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Transatlantic Romanticism An Anthology of British, American, and Canadian Literature 1767-1867 SUB Gottingen 220 006 61X QA 2007 A 428 Lance Newman California State University, San Marcos Joel Pace University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire Chris Koenig-Woodyard University of Toronto at Mississauga New York Boston San Francisco London Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore Madrid Mexico City Munich Paris Cape Town Hong Kong Montreal
Page 1: Transatlantic Romanticism - · PDF fileTransatlantic Romanticism An Anthology of British, ... (Declaration of Independence) ... On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western

Transatlantic Romanticism

An Anthology of British, American,and Canadian Literature

1767-1867SUB Gottingen220 006 61X QA

2007 A 428

Lance NewmanCalifornia State University, San Marcos

Joel PaceUniversity of Wisconsin, Eau Claire

Chris Koenig-WoodyardUniversity of Toronto at Mississauga

New York Boston San Francisco

London Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore Madrid

Mexico City Munich Paris Cape Town Hong Kong Montreal

Page 2: Transatlantic Romanticism - · PDF fileTransatlantic Romanticism An Anthology of British, ... (Declaration of Independence) ... On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western


Preface xx

Introduction 1

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706-1790) 25 : • • . ' , •••

Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One 26Information to Those Who Would Remove to America 31Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America 36 ; ':

SAMSON O C C O M (1723-1792) 40 . ; ; ; : ; : _

S. Occom's Account of Himself Written Sept. 17, 1768 41 '. ''• • ',."'•

FRANCES J i R O O K E ^ c . 1724^178?) 46 . , . .

from The History of Emily Montague 47 . • ' ; . . . .'.

EDMUND BURKE (1729-1797) 56

from A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the_ Sublimeand Beautiful ' 57 ' ;- i . • • ' , /

from Speech of Edmund Burke, Esquire, on Moving His Resolutions forConciliation with the Colonies 62 > if

from Reflections on the Revolution in France 67 • - ' fV •'•'

OLIVER GOLDSMITH (1730-1774) .;74 .; • '',.. ; : ; '

from The Deserted Village 75


\\ Oliver'GoldsinitH( 1794-1861 ),iVom The Rising Village '83 '! ' ; '':

Timothy Dwight (1752-1817), from Greenfield Hill 90


from Letters from an American Farmer 96 ! . ,".

Page 3: Transatlantic Romanticism - · PDF fileTransatlantic Romanticism An Anthology of British, ... (Declaration of Independence) ... On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western

viii Contents

T H O M A S PAINE (1737-1809) , .1.09.., . - - ,

from Common Sense 110

from The Rights of Man 122

THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743-1826) 125

from Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson (Declaration

of Independence) 126

from Notes on the State of Virginia 131


Revolutionary Republicanism 142

BRITISH PARLIAMENT (1767): 144. • r.:'.{'. \

e To.wnshend Acts.

6J A M E S M A D I s 6 N ; ; ( . 1 7 5 1 - i § 3 6 ; ) ; ,447,",.;". V V ' ^ . ' . ' . '. f ; ; - / , . [ . , ' ; "

T h e F e d e r a l i s t . N i i m b e r , 1 0 , r j , , ^ - j - . ^ V : ,,, . . . , . - , - •.-'•-, ; . , - . > , .. • ; .:.I S A A C H U N T ( 1 7 5 1 - 1 8 0 9 ) ' ' 1 5 2 "' " " "

T h e P o l i t i c a l F a m i l y f . ^ , , • • . , , • . ' ; - , . . , ,

J O E L B A R L O W ( 1 7 5 4 - 1 8 1 2 ) , 1 6 0 ; . / "^ ' ' ' " ' [ " \f r o m T h e C o l u m b i a d ' •.,. . .L- •• • . . . • . .

