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Transformation Information eLearning Kit © Transformation Information 101 Activity Script Page 1 Transformation Information Coach: Welcome to Transformation Information 101! I‟m Coach Craley, and I‟m here to give you the straight story on body changes…what happens to boys and girls as they grow into men and women. I know that hearing a lot of this stuff about people‟s bodies might make you want to giggle. But this is serious stuff and I know you‟re old enough now to pay attention and not get goofy about all of this. So let‟s get started, huh? Now, I think you all know that things start happening to boys and girls as they become teenagers. We start noticing changes in the way they look and talk and act. This is completely normal! Everybody has to go through this to grow up. Even me! You shoulda seen the zit farm I had going on my face! Anyway, all of these changes that happen during this time called puberty happen for ar reason…so that your reproductive system can start working for the first time. But these changes don‟t happen overnight! It takes a coupla years from the time it starts to the time you‟re mature. And it happens at different ages for different people. With girls, it happens anytime between 8 and 16. With boys, between 10 and 17. To help me explain all of this to you, I‟m gonna have some help from the experts in the field our own Transformation Team! I‟d like you to meet Ted Testosterone, a hormone who specializes in helping guys through their transformation. We‟re also gonna be hearing from Ella Estrogen and Paula Progesterone, the hormones who help make changes happen for girls. Every one of you has all of these hormones inside you. But boys have a lot of testosterone and just a little estrogen and progesterone. And with girls, it‟s just the opposite. They have a lot of estrogen and progesterone, and just a little bit of testosterone. The Transformation Team travels through the bloodstream to various parts of the body where they stir things up, get parts of the body to start growing differently, and push the bodyand the personinto acting differently OK, men, listen up! Today we‟re gonna learn how boys grow up with the help of Transformation Team member Ted Testosterone!

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Transformation Information Coach: Welcome to Transformation Information 101! I‟m

Coach Craley, and I‟m here to give you the straight story on body changes…what happens to boys and girls as they grow into men and women. I know that hearing a lot of this stuff about people‟s bodies might make you want to giggle. But this is serious stuff and I know you‟re old enough now to pay attention and not get goofy about all of this. So let‟s get started, huh? Now, I think you all know that things start happening to boys and girls as they become teenagers. We start noticing changes in the way they look and talk and act. This is completely normal! Everybody has to go through this to grow up. Even me! You shoulda seen the zit farm I had going on my face! Anyway, all of these changes that happen during this time called puberty happen for ar reason…so that your reproductive system can start working for the first time. But these changes don‟t happen overnight! It takes a coupla years from the time it starts to the time you‟re mature. And it happens at different ages for different people. With girls, it happens anytime between 8 and 16. With boys, between 10 and 17. To help me explain all of this to you, I‟m gonna have some help from the experts in the field our own Transformation Team! I‟d like you to meet Ted Testosterone, a hormone who specializes in helping guys through their transformation. We‟re also gonna be hearing from Ella Estrogen and Paula Progesterone, the hormones who help make changes happen for girls.

Every one of you has all of these hormones inside you. But boys have a lot of testosterone and just a little estrogen and progesterone. And with girls, it‟s just the opposite. They have a lot of estrogen and progesterone, and just a little bit of testosterone. The Transformation Team travels through the bloodstream to various parts of the body where they stir things up, get parts of the body to start growing differently, and push the body—and the person—into acting differently

OK, men, listen up! Today we‟re gonna learn how boys grow up with the help of Transformation Team member Ted Testosterone!

