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Transformation module 0 30 jan-16

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:Bersama Untuk Pelanggan Transformation planning Assess cultural values Baseline results & start dialogue Transformation management plan Road map for scorecard development Team list Client’s Logo [email protected] (1105687 -U) MODULE 0 WORKSHOP 2 9 - J a n - 1 6

PowerPoint Presentation

:Bersama Untuk Pelanggan

[email protected]

(1105687-U)MODULE 0 WORKSHOP29-Jan-16

What we will cover(

[email protected]


15 minutesEndIndividual Exercise (15 mins)

There are 4 flipcharts around the room

1. What are you leaving behind to be here today?

2. What do you want to take away from today?

3. What are you offering to the group today?

4. How would we like to work together today? Visit each in turn & add your comments

A different way of establishing Ground rules!

Its a really good exercise to enable learners to not only get focused on the days training but also to get everyone moving from the start & meeting each other as they do so.

This icebreaker helps you, the trainer, to identify the motivation of the learners.

Flipchart 1. What are you leaving behind to be here today? Can help individuals park their outside concerns.

Flipchart 2. What do you want to take away from today? Helps you, the trainer, establish a group consensus about what the focus of your training will be (e.g. how much time/emphasis to give each topic).

Flipchart 3. What are you offering to the group today? Helps to establish the idea that the training day will be one of sharing ideas & experience.

Flipchart 4. How would we like to work together today? Helps the learners to establish ground rules.2

Ground rule gamesListen to others

Dont put other people down

Respect Confidentiality & Trust

Show Respect

Dont Interrupt others

Try to accept others viewsClassroom Procedures and General Information

The Bathrooms are where

The Break Refreshments include:

The Room for Lunch is whereLunch menuA vegetarian option is offered

Cell phones on off

Please dont email or text during course

3Try to accept others views.or at least understand them!ExampleAfter introductions, ask participants to lay down some ground rules that will prevent the occurrence of problems they have experienced in the past.

Course Designer should: add notes here regarding anything pertinent like all participants should have signed NDA etc.

If the course is presented in a distance learning environment then information pertinent to the environment should be presented on this slide. For instance, if there are urls to supporting materials or if there is VPN information for accessing test/lab exercise platforms then that should be delineated here. Additionally, if there are special security concerns relevant to s distantance learning environment then those would be discussed here

You may be tempted to skip developing this part of the course. However, it is very important that students be free of as many distractions as possible when they are engaged in the true instructional portion of a course. Consider that participating in training is far from the daily routine of most students. They may have traveled some distance to participate and are in a different building, at a different company, among different people and maybe in a a different country or time zone. Once instruction begins students need to be free from concerns about when they will eat, contact their business associates or family and even whether they are in the right training. When these issues are addressed at the beginning of instruction students are far more likely to give the pertinent training material their full attention.

At the end of this course participants will be able toClearly define the complete Transformationningprocess

Explain how to create and execute a strategicplan

Provide a common model that the entireorganisation can follow

Learning objectivesWorkshop Overview Copyright Precise Software Solutions 20094

Transformation professionals as a business partnerWhat is Change v What is TransformationTransactionalAdaptingDoing more / lessReversibleE.g. policies, skills

RevolutionaryFundamentalLeadership cultureStrategy & missionNo going back!

Transformation is a new way of being

Change is doing things differently 5A shift in behaviourA shift in values

5Some of the challenges people faceEffects not considered Underestimated complexityLack of leadership & supportBudget & resourcesL&D involved too lateCommunication lackingResistanceL&D survival amid restraints

Who We Are: Put Customers FirstHighest QualityShortest Lead TimeLowest CostAccording to that PricewaterhouseCoopers industry overview report, nearly all executives (90%) are in agreement that there are 6 key priorities for digital transformation success in 2020:2. The Bank Is Changing: To Digital Banking3. The Buck Stops Here: Simplify Business and Operating Models4. Out Of The Box: Tools & Guidance 5. Going The Extra Mile: Innovations 6. Proactively Manage Risk, Regulation and Capital ExpendituresEfficient use of:PeopleEquipmentMaterialSpaceImprove process capabilityMinimize variationManage abnormalityMake Value Flow by Eliminating Errors and Waste

VALUE STREAM MAPPING (VSM)Retail Banking 2020: Evolution or Revolution, over half of senior retail banking executives believe non-traditional financial service providers are a threat to traditional banks6

Lean focuses on the related process Lean has a measurable impact on time, capacity, and customer satisfaction. 3. Lean involves employees. 6

A personal journeyEvery person is on an evolutionary journey of psychological developmentSurvivingConformingDifferentiatingIndividuatingSelf-actualizing Integrating Serving 7



The needs you have failed to master.