M I L C A H M A R T H A M O O R E ( 1 7 4 0 - 1 8 2 9 ) 169

The Female Patriots. Address'd to the Daughters'oif Liberty in America, 1768'

W I L L I A M G O D W I N ( 1 7 5 6 - 1 8 3 6 ) J < 171 -• ' ••"- •'•':-..'; ••••:.:-i~ •.;'.:" n.

from Letters of Advice to a Young American

A N N A L A E T I T I A B A R B A U L D ( 1 7 4 3 - 1 8 2 5 ) ^ ^ p

E p i s t l e . t o W i l l i a m W i l b e r f o r c e . 1.7.9,^;. , - ^ - : , IJ -J '...••:• •:•.-.-L'';o : , - • •• i •

T h e R i g h t s o f W o m a n 1 8 2 \ r ,»o . - , ^ . ' ; ;-• i • • ' . • <•. -• - r ' . s.!.-'.. '

E i g h t e e n H u n d r e d a n d E l e v e n y 1 8 2 i ?v ;••". • >lr : • -••'•J r . , : / , / ; . . I < \ ] ; / J r , . i ;

Washing-Day 190

The Hill of Science, a Vision.. 193;- - f j -• ' P , - ; :";")• : •": "

The Female Choice. A Tale. 195 , ., v ,J • '

O L A U D A H E Q U I A N O (c . 1 7 4 5 - 1 7 9 7 ) . . 196 ,, . , , , , . , . . . . , , . . . '.

from The Interesting Narrative of the Life qf.Qlaudah Equiano,, or .Gustayus

Vassa, the African 197 . . „ ' . . . .^ . ,

PHILIP M O R I N F R E N E A U ( 1 7 5 2 - 1 8 3 2 ) 204v ••. . ' • , • :.' :. • • < • . • ; . • , • ' - V ! - . • : ; . - - > . . i •- ' , ; . . . r ' • : : , \ M I • " . . • • . • "

On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western '

C o u n t r y 2 0 4 '•' ' - : ' • ^ i ' ! - ' " -:• -;'•••'•' ' : ' " •'.

Literary Importation 206

The Wild Honey Suckle 207

The Indian Burying Ground 208

Page 4: Transatlantic Romanticism - · PDF fileTransatlantic Romanticism An Anthology of British, ... (Declaration of Independence) ... On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western


On Mr. Paine's Rights of Man 209 ' ' •••'O n the Universali ty and O t h e r At t r ibutes of the G o d of Na tu re 210O n the Uniformity and Perfection of N a t u r e 211 • • ! .•• J : .••O n the Religion of Na tu re 212

P H I L L I S W H E A T L E Y ( 1 7 5 3 - 1 7 8 4 ) 2 1 3 ; - .• .. . ..:,,.;,. ••, - •

Liberty and Peace 214 -- ' : i ••'Thoughts o n the Works of Providence 215 ' "• - .J •O n the Dea th of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield. 1770. i ! 2 1 8 "•• v ' -•••'••O n Being Brought from Africa to Amer ica 219 '' : ••••''.':>•••.:•On Imagination 220 •' : ••:.••••.•,••

To S.M. A Young African Painter, on Seeing His Works 221To His Excellency General Washington 222 'To a Lady on Her Coming to North America with Her Son, for the Recovery

of Her Health 223A Farewell to America. To Mrs. S. W. 224 ' ' "• ' ' ' !';/i''-••'Letter to-Rev. Samson Occdm, New London, Connecticut • 226; 'V


Slavery and Abolition 227.-,.,....

H A N N A H M O R E ( 1 7 4 5 - 1 8 3 3 ) 229 : ' ' '• • ' ' ; 'Slavery, A P o e m ' •''•• '•" - • ; ; '

Q U O B N A O T T O B A H C U G O A N O ( 1 7 5 7 - c . 1801) 237from Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of Slavery and"

Commerce of the Human Species ~ ,,-, •• : ; y ..-. :.;-j-: ,.'•,•". ... . .DAVID WALKER ( 1 7 8 5 - 1 8 3 0 ) 241

from An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World • . - . . , , ,.W I L L I A M LLOYD G A R R I S O N (1805-1879") 249 , " \ "

