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Treatment of water with boiler compounds

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Presented June, 1909


Page 6: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 7: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


June. 1., ..- 190 S


liliiam Christopxi Marti

ENTITLED TvQ a taent of Wa t e r w i tli Bo il er Compounds


DEGREE OF -i-^ Bachelor of Science _

in Chemical Engineering.

Instructor in Charge.




Page 8: Treatment of water with boiler compounds



Page 9: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


One phase in nearly every industry in which water plays

an important part is that in which it is used for the production of

steam, either for heating or for the development of motive power.

Many difficulties enter into this process. The total conversion of

all the heat into steam is the ideal result desired. Much of the

heat is lost hy radiation, hut hy far the greater amount of it is

lost in the hoiler proper. In some waters this great loss is due

partly to the formation of scale on the inside of the hoiler. Seri-

ous losses in boiler efficiency are due to corrosion and foaming. In

the following pages we consider these three phases of the action of

water in toilers.


Scale is the deposite formed on the inside of the hoiler,

and on the inside of the tuhes in a water tuhe hoiler, and the out-

side of the tuhes in a fire tuhe hoiler. It is caused hy impurities

in the water that are left hehind as the water evaporates.

If the water used in a hoiler were perfectly pure there

would he no trouhle due to scaling. All natural waters contain more

or less solid matter in solution, or mixed with it mechanically and

he3.d in suspension. The most trouhlesome suhstances found in hoilei

waters are salts of magnesium, and calcium. Carbonates and sul-

phates of calcium and magnesium are the chief producers of scale.

It would appear that a few grains of solid matter would

not have much effect in a large boiler, but it is not long before

these few grains become tons. Taking three gallons per hour as a

fair amount of water to be evaporated to produce the steam for

Page 10: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 11: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


developing one horse power of work, an engine of 100 HP. will re-

quire 3000 gallons of water to "be evaporated in a days run of 10

hours. Supposing that the average amount of solid matter in waters

is 15 grains per gallon or 6.5 pounds in the 3000 gallons. This

amounts to 2Gwt. a month or a little over a ton a year. If this

consists of the carbonates and sulphates of calcium and magnesium,

the most of the residue remains in the boiler as scale, and the non-

conducting power of this material is the source of much trouble and


Since it requires about l/2 ton of coal to evaporate 1000

gallons of water the cost of bringing this about, taking the average

price of the coal used as $3.00 a ton, would be |1.50. But when

scale collects the amount of heat transferred to the water becomes

less and less, and in order to supply the required amount of steam

more heat must be supplied and consequently more coal must be burned,

The following table gives an example of the waste involved.*

water Softening - Collet - page 18.

Per cent Waste

10 15 20 25Cost Cost Cost Cost

With coal at $ 1.95 per ton $ .100 $ .145 1 .192 $ .241

n n tt 2.43 Tt tt .121 .180 .241 .302

It »f n 2.92 n It .145 .217 .286 .360

n n tt 3.41 tt tt .168 .252 .337 .420

n n rt 3.89 tt n .192 .288 .384 .482

Page 12: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 13: Treatment of water with boiler compounds

The following figure gives the thickness and comparative

resistance to the transmission of heat, of the toiler plate and its

coating of scale,*

Water Softening - Collet * page 18.

z -1

o <a: u




Comparative resistance and Cost.

To the above losses must "be added the cost of frequently cleaning

out the "boiler. Many toiler explosions have teen directly caused "by

the formation of scale on the inside. The scale keeps the plate

from "becoming properly cooled, it becomes overheated and soft, and

the pressure of the steam inside is able to force an opening the

outcome of which is evident to every one.

The scaling matter in water varies greatly with the char-

acter of the soil and rock through which the water passes. The sub-

stances which go to make up the scale in a boiler are also the ones

which go to make up that property of water knovm as hardness.

Hardness is divided into two classes:- Temporary and

Permanent. Temporary hardness is due to the presence of carbonates,

which substances form the soft scales. Permanent hardness is due to

sulphates, chlorides and nitrates (mineral acid hardness). Sulphates

of magnesium and calcium form a very hard scale. They are the least

desirable as constituents of a boiler water.

