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frost.com Transformational Health Program Disruptions, Transformations & Innovations Impacting the Industry
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Transformational Health Program Disruptions, Transformations & Innovations Impacting the Industry

Page 2: Transformational Health Program - Frost & Sullivan › files › 1814 › 7973 › 5535 › ...Transformational Health program, which focuses on providing answers to the difficult


Healthcare, the world’s largest industry, is more than three times the size and value of the financial services sector, and is transforming faster than ever before. The focus on outcomes-based medicine and optimal population health management will have far reaching impact and result in major seismic shifts throughout the healthcare industry.

Across the globe, modernization and reform measures are being employed by public and private sector organizations to meet the growing need for healthcare. New technologies are being created that offer enormous promise to improve care delivery across the entire healthcare continuum, but will it be enough?

FrosT & sullivan’s TransFormaTional HealTH Program

Frost & Sullivan closely follows the Healthcare industry and its many segments and niches. With so many questions on everyone’s minds about the current state of healthcare and, more important, where the industry is going in the future, we have formed the Transformational Health program, which focuses on providing answers to the difficult questions you may be asking.

CHanges in THe ConTinuum oF Care

Healthcare delivery is evolving throughout the continuum of care, creating both new opportunities and challenges. Patients will increasingly receive and interact with health and wellness professionals in a mix of traditional care and virtual care models. With this change, providers, payers and vendors must overcome the data and information challenges by leveraging progressive improvements in health information technology to form the backbone of collaborative and unified patient care across all environments and points of experience in the patient journey.


PreventionHealthy Living


Chronic DiseaseManagement


HospicePrimary Care


In-person Health Solutions

Connected Health Solutions

Acute CareLong-term


Screening &Diagnostic Tests

Home Health

Source: Frost & Sullivan

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a more engaged HealTHCare Consumer

Consumers’ engagement in their health is also beginning to change and will be critical to healthcare’s succes in the future. In this evolution towards patient centric care, a focus on engaging the patient early via prevention and wellness, versus treating conditions or disease states after they have progressed, is a critical goal for providers.






Much worse

Somewhat worse

About the same

Somewhat better

Much better





Don’t know

Not at all worried

Not very worried

Somewhat worried

Very worried




Don’t know

Not at all engaged

Not very engaged

Somewhat engaged

Very engaged


Source: Frost & Sullivan

In a 2015 Frost & Sullivan US consumer survey, 57% of consumers consider

their health status to be about the same compared to one year ago. When asked

about how concerned they are about their health, most are not worried (57%) while 42% are somewhat or very worried. Only one out of five (20%) consumers feel very engaged in their healthcare today, leaving a

long road still to travel.

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Critical Trends for Healthcare Transformation

digiTal HealTH

Digital health leverages information technology to enable and deliver care across different settings in the care continuum to provide a digitized and connected world. It is a market centric to the convergence between healthcare and the information communication technology space.

HealTH daTa sCienCe

Robust analytics and insights from the structured and unstructured data sets currently expanding from patients, populations, life sciences, med tech, payers and other sources, can enable the solving of some of the most critical issues in the marketplace.

Business models & serviCes

Diminishing returns on investments made towards strategies for technical innovation, are putting pressure on healthcare companies to achieve growth objectives through radically evolving their business model.

FuTure oF indusTries & ouTlooks

Assessing a spectrum of market influencers, analysis captures likely near and long term competitive and market forecast scenarios. Comprehensive analysis provides insights into potential risks and opportunities resulting from expected changes.

emerging markeTs

Today geographical expansion goes beyond BRIC countries. Potential new opportunities lie within markets such as Mexico, Vietnam, Indonesia, S Africa, Nigeria, Middle East, and even Pakistan and Bangladesh.

From HosPiTal To Home

Transitioning care delivery towards a model more focused on efficiency and effectiveness requires optimization of clinical workflows and decentralizing site of care. Reconciling population health management with individualized care can only occur through investment in new tools and infrastructure.

mediCal TeCHnology disruPTors

Many acute and chronic conditions today have few treatment options beyond marginally mitigating disease progression and/or discomfort resulting from symptoms. Significant advances being made in biomedical engineering and medical research, are enabling a new generation of medical tools and technologies.

PreCision mediCine

Precision medicine is a paradigm shift from broad therapies to targeted therapies and will transform clinical practice and treatment outcomes. Better understanding of disease heterogeneity and identification of novel targets will expand its application beyond oncology.

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WHere do We go From Here?

The realities of shifting market paradigms make this a critical time for market participants to identify their key partners (both internal and external to the industry) in positioning their customer solutions. Customer needs in the new healthcare ecosystem do not necessarily align with the services, products and solutions developed by the traditional care market. Therefore, companies may need to go beyond their core competencies to capture the best returns.