To the Public : • • - • - • - • :;(^ :V '" .F A N N Y KEMBLE ( 1 8 0 9 - 1 8 9 3 ) 251 . ; • ' : ! ; ' . .

from Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838-1839 .'.' 'B E N J A M I N D R E W ( 1 8 1 2 - 1 9 0 3 ) 255 ''"'-' ' ' „ ' • ' / ' ' / " " .,

from A North Side View of Slavery; The Refugee, or, The Narratives of FugitiveSlaves in Canada •-- . .• .* . •

W I L L I A M B L A K E ( 1 7 5 7.—1827)... 2-60 .... ,,

The Ecchoing Green 262The Little Black Boy r 263 ' :; : . • ; : : , . A . - . . - ! '

The Sick Rose 264 . . . '"'"' """i"r ': ^ ! \ f

T h e L a m b 2 6 4 ; " ' " ^ :' - • ' r ' ••| • • ' • ; •'••

TheTyger 264 ' , .. . ,:''."'*''.'.'"1 .'.''.'"The Chimney Sweeper .265 ' ,'"' '!The Chimney Sweeper' 266

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x Contents

London 266America: A Prophecy 267 • . -.Visions of the Daughters of Albion 274 : - . . • • .

ROBERT BURNS (1759-1796) 280

Poor Mailie's Elegy 281 .To a Mouse 282 ,• . ,T o a L o u s e 2 8 4 . : • ' • ' •• . ,. • : . , • • •

A f t o n W a t e r - • . 2 8 5 . ' • . • > • . . • ; , .C o m i n ' T h r o ' t h e Rye [1] 286 . :

C o m i n ' T h r o ' t h e Rye [2] 286Scots, wha hae.wi ' Wal lace bled 287 . •, .A Red, Red Rose 288 ' .-. • . . -Au ld Lang Syne 288 . . . . . . . . • ' , . ., . . . - • , •

t ' • • •


Fitz-Greene Halleck (1790-1867), from Burns: To a Rose, Brought from NearAlloway Kirk, in Ayrshire, in the Autumn of 1822 289

MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT (1759-1797) - 292

from A Vindication of the Rights of Men 293from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 299On Poetry and Our Relish for the Beauties of Nature 324

SUSANNA ROWSO.N (1762-1824) '327

/rom Charlotte: A Tale of Truth 328

J O A N N A BAILLIE (1762-1851) 338 : "

from Plays on the Passions 339 . >London 343 •...••••/ '..A Mother to Her Waking Infant 345 , f

A Child to His Sick Grandfather 346 . , , ,'.'Thunder .347 . ,v . .. ., ,. • !. '•;Sorig/Woo'd and Married and A 349 '..'.".'... ..'•'/'


Women's Rights 351 '

J U D I T H S A R G E N T M U R R A Y ( 1 7 5 1 - 1 8 2 0 ) 3 5 4 " . , ''. '.,On the Equality of the Sexes • , - •

C H A R L O T T E D A C R E ( 1 7 7 2 - 1 8 2 5 ) 362 ' ,. '"''. . '] ,The Female Philosopher . . -

SOJOURNER TRUTH (1797-1883) 363 . ..'.'"Speech at the American Equal Rights Association, May 9-10, 1867

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SOPHIA RIPLEY (1803-1861) 365Woman

ELIZABETH CADY STANTON (1815-1902) " '369,Declaration of SentimentsResolutions

MARY ROBINSON (1758-1800) 372

from Sappho and Phaon: In a Series of Legitimate Sonnets 373The Negro Girl 377To the Poet Coleridge 381 .The Poor, Singing Dame 383 ; • • • • : • . •

WILLIAM W O R D S W O R T H (1770-1850) 384

Goody Blake and Harry Gill 386 :

The Complaint of a Forsaken Indian Woman 390Lines Written in Early Spring 392The Thorn 392 :

Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey 400from Preface to Lyrical Ballads 404There was a Boy 410Ruth: Or the Influences of Nature 411 ,Nutting 418 .Michael 419 + 'To Toussaint L'Ouvefture' 430 'To Thomas Clarkson 430The world is too much with us 431Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802 431I griev'd for Buonaparte 432'She was a Phantom of Delight 432 •I wandered lonely as a cloud 433 ' ' ' ' 'My heart leaps up 433 . . •Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood 434The Solitary Reaper 439 '• • • ' . . : .Gold and Silver Fishes, in a Vase 440 • . - . . .Liberty 441 : ; ; • . .