Page 14: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 15: Treatment of water with boiler compounds

The amount of troutle caused "by a certain thickness of

scale depends largely upon the suhstances in solution, Ahout 1/4

inch of scale is the average amount that causes trouble, but in some

of the Eastern waters because of the character of the scale, I/I6

inch of scale is noticeable. A thin coating of scale is thought by

many to be an advantage, since it protects the plates from corrosioz^

but it may aid this latter action rather than hinder it, because of

pitting under the scale. The following table* shows the number of

Report of Com., Am. Ry.Eng.& Maintenance of Way Ass. Bull. 83, p 41.

hours service required to form I/I6 inch scale for various amounts

of incrusting matter.

Pounds of Incrusting Solids1 2 3 4 5 6

per 1000 gallons of water.

Hours of Service to Accum-781 391 260 195 156 130

ulate I/I6 inch scale.


Corrosion is the eating away of the metal portions of the

boiler; it is caused by the presence of acids or acid forming sub-

stances in the water. Dissolved oxygen may also cause corrosion by

the process known as rusting.

Free carbonic acid causes corrosion. There is always

greater rusting at the point at which the water enters the boiler,

*Exam. of Water for San. and Tech. Purposes - Leffman - page 120.


since there the gases are driven out of solution and immediately

Page 16: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


Page 17: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


attack the metal. The corrosive action of oxygen and carbonic acid

is especially noticeable in waters that are comparatively pure, such

as those derived from mountain springs. This was repeatedly ob-

served by Dr. William Bean in examining waters used by the Baltimore

and Ohio railroad.

Magnesium chloride in considerable quantity is harmful.

This salt reacts with water at high temperatures with the formation

of the hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. The free acid corrodes the

iron plates of the boiler. Allen* remarks that the presence of a

Exam, of Water for San. and Tech, Purposes - Leffman - page 121.

certain amount of common salt prevents this composition due to the

formation of a more stable double salt . (MgCl2 .l!laC1.6H20)

Corrosion is probably the most destructive, of the forces

which tend to shorten the life of a boiler. The three forms of cor-

rosion occurring in a boiler are:- Uniform corrosion. Pitting, and

Grooving. In uniform corrosion large areas of the plate are eaten

away. In pitting the plates are in spots indented with holes, in

most cases formed under a coating of scale. The following figure

shows an example of pitting(A) . Grooving is generally caused by the

buckling action of the plates when

under pressure. It takes place

chiefly around joints in the

Fig. A. ^ boiler-plate and in places where

the scale has become ' cracked. The following figure shows an

example of grooving(B).

Fig. B.

Page 18: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 19: Treatment of water with boiler compounds




Foaming is the result of dirty or greasy water in the

"boiler, and occurs when the water froths at the surface. Alkalies

when present to a great extent in water cause foaming. The chief

objection to foaming is that it causes wet steam, which lowers the

efficiency of the toiler. It may also cause a wrong water level

reading in the gauge glass which will produce, due to insufficient

amount of water, overheating of the ho.iler plates. Foaming is not

as troublesome in stationary as in locomotive boilers. 100 grains

per gallon of foaming constituents is considered the critical point

for the latter.*

Report of Com., Am.Ey.Eng. & Maintenance of Way Ass. Bull. 83, p. 45.

To overcome the abovementioned objections in water several

methods of treatment have been put into use. The water may either

be treated in or out of the boiler. The latter method is the most

desirable, for the wear on the boiler is increased by causing chem-

ical reactions to take place in it. But the cost of installing an

outside treatment plant is quite high, and most manufacturing con-

cerns and heating plants running on a small scale, cannot afford

them, so they rely on the treatment within the boiler. This latter

phase of boiler-water treatment is the one taken up in this paper.

Many substances were used to bring about a better effi-

ciency in the boiler. In Scotland potatoes were used to prevent the

formation of scale.* In some places sand was used, it being thought

that the scale would collect on this substance and not on the*boiler,

*Y/estern Railway Club - W. H. Edgar ^ p. 250.

