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Transfer Payments - statefunding.ca · • Kap Alpha Kapuskasing..... 1 34,544 • Lacloche...

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SECTION 8 1992-93 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Transfer Payments CONTENTS Page Ministry — Agriculture ................................................................................................ 8.3 Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency .................................. 8.5 Communications .................................................................................... 8.8 Consumer and Corporate Affairs ................................................. 8.11 Employment and Immigration ...................................................... 8.11 Energy, Mines and Resources ......................................................... 8.30 Environment .............................................................................................. 8.31 External Affairs ....................................................................................... 8.33 Finance ........................................................................................................ 8.45 Fisheries and Oceans .......................................................................... 8.45 Forestry ........................................................................................................ 8.47 Governor General .................................................................................. 8.47 Indian Affairs and Northern Development .............................. 8.48 Industry, Science and Technology ............................................... 8.73 Justice .......................................................................................................... 8.83 Labour .......................................................................................................... 8.84 Multiculturalism and Citizenship ............................................... 8.85 National Defence .................................................................................... 8.86 National Health and Welfare ............................................................ 8.86 National Revenue .............................................................................. 8.95 Parliament ................................................................................................... 8.95 Privy Council ........................................................................................... 8.95 Public Works ........................................................................................... 8.96 Secretary of State .................................................................................. 8.98 Solicitor General .................................................................................... 8.101 Supply and Services ............................................................................. 8.102 Transport ..................................................................................................... 8.102 Treasury Board ....................................................................................... 8.105 VeteransAffairs ....................................................................................... 8.105 Western Economic Diversification ............................................... 8.105 Appendices ..................................................................................................... 8.109

S E C T I O N 8

1992-93P U B L I C A C C O U N T S

Transfer Payments

C O N T E N T SP a g e

M i n i s t r y —A g r i c u l t u r e ................................................................................................ 8.3A t l a n t i c C a n a da O p p o r t u n i t i e s A g e n c y .................................. 8.5C o m m u n i c a t i o n s .................................................................................... 8.8C o n s u m e r and C o r p o r a t e A f f a i r s ................................................. 8.11E m p l o y m e n t and I m m i g r a t i o n ...................................................... 8.11En e r g y , Mi n es and R e s o u r c e s ......................................................... 8.30E n v i r o n m e n t .............................................................................................. 8.31E x t e r na l A f f a i r s ....................................................................................... 8.33F i n a n c e ........................................................................................................ 8.45F i s h e r i e s and O c e a n s .......................................................................... 8.45F o r e s t r y ........................................................................................................ 8.47G o v e r n o r G e n e r a l .................................................................................. 8.47I nd i a n A f f a i r s and N or t h e rn D e v e l o p m e n t .............................. 8.48I n dus t r y , Sc i ence and T e c h n o l o g y ............................................... 8.73J u s t i c e .......................................................................................................... 8.83L a b o u r .......................................................................................................... 8.84M u l t i c u l t u r a l i s m and C i t i z e n s h i p ............................................... 8.85N a t i o n a l D e f e n c e .................................................................................... 8.86N a t i o n a l He a l t h and W e l f a r e ............................................................ 8.86N a t i o n a l R ev e nu e .............................................................................. 8.95P a r l i a m e n t ................................................................................................... 8.95P r i v y C o u n c i l ........................................................................................... 8.95P ub l i c W o r k s ........................................................................................... 8.96S e c r e t a ry of S t a t e .................................................................................. 8.98So l i c i t o r G e n e r a l .................................................................................... 8.101Su p p l y and S e r v i c e s ............................................................................. 8 . 102T r a n s p o r t ..................................................................................................... 8 . 102T r e a s u r y B o a r d ....................................................................................... 8 . 105V e t e r a n s A f f a i r s ....................................................................................... 8 . 105We s t e r n E c o n o m i c D i v e r s i f i c a t i o n ............................................... 8 . 105

A p p e n d i c e s ..................................................................................................... 8 . 109

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• McGill University Montreal Q u e ..................................................... 256,062• McMaster University Hamilton O n t ................................................. 186,345• OISE Toronto O n t ................................................................................. 101,995• Queen 's University Kingston O n t ..................................................... 174,233• Simon Fraser University Burnaby B C ............................................ 1 53,626• Université d'Ottawa Ottawa Ont ..................................................... 195,855• Université du Quebec Montreal Q u e .............................................. 413,109• Université Laval S t e F o y Q u e ............................................................ 440,316• Université de Montreal Montreal Q u e ............................................ 500,966• University of Alberta Edmonton A l t a .............................................. 176,947• University of British Columbia Vancouver B C ............................ 417,298• University of Calgary Calgary A l t a ................................................. 161,111• University of Manitoba Winnipeg M a n .......................................... 1 34,565• University of Newfoundland St John N F ....................................... 102,929• University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon S a s k ................................ 102,512• University of Toronto Toronto O n t ................................................... 357,799• University of Victoria Victoria B C ................................................... 121,997• University of Waterloo Waterloo O n t .............................................. 140,437• University of Western Ontario London O n t ................................... 228,443• York University North York O nt........................................................ 277,389

Learned Journals $2,079,415

Aid to Scholarly Publications $1,630,276• Canadian Federation for the Humanities

Ottawa O n t ........................................................................................... 743,013• Social Sciences Federation of Canada

Ottawa O n t ........................................................................................... 887,263Aid to Scholarly Conferences in Canada $1,077,887

Aid to Scholarly Associations $850,995

Aid to Umbrella Organizations $768,570• AC FAS M o n t re a lQ u e .......................................................................... 365,082• Canadian Federation for the Humanities

Ottawa O n t .......................................................................................... 311,488Doctoral Fellowships $16,110,113

Doctoral Fellowship Renewals $5,638,318

Bora Laskin Fellowships $55,000

Canada Research Fellowships $2,917

Postdoctoral Fellowship $6,190,882

Jules and Grabrielle Leger Fellowship $50,000

Parliamentary Internship Program $48,000

Travel Grants for International Congresses $115,000

Travel Grants for International Representations $112,973

International Summer Institute $1 30,000

Aid to Small Universities $595,460

Women and Work $1,199,603

Education and Work in a Changing Society $1,271,633

Canadian Studies Research Tools $347,075• Canadian Institute for Historical Micro

Reproductions Ottawa O n t ............................................................... 105,000Specialized Research Collections $575,628

Family and the Socialization of Children $64,954

Managing for Global Competitiveness $1,264,574

Applied Ethics $1,558,265

Science Technology Policy $841,066 Joint Initiatives—-Global Change $20,000

Aboriginal Affairs $379,830

Chairs Management of Technological Change $269,092

Cultural Development $100,000

Arts Literacy $3,500

Science Culture $14,400

Health Promotion in Canada $325,000

Family Violence and Violence Against Women $(500,000)

Networks of Centres Excellence $400,000


CONSUMER AND CORPORATE AFFAIRS$1,690,248D e p a r t m e n t $1,690,248Grants to Consumer Association of Canada $200,000

• Consumer Association of Canada Ottawa O n t .............................. 200,000Grants to Consumer Organisations $110,000

• Consumer Association of Canada Ottawa O n t .............................. 100,000Movement Development Grants $198,000

Contributions to Consumer Organisations $1,182,248• Consumer Association of Canada Ottawa O n t .............................. 475,000

EMPLOYMENT AND IMMIGRATION $1,526,923,945D e p a r t m e n t / C o m m i s s i o n $1 ,526,873,945


Grants to individuals, organizations and corporations to assist individuals to improve their employability and to promote employment opportunities by assisting local entrepreneurial development $86,577,948

Newfoundland Region—• Avalon West Business Development Corporation Placen tia, , , , 250,000• Bonavista Peninsula and Surrounding Area BDC Clarenville , , 381,243• Burin Peninsula BDC M ary s to w n ....................................... 275,000• Central Newfoundland BDC Grand Fall s-Windsor......... 250,000• Community Development Fund Committee Grand B a n k ............ 1,940,000• Community Development Fund Committee Trepassey.. 635,717• Gander Area Development Corporation G an d e r .............. 250,000• Northeast Avalon BDC M a n u e l s ....................................................... 1 25,000• Northland Business Corporation Hawkes B a y .............................. 518,097• South Coast BDC St Albans ................................................................. 1,342,000• South Side Development Fund Corporation St J ohn’s ................ 199,783

Nova Scotia Region—• Annapolis Ventures Limited Middleton ............................................ 300,000• Bluewater Business Development Corporation Sheet Harbour . 595,000• Guysborough County Business Development Guysborough . . . 1,400,000• Guysborough County Community Futures Committee

G u y sborough ........................................................................................ 205,000• Northside Economic Development Assistance Corporation

Sydney M i n e s ...................................................................................... 840,000• Pictou County Business Opportunities Ltd New G lasg o w ......... 400,000• Queens Business Development Centre L iverpool.......................... 246,480• Shelburne County Business Development Shelb urne ................... 442,000• Technical University of Nova Scotia H a l i f a x ................................. 112,662• Windsor West Hants Business Development Centre Windsor . . 550,000• Yarmouth Regional Business Corporation Ltd Yarmouth ............ 150,000

Prince Edward Island—• East Prince Development S u m m e rs id e ............................................ 234,640

New Brunswick Region—• Centre d ’Entrepreneurship Chaleur Inc B e r e s f o r d ....................... 644,866• Charlotte County Development Corporation Inc St Stephen . . . 250,000• Restigouche Business Development Centre Inc Campbellton . . 105,085• South East Lead Corporation CLE du sud-est Shedia c ................ 140,000• Victoria Madawaska-South Business Development Centre

Grand Falls............................................................................................. 425,000Quebec Region-—

• Association des centres d ’aide aux entreprises Montmagny. . . . 200,000• Association provinciale des constructeurs d ' habitation

du Quebec A n jo u ................................................................................. 100,000• CADC A m o s ............................................................................................. 448,000• CADC Cote Nord S e p t - i l e s ................................................................. 505,000• CADC de Nicolet Becancour S t-Gregoire ........................................ 100,000• CADC Region du Haut-François C o o k sh ire ................................... 250,000• CAE Ber thierville.................................................................................... 184,000• CAE Cap-Sante........................................................................................ 372,500• CAE Charlevoix La M a lb a i e .............................................................. 331,600• CAE Chibougamau Chapais Chibougamau....................................... 376,000• CAE Coat icook........................................................................................ 229,000

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• CAE Comte Jonquiere Lac St-Jean S t-A mbroise.......................... 437,900• CAE de la Mitis M o n t - J o l i ................................................................. 129,827• CAE de la MRC de Maskinonge L ou isev il le ................................. 225,000• CAE de la MRC de Riviere du Loup Riviere du L o u p .............. 222,500• CAE de la Pointe de Gaspe G a s p e ................................................... 318,000• CAE de l ’Abitibi Ouest L a sa r r e ........................................................ 300,525• CAE des Basques Inc Trois-Pistoles................................................. 164,000• CAE du Bas Richelieu Inc Sore l........................................................ 250,000• CAE du Haut Richelieu St-Jean-sur-Richelieu.............................. 229,360• CAE du Temiscamingue V i l l e -M ar ie ............................................... 212,377• CAE Harricana Inc A m o s .................................................................... 248,000• CAE Haute Cote-Nord Inc Les E s c o u m in s ................................... 408,500• CAE Lac St-Jean Est Inc A lm a .......................................................... 467,000• CAE Lac St-Jean Ouest Inc Roberbal .............................................. 111,000• CAE Maria Chapdelaine Dolbeau...................................................... 200,000• CAE Memphremagog M ag o g ............................................................ 1 50,000• CAE Pabok C h a n d l e r .......................................................................... 136,000• CAE Rouyn Noranda Rouyn N o r a n d a ............................................ 1 25,000• CAE Sa in te -B lan d in e .......................................................................... 198,497• CAE Ste-Marie B ea u ce ........................................................................ 1 50,000• CAE Vallee de la Batiscan S t -S tan i s las .......................................... 450,000• CAE Vallee de l ’or Val d ' O r ............................................................... 397,464• CAE Vallee du Richelieu B e lo e i l ...................................................... 300,000• CAE Ville Degel is ................................................................................. 188,000• CAE Villes St-Georges de B e a u c e ................................................... 1 50,000• College de Limoilou Q u e b e c ............................................................ 103,000• College de l 'Outaouais H u l l ............................................................... 116,000• Comité d'a ide au développement de la collectivite bellechasse

St-Leon de S t a n d o n .......................................................................... 250,000• Comité d'a ide au développement de Rouyn N o r a n d a ................ 168,200• Corporation de formation du congres de Bombardier Va lc ourt. 100,000• IBM Canada Ltee Brom ont................................................................. 200,000• La commission scolaire régionale de La Péninsule Gaspe......... 100,000• Le Comité paritaire de l ’Industrie Montreal................................... 200,000• Tembec training trust fund Temiscaming........................................ 100,000

Ontario Region—• Algonquin College N epean................................................................. 124,718• Atikokan Community Futures Committee A t ik o k a n ................... 400,000• Brockville Leeds BDC B r o c k v i l l e ................................................... 570,000• Chukuni BDC Red L a k e ...................................................................... 170,000• Conseil des Ecoles Separees Catholique Timmins....................... 143,386• Conseil Scolaire d ’Ottawa-Carleton Gloucester............................ 350,707• Elgin Lead Corp St T h o m a s ............................................................... 179,822• Georgian Triangle Economic C o l l in g w o o d ................................... 250,000• Greenstone BDC L o n g lac ................................................................... 219,800• Grenville BDC Prescot t........................................................................ 270,000• Haldimand & Norfolk Board of Education C ayuga ..................... 161,311• Kap Alpha K ap u s k as in g ..................................................................... 1 34,544• Lacloche Manitoulin Business Association Corporation

Gore B a y ............................................................................................... 120,000• Le Conseil de l ’Education de Sudbury Sudbury .......................... 183,708• London and Middlesex County Roman Catholic Separate

School Board London........................................................................ 153,802• Metropolitan Separate School Board W i l lo w d a le ....................... 122,134• Muskoka East Parry Sound BDC H u n ts v i l l e ................................ 300,000• Nipissing East BDC North B a y ........................................................ 250,000• Nord-Aski BDC H ea rs t ........................................................................ 500,000• North Claybelt BDC K apu sk as in g ................................................... 300,000• North Hastings BDC B a n c r o f t .......................................................... 602,235• Orillia & Area CFC O r i l l i a ................................................................. 220,000• Oxford and East Elgin BDC Norwich ............................................ 225,000• Patricia BDC I g n a c e ............................................................................. 600,000• Port Colborne-Wainfleet Economic Resource Port Colborne , , 354,418• Prescott and Russell County Board Haw kesbury......................... 123,589• Prince Edward County BDC P i c t o n ................................................. 250,000• Rainy River BDC Fort F rances .......................................................... 100,000• Renfrew County BDC P e m b r o k e ..................................................... 380,000• Rideau Heartland BDC Smiths F a l l s .............................................. 250,000• Sault Ste-Marie BDC Sault S te - M a r i e ............................................ 137,500• Simcoe County Catholic Separate School B arr ie ......................... 1 22,100• SOAR Development Corporation Cornw all ................................... 621,765• South Temiskaming Business Development H ai leybury ............ 143,700• Stormont-Dundas and Glengarry BDC Cornw al l.......................... 500,000


• Superior East BDC W a w a ................................................................... 350,000• Superior North Business Terrace B a y .............................................. 680,000• The Bruce County Board of Education C h e s le y ............................ 121,135• Thunder Bay Ventures Development Centre Thunder B a y ......... 375,000• Touch the Sky BDC O h sw ek e n .......................................................... 232,701• Treasurer of Ontario To ro n to ............................................................... 3,195,284• Trenval Business Development Corporation T ren to n ................... 150,000• Wau-Be-Tek BDC Birch I s l a n d .......................................................... 400,000

Manitoba Region—• Central Plains BDC Portage La Prai rie............................................ 220,000• Enterprise Saint Boniface Inc W in n ip eg .......................................... 198,571• Evergreen School Division No 22 G im l i .......................................... 101,000• Granite Shield Incentives Inc Lac Du B onne t ................................ 141,453• Greenstone BDC Flin Flon................................................................... 1 34,000• Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Flin F lo n ................................... 100,000• Northeast Interlake Business Development R iv e r to n ................... 100,000• Northwest Manitoba Development Corporation Lynn Lake. . . . 208,275• Park Valley Ventures Grandview ........................................................ 149,732• Pimajihowan BDC Winn ip eg ............................................................... 224,813• Super Six Business Development Centre A s h e r n .......................... 320,000• Triple S Business Development Centre Selkirk.............................. 313,500

Saskatchewan Region-—• Beaver River Business Development Centre Meadow Lake. . . . 454,475• Meridian Business Development Centre A l s a s k ............................ 360,000• Newsask Business Development Centre Tisda le ............................ 250,000• Sagehill Business Development Centre C u d w o r th ....................... 300,000• South West Saskatchewan Business Development Centre Gull

L a k e ......................................................................................................... 272,684• Visions North Business Development Centre L a R o n g e .............. 397,072

Alberta/Northwest Territories Region—• Alberta Newsprint Mill Wide Training Whitecourt A lta .............. 100,000• Baffin Region Futures Society Iqaluit N W T ................................... 250,000• Business Development Centre Association Lethbridge Alta. . . . 620,513• Centre for Business Development Red Deer A l t a .......................... 150,000• Crowsnest Pass Business Development Blairmore A l t a .............. 165,000• East Parkland Business Development Mirror A l t a ....................... 266,027• Entre Corp Business Development Medicine Hat A l t a ................ 315,000• Fort McMurray Regional Business Development Fort

McMurray A l t a .................................................................................... 200,000• Highway 14 Business Development Corporation Viking Alta . . 317,171• Lac la Biche Regional Business Association Lac la Biche

A lta ........................................................................................................... 112,500• Lakeland Business Development Centre Grand Centre Alta . . . 305,839• Lamont Two Hills Business Development Two Hills A l t a ......... 393,122• Lloydminster Region Business Development Lloydminster

A lta ........................................................................................................... 271,565• Montana Band Enterprises Hobbema A l ta ........................................ 100,000• Northwest Business Development Corporation High Level

A lta ........................................................................................................... 245,000• PCL Employees Training Trust Fund Edmonton A lta ................... 100,000• Smeda Business Development Corporation Hythe A l t a .............. 188,997• Southwest Alberta Economic Diversification Pincher Creek

A lta ........................................................................................................... 145,000• Time Air Passenger Services TTF Lethbridge A l ta ....................... 100,000• Travel Keewatin Keewatin Chamber of Commerce Rankin

Inlet N W T ............................................................................................. 250,000• Treaty Seven Business Development Calgary A l ta ....................... 124,161• Treaty Seven Community Futures Calgary A l t a ............................ 250,000• West Yellowhead Community Futures Hinton Alta....................... 100,000• Western Arctic Community Futures Inuvik NW T.......................... 119,695• Wild Rose East Central Community Rockyford A l t a ................... 215,367• Yellowhead East Business Development Sangudo A l t a .............. 382,875

British Columbia/Yukon Territory Region—• Alberni Clayoquot Development Port Alberni B C ....................... 500,000• Almetco Building Products New Westminster B C ....................... 100,000• BC Gas Inc Burnaby B C ...................................................................... 300,000• BC Maritime Employers Association Vancouver B C ................... 100,000• Brinkman and Association Reforest New Westminister BC . . . . 100,000• Carpenter’s Hall Association Whitehorse Y T ................................. 197,500• Central Okanagan Business Development Kelowna BC.............. 250,000• Cowichan Business Development Fund Duncan B C ................... 200,000• Dana Naye Ventures Whitehorse Y T ................................................. 150,000

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• Data Tech Systems Ltd Burnaby B C ............................................... 107,000• Devron Hercules Inc North Vancouver BC ................................... 100,000• FMSC of Canada Ltd Prince George B C ....................................... 100,000• Future Shop A Division of Wesbild Burnaby B C ......................... 100,000• Greater Train Business Development Trail B C ............................ 175,000• International Woodworkers of Canada Chemainus B C .............. 100,000• Laidlaw Enviromental (sic) Services Delta B C ............................ l 50,000• Louisiana Pacific Canada Chetwynd B C ........................................ 250,000• Mechanical Contractors Association of BC Burnaby B C ......... 100,000• MPR Teltech Ltd Burnaby B C .......................................................... 100,000• Nicola Valley Business Development Merritt B C ....................... 375,000• North Cariboo Economic Development Quesnel B C ................... 100,000• North Fraser Employment Development Society Mission BC . 375,000• North Island Business Centre Port Hardy B C .............................. 250,000• North Okanagan Development Corporation Vernon B C ............ 150,000• Pacific Coast Savings Credit Union Victoria B C .......................... 100,000• Powell River Business Centre Powell River B C .......................... 160,000• Prince George Community Futures Prince George B C .............. 448,140• Rocky Mountain Business Development Cranbrook B C ............ 200,000• School District #56 Vanderhoof B C ................................................. 116,000• Sea to Sky Enterprise Centre Squamish B C ................................... 203,155• Seeds Strathcona Empl and Econ Development Society

Courtenay B C ...................................................................................... 312,000• Signatory Employers Drywall Tapers Burnaby B C ..................... 100,000• Sunshine Coast Business Development Sechelt BC..................... 250,000• Supreme Graphics Ltd Burnaby B C ................................................. 150,000• Technology Demonstration Work Fort St John B C ..................... 250,000• Thompson Enterprise Centre Society Kamloops B C ................... 600,000• Web Press Employees Training Trust Port Coquitlam B C ......... 100,000• Wellington Insurance Western Region Vancouver B C ................ 100,000• Western Pulp Ltd Partnership Squamish B C ................................ 117,833• Williams Lake Business Development Centre Williams

Lake B C ............................................................................................... 180,000National Headquarters—

• Canadian Employment Research Forum Ottawa Ont................... 100,000• Canadian Vocational Association Ottawa O n t .............................. 100,000• Ontario Secondary School Toronto O n t .......................................... 106,400• University of British Columbia Vancouver B C ............................ 100,000

Grants to Sectoral Training Fund of the electrical andelectronics manufacturing industry $940,263

Frontier College of Canada $175,000

Grants to voluntary organizations— Literacy Corps $1,000,000

Grants to corporate employers and associations to promote student employment opportunities $49,000

Payments to provinces, territories, municipalities, other public bodies, organizations, groups, communities, employers and individuals for the provision of training and/or work experience, the mobilisation of community resources and human resource planning and adjustment measures necessary for the efficient functioning of the Canadian labour market $1,192,967,628

Newfoundland Region—• Academy Canada Corner B r o o k ........................................................ 346,850• Appalachia Roman Catholic School Board S tephenvil le ............ 196,429• Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Fisheries Petty

Harbour .................................................................................................. 204,939• Atlantic Canada Mail Inc St John’s ................................................. 134,439• Atlantic Petroleum Management Ltd St John’s ............................ 325,000• Avalon Community College C arb o n e a r .......................................... 338,821• Avalon Community College St John’s ............................................ 466,224• Avalon Consolidated School Board St John’s .............................. 192,474• Avalon Eastern Community College Carbonear............................ 138,253• Avalon Educational Systems St John’s ............................................ 362,828• Avalon Professional Driver Training Upper Island C o v e ......... 114,972• Avalon West Business Development Centre Jerseyside .............. 150,000• Avalon West Community Futures Committee J e r s e y s id e ......... 164,224• Baie Verte Peninsula CFC Baie V erte ............................................... 222,606• Baie Verte Peninsula Economie Development Baie V e r te ......... 196,311• Bay D'Espoir Community Futures Inc St Albans ....................... 446,746• Bay of Islands South Shore Development Frenchman’s Cove, , 101,115


• Bay St George Community Employment Co S tephenvil le ......... 142,494• Bishops Falls Development Corporation Bishop's Fal ls .............. 142,686• Bonavista Area Regional Development B o n av is ta ....................... 298,1 32• Bonavista Peninsula Community Futures Bonavista..................... 109,010• Bonavista Trinity Placentia Integrated School Board

Cla renvil le ............................................................................................. 1 33,535• Bonne Bay Development Association Woody P o in t ..................... 119,287• Burin Peninsula BDC M ary s to w n ..................................................... 145,400• Cabot Institute of Applied Arts and Science St John’s ................ 2,680,787• Canadian Mental Health Association M arys tow n.......................... 230,725• Canadian Paraplegic Association St John’s ..................................... 1 59,551• Canadian Sealers Association St John’s ............................................ 1 52,641• Cape Freels Development Association Badger’s Q u ay ................ 259,565• Cape Shore Area Development Association St B r i d e s ................ 100,613• CEI Club St John’s ................................................................................. 105,969• Central Development Association Parsons Pond............................ 1 70,326• Central Newfoundland Community Futures Grand Falls-

W i n d s o r ................................................................................................. 223,761• Central Newfoundland Regional College Grand Falls-

W i n d s o r .................................................................................................. 514,247• Central Newfoundland Regional College Lewisporte ................... 240,408• Central Regional College Springdale................................................. 101,875• Central Training College G ander ........................................................ 122,728• Christian Brothers (TI Murphy Centre) St John’s .......................... 216,178• City of Mount Pearl Mount Pear l........................................................ 1 38,141• City of St John 's Economic Development St John’s ..................... 1 25,000• CMHA Rehabilitation Employment St J ohn’s ................................ 194,018• Community Development Fund Committee Grand B a n k ............ 113,627• Community Development Fund Committee Trepassey................ 123,000• Community Services Council St John’s ............................................ 261,492• COMPU College School of Business St John’s ............................ 879,729• Consolidated Fluid Power Ltd Lower Sackville N S ..................... 100,248• Corona Training Institute Grand F a ll s-W in dsor ............................ 335,588• Department of Education St John’s ................................................... 355,244• Division of Community Programs Corner B r o o k .......................... 101,938• Early Childhood Training Centre St John’s ..................................... 1 38,000• Eastern Central Aboriginal Board G le n w o o d ................................ 102,000• Eastern College Burin Campus B u r i n .............................................. 462,094• Eastern Regional College Carbonear Carbonear ............................ 718,968• Eastern Regional College C la ren v i l le .............................................. 1,298,050• Employment Skills Ltd St John’s ........................................................ 1 25,673• Exploits Native Band Council Grand F a l l s -W in d so r ................... 118,939• Exploits Valley Integrated School Board Grand Falls-

W i n d s o r .................................................................................................. 100,852• Exploits Valley YMCA Grand Fal ls-Windsor ................................ 1 23,896• Fisheries Association of and Lab St John’s ................................... 717,484• Fishermen Food and Allied Workers St John’s .............................. 6,766,724• Fortune Bay North Shore Development English Harbour W e s t . 110,237• Frontec Ottawa O n t ............................................................................... 100,000• Gander Area Community Futures Committee G a n d e r ................ 696,145• Gander Area Development Corporation G an d e r ............................ 163,328• Gander Campus Central Nfld G a n d e r ............................................... 567,816• Gander Community Employment Corporation Gander ................ 125,332• Gateway BDC Port aux B a s q u e s ........................................................ 146,858• Glenwood Indian Band Council Glenwood..................................... 117,593• Grand Bank Seafoods Inc Grand B a n k ............................................ 414,781• Green Bay Economic Development Association Springdale . . . 225,242• Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador St John’s ....................... 150,000• Humber Community YMCA Corner Brook..................................... 446,814• Humber Valley Development Association Deer L ak e ................... 276,552• Innovative Regional Community Futures Port aux Basques. . . . 374,901• Iron Ore Company of Canada Labrador C i t y ................................. 130,000• Isthmus Development Association Bellevue T B ............................ 124,240• John Howard Society of Nfld St John’s ............................................ 275,644• Key-In Technical College Carbonear................................................. 178,880• Key-In Technical College St John’s ................................................... 553,759• Keyin Technical Training Ltd St John’s ............................................ 127,878• Labrador College Happy Valley Goose B a y ................................... 864,117• Labrador Community College Labrador C i t y ................................. 136,569• Labrador Community Futures Committee W a b u sh ....................... 131,698• Labrador Community Futures Labrador C i t y ................................. 168,992• Labrador Friendship Centre Happy V a l l e y ..................................... 211,895• Labrador Venture Capital Ltd Happy V a l l e y ................................... 165,848

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• Labrador West Integrated School Board Labrador C i ty .............. 187,321• Lamaline Fishermen’s Committee L a m a l in e ................................ 100,410• Lawrence College Inc St John’s ........................................................ 968,832• Lewisporte Area Development Association L e w i s p o r t e ........... 199,151• Lion Max Simms Memorial Camp Bishop’s F a l l s ....................... 104,903• Long Range BDC Stephenvi lle.......................................................... 1 26,244• Long Range Community Futures Committee Stephenville , , , , 1 23,577• Longside Club St John’s ...................................................................... 109,240• Marine Institute St John’s ................................................................... 696,398• Memorial University of Nfld St John’s ............................................ 300,000• Mount Pearl Senior High (Avalon Consolidated School

Board) St John’s ................................................................................. 120,449• MUN Student Affairs Department St John’s ................................ 1 37,370• Newfoundland and Labrador Army Cadets St J o h n ' s . 100,000• Newfoundland and Labrador Employer’s Council St J o h n 's , , , 1 26,070• Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour St John 's , , 135,182• Newfoundland and Labrador Literacy Coalition St John 's , , , , 166,734• Newfoundland Career Academy TCC Spaniard's B a y .............. 102,902• Newfoundland Career Academy S t j o h n ’s ..................................... 1,391,398• Newfoundland Exchequer Account S t jo h n ' s .............................. 7,136,462• Newfoundland Slate Inc St John’s ................................................... 102,320• Norpen Business Resource Centre Port S a u n d e r s ....................... 172,824• North Shore Bay of Islands Development Association Corner

Brook .................................................................................................... 134,998• Northeast Avalon BDC Kel ligrews................................................... 146,276• Northern Peninsula Central Community Parsons P o n d .............. 100,000• Northland Business Corporation Hawke’s B a y ............................ 144,738• Nortip Community Futures Committee Plum P o in t ..................... 239,712• Nova Consolidated School District G a n d e r ................................... 173,744• Okalakatiget Society Nain ................................................................... 102,235• Pathways to Success Happy Valley................................................... 123,677• Pentecostal Assemblies Board of Education Grand Falls-

Windsor ................................................................................................. 139,170• Placentia Area Development Association P lacen tia ..................... 217,175• Port aux Basques Community Employment Port aux Basques , 151,916• Pride Association of Western Nfld Corner B r o o k ....................... 107,150• Provincial Training Port Blandford................................................... 1 26,626• Random North Development Association S h o a lH a r b o u r ......... 112,761• RC School Board for Exploits-White Bay Grand-Fal ls .............. 103,910• RC School Board for Labrador W a b u sh .......................................... 100,736• Resource Centre for the Arts LSPU St John’s .............................. 268,580• Roman Catholic School Board for St John’s St John’s .............. 162,461• Roman Catholic School Board Happy Valley .............................. 110,618• Salmon Association of Eastern Newfoundland St John’s ......... 166,684• Seafood Management Education Association S t j o h n ’s .............. 153,305• Skills for Youth St J o h n ' s ................................................................... 464,304• South Coast Business Development Centre St Alban’s .............. 235,413• South Side Development Fund Corporation St John’s ................ 143,000• Southern Shore Development Association Ferryland................... 173,026• Southern Shore St Mary's Bay BDC Trepassey............................ 109,701• Southern Shore St Mary's Bay Committee F e r r y la n d ................ 235,883• St Barbe Development Association Plum P o in t ............................ 214,011• St John 's Board of Trade St John’s ................................................... 156,368• St John 's YM-YWCA S t j o h n ’s ........................................................ 286,875• St Mary's Bay North Development Association Colinet SMB . 101,620• Straits Development Association Sandy C o v e .............................. 168,771• The Greater Humber CF Committee Corner B ro o k ..................... 150,000• Town of Botwood B o tw o o d ............................................................... 104,106• Town of Grand Bank Grand B a n k ................................................... 182,798• Towns of Northeast Avalon CFC M anue ls ..................................... 160,849• Training for Community Living Corner B r o o k ............................ 269,694• Trepassey Town Council T re p ass ey ................................................. 134,283• Trinity Conception BDC Harbour G r a c e ........................................ 144,300• Trinity Conception Community Futures Harbour G r a c e ............ 437,126• Twillingate - New World Island - Change Islands

Development Assoc N e w v i l l e ........................................................ 142,640• United Food Commercial Workers Union St J ohn’s ................... 150,987• Vera Perlin Society St John’s ............................................................ 227,282• West Newfoundland Business Corporation Corner Brook......... 139,496• Western Regional College Stephenvil le .......................................... 282,906• Westviking College Corner B r o o k ................................................... 441,559• Westviking College St A n th o n y ........................................................ 307,281• Westviking College S te phenv i l l e ...................................................... 559,906


• White Bay Central Development Association Main Brook , , , , 206,003• White Bay North Development Association St A n t h o n y ........... 1 25,572• White Bay South Development Association Pollard’s Point, , , , 105,403• Women Interested in Successful Employment Grand Falls-

W i n d s o r ................................................................................... 1 30,649• Women Interested in Successful Employment St John’s . 323,484• Women’s Enterprise Bureau S t j o h n ’s ................................ 176,774• Worker’s Compensation Board of Newfoundland St John 's, , , , 905,319• YM-YWCA Youth Enterprise Centre St John’s ............................ 401,822

Nova Scotia Region—• Advanced Management Centre H ali fax .............................. 1 30,968• Annapolis District School Board Annapolis R o y a l ......... 1 20,834• Annapolis Kings Regional Industrial Training Committee

Kentville................................................................................................. 220,073• Annapolis Ventures Limited Middleton ............................................ 100,000• Antigonish Chamber of Commerce Antigonish ............................ 229,497• Antigonish District School Board Antigonish ................................ 102,664• Atlantic Centre of Support for Disabled Students H a l i f a x ......... 1 70,182• Atlantic Home Building and Renovating Regional Industrial

Training Committee East D o v e r ..................................................... 1 70,678• BCS Business Consulting Services Sydney..................................... 116,158• Blue Water Business Development Corporation Sheet Harbour. 192,356• Blue Water Development Association Sheet Harbour ................... 111,786• Canso and Area Chamber of Commerce Canso .............................. 104,943• Cape Breton District School Board S y d n e y ................................... 201,426• Cape Breton Precision Components North Sydney ....................... 1 57,522• Cape Breton Regional Industrial Training Committee Sydney. . 300,000• Career Alternatives Training Services B r id g e w a te r ..................... 192,640• Chappel Island Band Council St P e te r s ............................................ 119,982• City of Dartmouth Department of Social Services Dartmouth . . 1 34,821• Colchester Campus NS Community College Truro ....................... 104,191• Compucollege School of Business H a l i f ax ..................................... 1 39,988• Conway Workshop D i g b y .................................................................... 120,706• Cumberland Development Corporation Ltd A m h e r s t ................... 181,274• Cumberland Regional Industrial Training Committee A m h ers t . 1 72,305• Dartmouth Chamber of Commerce D ar tm o u th .............................. 444,887• Dartmouth District School Board D ar tm o u th ................................ 1 38,558• DB Eddy and Associates Ltd New G las g o w ................................... 142,644• Digby County Community Futures Digby........................................ 174,122• Eskasoni Band Council Cape Breton ................................................. 146,972• Eskasoni Economic Development Cape B r e t o n ............................ 454,465• Forest Regional Industrial Training Committee A rm dale ............ 388,970• Fundy Training Group T r u r o ............................................................... 152,449• Futures Career Consulting Service D ar tm o u th .............................. 276,914• Glace Bay Community Futures Committee Glace B ay ................ 109,179• Guysborough County Business Development Guysborough . . . 112,059• Guysborough County Community Futures Committee

G u y sborough ........................................................................................ 173,981• Guysborough County District School Board Guysborough . . . . 158,405• Halifax Board of Trade Youth Project H a l i f a x .............................. 195,276• Halifax Campus NS Community College Hali fax .......................... 175,103• Halifax County Bedford District School Board Lower Sackville 594,533• Halifax District School Board Halifax.............................................. 1 59,098• Haltrans Industries Group Hal i fax ..................................................... 1 29,034• Hants West District School Board Windsor..................................... 116,451• High Technology Regional Industrial Training Committee

B e d f o r d .................................................................................................. 274,895• Horton First Nation Han tsport ............................................................ 108,590• HRDA Enterprises Limited Hali fax ................................................... 212,554• Industrial Cape Breton Board of Trade Sydney .............................. 289,594• Inrich Business Development Centre M a b o u ................................. 178,544• Inverness District School Board Port Hood..................................... 106,722• Inverness Richmond Community Futures Committee Cleveland 112,430• Kings County District School Board Ken tv i lle .............................. 140,357• Lunenburg County District School Board B r id g e w a te r .............. 113,313• Magi Corporation Ltd S y d n ey ............................................................ 129,849• Maritime Fishermens Union Glace Bay............................................ 133,472• Membertou Band Council Syd n ey ...................................................... 433,981• Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association H a l i f ax ............ 161,563• Micmac Native Friendship Centre H a l i f a x ..................................... 643,259• Millbrook Band Council Truro............................................................ 162,638• Minister of Finance Province of NS H al i fax ................................... 14,045,442

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• Mount Saint Vincent Student Affairs Hali fax ................................ 140,843• Municipality of the County of Cape Breton S y d n e y ................... 311,475• Municipality of the District of Yarmouth Y a r m o u t h ................... 115,194• Native Council of Nova Scotia Y a r m o u t h ..................................... 119,433• Northside Economic Development Association Sydney Mines. 162,073• Nova Scotia Community Care Regional Industrial Training

Committee D a r tm o u th ...................................................................... 318,200• Nova Scotia Community College B r id g e w a te r ............................ 163,909• Nova Scotia Community College M id d le to n ................................ 1 72,282• Nova Scotia Manufacturers Regional Industrial Training

Committee H a l i f ax ............................................................................. 330,000• Nova Scotia Native Womens Association T r u r o .......................... 155,173• NS Automotive Regional Industrial Training Committee

Dar tm outh ............................................................................................. 494,589• NS Community College Department of Education Middleton . 171,317• NS Community College Nautical Institute Port Hawkesbury . . 251,995• NS Construction Regional Industrial Training Committee

Lower S a c k v i l l e ................................................................................. 109,476• Pathways Secretariat Per Adrian McDonald Shubenacadie . . . . 268,616• Pictou County Business Opportunities New G lasgow................ 129,496• Pictou County Regional Industrial Training Committee New

G l a s g o w ............................................................................................... 212,054• Pictou District School Board W e s t v i l l e .......................................... 208,979• Pictou Waterfront Development Corporation P ic to u ................... 162,852• Queens Business Development Centre L i v e r p o o l ....................... 127,729• Regional Industrial Training Committee Digby............................ 100,216• Sackville Chamber of Commerce Lower S ack v i l l e ..................... 250,430• Shelburne County Business Development S h e lb u r n e ................ 328,352• Shubenacadie Band Council S h u b en acad ie ................................... 222,969• Stay in School Stakeholders Board O x f o r d ................................... 284,867• Target Training and Development Ltd S te llar ton.......................... 262,376• Target Training and Development Ltd T r u r o ................................ 100,512• The Confederacy of Mainland MicMacs T r u r o ............................ 1 32,844• Tourism Regional Industrial Training Committee Halifax......... 355,000• Town of Glace Bay Glace B a y .......................................................... 264,187• Trucking Regional Industrial Training Committee Kentville . . 1 35,000• Université Sainte Anne Compte D e D ig b y ..................................... 181,575• Wagmatcook Board of Education B a d d e c k ................................... 187,524• Whycocomagh Band Council W h y c o co m ag h .............................. 117,169• Windsor Agricultural Society Windsor ............................................ 296,900• Windsor West Hants Business Development Centre W indsor . . 1 56,623• Windsor West Hants Regional Industrial Training Committee

Windsor ................................................................................................. 271,023• Workers Compensation Board o f NS Halifax................................ 135,314• Yarmouth Community Futures Committee Y a r m o u th ................ 101,170• Yarmouth County Industrial Training Committee Yarmouth. . . 394,887• Yarmouth Regional Business Corporation Ltd Y a r m o u th ......... 117,097• YMCA of Metro Halifax H a l i f a x ..................................................... 527,813• YWCA Halifax H ali fax ........................................................................ 701,873

Prince Edward Island Region—• Boys and Girls Club of Summerside .............................................. 107,309• Construction Association of Charlottetown................................... 101,426• East Prince Development Summerside............................................ 132,480• Eastern Ventures and Development Inc Georgetow n.................. 1 36,734• Greater Charlottetown Chamber of Commerce Charlottetown . 196,358• Greater Summerside Chamber of Commerce Summerside . . . . 103,022• Holland College School of Business C h ar lo t te to w n ................... 461,156• Holland College Summerside Centre S u m m e r s id e ..................... 109,118• Holland College Vocational Division Charlo ttetown................... 138,142• Leadership Development Association C h a r lo t te to w n ................ 168,470• Lennox Band Council Lennox I s lan d .............................................. 210,099• Minister of Finance Char lo tte town................................................... 2,518,094• Nova Scotia Automotive Dartmouth NS ........................................ 110,583• Council of Disabled Charlottetown ................................................. 298,781• Regional Administrative Unit 2 Summerside................................ 152,905• Regional Administrative Unit 4 Montague..................................... 165,906• Tourism Industry Association Char lo tte town................................ 321,158• Unit 3 School Board Char lo tte to w n................................................. 175,223• West Prince Ventures A lb er to n .......................................................... 128,424• Western Development Commission Alber ton................................. 148,429

New Brunswick Region —• 046660 NB Inc Saint J o h n ................................................................. 161,836• Adel-Kent-Leda B o u c to u c h e ............................................................ 135,000


• Amulet Consulting Ltd Fredericton................................................... 1,441,654• APTA Training Program Inc D ie p p e ................................................. 398,452• ASK Development Ltd M oncton ........................................................ 240,993• Atelier RADO Inc Edm undston .......................................................... 202,029• Atlantic Career Consultants (NB2000) Corporation Moncton . . 318,055• Big Cove Band Council Big C o v e ...................................................... 298,915• BKM Research and Development Inc M o n c to n ............................ 395,362• Board of School Trustees District # 13 Perth-Andover................. 117,379• Board of School Trustees District # 14 D a lh o u s i e ........................ 195,818• Board of School Trustees District # 16 C h a t h a m ........................... 190,257• Board of School Trustees District # 17 O r o m o c t o ........................ 152,623• Board of School Trustees District # 19 R o th e sa y .......................... 115,768• Board of School Trustees District # 20 Saint J o h n ........................ 143,624• Board of School Trustees District # 4 S u s s e x ................................ 195,777• Board of School Trustees District # 41 Beresford.......................... 346,300• Board of School Trustees District # 42 Bathurst ............................. 233,684• Burnt Church Indian Nation Legaceville.......................................... 463,215• CADC Kent-CFC Bouctouche ............................................................ 177,555• CADC Nepisiguit Inc B a t h u r s t .......................................................... 205,559• CADC Peninsula Acadienne T racad ie ............................................... 198,366• Canadian Labour Congress Moncton................................................. 122,254• Canadian Labour Congress/Congres du Travail du Canada

Ottawa O n t ............................................................................................. 130,783• Carleton Victoria Community Vocational Board Inc Perth-

Andover .................................................................................................. 177,869• Centre de Bénévolat de la Peninsula C a r a q u e t .............................. 211,361• Centre d ’Entrepreneurship Chaleur Inc B e r e s f o r d ....................... 175,729• Centre Universitaire St Louis Maillet Edmundston ..................... 813,355• CGCP-Charlotte County CFC Inc St A n d r e w s .............................. 101,652• CGCP-Miramichi Community Futures C h a t h a m .......................... 256,679• Chambre de Commerce du District de Grand Sault Inc Grand

S a u l l ......................................................................................................... 117,751• Charlotte County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health St

Stephen.................................................................................................... 143,557• Charlotte County Development Corporation Inc St Stephen . . . 136,181• Chipman Local Partners in Development C h ip m a n ..................... 132,651• City of Campbellton Campbel lton...................................................... 903,953• College Communautaire de NB Bathurst ........................................ 1,055,967• College Communautaire de NB Cam pbell ton ................................. 374,654• College Communautaire de NB Dieppe............................................ 252,465• Community Mental Health Inc W oods tock ..................................... 224,334• Compagnie des jeunes travailleurs du Nord-Ouest Inc

Edm unston ............................................................................................. 254,414• Congres Mondial Acadien D iep p e ..................................................... 113,356• Conseil Scholaire de la Péninsule Acadienne Tracadie ................ 310,615• Conseil Scholaire District #11 Bouctouche..................................... 110,900• Conseil Scholaire District #5 C a r a q u e t ............................................ 124,107• Construction Education and Training Corp of NB Fredericton . 850,540• Dalhousie Recreaplex D alh ous ie ........................................................ 512,763• District Scolaire 05 Campbell ton ........................................................ 244,253• E3 Inc Electronically Enhanced Education Freder ic to n .............. 101,105• Early Childhood Coalition Petite Enfance Inc Fredericton......... 221,008• Education for Success Saint J o h n ...................................................... 437,681• Eel River Bar Band Council Da lhous ie ............................................ 450,000• Employment Partnership Saint J o h n ................................................. 115,357• Fed des Agriculteurs(trices) Francophones du NB Edmundston 117,724• Fredericton Exhibition Ltd Freder ic ton............................................ 106,291• Fredericton YM-YWCA F rederic ton ................................................. 125,024• Greater Moncton YMCA M o n c t o n ................................................... 153,202• Hamilton Carter Ltd F rederic ton ........................................................ 844,679• Hayes F Dr Woods tock.......................................................................... 140,599• Hospitality NB Training Coordinators Inc Fredericton................ 390,688• Info Consultants and Associated Ltd Bathurst................................ 111,268• Jackson and Henry Educational Enterprises Ltd St Stephen. . . . 645,600• Job Oriented Training Inc Fredericton............................................... 584,218• Jobs Unlimited Inc F red er ic to n .......................................................... 131,099• John Howard Society F red er ic to n ...................................................... 235,333• Kinsmen Club of Newcastle Inc Newcastle ................................... 108,032• La Société Culturelle Régionale Grand S a u l t ................................. 1,321,739• Lameque Centre Ville Lameque.......................................................... 143,066• Lepage Papyrus Inc B a l m o r a l ............................................................ 168,044• L’Erudit Inc Edmundston...................................................................... 239,840• McAdam Lions Club M c A d a m .......................................................... 101,234• Memramcook Institute Saint J o s e p h ................................................. 1,275,322

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• Minister of Finance F rederic ton ........................................................ 3,949,741• Miramichi Community Futures Inc Chatham................................ 117,606• Miramichi Pulp and Paper Newcastle .............................................. 465,557• Moncton Youth Residence Inc Moncton.......................................... 197,962• NB Aboriginal Peoples Council Freder ic ton................................ 221,871• NB Forest Products Association Ltd Freder ic ton......................... 313,680• NB MVR-Mech Training Committee Inc Saint Jo h n ................... 310,254• NB Pulp and Paper CGCP Inc Harvey S ta t io n .............................. 231,100• NB School District 24 Chip m an ........................................................ 166,160• New Brunswick Community College C h a th a m .......................... 323,622• New Brunswick Community College Freder ic to n ..................... 460,902• New Brunswick Community College M o n c to n ........................... 360,693• New Brunswick Community College Saint J o h n ........................ 524,283• New Brunswick Community College St A n d rew s ...................... 327,840• New Brunswick Community College W o o d s to c k ...................... 218,284• New Lease Inc Saint J o h n ................................................................... 184,397• North Shore Micmac District Council N e w c a s t le ....................... 340,434• Oromocto Youth Training Centre O r o m o c t o ................................ 246,561• Papineau Indian Band Bathurst .......................................................... 104,416• Progressive Planning Ltd Fredericton.............................................. 209,336• Raoul Guerette Inc Ville Degelis Que ............................................ 105,570• Red Bank Indian Band Red B a n k ..................................................... 140,910• Restigouche Business Development Campbel lton....................... 105,890• Restigouche Community Futures Committee Inc Campbellton. 209,340• Rothesay Association for Community Living Inc Renforth. . . . 304,1 52• Saint John Learning Exchange Saint J o h n ..................................... 505,597• School District # 18 Fredericton........................................................ 202,237• School District # 2 M oncton ............................................................... 121,417• Single Parent Resource Centre Inc Saint J o h n .............................. 119,008• Skills Development Ltd Saint John ................................................. 1 31,834• Skills Management B a thurs t............................................................... 127,1 54• Skills Management Saint J o h n .......................................................... 298,883• Société Culturelle Nigawouek N eguac............................................ 337,130• Société d ’aide a l ’entreprise Tracadie............................................... 132,988• Société d ’amenagement de la Riviere Madawaska St Jacques . 764,650• South East Economie Commission Inc Shediac............................ 161,069• South East LEAD Corporation CLE du Sud-Est S h e d ia c ......... 146,556• Southwest Valley Development Corporation Harvey Station . . 126,652• Tobique Indian Band Per th -A n d o v er .............................................. 174,633• Tobique Indian Reserve P er th ............................................................ 205,949• Town of St George St G eo rg e ............................................................ 1 39,107• Town of St Stephen St S tephen.......................................................... 1 50,345• Un pas de l ’avant Inc B a th u r s t .......................................................... 4 13,454• Union of New Brunswick Indians Fredericton.............................. 258,531• Université de Moncton M o n c t o n ..................................................... 289,835• University of New Brunswick Fredericton..................................... 201,101• Victoria Madawaska South Business Development Grand Falls 161,317• Victoria Madawaska South Community Futures Committee

Inc Grand S au lt .................................................................................... 327,089• Village de Saint Antoine Saint A n t o i n e .......................................... 114,631• Ville de Saint Basile Saint B a s i l e ..................................................... 111,879• Ville d ’ Edmunds ton Edmunds t o n ..................................................... 114,631• Vocational Residential Health Services Inc Saint J o h n .............. 422,421• WHK Woven Labels Ltd Edm u n d s to n ............................................ 170,048• Youth Corps Inc Moncton................................................................... 167,401

Quebec Region—• Accès Ressources Etude Travail S te -A d e le ................................... 255,641• Accès Santé Mentale Cible Travail M ontrea l................................ 497,647• Accès travail femmes du Saguenay Jo n q u ie re .............................. 478,521• Action Emploi Papineau B u ck in g h am ............................................ 530,742• Action Intervention Jeunesse L a v a l ................................................. 238,697• Action Travail Jeunesse des Moulins T e r re b o n n e ....................... 227,055• Action Travail Rimouski Neigette R im ousk i ................................ 1 22,370• Adia Canada Ltd M o n t r e a l ................................................................. 209,183• Aide et amitié de Montreal E s tM o n t r e a l e s t ................................ 116,520• Aide et Integration Jeunesse au Travail Be loe i l ............................ 386,010• Air Canada Dorval ................................................................................. 197,425• Air Canada St-Laurent ........................................................................ 239,906• Alliance autochtone du Quebec H u l l .............................................. 273,374• Alternance Travail-Formation S t -C y p r ie n ..................................... 489,352


• Aluminerie Alouette Inc S ep t- I l es ..................................................... 598,964• Association Chasse et Peche Enr C lor idorm e ................................ 147,755• Association des Centres d ’Aide aux Chomedey L a v a l ................ 149,000• Association des Pécheurs de la Basse-Cote La T ab a t iè re ............ 373,559• Association internationale des machinistes Ville St-Laurent . . . 310,510• Association pour la promotion du droits Jonquiere ....................... 448,386• Association Touristique des Laurentides S t - Je ro m e ..................... 111,361• Atelier d'Artisanat Centre-Ville Montrea l........................................ 464,000• Atelier de Préparation a l ’Emploi Inc Quebec ................................ 426,578• Atelier de Réadaptation Travail La relance H u l l ............................ 402,954• Atelier de Travail Jeunesse 01 Inc R im o u s k i ................................ 428,049• Avenir economique Rosemont (CDEC) Montrea l......................... 1 55,581• Avenue Jeunesse Inc Repen tigny ........................................................ 192,007• Bell Helicoptere Textron St-Janvier................................................... 112,582• Black Community council of Quebec M o n t r e a l ............................ 246,690• Bombardier Inc Division Canadair S t -L a u ren t .............................. 336,256• Bombardier Inc V a lc o u r t ...................................................................... 105,394• Bonneterie Paris Star Inc M o n t r e a l ................................................... 359,21 1• Bristol Myers Squibb groupe de pharmaciens S t - L a u r e n t ......... 143,999• Bureau reference intervention jeunesse Sherbrooke ..................... 312,353• CADC A m o s ............................................................................................. 156,000• CADC Berthier/D’Autrey Laval trie................................................... 123,765• CADC Bonavignon C a r l e to n ............................................................... 193,357• CADC Centre de la Mauricie Shawinigan........................................ 190,751• CADC Cote-Nord S ep t- I l e s ................................................................. 296,841• CADC Cri Q u e b e c ................................................................................. 112,997• CADC de Charlevoix Baie S t - P a u l ................................................... 109,360• CADC de la MRC de l ’Or Blanc A s b e s t o s ..................................... 100,000• CADC de Nicolet Becancour/St-Gregoire B e c a n c o u r ................ 206,322• CADC de Papineau M asson................................................................. 110,720• CADC Haut pays de la Neigette S te -B lan d in e .............................. 111,884• CADC M a t a n e ........................................................................................ 121,312• CADC Mekinac des Chenaux St-Severin de P r o u lx v i l l e ............ 114,959• CADC MRC de Riviere du Loup Riviere du L o u p ....................... 11 3,356• CADC Région d ’Amos Inc A m o s ...................................................... 107,725• CADC Région Haut St-Francois C o o k s h i r e ................................... 185,876• CADC Rouyn Noranda Régional Rouyn N o r a n d a ....................... 243,767• CADC Sorel Tracy S o r e l ...................................................................... 121,728• CADC Vallée de l ’Or Malartic............................................................ 114,197• CAE Adelim Inc lies de la M ad ele in e .............................................. 180,942• CAE Bas-Richelieu Inc Sore l............................................................... 11 7,520• CAE Bas-Saguenay Inc Ville La B a i e .............................................. 1 55,979• CAE Charlevoix La M a lb a ie ............................................................... 109,680• CAE Chibougamau Chapais Chibougamau..................................... 145,772• CAE Comte Jonquiere Lac St-Jean S t -A m b ro is e .......................... 1 33,744• CAE d ’Asbestos A s b e s to s .................................................................... 114,788• CAE de Berthierville B e r th ie rv i l le ................................................... 134,183• CAE de la Matapedia Inc A m q u i ........................................................ 1 27,124• CAE de la Mitis Mont-Joli.................................................................... 147,482• CAE de la MRC de Maskinonge L o u i s e v i l l e ................................ 114,836• CAE de la MRC de Riviere du Loup Riviere du L o u p ................ 139,000• CAE de la Neigette Ste-Blandine........................................................ 138,638• CAE de la Région de Matane Inc M a ta n e ........................................ 103,418• CAE de l ’Abitibi Ouest La S a r re ........................................................ 126,188• CAE de Pabok Chandler........................................................................ 155,074• CAE de Temiscouata Inc Degelis........................................................ 173,034• CAE de Thetford et la Région Thetford M in e s .............................. 150,503• CAE des Basques Inc T ro is-P is to les ................................................. 155,500• CAE du Kamouraska La Pocatiere ................................................... 122,500• CAE du Temiscamingue Vil le-Mar ie ................................................. 103,046• CAE Electronique Ltee S t -L a u re n t ................................................... 137,136• CAE Gaspe Nord Ste-Anne des M o n t s ............................................ 132,308• CAE Haut St-Maurice La T u q u e ....................................................... 1 28,639• CAE Haute Cote-Nord Inc Les Escoum in s ..................................... 162,007• CAE Lac St-Jean Ouest Inc R o b e r v a l .............................................. 165,819• CAE Manicouagan Inc B a ie -C o m e au .............................................. 122,000• CAE MRC A cto n-V ale .......................................................................... 131,020• CAE Pointe de Gaspe G a s p e ............................................................... 109,942• CAE Senneterre Inc Senne te r re .......................................................... 125,000• CAE St- Jerome........................................................................................ 136,000

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• CAE Vallee de la Batiscan S t -S tan i s las .......................................... 109,714• CAE Vallee de l 'Or Val d ’O r ............................................................ 131,640• Carrefour communautaire Rosemont Entre G M o n t r e a l ............ 158,867• Carrefour jeunesse de la pointe M ontrea l....................................... 111,065• Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi de l ’Outaouais Gat ineau................... 786,869• Carrefour multi-ethnique de St-Laurent S t-Lauren t..................... 156,806• Cascades Inc Kingsey Fall s................................................................. 122,226• Centre d ’adaptation MO Aérospatial M o n t r e a l ............................ 2,107,534• Centre d ’Aiguilliage Estrie Inc Sherbrooke................................... 497,560• Centre de Femmes de la Vallee B e l o e i l .......................................... 167,115• Centre de formation a l 'emploi Q u e b e c .......................................... 427,000• Centre de formation consultation Q u e b e c ..................................... 145,146• Centre de formation Emploi 16-17 Inc Q u e b e c ............................ 462,567• Centre de formation multiprofessionnel M ontr ea l ....................... 1 30,731• Centre de formation Nutshimiu Atus Sept-I les.............................. 301,417• Centre de formation option travail Ste F o y ................................... 341,369• Centre de la Femme Rond Point Trois-Rivieres ............................ 399,413• Centre de plein-air Cote des chats S t -P aco m e .............................. 341,000• Centre de recherche de l 'emploi de Sherbrooke............................ 188,766• Centre de recherche d'emploi Laval Laval ..................................... 370,500• Centre de recherche d'emploi St-Denis M o n t r e a l ....................... 115,000• Centre d'entraide sociale bas Quebec .............................................. 1 36,238• Centre d'évaluation multi-ressource Trois-Rivieres..................... 169,164• Centre d'initiative en agriculture Coaticook................................... 585,731• Centre d'interpretat ion de la nature (CIN) du Lac Boivin

Inc G r a n b y ........................................................................................... 107,559• Centre Emersion Manicouagan Inc B aie-Comeau ....................... 496,285• Centre Keno patro Jonquiere ............................................................... 1 35,235• Centre Objectif travail de l 'Estrie Sherbrooke.............................. 642,392• Centre ressources jeunesse Abitibi Rouyn Noranda..................... 352,817• Chambre de commerce de Trois-Pistoles Tro i s -P is to les ............ 103,035• Chambre de commerce Mont Laurier Mont L a u r i e r ................... 162,917• Chief Malcolm Diamond Memorial Inc Edmonton A l t a ............ 106,578• Cie Kenworth du Canada S te -T h e re se ............................................ 240,257• Circo Craft Pointe-Claire ................................................................... 147,540• Clef Centre d'Emploi de Lanaudiere Jo l ie t t e ................................ 350,000• CLSC Normandie S t - T i t e ................................................................... 100,505• Club de Golf Baie-Comeau (1983) Ba ie -C o m eau ....................... 128,934• Club d'emploi de la Vallee A m q u i ................................................... 474,266• CN Rail S t -Lau ren t ............................................................................... 397,505• Comité condition feminine au Temiscamingue Ville-Marie , , , 113,160• Comité d ’aide au développement collectivite Bellechasse

St-Leon de S t a n d o n .......................................................................... 118,463• Comité de développement de la neigette Trinité des Monts , , , 1 35,774• Comité de survie de Tourelle T o u r e l le ............................................ 203,544• Comité organisateur finale des jeux du Quebec G a s p e .............. 240,188• Comité organisateur finale jeux du Quebec de Baie-Comeau , , 472,654• Comité recyclage employabilité main d'oeuvre Sherbrooke , , , 523,687• Commission de la santé et de la sécurité au travail Quebec, , , , 1,850,958• Commission des Ecoles Catholiques Ste Foy................................ 128,166• Commission Scolaire B a i e d u H a - H a L a b a ie ................................ 111,670• Commission Scolaire de Chomedey L a v a l ..................................... 143,038• Commission Scolaire de Jonquiere J o n q u ie r e .............................. 179,384• Commission Scolaire de l ’industrie Jo l ie t te ................................... 104,798• Commission Scolaire de Portneuf Donnaconna............................ 101,317• Commission Scolaire des Cantons Granby..................................... 111,659• Commission Scolaire du Trois lacs V a u d r e u i l .............................. 187,715• Commission Scolaire La Riveraine N ic o l e t ................................... 160,167• Commission Scolaire Régionale chauveau N eu fch a t e l .............. 106,152• Commission Scolaire Régionale Lac St-Jean A lm a ..................... 159,179• Commission Scolaire Samuel de Champlain Cap de la

M ade le ine ............................................................................................. 112,174• Communication Ericsson Inc M o n t r e a l .......................................... 160,069• Compagnie des Jeunes Travailleurs Chicoutimi............................ 530,805• Competence Quebec Q u e b e c ............................................................ 1 34,550• Concordia University M o n t r e a l ........................................................ 179,273• Conference du CADC du Quebec Inc Q u e b e c .............................. 100,811• Conseil central Gaspesie des Iles Fon tene l le ................................. 182,798• Conseil de bande Abitiwinni P ikogan............................................ 264,287• Conseil de bande Atikamekw de Manawan M anaw an................ 172,147• Conseil de bande Betsiamites Bets iamite s ................................... 236,939• Conseil de bande Mic Mac de Gaspe F o n ten e l le ....................... 108,376


• Conseil de la nation Huronne Wenag village H u ro n ..................... 317,112• Conseil des Atikamekw La T u q u e ..................................................... 101,250• Conseil des Montagnais du Lac St-Jean M ashteuia tsh ................ 357,991• Conseil du travailleurs de Montreal M ontrea l ................................ 145,676• Corporation de développement communautaire bois

Victor iavil le........................................................................................... 144,773• Corporation de développement communautaire Cowansville. . . 410,702• Corporation de développement economique et commercial

centre M o n t r e a l .................................................................................... 230,703• Corporation des célébrations du 350e Anniversaires Montreal, , 258,546• Corporation des concessionnaires d ’automobiles Buckingham , 1 22,928• Corporation des Travailleurs Immigres Orie Q u e b e c ................... 482,683• Corporation Municipale de d ’Escuninac Pointe a la Garde , , , , 114,514• Corporation municipale de la paroisse R agueneau ....................... 115,845• Création les cols roses M o n t r e a l ........................................................ 126,007• Daishowa Inc Quebec ............................................................................ 1 35,920• DBM Reflex Entreprises Inc S t -Lau ren t .......................................... 174,265• Défi Education 2000 St G e o r g e s ........................................................ 128,879• Denise Lebel Inc Riviere du loup ..................................................... 1 35,757• Diffusions culturelles Nicolet Inc N ico le t ....................................... 1 58,231• Eastern Townships School Board L e n n o x v i l l e .............................. 102,731• Ecole centennial High School Greenfield P a r k .............................. 1 20,785• Ecole Commercial du cap Cap de la M a d e le in e ............................ 146,828• Ecole des Routiers P r o - C a m d u Q u e b e c H u l l ................................ 131,176• Ecole Mont Saint-Antoine M o n t r e a l ................................................. 198,018• Envol Service de Retour au Travail H u l l .......................................... 334,059• Epiciers Unis Métro Richelieu Inc M ontrea l................................... 149,677• Epoc Montreal Inc M o n t r e a l ............................................................... 833,813• ERS Youth Development Corporation M ontrea l............................ 200,741• Femmes Regroupées en Options non travail Lo n g u e u i l .............. 525,764• Fondation Godefroy Laviolette Ste-Agathe des Monts ................ 100,078• Fondation Godefroy Laviolette St-Jerome........................................ 100,883• Fondation Godefroy Laviolette S t-Therese ..................................... 333,840• Fondation Marie Soleil Jonathan Inc Rouyn N o r a n d a ................ 102,330• Fondation Mira Inc S te -M ad e le in e ................................................... 106,615• Fondation Pro Jeune Est 01 Rimouski R im o u s k i .......................... 161,090• Fondation Ressources Jeunesse M o n t re a l ........................................ 163,683• Formation a l ’emploi service 18 30 Verdun..................................... 143,437• Formation Info-Technique SB Inc Vaudreui l ................................... 368,000• Formation Pro-Active SR Inc D rum m ondvi lle .............................. 221,269• Frigidaire Canada L ’Assompt ion ........................................................ 189,719• Gaz métropolitain Inc Montrea l .......................................................... 190,428• GE Canada Atelier d ’Ingenierie Lachine.......................................... 134,660• GenFoot Inc Contrecoeur ...................................................................... 205,549• Gouvernement du Quebec M o n t r e a l ................................................. 74,111,681• Groupe commerce compagnie d'Assurance S t -H y ac in th e ......... 103,715• Groupe Information Travail M o n trea l ............................................... 225,000• Groupe ininerence et travail Inc M ontrea l........................................ 237,500• Groupe intégration travail (GIT) Société Inc Q uebec .................. 1 53,208• Halte Répit Hochelaga Maisonneuve Montreal .............................. 1 22,755• Heroux Inc L o n g u e u i l .......................................................................... 207,038• Impulsion Travail Inc M ontrea l-Nord .............................................. 500,000• Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani Ute Sept-Iles............................ 183,581• Institut Carrière et Développement (ICD) L ongueu i l .................. 1 22,543• Institut Culturel et Educatif des Montagnes Villages des

H u r o n s .................................................................................................... 1 24,538• Institut de Formation Autochtone du Quebec Lo re t tev i l le ......... 393,078• Institut national de recherche scientifique M ontrea l ..................... 205,190• Institut Teccart M o n t r e a l ...................................................................... 196,520• Intégration Jeu n es s ed u Q u eb ecM o n tre a l ....................................... 136,232• Jamaica association de Montreal M o n t re a l ..................................... 1 28,102• Jean-Marie Toure Quebec...................................................................... 207,086• Jeunes Virtuoses de Montreal Young Montrea l .............................. 159,436• Jewish vocational service centre d ’or M o n t r e a l ............................ 106,275• Kata Marine International Paspeb iac................................................. 11 3,272• Kativik régional Government Montrea l ............................................ 1,571,508• Kitigan Zibi Amishinabeg Maniwaki ................................................. 118,806• Kraft Canada Ltee Montreal................................................................. 210,845• La Bivoie Inc A l m a ............................................................................... 430,556• La compagnie gaspesia limitée C h a n d l e r ........................................ 188,938• La forge CSW division de Hawker SI M o n trea l ............................ 141,781• La machinerie Inc M etabe tchow an ................................................... 114,199

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• La Maison de Jonathan Inc L o n g u e u i l ............................................ 148,407• Laboratoire Ayerst S t-Laurent............................................................ 121,966• Le boulot Vers M ontrea l ...................................................................... 190,996• Le comité paritaire de l ’industrie M o n t r e a l ................................... 180,960• Le groupe action jeunesse St-Eustache............................................ 108,184• L ’Ecole Entreprise Formetal Inc M ontr ea l ..................................... 335,000• L ’Enjeu intégration des femmes au travail M ontrea l................... 1 58,396• Les bateaux Denis Servant Inc Toure lle .......................................... 149,832• Les consultants 3LM Inc St-Eustache ............................................ 161,776• Les Messagers de l ’espoir A n j o u ...................................................... 111,790• Les Produits Desbiens Inc Desbiens................................................. 100,890• Les services financiers Avco M o n t-R o y a l ..................................... 266,614• L’Hirondelle Comité d ’Accueil Internationale Montrea l............ 392,539• Ligue des Noirs du Quebec M ontrea l............................................... 318,021• L’Opéra de Montreal M ontr ea l .......................................................... 182,762• Maison des Jeunes des Basses Laurentides S te -T h erese ............ 101,326• Maison des jeunes magi Mercier Que Montrea l............................ 1 35,728• Matériaux Blanchet S t -P am p h i le ...................................................... 103,173• McGill University M o n trea l ............................................................... 302,039• McMaster Meigher avocats M ontrea l .............................................. 11 2,944• Métallurgie du cuivre Noranda M ontrea l ........................................ 103,288• Minority Apprentice project M o n t r e a l ............................................ 118,599• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake K a h n a w a k e .............................. 171,200• Mohawk Council of Kanesatake Kanesata ke................................ 1 79,967• Montreal association for the blind M o n t r e a l ................................. 281,087• Monuments Gibson Enr Rouyn N o r a n d a ....................................... 119,259• Mouvement action chômage de Montreal Montrea l..................... 108,909• Mouvement des Jeunes Travailleurs MRC St-Eus tache.............. 336,610• Municipalité Albanel A lb an e l ............................................................ 111,731• Municipalité de Laterriere L a te r r ie re ............................................... 120,749• Municipalité de St-Louis du Ha-Ha St-Louis du H a - H a ............ 108,714• Municipalité régionale de cte de Pabok C h a n d le r ....................... 739,382• Native friendship centre of Montreal M o n t re a l ............................ 153,194• Navigation Aeronav international Dorval ........................................ 184,280• Northern Telecom Ville St-Laurent................................................... 1 23,342• Olymel St-Charles de Bellechasse St-Charles de Bel lechasse, , 191,414• Oméga centre Dorval ............................................................................. 177,405• Opportunités et option ressource travail V a l ley f ie ld ................... 538,612• Ouje Bougoumou développement corporation Chibougamau , , 131,932• Passeport travail de beauce St-Georges de Beauce ..................... 393,300• Philips Fitel Inc Rimouski................................................................... 435,682• Pratt and Whitney Canada Inc Longueuil........................................ 179,893• Prévost Car Inc Ste-Claire ................................................................... 146,176• Price Wilson Lachute .......................................................................... 146,191• Proctor et gamble Inc P o in te -C la i re ................................................. 116,281• Productions Pixart Inc Montrea l........................................................ 326,000• Produits Forestiers canadien pacifique G at in eau .......................... 209,648• Produits Forestiers canadien pacifique La Tuque.......................... 137,501• Produits Forestiers canadien pacifique M ontr ea l.......................... 171,827• Produits Forestiers Malette Quebec St-Raymond.......................... 116,227• Produits Forestiers Turpin Inc T h u r s o ............................................ 198,375• Produits Shell Canada limitée Montreal E s t ................................... 1 30,095• Programme action revitalisation M ontrea l ..................................... 1 55,520• Programme Organisation au Travail M ontr ea l .............................. 633,526• Projet d ’amenagement résidentiel et industriel (PARI) de

St-Michel M o n t r e a l .......................................................................... 114,634• Projet d'intégrat ion des Femmes de H u l l ........................................ 187,244• Quebec Téléphoné R i m o u s k i ............................................................ 151,129• Radio Bellechasse Lac E tc h e m in ...................................................... 145,291• Radio Communautaire Essipit haute Les Escoumins................... 219,364• Raoul Guerette Inc Degel is ................................................................. 113,372• Regroupement pour la Relance Econonomique et Sociale

M o n trea l ............................................................................................... 357,684• Resto Pop Inc Montreal........................................................................ 215,530• Reveil Action jeunesse St-Huber t ..................................................... 111,694• Rond Point 16-18 Inc M o n t r e a l ........................................................ 509,737• Scierie des outardes Baie-Comeau................................................... 263,914• Service d ’Aide a l ’Emploi de l ’Est Montrea l ................................ 511,250• Service Régional Admissions Montreal Métro Montrea l............ 131,725• Service Travail Jeunesse Inc V ic to r ia v i lle ..................................... 425,061• Services a l ’expoitation Jonquiere Jonqu ie re ................................. 114,880• Sidbec-Dosco Inc Contrecoeur .......................................................... 189,906• Société de Développement economique Longueu il ..................... 107,453