- - - - ^ T R A N S A T L A N T I C E X C H A N G E S ^ —

W o r d s w o r t h in Bri ta in and A m e r i c a 4 4 5 , : / ; / .

LEIGH HUNT (1784-1859) 447 ' . • . . . : . . / • . . ' •

from The Feast of the Poets . . , ,ROBERT H U T C H I N S O N ROSE (1776-1842) 449

A Humble Imitation of Some Stanzas, written by W. Wdrdsworth, in Germany, onOne of the Coldest Days of the Century ' ' •

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ELIZABETH PALMER PEABODY (1804-189,4) ,45,1,,Letter to Wordsworth

ROBERT BROWNING (1812-1889) - 4 5 3 , , ., ,The Lost Leader ^ .

WILLIAM PARSONS ATKINSON (1820-f890)"' "455'Letter to Wordsworth

HENRY REED (1808-1854) 456 ~from Lectures on the British Poets , ... . , _ ,- .

SIR WALTER SCOTT (1771-1832) 459 ,/ ,..;;•,...,_.yL o c h i n v a r 4 6 0 '• '••- -'••.• • • . .••...•' .•'

J o c k of H a z e l d e a n 4 6 1 •'.; ' " ' .".::'i !'• . .T h e D r e a r y C h a n g e 4 6 2P r o u d M a i s i e 4 6 2 . : ' ! ' ; ,: •'. ' •• ; \ -"•'.:"; •"• • . . . •'.' ' .Lucy A s h t o n ' s S o n g 4 6 3 - j • :;:-••,. . , , : , ; ,

S A M U E L T A Y L O R C O L E R I D G E (17 .72" - l8 i3 : 4 l> 4 6 3 : ' '

T h e R i m e of t h e A n c i e n t M a r i n e r 4 6 5 r .

T h i s L i m e - T r e e B o w e r - M y P r i s o n 4 8 2 . , .'Cr..- ; -=

T h e D u n g e o n 4 8 3 •. r: /^..i1;,,:-, ., ,. . .,- ,K u b l a K h a n : or, A V i s i o n i n a D r e a m 4 8 4 ; t ; '••,., ••-,

The Eolian Harp 487 , , . . . • •'••.'•":-• r ' }The Foster-Mother's Tale 488 . / . -.Dejection: An Ode 490 . ;^,, .from Biographia Literaria or, Biographical Sketches of .My. Literary Life

and Opinions 494 ..,.•• ,.,.,! ,•

CONTEMPORARY RESPONSE . ' , ' , . ' ,'. ' ' ,

Frederic Henry Hedge (1805-1890), fam Coleridge '.5Q6,n..',",,'. ..;;'.;'-.,'

R O B E R T S O U T H E Y ( 1 7 7 4 - 1 8 4 3 ) 5 1 0 ' ' ^ ; 1 . '.. " -^:; •.', '•;,'.

from Madoc 511 •'i ' ' • : • ; • / • : ,• ;

w ' l L L I A M H A Z L I T T ( 1 7 7 8 - 1 8 3 0 ) 517 ' ^"",".,' ,"•'•' .•i"'-

OnGus to 518 - •; -V- - • . ' • : - • - •-On the Love of the Country 520 •:

T H O M A S M O O R E ( 1 7 7 9 - 1 8 5 2 ) 523

A Canadian Boat Song ' 524A Ballad. The Lake of the Dismal Swamp. 525 ' • ' • •Ballad Stanzas 526 •--.;, ... . , , , , , , . • . - • , ;

W I L L I A M ELLERY C H A N N I N Q (\780-\SA2) "\52'6 , "! , .

