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Steria CR report 2012
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Corporate Responsibility Report 2012

Transformation for a better world

02 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

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A message from our Group CEO 04

Steria and the triple bottom line 06

About this report 08

About Steria 10

Promoting sustainable solutions 12

Minimising energy, maximising efficiency 13

Our approach to corporate responsibility 14

Steria and stakeholders 15

Responsibility is its own reward 16

Corporate governance in Steria 17

Responsibility in the workplace 22

Workplace case study 37

Responsibility in the environment 38

Sustainability case studies 41

Responsibility in the community 44

Community case studies 46

Responsibility in the marketplace 48

Marketplace case studies 49

We aimed high. How did we do? 50

GRI index 56

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“When Steria was founded in 1969, it was as much a social project as an enterprise, and we continue to build our business in a way that promotes social, environmental and economic sustainability. At Steria, we believe that long-term value comes from seeing financial growth as a part of a bigger picture, encompassing people, society and the environment. I firmly believe that a business cannot succeed in a society that does not live up to its responsibilities. We need to go beyond profit to build a stronger bond of trust between finance, business and society.

This publication marks our second sustainability report based on the guidelines developed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)1. We find that reporting is a useful tool, not only to provide transparency to our stakeholders, but also to improve the quality of our everyday work with sustainability.

Steria is firmly committed to respecting and promoting international norms and principles of corporate responsibility. Following our signature of the Ten Principles in the UN Global Compact in 2004, we developed various policies and procedures such as a Code of Ethics, conflicts of interest statements, Purchasing Charters and well-being guidelines, and set up a Corporate Responsibility Programme which includes specific resources dedicated to CR reporting. This programme clearly assigns roles and responsibilities within Steria’s organisational structure. We also established a Corporate Responsibility Advisory Board comprising members from government, business, academia and civil society, to get an external, independent perspective on our progress.

IT as an industry has few direct negative impacts on its stakeholders, compared to many other industries, and IT is often said to contribute positively to the environment. However, we need to acknowledge that emissions from ICT use are estimated at 2% of total global CO2 emissions – equivalent to the aviation industry. We see it as an important responsibility to minimise our own negative impact, as well as to maximise our positive impact; implementing Green IT, and the strategic use of IT, can significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of our clients. Helping clients minimise their carbon footprint is a key goal for us. Whilst environmental sustainability is clearly a key concern, we view sustainability in its widest sense. For example, we are also committed to contributing to sustainable social and economic development in the societies in which we operate, by helping disadvantaged groups cross the digital divide, through training and education.

Our long-term strategic priorities centre around four areas:

• Marketplace – being a responsible service provider by adhering to the highest ethical standards and sharing them with our stakeholders.

•Workplace – being a responsible employer by implementing well-being policies and consistent HR policies across all our operations; on-shore, near-shore and off-shore. Leverage our unique corporate governance model to maximise employee commitment.

•Environment – supporting sustainability by changing to greener practices and reducing our CO2 emissions, while helping our clients to become more sustainable.

•Community– enabling disadvantaged people by bridging the digital divide, giving access to IT, education and job opportunities.

A message from our Group CEO

1: This report must be read in conjunction with the Corporate Responsibility information available in our 2012 Registration Document which has been extended this year following new French legal requirements. 2011 GRI information can be read at http://www.steria.com/discover-steria/corporate-responsibility/

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In 2012, we achieved several successes in the field of Corporate Responsibility that we are especially proud of. Most notably, we have:

- Attained the highest disclosure and performance score in our industry amongst companies listed on the Paris Stock Exchange (SBF 250) for the Carbon Disclosure Project2.

- Been named the best company for sustainability among French mid-cap companies in the Gaia index.

- Significantly reinforced our awareness and training initiatives in the field of ethics, with a specific emphasis on the company’s top management.

- Implemented the ‘Great Place to Work’ employee survey across all Steria countries, giving a third party benchmark of employee satisfaction that tells us where to concentrate our future efforts.

- We further developed our educational programme in India for children from impoverished and rural background and continued our contribution to reduce the digital divide with the Steria-Institut de France Foundation

In 2013, we want to build on this momentum and recognise that there is still much to be done. We will particularly focus on enforcing our responsible procurement policy, and on further developing our ‘One Steria, One Country, One School’ Programme, while continuing to improve our Corporate Responsibility reporting processes.

You are warmly invited to read about our endeavours and achievements in 2012, and I welcome your responses and reflections.”

François Enaud, Steria Group CEO

2: The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is an independent not-for-profit organisation working to drive greenhouse gas emissions reduction and sustainable water use by business and cities. Over 3,000 organisations in some 60 countries around the world now measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions, water management and climate change strategies through CDP, in order that they can set reduction targets and make performance improvements. This data is made available for use by a wide audience including institutional investors, corporations, policymakers and their advisors, public sector organisations, government bodies, academics and the public. The CDP acts on behalf of 551 institutional investors, holding US$71 trillion in assets under management and some 50 purchasing organisations.

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Our approach to sustainable development is based on the concept of the ‘Triple Bottom Line’; we aim to achieve a balance between our environmental, social and economic performance.

One Steria, three ways of measuring performance

We are a diverse company with close to 20,000 employees spanning 16 countries and three continents, and our impacts, risks and opportunities relating to sustainability are exceptionally varied. While enthusiastically encouraging local initiatives in all our worldwide offices, we want to emphasise that we are ‘One Steria’ with one environmental policy, one Code of Ethics and a consistent HR strategy. This strategy applies to all our operations, regardless of location – we do not accept double standards across our on-shore, near-shore or off-shore units. We believe in the Power of Sharing – a term coined by Steria to describe the collective benefits of sharing challenges, knowledge, skills and experience, to make something less complicated or better.

Our strategic priorities for the future, across our Triple Bottom Line, are:

Our environmental bottom line

IT, as an industry, is becoming a relatively large CO2 emitter and contributes to one of the largest environmental challenges of our time. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is, therefore, our main priority – to reduce our own emissions, as well as enabling our clients to reduce theirs. As a provider of IT services, not only are we well-positioned to reduce our own greenhouse gas emissions, but we can go further by supporting our clients in reducing their own.

Living Green at Steria

Steria, as a Group, has become carbon neutral for flight and fleet travel and is now ranked top performer in its sector in the Carbon Disclosure Project. In addition to this, some of our country offices, including Steria France and Steria Sweden head offices, are in state-of-the-art eco-buildings using green energy wherever possible, and our own ‘Green Agent’ employees ensure that we continuously strive to improve our environmental performance.

Supporting clients to become more sustainable

We also believe we have a definite responsibility to help our clients to reduce their own emissions and transform into more sustainable businesses. Our applications for smart cities and smart metering help them to understand their consumption patterns. Even better, by providing Green IT, we can radically reduce the electricity consumption of our clients’ IT solutions.

You can read more about the strategies and achievements for Steria’s environmental bottom line in the chapter ‘The environment’ and on our website at: http://www.steria.com/our-solutions/sustainability/

Steria and the Triple Bottom Line

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Our social bottom line

IT, as an industry, has some very specific social challenges. The World Health Organisation has identified work-related stress as a major risk for both physical and mental health. While businesses in every sector must be vigilant about absenteeism, we must also be particularly conscious of well-being at work. This is because modern technology now enables people to work around the clock, blurring the boundary between their professional and private life. At Steria, the well-being of our employees is paramount.

On a macro level, the IT sector is part of a bigger social issue about the ‘digital divide’. Although IT is a major facilitator, it can create inequalities between people in terms of having knowledge of, and access to, information and communication technologies. As a socially responsible company, we have made it our priority to address the digital divide. We do this by facilitating access to IT through our educational programmes and scholarships.

You can read more about our efforts and achievements for Steria’s social bottom line in the chapter ‘The workplace’.

Our economic bottom line

Profits are vital to being a viable and lasting enterprise. But, at Steria, we also strive to create economic development in the societies in which we operate. We actively contribute to local communities by creating employment, raising competence and encouraging innovation. This is a particular concern in our India off-shore units, where bringing technology, education and economic development to disadvantaged groups is at the very core of our community engagement programmes.

A key priority in the coming years is to fully implement our new ethical Procurement Policy. We will do this by ensuring that we use our purchasing power to support best-in-class companies, and to make certain that we avoid doing business with partners, suppliers and sub-contractors that have unacceptable environmental, social or ethical standards.

You can read more about our efforts and achievements for Steria’s economic bottom line in the chapter ‘The marketplace’.

Key highlights of the year:

Steria has always believed in bringing a human touch to technology – combining business performance with social values. This is highlighted by our strong, people-friendly values: Respect | Openness | Simplicity | Creativity | Independence

•AchievinganA-ratingintheCarbonDisclosureProjectwith the best ranking in our industry



•BeingawardedtheGoldenPeacockAwardfor excellence in CR

•Best-everresultsfromouryearlycommunityevent, the One Day Challenge

•Maintainingourcarbonneutralityforairandroadbusiness travel

•IncreasingthedeploymentofourGroup-wideSustainability Procurement Policy

•Reinforcingourawarenessandtrainingefforts around ethics

•IncorporatingCRobjectivesintoGroupExcom variable payment criteria

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This report is our second sustainability report based on the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) guidelines for sustainability reporting. The process of selecting GRI indicators for the report started in 2009 when Steria’s CR team did their first assessment. In identifying our main impacts and most pressing sustainability issues, the GRI indicators were carefully selected and discussed by a dedicated group of senior executives representing the larger Steria areas, whilst also seeking the opinions of shareholders and other stakeholders. The final selection of indicators is, therefore, the result of a two-year review process between the CR network leaders, Steria’s CR Advisory Board of external stakeholders and Steria’s Executive Committee. This review process with a broader audience ensures that the different perspectives of our stakeholders are taken into consideration in setting the priorities for the report.