• Société Makivik L a c h in e ...................................................................... 251,927• Soficar centre Mauricie Inc Shaw in ig an .......................................... 100,000• Sous Traitance Industrielle Quebec L a v a l ........................................ 202,550• Sprint Trois-Rivieres Inc Trois-Rivie res .......................................... 416,810• St-Felix Dalquier municipalité St-Felix de Dalquier ..................... 114,992• Stone consolidated division voyagamach Trois-Rivie res ............ 104,265• Sucre Lantic M o n t r e a l .......................................................................... 129,941• Table Concertation Intervenant Jeunesse de la region

de l ’amiante Thetford M in es ............................................................ 161,776• Table concertation St-Henri M ontrea l ............................................... 233,132• Temcell Temiscaming............................................................................. 188,434• Transition Elle Inc S t -Rom ua ld .......................................................... 459,514• Université de Montreal Montrea l........................................................ 217,904• Université du Quebec a Montreal Montreal ................................... 174,582• Université Laval St F o y ........................................................................ 197,451• Ville de Jonquiere J o n q u ie r e ............................................................... 193,254• Ville de Laterriere La te r r ie re ............................................................... 208,201• Ville de Ste-Anne des Monts Ste-Anne des M o n ts ....................... 155,284• Western Quebec School Board A y lm e r ............................................ 100,000• YMCA de Montreal M o n t r e a l ............................................................ 898,702• YMCA de Pointe -Cla i re........................................................................ 109,842• YMCA de Quebec Q u eb ec .................................................................... 164,983

Ontario Region—• 795842 Ontario Inc O/A AIM North B a y ........................................ 109,793• Absolute Pallet and Crate Inc Niagara F a l l s ................................... 391,242• Academy of Learning Scarborough................................................... 11 2,826• Ahkinomagai Kemik Education Council T oron to .......................... 102,319• Air Canada T o r o n t o ............................................................................... 127,385• Albert Morin Cornwal l .......................................................................... 140,000• Alderville First Nation Rosenea th ..................................................... 1 36,664• Algoma District Social Services Thessalon..................................... 102,636• Algonquin College of AA&T N e p e a n .............................................. 166,322• Algonquin College School of Lanark County P e r t h ..................... 1 39,994• Algonquin Golden Lake First Nation Golden L a k e ..................... 190,911• Alternative Computer Training for the Disabled Toron to ............ 495,692• Amity Goodwill Industries H a m i l to n ............................................... 142,929• Anigawncigig Institute P e te rborough ............................................... 350,848• Anokeewin Kenomadee Garnik Training Sioux Loo k o u t ............ 538,216• Arnprior District Association for Community Living Braeside . 114,192• Aroland First Nation N a k in a ............................................................... 102,031• Assoc Canadienne-Française D el’On H a m i l to n ............................ 196,850• At Your Service O t t a w a ........................................................................ 388,608• Atikokan Community Futures Committee Atikokan..................... 232,500• Atikokan Community Training A t i k o k a n ........................................ 210,463• Atikokan Economic Development Corporation A t i k o k a n ......... 158,800• Atikokan Employment Development Corporation Atikokan . . . 166,774• Atikokan Lifelong Learning Centre Atikokan ................................ 145,929• Atlas Specialty Steels Welland............................................................ 1 73,645• Audio Tactile Network Inc Lon d o n ................................................... 185,065• Ball Training and Consulting Inc G u e lp h ........................................ 116,166• Bancroft & Haliburton Industrial Training Committee Bancroft 498,925• Barrie and District Training Council B a r r i e ................................... 502,009• Barrie Native Friendship Centre Barr ie ............................................ 108,843• Batchewana Band Industries Ltd Sault S te-Marie .......................... 178,616• BDC Human Resource Development Corporation Fort Erie . . . 410,454• Bearskin Lake First Nation Bearskin L a k e ..................................... 172,113• Beausoleil Band Council Christian Is land ........................................ 185,993• Bluewater Fibre Inc Kinca rdine.......................................................... 177,362• Bonnechere Metis Association Golden Lake................................... 163,197• Boys and Girls Club o f Peel B ram p to n ............................................ 109,562• Brampton Caledon Community Living B r a m p to n ....................... 287,851• Brampton Neighborhood Resource Centre Brampton................... 203,636• Brant CFC B r a n t f o r d ............................................................................. 107,695• Brant Community Social Planning Committee Brant ford............ 105,063• Brant County Business Incentive Corporation Bran tfo rd ............ 186,018• Brant Industrial Training Advisory Bran tford................................. 888,302• Brockville CFC Brockville.................................................................... 120,628• Brockville Leeds BDC Brockvi lle ..................................................... 211,507• Bronte Labour Exchange Oakvil le...................................................... 165,632• Cambridge Industrial Training Committe Cambridge................... 677,299• CampbeIlford & District Association for Community Living

Cam pbel lford........................................................................................ 142,914

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• Canadian Centre for Advanced Film North Y o r k ......................... 229,• Canadian Construction Association O t ta w a ................................... 246,• Canadian Institute of Business L o n d o n .......................................... 128,• Canadian Mental Health Association Barr ie ................................... 102,• Canadian Mothercraft Society Toronto ............................................ 218,• Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology North Bay , 304,• Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre of Windsor W i n d s o r ........... 221,• Cantel Inc North Y o r k .......................................................................... 196,• Capital Business Training Centre Ottawa........................................ 378,• Career Development Institutes Ltd T oron to ................................... 626,• Career Preparation for Immigrants Sudbury................................... 423,• Career Training Coordinators North Y o r k ..................................... 114,• Catholic Immigration Centre O t t a w a .............................................. 174,• Cayohtec Corporation Ottawa............................................................ 187,• CDI Career Development Institute O sh a w a ................................... 294,• Centennial College Scarborough ..................................................... 209,• Centre d ’acces pour femmes de Test O t ta w a ................................ 400,• Centre de service a l ’emploi de Prescott-Russell

H aw k e s b u r y ........................................................................................ 159,• Centre for Advancement in Work and Living Etob icoke............ 377,• Centre for Vocational Evaluation and Reb Services Mississauga 294,• CESC De Kapuskasing K ap u sk as in g .............................................. 103,• Chatham Kent Community Futures Committee C h a th a m ......... 125,• Chatham Kent Family YMCA Chatham.......................................... 100,• Chatham Kent Small Business Support Corporation Chatham , 192,• Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point F o r e s t ................................ 297,• Chippewas of Sarnia Education Committee S a r n i a ..................... 283,• Chippewas of The Thames First Nation M uncey.......................... 348,• City Adult Learning Centre Toronto ................................................. 279,• Classical Orchestra Academy H am ilton .......................................... 220,• College Cambrian College S u d b u ry ................................................. 239,• Committee for Skills Development Fort F rances .......................... 559,• Community Support Team Thunder B a y ........................................ 115,• Computeach Training Centres M iss i ssau g a ................................... 146,• Conestoga College of Applied A&T K i tc h e n e r ............................ 306,• Confederation College Thunder B a y .............................................. 671,• Conseil des Ecoles Catholiques de Prescott-Russell

H aw k e s b u r y ........................................................................................ 181,• Conseil des Ecoles Catholiques de Prescott-Russell L'Orignal, 175,• Cope W i n d s o r ........................................................................................ 440,• Costi-Iias Immigrant Services Toronto ............................................ 166,• Craig Reading and Educational Service O r i l l i a ............................ 132,• Creative Career Systems Owen S o u n d ............................................ 381,• CSE (Computer Support Entry) Training Brockvi lle................... 147,• Curve Lake First Nations Band Curve Lake ................................... 113,• Delaware Nation Council Thamesvil le ............................................ 139,• De'Medici and Company Limited North B a y .............................. 100,• Diskovery Computer Training Centre Thunder B a y ................... 146,• Dofasco Inc H am i l ton .......................................................................... 239,• Dokis First Nation M o n e tv i l l e .......................................................... 101,• Dominion Controls Company S t ra t fo rd .......................................... 100,• Down Syndrome Association National O t t a w a ............................ 165,• Dryden Aboriginal Resource Centre D r y d e n ................................ 1 30,• Dryden and Region Skills Advisory D r y d e n ................................ 167,• Duguay Williams and Associates O t taw a ........................................ 202,• Durham College U x b r id g e ................................................................. 113,• Durham Industry Education Council W hi tby ................................ 132,• Durham Region Action Committee for Training W hitb y ............ 1,453,• Dymar Management Consultants Inc Mississauga....................... 109,• East Algoma Business Development Centre Thessalon .............. 170,• East Algoma Comm Indust Corporation Blind River .................. 1,146,• East Algoma Community Industrial Training Corporation

Elliot Lake ........................................................................................... 448,• East Nipissing Community Opportunities North B a y ................ 100,• Eastern Ontario Resettlement & Training Institute Ottawa , , , , 254,• EC Technologies Inc Owen S o u n d ................................................... 122,• Educon Carpentry Adult Training Centre B u c k h o r n .................. 322,• Elgin County Board of Education St T h o m a s .............................. 172,• Elgin County Industrial Needs Council St T h o m as ..................... 489,• Elgin Lead Corporation St Thomas ................................................. 144,• Eli Lilly Canada Inc Scarborough..................................................... 200,


• Emitac Industrial Training Advisor S carb o ro u g h ......................... 1,544,295• Employment Skills Centre of Kitchener Kitchener ....................... 225,470• Energy Conservation Society of Ontario O shawa ......................... 265,521• Equipe Psycho-Sociale pour Enfants Cornwal l.............................. 1 53,478• Ethnocultural Training Advisory Council North Y o r k ................ 1,028,695• Family YMCA of Sarnia-Lambton S arn ia ........................................ 121,913• Fanshawe College Adult Education St T h o m a s ............................ 213,722• First Nations Technical Institute Deseronto..................................... 1,063,572• First People’s Training Corporation St T h o m a s ............................ 108,391• Fletcher George & Associates H am i l to n .......................................... 211,234• Focus for Ethnic Women Inc W a te r lo o ............................................ 416,105• Fort Albany First Nation Fort A l b a n y .............................................. 191,568• Fort Erie Native Cultural Centre Fort E r i e ..................................... 339,883• Fort William First Nation Thunder Bay ............................................ 152,014• Fryters Addiction Consultation Training Service Stir ling............ 122,114• Garden River First Nation Sault S te -M ar ie ..................................... 298,299• General Motors of Canada Ltd Scarborough................................... 127,258• George Brown College Foundation Silent Skills Toronto............ 224,560• George Brown College of Applied A&T T o r o n to .......................... 255,877• George Brown College Toron to .......................................................... 175,608• Georgian College of Applied A&T Ori ll ia........................................ 105,225• Georgian College of Applied A&T B arr ie ....................................... 116,967• Georgian Job Skills Project Keswick................................................. 313,137• Georgian Route Metis & Non-Status Brit t ........................................ 161,864• Georgian Triangle BDC Coll ingwood............................................... 237,621• Georgian Triangle Training Council C o l l ingw ood ....................... 659,939• Gezhtoojig - Sudbury Area Management S u d b u ry ....................... 195,425• Ginoogaming First Nation L o n g lac ................................................... 176,594• Goodwill Industries of Toronto T o r o n t o .......................................... 180,352• Goodwill Project Work on Track Scarborough .............................. 165,212• Goodyear Canada Inc N a p a n e e .......................................................... 353,991• Governing Council of The Salvation Army O t t a w a ..................... 144,199• Grand Council Treaty #3 K enora ........................................................ 1 34,139• Greater Peterborough BDC Pete rborough........................................ 168,511• Greater Toronto Aboriginal Management Board Toron to ............ 1 50,000• Greenstone BDC L o n g l a c .................................................................... 150,038• Greenstone Economic Development Co L o n g la c .......................... 105,531• Grenville BDC P r e s c o t t ........................................................................ 176,763• Grenville Community Futures Committee P r e s c o t t ..................... 140,000• Grey Bruce Community Industrial Training Owen S o u n d ......... 717,218• Haldimand-Dunnville BDC C a l e d o n ia ............................................ 204,057• Haliburton BDC Hal iburton................................................................. 174,081• Halton and Peel Industries Training O ak v i l le ................................. 2,509,215• Halton Board o f Education B u r l i n g to n ............................................ 468,515• Hamilton Public Library H a m i l to n ................................................... 159,456• Hamilton Regional Indian Centre H a m i l to n ................................... 106,905• Hamilton Wentworth Regional Social Services H a m i l to n ......... 188,106• Hamilton Wentworth Roman Catholic Separate School Board

H a m i l t o n ............................................................................................... 130,119• Hamilton-Wentworth Skills Training H a m i l to n ............................ 2,031,639• Hamilton-Wentworth Third Sector Employment Hamilton . . . . 135,285• Hastings County Board of Education Bel lev i l le ............................ 102,595• Hearst Community Industrial Training Hearst .............................. 658,711• Henvey Inlet First Nation Pickerel...................................................... 172,657• Hollywood House Kija Native Community Sharbot L a k e ........... 199,937• Hornepayne First Nation Hornepayne............................................... 103,799• Hospitality Employment Program Inc Ham ilton............................ 379,551• Hotinohsioni Inc B r a n t f o r d ................................................................. 232,230• Humber College of Applied A&T Etobicoke ................................. 416,514• Huron County Board of Education C l in ton ..................................... 196,691• Huron Employment Liaison Program Clinton................................ 253,408• Huron Industrial Training Advisory Goderich................................ 222,905• Huronia Aboriginal Area Management Barr ie ................................ 1 22,566• IDMD Manufacturing Inc Scarborough............................................ 1 34,000• Indian Friendship of Sault Ste-Marie Sault S te - M a r i e ................ 1 25,942• Industrial Trades Centre for Women of Sudbury Inc Sudbury . . 395,035• Industrial Training Committee of Haldimand Norfolk Simcoe. . 579,456• Industrial Training Committee of North York Newmarket ......... 2,383,017• Industry/Education Council (Hamilton-Wentworth) Hamilton. . 1 29,723• Ingamo Family Homes W o o d s to c k ................................................... 214,000• Ininew Friendship Centre Cochrane ................................................. 180,333• Inter-City Products Keeprite Inc Brantford ..................................... 109,360





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• Jamaican Canadian Association T o r o n t o ....................................... 142,165• Jewish Vocational Service of Metropolitan Toronto Toronto. . . 332,970• Job Generation Greenery St Ca th ar in es .......................................... 362,612• John Howard Society of Durham Region Oshawa....................... 1 32,773• John Howard Society of H-W & District H am ilton ..................... 101,336• John Howard Society of Kingston and District K in g s to n ......... 147,120• John Howard Society of Ottawa Ottawa.......................................... 398,061• John Howard Society of Peterborough P e te rb o ro u g h ................ 349,280• Kashechewan First Nation Kashechewan....................................... 185,474• Kawartha Skills Development CTTE P e te r b o r o u g h ................... 482,019• Kenora Area Committee for Skill Development K e n o r a ............ 549,753• Kenora Board of Education K e n o r a ................................................. 103,070• Kent Industrial Training Advisory C h a t h a m ................................ 783,814• Kent-Chatham Adult Retraining Corporation Chatham.............. 262,491• Kent-Chatham Adult Retraining Corporation Women’s

Section Cha tham................................................................................. 205,521• Keynorth Office Services and Training S u d b u ry .......................... 374,510• Kingfisher Lake First Nation Kingfisher Lake.............................. 199,733• Kingston Area Training Advisory Co Kings ton ............................ 648,642• Kingston Employment Youth Service Kings ton............................ 129,298• Kirkland Lake BDC Kirkland L a k e ................................................. 116,373• Kirkland Lake Board of Education Kirkland L a k e ..................... 356,371• Kirkland Lake Social Services Kirkland L a k e .............................. 337,959• Kirkland Lake-Timiskaming District New L i sk e a rd ................... 531,616• Kitchener Waterloo & Guelph Training Advisory Council

Kitchener............................................................................................... 1,244,976• Kitchi Gaming Area Management Board Thunder B a y .............. 276,632• K-W Urban Native Wigwam Project K itchener ............................ 1 20,978• Kytes (Kensington Youth Theatre Employment Skills) Toronto 346,655• La Cite Collegiale Ottawa.................................................................... 110,117• Lacloche Manitoulin Business Assistance Gore B a y ................... 1 57,269• Lake of the Woods BDC Kenora ..................................................... 107,004• Lakehead Occupational Skill Development Thunder B a y ......... 967,467• Lambton College of Applied A&T S a r n i a ..................................... 189,621• Lambton County Board of Education S a r n ia ................................ 1 73,921• Lambton Industrial Training Committee S arnia ............................ 870,636• Le conseil de l 'education de Sudbury S u d b u r y ............................ 268,934• Le conseil des ecoles separees de Sudbury S u d b u ry ................... 218,437• Lebanese and Arab Social Services O t ta w a ................................... 203,939• Leeds 7 Grenville Training Advisory Brockvi lle .......................... 301,680• Leeds Grenville County Board of Education Brockvi lle ............ 108,753• Lennox Learning Centre Limited N a p a n e e ................................... 1 74,976• Lincoln County Board of Education St C a th a r in e s ..................... 621,981• Lock Eight Community Development Corporation Port

C o lb o rn e ............................................................................................... 325,938• London and Middlesex County Roman Catholic Separate

School Board London........................................................................ 109,689• London Community Resource Centre London.............................. 217,280• London Food Service Training Centre L o n d o n ............................ 585,061• London Industrial Training Advisory L o n d o n .............................. 1,408,657• London Investment in Education Council London ..................... 101,000• London Unemployment Help Centre Inc L o n d o n ....................... 163,170• London Youth Project L o n d o n .......................................................... 235,541• Loughheed & Associates B e l le v i l l e ................................................. 150,000• Lovesick Lake Native Womens Association Buck horn .............. 1 51,344• Loyalist College of Applied A&T B e l lev i l l e ................................. 260,345• Magnetawan First Nation B r i t t .......................................................... 147,777• Malton Social Planning Centre M is s i s s a u g a ................................ 103,836• Mamo-Wichi-Hetiwin Area Management Ca ls to ck ..................... 261,182• March of Dimes Don M i l l s ................................................................. 258,167• Mattagami First Nation Gogama........................................................ 132,417• Matthew Kakekaspan Fort S e v e r n ................................................... 113,962• Meta Vocational Services Incorporated B e l lev i lle ....................... 228,809• Metro Labour Education Centre T o r o n t o ........................................ 269,795• Metro Youth Job Corps T o ro n to ........................................................ 1,534,674• Metropolitan Separate School Board W i l lo w d a le ....................... 200,183• Midland-Penetang Urban Native Women M i d l a n d ..................... 109,654• Midland-Penetanguishene Business & Industrial Training

Committee M id la n d .......................................................................... 300,158• Mississauga First Nation Blind R iver .............................................. 167,875• Mississauga of the New Credit Band Council Hagersville . . . . 344,590• MKWA Minissi Anishnabequek Lake T e m a g a m i ....................... 127,579• Mnidoo Mnising - Manitoulin Area Management Little Current 1 30,264


• Mocreebec Housing Association Moose F a c t o r y .......................... 236,529• Mohawk College - Ministry of Skills Development Brantford. . 337,656• Mohawk College of Applied A&T H a m i l t o n ................................. 1,047,996• Mohawk Council of Akwesasne C o r n w a l l ..................................... 992,944• Mohawks of the Bay o f Quinte D e s e r o n to ..................................... 783,940• Monarch Youth Auto Refinishers Project A j a x .............................. 271,522• Moose Factory First Nation Moose F a c t o r y ................................... 158,264• Moosonee Metis Non Status Indian Association Moosonee . . . . 110,593• Mount St-Joseph College Sault Ste-Marie........................................ 227,562• Munsee - Delaware Nation Muncey ................................................. 424,619• Mushkegowuk Council Moose F acto ry ............................................ 275,684• Muskoka East Parry Sound BDC Huntsvi lle ................................... 164,208• Muskoka Employment Training Centre G ravenhurs t ................... 261,794• Muskoka Training Advisory Committe H untsvil le ....................... 430,505• N’Amerind (London) Friendship Centre L o n d o n .......................... 136,809• National Ballet School T o r o n to .......................................................... 507,355• National Grocers Co Ltd Scarborough ............................................ 124,769• National Steering Committee Rexdale............................................... 128,002• Native Business Institute of Canada O t ta w a ................................... 174,144• Native Canadian Centre of Toronto T o ro n to ................................... 396,928• Native Indian and Inuit Photograph Hamilton................................. 226,293• Native People of Thunder Bay Development Thunder Bay . . . . 377,028• Native Skills Centre (Toronto) Inc Toronto ..................................... 921,658• Near North Economic Development Association Sturgeon Falls 106,660• Near North Trails Association V e r n e r ............................................... 360,000• New Decade P r e s c o t t ............................................................................. 262,181• New Experiences for Refugee Women T o r o n t o ............................ 153,497• New Post First Nation C o ch ra n e ........................................................ 206,640• Niagara College of Applied A&T St Ca th ar in es ............................ 530,214• Niagara Industrial Training Advisory Niagara F a l l s ..................... 2,197,678• Niagara Peninsula Aboriginal Area H am ilton ................................. 251,103• Niagara Peninsula Industry Education St C a th a r in es ................... 629,501• Niagara Peninsula Industry Education Thorold .............................. 236,049• Niagara Region Development Corporation T h o ro ld ..................... 305,064• Niagara Regional Native Centre Niagara-on-the-Lake................ 234,159• Niigwin Skills Development & Placement Centre London . . . . 327,985• Nipissing District Industrial Training North B a y .......................... 831,162• Nipissing East BDC North B a y .......................................................... 174,698• Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Thunder B ay ............................................... 269,960• Nokee Kwe L o n d o n ............................................................................... 495,753• Nord-Aski BDC H e a r s t ........................................................................ 160,108• Nord-Aski Frontier Development Inc H e a r s t ................................. 114,721• Norfolk District Business Development Sim coe ............................ 184,503• Norfolk District CFC Simcoe............................................................... 1 23,389• Norfolk W om en’s Community Group Simcoe .............................. 1 38,189• North Algoma Industrial Training Wawa.......................................... 706,220• North American Indian Travelling College Cornwall Island . . . 176,829• North Bay Indian Friendship Centre North B a y ............................ 193,231• North Claybelt BDC Kapuskas ing...................................................... 160,784• North Hastings BDC B an c ro ft ............................................................ 1 70,467• North Hastings CFC B a n c r o f t ............................................................ 1 56,953• North Hastings Community Futures Project B a n c r o f t ................ 271,947• North Shore Tribal Council Blind R iv e r .......................................... 150,000• North Simcoe BDC M id la n d ............................................................... 128,568• North Simcoe Ind Research & Development M id la n d ................ 900,372• Northern College South P o r c u p in e ................................................... 469,544• Northern Community Development Services Fort Frances . . . . 427,417• Northshore of Superior Training Project Marathon ....................... 1 33,859• Northumberland BDC Co b o u rg .......................................................... 150,000• Northumberland Information and Training C o b o u r g ................... 215,744• Northumberland & Newcastle Board of Education Cobourg . . . 1 53,661• Northwestern Ontario Development Network Thunder Bay. . . . 1 20,000• N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre S u d b u ry .......................... 142,942• Odawa Native Friendship Centre O t t a w a ........................................ 185,782• Office Automation Education Centre O t t a w a ................................. 207,098• Ojibways of Sucker Creek Little C u r r e n t ........................................ 306,445• Oneida Nation Council S o u th w o ld ................................................... 225,762• Ontario Agriculture Training Institute T o ro n to .............................. 166,636• Ontario Federation of Indian T o r o n t o ............................................... 197,872• Ontario Furniture Manufacturers’ M issi ssauga.............................. 100,000• Ontario March of Dimes Kingston...................................................... 154,168• Ontario March of Dimes O t t a w a ........................................................ 295,622• Ontario Native Women’s Association Thunder B a y ..................... 224,390

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• Ontario Network of Employ S k i l l s ................................................... 199,356• Ontario Rehab Foundation for The Disabled Thunder Bay . . . . 165,199• Ontario Tourism Education Council T oron to ................................. 375,000• Opportunities Unlimited in York Region A u r o r a .......................... 180,720• Opportunity for Advancement Toronto ............................................ 642,021• Orangeville and District Skills Development Orangeville......... 156,561• Orillia BDC O r i l l i a ............................................................................... 166,292• Orillia Industrial Training Association O r i l l i a .............................. 306,123• Orillia & Area CFC O r i l l i a ................................................................. 127,375• Ottawa Carleton Industrial Training Ottawa................................... 1,599,105• Ottawa Wom en’s Credit Union O t t a w a .......................................... 363,887• Ottawa YM-YWCA O t t a w a ............................................................... 627,029• Ottawa YM-YWCA O t t a w a ............................................................... 328,597• Ottawa-Carleton Immigrant Services Ottawa................................. 171,495• Ottawa-Carleton New Beginnings for Youth I n c .......................... 132,255• Oxford Industrial Training Group W o o d s to ck .............................. 522,236• Pape Adolescent Centre Toronto........................................................ 202,869• Parachute Community Employment Centre T o ro n to ................... 105,595• Park Business College Hamilton........................................................ 140,998• Parry Sound Area BDC Parry S o u n d .............................................. 122,892• Parry Sound Area Industrial Training Parry S o u n d ..................... 373,783• Patricia Area Community Futures Organization Ignace .............. 125,000• Patricia BDC I g n a c e ............................................................................. 143,150• Peel Board of Education Mississauga.............................................. 1,150,715• Perth County Board of Education S t ra t fo rd ................................... 149,454• Perth County Training Committee Stratford................................... 278,999• Peterborough Planning and Youth Career Cen tre.......................... 103,811• Pic Mobert First Nation M o b e r t ........................................................ 347,436• Pine Tree Native Centre Bran t fo rd ................................................... 155,622• Port Colborne-Wainfleet CFC Port Colborne................................. 360,022• Port Colborne-Wainfleet Economic Resource Centre Port

C o lb o rn e ............................................................................................... 254,784• Prescott and Russell County Board of Education Hawkesbury . 218,542• Prescott-Russell Training Corporation H aw k esb u ry ................... 377,726• Prince Edward County BDC P i c t o n ................................................. 312,133• Pro Training E tob ic oke ........................................................................ 173,943• Procan Consulting Limited Carleton Place..................................... 184,469• Professional Day Care Systems Ltd Guelph................................... 269,943• Project Amelie 2 Timmins.................................................................... 104,919• Project Work T o r o n t o .......................................................................... 290,802• PWL Manufacturing Inc W a te r lo o ................................................... 331,478• Quinte Community Training Committee B e l lev i lle ..................... 447,523• Rainy Lake Ojibway Education Authority Fort F r a n c e s ............ 148,686• Red Lake-Ear Falls District Skills Development Red Lake. . . . 222,198• Red Lake-Ear Falls-Golden CFC Ear Falls ................................... 1 54,357• Red Rock Indian Band #53A N i p i g o n ............................................ 100,000• Renfrew County BDC P e m b r o k e ..................................................... 188,637• Renfrew County Career Information R enfrew .............................. 166,312• Renfrew County Industrial Training R e n f r e w .............................. 587,71 1• Rexdale Micro Skills Rexdale............................................................ 287,805• Rideau Canal Museum Corp Smiths F a l l s ..................................... 221,909• Rideau Heartland BDC Smiths F a l l s .............................................. 294,781• Russian Literary Association O t ta w a .............................................. 163,631• S D& G Industry-Education Council C o rn w a l l ............................ 791,539• Sachigo Lake Band Sachigo Lake ................................................... 347,382• Sagamok Anishnawbek(Spanish River First Nation) Massey . . 242,565• Sandy Lake Indian Band Sandy Lak e .............................................. 159,603• Sarnia-Lambton BDC S a r n i a ............................................................ 174,456• Saugeen BDC H an o v e r ........................................................................ 153,129• Saugeen Nation B a n d S a v a n tL a k e ................................................... 136,884• Sault College of Applied A&T Sault S te -M arie ............................ 144,100• Sault Community Opportunities Inc Sault Ste-Marie ................ 100,000• Sault Ste-Marie BDC Sault S te - M a r i e ............................................ 115,073• Sault Ste-Marie Community Industrial Training Committee

Sault S te-Marie .................................................................................... 690,874• Sault Ste-Marie Family YMCA Sault S t e - M a r i e .......................... 372,271• Scarborough Centre for Alternative Studies Scarborough......... 287,880• Scotts Plains Recycling Inc Pe te rborough ..................................... 222,000• Seneca College North Y o rk ................................................................. 281,319• Seneca College of Applied A&T North Y o r k ................................ 427,074• Serpent River First Nation C u t l e r ..................................................... 186,619• Seven Bands Business Incentive Organization D e la w a r e ......... 190,763


• Seven Bands Community Futures Committee D e la w a r e ............ 344,383• Shawanaga First Nation Nobel............................................................ 276,620• Sheridan College of Applied A&T O a k v i l l e ................................... 1,109,170• Shoal Lake Band No 39 K e j i c k .......................................................... 1 57,829• Shooniiyaa Biidoong K en o ra ............................................................... 248,018• Simcoe County Board of Education Midhurs t................................ 182,742• Sioux Lookout Area Aborigina l Management Board Sioux

L o o k o u t ................................................................................................. 306,953• Sir Sandford Fleming College Hal iburton........................................ 377,498• Six Nations - New Credit CFC O h s w e k e n ..................................... 170,684• Six Nations Council O h sw ek en .......................................................... 783,059• Skills Canada Corporation B a r r i e ..................................................... 151,680• Skills for Change T o r o n t o ................................................................... 362,146• Skills Training Council Lanark Carleton P la c e .............................. 183,568• Skiltec Association North B a y ............................................................ 425,089• Smooth Rock Falls Community Industrial Training Smooth

Rock F a l l s ............................................................................................. 621,657• SOAR Development Corporation C o r n w a l l ................................... 170,052• Society of The Plastic Industry of Canada Don M il ls ................... 537,000• South Bruce Lakeshore BDC K in c a rd in e ........................................ 11 2,447• South Temiskaming BDC H ail eybury .............................................. 1 71,720• Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company Kapuskasing................ 132,584• St Catharines YMCA St Ca thar ines ................................................... 573,601• St Clair College of Applied A&T W i n d s o r ..................................... 529,273• St Leonard’s Society of Brant Inc Bran tfo rd ................................... 609,632• Stormont Dundas Glengarry BDC Cornw all ................................... 153,893• Stormont Dundas & Glengarry County Cornw al l .......................... 236,356• Stratford Training and Employment Strat ford................................. 505,720• St Catharines Youth & Community Employment Service St

C a th a r in e s ............................................................................................. 110,484• Sudbury and District Chamber of Commerce Sudbury................ 153,758• Sudbury Board of Education Continuing Education Sudbury . . 113,627• Sudbury Industrial Training Advisory Sudbury.............................. 1,323,937• Suen Ng Sandberg and Associates Thunder Bay ............................ 101,090• Superior East Business Development W a w a ................................... 169,499• Superior East Economic Development Corporation Wawa......... 134,033• Superior North BDC Terrace B a y ...................................................... 118,815• T Kenneth Hopkins Training Program N ep ean .............................. 118,931• The Algoma Steel Corporation Ltd Sault S te -M ar ie ..................... 294,605• The Board of Education for The City of North York North

Y o r k ......................................................................................................... 119,950• The Canadian Hearing Society Toronto ............................................ 146,801• The Computer Coach K in g s to n .......................................................... 108,614• The Cornwall Environment Resource C o rn w a l l ............................ 101,031• The Corporation of The Township of Nakina N ak in a ................... 264,452• The Dancer Transition Centre T o r o n t o ............................................ 186,060• The First Printing School T o ro n to ..................................................... 105,375• The Halton Board of Education H al to n ............................................ 144,288• The Hamilton Burlington YMCA H a m i l to n ................................... 109,600• The Institute for Computer Studies North Y o r k ............................ 439,760• The Learning Enrichment Foundation T o ro n to .............................. 1,322,603• The Ojibway 1850 Treaty Council Thunder Bay .......................... 311,992• The Orillia Education Industry Foundation O r i l l ia ....................... 146,803• The Salvation Army S ca rb o ro u g h .................................................... 151,139• The Toronto School of Business O s h a w a ....................................... 101,721• The Toronto School of Business P ick e r in g ..................................... 1 50,000• The Toronto School of Business Scarborough .............................. 321,230• The Training Centre P e r t h ................................................................... 109,372• The Training Co-or Group for Person with Disability Toronto. . 471,169• The Treasurer of Ontario T o r o n t o ..................................................... 17,120,184• The Wentworth County Board of Education A n c a s t e r ................ 1 25,393• The YMCA of Hamilton Burlington H am i l to n .............................. 1 35,492• Thunder Bay Ventures Development Centre Inc Thunder B ay . . 481,296• Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre T il lsonburg............ 113,935• Timiskaming Board of Education New L i s k e a r d .......................... 910,434• Timiskaming Industrial Training Committee Kirkland Lake . . . 439,685• Timmins Economic Development Corporation T im m in s ............ 1 39,1 23• TITAC T im m in s ...................................................................................... 566,471• Toronto Advisory Committee on Employment Training Toronto 1,516,755• Toronto Board of Education Toronto ................................................. 243,176• Touch the Sky BDC O h sw ek e n .......................................................... 148,393• Town of Rayside-Balfour Chelmsford .............................................. 212,174

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• Trent Valley Industry/Education P e te rb o ro u g h ............................ 172,850• Trenval Business Development Corporation T r e n t o n ................ 252,561• Tri-County Environment Training B el lev i lle ................................ 152,480• Tungasuvvingat Inuit Community Centre O t t a w a ....................... 217,315• Tyerman and Daughters Communication Eganville..................... 138,075• Unemployed Help Centre Windsor ................................................... 539,211• Uniroyal Goodrich Canada Inc K i t c h e n e r ..................................... 223,680• Valley Opportunities/Rainy River Fort F rances ............................ 136,460• VC & B Marketing Communications Inc E to b ico k e ................... 218,197• Victoria County BDC L i n d s a y .......................................................... 129,185• Victoria County Career Services Inc Lindsay .............................. 154,521• Victoria County Industrial Training L in d sa y ................................ 730,481• Vocational Access Whi tby................................................................... 372,646• Vocational Resource Centre Inc S udbury ....................................... 167,460• Wallaceburg Skills Development Committee Wallaceburg , , , , 650,485• Walpole Island First Nation Wallaceburg ....................................... 243,475• Wapekeka First Nation W a p e k e k a ................................................... 121,995• Waterloo County Board of Education K i tc h en e r ......................... 801,952• Wau-Be-Tek BDC Birch Island.......................................................... 188,904• Wawaiay Native Communications Society Sioux L o o k o u t , 122,191• Wawakapewin First Nation Pickle Lake.......................................... 227,235• Welland BDC W e l l a n d ........................................................................ 156,507• Wellington County Board of Education Guelph............................ 247,879• West Metro Skills Training Council E to b ico k e ............................ 1,021,051• West Parry Sound District Museum Parry Sound.......................... 184,957• Whitefish Lake First Nation Naughton............................................ 282,854• Wikwemikong Development Commission Manitowaning , , , , 109,384• Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve W ik w em ik o n g ............ 255,872• Windsor Roman Catholic Separate School Board W i n d s o r , 119,780• Windsor-Essex Skills Training Advisory Windsor ....................... 1,518,145• WM Jeffery & Associates Limited Don M i l l s .............................. 212,833• Women Growing T o r o n t o ................................................................... 347,010• Women Immigrants of London Resource Service Centre

L o n d o n ................................................................................................. 915,866• Women Today in Huron C l in ton ........................................................ 177,235• Women’s Enterprise Skills Training Windsor................................ 551,237• Woodland Cultural Centre B ran t fo rd .............................................. 106,935• Working For Work/Intercultural Job Support Groups Kitchener 200,000• Working Skills Centre of Ontario T o ro n to ..................................... 828,117• YMCA Enterprise Centre T o r o n t o ................................................... 596,014• YMCA of Metropolitan Toron to ........................................................ 1,327,200• YMCA of Midland M id la n d ............................................................... 119,887• YM-YWCA of London L o n d o n ........................................................ 117,779• York North Job Find Inc Richmond H i l l ....................................... 323,71 1• York Region Education/Industry Foundation C o n c o r d .............. 108,189• York Regional Municipality of Newmarket N ew m arke t............ 160,838• Youth Employment Service A j a x ..................................................... 236,584• Youth Employment Service Toronto................................................. 121,892• Youth Opportunities Unlimited London.......................................... 153,175• YWCA of Metropolitan Toronto Toronto ........................................ 353,636• YWCA of St Catharines St Ca thar in es ............................................ 125,741

Manitoba Region—• Anderson Management Services Inc W in n ip eg ............................ 304,006• Anishinabe Oway-Ishi W i n n ip e g ..................................................... 211,969• Anishinabe RESPECT Inc W in n ip e g .............................................. 380,705• A-Quest Training Centre W i n n ip e g ................................................. 133,983• Beat the Street Winnipeg...................................................................... 237,100• CAD/CAM Solutions of Canada Inc W in n ip eg ............................ 1 33,1 24• Canadian Mental Health Association Winnipeg............................ 106,224• Career Opportunities II Winnipeg..................................................... 223,458• CDI Career Development Institute Winnipeg................................ 165,028• Central Plains Inc Portage La P r a i r i e .............................................. 131,069• Children’s Home of Winnipeg W in n ip eg ....................................... 1 74,382• City of Brandon Social Services B r a n d o n ..................................... 135,032• City of Winnipeg Parks and Recreation Winnipeg ....................... 355,858• City of Winnipeg Social Services W i n n ip e g ................................ 298,358• Cross Cultural Consulting Inc W in n ip e g ....................................... 163,536• Divison de l ’education permanente Saint B o n iface ..................... 101,369• Don Ay re and Associates (1984) Inc W i n n ip e g ............................ 264,453• Educare Business Centre Inc W in n ip e g .......................................... 180,641• Enterprise Saint Boniface Inc Winnipeg.......................................... 1 50,000• Federal Business Development Bank Winnipeg .......................... 273,495• Fire Eagles Ltd S Teulon ...................................................................... 200,000


• Fisher River Education K oosta ta k ..................................................... 112,102• Frontier School Division #48 W in n ip e g .......................................... 138,317• Garden Hill First Nation Garden H i l l .............................................. 104,681• Granite Shield Incentives Inc Lac Du B onne t ................................ 1 27,272• Greenstone BDC Flin F lon................................................................... 241,340• Hollow Water First Nation W anip igow ............................................ 1 32,399• Human Resources Opportunity Centre W in n ip eg .......................... 777,936• Job Education Training for Youth W inn ip eg ................................... 1 52,506• John Howard Society o f Manitoba W in n ip eg ................................ 247,422• Keystone Agricultural Producers W i n n i p e g ................................... 474,534• Kirkness Adult Learning Centre W in n ip eg ..................................... 4 16,393• Knowles Centre Inc W inn ip eg ............................................................ 131,945• Manitoba Aerospace Human Resource W inn ipeg .......................... 370,032• Manitoba CF Delivery Assistance Winn ipeg ................................... 160,000• Manitoba Chamber of Commerce W inn ip eg ................................... 190,668• Manitoba Health Organizations Inc W i n n ip e g .............................. 252,195• Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak T h o m p s o n .......................... 351,126• Manitoba Metis Federation Inc W inn ip eg ........................................ 459,400• Manitoba Rolling Mills S e lk i rk .......................................................... 1 36,777• Marymound Inc W in n ip eg ................................................................... 11 2,545• Mini University and Sport Camps U o fM W in n ip eg ................... 101,331• Minister of Finance W in n ip eg ............................................................ 4,050,866• Native Employment Services of Winnipeg Winnipeg................... 136,485• Network South Enterprises W in n ip eg .............................................. 130,211• Nikan Development Corporation The P a s ........................................ 438,581• Northeast Interlake BDC Riverton..................................................... 149,500• Northeast Manitoba Training Coordinators W i n n ip e g ................ 252,244• Northwest Manitoba Community Futures Committee Lynn

L a k e ......................................................................................................... 300,344• Northwest Manitoba Development Corporation Lynn Lak e . . . . 151,4 16• Northwest Manitoba Training Incorporated Lynn L a k e .............. 141,496• Norway House Indian Band Norway H o u s e ................................... 264,327• Operating Engineers Training Institute Winn ipeg .......................... 102,475• Original Women’s Network Inc W i n n ip e g ..................................... 196,390• Park Valley Ventures Grandview ........................................................ 134,661• Parkland Adult Training Centre Inc Swan River ............................ 157,179• Patal Vocational Preparational School W i n n ip e g .......................... 683,488• Pembina Valley Development Corporation A l to n a ....................... 103,460• Pimajihowan BDC Winn ip eg ............................................................... 180,817• Pluri Elies Winnipeg............................................................................... 112,209• Portage Community Centre Inc Portage La P ra i r i e ....................... 104,875• Premier Personnel Corp Winnipeg ..................................................... 1 35,484• Prov of Manitoba Family Services W in n ip e g ................................ 1 72,600• Red River Community College W inn ip eg ........................................ 653,667• Rossbrook House Inc Winn ipeg .......................................................... 134,752• Sakeeng First Nation Pine Fa l l s .......................................................... 352,598• Sandy Bay Ojibway Tribal Council Mar ius ..................................... 140,651• Sara Riel Inc Winnipeg.......................................................................... 167,683• Single Parent Job Access Program Thompson .............................. 176,1 56• SLA Computer Systems W i n n i p e g ................................................... 204,443• Society for Manitobans with Disabilities W in n ip eg ..................... 140,312• South Winnipeg Technical Centre Winn ipeg ................................... 529,575• Southeast Community Futures Committee Winn ip eg ................... 144,287• Southeast Development Corporation W i n n i p e g ............................ 180,500• Southeast Training Coordinating Co Winnipeg .............................. 150,425• Southwest Indian Training Committee G r i s w o l d .......................... 445,817• St James Assiniboia SD #2 W i n n ip e g ............................................... 105,867• St Norbert Foundation St N o r b e r t ...................................................... 181,450• St Theresa Point Education Authority St Theresa P o i n t .............. 181,790• Sturgeon Creek Enterprises Inc Winn ipeg ........................................ 165,792• Success Winn ipeg .................................................................................... 109,534• Super Six BDC A she rn .......................................................................... 140,690• Swan Lake Recreation Complex Inc Swan Lake............................ 550,000• The Pas Association for Human Development The P a s .............. 154,551• Trainex Industries Inc Winkler ............................................................ 172,778• Transcona Springfield School Division W in n ip e g ....................... 269,095• Triple S BDC S e lk i rk ............................................................................. 1 50,000• Turtle River Development Centre Ste Rose Du L a c ..................... 337,500• Victor Mager Parent’s Association W in n ip eg ................................. 264,312• Waso Employment Services W i n n ip e g ............................................ 286,011• Westbran Human Resources Opportunity Centre Brandon......... 353,129• Western Economic Diversification W in n ip eg ................................ 1 50,000• Winnipeg Boys and Girls Clubs Inc W in n ip eg .............................. 110,257

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• Winnipeg School Division #1 W i n n i p e g ....................................... 106,851• Women's Employment Counselling Services Winnipeg........... 113,298• Youth Business Learning and Development Centre Winnipeg , 247,996

Saskatchewan Region—• Agency Chiefs Tribal Council D ebden............................................ 147,970• Atira Consulting Inc R e g in a .............................................................. 409,542• Beaver River Business Development Centre Meadow Lake , , , 197,495• Beaver River Community Futures Committee Beauval .............. 114,984• Board of Education of the Regina School Division #4 Regina , 1 28,189• BSD Training and Resources Ltd S ask a to o n ................................ 414,250• Canadian Mental Health Association North Ba t t le fo rd .............. 249,268• Carlton Trail Regional College H u m b o ld t ..................................... 347,416• CDI Career Development Institute Ltd Saskatoon ....................... 421,312• Churchill Metis Labour Management Board Inc B e a u v a l ......... 258,071• Cumberland Regional College N ip aw in .......................................... 705,458• Cypress Hills Regional College Swift Curren t.............................. 245,1 19• East Central Development Corporation Broadview..................... 163,373• Eastern Assiniboine Training & Employment Inc Yorkton , , , , 243,209• Elizabeth Fry Society Saskatoon........................................................ 165,395• Gabriel Dumont Institute R e g i n a ..................................................... 1,850,907• Immigrant Women of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon Chapter

S a s k a to o n ............................................................................................. 218,011• Jim Brady Labour Development Corporation L a R o n g e ............ 182,076• Kawacatoose Band R a y m o r e ............................................................ 169,514• Lac LaRonge Indian Band LaRonge ................................................. 296,283• Lokken and Associates Training Consultants Inc Prince

A l b e r t .................................................................................................... 1 32,485• Meridian Business Development Centre Alsask .......................... 145,637• Metis Labor Force Development Corporation Prince A lb e r t , , , 145,733• Mic-Jord Enterprises Ltd Foss ton..................................................... 263,1 56• Montreal Lake Cree Nation Montreal L a k e ................................... 105,971• Multicultural Enterprises Adult Learning Centre Inc Regina , , 306,1 29• New Sask Community Futures Committee T i s d a l e ..................... 120,035• Newsask Business Development Corporation T isda le ... 231,371• North Battleford School Division #103 North B a t t le fo rd ......... 109,249• North West Regional College North B a t t le fo rd ............................ 537,844• Northlands College Air R o n g e .......................................................... 1,546,41 1• Northwest Business Development Corporation North Battleford 166,525• Northwestern Metis Training & Emp Inc Western Region I

Meadow L a k e ........................................................................ 103,947• Parkland Education & Employment Coordinating Committee

Y ork ton .................................................................................... 266,419• Parkland Regional College Melvi lle ................................... 713,695• Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Pelican N a r r o w s .............. 143,091• Prairie West Regional College B i g g a r ............................... 725,337• Prince Albert Community Workshop Society Inc Prince Albert 103,336• Prince Albert Rural School Division Prince A l b e r t ....... 101,773• Prince Albert Training & Employment Program Prince A lb e r t , 252,334• Prince Albert Tribal Council Prince Albert ........................ 226,056• Prince Albert & District Community Service Centre Inc Prince

A l b e r t ...................................................................................... 187,403• Radius Tutoring S askato on ................................................... 351,813• Regina Open Door Society Inc Reg ina ............................... 260,803• Regional Employment Development Committee Saskatoon, , , 313,968• Riel Resources Centre Inc Regina ................................................... 166,657• Sagehill Business Development Centre Cudworth.......... 161,564• Sagehill Community Futures Committee Prud’H o m m e ............. 109,663• Sask Apprenticeable Trades Coordinating Group Inc Regina , , 300,903• Saskatchewan Abilities Council R eg in a ............................ 200,347• Saskatchewan Abilities Council S a s k a to o n ..................... 168,112• Saskatchewan Department of Finance R e g i n a ................. 1,775,639• Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technology S a s k a to o n .......... 279,472• Saskatchewan Indian Training Assessment Group Inc Saskatoon 2,723,323• Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Technology

Moose J a w ............................................................................. 778,141• Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Technology

Prince A lber t........................................................................... 861,519• Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board Regina... 310,794• Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology

R eg in a ...................................................................................... 1,254,165• Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology

S a s k a to o n ............................................................................... 974,414• Saskatoon Catholic Schools S a s k a to o n ............................ 121,404


• Saskatoon Family YMCA Saskatoon................................................. 498,019• SHARE Prince A lber t ............................................................................. 110,996• South West Saskatchewan Business Development Centre Gull

L a k e ......................................................................................................... 165,779• Southeast Regional College W ey b u rn ............................................... 359,245• Town of Kindersley Kinders ley.......................................................... 604,853• University of Regina R e g i n a ............................................................... 163,234• University of Saskatchewan Saskato on ............................................ 282,658• Urton Engele Kook Associates Ltd S a s k a to o n .............................. 599,421• Visions North Business Development Centre L a R o n g e .............. 177,557• Visions North Community Futures Committee LaRonge ............ 166,586• Yorkton Tribal Administration Inc B ro a d v ie w .............................. 342,774

Alberta/Northwest Territories Region—• 52401 3 Alberta Limited Calgary A l t a .............................................. 115,562• Alberta Business and Educational Services Calgary A l t a ............ 616,446• Alberta College Conservatory of Music Edmonton A l t a ............ 314,363• Alberta Motor Association Edmonton A l t a ..................................... 200,000• Alberta Seventh Step Society Calgary A l t a ..................................... 122,075• Alberta Vocational School Calgary A l t a .......................................... 664,757• Alberta Vocational School Edmonton A l t a ..................................... 672,983• Alberta Vocational School Grouard A l t a .......................................... 147,707• Alberta Vocational School Lac La Biche A l t a ................................. 181,688• Alberta Vocational School St Paul A l t a ............................................ 125,710• Alexander First Nations Morinville A l t a .......................................... 106,601• Alexander School Board Morinville A l t a ........................................ 160,130• Arctic College Aurora Campus Inuvik N W T ................................. 438,957• Arctic College Nunnata Campus Iqaluit N W T .............................. 218,390• Athabasca District Chamber of Commerce Athabasca Alta . . . . 101,743• ATII Training Incorporated Ottawa O n t .......................................... 243,313• Baffin Divisional Board of Education Iqaluit N W T ..................... 148,880• Baffin Region Futures Society Iqaluit N W T ................................... 227,756• Battle J Dr Edmonton A l t a .................................................................... 432,687• Bearspaw Eden Valley Morley A l ta ................................................... 215,516• Blood Tribe Membership Department Standoff A lta ..................... 109,352• Blue Ridge Lumber (1981) Ltd Whitecourt A lta ............................ 137,575• Boys and Girls Club o f Calgary Calgary A l t a ................................. 106,713• Boys and Girls Club of Edmonton Edmonton A l t a ....................... 101,021• Brekken and Associates Ltd Calgary A l t a ........................................ 146,220• Calgary Association for the Mentally Handicapped

Calgary A l t a ........................................................................................... 270,487• Calgary Catholic Immigration Society Calgary A l ta ..................... 315,586• Calgary Mennonite Centre for Newcomers Calgary A l t a ............ 292,071• Calgary Vocational Services Society Calgary A l t a ....................... 345,969• Campbell and Associates Edmonton A l t a ........................................ 214,094• Career Designs Incorporated Edmonton A l t a ................................. 887,955• Catholic Social Services Immigration Edmonton A l t a ................ 354,920• Centre for Business Development Red Deer A l t a .......................... 229,014• Chrysalis an Alberta Society for Citizens with Disability

Ed m o n to n A lta ...................................................................................... 342,016• Columbia Training Centre Calgary A l t a .......................................... 355,755• Community Employment Partnership Camrose A l t a ................... 138,569• Cornerstone Communication Calgary A l t a ..................................... 273,322• County ofSm oky Lake No 13 Smoky Lake A l t a .......................... 118,911• Crowsnest Learning Centre Corporation Blairmore A l t a ............ 1 34,759• Crowsnest Pass Business Development Blairmore A l t a .............. 1 29,258• Drake International Inc Calgary A l t a ................................................. 104,491• Driftpile International Inc Driftpile A l t a .......................................... 102,367• Drumheller Regional Business Development Drumheller

A lta ........................................................................................................... 208,770• Drumheller Regional Community Futures Committee

Drumheller A l t a .................................................................................... 105,752• East Parkland Business Development Mirror A l t a ....................... 138,407• Edmonton Catholic Schools Edmonton A l t a ................................... 108,656• Edmonton Police Service Edmonton A l t a ........................................ 108,420• Edson and District Boys and Girls Club Edson A l ta ..................... 111,490• Employment Development Services Edmonton A l t a ................... 216,897• Employment Futures for New Canadian Calgary A l t a ................ 322,881• Employment Placement and Support Red Deer A l ta ..................... 313,652• Employment Services for the Physically Disabled

A lta ........................................................................................................... 132,372• English Language Professionals Inc Edmonton A l t a ................... 468,086• Entre Corporation Business Development Centre Medicine

Hat A l t a ................................................................................................. 164,386

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• Enviros Wilderness School Association Calgary A l t a ................ 376,845• Ermineskin Educational Trust Fund Hobbema A l ta ..................... 109,1 58• Excel Resources Society Edmonton A l t a ....................................... 1,451,257• Fairview College Fairview A l t a ........................................................ 443,709• Falcon Enterprises Wainwright and District Association

Wainwright A l t a ................................................................................. 145,694• First Nations Resource Council Edmonton Alta ............................ 116,530• Fort McMurray Association for Community Fort McMurray

A l t a ......................................................................................................... 292,864• Fort McMurray Regional Business Development Fort

McMurray A l t a .................................................................................... 128,229• Fort McMurray Regional Job Training Fort McMurray Alta. . . 145,343• Fort McMurray Regional Venture Initiatives Council Fort

McMurray A l t a .................................................................................... 101,085• Fort Providence Dene Band Council Fort Providence NWT. . . 115,195• Fort Simpson Dene Band Fort Simpson N W T .............................. 104,862• Goodwill Rehabilitation Services Edmonton A l t a ....................... 147,287• Government of Northwest Territories Yellowknife N W T ......... 1,520,970• Grande Prairie Regional College Grande Prairie A l t a ................ 191,571• Hay River and Area Community Futures Hay River NWT . . . . 100,000• Heritage Consulting Services Inc Edmonton A l t a ....................... 266,161• Highway 14 Business Development Co Viking A l t a ................... 245,846• Highwood Economic Development Corporation High River

A l l a ......................................................................................................... 215,388• Independent Business Institute Inc Calgary A l t a .......................... 236,656• Independent Counselling Enterprise Edmonton A l t a ................... 353,904• Interprovincial Pipeline Inc Edmonton A l t a ................................... 200,000• Inuit Boradcasting Corporation Ottawa O nt................................... 101,389• Inuvialui Regional Corporation Inuvik N W T .............................. 105,779• J Thadd Institute Calgary Alta .......................................................... 127,976• Jack Bredin Community Institute Edmonton A l t a ....................... 348,395• Janus Associates Ltd Calgary A l t a ................................................... 128,114• Janvier First Nation #470 Chard A l t a .............................................. 11 5,000• Jewish Community Centre Edmonton Alta ................................... 1 25,039• Kakivak Association Iqaluit N W T ................................................... 114,479• Keewatin Business Development Centre Rankin Inlet NWT . . 11 2,31 3• Kitikmeot Regional Council Cambridge Bay NWT..................... 124,153• Lac Biche Regional Business Lac La Biche A l t a .......................... 149,807• Lakeland Business Development Centre Grand Centre Alta . . . 147,376• Lakeland Catholic Board of Education Bonnyville A l t a ............ 105,392• Lakeland Community Futures Committee Bonnyville Alta. . . . 103,077• Lamont Two Hills Business Development Two Hills Alta , , , , 137,197• Lamont Two Hills Community Futures Bruderheim A l t a ......... 101,750• Learning Employment and Enhancement Edmonton A l t a ......... 371,792• Lesser Slave Lake Business Development Slave Lake Alta , , , 246,241• Lesser Slave Lake Community Futures Slave Lake A l t a ............ 106,748• Lethbridge and District Business Dev Lethbridge A l t a .............. 226,058• Lethbridge and District HAS Committee Lethbridge A lta ......... 151,374• Lethbridge Community College Lethbridge A l ta .......................... 558,501• Lethbridge School District No 51 Lethbridge A l t a ..................... 1 38,364• Life Role Development Group Edmonton A l t a ............................ 544,033• Lloydminster Region Business Development Lloydminster

A l t a ........................................................................................................ 121,610• Lokken and Associates Training Consultants Prince Albert

A l t a ........................................................................................................ 161,405• Long Lake Cree Nation Bonnyville A l t a ........................................ 126,188• Louis Bull Tribal Administration Hobbema A l t a .......................... 226,066• Maskwachees Cultural College Hobbema A l t a ............................ 175,454• McManus and Associates Calgary A l t a .......................................... 335,375• Medicine Hat and District Industrial Training Medicine

Hat A l ta ................................................................................................. 120,300• Medicine Hat College Medicine Hat Alta ....................................... 157,871• Medicine Hat Rehabilitation Society Medicine Hat A l ta ............ 179,557• Mennonite Central Committee (Alberta) Calgary A l t a .............. 313,106• Mennonite Centre for Newcomers Edmonton A l t a ..................... 171,197• Metis Child and Family Services Society Edmonton A l ta ......... 168,891• Motive Action Training Foundation Calgary A l t a ....................... 499,660• Mount Royal College Calgary Alta ................................................... 214,745• Native Employment Services Association Calgary A l t a ........... 392,846• Northwest Business Development Corporation High Level

A l t a ......................................................................................................... 167,496• Northwest Economic Initiatives Council High Level Alta......... 106,452• NWT Training Centre Inuvik N W T ................................................. 239,594


• Office Automation Education Centre Calgary A l ta ....................... 325,229• Old Sun Community College Gleichen A l t a ................................... 314,207• Olds College Olds A lta .......................................................................... 143,881• Onsite Placement Services Ltd Edmonton A l ta .............................. 323,947• Opportunity ”45” Calgary Alta ............................................................ 184,053• Peigan Employment Services Brocket A l t a ..................................... 176,518• Plains Indians Cultural Survival Calgary A lta ................................. 328,828• Prestige Planning Yellowknife N W T................................................. 110,000• Provincial Treasurer Edmonton A l t a ................................................. 3,276,900• PSDN Personal Support and Development Edmonton A l t a . . . . 193,841• Red Crow Community College Standoff A l t a ................................ 140,653• Red Deer and District Community Futures Red Deer A l ta ......... 226,919• Red Deer Chamber of Commerce Red Deer A l t a .......................... 319,067• Red Deer College Red Deer A l t a ........................................................ 277,237• Saamis (Medicine Hat) Tepee Association Medicine Hat Alta . . 1 20,181• Sarcee Tsuu Tina Nation Calgary A l ta ............................................... 234,608• Sexsmith Chamber of Commerce Sexsmith Alta .......................... 118,849• Shaughnessy High School Calgary Board Calgary A l t a .............. 110,338• Smeda Business Development Corporation Hythe A l t a .............. 105,026• Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Calgary A l t a .............. 492,626• St Paul/Smoky Lake Regional Business Smoky Lake Alta ......... 144,083• Sturgeon Lake Band Valleview A l t a ................................................. 103,345• Tawatinaw Community Futures Committee Westlock Alta . . . . 119,024• Tawatinaw Regional Business Development Westlock Alta. . . . 146,701• TEAM Work Lethbridge Alta ............................................................ 132,660• The Bea Fisher Centre Lloydminster A l t a ........................................ 263,845• The Career College Calgary A l ta ........................................................ 110,256• The City of Calgary Calgary A l t a ...................................................... 129,108• The City of St Albert FCSS St Albert A l t a ..................................... 135,703• Torn berg and Associates Fort McMurray Alta ................................ 108,884• Training Inc Lethbridge A l t a ............................................................... 310,637• Travel Keewatin Keewatin Chamber of Commerce Rankin

Inlet N W T ............................................................................................. 160,069• Treaty Seven Business Development Calgary A l ta ....................... 148,372• Treaty Seven Community Futures Calgary A l t a ............................ 148,815• Two Hills Family and Community Services Two Hills A l ta . . . . 1 37,899• Two Hills Regional Resource Centre Two Hills A l t a ................... 119,230• Uncle Gabe’s Friendship Centre Fort Smith N W T ....................... 147,679• University of Calgary Academic Computing Services Calgary

A lta ........................................................................................................... 164,284• Wecan Cooperative Edmonton A l ta ................................................... 103,095• West Yellowhead Community Futures Hinton Alta ....................... 235,320• Western Arctic Business Development Inuvik N W T ................... 175,336• Western Arctic Community Futures Inuvik N W T.......................... 106,307• Western Convention Consulting Services Edmonton A l t a ......... 522,938• Whitefish Lake Band Admin Goodfish Lake A l ta .......................... 110,461• Wild Rose East Central Committee Rockyford A l t a ..................... 251,838• Workers Compensation Board Edmonton A l t a .............................. 172,515• WWL Management Ltd Calgary A l t a .............................................. 200,361• WWL Management Ltd Edmonton A l t a .......................................... 224,1 50• Yellowhead East Business Development Sangudo A l t a .............. 274,418• Yellowhead Tribal Council Spruce Grove A l t a .............................. 232,304• Yellowknife Separate Education District #2 Yellowknife NWT. 116,741• Yellowknives Dene Band Yellowknife N W T ................................ 213,671• YMCA Edmonton A l ta .......................................................................... 779,127• YMCA Fort McMurray Alta ............................................................... 1 20,321• YMCA Lethbridge A l t a ........................................................................ 139,078• Youth Works Foundation of Alberta Calgary A lta ......................... 159,182• YWCA Calgary A l ta ............................................................................... 560,644• YWCA Lethbridge A l t a ........................................................................ 112,614• Zone 5 Metis Regional Council Slave Lake A l t a .......................... 208,037

British Columbia/Yukon Territory Region—• Ability Personnel Association Victoria B C ..................................... 172,219• A h o u sa t ln d i a n B a n d A h o u s a tB C ..................................................... 312,869• Alberni Clayoquot Development Port Alberni B C ....................... 252,667• Alberni Clayoquot Regional District Port Alberni B C ................ 450,000• Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Kitimat B C ..................................... 100,000• Allied Indian and Metis Society Vancouver B C ............................ 274,577• Arbutus Development Society Nanaimo B C ................................... 208,897• Armstrong Spallumcheen Chamber of Commerce Armstrong

BC ........................................................................................................... 167,390• Barkel Business School Ltd Coquitlam B C ..................................... 212,880• BC Conservation Foundation Langley B C ..................................... 214,579

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• BC Nursery Trades Association Surrey B C ................................... 1 28,063• BCIT Burnaby B C ................................................................................. 220,887• Bell Mines Granisle B C ...................................................................... 153,459• Bowman and Association Training Maple Ridge BC................... 243,563• Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Vancouver Vancouver BC . . . 276,982• Burnaby College Burnaby BC .......................................................... 174,825• Burnaby Family Life Institute Burnaby B C ................................... 364,819• Burnaby School Board Burnaby B C ................................................. 100,000• B u r n s L a k e S p e c i a l t y W o o d B u r n s L a k e B C ................................ 131,8 54• Business Development Centre 16-37 Terrace BC ....................... 147,120• Canada West Sport Training Society Vernon B C .......................... 495,000• Canadian Centre for Educational Development Burnaby BC . . 117,641• Canadian Centre for Educational Development Surrey BC . . . . 468,563• Canim Lake Band 100 Mile House BC .......................................... 200,784• Capilano College North Vancouver B C .......................................... 205,797• Careers Incorporated Clearbrook B C .............................................. 319,327• Cariboo Chilcotin Community Futures Williams Lake BC . . . . 166,971• Cariboo Chilcotin Economic Futures Williams Lake B C ......... 131,219• Carnegie Community Centre Vancouver B C ................................ 101,100• Carrier Sekani Tribal Council Prince George BC.......................... 637,638• CDI Career Development Institute Burnaby B C ......................... 192,094• CDI Career Development Institute Surrey B C .............................. 189,441• CDI Career Development Institute Vancouver BC....................... 469,006• Central Island Community Development Nanaimo B C .............. 167,647• Central Okanagan Business Development Kelowna B C ............ 151,393• Central Okanagan Community Futures Kelowna BC ................ 113,697• Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Haines Junction YT. . . 138,611• Chehalis Indian Band Agassiz B C ................................................... 102,813• Chilliwack School District #33 Chilliwack B C ............................ 163,060• Coast Foundation Society (1974) Vancouver B C .......................... 600,079• College of New Caledonia Burns Lake B C ................................... 251,090• College of New Caledonia Nechako Vanderhoof BC ................ 375,602• College of New Caledonia Prince George B C .............................. 446,1 26• Community ofCass ia r IAS Committee C a s s ia r B C ..................... 689,001• Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce Courtenay B C ................ 107,983• Compu College School of Business Surrey B C ............................ 134,021• Compu College School of Business Vancouver B C ..................... 107,234• Computime Computer Prince George BC ..................................... 102,916• Cooks Down Under Youth Employment Victoria B C ................ 166,306• Coquitlam Career Centre Ltd Port Coquitlam B C ....................... 170,301• Coquitlam Chamber of Commerce Coquitlam B C ....................... 105,674• Council for Yukon Indians Whitehorse Y T ................................... 229,71 1• Courtenay Recreational Association Courtenay BC..................... 192,429• Cowichan Business Development Duncan B C .............................. 194,501• Cowichan Valley Intercultural and Immigrant Aid Society

Duncan B C .......................................................................................... 129,015• Cowichan Valley T ra d e S c h o o lD u n c a n B C ................................... 152,220• Creative Employment Access Society Courtenay B C ................ 386,336• Dan Tosczak Victoria B C ................................................................... 196,333• Dana Nay Ventures Whitehorse Y T ................................................. 145,855• Dawson City Chamber of Commerce Dawson City Y T ............ 158,340• Dawson First Nation Dawson City Y T ............................................ 108,968• Delta Community Career and Living Delta B C ............................ 134,430• Delta Credit Union Delta B C ............................................................ 201,727• Delta Youth Services and Crime Prevention Society Delta BC . 1 53,770• DH Careers Incorporated Abbotsford B C ....................................... 292,851• Downtown Blanshard Advisory Committee Victoria B C ......... 336,314• Downtown Eastside Residents Association Vancouver BC . . . . 142,707• Elk Valley and Crowsnest Pass IAS Sparwood B C ..................... 168,602• Epicentre Resources Inc Kelowna B C ............................................ 108,249• Equity Employment Services Clearbrook B C .............................. 152,092• Esquimalt Neighborhood House Victoria BC................................ 114,960• Family Services of Greater Vancouver Vancouver BC................ 1 59,564• Ference Wicker and Company Vancouver B C .............................. 108,195• Fernwood Home Support Services Victoria B C ............................ 334,872• Focus Foundation of BC Burnaby B C ............................................ 254,493• Fort St John Friendship Society Fort St John BC.......................... 235,108• Fountain Indian Band Lillooet B C ................................................... 107,676• Fraser Pacific College Incorporated Richmond B C ..................... 353,058• Fraser Valley College Abbotsford BC.............................................. 1 53,897• Fraserside Community Services New Westminster B C .............. 1 25,103• Friendship House Association of Prince Rupert Prince Rupert

B C ........................................................................................................... 182,066• Future Shop A Division of Wesbild Burnaby B C .......................... 200,000


• Gitksan Wet’suwet’en Education Hazel ton B C .............................. 110,027• Gitsegulka Band Council South Hazelton B C ................................ 162,386• Gitwangak Education Society Kitwanga B C ................................... 215,589• Goodwill Enterprises for the Handicapped Victoria B C .............. 185,944• Gordon Neighborhood House Vancouver B C ................................ 622,981• Greater Trail Business Development Trail B C .............................. 140,035• Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce Vernon B C ..................... 167,378• Gulf and Fraser Fisherman’s Credit Vancouver B C ..................... 200,000• H Klein and Associates Inc Burnaby B C .......................................... 143,879• Heiltsuk Bank Council Wagisla B C ................................................... 352,494• Homalco Indian Band Campbell River B C ..................................... 144,961• Horizon College Vancouver B C .......................................................... 668,036• Houston and District Chamber of Commerce Houston BC . . . . 107,305• IAM Cares Burnaby B C ........................................................................ 213,005• Innervisions Recovery Society Coquitlam B C .............................. 102,851• Interior Vancouver B C .......................................................................... 203,259• Interior Indian Friendship Society Kamloops B C .......................... 268,363• Interior Industrial Training Society Prince George B C ................ 1 28,555• Island Office Trends Ltd Saanichton B C .......................................... 154,510• IXIT OLACW Community School Mount Currie B C ................ 103,521• John M Simmons Kelowna B C .......................................................... 202,116• Kamloops 1993 Canada Games Society Kamloops B C .............. 312,106• Kamloops and District Society for People in Motion

Kamloops BC........................................................................................ 171,670• Kamloops Trades Training Society Kamloops B C ....................... 191,131• Kamloops Women’s Resource Centre Kamloops B C ................... 230,875• Kelowna and District Boys and Girls Club Kelowna B C ............ 246,966• Kermode Friendship Society Terrace BC ........................................ 122,287• Kitimat Community Services Society Kitimat B C ....................... 159,031• Kitsilano Neighborhood House Vancouver B C .............................. 121,185• Kitsumkalum Band Council Terrace B C .......................................... 156,207• Kiwassa Neighborhood Services Vancouver BC............................ 304,871• Kootenay Employment Services Vancouver B C ............................ 172,773• Kootenay Regional Economic Development Nelson B C ............ 145,381• Kwantlen College Surrey B C ............................................................... 105,987• Lake Babine Band Burns Lake B C ................................................... 130,831• Lakes District Learning Centre Burns Lake B C ............................ 121,094• Landell and Association Consulting Vancouver B C ..................... 150,331• Lax Kw’alaams Band Council Port Simpson B C .......................... 134,871• LIFT Indian Future Training Vancouver B C ................................... 252,350• Lomak Transport Corporation Prince George B C .......................... 123,579• M Turner and Association Prince George B C ................................. 244,359• MacMillan Bloedel Ltd Port Alberni B C .......................................... 155,053• Malaspina College Duncan B C .......................................................... 170,954• Malaspina College Parskville B C ...................................................... 122,786• Malaspina College Powell River B C ................................................. 282,408• Maple Ridge Credit Union Maple Ridge BC................................... 201,540• Matsqui Abbotsford Community Services Abbotsford B C ......... 202,700• McMillan College Inc Nanaimo B C ................................................. 276,257• Metlakatla Development Corporation Prince Rupert B C ............ 172,475• Metro Training Institute Vancouver B C ............................................ 197,371• Ministry of Finance Victoria B C ........................................................ 8,430,618• MOSAIC Vancouver B C ...................................................................... 1,066,974• Mount Waddington Community Futures Port McNeill BC......... 110,118• MS Services Langley B C ...................................................................... 128,519• Mt Washington Community Futures Campbell River BC............ 407,064• Musgamagw Tribal Council Alert Bay B C ..................................... 101,885• Nanaimo Indian Band Nanaimo BC ................................................. 111,240• Nanaimo Technical and Trade School Nanaimo B C ..................... 261,424• Nanaimo Youth Services Nanaimo B C ............................................ 154,975• National Academy of Older Canadians Vancouver B C ................ 11 3,252• Native Brotherhood and Native Sister Vancouver B C ................ 126,167• Native Employment and Education Training Duncan B C ......... 122,892• Nelson and District Community Resource Nelson B C ................ 378,306• Nemiah Valley Indian Band Nemiah Valley B C ............................ 101,000• Neskonlith Irrigation Society Chase B C .......................................... 1 26,068• New Opportunities Learning Corporation Whitehorse Y T ......... 292,037• Nicola Valley Institute of Tech Merritt B C ..................................... 218,706• NO Skill Unlimited Training Society Vernon B C .......................... 181,543• North Cariboo Economic Development Quesnel B C ................... 157,813• North Coast Community Futures Committee Prince Rupert

BC ........................................................................................................... 105,822• North Coast Economic Development Prince Rupert BC.............. 1 39,254• North East Native Advancing Society Fort St John B C .............. 386,655

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• North Fraser Employment Development Mission B C ................ 178,636• North Island Business Centre Society Port Hardy B C ................ 11 3,908• North Island College Comox B C ..................................................... 215,028• North Okanagan Employment Enhancement Society Vernon

B C ........................................................................................................... 170,620• North Shore Assoc for the Mentally Handicapped North

Vancouver B C ...................................................................................... 107,404• North Shore Continuing Education North Vancouver B C ......... 554,221• Northern Lights College Cassiar BC .............................................. 105,063• Northern Native Family Services Prince George B C .................. 175,399• Northwest Community College Terrace B C ................................... 231,426• Nuu Chah Nulth Economic Development Corporation Port

