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Transforming a Business Through Analytics

Date post: 29-Jan-2018
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Srinath Perera VP Research, WSO2 [email protected] Transforming a Business Through Analytics

Srinath Perera

VP Research, WSO2

[email protected]

Transforming a Business Through Analytics


Day in Your Life

–Buzz Aldrin

“You promised me Mars

Colonies, but we got Facebook


Uber• A company worth XX • A taxi company that does not have cars or drivers

A Taxi company

without cars or drivers 4

Digital Organizations

• Organizations that uses Digital technologies to fundamentally rethink how they work

• Organizations that change the bottom line and leap us to the future the way industrial revolution did

• Most of us in our age dress better, eat better, live longer, compared to King’s in 18th century


If you collect data about your business, and feed it to a Big Data system, you will find useful insights that will provide competitive

advantage – (e.g. Analysis of data sets can find new correlations to "spot business trends,

prevent diseases, combat crime and so on”. [Wikipedia])

Question the Data

• Analytics let you question the data

• How many, history, trend

• They let you match the reality with your belief of how the world works


KPIs and their Role

• KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are numbers that can give you an idea about performance of something

• Examples - Countries have them ( GDP, Per Capita Income, HDI index etc) , Company Revenue , Lifetime value of a customer , Revenue per Square foot ( in retail industry)

• Often one indicator tells half the story, and you need several that cover different angles


What is a Dashboard?

• Think a car dashboard • It give you idea about

overall system in a glance

• It is boring when all is good, and grab attention when something is wrong

• Support for drill down and find root cause

Example: Big Data for Development

• Done using CDR data • People density noon vs. midnight

(red => increased, blue => decreased)

From: http://lirneasia.net/2014/08/what-does-big-data-say-about-sri-lanka/

Beyond Simple Analytics


Picture by Dan Ruscoe (CC) https://www.flickr.com/photos/druscoe/8031488298

Realtime Intelligent

Real-time: Value of some Insights degrade Fast!

1. Stock Markets 2. Fraud 3. Surveillance 4. Patient Monitoring 5. Traffic


Boyd's key concept was OODA loop.

According to this idea, the key to victory is to be able to create situations wherein one can make

appropriate decisions more quickly than one's opponent.


Real Time Analytics with Complex Event Processing


Case Study: People Tracking with BLE


• Traffic Monitoring

• Smart retail • Airport


Track people through • BLE via triangulation • Higher level logic via


"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has

been." - Wayne Gretzky

(Called "the greatest hockey player ever”

He is the leading scorer in NHL history)


Predictive Analytics


Machine learning • Given examples build a

program that matches those examples

• We call that program a “model”

• Major improvements in last few years (e.g. deeplearning)

Can you “Write a program to drive a Car?”


Case Study: Predict Wait Time in the Airport

• Predicting the time to go through airport using location data

• Real-time updates and events to passengers via the App


• Logistics, day to day operations

• Supply Chain Analytics

• Demand prediction


Get Close to your Customers• Use analytics to

optimize the experience • Predict issues and

proactively handle them ( e.g. reschedule automatically when flight has missed)

• Predict churn and act • Track the brand and

manage it • Target your marketing

New Digital inspired Products and Revenue


• New way to do business (e.g. Uber, Amazon Go)

• Product as a Service (e.g. IoT Jack hammer, Light as a service)

• Progressive Insurance Gadget • Sell insights ( Telcos knows

where people are, credit card companies know what people buy and their demographics, navigation apps know traffic)

HR, Performance, Learning

• Hiring

• Skill registries, Finding right person for the job

• Perfomance Appraisal

• Post mortem, learn from past incidents

• See patterns for improvement


Data Driven Organizations• Goals defined as well balanced


• The First KPI should measure the output (e.g. processed claims count)

• the second KPI should measure the quality (e.g. mistakes occurred).

• Monitor and manage KPIs

• Many Experiments, KPIs for decisions, and keep what works


Making this real

Conceptual Architecture

• APIs play a key role in data collection

• Need to respond to events as fast as possible

• Incremental Analysis is key

Anomalies, Alerts, Drill Down, Decisions


Can we not do it?

• No, because whoever does that have decisive advantage

• It is like gun power was more risky ( it can get wet, can be blown, you can run out), yet you need it


Analytics does not replace Thinking and Common Sense

How to do it? Small Wins• Start Small

• Find pain points, and use technologies to fix them ( problem: vehicle fleet cost is too much, track the fleet usage stats)

• Improve iteratively, go all the way until you make a real difference

• Keep your eyes on the goal, not on shiny technology