In choosing the indicators, we emphasised the most relevant and pressing CR issues related to the services that we deliver and the geographic spread of our offices.

The report covers the fiscal year for 2012 and meets GRI’s reporting level B according to our own evaluation. Quantitative and qualitative data has been through an extensive review and approval process internally, including the Group CEO, the Group Legal Director, the Group CR Programme Director and our Director of Communications. The reported data for 2012 does not include our Spanish entity which has been sold during the last quarter of 2012. Morocco and Singapore data has also been excluded, as these entities are not considered as material for CR reporting purposes.

The report covers Steria’s offices and activities in 16 countries. The data reported includes subsidiaries (Steria Spain excluded). Data measurement techniques and compilation follows the Indicator Protocol of the GRI guidelines, unless stated otherwise.

We aim to cover all material aspects of Steria’s positive and negative impacts on the Triple Bottom Line in a transparent way, according to the ideals advanced by the Global Reporting Initiative.

For more information or clarity, please visit us at: www.steria.com

Why this report is so important and how it has been compiled

About this report

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10 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

In the 44 exciting years that Steria has been operating, we have seen IT develop from a pioneering science to a leading component of our economy. In that time, we have established ourselves as a major player. The next four decades will offer new challenges which we are ready to meet head-on. The entrepreneurial boldness of our founder Jean Carteron is reflected today in our drive to devise new services and solutions, to react to changes in the market and to thrive whatever the conditions.

Here are our current key facts and figures:

•Totalrevenuefor2012was€1.83billion (up from €1.75 billion in 2011)

•Foundedin1969,inParis,today70%ofourrevenue comes from outside France

•WehaveofficesinEurope,India,NorthAfrica and South East Asia

•Wearecloseto20,000peoplestrong, working across 16 countries

•Approximately30%ofemployeesworkoff-shoreor near-shore; one of the highest percentages among European IT companies

•Ouroff-shoreandnear-shoredeliverycentresarelocated in India, Poland and Morocco

•22.7%ofourcapitalwasownedbyouremployeesasofDecember 31, 2012*

The facts, the figures and the people behind them

On-shore Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Norway, Singapore,

Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Near-shore Poland, Morocco

Off-shore India

About Steria

(*): including “SET Trust” and “XEBT Trust” (4.15% of capital)

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We touch the lives of millions around the globe each day through our systems, services and processes. Steria has built a pervasive global presence in 16 countries across Europe, India, North Africa and South East Asia. We see our diversity as a powerful asset, embracing many different cultures across the world – each individual bringing an extra dimension to the way we work as a whole. But, although our cultures are diverse, we have a shared vision and shared values. We believe this gives us a cohesion that is a real differentiator.

This international presence can be seen from the top down – our Executive Committee includes five different nationalities and a fair balance of men and women. It ensures that all Group businesses, geographies and business lines are represented, as well as the marketing, finance and human resources functions.

We believe that it is our culture of collaborative entrepreneurialism and remaining true to our founding values that has led to our growth and success. Steria was originally founded with the vision to unite strong business performance with solid social values and has maintained a culture of ethical entrepreneurialism ever since.

As innovators for over 40 years, we have risen to the challenge of solving real-world problems across diverse sectors, geographies and technology environments. The last four decades have seen some remarkable changes in the way technology shapes our world. Steria has played a big part in this. We have grown in size ten times over since 1998 and our acquisitions of Mummert (2005) and Xansa (2007) have allowed us to offer our clients a unique portfolio of services from consulting to business process outsourcing – shaping operational excellence for many organisations that we partner.






Belgium and Luxembourg


Germany and Austria


United Kingdom


0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000












Employee headcount as of December 31, 2012

Total headcount – 19,812

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Only collaboration can make today’s world turn. At Steria, we are passionate about our sharing vision and values. We call it the ‘Power of Sharing’ and it is a highly collaborative way of working that has helped make us one of the Top 10 IT services companies in Europe. We have a highly industrialised delivery model that utilises the support of our network of industry-leading service partners, combined with a profound understanding of our clients’ businesses and in-depth expertise in IT and business process outsourcing. From advice to execution, we take on our clients’ challenges and develop innovative solutions to solve them – working with them to transform their businesses and letting them get on with what they do best.

We are constantly mindful, however, that – within our solutions – we must provide responsible products and services. More and more, our focus is on sustainability, and on devising new ways of meeting one of the greatest challenges the world has ever faced – climate change. Yet sustainability is as much an ethical issue as it is an environmental one, calling for a change in mindset as well as in physical practices. At Steria, we take both into account, which means we can help our clients manage their carbon footprint much more effectively.

Only the best ideas are sustainable

Promoting sustainable solutions

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Whilst constantly seeking to develop new services and solutions for our clients, we never lose sight of their business needs and responsibilities – and we look beyond the initial transformation opportunity to operational delivery, day after day.

Our full range of IT-enabled services helps our clients to minimise their energy use while maximising their efficiency:

•Asabusiness consulting partner for our clients, we help them to set goals and implement their strategy. We provide them with all the concepts, methods and process analysis necessary to plan for successful transformation.

•Systems integration provides turnkey solutions with full integration into the clients’ environment. Our experience and expertise means we take care of the complex challenges of integrating diverse technologies the clients organisation already has and those it plans to deploy in the future.

•Application Management helps clients to evolve and fine-tune their application portfolios to meet emerging business challenges. We give our clients access to a comprehensive range of Application Management services based on leading technologies.

•Testing, which involves expertise ranging from consulting to delivery and experience right across the business process and IT, ensures that clients’ systems are fit for purpose, reliable, secure and scalable.

•Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) primarily provides middle and back office services. Emphasis is on automation and execution of world-class business processes to keep critical services running and relevant. These include finance and accounting, procurement and human resources.

•Infrastructure Management helps clients keep pace with accelerating demands on IT infrastructure while delivering substantial cost savings, productivity increases and energy efficiency.

Welcome to our full range of IT-enabled services

Minimising energy, maximising efficiency

IT Management

Process Management

Vertical BPO










Application Management

Business Expertise(Consulting)


ions (Systems Integration)

Horizontal Solutions Vert

ical S




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A structure with clearly defined responsibilities

Group CEO

CR Programme Director

CR Office (Reporting and Marketing)

CR Advisory Board

Executive sponsor for Community

Executive sponsor for Workplace

Network Leader

Network Leader

Executive sponsor for Marketplace

Executive sponsor for Environment

Network Leader

Network Leader

The Group CEO and the Executive Committee – Steria’s Group CEO has ultimate responsibility for our global Corporate Responsibility (CR) programme, with members of the Executive Committee acting as sponsors for designated parts of the programme.

The CR Programme Director – The CR Programme Director is the driving force of Steria’s CR strategy, responsible for developing strategies, policies and measurable objectives and ensuring their implementation, as well as acting as an advisor to the Executive Committee on stakeholder issues.

The CR Reporting Leader – To improve the reliability and efficiency of the CR reporting process, a person was appointed in 2012 to supervise both the information reported within this document and within our Registration Document. This person is reporting internally to the Group CR programme Director and the Group CFO, as we consider that the methods and processes applied for managing financial information must be leveraged for non-financial information reporting.

In addition, we have requested that our local Human Resources Directors, Chief Financial Officers and Legal Directors are the owners of the data reported respectively for Community & Workplace, Environment and Marketplace.

The CR Network Leaders – Steria has CR Network Leaders, responsible for the areas of Community, Workplace, Environment and Marketplace. The network leaders are responsible for implementing action plans in each of the four areas throughout the Group, in collaboration with the country network members who manage the implementation within each country.

CR Advisory Board – As a large company, spread across three continents, we wanted to ensure that our top management gets systematic, expert advice and insights from the perspective of our stakeholders. This is why we established the CR Advisory Board, consisting of independent CR experts from government, industry and society. The Board meets three times a year to review Steria’s progress from a stakeholder perspective and to advise on how to coordinate our CR activity across the company.

Our approach to corporate responsibility

The way we are organised shows our real commitment to responsible operations. This structure ensures a clear division of responsibility from the top down in whichever location we work. The highest level of our company monitors our CR performance; our Executive Committee reviews our sustainability objectives, action plans and performance on a regular basis. The strategic and practical work is organised like this:

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Internal or external, effective corporate responsibility is a collective endeavour. Which is why, at Steria, we engage with stakeholder networks and organisations on a global, national and local level. In 2004, we signed the UN Global Compact. This charter encourages companies to promote ten universal principles in the areas of human rights, working conditions, the environment and the fight against corruption. Then, in 2009, we developed a Code of Ethics – a protocol that ensures healthy business practices across the business. Additionally, to ensure closer contact with our stakeholders, we are also active members of several local and European CR organisations, such as the Institut du Mécénat Social in France and we also partner with NGOs such as Digital Bridges (Passerelles Numériques). Our Corporate Responsibility programme involves multiple external stakeholders. Our relationships with these stakeholders are the primary responsibility of each CR network leader, relating to their respective field of expertise.

These external stakeholders include:

Making decisions on a global, national and local level

External Stakeholder Major Role Internet Site

Carbon Disclosure Project The Carbon Disclosure Project is an independent non-profit organisation holding the world’s largest database of corporate climate change information. The CDP provides international environment rankings.


ISO 14001 certification companies

Environmental management standard. The certification companies audit our ISO 14001 sites in our various locations.


Global Compact UN initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The Global Compact provides a globally recognised framework for corporate responsibility.


VIGEO CR rating agency in the areas of environment, social and governance topics. www.vigeo.com

GAÏA Sustainability index for midcaps on the Paris Stock Exchange. www.gaïa-index.com

Institut du Mécénat Social A network of companies promoting CR in society. www.imsentreprendre.com

Global Reporting Initiative Association developing and promoting the leading international standard for sustainability reporting.