Alberni B C ........................................................................................... 254,393• Nuu Chah Nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni BC ....................... 123,146• Nuxalk Band Council Bella Coola B C ............................................ 220,098• Nuxalk Education Authority Bella Coola BC................................ 145,620• Obair Economic Society Dawson Creek B C ................................ 127,843• Odyssey Business Training Services Sidney B C ......................... 123,413• Okanagan College Penticton BC........................................................ 204,176• Okanagan Indian Band Vernon B C ................................................... 1 38,080• Okanagan North Community Futures Vernon B C ....................... 150,810• Okanagan Similkameen Community Development Penticton

B C ........................................................................................................... 160,429• Okanagan Similkameen Community Futures Penticton BC . . . 1 59,350• Open Youth Society PICASSO Cafe Vancouver B C .................. 155,092• Options Unimited Career Centre New Westminster B C ............ 125,000• Orientation Adjustment Services Vancouver B C .......................... 575,073• Outlook Education Society Duncan B C .......................................... 258,803• Pacific Legal Education Association Burnaby B C ....................... 357,266• Pathways Project Chemainus B C ..................................................... 142,820• Peace Arch Community Services White Rock B C ....................... 100,786• Pearson Society for Assessment Vancouver B C ............................ 1 57,1 27• Peninsula Community Association Sidney BC ............................ 1 27,286• Pittman Business College Vancouver B C ....................................... 102,591• Port Alberni Drug and Alcohol Counselling Services Society

Port Alberni B C ................................................................................. 383,182• Port Alberni Friendship Centre Port Alberni B C ......................... 149,744• Port Hardy and District Chamber of Commerce Port Hardy

B C ........................................................................................................... 102,311• Powell River Business Centre Powell River B C ......................... 1 23,495• Powell River Regional Community Futures Powell River BC , 101,327• Prince George and District Elizabeth Fry Society Prince

George BC ........................................................................................... 313,774• Prince George Brain Injured Group Prince George B C .............. 130,500• Prince George Chamber of Commerce Prince George BC , 323,873• Prince George Community Futures Prince George B C .............. 255,689• Prince George Native Learning Centre Prince George BC , 734,1 1 5• Prince George Society for Employment of Disabled Prince

George BC .......................................................................................... 168,314• Princeton Rotary Club Princeton B C .............................................. 102 701• Pro Care Consultants Surrey BC........................................................ 163 277• PROFIT Program Surrey BC ............................................................ 472,710• Quesnel and District Chamber of Commerce Quesnel BC , , , , 125,810• Ravenworks Computing Consulting Duncan B C .......................... 242,476• RDK Career Plumbing and Heating Port Moody BC.................. 160,905• Resource Works Training and Development Surrey B C ............ 1 36,395• Revelstoke Business Development Revelstoke B C ..................... 141,130• Revelstoke Community Futures Revelstoke BC .......................... 445,162• Richmond Savings Credit Union Richmond B C ......................... 200,000• Richmond Youth Service Agency Richmond B C ......................... i 25,407• Rocky Mountain Business Development Cranbrook B C ............ 1 31,083• Rocky Mountain Community Futures Cranbrook B C ................ 1 30,532• Saanich Indian School Board Brentwood B a y B C ....................... 151,214• Sales and Marketing Executives Victoria B C ................................ i 29,982• Saulteam Indian Band Chetwynd B C .............................................. 130 183• School District #24 Kamloops B C ................................................... 106 473• School District #34 Clear brook B C ................................................. 110334• School District #35 Langley B C ........................................................ 420 049• School District #36 Surrey B C .......................................................... 102 750• School District #37 Continuing Education Delta BC.................. 625 414• School District #37 Delta B C ............................................................ H 4 270• School District #38 Richmond B C ................................................... 1 27 252• School District #40 New Westminster B C .................................... 545 256• School District #47 Powell River B C .............................................. 160 061


• School District #56 NECH Vanderhoof BC ................................... 124,127• School District #72 Campbell River B C .......................................... 117,483• School District #85 Port Hardy B C ................................................... 118,847• Sea to Sky Community Services Squamish B C .............................. 331,707• Sea to Sky Enterprise Centre Squamish B C ................................... 161,464• Seabird Island Indian Band Agassiz B C .......................................... 127,503• Sechelt Indian Band Sechelt B C ....................................................... 131,268• Secwepemc Cultural Education Kamloops B C .............................. 150,635• SEEDS Strathcona Employ and Economic Development

Courtenay BC ...................................................................................... 195,695• Share Family and Community Service Coquitlam B C ................ 318,505• Sheila O ’Keefe Mission B C ................................................................. 103,682• Shoreline Community School Association Victoria B C .............. 260,888• Shuswap Community Futures Salmon Arm B C ............................ 459,493• Shuswap Coordinating Training Salmon Arm BC.......................... 105,390• Shuswap Ventures Corporation Salmon Arm B C ......................... 126,032• Simon Fraser Society for Community Coquitlam B C .................. 147,151• Simon Fraser University Burnaby B C .............................................. 141,812• Simon Fraser University Student Services Burnaby B C .............. 250,992• Skeena Native Development Society Terrace B C ......................... 1,644,500• Sliammon Indian Band Powell River B C ........................................ 325,533• South Peace Enterprise Centre Society Dawson Creek BC , 210,773• South Vancouver Neighborhood House Vancouver B C .............. 1 38,390• Spectra Food Corporation Vancouver B C ........................................ 219,724• Spectrum Community School Society Victoria BC....................... 319,211• Sprott Shaw School of Business Vancouver B C ............................ 142,060• Squamish Indian Band North Vancouver BC ................................. 292,054• Squamish Indian Band Squamish B C .............................................. 171,899• Start Economic and Employment Quesnel B C .............................. 150,322• SUCCESS Vancouver BC .................................................................... 586,372• Sun Country Business Centre Ltd Ashcroft BC ............................ 139,804• Sunshine Coast Business Development Sechelt B C ..................... 152,799• Sunshine Coast Employment Development Sechelt B C .............. 200,334• Surrey Delta Immigrant Services Surrey B C ................................... 328,111• Tahltan Band Council Telegraph Creek BC..................................... 115,023• Technology Demonstration Workshop Fort St John B C .............. 198,090• Terrace and District Community Service Terrace B C ................... 156,987• Territorial Treasurer Yukon Government Whitehorse Y T ............ 371,511• The 411 Seniors’ Centre Society Vancouver B C ............................ 190,261• The Canadian Manufacturer’s Association Vancouver B C ......... 272,600• The Immigrant Services Society of Vancouver Vancouver BC. . 1,065,037• The Job Project Campbell River B C ................................................. 224,516• The John Howard Society Campbell River B C .............................. 392,503• The University College of the Cariboo Kamloops B C ................ 417,686• Thompson Country Community Futures Kamloops B C .............. 114,224• Thompson Enterprise Centre Society Kamloops B C ................... 128,680• Tideline Ventures Inc Victoria B C ...................................................... 168,974• Tillicum Haus Native Friendship Nanaimo B C .............................. 300,958• TIPS Career College New Westminster BC..................................... 213,314• Tourism Industry Association of the Yukon Whitehorse YT . . . 100,000• Tsimshian Tribal Council Prince Rupert B C ................................... 1 30,623• UFCW United Food and Commercial New Westminster BC . . . 236,075• United Native Nations Friendship Centre Vernon BC................... 161,Oil• United Native Nations Local 112 Prince George B C .................. 124,023• United Native Nations Local III Vancouver B C ............................ 102,119• United Native Nations Vancouver B C .............................................. 176,821• University of British Columbia Vancouver B C .............................. 562,558• University of Victoria Victoria BC ................................................... 267,967• Urban Native Youth Association Vancouver B C ............................ 249,450• Valley Native Friendship Centre Duncan B C ................................ 223,793• Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Vancouver B C ............ 114,994• Vancouver Cultural Alliance Vancouver B C ................................... 253,877• Vancouver Eastside Educational Enrichment Soc Learning

Front Vancouver B C .......................................................................... 416,201• Vancouver Island Advanced Technology Victoria BC ................ 117,370• Vancouver Neurological Association Vancouver B C .................. 1 23,657• Vancouver School Board Vancouver B C .......................................... 2,078,889• Vancouver Sunshine Coast District Aboriginal Board North

Vancouver B C ...................................................................................... 1,095,521• Vancouver/Richmond Association for Mentally Handicapped

Vancouver B C ...................................................................................... 339,903• VIC Reading Evaluation and Development Society

Victoria B C .......................................................................................... 1 28,657• Victoria Native Friendship Centre Victoria B C .............................. 312,558

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• Whistler Chamber of Commerce Whistler B C .............................. 125,652• Whistler International Consulting New Westminster B C ......... 290,870• Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce Whitehorse Y T ................... 148,483• Wilensky and Associates Vancouver B C ....................................... 251,604• Williams Lake Association for Community Living Williams

Lake B C ............................................................................................... 148,089• Workers Compensation Board Vancouver B C .............................. 242,492• YMCA Enterprise Centre Vancouver B C ....................................... 192,181• YMCA of Greater Vancouver Vancouver B C ................................ 1,230,191• Young Wom en’s Christian Association Vancouver B C .............. 415,750• Yukon College Whitehorse B C .......................................................... 225,083

National Headquarters—• Access-ACTA/CITC Mississauga O n t ............................................ 125,000• Algonquin College N e p e a n O n t ........................................................ 241,5 06• Assembly of First Nations Ottawa O n t ............................................ 113,650• ATTI Training Inc Ottawa O n t .......................................................... 129,617• Automotive Parts Sectoral Training Council Markham Ont , , , 329,293• Canadian Labour Force Development Ottawa O n t .................... 3,590,989• Canadian Association for Community Living Downsview Ont 173,125• Canadian Automotive Repair and Service Ottawa O n t ............. 418,818• Canadian Aviation Maintenance Council Ottawa O n t ............... 567,792• Canadian Chamber of Commerce Ottawa O n t .............................. 1,478,360• Canadian Conference of the Arts Ottawa O n t ............................. 578,362• Canadian Construction Association Ottawa O n t ......................... 152,552• Canadian Council for Natives Toronto O n t .................................. 584,440• Canadian Council on Rehabilitation & Work (in trust)

Winnpeg M a n ...................................................................................... 411,524• Canadian Education Association Toronto O n t .............................. 250,000• Canadian Federation of Chefs de Cuisine IAS Committee

Ottawa O n t ......................................................................................... 130,250• Canadian Fur Industry Adjustment Committee Montreal Que . 118,000• Canadian Guidance & Counselling Foundation Ottawa O n t . . . 668,4 18• Canadian Horticultural Council Ottawa O n t ................................ 150,000• Canadian Indian Energy Corporation Edmonton A l t a ............... 136,250• Canadian Liuna Management Ottawa O n t .................................... 243,155• Canadian Native Arts Foundation Toronto O n t ........................... 446,1 73• Canadian Operating Engineers Burnaby B C ................................ 147,585• Canadian Parapalegic Association Don Mills O n t ...................... 189,547• Canadian Professional Logistics Institute Toronto O n t ............. 874,000• Canadian Restaurant & Food Services Association Toronto

O n t ........................................................................................................ 143,450• Canadian Steel Trade & Employment Congress Toronto Ont , , 3,668,425• Cars Training Standards Branch Ottawa O n t ................................ 508,746• Centre for Cultural Management Waterloo O n t ............................ 1 24,331• CFCC In Trust to Native Chiefs Training Committee

Westmount Que ................................................................................. 150,800• CHBA Renovator IAS Committee Ottawa O n t ............................ 1 25,850• Committee on National Standards Ottawa O n t ............................ 270,343• Concordia College Centre Career Develop & Innovation

E d m o n to n A l ta ................................................................................... 1 23,562• Cooperative Career Work Education Association of Canada

Hamilton O n t ...................................................................................... 165,444• Douglas College New Westminister B C .......................................... 201,100• Environment Industry Canadian Council for Human

Resources Calgary A l t a ................................................................... 239,290• Federation des Travailleurs et Travailleuses du Quebec

Montreal Q u e ...................................................................................... 101,230• Geomatics HRP IAS Committee Ottawa O n t ................................ 120,000• Henson College Dalhousie University Halifax N S ..................... 537,379• Heritage Canada Foundation Ottawa O n t ........................................ 138,009• Home Support Canada Stay-In-School Ottawa O n t ..................... 105,930• HRAI Residential Installer Etobicoke O n t ..................................... 1 35,248• Human Resource Committee for the Trucking Industry

Ottawa O n t ........................................................................................... 160,583• IEC IAS Human Resource Committee Edmonton A l t a .............. 108,250• Impression 2000 Etobicoke O n t ........................................................ 600,025• International Association of Machinists & Aerospace

Workers Ottawa O n t .......................................................................... 176,335• John Labatt Limited London O n t ..................................................... 171,360• Manitoba Federation of Labour Winnipeg M a n ............................ 207,186• Mennonite Central Committee Edmonton A l t a ............................ 374,439• NB Senior Citizens Federation Moncton N B ................................ 134,279


• National Aboriginal Communications Society Lac La BicheAlta ........................................................................................................... 131,830

• Native Women’s Association of Canada Ottawa O n t ................... 103,638• Neil Squire Foundation North Vancouver B C ................................ 1,140,548• Northside-Victoria District School Board North (in trust)

Sydney N S ............................................................................................. 371,520• Operating Engineers Industrial IAS Pipeline Committee

Winnipeg M a n ...................................................................................... 409,552• Reed Stenhouse Ltd Ottawa O n t ........................................................ 185,320• Robert Isabelle et Associes Inc Montreal Que................................ 554,000• Sectoral Skills Fund Ottawa O n t ........................................................ 1 20,000• Shuswap Nation Tribal Council Kamloops B C .............................. 155,111• Sinaaq Enterprises Inc Ottawa O n t ................................................... 1 52,264• Social Research and Demonstration Corporation Vancouver

BC ........................................................................................................... 10,047,665• Software Human Resource Council Toronto O n t .......................... 107,258• The Society of the Plastics Industry of Canada Don Mills Ont , 150,000• The Western Wood Products Forum Vancouver B C ..................... 106,287• Timiskaming Board of Education New Liskeard O n t .................. 110,941• Tourism Industry Association of Canada Ottawa O n t ................... 145,559• United Food and Commercial Workers Rexdale O n t ................... 413,183• University of British Columbia Vancouver B C .............................. 1,221,012• University of Guelph Guelph O n t ...................................................... 687,506• University of Toronto Toronto O n t ................................................... 449,076• Walter Dinsdale Centre for Employment of Canadians with

Disabilities Calgary A l t a .................................................................... 123,917• Women in Trades and Technology Winlaw B C .............................. 157,000• Women Inventors Project Inc Etobicoke O n t ................................. 108,558• Yes Canada Inc Toronto O n t ............................................................... 2,076,778• Young Men’s Christian Association (Montreal) Montreal Que . 473,748• YMCA Halifax (in trust) Halifax N S ................................................. 223,220• YMCA of Canada Montreal Q u e ........................................................ 222,042

Slemon Park $500,000• Slemon Park Corporation Summerside PEI ..................................... 500,000

Payments to provinces, companies and individuals under agreements entered into by the Minister of Employment and Immigration with the provinces subject to approval of the Governor in Council and with corporations of individuals acting as Managers of Agricultural Employment Services Offices for the organization and use of workers for farming and related industries including undischarged commitments under previous agreements $10,354,926

Nova Scotia Region—• Bucher MT Pictou ................................................................................. 296,537• Loomer PH K en tv i l le ............................................................................. 271,582

Prince Edward Island Region—• Agricultural Employment Services Summerside.......................... 1 31,720• Agricultural Employment Services Charlo tte town..................... 1 55,236

New Brunswick Region—• Benoit Ouellette Grand F a l l s ............................................................... 1 33,999• Brian White S u s s e x ............................................................................... 124,705

Quebec Region—• Ministre agriculture des pecheries et alimentation Quebec......... 320,490• Service de Main d'Oeuvre Agricole de l ’UPA Longueuil ............ 1,794,963

Ontario Region—• Agricultural Employment Service Aylmer ..................................... 184,533• Agricultural Employment Service Bel leville ................................ 121,500• Agricultural Employment Service C h a t h a m ................................. 206,369• Agricultural Employment Service Ches terville............................ 145,000• Agricultural Employment Service F e r g u s ..................................... 143,476• Agricultural Employment Service Leamington............................ 192,262• Agricultural Employment Service Owen S o u n d .......................... 187,862• Agricultural Employment Service St Catharines......................... 1 32,000• Agricultural Employment Service T i l l sonburg ............................ 214,401• Berry M Manager G a n an o q u e ............................................................ 100,000• Coy R Manager Port P e r ry ................................................................... 145,197• Eastern Counties AES Vankleek H i l l ................................................. 153,11 3• J o r d a n M Manager N e w m ark e t .......................................................... 119,000• Ottawa Valley AES S t i t t s v i l l e ............................................................ 160,000• Simcoe Area AES D e lh i ........................................................................ 150,000• Symons B Cobourg................................................................................. 182,000

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$ $

Manitoba Region—• Agricultural Employment Services D au p h in ................................. 122,596• Agricultural Employment Services Portage La P r a i r i e .............. 157,640• Agricultural Employment Services S e l k i r k ................................... 118,640• Agricultural Employment Services W inkler ................................... 1 33,788• Agricultural Employment Services B ra n d o n ................................ 120,747

Saskatchewan Region—• Agricultural Employment Services Moose J a w ............................ 103,286• Agricultural Employment Services North Battle ford .................. I l l , 797• Agricultural Employment Services Prince A l b e r t ....................... 145,130• Agricultural Employment Services W eyburn ................................ 106,619• Agricultural Employment Services Prince Y o rk to n ..................... 118,339

Alberta Region—• Agricultural Employment Services Calgary ................................... 1 29,230• Agricultural Employment Services Grande P r a i r i e ..................... 131,477• Agricultural Employment Services L e th b r id g e ............................ 1 54,324• Agricultural Employment Services Red D e e r .............................. 110,400

British Columbia Region—• Bean G A b b o ts f o r d ............................................................................... 304,462• Benson W K elow na............................................................................... 304,616• Dorosz J Vic tor ia ................................................................................... 1 59,270• Dyson J Qualicum B e a c h ................................................................... 101,141• Scotthorne D D u n c a n .......................................................................... 202,851• Vaccaro C P e n t i c to n ............................................................................. 361,855

National Headquarters—• Association of Canadian Orchestras Toronto O n t ....................... 200,000• Canadian Guidance and Counselling Ottawa O n t ....................... 1,812,927


Grant to the province of Quebec as financial compensation to accompany the federal withdrawal from reception and integration services to immigrants as per section 26 of the Canada/Quebec Accord relating to Immigration and temporary admission ofaliens $82,000,000

• Ministère des Finances du Quebec Montreal Q u e ....................... 82,000,000Adjustment Assistance $48,966,566

Newfoundland Region—• Woolco Department S to r e s S tJ o h n ’s .............................................. 114,504

Ontario Region—• Atlas Furniture Ex N e p e a n ................................................................. 106,534• Big Bil l’s Kitchener............................................................................... 150,081• Centre Catholique pour Immigrants Ottawa................................... 653,919• Costi-Iias T o r o n to ................................................................................. 1,195,614• Interfusion Furniture & Supplies T o r o n t o ..................................... 242,576• K-W House Church Assembly Inc Kitchener................................ 233,037• Malton Neighborhood Services M is s issauga ................................ 246,1 57• NOAH Reception Centre Toronto..................................................... 1,084,594• Table Shop Ltd Toronto........................................................................ 623,207• Woodgreen Red Door Family Shelter To ronto .............................. 1 20,189• World Vision Canada M issi ssauga ................................................... 869,706• Zellers S c a rb o ro u g h ............................................................................. 100,733• Zellers T o r o n t o ...................................................................................... 537,780• Zellers Inc #223 Toron to ...................................................................... 216,001

Manitoba Region—• Centre House Hostel Winnipeg.......................................................... 348,458• Horo Contracting Services Ltd Winnipeg........................................ 221,316• Manitoba Interfaith Winnipeg............................................................ 200,894

British Columbia Region—• Immigrant Services Society of Vancouver Vancouver ................ 768,743• Woodwards Stores BC Ltd V an co u v er ............................................ 778,288

Immigration Settlement and Adaption $13,252,789

Newfoundland Region—• Association of New Canadians St John’s ....................................... 149,235

Nova Scotia Region—• Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association H a l i f a x ......... 185,496

Ontario Region—• Afghan Association of Ontario W e s to n ............................................ 110,401• Arab Community Centre of Toronto Etobicoke ............................ 121,586• Association of Community Information T o r o n t o ......................... 244,626• COSTI Settlement Counsellor T o r o n t o ............................................ 178,999• Canadian African Newcomer T o ro n to .............................................. 102,484• Catholic Immigration Bureau Toronto .............................................. 266,054• Catholic Immigration Centre Ottawa................................................ 516,404• Cdn Centre for Victims of Torture Toron to ..................................... 1 39,241• Centre for Spanish Speaking People T o r o n t o ................................ 1 22,803• Chinese Info & Community Services Scarborough....................... 185,072• Costi Video Workshop T o r o n t o .......................................................... 171,055• Costi-Iias Immigrant Services T o r o n t o ............................................ 176,964• Iranian Community Assn of Ontario D ownsv ie w ......................... 147,521• Jewish Family Services of Ottawa O t t a w a ..................................... 115,196• Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA Kitchener.............................................. 197,095• Latin America Community Centre Downsview.............................. 100,910• London Cross Cultural Learner Centre L o n d o n ............................ 283,173• Malton Neighborhood Services Mississauga................................... 163,435• Malton Social Planning M issi ssauga ................................................ 383,899• Multicultural Assistance Services of Peel Missi ssauga................ 316,900• Ottawa-Carleton Immigrant Services O t t a w a ................................ 272,195• Polish Immigrant Services T o ro n to ................................................... 191,556• Tamil Eelam Society of Canada Toron to .......................................... 114,380• Toronto Chinese Community Services Association Toronto, . . . 1 20,569• Toronto Organization for Domestics T o r o n to ................................ 102,957• Vietnamese Association of Toronto T o ro n to ................................... 119,965• Wesley Urban Ministries Inc H am i l ton ............................................ 1 78,396• Windsor Family YMCA Windsor ........................................................ 119,047• Woodgreen Community Centre T o r o n t o .......................................... 106,076

Manitoba Region—• Citizenship Council of Manitoba W i n n ip e g ................................... 269,135• Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Winnipeg..................................... 209,143

Saskatchewan Region-—• Regina Open Door Society R e g i n a ................................................... 151,645• Saskatoon Open Door Society S as k a to o n ........................................ 147,390

Alberta Region-—• Calgary Catholic Immigration Society Calgary.............................. 313,016• Calgary Immigrant Aid Society C a lg a ry .......................................... 330,306• Catholic Social Services Edmonton................................................... 324,308• Edmonton Mennonite Society for the Assistance of

Newcomers E d m o n t o n ...................................................................... 148,648British Columbia Region—

• Immigrant Services Society of BC V a n c o u v e r .............................. 449,667• Law Courts Education Society V a n c o u v e r ..................................... 103,609• MOSAIC (Multilingual Orientation) Vancouver ............................ 301,096• Orientation Adjustment Services Vancouver ................................... 109,063• Surrey/Delta Immigrant Services S urrey .......................................... 223,892• United Chinese Community Vancouver ............................................ 523,103

Host Program $1,908,177

Ontario Region—• Catholic Immigration Centre Ottawa................................................. 107,654• Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA Kitchener............................................... 114,662• Metro Toronto Host Program T oron to .............................................. 481,1 34

Alberta Region—• Catholic Social Services Edmonton................................................... 101,000

British Columbia Region—• Immigrant Services Society of BC V a n c o u v e r .............................. 149,698

Designated Council $11,218,866• Ontario Legal Aid Plan Toronto O n t ................................................. 5,636,814

Settlement Language Program $3,436,607

British Columbia Region-—• Immigrant Services Society of BC V a n c o u v e r .............................. 145,127• MOSAIC (Multilingual Orientation) Vancouver ............................ 250,962• Orientation Adjustment Services Vancouver ................................... 122,390• Surrey/Delta Immigrant Services S urrey .......................................... 239,793• United Chinese Community Vancouver ............................................ 179,839

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$ $

International Organization for Migration $992,962

Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) $73,033,213

Newfoundland Region—• Association for New Canadians St J o h n ' s ..................................... 1 53,530• Cabot Institute of Applied Arts and Science St Jo h n 's ................ 388,047

Nova Scotia Region—• Dartmouth Immigration Orientation Dartmouth ......................... 100,000• Halifax District School Board H a l i f a x ............................................ 1 25,359• Halifax Immigrant English as a First Language H a l i f a x ........... 116,485• Minister of Finance Province of NS H a l i f a x ................................ 105,217

Prince Edward Island Region—• Holland College C h a r lo t te to w n ........................................................ 146,909

Ontario Region—• Afghan Women’s Counselling Toronto............................................ 229,224• Algonquin College of Applied A&T N ep ean ................................ 560,587• Board of Education for the City of East York E a s t Y o r k ........... 341,756• Board of Education for the City of Scarborough Scarborough , 614,133• Canadian African Womens Organization Ottawa......................... 118,900• Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture T o r o n to ......................... 1 78,464• Catholic Immigration Bureau T o r o n t o ............................................ 147,953• Catholic Immigration Centre O t t a w a ............................................... 365,245• Centennial College of Applied A&T Scarborough....................... 356,986• Chinese Information & Community Scarborough ....................... 445,551• Continuing Education Centre Mississauga..................................... 205,447• COSTI T o r o n t o ...................................................................................... 157,350• Cross Cultural Learner Centre London............................................ 135,448• Digital Equipment of Canada Ltd Toron to ..................................... 329,558• Dixie Bloor Neighborhood Drop in Missi ssauga .......................... 143,752• Eastern Ont Resettlement & Training O t t a w a .............................. 142,624• Ethiopian Association in Toronto T o r o n to ..................................... 114,568• Fanshawe College L o n d o n ................................................................. 1,376,003• George Brown College of Applied A&T T o r o n t o ....................... 1,321,784• Hamilton-Wentworth Roman Catholic Separate School Board

H am i l ton ............................................................................................... 186,879• Humber College of Applied A&T Etob ic oke ................................. 408,909• K-W English Preschool K i tc h e n e r ................................................... 302,804• La Cite Collegiale Ottawa.................................................................... 159,952• Lamb ton City Board of Education Sarnia....................................... 153,575• Language Training Centre of Ottawa Montreal Q u e ................... 143,640• Language Training Centre of Ottawa Ottawa................................. 370,921• Latin American Community Centre North York .......................... 156,723• Learning Enrichment Foundation T o ro n to ..................................... 189,199• London Cross Cultural Learner London.......................................... 648,686• Malton Social Planning Centre M is s i s s a u g a ................................. 164,087• Mohawk College of Applied A&T H am i l to n ................................ 301,894• Multicultural Assistance Services M iss i ssau g a ............................ 382,153• New Experience for Refugee Women Toron to .............................. 160,185• Ontario Business College Bel levil le ................................................. 125,157• Ottawa Board of Education O t t a w a ................................................. 410,004• Peel Board of Education Mississauga............................................... 766,182• Polish Alliance of Canada Toron to ................................................... 202,344• Polish Immigrant Aid Services E to b ico k e ..................................... 373,807• Portuguese Social Services Centre T o r o n t o ................................... 216,894• Riverdale Immigrant Women’s Centre T o r o n to ............................ 216,435• Russell Heights Family House O t taw a............................................ 132,628• Seneca College of Applied A&T North Y o r k ................................. 357,527• Sheridan College O a k v i l l e ................................................................. 503,239• Social Planning Council of Peel Mississauga................................ 1 24,956• South Asian Family Support Service S c a rb o ro u g h ..................... 109,346• St Joseph Immigrant Wom en’s Center H am i l ton .......................... 263,400• St Stephen’s Community House T o r o n to ........................................ 162,002• TESL Association of Ontario T o r o n t o ............................................ 107,050• Tamil Eelam Society of Canada S ca rb o ro u g h .............................. 450,418• The Board of Education for The City of North York

N o r t h Y o r k ........................................................................................... 1,546,722• The Board of Education for The City of London L o n d o n ......... 299,492• The Board of Education for The City of Etobicoke

E t o b ic o k e ............................................................................................. 784,911

• The Canadian Co-operative for Language & Cultural StudiesIncToro n to ............................................................................................. 161,885

• The Carle ton Board of Education N epean ....................................... 136,541• The Language Centre L o n d o n ............................................................ 156,015• The London Language Advisory Council L o n d o n ....................... 181,792• The Naylor-McLeod Group Limited Cambridge............................ 176,946• Toronto Board of Education Toronto ................................................. 760,085• Toronto Chinese Community T o ro n to .............................................. 140,982• University of Western Ontario L o n d o n ............................................ 116,703• Wesley Urban Ministries H am i l to n ................................................... 161,218• Working Skills Centre Toronto .......................................................... 155,406• Working Women Community Centre Toronto ................................ 111,068• YMCA of Kitchener Waterloo K i t c h e n e r ........................................ 102,798• YMCA of Metropolitan Toronto T o r o n t o ........................................ 471,571

Manitoba Region—• Applied Linguistics Centre Ltd Winn ipeg ........................................ 496,738• Red River Community College W inn ip eg ........................................ 288,378• Winnipeg School Division No 1 W in n ip eg ..................................... 944,633

Saskatchewan Region—• Regina Open Door Society R e g i n a ................................................... 238,965• Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Technology

R e g i n a .................................................................................................... 699,432• Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Technology

Saskatoon............................................................................................... 728,939• Saskatoon Open Door Society S as k a to o n ........................................ 206,196

Alberta Region-—• Alberta Vocational Centre C a l g a r y ................................................... 572,492• Alberta Vocational Centre E d m o n to n ............................................... 301,470• Calgary Catholic Schools Ca lgary ...................................................... 114,594• Edmonton Catholic School Dist Edmonton..................................... 397,056• Edmonton Public Schools E d m o n to n ............................................... 116,699• English Language Professionals Inc E d m o n to n ............................ 113,229• McManus and Associates C a lg ary ...................................................... 213,844• Provincial Treasurer Edm onton .......................................................... 4,070,100• Red Deer College Red D ee r ................................................................. 265,900

British Columbia Region-—• Burnaby College Ltd Burnaby ............................................................ 410,725• Canada Language Center Ltd Vancouver.......................................... 529,295• Canadian Centre for Education Burnaby.......................................... 241,952• CBEI Vancouver ...................................................................................... 134,319• College of New Caledonia Prince G eorge ........................................ 132,563• Fraser Pacific College Richmond........................................................ 606,587• Fraser Valley College A b b o ts fo rd ...................................................... 109,098• Horizon College Vancouver ................................................................. 475,955• Hal Klein and Associates Burnaby...................................................... 507,344• Immigrant Services Society of BC V a n c o u v e r .............................. 537,634• Intercultural Association of V ic t o r i a ................................................. 109,332• Kwantlen College S u r rey ...................................................................... 274,633• Malaspina College N a n a i m o ............................................................... 146,089• Matsqui-Abbotsford Com Services A b b o t s f o r d ............................ 117,662• Ministry of Finance V i c t o r i a ............................................................... 1,167,416• MOSAIC (Multilingual Orientation) Vancouver ............................ 457,923• North Shore Continuing Education North Vancouver ................... 192,861• Open Learning Institute Burnaby........................................................ 140,000• Orientation Adjustment Services Vancouver ................................... 144,852• School District #41 B u r n a b y ............................................................... 162,010• Surrey Delta Immigrant Services S urrey .......................................... 474,393• United Chinese Community Vancouver ............................................ 299,892• Vancouver Community College Vancouver ..................................... 4,169,344• West Coast English Language Centre V an co u v er .......................... 494,267• Western ESL Services V a n c o u v e r ...................................................... 119,362

National Headquarters—• International Organization for Migration New York N Y ............ 763,281

Status of Women—-Office of the Co-ordinator $50,000

Contribution to the Economic Development of Canadian Aboriginal Women (EDCAW) $50,000

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Contribution to the International Energy Agency $1,064,975• BCC IEA C 0 2 Program National Westmins ter Bank PLC

London E n g lan d ................................................................................. 143,184• IEA Coal Research London E n g l a n d ............................................... 173,416• Netherlands Energy Research Foundation The Hague

Netherlands ........................................................................................... 301,140• Novem BV Credit Lyonnais Bank Neder land NV Sittard

Netherlands ........................................................................................... 103,884• Novem IEA Heat Pump Centre Credit Lyonnais Bank Sittard

Netherlands ........................................................................................... 127,446Contribution to the Green Plan $4,382,172

• APCHQ Anjou Q u e ............................................................................... 100,000• BC Gas Inc Vancouver B C ................................................................. 129,375• Canadian Gas Association NGV Marketing Don Mills Ont , , , 108,375• Canadian Manufacturers’ Association Toronto O n t ..................... 329,000• Canadian Standards Association Rexdale O n t .............................. 201,860• Carroll Homes Ltd Saskatoon Sask ................................................. 133,100• Clayton Development Halifax N S ................................................... 107,825• Great Advances Corporation Charlottetown P E I ......................... 116,567• Hamilton-Halton Home Builders Gloucester O n t ....................... 1 25,654• Ouje Bougoumou Band Council Chibougamau Q u e ................... 100,000• Power Smart Inc Vancouver B C ........................................................ 139,997• Propane Gas Association of Canada Inc Calgary A l t a ................. 510,000• Superior Propane Inc Unionville O n t .............................................. 105,000• University of British Columbia Vancouver B C ............................ 250,000

Contribution to the Alberta Oil Sands Technology andResearch Authority Underground Test Facility— Phase B $70,000

Contribution to the Federal Building Initiative $186,000• Canadian Association of Energy Services Companies

Agincourt O n t ...................................................................................... 111,000

A to m ic E n e r g y C o n t r o l B o a r d $796,140

Grants to selected non-profit organizations which are furthering the development of nuclear safety standards $19,000

Grants to Canadian post-graduate students in a science or engineering discipline related to the nuclearfield $48,000

Contribution to the cost-free manpower assistance program and to procure related goods and services required to execute the Canadian Support Program for the International Atomic Energy Agency $546,340

• International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna A u s t r i a ................ 546,340

Contributions to international co-operation agreementsrelated to nuclear safety $182,800

ENVIRONMENT $68,323,268D e p a r t m e n t $68,323,268ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM $3,350,148

Grant to the Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe $361,781

• Regional Environmental Centre for Central and EasternEurope Budapest H u n g a ry ............................................................... 361,781

Contributions to assist public participation in reviews under the Environmental Assessment and Review Process $842,309

Contribution to the Assembly of First Nations $100,000

Contribution to the Canadian Council of the Ministers of the Environment in an amount equal to one third of its operating budget $1,030,302

• Canadian Council of the Ministers of the EnvironmentWinnipeg M a n .................................................................................... 1,030,302

Contributions to non-profit organizations for Environment Week Projects $945,756

Contribution to the Global Forum $70,000


ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PROGRAM $57,378,561 Grant to the Canadian Association of Geographers $7,000

Grant to Canadian Energy Research Institute $50,000

Grant to the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society $20,000

Grant to Canadian National Committee of the International Association on Water Pollution Research $5,000

Grant to the Canadian Nature Federation $10,000

Grant to the Canadian Wildlife Federation $10,000

Grant to Creston Valley Wildlife Management $100,000• Creston Valley Wildlife Management Authority Creston BC . . . 100,000

Grant to Economic Commission for Europe’s Cooperative Program for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Long Range Transport of Air Pollutants $10,000

Grant to Environmental non-government organizations $34 1,484

Grant to the Fur Institute of Canada $20,000

Grant to the Wildlife Habitat Canada Foundation $2,978,375• Wildlife Habitat Canada Ottawa O n t ................................................. 2,978,375

Grant to University Research Grants program/Great LakesWater Quality $620,000

• McMaster University Hamilton O n t ................................................. 131,830• University of Toronto Toronto O n t ................................................... 129,870• University of Waterloo Waterloo O n t .............................................. 107,685

Grant to the Royal Society of Canada $667,000• Royal Society of Canada Ottawa O n t .............................................. 667,000

Grant to University Research Councils Program $2,31 2,000• Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Ottawa O n t ............................................................................................. 2,312,000Grant to St, Lawrence Action Plan $249,999

• Centre National de Recherche Scientifique Ottawa O n t ............. 249,999

Grant to the International Institute for SustainableDevelopment $2,250,000

• International Institute for Sustainable DevelopmentWinnipeg M a n ...................................................................................... 2,250,000

Grant to universities $35,000

Grant to the Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol $4,400,000• UN Multilateral Fund Secretariat Montreal Q u e ............................ 900,000• UN Fund for Montreal Protocol on Ozone Layer New York NY 3,500,000

Grant to L ’Agence de cooperation culturelle et technique de la francophonie $300,000

• L ’Agence de cooperation culturelle et technique Paris France . . 300,000Grant to Meteorological Research $956,266

Contributions to provinces towards federal provincial water resources projects $195,000

Contributions to provinces for waterfowl crop depredation $800,000• Province of Alberta Edmonton A l ta ................................................... 295,377• Province of Manitoba Winnipeg M a n .............................................. 234,582• Province of Saskatchewan Regina Sask............................................ 270,041

Contributions to provinces for Hood damage reduction studies and flood risk mapping $ 1,320,930

• Alberta Environment Edmonton A l t a .............................................. 339,799• Province of British Columbia Victoria B C ..................................... 500,000• Province of Quebec Quebec Q u e ...................................................... 400,000

Contribution to the Province of Quebec— Hydrometrie Agreement $907,211

• Quebec Q u e ............................................................................................. 907,211

Contributions to the Province of Ontario under the Canada/Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality $2,059,287

• Toronto Ont............................................................................................... 2,059,287Contribution to the Fur Institute of Canada $300,000

• Fur Institute of Canada Toronto O n t ................................................. 300,000

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Contribution to the Province of Quebec—-James Bay Agreement $95,000

Contribution to the United Nations for the Convention in Trade of Rare and Endangered Species $ 115,360

• UNEP CITES Secretariat Lausanne S witze r land......................... 115,360Contribution to environmental non-government organizations $150,000

Contribution to the Province of Quebec—-Water Quality and Monitoring Agreement $229,000

• Quebec Q u e ............................................................................................. 229,000

Contribution to the Convention on Wetlands of InternationalImportance $29,994

Contribution to the Interjurisdictional Caribou ManagementBoard $ 1 5,000

Contributions to provinces for implementation of water planning recommendations— British Columbia— Fraser River Flood Control $207,002

• Province of British Columbia Victoria B C ..................................... 207,002World Health Organization $10,000

Contribution to the Porcupine Caribou Management Board $9,000


Environmental Partners Fund $1 2,829,671• Harmony Foundation of Canada Ottawa O n t ................................ 242,273• L ’Environnement et les Plaisanciers de l ’Outaouais

Rockland O n t ...................................................................................... 122,046• Province of Newfoundland St John’s NfI d ..................................... 851,136• Province of New Brunswick S t J o h n N B ....................................... 647,544• Province of Nova Scotia Dartmouth N S .......................................... 448,988• Province of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown P E I ................ 276,229• Rotary Club of Weyburn Weyburn Sask .......................................... 100,000• Sagkeeng First Nation Pine Falls M a n ............................................ 110,422

Contribution to the Province of Quebec— Protection andClean up of St, Lawrence River $2,500,000

• Quebec Q u e ............................................................................................. 2,500,000North American Waterfowl Management Plan $3,437,937

• Alta Forestry Lands & Wildlife Edmonton A lta ............................ 730,000• Ducks Unlimited Winnipeg M a n ..................................................... 180,625• Manitoba Heritage Winnipeg M a n ................................................... 365,000• Nature Conservancy of Canada Toronto O n t ................................ 225,430• Saskatchewan Wetland Conservation Regina S a s k ..................... 850,000• Wildlife Habitat Ottawa O n t .............................................................. 630,000• Wildlife Habitat Ottawa O n t .............................................................. 361,813

World Wildlife Fund $260,000• Toronto O n t ............................................................................................. 260,000

Contribution to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada $10,000

Contribution to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development— Chemicals Control Program $86,500

1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development $557,000

• Canadian Participatory Committe for UNCED Ottawa Ont , , , 457,000• Union Bank of Switzerland Geneva Switze r land ......................... 100,000

Contribution to the St, Lawrence Action Plan ConservationSect or— Preservation of Habitats Program $399,772

• Fondation de la faune du Quebec Quebec Q u e ............................ 274,772• Nature Conservancy Canada Toronto O n t ..................................... 125,000

Technology development program for the St, Lawrence Centre $1,000,000• F F S o u c y ln c Riviere-du-Loup Q u e ................................................. 122,6 00• Produits Shell Canada Ltee M o n t re a lQ u e ..................................... 231,000• Zenon Environnement Inc Ville d'Anjou Q u e .............................. 150,377

Contributions to provinces towards the relative impact studiesof James and Hudson Bay $25,000

Contributions to provinces towards the Northern Rivers study (Peace-Athabaska-Slave) $1,330,000

• Alberta Environment Edmonton A l t a .............................................. 1,330,000

Canada/Nova Scotia Agreement on sustainable development $860,000

Sustainable Management program for the Fraser River Basin $ 1,431,983


• Ducks Unlimited Canada Kamloops B C .......................................... 453,983• British Columbia Conservation Foundation Surrey B C .............. 138,000• The Nature Trust of British Columbia West Vancouver BC . . . . 825,000• Federation of British Columbia Naturalist Vancouver B C ......... 15,000

Contributions to the Major Industrial Accidents CoordinatingCommittee (MIACC) $300,000

• Major Industrial Accidents Council o f Canada Ottawa Ont . . . . 300,000Canadian Youth Foundation $619,000

• Canadian Youth Foundation Ottawa O n t .......................................... 619,000

Contribution to University of Saskatchewan to establish a Canadian Wildlife Health Center—-Wildlife disease component $200,000

• University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon Sask................................... 200,000

Contribution to the Province of British Columbia and ENGOS—Wildlife Strategy, Pacific Coast Joint Venture $175,000

Contribution to the city of Montreal—-Biosphere Project $2,175,000• M o n t r e a lQ u e ........................................................................................... 2,175,000

Contributions to Canadian organizations— CanadianEnvironmental Citizenship Program $853,802

• Eco-Ed World Congress for Education Toronto O n t ..................... 400,000• The Conference Board o f Canada Ottawa O n t .............................. 100,000

Contribution to the Royal Society of Canada for the GlobalChange Program Secretariat $418,000

• The Royal Society of Canada Ottawa O n t ........................................ 418,000Youth Environmental Action Fund $103,576

Environmental networking organizations for community supportinitiatives $600,000

• Canadian Environmental Network Ottawa O n t .............................. 600,000Inuit Circumpolar Conference $10,000

Contribution to the Globe Conference $102,000• Asia Pacific Foundation Vancouver BC............................................ 102,000

Environmental Projects Program $190,352

Contributions to clearing house projects $341,174

Environmental Committee of SANIKILUAQ of the Hudson’s Bay Program $50,000

Agreement for developmental flood forecasting for New Brunswick $50,000

Contribution to MESAGO Technology Marketing Inc $30,000

Contribution College Baie Comeau $100,000• CEGEP de Baie Comeau Baie Comeau Q u e ................................... 100,000

Contribution to the Canadian Nature Federation to support research for the EPIC Program $20,000

Canadian Network for the Toxicology Centre $1,320,000• University of Guelph Guelph O n t ..................................................... 1,320,000

World Wildlife Federation Endangered Species Recovery Fund $270,000

Membership fee—-World Meteorological Organization $1,495,886• World Meteorological Organization Geneva Swi tzerland............ 1,495,886

Meteorological Scholarships $92,000

Class Contributions—-Building International Partnerships $1,350,000 • Contribution to World Meteorological Organization

Geneva Switze rland............................................................................. 1,300,000

PARKS PROGRAM $7,594,559

Inlaid of the development of the International Peace Garden in Manitoba $30,000

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society $20,000

Contribution to the Jasper Townsite Committee $17,900

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Contribution to East Kootenay, British Columbia toward the cost of the Radium Sewage Treatment Plant $30,000

Contribution to the Interagency Forest Fire Centre $37,046

Contributions to co-operating associations of Parks Activities $220,561

Contributions to Compagnie Franche de la Marine $66,000

Contribution to the Porcupine Caribou Management Board $6,250

Contribution to the Army Museum $30,400

Lake Louise Advisory Board $3,944

Corporation St-Joseph-de-la-Rive $104,475• Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive Que ............................................................ 104,475

Canadian Nature Federation $22,000

Memorial University $35,577

Steveston Waterfront $10,000

Société Nationale d'Acadiens $80,400

Arc Films Limited $94,182

University of New Brunswick $35,000

Northern Bison Management $40,000

Contribution to the Federal-Provincial Parks Conference $22,000

Contribution to the International Union for Conservation ofNature and Natural Resources $220,000

• World Conservation Union Gland S w i tze r lan d ............................ 220,000Canadian contribution to World Heritage Fund $113,268

• World Heritage Fund Paris F r a n c e ................................................... 113,268

Contribution to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources/Conservation Monitoring Centre $ 1 5,000

Canadian Parks Partnership $77,500

Contribution to the Man and the Biosphere Program $15,000

Contribution to the City of Vancouver for the St, Roch Vessel and i t ’s shelter $75,000

Contribution to the International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural property $57,613

Contributions for cost sharing agreements to rest one sites and structures of national historic significance $1,250,192

• The aboriginal Center of Winnipeg Winnipeg M a n ..................... 200,000

Contribution to the International Council on Monuments and Sites $40,000

Maison Trestler $2,251

Saint-Andre-de-Kamouraska Church $123,000• Saint-Andre-de-Kamouraska Quebec Q u e ..................................... 123,000

International Peace Garden— Sewage Treatment $150,000• International Peace Garden Boissevain M a n ................................ 150,000

Capitole Theatre $150,000• Capitole Theatre Q u e b e c Q u e ............................................................ 150,000

Contribution to South Moresby $4,200,000• Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations Vancouver BC ,, 4,200,000

Icomos International $100,000• Secretariat International de l 'ICOMOS Paris France .................. 100,000

World Heritage Cities $100,000

EXTERNAL AFFAIRS $2,536,820,658D e p a r t m e n t $429,970,028


Asia-Pacific Foundation for Pacific Economic Cooperation $293,000

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Vancouver BC $311,150• Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation S in g ap o re ............................ 311,150


Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation in Francophone Countries $8,755,957

• ACCT Paris F ran ce ................................................................................. 8,755,957

Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada $1,085,000• Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada Vancouver B C ....................... 1,085,000

Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada for ProgramAdministration $653,000

• Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada for ProgramAdministration Vancouver B C .......................................................... 653,000

Atlantic Association of Young Political Leaders $1,000

Atlantic Council of Canada $7,500

Bilateral Environment Relations $1,244,963• Axix Environmental Consulting Sidney B C ................................... 1 25,000• Concord Environmental Corp Downsview O n t .............................. 227,000• International Resource Develop Corp Ottawa O n t ....................... 258,000• Perley & Hurley Ltd Toronto Ont........................................................ 174,963• Secretariate de Desarrillo M e x i c o ..................................................... 280,000

Canada Arab Business Council $100,000• Canada Arab Business Council Ottawa O nt..................................... 100,000

Canadian Centre for Global Security $130,000• Canadian Centre for Arms Control and

Disarmament Ottawa O n t ................................................................. 130,000

Canadian Chamber of Commerce for trade promotion purposes in the Asia-Pacific Region $2,268,000

• Canadian Chamber of Commerce Ottawa O n t ................................ 2,268,000Canadian Council on International Business $50,000

Canadian Council for International Law $12,000

Canadian Forest Industries Council $395,891• Canadian Forest Industries Council Vancouver BC....................... 395,891

Canadian Group of the Trilateral Commission $15,000

Canadian Institute of International Affairs $45,000

Committee o f the Canadian Architects Council $50,000

Centre for Legislative Exchange $89,000

Centre québécois de relations internationales de l ’Universite Laval $31,500

Commonwealth Foundation $1,036,000• The Commonwealth Foundation London E n g l a n d ....................... 1,036,000

Commonwealth Science Council $266,619• The Commonwealth Science London E n g l a n d .............................. 266,619

Commonwealth Secretariat $3,597,742• Commonwealth Secretariat London England ................................ 3,597,742

Commonwealth Youth Program $1,073,363• Commonwealth Youth Program London England ......................... 1,073,363

Conference on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe $ 157,000 Conference sur le mouvement migratoire $3,000

Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) Institutions $1,408,000

Contributions for projects and development activities resulting from francophone summits $7,399,974

• Agence COOP Culturelle & Technical Paris F r a n c e ..................... 6,643,419• Ministère des Affaires Intergouvemementales du N B .................. 480,000

Contributions for Humanitarian Assistance to Central andEastern Europe and the republics of the former Soviet Union $51,248,721

• Canadian Red Cross Society Ottawa O n t .......................................... 19,450,000• United Nations Ottawa O n t ................................................................. 6,300,000• UNICEF Ottawa Ont ............................................................................ 11,500,000

Contributions for technology development with Europe $175,370

Contributions for the promotion of Canadian fish and seafood products abroad $138,116

Contributions to promote trade and investment between Canada and the Asia-Pacific Region $ 123,000

T R A N S F E R P A Y M E N T S 8 . 33

Encashment of notes to international financial institutionsand to their development assistance funds in accordance withthe International Development (Financial Institutions)Continuing Assistance Act $185,638,240

• African Development Bank Abidjan Ivory Coast Africa . . . . . . 92,144,691• Asian Development Bank Manila Philippines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89,219,553• Caribbean Development Bank St-Michael Barbados . . . . . . . . . 2,614,265• International Fund for Agricultural Development Rome Italy . . 1,659,731

Contributions to the Inter-American Development Bank $2,461,759

• Inter-American Development Bank Washington DC USA . . . . 2,461,759

FINANCE $8,197,188,694

Department $8,196,693,390


Contributions to meet the commitments made by Canada undermultilateral agreements pertaining to the reductionof the official debt or debt service of certain heavilyindebted countries $185,813,548

Contributions to the OECD $29,527

Contribution to Jamaica $29,363

Encashment of demand notes by the International DevelopmentAssociation in accordance with the Bretton Woods andRelated Agreements Act $259,900,000

Payments to International Monetary Fund’s EnhanceStructural Adjustment Facility $2,496,549

Payments to the Global Environment Facility of theInternational Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment $1,000,000


Subsidies to provinces (Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982and other statutory authority) $37,550,777

• Newfoundland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,744,779• Prince Edward Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673,482• Nova Scotia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,292,724• New Brunswick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,847,039• Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,010,061• Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,940,417• Manitoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,225,285• Saskatchewan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,166,789• Alberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,811,174• British Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,839,027

Payments to provinces as provided under Part I of theFederal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Post-SecondaryEducation and Health Contributions Act , 1977 $7,376,890,000

• Newfoundland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817,621,000• Prince Edward Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173,337,000• Nova Scotia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811,829,000• New Brunswick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,055,500,000• Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,333,629,000• Manitoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773,985,000• Saskatchewan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410,989,000

Payments to provinces under the Public Utilities Income TaxTransfer Act $202,946,867

• Newfoundland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,775,896• Prince Edward Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,503,804• Nova Scotia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,269,000• New Brunswick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,545• Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,409,743• Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (290,788)• Manitoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4,140,192)• Saskatchewan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345,988• Alberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176,159,255• British Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,332,694• Yukon Territory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471,082• Northwest Territories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107,840



Recovery under Federal-Provincial Fiscal RevisionAct 1964 c.26, Sec.6, Youth Allowances Act $(376,134,969)

Payments to provinces as provided under Part II of theFederal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions Act 1977 $334,000,000

• Prince Edward Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000,000• Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000,000• Saskatchewan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000,000

Transfer Payments with respect to preferred Share DividendTaxes under parts IV.1 and VI.1 of the IncomeTax Act $172,171,728

• Newfoundland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,819,783• Prince Edward Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338,214• Nova Scotia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,230,807• New Brunswick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,252,311• Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,644,557• Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,850,535• Manitoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,856,707• Saskatchewan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,905,946• Alberta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,024,806• British Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,807,518• Yukon Territory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144,401• Northwest Territories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296,143

Auditor General $495,304

Contribution to Canadian Comprehensive Auditing FoundationOttawa Ont $491,734

Grant to International Organization of Supreme AuditInstitutions Vienna Austria $3,570


Department $269,132,781

Grants to support organizations associated with researchdevelopment management and promotion of fisheries andoceans related issues $800,500

Grants to support organizations associated with researchdevelopment management and promotion of fisheries andoceans related issues $27,000

Grant to the Government of Yukon Territory to assume theday-to-day management of freshwater fisheries inYukon Territory $250,000

• Yukon Territorial Government Whitehorse YT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000

Grants to fishermen, plant workers and trawlermen affectedby the two year moratorium on the northern cod fishery $183,022,114

Grants to self-employed fishermen to assist them to gear-upfor the 1992 fishing season $37,600

Contributions to support organizations associated with researchdevelopment management and promotion of fisheries and oceansrelated issues $14,889

Contributions under the Atlantic Fisheries AdjustmentProgram for alternative employment opportunities $3,907,128

• Association des Pecheurs Professionels Acadiens IncShippagan NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139,398

• Clearwater Fine Foods Inc Bedford NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000• Fishery Products Intl Ltd St John’s Nfld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000• Golden Eagle Fisheries Ltd Eskasoni NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210,000• Great Northern Penninsula Development Corporation Plum

Point Nfld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123,950• Harbour Grace Fishing Company Harbour Grace Nfld . . . . . . . . 151,385• Hickey John and The Bank of Nova Scotia O’Donnell’s Nfld . . 123,706• Memorial University of Newfoundland St John’s Nfld . . . . . . . 118,000• Nova Scotia Dragger Fishermens Association Yarmouth NS . . . 309,557

Contributions under the Newfoundland Inshore FisheriesDevelopment Subsidiary Agreement $2,826,064




• Bonne Bay Seafoods Ltd Bonne Bay Nfld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108,050• Gulf Seafoods Inc St John’s Nfld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,150• Marine Institute of Fish Technology St John’s Nfld . . . . . . . . . 152,115

Contributions under the Canada/Quebec Subsidiary Agreementon the Economic Development of the regions within Quebec toimplement a fisheries and aquaculture testing and experimen-tation program $1,839,916

• Mariculture de Perce Inc Perce Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138,945• Pecheries Gagnon & Turbide Inc Cap-aux-Meules IM Que . . . 113,833• Pecheries Gros-Cap Inc Cap-aux-Meules IM Que . . . . . . . . . . . 124,339• Regroupement des Pecheurs de la Haute et Moyenne Cote

Nord Sept Iles Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301,553• Regroupement des Pecheurs Professionnels Sud de la

Gaspesie Grande Riviere Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257,191• Societe des Peches de Newport Newport Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000

Contributions under the Quebec Federal Fisheries DevelopmentProgram $4,020,458

• Alliance des Pecheurs Commerciaux du Quebec Quebec Que . 205,535• Alliance des Pecheurs Professionnels du Quebec

Quebec Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259,622• Association des Pecheurs Proprietaires des Iles de la

Madeleine Cap-aux-Meules IM Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307,091• Centre specialise des peches de Grande Riviere Grande

Riviere Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269,885• Consortium Gaspe Cured Enr Gaspe Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137,418• Cree Regional Authority Montreal Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179,307• Fruits de Mer Grande Entree Grande Entree IM Que . . . . . . . . 136,000• Makivik Corporation Lachine Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129,047

Contributions to support increased Native participation incommercial fisheries, cooperative fisheries managementarrangements and consultations respecting Aboriginalfisheries agreements $21,111,110

• Anderson Richard Vancouver BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000• Aweena-K’ola Management Alert Bay BC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511,961• Big Cove Indian Band Big Cove NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160,000• Bodmer Roderick Gibsons BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175,000• Brit ish Columbia Aboriginal Management Board

Secretariat Vancouver BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251,000• Burnt Church Indian Band Burnt Church NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230,000• Chehalis Indian Band Agassiz BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104,070• Cowichan Band Council Duncan BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187,000• Drummond William Vancouver BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165,000• Eel Ground Indian Band Newcastle NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483,900• Eel River Bar Indian Band Dalhousie NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107,900• Eskasoni Band Council Cape Breton NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484,552• Far North Enterprises Ltd Masset BC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000• Haida Tribal Society Masset BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536,901• Heiltsuk Tribal Council Bella Bella BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160,000• Homalco Indian Band Campbell River BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425,000• Interior Indian Fisheries Lillooet BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125,000• Johannes Donald Delta BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000• JS McMillan Fisheries Ltd Vancouver BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168,000• Kitasoo Band Council Klemtu BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144,400• Kwakiutl Territorial Fisheries Campbell River BC . . . . . . . . . . 327,862• Lower Fraser Fishing Authority Sardis BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800,000• Maliseet Nations Fisheries Management Federation

Fredericton NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999,999• Musqueam Indian Band Vancouver BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448,174• Nisga’a Tribal Council New Aiyansh BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400,000• Nlaka’Pamux Nation Tribal Council Lytton BC . . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000• Nuu-chah Nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni BC . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500,000• Oceans Fisheries Ltd Vancouver BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190,000• Oweekeno Band Council Port Hardy BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153,500• Pabineau Indian Band Bathurst NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108,000• Pacific Coast Fisheries Advisory Association Vancouver BC . . 250,000• Red Bank Indian Band Red Bank NB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375,000• Shuswap Nation Tribe Council Kamloops BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370,000• Skeena Fisheries Commission Terrace BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000,000• Sto:lo Tribal Council Sardis BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270,000• Tahltan Tribal Council Dease Lake BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,132• Taku River First Nations Atlin BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340,000



• The Squamish Indian Band North Vancouver BC . . . . . . . . . . . . 193,114• Tobique Indian Band Perth NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170,000• Trimar Fishing Co Ltd Vancouver BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175,000• Tsimshian Tribal Council Prince Rubert BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133,921• Union of Nova Scotia Indians Sydney NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126,000• Upper Stl’atl’imx Nation Lillooet BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000

Contributions under the Atlantic Fisheries Adjustment Programfor resource conservation $917,136

• Fishery Products Intl Ltd St John’s Nfld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448,188• Great Northern Peninsula Plum Point Nfld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112,471

Contributions under the Atlantic Fisheries Adjustment Programfor assistance to the sealing industry $713,208

• Canadian Sealers Association St John’s Nfld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713,208

Contributions under the Fishery Subsidiary Agreement fordevelopment of the Nova Scotia Fisheries $1,031,702

• Dalhousie University Halifax NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500,000

Contributions under the Canada/New Brunswick Economicand Regional Development Agreement on fisheriesdevelopment $1,370,240

• Regional Development Corporation Fredericton NB . . . . . . . . . 204,748• Union des Pecheurs Maritimes Sheila NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126,257

Contributions under the Canada/Prince Edward IslandEconomic and Regional Development Agreement on fisheriesdevelopment $903,295

• Atlantic Veterivary College Charlottetown PEI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122,315• PEI Shellfish Association Ellerslie PEI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239,250• PEI Fisheries & Aquaculture Charlottetown PEI . . . . . . . . . . . . 236,210

Contributions under the Inuvialuit Final Agreement forthe protection of wildlife harvesting, land ownership,resource management and economic and social development $518,000

• Inuvialuit Renewable Resource Inuvik NWT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518,000

Contributions under the Canada/Newfoundland CooperativeAgreement for Salmonid Enhancement/Conservation $55,569

Contributions under the Canada/New Brunswick Agreementon Recreational Fisheries Development $1,677,656

• Renous-Dungarvon Rivers Renous NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424,000

Contribution under the Atlantic Fisheries Adjustment Program tothe Canadian Seafood Advisory Council (CSAC) $89,300

Contributions to heads of active licensed groundfishentreprises affected by the two year moratorium on thenorthern cod fishery to maintain and store their vessels forthe duration of the moratorium $4,616,002

Contributions to support organizations associated with researchdevelopment, management and promotion of fisheries and oceansrelated issues $114,000

Contribution under the Atlantic Fisheries Adjustment Program tothe Canadian Seafood Advisory Council (CSAC) $171,500

• Canadian Seafood Advisory Council Ottawa Ont . . . . . . . . . . . . 171,500

Contributions under the Plant Workers Adjustment Program $10,908,238

• Assurance Vie Desjardins Ottawa Ont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493,084• Industrial Alliance Life Insurance Company Ottawa Ont . . . . . . 9,195,951• La Societe d’assurance des Caisses Populaires Acadiennes

Caraquet NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,219,203

Contributions under the Atlantic Fisheries Adjustment Programfor alternative employment opportunities (Marketing) $308,812

• Canadian Association of Fish Exporters Ottawa Ont . . . . . . . . . 174,000• Newfound Resources Ltd St John’s Nfld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000

Contributions under the Atlantic Fisheries Adjustment Programfor Fisheries Development $381,851

• Canadian Hokkigai Export Association Sydney Mines NS . . . . 306,851

Contributions to fishermen for retiring commercial salmonlicenses $25,996,905




Contributions to non-profit organizations to construct orrepair harbour facilities at scheduled departmental harbours $380,165

• Harbour Authority St-Paul’s River Riviere St-Paul Que . . . . . . 128,933

Contributions to harbour authorities for the management ofscheduled commercial fishing harbours in accordance with theFishing and Recreational Harbours Act and Regulations $1,097,423

• Corporation of the Town of Mattawa Mattawa Ont . . . . . . . . . . 165,000• Palliser Regional Park Riverhurst Sask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401,560• Steveston Harbour Authority Richmond BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223,400

Contributions under the Aboriginal Co-operative Fisheries andHabitat Management Program $25,000

FORESTRY $100,047,100Grant to Festival of Forestry Vancouver BC $5,000

Grants for Forestry Research and Development $10,000

Grants to Universities for Specific Forestry Researchprojects $60,000

Grant to the Quebec Council on Forestry ResearchSte Foy Que $17,650

Contributions for Forestry Research and Development $185,120

Contribution to the Canadian Forestry Association OttawaOnt $100,000

Contribution to the Forest Engineering Research Instituteof Canada Pointe Claire Que $2,600,000

Contribution to the Poplar Council of Canada TorontoOnt $7,000

Contribution to the International Energy Agency/ForestEnergy Agreement Toronto Ont $129,000

Contribution to Forintek Canada Corporation OttawaOnt $5,600,000

Contribution to the Canadian Inter-Agency Forest FireCentre Winnipeg Man $97,035

Contribution to the University of Moncton EdmundstonNB $375,000

Green Plan Contributions under the Partnership Program $3,617,709

• Abitibi Price Inc in Trust Toronto Ont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240,000• Eastern Ontario Model Forest Group Kemptville Ont . . . . . . . . 236,570• Foothills Forest Hinton Alta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811,550• Forest Alliance of BC Vancouver BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150,000• Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada

Pointe-Claire Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190,000• Fundy Model Forest Sussex NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160,000• La Foret Modele du Bas St-Laurent Inc Rimouski Que . . . . . . . 100,000• McGregor Model Forest Assn Prince George BC . . . . . . . . . . . 272,277• Manitou Abi Model Forest Pine Falls Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195,000• Prince Albert Model Forest Prince Albert Sask . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396,700• Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada Vancouver BC . . 174,000• Western Newfoundland Model Forest Inc Cornerbrook Nfld . . 280,000

Contributions under the Eastern Quebec Plan and undersubsidiary agreement made pursuant to the Economicand Regional Development Agreements for the purposeof economic and socio-economic development adjustment $78,161,192

• Abitibi Price Inc Pine Falls Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104,444• Alberta Environmental Centre Vegreville Alta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128,463• Alberta Fish and Wildlife St Paul Alta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,000• Alberta Forest Service Edmonton Alta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537,304• Bragg Lumber Collingwood NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434,640• CLC-Camint Inc Hull Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115,567• Commission scolaire Vallee de la Matapedia Amqui Que . . . . . 190,921• Cooperative de travail de Guyenne Guyenne Que . . . . . . . . . . . 100,867• Cooperative forestiere de Ste-Rose Ste-Rose du Nord Que . . . . 155,314



• Dendrotik Ste Foy Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198,267• Entreprises GLS Lavoie Inc Chicoutimi Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229,940• Farm Woodlot Association of Saskatchewan Prince Albert Sask 130,716• Forest Engineering Research Inst Vancouver BC . . . . . . . . . . . . 162,231• Fraser Inc Plaster Rock NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,659• Lakehead University Thunder Bay Ont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135,660• MacMillan Bloedel Ltd Nanaimo BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231,846• Manitoba Forestry Association Inc Winnipeg Man . . . . . . . . . . . 127,700• Manitoba Natural Resources Winnipeg Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265,363• Mitigonaable Forest Resources Fort Francis Ont . . . . . . . . . . . . 240,910• New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners Fredericton NB 4,646,645• NorSask Forest Renewal Trust Fund Meadow Lake Sask . . . . . 117,305• Northshore Tribal Council Blind River Ont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143,401• Office des producteurs de bois de la Cote du Sud

La Pocatiere Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591,779• Office des producteurs de bois de la region de Quebec

Ancienne-Lorette Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157,626• Province de Quebec Quebec Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,540,020• Province of British Columbia Victoria BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,751,531• Province of New Brunswick Fredericton NB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,285,291• Province of Newfoundland and Labrador St John’s Nfld . . . . . . 9,463,347• Province of Nova Scotia Halifax NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,372,248• Province of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown PEI . . . . . . . . 3,091,000• Repap Manitoba Inc The Pas Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194,269• Saskatchewan Forest Products Corporation Hudsons Bay Sask . 215,319• Saskatchewan Natural Resources Regina Sask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638,043• Service de developpement Matapedien Amqui Que . . . . . . . . . . 183,851• Simon Fraser University Burnaby BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124,800• Sioux Plains Development Corporation Portage la Prairie Man . 144,000• Societe de developpement de la Baie-James Chibougamau Que 143,040• Societe Planteur Plus Inc Girardville Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212,865• Societe Sylvicole Mistassini Ltee Delisle Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283,393• Swampy Cree Holdings Ltd The Pas Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171,338• Syndicat des Producteurs de bois du Bas St-Laurent

Rimouski Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,411,187• Syndicat des Producteurs de bois de la Gaspesie

New-Richmond Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,078,695• Universite de Quebec en Abitibi Temiscamingue Rouyn

Noranda Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103,653• University of Alberta Edmonton Alta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636,235• University of British Columbia Vancouver BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511,385• University of Manitoba Winnipeg Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156,323• University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon Sask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141,297• University of Toronto Toronto Ont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154,109• University of Victoria Victoria BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111,367• Wabaseemoong Independent Nation Whitedog Ont . . . . . . . . . . 112,587• Yukon Territorial Government Whitehorse YT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306,000

Contribution to the Newfoundland and Labrador ForestryTraining Association Cornerbrook Nfld $1,547,391

Contribution to the National Community Tree FoundationOttawa Ont $5,800,000

Contribution to Indian Lands Forestry Program $1,485,003• A Pit See Win Cooperative Waswanipi Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425,149• Atikamekw Sipi La Tuque Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106,302• Eenatuk Forestry Corporation Baie du Poste Que . . . . . . . . . . . . 309,860• Kitigan Sibi Anishinageg Band Maniwaki Que. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144,100• Societe d’amenagement et de developpement forestier de

Betsiamites Betsiamites Que . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241,882

Contribution to the University of British ColumbiaVancouver BC $250,000

GOVERNOR GENERAL $227,391Grant to surviving spouse of former Governor General

to provide for expenses incurred in the performance ofCrown-related duties $12,000

Annuities payable under the Governor General’sRetiring Annuities Act $215,391




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• Frontier College Toronto O n t ............................................................ 315,000• Instructional Technology Centre Edmonton A l t a ......................... 132,500• Laubach Literacy of Canada Bedford Q u e ..................................... 315,000• Metropolitan Toronto Library Board Toronto O n t ....................... 613,096• Ministère de l ’éducation du Quebec Quebec Q u e ....................... 2,068,651• Movement for Canadian Literacy Ottawa O n t .............................. 283,700• Price Waterhouse Ottawa O n t ............................................................ 160,000• University of Ottawa Human Rights Research and Education

Centre Ottawa O n t ............................................................................. 902,240

NATIONAL DEFENCE $256,643,972D e p a r tm e n t $242 ,463 ,543

Payments to dependents of certain members of the Royal Canadian Air Force killed while serving as instructors under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan Appropriation A c t No. 4,1968 $70,673

Mrs Mary Whittington $183

Mrs Eleanor Nixon $978

Mr RP Thompson $10,802

Conference of Defence Associations Ottawa Ont $280,000

Army Cadet League of Canada Ottawa Ont $195,000

Air Cadet League of Canada Ottawa Ont $195,000

Navy League of Canada Ottawa Ont $195,000

Royal Canadian Naval Association Toronto Ont $9,490

Naval Officers Association Toronto Ont $25,690

Royal Canadian Air Force Association Ottawa Ont $34,255

Royal Canadian Navy Benevolent Fund Ottawa Ont $10,285

Royal Canadian Air Force Benevolent Fund Ottawa Ont $12,090

Rifle Associations $170,065• Dominion of Canada Rifle Association Ottawa O n t ................... 1 28,000

Military and United Services Institutes $30,070

Canadian Universities— Military studies $1,892,614• University of British Columbia Vancouver B C ............................ 110,800• University of Calgary Calgary A l t a ................................................. 111,000• Carleton University Ottawa O n t ........................................................ 117,000• Dalhousie University Halifax N S ..................................................... 147,000• University of Laval Quebec Que ..................................................... 109,500• University of Manitoba Winnipeg M a n .......................................... 131,750• University of Montreal Montreal Q u e ............................................ 107,500• Queen 's University Kingston O n t ..................................................... 132,000• York University Toronto O n t ............................................................ 137,000

Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies $105,000

Centre for Conflict Studies $75,000

Canadian Institute of International Affairs $50,000

Royal Military Club of Canada Kingston Ont $18,000

NATO military budgets and agencies $76,568,394

NATO infrastructure— Capital expenditures $84,075,854

Material produced for transfer as mutual aid $20,772,105

Contributions to provinces and municipalities for capital assistance projects $3,839,416• Chilliwack B C ........................................................................................ 249,118• Comox B C ............................................................................................... 161,998• Edmonton A l ta ........................................................................................ 2,630,443• Township of Essa O n t .......................................................................... 121,942• Petawawa O n t ........................................................................................ 309,000• Township of T o s o r o n t io ...................................................................... 105,365

Contribution to the International Maritime Satellite Organization $209,1 37

Contribution to the Civil Air Search and Rescue Association $797,804

Civil Air Search and Rescue Association—-New Search and Rescue Initiatives $378,000

Military Training Assistance Program $36,076

Payments under Parts I-IV of D efence Services Continuation A c t $4,793,789

Payments under Supplementary Retirem ent Benefits A c t $36,790,542

Contributions under the defence industrial research program $10,822,231

E m e r g e n c y P r e p a r e d n e s s C a n a d a $ 1 4 ,1 8 0 ,4 2 9Research Fellowship Emergency Planning $50,203

Major Industrial Accident Coordinating Committee $30,000

Contributions to the provinces and municipalities pursuant to the Em ergency Preparedness A c t $5,680,657


• A l b e r t a ...................................................................................................... 656,771• British Columbia .................................................................................... 312,859• Man itoba .................................................................................................... 339,478• New B r u n s w i c k ...................................................................................... 101,567• N e w fo u n d la n d ........................................................................................ 219,778• Northwest Terr i to r ie s ............................................................................. 195,810• Nova Sco tia............................................................................................... 338,323• O n t a r i o ...................................................................................................... 1,703,906• Prince Edward I s l a n d ............................................................................. 1,055,105• Q u e b e c ...................................................................................................... 1 57,307• Saska tc hewan ........................................................................................... 322,302• Yukon Territory........................................................................................ 277,451

Contribution to provinces for assistance relating to natural disasters $8,419,569• British Columbia .................................................................................... 4,000,000• Man itoba .................................................................................................... 219,569• Newfoundland ........................................................................................ 1,000,000• Q u e b e c ...................................................................................................... 3,000,000• Yukon Territory........................................................................................ 200,000

NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE $37,335,040,513D e p a r tm e n t $36 ,937 ,677 ,633DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM $1,283,505

Membership fees to international organizations $265,625 • Association internationale de la securite sociale Geneva

S w i tz e r la n d ........................................................................................... 121,152

Grant to the Pan American Health Organization in support of their program on Health and Environment $90,000

Contributions to provinces, territories and nationally recognized associations and agencies for the development of health or welfare information systems $927,880• MIS Group (The) Ottawa O n t ............................................................ 427,529• Newfoundland Exchequer A c c t .......................................................... 187,250

HEALTH PROGRAM $8,655,040,085

Grant to persons and agencies to support health promotion projects in the areas of community health, resource development, training and skill development and research $6,493,017• Canadian Council on Smoking Ottawa O nt ..................................... 380,000• Fondation Jean Lapointe Inc Montreal Q u e ................................... 700,000• Kingston Aids Project Kingston O n t ................................................. 100,000• Ligue Laleche Montreal Q u e ............................................................... 191,000• Pavillon Grand Elan Mount-Rolland O n t ........................................ 200,000• Smoking & Health Action Foundation Toronto O n t ..................... 400,000• Vancouver Persons with Aids Society Aids Vancouver BC . . . . 220,238

Grants to national voluntary health organizations to assist with the operating costs of national offices $2,899,000

• Alzheimer Society of Canada Toronto O n t ..................................... 115,000• Canadian Council on Smoking and Health Ottawa O n t .............. 110,000• Canadian Foundation for Ileitis & Colitis Toronto Ont................ 116,000• Canadian Mental Health Association Toronto O n t ....................... 1 79,000• Huntington Society of Canada Cambridge O n t .............................. 100,000

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• Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada Ottawa O n t .............. 146,000• Serena Canada Ottawa O n t ................................................................. 100,000

Payments under the Federal/Provincial F iscal Arrangem ents and Federal Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions A c t for Insured Health Services Program $6,813,205,000 (see APPENDIX 1)

Payments under the Federal/Provincial Fiscal Arrangem ents and Federal Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions A c t for Extended Health Care Services Program $1,493,356,000 (see APPENDIX 1)

Grant to Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse to continue its operations in respect of alcohol and drug abuse prevention, public education, treatment and rehabilitation activities $1,500,000

Contributions to persons and agencies to support activities of National importance for the improvement of health services and in support of research and demonstrations in the field of public health $25,392,301

• Alberta Heart & Stroke Foundation Calgary A l t a ....................... 150,000• British Columbia Ministry of Health Victoria B C ....................... 1 75,000• British Columbia Cancer Agency Vancouver BC......................... 1 50,445• Camp Hill Medical Centre Halifax N S ............................................ 228,000• Canadian Cancer Society Toronto O n t ............................................ 1 52,463• Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology

Assessment Ottawa O n t ................................................................... 213,500• Canadian Red Cross Hamilton Centre Hamilton Ont................... 141,550• Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Ottawa O nt..................... 207,931• Cite de la Santé de Laval Dept de Santé Communautaire

Laval Q u e ............................................................................................. 1 75,000• City of Dartmouth Dartmouth NS...................................................... 207,202• Clarke Institute of Psychiatry Toronto O nt ..................................... 403,986• CM Hincks Treatment Centre Toronto O n t ................................... 140,000• Dalhousie University Halifax N S ...................................................... 587,971• Dene Cultural Institute Hay River N W T ........................................ 117,415• Government of Canada-Medical Research Council Ottawa Ont 194,000• Government of Northwest Territories Yellowknife N W T ......... 108,654• Hôpital d'Youville de Sherbrooke Sherbrooke Q u e ..................... 204,214• Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemount M o n trea lQ u e ......................... 132,248• Hôpital Ste-Justine Montreal Q u e ..................................................... 146,482• Hôpital St-Francois d'Assise Q u e b e c Q u e ..................................... 156,256• Hôpital St-Luc Montreal Q u e ............................................................ 261,158• Hospital for Sick Children Toronto O n t .......................................... 208,229• Institut Armand-Frappier Laval Que................................................. 448,361• Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montreal Montreal Que , , 222,255• McGill University M o n t r e a lQ u e ..................................................... 1,241,883• McMaster University Hamilton O n t ................................................. 1,257,377• Memorial University of Newfoundland St John’s N f ld ............... 244,271• Montreal Children’s Hospital Montreal Q u e ................................ 226,751• Montreal General Hospital Montreal Q u e ..................................... 972,346• New Brunswick Dept of Health & Community Services

Fredericton N B .................................................................................... 149,000• Nova Scotia Dept of Health Fitness Halifax N S ......................... 101,200• Ontario Cancer Institute Toronto O n t .............................................. 1,255,199• Ottawa Carie ton Health Dept Ottawa O n t ..................................... 118,208• PEI Dept of Health Charlottetown P E I ............................................ 200,000• Queen’s University Kingston O n t ...................................................... 116,745• Sir Mortimer Davis Jewish General Hospital Montreal Que . . . 670,616• Social Sciences & Humanities, Research Council Ottawa Ont . 300,000• The Corp of the Council of Ministers of Education

Toronto Ont ........................................................................................... 1,063,493• The General Hospital St Johns N f ld ................................................. 208,419• Toronto General Hospital Toronto O n t ............................................ 359,746• Université du Quebec Rimouski Q u e ............................................... 138,650• Université Laval Ste Foy Q u e ............................................................ 777,364• University o f Alberta Edmonton A l t a ............................................... 808,922• University of British Columbia Vancouver B C ............................ 1,170,773• University o f Calgary Calgary A l t a ................................................. 447,384• University of Manitoba Winnipeg M a n .......................................... 1,468,091• University of Ottawa Ottawa O n t ...................................................... 2,668,610• University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon S a s k ................................ 385,347


• University of Western Ontario London Ont..................................... 593,358• Yukon Bureau of Statistics Whitehorse Y T ..................................... 126,525

Contributions to persons and agencies to support health promotion projects in the areas of community health, resource development, training and skill development and research $14,594,382• Aids Calgary Awareness Calgary A l ta .............................................. 1 25,666• Aids Committee of Ottawa Ottawa O n t ............................................ 104,615• Aids Committee of Toronto Toronto Ont.......................................... 160,000• Aids Network of Edmonton Edmonton A l t a ................................... 223,000• Aids New Brunswick Fredericton N B .............................................. 1 50,000• Aids Nova Scotia Halifax N S ............................................................ 131,200• Aids Vancouver Vancouver B C .......................................................... 160,000• Aids Vancouver Island Society Victoria B C ................................... 255,600• Athletics & Artists Against Drugs Foundation-LA U S A ............. 200,000• Canadian Aids Society Ottawa O n t ................................................... 1,087,672• Canadian Hemophilia Society Montreal Q u e ................................. 840,327• Canadian Institute of Child Ottawa O n t .......................................... 105,318• Canadian Mental Health Association Halifax N S .......................... 102,000• Canadian Public Health Association Ottawa O n t .......................... 1,680,000• College of Family Physician of Canada Mississauga O nt ............ 1 31,250• Comité des Personnes Atteintes Montreal Q u e .............................. 105,920• Comité Sida Aide Montreal Montreal Q u e ..................................... 180,000• Conseil de la Santé des Services de la Region Montreal Que. . . 602,000• Disable Women’s Network o f BC Vancouver B C .......................... 135,892• Foundation Jamais Seul Montreal Q u e ............................................ 200,000• Family Support Institute Vancouver B C .......................................... 110,460• Groupe d ’Action-la Prev du Sida - Communauté Haïtienne

Montreal Q u e ........................................................................................ 126,987• Health Dept of the Regional Municipality o f Ott-Carlton

Ottawa O n t ............................................................................................. 103,500• Iris - Estrie Sherbrooke Que................................................................. 109,822• Miels Quebec Quebec Q u e ................................................................... 113,440• Newfoundland and Labrador Aids Committee Inc St John’s

N f l d ......................................................................................................... 133,800• Nova Scotia Persons with Aids Coalition Halifax NS................... 176,980• The Council of Ministers of Education Canada Toronto O n t . . . 255,437• The Infirtility Self-Help Support Group Ottawa O n t ................... 138,913• University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon Sask................................... 106,000• University of Toronto Toronto O n t ................................................... 129,281• Vancouver PWA Coalition Vancouver B C ........................................ 131,250• Village Clinic Inc Winnipeg M a n ...................................................... 142,000• Women Healthsharing Toronto O n t ................................................... 236,472• W o m e n & W o r k R e s e a r c h B u r n a b y B C ............................................ 142,096

Contributions to agencies for research, development and delivery of improved treatment and preventive education programs onalcohol and other drug abuse $800,000• Fondation Jean Lapointe Inc Montreal Que ................................... 600,000• Pavilion Grand Elan Mont-Rolland Q u e .......................................... 200,000

Grants to individuals of Indian and Inuit ancestory in the form of bursaries to assist them in their health career studies $98,250

Contributions on behalf of Indian or Inuit towards the cost of construction, extension or renovation of hospitals and otherhealth care facilities and institutions as well as hospital and health care equipment $18,671,439• Brokenhead Ojibway Nation Selkirk Man ........................................ 293,557• C a rm a c k ln d i a n B a n d C a r m a c k s Y T ................................................. 158,189• Chippewas of Rama Rama O n t .......................................................... 475,760• Conseil de Bande de Mingan Mingan Q u e ..................................... 190,760• Conseil de Bande du Lac Simon Lac Simon Q u e .......................... 860,440• Conseil des Indiens Montagnais de Schefferville

Schefferville Q u e ................................................................................. 979,667• Council of Conne River MicMacs Conne River N f ld ................... 315,000• Cross Lake Band of Indians Winnipeg M a n ................................... 676,375• Dene Development Corp Williams Lake B C ................................... 350,000• Eel River Bar Indian Band Dalhousie N B ........................................ 150,000• Gods Lake Indian Band Gods River M a n ........................................ 402,695• Gov 't of Yukon Whitehorse Y T .......................................................... 1,220,298• Hobbema Indian Hobbema A l ta .......................................................... 225,300• Kasabonika Lake First Nation Kasabonika Lake O n t ................... 322,164

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• Kingfisher Lake Band Kingfisher Lake O nt................................... 131,300• Kitasoo Indian Band Klemtu B C ...................................................... 259,068• Lansdowne House 1st Nation Lansdowne Ont.............................. 163,000• Little Red River Band High Level A l t a .......................................... 443,528• Mathias Colomb 1st Nation The Pas M a n ..................................... 105,000• Mohawks Council of Akwesane Cornwall O n t ............................ 1,450,000• Mushkegowak Council Moose Factory O n t ................................... 1,218,000• Naicatchewan First Nation Devlin O nt............................................ 488,192• Oneida Nation of the Thames Southwold O n t .............................. 391,073• Parry Island Band Parry Sound O n t ................................................. 353,157• Pauingassi 1st Nation Winnipeg Man............................................... 534,364• Prophet River Band Fort Nelson BC ............................................... 174,200• Red Sucker Lake Band Winnipeg Man............................................ 575,000• Ross River Indian Band Ross River Y T .......................................... 157,761• Stellaqud Band Fraser Lake B C ........................................................ 174,100• Summer B e a v e r l s tN a t i o n S u m m e r B e a v e r O n t .......................... 534,082• Swan Lake Band Winnipeg Man ...................................................... 264,000• Teslin Tlingit Council Telsin Y T ...................................................... 162,746• Timmins & District Hospital Timmins O n t ................................... 1,245,000• Tsay Keh Dene Band Prince George B C ........................................ 245,197• Webequie 1st Nation Webequie O n t ................................................. 699,939

Contributions to the Government of Newfoundland towards the cost of health care delivery to Indian and Inuit communities $875,610

Contributions to Indian and Inuit associations or groups for consultation on Indian and Inuit health $886,397• Federation of Saskatchewan Indians Regina S a s k ....................... 139,000

Contributions to universities, colleges and other organizations to increase the participation of Indian and Inuit students in academic programs leading to professional careers $2,507,304• Prince Albert District Chiefs Prince Albert S a s k ......................... 191,000• Swampy Cree Tribal Council The Pas M a n ................................... 300,000• Tahltan Tribal Council Watson Lake Y T ........................................ 116,485• Treaty 7 Tribal Council Calgary A l t a .............................................. 100,000• University of Alberta Edmonton A l t a .............................................. 183,331• University of BC Vancouver BC........................................................ 1 20,250• University of Saskatchewan Regina Sask....................................... 184,104• University of Toronto Toronto O n t ................................................... 120,745

Payment to Indian bands, associations or groups for the control and provision of health services $24,065,516• Conseil de la Huronne-Wendat Wendake Q u e .............................. 645,572• Conseil de Band de Betsiamite Q u e ................................................. 895,797• Conseil d' Indiens Montagnais de Schefferville Q u e ................... 908,978• Conseil des Bande de Uashat et Mani Utenam Sept lies Que , , 189,238• Conseil des Montagnais des Escoumins Escoumins Q u e ......... 119,354• Conseil des Montaynais de Lac St-Jean Roberval Q u e .............. 673,993• Cowichan Indian Council Duncan B C ............................................ 967,465• Kitigan Zibi Abushinabeg Maniwaki Q u e ..................................... 390,699• Long Plain 1st Nation Edwin M a n ................................................... 296,302• Maiwpukek Band of Conne River Conne River N f l d ................ 742,021• Mathias Colomb Band Pukatawawgan M an................................... 1,641,676• Meadow Lake Tribal Council Meadow Lake Sask ..................... 2,209,998• Montreal Lake Band Montreal Lake S a s k ..................................... 601,195• Nisga'a Valley Health Board Terrace B C ........................................ 322,509• Nuu-Chah-Nulth Health Board Port Alberni B C .......................... 1,911,264• Peguis Indian Band Hodgson M a n ................................................... 795,507• Piapot Indian Band Zehner S ask ........................................................ 206,910• Prince Albert Tribal Council Prince Albert S a s k .......................... 2,141,394• St Mary's Indian Band Fredericton N B .......................................... 309,814• Sandy Bay Band Marius M a n ............................................................ 691,974• Standing Buffalo Indian Band Fort Q u ’Appelle S a s k ................ 229,056• St 'Lo Tribal Council Sardis B C ........................................................ 537,885• Swampy Cree Tribal Council The Pas M a n ................................... 1,591,301• The Pas Indian Band The Pas M a n ................................................... 856,789

Contributions to Indian bands and Indian and Inuit associations or groups or local governments under the National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program $51,914,321• Anigawncigig Institute Peterborough O n t ..................................... 223,450• Anishnabie Naadmaagi Gamig Treatment Centre Cutler Ont . . 310,598• Battleford Indian Health Centre North Battleford S a s k .............. 699,060• Big Cove Indian Band Big Cove N B .............................................. 436,007


• Bigstone Cree Band Desmarias A l t a ................................................. 108,643• Big Trout Lake Band Big Trout Lake O n t ........................................ 126,991• Blackfoot Tribe/Sisksikantn Gleichen A l t a ..................................... 114,621• Burnt Church Indian Band Legaceville NB..................................... 101,514• Champagne/Aishihik Indian Band Haines Junction Y T .............. 111,521• Conseil des Montagnais du Lac St-Jean Roberval Que................ 119,995• Conseil de la Nation Atikamek La Tugue Q u e .............................. 203,685• Conseil d ’Admin du Centre de Readaptation Wapan Roverval

Q u e ........................................................................................................... 408,01 1• Council for Yukon Indians Whitehorse Y T ..................................... 224,501• Cree Nation Treatment Centre Shelbrooke S a s k ............................ 631,235• Cross Lake Indian Band Cross Lake M a n ........................................ 119,291• Davis Inlet Alcohol and Drug Program Happy Valley Nfld . . . . 222,198• Dena The Band Highlevel A l t a .......................................................... 141,841• Dilico Ojibway Child and Family Services Thunder Bay Ont . . 344,715• Fort Chipewyan Band Fort Chipewyan A l t a ................................... 100,149• Fort McMurray Band Fort McMurray A l t a ..................................... 224,918• Frog Lake Alcohol Program Frog Lake A l t a ................................... 563,301• Gitskan Wet’Suwet’En Educational Society Hazelton B C ......... 142,499• Gordon/Daystar Drop in Centre Punnichy S a s k ............................ 100,000• Haisla Support & Recovery Centre Society Kitamaat

Village B C ............................................................................................. 356,954• Hobbema Indian Board of Health Hobbema A l t a .......................... 494,426• Hollow Water Band Wanipigow M a n ............................................... 103,561• Institut de Formation Autochtone de Quebec Loretteville Que . 248,676• Interior Native Alcohol & Drug Abuse Society Vernon BC . . . . 531,446• Kamsack Union Hospital Kamsack Sask .......................................... 118,448• Kapown Treatment Centre Grouard A l ta .......................................... 656,224• Keewatinook Alcohol Abuse Moose Factory O n t .......................... 142,458• Ktunaxa/Kinbasket Tribal Council Cranbrook B C ....................... 430,321• Kwanlin Dun Indian Band Whitehorse Y T ..................................... 103,202• Labrador Inuit Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program Northwest

River N f l d ............................................................................................. 843,506• Lennox Island Indian Indian Band Lennox Island P E I ................ 104,992• Liard River Indian Band Watson Lake Y T ..................................... 100,617• Mark Amy Centre for Healing Fort McMurray A l t a ..................... 168,381• Mamaweswen Tribal Council Cutler O n t ........................................ 116,683• Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakaknak Thompson M a n .............. 634,236• Mawiomi Treatment Services Maria Q u e ........................................ 332,791• Meadow Lake Tribal Council Meadow Lake S a s k ....................... 253,827• Migisi Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centre Kenota Ont.............. 490,888• Mohawk Council o f Akwesasne Cornwall O n t .............................. 252,580• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Q u e ....................... 671,839• Mokakit Indian Education Research Association Vancouver

B C ........................................................................................................... 138,150• Mushkegowuk Council Moose Factory O n t ................................... 399,232• Musqueam Indian Band Vancouver B C ............................................ 149,740• NADARA Eel Ground N B .................................................................... 343,758• Native Alcohol & Drug Abuse Eskason N S ................................... 1,635,466• Native Alcoholism Council of Manitoba Winnipeg M a n ............ 294,359• Native Horizons Treatment Centre Oshweken O n t ....................... 451,058• National Association of Friendship Cent re Ottawa O n t .............. 135,133• Nechi Institute on Alcohol & Drug Education Edmonton Alta. . 834,167• Nelson House Indian Band Nelson House M a n ............................ 828,188• Nenqayni Treatment Centre 150 Mile House B C .......................... 627,484• New Dawn Valley Centre Fort San S a s k .......................................... 813,495• Nicola Valley Tribal Council Merrit B C .......................................... 227,671• Nimpkish Band Council Alert Bay B C ............................................ 325,511• Nishnawbe Aski Nation Thunder Bay O n t ..................................... 159,231• Northern Native Family Services Prince George B C ................... 415,916• Norway House Band Norway House Man........................................ 149,353• Nunalituqait Ikajuqatigtitut Kuujjuaq Q u e ..................................... 626,019• Oh-Shki-Be-Ma-Te-Ze-Win Fort Francis O n t ................................. 772,343• Ojibway Tribal Family Services Kenora O n t ................................. 502,846• Onion Lake Band Lloydminster S a s k ............................................... 391,307• Pedahbun Lodge Inc Toronto O n t ...................................................... 591,803• Peguis Indian Band Hodgson Man...................................................... 688,535• Peigan Counselling Services Brocket A l t a ..................................... 162,181• Peter Ballantyne Band Pelican Narrows S a s k ................................ 1 50,379• Prince Albert District Chiefs Prince Albert Sask ............................ 936,027• Round Lake Treatment Centre Grand Flats N Armstrong BC . . 257,856• Roseau River Band Ginew M an .......................................................... 118,819• Saskatoon District Tribal Council Saskatoon S a s k ....................... 355,820• Saddle Lake Counselling Services Saddle Lake A l t a ................... 149,097• Sagkeeng Alcare Inc Pine Falls M a n ................................................. 1,501,976

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• Sal i shan Institute Vancouver BC ................................................... 352,238• Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies Saskatoon Sask 607,528• Six Nations Band Oshweken O n t ..................................................... 267,837• Sioux Lookout Family Treatment Centre Sioux Lookout Ont, , 580,299• St Paul Treatment Centre Cardston A l ta .......................................... 748,436• St, Theresa Point Band Winnipeg M an ............................................ 100,834• Stoney Medecine Lodge Morley A l t a .............................................. 506,832• Tobique Indian Band Tobique N B ................................................... 244,763• Tsow-Tun La Lum Society Nanaimo B C ....................................... 669,570• Tsuu T ’Ina Nation Calgary A l t a ........................................................ 484,120• Walpole Island Band Wallaceburg O n t ............................................ 1 38,174• Wanaki Centre Maniwaki Q u e .......................................................... 425,650• Weendamagen Treatment Centre Thunder Bay O n t ..................... 573,438• Wikwemikong Band Wikwemikong O n t ....................................... 465,162• Wilp S i ’Satxw House of Purification Society Hazelton BC . . . 576,088

Contributions to Indian bands, Indian and Inuit associations or groups or local governments and the governments of the Yukon and Northwest Territories for community health representatives, medical transportation, health care professionals, promotion and support services $108,319,136• AIAI London O n t ................................................................................. 217,317• Alberta Indian Health Care Commission Edmonton A l t a ......... 849,176• Alexander Band Morinville A lta ........................................................ 246,925• Alexis Band Glenevis A l t a ................................................................. 358,344• Algonquins of Barrier e Lake Rapid L a k e Q u e .............................. 423,506• Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Winnipeg M a n .............................. 601,320• Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians Southwold Ont, . . . 226,975• Battleford Indian Health Centre Inc North Battleford Sask. . . . 389,586• Beardy's and Okemasis Band Duck Lake S a s k ............................ 110,448• Bearskin Lake Band Bearskin Lake Ont.......................................... 208,344• Beaver Lake Band Lac La Biche A lta .............................................. 429,838• Big Cove Indian Band Big Cove N B .............................................. 301,246• Big River Indian Band Debden S a s k .............................................. 101,159• Bigstone Band Desmarais A l t a .......................................................... 348,709• Blood Tibe Dept of Health Inc Calgary A l t a ................................ 112,238• Blood Tribal Department of Health Standoff A l t a ....................... 819,516• Bloodvein Indian Band Bloodvein M a n .......................................... 113,390• BTC Hlth Serv North Battleford S a s k ............................................ 596,928• Burnt Church Indian Band Burnt Church NB .............................. 422,394• Centre d'entraide Autochtone de Val D ’or Q u e ............................ 102,593• Chemahawin Indian Band Easterville M a n ................................... 193,264• Chemainus Band Ladysmith B C ........................................................ 105,467• Chippewas of Kettle and Stoney Point Forest O n t ....................... 119,261• Chippewas of Nawash First Nation Wiarton O n t ......................... 104,625• C h ip p e w a s o f R a m a B a n d R a m a O n t .............................................. 112,516• Cold Lake Tribal Administration Cold Lake A l t a ....................... 254,548• Confederacy of Mainland Micmacs Truro N S .............................. 107,591• Conseil Attikamek-Montagnais Village Huron Que..................... 899,660• Conseil de Bande de Betsiamite Betsiamite Q u e .......................... 851,126• Conseil de Bande du Lac Simon Lac Simon Que .................... 378,415• C o n s e i l d e B a n d e d e M a n o u a n e M a n o u a n e Q u e ......................... 131,094• Conseil de Bande Restigouche Restigouche Q ue .......................... 118,003• Conseil de Bande de Uashat et Mani-Utenam Sept lies Que, . . 719,585• Conseil d' Indiens Montagnais de Schefferville Schefferville

Q u e ......................................................................................................... 837,415• Conseil des Montagnais du Lac St-Jean Roberval Q u e ................ 538,175• Council for Yukon Indians Whitehorse Y T ................................... 846,618• Council of the Connie River Micmacs Connie River Nfld . . . . 194,300• Cowichan Band Council Duncan B C ............................................... 105,008• Crane River Indian Band Crane River M a n ................................... 111,370• Cross Lake Indian Band Cross Lake M a n ..................................... 180,440• CTN Hlth Serv Battleford S a s k ........................................................ 1,070,960• Curve Lake First Nation Band Lakefield Ont................................. 117,164• Deer Lake Band Deer Lake O n t ........................................................ 176,663• Dene Nation Yellowknife N W T ........................................................ 100,850• Dene Tha Band Chateh A l t a ............................................................... 193,653• Enoch Band Winterbrun A l t a ............................................................ 180,583• Federation of Saskatchewan Indians Saskatoon S a s k ................ 254,445• Fisher River Band Koostatak M a n ................................................... 207,936• Fort Alexander Health Centre Inc Pine Falls M a n ....................... 238,891• Fort Chipewyan Band Fort Chipewyan Alta ................................. 263,469• Fort Hope Band Eabamet Lake O n t ................................................. 159,885• Fort Severn Band Fort Severn O n t ................................................... 233,490• Fort Ware Indian Band Prince George B C ..................................... 274,391


• Frog Lake Band Frog Lake A lta .......................................................... 644,277• Garden Hill Band Garden Hill M an ................................................... 1 25,867• Garden River Band of Ojibways Garden River O n t ..................... 109,046• Gods Lake Indian Band Gods Lake Narrows M a n ....................... 119,621• Government of the Northwest Territories Yellowknife NWT. . . 14,557,890• Government of Yukon Whitehorse Y T ............................................ 238,812• Grand Council Treaty #3 Kenora O n t .............................................. 277,681• Grand Council of Treaty #8 1st Nations Edmonton A l t a ............ 400,000• Grassy Narrows Band Grassy Narrows O n t ................................... 138,917• Grand Council Treaty 3 Kenora O n t ................................................. 119,565• G r o u a rd B an d G ro u a rd A l ta ................................................................. 319,135• Heart Lake Band Lac La Biche A l t a ................................................. 140,004• Heiltsuk Band Council Waglisla B C ................................................. 116,989• Hobbema Indian Health Services Hobbema A l t a .......................... 778,467• Indian and Inuit Nurses of Canada Ottawa O n t .............................. 166,713• Innu Nation Sheshashiu N f ld ............................................................... 280,708• Iskut Band Iskut B C ............................................................................... 1 32,985• Interlake Reserve Gypsumville M a n ................................................. 107,034• James Smith Band Kinistino S a s k ..................................................... 500,060• Janvier Band Chard Alta ...................................................................... 183,044• Kahnawake Shakotiia Takehnhas Community Services

Kahnawake Q ue .................................................................................... 231,034• Kahnawake Shakotiia Community Services Kahnawake Que , , 344,625• Kasabonika Lake Band Kasabonika O n t .......................................... 259,232• Kashechewan Band Kashechewan O n t ............................................ 180,279• Kativik Regional Council of Hlth & Social Services Dorval Que• Keewatin Tribal Council Thompson M a n ....................................... 431,532• Kehewin Band Bonnyville A l t a .......................................................... 214,1 50• Kingsclear Indian Band Hlth Trans Fredericton N B ..................... 1 39,707• Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Maniwaki Q u e ........................................ 521,977• Kwanlin D u n ln d ia n B a n d W h i t e h o r s e Y T ..................................... 121,712• La Ronge Indian Band LaRonge S a s k ............................................... 304,198• Labrador Inuit Health Commission Northwest River N f ld ......... 2,448,223• Lac Seul Band Lac Seul O n t ............................................................... 103,831• Lake Babine Indian Band Burns Lake B C ........................................ 273,515• Lax K w ’Alaams Band Port Simpson BC.......................................... 127,460• Lesser Slave Lake Indian Council Slave Lake Alta ..................... 140,211• Little Grand Rapids Indian Band Winnipeg M a n .......................... 160,995• Little Red River Band High Level A l t a ............................................ 583,439• Long Lake Cree Nation Bonnyville A l t a .......................................... 103,899• Lubicon Lake Band Peace River A l t a ............................................... 123,523• Mamaweswen North Shore Tribal Council Cutler O n t ................ 638,002• MicMacs of Maria Band Council Maria Q u e ................................. 105,214• Mississaugas of the New Credit 1st Nation Hangersville Ont . . 141,792• Mohawks of Akwesasne Cornwall Island Ont................................. 250,979• Mohawks o fB ay of Quinte Deseronto O n t ..................................... 169,384• Moose Indian Band Moose Factory O n t .......................................... 1 35,874• Mosquito Band Cando S a s k ................................................................. 124,000• National Indian Brotherhood Ottawa O n t ........................................ 2,473,143• National Indian & Inuit Community Hull Q u e .............................. 494,487• Nechi Institution on Alcohol & Drug Education Edmonton Alta 1 20,000• Nelson House Band Nelson House M a n .......................................... 319,660• Nimpkish Band Council Alert Bay B C ............................................ 633,175• Nipissing Band of Ojibways Sturgeon Falls O nt ............................ 422,897• Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Ft. Williams Reserve Thunder Bay Ont 147,059• Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Toronto O n t ............................................... 961,121• Nishnawbe-Gamig Friendship Centre Sioux Lookout O n t ......... 296,615• Northern Native Family Service Prince George B C ..................... 328,720• Norway House Band Norway House Man ........................................ 1 26,715• Nuu-Chah-Nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni B C .......................... 1,054,104• Office of the Hereditary Gitksan Kitwanga BC.............................. 380,000• OH-SHKI-BE-MA-TE-ZE-WIN Fort Francis O n t ....................... 121,146• Ojibway Tribal Family Service Kenora O n t ................................... 1 35,540• Old Massett Village Council Masset B C .......................................... 110,000• Onyota’ A:KA Southwold O n t ............................................................ 171,307• Osnaburgh Band Osnaburgh O n t ........................................................ 1 22,069• Otacosse Tawin Geraldton O n t .......................................................... 354,588• Oxford House Band Oxford House M a n .......................................... I l l ,657• Paukuutit Ottawa O n t ............................................................................. 125,939• Peguis Indian Band Hodgson Man..................................................... 405,984• Peter Ballantyne Band Pelican Narrows S a s k ................................ 290,904• Pikangikum Band Pikangikum O n t ................................................... 227,270• Rainy River Band Emo O n t ................................................................. 160,019• Regroupement Mamit Innuat Inc Mingan Q u e .............................. 3,312,046• Sachigo Lake Band Sioux Lookout O n t .......................................... 289,293

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• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake Alta ................................ 886,519• Sagkeeng Solvent Abuse Treatment Centre Pine Falls Man . . . 823,576• Sandy Bay Indian B a n d M a r i u s M a n ............................. 119,199• Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies Saskatoon Sask 140,071• Saskatoon District Tribal Council Saskatoon S a s k .... 252,490• Shamattawa Indian Band Shamattawa M a n .................. 244,235• Shibogama Area Tribal Council Sioux Lookout O n t . 162,345• Shoal River Indian Band Pelican Rapids M a n ............. 165,135• Sioux Valley Indian Band Griswold M a n ....................................... 11 5,503• Six Nations of the Grand River Oshweken O n t ........... 607,634• Sliammon Band Powell River BC ................................................... 104,200• South Indian Lake Community Council South Indian Lake Sask 111,827• Southeast Resource Development Council Winnipeg Man . . . . 297,857• Split Lake Indian Band Split Lake M a n ........................ 146,500• Spruce Lodge Boarding Home Prince Albert S a s k .... 146,090• Stoney Tribal Administration Morley A l t a .................... 1,057,936• St Theresa Point Indian Band St Theresa Point M a n ................... 160,1 78• Sturgeon Lake Indian Band Shellbrook S a s k ............... 367,126• Tahltan Band Council Telegraph Creek B C .................. 143,182• The Pas Indian Band The Pas M a n ................................................... 198,508• Tobique Indian Band Tobique N B ................................................... 150,035• Touchwood Fete Hills Fort Q u’Appelle Sask................................. 428,993• Touchwood File Hills Lebret S a s k ................................................... 157,889• Treaty 7 Tribal Council Calgary A l t a .............................................. 204,448• Tsawataineuk Indian Band Kingcome Inlet B C ............................ 232,532• Tsay Keh Dene Band Prince George B C ....................................... 118,612• Union of New Brunswick Indians Fredericton N B ..................... 293,072• Union of Nova Scotia Indians Sydney N S ..................................... 218,438• Union of Ont Indians North Bay O n t .............................................. 952,704• Union of Ontario Indians Toronto O n t ............................................ 704,765• United Chiefs of Mantoulin W B a y l n d i a n s W e s t B a y O n t . . . . 184,493• Wabaseemoong First Nation Whitedog O n t ................................... 156,408• Wabun Tribal Council Timmins O nt................................................. 217,158• Walpole Island First Nation Band Wallaceburg O n t .................. 348,822• Waterhen Indian Band Skownan Man ............................................ 312,531• Webeque Band Webeque O n t ............................................................ 248,408• Wequedong Lodge Inc Thunder Bay O n t ....................................... 952,538• Whitefish Lake Band Goodfish Lake A l t a ..................................... 328,558• Wikwemikong Indian Band Wikwemikong O n t ......................... 332,327• Windigo Tribal Council Sioux Lookout O n t ................................ 289,274• W u n n im u n L a k e B a n d W u n n i m u n L a k e O n t ................................ 178,848

Contributions to Indian bands, Indian and Inuit associations or groups or local governments and to professional associations or educational institutions under the Family Violence Program $2,922,741• Government of Canada —• Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

Ottawa O n t .......................................................................................... 349,796• Government of the Northwest Territories Yellowknife NWT . . 291,078• Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Fort Williams Reserve Thunder Bay

O n t ........................................................................................................ 119,881• Union of Ontario Indians North Bay O n t ....................................... 104,320• Yellowhead Tribal Council Spruce Grove A l t a ............................ 119,665

Grant to the International Commission on Radiological Protection Didcot England $5,000

Grant to the National Food Distribution Centre MontrealQue $25,000

Grant to the World Health Organization Geneva Switzerland $100,000• World Health Organization Geneva S witze r land .......................... 100,000

Contributions to organizations and persons in support of the National Aids Program $4,424,297• La Foundation Québécoise des Victimes de la Thalidomide

Longueuil Q u e .................................................................................... 200,000• National HIV Clinical Trials Network Vancouver B C ................ 3,402,665• Thalidomide Victims Association of Canada London O nt......... 800,000

Contributions toward the administrative and project costs of amateur sports organizations to assist in the promotion and development of amateur sport for Canadians $44,439,881• Athletics Canada Gloucester O n t ..................................................... 1,879,008

• Basketball Canada Gloucester O n t .....................................................• Bobsleigh Canada Gloucester O n t .....................................................• Canadian Amateur Boxing Association Gloucester O n t ..............• Canadian Amateur Diving Association Gloucester O nt ................• Canadian Amateur Hockey Association Gloucester O n t ..............• Canadian Amateur Luge Association Gloucester O n t ...................• Canadian Amateur Rowing Association Gloucester O n t ..............• Canadian Amateur Softball Association Gloucester O n t ..............• Canadian Amateur Speed Skating Association Gloucester Ont. .• Canadian Amateur Wrestling Association Gloucester O n t .........• Canadian Anti-Doping Organization Gloucester O n t ...................• Cdn Assoc for the Advancement of Women in Sport

Gloucester O n t ......................................................................................• Canadian Badminton Association Gloucester O n t ..........................• Canadian Blind Sports Association Gloucester O n t .....................• Canadian Canoe Association Gloucester Ont...................................• Canadian Colleges Athletic Association Gloucester Ont..............• Canadian Cycling Association Gloucester O n t ..............................• Canadian Equestrian Federation Toronto O n t ................................• Canadian Federation of Amateur Baseball Gloucester O n t .........• Canadian Federation of Sports Organization for the

Disabled Gloucester O n t ...................................................................• Canadian Fencing Federation Gloucester O n t ................................• Canadian Figure Skating Association Gloucester O nt...................• Canadian Five Pin Bowlers Association Gloucester Ont..............• Canadian Gymnastics Federation Gloucester O n t ..........................• Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union Gloucester O n t ............• Canadian Lacrosse Association Gloucester O n t ............................• Canadian Olympics Association Montreal Q u e ..............................• Canadian Orienteering Federation Gloucester O n t .......................• Canadian Racquetball Association Gloucester O n t .......................• Canadian Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics Federation

Gloucester O n t ......................................................................................• Canadian Rugby Union Gloucester O n t ............................................• Canadian Ski Association (Alpine) Gloucester Ont.......................• Canadian Ski Association (Biathlon) Gloucester O n t ...................• Canadian Ski Association (Cross-Country) Gloucester Ont• Canadian Ski Association (Freestyle) Gloucester O nt...................• Canadian Ski Association (Ski Jumping) Gloucester O n t ............• Canadian Soccer Association Gloucester O n t ................................• Canadian Sport and Fitness Marketing Inc Gloucester Ont.........• Canadian Table Tennis Association Gloucester O n t .....................• Canadian Team Handball Federation Gloucester O n t ...................• Canadian Tennis Association Downsview O n t ..............................• Canadian Volleyball Association Gloucester O n t ..........................• Canadian Water Polo Association Gloucester O n t ..........................• Canadian Water Ski Association Gloucester O n t ............................• Canadian Weightlifting Federation Gloucester O n t .......................• Canadian Wheelchair Sports Association Gloucester O n t ............• Canadian Yachting Association Gloucester O n t ............................• Coaching Association of Canada Association Gloucester Ont . .• Commonwealth Games Association of Canada Gloucester Ont .• Curl Canada Gloucester O n t .................................................................• Federation of Canadian Archers Gloucester O n t ............................• Field Hockey Canada Gloucester O n t ..............................................• Football Canada Gloucester Ont..........................................................• Judo Canada Gloucester O n t ...............................................................• Lawn Bowls Canada Gloucester O n t .................................................• Ringette Canada Gloucester O n t ........................................................• Shooting Federation of Canada Gloucester Ont ..............................• Sports Federation of Canada Gloucester O n t ...................................• Sport Information Resource Centre Gloucester O n t .....................• Sport Medicine Council of Canada Gloucester O nt .......................• Squash Canada Gloucester O n t ..........................................................• Swimming Canada/National Canada Gloucester O n t ...................• Synchro Canada Gloucester Ont..........................................................

Contributions to the Canadian Sport and Fitness Administration Centre Inc towards the costs of services provided to resident and non-resident organizations $4,788,257• Canadian Sport and Fitness Administration Centre Inc

Gloucester O n t ......................................................................................

Contributions towards the academic, living and training expenses of outstanding athletes $5,079,110










1,900,000470,227262.028 480,615 954,505 402,707247.792 247,849 271,040 884,406

2,999,772206,710370,232196,266973.269 224,175 532,662 176,279181.787 502,102519.270 921,277 945,531 230,086




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Payments, in accordance with agreements, to the sponsoring organizations of multi-sport regional, national and international games towards the capital and operational expenses of games held in Canada and for the operational expenses of single sport international championships held in Canada $17,854,837• 1995 Grande Prairie Canada Winter Games Grand Prairie Alta 3,350,000• 1995 World Nordic Championship Thunder Bay O n t ................ 540,000• Canada Games Council Gloucester O n t .......................................... 364,000• Kamloops 1993 Canada Games Kamloops B C ............................ 2,267,000• Sports Federation of Canada Gloucester O n t ................................ 100,000• Victoria Commonwealth Games Society Victoria B C ................ 10,000,000

Contributions towards costs of projects aimed at raising the fitness level of Canadians and contributions towards the administrative and project costs of national recreation associations and agencies to assist in the promotion and development of physical recreation for Canadians $8,823,289• Administration Bureau for Active Living Gloucester O n t ......... 2,836,756• Canada Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute Ottawa Ont . . 1,04 1,000• Canadian Association for Health Physical Education and

Recreation Gloucester O n t ............................................................... 498,965• Canadian Intramural Recreation Association Gloucester Ont . . 436,744• Canadian Parks/Recreation Association Gloucester O n t ............ 394,136• Canadian Recreational Canoeing Hyde Park O nt......................... 193,157• Canadian Red Cross Society (Water Safety Services)

Ottawa O n t ........................................................................................... 114,909• Canadian Ski Council Mississauga O n t .......................................... 1 25,004• Canadian Sport and Fitness Administra tion Centre Inc

in Trust for Canada’s Fitweek Gloucester O n t .......................... 497,983• Focus on Active Living ’92 Inc Gloucester Ont............................ 1,497,000• International HIVER ACTF INC Montreal Q u e .......................... 1 36,500• Royal Life Saving Society of Canada Ottawa O n t ....................... 119,571

Contributions to the operating expenses of Participation’s campaign to make Canadians aware of the benefits of physical recreation to encourage greater fitness amongst all segments ofthe population $1,000,000• PARTICIPaction Inc Toronto O n t ..................................................... 1,000,000

SOCIAL PROGRAM $28,281,354,043

Family Allowance $2,186,650,457 (see APPENDIX 4)Child Special Allowances $7,859,724 (see APPENDIX 5)Old Age Security Program $14,421,237,329 (see APPENDIX 6)Guaranteed Income Supplement $4,249,851,034 (see APPENDIX 6)Spouse’s Allowance $434,561,002 (see APPENDIX 6)

Grants to national voluntary social service organizations to assist with the operating costs of national offices $3,244,590• Big Brothers of Canada Burlington O n t ........................... 1 25,000• Boys & Girls Club of CDA Markham O n t ...................... 165,000• Canadian Association for Community Living Toronto O n t , , , , 1 30,000• Canadian Council of the Blind Ottawa O n t .................... 1 22,000• Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Works Winnipeg Man 1 20,000• Canadian Council on Social Development Ottawa O n t . 520,000• Canadian Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ottawa O n t ........... 116,250• Canadian Paraplegic Association Don Mills O n t ........... 11 5,000• Canadian Rehabilitation Council for Disabled Toronto Ont , , , 109,250• Epilepsy Canada Montreal Q u e ......................................... 115,750• Home Support Canada Ottawa Ont.................................... 130,000• International Social Services Canada Ottawa O n t ........ 180,000• Learning Disabilities Association of Canada Ottawa O n t ......... 120,750• National Anti-Poverty Organization Ottawa O n t ........... 282,000• United Way Canada/Centraide Ottawa O n t .................... 142,430

Contributions to provinces, welfare agencies including schools of social work, and to individuals, to support activities of national importance for the improvement of welfare services $1 5,524,475


• Calgary Association for Independent Living Calgary A l t a ......... 145,832• Canada Committee for the Intern Year of the Family

Ottawa O n t ............................................................................................. 180,000• Canadian Association for Community Living Toronto Ont . . . . 200,000• Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work Ottawa Ont . . 114,170• Canadian Hard of Hearing O t t a w a O n t ............................................ 110,555• Center for Community Enterprise Vancouver B C .......................... 164,683• Centre for Independent Living in Toronto Toronto O n t .............. 1 55,000• Independent Living Centre CAILC Ottawa O n t ............................ 270,702• Independent Living Centre Kingston O n t ........................................ 1 34,409• Independent Living Centre Thunder Bay O n t ................................ 165,000• Independent Living Centre of Waterloo Region Waterloo Ont. . 135,000• Independent Living Resource Centre Inc Winnipeg M a n ............ 135,000• Mouvement S E M St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Q u e .............................. 143,875• Nfld Association for Community Living St John’s Nfld .............. 111,635• Niagara Centre for Independent Living Welland O n t ................... 121,873• Ottawa-Carleton Independent Living Centre Ottawa O n t ............ 142,620• Social Planning & Research Council of British Columbia

Vancouver B C ...................................................................................... 357,742• The Naomi Society of Battered Women Antigonish N S .............. 127,697• Université de Montreal Montreal Q u e .............................................. 116,943• Université Laval Ste Foy Q u e ............................................................ 123,315• Université du Quebec Montreal Q u e ................................................. 117,210• University of Calgary Calgary A l t a ................................................... 171,472• University of Guelph Guelph O n t ..................................................... 173,467• University of Toronto Toronto O n t ................................................... 145,130

Payments to provinces and territories under the Canada Assistance Plan $6,722,138,129 (see APPEN D IX 2)

Payments to provincial and territorial governments to carry out the purposes of the Vocational Rehabilitation o f D isabled Persons A c t and agreements made thereunder $182,014,929

Payments to provinces and territories for Alcohol and Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation in accordance with agreements, pursuant to the Department o f N ational Health andWelfare Act $13,109,730

N.B. Works-payments (six year time frame 1992-93-97-98) to the Province of New Brunswick in accordance with the agreement to cost-share elements of this demonstration project to enhance the employability of social assistancerecipients $1,500,000

Contributions towards projects aimed at providing opportunities for people retired from the labour force to help themselves, other Canadians and the community $14,124,970 (see A PPEN D IX 3)

Contributions to community groups, professional associations, union locals, non-profit organizations, voluntary organizations, educational institutions, municipal, territorial and provincial agencies and individuals to support pilot projects, research activities and enhanced information services that address child care problems or encourage the development of services to improve the quality of child care in Canada $16,390,749• Active Learning Systems Inc Toronto O n t ..................................... 204,500• Association Cooperative du Préscolaire Fransaskois

Prince Albert S a s k ............................................................................... 146,387• Burnaby Association for the Mentally Handicapped Burnaby

BC ........................................................................................................... 129,900• Cabot Institute of Applied Arts & Technology St John’s Nfld . . 306,056• Canadian Association for Young Children Que Dollard des

Ormeaux Q u e ........................................................................................ 114,911• Canadian Association of Toy Libraries & Parent Resources

Ottawa O n t ............................................................................................. 318,399• Canadian Child Day Care Federation Ottawa O n t ....................... 836,525• Canadian Council on Social Development Ottawa O n t .............. 1 27,522• Canadian Pediatric Society Ottawa O nt ............................................ 482,1 20• CEGEP de St. Hyacinthe Q u e ............................................................ 314,650• Centre de Psycho-Education du Quebec Montreal Q u e .............. 103,396• Child Care Connection Nova Scotia Halifax N S ............................ 115,669• Child Care Resources Sudbury O n t ................................................... 258,825• Childhood Community Resource Centre Windsor O n t ................ 165,348

T R A N S F E R P A Y M E N T S 8 . 91

P U B L I C A C C O U N T S , 1 9 9 2 -9 3



• Community Services Council Newmarket O n t ............................ 105,147• Community Services Council Early Childhood Training

Centre St John’s N f ld ........................................................................ 219,250• Direction 2000 Toronto O n t ............................................................... 191,750• Early Childhood Coalition Fredericton N B ................................... 117,560• Early Childhood Educators of BC Vancouver B C ....................... 193,984• Family Day Care Association of Manitoba Winnipeg Man . . . . 431,317• Federation de Parents Francophones de l ’Alberta Edmonton

A l l a ......................................................................................................... 188,906• Femmes Autochtones du Que Montreal Q u e ................................ 111,307• Flying Dust Band Meadowlake S a s k .............................................. 119,047• Fraser North Child Care Issues Society Coquitlam B C .............. 199,494• Gizhaadaawgamik Child Care Centre Toronto O n t ..................... 391,500• Home Child Care Association of Ont Toronto O n t ..................... 1 56,548• L e ’Lum’el Duncan B C ........................................................................ 126,701• Maggie’s Child Care Centre for Teen Parents Inc Saskatoon

S ask ......................................................................................................... 155,420• McMaster University Hamilton O n t ................................................. 101,329• Meadow Lake Tribal Council Meadow Lake S a s k ..................... 743,791• Memorial University & Mt St Vincent University St John’s

N fld ......................................................................................................... 121,946• Muskoday Awasis Daycare Association Birch Hills S a s k ......... 120,744• Native Co-ordinating Council Prince Albert S a s k ....................... 321,392• Native Council of Canada Ottawa O n t ............................................ 400,000• Ottawa/Carleton In-Home Child Care Provides Association

Ottawa O n t ........................................................................................... 165,021• Queen’s University Kingston O nt...................................................... 198,775• Regina Public Library Children’s Services Dept Regina Sask . 143,207• Restigouche Band Council Restigouche Q u e ................................ 157,1 29• Ryerson Polytechnical Toronto O n t ................................................. 150,621• Sackville Family Day Care Association Lower Sackville NS . . 116,413• Sign Talk Children’s Centre Winnipeg Man ................................... 145,222• Societe de Radio-Television du Quebec Montreal Q u e .............. 294,599• Societe pour Les Enfants Handicapes du Que Montreal Que . . 131,029• Southeast Resource Development Winnipeg M a n ....................... 129,288• Spallumcheen Indian Band Enderby BC ........................................ 107,904• Tele-Universite Ste Foy Q u e ............................................................... 216,000• The Child, Youth & Family Policy Research Centre Toronto

O n t ........................................................................................................ 113,953• Town Daycare Foundation Specialink Sydney NS....................... 219,200• University of Montreal Montreal Q u e ............................................ 266,263• University of Toronto Toronto O n t ................................................... 251,853• Vancouver Neurological Centre Vancouver B C ............................ 1 33,372• Vancouver-Richmond Association for Mentally Handicapped

Vancouver B C ...................................................................................... 181,109• Victorian Order of Nurses Eastern Lake Ont Branch Kingston

O n t ........................................................................................................ 170,476• Wagmatcook B a n d C o u n c i lB a d d e c k N S ....................................... 130,315• West Region Child & Family Services Inc Dauphin M a n ......... 108,052• Western Canada Family Day Care Association Vancouver BC . 205,215• Yukon Child Care Association Whitehorse Y T ............................ 100,763• Yukon Territorial Government Dept of Hlth & Social

Whitehorse Y T .................................................................................... 100,000

Contributions to voluntary, non-government, non-profit groups and organizations, professional associations, educational institutions, social or health services agencies and other para-public organizations which promote the involvement of seniors in the design of projects which improve their quality of life and independence, encourage and support the self-care and mutual aid efforts of seniors and promote the availability of resources which support the social welfare, health and education of seniors $12,651,325

• Alzheimers Association of Ontario Toronto O n t .......................... 492,868• Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia H a l i f a x N S .............................. 135,196• Association Internationale Francophone des Aines Ste Foy

Q u e ........................................................................................................ 1 23,732• Association Québécoise de Gérontologie Region 07 Hull Q u e . 146,297• Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Toronto Ont 217,146• Canadian Coalition on Medication use and the Elderly Ottawa

O n t ......................................................................................................... 213,580• Canadian Hard of Hearing Ottawa Ont............................................ 110,555• Canadian Mental Health Association Charlottetown P E I ......... 194,686• Canadian Public Health Association Ottawa O n t .......................... 119,060


• Community Information Centre of Metropolitan TorontoToronto O n t ........................................................................................... 144,749

• Counci l for Yukon Indians Curriculum Development ProgramWhitehorse Y T ...................................................................................... 156,910

• Council on Aging Medication Awareness Ottawa O n t ................ 166,785• Dance/Movement Therapy Association o f Toronto Nepean Ont 147,000• Diocese de Quebec Quebec Q u e ........................................................ 124,326• Edmonton Immigrant Services Association Edmonton Alta . . . . 107,671• Elder Hostel Canada Kingston O n t ................................................... 116,342• Federation des Clubs de l ’Age d ’Or de l ’Est du Quebec

Rimouski Q u e ...................................................................................... 113,608• Fifty Plus Outreach St John 's Nfld...................................................... 118,750• Hastings & Prince Edward Council on Aging Belleville O n t . . . 108,932• Information London London O n t ........................................................ 160,507• Jewish Support Services for the Elderly Montreal Que................ 1 52,143• Kingston Independent Living Kingston O n t ................................... 134,409• Memorial University o f Newfoundland St John’s Nfld................ 100,000• Nfld Association for Community Living St John’s Nfld .............. 111,635• North Shore Community Services North Vancouver B C ............ 137,652• Older Adult Centre N o r th Y o r k O n t ................................................... 133,814• One Voice-The Canadian Seniors Network Ottawa O n t .............. 169,800• Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes & Services for

Seniors Woodbridge O n t .................................................................... 100,700• Osnaburgh House Oiibway First Nation Council Osnaburgh

O n t ........................................................................................................... 108,000• Prince Albert Pineland Prince Albert Sask ........................................ 101,428• Ryerson Polytechnical Institute Toronto O n t ................................... 108,175• Sault-Algoma Canadian National Institute for the Blind

Sault Ste Marie O n t ............................................................................. 111,154• Senior Peer Counselling of BC Abbotsford BC.............................. 120,665• The Arthritis Society Toronto O n t ...................................................... 272,998• Thunder Bay Independent Living Centre Thunder Bay O n t . . . . 165,000• Union Culturelle des Franco-Ontariennes Ottawa O n t ................ 114,027• University of Lethbridge-Four Worlds Development Project

Lethbridge A l t a .................................................................................... 135,515• University of Western Ontario London Ont..................................... 100,612• York-Durham Stouffville O nt............................................................... 1 33,050• Zone Sud-Est de la Federation des Citoyens Aines du NB

Robichaud N B ...................................................................................... 142,867

Brighter Future Contributions to voluntary, non-government, non-profit groups or organizations, professional associations or educational institutions to support projects which demonstrate Canada’s continuing commitment to action as a result of the World Summit for Children recommendations $495,600

• Global Child Health Society Vancouver B C ................................... 325,000

F e d e r a l O ffice o f R e g i o n a l D e v e lo p m e n t—Q u e b e c $148 ,038,056

Commitments made under the Sm all B usinessL oans A c i $18,627,014• National Bank of Canada for:

Les Entreprises de restauration G.D. Inc Ste-Anne Q u e ......... 117,713• Toronto-Dominion Bank for:

1 70392 Canada Inc Montreal Que................................................... 100,282• Toronto-Dominion Bank for:

2620-351 3 Quebec Inc/Bar salon Le Carreau Quebec Que . . . 105,826• Toronto-Dominion Bank for:

2451 Lucerne Yogel Inc Montreal Q u e .......................................... 105,652• Toronto-Dominion Bank for:

5950 Cousineau St-Hubert Yogel Inc Montreal Q u e ................ 105,723• Toronto-Dominion Bank for:

3964 St-Denis Duluth Yogel Inc Montreal Q u e .......................... 104,930• Toronto-Dominion Bank for:

161 7 St-Denis Yogel Inc Montreal Q u e ........................................ 101,366• Toronto-Dominion Bank for:

4892 Sherbrooke Yogel Inc Montreal Q u e ................................... 101,231Grants under the Support Program for Fashion Design $75,000

Grants to the Gaspe-Magdalen Islands Economic Development Corporation $250,000

• Gaspe-Magdalen Islands Economic Development CorporationQ u e ........................................................................................................... 250,000

8 . 92 T R A N S F E R P A Y M E N T S

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$ $

Grants to the Corporation for the Economic and Social Renewal of South West Montreal $50,000

Contributions under the Sub-Agreements made pursuant to the Economic and Regional Development Agreements/General Development Agreements with provinces $ 1 29,000• Secretariat aux affaires intergouvemementales canadiennes , , .

Contributions under the Canada-Quebec Subsidiary Agreements on Industrial and Tourism Development $14,593,458• Biochem Pharma Inc Laval Q u e ........................................................• Dowty Canada Limited Mirabel Q u e ..............................................• Ericsson Communications Inc Ville Mont-Royal Q u e ................• Harris Farinon Canada Inc Dorval Q u e ..........................................• Heroux Inc Longueuil Q u e .................................................................• Himont Canada Inc Varennes Q u e ...................................................• Mitel Corporation Bromont Q u e ........................................................• Montupet Ltee Riviere-Beaudette Q u e ............................................• Municipalité de Cowansville Cowansville Q u e ............................• Municipalité Temiscaming Temiscaming Q u e ..............................• Station Mont-Tremblant/Soc commandite Mont-Tremblant Que• Waterville tg inc Coaticook Q u e ........................................................

Contributions to Manufacturing Productivity Improvement Program $18,301,879

• 2757-8764 Quebec Inc Trois-Rivieres Q u e ...................................• 2810581 Canada Inc Grandby Q ue ...................................................• Aliments CJD Inc Cap-de-la-Madeleine Q u e ................................• Aliments Delisle Limitée Boucherville Que...................................• Amav Industries Limited Lasalle Q u e ............................................• Barcana Inc Granby Q u e .....................................................................• Biscuits Leclerc Ltee St-Augustin-de-Desmaures Que• Camoplast Inc div Roski Roxton Falls Q u e ...................................• Canlac Corporation Victoriaville Que ............................................• Canstar Sports Inc St-Jerome Q u e ...................................................• Capalux Inc St-Cesaire Q u e ..........................................................• Chateauguay Machine Parts Ltd Chateauguay Q u e .....................• Cleyn & Tinker Inc Huntingdon Q u e ..............................................• DBM Reflex Enterprises Inc Ville St-Laurent Que• Desmarais & Frere Ltee Longueuil Q u e ..........................................• Disque Americ Inc Drummondville Q u e .......................................• Dynacast Canada Inc Pointe-Claire Que...................................• Electropac Canada Inc Dollard des Ormeaux Q u e .......................• Feutres Cristini Canada Inc (Les) Lachute Q u e .........................• Genfoot Inc St-Laurent Q u e ............................................................• Hyprescon Inc St-Eustache Q u e .....................................................• Ingersoll-Rand Canada Inc Sherbrooke Q u e ..............................• International Minicut Inc Montreal-nord Q u e ............................• Les Lainages Victor Ltee St-Victor Comte de Beauce Que ,• Les Outils Gladu Inc Marieville Q u e .......................................• Les Produits Bridor Inc Boucherville Q u e ..............................• Les Textiles du-re Ltee Saint-Victor Q u e ................................• Les Vetements de sport RGR Inc Saint-Georges ouest Que,• Les Volailles Unival Div Coop federee Iberville Que• L ’amour Hosiery Montreal Q u e .................................................• Matériaux de pointe Precitech Inc (Les) Quebec Que• Montel Inc Montmagny Q u e ...................................................• Multiprint Tex Manufacturing Ltd Montreal Que• Peinture électrostatique APM Inc Joliette Q u e .......................• Pirotec Technologies Inc St-Eustache Q u e .........................• Placages Nicolet-sud Inc Nicolet-sud Q u e .........................• Polinex Plastics Products Canada Ltd St-Laurent Que• Produits Polychem Ltee St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Que..............• Quimpex Ltee Grantham Q u e .................................................• Rosmar Litho Inc Pointe-Claire Q u e ...................................• Rousseau Metal Incorporated St-Jean-Port-Joli Que ,• Sabex International (1980) Ltee Boucherville Que• Scierie GJMD Inc Ste-Emilie-de-l 'Energie Que• Siemens Electrique Ltee Drummondville Q u e ..................• Silonex Inc St-Laurent Q ue.....................................................• SR Telecom Inc St-Laurent Q u e ............................................



566,227240,731300.000 380,793



225.000 271,894400.000 355,050 408,761 140,625 194,162 223,234900.000 535,165 106,110 266,297525.000 144,615 564,422 969,408107.000100.000 162,000 140,175 242,640 270,073 106,259 161,299 112,288 137,786337.500 171,416 131,137 304,146 238,841 137,898 271,369 109,664 110,132 128,498 263,036 100,217 105,871275.000 197,758 170,229265.500 156,143 107,710200.000

• The Nalpac Company Longueuil Q u e .............................................. 377 401• Treffle Goulet & Fils (1992) Ltee Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce Que 1 22,788• Trichromatic Techno-Chem Inc St-Eustache Q u e ......................... 170,600

Contributions under the Industrial and Regional Development A c t and outstanding commitments under discontinued programs $8,716,313

• Albany International Canada Inc Cowansville Q u e ..................... 115,566• Barrette Chapais Ltee Chapais Q u e ................................................... 11 2 500• Canadian Oxygen Limited Magog Q u e ............................................ 240,000• Fabrex Inc Trois-Rivieres Q u e ............................................................ 108 615• Fre Composites Inc St-Andre-Est Que.............................................. 235 542• Glaverbec Inc St-Augustin-de-Desmaures Portneuf Q u e ............ 1,500,000• Granirex Inc Thetford-Mines Q u e ..................................................... 403 453• Granitslab International Inc Stanstead Q u e ..................................... 111,017• Hayes-Dana Inc Magog Q u e ............................................................... 219 097• Heroux Inc Longueuil Que................................................................... 1 19 221• Johnson & Johnson Inc Montreal Q u e .............................................. 679,087• Karhu Canada Inc Cowansville Q u e ................................................. 105,970• Les Industries Amisco Ltee L ' I s le tQ u e ............................................ 130248• Nilus Leclerc Inc L ’islet Q u e ............................................................... 114 667• Panfibre Inc Mont-Laurier cte de Labelle Q u e .............................. 609,349• Société en commandite produits Desbiens Desbiens Que............ 409,225• SR Telecom Inc St-Laurent Q u e ....................................................... 1,598,950• Tisbek Vertical Ltee St-Georges Que................................................. 114,515• Tye-Sil Corporation Ltee & 174936 Cda Inc Montreal Qu e . . . . 539,655

Contributions to the Enterprise DevelopmentProgram $21,631,861

• 2 5 3 6 -8 2 8 3 Q u eb ec In c B a ie S a in t -P au lQ u e ................................... 117,36 3• 2681005 Canada Inc Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix Q u e ....................... 106,510• 2737-1 1 37 Quebec Inc Chicoutimi Q u e ......................................... 148,500• 2849-2411 Quebec Inc Des Ruisseaux Que.................................... 127,373• 2866-2542 Quebec Inc Val d 'Or Que ............................................. 378,000• 2947-4988 Quebec Inc Maniwaki Q u e ........................................... 522,428• Akulivik Co-operative Association Akulivik Q u e .......................... 1 20,226• Ass interv en plongée sous-marine Les Escoumins Q ue .............. 275,153• Bleuets Mistassini Ltee Mistassini Q u e ............................................ 210,906• Bois St-Omer Inc Nouvelle Q u e ........................................................ 100,800• Bois-aise de Roberval Inc Roberval Q u e .......................................... 101,561• Bombardier Inc La Pocatiere Q u e ..................................................... 629,142• Bouvidard Ltee Baie-Saint-Paul Q u e ................................................. 135,677• Club de golf Baie-Comeau (1983) Inc Baie-Comeau Q u e ......... 321,500• Club vacances Grande-Entree Q u e ................................................... 369,423• Concert Fabrication Ltee Thurso Q u e .............................................. 941,059• Confortel Val d ’Or Inc Val d ’Or Q ue................................................. 446,271• Corp base plein air Lac Pohenegamook Inc Pohenegamook Que 141,338• Croisière Marjolaine Inc Chicoutimi Q u e ........................................ 112,500• Equipements industriels de Roberval Inc Roberval Que.............. 135,000• Fafard et freres Ltee Sainte-Marguerite Q u e ................................... 201 200• Gelbo Inc Saint-Felicien Q u e ............................................................... 130,552• Gestion St-Jean et Bouvier Inc Senneterre Que.............................. 124 236• Corp du parc des loisirs et des sports Barraute Q u e ..................... 146,000• La station recherche des iles Mingan Inc Longue-Pointe-de-

M in g a n Q u e ........................................................................................... 198,774• La traversée intl du Lac St-Jean Inc Roberval Q u e ....................... 187,500• Légumier basque Inc Trois-Pistoles Q u e .......................................... 197,190• Les cercueils du Bas St-Laurent Inc St-Juste-du-Lac Q u e ......... 261,885• Les cuisines gaspesiennes Matane Ltee Matane Q u e ................... 168,750• Les Entreprises Atlas (1985) Inc Low Q u e ..................................... 480,436• Les entreprises David Lauzon Ltee Papineauville Q u e ................ 376,378• Les Produits Alba Inc Dolbeau Que................................................... 109,755• Les traitements Villeneuve Jonquiere Q u e ..................................... 109,759• Les Viandes du Breton Inc Notre-Dame-du-Lac Q u e ................... 348,1 55• Les voyages Sidlami voyages Kuujjuaq Q u e ................................. 140,216• Motel Harricana Inc Chibougamau Q u e .......................................... 165,600• Multi-cedres d ’Esprit-Saint Inc Esprit-Saint Q u e .......................... 190,000• Philipps-Fitel Inc Rimouski Q u e ........................................................ \ ,600,000• Produits forestiers petit Paris Inc St-Ludger-de-Milot Que . . . . 496,080• Produits forestiers Tembec (1990) Inc Ville-Marie Q u e .............. 533,203• Qavvik Hôtel Inc Salluit Q u e ............................................................... 220,856• Scierie Lamontagne Inc Saint-Prime Q u e ........................................ 180,268

T R A N S F E R P A Y M E N T S 8 . 93

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• Set-Ha (Division International) Inc Perce Que.............................. 222 750• Société historique de la Gaspesie Inc Gaspe Que.......................... 172 587• Theatre les gens d ’en bas Inc Bic Q u e ............................................ 193 500• Tourbières Lambert Inc Riviere-Ouelle Q u e ................................ 106 370

Contributions under the Special Program for the Laprade Region $2,255,599

• Atelier d ’usinage Marmen Inc Cap-de-la-Madeleine Q u e ......... 669,000• Bernard Houle & Fils Inc & Serijo Fabri Inc Sorel Q u e ............ 144,432• Cadorette Marine Co G rand-mere Q u e ............................................ 124 970• Concept Eco Plein Air Le Baluchon Inc St-Paulin Q u e .............. 106 547• Industries Lyster Inc Lyster Q u e ........................................................ 129 542• Les Cuirs Sal-Tan Inc Louiseville Q u e ............................................ 100 922• Les Industries Niagara Lockport Que Inc Warwick Q u e ............ 125,760• Société Coop agricole des Bois-Francs Victoriaville Q u e ......... 200,774

Contributions to the Recovery Program for East Montreal $6,034,126

• Cari-All Inc Montreal-est Q u e .......................................................... 146 909• CPF Dualam Ltee Riviere des Prairies Montreal Q u e ................ 199 506• Johnson & Johnson Inc Montreal Q u e ............................................ 353 558• Les Industries Beco Ltee Anjou Q u e .............................................. 203 713• Les Industries de lavage Dentex Inc Pointe aux Trembles Que. 320,528• Manufacturier de bas Iris Inc Riviere-des-Prairies Q u e .............. 990,442• Nurolex Inc Est de Montreal Q u e ..................................................... 252 000• Polypack Corporation Ltd Anjou Q u e ............................................ 421 319• Quebecolor (1990) Inc Pointe-aux-Trembles Q u e ....................... 384 750• The Borden Company Limited Montreal Q u e .............................. 1 106 830• Thermonic Assainiss des eaux ind Inc Montreal-est Q u e ......... 101,657• Valmec Inc Montreal Q u e ................................................................... 181710• Zenon laboratoires environnementaux Inc Anjou Q ue................ 190 660

Contributions to the Assistance Program for Research Institutes $8,067,172

• Institut Biomateriaux Quebec IBQ Inc Quebec Q u e .................. 1 141 387• Institut de cardiologie de Montreal Montreal Q u e ....................... 1 53 510• Institut de recherche cliniques de Montreal Montreal Que , . , , 4,000,000• Institut rech en pharmacie industrielle Laval Q u e ....................... 2 715 992

Contributions to the Innovation Assistance Program $6,024,660• American Biltrite (Canada) Ltd Sherbrooke Q u e ......................... 151 076• Corporation Biolyse Pharmacopée In t ’l Port-Daniel Q u e ......... 144 300• Desmarais & Frere Ltee Longueuil Q u e .......................................... 140 564• Omicron Telesystems Inc St-Laurent Q u e ..................................... 149 760• Prévost Car Inc Sainte-Claire Q u e ................................................... 192 163• PM Wright Ltee Division Circulaire St-Laurent Que.................. 140 919• Quimpex Ltee Grantham Q u e ............................................................ 147 294• Sci-Lume Inc Montreal Q u e ............................................................... H 7 495• Société des tech de l ’aluminuim stas Chicoutimi Q u e ................ 218 802• Systèmes Ozonics Inc Beconsfield et ou Vaudreuil Q u e ............ 174 800• Trans-Gesco Inc Saint-Hedwidge Q u e ............................................ 137 255• Venmar Ventilation Inc Drummondville Q u e ................................ 133563• Walsh Automation Inc Notre-Dame-de-Grace Montreal Que , . 134 572

Contributions to the Salmon Economie Development Program $699,853

• Federation Que Saumon de l 'Atlantique Ste Foy Q u e ................ 172 000Contribution to the Program for Disadvantaged Areas $3,009,815

• Chambre de commerce de Disraeli Disraeli Q u e .......................... 119 271• Festival Western de Saint-Tite Inc Saint-Tite Q u e ....................... 146 119• Fond préserva faune/culture de Montmagny Montmagny Que . 121 818• Parc des chutes de Ste-Ursule Inc Ste-Ursule Que....................... 136 795• Société minéralogique region d'amiante Thetford Mines Que . 115 639

Contributions to the Support Program $4,575,342• Association fabricants de meubles du Quebec Montreal Que 111 247• Association que des de Find medicale Montreal Q u e ................ 130 290• Championnats du monde motonautique 1992 Valleyfield Que . 150 000• Cinars Montreal Q u e ............................................................................. j 50 795• Contech Longueuil Q u e ...................................................................... 145 000• Fondation Jacques Gagnon Inc Charlesbourg Que....................... 140 128• Grand prix cycliste Teleglobe (Le) Montreal Q u e ....................... 250 000• La médiathèque du design Inc Montreal Q u e ................................ 116 812• Marche international du film de la TV et video Montreal

Qu e ......................................................................................................... 200,000

• Société développement de deux montagnes St-Eustache Que . . 132


• Société de promotion l ’est de Montreal Montreal Q u e ................ 116 118• Sous-traitance industrielle (Quebec) Longueuil Q u e ................... \ \ \ 266• Voile internationale Quebec Inc Quebec Q u e ................................ 135 592

Contributions under the Atlantic Enterprise Program $317,119• JD Irving Limited Estcourt Q ue .......................................................... j j j 395

Contribution under the Support Program for Technology Development Assistance Centers $489,271• Centre reg de développement des entre de Quebec

Quebec Q u e ........................................................................................... 204,629• Corp centre d ’incubation d ’entreprises Quebec Quebec Que . . . 100,000

Contributions under the Eastern Quebec Development Plan $42,434

Contributions to the 350th Anniversary of Montreal $3,980,511

• La corporation des celebrations du 350e ann de MontrealMontreal Q u e ........................................................................................ 3,980,511

Contributions to the Parc-des-Iles Program $4,442,640• Ville de Montreal Montreal Q u e ........................................................ 4,442,640

Contributions to the Corporation for the Economic and Social Renewal of South West Montreal $1,442,201• Franco Products Canada Ltd Montreal Que..................................... 252,000• JWI Ltd St-Henri Montreal Q u e ........................................................ 158,328• Maison Cousin Inc Verdun Q u e .......................................................... 251,783• Pegasus Refractory Materials Inc Montreal Q u e ............................ 134,877• Publications St-Remy Inc Montreal Q u e .......................................... 110,994• Tex Dye Industries (1980) Inc Montreal Q u e ................................. 241,979

Contributions under the Assistance Program for Montreal Regional Development $989,757

• La cite de l ’image Montreal Q u e ........................................................ 136,000• Société du Centre de enfrne intl de Mtl Montreal Q u e ................ 463,426

Contributions under the Special Program for the Thetford Mines Region $717,619

• Granirex inc Thetford Mines Q u e ..................................................... 403,453• Les Sables Olimag Inc Thetford Mines Q u e ................................... 218,700

Contributions under the Special Assistance Program for the Quebec Metro High Tech Park $279,718

• Corporation du Parc technologique du Quebec Ste Foy Que . . . 279,718Contributions to the municipality of Sept-Iles $77,333

Contributions under the Bas St-Laurent/Gaspesie Development Program $109,660

Contributions to the Centre d ’initiative de la technologie de Montreal $4 18,798• CITEC Montreal Q u e ............................................................................. 418,798

Contributions to the Corporation du Centre d ’incubation d ’entreprises du Quebec $83,912