, , /rom Likeness to God 527 . . : ;• . . . . • • • ) '

from Self-Culture 534 • - , , . : [ . • ;: , - >'.>

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< => TRANSATLANTIC EXCHANGES' C~UM J ; ' " "Religion and Revivalism 544

J O H N W E S L E Y ( 1 7 0 3 M 7 9 1 )"•: .5 47 ' : . J J . . > ::;. ":. " • V v : 7 / : V -

T h e Almost Christian «,; • .-,•-!,-' ;.,.•••.<J O S E P H P R I E S T L E Y ( 1 7 3 3 - 1 8 0 4 ) , . 5 5 2 . ..... ; :,,.';rJU:... •'.:• ^'n-H

from A n Address to Protestant Dissenters ;-f\.>. ,;•,-.-,.- •••':J O H N M A R R A N T ( 1 7 5 5 - 1 7 9 1 ) 559 , ( ,w . •••-.;, ...; (;'.,,.... ,

:;" '-\ , , ,^ :,

from A Narrative of the Lord's Wonderful Dealings .with John Marrant, ; • .. ;a Black, (Now Going to Preach the Gospel in.Nova-Scotia) ;Born in New;York,in North-America ,\;..• ,-:-.., /V, ,;,. "

F R A N C E S T R O L L O P E ( 1 7 8 0 - 1 8 6 3 ) 4 6 1 . ../-•,•'.',.".^"', / ... - .,T;from. Domestic Manners of the Americans

A N D R E W S N O R T O N ( 1 7 8 6 - 1 8 5 3 ) ,5,65- ; . . :- •., • - . , • . , . ;from Discourse on,the Latest Form of Infidelity :. . r. • . ••

A M O S B R O N S O N A L C O T T ( 1 7 9 9 - 1 8 8 8 ) ' 5 7 1 ' * ' ' ' 'from Record of Conversation on the Gospels Held in Mr. Alcott 's .Schpol, ,.

C H A R L E S K I N G N E W C O M B ' ( 1 8 2 0 - 1 8 9 4 ) ' 576 ; , " " '. --•••••••-T h e Two Dolons ' ' ' ' '"- -!'--L

WASHINGTON IRVING (1783-1859)- • 5 8 4 ^ - ; ; ••

Rip Van Winkle 585 = • ; • - . • ' . - ; • . : i :. .

English Writers on America 596

GEORGE GORDON, LORD BYRON (1788-1824) : i ;'6O1

She Walks in Beauty 602 ^; ! 'Darkness 603/rom English Bards and Scotch Reviewers 605 ' : . ^ "'from Childe Harold's Pilgrimage 606 ' '

i C O N T E M P O R A R Y R E S P O N S E : ' • .'• • ' '• '••••.'.

f Fitz-Greene Halleck (1790-1867), from Fanny 6 3 7 ' . *..

J A M E S F E N I M O R E C O O P E R (1789^-1851) ' 6 4 9 /

from The Pioneers, or the Sources of the Susquehanha 649

C A T H A R I N E M A R I A S E D G W I C K ( 1 7 8 9 - 1 8 6 7 )

from Hope Leslie: or, Early Times in the Massachusetts 660 ' <"-••'•• '-

LYDIA HOWARD HUNTLEY SiboURNEY fl7,9f-.l8^.5) 668'T h e Ind ian ' s W e l c o m e t o t h e Pi lgr im Fa the r s , 669.- > - t ; -. • :.•',;S c i e n c e a n d Re l ig ion 6 7 0 .,.,,,. ,;i.....,...., i , , , , , r ,Felicia H e m a n s 6 7 1

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xiv Contents

Grassmere and Rydal Water 673 - • . .Niagara 674

PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY (1792-1822) . 676 : - M

Mont Blanc 678Hymn to Intellectual Beauty 681 ' 'O z y m a n d i a s 6 8 3 '• • ' • . • • • •