Steria and stakeholders

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Responsibility is its own rewardAlthough there is always more to strive for, we are very pleased with our CR endeavours and achievements to date. In 2011 and 2012, we attained the following rewards and certifications:

Reward/Certification Purpose CR component Year

ISO 14001 in nine countriesEnvironmental management system certification (see: www.iso.org)

Environment 2011 (and prior), 2012

Asia’s Best CR Practice Award in Singapore

Excellence in the field of CR Community 2011, 2012

Subir Raha Foundation Award at Hyderabad

Sharing knowledge and best practices in CR Community 2011, 2012

Best CR Practice award by Bombay Stock Exchange

Best CR practice Community 2011 (and prior), 2012

INDY’s Best CR Practice Award, presented by ‘Stars of the Industry’

Best CR practice Community 2011 (and prior), 2012

Golden Peacock Special Commendation for CR excellence, Steria India Foundation

Encouraging initiatives in CR, promoting sustainable development

Community 2011 (and prior), 2012

Listed in Norway’s top ten ‘Best Places to Work’

Steria Norway | Employee Opinion survey Workplace 2011 (and prior), 2012

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Groupe Steria has set up a particularly innovative and unique governance system designed to help the company distinguish itself from the competition and to develop and enhance its appeal. This governance system uses the legal structure of a limited share partnership (Société en Commandite par Actions) under French law (SCA) in an original way where the General Partner is a SAS called Soderi, which represents exclusively the Group employee shareholders.

A clear separation between management and Control bodies

The corporate governance of Groupe Steria is based on a separation between the powers of the Management of the Group that is assured by a Group CEO and the control powers entrusted to a Supervisory Board completely separate from the Management, and reporting directly to shareholders.

Sharing power

Corporate governance in Steria

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Soderi SAS General Partner

(Employee shareholders)

Limited Partners


Groupe Steria SCA

General Manager/Group CEO Executive Committee

Soderi SAS BoardAppointment

Authorisation of major decisions

Groupe Steria SCA Supervisory Board

AppointmentAuthorisation of major decisions Control

Operational subsidiaries

Two types of partner

The limited partners (the shareholders)

The limited partners provide capital and they own the company’s shares.

They meet at least once a year in Ordinary and/or Extraordinary General Meeting(s) of Shareholders in order to decide upon the resolutions submitted for their approval and, notably, to appoint the Group CEO, approve his remuneration, appoint members of the Supervisory Board as well as the Statutory Auditors and approve the annual financial statements.

The General Partner: Soderi

The General Partner is represented by the simplified joint-stock company (Société par Actions Simplifiée), Soderi, whose unique feature is to bring together the community of Group employee shareholders.

The General Manager/Group CEO and Executive Committee

General Management of Groupe Steria comes under the responsibility of François Enaud who has been General Manager/Group CEO since 1998. Appointed at the General Meeting of Shareholders, and proposed by the Supervisory Board after agreement with the General Partner, he stays in office for a maximum renewable term of six years. At the 2012 General Shareholders’ Meeting, he has been renewed for a 5 years’ mandate. Within this unique governance, the General Manager/Group CEO remuneration is approved by the General Meeting’s attendees.

The General Manager/Group CEO is assisted by an Executive Committee composed of three Senior Executive Vice-Presidents who meet every week, and six Executive Vice-Presidents. The Executive Committee meets monthly and ensures that all Group businesses, geographies and business lines are represented, while also ensuring the representation of the marketing, finance and human resources functions.

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Steria structure: Simplified legal chart














100% 100%



































































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The Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board has responsibility for ongoing control of the management of the Company on behalf of shareholders. The Supervisory Board has a clear Charter and Internal Regulations (available on our website); these describe professional ethical behaviour and rules to be respected by its members (including rules related to conflicts of interest). Within the Board, there are three committees; a Strategy Committee which is responsible for reviewing the company’s medium to long-term development; an Appointments and Remuneration Committee which is responsible for evaluating new appointments to the Excom and benefits plans; and an Audit Committee which is responsible for controlling risk and accounts.*

The Board performs an annual self-assessment, one of which resulted in a decision to increase the number of women on the board to better reflect the company’s diversity. The Supervisory Board has, traditionally, been male dominated. However, in 2011 and 2012, we recruited the first two women on to the board, achieving our target of 20% women members for 2012. A target has been set of 40% of the board to be women by 2014.

The members of the supervisory board are:

Jacques Bentz, Chairman of the Board, Manager of Tecnet Participations.

Eric Hayat, Vice-Chairman of the Board, Chairman of Groupement d’Intérêt Public (GIP), Modernisation des déclarations sociales.

Léo Apotheker

Patrick Boissier, Chairman and CEO of DCNS.

Séverin Cabannes, Deputy CEO of the Société Générale Group.

Elie Cohen, Economist – Research Director at CNRS, Professor at Sciences-PO-CAE.

Bridget Cosgrave, Founder and Chairman of EveryEuropeanDigital (E ED).

Pierre Desprez, Chairman of Steria Mutual Fund (Employee Shareholding).

Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, Chairman of the PH Gourgeon Conseil.

Laetitia Puyfaucher, CEO of Pelham Media.

(*): the missions described here are not exhaustive - for more information please refer to http://investors.steria.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=170213&p=irol-govboard

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Ever since Steria was founded in 1969, our culture has been based on participative governance built on strong employee shareholding, symbolised by Soderi. Soderi is the company owned by Groupe Steria’s employee shareholders. It is the core element of Steria’s participative governance.

This unique governance model is ground-breaking within the IT industry. It gives our people a significant say in determining our future strategy. Our employees who owned 22.7% of the company as of December 31, 2012 shows that the original idea of the founder Jean Carteron is still alive.

Steria’s 6,000 employee shareholders are able to take part in the company’s strategic decisions through Soderi. Soderi is managed by a Board of Directors with 17 members elected by the employee shareholders. The Soderi Board is fully aligned with Steria’s commitment to diversity – among the 17 members, there is a good gender balance and a wide blend of different nationalities from France, the UK, Germany, Norway, India and Belgium.

The Board gives prior approval to any resolution put to the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of Groupe Steria SCA and to any proposal put forward by the Steria Group CEO relating to a change in the company’s consolidation due, for example, to an acquisition or a significant loan. The Group CEO therefore reports to two Boards; the Soderi Board of Directors and the Groupe Steria SCA Supervisory Board.

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We are committed to maintaining the highest standards for our employees, providing a safe and healthy working environment in accordance with the relevant guidelines for every country in which we operate. We operate within the same standards across our on-shore, near-shore or off-shore units.

In all Steria countries, health and safety issues are monitored by formal health and safety committees or local HR departments.

It is important to note that no work-related fatalities have been recorded in 2012. In addition, at the date of this report, Steria is not able to show consolidated rates of injury.

Responsibility in the workplace In a company as diverse and international as Steria, ensuring dialogue with our employees – and taking into account their well-being – is an essential means of boosting involvement and satisfaction.

Workplace MarketplaceEnvironment Community

2012 key figures related to the health and security structures

Existence of a health and security council1

Existence of a formal agreement covering health

and safety topics

Employee representatives included in these


Number of meetings held in 2012

France Yes Yes Yes 126

United Kingdom (including NHS-SBS)

No2 No Not applicable Not applicable

India No No Not applicable Not applicable

Germany Yes No Yes 41

Norway Yes No Yes 4

Sweden Yes Yes Yes 2

Denmark Yes No No None

Belgium Yes Yes Yes 12

Poland No No Not applicable Not applicable

Switzerland No No Not applicable Not applicable

1: Country-level committee only, does not include ‘site’ meetings. 2: Any health and safety matters requiring discussions with employee representatives would be discussed at the UK forum meeting.

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Well-being at work

Steria believes that ‘well-being at work’ is a key motivation driver for our employees. So, in 2011, we launched a Group-wide ‘Well-being Policy’ to show our engagements in that domain. The local HR directors are responsible for implementing this policy, and we continue to encourage them to implement effective and locally adapted initiatives in 2013. A key objective of the policy is to make our employees and managers aware of the types of actions and attitudes they could promote in their employees. The policy is focused on four key areas:

1. Creating a working environment where our employees can fully develop their skills.

2. Giving our employees as much flexibility as possible within the scope of their work.

3. Supporting employees in their endeavours to live a healthy lifestyle.

4. Supporting employees in times of need.

There is a dedicated tool kit for managers dealing with stress amongst their employees. This was distributed throughout most of our geographies in 2012.

Local initiatives to support well-being at work


A training programme on time management is available from the Learning and Engagement department, as well as e-learning modules that also address the topic.


We launched a programme called ‘Zen IT’, which addressed different areas of need relating to health and well-being.


The topic of work-life balance is comprehensively addressed both in induction training and in leadership training.


We have put a number of policies in place to ensure the well-being of all employees at work. These include a compulsory minimum of 15 days leave, part-time work, crèche or day care facilities for children, training programmes on stress management and a Health Screening policy. All employees, across all levels, are given funding for an individual health check.

Summary of the key initiatives taken for ‘well-being at work’.

Home office capabilities HelplineStress management training and toolkit

Other services3

France Pilot phase Yes Yes Yes

United Kingdom (including NHS-SBS)

Yes Yes Yes Yes

India Yes No No Yes

Germany and Austria Yes Yes Yes Yes

Other (at least in one country)

Yes Yes Yes Yes

3: Such as laundering services, crèches, gym club etc.

24 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

Personal development and training

Training and development is at the heart of ensuring that every employee knows how to truly develop their competencies and maximise their potential. To achieve this, we developed Steria’s ‘Global Career Framework’ to help employees to define and achieve their personal development goals. This framework includes the definition of key job families, job roles and job descriptions common to all geographies; used by Steria to identify the necessary resources for projects and to fulfill vacant positions. At the same time, it helps to define levels of expertise and competency requirements and helps employees define their career objectives. In this way, the framework is an important pillar for our training and development strategy.

