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Transforming Textile Printing - Welcome to InfoTrends Inc

Date post: 03-Feb-2022
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Production Printing & Media Transforming Textile Printing Determine outlook for analog to digital transition Gauge demand for digital textile production in different segments Identify barriers A Questex Company Listen Now
Page 1: Transforming Textile Printing - Welcome to InfoTrends Inc

Production Printing & Media

Transforming Textile Printing

• Determineout lookforanalogtodigita l t rans i t ion

• Gaugedemandfordigita l text i le product ion indifferentsegments

• Ident i fy barr iers

A Questex Company

Listen Now

Page 2: Transforming Textile Printing - Welcome to InfoTrends Inc

IntroductionThepotent ia l for d ig italprintingtoinfluencethe$165

bi l l ionpr intedtext i le markethas longbeenpromised,

yet less than1%ofpr intedtext i les aredigita l ly pr inted


InfoTrendsbel ievesthet imehasf inal ly comefordigita l

technologiestos ignif icantly inf luencethismarketandis


Digita l pr int inghasbrokenthroughfromtheproof ing

andprototypingmarketand is nowviableforshort-run

product ion. Thedominantproduct ionprocessestoday

areanalogf latbedandrotaryscreenpresses. Work

current ly producedonf latbedscreentext i le presses is

nowwel l withinthecapabi l i t ies of the latest

generat ionofdigita l text i le pr inters .

Demandsfromcl ientsarea lsochanging,andthe

combinat ionofnewdemandsandthetechnologiesto

meetthemwi l l t ransformthemarket. Understanding

thattransformation is crucia l tobeingabletoprof i t

f romit . Webel ieveexamplesfromadjacentpr int ing

marketssuchasV istaPr int andMimeo incommercia l

pr int ing, Bui ld-a-S ign ins ignageand Ingraminbooks

showthepotent ia l of d ig i ta l pr int ingtodisrupt

th is market.

T r a n s f o r m i n g T e x t i l e P r i n t i n g

Major Factors Driving Change in

the Global Textile Printing Market

Supply Chain Requirements

• Reducedcyc lest ime–speedtomarket

• E l iminat ionofexcess inventory/control of

cashf low

• Greatercustomizat ion–better standoutand

appeal todemandfor indiv idual i ty


• Consistency&accuracy inglobal sourc ing

• Hownewpr int ingtechnologiescandisrupt

establ ishedsupplychains

• On-demandproduct ionrequiresmoving pr int ingc losertopointofneed

Buyer Demands

• Faster cyc let imes– increasespeedtomarket

• Better “standout”throughpersonal izat ionand

customizat ion

• Improvedv is ib i l i ty andaccuracyfromdesignto

del iverythroughworkf lowmanagementsoftware

• Reduced inventoryand improvedcashf lowby

us ingshort runpr int-on-demand

Page 3: Transforming Textile Printing - Welcome to InfoTrends Inc

Advances in Printing Technologies

• Developments in inksforwiderrangeof

fabr ics andappl icat ions

• Faster andmorere l iable jett ingextends

appl icat ionsfordigi ta l pr int ing

• Workf lowmanagementsoftwares impl i f ies

or ig inat ion, approval andproduct ion

New players/print service provider evolution

• Newtechnologiesandbusinessmodels

creater iskandopportunity

• Entrepreneur ia l f i rmscandevelopcompel l ing

offer ingsus ingnewmodels

• Graphicspr int ingf i rmshavetransferable

d ig i ta l sk i l l s

• Text i le pr int ingf i rmshavesector-specif ic

expert ise

• UnderstandSWOTanddevelopappropr iate


PSPsarepr imedfortext i les . Arecentsurveywith

FESPAshows38%ofPSPsareexpect ingtodivers i fy

into inter iors and29%intofabr ic /garmentpr int ing.

Project ObjectivesThis studywi l l provide ins ight intothesupport your

customersrequire inthis channel andprovide

strategicsupport regardinghowtomoveforward

with in i t iat ives inthetext i le space.

• Determineout lookforanalogtodigita l

t rans i t ion inthetext i le pr int ingmarket

• Gaugeout lookfordemandfordigita l text i le

product ion indifferentfabr ic segments ( fabr icsfor garments, inter iors , industr ia l text i les )

• Ident i fy adopt ionbarr iers andpainpoints in

currentprocessesandval idateenabl ing

technologiestohelpsubscr iberscompete

moreeffect ive ly

• Provide ins ightaboutthesupport endusers

require, providestrategicsupport andgo-to-

marketrecommendat ions

Global Research Initiative

Theresearchforthis landmarkstudywi l l havea


Market ResearchInfoTrendswil l conductextensiveprimaryandsecond-

aryresearch inkey industr iesandregions. Thea imof

this research is tounderstanddeeplywhatthebusi-

ness issuesdifferentstakeholderswithinthesupply

chainhavewiththeproduct ionofpr intedtext i les and

whattheywould l iketoaddresstheir unmetneeds. I t

wi l l a lso invest igatetheir currentawarenessofdigi ta l

text i le pr int product ion inregardtomeet ingtheir

requirements inc ludingqual i ty, product iv i ty, economics

andsusta inabi l i ty. The interv ieweeswi l l bese lectedto

ensureasbroadanddeepcoverageasposs ib lecover ing

themost importantgeographiesandtypeands izeof

businessaswel l astheful l -breadthofthesupplychain.

