ter. 2tl, S<>ll!et Mo!h~•··

In rt"J.;11rd to the Super·ExC!'C!'Il('nt )(n.,h•r'"' I:A•:,:rh", ~·our cornmitlee ~n "" uo ~~ rt'll~on \\by it ~hould bt! ~tnin~l in lht• .\uw•rimn nit~. •I!• it iut'ulc•11M" nn ft' ... flllit not better htttght. t.l~\\ Iter('.

G. J-·ar.o Wu.nm.:.. w. _\, 1 ... \U... Jonx sm.uu.1:..


On 111n1iou of Compnnion \\". P .• \ ml~'"""'· or 1\lnssnchnselts. lhl• l'!•pod wns rccch·cd nnd •-efcrrcd lo the Cmumillc<> on J;;xem­plirien I ion of \V ork.

On 111ntiun or Compnnion Shcvil lt•. or Nt•w .Tm'Sry lhr title of the "Cnn1mith•r on l:xemplifo<·nliou uf \\'ork'' "'"' t·hnnged lo "Cmuu ill1•e 011 W01·k.''

On muliun uf Companion T. ll. Owr. of Xo1·1h Cn1-olinn. as olmen<lt'<l by C'unpnnion E. Ednnnul,..,n. of Tennt'SS(>('. it was ...... olwd thnl 1he Committee on Work Ill' in<·•x'n«'<l (rom three to nin~.

Ou lll!lliOII of Compunion )L llii(jl'illllntlwm. ur Xcw .Tc·~~·. tho: Pn•sid<•lil WIIS I!''" nll'll d ist·•-..1 i111111 1',\' puw1•••s in I he sdee1 iou or lhl• ('0111111illre.

Page 12: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

Convention qf Roval and Stltd •lla,:;lt::.r•:.;· ____ _..:..;l7

The l't-e<id~ut nnnounced the followiug a. the Committee on Wol'k:

.John She\'ille, of Xcw .JN-sey. l~clwin B. :i\fcGt"OHy, of Dislt·ic·t uf Columbin. Chnl'l('!! 11. Xcm·is. of llnssach u~ll•. ' l'homns F.. Cln t•t·ctt. of :'>lissom i. Snmtwl ~I. Tmlrl. of Louisinun. Will inul ;\I. Cunn inghnnt, of Ohio. R. [). Wchb. of Alnbnmn. K Jo:tlmundS<m. o( Tenncssc~. C:cmlon R Gn t·clcn. of Mninc.

On motion or Compnnion J. J!:dwin ;\!"""'· or District of Coluntbin. il w~s

Jl~lnd, That whtn thio; Cmwt-ution Adjnurn, i\ Atljnu"' to mf'Ct in thf' ril,. of !\tw \"nrk, an llw ..(oeontl W("'ID4.• .. •lll>· nl .luttf•, l~i3. tn f"('e('i\'4." thl" tt•JtUit ur tltl' C'cmttuill~"1 1 ou \\"or~. ~\nd th•t \114" P~itlt·nt .... 1Uilhori2'A."d to I~!Ut~ tlftullu~ to ttu• difTtoN'nt Orand ('oundlw, hl\itluJ{ tht,n to ... c·lHl t'Cl'r'e­lo,('011H ivc•<~. Hl *uth mM't ing.

On 11111tion. tlw tlwnl<s nf tltc Cml\'c•nticm WN'<• tPtltiCl'c<l to lhe Ot·n•HI ('ound l <or Xcw Ynl'k. Adclph ic• ('nmwil. Xn. 7, nml lho Mn~un ic llc1cl irs <k'~ll pying this hnl l. I'm· iloc us~ of llll• t·oom nncl fo t• ft'lll~ l ' ll lll nttenlinns lwslOWt•d ' '" t ilt• llWllliJNS nr lh~ Con· \'Cnt ion.

On lliOiion or Compnnion , \ ndel'hOII. or ~ [ns<nrhnsctts. the thnnkb of the Conl'ention wet-e lendcrt'd to the l't't'<ideut. \'ice­Prt.""'idt'nt.., nntl !'ccretary. Cor tb~ ,_ati~fnc:IOl'Y nmmlcr in which Lhc~· hn<l JIC•·rm·med their re<pcct ;,·e dntic-.

