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Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'

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  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    Faqeer Ilallah wa Abduhu


    ب ع و ه ل ا ي ا ر ق ف

     Translation of Diwani Harf


  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'



    خ ة ض ح ي و ص و س


    The Easy Access to the Presence ofthe Best 

    of the Messengers (SAW)

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    A Book by Mawlana Hadrat Sheikhul Islam Alhaj IbrahimInyass !A" may Allah bless us from his #ra$es%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


     Translated by Abu Muhammad

    For the &n#lish s'eakin# lo(ers of the 'ro'hetSA)"*

      And redistributin# the works of Sheikh IbrahimInyass!A"*  And seekin# the $ountenan$e of Allah%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


      ال حم اله سب

    ح لا

    In the name of Allah the Bene+$ent the MostMer$iful

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'



    مح ا ن ي س ل ع ل ص ه ل

      ت ا خ و ق ل غ ا ت ا ف


    ح ا ب ق ح ر ص ا ن ق س

      ي رطك ص ! اهو


    "# م و "# 

    % ق $  &  ل ع و ي '( 

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'



    لا ح ف

    Letter !"

    تو$   #  % بله

    And su$$ess is with Allah

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    First ,ou'let


    رع ف خا و ن ك ا ي ا ا م ح ا ت ا ي ط ص م ا

    " ل

    ا و#! ت,li$k Here tohear it

    I was tried with the lo(e of the $hosen one* Ahmad* the Seal of the

    'ro'hets"* The essen$e of e-isten$es and the father of #ood manners in all its

    rami+$ations %

     The holy .ur’an stated that /And 0o1 Thou art of best $hara$ter%2 .ur’an 345%Allah $hose man with fa(ours out of other $reatures and $hosen'ro'hetsASA" out mankind with #uidan$e and fa(ours* He $hoseMessen#ersASA" with #uidan$e* fa(ours and sal(ation6 He then $hose Fi(eout of them as Ulul Azmee with #uidan$e* fa(ours* sal(ation and Di(ine'ro-imity and +nallay He $hose AhmadSA)" with #uidan$e * fa(ours*sal(ation* Di(ine 'ro-imity and inter$ession thus heSA)" is referred to as

    Khayril Baraya (  The best of all $reatures"%.ur’an 77859 says* /Muhammad is not the father of any man amon# you*

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    Se$ond ,ou'let



     %ا ران


    " ل

     ' (ا

     ) ا

    * ر ع ا ن ا

    + ب

     $  ا




    احم ا

    ,li$k Here tohear it

    His 'assion $ame to me before I know of any" 'assion*

    I was fryin# in ;ames of yearnin#s of Ahmad%

     The 'assion of the 'ro'hetSA)" shall be abo(e all 'assions otherwise one’sfaith remains in$om'lete%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


     Third ,ou'let


    "&/ 0 ا ر

     , ا ه

      "1 مت

     . (اكر


     & ا و ه

    " لع

    # ر 5ا,li$k Here tohear it

    I am atta$hed to him when 'eo'le are in ine(itable slumber and

    slee'in#"*I enjoyed his lo(e for lon# * I alone %

     The sweet hours of the ni#ht when nei#hbours are all slee'in# is sa$ri+$edby Sheikh!A" to re$ord 'oems in the lo(e of the 'ro'hetSA)"* the lo(e that

    $ouldn’t allow him to slee'% Day time and ni#ht are the same to Sheikh!A"he was always in yearnin# of the 'ro'hetSA)" tears of yearnin# used to dro'from his eyes when 'eo'le are slee'in# in the late hours of the ni#ht% Thetranslator also used these hours translatin# this #reat work* emulatin# hismaster%Safwan ibn .udama said ?&! @F A00AH* I 0@& @C= He said* =A man is with the one helo(es=< Sunna of Tirmidhi* ol% 5* 'a#e 7

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    Fourth ,ou'let



     !# 6رو

     7 8 م

     # 9ر

     :ي  ي

     &-ا و ن

     #; ا ا

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    Fifth ,ou'let




     ? ا


     . " ل




     3 + ب

     $ " ل


     && ك و

    ,li$k Here tohear it

    Howe(er I am manifested in that lo(e" before themthose$om'etin# with me"

    And I ha(e been su$$essful o(er time* due to blessin#s of"AhmadSA)"%

    Sheikh!A" ne(er 'lay with lo(in# the 'ro'hetSA)" and he was alwaysthere before others% The 'ro'hetSA)" res'onded to the lo(e sheikh!A" is ha(in# for him andthis res'onse makes sheikh!A" unique is his time% He was an a$ti(e memberand a stakeholder in international or#anisations 'ursuin# Islami$ #oals andunity of the Muslims* some of these or#anisations he was a founder* few outof su$h or#anisations are Muslim )orld 0ea#ue Raitat al!"Alam al!#slami"based in Saudi Arabia* of whi$h he ser(ed as i$e :resident* the )orld Muslim

    ,on#ress Mutamar al!"Alam al!#slami6 ara$hi* :akistan"* the Islami$!esear$h Assembly Ma$ma% al!Buhuth al!#slamiyya6 y't" and the Hi#h!" ! % !