[email protected]

Proposed approach:Target AudienceNo. of daysModule 0: Programme LaunchAll staff in junior and middle levelsDevelop detailed master project planEstablish resource plan and select project team membersBuild communications planDesign approach for branch inventory exercise Select pilot branches~4 weeksModule 1: Demonstrating OE ExcellenceBranch Managers & Senior Ofcers Launch branch inventory team to collect branch dataBuild as-is baseline branch capacity planning modelRedesign branch processes and determine processes for centralizationEnhance functionality for self-service channelsDevelop optimal branch scheduling based on customer demand patternsPilot and refine improvements in select branchesDevelop rollout plan for network-wide implementation ~6 monthsModule 2: Scaling And EmbeddingBank personnel who are relatively new to the professionLaunch back-office inventory team to collect operations dataBuild as-is baseline operations capacity planning modelRedesign credit and operations processes with lean methodologyDesign and establish national and regional operations hubs to support branches~6 monthsModule 3:Continuing Programme SupportProject Managers, Operation Managers, Project Leaders, Team Leaders, Project Engineers, IT Consultants and HR Managers etc.Budget review and supportCommunications for all key stakeholdersMonitor progress Advise on change management approach(on-going)

How we help you with your Transformation 8How you measure success

8Strategies & methods to support the business through transformationDesigning new or updated competenciesInterventions beyond coursesWorkshops, Coaching, Learning sets Answering questions - what do I do differently tomorrowWorking to prioritise the budgets!Trusting your outsourced L&D partner

The Culture Transformation ProcessStart with a values surveyCampaign MessageTraining DeliveryCustomer Benefits9

Building a Values-driven Organisation

Start with a values [email protected]

10AssessCultural Values

An example for a Business Transformation Analysis

Where did it all go wrong?

SWOT Assessment Using the Malcolm Baldrige Model10

StakeholderNeedsCustomers&clientsConsistentbankingexperience Bestproducts,advice,andservice Additionalfeaturesandservices Receiptofdebitcardsforoutofstateaccounts Nationwidelinkingandservicingofaccounts Singlepointaccesstobankandbrokeragestatementsandaccounts Combinedbankingstatements Relationshippricing acrossallBRstates CombinedoverdraftprotectionfromsavingsandcheckingLittletonoimpactfeltduringsystemconversion AssociatesSimplifiedserviceplatform Singlesetofprocessesandproceduresacrossthebankingsystem Minimalamountofcomplextraining Qualityonlineexperience ComplianceOfficers& RiskManagersSimplifiedabilitytomakesystemchangesinfluctuatingregulatoryenvironment ReductioninoperationalriskTechnology AssociatesITsupportcostreduction Decreaseincustominfrastructure Reduceddevelopmentcosts MarketingExecutivesSinglemarketableplatform Abilitytoofferadvancedfeaturesandservices Flexibilitytorespondtochangingmarketdemand Shareholders/ MembersLongterm,consistentreturns(dividends,capitalappreciation) Qualitybalancesheet Riskmanagement

11Baseline results and start dialogue

11Developing networks & identifying stakeholders

Transformationapproach ReduceBRsoperationalrisk" appearstobetheprimaryjustificationforthe investmentinthetransformationinitiative Bank Rakyatmembersreceivethebenefitofdecreasedoperationalrisk Other stakeholdersandneedsappeartobeofsecondaryconsideration

Componentsto prioritize valuesPERSONAL VALUESWhich of the following values/ behaviours most reflect who you are? Pick ten.

CURRENT CULTUREWhich of the following values/ behaviours most reflect how your organisation currently operates? Pick ten.