Contributions to the Baie des Chaleurs AquacultureInc $75,302

Contributions under the Saguenay Lac St-Jean Development Program $662,743

• Corporation de développement economique SaguenayLac St-Jean Jonquiere Q u e ............................................................... 662,743

Contributions under the Support Program for Fashion Design $921,698

• L ’association de promotion des designers au QuebecMontreal Q u e ........................................................................................ 234,922

• Fur Council of Canada Montreal Q u e .............................................. 211,686Contributions under the Gaspe-Magdalen Islands Program $318,224

• Société dev economique de la Gaspesie-Iles-de-la-MadeleineGaspe Q u e ............................................................................................. 318,224

8 . 94 T R A N S F E R PA Y M E N T S

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INDIAN AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT $3,914,822,118D e p a r t m e n t $3 ,914,780,118


Contributions to the Inuit Art Foundation for the purpose of assisting Inuit artists and artisans from the Northwest Territories, Northern Quebec and Labrador in the develop­ment of their professional skills and marketing of their art $ 509,000

• Inuit Art Foundation Nepean O n t ..................................................... 509,000INDIAN AND INUIT AFFAIRS PROGRAM $2,764,924,419

Grants to the Sechelt Indian Band pursuant to the SecheltIndian Band Self-G overnm ent A ct $ 2,623,939

• Sechelt Indian Band Sechelt B C ........................................................ 2,623,939

Grants to James Bay Cree and Naskapi Bands ofQuebec $ 22,860,51 1

• Bande Naskapi du Quebec Schefferville Que................................ 1,665,599• Cree Regional Authority Nemaska Q u e .......................................... 20,094,912• Nation Crie De Wemindji Wemindji Q u e ....................................... 1,100,000

Grant to the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation in respect of claims settlement compensation under the Western Arctic (Inuvialuit) Claims Settlem ent A c t $5,000,000

Capital grants to the Cree and Naskapi Bands of Quebec $ 10,550,573

• Bande Naskapi du Quebec Schefferville Que................................ 862,000• Cree Regional Authority Nemaska Q u e .......................................... 9,688,573

Grant to the Makivik Corporation for James Bay and NorthernQuebec Agreement Implementation $ 308,438

• Makivik Corporation Kuujjuaq Q u e ................................................. 308,438

Grants to the beneficiaries or implementing bodies ofcomprehensive land claim settlements $9,761,250

• Gwich’in Tribal Council Inuvik N W T ............................................ 9,761,250Grants to the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree of Quebec $ 22,093,898

• Ouje-Bougoumou E e n u c h A sso cM is ta s s in iQ u e ......................... 2,197,781• Société de Développement Ouje-Bougoumou Chibougamau

Q u e ........................................................................................................ 19,896,117Indian annuities treaty payments $ 1,429,502

Grants to British Columbia Indian bands in lieu of a per capita annuity $300,000

Grants to Indian individuals or bands to settle specific claims $47,441,965

• Ackroyd, Piasta,roth & Day Edmonton A l t a ................................ 110,000• Alexander Band Morinville A lta ........................................................ 1,000,000• Alexandria Band Quesnel B C ............................................................ 187,000• Batchewana First Nation Band Sault-Ste-Marie O n t .................. 3,910,000• Beardy's & Okemasis Band Duck Lake Sask................................ 1,197,602• Boothroyd Indian Band Boston Bar B C .......................................... 350,000• Cheslatta Carrier Nation Band Burns Lake B C ............................ 7,425,970• Couichan Claim Duncan B C .............................................................. 552,000• David Joe Whitehorse Y T ................................................................... 100,000• Dease/liarad Settlement Watson Lake Y T ..................................... 124,300• Indian and Northern Affairs Winnipeg M an ................................... 2,134,500• Janvier Band Chard A l t a ..................................................................... 3,450,000• Kitamaat Indian Band Kitamaat B C ................................................. 490,000• Kwakiutl Indian Band Port Hardy B C ............................................ 900,000• Nanoose Indian Band Lantzville BC .............................................. 425,000• Nikaneet Band Maple Creek Sask ................................................... 5,879,795• Nikaneet Indian Band Maple Ridge S a s k ....................................... 100,000• Ochapowace Band Whitewood S a s k .............................................. 100,000• Okanese Band Balcarres S ask ............................................................ 100,000• Piapot Band Cupar S a s k ..................................................................... 16,796,852• Star Blanket Band Balcarres Sask ..................................................... 100,000• Tsartlip Indian Band Brentwood Bay B C ....................................... 340,000• Whitefish River Band Birch Island O n t .......................................... 490,000

Grants to individual Indians and Inuit and organizations to support their elementary and secondary educational and cultural advancement $344,098

Grants to individuals, Indians and Inuit and organizations


to support their post-secondary educational advancement $20,229,076

• Apa Transportation Paylist Edmonton A l t a ..................................... 2,011,338• Post Secondary Education Paylist Edmonton Alta ....................... 212,897• Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken O n t .............................. 1,844,100• Universities Whitehorse Y T ................................................................. 1 57,923

Grants to individuals or organizations for the advancement of Indian and Inuit culture $51,500

Social assistance payments to individuals, Indians, Inuit and non-Indians residing on Indian reserves $36,860,943

• Apa Transportation Paylist Edmonton A l t a ..................................... 1,376,103• Assistance Sociale Kanesatake Kanesatake Q u e ............................ 1,333,228• Assistance Sociale Becancour Becancour Q u e .............................. 292,780• Assistance Sociale Odanak Odanak Q u e .......................................... 438,480• Assistance Sociale Algonquin Barriere Rapid Lake Q u e ............ 351,206• Assistance Sociale Mont Schefferville Schefferville Q u e ............ 973,077• Big Trout Lake Band Big Trout Lake O n t ........................................ 879,983• Big Trout Welfare Big Trout Lake Ont.............................................. 391,903• Cold Lake Soc Assistance Cold Lake A l ta ........................................ 598,439

Grants to individuals to protect Indian and Inuit children, individuals and families living on Indianreserves $6,550,667

• Extendicare Markham O n t ................................................................... 143,496• Mountain View Lodge Lillooet B C ................................................... 122,441

Grants to students and their chaperones to promote fire protection awareness in band and federally operated schools $ 3,425

Grants to Indian bands, their district councils and Inuit settlements to support their administration $152 ,111,961

• Abegweit Band Cornwall P E I ............................................................ 207,996• Acadia Band Council Yarmouth N S ................................................... 163,576• Adams Lake Indian Band Chase B C ................................................. 256,212• Afton Band Council Afton N S ............................................................ 1 76,878• Ahtahkakoop Band Shell Lake S a s k ................................................. 404,093• Aishihik Band Haines Junction Y T ................................................... 221,104• Aklavik Band Council Aklavik N W T ............................................... 163,591• Albany Band Albany O n t ...................................................................... 632,826• Alderville Band Roseneath O n t .......................................................... 207,742• Alexander Band Morinville A l t a ........................................................ 390,334• Alexandria Band Quesnel B C ............................................................... 100,149• Alexis Band Glenevis A l t a ................................................................... 362,275• Alexis Creek Indian Band Chilanko Forks B C .............................. 176,563• Algonquins of Barriere Lake Rapid LakeQue .............................. 248,259• Alkali Lake Indian Band Williams Lake B C ................................... 269,701• Anaham Indian Band Alexis Creek B C ............................................ 296,333• Anderson Lake Indian Band D ’arcy BC .......................................... 121,267• Anishinabe ofWauzhushk Onigum K e n o r a O n t ............................ 150,156• Annapolis Valley Band Council Cambridge Station N S .............. 102,785• Arctic Red River Band Council Arctic Red River N W T.............. 163,569• A rolandBand Kashechewan O n t ........................................................ 221,508• Attawapiskat Band Attawapiskat O nt................................................. 755,144• Bande Kitcisakik Louvicourt Q u e ..................................................... 1 59,430• Bande Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Maniwaki Q u e ............................ 503,950• Barren Lands Band Brochet M a n ........................................................ 239,470• Batchewana First Nation BandS au l t -S te -M ar ieO nt ..................... 348,866• Bande Innu Takuaikan Mak Mani-Ut Sept lies Q u e ..................... 755,656• Bear River Band Council Bear River N S .......................................... 101,429• Beardy’s & Okemasis Band Duck Lake S a s k ................................ 443,988• Bearskin Lake Band Bearskin Lake O n t .......................................... 386,01 1• Beausoleil Band Vic Penetanguis O n t .............................................. 333,672• Beaver First Nation Band High Level A l t a ..................................... 204,686• Beaver Lake Band Lac La Biche A l t a .............................................. 210,507• Berens River Band Berens River M a n .............................................. 321,825• Big C Band La Lache S ask ................................................................... 257,920• Big Cove Band Big Cove N B ............................................................... 737,181

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P U B L I C A C C O U N T S , 1 9 9 2 -9 3

• Big Grassy Band Morson O n t .................................................• Big Island Band Morson O n t .................................................• Big River Band Debden S a s k .................................................• Big Trout Lake Band Big Trout Lake O n t .........................• Bigstone Cree Band Desmarais A l ta .....................................• Birdtail Sioux Band Beulah M a n ..........................................• Black Lake Band Black Lake S ask .......................................• Blood Band Standoff A l t a .......................................................• Bloodvein Band Bloodvein Man............................................• Blueberry River Indian Band Buick Creek BC ................• Bonaparte Indian Band Cache Creek B C ............................• Boothroyd Indian Band Boston Bar B C ..............................• Boston Bar Indian Band Boston Bar BC ............................• Bridge River Indian Band Lillooet B C ................................• Brokenhead Ojibway Nation Scanterbury M a n ................• Broman Lake Indian Band Burns Lake B C .......................• Brunswick House Band Chapleau O n t ................................• Buffalo River Band Dillon S a s k ............................................• Burnt Church Band Council Legaceville N B .....................• Burrard Indian Band North Vancouver BC.........................• Campbell River Indian Band Campbell River B C ...........• Canim Lake Indian Band 100 Mile House B C ..................• Canoe Creek Indian Band Dog Creek BC .........................• Canoe Lake Band Canoe Narrows S a s k ..............................• Cape Mudge Indian Band Quathiaski Cove B C ................• Carcross/Tagish First Nations Carcross Y T .......................• Carry the Kettle Band Sintaluta S a s k ...................................• Cat Lake Band Cat Lake O n t .................................................• Chapel Island Band Council St. Peters N S .........................• Chapleau Cree Band Chapleau O n t .....................................• Chawathil Indian Band Hope B C ..........................................• Cheam Indian Band Rosedale B C ..........................................• Chehalis Indian Band Agassiz B C .......................................• Chemainus Indian Band Ladysmith B C ..............................• Chemawawin First Nation Easterville M a n .......................• Cheslatta Carrier Nation Band Burns Lake B C ................• Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point Forest O n t ................• Chippewas of Nawash Band Wiarton O n t .........................• Chippewas of Rama First Nation Rama O n t .....................• Chippewas of Sarnia Sarnia O n t ............................................• Chippewas of Saugeen Southampton O n t .........................• Chippewas of the Thames 1st Nation Muncey Ont• Cold Lake First Nations Band Grand Centre A l t a ...........• Coldwater Indian Band Merritt BC.......................................• Columbia Lake Indian Band Windermere B C ..................• Comox Indian Band Courtenay B C .....................................• Conseil Bande Abenakis Wolinak Becancour Que...........• Conseil de Bande Abitibiwinni Amos Q u e .........................• Conseil de Bande Betsiamites Betsiamites Q u e ................• Conseil de Bande Gaspe Gaspe Que.....................................• Conseil de Bande Lac Simon Lac Simon Q u e ...................• Conseil de Bande Mingan Mingan Q u e ..............................• Conseil de Bande Obedjiwan Obedjiwan Q u e ...................• Conseil de Bande Odanak Odanak Q u e ..............................• Conseil de Bande Restigouche Restigouche Q ue ..............• Conseil de Bande Weymontachie Weymontachie Que.• Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan Manawan Que• Conseil Montagnais La Romaine La Romaine Q u e .........• Conseil Montagnais Lac St-Jean Pointe Bleue Q u e .........• Conseil Montagnais Les Escoumins Les Escoumins Que• Conseil Montagnais Natashquan Natashquan Que............• Conseil Montagnais Pakua Shipi St Augustin Que• Conseil Montagnais Schefferville Schefferville Que• Conseil Nation Huronne Wendat Village Huron W Que• Constance Lake Band Calstock O n t .....................................• Cook’s Ferry Indian Band Spences Bridge B C ................• Cote Band Kamsack S a s k ........................................................• Couchiching Band Fort Frances O nt .....................................• Cowessess Band Broadview S ask ..........................................• Cowichan Indian Band Duncan B C .....................................• Crane River Band Crane River M an .....................................• Cross Lake Band Cross Lake M a n ........................................• Cumberland House Band Cumberland House S a s k .........• Curve Lake Band Curve Lake O n t ........................................

168,516 • Dakota Plains Band Portage La Prairie M a n .................................... 134,590131,919 • Dakota Tipi Band Portage La Prairie Man......................................... 160,897370,248 • Dauphin River Band Gypsumville Man ........................................... 122,928519,038 » D aw son Band Daws on Y T ..................................................................... 252,309608,575 • Day Star Band Punnichy S a s k .............................................................. 130,678198,705 • Dease River Band Good Hope Lake B C ........................................... 165,976609,363 • Deer Lake Band Deer Lake O n t ........................................................... 391,173

1,154,219 • Dene Tha’ Band Chateh A l t a ................................................................ 606,443359,593 • Dogrib Rae Band Council Rae-edzo N W T ...................................... 250,730145,618 • Doig River Indian Band Rose Prairie B C ......................................... 113,154211,814 • Dokis Band Monetville O n t .................................................................. 174,703106,040 • Eabametoong 1st Nation Indian Pickle Lake O n t ........................... 383,047103,884 • Eagle Lake Band Eagle River O n t ....................................................... 126,7191 1 3,272 • Ebb and Flow Band Ebb and Flow M a n ........................................... 267,693226,817 • Eel Ground Band Council Newcastle N B ......................................... 297,855103,399 • Eel River Band Council Dalhousie N B ............................................. 216,682145,298 • English River Band Patuanak S a s k .................................................... 310,183286,737 • Enoch Band Winterburn A l t a ................................................................ 353,647475,600 • Ermineskin Band Hobbema A l t a ......................................................... 552,886130.386 • Eskasoni Band Council Eskasoni NS ............................................... 736,569179,560 » F a ir fo rdBand Fairford M an .................................................................. 391,532274,100 • Fisher River Band Koostatak M an ....................................................... 486,041168,519 • Fishing Lake Band Wadena S ask ......................................................... 229,047324,871 • Flying Dust Band Meadow Lake Sask................................................ 214,256212,852 • Fond du Lac Band Fond du Lac S a s k ................................................ 503,462240.763 • Fort Alexander Band Fort Alexander Man......................................... 805,679266.764 • Fort Chipewyan Band Fort Chipewyan A l t a .................................... 197,577315.164 • Fort Churchill Band Tadoule Lake M a n ........................................... 257,681215,650 • Fort Franklin Band Council Fort Franklin NWT............................. 220,289121,811 • Fort Good Hope Band Council Fort Good Hope N W T ................. 248,6641 23,260 • Fort Liard Band Council Fort Liard NWT......................................... 147,471107,962 • Fort McKay Band Fort McMurray A l t a ............................................. 163,358272,1 56 • Fort McMurray Band Fort McMurray A l t a ...................................... 134,339285,480 • Fort Nelson Indian Band Fort Nelson B C ......................................... 223,829349,522 • Fort Norman Band Council Fort Norman N W T ............................. 174,893145,700 • Fort Providence Band Council Fort Providence N W T ................... 164,281314,596 • Fort Resolution Indian Band Fort Resolution N W T ...................... 112,964299,816 • Fort Severn Band Fort Severn O nt....................................................... 425,044264,375 • Fort Simpson Dene Band Fort Simpson N W T ................................ 165,374290,773 • Fort Ware Indian Band Prince George B C ......................................... 289,948293.386 • Fort William Band Thunder Bay O nt.................................................. 285,851352,543 • Fountain Indian Band Lillooet BC....................................................... 239,229231,239 • Fox Lake Band Gillam M an.................................................................. 253,536283,006 • Frog Lake Band Frog Lake Alta ........................................................... 383,612127,785 • Garden Hill Band Island Lake M an .................................................... 720,996133,420 • Garden River 1st Nation Indian Garden River O n t ........................ 408,5761 16,782 • Georgina Island First Nation Sutton West O n t ............................... 151,270281,200 • Ginoogaming First Nation Longlac O n t ........................................... 125,258757,970 • Gitlakdamix Indian Band New Aiyansh B C .................................... 319,4001 12,580 • Gitsan-wet’suwet’en L S Soci Hazelton B C .................................... 2,138,700408,373 • Gitwinksihlkw Indian Band Gitwinksihlkw B C ............................. 189,800217,893 • G od’s Lake Band G od’s Lake M a n .................................................... 513,627504,140 • God’s River Band God’s River M a n .................................................. 298,157227,676 • Golden Lake Band Golden Lake O nt.................................................. 289,747483,863 • Gordon Band Punnichy S a s k ................................................................ 308,954355,574 • Grand Rapids Band Grand Rapids Man ............................................. 225,040429,192 • Grassy Narrows First Nation Ba Grassy Narrows O n t .................. 326,459386,144 • Gull Bay Band Gull Bay O n t ................................................................ 250,960662,554 • Gwa-sa la-nakwaxda’xw Indian Ba Port Hardy B C ........................ 254,447171,635 • Halalt Indian Band Chemainus B C .................................................... 144,265370,642 • Halfway River Indian Band Wonowon B C ...................................... 123,263187,297 • Hartley Bay Indian Band Hartley Bay BC......................................... 166,200527,097 • Hatchet Lake Band Wollaston Lake S a s k ......................................... 441,122461,834 • Hay River Dene Band Hay River N W T ........................................... 112,428309,906 • Heart Lake Band Lac La Biche A l t a .................................................. 132,6951 13,686 • Heiltsuk Indian Band Waglisla B C .................................................... 705,414293,096 • Henvey Inlet Band Pickerel O n t ......................................................... 153,041277,648 • Hiawatha First Nation Keene O n t ....................................................... 141,094368,188 • Hollow Water First Nation Wanipigow M a n .................................... 232,365540,394 • Homalco Indian Band Campbell River B C ...................................... 108,632187,342 • Indian Birch Band Birch River M a n .................................................. 161,549871,020 • Inuvik Native Band Inuvik NWT......................................................... 119,675216.164 • Iskut Indian Band Iskut B C ................................................................. 230,900290,750 • Island Lake Band Loon Lake Sask .................................................... 284,657

$ $

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• Jackhead Band Dallas M an ................................................................. 138,667• James Smith Band Kinistino S a s k ................................................... 412,342• Janvier Band Chard A l t a ...................................................................... 190,909• John Smith Band Birch Hills S a s k ................................................... 237,647• Joseph Bighead Band Pierceland S a s k ............................................ 271,689• Kahkewistahaw Band Broadview S a s k .......................................... 231,706• Kamloops Indian Band Kamloops B C ............................................ 347,109• Kanesatake Band Council Kanesatake Q u e ................................... 355,802• Kasabonika Lake Band Kasabonika Lake O n t .............................. 419,585• Kashechewan Band Kashechewan O nt............................................ 635,120• Katzie Indian Band Pitt Meadows B C ............................................ 131,385• Kawacatoose Band Quinton S a s k ...................................................... 335,080• Kee-way-win Band Sandy Lake O n t ............................................... 157,700• Keeseekoose Band Kamsack S a s k ................................................... 305,747• Keeseekoowenin Band Elphinstone M a n ........................................ 296,009• Key Band Norquay S a s k ...................................................................... 195,131• Kincolith Indian Band Kincolith B C ............................................... 248,800• Kingfisher Band Kingfisher Lake O n t ............................................ 263,710• Kingsclear Band Council Fredericton N B ..................................... 322,828• Kinistin Band Chagoness S a s k .......................................................... 169,4 19• Kipawa Band Council Temiscamingue Q u e ................................... 157,616• Kitamaat Indian Band Kitamaat B C ................................................. 299,000• Kitasoo Indian Band Klemtu B C .................................................... 343,654• Kitkatla Indian Band Kitkatla B C .................................................... 241,500• Kitselas Indian Band Terrace B C .................................................... 1 37,600• Kitsumkalum Indian Band Terrace B C .......................................... 1 58,800• Klahoose Indian Band Cortes Island B C ....................................... 119,383• Kluane Tribal Council Burwash Landing Y T ................................ 123,683• Kluskus Indian Band Quesnel B C ................................................... 150,1 75• Kwakiutl Indian Band Port Hardy B C ............................................ 198,249• Kwanlin-dun First Nation Band Whitehorse Y T .......................... 363,231• Kwicksutaineuk Indian Band Simoon Sound B C .......................... 122,981• Lac La Croix Band Fort Frances O n t ............................................... 255,932• Lac La Martre Band Council Lac La Martre N W T ..................... 124,568• Lac La Ronge Band La Ronge S a s k ................................................. 1,318,122• L a c S e u l B a n d L a c S e u l O n t ............................................................... 370,059• Lakahahmen Indian Band Deroche BC .......................................... 115,539• Lakalzap Indian Band Greenville B C .............................................. 297,400• Lake Babine Indian Band Burns Lake B C ..................................... 419,400• Lake Manitoba Band Vogar M a n ..................................................... 319,644• Lake St, Martin Band Gypsumville M a n ........................................ 337,193• Lansdowne House Band Pickle Lake O n t ..................................... 268,205• Lax Kw’alaams Indian Band Port Simpson B C ............................ 392,600• Lennox Island Band Lennox Island P E I .......................................... 202,247• Lesser Slave Lk Ind Reg Counci Slave Lake A l t a ....................... 2,083,225• Lheit L i t ’en Nation Band Prince George B C ................................ 104,600• Liard River Band Watson Lake Y T ................................................... 435,969• Lillooet Indian Band Lillooet B C ..................................................... 146,257• Little Black Bear Band Goodeve S a s k ............................................ 1 53,294• Little Black River Band O ’hanley M a n .......................................... 198,537• Little Grand Rapids Band Little Grand Rapid M a n ..................... 315,374• Little Pine Band Paynton S a s k .......................................................... 296,698• Little Red River Cree Nation High Level A l t a .............................. 940,016• Little Salmon-Carmacks B an d C a rm ack sY T ................................ 121,893• Little Saskatchewan Band Gypsumville Man................................ 207,570• Little Shuswap Indian Band Chase B C ............................................ 150,155• Long Lake Cree Nation Band Bonnyville Alta ............................ 374,033• Long Lake No 58 Band Longlac O n t .............................................. 186,874• Long Plain Band Edwin M a n ............................................................ 353,459• Long Point First Nations Winneway River Q ue ............................ 272,204• Loon River Cree Band Red Earth A l t a ............................................ 137,268• Louis Bull Band Hobbema A l t a ........................................................ 255,044• Lower Kootenay Indian B a n d C r e s t o n B C ..................................... 136,350• Lower Nicola Indian Band Merritt B C ............................................ 294,466• Lower Similkameen Band Keremeos B C ........................................ 207,289• Lubicon Lake Band Peace River A l ta .............................................. 146,554• Lutsel K ’e Band Council Snowdrift N W T ..................................... 146,294• Lytton Indian Band Lytton B C .......................................................... 332,285• Magnetawan Band Britt O n t ............................................................... 102,486• Makwa Sahgaiehcan Band Loon Lake S ask ................................... 298,526• Malahat Indian Band Mill Bay B C ................................................... 106,768• Martin Falls Band Nakina O n t .......................................................... 196,928• Matachewan Band Matachewan O n t .............................................. 103,951• Mathias Colomb Band Pukatawagan M a n ..................................... 651,002

• Mattagami Band Gogama O n t ............................................................ 138,213• McLeod Lake Indian Band McLeod Lake BC .............................. 148,700• Membertou Band Council Sydney N S ............................................... 288,324• Metlakatla Indian Band Prince Rupert B C ..................................... 147,600• Michipicoten First Nation Wawa O n t ............................................... 101,995• Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Maria Q u e ................................................. 283,417• Mikisew Cree First Nation Band Fort Chipewyan A l t a .............. 315,719• Millbrook Band Council Truro N S ................................................... 303,126• Mississauga Band Blind River O n t ................................................... 229,968• Mississaugas of New Credit Hagersville O n t ................................. 343,929• Mistawasis Band Leask S a s k ............................................................... 308,637• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Q u e ....................... 1,103,958• Mohawks Council of Akwesasne Cornwall O n t ............................ 1,123,852• Mohawks of the Bay o f Quinte Deseronto O n t .............................. 461,713• Montana Band Hobbema A l t a ............................................................ 225,541• Montreal Lake Band Montreal Lake S a s k ........................................ 546,115• Moose Deer Point Band Mactier O nt................................................. 135,672• Moose Factory Band Moose Factory O n t ........................................ 717,809• Moose Lake Band Moose Lake M a n ................................................. 264,123• Moose Woods Band Saskatoon S a s k ................................................. 122,287• Moosomin Band Cochin S a s k ............................................................ 294,891• Moravian of the Thames Band Thamesville O n t ............................ 203,760• Mosquito-Grizzly Bea r’s Head Cando S a s k ................................... 272,590• Mount Currie Indian Band Mount Currie B C ................................. 393,855• Muncey-Delaware First Nation Muncey O n t ................................. 249,652• Muscowpetung Band Fort Q u ’Appelle S a s k ................................... 217,129• Muskeg Lake Band Leask S a s k .......................................................... 264,309• Muskowekwan Band Lestock S a s k ................................................... 226,638• Muskrat Dam Lake Band Muskrat Dam O n t ................................... 216,898• Musqueam Indian Band Vancouver B C ............................................ 248,612• Na-cho N y ’ak-dun Band Watson Lake Y T ..................................... 222,263• Nadleh Whut’en Indian Band Fort Fraser B C ................................. 178,834• Naicatchewenin Band Devlin O n t ...................................................... 140,586• Nak’azdli Indian Band Fort St James B C ........................................ 283,600• Nanaimo Indian Band Nanaimo BC ................................................. 231,670• Nazko Indian Band Quesnel B C ........................................................ 148,034• Nelson House Band Nelson House M a n .......................................... 657,579• Nemaiah Valley Indian Band Nemaiah Valley B C ....................... 179,971• Neskainlith Indian Band Chase B C ................................................... 196,546• New Post Band Cochrane O n t ............................................................ 134,238• New Slate Falls Band Slate Falls O n t ............................................... 104,335• Nicickousemenecaning Band Fort Frances O nt .............................. 115,325• Nikaneet Band Maple Creek S a s k ...................................................... 126,414• Nimpkish Indian Band Alert Bay BC .............................................. 386,263• Nipissing Band Sturgeon Falls O n t ................................................... 429,728• Nooaitch Indian Band Merritt B C ..................................................... 1 25,927• North Caribou Lake Band Weagamow O n t ..................................... 545,973• North Spirit Lake Band North Spirit Lake O n t .............................. 234,432• North Thompson Indian Band Barriere B C ..................................... 185,237• Northlands Band Lac Brochet M a n ................................................... 384,457• Northwest Angle No 33 Band Angle I n l e t O n t .............................. 138,759• Northwest Angle No 37 Band Sioux N a r r o w s O n t ....................... 138,876• Norway House Band Norway House Man ....................................... 805,336• Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni BC............................ 2,069,500• Nuxalk Nation Band Bella Coola B C .............................................. 433,595• O'chiese Band Rocky Mountain A l t a .............................................. 238,618• Oak Lake Band Pipestone M a n .......................................................... 175,477• Ocean Man Band Stougnton S a s k ..................................................... 126,975• Ochapowace Band White wood S a s k ................................................. 334,128• Ojibways of Onegaming Band Nestor Falls O n t ............................ 264,678• Ojibways Pic River 1st Nation Heron Bay O n t .............................. 252,520• Okanagan Indian Band Vernon B C ................................................... 368,410• Okanese Band Balcarres S a s k ............................................................ 180,916• Old Masset Village Council Ban Masset B C ................................... 336,500• One Arrow Band Rosthern Sask ........................................................ 195,336• Onion Lake Band Lloydminster S a s k .............................................. 624,206• Onyota’a:ka Band Southwold O n t ..................................................... 392,045• Opaskwayak Cree First Nation The Pas M a n ................................ 615,042• Oromocto Band Council Oromocto NB .......................................... 242,758• Osnaburgh Band Osnaburgh O n t ........................................................ 316,639• Osoyoos Indian Band Oliver B C ........................................................ 206,667• Oweekeno Indian Band Port Hardy B C ............................................ 143,736• Oxford House Band Oxford House M a n .......................................... 500,989• Pabineau Band Council Bathurst N B ................................................. 107,688


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$• P a c h e e n a h t ln d ia n B a n d P o r tR e n f r e w B C ..................................... 158,676• Pasqua Band Fort Qu'appelle S ask ................................................... 240,724• Pauingassi First Nation Pine Falls M a n .......................................... 200,538• Paul Band Duffield A l t a ..................................................................... 312,556• Pauquachin Indian Band Brentwood Bay BC .............................. 1 37,522• Pavilion Indian Band Cache Creek B C ............................................ 1 52,687• Peepeekisis Band Balcarres S a s k ..................................................... 354,181• Peguis Band Hodgson M an ................................................................. 732,226• Peigan Band Broket A l ta ...................................................................... 614,445• Pelican Lake Band Leoville S a s k ..................................................... 312,244• Penelakut Indian Band Chemainus B C ............................................ 192,505• Penticton Indian Band Penticton BC .............................................. 224,072• Peter Ballantyne Band Pelican Narrows S a s k .............................. 1,094,839• Pheasant Rump BandKisbey S a s k ................................................... 134,217• Piapot Band Cupar S a s k ...................................................................... 250,029• Pic Mobert Band Mobert O n t ............................................................ 199,691• Pictou Landing Band Council Trenton N S ..................................... 201,290• Pikangikum Band Pikangikum O n t ................................................. 575,961• Pine Creek Band Camperville Man ................................................. 332,1 54• Poplar Hill Band Poplar Hill O n t ..................................................... 243,445• Poplar River First Nation Via Negginan M a n .............................. 312,393• Poundmaker Band Cut Knife S a s k ................................................... 286,003• Premiere Nation Malecite Viger Longueuil Q u e .......................... 106,349• Prophet River Indian Band Fort Nelson B C ................................... 108,565• Quatsino Indian Band Coal Harbour B C ........................................ 142,095• Rainy River Band Emo O n t ............................................................... 177,551• Red Bank Band Council Red Bank N B .......................................... 272,71 1• Red Bluff Indian Band Quesnel B C ................................................. 106,966• Red Earth Band Red Earth S a s k ........................................................ 367,962• Red Pheasant Band Grenfell Sask ..................................................... 306,997• Red Rock Band Nipigon O n t ............................................................ 166,345• Red Sucker Lake Band Red Sucker Lake Man.............................. 461,203• Revenue Canada Taxation Halifax N S ............................................ 243,030• Rocky Bay Band Macdiarmid O n t ................................................... 191,374• Rolling River Band Erickson M a n ................................................... 209,327• Roseau River Band Ginew M a n ........................................................ 332,174• Ross River Band Ross River Y T ........................................................ 236,51 1• Sachigo Lake Band Sachigo Lake O n t ............................................ 347,310• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake A lta ................................................. 755,821• S ag am o k A n i sh n a w b ek B an d M a ss ey O n t ..................................... 411,219• Saint Mary's Band Council Fredericton N B ................................... 344,141• Sakimay Band Grenfell Sask ............................................................ 275,082• Samson Band Hobbema Alta ............................................................ 606,347• Sandy Bay Band Marius M a n ............................................................ 637,038• Sandy Lake Band Sandy Lake O n t ................................................... 713,329• Saugeen Nation Band Savant Lake O n t .......................................... 101,906• Saulteau Indian Band Chetwynd BC .............................................. 168,599• Saulteaux Band Cochin Sask ............................................................ 290,902• Seabird Island Indian Band Agassiz B C .......................................... 260,116• Seine River Band Mine Centre O n t ................................................. 200,179• Selkirk Band Pelly Crossing Y T ........................................................ 216,308• Serpent River Band Cutler O n t .......................................................... 211,431• Seton Lake Indian Band Shalalth B C .............................................. 192,942• Shackan Indian Band Merritt B C ..................................................... 111,226• Shamattawa First Nation Shamattawa M a n ................................... 472,990• Shawanaga Band Nobel O n t ............................................................... 1 25,304• Sheguiandah Band Sheguiandah O n t .............................................. 128,762• Sheshegwaning Band Sheshegwaning O nt..................................... 1 36,333• Shoal Lake Band of the Cree Pakwaw S a s k .................................. 260,370• Shoal Lake No 39 Band Kejick O n t ................................................ 238,832• Shoal Lake No 40 Band Kejick O n t ................................................ 155,581• Shoal River Band Via Pelican R a p M a n ........................................ 241,717• Shubenacadie Band Council Shubenacadie N S ............................ 385,493• Shuswap Indian Band Invermere B C .............................................. 145,882• Siksika Nation Band Gleichen A l t a ................................................. 832,854• Sioux Valley Band Griswold M a n ................................................... 408,535• Siska Indian Band Lytton B C ............................................................ 112,539• Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken O n t ............................ 1,029,827• Skeetchestn Indian Band Savona B C .............................................. 160,923• Skidegate Indian Band Skidegate B C .............................................. 342,600• Skookumchuck Indian Band Pemberton B C ................................ 103,570• Skwah Indian Band Chilliwack B C ................................................. 176,928• Sliammon Indian Band Powell River B C ........................................ 222,193


• Soda Creek Indian Band William L a k e B C ..................................... 133,349• Songhees Indian Band Victoria B C ................................................... 164,646• Soowahlie Indian Band Cultus Lake B C .......................................... 109,896• Spallumcheen Indian Band Enderby B C .......................................... 258,520• Split Lake Cree First Nation Split Lake M a n ................................. 559,147• Squamish Indian Band North Vancouver BC ................................. 517,650• St, Mary’s Indian Band Cranbrook B C ............................................ 175,929• St, Theresa Point Band St, Theresa Point M a n .............................. 692,586• Standing Buffalo Band Fort Q u ’Appelle Sask .............................. 233,483• Star Blanket Band Balcarres S a s k ...................................................... 300,779• Stellaquo Indian Band Fraser Lake B C ............................................ 177,798• Stone Indian Band Hanceville B C ..................................................... 181,289• Stoney Band Morley A l ta ...................................................................... 782,338• Stoney Creek Indian Band Vanderhoof B C ..................................... 234,850• Sturgeon Lake Band Shellbrook S a s k ............................................... 401,597• Sucker Creek Band Little Current O nt............................................... 182,561• Sumas Indian Band Abbotsford B C ................................................... 114,102• Summer Beaver Settlement Pickle Lake O nt ................................... 200,654• Sunchild Cree Band Rocky Mountain A l t a ..................................... 243,538• Swan Lake Band Swan Lake M a n ...................................................... 221,890• Sweet Grass Band Gallivan S ask ........................................................ 312,342• Tahltan Indian Band Telegraph Creek B C ........................................ 324,000• Takla Lake Indian Band Prince George BC..................................... 283,129• Taku River Tlingit Band Atlin B C ...................................................... 169,057• Tallcree Band Fort Vermilion A l t a ..................................................... 281,678• Temagami Band Temagami O n t .......................................................... 161,521• Teslin Tlingit Council Band Teslin Y T ............................................ 201,993• Tetlit Gwich’in Indian Band Fort Mcpherson N W T ..................... 257,099• Thessalon Band Thessalon O n t .......................................................... 115,266• Thunderchild Band Turtleford Sask ................................................... 315,204• Timiskaming Band Council Notre Dame du Nord Q u e .............. 296,352• T l’azt-en Nations Band Fort St James B C ........................................ 311,070• Tobacco Plains Indian Band Grasmere B C ..................................... 116,100• Tobique Band Council Perth N B ........................................................ 578,576• Toosey Indian Band Riske Creek BC ............................................... 124,874• Tsartlip Indian Band Brentwood Bay B C ........................................ 276,258• Tsawataineuk Indian Band Kingcome Inlet BC ............................ 228,226• Tsawlnjik Dan Band Carmacks Y T ................................................... 135,479• Tsawout Indian Band Saanichton B C ............................................... 194,925• Tsawwassen Indian Band Delta B C ................................................... 105,676• Tsay Keh Dene Band Prince George B C .......................................... 211,305• Tsuu T' ina Nation Band Calgary A l t a ............................................... 385,659• Turnor Lake Band Tumor Lake S ask ................................................. 117,757• Ulkatcho Indian Band Anahim Lake B C .......................................... 287,885• Upper Nicola Indian Band Merritt B C .............................................. 302,150• Valley River Band Shortdale M a n ..................................................... 284,147• Vuntut Gwitchin Tribal Council Old Crow Y T .............................. 330,059• Wabaseemong Band Whitedog O n t ................................................... 348,582• Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation Dinorwic O n t ............................ 120,435• Wagmatcook Band Council Baddeck NS ........................................ 314,097• Wahgoshig B an d M ath es o n O n t .......................................................... 117,534• Wahpeton Band Prince Albert S a s k ................................................... 151,727• Wahta Mohawk Band Bala O n t .......................................................... 144,498• Walpole Island Band Wallaceburg O n t ............................................ 565,560• Wapekeka Band Angling O n t ............................................................... 247,633• War Lake Band Ilford Man ................................................................. 1 20,333• W asag a m ac k B an d W asag a m ac k M an .............................................. 470,857• Wasauksing First Nation Band Parry Sound Ont .......................... 263,061• Washagamis Bay Band Keewatin O n t .............................................. 117,633• Waterhen Band Skownan M a n ............................................................ 217,179• Waterhen Lake Band Waterhen Lake S a s k ..................................... 311,445• Waywayseecappo Band Rossburn M a n ............................................ 411,965• Webequie Settlement Pickle Lake Ont.............................................. 272,865• Weenusk Band Weenusk O n t ............................................................... 321,860• West Bay Band West Bay O n t ............................................................ 403,798• West Moberly Indian Band Moberly Lake B C .............................. 105,537• Westbank Indian Band Kelowna B C ................................................. 287,100• Whe-la-la-u-area Council Alert Bay B C .......................................... 166,634• White Bear Band Carlyle Sask ............................................................ 382,383• White River First Nation Band Beaver Creek Y T ......................... 130,645• Whitefish Bay Band Pawitik O n t ........................................................ 329,104• Whitefish Lake Band Naughton O n t ................................................. 166,709• Whitefish Lake No, 128 Goodfish Lake A l t a ................................ 352,370

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• Whitefish River Band Birch Island O n t .......................................... 213,742• Whycocomagh Band Counci l Whycocomagh N S ....................... 271,176• Wikwemikong Band Wikwemikong O n t ....................................... 628,601• Williams Lake Indian Band Williams Lake B C ............................ 158,461• Witchekan Lake Band Spiritwood S a s k .......................................... 177,429• Woodland Cree Band Cadotte Lake A l t a ....................................... 229,992• Woodstock Band Council Woodstock N B ..................................... 200,384• Wrigley Dene Band Wrigley NWT................................................... 129,919• Wunnumin Band Wunnumin Lake O n t .......................................... 317,208• Yellow Quill Band Rose Valley S a s k .............................................. 273,937• Yellowknives Dene Band Yellowknife N W T................................ 173,235• York Factory Band York Landing Man............................................ 237,698

Grants to Miawpukek Indian Band to support designatedprograms $ 6,883,1 23

• Miawpukek Band Conner River N f ld .............................................. 6,883,123

Grants to representative status Indian organizations to supporttheir operating costs $ 5,898,528

• Ass of Iroquois Allied Indian London O n t ..................................... 1 24,100• Assembly of First Nations Summertown O nt ................................ 2,472,900• Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Winnipeg M a n .............................. 223,134• Council for Yukon Indians Whitehorse Y T ................................... 395,600• Dene Nation Yellowknife N W T ........................................................ 235,700• Fed of Sask Indians Saskatoon S ask ................................................. 501,500• First Nations Confed Inc Winnipeg M a n ....................................... 109,000• Grand Council Treaty 3 Kenora O n t ................................................. 1 27,000• Indian Association of Alta Winterburn A l t a ................................... 283,200• Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakana Thompson M an.................. 285,404• Nishnawabe-Aski-Nation Thunder Bay Ont................................... 203,400• Union of Ontario Indians North Bay O n t ....................................... 203,400

Contributions to Indian bands and Inuit settlements, tribal councils, district councils, and other Indian and Inuit organizations, to assist communities in planning self-government, preparing for substantive negotiations by developing terms of reference for the negotiations and developing self-government arrangements $ 550,366

• Federation of Sask Indians Saskatoon S a s k ................................... 205,000

Contributions to Indian and Inuit bands, settlements, tribal councils, district councils and Indian and Inuit communities to facilitate their self-government negotiations $9,657,284

• Big Trout Lake Band Big Trout Lake O n t ..................................... 100,000• Cape Mudge Indian Band Quathiaski Cove B C ............................ 325,000• Chiefs of Ontario Toronto O n t .......................................................... 134,000• Conseil Nation Huronne Wendat Village Huron W Q u e ............ 338,050• Council for Yukon Indians Whitehorse Y T ................................... 407,500• Gitsan-wet’suwet’en Hereditary Hazelton B C .............................. 291,750• Gitsan-wet’suwet’en L S Soci Hazelton B C ................................... 302,000• Grassy Narrows First Nation Ba Grassy Narrows O nt................ 400,000• Gwich’in Tribal Council Inuvik N W T ............................................ 200,000• Kanesatake Band Council Kanesatake Q u e ................................... 435,000• Kasabonika Lake Band Kasabonika Lake O n t .............................. 250,000• Kingsclear Band Council Fredericton N B ..................................... 300,000• MLDC Management Company Ltd Meadow Lake S a s k ............ 753,860• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Que....................... 504,000• Nishnawabe-Aski-Nation Thunder Bay Ont................................... 350,000• North Shore Tribal Council Blind River O n t ................................. 754,067• Siksika Nation Band Gleichen A l t a ................................................. 852.600• Sioux Valley Band Griswold M a n ................................................... 428,000• United Indian Council of Mississau Barrie O n t ............................ 1,080,000• Westbank Indian Band Kelowna BC ............................................... 300,000• Whitefish Bay Band Pawitik O n t ...................................................... 306,000

Contribution to the Indian Commission of Ontario $383,423• Indian Commission of Ontario Toronto O n t ................................... 383,423

Contributions to native claimants for the preparation and submission of claims $6,446,944

• Aboriginal Council of BC Vancouver B C ..................................... 540,800• Alliance of Tribal Council Delta B C .............................................. 144,000• Ass of Iroquois Allied Indian London O n t ..................................... 252,000• Confed of Mainland Micmacs Truro N S ....................................... 142,366• Conseil Attikamek-Montagnais Village Des Hurons Q u e ......... 115,500• Cowichan Band Council Duncan B C .............................................. 133,210

• Fed of Sask Indians Regina S a s k ........................................................ 572,000• Grand Conseil des Créés Ottawa O n t .............................................. 216,140• Grand Council Treaty 3 Kenora O n t ................................................. 406,600• Indian Association of Alta Winterburn Alta ..................................... 185,000• Nishnawabe-Aski-Nation Thunder Bay O n t ................................... 267,378• Nlaka’pamux Tribal Council Lytton B C .......................................... 160,600• NWT Treaty #8 Tribal Associati Fort Resolution N W T .............. 214,000• Six Nations Council Oshweken O n t ................................................. 292,600• Squamish Indian Band North Vancouver B C ................................ 782,750• Treaty & Aboriginal Rights Winnipeg Man..................................... 572,000• Union of BC Indian Chiefs Vancouver B C ..................................... 432,500• Union of Nova Scotia Indians Shubenacadie N B .......................... 200,000• Union of Ontario Indians North Bay O n t ........................................ 600,000


Contributions for ratification of the Umbrella Final Agreement and Yukon First Nations Final Agreements and completion of theenrollment process $850,670

• NA Cho Nyak Dun Band Mayo Y T ................................................... 141,980• Teslin Tlingit Council Band Teslin Y T ............................................ 146,600• Vuntut Gwitchin Tribal Council Old Crow Y T .............................. 1 50,790• Yukon Enrollment Commission Whitehorse Y T ............................ 218,000

Contribution to the Ratification Committee for the expenses of the Committee in conducting the votes to ratify the regional comprehensive final agreements in the MacKenzie Valley $661,821

• Dene Metis Comprehensive Claim Yellowknife N W T ................ 455,000• Government of the NWT Yellowknife NWT................................... 116,003

Contribution to the Cree-Naskapi Commission fo r monitoringthe im plementation o f the Cree-Naskapi (o f Quebec) A c t $ 480,000

• Commission de Cree Naskapi Ottawa O n t ..................................... 480,000

Contribution to the Ratification Committee for the expenses ofthe Committee in conducting the vote to ratify the Tungavik Federation of Nunavut Final Agreement $ 2,484,526

• Inuit Ratification Committee Yellowknife NWT............................ 1,956,093• Tungavik Fed of Nunavut Ottawa O nt .............................................. 528,433

Contributions to the beneficiaries and various implementing bodies for the purpose of implementing Comprehensive LandClaim Settlements $1,056,850

• Gwich’ in Tribal Council Inuvik NWT.............................................. 1,056,850

Contributions to support Indians, Inuit and Innu to achieveeconomic growth and self-reliance $76,123,225

• 16-37 Business Dev Center Terrace BC............................................ 113,641• 502133 Ontario Ltd Fort Frances O n t ............................................... 148,850• Aboriginal Economic Council of Merritt B C ................................. 170,000• Agency Chiefs Tribal Council Debden S a s k ................................... 223,730• Ahtahkakoop Band Shell Lake S a s k ................................................. 100,152• Albany Band Albany O n t ...................................................................... 109,000• Alberta Indian Invest Corp Winterburn A l t a ................................... 112,500• Alexander Band Morinville A l t a ........................................................ 138,672• Algonquins of Barriere Lake Rapid Lake Q u e .............................. 696,085• Alliance of Tribal Council Delta B C ................................................. 419,271• Alta Ind Agric Dev Corp Calgary A l t a ............................................ 617,300• Arctic Co-operatives Limited Winnipeg M a n ................................. 430,000• Assembly of First Nations Summertown O n t ................................. 399,500• Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Winnipeg Man ........................... 137,700• Attawapiskat Band Attawapiskat O n t ............................................... 185,400• Bande Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Maniwaki Que .......................... 235,570• Bande Naskapi du Quebec Schefferville Q u e ................................. 141,020• Battleford Tribal Council Mgmt North Battleford S a s k .............. 371,206• Bande Innu Takuaikan Mak Mani-ut Sept lies Q u e ..................... 382,540• Beardy’s & Okemasis Band Duck Lake S a s k ................................. 109,763• Beausoleil Band Vic Penetanguis O n t .............................................. 102,084• Big Cove Band Counci l Big Cove NB ............................................ 222,049• Big Trout Lake Band Big Trout Lake O n t ........................................ 121,471• Bigstone Cree Band Desmarais A l t a ................................................. 269,245• Bimose Tribal Council Kenora O n t ................................................... 264,000• Blood Band Standoff A l t a .................................................................... 802,390• Burnt Church Band Council Legaceville N B ................................. 135,492• Canadian Indian Energy Corp West Vancouver B C ....................... 130,600• Canadian Indian Resource Corp Edmonton A l ta ............................ 140,000• Carrier Chilcotin Tribal Counc Williams Lake B C ....................... 229,230

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• Carrier-Sekani Tribal Council Prince George B C ....................... 376 100• Chief Clarence (Manny) Jules Kamloops BC................................. 357 493• Chiefs of Ontario Toronto O n t .......................................................... 104 000• Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point Forest O n t ............................ 120 955• Chippewas of Nawash Band Wiarton O n t .................................... ¡ q2 087• Chippewas of Saugeen Southampton O n t .................................... 1 14 730• Chippewas of the Thames 1st Nation Muncey O n t ................... 113 090• Cncl Advncmnt Nat Dev Ofcrs Edmonton A l t a ............................ ¡70 q00• Cold Lake First Nations Band Grand Centre A l t a ....................... ¡32 842• Confed of Mainland Micmacs Truro NS ....................................... 274 673• Conseil de Bande Abitibiwinni Amos Q u e ..................................... ¡05 420• Conseil de Bande Betsiamites Betsiamites Q u e ............................ 351 140• Conseil de Bande Lac Simon Lac Simon Q u e .............................. 234 090• Conseil de Bande Mingan Mingan Q u e .......................................... 210 320• Conseil de Bande Mistassini Chibougamau Q u e ......................... 219 210• Conseil de Bande Obedjiwan Obedjiwan Q u e .............................. 2 16 780• Conseil de Bande Restigouche Restigouche Q ue ......................... 245 910• Conseil de Bande Weymontachie Weymontachie Que................ 218 560• Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan Manawan Q u e ........... 218 930• Conseil Dvpt Regional de Kativ Kuujjuaq Q u e ............................ 775 530• Conseil Montagnais La Romaine La Romaine Q u e ..................... 4go 960• Conseil Montagnais Lac St-Jean Pointe Bleue Q u e ..................... 281,820• Conseil Montagnais Natashquan Natashquan Que....................... H 6 400• Conseil Montagnais Schefferville Schefferville Q u e ................... 204,700• Conseil Nation Huronne Wendat Village Huron W Q u e ............ 218,270• Corp Celebrations 350 Anniv Mt Montreal Q u e .......................... 102,000• Corp Dev Economique Montagnais Village des Hurons Que , , 230,100• Cowichan Indian Band Duncan B C ................................................. 245,056• Créé Trappers Association Val D ’or Q u e ....................................... 115,000• Cross Lake Band Cross Lake M a n ................................................... 356,1 59• Ctn Operations Associations in North Battleford S a s k .............. 389,482• Curve Lake Band Curve Lake O n t ................................................... 112,262• Dakota Ojibway Dev Group Winnipeg M a n ................................ 823,146• Dease River Band Good Hope Lake BC ........................................ 139,129• Dene T h a 'B an d Chateh A lta ............................................................... 212,487• Dogrib Rae Band Council Rae-edzo NWT..................................... 188,704• Enoch Band Winterburn A l t a ............................................................ 191,166• Ermineskin Band Hobbema A lta ........................................................ 214,014• Eskasoni Band Council Eskasoni N S .............................................. 342,630• Fed of Sask Indians Saskatoon S ask ................................................. 620,400• First Nations of S Is T C Mill Bay B C ............................................ 184,622• First Nations Resource Council Edmonton A lta ............................ 630,984• Fort Alexander Band Fort Alexander M a n ..................................... 365,336• Fort Folly Band Council Dorchester N B ........................................ 226,278• Fort Liard Band Council Fort Liard N W T ..................................... 127,019• Fort McKay Band Fort McMurray A l t a .......................................... 109,338• Fort William Band Thunder Bay O n t .............................................. 273,000• Freshwater Fish Marketing Corp Winnipeg M a n .......................... 328,300• Frog Lake Band Frog Lake A l t a ........................................................ 186,435• Garden River 1st Nation Indian Garden River O n t ..................... 127,000• Gitsan-wet'suwet’en L S Society Hazelton B C ............................ 523,300• Grand Conseil Waban-Aki Inc Nicolet Q u e ................................... 174,020• Gwich' in Tribal Council Inuvik N W T ............................................ 238,445• Heiltsuk Indian Band Waglisla B C ................................................... 240,700• Ilivvik Inc Dorval Q u e ........................................................................ 449,000• Independent First Nations Alii Sioux Lookout O n t ..................... 1 35,831• Indian Agricultural Program of Stirling Ont................................... 200,000• Indian Art & Craft of BC Vancouver B C ........................................ 175,000• Indian Art & Craft of Ontario Brantford O n t ................................ 236,000• Interlake Reserves Tribal Coun Fairford M a n .............................. 426,832• Inuvialuit Regional Corporatio Inuvik N W T ................................ 338,349• Island Lake Tribal Council Winnipeg Man ................................... 673,006• Kakivak Association Iqaluit N W T ................................................... 506,209• Kanesatake Band Council Kanesatake Q u e ................................... 222,770• Kashechewan Band Kashechewan O nt............................................ 144,400• Keewatin Tribal Council Inc Thompson M a n .............................. 1,063,421• Kingsclear Band Council Fredericton N B ..................................... 119,129• Kitikmeot Inuit Association Cambridge Bay N W T ..................... 105,250• Kitikmeot Regional Community Cambridge Bay N W T ............ 513,259• Ktunaxa-kinbasket Tribal Counc Cranbrook B C ......................... 11 3,086• Kwakiutl Indian Band Port Hardy B C ............................................ 194,385• Kwanlin-dun First Nation Band Whitehorse Y T ......................... 130,895


• Labrador Inuit Association St John’s Nfld....................................... 186,480• Lake Babine Indian Band Burns Lake B C ....................................... 1 32,200• Lax Kw’alaams Indian Band Port Simpson BC ............................ 297,500• Les Artisans Indiens du Quebec Village des Hurons Q u e ............ 235,900• Lesser Slave Lake Indian Reg Council Slave Lake A l ta .............. 675,429• Liard River Band Watson Lake Y T ................................................... 164,442• Lillooet Tribal Council Lillooet BC................................................... 193,435• Little Red River Cree Nation High Level A l t a .............................. 309,916• Long Lake Cree Nation Band Bonnyville A l t a .............................. 107,906• Louis Bull Band Hobbema A l t a .......................................................... 108,085• Manitoba Abor Resource Assoc Winnipeg M a n ............................ 1,768,100• Matawa & First Nations Mgmt Thunder Bay O n t .......................... 406,696• Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Maria Q u e ................................................. 104,960• Mid-Island Tribal Council Chemainus B C ..................................... 191,158• Mikisew Cree First Nation Band Fort Chipewyan A l t a .............. 104,133• Minister of Finance Winnipeg M a n ................................................... 342,400• Mississaugas of New Credit Hagersville O n t ................................ 105,544• MLDC Management Company Ltd Meadow Lake S a s k ............ 637,021• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Q u e ....................... 942,440• Mohawks Council of Akwesasne Cornwall O n t ............................ 4,090,828• Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Deseronto O n t .............................. 248,949• Moose Factory Band Moose Factory O n t ....................................... 202,100• Mount Currie Indian Band Mount Currie B C ................................ 1 28,528• Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Alert Bay B C ........................................ 238,929• Mushkegowuk Tribal Council Moose Factory O n t ....................... 102,264• National Indian Financial Corp Regina Sask................................... 300,000• Native Participation Committee Victoria BC ................................. 100,000• Nelson House Development Corp Nelson House M a n ................ 298,030• Nicola Valley Dev Corporation Merritt B C ..................................... 176,222• Nishnawabe-Aski Development Fund Thunder Bay O n t ............ 151,416• Nishnawabe-Aski-Nation Thunder Bay O n t ................................... 233,1 39• Nl'akapxm Nation Tribal Council Lytton B C ................................ 231,535• North Coast Tribal Council Prince Rupert B C .............................. 304,732• North Shore Micmac Newcastle N B ................................................. 368,036• Northern Ont Native Tourism Assoc Thunder Bay O n t .............. 150,000• Norway House Band Norway House Man ........................................ 399,1 1 7• Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni BC............................ 616,600• Nwt Native Arts & Crafts Society Yellowknife N W T ................ 248,877• Ochekwi-sipi Development Corp Koostatak Man .......................... 160,472• Ojibways Pic River 1st Nation Heron Bay O n t .............................. 102,284• Ojibwe Culture Foundation Manitoulin Isld O n t .......................... 100,000• Old Masset Village Council Ban Masset B C ................................... 150,209• Onyota’a:ka Band Southwold O n t ...................................................... 295,521• Osnaburgh Band Osnaburgh O n t ........................................................ 125,488• Other Recipients Providing Ind Whitehorse Y T ............................ 125,000• Oweekeno-kitasoo-nuxalk Bella Coola B C ..................................... 217,609• P A District Chiefs Prince Albert Sask ............................................... 1,513,589• Paul Band Duffield A l t a ........................................................................ 108,445• Peguis Band Hodgson M a n ................................................................. 289,917• Peigan Band Broket A l t a ...................................................................... 338,1 19• Pikangikum Band Pikangikum O n t ................................................... 181,724• Pwi-di-goo-zing-ne-yaa-zhing Fort Frances O nt ............................ 231,000• Robinson-Huron Economic Dev Co Naughton O n t ..................... 104,654• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake A l t a ................................................. 451,025• Sagamok Anishnawbek Band Massey O n t ..................................... 138,700• Saint John River Valley Woodstock N B .......................................... 110,762• Sakku Investment Corporation Rankin Inlet N W T ....................... 345,076• Samson Band Hobbema A l t a ............................................................... 447,702• Sandy Lake Band Sandy Lake O n t ................................................... 204,792• Sask Indian Agric Prog Craven S a s k ................................................. 2,420,000• Sask Indian Regional College Saskatoon S a s k .............................. 375,000• Saskatoon District Tribal Coun Saskatoon S a s k ............................ 466,125• Shoal Lake No 39 Band Kejick Ont ................................................. 190,560• Shubenacadie Band Council Shubenacadie N S .............................. 153,328• Shuswap Nation Tribal Council Kamloops B C .............................. 349,590• Siksika Nation Band Gleichen A l t a ................................................... 397,162• Sinaaq Enterprises Inc Merrickville O n t .......................................... 435,400• Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken Ont.............................. 953,646• Societe Dev Wiichihiituum Chisasibi Q u e ..................................... 230,590• Southeast Resource Dev Coun Winnipeg M a n .............................. 719,853• Sto: Lo Nation Canada Sardis B C ..................................................... 167,387• Sto: Lo Tribal Council Sardis BC ..................................................... 388,616

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• Stoney Band Morley A l t a ................................................................... 379,41 1• Swampy Cree Tribal Council the Pas M an ..................................... 797,860• Tahltan Tribal Council Dease Lake B C .......................................... 226,406• Taku River Tlingit Band Atlin B C ................................................... 167,197• The Ojibway 1850 Treaty Council Thunder Bay O n t ................ 238,600• Timiskaming Band Council Notre Dame du Nord Q u e .............. 115,970• Tobique Band Council Perth N B ..................................................... 151,581• Treaty 8 Tribal Association Fort St John B C ................................. 207,716• Tribal Council Invest Group Winnipeg M a n ................................. 150,000• Ts ’ilhqot’in Tribal Council Williams Lake B C ............................ 256,680• Tsuu T ina Nation Band Calgary Alta ............................................ 185,416• UNS1—Advisory Services Sydney NS............................................ 339,572• Union o f Ontario Indians North Bay O n t ....................................... 160,915• Walpole Island Band Wallaceburg O n t ............................................ 254,145• Waskaganish Band Council Waskaganish Que.............................. 132,140• West Bay Band West Bay Ont............................................................ 117,200• West Region Econ Dev Corp Winnipeg M an ................................ 598,609• Western Ind Agriculture Corp Kamloops B C ................................ 300,000• Whitefish Lake No. 128 Goodfish Lake A l t a ................................ 201,586• Wikwemikong Band Wikwemikong O n t ....................................... 483,500• Windigo Area Council Sioux Lookout O n t ................................... 209,871• Yorkton Tribal Administration Yorkton S a s k ................................ 100,600

Contributions to Indians, Inuit, Indian bands, tribal councils, district councils and other native associations for research, consultation, development and presentation of native claims $2,726,558

• Assembly of First Nations Summertown O nt................................ 655,000• Cheslatta Carrier Nation Band Burns Lake B C ............................ 100,000• Cowessess Band Broadview S ask ..................................................... 100,227• Indian Commission of Ontario Toronto O n t ................................... 255,000• Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Cornwall O n t ............................ 100,000• Native Council of Canada Ottawa O n t ............................................ 1 20,000• Treaty 7 Tribal Council Calgary A l t a .............................................. 169,000• Union of NB Indians Fredericton N B .............................................. 1 75,000

Contributions to Indian bands for land selection $ 3,256,970• Beardy's & Okemasis Band Duck Lake Sask................................ 199,150• Fed of Sask Indians Saskatoon S ask ................................................. 549,300• Muskeg Lake Band Leask S a s k ........................................................ 165,940• Muskowekwan Band Lestock Sask ................................................. 135,705• Ochapowace Band Whitewood S a s k .............................................. 140,850• One Arrow Band Rosthern S a s k ........................................................ 252,055• Onion Lake Band Lloydminster S ask .............................................. 174,600• Peter Ballantyne Band Pelican Narrows S a s k .............................. 105,000• Piapot Band Cupar S a s k ..................................................................... 1 57,620• Red Pheasant Band Grenfell Sask ..................................................... 163,615• Saulteaux Band Cochin Sask ............................................................ 103,125• Sweet Grass Band Gallivan S a s k ..................................................... 125,000• Thunderchild Band Turtleford S a s k ................................................. 150,000• Treaty & Aboriginal Rights Winnipeg M a n ................................... 100,000

Contributions to Indian bands for land and estatesmanagement $ 5,253,1 50

• Blood Band Standoff A l t a ................................................................... 1 34,587• Chippewas of Nawash Band Wiarton O n t ..................................... 1 35,000• Fed of Sask Indians Saskatoon S ask ................................................. 1,045,500• Kamloops Indian Band Kamloops B C ............................................ 190,500• Nipissing Band Sturgeon Falls Ont................................................... 1 23,500• Opaskwayak Cree First Nation T h e P a s M a n ................................ 120,791• Sakimay Band Grenfell Sask ............................................................ 102,072• Westbank Indian Band Kelowna BC .............................................. 1 55,426

Contributions to Indian bands for registrationadministration $3,218,589

Contributions to individuals, Indian bands and associations forthe funding of Indian test cases $ 1,041,392

• Federation of Newfoundland Ind Benoits Cove Nfld.................. 1 25,000• Gitsan W et’ Suwet’en Hereditary Hazelton B C ............................ 720,669

Contributions to individuals (including non-Indians) or groups of individuals, organizations and bands in respect of Bill C-31 test cases $79,460

Contributions to provinces, corporations, local authorities,Indians, Indian bands and other organizations for forest fire suppression on reserve land $3,362,528

• Minister of Finance Winnipeg M a n ................................................... 1,031,104• Provincial Treasurer Edmonton A l t a ................................................. 475,656• Treasurer of Ontario Toronto O n t ..................................................... 1,063,593

Contributions to the Northern Flood Agreement bands for their participation in the Northern Flood Agreement Negotiations $674,438

• Nelson House Band Nelson House M a n .......................................... 300,000• Northern Flood Comm Inc Winnipeg M a n ..................................... 250,000


Contributions to Indian bands and Inuit settlements, their school boards, provincial governments, individuals and otherlegal entities for elementary and secondary educational services and support $620,947,656

• Abegweit Band Cornwall P E I ............................................................ 246,648• Adams Lake Indian Band Chase B C ................................................. 376,204• Afton Band Council Afton N S ............................................................ 585,572• Agency Chiefs Tribal Council Debden S a s k ................................... 1 50,000• Ahtahkakoop Band Shell Lake S a s k ................................................. 1,408,600• Albany Band Albany O n t ...................................................................... 1,81 2,000• Alderville Band Roseneath O n t .......................................................... 503,086• Alexander Band Morinville A l t a ........................................................ 1,596,556• Alexis Band Glenevis A l t a ................................................................... 1,409,957• Alexis Creek Indian Band Chilanko Forks B C .............................. 245,010• Algonquins of Barriere Lake Rapid Lake Q u e .............................. 1,127,046• Alkali Lake Indian Band Williams Lake B C ................................... 944,324• Alta School for the Deaf Edmonton A lta .......................................... 245,886• Anaham Indian Band Alexis Creek B C ............................................ 925,466• Anderson Bus Lines Ohsweken O n t ................................................. 379,836• Annapolis Valley Band Council Cambridge Station N S .............. 107,197• Anspayaxw School Society Hazelton B C ........................................ 741,172• Apa Transportation Paylist Edmonton A l ta ..................................... 144,408• Areola School Division No 72 Areola S a s k ................................... 1 35,300• Aroland Band Kashechewan O n t ........................................................ 669,589• Assembly of First Nations Summertown O n t ................................. 480,000• Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Winnipeg M a n .............................. 500,000• Athabasca Tribal Corporation Fort Mcmurray Alta....................... 220,420• Athol Murray College of Notre Wilcox S a s k ................................. 162,678• Atikamekw Sipi Conseil Nation La Tuque Q u e ............................ 465,000• Attawapiskat Band Attawapiskat O n t ............................................... 1,313,500• Attawapiskat Education Authori Attawapiskat O nt ....................... 2,335,300• Bande Kitcisakik Louvicourt Q u e ..................................................... 486,820• Bande Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Maniwaki Que .......................... 1,748,772• Barren Lands Band Brochet Man........................................................ 793,310• Batchewana First Nation Band Sault-Ste-Marie Ont..................... 1,381,600• Battleford Tribl Council Mgmt North Battleford S a s k ................ 166,700• Bde Innu Takuaikan Mak Mani-ut Sept lies Q u e .......................... 3,189,167• Bear River Band Council Bear River NS.......................................... 151,652• Beardy 's & Okemasis Band Duck Lake S a s k ................................ 2,159,714• Bearskin Lake Band Bearskin Lake O n t .......................................... 860,450• Beausoleil Band Vic Penetanguis O n t .............................................. 1,077,640• Beaver Lake Band Lac La Biche A l t a .............................................. 819,231• Berens River Band Berens River M an .............................................. 188,593• Big C Band La Lache Sask ................................................................. 676,320• Big Cove Band Council Big Cove NB ............................................ 2,589,506• Big Grassy Band Morson O n t ............................................................ 611,516• Big Island Band Morson O n t ............................................................... 324,031• Big River Band Debden S ask ............................................................... 1,568,310• Big Trout Lake Band Big Trout Lake O n t ....................................... 1,826,500• Biggar School Div No 50 Biggar S a s k ............................................ 367,946• Bigstone Cree Band Desmarais A l t a ................................................. 6,528,536• Birdtail River School Division Crandall M a n ................................ 370,078• Bird tail Sioux Band Beulah M a n ....................................................... 271,388• Black Lake Band Black Lake S a s k ................................................... 1,948,550• Blaine Lake School Div No 57 Blaine Lake S ask .......................... 970,022• Blood Bus Cooperative Lethbridge A l t a .......................................... 2,982,383• Blood Tribe Educ Society Standoff A l t a .......................................... 10,146,589• Blueberry River Indian Band Buick Creek B C .............................. 298,315• Bonaparte Indian Band Cache Creek B C .......................................... 502,952• Brant County Board of Educatio Brantford O n t ............................ 819,259

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• Broadview School Division No 1 Broadview S a s k ..................... 172,323• Brokenhead Ojibway Nation Scanterbury M a n ............................ 692,264• Broman Lake Indian Band Burns Lake B C ................................... 121,445• Brunswick House B a n d C h a p le a u O n t ............................................ 275,120• Buffalo River Band Dillon S a s k ........................................................ 913,600• Burnt Church Band Council Legaceville N B ................................ 1,458,472• C S Reg Protestante Western Quebec Aylmer Que....................... 495,484• Calgary Board of Education Calgary A l t a ..................................... 317,787• Calgary Rcss Dist #1 Calgary A l t a ................................................... 523,1 26• Calgary School Dist #19 Calgary A l t a ............................................ 493,952• Canim Lake Indian Band 100 Mile House B C .............................. 894,900• Canoe Creek Indian Band Dog Creek B C ..................................... 242,576• Canoe Lake Band Canoe Narrows S a s k .......................................... 1,110,904• Cape Mudge Indian Band Quathiaski Cove B C ............................ 11 7,557• Carry the Kettle Band Sintaluta S a s k .............................................. 468,240• Cat Lake Band Cat Lake O n t ............................................................ 748,400• Chapel Island Band Council St. Peters N S ..................................... 676,983• Chehalis Indian Band Agassiz B C ................................................... 741,389• Chemainus Indian Band Ladysmith B C .......................................... 659,100• Chemawawin Education Authority Easterville M a n ................... 1,669,662• Cheslatta Carrier Nation Band Burns Lake B C ............................ 244,200• Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point Forest O n t ............................ 550,559• Chippewas of Nawash Band Wiarton O n t ..................................... 813,321• Chippewas of Rama First Nation Rama O n t ................................ 696,716• Chippewas of Sarnia Sarnia O n t ........................................................ 338,1 72• Chippewas of Saugeen Southampton O n t ..................................... 1,197,335• Chippewas of the Thames 1st Nation Muncey O n t ..................... 824,304• Coast Mountain Development Cor Squamish B C ....................... 354,719• Cold Lake First Nations Band Grand Centre A l t a ....................... 179,550• Cold water Indian Band Merritt BC................................................... 459,1 1 1• Connell & Ponsford Dist Sch Ar Pickle Lake O n t ....................... 173,1 36• Cons Education Premieres Nation Village des Hurons Que . . . 222,853• Conseil Bande Abenakis Wolinak Becancour Que....................... 138,986• Conseil de Bande Abitibiwinni Amos Q u e ..................................... 993,748• Conseil de Bande Betsiamites Betsiamites Q u e ............................ 3,379,483• Conseil de Bande Lac Simon Lac Simon Q u e .............................. 1,852,929• Conseil de Bande Mingan Mingan Q u e .......................................... 782,922• Conseil de Bande Obedjiwan Obedjiwan Q u e .............................. 2,746,695• Conseil de Bande Odanak Odanak Q u e .......................................... 289 719• Conseil de Bande Restigouche Restigouche Q ue ......................... 2,428,033• Conse il deBande Weymontachie Weymontachie Que................ 1,684,613• Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan Manawan Q u e ................ 2 314 259• Conseil Montagnais La Romaine La Romaine Q u e ..................... l 873 696• Conseil Montagnais Lac St-Jean Pointe Bleue Q u e ..................... 2,875,755• Conseil Montagnais Les Escoumins Les Escoumins Q u e ......... 428,819• Conseil Montagnais Natashquan Natashquan Que....................... 1,508,970• Conseil Montagnais Pakua Shipi St Augustin Q u e ..................... 537,897• Conseil Montagnais Schefferville Schefferville Q u e .................. l 758 765• Conseil Nation Huronne Wendat Village Huron W Q u e ........... 1 205 602• Constance Lake Band Calstock O n t ................................................. 2 124 327• Cote Band Kamsack S a s k ................................................................... 354 459• Couchiching Band Fort Frances O nt................................................. \ 215 833• Council for Yukon Indians Whitehorse Y T ................................... 288 700• County of Newell #4 Brooks A l ta ..................................................... 374 535• County of Parkland #31 Stony Plain A l ta ....................................... 2 1 4 2 766• County of Ponoka #3 Ponoka A l t a ................................................... \ 040 015• County ofSm oky Lake #13 Smoky Lake A l ta .............................. 498 985• County o f S tP a u l# 1 9 S tP au l A l ta ................................................... 2,200,734• County of Vulcan #2 Vulcan A l t a ..................................................... 377 459• County of Wetaskiwin #10 Wetaskiwin A l t a ................................ 1 068 973• County of Wheatland #16 Strathmore Alta ..................................... 1 882 282• Cowessess Band Broadview S ask ..................................................... 2 072 100• Cowichan Indian Band Duncan B C ................................................. 4 041 887• Crane River Band Crane River M a n ................................................. 575 221• Cross Lake Band Cross Lake M a n ................................................... 0 855 928• Ctn Operations Associations in North Battleford S a s k .............. 295 900• Cumberland House Band Cumberland House S a s k ..................... 481 700• Curve Lake Band Curve Lake O n t ................................................... \ 064 013• Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Brandon Man.............................. 125,683• Dakota Plains Band Portage La Prairie M a n ................................ 278,445• Dakota Tipi Band Portage La Prairie M a n ..................................... 347,466• Dalles Band Kenora O n t ...................................................................... 114,333