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    Si-th ,ou'let


     A#عب ا  كن

     & م

     7 Bط ف ه ك ل

     #; ع ب

     1 ا

    ; وع و

    ,li$k Here tohear it


    And why notsu$h wouldn’t ha''en"J The mi#htiness of ser(ant is asa result of the mi#htiness of his kin#*

    So all 'lain of e-isten$es are 'la$ed under the $ontrol of a bla$ksla(eSheikk Ibrahim Inyass"%

    Sheikh !A" rose to the ele(ated 'osition of the $ustodian of the ;ood whi$hsheikh Ahmad Tijjani!A" the 'atronKsaint of Tijjania su+ order 'redi$ted his$omin#&'The siritual *oo+ ,ill come in the han+ of my +iscile then eole,ill e initiate+ into our su- or+er en masse. This siritual *oo+ ,ill come,hen eole are in great +i/culties.' Allah raises Sheikh!A" to that 'ositionwhen 'eo'le are re$o(erin# from se$ond world war and Afri$a is 'la#ued byin(asion by $olonialists% It was estimated that about si-ty million Muslimswere initiated into Tijjania Su+ order due to ad(ent of Sheikh!A"

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    Se(enth ,ou'let


     3  ب

     1 ا


     #حي  و

    C ا ي ت


     % D ف

    >ا و له ا




    ,li$k Here tohear it

    @1 Messen#er of ?od raise my 'leadin#s* To ourself* and so is my $ondition as you see in" the bla$k

    ser(antsheik himself"%

    Ta,assul is art  of 'rayer of the 'ious ones* Sheikh !A" is makin# Ta,assul

    with the 'ro'hetSA)" for his 'rayers and im'ro(ement in $onditions leadin#to s'irituality and Islami$ 'ro#ress%Sheikh!A" used to $alled himself /Bla$k ser(ant2 to show ra$ism has no'la$e in Islam* skin $olour is not a defe$t when there is faith and white skin isnot an a$hie(ement when there is no faith% Abu 0ahab an Arab white skin" #oto Hell be$ause of his disbelie(e and Bilal!A" a bla$k sla(e from &thio'ia #oto :aradise be$ause of his +delity%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    &i#hth ,ou'let



     & ا

    " فطب

    C ل ع ه ت ل ح ا

    8 مل

     A ام

    G ح و ي


     ! ف

    ا # Aر# ,li$k Here tohear it

    My needs and the needs of all Muslims* do 'ro(ide it*@n you* I myself freely and $ontinuously 'la$e the 'uri+$ation of"

    my soul %

    Sheikh!A" 'la$e the needs of Muslims and his needs in his 'rayer Ta,assuliwith 'ro'hetSA)"%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    >inth ,ou'let





    5 وا






    I ل




    ,li$k Here tohear it


    My time brin#s a hed#eKfree dimension*&(erlastin# ha''iness and nourishment with no sadness%

    It is in the time of Sheikh!A" Afri$an $ountries a$hie(ed inde'enden$e as

    Sheikh!A" ri#htly 'redi$ted in his book 0Alafri1iyyun lilafriyyin' Afri$a forAfri$ans" that before the end of his life most Afri$an nation will a$hie(einde'enden$e% Fore(er Inde'endent Afri$an nations $elebrate this momentwith ha''iness and festi(al6 in 99 >i#eria will $elebrate diamond jubilee ofits inde'enden$e from British rule% Inde'enden$e be$ame an e(erlastin# #iftto Afri$an nations no 'hysi$al $olonialism will e(er o(ertake these nations as'redi$ted Sheikh!A"% The time of the bla$k Sheikh!A" brin#s #alore of

    inde'eden$e to the bla$k nations

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


     Tenth ,ou'let


     7  له ا





     # +L اف

     & ع




    @ لم ا,li$k Here tohear it


    It dawn on me (i#ilant 'rayin# throu#h the best $hannel*)hoe(er is with the Messen#er of ?od will be ironKhearted and


