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Transformation Optics Approach to Plasmon-Exciton Strong Coupling in Nanocavities Rui-Qi Li, 1,2 D. Hernángomez-Pérez, 1 F. J. García-Vidal, 1,3,and A. I. Fernández-Domínguez 1,* 1 Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada and Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid, Spain 2 Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics, MOE, Institute of Acoustics, Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, Peoples Republic of China 3 Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), E-20018 Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain (Received 30 May 2016; published 30 August 2016) We investigate the conditions yielding plasmon-exciton strong coupling at the single emitter level in the gap between two metal nanoparticles. Inspired by transformation optics ideas, a quasianalytical approach is developed that makes possible a thorough exploration of this hybrid system incorporating the full richness of its plasmonic spectrum. This allows us to reveal that by placing the emitter away from the cavity center, its coupling to multipolar dark modes of both even and odd parity increases remarkably. This way, reversible dynamics in the population of the quantum emitter takes place in feasible implementations of this archetypal nanocavity. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.107401 Plasmon-exciton-polaritons (PEPs) are hybrid light- matter states that emerge from the electromagnetic (EM) interaction between surface plasmons (SPs) and nearby quantum emitters (QEs) [1,2]. Crucially, PEPs only exist when these two subsystems are strongly coupled; i.e., they exchange EM energy coherently in a time scale much shorter than their characteristic lifetimes. Recently, much attention has focused on PEPs, since they combine the exceptional light concentration ability of SPs with the extreme optical nonlinearity of QEs. These two attributes makes them promising platforms for the next generation of quantum nanophotonic components [3]. A quantum electrodynamics description of plasmonic strong coupling of a single QE has been developed for a flat metal surface [4], and isolated [5,6] and distant nano- particles [79], where SP hybridization is not fully exploited. From the experimental side, in recent years, PEPs have been reported in emitter ensembles [1013], in which excitonic nonlinearities are negligible [1416]. Only very recently, thanks to advances in the fabrication and characterization of large Purcell enhancement nanocavities [1719], far-field signatures of plasmon-exciton strong coupling for single molecules have been reported experimentally [20]. In this Letter, we investigate the plasmonic coupling of a single emitter in a paradigmatic cavity, thoroughly explored in the context of optical antennas thanks to its ability to confine EM fields at very deep subwavelength scales: the nanometric gap between two spherical-shaped metal par- ticles [13,19,20]. We develop a quasianalytical approach that fully exploits the covariance of Maxwell equations and is based on the method of inversion [21]. Inspired by recent advances in transformation optics (TO) [22,23], this approach fully accounts for the rich EM spectrum that originates from SP hybridization across the gap. Our theory, which is the first application of the TO framework for the description of quantum optical phenomena, yields quasianalytical insight into the Wigner- Weisskopf problem [24] for these systems, and enables us to reveal the prescriptions that nanocavities must fulfil to support single QE PEPs. Figure 1(a) sketches the system under study: a two level system (with transition frequency ω E and z-oriented dipole moment μ E ) placed at position z E within the gap δ between two spheres of permittivity ϵðωÞ¼ ϵ ½ω 2 p =ωðω þ iγÞ , embedded in a matrix of dielectric constant ϵ D [see Supplemental Material (SM) [25] for further details]. We assume that the structure is much smaller than the emission wavelength and operate within the quasistatic approxima- tion. The details of our treatment of SP-QE coupling in this geometry can be found in the SM. Briefly, by inverting the structure with respect to a judiciously chosen point [z 0 in Figure 1(a)], the spheres map into an annulus geometry in which the QE source and scattered EM fields are expanded in terms of the angular momentum l. This allows us to obtain the scattering Greens function, G sc zz ðωÞ, in a quasianalytical fashion. First we test our approach by analyzing the spontaneous emission enhancement experienced by an emitter at the gap center. Figure 1(b) plots the Purcell factor PðωÞ¼ 1 þ ð6πc=ωÞImfG sc zz ðωÞg for dimers with R 1;2 ¼ R. To com- pare different sizes, PðωÞ is normalized to R 3 . Black solid line plots the TO prediction (identical for all sizes), and color dots render full EM calculations (Comsol Multiphysics). At high frequencies, quasianalytics and simulations are in excellent agreement for all R. At low frequencies, discrepancies caused by radiation effects are evident for R 30 nm. The insets in Figure 1(b) render induced charge density maps for the four lowest peaks in PRL 117, 107401 (2016) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending 2 SEPTEMBER 2016 0031-9007=16=117(10)=107401(5) 107401-1 © 2016 American Physical Society
  • Transformation Optics Approach to Plasmon-Exciton Strong Coupling in Nanocavities

    Rui-Qi Li,1,2 D. Hernángomez-Pérez,1 F. J. García-Vidal,1,3,† and A. I. Fernández-Domínguez1,*1Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada and Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC),

    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid, Spain2Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics, MOE, Institute of Acoustics, Department of Physics, Nanjing University,

    Nanjing 210093, People’s Republic of China3Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), E-20018 Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain

    (Received 30 May 2016; published 30 August 2016)

    We investigate the conditions yielding plasmon-exciton strong coupling at the single emitter level in thegap between two metal nanoparticles. Inspired by transformation optics ideas, a quasianalytical approach isdeveloped that makes possible a thorough exploration of this hybrid system incorporating the full richnessof its plasmonic spectrum. This allows us to reveal that by placing the emitter away from the cavity center,its coupling to multipolar dark modes of both even and odd parity increases remarkably. This way,reversible dynamics in the population of the quantum emitter takes place in feasible implementations of thisarchetypal nanocavity.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.107401