Sonnet: England in 1819 684 ; : ' 'The Mask of Anarchy 684 'Ode to the West Wind 694 ' ' ; i

To Wordsworth 696from A Defence of Poetry 696 ;


'' Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892), The Death of Shelley ; 704 '


England's Dead 706Song of Emigration 708Burial of an Emigrant's Child in the Forests 709The Indian with His Dead Child 712The American Forest Girl 714


Thanatopsis. '717 : } -• .' .•'.To a Waterfowl 719A Forest Hymn 720To Cole, the Painter, Departing for Europe 723 ,. . . . ' • . .The Prairies 723 . ,y

T H O M A S CARLYLE (1795-1881) 726

Signs of the Times 727 :


Utopianism and Socialism 732

W I L L I A M C O B B E T T ( 1 7 6 3 - 1 8 3 5 ) 733from Rural Rides . . ••' ' '.."• .

R O B E R T O W E N ( 1 7 7 1 - 1 8 5 8 ) 739from The Revolution in the Mind and Practice of the Human Race

G E O R G E RIPLEX ( 1 8 0 2 - 1 8 8 0 ) 743 . . .Letter to Ralph Waldo Emerson

O R E S T E S B R O W N S O N ( 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 7 6 ) * 7 4 6 ' • '••from T h e Laboring Classes

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ELIZABETH PALMER PEABODY (1804-1894)' 751from A Glimpse of Christ's Idea of Society *" '

KARL MARX (1818-1883) AND FREDERICK ENGELS( 1 8 2 0 - 1 8 9 5 ) - ' 7 5 8 > . '.. • : ' . - - . •. '• • • / : ; • - :

from The Communist Manifesto ,-. .

JOHN KEATS (1795-1821) 767 :

On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 768 . .To Autumn 768Eve of St. Agnes 769Ode on a Grecian Urn 780Ode to a Nightingale 781To George and Thomas Keats ["Negative Capability"] 783To Richard Woodhouse [The "Egotistical Sublime"] 784To George and Georgiana Keats [The "Vale of Soul-Making"] 785


from The Clockmaker 789

MARY SHELLEY (1797-1851) 799

The Mortal Immortal 800 • . .,

WILLIAM APESS (1798-1839) 808 . •„.... . .

An Indian's Looking-Glass for the White Man 809 " • ' • '

HARRIET MARTTNEAU (1802-187(6) 814 ;

from Society in America 814 ;

RALPH WALDO EMERSON (1803-1882) 818

Nature 820 " " ' " ' ,- , .-' ' , ' . . ,'• " " I T

The American Scholar 845 , . , - , - - .


T Sharpe's London Journal, Emerson's Representative Men 857

J O S E P H H O W E ( 1 8 0 4 - 1 8 7 3 ) . 860 , , ; . , ,

from Acadia 862 , .

N A T H A N I E L H A W T H O R N E ( 1 8 0 4 - 1 8 6 4 ) '869 • /• ..i. ..

My Kinsman, Major Molineux 871

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x v i C o n t e n t s

T h e B i r t h - m a r k - 8 8 3 . •>• .. • -; v , - t .__•.. . -., -; „ . . .,_,• - , o : , . 7 - . M A ; : . J a

P ' s C o r r e s p o n d e n c e 8 9 4 ,-.• ,-,-.,,• r;, - . i . 1 •;,.•-,,:. i ' ' , •.• 1 - , - • ; " ) .••, • - - v

HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW (1807-1882) "905A Psalm of Life 906 • - • • l » ' ' ; ;•••'•<•>:.> ) '• , r -

The Village Blacksmith 907Burial of the Minnisink 908To the Driving Cloud 910 y ^ r .; r'L<! •-?'•*>: • :' ' ;-\'i'A '.11-The Slave's Dream 911 . , v ^ . ., ; ,; , . ; . , . , , . . , , .-,The Arsenal at Springfield "912 * '""'" ;