Page 20: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 21: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


In other places kerosene was used,* Some of these rather crude ma^

*Water Softening - Collet - p. 34. t

terials gave good results, "but it was found that certain chemicals

when added to the water in the toiler gave more rapid, and sometimes

"better results. Some of them even prevented corrosion to some ex-

tent, a thing not produced hy the cruder materials. These chemicals

and mixtures were sold under the name of "Boiler Compounds",

An ideal "toiler compound" would he one that will prevent

scaling, corrosion and foaming, None of the compounds manufactured

so far have heen able to prevent all of these reactions. In fact, a

toiler compound must "be made to fit each individual case.

The toiler compounds on the market are so many and so

various, that it would te impossitle to refer to one tenth of them.

Most of them are valueless, tut there are a few which give very ex-

cellent results. The most commonly used of these is sodium carton-

ate fUasGOa ) . The great majority of the tetter compounds contain

this chemical in a large proportion. Its action is purely chemical,

not mechanical, and its usefulness depends upon its atility to

change the sulphates of calcium and magnesium to the cartonates.

The reactions are as follov/s-.-

CaSO^. ITasCOs = CaCOg UasSO^

MgS04 + HasCOa = MgCOg + ITa2S04

MgCls + UagCOs = MgCOs 2NaCl

It also aids the precipitation of the cartonates present. Too much

of it, however, causes foaming.

Caustic soda(EaOH) acts in much the same way as the car-

tonate, its only disadvantage is that it is very corrosive. It was

Page 22: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 23: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


introduced as a "boiler compound* ty Dr. C, B. Dudley, Chemist for

the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.

Tannin and tannate of sodium are frequently used. They

act somewhat similar to soda in that they precipitate the calcium

and magnesium. The tannic acid attacks the iron plates to a great

extent and is therefore a very strong corrosive,* Good tannin com-

*Exam. of TTater for San. and Tech, Purposes - Leffman - page 131.

pounds are much higher in cost than sodium carhonate, and are not as

much used for that reason,

Tri sodium phosphate fIIa3P04) was introduced as a toiler

compound "by W. J. Williams of the Keystone Chemical Company, Camden,

IT. J. in 1888. Aside from its price, which is ahout nine times that

of sodium carhonate, phosphate of soda has certain advantages. It

produces "by its action on lime salts in the water, flocculent, amor-

phous precipitates, which are absolutely nonadhering to the toiler

surface, and are easily hlown out.* In January 1899 Prof. C. F,

Mahery and Ed. Baltzley called attention to the use of sodium alumi-

nate fHagAlOs ) ^ot removing scale-forming matter from water. This

compound acts in the same manner as sodium hydroxide.*

*Trans, of Am. Soc, C. E,, Vol. IIV, page 8 - J. 0. Handy.

In America petroleum is "being put into "boilers to prevent

scale. Its action is purely mechanical. It forms a coating of oil

on the crystals which prevents them from cohering, hut the effect

is not lasting, hecause the oil soon passes off with the steam. The

water in such cases is greasy and foams considerably.*

*Gehhardt - Steam Power Plant Engineering »« page 215.

Page 24: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 25: Treatment of water with boiler compounds

Hydrochloric acid has "been used to eat off the scale,, "but

in most cases the "boiler plate is eaten away. It has to "be added in

measured quantities and even then it gives "bad results. Ammonium

chjoride has "been tried, "but this suhstance has the same drawhacks

that the acid has,*

international Correspondence Schools-pamphlet No, 358-pase 38.

In 1890, in a paper hefore the American Chemical Society,

Dr. Chas. A. Doremus talked of using sodium fluoride for a "boiler

compound. Its price is ten times as great as that of sodium car-

"bonate, which acts in the same manner,*

*Trans. Am. Soc. C. E., Vol. LI"V - page 8 « J. C. Handy.

De La Coux recommends: Boil 2 kilograms of oak sawdust

for an hour, at least, in 10 liters of water, then add 3 kilograms

of molasses. A kilogram of this compound per H.P. per week is usu-

ally sufficient.*

*Eoiler Waters - Christie - page 15.

The Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul railroad uses for

the surface waters in the forest region of Wisconsin at Wauvau, the

following compound: One part of caustic soda and one-half part of

sodium carhonate.*

*Boiler Waters - Christie - page 213.