    Plasmon-exciton-polaritons (PEPs) are hybrid light-matter states that emerge from the electromagnetic (EM)interaction between surface plasmons (SPs) and nearbyquantum emitters (QEs) [1,2]. Crucially, PEPs only existwhen these two subsystems are strongly coupled; i.e., theyexchange EM energy coherently in a time scale muchshorter than their characteristic lifetimes. Recently, muchattention has focused on PEPs, since they combine theexceptional light concentration ability of SPs with theextreme optical nonlinearity of QEs. These two attributesmakes them promising platforms for the next generationof quantum nanophotonic components [3].A quantum electrodynamics description of plasmonic

    strong coupling of a single QE has been developed for aflat metal surface [4], and isolated [5,6] and distant nano-particles [7–9], where SP hybridization is not fully exploited.From the experimental side, in recent years, PEPs have beenreported in emitter ensembles [10–13], in which excitonicnonlinearities are negligible [14–16]. Only very recently,thanks to advances in the fabrication and characterization oflarge Purcell enhancement nanocavities [17–19], far-fieldsignatures of plasmon-exciton strong coupling for singlemolecules have been reported experimentally [20].In this Letter, we investigate the plasmonic coupling of a

    single emitter in a paradigmatic cavity, thoroughly exploredin the context of optical antennas thanks to its ability toconfine EM fields at very deep subwavelength scales: thenanometric gap between two spherical-shaped metal par-ticles [13,19,20]. We develop a quasianalytical approachthat fully exploits the covariance of Maxwell equationsand is based on the method of inversion [21]. Inspired byrecent advances in transformation optics (TO) [22,23],this approach fully accounts for the rich EM spectrumthat originates from SP hybridization across the gap.

    Our theory, which is the first application of the TOframework for the description of quantum opticalphenomena, yields quasianalytical insight into the Wigner-Weisskopf problem [24] for these systems, and enables usto reveal the prescriptions that nanocavities must fulfil tosupport single QE PEPs.Figure 1(a) sketches the system under study: a two level

    system (with transition frequency ωE and z-oriented dipolemoment μE) placed at position zE within the gap δ betweentwo spheres of permittivity ϵðωÞ ¼ ϵ∞ − ½ω2p=ωðωþ iγÞ&,embedded in a matrix of dielectric constant ϵD [seeSupplemental Material (SM) [25] for further details]. Weassume that the structure is much smaller than the emissionwavelength and operate within the quasistatic approxima-tion. The details of our treatment of SP-QE coupling in thisgeometry can be found in the SM. Briefly, by invertingthe structure with respect to a judiciously chosen point[z0 in Figure 1(a)], the spheres map into an annulusgeometry in which the QE source and scattered EM fieldsare expanded in terms of the angular momentum l.This allows us to obtain the scattering Green’s function,GsczzðωÞ, in a quasianalytical fashion.First we test our approach by analyzing the spontaneous

    emission enhancement experienced by an emitter at the gapcenter. Figure 1(b) plots the Purcell factor PðωÞ ¼ 1þð6πc=ωÞImfGsczzðωÞg for dimers with R1;2 ¼ R. To com-pare different sizes, PðωÞ is normalized to R−3. Blacksolid line plots the TO prediction (identical for all sizes),and color dots render full EM calculations (ComsolMultiphysics). At high frequencies, quasianalytics andsimulations are in excellent agreement for all R. At lowfrequencies, discrepancies caused by radiation effects areevident for R≳ 30 nm. The insets in Figure 1(b) renderinduced charge density maps for the four lowest peaks in

    PRL 117, 107401 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

    2 SEPTEMBER 2016

    0031-9007=16=117(10)=107401(5) 107401-1 © 2016 American Physical Society


  • the TO spectrum. These can be identified as SP resonancesof increasing multipolar order. We can infer that themaximum that dominates all the spectra in Figure 1(b) iscaused by the pseudomode (ωPS) emerging from the spectraloverlapping of higher order SPs [16]. Importantly, these aredarker (weakly radiative) modes strongly confined at the gapregion, which explains why our quasistatic description isvalid at ωPS even for R ¼ 240 nm.Now we investigate the spectral density across the

    gap cavity. This magnitude governs SP-QE interactions(see below), and can be expressed as JðωÞ ¼ ðμ2Eω3=6π2ϵ0ℏc3ÞPðωÞ. Figure 2(a) shows TO-JðωÞ evaluated atzE ¼ δ=2 and normalized to μ2E=R3 for different δ=R. Forsmall gaps, the spectral density is maximized, and thecontribution from different SPs is apparent. For larger gaps,JðωÞ decreases, all maxima blue-shift and eventuallymerge at the pseudomode position. Importantly, Fig. 2(a)shows a universal trend, valid for all QEs and R (withinthe quasistatic approximation). Therefore, for a given δ=R,large μE and small R must be used to increase plasmon-exciton coupling.

    Once the spectral density is known, the Wigner-Weisskopf problem [24] can be solved. It establishes thatthe equation governing the dynamics of the excited-statepopulation, nðtÞ ¼ jcðtÞj2, for an initially excited QE is


    cðtÞ ¼ −Z




    0dωJðωÞeiðωE−ωÞðt−τÞcðτÞ: ð1Þ

    Figures 2(b) and 2(c) render the QE population at the centerof the cavity in panel (a) as a function of time and gap size.The spheres radius is 120 nm (so that 1≲ δ≲ 10 nm), andμE ¼ 1.5 e nm (InGaN/GaN quantum dots at 3 eV [30]).The emitter is at resonance with the lowest (dipolar) SP (b)and with the pseudomode (c) maxima in Fig. 2(a),respectively. Note that the former disperses with gap size,whereas ωE ¼ ωPS for the latter. We can observe that bothconfigurations show clear oscillations in nðtÞ, whichindicates that coherent energy exchange is taking place.In this regime, strong coupling occurs, and the nanocavitysupports PEPs. However, for δ > 3 nm, the reversibledynamics in the population is lost in both panels; QEs

    FIG. 2. (a) Normalized JðωÞ at the gap center versus frequencyand δ=R. (b),(c) nðtÞ versus time and gap size for R ¼ 120 nmand μE ¼ 1.5 e nm. The QE is at resonance with the dipolarSP mode in (b) and with the pseudomode in (c). (d) nðtÞ forδ ¼ 1.5 nm (see white dashed lines) and two ωE: 1.7 (green) and3.4 (red) eV. Black dotted line corresponds to ωE ¼ 1.7 eVobtained through the fitting of JðωÞ at ωPS.



