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Travels 2015

Date post: 25-Feb-2018
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  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015



    Sittin on the dock of the bay

    waitin for the ferry to roll inSea!l watchin "y #andwich

    $!"%# on "y &andro'er bonnet

    It# that old #tory (the french wear their winter $acket#

    they'e had a 'ery hot #!""er

    e'en the boy# in their all year lon #hort#

    while i)" in real #hort# and t*#hirt

    beca!#e it# hoter than o!r iri#h )#!""er)

    +y arri'al and de%art!re %ort i# f!llof %eo%le %arkin and talkin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    -here# . !y# lookin #o boorinly nor"al

    that they cant be

    one i# wired with re#tle## hand#

    another i# #t!ck on hi# "obile

    -hey han ro!nd the harbo!r for ho!r# *

    I)" i"ainin Robbie /oltraine

    takin a chain#aw to a ya!ht *

    i# it dr!# or i""irant#

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015


    -he only #trane boat that ca"e in that niht wa# enli#h *

    towed to where i wa# %arked

    by a 'ery fat co!%le with 2 #kinny kid# *

    "aybe hired to look like a fa"ily *

    Nobody wo!ld #!#%ect a boat on dry land

    A# i %a## )/he &!) al fre#co #eafood re#ta!rant

    they are %layin +an! /hao and B!ena 3i#ta

    #o i had to #a"%le their raw #ardine# and #ea #%ider

    4$!#t do it and "et #!ch nice %eo%le

    S+A&& -6WN 7RAN/E

    I)" %arked in the centre of a #"all french town

    on one #ide i# /hri#t dyin on a cro##

    on the other i# a #oldier dyin in the war

    -he ch!rch clock #trike# 8 twice *

    a #inal for e'erythin to die9 e'en the #!n

    a# the bell# do a "ad dyin ca#cade

    -he only thin# after darkare the %har"acie# liht# e%ilectic fla#hin

    bored teenaer# and bat#

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015


    S!nday "ornin9 #"all town

    I took one of "y fa"o!# wron t!rn#

    that often lead to #!r%ri#in thin#

    and fo!nd 100 %eo%le in red and bl!e#lowly #erio!#ly %layin %etan:!e

    /ontradiction# *

    In )&)6rane Ble!e) bar

    there# a coffee rinder called )Silence)

    and lifeboat"en #"okin


    When it co"e# to food we like to !#e french word#

    which a"!#e# and %lea#e# the frenchWhen it co"e# to fa#hion they like to !#e enli#h

    which a"!#e# !# no end (

    )R &66?, RSE&7))BE GENER6>S, BE N, BE ;A

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015


    If yo! #it anywhere lon en!f yo! #ee it all

    the bea!ty in the !ly9 the !ly in the bea!ty

    -he old in the yo!n and the yo!n in the old

    -he tho!htle## ba#tard#who break beer bottle# on the beach

    the old fr!"%# who %ick it !%

    A yellow %rice## ato% a #tone tower

    hanin o!t bl!e $ean# in the #!n

    A yo!n hi%%y with crooked cracked la##e#

    li'in in a ho"e "ade ca"%er 'an

    +r darkly be#%ectacled re#%ectablede#%erately li'in in hi# car

    di#creetly dre##in and #ha'inand alway# %oli#hin the car

    &ook# like he)# off to the officeb!t ne'er oe# for lon or far

    &6S- IN &6S SAB&ES

    Sto%%ed a little #o!th on the coa#t for a #!nbathe and #!ndownerone of the few %lace# yo! can %ark by the #ea

    /o!ld %rob ha'e %arked o'erniht b!t the %olice car# worried "e

    Got lo#t in the town on a b!#y #!nday e'e til i #t!"bled on le Gare

    I)" #ittin in a railway #tation

    with no ticket for a de#tination

    watchin the raffitti o by(

    )/ANIS+E DES RI/;ES)

    I finally fo!nd -he 6ffice de -o!ri#"e where yo! co!ldnt %ark

    which #aid it wa# o%en fro" 10 *

    i went lookin for a cafe tho#e that were o%en * yo! co!ldnt %ark

    where yo! co!ld %ark they were not yet o%en

    #o i wandered "any back#reet# for "y cafe croi##ant

    )&e Retro) bar #till had it# clock# on old ti"e

    B!t then i co!ldnt find "y landy

    and for a few ho!r# #aw "ore of &e# Sable# than i really neededand -o!ri#"e wa# #till clo#ed at "idday