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Ted, the game plan is for you to go get our friend Julio ready for adolescence. Ted: Aw, I dunno Coach…I‟m not sure I‟m up for that. I know you can do it, Ted! „Cause that‟s what you do! Now go out there and help Julio get ready for manhood! Ted: You‟re right Coach! I‟m all over it! Coach: Let‟s keep an eye on Ted. We‟ll follow the play by play coverage as he travels through Julio‟s body, stirring things up. Like any hormone, Ted‟s a little slow to get started. But once he hits the ground, look out! Coach: Look at him go! Ted‟s making his way down through the head, causing all kinds of changes. The skin is becoming more oily…blackheads and pimples are breaking out right and left. And what‟s that? It looks like some whiskers, folks! Holy Cow, it looks like Ted managed to get some facial hair growing! Coach: Ted‟s on a roll now, making his way down through the neck, working his magic on the larynx. Let‟s listen in. Ted: Yeah, I was walking over to the skateboard park yesterday and…sorry, I don‟t know what‟s wrong with my voice! Coach: Guess he didn‟t get to watch Transformation Information 101, otherwise he‟d know exactly why his voice is starting to sound different! As boys start changing into men, their voices slowly become deeper as their vocal chords become thicker. It‟s this process that sometimes makes a guy‟s voice „crack‟ and sound different. We‟re entering the shoulder and chest area now. Look how they‟re filling out! Now that Ted‟s in town, the shoulders and chest are growing larger and more muscular. It‟s totally normal, guys—and a healthy thing, too —to gain some weight at this point in life, because the body is creating more fat, muscle and bone as it grows into maturity. . In fact, all adolescents go through a growth spurt that lasts from one to three years. And for some reason it starts earlier in girls.

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But everything on a boy‟s body doesn‟t grow at the same rate. That‟s why he might feel a little awkward at times. His arms and legs might seem too long, or his nose, feet and hands might seem bigger than they should be for a while. But just be patient, because eventually everything balances out. Really! Trust me! And talk about body hair! Ted‟s doing a fantastic job getting that adolescent hair sprouting! Just look at it grow. It‟s forming under the arms, on the chest, and the whole way down into the pubic area…which, by the way, is the official name for the area between your legs. And the hair on your arms and legs changes, too. It becomes darker and coarse. Ted‟s right around the stomach area now, and anyone can tell you: NOBODY eats more food than a teenage boy. Hey, with all that growing going on, ya can‟t help it! Not only are they growing in ways that everyone can see, but their organs are growing to adult size as well! So the body needs more calories, more nutrients, and even more rest! Just make sure you eat healthy nutritious foods when you get those wild urges to eat! And make sure you stay clean! As your body changes, your glands change too. This means you start sweating a lot more and your face and hair get oily. Everyone needs to know that no matter how often you wash your face, you will probably get some pimples along the way. But remember, use soap, shampoo, and deodorant every day, and facial products as needed to keep yourself looking and smelling good! As you can see, a guy‟s hips stay slim even though the rest of his body is filling out with muscle. Eventually, Julio‟s body will be in a “Y” shape. Okay, here we are at what we call our pubic area. Ted is causing a lot of changes here. Julio‟s sex organs are beginning to grow and develop, both inside and outside of his body. And while all of this growth and development is taking place physically, Ted is causing emotional chaos, too! Now all of a sudden, girls don‟t seem to have „cooties.‟ In fact they‟re starting to seem pretty cool. Julio: Yo, Baby, wa‟as up?

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Coach: And guys may feel a lot different towards other people as well—everything your brother says gets on your nerves; your parents don‟t seem like they know what they‟re talking about anymore—that kind of stuff. So these changes can seem kind of tough to put up with at times. But everyone goesthrough it. It‟s perfectly normal! Alright, guys, we‟ve talked about stuff that‟s pretty obvious to everyone around us. But while we‟re talking turkey here, let‟s take a closer look at the male reproductive system. That way we can see exactly what Ted Testosterone‟s up to in that part of our body. The main ingredient in the male reproductive system is the sperm. These little buggers are the reproductive cells that carry half the genetic information to make a new human life. They look like tadpoles, but are the size of a tiny speck of dust. Once a boy enters puberty, millions of sperm are produced every single day. The sperm are produced in the testes, two oval-shaped glands that are held in the scrotum. This sac hangs on the outside of the body because sperm are produced at 96 degrees Fahrenheit, not the 98 degree heat of the body. Now here‟s where it gets complicated. The sperm cells actually mature in the epididymis, a 20-foot long, tightly coiled tube that‟s attached to the testes. Once they‟re mature, they travel through the two 18 inch long vas deferens tubes into your body. Once inside your body, they dive into a river of fluid produced by the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles. This fluid gives them the mobility to get where they need to be, and it also provides the sperm cells with energy because it‟s rich in sugars. This combination of fluid and sperm cells is called semen. Now, all of you know what a penis is. And stop that giggling. All boys have one, so get over it! Inside the penis is a single tube leading to the outside. It‟s called the urethra, and it carries both semen and urine out of the body. They both don‟t come squirting out at once… your body makes the call on that play! So what does all of this mean to a boy approaching puberty? It means that the penis is going to start acting up on its own. It‟ll become erect all by itself. This happens because a rush of blood makes the normally soft tissue larger and stiffer, creating an erection.