A Competency Framework has been developed in collaboration with all the countries in Groupe Steria. It underpins the Global Career Framework and is a major step towards enabling employees to identify the career path they wish to follow in order to develop and fulfill their potential. In 2012, the deployment was started with the pilot implementation in the UK. A Training Matrix has been designed that sits behind this framework with the objective to help employees understand how to master each competency through a set of solutions that range from self-help (reading and using guides) to classroom-based courses. The training has been delivered to employee sites as well as inviting employees to come to major sites. In 2012, 21 courses were run with over 370 attendees.

Each country in the Group maintains a training policy and catalogue of the training courses that are available to employees. Employees are encouraged to have an annual development plan that is agreed with their manager. While we have developed some Group-wide training initiatives, most of our training programmes are currently designed locally, which guarantees that they are aligned with the evolution of our business.

The following new key training initiatives were implemented in 2012:

A three-year-long agreement with the e-learning provider Skillsoft, signed in January 2013, will increase the training offerings to our employees throughout the Group.

In France, Steria continues to make its learning and development curriculum evolve. For example, the Steria Project Institute now incorporates the Infrastructure Management service line training. This curriculum included 399 training courses in 2012 within 26 different training programmes. A new module for architects was also designed for technical infrastructure management (ATIM). This qualifying course, certified by engineering schools, includes 18 days of training over nine months. The key objective of this initiative is to integrate best practices, especially by sharing architecture expertise in information systems integration. Also in France, a new training module for sales (Sales Institut) launched its pilot session with success, both in terms of teaching skills, and in the design of the module itself, meant to be as operational and close to the participants’ expectations as possible. 48 people have been trained to date.

In Norway, a comprehensive Training Academy has been ongoing since 2008,with the vision to offer an opportunity to develop to each of our employees. This means that our employees should find content in the Academy that is useful to them, regardless of what level they are in the organisation, or how long they have been with us. This includes induction programmes, basic consulting skills, different programmes related to professional development and expert subject matter groups.

Responsibility in the workplace (continued)

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In the UK, a specific focus has been given to Sales Training throughout 2012. As an example, a virtual sales community has been created and has targeted two types of course: ‘Strategic Selling’ (with an external partner) and ‘Proposal Management’ (with an external partner). During 2012, 283 employees attended these courses.

At a Group level, the ‘Steria Academy’ is our international training programme for Steria’s senior managers, and covers Programme Management, and Sales and Marketing courses. In the design and development of the training modules, we always involve senior members of the organisation. The Academy therefore serves as a platform for knowledge transfer and better dissemination of shared tools and practices. This method of organising encourages networking and building inter-departmental relationships.

Another important pillar is our annual talent and competency review of all employees. This review, called CEDRE, helps us to balance our collective ambitions with the talents we already have and those we need to attract. To support the development of our employees, we also provide regular personal development interviews. In these interviews, which take place on an annual basis, the results of previous years are evaluated and targets are set for the new year.

Our priorities for 2013 will be to continue working on the targets set last year that address topics like the gender issue and defining goals for female participation and gender equality, and to continue to develop our training initiatives and offerings, and follow up the results from the ‘Great Place to Work’ survey.


rs tr


ng p

er e









Training – by gender/country




43 42









ce UK












26 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

Employee relations

The third principle of the UN Global Compact states that businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. At Steria, we are committed to this principle. In our Code of Ethics, we state the right to collective bargaining, and this applies to all Steria countries. We already have a number of collective agreements in place, established under local legislation in the respective country.

For trans-European issues, we have created a ‘European Works Council’ (EWC). The EWC is composed of 14 members, representing nine countries. The EWC meets on a regular basis, and discusses topics that are relevant for employees throughout the Group.

Where no employee representation structure exists, such as in India and Poland, we give our employees the opportunity to address their questions and concerns through various channels.

In India, for example, there are the following channels:

- Town-halls: These are quarterly open discussion forums where employees can ask any question to the Senior Management.

- DirectToCEO mailbox: A mailbox accessed directly by the CEO, where employees can raise their concerns and make suggestions.

- Secure committees: Central email IDs and a task force to handle harassment issues (sexual as well as other types) at location and India level.

- Skip meetings: Meeting of employee (N with N+2), skipping the immediate manager.

- Grievance redress: Redressing procedure to deal with all the grievances logged with HR.

Responsibility in the workplace (continued)

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2012 key figures related to the management of Employee Relations

Existence of an employee representation structure*

Number of elected representatives (31/12/2012)

Number of working councils/forums held in 2012

France Yes 236 151

United Kingdom (including NHS-SBS) Yes 10 10

India No Not applicable Not applicable

Germany Yes 36 10

Norway Yes 11 4

Sweden Yes 4 20

Denmark Yes 3 4

Belgium Yes 23 12

Poland No Not applicable Not applicable

Switzerland No Not applicable Not applicable

* Can take the form of forum(s) or working council(s).

28 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

Employee satisfaction and engagement

Employee satisfaction and engagement is important to Steria. To measure how well our employees engage with the company and its aims, we carry out an employee survey. In 2011 – for the very first time – all Steria geographies participated in the ‘Great Place to Work’ survey. The Great Place to Work Institute uses a proven method, developed over the past 20 years, to conduct employee engagement surveys that then allow companies to benchmark themselves, both internally and externally against other organisations. The survey is a management tool that allows us to analyse the feedback from our employees and to put in place activities to address any issues and meet employees’ expectations. We have started to leverage the survey’s results to increase our score in the future (the survey will be conducted every two years).

The results of the ‘Great Place to Work’ survey, combined with information from exit interviews, gives us guidance on which areas need improvement, and then these recommendations serve as a good guide as to where to strengthen our efforts in the future.

Responsibility in the workplace (continued)

Workplace MarketplaceEnvironment Community









% of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews


ce UKIn



any a










m a


























79% 82

% 93%






59% 61%










Employee turnover rate – by age








ce UK
















































Employee turnover rate – by gender


ce UK























% 21.3














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Absence in hours per 100 employees Total workforce by contract typeFr

ance UK













ce UK



















5.3%2.4% 2.5%



94.7%97.6% 97.5%




Total workforce by employment type


ce UK




















5.2% 5.5%7.4%






6672 6505










Absence days as % of work days

The reported absence rates per country are consistent with our historical data and in line with the figures observed within our industry.


ce UK













3.34% 3.25%


30 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

Human rights and diversity

Respecting people’s rights and diversity at all times, we are dedicated to recognising human rights in all our relations with employees, clients, shareholders, suppliers and local communities. We never tolerate discrimination or harassment, in any form. Even though we are vigilant, four incidents of discrimination were brought to the management’s attention in 2012. These incidents were dealt with internally and serve as a reminder that we constantly need to stay aware and focus on the way we interact.

Across the company workforce as a whole there is a distribution of 30% women and 70% men. Even though this gender composition is imbalanced, it is above industry standard in many of our countries. Nevertheless, we have several programmes with universities and upper secondary school students to encourage more women to choose technical careers.

There are also local variations, which we are determined to improve. This is a long-term objective and will not be changed overnight. We will work to increase female representation in management positions through awareness programmes and training. The first step is to raise awareness and to make conscious decisions on promotions and recruitment.

Gender split

Group Executive Committee Local Executive Committee Leaders – Global Management Network

Managers – Top 4000

80% Male

20% Female

75% Male

25% Female

85% Male

15% Female

79% Male

21% Female

Responsibility in the workplace (continued)

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Local initiatives to promote gender equality

Several initiatives, across all locations, have been implemented to improve gender equality. Some examples include:


An initiative was started in 2011 to include Steria employees in a ‘Role Model Agency’. Its objective was to inspire young people, especially girls, to choose technical studies at university. Schools are encouraged to book role models to visit their schools to give talks to their students.


Steria favours the employment of women and takes measures to facilitate their integration and protection through the provision of a company crèche (for children between 3 months and 5 years old) and the implementation of a very strong anti-harassment policy.

As well as having a fair balance of the genders, we also believe that it is important to have a diverse range of ages working within our business.



Local executive committees – by gender


ce UK













ce UK













ce UK




















25.9% 24.6%


94.1%100%74.1% 75.4%

Leaders Global Management Network – by gender


















14.3% 13.8%


















Managers Top 4000 – by gender

32 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

60% 60% 60%60%60% 60%60% 60%60% 60% 60%60%

Responsibility in the workplace (continued)

Workplace MarketplaceEnvironment Community

Workforce by employment type and gender Workforce by contract type and gender


ce UK













ce UK
























75.6% 75.6% 77.2%66.2%68.9% 68.5%58.0% 57.5%75.7% 68.1% 68.3%67.9%

4% 0.6% 0.1%0.7%4.4% 1.0%

5.2%2.6% 2.9%10.8%


19.4% 22.7% 22.1%31.4%25.6% 29.0%29.6% 39.3%16.9%

26.7% 26.4%32.1%

1.1% 1.1% 0.6%1.7%1.1% 1.5%1.6% 2.0%2.1% 2.6% 2.4%

Male part-time

Male full-time

Female part-time

Female full-time

Male fixed-term contract

Male permanent contract

Female fixed-term contract

Female permanent contract

è www.steria.com Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 | 33

Total number of new employee hires – by gender


ce UK






















212 275374 325



34 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

Responsibility in the workplace (continued)

Age composition

The majority of our workforce is between 30 and 50, and it is the relatively younger age mix in India that mainly drives these figures. Most of the other countries, on the other hand, are striving to increase the number of young people employed. In France, in 2013, a particular focus will also be given to age-related issues, in the context of the action plans initiated in 2009 (covering the period 2010-2012) which was focused on maintaining senior people (from 55 years old) in their jobs, developing their competences through training, and enhancing knowledge sharing with junior employees. Below, is a non-exhaustive list of the actions implemented in the context of this plan:

- The Performance and Development Interview forms now includes a specific section dedicated to retirement rights, presentation of various training possibilities, mobility wishes of the employee, professional projects and descriptions of mentoring opportunities. In addition, our managers in charge of organising interviews with the 55+ group have been progressively trained (since 2010) for that particular purpose.