On nauliun of Ccnnpanion 1'. S. ('t·ni:r. nf Di•ll·it•t or Co­lumllin. ,Josinh I I. Dt·nnunond. of ) !nine .• Jnt•lc<nn I I. Chose, of New Ym·lc, nnd " "illinm 1' . . \ nclct·""'· .. r )J ,.._-.,nc·lmsotts. wel'e R)lJ)ninh••l nn .\ ch·i''"'·'' Bon t·tl. to ut•t in •·nnjnnttiun with the c.,nnn illte ron Wcwk

Page 13: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

18 Tra11~aetio11 of tile

On motion of Companion 'f. Jl. Cnn·, of North Cna-olion, the Prc.sident wns aut hor ized to publish ofllcinlly the p rocccclings of this Con,·cnt ion in pnmphlet form , nnd with them n ci rcul nr to the Grnnd Councils.

'l'he animates of this day's session hndng boon a·cnd and np­pro, ·cd, tho ConYCnli<m nl 2 :!30 o'clock p. m. ndjona·ncd, lo meet "l"" in on the secoud Wcdnw lny of ,June, 1873.

J OSf AH 1·1. DRUMlltOND, PrMid.,it.

'l'a-aoJrM .1. Coat~"• S d<'I'Cfnl'!l·

Page 14: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

Co•wention of Rovalantl St/et:t Ma•ltrz. 19


CffiClJLAR TO Tilt: GILL'"']) COtiSCJI.'!.

To tho J108t nfNttriOII.j OJ'.n"tl lt(llt(IY8, O{fiCtCY-t (tnd Jlcmbcrt o( tho «t:Crol Gnwd ('om•(lilt of Jloyal oml Scleot .IIQ31trs.


Th{l! Convention of Roynl and ~~lf'Ct ~lasters belli in New York, June 12. 1872, tlil'ffted me. u Uu:lr prt'lding officer, lo in\lt' tr. clrtulnr to you in reftrtnce to Dnother ~lott of thlat t'onnntioll, to bt. Mid by adjournment, In ~"'ew llork, on t.be M"COnd Wtdt\('10(1ay of Junt, 1873.

From the fot'\"ggiog om('lal report of itA tran.s.ction•, you will ptreeh·e th"t {ourt«a Gf"'lnd C~un~H•. •nd 'he Con:nc:il in tbt J)l,trltt of Columbia, wt1cre no Grand Council ~i"t"· W('~ repre~nted by duly a~a·~llt('r(l dclt'g"'t.f ... , nnd memben of LWO ot.btr GrRnd Councils were J)~ut. nJld p1u·tielp"ltd in tl10 JHOC('C(tii\f»'i!.

Se''<'Till ot tho GI'And Cotmelllf, not. .-.,p~nted, l111d ciL'OINl dcl('ogntes, who from ne!t'ideut. or oUu:ut 1!41UJ('!C fniled to 1\tlcnrl: ind~od. I Ond tlutt tcr1 olh£1f Ornntl Couneib Rt:t~l (M'01'nbly upon Uat ))fO))O!itlon for tho ron,·cntion ttntl exp~ted to bo reprel('nted In lt. Of the few other&, *")' drt"ulnr failed to rMeh eoane, and. only t.wo 11dNI nth·e~ly upon the r)ro(I'OI'ttllon.

1"b~ fortgOing repOrt of thf' tran~t'Uon<a show~ only \\hal "'h ae:tunlly d(»tt, and omit& all the dl•4.'U'-•Ion~.

The fln;t q-uaUon IH'hc:nlfd \\A~ in ~fcrtnee lo tbe exJ)("dl(•ncy of c-nlti­vaUnu 1ht dt~ at all; th1 t. ".,. nnanlmous:Jy aeUitcl In tho aftinnatn· ... and 11uth wa.i thl'! dtt:ided &Cntltnrnt of H•e Com·eulion.