DESIRED CULTUREWhich of the following values/ behaviours most reflect how you would like your organisation to operate? Pick ten.


Building a Values-driven [email protected]

DetailingbehavioursTransformation Measurement PlanEvaluation measures set early

eSurveys, face-face interviews

L&D forum - budget, quality, priorities

Facilitative leadership role

Keep case studies & stories

Dont compromise on lessons learned13

Learning Lessons from ProgrammesRealisation of benefitsWhat are we expecting?" Did we get what we expected?" Kirkpatrick modelLess problems & mistakesCareer progression Engagement Behavioural changeImproved performance

LEADERS VALUESWhich of the following values/behaviours most reflect how you operate?

ASSESSORS OBSERVED VALUES OF LEADERWhich of the following values/behaviours most reflect how Leader X operates? [email protected]

Evaluate culture development planBackgroundConceptMessagingCampaign overview


Campaign [email protected]

Drivers and PhasesModule 0: Programme launchModule 1: Demonstrating OE excellenceModule 2: Scaling and EmbeddingModule 3:Continuing programme supportWho We Are: Put Customers FirstEnvironmental scan

Situation Past, Present and FutureSuccessful Organisational Effectiveness (OE) projectsHQ and branches policy and programme changesFormal OE evaluation and practice changes 2. The Bank Is Changing: To Digital BankingBackground information:

Significant IssuesMission & VisionPerformance MeasurementPerformance Management3. The Buck Stops Here:Simplify Business and Operating ModelsTransformation RoundtableMembership committees and task forces A series of roundtables that actively support these effortsMember-driven groups providing concrete support to these effortsA Communities of Practice websiteReview Progress Transformation Scorecard4. Out Of The Box:Tools and GuidanceSituational analysis

Align / Fit with CapabilitiesPilots Values / Guiding PrinciplesTransformation toolkit and ongoing support to those Major GoalsTargets / Standards of Performance Continuously improved versions of the business model5. Going The Extra Mile:InnovationsSWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Innovation Centre Concept PapersSpecific Objectives

Raise the Locals Voice casesInitiatives and Projects

Evidence based/informed practicesTake Corrective Actions6. Proactively Manage Risk, Regulation and Capital ExpendituresGaps

Open Letter to policymakers setting the frameworkChampions, positive press and consumersScoring policy and programme recommendations and changesAction PlansFeedback upstream revise plans

Focus on changes and programmes

Assesscultural values

Baselineresults and start dialogue

Componentsto prioritize values


Evaluateculture development planWhere we are Where we want to be How we will do itHow are we doing

Focuson changes and programmes15

An approach to planning and monitoring a transformation effort [email protected]

Who we areSharing The Message mapCampaign MessageTraining DeliveryCustomer BenefitsTransformation customers have maximized enterprise value and reduced maintenance costs. They also achieved increased visibility, greater control, more agile change enablement, more reliable performance and greatly reduced risk.Measure Employee performance across multiple indicators.Doing infinitely more with less.16

A good approach to planning a transformation effort should bring these drivers and phases together to form a picture or map of how various transformation activities fit into the whole and relate to each other. It should also help partners in transformation work effectively as communities of practice that advise and support the communication, demonstrations and tool development taking place. It should also help those assessing the entire effort to identify things to add or to shift in sequence, based on the phases being reached in various areas of the work. This approach should also help us assess where we are currently in our transformation efforts and develop plans or maps that include not only ourselves but our partners and others.

3 February 2016HP Confidential16



Objective Useful during a session on body language or communication skills, where you want to highlight how people communicate.

InstructionsOne person is asked to leave the room. While they are gone the rest of the group identify a leader. This leader must perform a subtle action that everyone has to follow i.e.. rubbing their nose, licking their lips, scratching their ear, winking, crossing legs etc..Ask the person to return to the room & explain that they must identify the leader of the group. The leader should alter the action every few minutes with everyone following suit. In review, discuss what was noticed & how we interpret & spot body language in [email protected]

Transformation planning:SWOT18

What is Transformation?Process to establish priorities on what you will accomplish in the future

Forces you to make choices on what you will do and what you will not do

Pulls the entire organisation together around a single game plan for execution

Broad outline on where resources will get [email protected]

19Identify Key Themes Driving the StrategyBuild the Strategic LinkagesDetermine KPIs and TargetsSelect Priority InitiativesPlan for ImplementingDefine Strategic Destination

Who Is Responsible?