    FIG. 1. (a) QE placed at the gap between two metal spheres ofpermittivity ϵðωÞ and embedded in a dielectric medium ϵD. TheQE dipole strength, position, and frequency are μE, zE, and ωE.(b) Normalized Purcell factor at the gap center for R1;2 ¼ R andδ ¼ R=15. Color dots: EM simulations for different R. Black line:TO prediction. Insets: induced charge distribution for the lowest4 SP modes discernible in the spectrum (color scale is saturatedfor clarity).

    PRL 117, 107401 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

    2 SEPTEMBER 2016


  • and SPs are only weakly coupled, and nðtÞ follows amonotonic decay.Figure 2(d) plots nðtÞ at strong coupling, δ ¼ R=80 ¼

    1.5 nm [see white dashed lines in panels (a)–(c)]. The red(green) line corresponds to QE at resonance with thepseudomode (dipolar SP) peak. The excited state populationobtained from the fitting of JðωÞ around ωPS and evaluatedat the lowest SP frequency is shown as a black dashed line.The similarity between solid green and dashed black linesimplies that the population dynamics is fully governed bythe pseudomode, even when the two maxima in JðωÞ are farapart [the differences between Figs. 2(b) and 2(c) originatefrom detuning effects]. This fact enables us to extend thevalidity of our approach to larger structures, as radiativeeffects do not play a significant role at the pseudomode.Moreimportantly, our findings reveal that QE strong couplingin nanocavities does not benefit from highly radiativeplasmonic modes despite their low resonant frequenciesand associated low sensitivity to metal absorption.We have found that R ¼ 120 nm cavities can support

    single QE PEPs only if δ < 4 nm. Similar calculations forsingle particles (not shown here) indicate that the onset ofstrong coupling takes place at similar distances, zE ≲ 2 nm.This means that the configuration investigated so far doesnot exploit cooperative effects between the nanospheres,associated with the enhancement in JðωÞ expected from SPhybridization. To verify this, Fig. 3(a) plots JðωPSÞ versus δevaluated at the center of the cavity and normalized to twicethe maximum in the spectral density for an isolated sphere(R ¼ 120 nm, zE ¼ δ=2). Whereas normalized JðωPSÞ ismuch larger than 1 for δ ¼ 1.5 nm, it decays to ∼0.5 forgaps larger than 4 nm. Therefore, only very small gapcavities take advantage of SP hybridization. The inset ofFig. 3(a) plots JðωÞ for 120 nm radius dimer (blue) andsingle sphere (green) evaluated at zE ¼ 4 nm, showing thatthe maximum spectral density is very similar in both cases.We explore next the effect that moving the QE away

    from the gap center has on the cavity performance. Weconsider δ ¼ 8 nm, for which strong coupling does not takeplace at zE ¼ δ=2; see Figs. 2(b) and 2(c). Figure 3(b) plotsJðωPSÞ versus zE for two different normalizations. Blackdashed line shows the ratio of JðωPSÞ and its value atzE ¼ δ=2. We can observe that the spectral density maxi-mum grows exponentially as the QE approaches one of theparticles, yielding factors up to 103. This effect could beattributed to the stronger interaction with the SPs supportedby the closest sphere. To test this, red solid line plotsJðωPSÞ now normalized to the sum of the spectral densitiescalculated for each of the spheres isolated and evaluated atzE and δ − zE. Remarkably, enhancements up to 102 arefound in this asymmetric configuration. Therefore, thepronounced increase of JðωÞ cannot be simply causedby proximity effects, but it must be due to a significantenhancement of the cooperativity between the twonanoparticles. Figure 3(c) plots nðtÞ for three zE values

    [indicated by vertical arrows in panel (b)], proving thatstrong coupling occurs for zE far from the cavity center.The inset of Fig. 3(b) investigates if SP-QE couplingcan benefit further from geometric asymmetry. It rendersJðωPSÞ versus R2=R1 for both normalizations, and provesthat the cavity performance is rather independent of theparticle sizes in the regime R1;2 ≫ δ.To gain physical insight into the dependence of JðωÞ on

    the QE position, we assume that δ ≪ R1;2, and work withinthe high quality resonator limit [6]. This way, we can obtainanalytical expressions for JðωÞ, which can be written as asum of Lorentzian SP contributions of the form

    JðωÞ ¼X∞





    γ=2ðω − ωl;σÞ2 þ ðγ=2Þ2

    ; ð2Þ

    where the index l can be linked to the multipolar order ofthe SP, σ to its even (þ1) or odd (−1) character, and γ is thedamping parameter in ϵðωÞ.




    FIG. 3. (a) JðωÞ at zE ¼ δ=2 and ωE ¼ ωPS versus δ normal-ized to the sum of the spectral density maxima for the spheresisolated. Inset: JðωÞ for the dimer (blue) and isolated particle(green) for δ ¼ 8 nm, R ¼ 120 nm. (b) Spectral density at thepseudomode versus zE=δ. Red solid line: JðωPSÞ normalized tothe sum of the two spheres isolated. Black dashed line: JðωPSÞnormalized to its value at zE ¼ δ=2. Inset: Same but versus theratio R2=R1 for zE ¼ δ=2. (c) nðtÞ for ωE ¼ ωPS and threezE values (μE ¼ 1.5 e nm).