; ,..,Chaucer 913 : ' '/ ,'.','','"'Shakespeare 914 r c -Milton 914 • ' '•;, ! ;'.:_'."' •;. . r r j ' ' VK e a t s 9 1 5 _ . „ . . , . . . . w . . ..; ^, . ./''' .''"';''!-.' ,'';' . L i ! . . ' ' ' ' -

J O H N G R E E N L E A F W H I T t . I E R / ( 1 8 0 7 - 1 8 9 2 ) 915 ; • . • - • . =

Massachusetts to Virginia 916The Hunters of Men 919 , ••,-; •. • ^ ; ., - ,,, •,;.- ->.;-, \, \.--The Fishermen 920 • - • • - • • . , . . . , , . . yThe Lumbermen 922 ' ' ' ' l ' '

E D G A R A L L A N P O E ( 1 8 0 9 - 1 8 4 9 ) 9 2 6 1 ' ' i J ' : ; ' ' u

Sonnet—to Science 927 " • . - . ...The Raven 928U l a l u m e — a B a l l a d 9 3 1 •••' :- •"•••- ' - • : : . - : ^ ^ - K : A . '

A n n a b e l L e e 9 3 3 •/..,; . :,\-- -,-.[^:lj •,>-, ..;. , . ? c . ,- :•;,<•• .' -••••• J ^ ; ; - ;A

Ligeia 934The Fall of the House of Usher <944> •. .•; -, f - >.<| T >T . • • --q • ̂The Man of the Crowd 957 ' ' " ' . ' ' , . , "" , '."''•. /

MARGARET FULLER (1810-1850)^ 962

The Great Lawsuit. Man versus Men. Woman versus Women. 964Things and Thoughts in Europe, No. XVIII 995 ; ' -'•' \ ' "! vi"[from Summer on the Lakes, in 1843 999 y''' '' J ; ; ; ; ' ) r i r " - h v : ' A ^ l

H A R R I E T J A C O B S ( 1 8 1 3 - 1 8 9 7 ) 1004 ' '

from Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl 1005

HENRY D A V I D T H O R E A U ( 1 8 1 7 - 1 8 6 2 ) > ' i O 2 9

Sympathy 1030Sic Vita 1031The Inward Morning' -1033/ ' ' ' '• .'',. ••(' '• •.':"Haze 1034 ••,, -,, ..; •..;-In the busy streets, domains of trade 1034

Page 12: Transatlantic Romanticism - · PDF fileTransatlantic Romanticism An Anthology of British, ... (Declaration of Independence) ... On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western


Any fool can make a rule 1034Wait not till slaves pronounce the word ' 1034'Ive seen ye, sisters, on the mountain-side 1035I am the little Irish boy- -; 1036s • • '•/•'.:.!•..'•>.Poverty 1037 ;•>< .; _,: .-;,,-, , /1 .,.?,.< -.I have seen some frozenfaced Connecticut 1037Resistance to Civil Government: '1038 ; o . :;..Walking 1052 "" . .'


Civilization and Nature ,1072 , . ;.•.•

ANDREW JACKSON (1767-1845) ' 1,073 ' \ ' ' 'Message of the President of the United States

JOHN CLARE (1793-1864) .1077. ; , ''": - 'The Mores ., r . - i

GEORGE PERKINS MARSH (180T-1882) : ' 1 0 8 6 7 : ' " ' ..),,from Man and Nature;.or, Physical Geography as'Modified by'Hu'man Action

S U S A N N A MOODIEa :803.4ll !885J ' : i:"l084 ' '.' 'i'"''..," "':'"'"'."' '] .^.

from Roughing It in the Bush; ori Life, in Canada ' ' ' \\SUSAN FENIMORE C O O P E R ( 1 8 1 3 - i 8 9 4 ) ' ' 1093' . .' ! : "^

Otsego Leaves. Birds Then and Now ' ' . ,. . .CHARLES SANGSTER ( (1822-1893) : i lb99 ""'•'y • • • ' • ! l • • • • ; ' ^ i -

from The St. Lawrence andihe Saguenay^ .