The traditional model of care delivery and compensation is no longer effective in incentivizing efficient care administration. Many new models are currently in the early pilot phases, making it difficult for developers to structure their businesses appropriately moving forward. As such, it is important to re-evaluate alternative approaches to gain a foothold in the changing marketplace.

HoW FrosT & sullivan Can assisT you

At Frost & Sullivan, we help your organization generate opportunities for growth, evaluate optimal growth strategies and implement them with our best-in-class analyst team. For more than 50 years, we have worked with clients across 14 industries in over 40 countries to provide continuous market monitoring that helps CEOs make strategic decisions and implement them successfully.

Our Healthcare Practice serves all key industry stakeholders, including healthcare providers, payers, suppliers and governments

through partnership models that provide access to high quality content and our global team of industry analysts and models.

The Practice focuses on the role of technology in healthcare and how it will potentially evolve to cover the entire spectrum of care from birth to end-of-life. This focus includes:

• Visionary Health• Life Sciences• Advanced Medical Technologies• Connected Health

Inform Engage Act

• Market forecasts• Competitive landscape

assessments• Market trends• Technology Profiles

• Webinars• Private briefings• On-site market deep dives• Social media• Custom Service Deliverables

• Prioritization Workshops• War Gaming scenarios• Disruptive threat

assessments• Convergence opportunities• Partner, Acquire, Track

Competitive Landscape Assessments

our TransFormaTional HealTH ConTenT Covers THese CriTiCal issues

• Innovating business models that promise sustainable revenue streams• Designing integrated data platforms that empower consumers• Developing strategic partnerships that bring novel products and services to the market• Establishing industry best practices• Identifying emerging markets opportunities

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groWTH ParTnersHiP serviCes

The challenges facing the healthcare industry require a partner with demonstrated competency assisting business leaders by helping them address the internal and external challenges to growth.

analysT inquiry Hours

These hours are used for speaking with analysts to clarify any aspects of the research you encounter in the course of this program. We provide 24/7 support across the globe. The analysts can help you dig deeper and answer the difficult “so what” questions.

analysT ConsulTing Hours

Consulting hours provide direct access to our analysts and consultants to brainstorm trends, analyze implications and discuss specific growth strategies and objectives.

virTual ClienT BrieFings

A 30 to 60-minute personalized presentation on a selected topic that is specific to the threats and opportunities faced by your company. The presentation is followed by a 30-minute live, confidential and engaging Q&A session.


Brand & demand soluTions

Awareness LoyaltyPurchaseConsideration EvaluationCredibility

Our brand reputation, built upon more than 50 years of market research coverage in 44 countries, our key alliance partners, our expert positioning, plus our ability to provide over two dozen unique marketing channels enables us to help you overcome your top marketing challenges in a single integrated solution. A Frost & Sullivan Integrated Marketing Solution is a blueprint tailored to help you attract, engage and convert prospects into customers at an accelerated rate. Delivering the right message to the right audience, even often before they interact with you, a customized Frost & Sullivan Marketing Solution leverages two dozen unique channels from white papers and video white papers to customized events, in one single, integrated solution.

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groWTH ConsulTing

Growth Consulting services encompass customized, bespoke research, business strategy and organizational development initiatives. Growth Consulting provides uniquely powerful and practical solutions to help companies successfully address their growth challenges. These services are tailor-made.

Growth Pipeline

Opportinity E







& O




Planning &

Implementation Go-to-Market S




Determination ofopportunity universe/


Optimizationof Strategies &Implementation

Implementation of specific plans

with milestones, targets, owners,


Deep analysisof prioritizedopportunities

Translation ofstrategic alternative

into a cogentstrategy

Understanding the universe of opportunities, and prioritizing them by size, fit, risk, and other factors is a required starting point for any growth project.

But taking action on the opportunities is significantly more complex, requiring organizational alignment, a cohesive strategy, and ownership for the plan.

Pivot Point:Turning insights into action





An evolving healthcare market requires a partner with demonstrated competency in helping leaders like you address the internal and external challenges to growth. Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Consulting Model provides specific tools and expertise to support clients through all five phases of the growth cycle: From developing a pipeline of growth opportunities to evaluating and prioritizing those opportunities to formulating and implementing go-to-market strategies to ongoing monitoring.

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Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Consulting Company, partners with clients to accelerate their growth. The company’s Growth Partnership Services, Growth Consulting and Career Best Practices empower clients to create a growth-focused culture that generates, evaluates and implements effective growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan employs more than 50 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from more than 40 offices on six continents. For more information about Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Partnerships.

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