Assesscultural values

Baselineresults and start dialogue

Componentsto prioritize values


Evaluateculture development plan

Focuson changes and programmesWhere we are Where we want to be How we will do itHow are we doingBuilding a transformation scorecard (process overview)

19STAGE 1: COMMITMENTBegin with your Transformation what things are critical to future success?

Focus on customers what values will we add to our customers

Define the processes how will we deliver these services to our customers

Build the organisation what capabilities must we put in place

20The Pilot AnalogySkilled pilots are able to process information from a large number of indicators to navigate their aircraft.

Yet navigating todays organisations through complex competitive environments is at least as complicated as flying a jet.

Why should we believe that executives need anything less than a full battery of instrumentation for guiding their organisations?


Why do Transformation? If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail be proactive about the future

Strategic planning improves performance

Counter excessive inward and short-term thinking

Solve major issues at a macro level

Communicate to everyone what is most importantFundamental questions to ask Where are we now? (Assessment)

Where do we need to be? (Gap / Future End State)

How will we close the gap (Strategic Plan)

How will we monitor our progress (Balanced Scorecard)


A good Transformation should . . Address critical performance issues

Create the right balance between what the organisation is capable of doing vs. what the organisation would like to do

Cover a sufficient time period to close the performance gap

Visionary convey a desired future end state

Flexible allow and accommodate change

Guide decision making at lower levels operational, tactical, individual




Objective: To emphasise the value of open vs. closed questions.

InstructionsThe team are allowed ten closed questions to guess what is in the trainers pocket (choose an unusual object here if you can). It is very unusual that they will work it out.Next, they play the game again & have to guess a different item using ten open questions. The only rule is that they cannot ask, What is the item? They will usually guess this in less than four tries. This is a short exercise. However, it really emphasises the value of open questions in drawing out information.

[email protected]

Assess cultural values24

Senior leadership commitment Who will do what? What will each group do? How will we do it? When is the best [email protected]

The organisation and the environment25

25Orgs can usefully be regarded as collections of activities and people which operate pruposefully within a definable external environment. This environment comprises amongst other things, suppliers, customers, and financiers and sometimes government as well. Thoes with a key influence are known as stakeholders because they have a stake or a vested interest in the relative success of the business. They are also tend to spring shocks and surprises on orgs. Customers can be lost, supplies can be delayed, competitors can launch new products or services, banks can refuse to extend overdraft facilities.There are several frameworks for studying the environment. E.g. PEST Analysis

Assessment Model:S W O T

External Assessment: Marketplace, competitors, social trends, technology, regulatory environment, economic cycles .

Internal Assessment: Organisational assets, resources, people, culture, systems, partnerships, suppliers, . . .

Easy to UnderstandApply at any organisational level

Needs to be Analytical and Specific Be honest about your weaknessesGood PointsPossible PitfallsSWOTSWOT26

Strengths Those things that you do well, the high value or performance points Strengths can be tangible: Loyal customers, efficient distribution channels, very high quality products, excellent financial condition Strengths can be intangible: Good leadership, strategic insights, customer intelligence, solid reputation, high skilled workforce Often considered Core Competencies Best leverage points for growth without draining your resourcesWeaknesses Those things that prevent you from doing what you really need to do Since weaknesses are internal, they are within your control Weaknesses include: Bad leadership, unskilled workforce, insufficient resources, poor product quality, slow distribution and delivery channels, outdated technologies, lack of planning, . . .Opportunities Potential areas for growth and higher performance External in nature marketplace, unhappy customers with competitors, better economic conditions, more open trading policies, . . Internal opportunities should be classified as Strengths Timing may be important for capitalizing on opportunitiesThreats Challenges confronting the organisation, external in nature Threats can take a wide range bad press coverage, shifts in consumer behavior, substitute products, new regulations, . . . May be useful to classify or assign probabilities to threats The more accurate you are in identifying threats, the better position you are for dealing with the sudden ripples of [email protected]

USE SWOT to form StrategiesOpportunitiesThreatsST++ InvestClear matches of strengths and opportunities lead to comparative advantage

Famous Lao Handicraft + Lao Connection abroad+- DefendAreas of threat matched by areas of strength indicate a need to mobilize resources either alone or with others.