- A special 55+ kit is given to the employee (these include the rules applicable to access training, retirement indemnities etc).

- A specific email address has been created for employees to ask any question they like on the subject.

As well as age range, another approach to diversity in Steria is our commitment to supporting disabled workers. A Steria Group Disability Policy has been designed and communicated throughout the company. The key objectives of this policy are to raise awareness of disability in the workplace and to underline the need for compliance with local laws, and to encourage decision makers working in recruitment to pay special attention to disabled applicants so that we can extend our recruitment base.


Whenever possible, Steria has adapted a working environment that is beneficial for all types of disabled people. For instance, home working is offered in most of our geographies. We are currently working with our internal accessibility experts to implement changes in our various offices in a staged approach so that each Steria office will be accessible to disabled people. At the end of December 2012, we estimated that approximately 85% of our sites provided a satisfactory disability access.




Workplace MarketplaceEnvironment Community

Local executive committees – by age








80%70.4%66.7% 58.8%




ce UK













29.6% 33.7%

Employees under 30 years old

Employees between 30 and 50 years old

Employees over 50 years old

Age composition



è www.steria.com Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 | 35













42.2% 54.3%




1.7% 0.3%

45.7% 57.1%

Leaders Global Management Network – by age


ce UK















Managers Top 4000 – by age








74.4% 63.4%94.4%


3.4%1.7% 1.3%1.1%



ce UK












5.6%23.2% 26.4% 28.0%

Total number of new employee hires – by age


ce UK

























153 14 18114 182230

36 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

Responsibility in the workplace (continued)

Local legislation is a key driver for different initiatives relating to disability. Several important initiatives related to disability have already been progressed in some of our geographies.

Several initiatives led by Steria France (see below) have been appraised by Syntec (the national organisation representing IT services industries), including the creation of a job board to promote and develop open positions for disabled people in the IT sector.

In the UK, training on the Disability Discrimination Act (EU directive) is a part of a ‘Core Management’ workshop that is given to all newly hired and promoted managers. A new eGuide has been produced for managing employees with a disability that covers information on legislation, disability discrimination and making reasonable adjustments. There is an arrangement with specialist Occupational Health and Ergonomic Assessment companies, who work with Steria, to identify appropriate support (physical and other types) to ensure that employees with particular needs (and their managers) are able to get the advice and guidance they need. Over the years, a number of different solutions have been implemented to support the difficulties faced by employees with particular requirements and managers are encouraged to consult with HR who can provide initial assistance in identifying what may be possible in such cases. Also, in the UK, Steria has worked with the Government Agency ‘Access to Work’ to ensure that any state-provided support is also deployed where appropriate (for example, we have one employee who has a support officer sitting with them whilst they work to ensure they are able to continue to fulfill their role satisfactorily).

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Case study in the workplace:

France: Improving the employment of disabled people.

The objective:

To recruit 75 disabled people in three years, reaching the goal of 2.5% of the Steria workforce by the end of December 2014.

Why this initiative started:

In France, a successful 4-year policy with Agefiph (a government organisation in charge of developing the employment of disabled people) has led to three times the number of disabled people in the workforce. In December 2011, Steria France signed a 3-year agreement (ending December 2014) on disability with trade unions.

What the initiative involves:

In order to significantly increase the number of disabled people in the workforce by 2014, the following key initiatives were taken in 2012:

- A special disability toolkit has been sent to 6,000 key employees to make them aware of Steria’s disability policy. The objective is to encourage disabled people to make them known and have access to their rights.

- An external hotline number is now available for each employee, to answer their questions about disability in total confidentiality.

- A follow-up of every disabled Steria employee, with a specific interviewing process, to ensure they remain in their role.

- National information campaigns during ‘Disability Week’ in November with different events and recruitment fairs.

- Jobs published on specific job boards for people with disabilities (for example www.hanploi.com, www.handicap.fr).

- Specific disability envoys have been appointed amongst HR to deploy the disability policy throughout the organisation.

- A special focus on the use of subcontracting with institutions that employ disabled people (for example, in the areas of recycling, catering, printing and mailing). A special agreement has been signed with a national subcontractors’ association on this subject.

38 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

To achieve sustainability, we need to change the way companies operate; now and in the future.

We have shown our commitment by signing the ten UN Global Compact principles (http://www.unglobalcompact.org/), and promoting environmental responsibility. As an IT company we feel particularly responsible for promoting the Compact’s ninth principle that is to encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. To achieve this, we aim to lead by example and support clients with thought leadership, consultancy services and practical technological solutions to their environmental challenges.

Our sustainability services and solutions represent our vision about the way environmental questions need to be addressed:

Sustainability Consulting – providing expertise and practical advice that combines methods, practices and potential partners to offer fully-integrated solutions.

Energy Management – combining business expertise, methods and software to devise effective energy-reduction strategies and drastically reduce carbon emissions of homes, buildings and cities.

Smart Transport – streamlining public transport, optimising routes and avoiding congestion, transforming urban transport to achieve lower fuel consumption.

Green IT – while IT is an enabler of greener, more efficient business practices it is also a high-level consumer of energy. We provide solutions, including virtualising servers or

delivering them from the cloud and replacing estates of ‘thick’ desktop client PCs with ‘thin’ ones that use less power.

To give momentum to our sustainability objectives, a Senior Executive Vice President sponsors a Committee – the Group Green Committee (GGC). This committee consists of senior managers or directors from each country who drive the strategy, plan operations and implement performance measures in their countries. The GGC is an integral part of our Corporate Responsibility programme. Additionally, since January 2010, Steria has operated a cross-border Green Business Community that is responsible for making solutions, that have been developed in one country, available to clients in other countries.

We regularly update our employees about our strategy, commitment plans and progress and always take account of their feedback and ideas. We’re also encouraging environmental sustainability by obtaining and exceeding ISO14001 requirements, cutting our carbon footprint by 15.2% over a 3-year period from 2009 to 2011, developing specialist services that help our clients to become greener, and embedding green thinking and leadership into our bids, tenders and proposals. In addition to this, we’re moving towards a greener purchasing policy and sharing best ‘green’ practices with suppliers, clients and partners. As a sharing company, we collaborate with industry, trade and professional bodies on environmental sustainability and – in the interests of transparency – we report externally on our performance levels and aspirations.

To achieve sustainability, we need to change the way companies operate, now and in the future.

Responsibility for the environment

Workplace MarketplaceEnvironment Community

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• Living Green – Everyone at Steria is encouraged to contribute personally to a more sustainable world. Key elements include behavioural change to embrace sustainability, reducing resource use, greater recycling, and leveraging technology to reduce business travel.

• Environmental certification – We are already certified to ISO14001 in Poland, Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden, UK, India, Switzerland, Denmark and France. We will be continuing our certification during 2013, and beyond, to the rest of the countries and offices. Additionally, we have started external verification to ISO14064-3 for our environment data. We have achieved verification in the UK and India for energy since 2011.

• Energy management – As energy is a large part of our emissions, we have embarked on energy reduction initiatives and a gradual move to renewable energy across our offices.

• Business travel management – Since January 2010, we have become carbon-neutral in both our air and road travel. We will be continuing with this in the coming years.

• Supply chain management – As our supply chain is a significant part of our emissions, we are focusing on our key suppliers to understand their challenges and work to make them more sustainable.

• Waste management – We are ensuring our electronic and general waste arrangements fully support our environmental objectives and minimise any impact.

• Reporting – It is vital that we share our strategy, plans and achievements with all our stakeholders. We do this by reporting internally via our Intranet and communications network and externally through our Corporate Responsibility reporting and by participating in external benchmarks such as CDP, Gaia, Vigeo and Verdantix.

• Sustainability solutions to clients – We are keen to take what we do best to our clients to support them to become more sustainable organisations through our sustainability consultancy and solutions.

There are eight key company-wide initiatives that are particularly important to our environmental performance:





Employees Su



ty so


ns Reporting: CDP, GRI




onmental management

ISO 14001 14064-3




Supply chain


40 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

Environmental Performance*

The key GRI Indicators that are relevant to our business are:

1. EN3 Direct energy consumption measured in gigajoules by primary energy source: This relates to the oil and gas consumption within our offices and data centres (GHG Scope 1)

2. EN4 Indirect energy consumption measured in gigajoules by primary source: This relates primarily to our electricity consumption and also to some offices’ district heating (and cooling) within our offices and data centres (GHG Scope 2)

3. EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight measured in tons of CO2e: This is the total emissions from our EN3 and EN4 (Scopes 1 and 2)

4. EN17 Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight measured in tons of CO2e: This relates to the business travel of employees in delivering services to clients and managing business (GHG Scope 3)

EN16 (Scope 1 and 2 emissions after discounting for purchase of renewable energy) has reduced by 13.7% over the three-year period (2011-2009) against our baseline year in 2008. Similarly, EN17 (Scope 3 emissions) relating to business travel has reduced by 15.8% over the same period. Overall, Steria has reduced its carbon footprint (Scopes 1, 2 and 3) by 15.2% over the three-year period (2011-2009) against our baseline in 2008.

Responsibility for the environment (continued)

GRI Performance Indicator

EN3 EN4 EN16 EN17

Units GJ GJ tCO2e tCO2e

2011 43,414 189,684 24,488 16,243

2010 42,342 221,700 25,183 16,883

2009 49,172 224,106 26,847 17,504

2008 36,727 230,879 28,390 19,289

* Our current reporting processes for energy consumption and GHG emissions are aligned with the CDP communication calendar. Consequently, we were not able to report 2012 figures in a timely manner for the 2012 Corporate Responsibility Report . We will change our processes in 2013 to meet that target.