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015


    ;ih f!ll "oon tide# and wind-he little breton boat# dont bob they $i'e and $inle frantically

    the bi fi#hin boat# dont breathe and #ih *

    they are tied "a"o!th# "oanin and #trainin to be free

    E'eryone# erratically eCited

    :!ein to et their car# #ea #%rayed

    -he rebellin #ea claw# at the wall# where it !#ed to be

    and eat# the coa#t where it want# to be

    ?in# and ca%tain# try to #!b$!ate the #ea

    b!t #!rfer# and #ailor# know who the "a#ter will be

    It te"%t# children to it# ede to %lay

    allow# #hi%# to !#e it9 tho a# we ab!#e it

    7riendly tickle# in the #hallow#

    co"e fro" 'a#t draon de%th#that alway# de"and #acrifice#

    When all the "o!ntain# are wa#hed to the #ea

    we will be the water %lanet the dol%hin# are waitin for4I)" #orry Do!la# Ada"# b!t it# we who lea'e9 not they

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015


    /;AR E- 36I&E

    6ne niht at "y #!n#et #%ot

    I fo!nd "y#elf a"on #and*ya!hter#

    who in'ited "e to $oin the"#ittin ro!nd a road#ide BB *

    caref!lly con#tr!cted #o it# not illeal

    with a cookin rid #!#%ended fro" a tri%od

    A ro!% of friendly wild haired yo!n#ter# and kid# in ca"%er 'an#

    -hey la!h how A!#tralian# and A"erican# think Brittany i# %art of the >?

    6ne !y fro" +a!ritia# ha# ca!ht fi#h !#in ba"boo #tick# and breadAn enli#h irl ha# "o'ed to Brittany fro" #o!th france(*

    )it# either too hot or too cold9 and too re#tricti'e)

    I think Brittany i# to 7rance what Ireland i# to Enland *"ilder not only in cli"ate b!t in re!lation# too

    E'ery year i notice "ore thin# )IN-ERDI-)

    B!t #o"ebody ha# re"o'ed the heiht barrier to "y fa'o!rite beachand #o"ebody ha# %ainted o!t the #econd word of )NA->RIS+E IN-ERDI-)

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015


    S!rfin i# an international relieon

    S!rfer# o anywhere and e'erywhere

    -hey walk "ile# to r!n into danero!# #ea#

    and find the dol%hin within

    E'ery other #ho% i# a #!rf #ho%

    and e'ery other #ho% i# a cafe*bar

    with bi t')# #howin #!rfin fil"#

    So"e of the 'an# like "e

    are li'in %retty ba#ically

    -here are hi%%y 'an#9 ar"y 'an#

    cla##ic 'an#9 corr!ated rena!lt 'an#=o!n er"an# hanin o!t the window#

    and clinin on behind #ho!tin&ad# #tandin on their 'an#

    with bi ca"era# in their hand#2 lad# offered "e a beer

    watchin the old "an whi#tlin down the #ea!ll#feedin the" a# the #!n#et feed# o!r #o!l#


    When i ot off the Royan ferry and %arked in the #!na %olice car #to%%ed to #ee if i wa# n!de

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015


    Gironde and &ande# ha'e h!ndred# of "ile# of #trait coa#t

    Endle## Atlantic wa'e# and #and d!ne#

    backed by endle## conifer forre#t#

    A %aradi#e for #!rfer# and nat!ri#te#

    -he to!ri#t office told "e that n!dity wa# 6 ? on any :!iet beach

    I walked endle## beache#with an occa#ional #%la#h in the not cold #ea

    findin abandoned #!""er driftwood ca"%#and ettin lo#t in the d!ne# and wood# *

    A"on#t the ho"ely %!r%le heather and yellow or#eand #tawberry b!#h fr!it #:!a#hed into the %ine needdle#

    were load# of "!#hroo"#(

    2 old boy# in wellie#9 lookin like fi#her"enare #kinnin their )catch) of enor"o!#e "!#hroo"#

    like fi#her"en !ttin their fi#h

    they )toot) oodbye a# they lea'e

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015


    -;E SAND WI-/;