    PRL 117, 107401 (2016) P HY S I CA L R EV I EW LE T T ER Sweek ending

    2 SEPTEMBER 2016


  • The SP resonant frequencies in Eq. (2) have the form

    ωl;σ ¼ωpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

    ϵ∞ þ ϵD ξlþσξl−σq ; ð3Þ

    with ξl ¼ ½ð3Rþδ− z0ÞðRþδ− z0Þ=ðR− z0ÞðRþ z0Þ&lþ12.

    Note that, for simplicity, we focus here in the caseR1;2 ¼ R, but general expressions can be found in theSM. Importantly, for large l, ξl ≫ 1, which enables us towrite ωPS ∼ ðωp=

    ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiϵ∞ þ ϵD

    pÞ. The spectral overlapping

    giving rise to the pseudomode always peaks at a frequencyslightly lower than the SP asymptotic frequency for a flatmetal surface.The coupling constants, gl;σ, in Eq. (2) are mathemati-

    cally involved functions of the geometric parameters of thecavity. However, without loss of generality, we can write

    g2l;σ ¼μ2EΔ3


    ΔzE þ R − z0

    #; ð4Þ

    where fð·Þ contains all the dependence on the emitterposition and Δ¼ðRþδ− z0Þð3Rþδ− z0Þ=ð2Rþδ− z0Þ

    gives the inverse volume scaling of JðωÞ anticipated inFig. 1. Equation (4) proves formally that the cavityperformance can be improved by reducing its overall size,as this increases the coupling strength for all SP modes.Let us remark that the analytical decomposition of JðωÞgiven by Eqs. (2)–(4) proves the suitability of TO for thedescription of quantum nano-optical phenomena. It pro-vides naturally a convenient and efficient quantization ofEM fields in lossy, complex nanocavities, a research area ofmuch theoretical activity lately [31,32].In the following, we test our analytical approach.

    Figure 4(a) plots JðωÞ for the case zE ¼ 0.3δ inFig. 3(c). Red dashed-dotted and black dashed lines plotexact TO and EM calculations, respectively. The spectrumobtained from Eq. (2) is rendered as the green solid line. Itreproduces JðωÞ satisfactorily except for a small red-shiftin the lowest frequency peak (with respect to the exact TOprediction). The various contributions to JðωÞ in Eq. (2) areplotted in blue dashed and solid orange lines in Fig. 3(a).These two sets correspond to even (σ ¼ þ1) and odd(σ ¼ −1) SP modes, respectively. Note that the former(latter) blue-shifts (red-shifts) towards ωPS for increasing l.These different trends originate from the ratioðξl þ σÞ=ðξl − σÞ in the denominator of Eq. (4), which isalways larger (smaller) than 1 for σ ¼ þ1 (σ ¼ −1). Theinsets of Fig. 4(a) depict induced surface charge densitymaps for the maxima corresponding to the two lowest oddSP contributions. Note that due to their antisymmetriccharacter, these are purely dark, dipole-inactive, modes inthe quasistatic limit.Figures 4(b)–(d) plot Eq. (4) for both SP symmetries as a

    function of the mode index l and evaluated at the three zE’sin Fig. 3(c). For QEs in close proximity to one of theparticles (zE ¼ 0.15δ), g2l;'1 are largest. The couplingstrength dependence on l is very similar for both modesymmetries and peaks at l≃ 12. This indicates that highmultipolar dark SPs are responsible for the main contri-butions to JðωÞ. At intermediate positions, zE ¼ 0.3δ,both coupling constants decrease, being the reductionmuch more pronounced in g2l;−1. Finally, g

    2l;−1 vanishes at

    the cavity center (zE ¼ 0.5δ), and the QE interacts onlywith even SPs having l ∼ 3. The bright character of theseplasmon resonances translates into an increase of radiativelosses, which worsens significantly the cavity performance.Figures 4(b)–(d) evidence that the remarkable (severalorders of magnitude) enhancement in JðωPSÞ shown inFig. 3(b) for zE away from the δ=2 is caused by twodifferent mechanisms. On the one hand, the emitterinteracts more strongly with even SPs (of increasingmultipolar order). On the other hand, it can couple to awhole new set of dark modes contributing to JðωÞ, thosewith odd symmetry, which are completely inaccessible forzE ¼ δ=2. It is the combination of these two effects whichmakes possible for one to realize plasmon-exciton strongcoupling in nanocavities with δ ∼ 5 − 10 nm.


    (b) (c) (d)

    FIG. 4. (a) Spectral density for zE ¼ 2.4 nm obtained throughnumerical (black dashed line), exact TO (red dotted-dashed line),and analytical TO (solid green line) calculations. The contribu-tion to JðωÞ due to even and odd modes are plotted in darkblue dotted and solid orange lines, respectively. Inset: surfacecharge map for the two lowest odd SPs. (b) Normalizedcoupling constant squared for even and odd modes versus lfor zE: 1.2 nm (b), 2.4 nm (c), and 4 nm (d).

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  • Finally, in order to prove the predictive value of ouranalytical method, we calculate the plasmon-exciton cou-pling strength for geometrical and material parametersmodeling the experimental samples in Ref. [20] (see SMfor details). Our approach predicts g0;þ1 ¼ 19 meV for thedipolar SP mode, and geffPS ¼ 120 meV for the pseudomode.The latter is in good agreement with the measured value:gexp ¼ 90 meV. This indicates that, in accordance withour theoretical findings, high order multipolar dark modesseem to play a relevant role in the QE-SP interactionstaking place in the nanocavity samples that lead to singlemolecule strong coupling.In conclusion, we have presented a transformation optics

    description of plasmon-exciton interactions in nanometricgap cavities. We have shown that it is the dark pseudomodethat builds up from the spectral overlapping of highfrequency plasmonic modes which governs the energyexchange between emitter and cavity field. The quasiana-lytical character of our approach allows for a thoroughexploration of these hybrid systems, revealing that thecoupling can be greatly enhanced when the emitter isdisplaced across the gap. We have obtained analyticalexpressions that prove that this increase of the spectraldensity in asymmetric positions is caused by not only even,but also odd modes. Finally, we have verified the predictivevalue of our analytical approach against recent experimen-tal data, which demonstrates its validity as a design tool fornanocavities sustaining plasmon-exciton-polaritons at thesingle emitter level.