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France: Decreasing our global environmental footprint.

The objectives:

To demonstrate Steria’s commitment to environmental sustainability and provide an ecological workplace for our employees.

Our solutions:

Between 2011 and 2012, nearly a third of Steria France employees have moved into new generation buildings, including Green Office® in Meudon; a large-scale, energy-positive office building. The building has a BREEAM Europe Office 2008 certification rating of ‘Excellent’.

BREEAM is the world’s foremost environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings. It also has a HQE Construction certification rating of ‘Exceptional’.

Our Energy Performance Contract (EPC4), the first private EPC for an office building in France, ensures that Green Office® is run under the best possible economic and environmental conditions. Its innovative features include a bioclimatic design that extends to ventilation, lighting and heating as well as 4,200 square metres of solar panels and a vegetable oil boiler for the production of renewable energies for heat and electricity. Its network intelligence system controls installations.

Green Office® also has an energy monitoring system designed and implemented by Steria which manages comfort levels, energy use and production, and enables a proactive improvement in our use of facilities, leading to better control of energy costs and CO2 savings.

Through its experience of Green Office®, Steria not only saves hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions a year but also has embarked on a continuous improvement process to lower our carbon footprint, transforming behaviour in the workplace. We also provide a Steria Smart Energy Management solution and offer consulting expertise to our clients. In 2012, we launched the ISO 14001 certification process for the Green Office.

In order to reduce fossil fuel consumption (and CO2 emissions) associated with the Steria France car fleet, we decided, in 2012, to decrease the CO2 limit from 140 to 130 gr. CO2/km on our catalogue. This initiative is also accompanied by the addition of hybrid and electric cars.

Sustainability case studies

4: Such a contract has also been signed for heating in our new Eolis 2 building in Toulouse.

42 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

Responsibility for the environment (continued)

India: Promoting environmental behaviour through community education.

The objective:

Linking environmental protection and education in India by leveraging our significant community network.

Our solutions:

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the initiatives we took in 2012, mixing community work and environmental topics to find community solutions:

January 2012

A group of ten children has enacted a drama using the theme ‘environment’ and creating awareness amongst the children in Sholinganallur Middle School on Republic Day celebrations.

February 2012

90 students have been involved in cleaning and planting 200 saplings in and around the school campus, along with forest department personnel at the Government Higher Secondary School in Thiruporur.

A vermin composting workshop was held with 52 children. Along with a presentation, children were given books to explain the importance and benefits of vermin composting. Children also prepared a compost pit in the school courtyard and took the pledge to give their full commitment to keep their environment clean.

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March 2012 – The Earth Hour 20125:

A student chain was organised in one of Steria’s supported schools – Panchayath Union Middle School, Sholinganallur. More than 80 children held hands and joined together to form a human chain for about 200 metres, carrying green slogans, posters and banners from 9.30 am to 10 am to create awareness amongst the local people.

The CR team organised an Environment Awareness event using the interactive idea of a model making competition. The event was successfully held at the Junior High School in Delhi.

The CR team organised an Environment Awareness Speech competition at the Junior High School. 20 children spoke for five minutes on a topic related to environmental issues.

The CR Team was part of a candlelit march at India Gate, joining hands for Earth Hour. The volunteers came along with their families to support the cause and the event was quite a success.

April 2012 – Earth Day6:

Our Noida Green Champions celebrated Earth Day with the children of Yash Memorial School in Noida. A quiz competition about ‘Our Earth’ was conducted with all the classes and sections of the school, covering over 800 students.

June 2012 – World Environment Day7:

Tree Plantation: 40 saplings were planted in the campus of the Government Higher Secondary School, Nellikuppam, with the active participation of students, teachers and the Principal.

Green awareness kiosk: A group of children from BKM higher secondary school organised a kiosk in our Chennai office, creating awareness about global warming, climate change and the importance of World Environment Day.

November 2012: One Day Challenge 2012:

Greenpeace Kiosk: The Greenpeace organisation (NGO) set up a kiosk in our Chennai office. They held a quiz on environmental issues and distributed Green Living Guides to all the participants. More than 120 employees participated in the quiz and ten employees have enrolled as volunteers for Green initiative programmes.

5: http://www.earthhour.org 6: http://www.earthday.org 7: http://www.unep.org/wed/

44 | Steria: Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 è www.steria.com

At Steria, we believe that self-sufficiency and local development comes from strengthening community links, better education and increased employment. Our volunteer-driven community programmes give people in the communities where we operate greater access to education, IT and jobs. We support training programmes with qualifications leading to a job and promoting self-respect. Our employees, largely on a volunteer basis, participate in community activities in the countries in which the Group operates. The aim is to encourage their initiatives and to help them find opportunities for personal and professional development that will complement their professional growth. This community platform comes alive through two major Group programmes (detailed below) and through a large number of local initiatives.

The ‘One Day Challenge’, our yearly company-wide community event, encourages employee initiatives and fundraising for the community in Steria sites all around the world. Through this event, we focus on interactions between our employees, charities, customers and partners. The fifth edition of One Day Challenge took place on November 22nd, 2012. The goal was to attract interest and educate all employees of the Steria Group about the situation of disadvantaged people, and to encourage local volunteering. Despite the economic crisis and a tight business agenda, this event produced record results. We made €159,000 for about 89 charities and 48 schools in India, with the help of thousands of volunteers who gave their time freely to organise activities, fundraise or donate money - over a hundred clients and partners participated in joint community activities. Through this collective effort, Steria employees have the opportunity to make a difference for the community and start activities of general interest that can continue locally.

The ‘One Steria One Country One School’ (OSOCOS) programme: OSOCOS gives vital access to education. Education is one of the main drivers of wealth in society and a real initiator of social mobility – particularly in India where our Group has a little less than 6,000 employees.

The OSOCOS programme in India recommends that all Group countries sponsor one school in India, over a three-year partnership. Each country supports one school and sponsors the computer centre, library, a play area and the expenses of the computer teacher. Another significant educational programme in India is the Steria India Foundation Graduate Scholarship Scheme (SIFGSS), which aims to give access to higher education to bright young children from Steria-supported schools. Students from each of our Steria supported schools are sponsored for three/four years depending on the courses they opt for. The countries on the OSOCOS programme in 2012 include Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Singapore and Groupe Steria SCA Paris. The OSOCOS programme aims to bring together the different Group companies onto a single community platform under the banner ‘One Steria’.

The India CR team is the implementation partner of the OSOCOS programme and, together with India initiatives, our community programmes have reached out to more than 48 schools across Chennai, Noida and Pune; touching the lives of more than 65,000 children.

Helping people to help themselves is the best way to reduce poverty, promote inclusion and encourage self-respect.

Responsibility in the community

Workplace MarketplaceEnvironment Community

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Giving access to IT: Our main objective is to help reduce the digital divide by supporting IT enablement programmes and activities for social and professional inclusion. Our focus is on utilising volunteer expertise and tutoring for charities and NGOs, and promoting the use of best practices from one country to another. The Steria-Institut de France Foundation was created in 2001, thanks to substantial donations from 20 Steria managers, and has already supported 37 projects in France, Morocco, Niger, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines – with the help of over 100 Steria volunteers. In India, our aim has been to develop solar-powered computer labs and intelligent classrooms in our sponsored schools, and we are pleased that two of these have now been successfully installed in Chennai and Pune.

Giving access to a job: The aim is to provide real, long term livelihoods for people in need, we developed the ‘One Certifying Training Programme’. Started four years ago, it is mainly operational in Cambodia and India. With our partner, Digital Bridges (Passerelles Numériques) in Cambodia, we support the training of disadvantaged youngsters in IT network administration and web development. In India, the idea was to provide short-term training for young people who need to find a job quickly to take care of their families. We have helped provide short, IT-based vocational training courses followed by work placements in India’s booming hospitality and retail sectors.

65,000* 175* 93* 249*

Number of children and young people benefiting

from education or training programmes un Steria-

supported schools.

Number of Steria scholars.

Number of IT projects contributing to the reduction

of the digital divide.

Number of people who have found a job or decided to continue studies following

training in the Digital Bridges (Passerelles Numériques) Programme in Cambodia, the Graduate Scholarship

Programme  and the Career Centers training in India.

* Figures are for 2012 and are cumulative since 2008.

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France : The GIAA project for blind people

The objectives:

Groupement des Intellectuels et Aveugles Amblyopes (GIAA) is a charity programme aiming to develop education, employment and leisure opportunities for blind people or people with impaired sight. The Steria – Institut de France Foundation supports a project to set up an online, accessible French-speaking library, using text-to-speech synthesisers, enabling the users to read via sound.

The help provided:

Three Steria volunteers are helping GIIA to finalise this shared service that is already made up of several thousands of books. They are providing skills for project monitoring and web design and implementation. The Foundation is sponsoring this project with a €5,000 grant. This online library, set up with the participation of three charities has the ambition to offer online reading opportunities to all French speaking blind people in the world.

In addition, GIIA benefited from the employee fundraising efforts during the One Day Challenge and received nearly €7,000 to develop employment opportunities for blind people.

UK: Matching Funds and Enabling Grants Scheme

The objectives:

Steria UK supports every employee’s involvement in their chosen charity fundraising and community projects through the Matching Funds and Enabling Grant Scheme.

Matching Funds recognises the considerable time and effort employees put into charitable fund raising by matching the amount they have raised up to a pre-set limit.

Enabling Grants assists employee volunteers who develop community projects.

The help provided:

In 2012, this scheme supported 118 employee activities and contributed over £29,000 to their chosen charities and community projects. For example, ten people took part in a 10km run and assault course and raised £345. The scheme provided an additional fund of £250 towards their chosen charity Sight Support Derbyshire.