Wn-+DECIDE - +Areas of opportunity matched by areas of weakness require a judgement call: invest or divest; collaborate.--DAMAGE CONTROL - -Areas of threat matched by areas of weakness indicate need for damage control or divest.



28This workbook includes seven tabs covering each category

29General breaking points in percentage scoring:

30Summarize Leadership Score

31Summarize Customer Scores

32The 91 criteria fall into 7 categories, as summarised below:



Objective: A great game to help participants develop empathy skills & identify emotions in others.InstructionsPlace several sheets of paper with different emotions written on them in a bowl e.g.. Happy, Sad, Angry, Indifferent, Scared etc.. Two participants each pick out a piece of paper & then have to act out a scene relevant to their job role in the emotion they picked.The other participants must identify which emotion is being used by each & once identified the scene can [email protected]

Baseline results & start dialogue34

34Puts everything about the organisation into a single context for comparability and planning Descriptive about the company as well as the overall environment Include information about relationships customers, suppliers, partners, . . . Preferred format is the Organisational Profile

35E-V-R congruence

35E-V-R CongruenceEnvironment: What do customers and other stakeholders demand? Which competitor strengths have to be bettered?Resources: Which functions are (and will be) critically important, why, and how must they be deployed to satisfy (changing) market needs?Values: What will it feel like to work in the company? Which values and behaviors will be requires for (i) adding value and (ii) adapting and changing?

Gap Analysis

Baseline / Org ProfileChallenges / SWOTBenchmark

Gap = Basis for Long-Term Strategic Plan36

36Operating EnvironmentProducts and Services Suppliers, Delivery Channels, Contracts, Arrangements, . . . Organisational Culture Barriers, Leadership, Communication, Cohesiveness . . . . Workforce Productivity Skill levels, diversity, contractors, aging workforce, . . . Infrastructure Systems, technology, facilities, . . Regulatory Product / Service Regulation, ISO Quality Standards, Safety, Environmental, . . .2. Business RelationshipsOrganisational Structure Business Units, Functions, Board, Management Layers, . . . Customer Relationships Requirements, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Expectations, . . . Value Chain Relationship between everyone in the value chain . . . . Partner Relationships Alliances, long-term suppliers, customer partnerships, . . . 3. Key Performance CategoriesCustomer Products and Services Financial Human Capital Operational External (Regulatory Compliance, Social Responsibility, . . . )

37Strategic thinking


38Strategic effectiveness & EVR congruence

38The ability to add value and innovatively create new values for customers in ways which separate the organisation from its competitors.The ability to create and sustain competitive advantage through cost leadership, differentiation and speed of change.Core competencies and straregic capabilities The ability to exploit the orgs most critical resources to create and add value and, in turn, generate competitive advantage. Synergies should be sought and resources, including people, should be stretched to higher levels of achievement. People must be able to learn and willing to change.Internal and external architecture and linkages

:Bersama Untuk Pelanggan

[email protected]

(1105687-U)MODULE 0 WORKSHOP29-Jan-16

What we will cover(

[email protected]

Transformation management plan40

41Project work plan

42All measurements used in the transformation database


Review and score all measurements used in your scorecard model


DONT FALL INTO THE SEALay out an appropriate number of chairs in a circle (according to your group size). Get everyone to stand on the chairs. The chairs are safety points floating in a sea which is full of sharks. The task....the group has to arrange themselves in birth date order (day & month only....exclude the year). BUT they must not fall into the sea!

Can be used at any timePurpose :to wake participants & get the blood moving again!Keep the concentration of participants focussed during periods of sedentary listening!Sometimes to reduce tensions within the [email protected]

Road map for scorecard development45

Road map for scorecard development

Assesscultural values

Baselineresults and start dialogue

Componentsto prioritize values


Evaluateculture development plan

Focuson changes and programmes

Week1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24



47Theme/ PerspectiveObjectiveMeasureTargetInitiativeDo we have the correct causal links?Does objective reflect the intent of our strategy?Is measure driving the right behaviour?Is target wrong?Why meetings not meeting targetsIs initiative wrong?What does analysis tell us about causal hypothesis?

