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159 Piostics Avenu Pittsfield, MA 0120 Transmitted via Overnight Courier December 20, 2005 Dean Tagliaferro, EPA Project Coordinator c,io Weston Solutions, Inc 10 Lyman Street Pittsfield, MA 01201 Re: GE-PittsfieId/Housatonic River Site East Street Area 2-South (CECD150) Summary of November 2005 Inspection Activities - City Recreational Area Bear Mr. Tagliaferro: On November 18, 2005, the General Electric Company (GE) performed an tnspect~on of the C~ty Recreat~onal Area located within a portton of the GE Plant Area m Pittsfield. R/lassachusetts. The Ctty Recreat~onal Area is depicted on Ftgure 1 and consists of two sub-areas - designated on Frgure 1 as the Ballfield Area and the Access Road Area. As you know, sol1 remed~atlon activltles, constructron of athletrc fields and anc~llary facllltles, and site restoratton actlvltles wtthin the C:ty Recreat~onal Area were completed in June 2004, and the area is currently leased to the Glty of Pittsfield for its use as a multi- functional recreational area. The purpose of CE's November 18'" inspectlon was to: 1) expand upon the ~nformal ~nspections previously conducted slnce the tlme that restoration acttt*ittes were completed. 2) \i~suall> observe and document current cond~tions w~thin the C~ty Recreattonal Area, and 3) ~deni~fy any repalr or maintenance :terns necessary to matntain compliance w~th the applicable Performance Standards established tn the Consent Decree for this area- The ttrning of th~s inspectlon was co~nctdent with the anticrpated seasonal closing of the Ballfieid Area and as a follow-up to a major stonn event that occurred In the P~ttsfield area In October 2005 The inspect~on rncluded observat~ons of the cond~rion of the soil and gale1 cover areas for evidence of eroslon, excessive settlement. unauthon~ed excabation, cir other cofid~tions that could jeopardr~e the inregrir?, of the colers ir aIso lnciuded an inspeciron of the irgetstlse naterral to er?surc: thzt rr \%as prowmg as ar."ic~pated and p;oi.iding appropriate eriirron control in add::ion. ;Ere perrmeter fencing was msprcteb io assess its condltror, and to ~den"th any eb~dence oh ~nzuthor~zed access to the C'~t:y Recreaaona: Area or from that area to the zd~acext Esst StreeL krea 2-Sou~h Rcrnoira; Action Area To rc.d~~l~tare-. and document the results of the recent inspccrlcrr;. GE preparea rhe atrached Insprcrlon Sunrrary arid Ckeckl~at Trrc form ~rll be used IR the fiiii~~re to fomdilq dii~urneni the inspection activities ailcl to track tne eornpler:on of rdent~fir~ reFzir/ma:ntenancr: acii\lIiCS In rzdc;rlon. seierai phcti0g~3pj;s taken during the November 18" 1 inspection are attached to the checklist.

159 Piostics AvenuPittsfield, MA 0120

Transmitted via Overnight Courier

December 20, 2005

Dean Tagliaferro,EPA Project Coordinatorc,io Weston Solutions, Inc10 Lyman StreetPittsfield, MA 01201

Re: GE-PittsfieId/Housatonic River SiteEast Street Area 2-South (CECD150)Summary of November 2005 Inspection Activities - City Recreational Area

Bear Mr. Tagliaferro:

On November 18, 2005, the General Electric Company (GE) performed an tnspect~on of the C~tyRecreat~onal Area located within a portton of the GE Plant Area m Pittsfield. R/lassachusetts. The CttyRecreat~onal Area is depicted on Ftgure 1 and consists of two sub-areas - designated on Frgure 1 as theBallfield Area and the Access Road Area. As you know, sol1 remed~atlon activltles, constructron ofathletrc fields and anc~llary facllltles, and site restoratton actlvltles wtthin the C:ty Recreat~onal Area werecompleted in June 2004, and the area is currently leased to the Glty of Pittsfield for its use as a multi-functional recreational area. The purpose of CE's November 18'" inspectlon was to: 1) expand upon the~nformal ~nspections previously conducted slnce the tlme that restoration acttt*ittes were completed. 2)\i~suall> observe and document current cond~tions w~thin the C~ty Recreattonal Area, and 3) ~deni~fy anyrepalr or maintenance :terns necessary to matntain compliance w~th the applicable Performance Standardsestablished tn the Consent Decree for this area- The ttrning of th~s inspectlon was co~nctdent with theanticrpated seasonal closing of the Ballfieid Area and as a follow-up to a major stonn event that occurredIn the P~ttsfield area In October 2005

The inspect~on rncluded observat~ons of the cond~rion of the soil and gale1 cover areas for evidence oferoslon, excessive settlement. unauthon~ed excabation, cir other cofid~tions that could jeopardr~e theinregrir?, of the colers ir aIso lnciuded an inspeciron of the irgetstlse naterral to er?surc: thzt rr \%asprowmg as ar."ic~pated and p;oi.iding appropriate eriirron control in add::ion. ;Ere perrmeter fencing wasmsprcteb io assess its condltror, and to ~den"th any eb~dence oh ~nzuthor~zed access to the C'~t:yRecreaaona: Area or from that area to the zd~acext Esst StreeL krea 2-Sou~h Rcrnoira; Action Area Torc.d~~l~tare-. and document the results of the recent inspccrlcrr;. GE preparea rhe atrached Insprcrlon Sunrraryarid Ckeckl~at Trrc form ~rll be used IR the fiiii~~re to fomdilq dii~urneni the inspection activities ailcl totrack tne eornpler:on of rdent~fir~ reFzir/ma:ntenancr: acii\lIiCS In rzdc;rlon. seierai phcti0g~3pj;s takenduring the November 18"1 inspection are attached to the checklist.

Mr. Dean ragl~aferroDecember 20, 2005

Page 2 of2

The results of the NovemSer 2005 lrispectior irndrcared that the GIG Recre3r:onal Area was In goodoterall cnridri~on Cerrarn recent physical changes uere rioted ire!ailte to pr~rir ~nspecrruns), inciud~ng theinsrallai~on of playb~ound equrpment In t k nosthelist comer of the Bzllfield Area, the consrructlon-in-progress of new dugout si;lcict;lres associared w~th the baseball field, and the relocar~on of the sehicularaccess gate ~i~rhln the parhng lor area The sur-face covers over the ballfields, parklng lot, and accessroad were In good condition (i,e, no srgs of erosmn. excesswe settlement, etc.), and all of the fencmgwas m good uorkmg order. Two items were noted during that mspechon that warrant bllow-upanention. Flrst, a small erosional gully was observed within the southern portion of fhe Ballfieid Areaand extending beneath the existmg fenceline. Thzs gully, measlirlng approximately 5 feet In length andone hot In width and depth, Mias reparred and re-seeded by GE on December 2, 2005. Second, cerralnsoil areas wlthln the Access Road Area adjacent to the access road were vold of vegetation, presumablydue to vehicle trai"iic and parhng. GE will discuss with the C~ty the necessary actlons to be taken toaddress these areas. The findings of the Nokernber 18 " ~nspectron are documented In the attachedInspectron Summa? and Gheckl~st.

GE w11I cont~nue to ~nspecl the C~ty Reereat~onai Area on at least an annual bass

Please contact me at 413348-5905 with any yuest~ons or conments.