    This work has been funded by the EU Seventh FrameworkProgramme under Grant Agreement No. FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG-630996, the European Research Council (ERC-2011-AdG Proposal No. 290981), and the SpanishMINECO under Contracts No. MAT2014-53432-C5-5-Rand No. FIS2015-64951-R. R.-Q. L. acknowledges fundingby the China Scholarship Council and thanks ProfessorJian-Chun Cheng for guidance and support.

    *a.fernandez‑[email protected][email protected]

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    2 SEPTEMBER 2016



  • Transformation Optics Approach to Plasmon-Exciton Strong Coupling in Nanocavities

    – Supplemental Material –

    Rui-Qi Li,1, 2 D. Hernangómez-Pérez,1 F. J. Garćıa-Vidal,1, 3 and A. I. Fernández-Domı́nguez1

    1Departamento de F́ısica Teórica de la Materia Condensada and Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC),Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid, Spain

    2Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics, MOE, Institute of Acoustics,Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, People’s Republic of China3Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), E-20018 Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain


    In order to study the [quantum] dynamical properties of single quantum emitters placed in nanometric size metalliccavities supporting localized surface plasmon-polariton (SP) modes we use transformation optics, a powerful andintuitive technique successfully applied in the field of nano-optics in recent years (see recent reviews in Refs. [1]-[2]).This theoretical approach will allow us to obtain insightful analytical expressions for the spectral density and spatialprofile of hybrid plasmon-exciton-polariton (PEP) modes in the quasi-static limit. As mentioned in the main text,we will assume that the electric and magnetic fields are decoupled, i.e. ∇r × E(r) = 0, since the dimer size is muchsmaller than the quantum emitter characteristic wavelength λE = 2πc/ωE. The present scheme provides as well anefficient computational framework valuable in the thorough numerical study of the quantum dynamical properties ofPEPs at the single emitter level in metallic cavities with non-trivial Gaussian curvature, taking also into account thelossy character of the SP excitations.To begin with, we consider the generalized inversion based on Ref. [3], noted as J , and defined by

    ϱ′ =R2T

    (z − z0)2 + ϱ2ϱ, (1a)

    z′ − z′0 = −R2T

    (z − z0)2 + ϱ2(z − z0). (1b)

    Here, the non-primed variables describe the original frame (with inversion point z0 = z0ẑ), the primed variablescorrespond to the transformed space (with inversion point z′0 = z

    ′0ẑ), and R

    2T is an arbitrary length scale. We also

    define ϱ = (x, y) so that r = (ϱ, z) (and similarly for the primed variables). Note the additional − sign in Eq. (1b)compared to the inversion transformation used in Refs. [4]-[5] which yields z′0 > 0 (we fix by construction z0 > 0).Being a member of the family of inversion transformations in three-dimensional Euclidean spaces, the mapping

    given by Equations (1a)-(1b) transforms the infinity in a given reference frame to the inversion point in the otherreference frame. It also maps a pair of metallic spheres, of radii R1 and R2 (see the left panel of Fig. I) into a systemof two concentric spheres centered at the origin of coordinates: an inner solid sphere, of radius R′1, and a hollow outersphere, of radius R′2 (see right panel of Fig. I). The gap between the spheres in the original frame, where the quantumemitter is located (i.e. R2 ≤ R2 + zE ≤ R2 + δ) is mapped within the annulus region between the transformedconcentric spheres at positions far away from the inversion point.For the transformation from the coordinate frame r → r′ = r′(r) = J r to preserve Maxwell’s equations (or, in

    the long wavelength limit used here, Laplace equation) the components of the dielectric permittivity tensor mustnecessarily verify the general relation [2]

    ϵ′α′,β′(r′,ω) =


    det Jr′∑


    (Jr′)α′,α(Jr′)β′,βϵα,β [r(r′),ω], (2)

    where (Jr′)α,α′ = ∂rα/∂r′α′ is the Jacobian matrix of the transformation. Note that Eq. (2) implies that, if in theoriginal coordinate system the metallic spheres and the dielectric medium are spatially homogeneous, the full systembecomes inhomogeneous in the transformed frame. Fortunately, this fact does not introduce additional complicationsin the scattering problem for the electrostatic potential Φ′(r′) = Φ[r′(r)] since application of the electromagnetic (EM)boundary conditions for the Laplace equation in each region of the transformed space trivially removes any spatiallydependent factor.

  • 2



    FIG. I: Sketch of the inversion transformation that maps an spherical dimer nanocavity (left) into a concentric annulus geometry(right), and vice versa. Note that the right panel shows a cross sectional view of the transformed geometry. The mapping alsomodifies the original permittivities, which acquire an spatial dependence in the annulus frame given by Eq. (2). The dipolesource modelling the emitter is also affected by the mapping, and its primed counterpart can be expressed in the form of Eq. (3).Importantly, the transformation does not alter the spectral characteristics of the original system.