Why completing/ not completing initiative?Business rules for scorecard model


Detailed statement of what is critical to successfully achieving the strategyHow success in achieving the strategy will be measured and trackedKey action programs required to achieve objectives

The level of performance or rate of improvement needed

Objective Description

Target2 per setup per month each Outlet Office


MeasureNumber of Reworks

Strategy MapStakeholderInternal ProcessL&GFaster Service AccessSelf Service ApplicationsWeb Enable TechnologiesProcess and ValueMap AnalysisLean Processes

InvestmentsInvest in IT

Lean / Six SigmaEliminate waste, reworks, and other errors in our processesExtend the map into measurements, targets and initiatives48


49Using the scorecard model


Hold Scorecard Performance Reviews


Populate Report Format

Down to Specifics

Identify Initiatives and Projects

BaselineUncover strategic linkages and key themes

Who Is Responsible

Develop a project planAnalysis Process Steps:CollectionAnalysisReporting and Review Steps:


Add Narrative Information and Update Links to Sources


Load allVariable DataAnd Verify Output OnlineRecommendation and Presentation

EvaluateImplementation Plan for BSC Management System


Build a strategic framework


Determine Measures and Targets

49STAGE 1: COMMITMENTRefer back to the strategic information you collected per Template # 1. This should help you develop a set of strategic themes. If these sources fail to clearly define your strategic themes, then interview upper level managers to determine the strategic themes.Start by looking at internal perspectives within the organisation - some common themes should emerge, such as innovation in product development.Themes can embrace several strategic objectives and cover all 4 perspectives with the Balanced Scorecard (Financial / Customer / Internal Processes / Learning & Growth). Themes may run somewhat contrary to one another; such as reduce the number of new programmes vs. increase revenue growth. If this occurs, make sure everyone has a clear understanding of what the organisation is trying to accomplish.

50Steps 1 to 3 are the basisWork/Inputs

Strategy DocumentsDraft themes and linkages based on Strategic DestinationOutputs:

Agreed upon stretch targetsFinalized theme(s)Strategy map

Agree upon stretch targetsReview and refine themesRefine and rework draft linkagesDiscuss next steps

Who Is Responsible

Develop a project plan

BaselineUncover strategic linkages and key themes

Down to Specifics

Identify Initiatives and Projects


Build a strategic framework


Determine Measures and Targets

EvaluateImplementation Plan for BSC Management System


Step 4: measures development

Refine and validate linkagesReview draft measuresDesign new measuresBegin targets discussion

Plan for measures developmentWork/Inputs

Refined strategyExisting measures assigned to objectivesDraft measures developedOutputs:

90% complete linkagesComplete measuresMeasures development plan in place

Who Is Responsible

Develop a project plan

BaselineUncover strategic linkages and key themes

Down to Specifics

Identify Initiatives and Projects


Build a strategic framework


Determine Measures and Targets

EvaluateImplementation Plan for BSC Management System51

51STAGE 1: COMMITMENTPerformance measures must be:

Aligned with strategy vision and mission

Focused on specific issues

Tangible to those receiving the feedback

Timely and user friendly






Critical Processes


Critical Levers





Objective: To emphasis how important listening skills are & how hard it can be to take in too much information at one time. A useful game to help leaders understand that they have to provide clear instructions.