Some compounds now in use and their composition are:-

1. "Arcanum". NasCOo, 11-5^; NaCl, 1.24^; Fe, Al, Ca, Mg,

0.1%; Organic matter 1.86^^; water 84^.

Page 26: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 27: Treatment of water with boiler compounds

2. "S^f^nifuge". UagCOs and sugar

3. "Anti-Tartre-Vegetal-Bretal". lofo solution of organic


4. "Anticartonit". Tar dyes; IIa2G03, 23^; UaHGOg, 6Z%;

CaCOs, 2,5^; HaCl, UagSO^ and water.*

5. "Selenige". Soda and Molasses,*

Biedormann's Technique Ohemisches Jalirbuch « Hagedorn - page 303.

6. "Tannate". Sodium tannate, lOfo; tannin extract contain-

ing saccharine and general inert matter of the extract, 60%; mixture

of cane and grape sugar with some soluhle starch, 10^.*

western Eailway Cluh - 7/. H. Edgar - page 231.

7. "Compound No. 1". Sawdust, UagCOa and some sulphates.*

Analysis by Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Illinois,

From this we see that the composition of the various com-

pounds is quite different and it is seldom if ever that the name

represents the content, in fact cases are known where Lake Michigan

water has been sold for a boiler compound,* It is the intention of

*T7estern Railway Club - G, M. Davidson - page 247.

the author to give the important compounds used in boilers a

thorough test, and find out their good and bad qualities.

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Page 29: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 30: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 31: Treatment of water with boiler compounds



In order to bring about the reactions in the boiler as

near as possible the following method was used: (Gee Chart T.)

The water to be tested is placed in a tubulated bottle to serve as a

reservoir (F) . The tubulus is fitted with two tubes(C) and (D), one

shorter than the other, which dip into a small flask(B), placed at

a lower level.. From this flask a siphon(E) runs over to a heating

flask(A). placed on a level with the flaskfB). Into the flask(A) a

sheet of ironfG) is hung. After once filling the reservoir, the

level of the v;ater in flask A remains automatically constant, for as

soon as any water boils off in A and the level lowers, the siphon

draws over some of the water from flask B, which lowers the level in

the latter. Tube G being shorter than D allows air to go up through

it into the reservoir, which is air tight, and water flows down

through C until the water level is high enough to seal D again. In

this manner the experiment can be started and kept running without

much watching on the part of the manipulator.

As large amounts of water were needed, the University of

Illinois water was used most frequently in the tests.

The flask(A) was weighed before and after the experiment.

Any increase in the weight of the flask gave the amount of scale-

forming material deposited on the walls. The flask was shaken thor-

oughly, and washed with distilled water so that soluble deposits,

which would be carried away by the blowing off of the boiler, would

not enter into the increaue in weight*

The piece of sheet iron(G) was weighed before putting

into the flask, and after the boiling was completed, it was

Page 32: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 33: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


thoroughly washed and cleaned with fine pumice stone. This latter

cleaner was used "because in the highly scaling waters a small amount


of scale formed on the sheet. It was then dried with alchol and

ether and was placed in a dessicator until ready to weigh. Any loss

in the weight of the iron gave the amount of iron eaten away or

corroded. It was thought that perhaps some of the iron was removed

by the pximice so a hlank test was rUn. The following results were


Iron Lost.Fumher of Strokes.







.0007 "

.0009 "

.0013 "

.0015 "




•0008 "


.0016 "


.0006 "

.0007 "

oOOlO "

.0017 "

The loss due to 50 strokes was used as a correction in

drawing the curves


The following tables give some of the results obtained.



Boiling down of two liters of various waters to 500 cubic centimeter

Iron Corroded. Scale Formed. Source of Water.


,0293 "

.0100 "

.0352 "

.0250 "

.0330 "

.2461gm. Dean - Bode Mfg. Co., Champaign.

.1012 " Kankakee River Water.

.2578 " Matt on City Supply,

.0000 " Double-distilled.

.1979 " University Supply.

.0000 " Distilled Water.