    Our strategy to obtain the EM Green’s function G(r, r′,ω), which describes the EM properties of the full system(single emitter and plasmonic metallic dimer of radii Ri, with i ∈ {1, 2} and gap δ) is to take into account thatthe transformation given in Eqs. (1a)-(1b) is still an inversion. Then, it is well known (see Refs. [4], [5]) that theelectrostatic potential has to be forcefully written as Φ′(r′) = |r′ − z′0|Φ̃′(r′) where Φ̃′(r′) is solution of Laplaceequation in the new transformed space, ∆r′Φ̃′(r′) = 0. If the source is located on the ẑ axis and oriented towards thesame direction, µE = µEẑ, the physical system is rotationally invariant around that axis and we can express Φ̃′(r′)as a sum of harmonic modes having the ẑ projection of the angular momentum m = 0

    Φ̃′(r′) =+∞∑





    )l+ c2l




    ′,ϕ′) (3)

    with r = (r′, θ′,ϕ′) being the position vector expressed in spherical coordinates and Yl,0(θ′,ϕ′) the usual sphericalharmonics. From a practical point of view, the infinite series is made finite by imposing a cut-off value of theorbital angular momentum, l ∈ [0, lmax], taking into account the convergence properties of Laplace expansions.The electrostatic potential is now written as the combination of the source and scattered components, Φ̃′(r′) =Φ̃′s(r

    ′) + Φ̃′ sc(r′), and the unknown scattering coefficients in each region are obtained by means of the reflection

    matrix, R, once the dipolar source is expanded also in harmonic modes. The latter matrix relates the scatteringcoefficients to the source coefficients by means of the matrix relation csc = R cs where csc and cs are block columnvectors containing the coefficients of the harmonic expansion in Eq. (3).An essential step in our approach is thus to obtain the reflection matrix, defined as R := T−1S, where T and S

    are, respectively, the scattering and source matrices. The latter are built from the application of the EM boundaryconditions for the electric and displacement fields in the annulus frame. The scattering matrix can be written in blockform

    T =(T11 T12T21 T22

    ), (4)

    where each of the blocks Tij is a tridiagonal matrix of dimension (lmax + 1)× (lmax + 1). In addition, it can be easilychecked that for a source located in the gap, the S matrix is block diagonal, S = Sij δi,j , with matrix elements related

  • 3

    to the T matrix by means of the relation Sij = −Tij . The scattering matrix elements are given by

    T11(l, l′) = −δl,l′[(l + 1)r

    ′ 21 + l

    ]r′ l1

    + (2l′ + 1)r′ l′+11


    ′ + 1)δl,l′+1 +A−(l′ + 1)δl,l′−1

    ], (5a)

    T12(l, l′) = δl,l′{

    r′ 21 − 1

    ϵ̃(ω)− 1 −[(l + 1)r

    ′ 21 + l


    }r′ −(l+1)1

    + eα(ω)(2l′ + 1)r′ −l′1


    ′ + 1)δl,l′+1 +A−(l′ + 1)δl,l′−1

    ], (5b)

    T21(l, l′) = δl,l′{

    r′ 22 − 1

    ϵ̃(ω)− 1 −[lr

    ′ 22 + (l + 1)


    }r′ l2

    − eα(ω)(2l′ + 1)r′ l′+12


    ′ + 1)δl,l′+1 +A−(l′ + 1)δl,l′−1

    ], (5c)

    T22(l, l′) = δl,l′[l r

    ′ 22 + (l + 1)

    ]r′ −(l+1)2

    − (2l′ + 1)r′ −l′2


    ′ + 1)δl,l′+1 +A−(l′ + 1)δl,l′−1

    ]. (5d)

    together with the auxiliary functions

    A+(l) =

    √(l + 1)2

    (2l + 1)(2l + 3), (6a)

    A−(l) =


    (2l − 1)(2l + 1) . (6b)

    Note that we have defined the reduced permittivity ϵ̃(ω) := ϵ(ω)/ϵD in Eqs. (5a)-(5d). This corresponds to the ratiobetween the permittivity of the metallic spheres, ϵ(ω), and the permittivity of the dielectric medium in which theyare embedded, ϵD. As mentioned in the main text, the EM response of the metal is described by means of a localDrude response function

    ϵ(ω) = ϵ∞ −ω2p

    ω(ω + iγ), (7)

    where ε∞ is the high-frequency offset, ωp the plasma frequency of the electron gas and Ohmic losses are taken intoaccount through the Drude damping parameter γ (we consider silver nanospheres with ϵ∞ = 4.6, ωp = 9 eV andγ = 0.1 eV, see Ref. [9]). From the reduced permittivity, we also define the function

    eα(ω) :=ϵ̃(ω) + 1

    ϵ̃(ω)− 1 . (8)

    For practical purposes, it also convenient to express the reduced radii r′i = R′i/z

    ′0 for i ∈ {1, 2} in terms of variables

    which are defined in the original frame only. After some algebra using Eqs. (1a)-(1b) we get

    r′1 =1− ∆̃11 + ∆̃1

    , (9a)

    r′2 =1 + ∆̃2

    1 + ∆̃1, (9b)


    ∆̃1 :=δ + d

    2R1 + δ + d, (10a)

    ∆̃2 :=δ


    δ + d

    2R2 − d, (10b)

  • 4

    Here d = R2 − z0, and the inversion point, z0, is related to geometrical parameters of the spherical dimer by therelation

    z0 =(R1 +R2 + δ)2 +R22 −R21 −

    √δ(δ + 2R1)(δ + 2R2)(2R1 + 2R2 + δ)

    2(R1 +R2 + δ). (11)

    Finally, knowledge of the scattering coefficients allows us to write the scattered electrostatic potential in the quasi-static limit and, as a consequence, the scattered electric field Esc(r) = ∇rΦsc(r) = ∇rΦ

    ′ sc[r′(r)] and the correspondingEM Green’s function, Gsc(r, rE,ω) defined by the general relation [6]

    Esc(r) =1



    )2Gsc(r, rE,ω)µE, (12)

    with rE = (R2 + zE)︸ ︷︷ ︸rE

    ẑ being the position of the quantum emitter measured from the origin of coordinates (center of

    the sphere with radius R2 in the left panel of Fig. I).