FREDERICK D O U G L A S S ( 1 8 1 8 - 1 8 9 5 ) : ' 1-101

The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negrb :" 1103 'The Heroic Slave 1120' ^_ " :> ' • ; • ' • • -Letter to the Editor of The Times 1146 " ' ; ' :


f The Times, Letters-tp the Editor 1147 , . .

HERMAN MELVILLE ( 1 8 1 9 - 1 8 9 1 ) 1 1 5 3 .

Bartleby, the Scrivener 1154 . ,, . ., , ,,M

WALT W H I T M A N ( 1 8 1 9 - 1 8 9 2 ) .,,.,1178; . _.•• t, •• ,' ,A ^ ,

SongofMyself 1179 • i : ,'.•:•-.: • . A. / .''.: ?-: J

FRANCES ELLEN W A T K I N S H A R P E R ( 1 8 2 5 - 1 9 1 1 ) l ;210 J

The Slave Mother 1211 - - , , . : . , , , ; , /

Learning to Read 1212

Page 13: Transatlantic Romanticism - · PDF fileTransatlantic Romanticism An Anthology of British, ... (Declaration of Independence) ... On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western

xviii Contents

Free Labor 1213 T ••[,. ,,An Appeal to My Country Women 1214. ,,..,

T H O M A S D'ARCY MCGEE (1825-1868)- 1216

The Mental Outfit of the New Dominion 1216

EMILY DICKINSON (1830-1886) - 1220

84: Her breast is fit for pearls 1222216: Safe in their Alabaster Chambers [1] 1223216: Safe in their Alabaster Chambers [2] 1223249: Wild nights—Wild nights! 1223280:1 felt a Funeral; in my Brain 1224 . . : ^'303: The Soul selects her own Society;— 1224341: After great pain, a formal feeling comes—- 1225435: Much Madness is divinest Sense— 1225 ,441: This is my letter to the World 1225443:1 tie my Hat—I crease my Shawl— , 1226 . ,.,465:1 heard a Fly buzz-—when I died— 1227518: Her sweet Weight on my Heart a Night 1227'569:1 reckon—When I count at all— 1227 i," ''. .613: They shut me up in prose— 1228 ,668: "Nature" is what we see— 1228 ' " ' . ; '709: Publication—is the Auction , 1229 , ' .712: Because I could not stop for Death— 1229754: My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun— 1230790: Nature—the Gentlest Mother is .1231970: Color—Caste—Denomination— 1231986: A narrow Fellow in the Grass 1232 ..;"?.'•.•.1129: Tell all the truth but tell it slant— U232,,. ; /1249: The Stars are old, that stood for me— 1233 - .1545: The Bible is an antique Volume—: 1233'1593: There came a Wind like a Bugle— 1233

« => A SHEAF OF POEMSCanadian Poets of Confederation 1234

CHARLES G.D. ROBERTS (1860-1943) 1235The Tantramar RevisitedThe Skaterfrom Ave! (An Ode for the Shelley Centenary, 1892) '

BLISS CARMAN (1861-1929) 1241 : ' ;

By the Aurelian WallLow Tide on Grand Pre •, • • • : .";.A More Ancient Mariner . - •

Page 14: Transatlantic Romanticism - · PDF fileTransatlantic Romanticism An Anthology of British, ... (Declaration of Independence) ... On the Emigration to America and Peopling the Western


ARCHIBALD LAMPMAN (1861-1899) 1247The City at the End of ThingsThe FrogsThe Railway StationVoices of EarthTemagami

DUNCAN CAMPBELL SCOTT (1862-1947) 1253The Onondaga MadonnaNight Hymns on Lake Nipigon•Ode for the Keats Centenary i !

Timeline 1261

A Glossary of Literary and Cultural Terms 1278 •

Selected Bibliography of Transatlantic Romanticism 1294

Credit's 1300 . ' ' l

Index. 1301 : . •:
