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383 Copyright © 2016 Treating Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome with Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Clarisse A. Marotz a & Amir Zarrinpar b* a Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA; b Division of Gastroenterology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA INTRODUCTION Over the past half-century, the prevalence of obesity and its related metabolic disorders, such as type 2 dia- betes (T2D), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and hy- percholesterolemia, have increased dramatically. Collectively, these diseases cause an undue burden on health care costs and significant morbidity and mortal- ity. While these diseases are linked to human genetics and lifestyle changes, the human gut microbiome, or the microorganisms living in the gut and their collective genomes, is now recognized to play an emerging role in metabolic health and disease [1,2]. Trillions of diverse organisms, including bacteria, fungi, archaea, and viruses, have co-evolved to live in the human gut [3]. These commensal organisms comprise the gut micro- biome, and their collective genome, referred to as the metagenome, contains more than a hundred-fold the number of genes than their host does [4]. Certain metage- nomic patterns are associated with obesity, as well as other phenotypes [5]. These patterns are responsive to weight change in individuals [6], suggesting that modu- lating the gut microbiome is dynamically correlated with the human host’s metabolic phenotype. There are many ways that the gut microbiota can be altered, including probiotics (non-pathogenic organisms beneficial to the host), prebiotics (chemicals that induce growth and/or activity of commensal organisms), and fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) [7]. Though ben- eficial effects of probiotics have been reported in many studies, none show an alteration in fecal microbiota com- position [8]. FMT on the other hand, causes significant changes in fecal microbiota composition [9]. FMT as a potential therapeutic has a long history. The successful practice of altering gut microbiota with FMT from a healthy to diseased individual was first recorded in the 4th century for the treatment of severe diarrhea [10]. Re- cently, randomized controlled clinical trials show as- tounding successes for recurrent, refractory Clostridium dificile infection (CDI). Multiple studies have reported greater than 90 percent efficacy, dramatically more suc- cessful than traditional therapy, in resolving recurrent CDI [11]. Recent evidence from animal and human mod- els suggests FMT could also be used as a therapeutic in- tervention against obesity [12,13]. In this review we will provide a status update on the role of FMT in treating obesity and its associated metabolic disorders. *To whom all correspondence should be addressed: Amir Zarrinpar, MD, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0063, La Jolla, CA 92093-0063; Tel: 858-246-1665; FAX: 858-657-5022; email: [email protected]. †Abbreviations: FMT, Fecal microbiota transplant; SCFA, short chain fatty acid; BA, bile acid; CDI, Clostridium difficile infection; IBD, Inflammatory bowel disease; IND, investigational new drug; T2D, type 2 diabetes. Keywords: Fecal microbiota transplant, metabolic syndrome, obesity MINI-REVIEW The worldwide prevalence of metabolic syndrome, which includes obesity and its associated diseases, is rising rapidly. The human gut microbiome is recognized as an independent environmental modulator of host metabolic health and disease. Research in animal models has demonstrated that the gut microbiome has the functional capacity to induce or relieve metabolic syndrome. One way to modify the human gut mi- crobiome is by transplanting fecal matter, which contains an abundance of live microorganisms, from a healthy individual to a diseased one in the hopes of alleviating illness. Here we review recent evidence sug- gesting efficacy of fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) in animal models and humans for the treatment of obesity and its associated metabolic disorders. YALE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 89 (2016), pp.383-388.
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383Copyright © 2016

Treating Obesity and Metabolic Syndromewith Fecal Microbiota TransplantationClarisse A. Marotza & Amir Zarrinparb*

aBiomedical Sciences Graduate Program, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA; bDivision of Gastroenterology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA

INTRODUCTIONOver the past half-century, the prevalence of obesity

and its related metabolic disorders, such as type 2 dia-betes (T2D), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and hy-percholesterolemia, have increased dramatically.Collectively, these diseases cause an undue burden onhealth care costs and significant morbidity and mortal-ity. While these diseases are linked to human geneticsand lifestyle changes, the human gut microbiome, or themicroorganisms living in the gut and their collectivegenomes, is now recognized to play an emerging role inmetabolic health and disease [1,2]. Trillions of diverseorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, archaea, andviruses, have co-evolved to live in the human gut [3].These commensal organisms comprise the gut micro-biome, and their collective genome, referred to as themetagenome, contains more than a hundred-fold thenumber of genes than their host does [4]. Certain metage-nomic patterns are associated with obesity, as well asother phenotypes [5]. These patterns are responsive toweight change in individuals [6], suggesting that modu-lating the gut microbiome is dynamically correlated withthe human host’s metabolic phenotype.