    Sheikh!A" has already 'la$ed his 'rayers $hannellin# it throu#h the

    'ro'hetSA)" before he e(en felt the need to 'ray%By $hannellin# 'rayers throu#h the 'ro'hetSA)" one be$omes ironKheartedand fearless like Sheikh!A" himself% Thin#s that s$ares $ommon men be$ameunknown to su$h hearts%/L6 and whoso followeth my #uidan$e* there shall >o fear $ome u'on themneither shall they #rie(ed%2 .ur’an 874%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    &le(enth ,ou'let


     N م

     # Oر ص ف ر

     ,5 ي


     A7 E;7 لف

     #ا ه ل ا




    ,li$k Here tohear it

    I entrusted all" my aairs to the Messen#er of ?od* and as a result"heSA)" $ontinues*

     To aid me ea$h time* until I be$ame an e'itome of honour and'resti#e%

    Sheikh!A" entrusted e(erythin# of his to the 'ro'hetSA)" and e(erythin#

    of his is mira$ulously tou$hed by the 'ro'hetSA)" He li(ed for NO year*attained NO (irtues* #a(e birth to NO $hildren* (isited NO $ountries andauthored NO te-tbooks% The NO $hildren are blessed to be ri#hteous* NO(irtues ne(er attain by anyone after* NO $ountries blessed to be Islami$ ones*NO te-tbooks sour$e of di(ine ins'iration to its reader6 and NO years none likeit in this our time to the blowin# of the trum'et%:rofessors in 'reti#ious APhar uni(ersity of ,airo $onferred on sheikh!A"

    the title of Shei2hul #slam The #reatest :rofessor of Islami$ studies" when hedeli(er histori$ Friday’s sermon and followed it u' with se(eral hours le$tures

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


     Twelfth ,ou'let


     1. P ل

     # H


     '  ق ف م




     & ت ع ا ن ا و

    ,li$k Here tohear it


    0o the eulo#y of Musta'haSA)" in the +eld of s$ien$e* Turnin# of bad taste and salty water To #ood taste and not salty


    In ,hemistry there are 'hysi$al $han#es and $hemi$al $han#es* ,hemistsbelie(e 'hysi$al $han#e like 'uttin# sand in water is easily re(ersible with

    $ommon tool and 'ro$edure% Howe(er* $hemi$al $han#es is hardly re(ersiblelike salt in water and will require unique tools and 'ro$edure to se'arate%Here is a man who ne(er attend ,hemistry $lass and ne(er enter laboratoryse'aratin# salt water in well with no any tool% This man li(es in the darkre#ion of the &arth at that time with no or little s$ienti+$ dis$o(ery $omin#from it* that is the Arabian 'eninsula and the man is MuhammadSA)"%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


     Thirteenth ,ou'let


    ;# >

     '  ر



     - "1&7ا و ب



     1  ن و

    ,li$k Here tohear it

    As a well that its water was hard and ;ourishin# *For a year tra(ellers #allo'ed on horses by the well foamin# with

    abundan$e of water"%

    &e 'ere ()e*t+(,-.)/*.)/*0(,r*+,)/re/ 1er-()- () t+e /.2 (0 34*5,/.6762.

    89re.t2:; .)/ 8.t: 34*5,/.6762. 8t+ere: '.- . 'e44< &e /re' (,t 6t- '.ter )(t4e.=6)> e=e) . -6)>4e /r(1< 9+e ?r(1+et8@3&: -.t .t t+e e/>e (0 t+e 'e44 .)/.-Ae/ 0(r -(Be '.ter '6t+ '+6C+ +e r6)-e/ +6- B(,t+ .)/ t+e) +e t+re' 6t (,t6)t( t+e 'e44< &e -t.2e/ 0(r . -+(rt '+64e .)/ t+e) /re' '.ter 0r(B t+e 'e44.)/ D,e)C+e/ (,r t+6r-t; .)/ e=e) (,r r6/6)> .)6B.4- /r.)A '.ter t( t+e6r-.t6-0.Ct6()<Volume 1, Book 7, Number 340:E(r 46-t6)> (0 t+6- B6r.C4e .)/ (t+er- C+eCA &6A61e/6. 46-t6)> (0 B6r.C4e- (0

    F,+.BB./8@3&: +tt1-GHHe)