    -e"%t# "e to throw off "y clothe#

    on olden rain# the color of "y #kin

    -il "y #kin beco"e# the color of wet #and-hen #he te"%t# "e to the water

    who#e friendly ri%%le# tickle "y toe#

    In the "iday heat it# yo!r cool de#ire

    to feel a# #afe a# in a cool #hower

    Granny# #ea "on#ter #torie# are forotten(Dont #wi" an ho!r after eatin

    and alway# on an inco"in tide

    =o! #ee #!rfer# o!t on the #ea*what co!ld be "ore ea#y

    B!t #ee the white hor#e# allo%in

    ;ear the #ea lion #!rf roar

    -here# wiard# in the wa'e#

    who knock yo! off yo!r feetand %!ll yo! !nderwater

    -hey #ay drownin i# like #lee%in

    and it# %o#ible to brin yo! back

    B!t i)'e lo#t too "any to tr!#t it any"ore

    -he Sand Witch and the Sealion

    #o"eti"e# retreat #o far

    yo! think yo! ha'e won the #hore

    B!t they co"e back fa#ter than yo! can r!n

    and try to catch yo! $!#t for f!n

    -he Sandwitch %!t# #and in yo!r #andwich

    Water wiard# #tin yo! with $elly fi#h

    Dr!nken de'il# break la## on the beach

    and the #ealion# are alway# h!nry

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015



  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015


    )Where'er yo! o in S%ain *

    there# a"ain ancient %lace#)

    -he be#t "!#t be Granada# Allha"bra

    4an ancient el'en %alaceb!t i went to Ga!di# "odern "a#ter%iece

    I %arked at the air%ort

    $!#t a# a %lane fro" here cra#hed in the al%#

    B!#ed into the city

    %a##ed the %ick*%ocket# by the bank#

    6ne way to reali#e there# too "any %eo%le in the world

    i# to #!ddenly be in the centre of Barcelona6ne way to reali#e that we #till can b!ild bea!tif!l b!ildin#

    i# to 'i#it the Sarada 7a"ilia4like bein in the heart of &othlorien

    -he difference# between 7rance and S%ain et le##

    7rench #!%er"arche# "ay be al"o#t half wine

    b!t S%ain i# #till "!ch chea%er

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015


  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015



    I !#!ally #earch for a #!n#et #%ot

    to %ark and celebrate with wine *

    "aybe to #ketch or write a lineGet away fro" the boorin beie

    "akin an art of no real %lan#

    in their identical ca"%er 'an#

    A wild*haired yo!n "an and hi# friend# wa'e

    and #ho!t( )>% the Banner )

    A car #to%# be#ide "e *the "an rai#e# a fi#t (

    )Good a"e ) *i think it# #o"ethin to do with r!by

    I find a rare we#t facin beach %arkin

    -here# two bi 'an# "ore like #"all lorry#in a ro!h %ay*%ark with no facilitie#

    -he 'an# are all :!ietthere# a do a#lee% o!t#ide

    A# e'enin co"e# on *

    there# a #%it9 a belch9 a #ho!tand e'en a %er#on a%%ear#

    +ore bi do# a%%ear

    +ore alternati'e %eo%le e"ere

    "ore 'an# $oin the"

    I tho!ht it "!#t be Ger"an#

    when a blond child e"ered

    -!rn# o!t to be 7rench worker#

    fro" the local i#land oy#ter#

    ca"%in o!t for le weekend

    and no they ne'er %ay

    An old !y #taer# !% the beach with #hellfi#h

    a yo!n wo"an collect# litter and wa'e#

    e'enin fi!re# on the beach #o '!lnerable

    to the th!nderin ar"y# of wa'e#

    !nder bl!e and rey battle#hi% clo!d#

    old cree%# o'er the horionand the #!n i'e# one la#t #low hea'y lidded wink

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015


    6n the e'er "o'in fabric

    of to!r:!oi#e and %r!##ian bl!e

    a olden thread i# wo'en

    till the #!n #ink# fro" 'iew

    Ri%%le# of old rando"ly #la#hthe rey and to!r:!oi#e #ky

    radiatin red# and crea"#/icada# chor!# and #ea!ll# fly

    -he fab!lo!# fiery #ky i# "ore #olid

    than the re#tle# %ink bl!e #eaA land of reen 'alley# and hill#

    where a olden road co"e# down fro" a #"all town%a#t red and old field# to a "etal #ea

    te"%tin "e "e to dri'e acro##to the eternal de#tination in the we#t

    Wa'e# wea'e a ro!h reen bl!e

    !nder a %a#tell rainbow #ky

    where !ll for"ation# fly

    &ilac wa'e# break !nder dark "a!'e

  • 7/25/2019 Travels 2015