    We now present a succinct derivation of Eqs. (2)-(4) presented in the main text. The spectral density of theplasmonic gap cavity coupled to the exciton can be computed from the expression of the scattered EM Green’sfunction evaluated at the position of quantum emitter, Gsc(rE, rE,ω) as

    J(ω) =Γ0(ω)

    [1 +


    ωImGsczz(rE, rE,ω)

    ], (13)

    where Γ0(ω) is the spontaneous emission rate in vacuum at frequency ω. Going back to Eq. (12) and recalling thatµE = µEẑ we easily see that the crucial step in the analytical calculation of the spectral density is the evaluation ofthe imaginary part of the ẑ component of the scattered electric field. In the original frame, this component is formallyexpressed as

    Escz (r) =∑




    E′ scα′ (r


    , (14)

    where Jr has matrix elements (Jr)α′,α = ∂r′α′/∂rα and Or′ is the matrix

    Or′ :=













    ⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟⎠, (15)

    which still has to be transformed back to the original coordinate frame by using the inverse transformation, J . Herewe remind that r′ = (ϱ′, z′), ϱ′ =

    √x′2 + y′2 and r′ =

    √ϱ′2 + z′2.

    To obtain physical insight, it very is natural to consider a small gap approximation for which δ ≪ R1, R2. This isobviously a limiting case but it allows to capture very well the strong coupling physics in the near and extreme nearfield regime. Under the assumption of small gap-to-radius ratio, it can be shown that the diagonal matrix elementsbelonging to the blocks Tij (with i ̸= j and i, j ∈ {1, 2}) present vanishing terms since r

    ′ 2i − 1 → 0 (note that this

    actually takes place in the transformed frame). As a consequence, the R matrix can be proved to present diagonalblocks with matrix elements

    Rij(l, l′) ≃

    ⎣δi,j − (1− δi,j) eα(ω)[1 + (i− j)∆̃i

    1 + ∆̃1


    ⎦ fl

    (1 + ∆̃2

    1− ∆̃1,ω

    )δl,l′ , (16)


    fl(r,ω) :=1

    e2α(ω)r2l+1 − 1. (17)

  • 5

    When the relevant energies associated to the exciton are close to those of the localized surface plasmon-polaritonresonances and γ ≪ ω, we can work in the so-called high-quality resonator limit [7] which allows us to express thespectral density as a sum of Lorentzian modes J(ω) ≃


    ∑σ=±1 Jl,σ(ω) with

    Jl,σ(ω) =g2l,σπ


    (ω − ωl,σ)2 + (γ/2)2, (18)

    similar to the case of the planar metal surface [8] and the single sphere [9]. In the same way, all the surface plasmon-polariton resonances of the nanocavity show the same spectral width controlled by the Drude losses only. The localizedsurface plasmon-polariton resonant energies depend crucially on the geometrical parameters of the nanostructure, thehigh-frequency offset and the dielectric background properties, having the following simple functional form

    ωl,σ =ωp√

    ϵ∞ + Ωl,σϵD, (19)


    Ωl,σ =

    (1 + ∆̃2

    1− ∆̃1

    ) 2l+12

    + σ

    (1 + ∆̃2

    1− ∆̃1

    ) 2l+12

    − σ

    . (20)

    Importantly, the analytical results show that the exciton placed at the plasmonic gap cavity can be coupled to twodifferent mode families: symmetric modes with resonant energies lower than the pseudo-mode energy, ωl,+ ! ωPS,and antisymmetric modes with resonant energies larger than the pseudo-mode energy, ωl,− " ωPS [see Fig. 4(a) inthe main text]. Furthermore, it can be observed straightforwardly that since r12 := (1+ ∆̃2)/(1− ∆̃1) > 1, Ω∞,σ → 1for both symmetric and antisymmetric families. The convergence towards this value is very fast since the functionΩl,σ has a power law dependence on the orbital angular momentum l. In this limit, all the resonances are localizedat the surface plasmon-polariton asymptotic frequency characteristic of the Drude metal

    ω∞,± =ωp√

    ϵ∞ + ϵD, (21)

    the latter being roughly equal to the pseudomode frequency ωPS ! ω∞ for very small gaps.The coherent coupling factors g2l,σ = g

    2l,σ(µE, zE , R1, R2, δ) between the exciton and the localized surface plasmon-

    polaritons can be expressed in compact form as

    g2l,σ =µ2Eωp



    )3 σ2


    1− ζ η+l,σχl(−ζ)χl+1(ζ)

    [1 + Cl,σ(ζ, ∆̃1, ∆̃2)

    ], (22)


    Cl,σ(ζ, ∆̃1, ∆̃2) :=1



    [(1− ∆̃11 + ∆̃1

    )−(2l+1)|1− ζ|2l+1 χl(−ζ)


    (1 + ∆̃2

    1 + ∆̃1

    )2l+1|1− ζ|−(2l+1)χl+1(ζ)


    ]. (23)

    Here, we have defined the reduced parameters

    χl(ζ) := 1 +lζ

    1− ζ , (24a)

    ζ :=∆

    rE − z0, (24b)

    η±l,σ :=

    (1± 1)(1 + ∆̃2

    1− ∆̃1

    ) 2l+12

    − σ(1∓ 1)

    ⎣(1 + ∆̃2

    1− ∆̃1

    ) 2l+12

    − σ

    ⎦2 , (24c)

  • 6

    1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.01010





    lambda (nm)1240 827 620 496 414


    ) (s-

    1 )

    Z (eV)0 5 10 15 20 25










    g (u




    mode index l

    hg (meV


    20 nm

    0.9 nm


    HAu(Z)0.45 nm

    TO analytics

    TO exact(a)