Primary Research

In-depth Interviews

InfoTrendswi l l conduct50 in-depth interv iewsus ing

astructured interv iewguidewithamixofopenand

c losedquest ions. These interv iewsareamixofon-s i te

v is i ts andbyte lephone.Therangeofsurveyrespon-

dentswi l l bebased inEurope,MiddleEast andAfr ica,

NorthAmerica, andAsia-Pacif ic regions.

Page 4: Transforming Textile Printing - Welcome to InfoTrends Inc

Cl ientswi l l receiveacombinat ionofreport , presenta-

t ionmater ia l , andresearchdataforseniormanage-

ment, productmanagersandplanners, andsalesand

market ingexecut ives.

Themater ia l wi l l inc lude:

• Execut iveSummarywithkeyf indings, and

recommendat ions

• Detai ledwrittenreport withtext , charts , and


• Markets iz ingandf iveyearforecast 2011-2016

- Hardware

- Ink

- Retai l va lue

• Technologysuppl ier anddemanddr iver prof i les

• Regional /countryprof i les detai l ingnumberof

organizat ions, productsandmarkets

Project Timeline

June/July: Developinterviewguides

Ongoing: In-depthinterviews,deskresearch


October:Marketanalys is andforecast

November: Distributefinaldeliverables

Breakdown of Interviewees by Supply Chain Position

Fabric & Design Specifers

(2/3of Interv iewees)


(1/3of Interv iewees)

Fashionhouses Clothweavers

Fabr ic des igners Hardware&Software vendors

Retai lers Inkmanufacturers

Wholesalers /d istr ibutors Pr inters

Secondary Research

InfoTrendswi l l leveragepreviously-publ ishedresearch

i t hasconductedaspart of i ts ongoinganalys is of the

text i le market.

InfoTrendswi l l a lsothoroughlyexamineotherex ist ing

market information inc luding industrytradeassociat ions,

governmentagencies, publ ished industryreports , t rade

art ic les, industrydatabases, companywebsites, and


Analysis & Project Deliverables

InfoTrendswi l l conductextens iveanalys is of the

deskresearchand in-depth interv iewstodevelopa

comprehensiveunderstandingoftheopportunit ies

and issuesfordigi ta l text i le pr int ing.

Page 5: Transforming Textile Printing - Welcome to InfoTrends Inc

Terms and ConditionsLiability for Advice

InfoTrends is not l iableforanyact ionstakenbythe

c l ient inconnect ionwiththe information,opinions,

or advicea l locatedwiththis study.


InfoTrendsreta insa l l copyr ights. Thereproduct ionof

anymater ia ls i s prohibitedwithoutwrittenconsent



InfoTrendswi l l use i ts best efforts toensurethatany

conf ident ia l informationobtainedaboutthec l ient

and i ts bus inessdur ingthecourseoftheproposed

study is not, unlessagreedotherwise inadvance,

d isc losedtoanythirdpartywithoutthepr ior wr i t ten

permiss ionofthec l ient. InfoTrendsreta insther ight

tore-useanynon-propr ietary informationaspart of

i ts ongoinganalys is of thedigita l imaging industry.

Timely Delivery

InfoTrendswi l l takea l l reasonablestepstoensure

thatthet imescalescal ledforbytheproposed

studyaremet inaccordancewiththeagreed-upon

schedule, butno l iabi l i ty canbeacceptedforthe

consequencesofdelays, howsoevercaused.


Onehalf of feeupon in i t iat ionandonehalf upon

report del ivery.

Page 6: Transforming Textile Printing - Welcome to InfoTrends Inc

Subscriber Rate


Subscription includes:

Writtenreport x

PowerPointPresentat ion x

DataTabulat ion

Subscr ibersmaya lsoaddthefol lowingopt ion:


On-s i tePresentat ion (1/2day) $2,000(+travel )


S ignature


T it le



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Authorization Form

For more information, join Barney Cox as he discusses how this study will take a look at major factors driving change in the global textile printing market. Transforming Textile Printing will answer key questions surrounding how digital technologies will significantly influence this space.

Listen Now

Page 7: Transforming Textile Printing - Welcome to InfoTrends Inc

InfoTrends is the leadingworldwidemarketresearchandstrategic

consult ingf i rmforthedigita l imaginganddocumentsolut ions industry.

Weprovideresearch, analys is , forecasts , andadvicetohelpc l ients

understandmarkettrends, ident i fy opportunit ies, anddevelopstrategies

togrowtheir bus inesses.



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