(T-John F. Novotny, P.E.'hlanager, Facilities and Browxfields Programs

AttachmentV:\GE_Pistsfitid_CD_ESA_2_SoutMReports and Presemaliop.s\CITY REO74152I96Ltr.doc

cc: Sharon Hays, EPATim Conway, EPA (\~io atbchment)John K~lborn, EPAHolly IngIrs, EPhRose Howell, EPA (w/o attachment)Llnda Palmien, UTestonSusan Steenstrup, MDEPAnna Sym~ngton, MDEP (W/O atzachmenr)Robert Bell, MDEP (w!o attachment)Mayor J. Rubem, Ciry of Plrisfie!dT'nornhs Hickey, PEDA

Jeffrey Bernstetn, Bernstem, Cuskner & K~rnrnellTeresa Bowers, GradientiMlchael Carroll, GERod McLaren, GEAndrew S~ifer, GEJames Bieke, Goodwln ProcterSamuel Gutter, Sldley Austln Brown & WoodJames Nuss, BBLPublic Infomanon kepositor~esGE lriternal Repositoq



" ! v. • ' ) . • ' • '

Conducted By: John Nui'otny {GE), James Nuss (BBLj'eather Conditions: Sunny, 38" F

te oi Last Inspection: Periodic Formal inspections Since Maj# 2004.


"i. Ballfield Area - Vegetative Cover ..'.cv- .,..•:, p.- .s ;u r.'w:;-'*'-:'•'•-- '.:S: vi;.;..-:! •.. • . :•_• ..:v, ̂ .erosion/burrows, uneven settlement, unauthorized excavation, unanticipated uses of area, etc.)

- Erosional gully noted along southern fenceline of Ballfield Area (see Part III below).-Ongoing construction of new dugout structures, noted; Dugout on 1 st base side currently excavated with standing water;

depth of excavation may extent to native pre-cover soils.- New playground structure noted in northeast corner of Ballfield Area- All other areas in good condition

2. Parking Area / Access Road Area (Note any physical changes since last inspection; note any surface alterations,erosion~urrows, uneven sefflement, exposed geofexfjie maferiai, unauthorized excavation, unanlicipated uses of area, etc.)

- Gravel surfaces all in good condition; no signs of settlement, erosion, etc.- Some areas adjacent to gravel surfaces void of vegetation (may be due to vehicle traffic/parking); need to discuss

future use of this area with City.

3. Fencing / Gates / Access Controls (Note any physical changes since last inspection; note overall condition and integrity,evidence of unauthorized access, efc.1

- All perimeter fencing in good condition; no issues- Access Gate has been re-located within Access Road Area to be closer to Ballfield Area

4. Other Observations (Confirm that repair/maintenance measures identified during prior inspection have been performed; noteany other general observations)

- Portions of Access Road Area contain soil, stone, debris stockpiles.- See attached photographs for further information.



V:\GE_Pittsfield_CD_ESA_2_South\Reports and PresenSationsiClTf REC\ Page 1 of •14li2?96Cki:xis

Photographs 1-3: Construction-ln-Progress of Ballfield Dugout Structures

Photo #1; 3rd Base Dugout, Partial Concrete Slab/Wall Installation [11/18/05)

Photo #2: 1st Base Dugout. Excavation in Advance of Dugout Construction.Note approximate excavation deplh (12 inches) and standing water (11/16/05)

Photo #3: 1st Base Dugout. Excavation in Advance of Dugout Construction.Note approximate excavation deplh (12 inches) and standing water {11/18/05)

Photographs 4-5: Other Changes in Physical Features of City Recreational Area

Photo #4: Playground Equipmenl Installation in Northeast Comer of Ballfield Area (11/18/05)

Photo tt5: City Material Stockpile in Southwest Comer of Access Road Area (11/76/05)

V •QC.PittsfuM CD ESAJ_5cuthfleporU H d PraunMtHWClTV BE<^

Photographs 6-8: Surface Cover t Vegetation Observations

-nPholo #6: Erosion Gully with Soil Cover Area Along Soulriern Fen eel in e of Ballfield AreaNote Soil Deposit on Far Side ol Fence I me (11/16/05)

Photo #7: Absence ol Vegetative Cover East ol Gravel Access Road. Note Access Road is Adjacentto FencelinB in Upper Right Corner of Photo (1V1B/05). . .

Photo # S: Absence of Vegetative Cover East o< Gravel Parking Area


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