InstructionsAsk one person to leave the room while the rest of the participants come up with a well known phrase, slogan or rhyme. Each participant must take one word from the phrase. They call the person back into the room, shout 1, 2, 3 & then all at the same time shout out their word from the phrase. The listener must make sense of the words & identify the phrase.Of course the listener will find this very hard to do. They may ask for it to be repeated twice & after that they must guess. If they dont identify the phrase, they [email protected]

Team list54

55Process re-design and business transformationTransformation is therefore a top-down approach and takes the form of a project, typically having seven phases:


Establish the re-design team

Analyse and document process(es)

Innovate and rebuild

Re-organise and re-train

Measure performance

Continuous re-design and improvement

It is essential that ownership exists at the highest level in the organisation. In the Discover phase, a problem or unacceptable outcome is identied and the desired outcome determined. This can involve an assessment of the business need, and will denitely include determining the processes involved, including the scope, identifying process customers and their requirements, and establishing effectiveness [email protected]

56The knot may illustrate a conict that develops and might be resolved laterFeedback could be: Relating to conict means that if one of the group members experiences a conict, all the others are somehow part of it. Everyone can harden or soften, can exaggerate or be a source towards a positive transformation. Sometimes it seems that nding a solution is impossible without support from others (outsiders might have an overview).Steps 1. Let the group members form a tight circle. 2. Let everybody close their eyes and stretch out their arms. Direct them to go slowly further step-by-step until their hands touch another hand. 3. Let every hand nd another hand (only one hand holds another one) and keep this hand hold (assist when needed). 4. When every hand holds another one, let everybody open their eyes and see how all members are somehow connected with each other. 5. Let them try to disentangle the knot without letting go of the hand in possession. One may need to step over other arms, move under arms, turn around etc., observe if they can disentangle themselves without help from outside.

Variation Group members try to disentangle themselves with help. Let the group form a tight circle except for two members.

It can also represent the fact that the active participation and willingness of all is needed for the disentangling, for the transformation of the conict. The exercise can also illustrate that there are tight relations among each and every group member, and directly or indirectly everyone is connected with everyone. [email protected]

Membership is dependent upon the scope of the process in question, but should include:Overall sponsor or champion (senior manager at a level above the scope of the process to resolve interdepartmental conicts) Process owner Team leader Facilitator Team members based on their knowledge, skills and attitudes

The team should have between ve and ten members, represent the scope of the process, only work on one re-design project at a time, and include internal and external people.

Internal people are those from within the process and external people are from the wider organisation and outside the process, bringing objectivity to the project.57Critical to the success of the re-design is the make-up of the Re-design Team

58Team list




Objective: To help consolidate key learning points from a learning & development event.This variation of the classic game is a great way for finishing a training event on a high. It is also useful to consolidate learning or to check recall. One advantage of this session is that the participants need to review the session fully in order to develop questions for the other team, as well as being tested themselves.

InstructionsArrange participants into two teams (ideally with 4 to 6 players per team) & provide each team with a few sheets of paper & a flipchart & pens.Ask each team to develop a series of questions based on the learning throughout the training session. These can be as easy or as difficult as they like. However, they must be relevant to the session. They should keep these questions secret from the other team for the time being. Once the teams have both completed their questions & written them down on the paper provided, it is time to start the game of hangman!Each team must take it in turns to pose a question to the other team. If the team get the answer right, then it is their turn to ask a question. Should they answer incorrectly, a piece of the hangman is drawn on the flipchart & they are challenged to answer the next question.The game ends when the first hangman is completed & the unfortunate team [email protected]

ClosinggamesEach participant is handed pieces of paper

Each paper has the name of other participants

Each participant has to write I am glad I met XXX because.

The pieces of paper are distributed to the appropriate people & read when they get home60

60As time goes by, we tend to forget what we have learnt. Things that are most easily remembered at those things at the beginning or at the end. That is why closing games are so important..they make the session more memorable.

Closing games also tend to be of a positive note which in turn leaves the participant departing with a feel good factor. In this particular example, every participant leaves with positive feedback.

3 things you have learnt today

2 things you are not sure about

1 way you can link what you have done today to your work place61Wrap upWrite Down


What I have learnt

What I will [email protected]

Learn Unlearn Relearn Evaluation62Please rate the following aspects of the course excellent good not good poor

Organisation & domestics




Overall enjoyment

Other topics of interest

Course Date Name

Use human bar charts?

Lay out 5 chairsInform participants which is 1 and which is 5 (1 meaning bad, 5 good)Ask a question Participants have to stand behind the appropriate chairRepeat with more questions

Can be problems re: confidentiality, but they do give you a good gist about things. Always give the option of not participating.Participants must be fed back the results [email protected]