Upon the qu~tion of I'CJiuiU lng the •lt"grees to tho (;mnd OhnJ)l('r~J, whirh WM htlly a.nd frtcly dlteu,.~l. tht' Conq•ntimt wn" unl111lmou" 11guhu"t the tH''OJ)Ottilion, and in mW~t. tlrohlt•tl ltWmfi ''~''OJ•cd the sya.lem of GtJUid Couucll4. tn eonne-c:Uon with U•is. H .. \!I'M nunonnced thot the ChAJ'lert l u the Dl111trl(l or Cohur1bil\ had ('(!1\~l to C'Ou f(lr lhf: C'mm~ll de~, and Umt lht' C'omruanion.s In )fl'ryland ctbd \Yest \'lrgJniR flff' tnl.:ing nc:th·e men~u~ to t.<'t••arate tht~ dtgrf'6 from the Chapten., 01ltl plflet' them undeT tbe e:n•lu•h to juri~Nildlon or Cnnd Councils. 'l."'hi<J would I«"R\'f the Cbap1er 'Y'"tem &lrtutling only in

Page 15: TRANSACTIONS - Cryptic Masons · TRANSACTIONS OF THE Convention of Royal and Select Masters HEt..O IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK June 12 and 13, 1872 •

20 Conutnti~n qf Roual ant/ Stitt' Ma1ttn ----\"lQ:Inia ami -r,.,,,... It "•" al~ armountf'tl Hun ('ounf"ll .. hrul 1.,...,.. formf'tl in t;n$tl•nd un•li·r lht~ authorhy of the Gtawl ('ount"il nf \"t"\\ York, and I hat a c;nwd ('mmril would I~ fnnnt<l lhtre al An {"arly dfl,\,

• epon the r\NilJJiintation of the work it wM fot•ud that" M~riouJ tlifftr­c.·nct of OJllnlon ''''"'~! in rrftonmeo to tJu.• tmmb<·r •md onler of tbtt dC;f!l'N'i, and thnL thc•n- Arf' "'ub"tnnlinl rlitr<-•rcm,,..... llt't""'"t·n lhn rltu"l-. ol diffc1'fDi j Hrl""lltllou.-. •r,, .. ~·ulr th('..e, r~qui.Jt.od morC! 111M ihnu Lh1· Cou,·tution tottld N)lumn ul1. nn•l It \\illi df'lCol'mirwd to n•mlt. tltC'"'I.l uuUh•1'"' tn n c•ommlU~. UJ>On whicth Comr>nniouli from c:mnd Caunt'JI!I nQL r·ttpr~:•potnte•l !'lhould nll>i) 1;.«.• np• JlOlnlf'•l. 'rill .. nN·o~·~ .. tn·il~· im·olwd nn mljOUl'UNI ~W""~"Iiln uf lhc C'om·c•utiou, tuul It '"'"' •lt'<'ill<'d to :uljonrn tor :t ycn t• to gh•t• th(' (I()IUtllhtt~(' full tilutl to n,.ct'('(• UfK\11 " n-a)o(lrl. to nftonl the Grund Cooutll~ nu OflflOrtuuft~· to art tt)JOn thl• HWJ,~IIh'«~ l't'('()mmrndrd. •tnll ~f>ecinlly 1.4') l!t<'Ut'(' 11 mnro lull n•pn'M'n1ntion.

tf th~ t'uun('il .. y8"lt'lll it, to bl' rontiuu~tl, iL "hrmM tl(l modf' unilurm: It ftlll \1(1 tn1td•· uniform only by united ttt'lion: M" t·<tn .. ,"·un• unht"tl lldicm unl~ 1;)· mf'ltu' b( "ueb ft ("o.n,·tntion. 1. thrn-(orr. in l"'lloH ot th~ Con\·C'ntion. ntQ->t ~rn~- .. tly nlmnu•t:t.~.l to ~·our r:arly and la\·omblr (';')n .. l!ltmtion th~ r~rn· mt·n•IRIInn h IUilkt·- to yon. and o-,k. in onln to uu•kt h .. fuum.• IU11~n u~lul anll In Al'f'OliiJlli .. b tht' J.U'J~- for wbit'b it "n• t"r~·.atrtl, lh•H )'NI b..• rt>IJN!· ... ·ntf'll at i1t1 adjuurntd ,.,..... .. ion..

\l tltat tirn~ h J«~ C).)M'ttcd lhl\t tbt~ \\ jiJ hf. lll't'~~nttd 1hf' qu(>o,tiOR Of

m'llkiltu til(" t 'c\IUN·il •'"ri'"~ p•·~rt-qui ... itl· tn tbl" UrdN· .. M K.ni~hl.h~l. in ()tdtr to tut~k(' thf' ·•.\turdl'tUI ,..~-.. lrm" Mnlinuau"' ""'' ,tnifmm.

ll~· ordrr of Ote Com·r1nlon •

• lOS.l.\11 II. DIU )l)IOND. i'r<•i<knl.