There are many ways that the gut microbiota can bealtered, including probiotics (non-pathogenic organisms

beneficial to the host), prebiotics (chemicals that inducegrowth and/or activity of commensal organisms), andfecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) [7]. Though ben-eficial effects of probiotics have been reported in manystudies, none show an alteration in fecal microbiota com-position [8]. FMT on the other hand, causes significantchanges in fecal microbiota composition [9]. FMT as apotential therapeutic has a long history. The successfulpractice of altering gut microbiota with FMT from ahealthy to diseased individual was first recorded in the4th century for the treatment of severe diarrhea [10]. Re-cently, randomized controlled clinical trials show as-tounding successes for recurrent, refractory Clostridiumdificile infection (CDI). Multiple studies have reportedgreater than 90 percent efficacy, dramatically more suc-cessful than traditional therapy, in resolving recurrentCDI [11]. Recent evidence from animal and human mod-els suggests FMT could also be used as a therapeutic in-tervention against obesity [12,13]. In this review we willprovide a status update on the role of FMT in treatingobesity and its associated metabolic disorders.

*To whom all correspondence should be addressed: Amir Zarrinpar, MD, PhD, Division of Gastroenterology, University of California,San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0063, La Jolla, CA 92093-0063; Tel: 858-246-1665; FAX: 858-657-5022; email:[email protected].

†Abbreviations: FMT, Fecal microbiota transplant; SCFA, short chain fatty acid; BA, bile acid; CDI, Clostridium difficile infection;IBD, Inflammatory bowel disease; IND, investigational new drug; T2D, type 2 diabetes.

Keywords: Fecal microbiota transplant, metabolic syndrome, obesity


The worldwide prevalence of metabolic syndrome, which includes obesity and its associated diseases, isrising rapidly. The human gut microbiome is recognized as an independent environmental modulator ofhost metabolic health and disease. Research in animal models has demonstrated that the gut microbiomehas the functional capacity to induce or relieve metabolic syndrome. One way to modify the human gut mi-crobiome is by transplanting fecal matter, which contains an abundance of live microorganisms, from ahealthy individual to a diseased one in the hopes of alleviating illness. Here we review recent evidence sug-gesting efficacy of fecal microbiota transplant (FMT†) in animal models and humans for the treatment ofobesity and its associated metabolic disorders.


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GUT MICROBIOTA AND HOST METABOLISMWhereas inter-individual microbiota composition can

vary dramatically, a conserved set of bacterial functionalgene profiles are present in all healthy individuals, imply-ing a role for the microbiome in physiological gut func-tioning [1,14,15]. Alterations of this complexphysiological bacterial population associated with nega-tive functional outcomes or disease, known as dysbiosis,can cause low-level inflammation and altered intestinalhomeostasis. Dysbiosis is linked to a variety of ailments,including obesity and its associated metabolic distur-bances [16].

The mechanism by which dysbiosis leads to meta-bolic disturbances is not well understood. Leading theoriesinclude changes in the microbiome’s digestive efficiencyand perturbed intestinal signaling through alterations ofluminal metabolites, low molecular weight signalingchemicals, released by bacteria in the intestinal lumensuch as secondary bile acids (BAs) and short-chain fattyacids (SCFAs) [17]. The gut microbiome is essential forfermenting indigestible foodstuffs into products that canbe used by, or modulate, the intestine (e.g. complex car-bohydrates into SCFAs) [18]. In murine models, obesity-related microbes are able to harvest greater energy fromingested material [19]. In addition, the microbiome’s me-tabolism of primary BAs to secondary BAs affects hostmetabolism by modulating activation of the farnesoid Xreceptor, a master regulator of hepatic triglyceride andglucose homeostasis [20], as well as G-protein coupledBA receptors, which can increase metabolic rate in brownadipose tissue [21-23]. Lastly, diet accounts for 57 per-cent of structural variation in the mouse gut microbiome[24], which shifts tremendously in response to the host’sgender, diet, circadian rhythms, and feeding pattern [25-28], suggesting that it is a malleable system amenable tomanipulation for therapeutic advantage.