    FIG. II: (a) TO exact (red dashed-dotted line) and analytical (green solid line) spectral density for the geometry modellingthe experimental samples in Ref. 10 [see inset of panel (a)]. Dark blue dashed lines plot the 5 lowest terms in the Lorentziandecomposition of the analytical J(ω). (b) Coupling constants for the various even (dark blue) and odd (orange) SP modescontributing to the spectral density in panel(a). As expected (see main text), the contribution due to odd modes is negligible.

    and introduced the length governing the volume scaling of the spectral density

    ∆ :=2(δ + d)

    1 + ∆̃1. (25)

    The structure of the coherent coupling factors given in Eq. (22) admits the following interpretation. The first partis associated with the diagonal blocks of the reflection matrix, Rijδij . As such, we can interpret this term as beingthe contribution to the scattered field from the two independent spheres. The term Cl,σ(ζ, ∆̃1, ∆̃2) is a consequenceof the non-trivial off-diagonal blocks in the reflection matrix, Rij(1− δij). Therefore, it describes a cooperative effectbetween the two nanospheres due to the presence of the quantum emitter, which manifests in the spectral density.To support this interpretation, we note that both contributions have necessarily to vanish for l → +∞, η±∞,σ → 0(essentially, for convergence reasons). However, the − term, η−l→+∞,σ ∼ r

    −l12 , vanishes much faster than the + term,

    η+l→+∞,σ ∼ 2r−l/212 . Since for higher orbital angular momenta only the strongly localized SPs survive, the contribution

    due to Cl,σ(ζ, ∆̃1, ∆̃2) has to represent the plasmonic hybridization across the gap of the nanocavity.


    In this section, we apply our TO approach for the calculation of the exciton-plasmon coupling strength correspondingto the different SP modes supported for the experimental sample in Ref. 10. Mimicking the experimental conditions,we consider a sphere with R2 = 20 nm separated from a flat surface (R1 ≫ R2) by a δ = 0.9 nm gap. The backgroundpermittivity is set to ϵD = 1.96, and the gold permittivity is described through a Drude model with ϵ∞ = 9.7,ωp = 8.91 eV and γ = 0.08 eV (parameters taken from Ref. [11]). The QE, placed at the gap center, is modelledthrough a dipole source with µE = 3.8 D = 0.079 e · nm. Note that µ2E/R32, zE/δ and δ/R2 (all magnitudes that playa key role in J(ω), see main text) are very similar to those considered in Figure 4(d).Figure II(a) plots the spectral density for the system above, obtained from both exact (red dashed-dotted line) and

    analytical (green solid line) TO calculations. The 5 lowest terms in the Lorentzian decomposition of the latter are alsoshown in dark blue dashed lines. Note that these correspond to even modes (due to the central position of the emitter,the contribution of odd SPs to J(ω) is negligible, see main text). The exact TO spectrum overlaps with J(ω) obtainedfrom full EM simulations (not shown here). This is due to the fact that, contrary to the cavity considered in Figure 4of the main text, the quasi-static approximation is very accurate for the experimental (nanometric-sized) geometryin Ref. [10]. The spectral density presents a dipolar SP maximum at 1.85 eV (670 nm), in very good agreement withexperiments, 665 nm. Our calculations yield a Purcell factor equal to 4.3 · 106 for this SP resonance, a value which isalso in accordance with measurements (3.5 ·106). As discussed in the main text, the small gap approximation inherentto our analytical TO approach, leads to red-shifted spectral density maxima at low frequencies. Thus, the analyticaldipole SP peak in Figure II(a) emerges at 1.5 eV (827 nm), and the corresponding Purcell enhancement is 3 · 106.

  • 7

    Figure II(b) renders the coupling constants, gl,σ, versus mode index l, for the different SP modes contributing tothe spectra in panel (a). Even and odd modes are rendered in dark blue and orange dots, respectively. As anticipated,the coupling strength for odd SPs is negligible. Note that the coupling constants are obtained for the analytical J(ω).For the lowest, dipolar, SP mode, we obtain g0,+1 = 19 meV. A Lorentzian fitting to the corresponding maxima forexact calculations yields gfitdip = 36 meV. The difference between these two theoretical results (∼ 20 meV) originatesfrom the inherent inaccuracy of the analytical approximation for the lowest SP modes [see for instance Fig. 4 (a) inthe main text or Fig. II (a) in this document]. The theoretical value is still in discrepancy with the measured one,gexp = 90 meV. In the following, we explore if we can gain insight into this deviation of our predictions from theexperimental results.Our theoretical findings (see main text) indicate that dark, higher multipolar SP modes play a key role in plasmon-

    exciton coupling in gap nanocavities. We can estimate the coupling strength corresponding to the pseudomodeapparent in Figure II(a) at 2.65 eV (470 nm). Exploiting that it results from the spectral overlapping of multiple SPs,we can write [9]

    geffPS =



    σ=±1g2l,σ =



    g2l,+1, (26)

    where we have dropped the vanishing contribution due to odd SPs, and we have excluded the dipole (l = 0) andquadrupole (l = 1) modes, as they give rise to clearly discernible peaks in J(ω). Equation (26) yields geffPS = 120 meV,a prediction very similar to the result obtained from the Lorentzian fitting to the pseoudomode, gfitPS = 122 meV. Thesetwo values are in much better agreement with experiments, as the discrepancy with respect to gexp has been reducedby a factor of 2. This is a remarkable result, given that our theoretical approach omits experimental aspects such asthe impact of inter-band transitions in gold permittivity, the inhomogeneous character of the background dielectricconstant, the presence of surface roughness in the nanocavity boundaries, or the uncertainty in the QE position withinthe gap. We believe that our findings do not only prove the predictive value of our TO-inspired theory, but they alsoindicate that multipolar SPs (of order higher than dipolar modes) may also have a relevant contribution to the singlemolecule plasmon-exciton strong coupling reported in Ref. [10].

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