Once the penis is erect, the nerves inside it send a message to the brain, muscles contract and the semen is released through the urethra. This release of semen is called an ejaculation.

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It takes a while for a boy to get used to this happening. In fact, it sometimes will happen all by itself at night while he‟s sleeping…some boys experience what is commonly called a nocturnal emission or a „wet dream.‟ While this will eventually stop as the boy gets older, the body does this to release sperm cells that have been produced, „cause it can only hold so much, and it‟s producing the little buggers by the millions every day! OK, now it‟s your turn to explore a little. To see each stage we‟ve talked about in more detail, click and drag the button to see what happens. I‟d like to wrap up today‟s talk with one last thought. It‟s important to remember that even though your body changes over to an adult and gives it the ability to reproduce…that doesn‟t mean you‟re ready to start having kids! First you need to be socially, emotionally and financially prepared to have a child…not to mention the patience of a saint! Plus, did you know it costs about $700 a month to support all the expenses associated with having a child?

I‟m glad you could join us to learn how girls change and develop into young women. Ella Estrogen and Paula Progesterone are going to get out there and help Keesha get ready for adolescence. Whaddya say, team? Ella: Ready to go, Coach!

Paula: Me too! Coach: Okay! I expect the two of you to wake this girl up and get her body to start changing. We‟ll be watching you from the sidelines. Now let‟s go, go, go! To see what happens when Paula and Ella reaches an area of Keesha‟s body, click the diagram. Good start! As our team enters the head, we can see the effect they‟re having on Keesha! Her skin is becoming oily and she‟s starting to develop blackheads and pimples. That‟s okay, perfectly normal thing to happen.

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As Ella Estrogen and Paula Progesterone enter Keesha‟s throat, she‟ll find that her voice changes. Not quite as radically as a boy, who‟s voice gets deeper…but it‟ll become fuller and more melodious. Keep up the good work, team! Way to go! They‟re entering the shoulders and chest area now where Keesha will notice the most radical change in her physical appearance. She‟ll begin to grow breasts, which are needed to provide milk to feed a baby. Breasts are simply mammary glands that are covered with a layer of fat. Some have a thin layer of fat, some have a thicker layer of fat.

You‟ll notice that Keesha develops more body fat in certain places, and her hips become wider so they can support carrying a baby inside her. These changes make Keesha‟s body more of a figure eight shape. Gaining body fat is perfectly normal and healthy! This whole process of change can take anywhere from one to three years! And during this time, the whole body goes through a growth spurt. But not everything grows at the same rate. Oh, everything will even out in the end. But for a while Keesha may feel as though her legs are too long, or her feet are too big. Even her organs are growing into adult-sized organs! But all this is normal, and it‟s okay to gain weight during this time…it supposed to happen! It means the girl‟s body is maturing into a young woman. And while all of this is happening, Ella and Paula are making hair sprout out in brand new places. Keesha will discover hair growing under her arms and below her waist in her private area, what‟s known as the pubic area. And the hair on her legs becomes darker and coarse. Ella Estrogen and Paula Progesterone cause a lot of changes once they go below the waist! They really stir things up and get Keesha‟s sex organs to develop. Talk about stirring things up! Ella and Paula will get Keesha riled up emotionally too! It‟s all part of puberty. Suddenly boys don‟t seem like such icky ogres. Keesha: Hello, handsome! Coach: And members of the family can seem annoying. It‟s a bit of a topsy-turvy world for awhile until Keesha finishes puberty and gets used to all of the changes that have happened to her.