Currently, only recurrent CDI is approved by theFDA for FMT therapy without requiring an investigationalnew drug (IND) approval. Therefore, the majority of FMTrecipients have been treated for severe CDI. These indi-viduals failed repeated treatment with antibiotics and hadfew therapeutic options left. In addition, FMT has beenstudied in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) since the eti-ology of this disease, at least in part, results from dysbio-sis. However, there have been few controlled, randomizedtrials for IBD patients and there is no evidence that FMTimproves clinical outcomes. In all, FMT has been per-formed in primarily ill individuals who are at high risk forcomplications. Hence, the potential risks and complica-tions for relatively healthy patients with obesity or meta-bolic syndrome remain hypothetically lower compared toprevious studies performed in patients with refractory, re-current CDI or IBD.

Though FMT is relatively easy to perform, there iswide inter-institutional variability in methodology. For ex-ample, in preparation for FMT, some institutions givetheir patients multiple doses of doxycycline or van-comycin in an effort to reduce the native, dysbiotic popu-lation [29]. In many institutions, immediately prior toFMT, patients are typically given a polyethylene glycolcolon preparation to increase the opportunity for the trans-planted microbiome to successfully colonize the gut re-gardless of whether the FMT is introduced in the upperGI tract or through a colonoscopy. However, there is nopublished evidence suggesting that this preparation im-proves FMT clinical outcomes [22].

The processing of fecal matter for transplant is notstandardized and needs to be experimentally validated foroptimal efficacy. The general principal, however, is moreor less universal. As outlined in Figure 1, the donated stoolis first mixed with saline solution to homogenize it into aliquid sample, and is then filtered to remove any solidfeces that may interfere with the transplant. In order tostandardize the processing of fecal matter, studies havecompared the efficacy of frozen versus fresh stool sam-ples prior to processing and transplantation. These studieshave thus far shown no significant difference in primaryoutcomes [30,31]. While studies have performed 16srRNA sequencing before and after processing to evaluatesample loss, fecal matter contains 99 percent anaerobicspecies which may not survive vigorous aerobic blending[32,33]. Furthermore, 16s rRNA sequencing does not dis-criminate viable from dead cells. Nevertheless, the over-whelming number of positive results obtained from FMTin treating CDI patients suggests that either the viability ofthe cells is relatively unimportant, or that a small propor-tion of survived cells is sufficient to induce a change inthe recipient’s microbiome and a therapeutic effect.

Processed fecal matter is typically delivered into thegastrointestinal tract of the patient by colonoscopy or duo-denal tube/upper endoscopy (Fig 1B). While deliveryroute often varies from study to study, no statistically sig-nificant difference in outcome is reported between the de-livery methods for the treatment of CDI [11,34]. Thisfinding remains to be validated for the treatment of otherdiseases, such as IBD or obesity. Regardless, it is impor-tant to consider the potential risks associated with eachpotential delivery route.

The protocol for FMT is widely variable, as summa-rized in Table 1, and standardization of this techniqueshould help elucidate FMT’s efficacy.


Recent studies in animal models show a functionalrelationship between the gut microbiome and obesity andits associated metabolic disturbances. For example, obe-sity and insulin resistance in adult rats on a high-fructosediet was reversed with orally administered antibiotics or

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oral FMT from control rats [13]. Transplanting fecal mat-ter from twins discordant for obesity into germ-free micewas recently examined [35]. Mice populated with the mi-crobiome from the obese twin had increased adiposity anddecreased bacterial diversity compared to mice populatedwith the microbiome from the lean twin. These resultsdemonstrate the ability of the microbiome to alter themetabolic phenotype of the host.