In the case of enabling grants, employees may apply for a grant for ‘start-up’ purposes (including seeking professional advice) or, in the case of an established community project, for materials to help kick-start an aspect of its activities or to cover the costs of a specific activity being undertaken by Steria volunteers.

Germany: The CSR Award

The objectives:

The aim of the CSR Award is to acknowledge the commitment of employees engaged in social and environmental projects and to encourage all employees to get involved more widely in community projects. Each year, a company-wide call for projects is launched in September. A panel of Steria managers participates in the jury, with a rating matrix. This event raises awareness of social and green topics, which benefit both the participants and the company.

The help provided:

Project winners involved in charities receive awards ranging from €1,000 to €2,500.

This year the award was given to the ‘Project Arkadas – Friend’ that focuses on the integration of migrants by organising plays, musicals, excursions or language classes for parents. The money will be used to organise events.

Community case studies

Workplace MarketplaceEnvironment Community

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India: Summer Camps for children of Steria-supported schools

The objectives:

Every year, as part of the Steria India community model, we conduct a summer camp for children of Steria-supported schools. These children come from extremely poor families, and the free meals provided by the government at lunchtime is a major incentive for the parents of these children to enrol their children in schools and for the children to stay enrolled.

However, when the schools close for about two months in summer, the children miss this lunch and most of them, being very poor, are not sure of getting a meal at home. Also, with no school, these children don’t have much to do. Unlike other children from well-off families, there is no cinema, no shops and, for many of them, not even meals.

The help provided:

The summer camps in 2012, in India, covered more than 2,500 students across Chennai, Pune and Noida. These camps provided an opportunity for the children to learn some new skills and also have a lot of fun with art and painting, music, dance, theatre, photography, computer lessons, tailoring, embroidery, and much more.

In Chennai, the ‘Summer Camp 2012’ was sponsored by Steria Norway, and over 1,200 children participated in this camp.

The ‘Summer Camp’ is a full-day programme and, apart from fun and games, the children are given a hot nutritious meal for lunch on all ten days of the camp. Mr. Jaykumar, the Headmaster of the Government Higher Secondary School in Nandivaram says: “These summer camps are a great boon for these kids. Not only do they learn new things and have lots of fun, but they are also kept busy and away from mischief. Besides, they get a good lunch, which for many of them would not otherwise have been possible.” In fact, there was so much food available last year that many kids packed some of it and took it home to their families for dinner. Parents were very happy and wished that these camps continued through the summer vacation.

All the children who attended the Summer Camps in India received school bags as gifts. Apart from Steria Norway’s sponsorship in Chennai, Steria Germany sponsored the school bags for students in Pune. Boots, one of our clients, sponsored the school bags for the students in Noida.

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Our commitment to sustainability stems from our founding commitment to running an ethical business. This is embedded within the Steria Code of Ethics, which sets out our beliefs and policies on such issues as human rights, diversity, labour standards, the environment, combating fraud (including corruption, cartels, insider trading) and conflicts of interest.

To ensure that all managers and employees live out our values, we have taken several steps to improve ethics and compliance awareness throughout the organisation. Backed notably by a practical Book of Internal Control and variable group and local policies and procedures to systemise implementation, our Code of Ethics is available to everyone via our intranet. It is also submitted to our top 400 managers for signature every year.

In 2012 (and early 2013), we have strongly reinforced our communication and awareness efforts around ethics. We have implemented an interactive version of our Code of Ethics, which includes links to various content developed by us as well as others such as the UN and the OECD.

There has also been an initiative to train our Excoms (at Group and Area level, for our key geographies) about ethics with specific emphasis on the fight against corruption together with a presentation of the European legal framework and current OECD statistics.

We have also started to train specific populations such as sales and procurement teams in our key geographies, implementing our new Group procurement tools (to be progressively deployed in our key geographies), addressing specific questions related to Ethics within the RFP process. In addition, all the RFPs launched at Group level now include a specific reference to our Ethics principles.

Responsibility in the marketplaceHow we do what we do – and how all our actions have an impact – are important considerations in our commitment to being a sustainable business. We aim to provide benefits to society through everything we do, and we always bear in mind the potential ethical dimension of every service or solution we offer.

Workplace MarketplaceEnvironment Community

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Regarding our fight against corruption, we have specifically taken the following initiatives:

- In the UK, in 2011, we released a ‘bribery’ policy to take into account the requirements of the UK Bribery Act. This document covers both our UK operations and offshore employees (in India) who are engaged in the business of the UK Area, covering 50% of the Group employees.

- We have published, or updated, several gift policies.

- Due diligence processes (e.g. covering new employees, new suppliers/sub-contractors, partners) with a specific emphasis on corruption, have been implemented or updated in some of our geographies.

- We have implemented a ‘conflicts of interest declaration process’ for the area CEOs and CFOs, as well as the Supervisory Board – a process followed up directly by the Groupe Steria SCA Audit Committee at least once a year.

- The Steria internal audit department regularly assess corruption risks among our various geographies and adapts its audit plan if considered necessary.

As a company, we aim to provide responsible and safe products and services, and to comply with all relevant laws and regulations. In 2012, we had no significant fines for non-compliance with product regulations, and we also stepped up our efforts to ensure responsible products by developing a Procurement Code.

Ensuring a responsible supply chain

As a large multinational company, we fully acknowledge our responsibility to use our resources and influence in an accountable way with our suppliers, partners and subcontractors. To ensure a responsible supply chain, we launched a Group Procurement Charter in 2012, which has been signed by all employees working for the Steria procurement departments.

Due to the global extent of our supply chain, implementing such a Charter requires substantial effort and investment on our part. We will continue to develop a long-term strategy to monitor the progressive implementation of our CR procurement policy. We will screen our supply chain for risks related to corruption, child labour, unacceptable working conditions and labour union rights, notably by implementing more detailed CR criteria within our RFP processes (this will be facilitated by the progressive deployment of a Group procurement system). We are determined to protect the people that help make Steria a success.

Case study in the marketplace:

Promote our commitments to our supply chain

The issue:

Making sure that our suppliers adhere to the ethics principles formalised within our Code of Ethics.

Our solution:

In 2012, we took various initiatives to make sure that an increasing number of our suppliers adhered to our ethics principles. We now systematically make a clear reference to our Code of Ethics within our Headquarter requests for proposals. We have also configured, within our new Group Procurement system (currently under deployment), a detailed list of CR related questions (covering the topic of ethics, but not exclusively), which will be progressively addressed with our current and potential suppliers when they submit their proposals to work with us. In 2012, we also released a Group procurement charter, signed by all employees working for the procurement department. This document notably covers the topics of corruption, gifts and donations, conflicts of interest management, and the respect of integrity and transparency, paying particular attention to; the selection of suppliers to participate to RFP, the negotiation and selection of awarded suppliers, the negotiation and conclusion of contracts and the commercial relations with suppliers. We invite our various procurement departments to communicate this Charter to our suppliers.

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We aimed high. How did we do?

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2013 objectives:

• Todevelopskilled,empoweredand people-oriented top and middle managers.

• Tosupportthegrowthanddevelopment of our people.

• Tofocusongenderequalitytoachieve a visible female presence.

• Tosupporttheparticipationof disabled workers.

• Tosupporteveryemployeebyproviding a healthy workplace.

• ToachieveAAstandardofthe Web Content Accessibility Guidelines on all Steria websites.

•Todevelopskilled,empoweredand people-oriented top and middle managers.

•Tosupportthegrowthanddevelopment of our people.

•Anewframeagreementhasbeensigned with e-learning provider Skillsoft.

•Tofocusongenderequalitytoachieve a visible female presence and foster more of a female influence.

•Agenderequalityapproachhasbeen identified and discussed with the Group Excom. A benchmark with other companies in our business has been set. A small task force has been identified to suggest actions to drive the topic forward.

•Tosupporttheparticipationof disabled workers.

•MappingofallSteriaofficesfordisability access has been completed.

•Tosupporteveryemployeebyproviding a healthy workplace.

2012 objectives:

2012 achievements:

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2012 objectives:

2012 achievements:

•Topromoteandsupportclientswithoursustainability consulting and solutions.

•Supportingourclientswithconsultancy and solutions to make them more sustainable.

•Tocontinuewiththeimplementationof ISO14001, the Environmental Management Standard, in France and Belgium.

•SteriaFranceHQachievingISO14001certification and joining UK, Germany, Austria, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and India.

•TogainanexternalenvironmentalVerification Standard such as ISO14064-3.

•ISO14064-3externalverificationfor energy in UK and India (80% of the energy emissions of Steria).

•TocontinuewithourCarbonNeutralProgramme for flight and fleet travel.

•AchievementofCarbonNeutralforAir& Fleet for the third consecutive year.

•TobeginSupplyChainEvaluationwith the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) relating to climate change in France, UK and Germany.

•Joinedaworldwidenetworkofover50international companies as part of the DP Supply Chain Programme to develop a common approach to evaluate and enhance the supply chain in relation to the environment and refine our own Sustainable Supply Chain Policy.

•Tocontinuetoreportexternallythrough Investor CDP and GRI.

•HighestDisclosurescorefortheenvironment for listed companies in France and the highest Performance Banding in the world in the IT Services market sector from CDP in December 2012.

2013 objectives:

• Continuetopromoteandsupportclients with our sustainability consulting and solutions.

• Tocontinuewiththeimplementation of ISO14001, the Environmental Management Standard, in our offices in Belgium and Luxembourg.

• TogainanexternalenvironmentalVerification Standard such as ISO14064-3 in Energy and Business Travel.

• TocontinuewithourCarbonNeutral Programme for flight and fleet travel.

• TocontinueourprogresswithourSupply Chain programme with CDP and look to provide guidance and support to our suppliers to become more sustainable.

