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Translation Technique

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Amy technique to translate English to another language
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Translation Technique Created by : Faiz Helmi Rasyid : 114140133 Ilham Chandra Wijaya : 114140143 Rahma Meiza Hernanda : 114140153 Nurjannah :114140163

Translation Technique

Created by :

Faiz Helmi Rasyid : 114140133

Ilham Chandra Wijaya : 114140143

Rahma Meiza Hernanda : 114140153

Nurjannah :114140163

GOAL• To learn how to translate english sentences well and

translates correctly. Including the techniques, processes, and method of translation in target language (In here, Bahasa)


• Translate : To transfer the meaning of words from one language into another language ; to explain (something) in a way that easier to understand ; A process of transferring the meaning of a sentence to the other language sentences


• Six important steps in translating English sentences:

• Sentence identification

• Sentence analysis; knowing the subject, predicate, object and the adverb of the sentence.

• Make sure that messages from the source language have been understood, that is marking the main part of the sentence, they are subject, predicate, object or the complement.

• Restructure the sentence that doesn’t have the same point.

• As Duff’s translating principle states “One of the most frequent critics of translation is that it does not sound ‘natural’. This is because the translator’s thoughts and choice of words are too strongly molded by the original text. A good way to avoid the influence of the source language is to set the text aside and translate a few sentences aloud from memory. This will suggest natural patterns of thought in the first language which may not come to mine when the eye is fixed on the SL text.” (Choliludin 2005:43)


• Direct or literal translation is the direct transfer of a SL text into a grammatically and idiomatically appropriate TL text. It is used when structural and conceptual elements of the source language can be transposed into the target language.

• Oblique translation is another term for free translation where the translator exercises his/her freedom to attain equivalence. Oblique Translation Techniques are used when the structural or conceptual elements of the source language cannot be directly translated without altering meaning or upsetting the grammatical and stylistics elements of the target language.



Borrowing is when words are taken from one language to another without any translation.

Example : Car free day program is now become global (program car free day sekarang telah menjadi global)

- That bank include their participation on earth day as their csr program (Bank itu memasukan partisipasi mereka dalam earth day sebagai program csr mereka)



A calque is when an entire phrase is borrowed from another language and translated word-for-word instead of conceptually.

Example : Without geo-environmental engineers the modern skyscraper would never have been born. ( Tanpa insinyur lingkungan kebumian, bangunan pencakar langit modern takkan pernah bisa dibangun)

Most geo-environmental student use skype for interface chatting when they want to see their family faces (Kebanyakan mahasiswa teknik lingkungan kebumian menggunakan skype untuk pembicaraan antarmuka saat mereka merindukan keluarga mereka)


Literal translation

- It is usually used when the sentence structure of the source language and the receptor the language is different

The SL word order is preserved and the words translated by their most common meanings.

Example : I like reading chemistry book (saya suka membaca buku kimia)

Mrs. Indri Harianto teach English ( Ibu Indri mengajar Bahasa Inggris)



Transposition is where the location of various parts of speech within a sentence are switched based on the particular language.

Example : Will the environmental operation is profitable or not, we will see it soon (Apakah operasi lingkungan ini menguntungkan atau tidak, akan kita lihat sebentar lagi)



Restructuring a message of source language text in a target language text in different structure/pattern but the meaning is not different. This is commonly used when the translation of a phrase from one language to another is awkward.

Example : a translator may change “it is not difficult to learn mineralogy-petrology” to “it is easy to learn mineralogy-petrology”.


• Example : It also assesses whether the environmental operation is profitable and whether costs are adequately covered (Di sini juga dinilai apakah operasi lingkungan ini menguntungkan dan apakah biaya mencukupi)

The different structure/ pattern : There is changing in form. The word assess is a transitive verb. It means that it needs an object. Moreover the existence of inflectional bound morpheme –es at the end of the word proves that the word is appropriately occurring in the sentence pattern in particular active sentence pattern. It is different from the sentence pattern in target language. The word formation dinilai indicates that the object of the sentence is the main focus.



When translating difficult phrases such as idioms, the translator needs to understand the meaning behind the idiom (or cliche, or proverb, etc). There are phrases in some languages that simply cannot be expressed directly in other languages, which is where equivalence comes into play.

Example : When you want to get into college, don’t put all of your eggs in one basket (Saat kamu ingin mendaftar di PT, biarkan pilihanmu terbuka)

don’t put all of your eggs in one basket=keep your option open



Compensation is when something simply cannot be translated, so the meaning is offered somewhere else within the text. Using compensation requires a deep knowledge of both languages in question, and shows that the translator understands more than just a literal translation of the piece.

Example : In geology class we learn that its cultural remains-flakes, pebbles and bones, stone pillars and tables, sarchopaga, stone coffins, little houses of workship and even statues- are scattered over the whole of Indonesia. (Di geologi dasar kita mempelajari bahwa hasil budaya megalithikum yang terpenting adalah alat serpih, dolmen, menhir, sarchopagus, kubur batu, punden berundak dan arca.)

The First ASEAN summit was held in February 1976 in Bali ( Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi pertama ASEAN di adakan pada bulan februari 1976 di Bali)


1. Mention all the translate technique!

2. Mention 1 example of the translate technique!

3. Translate this!

a. The author has organized this mineralogy-petrology book since 1995.

b. People want to save the environment but education and information is not enough. There should be a real action!

c. Any organic material in the natural environment will decompose over time.


1. Direct translation : Borrowing, calque, literal

Oblique translation : Transposition, compensation,modulation,reformation

3. a. Penulis mengorganisasi buku Mineralogi Petrologi ini sejak 1995.

b. Orang-orang ingin menyelamatkan lingkungan, tetapi pendidikan dan informasi tidak cukup. Harus ada tindakan nyata.

c. Semua unsur organik di alam pasti akan terurai.


• http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calque

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Untranslatability#Adaptation

• https://blog.udemy.com/translation-techniques/

• Arifin,Ridwan. The Translation Of Indonesian Cultural Aspects Into English In Diorama Texts. Jakarta : UNJ Press

• Kusuma , Feni Ike. 2007. Techniques For Translating English Sentences. Yogyakarta : Ahmad Dahlan University Press

• Pizzuto,Angelo. Translation Procedures: The technical Component of the Translation Process.