To date there has only been one published study test-ing the efficacy of FMT specifically for treatment of meta-bolic disorders in humans. The hallmark characteristic ofmetabolic syndrome is insulin resistance, where cells arehypo-responsive to insulin and therefore cannot maintainglucose homeostasis. Fecal microbiota from healthy, leandonors transferred through a duodenal tube to obese indi-viduals diagnosed with T2D affected host metabolism[12]. The study compared patients who received allogenictransplant (n = 9) (i.e. stool from a healthy donor) to au-tologous transplantation (n = 9) (i.e., their own stool). Al-though there was no reported difference in body massindex six weeks after transplantation, there was a signifi-cant increase in insulin sensitivity (as measured by the me-dian rate of glucose disappearance) and fecal microbiotadiversity, and decrease in fecal SCFA in the allogenic ver-sus autologous group. These promising results have beenwidely cited and inspired multiple clinical trials (discussedbelow). Although FMT can induce microbiome alterationtowards the donor population for up to 24 weeks post-FMT [29], further studies are need to determine whetherFMT can have long-term effects on insulin sensitivity orweight.

Additional clinical trials are necessary to validate theeffects of FMT in those with obesity or metabolic syn-

drome. Importantly, these studies should be randomized,include autologous controls, contain meticulous metadataand track long-term microbiome and patient outcome data.ClinicalTrials.gov lists four ongoing clinical trials testingFMT for metabolic syndrome treatment. A phase 2 clini-cal trial at Massachusetts General Hospital is evaluatingthe impact of FMT capsules on a primary outcome of bodyweight reduction over 18 weeks [ClinicalTrials.gov IDNCT02530385]. An Italian phase 3 clinical trial is track-ing glucose homeostasis over a 6-month period followingFMT in combination with diet and exercise [ClinicalTri-als.gov ID NCT02050607]. Researchers from China’sNanjing Medical University are evaluating the results of aphase 3 clinical trial on a single, nasogastric-deliveredFMT on T2D over a two-year period [ClinicalTrials.govID NCT01790711]. A Canadian double-blind pilot studyis testing FMT efficacy in both metabolic syndrome andnon-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is closely associ-ated with obesity [ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT02496390].

The results from these clinical trials should give us abetter idea of the microbiome’s functional role in humanmetabolic disorder. Future studies must be designed toidentify which bacterial populations or functional mi-crobe-host relationships underlie this phenomenon.

SUPER-DONORSThe selection of a donor for FMT is not standardized,

although there is general consensus for the need to do so[36]. Initially, donors were typically family membersidentified by the patient. However, recent studies high-light the practical advantages of using standardized vol-unteer donors and creating screened biobanks [31,34]. In

385Marotz and Zarrinpar: FMT for obesity and metabolic disease

Figure 1. Fecal Microbiota Transplantation schematic. A) Donor fecal matter is blended with saline so-lution and pushed through a metal sieve to achieve a homogenous liquid solution. B) Processed fecal mi-crobiota is either delivered via a duodenal tube or colonoscopy. C) Representative data showingmetagenomic diversity increases following FMT from lean donor to obese recipient.

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general, donors are screened for healthy bowel move-ments according to the Bristol stool chart, communicablediseases, recent travel history and antibiotic history.

In subsequent publications and conferences, Vriezeet al. noted that the patients who had a more robust im-provement of insulin sensitivity after FMT received trans-plantation from the same limited number of donors [37].That is, a minority of donor samples elicited a robust re-sponse, whereas other samples had no effect on patients’metabolism. The success of the intervention, hence, couldbe attributed to “super-donors.” Studies on the effects ofFMT in alleviating symptoms of IBD have similarly ob-served that fecal samples from certain donors have a muchgreater therapeutic effect on multiple recipients [38]. Cur-rently there is no way to identify super-donors until afterexperiments have started. More recent FMT studies try toidentify super-donors earlier in order to perform more rig-orous analysis of their microbiome for the identification oftherapeutic microbiota, which could allow for the designof a better alternative to FMT.

There is a strong social stigma with FMT [39]. Be-cause fecal matter is difficult to standardize, the ethicaland social complications in transplanting feces, and thedifficulty in monetization, alternatives to direct FMT arebeing actively pursued [40]. Gel capsules of fecal micro-biota is a promising new technique which excludes theneed for any gastrointestinal procedure [34,41] and is pre-ferred by patients [42,43]. In fact, private companies al-ready deliver FMT through oral capsules, mainly for thetreatment of CDI. However, it is unclear whether thesecapsules are as effective as FMT itself.