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    Fourteenth ,ou'let



     N ام


     #  ي


     & ت


     & ب ب ح

     Q  من ل

     3   R واعت

    ,li$k Here tohear it


    @bsessed was Salman!A" with the yearnin# of our belo(edthe

    :ro'het SA)"*It $annot be measured e(en when written in (olumes%

     The youn# man from the land of :ersia :resent day Iran"* initially indarkness 'ra$tisin# other faith* lo(e of the last 'ro'hetSA)" $arried him

    away from :ersia to Arabia where he met the 'ro'hetSA)" and 'rofessedIslami$ faith6 this story $an be found at8 htt'8QQhadithoftheday%$omQsalmanKalKfarisiQ htt'8QQwww%beautifulislam%netQsahabahQsalmanRfarsi%htm  * and htt's8QQen%wiki'edia%or#QwikiQSalmanRtheR:ersian 


  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    Fifteenth ,ou'let








    8# Hب



  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    Si-teenth ,ou'let



     ! ب ا ل



     -ا ه

     & فم






  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    Se(enteenth ,ou'let






     #ا  ب ع

    =ر ت

     & ب


     N  في




    ,li$k Here tohear it

    @1 the Doer of #ood * @1 the :rote$tor of all* for the sake of our

    'ro'hetSA)"*Do enri$h this ser(ant with what he is desirin# lo(e of the 'ro'het

    SA)" and #uidan$e%

     The Messen#er of ?od SA)" said* /:rayerbesee$hin# ?od" is the wea'onof a belie(er2%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    &i#hteenth ,ou'let


     7ا و


     $ >رو

     % D م

     @ ( 


     , ا



     & ع تكي

    ,li$k Here tohear it


    Do shield us and 'rote$t us always* for the sake of" my

    masterMuhammad SA)"*A#ainst all forms of e(ils ou de$reed* and aid us"%

    Sheikh!A" +nishes the 'oem with a 'rayer* he himself doin# Ta,assul with

    the 'ro'hetSA)" as early 'ro'hetsASA" did%Sheikh !A" 'rays may ?od wards away all e(ils from us* e(ils whi$h Hede$reed on us* a 'rayer not ne#le$tin# the si-th arti$le of Islami$ faith* thebelief that all destinies $omes from ?od’s de$reein#%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


    >ineteenth ,ou'let



     3و  ي م ل ع و ي



    + م

     /و ا


     3 C.

     ' 8#ي 




    ,li$k Here tohear it


    And join my attributes to be imitatin#" yours always*

    :erfe$t my #nosis and knowled#e and forti+ed me"%

    #rfan ?nosis" is the knowled#e about the ,reator and knowled#e is

    knowled#e about anythin# not the ,reator% Ba’alam was #i(en knowled#e ofthe two ty'es but was not forti+ed with holy s'irit and these knowled#esmade him derailed from the ri#ht 'ath% @ne should ask to be forti+ed by ?odwith faith whi$h will #uide how best to use these knowled#es%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


     Twentieth ,ou'let



     ,5 I! ا

    I ح





    8 مت

     & ام و ي



    ,li$k Here tohear it

    And enli#hten me* and belon#in# to our 'arty*

    A (eridi$al #uide * with" manifestation of truth in all e'o$h%

    /L% They are Allah’s 'arty% 0o1 Is not Allah’s 'arty who are the su$$essful%2

    .ur’an O48%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


     TwentyKFirst ,ou'let



     &@ =ا و قي ت ا







    ,li$k Here tohear it

    And #uide us to the 'eak of #uidan$e* threaded by a so$iety*

    @f the men of sublime faith and re#imented army of (i$tory%

     The blessed $om'anions of the 'ro'hetSA)" whose faith in the'ro'hetSA)" mission is so sublime that they re$ruited themsel(es into armyto defend him and his Di(ine mission a#ainst e(il for$es raised a#ainst thefaith% This army defeated the famous 'a#an em'ires of the world* the :ersianem'ire and the y'tian em'ire knelt before this army%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


     TwentyKSe$ond ,ou'let



    ! واص


    D م

     @  ه

    " م

     3 8#لي  ع ل



     'احم ا

    ,li$k Here tohear it

    Benedi$tions and salutations to whom is $alled

     The master of 'iety* his $om'anions* and households of Ahmad%

     The 'ro'hetSA)" is re'orted to ha(e said8 /The $losest to me amon# you*

    on the day of jud#ement* is the one who re$ites benedi$tion to me most2%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


     The $om'lete 9arf Ba% 

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


     ou $an $onta$t me



    :lease bear with me as my 'hone line is (ery busy almost allthe time* sometimes I 'ut it into the $are of my $lose ones% Butyour sms will inshUllah rea$h me and so is your eKmail%

  • 8/18/2019 Translation of Diwani Harf Ba'


     VWX YZ[X\