• Dauphin River School Div No. 1 Winnipeg M a n .......................... 248,344• Dease River Band Good Hope Lake B C .......................................... 247,742• Deer Lake Band Deer Lake O n t .......................................................... 1,279,700• Dene Tha’ Band Chateh A l t a ............................................................... 1,837,948• Dokis Band Monetville O n t ................................................................. 471,700• Eabametoong 1st Nation Indian Pickle Lake O n t .......................... 722,1 71• Eagle Lake Band Eagle River O n t ..................................................... 352,539• Ebb and Flow Band Ebb and Flow M a n .......................................... 300,784• Edmonton RCSS Dist #7 Edmonton A l t a ........................................ 323,421• Eel Ground Band Council Newcastle N B ........................................ 287,761• Eel River Band Counci l Dalhousie N B ............................................ 165,451• Elofson Academy Calgary A l t a .......................................................... 581,465• English River Band Patuanak S a s k ................................................... 748,000• Enoch Band Winterburn A l t a ............................................................... 520,773• Ermineskin Band Hobbema A l t a ........................................................ 4,134,787• Eskasoni Band Council Eskasoni N S .............................................. 5,067,130• Exshaw School Dist #1699 Exshaw A lta .......................................... 861,263• Fairford Band Fairford M an ................................................................. 1,669,44 1• Fed of Sask Indians Saskatoon S a s k ................................................. 349,300• Fisher River Band Koostatak M an ...................................................... 2,026,090• Fishing Lake Band Wadena S ask ........................................................ 262,900• Flying Dust Band Meadow Lake Sask............................................... 605,928• Fond du Lac Band Fond du Lac S a s k .............................................. 1,630,600• Foothills School Div #38 High River Alta ..................................... 225,504• Fort Chipewyan Band Fort Chipewyan A l t a ................................... 2,001,693• Fort Churchill Band Tadoule Lake M a n .......................................... 221,534• Fort McMurray RCSSD #32 Fort McMurray A l t a ....................... 166,048• Fort McMurray School #2833 Fort McMurray A l t a ..................... 1 27,285• Fort Nelson Indian Band Fort Nelson B C ........................................ 257,912• Fort Severn Band Fort Severn O nt...................................................... 675,700• Fort Vermilion School Division Fort Vermilion A l t a ................... 2,611,427• Fort Ware Indian Band Prince George BC........................................ 240,413• Fort William Band Thunder Bay O nt................................................. 1,31 3,000• Fountain Indian Band Lillooet B C ...................................................... 104,591• Fox Lake Band Gillam M an ................................................................. 611,794• Frog Lake Band Frog Lake A lta .......................................................... 1,297,794• Frontier School Div #48 Winnipeg M a n .......................................... 7,332,646• Garden Hill Band Island Lake M a n ................................................... 4,387,110• Garden River 1st Nation Indian Garden River O n t ....................... 1,832,500• Ginoogaming First Nation Longlac O n t .......................................... 623,842• Gitlakdamix Indian Band New Aiyansh B C ................................... 127,213• Gitsan-wet’suwet’en L S Soci Hazelton B C ................................... 3,118,000• Glen Avon Ps Sch Dist #5 St Paul A l t a ............................................ 226,654• God's Lake Band G od’s Lake M a n ................................................... 623,762• God's River Band G od’s River M a n ................................................. 227,798• Golden Lake Band Golden Lake O nt................................................. 612,786• Gordon Band Punnichy S a s k ............................................................... 362,200• Grand Rapids Band Grand Rapids M an ............................................ 1,182,547• Grassy Narrows First Nation Band Grassy Narrows O n t ............ 1,343,122• Gull Bay Band Gull Bay O n t ............................................................... 767,1 30• Gwa-sa la-nakwaxda’xw Indian Band Port Hardy B C ................... 627,167• Haldimand Board o f Education Cayuga O n t ................................... 3,184,162• Hastings County Board of Education Belleville O n t ................... 1,218,403• Hatchet Lake Band Wollaston Lake S a s k ........................................ 1,134,500• Heart Lake Band Lac La Biche A l t a ................................................. 347,232• Heiltsuk Indian Band Waglisla B C ................................................... 2,281,000• Henvey Inlet Band Pickerel O n t ........................................................ 268,200• Hiawatha First Nation Keene O n t ...................................................... 279,510• High Level Tribal Council High Level A l t a ................................... 100,000• Hishkoonikun Education Authority Moose Factory O nt.............. 3,156,000• Hobbema Transport Ltd Ponoka A l t a ............................................... 1,324,747• Hollow Water First Nation Wanipigow M a n ................................... 146,953• Houle Cardinal Bus Lines St Paul A l t a ............................................ 668,541• Indian Birch Band Birch River M a n ................................................. 590,162• Indian Head School Division No Indian Head S a s k ..................... 933,21 1• Indian Way School Kahnawake Q u e ................................................. 298,983• Interlake Tribal Div for School Ashern M a n ................................... 451,547• Iskut Indian Band Iskut B C ................................................................. 673,360• Island Lake Band Loon Lake S a s k ................................................... 1,161,756• Island Lake Tribal Council Winnipeg M a n ..................................... 3,900,653• Jackhead Band Dallas M a n ................................................................. 536,422• James Smith Band Kinistino S a s k ...................................................... 1,631,800

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• John Smith Band Birch Hills S a s k ................................................... 789,335• Joseph Bighead Band Pierceland S a s k ............................................ 1,268,900• Kahkewistahaw Band Broadview Sask .......................................... 499,800• Kamloops Indian Band Kamloops B C ............................................ 172,509• Kamsack School Division No 35 Kamsack S a s k .......................... 502,587• Kanesatake Band Council Kanesatake Q u e ................................... 1,832,960• Kasabonika Lake Band Kasabonika Lake O n t .............................. 1,101,300• Kaska Tribal Council Watson Lake Y T .......................................... 426,279• Kawacatoose Band Quinton S a s k ..................................................... 1,518,200• Keeseekoose Band Kamsack S a s k ................................................... 1,030,380• Keeseekoowenin Band Elphinstone M a n ........................................ 615,996• Keewatin Tribal Council Inc Thompson M a n .............................. 2,385,957• Kenora Board of Education Kenora Ont.......................................... 562,296• Kenora Dist Roman Catholic Kenora O n t ..................................... 695,895• Kent County Board of Education Chatham O n t ............................ 1,466,490• Kent County Roman Catholic Sep Chatham O n t .......................... 126,432• Key Band Norquay S a s k ...................................................................... 205,800• Kingfisher Band Kingfisher Lake O n t ............................................ 519,000• Kingsclear Band Council Fredericton N B ..................................... 557,156• Kinistin Band Chagoness S a s k .......................................................... 217,585• Kipawa Band Council Temiscamingue Q u e ................................... 386,203• Kitamaat Indian Band Kitamaat B C ................................................. 716,224• Kitasoo Indian Band Klemtu B C ...................................................... 685,940• Kluskus Indian Band Quesnel B C ................................................... 209,776• Ktunaxa-kinbasket Independent Cranbrook B C ............................ 1,407,31 2• Kwakiutl Indian Band Port Hardy B C ............................................ 120,286• Kwanlin-dun First Nation Band Whitehorse Y T .......................... 121,168• Lac La Croix Band Fort Frances O n t ............................................... 152,261• Lac La Ronge Band La Ronge S a s k ................................................. 5,118,640• L a c S e u l B a n d L a c S e u l O n t ............................................................... 563,600• Lakalzap Indian Band Greenville B C .............................................. 106,520• Lake Babine Indian Band Burns Lake B C ..................................... 2,572,700• Lake Manitoba Education Author Vogar M a n .............................. 1,357,989• Lake of the Woods Ojibway Kenora O n t ....................................... 117,800• Lakeland RCSSD #150 Bonnyville Alta ........................................ 286,346• Lakeland School Dist #5460 Bonnyville A l t a .............................. 236,246• Lambton County Board of Education Sarnia O n t ....................... 2,240,129• Larry Winnipeg Strathmore A lta ........................................................ 134,356• Last Mountain School Division Govan S a s k ................................ 1,395,742• Lax Kw’alaams Indian Band Port Simpson B C ............................ 310,175• Lennox Island Band Lennox Island P E I .......................................... 420,610• Lesser Slave Lk Ind Reg Council Slave Lake Alta ..................... 9,282,660• Liard River B an d W a ts o n L a k e Y T ................................................... 113,455• Life Value Effective Education St Paul Alta ................................... 264,569• Lillooet District Indian Council Lillooet B C ................................ 167,435• Little Black Bear Band Goodeve S a s k ............................................ 137,300• Little Black River Band O ’Hanley M a n .......................................... 325,512• Little Grand Rapids Band Little Grand Rapids M a n ................... 174,488• Little Pine Band Paynton S a s k .......................................................... 1,004,200• Little Red River Cree Nation High Level A l t a .............................. 4,454,875• Little Saskatchewan Band Gypsumville Man................................ 287,510• London Board of Education L o n d o n O n t ....................................... 1,642,844• Long Lake Cree Nation Band Bonnyville Alta ............................ 1,582,465• Long Lake No 58 Band Longlac O n t .............................................. 1,180,059• Long Plain Band Edwin M a n ............................................................ 1,448,640• Long Point First Nations Winneway River Q ue ............................ 666,481• Loretta Doore Cluny A l t a ................................................................... 141,726• Lower Kootenay Indian Band Creston B C ..................................... 317,839• Lower Nicola Indian Band Merritt B C ............................................ 376,655• Lyackson Indian Band Ladysmith B C ............................................ 100,390• Lytton Indian Band Lytton B C .......................................................... 329,219• Magnetawan Band Britt O n t ............................................................... 180,300• Makwa Sahgaiehcan Band Loon Lake S ask ................................... 1,550,854• Manitoba Indian Education Ass Winnipeg Man ............................ 337,569• Maple Creek School Division No Maple Creek S a s k ................ 123,115• Mario Waterchief Gleichen A l t a ........................................................ 142,341• Martin Coach Line Ohsweken O n t ................................................... 545,641• Martin Falls Band Nakina O n t .......................................................... 270,550• Maskwachees Cultural College Hobbeman A l t a .......................... 295,030• Matachewan Band Matachewan O n t .............................................. 112,800• Mathias Colomb Band Pukatawagan M a n ..................................... 3,359,922• Mattagami Band Gogama O n t .......................................................... 237,600

• Maynard Metchewais Grand Centre Alta ........................................ 216,012• Membertou Band Council Sydney N S ............................................... 964,418• Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Maria Q u e ................................................. 1,131,866• Middlesex Board of Education Hyde Park O n t .............................. 599,656• Millbrook Band Council Truro N S ................................................... 958,187• Minister of Finance Victoria B C ........................................................ 49,185,462• Miskooseepi Education Authorit Bloodvein M a n .......................... 942,985• Mississauga Band Blind River O n t ................................................... 618,900• Mississaugas of New Credit Hagersville O n t ................................. 539,978• Mistawasis Band Leask S a s k ............................................................... 429,000• MLDC Management Company Ltd Meadow Lake S a s k ............ 3,225,500• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Q u e ....................... 6,086,454• Mohawks Council of Akwesasne C o r n w a l l O n t ............................ 5,219,617• Mohawks of the Bay o f Quinte Deseronto O n t .............................. 838,881• Montana Adventist Private Lacombe A l ta ........................................ 286,058• Montreal Lake Band Montreal Lake S a s k ........................................ 2,056,000• Moose Deer Point Band Mactier O nt................................................. 500,098• Moose Factory Band Moose Factory O n t ........................................ 5,320,936• Moose Woods Band Saskatoon S a s k ................................................. 270,950• Moosomin Band Cochin S a s k ............................................................ 1,003,700• Moravian o f the Thames Band Thamesville O n t ............................ 220,646• Mosquito-Grizzly Bea r’s Head Cando S a s k ................................... 690,600• Mount Currie Indian Band Mount Currie B C ................................ 1,066,878• Muncey-Delaware First Nation Muncey O n t ................................. 121,620• Muscowequan Student Residence Lestock S a s k ............................ 1,177,400• Muscowpetung Band Fort Q u ’Appelle S a s k ................................... 255,600• Mushkegowuk Tribal Council Moose Factory O n t ....................... 674,600• Muskeg Lake Band Leask S a s k .......................................................... 562,300• Muskowekwan Band Lestock S a s k ................................................... 1,429,415• Muskrat Dam Lake Band Muskrat Dam O n t ................................... 380,700• Muskwachees Ambulance Edmonton A l t a ..................................... 105,232• Musqueam Indian Band Vancouver B C ............................................ 415,615• Nadleh Whut’en Indian Band Fort Fraser B C ................................. 348,145• Naicatchewenin Band Devlin O n t ...................................................... 552,377• Nak’azdli Indian Band Fort St James B C ........................................ 1,394,200• Nanaimo Indian Band Nanaimo BC ................................................. 171,402• Nelson House Education Authority Nelson House M an .............. 3,699,833• Neskainlith Indian Band Chase B C ................................................... 361,875• New Post Band Cochrane O n t ............................................................ 210,240• Nicickousemenecaning Band Fort Frances O nt .............................. 529,074• Nimpkish Indian Band Alert Bay BC ............................................... 839,577• Nipissing Band Sturgeon Falls O n t ................................................... 1,609,000• North Battleford RCSSD #16 North Battleford S a s k ................... 263,073• North Battleford SD #103 North Battleford S a s k .......................... 546,306• North Caribou Lake Band Weagamow O n t ..................................... 869,700• North Coast Tribal Council Prince Rupert BC .............................. 1,010,738• North Nishnawbe Education Council Moose Factory O n t ......... 8,585,814• North Shore Tribal Council Blind River O nt ................................... 219,900• North Spirit Lake Band North Spirit Lake O n t .............................. 279,800• North Thompson Indian Band Barriere B C ..................................... 436,961• Northern Lakes School Div No 6 Spiritwood S ask ....................... 909,996• Northern Lights School Division La Ronge S a s k .......................... 2,609,642• Northland School Div #61 Peace River A l t a ................................... 2,266,393• Northlands Band Lac Brochet M a n ................................................... 274,650• Northwest Angle No 33 Band Angle Inlet O n t .............................. 218,755• Northwest Angle No 37 Band Sioux Narrows O n t ....................... 212,727• Norway House Band Norway House Man ........................................ 7,299,629• Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni BC............................ 5,018,700• Nuxalk Nation Band Bella Coola B C .............................................. 1,591,160• O ’Chiese Band Rocky Mountain A l t a .............................................. 1 35,626• Oak Lake Band Pipestone M a n .......................................................... 302,399• Ochapowace Band White wood S a s k ................................................. 961,2 00• Office Vice Chief-Assoc 1st Ntn Vancouver B C ............................ 100,000• Ojibways of Onegaming Band Nestor Falls O n t ............................ 569,335• Ojibways Pic River 1st Nation Heron Bay O n t .............................. 869,800• Okanagan Indian Band Vernon B C ................................................... 340,354• Okanese Band Balcarres S a s k ............................................................ 234,055• One Arrow Band Rosthern Sask ........................................................ 724,600• Onion Lake Band Lloydminster S a s k .............................................. 4,324,100• Ontario Ministry of Education Toronto O n t ................................... 241,693• Ontario Native Education Couns Shannonville O n t ..................... 237,300• Onyota’a:ka Band Southwold O n t ..................................................... 1,129,706


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• Opasquiak Educational Authority The Pas Man............................ 3,627,299• Oromocto Band Council Oromocto N B .......................................... 258,422• Osnaburgh Band Osnaburgh O n t ..................................................... 854,600• Osoyoos Indian Band Oliver BC ..................................................... 283,268• Oxford House Band Oxford House M a n ........................................ 660,466• P A District Chiefs Prince Albert S a s k ............................................ 5,602,600• Parkland School Division No 6 Stony Plain S a s k ....................... 236,708• Pasqua Band Fort Q u ’appelle S ask ................................................... 198,500• Paul Band Duffield A l t a ...................................................................... 402,347• Pavilion Indian Band Cache Creek B C ............................................ 163,857• Paylist - Supplies Edmonton A l t a ..................................................... 241,037• Pays Plat Band Schreiber O n t ............................................................ 141,945• Peepeekisis Band Balcarres S a s k ..................................................... 1,043,550• Peguis Band Hodgson M an ................................................................. 4,019,102• Peigan Board of Education Brocket A l t a ........................................ 2,868,033• Pelican Lake Band Leoville S a s k ...................................................... 1,048,600• Penelakut Indian Band Chemainus B C ............................................ 513,735• Penticton Indian Band Penticton B C ............................................... 351,414• Peter Ballantyne Band Pelican Narrows S a s k .............................. 3,870,300• Pheasant Rump Band Kisbey S a s k ................................................... 223,450• Piapot Band Cupar S a s k ...................................................................... 382,640• Pic Mobert Band Mobert O n t ............................................................ 801,881• Pictou Landing Band Council Trenton N S ..................................... 557,757• Pigeon Lake Adventist Ponoka A l t a ................................................. 349,936• Pikangikum Band Pikangikum O n t ................................................. 3,296,500• Pincher Creek Rcssd #18 Pincher Creek Alta ................................. 246,730• Pincher Creek Sch Div #29 Pincher Creek A l ta ............................ 599,996• Pine Creek Band Camperville M a n ................................................. 1,192,459• Ponoka RCSS Dist #95 Ponoka A l t a ............................................... 262,875• Poplar Hill Band Poplar Hill O n t ...................................................... 535,100• Poplar River First Nation Via Negginan M a n .............................. 114,085• Poundmaker Band Cut Knife S a s k ................................................... 717,090• Prince Albert Comprehensive High School Prince Albert Sask, 545,684• Prince Albert Roman Catholic Prince Albert S ask ....................... 529,883• Prince Albert Rural School Prince Albert S a s k ............................ 224,884• Prince Albert School Division Prince Albert S a s k ....................... 822,856• Prophet River Indian Band Fort Nelson B C ................................... 113,605• Province of New Brunswick Fredericton N B ................................ 5,112,804• Pwi-di-goo-zing-ne-yaa-zhing Fort Frances O n t ......................... 1,371,730• Q u a t s in o I n d i a n B a n d C o a l H a r b o u r B C ....................................... 111,411• Rainy River Band Emo O n t ............................................................... 615,632• Ranch Ehrlo Society Regina Sask..................................................... 291,365• Red Bank Band Council R e d B a n k N B .......................................... 351,631• Red Earth Band Red Earth S a s k ........................................................ 1,490,000• Red Pheasant Band Grenfell Sask ..................................................... 911,300• Red Rock Band Nipigon O n t ............................................................ 633,925• Red Sucker Lake Education Foun Red Sucker Lake M a n ......... 1,483,681• Regina (East) School Division Regina Sask................................... 195,070• Regina Roman Catholic Separate Regina S a s k ............................ 162,886• Regina School Division #4 Regina S a s k ....................................... 225,841• Regroupement Mamit Innuat Inc Mingan Q u e .............................. 251,259• Rocky Bay Band Macdiarmid O n t ................................................... 525,495• Rocky Mountain Sch Div #15 Rocky Mountain A l t a ................ 221,175• Rocky View School Div #41 Calgary A l t a ..................................... 465,427• Rolling River Band Erickson M a n ................................................... 499,776• Rolling River School Div #39 Minnedosa M a n ............................ 195,923• Roseau River Band Ginew M a n ........................................................ 1,943,930• Saanich Indian School Board Brentwood Bay B C ....................... 1,628,818• Sachigo Lake Band Sachigo Lake O n t ............................................ 639,700• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake A lta ................................................. 1,979,279• Saddle Lake Full Gospel Saddle Lake A l t a ................................... 225,853• Sagamok Anishnawbek Band Massey O n t ..................................... 1,749,800• Sagkeeng Education Found Inc Pine Falls M an ............................ 4,310,790• Saint Mary’s Band Council Fredericton N B ................................... 556,575• Sakimay Band Grenfell Sask ............................................................ 648,164• Sam Bull Goodfish Lake A l ta ............................................................ 173,020• Samson Band Hobbema Alta ............................................................ 3,120,983• Sandy Bay Education Found Inc Marius M a n .............................. 5,241,477• Sandy Lake Band Sandy Lake O n t ................................................... 3,213,800• Sask Indian Federated College Regina Sask................................... 100,000• Saskatoon Board of Education Saskatoon S a s k ............................ 142,525• Saskatoon District Tribal Council Saskatoon S a s k ..................... 2,394,300


• Saulteau Indian Band Chetwynd B C ................................................. 243,699• Saulteaux Band Cochin S a s k ............................................................... 947,000• Seabird Island Indian Band Agassiz B C .......................................... 829,347• Seine River Band Mine Centre O n t ................................................... 913,897• Serpent River Band Cutler O n t .......................................................... 587,300• Seton Lake Indian Band Shalalth BC .............................................. 352,550• Shackan Indian Band Merritt B C ........................................................ 142,367• Shamattawa Band Education Authority Shamattawa M a n ......... 1,709,584• Sharp Bus Lines St. George O n t ........................................................ 176,379• Sheguiandah Band Sheguiandah O n t ................................................. 209,600• Sheshegwaning Band Sheshegwaning O n t ..................................... 223,500• Shoal Lake Band o f the Cree Pakwaw S a s k ................................... 800,800• Shoal Lake No 39 Band Kejick Ont ................................................. 813,960• Shoal Lake No 40 Band Kejick Ont ................................................. 452,765• Shoal River Band Via Pelican Rap M a n .......................................... 1,471,665• Shubenacadie Band Council Shubenacadie N S .............................. 1,541,343• Shuswap Indian Band Invermere B C ................................................. 531,833• Siksika Nation Band Gleichen A l t a ................................................... 2,983,679• Sioux Valley Educational Authority Griswold M a n ..................... 1,875,994• Six Nations o f the Grand River Ohsweken Ont.............................. 1,171,788• Skwah Indian Band Chilliwack B C ................................................... 206,630• Sliammon Indian Band Powell River B C ........................................ 206,293• Smallboy Camp School Hinton A l t a ................................................. 245,127• Southeast Tribal Div—-School I Winnipeg M a n ............................ 4,888,076• Spallumcheen Indian Band Enderby B C .......................................... 302,416• Split Lake Cree First Nation Split Lake M a n ................................. 3,012,405• Squamish Indian Band North Vancouver B C ................................. 655,553• St Paul Reg School Dist #1 St Paul A l t a .......................................... 317,835• St Paul School Dist #2228 St Paul A l t a ............................................ 570,469• St. Theresa Point Band St. Theresa Point M a n .............................. 5,490,549• Standing Buffalo Band Fort Q u ’Appelle S a s k .............................. 602,050• Stanjikoming First Nation Band Fort Frances O n t ....................... 159,465• Star Blanket Band Balcarres S a s k ...................................................... 2,965,000• Stellaquo Indian Band Fraser Lake B C ............................................ 422,684• Sto: Lo Nation Canada Sardis B C ...................................................... 108,003• Stone Indian Band Hanceville B C ...................................................... 313,944• Stoney Band Morley A l ta ...................................................................... 4,624,287• Stoney Creek Indian Band Vanderhoof B C ..................................... 702,168• Sturgeon Lake Band Shellbrook S a s k .............................................. 1,611,200• Sturgeon School Div #24 Morinville A l t a ........................................ 361,772• Sucker Creek Band Little Current O nt .............................................. 571,200• Summer Beaver Settlement Pickle Lake O nt ................................... 1,166,355• Sunchild Cree Band Rocky Mountain A l t a ..................................... 1 52,095• Swampy Cree Tribal Council The Pas Man..................................... 674,278• Swan Lake Band Swan Lake M a n ...................................................... 700,449• Sweet Grass Band Gallivan S ask ........................................................ 678,800• Tahltan Indian Band Telegraph Creek B C ........................................ 1 50,401• Tahltan Tribal Council Dease Lake B C ............................................ 1,036,467• Takla Lake Indian Band Prince George BC..................................... 345,050• Tallcree Band Fort Vermilion A l t a ..................................................... 956,294• Temagami Band Temagami O n t .......................................................... 495,300• The Fort La Bosse School Div Virden Man..................................... 424,878• The Narrows Education Authority Gypsumville Man................... 1,123,143• Thunderchild Band Turtleford Sask ................................................... 975,000• Tiger Lily School Division No Melfort Sask................................... 295,251• Timiskaming Band Council Notre Dame du Nord Q u e .............. 1,242,41 1• T l’azt-en Nations Band Fort St James B C ........................................ 2,514,902• Tobique Band Council Perth N B ........................................................ 1,052,01 2• Touchwood-file Hills Dis Chief Fort Qu’Appelle S a s k .............. 258,325• Treaty 7 Tribal Council Calgary A l ta ................................................. 137,000• Tribal Chiefs Ventures Inc St Paul A l t a ............................................ 100,000• Tsawataineuk Indian Band Kingcome Inlet BC ............................ 297,871• Tsay Keh Dene Band Prince George B C .......................................... 572,613• Tsuu T ’ina Nation Band Calgary A l t a .............................................. 1,426,839• Turtleford School Division Turtleford S a s k ................................... 108,694• Ulkatcho Indian Band Anahim Lake B C .......................................... 1,426,426• Union of Ontario Indians North Bay O n t ........................................ 530,000• Upper Nicola Indian Band Merritt B C .............................................. 496,620• Valley River Band Shortdale M a n ..................................................... 693,526• Wabaseemong Band Whitedog O n t ................................................... 1,704,782• Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation Dinorwic O n t ............................ 332,802• Wabun Tribal Council Timmins O n t ................................................. 146,700

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• Wadena School Division No 46 Wadena S a s k .............................. 807,518• Wagmatcook Band Council Baddeck N S ....................................... 1,180,703• Wahgoshig Band Matheson O n t ........................................................ 323,800• Wahpeton Band Prince Albert S a s k ................................................. 322,400• Wahta Mohawk Band Bala O nt.......................................................... 216,144• Walpole Island Band Wallaceburg O n t ............................................ 1,980,056• Wapekeka Band Angling O n t ............................................................ 586,900• Wasagamack Band Wasagamack M a n ............................................ 1,590,299• Wasagamack First Nation Band Winnipeg M an ............................ 211,670• Wasauksing First Nation Band Parry Sound O n t .......................... 689,823• Washagamis Bay Band Keewatin O n t ............................................ 376,350• Waterhen Band Skownan M a n .......................................................... 188,337• Waterhen Lake Band Waterhen Lake S ask ..................................... 1,382,608• Waywayseecappo Education Authority Rossburn M a n .............. 1,546,152• Webequie Settlement Pickle Lake O n t ............................................ 476,622• Weenusk Band Weenusk O n t ............................................................ 794,300• West Bay Band West Bay Ont............................................................ 1,752,300• West Region Tribal Council Inc Dauphin M a n ............................ 674,684• Westbank Indian Band Kelowna BC .............................................. 545,1 14• Wetaskiwin RCSSD # 1 5 W e ta s k iw in A l t a ..................................... 551,322• Wetaskiwin School Dist #264 Wetaskiwin A l ta ............................ 1,04 1,51 5• White Bear Band Carlyle S a s k .......................................................... 1,235,700• Whitefish Bay Band Pawitik O n t ..................................................... 1,529,039• Whitefish Lake Band Naughton O n t ............................................... 363,254• Whitefish Lake No 128 Goodfish Lake A l t a ................................. 1,491,896• Whitefish River Band Birch Island O n t .......................................... 743,800• Whycocomagh Band Counci l Whycocomagh N S ....................... 897,708• Wikwemikong Band Wikwemikong O n t ........................................ 4,155,750• Wilkie School Division No 59 Wilkie S a s k ................................... 267,492• Williams Lake Indian Band William Lake B C .............................. 373,582• Willow Creek School Div #28 Willow Creek Alta....................... 363,149• Wilton Raweater Gleichen A l t a ........................................................ 110,330• Witchekan Lake Band Spiritwood S a s k .......................................... 235,200• Wolf Lake Band Council Temiscamingue Que ............................ 237,465• Wolseley School Division No 2 Wolseley S a s k ............................ 115,804• Woodland Cree Band Cadotte Lake A l t a ........................................ 707,049• Woodland Cultural Centre Brantford O nt ....................................... 117,800• Woodstock Band Council Woodstock N B ..................................... 109,156• Wunnumin Band Wunnumin Lake O n t .......................................... 718,400• Yellow Quill Band Rose Valley S a s k .............................................. 425,700• Yellowhead Tribal Council Spruce Grove A l t a ............................ 215,000• York Factory Band York Landing Man............................................ 128,402• York Region Board of Education Aurora O n t .............................. 248,702• Yorkton Tribal Administration Yorkton S a s k ................................ 205,100

Contribution to the Province of Quebec, in respect of Cree and Inuit education as described in the James Bay and NorthernQuebec Agreement $ 36,002,828

• Ministère Education Quebec Q u e ..................................................... 36,002,828

Contributions to Indian bands and Inuit settlements oreducational institutions for post-secondary educational services and support $ 180,109,835

• Acadia Band Council Yarmouth N S ................................................. 1 57,774• Adams Lake Indian Band Chase BC .............................................. 346,086• Albany Band Albany O n t ................................................................... 700,000• Alderville Band Roseneath O n t ........................................................ 222,425• Alexis Creek Indian Band Chilanko Forks BC.............................. 103,633• Alkali Lake Indian Band Williams Lake B C ................................ 173,174• Anaham Indian Band Alexis Creek B C .......................................... 198,464• Anigawncigig Institute Peterborough O n t ..................................... 170,500• Anspayaxw School Society Hazelton B C ....................................... 471,735• Ashcroft Indian Band Ashcroft B C ................................................... 102,400• Athabasca Tribal Corporation Fort McMurray A l t a ..................... 693,828• Atikamekw Sipi Conseil Nation La Tuque Q u e ............................ 326,130• Attawapiskat Education Authority Attawapiskat O n t ................ 1,035,300• Bande Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Maniwaki Q u e .......................... 1,457,484• Batchewana First Nation Band Sault-Ste-Marie O n t ................... 2,161,000• Battleford Tribal Council Mgmt North Battleford Sask.............. 1,477,600• Bde Innu Takuaikan Mak Mani-ut Sept Iles Q u e .......................... 978,504• Beardy’s & Okemasis Band Duck Lake Sask................................ 918,100• Beausoleil Band Vic Penetanguis O n t ............................................ 343,041

• Big Grassy Band Morson O n t ............................................................ 293,900• Big Island Band Morson O n t ............................................................... 190,400• Bigstone Cree Band Desmarais A l t a ................................................. 565,192• Blood Tribe Educ Society Standoff A l t a .......................................... 3,956,977• Bonaparte Indian Band Cache Creek B C .......................................... 428,1 50• Brunswick House Band Chapleau Ont ............................................ 216,300• Burnt Church Band Council Legaceville N B ................................ 272,514• Cambrian College—-Arts & Technology Sudbury O n t ................ 1 25,000• Campbell River Indian Band Campbell River B C .......................... 101,222• Canim Lake Indian Band 100 Mile House B C .............................. 383,200• Canoe Creek Indian Band Dog Creek B C ........................................ 261,959• Cape Mudge Indian Band Quathiaski Cove B C ............................ 131,300• Chapleau Cree Band Chapleau O n t ................................................... 165,800• Chehalis Indian Band Agassiz B C ..................................................... 192,836• Chemainus Indian Band Ladysmith BC .......................................... 605,769• Chemawawin Education Authority Easterville M a n ..................... 1 57,936• Cheslatta Carrier Nation Band Burns Lake B C .............................. 11 3,500• Chippewas of Rama First Nation Rama O n t ................................... 515,160• Chippewas of Saugeen Southampton O n t ........................................ 307,500• Coast Mountain Development Corp Squamish B C ....................... 11 7,451• Coldwater Indian Band Merritt B C ................................................... 292,774• Confed of Mainland Micmacs Truro N S .......................................... i ,269,941• Conseil de Bande Abitibiwinni Amos Q u e ..................................... 187,979• Conseil de Bande Betsiamites Betsiamites Q u e ............................ 1,54 1,095• Conseil de Bande Gaspe Gaspe Q u e ................................................. 263,662• Conseil de Bande Lac Simon Lac Simon Que................................ 149,984• Conseil de Bande Obedjiwan Obedjiwan Q u e .............................. 180,509• Conseil de Bande Odanak Odanak Q u e ............................................ 549,526• Conseil de Bande Restigouche Restigouche Q u e .......................... 684,072• Conseil de Bande Weymontachie Weymontachie Q u e ................ 181,820• Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan Manawan Q u e ................... 215,680• Conseil Montagnais Lac St-Jean Pointe Bleue Q u e ..................... 1,652,658• Conseil Montagnais Les Escoumins Les Escoumins Que............ 163,331• Conseil Nation Huronne Wendat Village Huron W Q u e .............. 986,315• Constance Lake Band Calstock Ont................................................... 225,639• Cook’s Ferry Indian Band Spences Bridge B C .............................. 245,753• Couchiching Band Fort Frances O n t ................................................. i ,266,525• Council for Yukon Indians Whitehorse Y T ..................................... 200,000• Cowichan Indian Band Duncan B C ................................................... 569,514• Cross Lake Band Cross Lake Man...................................................... 1,051,262• Curve Lake Band Curve Lake O n t ...................................................... 466,580• Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Brandon M a n .............................. 2,573,538• Dakota Tipi Band Portage La Prairie Man ........................................ 118,211• Dene Tha’ Band Chateh A l t a ............................................................... 218,977• Dokis Band Monetville O n t ................................................................. 536,100• Eabametoong 1st Nation Indian Pickle Lake O n t .......................... 340,775• Eagle Lake Band Eagle River O n t ...................................................... 168,086• Eskasoni Band Council Eskasoni NS ............................................... 766,176• Fed of Sask Indians Saskatoon S a s k ................................................. 200,700• First Nations Technical Institute Deseronto O n t ............................ 2,740,000• Fisher River B an d K o o s ta t ak M an ...................................................... 714,601• Fort Nelson Indian Band Fort Nelson B C ........................................ 138,425• Fort William Band Thunder Bay O nt................................................. 881,200• Fountain Indian Band Lillooet B C ...................................................... 260,300• Frog Lake Band Frog Lake A lta .......................................................... 376,922• Garden River 1st Nation Indian Garden River O n t ....................... 1,515,200• Georgina Island First Nation Sutton West O n t .............................. 142,189• Gitlakdamix Indian Band New Aiyansh B C ................................... 418,829• Gitsan-wet’suwet'en L S Society Hazelton B C .............................. 3,056,500• Gitwinksihlkw Indian Band Gitwinksihlkw B C ............................ 127,600• Golden Lake Band Golden Lake O nt................................................. 403,551• Government o f the NWT Yellowknife NWT................................... 382,000• Grand Rapids Band Grand Rapids M an ............................................ 255,429• Gwa-sa la-nakwaxda’xw Indian Band Port Hardy B C ................... 102,258• Halalt Indian Band Chemainus B C ................................................... 119,818• Heiltsuk Indian Band Waglisla B C ................................................... 562,000• Henvey Inlet Band Pickerel O n t ........................................................ 147,900• Hiawatha First Nation Keene O n t ...................................................... 131,185• High Level Tribal Council High Level A l t a ................................... 100,000• Hishkoonikun Education Authority Moosefactory O nt ................ 358,900• Inst Cult Attikamek Montagnais Village des Hurons Q u e ......... 497,825


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• Interlake Tribal Div for School Ashern M a n ................................ 923,605• Island Lake Tribal Council Winnipeg Man ................................... 1,533,302• Kamloops Indian Band Kamloops B C ............................................ 677,970• Keeseekoowenin Band Elphinstone M a n ........................................ 442,282• Keewatin Tribal Council Inc Thompson M a n .............................. 1,752,659• Kingsclear Band Council Fredericton N B ..................................... 260,321• Kitamaat Indian Band Kitamaat B C ................................................. 278,794• Kitsumkalum Indian Band Terrace B C ............................................ 1 58,408• Kwakiutl Indian Band Port Hardy B C ............................................ 420,050• Kwicksutaineuk Indian Band Simoun Sound B C .......................... 106,840• Labrador Inuit Association S t J o h n ' s N f l d ..................................... 1,638,402• Lac La Croix Band Fort Frances O n t .............................................. 146,865• Lac La Ronge Band La Ronge S a s k ................................................. 1,104,817• Lakalzap Indian Band Greenville B C .............................................. 272,300• Lake Babine Indian Band Burns Lake B C ..................................... 445,000• Lake Manitoba Education Authority Vogar M a n .......................... 146,206• Lax Kw’alaams Indian Band Port Simpson B C ............................ 218,100• Lennox Island Band Lennox Island P E I .......................................... 198,426• Lesser Slave Lake Indian Reg Council Slave Lake A l t a ............ 1,683,819• Lillooet District Indian Council Lillooet B C ................................ 150,598• Lillooet Indian Band Lillooet B C ..................................................... 143,200• Little Red River Cree Nation High Level A l t a .............................. 250,907• Little Shuswap Indian Band Chase B C ............................................ 132,164• Long Lake Cree Nation Band Bonnyville Alta ............................ 382,951• Long Point First Nations Band Council Winneway River Que . 165,236• Lower Nicola Indian Band Merritt B C ............................................ 572,735• Lower Similkameen Band Keremeos B C ........................................ 704,933• Lytton Indian Band Lytton B C .......................................................... 387,743• Manitoba Indian Education Assoc Winnipeg M an ....................... 109,933• Martin Falls Band Nakina O n t .......................................................... 121,424• Maskwachees Cultural College Hobbeman A l t a .......................... 1,553,632• Mathias Colomb Band Pukatawagan M a n ..................................... 441,011• Mattagami Band Gogama O n t .......................................................... 137,000• McLeod Lake Indian Band McLeod Lake B C .............................. 186,400• Membertou Band Council Sydney N S ............................................ 755,063• Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Maria Q u e .............................................. 122,178• Mississauga Band Blind River O n t ................................................... 227,700• Mississaugas of New Credit Hagersville O n t ................................ 2,330,800• Mistawasis Band Leask S a s k ............................................................ 236,515• MLDC Management Company Ltd Meadow Lake S a s k ............ 208,000• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Que....................... 1,350,639• Mohawks Council of Akwesasne Cornwall Ont............................ 2,050,000• Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Deseronto O n t ............................ 1,025,000• Moose Deer Point Band Mactier O n t ............................................... 140,476• Moose Factory Band Moose Factory O n t ........................................ 1,356,100• Moosomin Band Cochin S ask ............................................................ 176,500• Mount Currie Indian Band Mount Currie BC................................. 274,121• Muncey-Delaware First Nation Muncey O n t ................................. 5,184,992• Mushkegowuk Tribal Council Moose Factory O n t ..................... 353,400• Mushuau Tribal Council Labrador N f ld .......................................... 108,460• Muskeg Lake Band Leask S a s k ........................................................ 685,300• Musqueam Indian Band Vancouver B C .......................................... 266,545• Nadleh W hut’en Indian Band Fort Fraser B C .............................. 129,720• Naicatchewenin Band Devlin O n t ................................................... 132,300• Nak’azdli Indian Band Fort St James B C ........................................ 384,400• Nanaimo Indian Band Nanaimo B C ................................................. 280,732• Nelson House Education Authority Nelson House M a n ............ 878,002• Nemaiah Valley Indian Band Nemaiah Valley B C ....................... 222,276• Neskainlith Indian Band Chase BC ................................................. 432,992• New Post Band Cochrane Ont .......................................................... 133,900• Nicickousemenecaning Band Fort Frances O n t ............................ 109,125• Nicola Valley Institute of Tech Merritt BC..................................... 225,000• Nimpkish Indian Band Alert Bay B C ............................................... 600,760• Nipissing Band Sturgeon Falls Ont................................................... 3,342,600• Nipissing University College North Bay O n t ................................. 117,700• Nooaitch Indian Band Merritt BC...................................................... 214,904• North Coast Tribal Council Prince Rupert B C .............................. 564,489• North Nishnawbe Educ Council Moose Factory O n t ................... 3,918,600• North Shore Micmac Newcastle N B................................................. 999,216• North Thompson Indian Band Barriere B C ................................... 267,917• Northern Teachers Education Pg La Ronge S ask .......................... 130,000• Northwest Angle No 37 Band Sioux Narrows O n t ..................... 119,037


• Norway House Band Norway House Man ........................................ 1,180,067• Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni BC............................ 1,048,900• Nuxalk Nation Band Bella Coola B C ............................................... 429,234• Ocean Man Band Stoughton S a s k ...................................................... 166,400• Ochapowace Band Whitewood S a s k ................................................. 452,700• Ojibways of Onegaming Band Nestor Falls O n t ............................ 427,500• Ojibways Pic River 1st Nation Heron Bay O n t .............................. 243,440• Okanagan Ind Educ Res Soc Penticton B C ..................................... 285,000• Okanagan Indian Band Vernon B C ................................................... 786,413• Old Masset Village Council Ban Masset B C ................................... 386,940• Onion Lake Band Lloydminster S a s k ............................................... 756,500• Opasquiak Educational Authority t h e P a s M a n .............................. 1,316,598• Oromocto Band Council Oromocto NB .......................................... 193,031• Osoyoos Indian Band Oliver B C ........................................................ 187,948• P A District Chiefs Prince Albert Sask .............................................. 2,719,207• Pavilion Indian Band Cache Creek B C ............................................ 196,860• Peepeekisis Band Balcarres S ask ........................................................ 946,900• Peguis Band Education Authority Winnipeg Man .......................... 538,751• Peguis Band Hodgson M a n ................................................................. 2,034,630• Peigan Board of Education Brocket A l ta .......................................... 906,866• Penelakut Indian Band Chemainus B C ............................................ 151,889• Penticton Indian Band Penticton B C ................................................. 506,549• Pheasant Rump Band Kisbey S a s k ................................................... 197,300• Pic Mobert Band Mobert O n t ............................................................... 222,000• Premiere Nation Malecite Viger Longueuil Q u e ............................ 171,613• Pwi-di-goo-zing-ne-yaa-zhing Fort Frances O nt ............................ 3,103,200• Rainy River Band Emo O n t ................................................................. 190,670• Red Bank Band Counci l Red Bank N B ............................................ 249,805• Red Bluff Indian Band Quesnel B C ................................................... 114,307• Regroupement Mamit Innuat Inc Mingan Q u e .............................. 253,855• Rocky Bay Band Macdiarmid O n t ...................................................... 133,300• Roseau River Band Ginew M an .......................................................... 331,927• Saanich Indian School Board Brentwood Bay B C ....................... 698,914• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake A l t a ................................................. 2,325,454• Sagamok Anishnawbek Band Massey O n t ..................................... 809,800• Sagkeeng Education Found Inc Pine Falls M a n ............................ 1,783,525• Sakimay Band Grenfell S a s k ............................................................... 317,900• Sandy Bay Education Found Inc Marius M an ................................. 776,681• Sask Indian Federated College Regina S a s k ................................... 4,700,000• Sask Indian Regional College Saskatoon S a s k .............................. 1,600,000• Saskatoon District Tribal Council Saskatoon S a s k ....................... 2,000,035• Saulteau Indian Band Chetwynd B C ................................................. 124,970• Saulteaux Band Cochin S a s k ............................................................... 117,800• Seabird Island Indian Band Agassiz B C .......................................... 251,669• Secwepemc Cultural Education Kamloops B C .............................. 260,000• Seine River Band Mine Centre O n t ................................................... 203,686• Serpent River Band Cutler O n t .......................................................... 615,000• Seton Lake Indian Band Shalalth BC ............................................... 185,175• Shackan Indian Band Merritt B C ........................................................ 141,806• Sheshatshit Innu Council Labrador N f ld .......................................... 162,129• Shoal River Band Via Pelican Rap M a n .......................................... 380,143• Shubenacadie Band Council Shubenacadie N S .............................. 879,028• Shuswap Indian Band Invermere B C ................................................. 154,582• Siksika Nation Band Gleichen A l t a ................................................... 1,226,764• Siska Indian Band Lytton BC............................................................... 149,249• Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken Ont.............................. 2,528,489• Skeetchestn Indian Band Savona B C ................................................. 164,097• Skidegate Indian Band Skidegate B C ............................................... 245,025• Sliammon Indian Band Powell River B C ........................................ 165,474• Soda Creek Indian Band William Lake B C ..................................... 134,133• Southeast Tribal Div— school I Winnipeg M an.............................. 1,920,635• Spallumcheen Indian Band Enderby B C .......................................... 212,853• Split Lake Cree First Nation Split Lake M a n ................................. 420,632• Squamish Indian Band North Vancouver B C ................................. 871,855• St. Mary’s Indian Band Cranbrook B C ............................................ 147,770• Stanjikoming First Nation Band Fort Frances O n t ....................... 151,295• Star Blanket Band Balcarres S a s k ...................................................... 330,628• Stellaquo Indian Band Fraser Lake B C ............................................ 244,091• Sto: Lo Nation Canada Sardis B C ...................................................... 429,815• Sto: Lo Tribal Council Sardis B C ...................................................... 187,215• Stoney Band Morley A l ta ...................................................................... 984,303• Stoney Creek Indian Band Vanderhoof B C ..................................... 116,117

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• Sucker Creek Band Little Current O n t ............................................ 127,• Swampy Cree Tribal Council The Pas M a n ................................... 225,• Tahltan Indian Band Telegraph Creek B C ..................................... 374,• Takla Lake Indian Band Prince George B C ................................... 146,• Tallcree Band Fort Vermilion A l t a ................................................... 189,• Temagami Band Temagami O n t ........................................................ 147,• The Narrows Education Authority Gypsumville M a n ................ 365,• T l ’azt-en Nations Band Fort St. James BC..................................... 329,• Tobique Band Council Perth NB ..................................................... 1,441,• Tribal Chiefs Ventures Inc St Paul A l t a .......................................... 750,• Tsawataineuk Indian Band Kingcome Inlet B C ............................ 249,• Tsuu T' ina Nation Band Calgary Alta ............................................ 385,• Ulkatcho Indian Band Anahim Lake B C ........................................ 131,• University of British Columbia Vancouver B C ............................ 211,• University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon S a s k ................................ 458,• University of Toronto Toronto O n t ................................................... 103,• Upper Nicola Indian Band Merritt B C ............................................ 600,• Urban Indian Education Soc Vancouver BC................................... 730,• Valley River Band Shortdale M a n ................................................... 228,• Wabaseemong Band Whitedog O n t ................................................. 168,• Wagmatcook Band Council Baddeck N S ........................................ 634,• Wahta Mohawk Band Bala O nt.......................................................... 181,• Walpole Island Band Wallaceburg O n t ............................................ 956,• Wasauksing First Nation Band Parry Sound O n t ......................... 281,• Waubetek Business Dev Corporation Birch Island O n t .............. 1 50,• Waywayseecappo Education Authority Rossburn M a n .............. 377,• Weenusk Band Weenusk O n t ............................................................ 172,• West Bay Band West Bay Ont............................................................ 749,• West Region Tribal Council Inc Dauphin M a n ............................ 1,443,• Westbank Indian Band Kelowna BC .............................................. 260,• Whe-la-la-u-area Council Alert Bay B C .......................................... 122,• White Bear Band Carlyle S a s k .......................................................... 957,• Whitefish Bay Band Pawitik O n t ..................................................... 422,• Whitefish Lake Band Naughton O n t .............................................. 236,• Whitefish Lake No 128 Goodfish Lake A l t a ................................ 753,• Whitefish River Band Birch Island O n t .......................................... 344,• Wikwemikong Band Wikwemikong O n t ........................................ 2,589,• Williams Lake Indian Band Williams Lake B C ............................ 246,• Wolf Lake Band Council Temiscamingue Que ............................ 198,• Woodland Cree Band Cadotte Lake A l t a ........................................ 132,• Yellowhead Tribal Council Spruce Grove A l t a ............................ 3,028,• Yorkton Tribal Administration Yorkton S a s k ................................ 3,917,

Contributions to Indian bands and Inuit settlements or organizations for cultural centres and cultural development $9,457,989

• Avataq Cultural Institute Inc Montreal Q u e ................................... 222,• Canadian Native Arts Foundation Toronto O n t ............................ 260,• Coqualeetza Educ Training Centre Sardis B C .............................. 237,• Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Brandon Man .............................. 166,• Dene Cultural Institute Hay River N W T ........................................ 204,• Inst Cult Attikamek Montagnais Village des Hurons Q u e ......... 276,• Interlake Reserves Tribal Coun Fairford M a n .............................. H 6,• Inuit Cultural Institute Arviat N W T ................................................. 591,• Inuit Tapirisat of Canada Ottawa O n t .............................................. 195,• James Bay Cree Cult Educ Centre Chisasibi Q u e ....................... 213,• Lake of the Woods Ojibway Kenora O n t ........................................ 121,• Manitoba Indian Cultural Education Winnipeg M a n ................... 210,• Maskwachees Cultural College Hobbeman A l t a .......................... 143,• Micmac Association of Cultural Sydney N S ................................ 11 2,• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Que....................... 175,• Ninastako Cultural Centre Cardston A l t a ........................................ 175,• Ojibway and Cree Cultural Centre Timmins O n t .......................... 459,• Ojibwe Cultural Foundation Manitoulin Isld O n t ....................... 229,• Onake Corporation Cornwall O n t ..................................................... 778,• Saddle Lake Indian Band Saddle Lake A l t a ................................... 102,• Sask Ind Cultural College Saskatoon S ask ..................................... 1,632,• Torngasok Cultural Centre Nain Nfld .............................................. 102,• Woodland Cultural Centre Brantford O nt........................................ 737,

Contributions to Indian bands and Inuit settlements, their organizations and provincial governments or agencies for social assistance, including payments to non-Indians residing


on Indian reserves $490,931,301

• Abegweit Band Cornwall P E I ............................................................ 328,696• Acadia Band Council Yarmouth NS ................................................. 491,725• Adams Lake Indian Band Chase B C ................................................. 529,600• Afton Band Council Afton N S ............................................................ 1,108,21 3• Ahtahkakoop Band Shell Lake S a s k ................................................. 2,134,827• Aishihik Band Haines Junction Y T ................................................... 259,818• Albany Band Albany O n t ...................................................................... 306,930• Alderville Band Roseneath O n t .......................................................... 109,4 16• Alexander Band Morinville A l t a ........................................................ 763,544• Alexis Band Glenevis A l t a ................................................................... 1,638,232• Alexis Creek Indian Band Chilanko Forks B C .............................. 293,275• Alkali Lake Indian Band Williams Lake B C ................................... 511,464• Anaham Indian Band Alexis Creek B C ............................................ 1,056,162• Anderson Lake Indian Band D ’arcy B C .......................................... 263,139• Annapolis Valley Band Council Cambridge Station N S .............. 166,394• Ashcroft Indian Band Ashcroft B C ................................................... 130,500• Atikamekw Sipi Conseil Nation La Tuque Q u e ............................ 3,227,500• Attawapiskat Band Attawapiskat O n t ............................................... 1,131,538• Bande Kitcisakik Louvicourt Q u e ...................................................... 493,852• Bande Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Maniwaki Que .......................... 1,238,068• Bande Naskapi du Quebec Schefferville Q u e ................................. 914,612• Barren Lands Band Brochet M an........................................................ 630,114• Battleford Tribal Council Mgmt North Battleford S a s k .............. 100,000• Bande Innu Takuaikan Mak Mani-ut Sept lies Q u e ..................... 3,880,042• Bear River Band Council Bear River NS.......................................... 212,435• Beardy’s & Okemasis Band Duck Lake S a s k ................................. 2,508,517• Bearskin Lake Band Bearskin Lake O n t .......................................... 394,300• Beausoleil Band Vic Penetanguis O n t ............................................... 389,342• Beaver First Nation Band High Level A l t a ..................................... 358,775• Beaver Lake Band Lac La Biche A l t a ............................................... 270,946• Beecher Bay Indian Band Sooke B C ................................................. 232,075• Berens River Band Berens R iv e r M a n .............................................. 1,460,54 7• Big C Band La Lache S a s k ................................................................. 1,004,953• Big Cove Band Counci l Big C o v eN B ............................................ 7,629,681• Big Trout Lake Band Big Trout Lake O n t ........................................ 247,752• Bigs tone Cree Band Desmarais A l t a ................................................. 2,412,526• Birdtail Sioux Band Beulah M a n ........................................................ 643,637• Black Lake Band Black Lake S a s k ................................................... 1,806,052• Blood Band Standoff A l t a .................................................................... 13,175,478• Bloodvein Band Bloodvein M a n ........................................................ 739,125• Blueberry River Indian Band Buick Creek B C .............................. 404,710• Bonaparte Indian Band Cache Creek B C .......................................... 446,500• Boothroyd Indian Band Boston Bar BC .......................................... 171,886• Brokenhead Ojibway Nation Scanterbury M an .............................. 391,802• Bouctouche Band Council Bouctouche N B..................................... 143,619• Buffalo River Band Dillon Sask ........................................................ 1,019,685• Burnt Church Band Council Legaceville N B ................................ 2,955,040• Burrard Indian Band North Vancouver B C ..................................... 163,446• Campbell River Indian Band Campbell River BC.......................... 151,000• Canim Lake Indian Band 100 Mile House B C .............................. 568,500• Canoe Creek Indian Band Dog Creek B C ........................................ 384,700• Canoe Lake Band Canoe Narrows Sask .......................................... 1,313,525• Cape Mudge Indian Band Quathiaski Cove B C ............................ 179,134• Carcross/Tagish First Nations Carcross Y T ..................................... 385,696• Carry the Kettle Band Sintaluta Sask................................................. 1,736,465• Cat Lake Band Cat Lake O n t ............................................................... 218,394• Chapel Island Band Council St. Peters N S ..................................... 949,942• Chehalis Indian Band Agassiz B C ..................................................... 901,300• Chemainus Indian Band Ladysmith BC .......................................... 1,552,800• Chemawawin First Nation Easterville M an ..................................... 1,144,435• Cheslatta Carrier Nation Band Burns Lake B C .............................. 187,800• Chiefs of Ontario Toronto O n t ............................................................ 167,700• Chippewas of Kettle & S to n y P o in tF o r e s tO n t .............................. 176,427• Chippewas of Nawash Band Wiarton O n t ........................................ 113,195• Chippewas of Rama First Nation Rama O n t ................................... 187,908



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• Chippewas of Sarnia Sarnia O n t ........................................................ 427,668• Chippewas of Saugeen Southampton O n t ..................................... 189,264• Chippewas of the Thames 1st Nation Muncey O n t ..................... 280,160• City of Winnipeg Winnipeg M a n ..................................................... 396,931• Coast Mountain Development Corp Squamish B C ..................... 177,734• Cold Lake First Nations Band Grand Centre A l t a ....................... 186,120• Coldwater Indian Band Merritt BC................................................... 538,200• Comox Indian Band Courtenay B C ................................................. 151,600• Conseil de Bande Abitibiwinni Amos Q u e ..................................... 583,935• Conseil de Bande Betsiamites Betsiamites Q u e ............................ 4,440,314• C o n s e i l d e B a n d e L a c S i m o n L a c S i m o n Q u e .............................. 1,942,251• Conseil de Bande Mistassini Chibougamau Q u e .......................... 765,935• Conseil de Bande Restigouche Restigouche Q ue .......................... 4,565,478• Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan Manawan Q u e ................ 2,575,379• Conseil Montagnais Lac St-Jean Pointe B le u e Q u e ..................... 2,452,194• Conseil Montagnais Les Escoumins Les Escoumins Q u e ......... 109,324• Conseil Nation Huronne Wendat Village Huron W Q u e ............ 408,914• Constance Lake Band Calstock O n t ................................................. 207,642• Cook’s Ferry Indian Band Spences Bridge BC ............................ 139,200• Cote Band Kamsack S a s k ................................................................... 1,312,182• Cowessess Band Broadview S ask ..................................................... 433,277• Cowichan Indian Band Duncan B C ................................................. 3,296,407• Crane River Band Crane River M a n ................................................. 632,592• Cross Lake Band Cross Lake M a n ................................................... 4,654,037• Cumberland House Band Cumberland House S a s k ..................... 1,782,247• Curve Lake Band Curve Lake O n t ................................................... 1 22,989• Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Brandon Man .............................. 111,395• Dakota Plains Band Portage La Prairie M a n ................................ 315,815• Dakota Tipi Band Portage La Prairie M a n ..................................... 325,358• Dauphin River Band Gypsumville M a n .......................................... 268,967• Dawson Band Dawson Y T ................................................................. 307,693• Day Star Band Punnichy Sask .......................................................... 331,139• Deer Lake Band Deer Lake O n t ........................................................ 338,656• D eneTha ' BandCha teh A lta ............................................................... 2,555,170• Doig River Indian Band Rose Prairie B C ....................................... 249,300• Eabametoong 1st Nation Indian Pickle Lake O n t ....................... 670,634• Eagle Lake Band Eagle River O n t ................................................... 147,607• Ebb and Flow Band Ebb and Flow M an .......................................... 1,787,916• E d m u n d s t o n B a n d C o u n c i lE d m u n s t o n N B ................................... 123,5 00• Eel Ground Band Council Newcastle NB....................................... 1,253,823• Eel River Band Council Dalhousie N B .......................................... 1,028,783• English River Band Patuanak Sask ................................................... 795,964• Enoch Band Winterburn A l t a ............................................................ 956,171• Ermineskin Band Hobbema A lta ........................................................ 567,301• Eskasoni Band Council Eskasoni N S .............................................. 7,836,351• Esquimalt Indian Band Victoria B C ................................................. 187,810• Fairford Band Fairford M a n ............................................................... 2,102,547• Fisher River B a n d K o o s t a t a k M a n ................................................... 1,444,430• Fishing Lake Band Wadena S a s k ..................................................... 776,272• Flying Dust Band Meadow Lake S a s k ............................................ 750,163• F o n d d u L a c B a n d F o n d d u L a c S a s k .............................................. 1,08 5,838• Fort Alexander Band Fort Alexander M a n ..................................... 4,437,132• Fort Chipewyan Band Fort Chipewyan Alta ................................. 314,746• Fort Churchill BandTadoule Lake M a n .......................................... 416,601• Fort McKay Band Fort McMurray A l t a .......................................... 281,579• Fort McMurray Band Fort McMurray Alta ................................... 259,880• Fort Nelson Indian Band Fort Nelson BC ..................................... 425,544• Fort Severn Band Fort Severn O n t ................................................... 115,414• Fort Ware Indian Band Prince George B C ..................................... 663,915• Fort William Band Thunder Bay O n t .............................................. 138,067• Fountain Indian Band Lillooet B C ................................................... 351,600• Fox Lake Band Gillam M a n ............................................................... 491,530• Frog Lake Band Frog Lake A l t a ........................................................ 1,139,668• Garden Hill Band Island Lake M a n ................................................. 840,054• Garden River 1st Nation Indian Garden River O n t ..................... 109,811• Gitlakdamix Indian Band New Aiyansh BC................................... 810,447• Gitsan-wet’suwet’en L S Society Hazelton B C ............................ 5,619,695• Gitwinksihlkw Indian Band Gitwinksihlkw BC ............................ 275,1 50• G od’s Lake Band G od’s Lake Man ................................................... 2,000,202• God’s River Band God’s River M an ................................................. 632,860• Gordon Band Punnichy S a s k ............................................................ 1,344,084• Government of Yukon Whitehorse Y T ............................................ 218,869


• Grand Rapids Band Grand Rapids M an ............................................ 780,270• Grassy Narrows First Nation Band Grassy Narrows O n t ............ 187,943• Gull Bay Band Gull Bay O n t ............................................................... 131,361• Gwa-sa la-nakwaxda’xw Indian Band Port Hardy B C .................. 1,042,900• Halalt Indian Band Chemainus B C ................................................... 179,400• Halfway River Indian Band Wonowon B C ..................................... 305,137• Hatchet Lake Band Wollaston Lake S a s k ....................................... 1,558,51 3• Heart Lake Band Lac La Biche A l t a ................................................. 101,175• Heiltsuk Indian Band Waglisla B C ................................................... 1,551,209• Hollow Water First Nation Wanipigow M a n ................................... 511,793• Horton Band Council Wolfville N S ................................................... 148,580• Indian Birch Band Birch River M a n ................................................. 319,065• Indian Island Band Council Rexton N B .......................................... 259,500• Interlake Reserves T r ib a lC o u n F a i r fo rd M an ................................ I l l , 395• Iskut Indian Band Iskut B C ................................................................. 322,009• Island Lake Band Loon Lake Sask ................................................... 1,376,378• Island Lake Tribal Council Winnipeg M a n ..................................... 5,365,895• Jackhead Band Dallas M a n ................................................................. 323,651• James Smith Band Kinistino S a s k ..................................................... 1,804,388• Janvier Band Chard Alta ...................................................................... 328,293• John Smith Band Birch Hills S ask ..................................................... 501,547• Joseph Bighead Band Pierceland Sask.............................................. 758,055• Kahkewistahaw Band Broadview S a s k ............................................ 677,427• Kamloops Indian Band Kamloops B C .............................................. 740,500• Kasabonika Lake Band Kasabonika Lake O n t .............................. 1,012,086• Kashechewan Band Kashechewan O n t ............................................ 897,338• Katzie Indian Band Pitt Meadows B C .............................................. 517,873• Kawacatoose Band Quinton S a s k ..................................................... 1,535,500• Keeseekoose Band Kamsack S a s k ...................................................... 757,973• Keeseekoowenin Band Elphinstone M a n ........................................ 739,71 1• Keewatin Tribal Council Inc Thompson M a n ................................ 11 5,51 5• Key Band Norquay S a s k ...................................................................... 283,563• Kingfisher Band Kingfisher Lake O n t .............................................. 115,603• Kingsclear Band Council Fredericton N B ........................................ 1,174,473• Kinistin Band Chagoness Sask............................................................ 407,674• Kipawa Band Council Temiscamingue Q u e ................................... 156,760• Kitamaat Indian Band Kitamaat BC ................................................. 503,741• Kitasoo Indian Band Klemtu B C ........................................................ 374,225• Kitselas Indian Band Terrace B C ........................................................ 304,240• Kitsumkalum Indian Band Terrace B C ............................................ 400,106• Kluskus Indian Band Quesnel B C ...................................................... 163,512• Kwakiutl Indian Band Port Hardy B C .............................................. 411,400• Kwanlin-dun First Nation Band Whitehorse Y T ............................ 1,864,424• Kwicksutaineuk Indian Band Simoon Sound B C .......................... 132,200• Lac La Ronge Band La Ronge S a s k ................................................. 6,580,073• Lac Seul Band Lac Seul O n t ............................................................... 176,721• Lakalzap Indian Band Greenville B C ............................................... 969,547• Lake Babine Indian Band Burns Lake BC........................................ 1,634,400• Lake Manitoba Band Vogar M a n ........................................................ 1,551,743• Lake St. Martin Band Gypsumville M an .......................................... 1,156,823• Lax Kw’alaams Indian Band Port Simpson B C ............................ 907,100• Lennox Island Band Lennox Island P E I .......................................... 372,360• Lesser Slave Lake Indian Reg Council Slave Lake A l ta .............. 6,618,676• Lheit L i t ’en Nation Band Prince George BC................................... 107,400• Liard River Band Watson Lake Y T ................................................... 1,356,707• Lillooet District Indian Council Lillooet BC................................... 304,700• Lillooet Indian Band Lillooet B C ...................................................... 229,600• Little Black Bear Band Goodeve Sask............................................... 263,255• Little Black River Band O ’Hanley M a n .......................................... 400,423• Little Grand Rapids Band Little Grand Rapids M an ..................... 1,414,801• Little Pine Band Paynton S ask ............................................................ 1,270,756• Little Red River Cree Nation High Level A l t a .............................. 3,801,935• Little Salmon-Carmacks Band Carmacks Y T ................................. 346,320• Little Saskatchewan Band Gypsumville M a n ................................. 489,039• Little Shuswap Indian Band Chase B C ............................................ 247,300• Long Lake Cree Nation Band Bonnyville A l t a .............................. 1,614,489• Long Lake No 58 Band Longlac O nt................................................. 128,147• Long Plain Band Edwin M a n ............................................................... 1,529,542• Long Point First Nations Winneway River Q u e ............................ 702,423• Loon River Cree Band Red Earth Alta ............................................ 644,841• Louis Bull Band Hobbema A l t a .......................................................... 714,469• Lower Kootenay Indian Band Creston B C ..................................... 250,900

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• Lower Nicola Indian Band Merritt B C ............................................ 614,300• Lower Similkameen Band Keremeos B C ....................................... 728,156• Lubicon Lake Band Peace River A l ta .............................................. 1,007,523• Lytton Indian Band Lytton B C .......................................................... 1,060,100• Makwa Sahgaiehcan Band Loon Lake S ask ................................... 1,534,106• Malahat Indian Band Mill Bay B C ................................................... 175,390• Martin Falls Band Nakina O n t .......................................................... 144,698• Mathias Colomb Band Pukatawagan M a n ..................................... 2,305,344• McLeod Lake Indian Band McLeod Lake B C .............................. 339,900• Membertou Band Council Sydney N S ............................................ 1,755,234• Mikisew Cree First Nation Band Fort Chipewyan A l t a .............. 629,981• Millbrook Band Council Truro N S ................................................... 2,616,461• Ministre des Finances - Quebec Quebec Q u e ................................ 119,250• Mississaugas of New Credit Hagersville O n t ................................ 235,760• Mistawasis Band Leask S a s k ............................................................ 915,943• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Que....................... 6,207,140• Mohawks Council of Akwesasne Cornwall Ont............................ 3,956,944• Mohawks of The Bay of Quinte Deseronto O n t ............................ 226,795• Montana Band Hobbema A l ta ............................................................ 1,202,925• Montreal Lake Band Montreal Lake S a s k ..................................... 2,117,857• Moose Factory Band Moose Factory O n t ........................................ 733,365• Moose Lake Band Moose Lake M a n ............................................... 1,175,023• Moose Woods Band Saskatoon S a s k ............................................... 261,269• Moosomin Band Cochin S ask ............................................................ 1,230,336• Moravian of the Thames Band Thamesville O n t .......................... 130,373• Mosquito-Grizzly Bea r’s Head Cando S ask ................................... 953,276• Mount Currie Indian Band Mount Currie BC................................. 2,024,898• Muscowpetung Band Fort Q u ’Appelle S a s k ................................. 528,012• Muskeg Lake Band Leask S a s k ........................................................ 386,179• Muskowekwan Band Lestock Sask ................................................. 629,384• Muskrat Dam Lake Band Muskrat Dam O n t ................................. 122,248• Musqueam Indian Band Vancouver B C .......................................... 1,109,178• Na-cho Ny’ak-dun Band Watson Lake Y T ..................................... 234,545• Naicatchewenin Band Devlin O n t ................................................... 112,290• Nak’azdli Indian Band Fort St James B C ........................................ 882,900• Nanaimo Indian Band Nanaimo B C ................................................. 990,706• Nanoose Indian Band Lantzville BC ............................................... 366,675• Nazko Indian Band Quesnel B C ........................................................ 315,937• Nelson House Band Nelson House Man .......................................... 4,657,528• Nemaiah Valley Indian Band Nemaiah Valley B C ....................... 279,925• Neskainlith Indian Band Chase BC ................................................. 413,300• Nicomen Indian Band Lytton B C ..................................................... 127,400• Nikaneet Band Maple Creek Sask ................................................... 311,447• Nimpkish Indian Band Alert Bay B C .............................................. 944,090• Nipissing Band Sturgeon Falls Ont................................................... 179,500• Nishnawabe-Aski-Nation Thunder Bay Ont................................... 102,800• Nooaitch Indian Band Merritt BC..................................................... 160,400• North Caribou Lake Band Weagamow O n t ................................... 355,663• North Coast Tribal Council Prince Rupert B C .............................. 3,135,586• North Spirit Lake Band North Spirit Lake O n t ............................ 101,602• North Thompson Indian Band Barriere B C ................................... 168,500• Northern Native Family Service Prince George BC..................... 2,453,325• Northlands Band Lac Brochet Man ................................................. 1,048,204• Norway House Band Norway House M a n ..................................... 5,889,649• Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni B C .......................... 4,216,000• Nuxalk Nation Band Bella C o o la B C .............................................. 1,496,232• O ’Chiese Band Rocky Mountain A l t a ............................................ 646,203• Oak Lake Band Pipestone M an .......................................................... 668,728• Ocean Man Band Stoughton Sask ..................................................... 417,221• Ochapowace Band White wood S a s k .............................................. 1,187,392• Okanagan Indian Band Vernon B C ................................................... 808,696• Okanese Band Balcarres S ask ............................................................ 354,274• One Arrow Band Rosthern S a s k ........................................................ 456,169• Onion Lake Band Lloydminster S ask .............................................. 4,138,072• Onyota’a:ka Band Southwold O n t ................................................... 349,752• Opaskwayak Cree First Nation T h e P a s M a n ................................ 2,515,196• Oromocto Band Council Oromocto N B .......................................... 705,352• Osnaburgh Band Osnaburgh O n t ..................................................... 428,432• Osoyoos Indian Band Oliver BC ..................................................... 517,822• Oxford House Band Oxford House M a n ....................................... 3,110,901• P A District Chiefs Prince Albert S a s k ............................................ 482,545• Pabineau Band Council Bathurst N B .............................................. 307,263

• Pacheenaht Indian Band Port Renfrew B C ...................• Pasqua Band Fort Q u’Appelle S ask ................................• Pauingassi First Nation Pine Falls M a n ..........................• Paul Band Duffield A l t a .....................................................• Pauquachin Indian Band Brentwood Bay B C ..............• Pavilion Indian Band Cache Creek B C ..........................• Peepeekisis Band Balcarres S ask .....................................• Peguis Band Hodgson M a n ..............................................• Peigan Band Broket A l t a ...................................................• Pelican Lake Band Leoville Sask.....................................• Penelakut Indian Band Chemainus B C .........................• Penticton Indian Band Penticton B C ..............................• Peter Ballantyne Band Pelican Narrows S a s k ..............• Pheasant Rump Band Kisbey S a s k ................................• Piapot Band Cupar S ask .....................................................• Pic Mobert Band Mobert O n t ............................................• Pictou Landing Band Council Trenton N S ..................• Pikangikum Band Pikangikum O n t ................................• Pine Creek Band Camperville M a n ................................• Poplar Hill Band Poplar Hill O nt .....................................• Poplar River First Nation Via Negginan M a n ..............• Poundmaker Band Cut Knife Sask .....................................• Prophet River Indian Band Fort Nelson B C ..................• Provincial Treasurer Edmonton A l t a ................................• Quatsino Indian Band Coal Harbour B C .........................• Red Bank Band Council Red Bank N B ............................• Red Bluff Indian Band Quesnel B C ...................................• Red Earth Band Red Earth Sask .........................................• Red Pheasant Band Grenfell S a s k .....................................• Red Sucker Lake Band Red Sucker Lake M a n ..............• Regroupement Mamit Innuat Inc Mingan Q u e ..............• Rocky Bay Band Macdiarmid O n t ...................................• Rolling River Band Erickson Man...................................• Roseau River Band Ginew M an ........................................• Ross River Band Ross River Y T .....................................• Sachigo Lake Band Sachigo Lake O n t ............................• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake A l t a ................................• Sagamok Anishnawbek Band Massey O n t .....................• Saint Mary’s Band Council Fredericton N B ..................• Sakimay Band Grenfell S a s k ..............................................• Samson Band Hobbema A l t a ..............................................• Sandy Bay Band Marius M a n ............................................• Sandy Lake Band Sandy Lake O n t ................................• Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission Saskatoon Sask• Saulteau Indian Band Chetwynd B C ................................• Saulteaux Band Cochin S a s k ..............................................• Scowlitz Indian Band Lake Errock B C ............................• Seabird Island Indian Band Agassiz B C .......................• Selkirk Band Pelly Crossing Y T .....................................• Seton Lake Indian Band Shalalth BC ..............................• Shackan Indian Band Merritt B C .......................................• Shamattawa First Nation Shamattawa M an .....................• Shoal Lake Band of the Cree Pakwaw S a s k ..................• Shoal River Band Via Pelican Rap M a n .........................• Shubenacadie Band Council Shubenacadie N S ..............• Siksika Nation Band Gleichen A l t a ................................• Sioux Valley Band Griswold M a n .....................................• Siska Indian Band Lytton BC..............................................• Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken Ont..............• Skeetchestn Indian Band Savona B C ................................• Skidegate Indian Band Skidegate B C ..............................• Sliammon Indian Band Powell River B C .......................• Soda Creek Indian Band William Lake B C .....................• Songhees Indian Band Victoria B C ...................................• Southeast Resource Dev Council Winnipeg M a n .........• Spallumcheen Indian Band Enderby B C .........................• Split Lake Cree First Nation Split Lake M a n ................• Spuzzum Indian Band Yale B C .........................................• Squamish Indian Band North Vancouver BC ................• St. Mary’s Indian Band Cranbrook B C ............................• St. Theresa Point Band St. Theresa Point M a n ..............• Standing Buffalo Band Fort Q u ’Appelle Sask ..............