Another potential treatment is to design and produceprobiotics in a donor-independent fashion. For example,the Vrieze et al., study identified increased butyrate-pro-ducing microbes in patients with increased insulin sensi-tivity following FMT [8]. If the increase of

butyrate-producing bacteria is important for improvementof metabolic symptoms, then there is a possibility for moredirect treatment of metabolic syndrome through pro/pre-biotics, which would be easier to control and administer.

POTENTIAL RISKSOne challenge with FMT is the difficulty in finding

accurate measures of adverse reactions. Thus far, a vastmajority of recipients are ill and it is difficult to differen-tiate between normal disease progression and the effectsof FMT. Nevertheless, although hundreds of individualshave undergone FMT, few negative outcomes have beenreported, even in immunocompromised patients [44]. Themajority of negative symptoms reported are mild, includ-ing diarrhea or fever [45-47]. Mortality has been observedin FMT trials, however it was attributed to unrelatedcauses in severely ill or elderly patients. Microbiota canpredispose susceptibility to atherosclerosis using causativeevidence in mice and correlative evidence in humans [48].In addition, the spread of transmissible disease, while notreported, is still a viable threat, especially to the immuno-compromised (e.g. IBD patient on immunomodulatorytherapy, HIV patient with CDI). These reports underscorethe importance of rigorous donor screening. Finally, theserisks have to be tempered with the morbidity and mortal-ity associated with obesity and its associated metabolicdiseases, which as of yet have few effective treatments.

Surprisingly, obesogenic properties of the gut micro-biome can be transmitted through FMT as well. A case re-port documented the transmission of an obese phenotypefrom an overweight donor to a lean patient following FMTfor CDI treatment [49]. The donor was a young, obese rel-ative undergoing rapid weight gain at the time of dona-tion. The recipient was an individual who had never beenobese. After receiving FMT, the recipient had rapid unin-

386 Marotz and Zarrinpar: FMT for obesity and metabolic disease

Table 1. Variability in fecal microbiota transplantation methodology.

Points of variability

Patient preparation


Sample preparation


Delivery site

Potential methodology

Type/length of antibiotic treatment,duration of colon preparation

Patient relative, ‘super donor’, designer cultures?

Aerobic vs anaerobic; fresh vsfrozen vs lyophilized

Duodenal tube, colonoscopy,enema, pill

Colon, small intestine

Potential implications

State of patient’s gut microbiome could impact sus-ceptiblity to transplant

The identification of ‘super-donors’ hints at the possi-bility of moving toward the creation of safer, morestandardizable synthetic probiotic communities

A recent clincal trial reported no difference in clincalresolution between using fresh or frozen fecal samplefor transplantation

Maximizing practicality of this technique while main-taing efficacy could impacts its prescription and cost

Spatial dynamics of the human microbiome remainspoorly characterized, but could results in more tar-geted therapy

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tentional weight gain that could not be explained by re-covery from CDI alone. Interestingly, the recipient re-ported increased appetite. These observations remaincontroversial given that it is a case report. However, it isconsistent with rodent studies where transfer of fecal mat-ter from obese mice to germ-free mice transmits the meta-bolic phenotype [35]. Regardless, the results of this reporthave affected FMT protocol at many institutions that nowexclude obese donors from donating.

CONCLUSIONFMT remains an exciting therapy with abundant po-

tential. Nevertheless, there has been a lack of controlled,randomized trials for metabolic disease. Initially, the FDAconsidered FMT an IND, making it difficult for practi-tioners to use until all other therapeutic options had beenexhausted. However, in 2014 the FDA stated that it wouldexercise enforcement discretion, allowing physicians touse FMT without IND applications for the treatment ofCDI. For more investigational indications of FMT, an INDapplication with the FDA is still required.

Given the amount of controlled clinical studies cur-rently testing FMT for metabolic syndrome we shouldhave a clear indication in the next few years of whetheror not microbiota changes are causative or correlative inthis rising epidemic, and whether altering the gut micro-biome through FMT or similar procedures will providenew therapeutic options for obesity and its associatedmetabolic disorders.

Acknowledgments: A.Z. received support from NIH K08DK102902 and the AASLD Liver Scholar Award.

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