• Tocontinuetoreportexternallythrough Investor CDP and GRI.

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2013 objectives:

• Wewillfurtherdevelop,withthe support of all countries in the Group, our ‘One Steria One Country One School’ Programme, giving children in India access to IT labs, libraries, teachers and solar power in schools.

• Wewillcontinuetoengageouremployees, clients and partners from all our Group countries in our One Day Challenge community event and aim to challenge last year’s results.

• Wewillinitiatepro-bonomissionsopportunities for our employees in the Steria sponsored schools.

• WewillcreateanewCareerDevelopment Centre in Chennai.

• Wewillsupportnewprojectswith the Steria – Institut de France Foundation, and organise a student challenge to implement a community project where IT benefits people in need.

2012 objectives:

2012 achievements:

•Withthesupportofallcountriesinthe Group, we will develop our ‘One Steria One Country One School’ Programme (OSOCOS), giving children in India access to IT labs, libraries, teachers and solar power in schools.

•SevennewschoolssupportedinIndiaand a total of 50 schools supported.

•Wewillengageclientsandpartnersfromall our Group countries in our One Day Challenge community event and aim to achieve fundraising of over €100,000.

•Wemadearecord€159,000duringthe One Day Challenge. 106 clients and partners participated in the event; 89 charities were impacted and 48 schools supported.

•Wewillsupport30-40newSteriastudents from the Graduate Programme and place 100 students from the Career Development Centre into permanent jobs.

• 175Steriascholarsonboard.

•CareerDevelopmentCentreinNoida, India: 149 students placed in jobs during 2010-2012.

•Wewillcontinuetocreatelocalcommunity activities based on our Group community platform and/or local needs.

•FivenewprojectssupportedbytheSteria – Institut de France Foundation.

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2012 objectives:

2012 achievements:

•Todevelopcommunication,awareness and training materials.

•FortheCEOtodeliveratalk,onceayear, on ethics related subjects.

•Excomsinourkeygeographieshave been trained in ethics.

•TomakeourCodeofEthics(COE)more interactive and increase our chances of engagement.

•NewinteractiveversionoftheCodeofEthics has been deployed and will be installed on all employee computers in early 2013. This includes a video of the Group CEO talking about ethics.

•Totrainsomespecific‘risky’populations in ethics issues.

•Trainingsessionswith‘riskypopulations’ such as sales and procurement have been set up.

•FortheAreaCEOs,orSEVPs,tosigntheCOE (together with the Group CEO).


•ToidentifyCRissueswithkeysuppliersandimplement related contracts and systems.

•Ournewgroupprocurementtool(currently under deployment) includes numerous questions related to ethics (for the RFP process).

•APurchasingCharterhasbeensigned by everyone working for the Procurement Departments.

2013 objectives:

• Topursuetrainingandawareness efforts.

• Todevelopmonitoringinitiatives.

• Toincreasetheengagementof our stakeholders.

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Do you want to know more about Steria? Please visit us at www.steria.com

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Strategy and analysis

1.1 Statement from the most senior decision maker of the organisation (e.g. CEO, chair, or equivalent senior position) about the relevance of sustainability to the organisation and its strategy.

The statement should present the overall vision and strategy for the short-term, medium-term (e.g. 3-5 years), and long-term, particularly with regard to managing the key challenges associated with economic, environmental and social performance.


1.2 Description of key impacts, risks and opportunities. The reporting organisation should provide two concise narrative sections on key impacts, risks and opportunities.

Section One should focus on the organisation’s key impacts on sustainability and effects on stakeholders, including rights as defined by national law and relevant internationally agreed standards. This should take into account the range of reasonable expectations and interests of the organisation’s stakeholders.


Organisational profile

2.1 Name of the organisation. 1

2.2 Primary brands, products and/or services.

The reporting organisation should indicate the nature of its role in providing these products and services, and the degree to which it utilises outsourcing.


2.3 Operational structure of the organisation, including main divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries and joint ventures.


2.4 Location of organisation’s headquarters. 10

2.5 Number of countries where the organisation operates, and names of countries with either major operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the report.


2.6 Nature of ownership and legal form. 18-19

2.7 Markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served and types of customers/beneficiaries).


2.8 Scale of the reporting organisation. 8,14

2.9 Significant changes during the reporting period regarding size, structure or ownership.


2.10 Awards received in the reporting period. 16

Report parameters: report profile

3.1 Report profile: Reporting period (e.g. fiscal/calendar year) for information provided.


3.2 Report profile: date of most recent previous report (if any). 8

3.3 Report profile: reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc). 8

3.4 Report profile: contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents.


Report parameters: report scope and boundary

3.5 Process for defining report content. 8

3.6 Boundary of the report (e.g. countries, divisions, subsidiaries, leased facilities, joint ventures, suppliers).

See GRI Boundary Protocol for further guidance.


3.7 State any specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the report.

If boundary and scope do not address the full range of material economic, environmental, and social impacts of the organisation, state the strategy and projected timeline for providing complete coverage.


3.8 Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased facilities, outsourced operations, and other entities that can significantly affect comparability from period to period and/or between organisations.


3.9 Data measurement techniques and the bases of calculations, including assumptions and techniques underlying estimations applied to the compilation of the Indicators and other information in the report.

Explain any decisions not to apply, or to substantially diverge from, the GRI indicator Protocols.


3.10 Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re-statement (e.g. mergers/acquisitions, change of base years/periods, nature of business, measurement methods).


3.11 Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods applied in the report.


Report parameters: GRI content index

3.12 Table identifying the location of the Standard Disclosures in the report.


GRI indexStandard disclosures

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Report parameters: assurance

3.13 Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report. If not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, explain the scope and basis of any external assurance provided. Also explain the relationship between the reporting organisation and the assurance provider(s).


Governance, commitments and engagement: governance

4.1 Governance structure of the organisation, including committees under the highest governance body responsible for specific tasks, such as setting strategy or organisational oversight.


4.2 Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer (and, if so, their function within the organisation’s management and the reasons for this arrangement).


4.3 For organisations that have a unitary board structure, state the number and gender of members of the highest governance body that are independent and/or non-executive members.

State how the organisation defines ‘independent’ and ‘non-executive’. This element applies only for organisations that have unitary board structures.


4.4 Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance body.


4.5 Linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers, and executives (including departure arrangements), and the organisation’s performance (including social and environmental performance).


4.6 Processes in place for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided.


4.7 Process for determining the composition, qualifications and expertise of the members of the highest governance body and its committees, including any consideration of gender and other indicators of diversity.


4.8 Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to economic, environmental, and social performance and the status of their implementation.


4.9 Procedures of the highest governance body for overseeing the organisation’s identification and management of economic, environmental, and social performance, including relevant risks and opportunities, and adherence or compliance with internationally agreed standards, codes of conduct and principles.

Include frequency with which the highest governance body assesses sustainability performance.


4.10 Processes for evaluating the highest governance body’s own performance, particularly with respect to economic, environmental, and social performance.


Governance, commitments and engagement: commitments to external initiatives

4.11 Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organisation.


4.12 Externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organisation subscribes or endorses.


4.13 Memberships in associations. 15

Governance, commitments and engagement: stakeholder engagement

4.14 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation. 15

4.15 Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.


4.16 Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group.


4.17 Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organisation has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting.


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Performance indicators

Economic indicators

EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governments.

10 (Details are available within the Steria 2012 Registration Document)

EC8 Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, in-kind, or pro bono engagement.

44 (Details are available within the Steria 2012 Registration Document)

Environmental indicators

EN3 Direct energy consumption by primary energy source. 40

EN4 Indirect energy consumption by primary source. 40

EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight.


EN17 Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight.


Human rights

HR4 Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken.


HR5 Operations and significant suppliers identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be violated or at significant risk, and actions taken to support these rights.


HR6 Operations and significant suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labour, and measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition of child labour.


HR7 Operations and significant suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour, and measures taken to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour.


Labour practices and decent work

LA1 Total workforce by employment type, employment contract and region, broken down by gender.


LA2 Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender and region.


LA4 Percentage of employees covered by collective agreements and collective bargaining.


LA7 Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender.


LA6 Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programmes.


LA10 Average hours of training per year per employee, by gender, and by employee category.


LA13 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity.



SO1 Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programmes.


SO2 Percentage and total number of business units analysed for risks related to corruption.


SO3 Percentage of employees trained in organisation’s anti-corruption policies and procedures.


Product responsibility

PR9 Monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the provisions and use of products and services.


GRI index (continued)

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© Steria GSTE5503_01/Apr 2013

Steria is committed to supporting a sustainable world and is Certified Carbon Neutral for Flight and Fleet Travel

About Steria: www.steria.com

Steria delivers IT enabled business services and is the Trusted Transformation Partner for private and public sector organisations across the globe. By combining in depth understanding of our clients’ businesses with expertise in IT and business process outsourcing, we take on our clients’ challenges and develop innovative solutions to address them efficiently and profitably. Through our highly collaborative consulting style, we work with our clients to transform their business, enabling them to focus on what they do best. Our 20,000 people, working across 16 countries, support the systems, services and processes that make today’s world turn, touching the lives of millions around the globe each day.

Founded in 1969, Steria has offices in Europe, India, North Africa and SE Asia and a 2012 revenue of €1.83 billion. Over 20%(*) of Steria’s capital is owned by its employees. Headquartered in Paris, Steria is listed on the Euronext Paris market.(*): including “SET Trust” and “XEBT Trust” (4.15% of capital).

Further reading

Groupe Steria SCA43-45 Quai du Président Roosevelt92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux cedex, FranceTel: +33 1 34 88 60 00

Steria Corporate brochure 2013

Steria 2012 Registration document

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è www.steria.com Steria: Trusted to transform | 01

Trusted to transform

An introduction to Steria

è www.steria.com Updated version for 2013