1,548,024432.100293.840 818,374


865.800 7,084,624


120.841 1,024,128 1,178,042 1,243,379



5,335,310463.100 956,369 269,550











157,000895,473222.900798.100 928,421230.900 631,805 111,395 954,500





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• Star Blanket Band Balcarres Sask ..................................................... 379,887• Sto: Lo Nation Canada Sardis BC ................................................... 2,337,291• Sto: Lo Tribal Council Sardis B C ..................................................... 1,440,391• Stone Indian Band Hanceville B C ................................................... 405,764• Stoney Band Morley A l t a .................................................................... 4,457,920• Sturgeon Lake Band Shellbrook Sask............................................... 1,667,044• Sumas Indian Band Abbotsford B C ................................................. 235,043• Sunchild Cree Band Rocky Mountain Alta ................................... 504,304• Swampy Cree Tribal Council The Pas M a n ................................... 111,395• Swan Lake Band Swan Lake M a n ................................................... 510,500• Sweet Grass Band Gallivan S a s k ...................................................... 953,725• Tahltan Indian Band Telegraph Creek B C ..................................... 546,478• Taku River Tlingit Band Atlin B C ................................................... 110,548• Tallcree Band Fort Vermilion A l t a ................................................... 514,262• Teslin Tlingit Council Band Teslin Y T ............................................ 309,294• Thunderchild Band Turtleford S a s k ................................................. 1,399,671• Timiskaming B a n d C o u n c i lN o t r e D a m e d u N o r d Q u e .............. 1,181,113• Tl 'azt-en Nations Band Fort St. James BC..................................... 1,478,978• Tobique Band Council Perth NB ...................................................... 2,735,552• Toosey Indian Band Riske Creek B C .............................................. 287,212• Treasurer of Ontario Toronto O n t ..................................................... 43,828,251• Tsartlip Indian Band Brentwood Bay B C ........................................ 995,746• Tsawataineuk Indian Band Kingcome Inlet B C ............................ 169,882• Tsawlnjik Dan Band Carmacks Y T ................................................... 219,525• Tsawout Indian Band Saanich ton B C .............................................. 1,143,070• Tsawwassen Indian Band Delta B C ................................................. 339,1 21• Tseycum Indian Band Sidney B C ..................................................... 112,135• Tsuu T ’ina Nation Band Calgary Alta ............................................ 1,340,636• Turnor Lake Band Turnor Lake S a s k .............................................. 543,836• Ulkatcho Indian Band Anahim Lake B C ........................................ 610,606• Upper Nicola Indian Band Merritt B C ............................................ 592,500• Upper Similkameen Band Keremeos B C ........................................ 103,200• Valley River Band Shortdale M a n ................................................... 870,223• Vuntut Gwitchin Tribal Council Old Crow Y T ............................ 1 38,651• Wabaseemong Band Whitedog O n t ................................................. 357,242• Wagmatcook Band Council Baddeck N S ....................................... 1,459,691• Wahpeton Band Prince Albert S a s k ................................................. 280,524• Walpole Island Band Wallaceburg O n t ............................................ 386,317• Wapekeka Band Angling O n t ............................................................ 165,703• War Lake Band Ilford M a n ................................................................. 260,492• Wasagamack First Nation Band Winnipeg Man ............................ 323,260• Wasauksing First Nation Band Parry Sound O n t ......................... 134,632• Waswanipi Band Council Waswanipi River Q u e .......................... 714,199• Waterhen Band Skownan M a n .......................................................... 985,485• Wa terhen L ak eB an d W a ter hen Lake S ask ..................................... 1,319,179• Waywayseecappo Band Rossburn M a n .......................................... 1,957,402• West Bay Band West Bay Ont............................................................ 142,129• West Moberly Indian Band Moberly Lake B C .............................. 120,900• West Region Tribal Council Inc Dauphin M a n ............................ I l l , 395• Westbank Indian Band Kelowna BC ............................................... 656,407• Whe-la-la-u-area Council Alert Bay B C .......................................... 458,100• White B e a r B a n d C a r ly l e S a s k .......................................................... 1,291,196• Whitefish Bay Band Pawitik O n t ..................................................... 214,311• Whitefish Lake No 128 Goodfish Lake A l t a ................................. 1,558,460• Whycocomagh Band Counci l Whycocomagh N S ....................... 2,271,011• Wikwemikong Band Wikwemikong O n t ........................................ 254,226• Williams Lake Indian Band Williams Lake B C ............................ 206,100• Witchekan Lake Band Spiritwood S a s k .......................................... 476,170• Woodland Cree Band Cadotte Lake A l t a ........................................ 572,766• Woodstock Band Council Woodstock N B ..................................... 537,630• Wunnumin Band Wunnumin Lake O n t .......................................... 245,452• Yellow Quill Band Rose Valley S a s k ............................................... 988,327• York Factory Band York Landing Man............................................ 399,723

Contributions to Indian bands and Inuit settlements, theirorganizations and provincial governments or agencies,individuals and other organizations for care, rehabilitation andpreventative services $ 199,496,356

• 2735459 Manitoba Association Koostatak Man............................ 291,200• Agency Chiefs Tribal Council Debden S a s k ................................ 126,697• Ahtahkakoop Band Shell Lake S ask ................................................. 125,541• Alexander Band Morinville A lta ........................................................ 217,260


• Anishinaabe Child & Family Ashern M a n ..................................... 2,348,207• Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Winnipeg Man .............................. 282,500• Atikamekw Sipi Conseil Nation La Tuque Q u e ............................ 2,249,421• Awasis Agency of Northern Thompson M an ................................... 18,555,838• Bande Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Maniwaki Que .......................... 893,564• Battleford Tribal Council Mgmt North Battleford S a s k .............. 169,058• Bande Innu Takuaikan Mak Mani-ut Sept lies Q u e ..................... 2,835,372• Beardy’s & Okemasis Band Duck Lake S a s k ................................. 141,589• Big Cove Band Council Big Cove NB ............................................ 710,173• Big River Band Debden S ask ............................................................... 114,115• Bigstone Cree Band Desmarais A l t a ................................................. 623,369• Blood Band Standoff A l t a .................................................................... 737,109• Braemore Adult Res Centre Sydney River N S .............................. 216,243• Burnt Church Band Council Legaceville N B ................................. 384,151• Canim Lake Indian Band 100 Mile House B C .............................. 100,257• Chiefs o f Ontario Toronto O n t ............................................................ 185,000• Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point Forest Ont.............................. 187,858• Chippewas of Sarnia Sarnia O n t ........................................................ 122,019• Chippewas of the Thames 1st Nation Muncey O n t ....................... 162,003• Coldwater Indian Band Merritt B C ................................................... 245,993• Conseil Attikamek-montagnais Village des Hurons Q u e ............ 243,358• Conseil de Bande Betsiamites Betsiamites Q u e ............................ 1,308,531• Conseil de Bande Restigouche Restigouche Q u e .......................... 1 55,278• Conseil Montagnais Lac St-Jean Pointe Bleue Q u e ..................... 1,893,862• Conseil Montagnais Les Escoumins Les Escoumins Que............ 1 25,1 30• Conseil Montagnais Schefferville Schefferville Q u e ................... 1,046,867• Conseil Nation Huronne Wendat Village Huron W Q u e .............. 495,010• Cote Band Kamsack Sask...................................................................... 354,376• Cowichan Indian Band Duncan B C ................................................... 463,770• Cpej Abitibi Temiscamingue Amos Q u e .......................................... 2,700,914• Cpej de L'outaouais Hull Q u e ............................................................ 272,207• Cpej des Laurentides Blainville Q u e ................................................. 474,365• Cpej Gaspesie lies Madeleine Gaspe Q u e ........................................ 2,216,558• Cree Board Health Social Service Chisasibi Q u e .......................... 105,356• Cross Lake Band Cross Lake Man...................................................... 203,907• Ctn Operations Associations in North Battleford S a s k ................ 314,736• Dakota Ojibway Child & Family Brandon M a n ............................ 5,181,243• Dakota Oyate Lodge Inc Griswold M a n .......................................... 741,274• Dene T h a 'B an d Chateh A l t a ............................................................... 157,716• Dilico Ojibway Child & Family Thunder Bay O n t ....................... 164,791• Director of Child Welfare Charlottetown P E I ................................ 581,355• Eel Ground Band Council Newcastle N B ........................................ 500,094• Eel River Band Council Dalhousie N B ............................................ 203,685• Ermineskin Band Hobbema A l t a ........................................................ 218,865• Eskasoni Band Council Eskasoni N S ............................................... 340,000• Family Service Center Shelter Regina S a s k ................................... 118,200• File Hills Agency Inc Fort Q u ’Appelle S ask ................................... 100,776• George Colon Mem Home Inc Winnipeg M a n .............................. 1,588,180• George M Guimond Care Centre I Pine Falls M a n ....................... 1,225,944• Gitsan-wet’suwet’en L S Society Hazelton B C .............................. 465,066• Government of Yukon Whitehorse Y T ............................................ 1,754,745• Health & Welfare Canada Edmonton A l ta ........................................ 584,200• High Level Tribal Council High Level A l t a ................................... 109,860• Inter Tribal Child & Family Hodgson M a n ..................................... 2,002,124• Inter Tribal Child & Family Se Winnipeg M a n .............................. 396,384• Island Lake Tribal Council Winnipeg M a n ..................................... 239,161• James Smith Band Kinistino S a s k ..................................................... 107,718• Kamloops Indian Band Kamloops BC.............................................. 1 34,764• Kativik Regional Board Kuujjuaq Q u e ............................................ 11 5,903• Keewatin Tribal Council Inc Thompson M a n ................................ 1 33,454• Kingsclear Band Council Fredericton N B ........................................ 189,795• Kunuwamimano Child Family Service Timmins O n t ................... 1 38,979• Lac La Ronge Band La Ronge Sask ................................................. 559,000• Lesser Slave Lake Indian Reg Council Slave Lake A l ta .............. 2,792,038• Liard River Band Watson Lake Y T ................................................... 104,879• Little Red River Cree Nation High Level A l t a .............................. 151,771• Long Lake Cree Nation Band Bonnyville A l t a .............................. 398,472• Lytton Indian Band Lytton BC............................................................ 470,070• Mamawehitowin Women’s Centre I Pukatawagan M a n .............. 210,000• Miawpukek Band Conner River N f l d .............................................. 100,245• Micmac Family & Children Service Shubenacadie N S .............. 2,814,158• Millbrook Band Council Truro N S ................................................... 126,900

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• M in is te ro fFinance & Corporation Whitehorse Y T ..................... 134,660• Minister of Finance Victoria B C ........................................................ 17,638,666• Mldc Management Company Ltd Meadow Lake S a s k .............. 380,695• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Que....................... 1,766,179• Mohawks Council of Akwesasne Cornwall O nt............................ 2,174,075• Nanaimo Indian Band Nanaimo B C ................................................ 105,900• Nishnawabe-Aski-Nation Thunder Bay Ont................................... 263,107• Nog-da-win-da-min Sault-Ste-Marie O n t ....................................... 142,261• North Coast Tribal Council Prince Rupert B C .............................. 106,487• Northern Native Family Service Prince George BC..................... 371,247• Norway House Band Norway House M a n ..................................... 112,732• Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni B C ......................... 2,954,673• Ochekwi-sipi First Nation Koostatak M an ..................................... 1,086,621• Ojibway Tribal Family Services Kenora O n t ................................ 2,899,598• Onion Lake Band Lloydminster S ask .............................................. 140,000• Onyota’a:ka Band Southwold O n t ................................................... 1 37,386• Opaskwayak Cree First Nation T h e P a s M a n ................................ 1,167,762• Oromocto Band Council Oromocto N B .......................................... 196,805• P A District Chiefs Prince Albert S a s k ............................................ 328,100• Peguis Senior Centre Inc Winnipeg M a n ....................................... 996,001• Peigan Band Broket A l ta ..................................................................... 301,043• Peter Ballantyne Band Pelican Narrows S a s k .............................. 189,400• Pinaow Wachi Inc Norway House M a n .......................................... 883,224• Pinecrest Kenora O n t .......................................................................... 354,913• Province of New Brunswick Fredericton N B ................................ 261,943• Provincial Treasurer Edmonton A lta ................................................. 21,105,094• Rainy Crest Fort Frances O n t ............................................................ 194,580• Red Bank Band Council Red Bank N B .......................................... 288,081• Regroupement Mamit Innuat Inc Mingan Q u e .............................. 1,232,943• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake A lta ................................................. 1,224,351• Sagkeeng Child & Family Service Pine Falls M a n ..................... 1,454,222• Saint Mary’s Band Council Fredericton N B................................... 283,345• Samson Band Hobbema Alta ............................................................ 305,143• Sandy Bay Band Marius M a n ............................................................ 136,900• Sask Social Services Regina Sask..................................................... 3,219,107• S a s k T rea ty ln d ian W o m e n 's A ss Regina Sask.............................. 247,237• Saskatoon District Tribal Coun Saskatoon Sask............................ 260,654• Siksika Nation Band Gleichen A l t a ................................................ 1,959,729• Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken O n t ............................ 335,513• Southeast Child & Family Serv Winnipeg M a n ............................ 4,865,769• Spallumcheen Indian Band Enderby BC ....................................... 499,680• Squamish Indian Band North Vancouver B C ................................ 135,657• Stoney Band Morley A l t a ................................................................... 1,257,818• Sucker Creek Band Little Current O n t ............................................ 231,600• Tahltan Indian Band Telegraph Creek B C ..................................... 259,846• Teegatha ’oh Zheh Whitehorse Y T ................................................... 174,350• Tobique Band Council Perth NB ..................................................... 564,187• Touchwood-file Hills Dis Chief Fort Qu’Appelle S a s k .............. 168,879• Treasurer of Ontario Toronto O n t ..................................................... 32,889,896• Tsuu T ’ina Nation Band Calgary Alta ............................................ 106,564• Union of NB Indians Fredericton N B .............................................. 161,161• Union of Ontario Indians North Bay O n t ....................................... 228,830• Walpole Island Band Wallaceburg O n t ............................................ 1 33,688• Wechinin Waskigan Inc Shamattawa M a n ..................................... 210,000• West Region Child & Family Service Dauphin M a n .................. 5,045,315• Westbank Indian Band Kelowna BC .............................................. 319,733• Woodstock Band Council Woodstock N B ..................................... 158,709• Xolhemet Society Sardis BC.............................................................. 233,500• Yellowhead Tribal Council Spruce Grove A l t a ............................ 645,400• Yellowhead Tribal Service Agency Spruce Grove A l t a .............. 2,138,611

Contributions to Indian bands and Inuit settlements or organizations for community social services and rehabilitation $13,745,611

• Big Cove Band Council Big Cove N B ............................................ 185,166• Blood Band Standoff A l t a ................................................................... 304,254• Burnt Church Band Council Legaceville N B ................................ 185,025• Eel Ground Band Council Newcastle NB....................................... 166,901• Fed of Sask Indians Saskatoon S ask ................................................. 678,000• Kingsclear Band Council Fredericton N B ..................................... 151,569• Lesser Slave Lake Indian Reg Council Slave Lake A l t a ............ 214,406• Mohawks Council of Akwesasne Cornwall Ont............................ 104,850

• Moose Factory Band Moose Factory O n t ........................................ 100,689• Oromocto Band Council Oromocto N B .......................................... 108,896• Peigan Band Broket A l t a ...................................................................... 230,164• Provincial Treasurer Edmonton A l t a ................................................. 792,353• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake A l t a ................................................. 1 27,282• Saint Mary’s Band Council Fredericton N B ................................... 145,841• Siksika Nation Band Gleichen A l t a ................................................... 214,369• Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken Ont.............................. 1 32,673• Stoney Band Morley A l ta ..................................................................... 208,353• Tobique Band Council Perth N B ........................................................ 167,966• Treasurer of Ontario Toronto O n t ..................................................... 4,483,774• Tsuu T ’ina Nation Band Calgary A l t a .............................................. 124,053


Contributions to Indians and Inuit, their bands, settlements and corporations, provincial governments and other organizationsto assist in the design, construction, maintenance and operation of community services, facilities and housing:Capital $473,022,719

• Abegweit Band Cornwall P E I ............................................................ 164,950• Acadia Band Council Yarmouth N S ................................................. 392,232• Adams Lake Indian Band Chase B C ................................................. 505,375• Afton Band Council A f t o n N S ............................................................ 171,751• Ahtahkakoop Band Shell Lake S a s k ................................................. 1,431,494• Aishihik Band Haines Junction Y T ................................................... 657,079• Albany Band Albany O n t ...................................................................... 717,744• Alderville Band Roseneath O n t .......................................................... 1,033,509• Alexander Band Morinville A l t a ........................................................ 1,072,360• Alexis Band Glenevis A l ta .................................................................... 338,260• Alexis Creek Indian Band Chilanko Forks B C .............................. 151,973• Algonquins of Barriere Lake Rapid Lake Q u e .............................. 262,700• Alkali Lake Indian Band Williams Lake B C ................................... 409,375• Anaham Indian Band Alexis Creek B C ............................................ 446,375• Anishinabe of Wauzhushk Onigum Kenora O n t ............................ 1,070,700• Annapolis Valley Band Council Cambridge Station N S .............. 1 20,338• Attawapiskat Band Attawapiskat O n t ............................................... 939,605• Bande Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Maniwaki Que .......................... 925,403• Barren Lands Band Brochet Man........................................................ 349,700• Batchewana First Nation Band Sault-Ste-Marie Ont..................... 236,548• Bande Innu Takuaikan Mak Mani-ut Sept lies Q u e ..................... 3,916,200• Bear River Band Council Bear River NS.......................................... 112,765• Beardy 's & Okemasis Band Duck Lake S a s k ................................. 1,618,467• Bearskin Lake Band Bearskin Lake O n t .......................................... 5,244,000• Beausoleil Band Vic Penetanguis O n t .............................................. 390,650• Beaver First Nation Band High Level A l t a ..................................... 319,900• Beaver Lake Band Lac La Biche A l t a .............................................. 334,485• Beecher Bay Indian Band Sooke B C ................................................. 661,000• Bella Bella Comm School Bella Bella BC ..................................... 1,667,000• Berens River Band Berens River M an .............................................. 638,913• Big C Band La Lache Sask ................................................................. 388,216• Big Cove Band Council Big Cove NB ............................................ 2,874,975• Big Grassy Band Morson O n t ............................................................ 233,550• Big River Band Debden S ask ............................................................... 1,736,730• Big Trout Lake Band Big Trout Lake O n t ....................................... 1,525,974• Bigstone Cree Band Desmarais A l t a ................................................. 1,264,095• Birdtail Sioux Band Beulah M a n ........................................................ 669,500• Black Lake Band Black Lake S a s k ................................................... 10,715,274• Blood Band Standoff A l t a ................................................................... 1,966,000• Blood Tribe Agric Project Inc Standoff A l t a ................................... 334,000• Blood Tribe Department of Heal Standoff A l ta .............................. 1 37,800• Blood Tribe Educ Society Standoff A l t a .......................................... 375,340• Bloodvein Band Bloodvein M a n ........................................................ 6,191,146• Blueberry River Indian Band Buick Creek B C .............................. 652,300• Bonaparte Indian Band Cache Creek B C .......................................... 218,425• Boothroyd Indian Band Boston Bar B C .......................................... 250,000• Boston Bar Indian Band Boston Bar B C .......................................... 293,200• Bridge River Indian Band Lillooet B C ............................................ 364,096• Brokenhead Ojibway Nation Scanterbury M an .............................. 1,696,194• Broman Lake Indian Band Burns Lake B C ..................................... 116,249• Brunswick House Band Chapleau O n t ............................................ 200,000• Bouctouche Band Council Bouctouche NB..................................... 1 30,521• Buffalo River Band Dillon S a s k ........................................................ 812,547• Burnt Church Band Council Legaceville N B ................................ 590,728

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• Burrard Indian Band North Vancouver BC..................................... 369,869• Campbell River Indian Band Campbell River B C ....................... 431,700• Canim Lake Indian Band 100 Mile House B C .............................. 257,300• Canoe Creek Indian Band Dog Creek B C ..................................... 1 50,000• Canoe Lake Band Canoe Narrows S a s k .......................................... 245,169• Cape Mudge Indian Band Quathiaski Cove B C ............................ 283,100• Carcross/Tagish First Nations Carcross Y T ................................... 1,094,015• Carry the Kettle Band Sintaluta S a s k .............................................. 340,941• Cat Lake Band Cat Lake O n t ............................................................ 339,857• Cayosse Creek Indian Band Lillooet B C ....................................... 207,048• Chapel Island Band Council St. Peters N S ..................................... 537,921• Chapleau Cree Band Chapleau O n t ................................................. 118,768• Chawathil Indian Band Hope B C ..................................................... 374,738• Chehalis Indian Band Agassiz B C ................................................... 228,907• Chemainus Indian Band Ladysmith B C .......................................... 319,385• Chemawawin First Nation Easterville M a n ................................... 3 472,715• Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point Forest O n t ............................ 1,809,833• Chippewas of Nawash Band Wiarton O n t ..................................... 813,922• Chippewas of Rama First Nation Rama O n t ................................ 885,384• Chippewas of Sarnia Sarnia O n t ........................................................ 918,369• Chippewas of Saugeen Southampton O n t ..................................... 387,609• Chippewas of the Thames 1st Nation Muncey O n t ....................... 3,256,807• Cockburn Island Band Silverwater O n t .......................................... 184 759• Cold Lake First Nations Band Grand Centre A l t a ....................... 436,000• Coldwater Indian Band Merritt BC................................................... 332,900• Commission Scolaire des Cree Mistissini Que.............................. 2,100,000• Comox Indian Band Courtenay B C ................................................. 244 200• Conseil de Bande Abitibiwinni Amos Q u e ..................................... 833,100• Conseil de Bande Betsiamites Betsiamites Q u e ............................ 4,299,800• Conseil de Bande Lac Simon Lac Simon Q u e .............................. 1,471,200• Conseil de Bande Mingan Mingan Q u e .......................................... 310,200• Conseil de Bande Obedjiwan Obedjiwan Q u e .............................. 3,979,518• Conseil de Bande Odanak Odanak Q u e .......................................... 577,300• C onse i ldeB ande Restigouche Restigouche Q ue ......................... 1,713,900• Conseil de Bande Weymontachie Weymontachie Que................ 644,000• Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan Manawan Q u e ................ 1,310,800• Conseil Montagnais La Romaine La Romaine Q u e ..................... 431,300• Conseil Montagnais Lac St-Jean Pointe B le u e Q u e ..................... 1,541,429• Conseil Montagnais Les Escoumins Les Escoumins Q u e ......... 244,600• Conseil Montagnais Natashquan Natashquan Que....................... 461,100• Conseil Montagnais Pakua Shipi St. Augustin Q u e ..................... 357,200• Conseil Montagnais Schefferville Schefferville Q u e .................. 1,171,700• Conseil Nation Huronne Wendat Village H u r o n W Q u e ............ 1,260,800• Constance Lake Band Calstock O n t ................................................. 413,550• Cook’s Ferry Indian Band Spences Bridge BC ............................ 120,000• Cote Band Kamsack S a s k ................................................................... 791,402• Couchiching B a n d F o r tF r a n c e s O n t ................................................. 301,9 00• County of Grand Prairie #1 Grand Prairie A l t a ............................ 165,000• Cowessess Band Broadview S ask ..................................................... 1,084,153• Cowichan Indian Band Duncan B C ................................................. 1,334,325• Crane River Band Crane River M a n ................................................. 793,000• Cross Lake Band Cross Lake M a n ................................................... 2,579,214• Cumberland House Band Cumberland House S a s k ..................... 759,687• Curve Lake Band Curve Lake O n t ................................................... 534,085• Dakota Plains Band Portage La Prairie M a n ................................ 889,100• Dakota Tipi Band Portage La Prairie M a n ..................................... 202,000• Dalles Band Kenora O n t ..................................................................... 317,100• Dawson Band Dawson Y T ................................................................. 349,205• Day Star Band Punnichy Sask .......................................................... 219,364• Dease River Band Good Hope Lake BC ....................................... 855,810• Deer Lake Band Deer Lake O n t ........................................................ 335 714• Dene Development Corporation Williams Lake B C ................... 977,500• Dene Tha' Band Chateh A lta ............................................................... 1,965,550• Dokis Band Monetville O n t ............................................................... 110,592• Eabametoong 1st Nation Indian Pickle Lake O n t ....................... 9,249,366• Eagle Lake Band Eagle River O n t ................................................... 227,900• Ebb and Flow Band Ebb and Flow M an .......................................... 484,300• Edmundston Band Council Edmunston N B ................................... 176,099• Eel Ground Band Council Newcastle NB....................................... 578,415• Eel River Band Council Dalhousie N B .......................................... 364,764• English River Band Patuanak Sask................................................... 721,439• Enoch Band Winterburn A l t a ............................................................ 469,775


• Ermineskin Band Hobbema A l t a ........................................................ 1,537,740• Eskasoni Band Council Eskasoni N S ............................................... 1,457,581• Esquimalt Indian Band Victoria BC................................................... 100,000• Fairford Band Fairford M an ................................................................. 757,352• File Hills Agency Inc Fort Q u ’Appelle S ask ................................... 314,216• First Nations of S Is T C Mill Bay BC.............................................. 741,100• Fisher River Band Koostatak M an ..................................................... 1,766,799• Fishing Lake Band Wadena S ask ........................................................ 288,449• Flying Dust Band Meadow Lake Sask............................................... 229,488• Fond du Lac Band Fond du Lac S a s k ............................................... 948,535• Fort Alexander Band Fort Alexander Man........................................ 6,020,905• Fort Chipewyan Band Fort Chipewyan A l t a ................................... 247,692• Fort Churchill Band Tadoule Lake M a n .......................................... 532,000• Fort Folly Band Council Dorchester N B .......................................... 519,427• Fort McKay Band Fort McMurray A l t a ............................................ 464,400• Fort McMurray Band Fort McMurray A l t a ..................................... 372,679• Fort Nelson Indian Band Fort Nelson B C ........................................ 349,300• Fort Severn Band Fort Severn O nt...................................................... 553,629• Fort Ware Indian Band Prince George BC........................................ 498,875• Fort William Band Thunder Bay O nt................................................. 1,800,800• Fountain Indian Band Lillooet B C ..................................................... 1 23,200• Fox Lake Band Gillam M an ................................................................. 719,200• Frog Lake Band Frog Lake A lta .......................................................... 1,694,760• Garden Hill Band Island Lake M a n ................................................... 2,345,400• Garden River 1st Nation Indian Garden River O n t ....................... 1,070,933• Georgina Island First Nation Sutton West O n t .............................. 1,253,468• Gitlakdamix Indian Band New Aiyansh B C ................................... 1,689,427• Gitsan-wet’suwet’en L S Society Hazelton B C .............................. 5,443,500• Gitwinksihlkw Indian Band Gitwinksihlkw B C ............................ 429,324• G od’s Lake Band G od’s L a k e M a n ................................................... 1,461,300• God’s River Band G od’s River M a n ................................................. 863,800• Golden Lake Band Golden Lake O nt................................................. 282,638• Gordon Band Punnichy S a s k ............................................................... 676,740• Grand Rapids Band Grand Rapids Man ............................................ 217,020• Grassy Narrows First Nation Band Grassy Narrows O n t ............ 728,200• Gull Bay Band Gull Bay O n t ............................................................... 398,500• Gwa-sa la-nakwaxda’xw Indian Band Port Hardy B C ................... 537,050• Hartley Bay Indian Band Hartley Bay BC........................................ 397,675• Hatchet Lake Band Wollaston Lake S a s k ........................................ 1,290,019• Heart Lake Band Lac La Biche A l t a ................................................. 132,880• Heiltsuk Indian Band Waglisla B C ................................................... 2,092,700• Hiawatha First Nation Keene O n t ..................................................... 1 50,000• Hishkoonikun Education Authority Moose Factory O nt .............. 271,700• Hollow Water First Nation Wanipigow M a n ................................... 967,750• Homalco Indian Band Campbell River B C ..................................... 1,009,466• Indian Birch Band Birch River M a n ................................................. 1,670,100• Iskut Indian Band Iskut B C ................................................................. 347,570• Island Lake Band Loon Lake S a s k ................................................... 383,728• Jackhead Band Dallas M a n ................................................................. 163,200• James Smith Band Kinistino S a s k ...................................................... 832,704• Janvier Band Chard Alta ...................................................................... 399,683• John Smith Band Birch Hills S ask ..................................................... 1,061,089• Joseph Bighead Band Pierceland Sask............................................... 494,089• Kahkewistahaw Band Broadview S a s k ............................................ 203,326• Kamloops Indian Band Kamloops B C ............................................... 2,392,825• Kanaka Bar Indian Band Lytton B C ................................................. 504,300• Kanesatake Band Council Kanesatake Q ue ..................................... 662,500• Kasabonika Lake Band Kasabonika Lake O n t .............................. 6,075,991• Kashechewan Band Kashechewan O n t ............................................ 1,010,700• Kawacatoose Band Quinton S a s k ...................................................... 944,041• Keeseekoose Band Kamsack S a s k ...................................................... 337,702• Keeseekoowenin Band Elphinstone M a n ........................................ 754,900• Keewatin Tribal Council Inc Thompson M a n ................................. 300,400• Key Band Norquay S a s k ...................................................................... 480,218• Kincolith Indian Band Kincolith B C ................................................. 330,525• Kingfisher Band Kingfisher Lake O n t ............................................... 492,920• Kingsclear Band Council Fredericton N B ........................................ 245,486• Kipawa Band Council Temiscamingue Q u e ................................... 767,300• Kitamaat Indian Band Kitamaat BC ................................................. 2,274,995• Kitasoo Indian Band Klemtu B C ........................................................ 489,226• Kitkatla Indian Band Kitkatla B C ...................................................... 661,255• Kitselas Indian Band Terrace B C ........................................................ 239,525

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• Kitsumkalum Indian Band Terrace B C ............................................ 1 24,810• Klahoose Indian Band Cortes Island B C ....................................... 283,462• Kluane Tribal Council Burwash Landing Y T ................................ 324,360• Kluskus Indian Band Quesnel B C ................................................... 359,000• Kwakiutl Indian Band Port Hardy B C ............................................ 213,700• Kwanlin-dun First Nation Band Whitehorse Y T .......................... 846,105• Lac La Croix Band Fort Frances O n t .............................................. 1,960,160• Lac La Ronge Band La Ronge S a s k ................................................. 11,454,304• Lac Seul Band Lac Seul O n t ............................................................... 768,956• Lakahahmen Indian Band Deroche B C .......................................... 256,000• Lakalzap Indian Band Greenville B C .............................................. 1,449,949• Lake Babine Indian Band Burns Lake B C ..................................... 1,431,700• Lake Manitoba Band Vogar M a n ..................................................... 353,700• Lake St. Martin Band Gypsumville M a n ....................................... 673,990• Lansdowne House Band Pickle Lake O n t ..................................... 3,924,740• Lax Kw’alaams Indian Band Port Simpson B C ............................ 2,445,870• Lennox Island Band Lennox Island P E I .......................................... 387,099• Lesser Slave Lake Indian Reg Council Slave Lake A l t a ............ 4,769,100• Lheit L i t’en Nation Band Prince George B C ................................. 112,000• Liard River Band Watson Lake YT................................................... 1,228,880• Lillooet Indian Band Lillooet B C ..................................................... 135,096• Little Black Bear Band Goodeve S a s k ............................................ 730,300• Little Black River Band O ’Hanley M a n .......................................... 2,317,500• Little Grand Rapids Band Little Grand Rapid M a n ..................... 480,300• Little Pine Band Paynton S a s k .......................................................... 503,350• Little Red River Cree Nation High Level A l ta .............................. 5,403,840• Little Salmon-Carmacks Band Carmacks YT................................. 652,076• Little Saskatchewan Band Gypsumville Man................................. 703,824• Long Lake Cree Nation Band Bonnyville Alta ............................ 719,475• Long Lake No 58 Band Longlac O n t ............................................... 179,800• Long Plain Band Edwin M a n ............................................................ 2,319,600• Long Point First Nations Winneway River Q ue ............................ 1,487,300• Loon River Cree Band Red Earth A l t a ............................................ 125,000• Louis Bull Band Hobbema A l t a ........................................................ 186,600• Lower Kootenay Indian Band Creston B C ..................................... 386,725• Lower Nicola Indian Band Merritt B C ............................................ 634,200• Lower S im i lk am een B a n d K ere m eo s B C ....................................... 124,450• Lubicon Lake Band Peace River A l ta .............................................. 413,320• Lytton Indian Band Lytton B C .......................................................... 336,825• Magnetawan Band Britt O n t ............................................................... 134,800• Makwa Sahgaiehcan Band Loon Lake S ask ................................... 364,400• Mamow Community Services Corp Thunder Bay O n t .............. 7,609,500• Manitoba Hydro Winnipeg M a n ........................................................ 900,000• Martin Falls Band Nakina O n t .......................................................... 3,961,000• Mathias Colomb Band Pukatawagan M a n ..................................... 1,273,600• Matsqui Indian Band Matsqui BC ................................................... 589,869• Mattagami Band Gogama O n t .......................................................... 294,484• McLeod Lake Indian Band McLeod Lake B C .............................. 226,500• Membertou Band Council Sydney N S ............................................ 480,980• Metlakatla Indian Band Prince Rupert B C ..................................... 652,290• Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Maria Q u e .............................................. 304,000• Mikisew Cree First Nation Band Fort Chipewyan A l t a .............. 591,500• Millbrook B a n d C o u n c i lT r u r o N S ................................................... 491,092• Minister of Finance Winnipeg M a n ................................................. 3,041,400• Ministre des Finances - Quebec Quebec Q u e ................................ 7,258,260• Mississauga Band Blind River O n t ................................................... 191,100• Mississaugas of New Credit Hagersville O n t ................................ 454,288• Mistawasis Band Leask S a s k ............................................................ 707,500• MLDC Management Company Ltd Meadow L a k e S a s k ............ 105,357• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Que....................... 3,759,332• Mohawks Council of Akwesasne Cornwall Ont............................ 5,955,007• Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Deseronto O n t ............................ 1,386,449• Montana Band Hobbema A l ta ............................................................ 165,000• Montreal Lake Band Montreal Lake S a s k ..................................... 1,323,300• Moose Deer Point Band Mactier O n t .............................................. 121,700• Moose Factory Band Moose Factory O n t ........................................ 947,817• Moose Lake Band Moose Lake M a n .............................................. 2,141,204• Moosomin Band Cochin S ask ............................................................ 769,395• Moravian of the Thames Band Thamesville O n t .......................... 255,212• Mosquito-Grizzly Bear’s Head Cando S ask ................................... 381,773• Mount Currie Indian Band Mount Currie BC................................ 499,434• Muncey-Delaware First Nation Muncey O n t ................................ 151,280

• Muscowequan Student Residence Lestock S a s k ............................ 250,633• Muscowpetung Band Fort Q u ’Appelle S a s k ................................... 210,857• Mushkegowuk Tribal Council Moose Factory O n t ....................... 1,975,400• Muskeg Lake Band Leask S a s k .......................................................... 417,492• Muskowekwan Band Lestock S a s k ................................................... 206,544• Muskrat Dam Lake Band Muskrat Dam O n t ................................... 232,390• Musqueam Indian Band Vancouver B C ............................................ 140,320• Na-cho N y ’ak-dun Band Y T ............................................................... 981,282• Nadleh Whut’en Indian Band Fort Fraser B C ................................ 463,867• Naicatchewenin Band Devlin O n t ..................................................... 1 37,500• Nak’azdli Indian Band Fort St. James B C ........................................ 374,000• Nanaimo Indian Band Nanaimo BC ................................................. 301,375• Nanoose Indian Band Lantzville B C ................................................. 895,750• Nelson House Band Nelson House M a n .......................................... 1,639,348• Nemaiah Valley Indian Band Nemaiah Valley B C ....................... 190,400• Neskainlith Indian Band Chase B C ................................................... 169,000• New Post Band Cochrane O n t ............................................................ 157,700• Nicickousemenecaning Band Fort Frances O nt .............................. 171,900• Nikaneet Band Maple Creek S a s k ...................................................... 187,968• Nimpkish Indian Band Alert Bay B C ............................................... 768,300• Nipissing Band Sturgeon Falls O n t ................................................... 239,000• North Caribou Lake Band Weagamow O n t ..................................... 1,338,126• North Spirit Lake Band North Spirit Lake O n t .............................. 286,108• North Thompson Indian Band Barriere B C ..................................... 298,700• Northern Flood Capital Reconst Winnipeg M a n ............................ 441,500• Northlands Band Lac Brochet M a n ................................................... 950,900• Northwest Angle No 33 Band Angle Inlet O n t .............................. 1 30,220• Northwest Angle No 37 Band Sioux Narrows O n t ....................... 118,920• Norway House Band Norway House Man........................................ 2,619,590• Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni BC ............................ 3,334,100• Nuxalk Nation Band Bella Coola B C ............................................... 1,251,198• O ’Chiese Band Rocky Mountain A l t a ............................................... 450,700• Oak Lake Band Pipestone M a n .......................................................... 1 77,300• Ocean Man Band Stoughton S a s k ...................................................... 105,000• Ochapowace Band Whitewood S a s k ................................................. 431,491• Ojibways o f Onegaming Band Nestor Falls O n t ............................ 1,278,050• Okanagan Indian Band Vernon B C ................................................... 141,200• Okanese Band Balcarres S a s k ............................................................ 119,685• Old Masset Village Council Ban Masset B C ................................... 1,518,970• On-reserve Housing Code Compli Thunder Bay O n t ................... 115,600• One Arrow Band Rosthern Sask ........................................................ 158,100• Onion Lake Band Lloydminster S a s k .............................................. 2,704,992• Ontario Hydro Toronto O n t ................................................................. 612,874• Onyota'a :ka Band Southwold O n t ..................................................... 917,550• Opaskwayak Cree First Nation T h e P a s M a n ................................ 1,229,850• Oromocto Band Council Oromocto NB .......................................... 147,089• O s n a b u rg h B an d O sn a b u rg h O n t ........................................................ 474,713• Oweekeno Indian Band Port Hardy B C ............................................ 320,000• Oxford House Band Oxford House M a n .......................................... 1,298,052• Pabineau Band Council B a th u rs tN B ................................................. 211,126• Pacheenaht Indian Band Port Renfrew B C ..................................... 355,000• Pasqua Band Fort Qu 'Appelle S ask ................................................... 190,272• Pauingassi First Nation Pine Falls M a n ............................................ 404,200• Paul Band Duffield A l t a ........................................................................ 372,200• Pauquachin Indian Band Brentwood Bay B C ................................ 912,000• Peepeekisis Band Balcarres S ask ........................................................ 678,890• Peguis Band Hodgson M a n ................................................................. 2,155,567• Peigan Band Broket A l t a ...................................................................... 870,100• Peigan Board of Education Brocket A l ta .......................................... 1,756,183• Pelican Lake Band Leoville Sask........................................................ 251,421• Penelakut Indian Band Chemainus B C ............................................ 483,075• Penticton Indian Band Penticton B C ................................................. 647,600• Peter Ballantyne Band Pelican Narrows S a s k ................................ 2,587,366• Peters Indian Band Hope B C ............................................................... 111,269• Pheasant Rump Band Kisbey S a s k ................................................... 852,087• Piapot Band Cupar S ask ........................................................................ 206,226• Pictou Landing Band Council Trenton N S ..................................... 829,447• Pikangikum Band Pikangikum O n t ................................................... 1,339,705• Pine Creek Band Camperville M a n ................................................... 387,952• Poplar Hill Band Poplar Hill O nt ....................................................... 301,303• Poplar River First Nation Via Negginan M a n ................................ 580,800• Poundmaker Band Cut Knife Sask ..................................................... 404,263


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• Prince Albert District Chiefs Prince Albert S a s k ......................... 225,945• Prophet River Indian Band Fort Nelson B C ................................... 174,000• Qualicum Indian Band Qualicum Beach B C ................................ 562,000• Quatsino Indian Band Coal Harbour B C ........................................ 139,500• Red Bank Band Council Red Bank N B .......................................... 713,349• Red Earth Band Red Earth S a s k ........................................................ 1,089,521• Red Pheasant Band Grenfell Sask ..................................................... 930,714• Red Rock Band Nipigon O n t ............................................................ 137,700• Red Sucker Lake Band Red Sucker Lake Man.............................. 765,300• Rocky Bay Band Macdiarmid O n t ................................................... 286,200• Rolling River Band Erickson M a n ................................................... 192,500• Roseau River Band Ginew M a n ........................................................ 449,900• Ross River Band Ross River Y T ........................................................ 340,860• Sachigo Lake Band Sachigo Lake O n t ............................................ 220,287• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake A lta ................................................. 6,727,660• S ag am o k A n i sh n a w b ek B an d M a ss ey O n t ..................................... 547,100• Saint Mary’s Band Council Fredericton N B ................................... 640,909• Sakimay Band Grenfell Sask ............................................................ 255,627• Samahquam Indian Band Mission B C ............................................ 299,022• Samson Band Hobbema Alta ............................................................ 933,805• Sandy B a y B a n d M a r i u s M a n ............................................................ 1,347,600• Sandy Lake Band Sandy Lake O n t ................................................... 9,189,241• Sask Power Corporation Regina Sask.............................................. 400,000• Saskatoon District Tribal Council Saskatoon S a s k ..................... 152,165• Saulteau Indian Band Chetwynd BC .............................................. 344,694• Saulteaux Band Cochin Sask ............................................................ 441,020• Scowlitz Indian Band Lake Errock B C ............................................ 405,000• Seabird Island Indian Band Agassiz B C .......................................... 284,325• Seine River Band Mine Centre O n t ................................................. 156,500• Selkirk Band Felly Crossing Y T ........................................................ 599,870• Serpent River Band Cutler O n t .......................................................... 178,984• Seton Lake Indian Band Shalalth B C .............................................. 202,675• Shackan Indian Band Merritt B C ..................................................... 181,575• Shamattawa First Nation Shamattawa M a n ................................... 779,800• Shawanaga Band Nobel O n t ............................................................... 117,724• Sheguiandah Band Sheguiandah O n t .............................................. 120,600• Shoal Lake Band of the Cree Pakwaw S a s k ................................... 358,222• Shoal Lake No 39 Band Kejick O n t ................................................ 524,500• Shoal Lake No 40 Band Kejick O n t ............................................... 311,200• Shoal River Band Via Pelican Rap M a n ........................................ 355,956• Shubenacadie Band Council Shubenacadie N S ............................ 1,467,278• Shuswap Indian Band Invermere B C .............................................. 530,000• Siksika Nation Band Gleichen A l t a ................................................. 1,446,899• Sioux Valley Band Griswold M a n ................................................... 571,600• Siska Indian Band Lytton B C ............................................................ 133,000• Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken O n t ............................ 7,181,833• Skeetchestn Indian Band Savona B C .............................................. 1 30,375• Skidegate Indian Band Skidegate B C .............................................. 2,973,400• Sliammon Indian Band Powell River B C ....................................... 1 26,910• Songhees Indian Band Victoria BC ................................................. 208,125• Sooke Indian Band Sooke BC............................................................ 120,000• Soowahlie Indian Band Cultus Lake B C ........................................ 384,738• Southeast Resource Dev Council Winnipeg Man .......................... 851,700• Split Lake Cree First Nation Split Lake M a n ................................ 1,075,400• Squamish Indian Band North Vancouver B C ................................. 780,224• St. Mary’s Indian Band Cranbrook B C ............................................ 100,525• St. Theresa Point Band St. Theresa Point Man .............................. 2,106,300• Standing Buffalo Band Fort Q u ’Appelle S a s k .............................. 226,655• Star Blanket Band Balcarres Sask ...................................................... 208,606• Stellaquo Indian Band Fraser Lake BC .......................................... 272,126• Stone Indian Band Hanceville B C ................................................... 1,172,850• Stoney Band Morley A l t a .................................................................... 504,425• Stoney Creek Indian Band Vanderhoof B C ................................... 735,486• Sturgeon Lake Band Shellbrook Sask............................................... 934,708• Sucker Creek Band Little Current O n t ............................................ 1,079,180• Sumas Indian Band Abbotsford B C ................................................. 216,000• Summer Beaver Settlement Pickle Lake O n t ................................. 253,700• Sunchild Cree Band Rocky Mountain Alta ................................... 646,000• Swan Lake Band Swan Lake M a n ................................................... 393,500• Sweet Grass Band Gallivan S a s k ..................................................... 1,472,452• Tahltan Indian Band Telegraph Creek B C ..................................... 1,191,145


• Takla Lake Indian Band Prince George B C ..................................... 235,1 55• Taku River Tlingit Band Atlin B C ..................................................... 237,000• Tallcree Band Fort Vermilion A l t a ..................................................... 382,340• Teslin Tlingit Council Band Teslin Y T ............................................ 562,614• Thunderchild Band Turtleford Sask ................................................... 519,507• Timiskaming Band Council Notre Dame du Nord Q u e .............. 572,700• TTazt-en Nations Band Fort St. James B C ..................................... 539,000• Tobique Band Council Perth N B ........................................................ 3,445,564• Toosey Indian Band Riske Creek BC .............................................. 104,049• Touchwood-file Hills Dis Chief Fort Qu'Appelle S a s k .............. 1,520,300• Tsartlip Indian Band Brentwood Bay B C ........................................ 236,600• Tsawataineuk Indian Band Kingcome Inlet BC ............................ 232,750• Tsawlnjik Dan Band Carmacks Y T ................................................... 233,560• Tsawout Indian Band Saanich ton BC .............................................. 1 25,000• Tsay Keh Dene Band Prince George B C .......................................... 692,175• Tsuu T ’ina Nation Band Calgary A l t a .............................................. 3,365,605• Turnor Lake Band Turnor Lake S ask ................................................. 103,359• Tzeachten Indian Band Sardis B C ..................................................... 365,738• Ulkatcho Indian Band Anahim Lake B C .......................................... 405,160• Valley River Band Shortdale M a n ..................................................... 208,385• Vuntut Gwitchin Tribal Council Old Crow Y T .............................. 616,500• Wabaseemong Band Whitedog O n t ................................................... 802,200• Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation Dinorwic O n t ............................ 325,600• Wagmatcook Band Council Baddeck NS ....................................... 834,1 34• Wahgoshig Band Matheson O nt.......................................................... 103,500• Wahpeton Band Prince Albert S a s k ................................................... 126,728• Wahta Mohawk Band Bala O n t .......................................................... 226,502• Walpole Island Band Wallaceburg O n t ............................................ 1,699,477• Wapekeka Band Angling O n t ............................................................... 202,509• Wasagamack B an d W asag am a ck M an .............................................. 1,384,500• Wasauksing First Nation Band Parry Sound Ont ......................... 413,131• Washagamis Bay Band Keewatin O n t .............................................. 103,300• Waterhen Band Skownan M a n ............................................................ 319,900• Waterhen Lake Band Waterhen Lake S a s k ..................................... 925,479• Waywayseecappo Band Rossburn M a n ............................................ 1,162,618• Webequie Settlement Pickle Lake Ont.............................................. 6,795,520• Weenusk Band Weenusk O n t ............................................................... 144,000• West Bay Band West Bay O n t ............................................................ 433,100• West Moberly Indian Band Moberly Lake B C .............................. 333,000• Westbank Indian Band Kelowna B C ................................................. 1,359,300• White Bear Band Carlyle Sask ............................................................ 473,388• White River First Nation Band Beaver Creek Y T .......................... 1 25,694• Whitefish Bay Band Pawitik O n t ........................................................ 626,260• Whitefish Lake Band Naughton O n t ................................................. 102,300• Whitefish Lake No 128 Goodfish Lake A l t a ................................... 620,200• Whitefish River Band Birch Island O n t ............................................ 226,600• Whycocomagh Band Counci l Whycocomagh N S .......................... 287,701• Wikwemikong Band Wikwemikong O n t .......................................... 1,084,200• Witchekan Lake Band Spiritwood Sask ............................................ 1 78,262• Woodland Cree Band Cadotte Lake A l t a .......................................... 8,564,833• Woodstock Band Council Woodstock N B ........................................ 1 38,716• Wunnumin Band Wunnumin Lake O n t ............................................ 965,1 54• York Factory Band York Landing M a n ............................................ 4 17,795

Maintenance and operation $171,636,568• Adams Lake Indian Band Chase B C ................................................. 105,076• Ahtahkakoop Band Shell Lake S a s k ................................................. 721,387• Aishihik Band Haines Junction Y T ................................................... 1 50,498• Albany Band Albany O n t ...................................................................... 1,215,728• Alexander Band Morinville A l t a ........................................................ 514,370• Alexis Band Glenevis A l t a ................................................................... 391,688• Algonquins of Barriere Lake Rapid Lake Q u e .............................. 1,455,839• Alkali Lake Indian Band Williams Lake B C ................................... 281,473• Alta Public Safety Service Edmonton A l t a ..................................... 112,912• Anaham Indian Band Alexis Creek B C ............................................ 349,040• Anishinabe of Wauzhushk Onigum Kenora O n t ............................ 139,065• Anspayaxw School Society Hazelton B C ........................................ 157,892• Attawapiskat Band Attawapiskat O n t ............................................... 388,989• Attawapiskat Education Authority Attawapiskat O n t ................... 728,014• Bande Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Maniwaki Que .......................... 310,633• Batchewana First Nation Band Sault-Ste-Marie Ont..................... 160,125• Bde Innu Takuaikan Mak Mani-ut Sept lies Q u e .......................... 659,826

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• Beardy’s & Okemasis Band Duck Lake Sask................................• Bearskin Lake Band Bearskin Lake Ont..........................................• Beausoleil Band Vic Penetanguis O n t ............................................• Beaver First Nation Band High Level A lta .....................................• Beaver Lake Band Lac La Biche A lta ..............................................• Berens River Band Berens River M a n ............................................• Big C Band La Lâche S a s k .................................................................• Big Cove Band Council Big Cove N B ............................................• Big Grassy Band Morson O n t ............................................................• Big River Band Debden S a s k ............................................................• Big Trout Lake Band Big Trout Lake O n t .....................................• Bigstone Cree Band Desmarais A l ta .................................................• Bimose Tribal Council Kenora O n t .................................................• Birdtail Sioux Band Beulah M a n .....................................................• Black Lake Band Black Lake S ask ...................................................• Blood Band Standoff A l t a ...................................................................• Blood Tribe Education Society Standoff Alta ..............................• Bloodvein Band Bloodvein Man........................................................• Blueberry River Indian Band Buick Creek BC ............................• Brokenhead Ojibway Nation Scanterbury M a n ............................• Buffalo River Band Dillon S a s k ........................................................• Burnt Church Band Council Legaceville N B ................................• Caldwell Band Bothwell O n t ............................................................• Canim Lake Indian Band 100 Mile House B C ..............................• Canoe Lake Band Canow Narrows S a s k .......................................• Carcross/Tagish First Nations Carcross Y T ...................................• Carrier-sekani Tribal Council Prince George B C .........................• Carry the Kettle Band Sintaluta S a s k ..............................................• Cat Lake Band Cat Lake O n t ............................................................• Chapel Island Band Council St. Peters N S .....................................• Chehalis Indian Band Agassiz B C ...................................................• Chemainus Indian Band Ladysmith B C ..........................................• Chemawawin Education Authority Easterville M a n ..................• Chemawawin First Nation Easterville M a n ...................................• Cheslatta Carrier Nation Band Burns Lake B C ............................• Chiefs of Ontario Toronto O n t ..........................................................• Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point Forest O n t ............................• Chippewas of Nawash Band Wiarton O n t .....................................• Chippewas of Rama First Nation Rama O n t ................................• Chippewas of Sarnia Sarnia O n t ........................................................• Chippewas of Saugeen Southampton O n t .....................................• Chippewas of the Thames 1st Nation Muncey O n t .....................• City of Fredericton Fredericton N B .................................................• City of Sydney Sydney N S .................................................................• Cockburn Island Band Silverwater O n t ..........................................• Cold Lake First Nations Band Grand Centre A l t a .......................• Confed of Mainland Micmacs Truro NS .......................................• Conseil Tribal Block Centre Montagnais Betsiamites Que• Conseil de Bande Abitibiwinni Amos Q u e .....................................• Conseil de Bande Betsiamites Betsiamites Q u e ............................• Conseil de Bande Lac Simon Lac Simon Q u e ..............................• Conseil de Bande Mingan Mingan Q u e ..........................................• Conseil de Bande Obedjiwan Obedjiwan Q u e ..............................• Conseil de Bande Odanak Odanak Q u e ..........................................• Conseil de Bande Restigouche Restigouche Q ue .........................• Conseil de Bande Weymontachie Weymontachie Que................• Conseil des Atikamekw De Manaw Manawan Q u e ..................• Conseil Montagnais La Romaine La Romaine Q u e ..................• Conseil Montagnais Lac St-Jean Pointe Bleue Q u e .....................• Conseil Montagnais Natashquan Natashquan Que..............• Conseil Montagnais Pakua Shipi St Augustin Que• Conseil Montagnais Schefferville Schefferville Q u e ................• Conseil Nation Huronne Wendat Village Huron W Que• Conseil Police Amérindienne Pointe Bleue Q u e .......................• Constance Lake Band Calstock O n t .....................................• Cote Band Kamsack S a s k .......................................................• Couchiching Band Fort Frances O nt.....................................• Council for Yukon Indians Whitehorse Y T .......................• Cowessess Band Broadview S ask ..........................................• Cowichan Indian Band Duncan B C .....................................• Crane River Band Crane River M a n ...................................

494.600 518,560 779,184 151,372 379,001 246,829 282,895 582,630 1 35,729 877,116


2,100,832603.182 1 22,024125.182 252,459394.81 1 333,934123.000 240,900 316,008 1 32,943 117,500283.202 301,780 141,439 212,868 1 28,541200.000 226,916 119,700140.000422.966 433,804 195,579 1 59,322 279,432 394,322110.000 113,045126.600 567,937 1 55,303 112,875 249,813 652,819 401,987 290,907 538,684 111,973273.081 414,568 470,863 405,927 803,01 1 412,285 225,545 524,441431.202 468,510 142,610 310,079 226,090 280,158 794,771 221,474 182,698


• Cree Regional Authority N em ask aQ u e ............................................ 180,000• Cross Lake Band Cross Lake M an ..................................................... 1,540,249• Ctn Operations Associations Inc North Battleford S a s k .............. 1 28,549• Cumberland House Band Cumberland House Sask ..................... 1 59,345• Curve Lake Band Curve Lake O n t ..................................................... 171,593• Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Brandon M a n .............................. 1 52,306• Dakota Plains Band Portage La Prairie M a n ................................... 112,774• Day Star Band Punnichy S a s k ............................................................ 100,768• Dease River Band Good Hope Lake B C .......................................... 288,245• Deer Lake Band Deer Lake O n t .......................................................... 426,994• D eneTha ' BandChateh A l t a ............................................................... 1,186,005• Dokis Band Monetville O n t ................................................................. 163,640• Eabametoong 1st Nation Indian Pickle L a k e O n t ......................... 731,136• Eagle Lake Band Eagle River O n t ..................................................... 131,168• Ebb and Flow Band Ebb and Flow M a n .......................................... 247,1 29• Eel Ground Band Council Newcastle N B ........................................ 165,030• English River Band Patuanak S a s k ................................................... 315,817• Enoch Band Winterburn A l t a ............................................................... 359,003• Ermine skin B a n d H o b b e m a A l t a ........................................................ 1,136,524• Eskasoni Band Council Eskasoni NS .............................................. 678,040• Fairford Band Fairford M an ................................................................. 460,844• Fed of Sask Indians Saskatoon S a s k ................................................. 747,000• First Nation Housing Society West Vancouver B C ....................... 211,911• Fisher River B an d K o o s ta t ak M an ..................................................... 680,571• Fishing L a k e B a n d W a d e n a S a s k ....................................................... 163,946• Flying Dust Band Meadow Lake Sask.............................................. 400,669• Fond du Lac Band Fond du Lac S a s k ............................................... 664,355• Fort Alexander Band Fort Alexander Man........................................ 547,730• Fort Churchill Band Tadoule Lake M a n .......................................... 269,114• Fort McMurray Band Fort McMurray A l t a ..................................... 157,384• Fort Nelson Indian Band Fort Nelson B C ........................................ 219,047• Fort Severn Band Fort Severn O nt...................................................... 690,930• Fort Ware Indian Band Prince George BC........................................ 497,296• Fort William Band Thunder Bay O nt................................................. 161,517• Fountain Indian Band Lillooet BC...................................................... 101,100• Fox Lake Band Gillam M an ................................................................. 197,290• Frog Lake Band Frog Lake Alta .......................................................... 584,503• Garden Hill Band Island Lake M an ................................................... 1,435,503• Garden River 1st Nation Indian Garden River O n t ....................... 320,842• Georgina Island First Nation Sutton West O n t .............................. 236,777• Gitlakdamix Indian Band New Aiyansh B C ................................... 142,071• Gitsan-wet’suwet’en L S Society Hazelton B C .............................. 1,377,400• G od’s Lake Band G od’s Lake M a n ................................................... 1,114,620• God’s River Band God’s River M a n ................................................. 452,257• Golden Lake Band Golden Lake O nt................................................. 1 30,073• Gordon Band Punnichy S a s k ............................................................... 559,384• Grand Rapids Band Grand Rapids M an ............................................ 116,350• Grassy Narrows First Nation Band Grassy Narrows O n t ............ 342,314• Gull Bay Band Gull Bay O n t ............................................................... 176,331• Gwa-sa la-nakwaxda’xw Indian Band Port Hardy B C ................... 110,769• Halfway River Indian Band Wonowon B C ..................................... 157,475• Hatchet Lake Band Wollaston Lake S a s k ........................................ 541,955• Heart Lake Band Lac La Biche A l t a ................................................. 192,448• Heiltsuk Indian Band Waglisla B C ................................................... 676,500• High Level Tribal Council High Level A l t a ................................... 144,060• Hishkoonikun Education Authority Moose Factory O nt .............. 724,425• Hollow Water First Nation Wanipigow M a n ................................... 148,593• Iskut Indian Band Iskut B C ................................................................. 266,513• Island Lake Band Loon Lake Sask ................................................... 442,813• Jackhead Band Dallas M a n ................................................................. 213,273• James Smith Band Kinistino S a s k ..................................................... 593,274• Janvier Band Chard Alta ...................................................................... 128,642• John Smith Band Birch Hills S ask ..................................................... 253,258• Joseph Bighead Band Pierceland Sask.............................................. 470,677• Kahkewistahaw Band Broadview S a s k ............................................ 155,111• Kamloops Indian Band Kamloops B C .............................................. 244,018• Kanesatake Band Council Kanesatake Q ue ..................................... 178,059• Kasabonika Lake Band Kasabonika Lake O n t .............................. 452,867• Kashechewan Band Kashechewan O n t ............................................ 363,355• Kawacatoose Band Quinton S a s k ..................................................... 506,050• K ees eek o o s eB a n d K a m s ack S as k ..................................................... 413,590


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• Keeseekoowenin Band Elphinstone M a n ........................................ 270,522• Keewatin Tribal Council Inc Thompson M a n .............................. 135,592• Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tribal Sioux Lookout O n t .............. 112,712• Key Band Norquay S a s k ...................................................................... 121,606• Kingfisher Band Kingfisher L a k e O n t ............................................ 303,170• Kingsclear Band Council Fredericton N B ..................................... 129,223• Kitamaat Indian Band Kitamaat B C ................................................. 178,011• Kitasoo Indian Band Klemtu B C ..................................................... 306,062• Kluane Tribal Council Burwash Landing Y T ................................. 148,932• Kluskus Indian Band Quesnel B C ................................................... 121,934• Kwanlin-dun First Nation Band Whitehorse Y T .......................... 126,680• Kwicksutaineuk Indian Band Simoon Sound B C .......................... 100,984• Lac La Croix Band Fort Frances O n t .............................................. 321,660• Lac La Ronge Band La Ronge S a s k ................................................. 1,527,471• Lac Seul Band Lac Seul O n t ............................................................... 284,837• Lakalzap Indian Band Greenville B C ............................................... 130,791• Lake Babine Indian Band Burns Lake B C ..................................... 257,200• Lake Manitoba Band Vogar M a n ...................................................... 147,302• Lake Manitoba Education Authority Vogar M a n .......................... 258,456• Lake St. Martin Band Gypsumville M a n ........................................ 174,109• Lansdowne House Band Pickle Lake O n t ..................................... 213,172• Lax Kw’alaams Indian Band Port Simpson B C ............................ 499,300• Lennox Island Band Lennox Island P E I .......................................... 170,662• Lesser Slave Lake Indian Reg Council Slave Lake A l t a ............ 2,224,994• Liard River Band Watson Lake YT................................................... 279,338• Little Black Bear Band Goodeve S a s k ............................................ 113,461• Little Black River Band O ’Hanley M an .......................................... 217,416• Little Grand Rapids Band Little Grand Rapids M a n ................... 169,686• Little Pine Band Paynton S a s k .......................................................... 430,999• Little Red River Cree Nation High Level A l t a .............................. 2,131,248• Little Saskatchewan Band Gypsumville Man................................. 196,376• Long Lake Cree Nation Band Bonnyville Alta ............................ 582,748• Long Plain Band Edwin M a n ............................................................ 626,535• Long Point First Nations Winneway River Q ue ............................ 273,280• Louis Bull Band Hobbema A l t a ........................................................ 257,749• Lower Nicola Indian Band Merritt B C ............................................ 110,235• Lower Similkameen Band Keremeos B C ....................................... 102,231• Lytton Indian Band Lytton B C .......................................................... 269,944• Makwa Sahgaiehcan Band Loon Lake S ask ................................... 117,839• Martin Falls Band Nakina O n t .......................................................... 235,525• Matawa & First Nations Mgmt T h u n d e r B a y O n t ....................... 401,543• Mathias Colomb Band Pukatawagan M a n ..................................... 1,050,407• Membertou Band Council Sydney N S ............................................ 149,783• Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Maria Q u e .............................................. 167,999• Mikisew Cree First Nation Band Fort Chipewyan A l t a .............. 215,605• Minister of Finance Winnipeg M a n ................................................. 560,852• Miskooseepi Education Authority Bloodvein M a n ..................... 193,171• Mississauga Band Blind River O n t ................................................... 149,950• Mississaugas of New Credit Hagersville O n t ................................ 246,155• Mistawasis Band Leask S a s k ............................................................ 235,942• MLDC Management Company Ltd Meadow Lake S a s k ............ 840,301• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Que....................... 1,766,195• Mohawks Council of Akwesasne Cornwall Ont............................ 1,332,825• Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Deseronto O n t ............................ 704,237• Montana Band Hobbema A l ta ............................................................ 243,073• Montreal Lake Band Montreal Lake S a s k ..................................... 869,370• Moose Factory Band Moose Factory O n t ........................................ 479,109• Moose Lake Band Moose Lake M a n .............................................. 150,931• Moosomin Band Cochin S ask ............................................................ 448,943• Moravian of the Thames Band Thamesville O n t .......................... 102,435• Mosquito-Grizzly Bear's Head Cando S ask ................................... 237,008• Mount Currie Indian Band Mount Currie BC................................ 397,466• Muscowequan Student Residence Lestock S a s k .......................... 376,045• Muscowpetung Band Fort Qu 'Appelle S a s k ................................ 340,922• Mushkegowuk Tribal Council Moose Factory O n t ..................... 568,874• Muskeg Lake Band Leask S a s k ........................................................ 269,384• Muskowekwan Band Lestock Sask ................................................. 170,933• Muskrat Dam Lake Band Muskrat Dam O n t ................................ 276,510• Nak’azdli Indian Band Fort St, James B C ..................................... 108,445• Nanaimo Indian Band Nanaimo B C ................................................. 131,683• Nation Crie de Wemindji Wemindji Q u e ........................................ 674,848• Nelson House Band Nelson House Man .......................................... 528,276• Nelson House Education Authority Nelson House M a n ............ 416,944


• Nemaiah Valley Indian Band Nemaiah Valley B C ....................... 152,763• Nimpkish Indian Band Alert Bay B C ............................................... 180,331• Nipissing Band Sturgeon Falls O n t ................................................... 316,084• North Caribou Lake Band Weagamow O n t ..................................... 558,334• North Coast Tribal Council Prince Rupert B C .............................. 1,202,499• North Shore Micmac Newcastle N B ................................................. 223,396• North Shore Tribal Council Blind River O nt ................................... 172,500• North Spirit Lake Band North Spirit Lake O n t .............................. 252,440• North Thompson Indian Band Barriere B C ..................................... 102,084• Northlands Band Lac Brochet M a n ................................................... 632,140• Northwest Angle No 37 Band Sioux Narrows O n t ....................... 141,522• Norway House Band Norway House Man........................................ 1,147,163• Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni BC ............................ 1,408,800• Nuxalk Nation Band Bella Coola B C ............................................... 475,722• O ’Chiese Band Rocky Mountain A l t a ............................................... 225,759• Oak Lake Band Pipestone M a n .......................................................... 109,369• Ochapowace Band Whitewood S a s k ................................................. 205,533• Ogemawahj Tribal Council Rama O nt............................................... 122,535• Ojibways o f Onegaming Band Nestor Falls O n t ............................ 199,600• Ojibways Pic River 1st Nation Heron Bay O n t .............................. 171,997• Okanagan Indian Band Vernon B C ................................................... 177,822• Okanese Band Balcarres S a s k ............................................................ 113,254• On-reserve Housing Code Compliance Thunder Bay O n t ......... 596,379• One Arrow Band Rosthern S a s k ........................................................ 239,347• Onion Lake Band Lloydminster S a s k ............................................... 1,331,051• Onyota’a:ka Band Southwold O n t ...................................................... 429,382• Opaskwayak Cree First Nation The Pas M a n ................................. 368,153• Opasquiak Educational Authority The Pas M a n ............................ 318,790• Osnaburgh Band Osnaburgh O n t ........................................................ 285,693• Osoyoos Indian Band Oliver B C ........................................................ 172,737• Oweekeno Indian Band Port Hardy B C ............................................ 167,552• Oxford House Band Oxford House M a n .......................................... 1,117,256• P A District Chiefs Prince Albert Sask ............................................... 1,323,516• Pasqua Band Fort Q u’Appelle S ask ................................................... 252,847• Paul Band Duffield A l t a ........................................................................ 426,429• Pauquachin Indian Band Brentwood Bay B C ................................. 293,223• Peepeekisis Band Balcarres S ask ........................................................ 403,489• Peguis Band Education Authority Winnipeg Man .......................... 325,301• Peguis Band Hodgson M a n ................................................................. 1,584,803• Peigan Band Broket A l t a ...................................................................... 886,055• Peigan Board of Education Brocket A l ta .......................................... 309,620• Pelican Lake Band Leoville Sask........................................................ 381,671• Penelakut Indian Band Chemainus B C ............................................ 159,370• Penticton Indian Band Penticton B C ................................................. 182,669• Peter Ballantyne Band Pelican Narrows S a s k ................................ 1,236,730• Piapot Band Cupar S ask ........................................................................ 454,073• Pic Mobert Band Mobert O n t ............................................................... 184,030• Pikangikum Band Pikangikum O n t ................................................... 922,583• Pine Creek Band Camperville M a n ................................................... 366,414• Poplar Hill Band Poplar Hill O nt........................................................ 228,270• Poplar River First Nation Via Negginan M a n ................................ 243,202• Poundmaker Band Cut Knife Sask ..................................................... 367,1 37• Prophet River Indian Band Fort Nelson B C ................................... 275,190• Province of New Brunswick Fredericton N B ................................ 207,616• Provincial Treasurer Edmonton A l t a ................................................. 836,787• Pwi-di-goo-zing-ne-yaa-zhing Fort Frances O nt ............................ 180,220• Rainy River Band Emo O n t ................................................................. 143,373• Red Bank Band Council R e d B a n k N B ............................................ 129,968• Red Earth Band Red Earth Sask .......................................................... 649,513• Red Pheasant Band Grenfell S a s k ..................................................... 292,049• Red Sucker Lake Band Red Sucker Lake M a n .............................. 487,041• Rolling River Band Erickson M an ..................................................... 270,830• Roseau River Band Ginew M an .......................................................... 526,621• Ross River Band Ross River Y T ....................................................... 135,634• Sachigo Lake Band Sachigo Lake O n t ............................................ 387,730• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake A l t a ................................................. 1,073,824• Sagamok Anishnawbek Band Massey O n t ..................................... 477,558• Sagkeeng Education Found Inc Pine Falls M a n ............................ 898,902• Saint Mary’s Band Council Fredericton N B ................................... 193,443• Sakimay Band Grenfell S a s k ............................................................... 177,633• Samson Band Hobbema A l t a ............................................................... 1,007,092• Sandy Bay Band Marius M a n ............................................................ 858,077• Sandy Bay Education Found Inc Marius M an ................................ 610,716