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Let‟s take a look now at exactly what kind of changes are taking place with Keesha‟s sex organs. Ella and Paula are hard at work because they have a lot to do. First, they wake up the egg cells in Keesha‟s body. Even though egg cells are the largest cell in the female body, they‟re still only as big as the head of a pin. Egg cells contain half of the genetic information needed to create a new human life. The reason I said „wake up‟ the egg cells is because they don‟t need to be produced…they‟re already there. Girls are born with their lifetime supply of egg cells already stored in their ovaries—approximately 250,000 in each. The ovaries are two small, almond-shaped glands located in the lower part of a girl‟s body…one on the right side and one on the left. Their job is to store the eggs until the body is ready for them, and to produce the female sex hormone estrogen. Ella: Yep! This is my home town…this is where I came from originally! Coach: The two ovaries are situated on either side of the uterus, a hollow muscular organ…in fact, the uterus is the body‟s second most powerful muscle! The uterus is about the size of a fist, and is shaped like a small upside down pear. This is where a baby lives while it‟s developing inside the mother.

Connecting the ovaries and the uterus are the fallopian tubes. These tubes are about four inches long and about the width of a pencil. They provide a passageway to the uterus as well as a place for conception to happen. Now that you know the main parts of the system, let‟s take a look at how it works. The ovaries release eggs each month, which travel down the fallopian tubes to the uterus. The uterus is connected to the outside world by the vagina, which is the birth canal a baby travels through to be born. One of the most obvious changes that will happen to Keesha which is also known as her period. Menstruation is a monthly discharge of blood and cells for the lining of the uterus. This starts at different ages for different girls…there is no set age at which menstruation begins. It continues for 30 or 40 years, and then stops.

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And all of this happens in a cycle which is controlled by hormones, and hormones can change your moods and make you feel different than you do on other days. The cycle lasts about 28 days. The first seven days is menstruation, the shedding of the lining of the uterus. This could last from about three to seven days. Once menstruation stops, the lining of the uterus builds back up again during the next seven days. On day 14, the ovaries release an egg. During the next seven days, the egg travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. Then the cycle begins again. If the egg is not fertilized, then it‟s washed out of the uterus along with the cells and blood lining the uterus. If the egg has been fertilized by sperm, then it stays in the lining of the uterus, the menstruation cycle pauses, and a baby grows. OK, now it‟s your turn to explore a little. To see each stage we‟ve talked about in more detail, click and drag the button to see what happens. Now, even though your body is changing into an adult body to prepare for children, that doesn‟t mean you‟re ready for children. Raising a child requires a lot more preparation! First you need to be socially, emotionally and financially prepared to have a child…it‟s a tough job for which you won‟t be ready for a long, long time! Plus, did you know it costs about $700 a month to support all the expenses associated with having a child! Hey, I‟m not gonna lie to you. Puberty‟s a tough game. There are all kinds of growin‟ going on, all kinds of changes taking place. But we‟ve got some tips to help make life a lot easier for you during this time. First, get plenty of sleep. You‟re body‟s doing a lot of growing and that‟s hard work. Get at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. Second, get plenty of exercise! Get off your butt and get out there and ride your bike, run,play some kind of sports. It‟ll make you feel a heck of a lot better. Third! Eat healthy foods! Lay off the caffeine and sugar. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water. Your body needs all of these nutrients as its growing and changing.

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And finally, stay clean! As your body changes, your glands change too. Everyone needs to know that no matter how often you wash your face, you will probably get some pimples along the way. But remember, use soap, shampoo, and deodorant every day, and facial products as needed to keep yourself looking and smelling good! I don‟t accept bad-smelling greasy players on my team, so keep your act together!