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• Sandy Lake Band Sandy Lake O n t ................................................... 1,159,624• Sask Indian Regional College Saskatoon Sask.............................. 100,000• Sask Inst Applied Science Saskatoon Sask..................................... 225,000• Sask Water Corporation Sask ............................................................ 140,000• Saskatoon District Tribal Council Saskatoon S a s k ..................... 818,871• Saulteau Indian Band Chetwynd B C .............................................. 128,505• Saulteaux Band Cochin Sask ............................................................ 284,320• Seabird Island Indian Band Agassiz B C .......................................... 403,141• Seine River Band Mine Centre O n t ................................................. 177,841• Selkirk Band Pelly Crossing Y T ........................................................ 123,711• Serpent River Band Cutler O n t .......................................................... 144,699• Seton Lake Indian Band Shalalth B C .............................................. 111,070• Shamattawa Band Education Authority Shamattawa Man......... 548,073• Shamattawa First Nation Shamattawa M a n ................................... 177,627• Shibogama Tribal Council Kasaboneka O nt................................... 359,498• Shoal Lake Band o f the Cree Pakwaw S a s k ................................... 243,605• Shoal Lake No 39 Band Kejick O n t ................................................. 233,822• Shoal Lake No 40 Band Kejick O n t ................................................. 219,897• Shoal River Band Via Pelican Rap M an .......................................... 1 70,4 16• Shubenacadie Band Council Shubenacadie N S ............................ 206,052• Siksika Nation Band Gleichen A l t a ................................................. 1,581,185• Sioux Valley Band Griswold M a n ................................................... 286,994• Sioux Valley Educational Authority Griswold M an..................... 209,560• Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken O n t ............................ 2,012,61 7• Skidegate Indian Band Skidegate B C ............................................... 217,700• Sliammon Indian Band Powell River B C ....................................... 132,398• Southeast Resource Dev Council Winnipeg Man.......................... 640,488• Southeast Tribal Div— school I Winnipeg M a n ............................ 539,005• Southern First Nation Secretar Southwold O n t ............................ 106,715• Spallumcheen Indian Band Enderby B C ........................................ 112,191• Split Lake Cree First Nation Split Lake M a n ................................. 625,213• Squamish Indian Band North Vancouver B C ................................ 121,863• St, Theresa Point Band St. Theresa Point M an .............................. 1,467,369• Standing Buffalo Band Fort Q u’Appelle S a s k .............................. 406,370• Star Blanket B an d B a lcar re sS ask ..................................................... 1,002,512• Stellaquo Indian Band Fraser Lake BC .......................................... 364,709• Stone Indian Band Hanceville B C ................................................... 115,610• Stoney Band Morley A l t a ................................................................... 1,603,504• Stoney Creek Indian Band Vanderhoof B C ................................... 155,217• Sturgeon Lake Band Shellbrook Sask.............................................. 632,528• Sumas Indian Band Abbotsford B C ................................................. 311,734• Summer Beaver Settlement Pickle Lake O n t ................................ 173,511• Sunchild Cree Band Rocky Mountain Alta ................................... 335,073• Swampy Cree Tribal Council The Pas M a n ................................... 184,656• Swan Lake Band Swan Lake M a n ................................................... 207,377• Sweet Grass Band Gallivan S a s k ..................................................... 372,006• Takla Lake Indian Band Prince George B C ................................... 315,653• Tallcree Band Fort Vermilion A l t a ................................................... 548,297• The Narrows Education Authorit Gypsumville M a n ................... 165,000• The Ojibway 1850 Treaty Counci Thunder Bay O n t .................. 152,990• The Town of Truro Truro N S ............................................................ 122,135• Thunderchild Band Turtleford S a s k ................................................. 419,727• Timiskaming Band Council Notre Dame du Nord Q u e .............. 240,015• Tl 'azt-en Nations Band Fort St James B C ..................................... 284,149• Tobique Band Council Perth NB ..................................................... 383,504• Touchwood-file Hills Dis Chief Fort Q u ’appelle S a s k .............. 413,153• Tribal Chiefs Ventures Inc St Paul A l t a .......................................... 355,920• Tsawataineuk Indian Band Kingcome Inlet B C ............................ 194,799• Tsay Keh Dene Band Prince George B C ........................................ 320,764• Tseycum Indian Band Sidney B C ..................................................... 1 32,799• Tsuu T' ina Nation Band Calgary Alta ............................................ 412,980• Ulkatcho Indian Band Anahim Lake B C ........................................ 164,194• Upper Nicola Indian Band Merritt B C ............................................ 198,131• Valley River Band Shortdale M a n ................................................... 473,968• Vuntut Gwitchin Tribal Council Old Crow Y T ............................ 224,105• Wabaseemong Band Whitedog O n t ................................................. 383,836• Wagmatcook Band Council Baddeck N S ........................................ 233,294• Wahgoshig Band Matheson O n t ........................................................ 125,271• Wahpeton Band Prince Albert S a s k ................................................. 131,906• Walpole Island Band Wallaceburg O n t ............................................ 832,831• Wapekeka Band Angling O n t ............................................................ 290,630• Wasagamack Band Wasagamack M a n ............................................ 1,012,757• Wasauksing First Nation Band Parry Sound O n t .......................... 283,042

• Waskaganish Band Council Waskaganish Q u e .............................. 1 30,000• Waterhen Band Skownan M an ............................................................ 232,694• Waterhen Lake Band Waterhen Lake S a s k ..................................... 536,703• Waywayseecappo Band Rossburn M a n ............................................ 526,763• Waywayseecappo Education Authority Rossburn Man................ 278,530• Webequie Settlement Pickle Lake Ont.............................................. 303,022• Weenusk Band Weenusk O n t ............................................................... 710,050• West Bay Band West Bay O n t ............................................................ 407,104• West Region Tribal Council Inc Dauphin M a n .............................. 1 57,360• Westbank Indian Band Kelowna B C ................................................. 118,100• White Bear Band Carlyle Sask ............................................................ 618,879• Whitefish Bay Band Pawitik O n t ........................................................ 333,684• Whitefish Lake Band Naughton O n t ................................................. 111,012• Whitefish Lake No 128 Goodfish Lake A l t a ................................... 726,169• Whitefish River Band Birch Island O n t ............................................ 1 35,470• Whycocomagh Band Counci l Whycocomagh N S .......................... 247,693• Wikwemikong Band Wikwemikong O n t .......................................... 1,273,200• Williams Lake Indian Band Williams Lake B C ............................ 110,100• Windigo Area Council Sioux Lookout O n t ..................................... 255,511• Woodland Cree Band Cadotte Lake A l t a .......................................... 1 27,913• Wunnumin Band Wunnumin Lake O n t ............................................ 594,310• Yellow Quill Band Rose Valley Sask ................................................. 236,734• Yellowhead Tribal Council Spruce Grove A l t a .............................. 233,625• York Factory Band York Landing M a n ............................................ 202,840• Yorkton Tribal Administration Yorkton S a s k ................................ 1 78,769

Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policydeve lopment $ 12,787,622

• Assembly of First Nations Summertown O n t ................................ 1 34,878• Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Winnipeg Man .............................. 324,700• Chiefs o f Ontario Toronto O n t ............................................................ 376,500• Chiefs Steering Committee Ottawa O n t .......................................... 1,224,000• Confederacy of Treaty 6 Morinville A lta .......................................... 100,000• Cree Regional Authority Nemaska Q u e ............................................ 215,000• Fed of Sask Indians Saskatoon S a s k ................................................. 833,500• First World Indigenous Youth C Nemaska Que.............................. 1 25,000• Fort Folly Band Council Dorchester N B .......................................... 1 20,000• Grand Council of Treaty 8 Edmonton A l t a ..................................... 713,266• Grand Council Treaty 3 Kenora O n t ................................................. 1 30,200• Indian Association of Alta Winterburn Alta ..................................... 644,986• Indian Moneys Committee Edmonton A l t a ..................................... 184,173• Kwakiutl Indian Band Port Hardy B C .............................................. 167,000• Little Red River Cree Nation High Level A l t a .............................. 125,000• Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakana Thompson M a n ................... 230,000• Matawa & First Nations Mgmt Thunder Bay O n t ......................... 1 26,200• Mushkegowuk Tribal Council Moose Factory O n t ....................... 125,034• Mushuau Tribal Council Labrador Nfld .......................................... 225,000• National Aboriginal Forestry Ottawa Ont........................................ 393,500• Nipissing Band Sturgeon Falls O n t ................................................... 100,000• Nishnawabe-Aski-Nation Thunder Bay O n t ................................... 116,000• Pictou Landing Band Council Trenton N S ..................................... 500,000• Sask Treaty Indian Women's Assoc Regina S a s k .......................... 112,532• Sto: Lo Nation Canada Sardis B C ..................................................... 134,000• Treaty 7 Tribal Council Calgary A l ta ................................................. 230,400• Union of Ontario Indians North Bay O n t ........................................ 163,900


Contributions to Indian bands, Inuit settlements and their organizations for employee pension benefit plans $ 25,651,868

• Ahtahkakoop Band Shell Lake S a s k ................................................. 100,740• Awasis Agency of Northern Thompson Man ................................... 292,686• Big Cove Band Council Big Cove NB ............................................ 289,886• Big River Band Debden S ask ............................................................... 142,080• Blood Tribe Educ Society Standoff A l t a .......................................... 307,268• Burnt Church Band Council Legaceville N B ................................ 180,708• Conseil Tribal Block Centre Montagnais Betsiamites Q ue ......... 1,881,012• Conseil Police Amérindienne Pointe Bleue Q u e ............................ 302,191• Cross Lake Band Cross Lake Man..................................................... 440,566• Dakota Ojibway Child & Family Brandon M a n ............................ 146,466• Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Brandon M a n .............................. 230,525• Dene Tha’ Band Chateh A l t a ............................................................... 1 50,595• Ermineskin Band Hobbema A l t a ........................................................ 190,728• Eskasoni Band Council Eskasoni N S .............................................. 423,281• Fairford Band Fairford M an ................................................................. 102,727

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• Fisher River Band Koostatak M a n ................................................... 162,104• Frog Lake Band Frog Lake A l t a ........................................................ 1 73,443• Garden Hill Band Island Lake M a n ................................................. 195,102• Gitsan-wet’suwet’en L S Society Hazelton B C ............................ 242,700• Heiltsuk Indian Band Waglisla B C ................................................... 107,900• Island Lake Tribal Council Winnipeg Man ................................... 108,121• Lac La Ronge Band La Ronge S a s k ................................................. 436,800• Lesser Slave Lake Indian Reg Council Slave Lake A l t a ............ 228,434• Little Pine Band Paynton S a s k .......................................................... 110,800• Little Red River Cree Nation High Level A l ta .............................. 108,340• Mathias Colomb Band Pukatawagan M a n ..................................... 153,657• MLDC Management Company Ltd Meadow Lake S a s k ............ 264,700• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Que....................... 603,869• Mohawks Council of Akwesasne Cornwall Ont............................ 476,726• Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Deseronto O n t ............................ 105,384• Moose Factory Band Moose Factory O n t ....................................... 112,900• Moosomin Band Cochin S ask ............................................................ 115,000• Nelson House Education Authority Nelson House M a n ............ 231,943• North Nishnawbe Educ Council Moose Factory O n t .................. 131,783• Norway House Band Norway House M a n ..................................... 219,378• Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni B C ......................... 1 29,300• Onion Lake Band Lloydminster S ask .............................................. 365,700• Opaskwayak Cree First Nation T h e P a s M a n ................................ 152,867• Opasquiak Educational Authority The Pas Man............................ 249,189• Oxford House Band Oxford House M a n ....................................... 100,510• P A District Chiefs Prince Albert S a s k ............................................ 494,966• Peguis Band Hodgson M an ................................................................. 342,983• Peigan Board of Education Brocket A l t a ....................................... 1 33,345• Peter Ballantyne Band Pelican Narrows S a s k .............................. 149,600• Pikangikum Band Pikangikum O n t ................................................. 204,645• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake A lta ................................................. 229,261• S ag am o k A n i sh n a w b ek B an d M a ss ey O n t ..................................... 120,237• Sagkeeng Education Found Inc Pine Falls M an ............................ 218,874• Sandy Bay Education Found Inc Marius M a n .............................. 345,472• Saskatoon District Tribal Coun Saskatoon Sask............................ 211,900• Shamattawa Band Education Auth Shamattawa M a n ................ 123,079• Siksika Nation Band Gleichen A l t a ................................................. 199,389• Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken O n t ............................ 235,629• Southeast Resource Dev Council Winnipeg Man .......................... 588,728• Split Lake Cree First Nation Split Lake M a n ................................ 220,919• St, Theresa Point Band St, Theresa Point M an .............................. 320,449• Star Blanket Band Balcarres Sask ..................................................... 199,600• Stoney Band Morley A l t a ................................................................... 141,975• Swampy Cree Tribal Council The Pas M a n ................................... 116,541• Touchwood-file Hills Dis Chief Fort Qu'Appelle S a s k .............. 108,506• Walpole Island Band Wallaceburg O n t ............................................ 203,427• West Bay Band West Bay Ont............................................................ 134,772• Wikwemikong Band Wikwemikong O n t ........................................ 217,902• Windigo Area Council Sioux Lookout O n t ................................... 1 32,748

Contributions to Indian bands for programs on Indian managementdevelopment and band training $8,038,556

• Big C Band La Lache S a s k ................................................................. 163,580• Canadian Exec Serv Org Toronto O n t ............................................ 1,724,000• Conseil de Bande Restigouche Restigouche Q ue ......................... 104,310• First Nations Resource Council Edmonton A lta ............................ 100,000• James Smith Band Kinistino S a s k ................................................... 103,000• MLDC Management Company Ltd Meadow Lake S a s k ............ 109,500• P A District Chiefs Prince Albert S a s k ............................................ 243,950• Touchwood-file Hills Dis Chief Fort Qu'Appelle S a s k .............. 102,500• Wintemute Randle Kilimnik Winnipeg M a n ................................ 103,790

Contributions to the Province of Newfoundland for the provision of programs and services to native people resident in Newfoundland and Labrador $9,192,288

• Newfoundland Exchequer Acct St John’s N f l d ............................ 9,192,288

Contributions to tribal councils for administrative servicecosts and management support services $42,748,346

• Agency Chiefs Tribal Council Debden S a s k ................................ 272,501• Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation T Maniwaki Q u e ....................... 105,981• Algonquin Nation Prg Svc Secrt Notre Dame du Nord Que . . . 120,420• Alliance of Tribal Council Delta B C .............................................. 548,019• Athabasca Tribal Corporation Fort McMurray A l ta ..................... 430,697


• Atikamekw Sipi Conseil Nation La Tuque Q u e ............................ 585,892• Battleford Tribal Council Mgmt North Battleford S a s k .............. 439,582• Bimose Tribal Council Kenora O n t ................................................... 649,846• Cariboo Tribal Council Williams Lake B C ..................................... 322,528• Carrier Chilcotin Tribal Council Williams Lake B C ..................... 398,507• Carrier-sekani Tribal Council Prince George B C .......................... 892,800• Coast Mountain Development Corp Squamish B C ....................... 351,732• Confed of Mainland Micmacs Truro N S .......................................... 496,010• Conseil Tribal Block Centre Montagnais Betsiamites Q u e ......... 677,177• Ctn Operations Associations in North Battleford S a s k ................ 425,987• Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Brandon M a n .............................. 917,222• Deh Cho Tribal Council Fort Simpson N W T ................................. 518,182• Dogrib Tribal Council Fort Rae N W T............................................... 177,273• First Nations of S Is T C Mill Bay BC.............................................. 533,81 1• Fraser Canyon Indian Admin Lytton B C .......................................... 258,849• Gitsan-wet’suwet’en L S Society Hazelton B C .............................. 733,900• Grand Conseil Waban-aki Inc Nicolet Q u e ..................................... 173,963• Gwich’in Tribal Council Inuvik NWT............................................... 272,727• High Level Tribal Council High Level A l t a ................................... 492,587• Independent First Nations Alii Sioux Lookout Ont....................... 526,865• Interlake Reserves Tribal Council Fairford M an ............................ 642,576• Island Lake Tribal Council Winnipeg M a n ..................................... 857,235• Kaska Tribal Council Watson Lake Y T ............................................ 457,725• Keewatin Tribal Council Inc Thompson M a n ................................ 1,325,140• Keewaytinook Okimakanak Tribal Sioux Lookout O n t .............. 714,760• Ktunaxa-kinbasket Tribal Council Cranbrook BC ....................... 343,324• Kwakiutl Indian Band Port Hardy B C ............................................... 586,452• Lesser Slave Lake Indian Reg Council Slave Lake A l ta .............. 1,122,803• Lillooet Tribal Council Lillooet BC................................................... 274,077• Matawa & First Nations Mgmt Thunder Bay O n t .......................... 739,736• Mawiw Tribal Council Fredericton N B ............................................ 195,351• Mid-island Tribal Council Chemainus B C ..................................... 326,986• MLDC Management Company Ltd Meadow Lake S a s k ............ 896,831• Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Alert Bay B C ........................................ 474,790• Mushkegowuk Tribal Council Moose Factory O n t ....................... 813,482• Nicola Valley Tribal Council Merritt BC.......................................... 350,324• Nisga'a Tribal Council New Aiyansh B C ........................................ 195,200• Nl'akapxm Nation Tribal Council Lytton B C ................................. 409,008• North Coast Tribal Council Prince Rupert B C .............................. 690,400• North Shore Micmac Newcastle N B ................................................. 587,830• North Shore Tribal Council Blind River O nt ................................... 581,978• Northern Tutchone Tribal Council Carmacks Y T .......................... 176,311• Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Port Alberni BC............................ 1,024,300• Nwt Treaty #8 Tribal Council Yellowknife N W T .......................... 300,000• Ogemawahj Tribal Council Rama O nt............................................... 340,603• Okanagan Tribal Council Penticton BC............................................ 347,776• Oweekeno-kitasoo-nuxalk Bella Coola B C ..................................... 310,790• P A District Chiefs Prince Albert Sask .............................................. 1,657,662• Pwi-di-goo-zing-ne-yaa-zhing Fort Frances O nt ............................ 818,196• Regroupement Mamit Innuat Inc Mingan Q u e .............................. 535,198• Sahtu Tribal Council Norman Wells N W T ..................................... 231,818• Saint John River Valley Woodstock N B .......................................... 275,457• Saskatoon District Tribal Council Saskatoon S a s k ....................... 665,353• Shibogama Tribal Council Kasaboneka O n t ................................... 581,955• Shuswap Nation Tribal Council Kamloops B C .............................. 581,595• Southeast Resource Dev Council Winnipeg M a n .......................... 997,1 76• Southern First Nation Secretar Southwold O n t .............................. 478,016• Sto: Lo Nation Canada Sardis B C ...................................................... 573,063• Sto: Lo Tribal Council Sardis B C ...................................................... 548,429• Swampy Cree Tribal Council The Pas Man ..................................... 860,082• Tahltan Tribal Council Dease Lake B C ............................................ 253,600• The Ojibway 1850 Treaty Council Thunder Bay O n t ................... 444,370• Touchwood-file Hills Dis Chief Fort Qu’Appelle S a s k .............. 1,076,540• Treaty 7 Tribal Council Calgary A l ta ................................................. 749,163• Treaty 8 Tribal Association Fort St John B C ................................... 521,878• Tribal Chiefs Ventures Inc St Paul A l t a ............................................ 502,502• Ts ’ilhqot’in Tribal Council Williams Lake B C .............................. 350,787• U N S I-advisory Services Sydney NS ............................................ 352,608• United Chiefs & Council of Man West Bay O n t ............................ 379,112• Wabun Tribal Council Timmins O n t ................................................. 327,348• West Region Tribal Council Inc Dauphin M a n .............................. 543,103• Windigo Area Council Sioux Lookout O n t ..................................... 667,120• Yellowhead Tribal Council Spruce Grove A l t a .............................. 490,308• Yorkton Tribal Administration Yorkton S a s k ................................. 697,201

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Contributions to Indians bands for the purpose of obtainingadvisory services $ 1,543,285

• Cross Lake Band Cross Lake M a n ..................................................... 109,043• Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Kahnawake Q u e ....................... 182,500• Mohawks Council of Akwesasne Cornwall O n t ............................ 1 56,354• Saddle Lake Band Saddle Lake A l t a ................................................. 102,621• Samson Band Hobbema A l t a ............................................................... 102,621• Six Nations of the Grand River Ohsweken O n t .............................. 232,564


Grants to Canadian universities and institutes for northern scientific research training $748,000

Grant to Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies for the purpose of coordinating the northern scientific activities of Canadian universities $ 100,000

• Association of Canadian Universities Churchill M a n .................. 100,000

Grant in the form of an award to the person judged to have made an outstanding contribution in the field of northern science $5,000

Grant to the Yukon Conservation Society to promote the conservation of the natural resources of the Territory $ 20,000

Grants of $20,000 to the Yukon Chamber of Mines; and $20,000 to the Northwest Territories Chamber of Mines to assist in the operation of prospector's training courses and the maintenance permanent offices for the purposes of educating and assisting all persons interested in searching for mineral deposits $40,000

Grant to the Territories Accident Prevention Association $ 5,000

Grant to the Yukon Prospector's Association $ 2,000

Grant to the Klondike Placer Mining Association $ 20,000

Contributions to the Government of the Northwest Territories forhealth care of Indians and Inuit $ 45,302,336

• Government of the NWT Yellowknife N W T ................................... 45,302,336

Contributions to the Government of the Yukon Territory forhealth care of Indians $5,350,000

• Government of Yukon Whitehorse Y T .............................................. 5,350,000

Contributions to the Government of the Yukon Territory for lowincome rental-purchase housing $ 208,000

• Government of Yukon Whitehorse Y T .............................................. 208,000

Contributions to Northern native associations to enable them to research and carry-out projects in support of their interests and to enable them to consult and be consulted in matters related to northern development $ 350,247

Contributions for Inuit counselling in the South $80,000

Contributions to the territorial governments and native organizations for the purpose of implementing the InuvialuitFinal Agreement $ 4,951,408

• Government of the NWT Yellowknife N W T ................................... 3,387,1 30• Government of Yukon Whitehorse Y T .............................................. 1,090,758• Joint Secretariat R.R.R.C. Inuvik N W T............................................ 435,520

Contribution to the Canadian Regional Office of the InuitCircumpolar Conference $ 280,000

• Inuit Circumpolar Conference Ottawa O n t ..................................... 280,000

Contributions to the Government of the Yukon Territory and theGovernment of the Northwest Territories in relation to the Canada/Yukon and Canada/Northwest Territories Economic Development Agreements $ 1 1,488,944

• Economic Development & Tourism Yellowknife N W T .............. 6,223,625• Energy Mines & Petroleum Resources Yellowknife N W T ......... 1,223,176• Government of Yukon Whitehorse Y T .............................................. 4,042,143

Contributions to the Governments of the Northwest Territories and Yukon and other recipients in relation to the Arctic Environmental Strategy $4,829,1 16

• Clyde River Hunters & Trappers Clyde River N W T .................. 114,267• Council for Yukon Indians Whitehorse Y T ..................................... 159,268• Departement de Santé Communaut Ste Foy Q u e ......................... 276,679• Department of National Defence Victoria B C ................................ 350,000• Dene Nation Yellowknife NWT.......................................................... 197,500• Fort Liard Band Council Fort Liard NWT....................................... 101,650• Government of the NWT Yellowknife NWT................................... 756,800• Hamlet o f C o r a l H a r b o u r C o r a lH a r b o u r N W T .............................. 141,334• Inuit Circumpolar Conference Ottawa O n t ..................................... 305,970• Inuit Tapirisat of Canada Ottawa O n t .............................................. 201,500• McGill University M o n trea lQ u e ....................................................... 1,037,210• Metis Nation - NWT Yellowknife N W T .......................................... 170,940• NWT Metis Nation Yellowknife N W T ............................................ 188,370


Contribution to the Community Advisory Committees $66,392

Contribution to the Council for Yukon Indians to assist in training and employment liaison for native people $55,000

Contribution for the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre $ 14,104

Contributions to the territorial governments for the Northern Oil and Gas Action Program (NOGAP) $ 1,384,664

• Government of the NWT Yellowknife NWT................................... 1,063,000• Government of Yukon Whitehorse Y T ............................................ 321,664

Contribution to the Porcupine Caribou Management Board $ 15,500

Contributions to native and other groups to enable them to prepare for and participate in the public review of hydrocarbon transportation proposals $69,859

Contribution to the Interjurisdictional Caribou Management Board $ 1 5,000

Contribution to aboriginal and non-aboriginal organizations to aid in the protection and development of the fur industry $682,129

• Fur Institute of Canada Rexdale O n t ................................................. 1 32,000• Natural Resources Cons Yellowknife O n t ........................................ 1 30,000


Government of the Yukon Territory in accordance with agreements entered into by the Minister of Finance with the approval of the Governor in Council on behalf of the Government of Canada, and the Commissioner of the Yukon Territory on behalf of the Government of the Yukon Territory, the payments to the Government of the Yukon Territory to be calculated in accordance with such agreements, and to authorize interim payments to the Government of the Yukon Territory prior to the signing of the agreement for the current fiscal year (the amount payable under the agreement to be reduced by the aggregate of all interim payments for the current fiscalyear) $251,020,000

• Government of Yukon Whitehorse Y T ............................................ 251,020,000

Government of the Northwest Territories in accordance withagreements entered into by the Minister of Finance with the approval of the Governor in Council on behalf of the Government of Canada, and the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, on behalf of the Government of the Northwest Territories, the payments to the government of the Northwest Territories to be calculated in accordance with such agreements, and to authorize interim payments to the government of the Northwest Territories prior to the signing of the agreement for the current fiscal year (the amount payable under the agreement to be reduced by the aggregate of all interim payments for the current fiscal year) $822,244,000

• Government of the NWT Yellowknife NWT................................... 822,244,000

C a n a d i a n P o l a r C o m m is s io n $42,000Contributions to Canadian universities $21,500

Contributions to Canadian non-profit organizations $20,500

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• Province o f Newfoundland St John’s N f ld ..................................... 142,750• Province of Nova Scotia Halifax N S .............................................. 314,965• Province of Ontario Toronto O n t ..................................................... 3,529,715• Province of Quebec Ste Foy Q u e ..................................................... 2,41 3,600• Province of Saskatchewan Regina S a s k .......................................... 346,115• Northwest Territories Yellowknife N W T ....................................... 147,517• Yukon Territory Whitehorse Y T ........................................................ 308,155

Contributions to the provinces and territories in respect of agreements approved by the Governor in Council for thecost-sharing of juvenile justice services under the Young Offenders A c t $157,991,819• Province of Alberta Edmonton A l t a ................................................. 14,264,025• Province of British Columbia Victoria B C ..................................... 17,178,356• Province of Manitoba Winnipeg Man.............................................. 5,677,383• Province of New Brunswick Fredericton N B ................................ 4,732,455• Province o f Newfoundland St John’s N f ld ..................................... 4,857,968• Province of Nova Scotia Halifax N S .............................................. 5,905,088• Province of Ontario Toronto O n t ..................................................... 61,199,095• Province o f Prince Edward Island Charlottetown P E I ................ 1,934,241• Province of Quebec Ste Foy Q u e ..................................................... 28,611,378• Province of Saskatchewan Regina S a s k .......................................... 7,122,418• Northwest Territories Yellowknife N W T ....................................... 5,454,047• Yukon Territory Whitehorse Y T ........................................................ 1,055,365

Criminal Law Reform Fund $947,718• Ontario Legal Aid Plan Toronto Ont................................................. 300,000

Family Support and Enforcement Fund $515,296• Ministry of Attorney General of O n ta r i o ....................................... 151,305• Gouvernement du Q uebec................................................................... 151,305

Firearms Control Program $8,203,451• Provincial Treasurer of A lber ta .......................................................... 857,167• Province of British Co lu m b ia ............................................................ 1,145,183• Attorney General of M a n i t o b a .......................................................... 454,221• Province of New B runsw ick ............................................................... 388,633• Province of N ew foundland................................................................. 372,681• Solicitor General of Nova S c o t i a ...................................................... 393,950• Treasurer of O n t a r i o ............................................................................. 2,546,509• Province of Q u eb ec ............................................................................... 1,177,115• Province of Saskatchewan.................................................................... 553,006• Government of the Northwest Terri tor ies........................................ 161,620

Human Rights Law Fund $193,986

Native Courtworker Program and related projects for Native People $4,265,400• Province of Alberta Edmonton A l t a ................................................. 1,028,723• Province of British Columbia Vancouver BC................................ 1,023,790• Province of Manitoba Winnipeg Man.............................................. 303,600• Province of Ontario Toronto O n t ..................................................... 709,896• Province of Quebec Ste Foy Q u e ..................................................... 537,050• Northwest Territories Yellowknife N W T ....................................... 419,000• Yukon Territory Whitehorse Y T ........................................................ 145,441

Public Legal Education and Information Fund $1,501,147• Law Society of Upper Canada Toronto O n t ................................... 287,085• Magazine Justice Quebec Q u e .......................................................... 200,661• First Nations M i’Kmaq Shubenacadie B a n d ................................ 108,440

University of Ottawa Legislative Drafting Program $84,455

Simon Fraser University $350,000

C o m m is s io n e r fo r F e d e r a l J u d ic i a l A f fa i r s $28,804,166

Grant to the Honourable C Rhodes Smith in recognition of his service as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Manitoba $ 1 2,000

Gratuities to a surviving spouse of a judge who dies while in Office in an amount equal to one-sixth of the salary payable to the judge at the time o fh is death $155,800

Annuities under the Judges A c t $28,636,366• G Addy Ottawa O n t ............................................................................... 100,743• R Anderson Vancouver B C ................................................................. 100,487• M Archambault Outremont Q u e ........................................................ 102,538


• S Bard Montreal Q u e ............................................................................. 100,708• J P Bergeron Montreal Q u e ................................................................. 100,029• B de L Bourgeois Ottawa O n t ............................................................ 102,149• R Brownridge Regina S a s k ................................................................. 101,047• C Burchell Sydney N S .......................................................................... 101,759• B Coleman Winnipeg M a n ................................................................... 101,141• W Colter Toronto O n t ............................................................................. 106,606• A Cormier Cocagne N B ........................................................................ 108,433• J Deschenes Laval Que.......................................................................... 110,171• A Dewar Winnipeg Man ........................................................................ 101,786• W Dupont Caledon East O n t ............................................................... 101,387• G Evans Toronto O n t ............................................................................. 110,914• C Fortin Sherbrooke Q u e ...................................................................... 100,743• G Gale Thornhill O n t ............................................................................. 106,027• J Gould Vancouver B C .......................................................................... 101,038• D Henry Toronto O n t ............................................................................. 100,008• R Holland Toronto O n t .......................................................................... 100,747• W Howland Toronto O n t ...................................................................... 107,540• S Hughes Toronto O n t .......................................................................... 100,029• W Jackett Ottawa O nt............................................................................. 100,513• Y Jasmin Montreal Q u e ........................................................................ 101,759• F Kaufman Westmount Q u e ................................................................. 101,923• R Lafreniere Ste Foy Que...................................................................... 101,923• R Lamb Westmount Q u e ...................................................................... 102,734• J Laycraft Calgary Alta.......................................................................... 108,433• F Legault Westmount Q u e ................................................................... 100,352• A Macintosh Halifax N S ...................................................................... 100,008• I MacKeigan Halifax N S ...................................................................... 112,466• R Maranger Sudbury O n t ...................................................................... 100,008• E Marquis Quebec Q u e ........................................................................ 106,027• G Martin Willowdale O nt...................................................................... 101,726• J McNair Fredericton N B ...................................................................... 101,141• C Miller Portage La Prairie M a n ........................................................ 101,923• A Monnin Winnipeg Man ...................................................................... 108,370• G Murdoch Peterborough O n t ............................................................ 100,008• M Nemetz Vancouver BC...................................................................... 109,800• G Owen Montreal Q u e .......................................................................... 101,055• W Parker Toronto O n t .......................................................................... 110,490• G Rinfret Mount Royal Q ue................................................................. 100,444• W Spence Ottawa O n t .......................................................................... 105,206• P Staniszewski Tecumseh O n t ............................................................ 102,881• A Thurlow Ottawa O n t .......................................................................... 111,285• B Trembley Thunder Bay O n t ............................................................ 101,923• G Tritschler Winnipeg M a n ................................................................. 100,388

S u p r e m e C o u r t o f C a n a d a $1 ,179,828Annuities under the Judges A c t $ 1,1 79,828

LABOUR $145,977,126D e p a r t m e n t $145 ,977,126

Grants to support activities which contribute to Occupational Safety and Health Program objectives $19,500

Grants to support standards-writing associations $7,009

Grant to Canadian Joint Fire Prevention Publicity Committee $ 10,000

Grants to support fire safety organizations $25,000

Marion V Royce Memorial grants to provide financial assistance to special projects which focus on women in the work force $25,000

Labour adjustment benefits in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed by the Governor in Council to assist workers who have been laid off as a result of import competition, industrial restructuring, or severe economic disruption in an industry or region $63,484,178

• Canada Employment and Immigrat ion Commission OttawaO n t ........................................................................................................... 63,484,178

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Supplementary compensation to certain widows of merchant seamen $8,135

Contribution to Canadian Labour Congress labour education program $3,620,940• Canadian Labour Congress Ottawa O n t .......................................... 3,620,940

Contributions to central or other large labour organizations not affiliated with the Canadian Labour Congress to promote and


upgrade labour education programs $ 1,507,574• Canadian Conference of Teamsters St-Leonard Q u e ................... 1 57,781• Canadian Federation of Labour Ottawa O n t ................................... 352,991• Centrale de l ’enseignement du Quebec Ste Foy Q u e ................... 148,419• Confederation des syndicats nationaux Montreal Q u e ................ 346,489

Contributions to labour unions not affiliated with a central labour organization and to individual union members for labour education $751,173

Atlantic Region Labour Education Centre $354,924• Canadian Labour Congress Ottawa O n t .......................................... 354,924

Workers with Disabilities Fund $436,815

Workplace Equality Fund $65,000

Labour-Management Partnerships Program $1,375,878• Federation des travailleurs et travailleuses du

Quebec Montreal Que ...................................................................... 112,985

Contributions to provincial governments, employers, employer organizations, employees, employee organizations, financial institutions or other such persons or entities for the purpose of making periodic income assistance payments to certain older workers as per Section 5 of the Department o f LabourA c t $74,286,000• Assurance-vie Desjardins Levis Q u e .............................................. 34,691,403• Co-Operators Life Insurance Regina S a s k ..................................... 1,200,313• Industrial Alliance Life Insurance Sillery Q u e .............................. 27,144,243• Société d ’assurance des caisses populaires Acadiennes

C a r a q u e tN B ........................................................................................ 708,213• SSQ mutuelle d ’assurancegroup Ste Foy Q u e .............................. 10,541,828

MULTICULRALISM AND CITIZENSHIP $50,281,668Grants to voluntary groups, universities, institutions and

individuals for promoting cultural development $22,845,979• Citizenship Council of Manitoba Inc Winnipeg Man.................. 1 26,000• Institut interculturel de Montreal Montreal Que............................ 107,500• Joint Committee of the Anti-Racism and Human Rights

Network and the League for Human Rights of B 'NaiHull Q u e ............................................................................................... 143,000

• Prince Edward Island Multicultural Council Charlottetown PEI 103,000• Université de Montreal Centre des langues patrimoniales

Montreal Q u e ...................................................................................... 127,000• Ville de Montreal Montreal Q u e ........................................................ 103,300• Western Judicial Education Centre West Vancouver B C ........... 100,000

Grants to the voluntary sector, professional organizations, universities and post-secondary institutions and to provincial and territorial governments for literacy, voluntary action and human rights activities $18,215,862

• ABC C a n a d a T o r o n to O n t ................................................................... 315,000• Alberta Association of Adult Literacy Edmonton A l t a .............. 110,000• Arctic College Yellowknife NWT..................................................... 375,000• Assembly of First Nations Ottawa O n t ............................................ 100,000• Basic Education in the Workplace Steering Committee

Winnipeg M a n .................................................................................... 147,000• Canadian Association for Adult Education Toronto O n t ............ 242,125• Canadian Centre for Philanthropy Toronto O n t ............................ 303,000• Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women

Toronto Ont ........................................................................................... 100,000• Canadian Museums Association Ottawa O n t ................................. 100,000• Canadian Teachers Federation Ottawa Ont..................................... 225,000• Centre de documentation sur l ’éducation des adultes

et de la condition feminine Montreal Q u e ................................... 100,000• Centre for Literacy of Quebec Inc Montreal Que......................... 125,000


• Centre franco-ontarien de ressources en alphabétisationSudbury O n t ............................................................... 145,000

• Coalition of National Voluntary Organizations Ottawa Ont . . . . 119,700• College communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick Dieppe NB. . . 130,000• Edmonton Public Schools Continuing Education Edmonton

Alla ................................................................................ 141,667• Federation d ’alphabétisation du Nouveau-Brunswick Inc

Richibouctou N B ................................................................................. 100,000• Federation des travailleurs et travailleuses du Quebec

Montreal Q u e ........................................................................................ 183,500• Frontier College Toronto O n t ............................................................... 377,200• Frontier School Division no 48 Winnipeg Man.............................. 108,750• George Brown College Toronto O n t ................................................. 169,000• Institut canadien d ’éducation des adultes Montreal Que.............. 199,625• Jamaica Association of Montreal Foundation Inc Montreal Que 1 20,000• Laubach Literacy of Canada Bedford Q u e ..................................... 225,000• Le regroupement des groupes francophones d ’alphabétisation

populaire de l ’Ontario Toronto Ont................................................. 116,800• Literacy British Columbia Society Vancouver B C ....................... 162,500• Literacy Coordinators of Alberta Calgary A l t a .............................. 107,000• Literacy New Brunswick Inc Fredericton N B ................................. 270,000• Literacy Partners o f Quebec The Centre for Literacy

Montreal Q u e ........................................................................................ 117,180• Literacy Workers Alliance of Manitoba Inc Winnipeg Man . . . . 1 75,500• Lower Mainland Society for Literacy and Employment Surrey

B C ........................................................................................................... 120,838• Malaspina College Nanaimo B C ........................................................ 116,363• Metis Nation of Alberta Association Edmonton A l t a ................... 103,615• National Adult Literacy Database Fanshawe College London

O n t ........................................................................................................... 200,000• National People First North York O n t .............................................. 111,350• New Brunswick Community College of St Andrews St

Andrews N B ........................................................................................ 150,000• Nova Scotia Community College Halifax N S ................................. 300,000• One Voice Seniors Network Ottawa O n t .......................................... 100,000• Ontario Literacy Coalition Toronto O n t .......................................... 236,800• Performers for Literacy Inc Toronto O n t .......................................... 148,000• Quebec Board of Black Educators Inc Montreal Q u e ................... 105,000• Reading Council for Literacy Advance in Montreal Montreal

Q u e ........................................................................................................... 130,000• Regroupement des groupes populaires en alphabétisation du

Quebec Montreal Q u e ........................................................................ 215,000• Saskatchewan Literacy Network Saskatoon S a s k .......................... 127,570• Société radio-television du Quebec Montreal Q u e ....................... 250,000• St Thomas University Fredericton NB............................................... 400,000• Toronto Board of Education Toronto O n t ........................................ 100,000• United Food and Commercial workers International Union

Rexdale O n t ........................................................................................... 130,000

Contributions to provinces, voluntary groups, universities, institutions and individuals for promoting cultural development $3,859,640• Canadian Advertising Foundation Toronto O nt .............................. 149,800• Canadian Counci l for Multiculturalism Intercultural Education

Ottawa O n t ................................................................................ 205,075• Canadian Ethnocultural Council Ottawa O n t .................... 1 70,000• Concordia University and York University North York O n t . . . . 500,000• Cross Cultural Communication Centre Toronto O n t ........ 114,639• Dalhousie University Henson College of Public Affairs and

Continuing Education Halifax N S .................................... 127,810• Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Ottawa Ont . . . . 127,917• Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants Toronto Ont . 195,675• The Canadian Heritage Arts Society Vancouver B C ........ 1 70,000• University of British Columbia School of Social Work

Vancouver B C ......................................................................... 117,209• University of Toronto Clarke Institute Toronto O n t ........ 400,000

Contributions to the voluntary sector, professional organizations, universities and post-secondary institutions and to provincial and territorial governments for literacy, voluntary action and human rights activities $5,360,187

• Canadian National Institute of the Blind Toronto O n t ................ 120,000• Edmonton YMCA Foundation Edmonton A l t a .............................. 200,000• Federation canadienne pour l ’alphabétisation en français Inc

Vanier O n t ............................................................................................. 250,000

T R A N S F E R PA Y M E N T S 8 . 85

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SECRETARY OF STATE $3,829,517,430D e p a r t m e n t $3,829,517,430

$Grants to organizations representing official language minority

communities, non-federal public administrations and other organizations, for the purpose of furthering the use and promotion of the official languages $31,353,557

• Alliance des radios communautaires du Canada incOttawa O n t .............................................................. 309,000

• Alliance Quebec Montreal Que............................. 1,496,000• Association canadienne française de l 'Alberta Régionale

d ’Edmonton Edmonton Alta .......................................................... 665,1 30• Association canadienne-francaise de l 'Alberta Régionale

de Riviere-la-Paix Edmonton A l t a ................................................. 149,500• Association canadienne-francaise de l 'Ontario Vanier Ont , , , , 868,000• Association canadienne-francaise de Regina Regina Sask , , , , 150,000• Association cooperative du préscolaire fransaskois Prince

Albert S a s k ........................................................................................... 210,000• Association culturelle franco-canadienne de la Saskatchewan

Regina S a s k ........................................................................................ 660,000• Association de la presse francophone Ottawa O n t . 331,300• Association des artistes de la Saskatchewan Inc Regina S as k , , 147,000• Association des francophones du nord-ouest de l 'Ontario

Thunder Bay O n t ................................................................ 121,000• Association des guides francophones du Canada Montreal Que 160,200• Association des juristes d'expression française du

Nouveau-Brunswick Moncton N B.................................. 102,232• Association des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba

Saint-Boniface M a n ........................................................... 105,728• Association des parents francophones de la Colombie-

Britannique Vancouver BC............................................... 210,000• Association francophone du Labrador Labrador City Nfld , , , , 110,900• Association franco-yukonnaise Whitehorse Y T ............. 310,000• Association jeunesse fransaskoise Inc Saskatoon S a s k . 281,000• Association provinciale des parents fransaskois Inc

Saskatoon S a s k .................................................................... 206,600• Canadian Parents for French British Columbia Branch

New Westminster B C ......................................................... 115,110• Canadian Parents for French Ontario Toronto O nt........ 114,900• Canadian Parents for French Ottawa O n t ........................ 232,255• Centre culturel franco-manitobain St Boniface M a n ... 184,000• Centre culturel francophone de Vancouver Vancouver BC , , , , 174,000• Chateauguay Valley English-Speaking Peoples’ Association

Huntingdon Q u e .................................................................. 115,000• Coasters Association for Anglophone Services Duplessis

County Q u e ........................................................................... 110,950• Comité de parents du Nouveau-Brunswick Inc Dieppe NB, . . . 162,000• Commission culturelle fransaskoise Inc Regina S a s k . 255,000• Commission nationale des parents francophones St Boniface

M a n ......................................................................................................... 400,000• Committee for Anglophone Social Action New Carlisle Que . . 1 58,000• Congres mondial acadien Dieppe N B ............................... 1 50,000• Conseil canadien de la cooperation Ottawa Ont.......................... 219,500• Conseil de la cooperation de la Saskatchewan Regina Sask . . . 1 35,000• Conseil de la cooperation du Manitoba Saint-Boniface Man. . . 1 34,500• Conseil des francophones de Gravelbourg Gravelbourg Sask . . 1 52,000• Conseil des organismes francophones du Toronto métropoli­

tain Toronto O n t ................................................................................. 105,000• Conseil jeunesse provincial Inc St Boniface M a n ....................... 191,000• Conseil provincial des societees culturelles Moncton N B ......... 11 5,000• Cooperative des publications fransaskoises Regina S a s k ........... 100,000• Direction jeunesse Federation des eleves du secondaire

franco-ontarien Vanier O n t ............................................................... 239,000• English-Speaking Townshippers’ Association Inc Sherbrooke

Q u e ......................................................................................................... 245,000• Federation acadienne de la Nouvelle-Ecosse Halifax N S ........... 945,661• Federation des aines fransaskois Inc Zenon Park S a s k .............. 100,000• Federation des associations de parents francophones de

l ’Ontario Ottawa O n t ........................................................................ 100,000• Federat ion des communautés francophones et acadiennes du

Canada Ottawa Ont............................................................................. 1,197,300• Federation des eleves du secondaire franco-ontarien

Ottawa O n t ........................................................................................... 151,000• Federat ion des f rancophones de la Colombie-Britannique

Vancouver B C ...................................................................................... 593,600

• Federation des francophones de Saskatoon Inc SaskatoonS a s k ........................................................................................................ 105,500

• Federation des francophones de Terre Neuve et du LabradorS tJ o h n ’s N f l d ...................................................................................... 378,000

• Federation des jeunes canadiens français Inc Ottawa O n t ......... 452,000• Federation des jeunes francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick

Dieppe N B ............................................................................................. 223,450• Federation des parents acadiens de la Nouvelle-Ecosse

Halifax N S ............................................................................................. 210,000• Federation des parents francophones de l ’Alberta

Ed m o n to n A lta ...................................................................................... 233,500• Federation des parents francophones de Terre Neuve et

du Labrador St John’s N f ld ............................................................... 1 25,000• Federation franco-tenoise Yellowknife N W T ................................ 285,000• Federation nationale des femmes canadiennes-françaises

Ottawa O n t ............................................................................................. 358,100• Federation provinciale des comité de parents Saint-

Boniface Man........................................................................................ 275,000• Federation provinciale des fransaskoises Gravelbourg Sask. . , . 216,000• Festival international de la chanson de Granby Granby Que . . . 105,600• Fete colombienne des enfants Vancouver B C ................................ 1 30,000• Francophonie jeunesse de l ’Alberta Edmonton A l t a ..................... 229,500• Institut Joseph Dubuc du college universitaire de St Boniface

St Boniface M a n ................................................................................. 213,000• Outaouais Alliance Inc Hull Q u e ....................................................... 1 22,000• Pays de la Sagouine Inc Bouctouche N B.......................................... 150,000• Productions Roger Heroux Montreal Q u e ........................................ 219,018• Quebec Community Newspapers Association Sainte-Anne-de-

Bellevue Q u e ........................................................................................ 146,046• Reseau national d ’action education des femmes Ottawa O n t . . . 110,000• Service fransaskois d ’éducation des adultes Regina Sask ............ 200,000• Société des acadiens et acadiennes du Nouveau-Brunswick

Petit Rocher N B .................................................................................... 629,600• Société franco-manitobaine St Boniface M a n ................................ 830,000• Société nationale de l ’Acadie Dieppe N B ........................................ 165,000• Société St Thomas d ’Aquin Summerside P E I ................................. 470,600• Theatre action Vanier Ont ................................................................... 113,500• Troupe du jour Inc Saskatoon S a s k ................................................... 100,505• Université d'Ot tawa Centre de traduction et de documentation

juridiques Ottawa O n t ........................................................................ 249,900• Université McGill Centre de recherche en droit prive et

compare du Quebec Montreal Q u e ................................................. 119,000• Université Moncton Centre de traduction et de terminologie

jur id iques Moncton N B ...................................................................... 281,300• Voice of English Quebec Q u eb ecQ u e .............................................. 150,000

Grants to voluntary organizations, non-governmental institutionsand individuals for promoting Canadian studies $1,162,968

• Association for Canadian Studies Montreal Que............................ 280,000


Grants to voluntary organizations, Canadian institutions individuals, the private sector and other levels of government for the purpose of furthering participation in Canadian society $16,707,475

• Alberta Committee o f Citizens with Disabilities Edmonton Alta 110,000• Association des femmes collaboratrices St-Hubert Q u e .............. 107,954• Barrier-Free Design Centre Toronto O n t .......................................... 500,000• Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women

Toronto O n t ........................................................................................... 189,331• Canadian Day Care Advocacy Association Ottawa O n t .............. 183,317• Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women

Ottawa O n t ............................................................................................. 254,214• Disabled Women’s Network of Canada Toronto O n t ................... 108,000• Federation des femmes du Quebec M ontrea lQ ue .......................... I l l , 720• Federation nationale des femmes canadiennes-francaises

Ottawa O n t ............................................................................................. 102,011• Federation of Canadian Municipalities Ottawa O n t ..................... 102,200• Manitoba Action Committee on the Status o f Women

Winnipeg M a n ...................................................................................... 136,000• National Advisory Committee Independence 92 Vancouver

B C ........................................................................................................... 217,388• National Association of Women and the Law Ottawa O n t ......... 219,627• National Watch on Images of Women in the Media Inc

Toronto O n t ........................................................................................... 181,116

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P U B L I C A C C O U N T S , 1 9 9 2 -9 3



• Regroupement provincial des maisons d'hebergement ettransition pour femmes victimes de violence conjugaleMontreal Q u e ...................................................................................... 126,300

• Reseau national d'action education des femmes Ottawa Ont , . 108,917• Saskatchewan Action Committee Status of Women Inc

Regina S a s k ........................................................................................ 1 51,602• Wom en’s Legal Education and Action Fund Toronto O n t ......... 232,248

Grants to friendship centres, aboriginal associations, aboriginal women’s groups, native community groups, native communi­cations societies and native newspapers $20,807,617

• Atikokan Native Friendship Centre Atikokan O n t ....................... 1 52,780• Bonnyville Canadian Native Friendship Centre Bonnyville

A l t a ........................................................................................ 190,975• Brandon Friendship Centre Inc Brandon M a n .............. 229,170• Buffalo Narrows Friendship Centre Inc Buffalo Narrows Sask, 190,420• Calgary Native Friendship Society Calgary A l t a ......... 229,170• Canadian Native Arts Foundation Toronto O n t ............ 100,000• Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre of Windsor Inc

Windsor O n t ........................................................................ 1 58,280• Cariboo Friendship Society Williams Lake B C ............ 190,975• Central Okanagan Indian Friendship Society Kelowna B C , , , , 152,780• Centre d'amitie autochtone de La Tuque Inc La Tuque Que , , , 190,975• Centre d'amitie autochtone de Montreal Montreal Q u e . 229,170• Centre d'amitie autochtone de Quebec Loretteville Q u e .............. 229,170• Centre d'amitie autochtone de Senneterre Inc Senneterre Que , 1 52,780• Centre d'amitie autochtone de Val d 'Or Val d ’Or Q u e . 229,170• Centre indien cri de Chibougamau Inc Chibougamau Que , , , , 190,975• Conayt Friendship Society Merritt B C ............................ 1 28,454• Cultural Communication Group Inc Niagara-on-the-Lake O n t , 192,505• Deh Cho Society Fort Simpson NWT ............................................ 176,368• Dze L K ’ant Friendship Centre Society Smithers B C . 1 52,780• Federation of Newfoundland Indians Corner Brook N f l d ........ 100,000• Femmes autochtones du Quebec Inc Montreal Q u e ..... 154,000• Flin Flon Indian-Metis Friendship Association Inc

Flin Flon M a n ...................................................................................... 237,876• Fort Erie Native Cultural Centre Inc Fort Erie O n t ..................... 1 52,780• Fort Nelson-Liard Native Friendship Society Fort

Nelson B C ............................................................................. 119,646• Fort St John Friendship Society Fort St John BC.......... 1 52,780• Georgian Bay Native Friendship Centre Midland O n t . 114,585• Grande Prairie Friendship Centre Grande Prairie A l ta . 190,975• Hamilton Regional Indian Centre Hamilton O n t .......... 190,975• High Level Native Friendship Centre High Level A l t a . 161,168• High Prairie Native Friendship Centre High Prairie A lta .......... 1 55,744• Indian-Metis Friendship Centre of Winnipeg Inc Winnipeg Man 229,170• Ingamo Hall Friendship Centre Inuvik NW T................. 238,848• Ininew Friendship Centre Cochrane O n t ........................ 160,407• Interior Indian Friendship Society Kamloops B C ....... 190,975• Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Inuvik N W T .............. 195,784• Keewatin Inuit Association Rankin Inlet N W T ............ 209,586• Kermode Friendship Society Terrace B C ....................... 1 52,780• Labrador Friendship Centre Goose Bay Labrador N f ld . 207,517• Labrador Inuit Association Goose Bay Labrador Nfld .............. 188,857• Lillooet Friendship Centre Society Lillooet B C ............ 1 33,682• Lloydminster Native Friendship Centre Inc Lloydminster

S ask ........................................................................................ 114,585• Ma Mow We Tak Friendship Centre Inc Thompson M a n ........ 229,170• Makivik Corporation Montreal Q u e ................................. 221,335• Mannawanis Native Friendship Centre Society St Paul Alta . . . 1 52,780• Metis Association of the Northwest Territories Yellowknife

N W T ...................................................................................... 233,1 51• Metis Nation of Alberta Association Edmonton A l ta ... 382,371• Mission Indian Friendship Centre Society Mission B C . 181,426• Napi Friendship Association and Pincher Creek

Pincher Creek A l t a ............................................................. 1 55,780• National Association of Friendship Centres Ottawa O n t .......... 682,784• National Indian Brotherhood Cornwall O n t ................... 100,000• Native Council of Nova Scotia Truro N S ........................ 179,709• Native Council of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown P E I . . . 1 20,698• Nawican Friendship Centre Dawson Creek B C ............ 147,580• New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council Fredericton NB. . 177,040• Ne-Chee Friendship Centre Kenora O nt .......................... 190,975


• Nishnawbe-Gamik Friendship Centre Sioux Lookout O n t ......... 198,230• Nistawoyou Association Friendship Centre Fort McMurray

A lta ........................................................................................................... 1 53,454• North Bay Indian Friendship Centre North Bay O nt..................... 190,975• North-West Friendship Centre Inc Meadow Lake S a s k .............. 210,072• N'Amerind London Friendship Centre Inc London O n t .............. 229,170• N'Swakamok Native Friendship Centre Sudbury O n t ................ 190,975• Odawa Native Friendship Centre Inc Ottawa O n t ......................... 162,780• Port Alberni Friendship Centre Port Alberni B C ............................ 190,975• Portage Friendship Centre Inc Portage La Prairie M an ................ 229,170• Prince George Native Friendship Centre Society Prince

George B C ............................................................................................. 219,621• Qu'Appel le Valley Friendship Centre Inc Fort Qu'Appel le

S a s k ........................................................................................................ 152,780• Quesnel Tillicum Society Quesnel BC ............................................ 190,975• Red Deer Native Friendship Society Red Deer A l t a ..................... 114,585• Red Lake Indian Friendship Centre Red Lake O n t ....................... 237,876• Riverton and District Friendship Centre Inc Riverton Man . . . . 114,585• Rocky Native Friendship Centre Rocky Mountain House Alta . 152,780• Sagitawa Friendship Centre Peace River A l t a ................................ 1 52,780• Saskatoon Indian and Metis Friendship Centre Inc Saskatoon

S a s k ......................................................................................................... 255,662• Selkirk Friendship Centre Inc Selkirk M a n ..................................... 254,170• Slave Lake Native Friendship Centre Slave Lake A l t a ................ 190,975• Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre Hay River N W T ....................... 133,526• Swan River Indian and Metis Fr iendship Centre Inc Swan

River M a n ............................................................................................. 229,170• Tansi Friendship Centre Society Chetwynd B C ............................ 114,585• The Pas Friendship Centre Inc The Pas Man ................................... 198,230• Thunder Bay Indian Youth Fr iendship Society Thunder Bay

O n t ........................................................................................................... 229,170• Thunderbird Friendship Centre of Geraldton Geraldton Ont . . . 190,975• Tillicum Haus Society Nanaimo B C ................................................. 181,426• Tree ofPeace Friendship Centre Yellowknife N W T ..................... 264,830• Uncle Gabe’s Friendship Centre Fort Smith N W T ....................... 215,025• United Native Friendship Centre Fort Frances O nt....................... 190,975• United Native Nations Friendship Society Vernon B C ................ 1 39,142• United Native Nations Society Vancouver B C .............................. 390,818• Valley Native Friendship Centre Society Duncan B C ................... 1 52,780• Vancouver Aboriginal Centre Society Vancouver B C ................... 229,170• Victoria Native Friendship Centre Victoria B C .............................. 229,170• Yorkton Friendship Centre Yorkton S a s k ........................................ 190,975

Grants to the Lieutenant-Governors o f the provinces ofCanada towards defraying the cost of travel and hospitality incurred in the exercise of their duties in their provincial capital $253,000

Grants to non-profit organizations for Canada Day celebrations and to the private and public sectors for the purpose of celebrating anniversaries of significance to the CanadianHeritage $1,974,047

• Productions Hugo De Pot ltee Longueuil Q u e .............................. 1 54,000

Grants to non-governmental organizations to promotea better understanding amongst Canadians $9,361,816

• Canadian Education Association Toronto O nt ................................ 165,000• Canadian Sport and Fitness Marketing Inc Gloucester Ont . . . . 100,000• Canwest Opinion Research Group Regina S a s k ............................ 215,000• Children’s Hour Productions North York O n t ................................. 193,000• City of Toronto Ontario O nt................................................................. 137,650• Communications Consultants Ltd Ottawa O n t .............................. 102,500• Council for Canadian Unity Montreal Q u e ..................................... 500,000• CRB Foundation Toronto O n t ............................................................ 200,000• Environmental Video Exchange Toronto O n t ................................ 120,000• Federation of Canadian Municipalities Ottawa O n t ..................... 266,000• Festival d ’ete international de Quebec Quebec Q u e ..................... 200,000• Fondation Son et Lumière Quebec Q u e ............................................ 100,000• Generation 2000 Toronto O n t ............................................................ 108,800• Glass Co Inc Toronto O nt...................................................................... 110,000• Glen-Warren Productions Ottawa O n t .............................................. 100,000• Groupe de recherche didactique la Nation Laval Q ue................... 100,000• Groupe Everest Sherbrooke Q u e ........................................................ 1 25,000

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• Imago Toronto O n t ............................................................................... 115,000• Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Canada Cambridge O nt.............. 189,082• Lauron Productions Toronto O n t ..................................................... 145,000• Lucasradio Toronto O n t ...................................................................... 150,000• Métropolitain Toronto Hockey League Association Toronto Ont 268,459• Operations Committee Working Group of Ministers

responsible for the status of persons with disabilitiesSouth Boulton Q u e ............................................................................ 250,000

• Richard J Schmeelk Canada Fellowship Toronto O n t ................ 1 50,000• Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada

Nepean O n t .......................................................................................... 320,000• Sogestalt 2001 Inc Montreal Q u e ..................................................... 450,000• Theatre sans fil Montreal Que............................................................ 100,000• United Nations Association of Canada Ottawa O n t ..................... 167,000

Payments under Lieutenant-G overnors Superannuation A c t $282,873

Supplementary retirement benefits— Former Lieutenant Governors $104,774

Contributions in respect of programs relating to the use of official languages in areas of provincial competence; including programs of summer language bursaries and assistance to independent schools and to associations of independent schools $243,331,104

• Association des parents de l ’ecole Beau Soleil GravelbourghS ask ........................................................................................................ 176,500

• College Mathieu Gravelbourgh S a s k .............................................. 225,000• Conseil des ministres de l ’éducation Toronto O n t ...................... 22,056,588• Federation of Independent School Association of British

Columbia Vancouver B C ................................................................. 639,978• Minister of Finance and Industry Province of New Brunswick

Fredericton N B .................................................................................... 26,185,468• Minister of Finance Province of British Columbia

Victoria B C .......................................................................................... 7,530,468• Minister of Finance Province of Quebec Q u eb ecQ u e ................ 81,503,630• Minister of Finance Province of Saskatchewan Regina Sask , , 1 3,753,326• Newfoundland Exchequer Account St John’s N f l d ..................... 3,814,750• Ontario Private Schools O n t ............................................................... 989,343• Provincial Treasurer Province of Alberta Edmonton A l t a ......... 14,823,114• Provincial Treasurer Province of Manitoba Winnipeg Ma n , , , , 9,794,642• Provincial Treasurer Province of Nova Scotia Halifax NS . . . . 7,056,240• Provincial Treasurer Province of Ontario Toronto O n t . 74,933,775• Provincial Treasurer Province of Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown P E I ............................................................................ 1,745,042

Contributions in respect of programs relating to the use of official languages in areas of territorial responsibility $2,017,000

• Government of the Northwest Territories Yellowknife NWT . . 1,045,000• Government of the Yukon Territory Whitehorse Y T .................. 972,000

Contributions to institutions, associations, and organizationsfor the compilation and dissemination of information and the development of teaching techniques related to official languages in education $23,270,237

• Association canadienne des professeurs de langues secondesWinnipeg M a n .................................................................................... 140,000

• Canadian Parents for French Ottawa O n t ....................................... 178,900• Commission nationale des parents francophones St Boniface

M a n ........................................................................................................ 185,000• Federation des communautés francophones et acadiennes

du Canada Ottawa O n t .................................................................... 100,000

Contributions to organizations representing official language minority communities, non-federal public administrations and other organizations, for the purpose of furthering the use and promotion of the official languages $15,919,707

• Auvergnois de Ponteix Inc Ponteix S a s k ....................................... 290,000• Carrefour francophone de Sudbury Sudbury O n t ......................... 115,320• Centre communautaire Ste Anne Fredericton N B ....................... 112,500• Conseil communautaire Beausoleil Inc Newcastle N B .............. 1 25,000• Conseil communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain S a in t JohnN B . 112,500


• Federation culturelle canadienne française Ottawa O n t .............. 365,900• Government of the Northwest Territories Yellowknife NWT. . . 3,634,563• Government of the Yukon Territory Whitehorse Y T ..................... 1,542,441• Provincial Treasurer Province of Manitoba Winnipeg M a n . . . . 958,010• Provincial Treasurer Province of New Brunswick Fredericton

N B ........................................................................................................... 1,503,662• Provincial Treasurer Province of Nova Scotia Halifax N S ........ 212,755• Provincial Treasurer Province of Ontario Toronto O n t ............... 1,492,652• Provincial Treasurer Province of Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown P E I ............................................................................... 1,993,586• Provincial Treasurer Province of Quebec Quebec Q u e ............... 555,000• Provincial Treasurer Province of Saskatchewan Regina Sask . . 349,842• Radio communautaire Cornwall Cornwall O n t .............................. 157,500• Radio communautaire Kapnord Kapuskasing O n t ........................ 140,681

Post-secondary education payments to the provinces and territories pursuant to the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangem ents and Federal Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions A c t $2,887,1 28,625 (see APPENDIX 7)

• Government of the Northwest Territories Yellowknife NWT. . . 5,391,000• Government of the Yukon Territory Whitehorse Y T ..................... 4,01 2,000• Minister of Finance and Industry Province of New Brunswick

Fredericton N B .................................................................................... 91,516,000• Minister of Finance Province of British Columbia Victoria BC . 394,228,000• Minister of Finance Province of Nova Scotia Halifax N S ......... 112,314,000• Minister of Finance Province of Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown P E I ............................................................................... 15,681,000• Minister of Finance Province de Quebec Quebec Q u e ................ 538,608,000• Newfoundland Exchequer Account St John 's N f ld ....................... 68,624,000• Provincial Treasurer Province of Alberta Edmonton A l ta ............ 277,477,625• Provincial Treasurer Province of Manitoba Winnipeg Man . . . . 133,782,000• Provincial Treasurer Province of Ontario Toronto O n t ................ 119,102,000• Provincial Treasurer Province of Saskatchewan Regina Sask . . 126,393,000

The provision of funds for interest payments to lendinginstitutions, liabilities in the form of guaranteed loans and alternative payments to provinces and territories under the Canada Student L oans A c t $498,487,292

Contributions to voluntary organizations, non-governmental institutions and individuals for promoting Canadian studies $505,250

• Madison Press Brooks Toronto O n t ................................................... 1 50,000

Contributions to voluntary organizations, Canadian institutions, individuals, and private sector and other levels of government for the purpose of furthering participations in Canadian society $5,098,214

• Association of Canadian Community Colleges Ottawa Ont. . . . 200,000• Canadian 4-H Council Ottawa O n t ................................................... 327,813• Canadian Disability Rights Council Winnipeg M a n ..................... 302,100• Coalition of Provincial Organizations of the Handicapped

Winnipeg M a n ...................................................................................... 470,000• Council for Canadian Unity Ottawa O n t .......................................... 1,389,000• Interchange on Canadian Studies Sidney B C ................................ 117,892• Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada

Nepean O n t ........................................................................................... 828,149• Walter Dinsdale Centre for the Empowerment of Canadians

with Disabilities Calgary A l t a .......................................................... 263,500• YMCA of Metropolitan Toronto Toronto O n t ................................ 800,000

Contributions to aboriginal associations, aboriginal women’s groups, native communications societies, friendship centres and capital assistance for friendship centres $43,650,209

• Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta Edmonton A lta . . . . 661,800• Alliance autochtone du Quebec Inc Hull Q u e ................................ 321,574• Baffin Region Inuit Association Iqaluit NW T................................ 225,513• Battlefords Indian and Metis Friendship Centre North

Battleford Sask...................................................................................... 229,170• Canadian Native Friendship Centre Edmonton A l t a ..................... 229,1 70• Dauphin Friendship Centre Inc Dauphin Man................................ 229,1 70• Fredericton Native Friendship Centre Fredericton N B ................ 114,585

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• Fr iendship House Association of Prince Rupert PrinceRupert B C ............................................................................................. 152,780

• Government of the Northwest Territories Yellowknife NWT . . 5,967,206• Government of the Yukon Territory Whitehorse Y T ................... 1,410,000• Inuit Broadcasting Corporation Ottawa O nt................................... 1,856,400• Inuit Tapirisat of Canada Ottawa O n t ............................................... 4,031,076• Inuvialuit Communications Society I n u v ik N W T ....................... 521,835• James Bay Cree Communications Society Chibougamau

Q u e ......................................................................................................... 390,000• Kikinahk Friendship Centre La Ronge Sask ................................. 199,730• Kitikmeot Inuit Association Yellowknife N W T............................ 209,586• Labrador Friendship Centre Goose Bay Labrador N f ld .............. 103,493• Lynn Lake Friendship Centre Inc Lynn Lake Man ..................... 203,015• Manitoba Metis Federation Inc Winnipeg M a n ............................ 531,555• Metis National Council Saskatoon Sask .......................................... 3,435,688• Metis Society of Saskatchewan Inc Saskatoon S a s k ................... 601,311• Micmac Native Friendship Society Halifax N S ............................ 254,170• Missinipi Broadcasting Corporation La Ronge S a s k ................... 436,800• Moose Jaw Native Fr iendship Centre Corporation Moose Jaw

S ask ......................................................................................................... 171,877• Moose Mountain Friendship Centre Carlyle S a s k ....................... 114,585• Moosonee Native Friendship Centre Moosonee O n t ................... 123,615• National Association of Friendship Centres Ottawa O n t ............ 1 20,000• National Indian Brotherhood Cornwall O n t ................................... 5,603,250• Native Communications Inc Thompson Man ................................ 1,056,800• Native Communications Society of the Western Northwest

Territory Yellowknife N W T............................................................ 450,335• Native Council of Canada Ottawa O n t ............................................ 4,127,137• Native Women’s Association of Canada Ottawa O n t ................... 757,000• Northern Native Broadcasting Terrace B C ..................................... 652,800• Northern Native Broadcasting Yukon Whitehorse Y T ................ 1,344,000• Okalakatiget Society Happy Valley Labrador N f l d ..................... 520,800• Ontario Metis and Aboriginal Association Sault Ste Marie

O n t ......................................................................................................... 514,510• Pauktuutit Inuit Women’s Association Ottawa O n t ..................... 333,000• Regina Friendship Centre Corporation Regina S a s k ................... 229,170• Sapujjijit Friendship Centre Rankin Inlet NWT............................ 100,746• Sik-Ooh-Kotoki Friendship Society Lethbridge Alta ................... 190,975• Skookum Jim Friendship Centre Whitehorse Y T .......................... 192,645• Société de communication Atikamekw-Montagnais Wendake

Village des Hurons Q u e .................................................................... 774,710• St John’s Native Friendship Centre St John’s N f l d ..................... 114,585• Taqramiut Nipingat Incorporated Dorval Q u e .............................. 1,212,412• Thunderbird Friendship Centre of Geraldton Geraldton Ont. . . 250,000• Tillicum Haus Society Nanaimo B C ................................................. 231,007• Timmins Native Friendship Centre Timmins O n t ....................... 1 52,780• Wawatay Native Communications Society Sioux Lookout

O n t ......................................................................................................... 1,388,794• Zhahti Koe Society Fort Providence N W T ................................... 131,826

Contributions to non governmental organizations to promote a better understanding amongst Canadians $6,092,765

• Air Canada Ville St-Laurent Q u e ...................................................... 3,006,738• Air North Whitehorse Y T .................................................................... 190,855• Canadian Association of Broadcasters Ottawa O n t ..................... 400,000• Foresee "4C" Canada Toronto O n t ................................................... 200,000• Jackson Air Services Ltd Flin Flon M a n ........................................ 138,162• Productions Roger Heroux Montreal Q u e ..................................... 1,500,000

Contributions to the Canada 125 Corporation for thecelebration of the 125th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation $22,008,900

• Canada 1 25 Corporation Ottawa O n t .............................................. 22,008,900

SOLICITOR GENERAL $67,794,769D e p a r t m e n t $26,986,463Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) $49,000

Canadian Criminal Justice Association $122,500

John Howard Society $50,000

Authorized After-Care Agencies $1,782,649• Canadian Criminal Justice Association Ottawa Ont..................... 235,200• John Howard Society of Canada Ottawa O n t ................................ 666,400• Elizabeth Fry Society Ottawa O n t ................................................... 590,597


• Assoc des Services Montreal Q u e ..................................................... 142,100• St Leonard’s Society Mississauga Ont.............................................. 11 7,992

Core Funding to National Voluntary Organizations $343,750• Canadian Training Institute Downsview O n t ................................ 143,100

Native Policing Programs $22,385,084• Kwanlin Dun Band Whitehorse Y T ................................................... 192,088• Whitehorse Band Whitehorse Y T ..................................................... 165,400• Port Simpson Band Skeen B C ............................................................ 132,320• StTatTirrix Band Lillooett B C ............................................................ 234,000• Blood (2) Band Standoff A l b ............................................................... 627,400• Louis Bull (2) Band Hobbema A l b ................................................... 150,000• Siskika Band Lytton A l b ...................................................................... 542,851• DOTC Band Brandon M a n ................................................................. 986,000• Akwesasne Band Cornwall O n t .......................................................... 200,700• Ontario First Nations Hagersville O n t .............................................. 6,944,663• Ont 1st Nations Police Commission Toronto O n t .......................... 115,600• Police Governing Authorities Toronto O n t ..................................... 312,000• NAN Negotiations Timmins O n t ........................................................ 338,502• Akwesasne Band Huntington Q u e ..................................................... 401,400• Amerindian Police Pointe Blue Q u e ................................................. 4,224,779• Betsiamites Band Reberual Que.......................................................... 219,291• Kahnawake Band Kahnawake Q u e ................................................... 717,008• Huronne Wendat Band Wesndat Q u e ................................................. 216,179• River Desert Band Maniwaki Q u e ..................................................... 210,990• Sept-Iles Band Sept-Iles Q u e ............................................................... 101,728• Big Cove Band Big Cove N B ............................................................ 163,288• Burnt Church Band Lagaceville N B ................................................. 122,469• St Marys Band Fredericton N B .......................................................... 210,000• Tobique Band Perth N B ........................................................................ 122,469• Eskasoni Band Eskasoni N S ............................................................... 244,934• Shubenacadie Band Shubenacadie NS .............................................. 132,320• Miawpukek Band Conne River N f l d ................................................. 168,150

Payments to the provinces, territories, public and privatebodies in support of activities complementary to those of the Solicitor General $2,253,480

• Solicitor General NS ............................................................................. 274,825

C o r r e c t i o n a l S e rv ice $2 ,410,189Pensions and other employee benefits $38,188

Penitentiary inmates accident compensation $59,561

Grant to the University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine for psychiatric residency seat $37,804

Grant to Carleton University, Department of Psychology for a faculty position in Correctional Psychology and Research $40,000

Contributions for the purpose of providing parolee services, individual and group inmate services, community education and involvement as they relate to correctional services and othercomplementary services $1,116,739

• John Howard S o c i e ty ............................................................................. 124,167• 2 / W 2 ........................................................................................................... 106,159• The Salvation A r m y ............................................................................... 184,660

Contributions towards construction done by provincesor municipalities $1,117,897

• Minister of Finance Winnipeg M a n ................................................... 1,117,897

R o y a l C a n a d i a n M o u n t e d P o l i c e $38,398,117

Grant to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Veteran’s Association $2,500

Grant to the International Association of Chiefs of Police $1,785

Payments in the nature of Workmen’s Compensation to survivors of members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police killed while on duty $561,84 1

Pensions under the Royal Canadian M ounted Police Continuation A c t $9,218,240

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