Page 34: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 35: Treatment of water with boiler compounds

PLATE I. -13-

U. OF < S. S. FOnM 3

Page 36: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 37: Treatment of water with boiler compounds

The following tables give analyses of the waters used,

Analysis*of water from Dean-Bode Mfg., Co., Champaign, 111,



Sodium Ua 33 .4

Magnesium Mg 50.0Calcium Ca 106.9Oxides of Iron FegOs*and Alumina AI2O3 2.2

ITitrate IIO3 1.2Chloride CI 24.0Sulphate SO4 152.5Silica SiOg 11.0Bases 3.0

Hypothetical ComhinationsParts Grainsper per

Million Gallon

Sodium nitrate UalTOa

Sodium chloride ITaClSodium sulphate T!ra2S04

Magnesium sulphate MgS04Magnesium carbonate MgCOsCalcium carbonate CaCOgOxides of Iron FegOs*and Alumina AI2O3Silica Si02BasesTotal Mineral Matter

1.6 0.0939.6 2.3153.7 3.13

145.7 8.4936.4 2.12266.8 15.56

2.2 0.1311.0 0.643.0 0.17

560.0 32.64

Municipal Water Supplies of Illinois - Bulletin Ho. 5, of theIllinois State Water Survey.

Analysis*of Kankakee River Water from Kankakee, Illinois.


Hypothetical CombinationsPartsper


Potassium K 2.0sodium Ha 5.3Ammonium .1

Magnesium Mg 17.6Calcixun Ca 56.7Ferrous Fe 4.2Alumina AI2O3 10.8Silica SiOs 37.2Nitrate ITO3 5.3Chloride CI 2.0sulphate SO4 50.0Bases 16.5


Million Gallon

MO3 5.2MO3 2.9laCl 3.3Ha2S04 9.9(m^)zSO^ .4

MgS04 53.9

potassium nitrateSodium nitrateSodium chlorideSodium sulphateAmmonium sulphateMagnesium sulphateMagnesium carbonate MgCOs 23.2Calcium carbonate CaC03 141.5Ferrous carbonate FeCOg 8.1Alumina AI2O3 10.8Silica SiOg 37.2Bases 16 .5

Total Mineral Matter 313.5




"Municipal Water Supplies of Illinois" - Bulletin Ho. 5, of the

Illinois State Water Survey.

Page 38: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 39: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


Analysis*of Mattoon water from oity Supply, Mattoon, 111.


Potassixun KSodliun HaAmmonium (1^4)Magnesium MgCalcium CaFerrous FeAlumina AI2O3Silica SiOsnitrate ITO3

Chloride GlSulphate SO4









Hypothetical CombinationsParts Grainsper per

Million Gallon

Potassium nitrate KfTOs 1»1 .06

Potassium chloride KCl V.9 .46

Sodium chloride UaCl .8 .05

Sodium sulphate 1182804 129.4 7.55Ammonium sulphate (ITH4 )2S04l.8 .10

Magnesium sulphate MgS04 190.2 11.09Magnesium carhonate VLbCOq 39.1 2.27Calcium carbonate GaCOg 233.9 13.64Ferrous carbonate FeCOs .8 .05

Alumina AI2O3 .8 .05

Silica SiOs 13.9 .81

Total Mineral Matter 619.7 36.13

Municipal Water Supplies of Illinois - Bulletin Ho. 5, of the

Illinois State Water Survey.

Analysis* of water from the University of Illinois Supply.

Jons Hypothetical CombinationsParts Grainsper per

Million Gallon



Potassium K 2.6Sodium 17a 29.0Ammonium fHH^) 2,3Magnesium Mg 34.9Calcium Ca 70.1Iron Fe 1.0Aluminium Al 1.3nitrate ITO3 .7Chlorine CI 3.5Sulphate SO4 2.3Silica SiOg 18.9


Potassium nitratePotassium chlorideSodium chlorideSodium sulphateSodium carbonateAmmonium carbonate (1014)2003 6.1Magnesium carbonate MgC03 121.2CalciTim carbonate CaCOs 175.2Ferrous carbonate FeCOs 2.1Alumina AI2O3 2.5Silica SiOs 18.9Total Mineral Matter 397.6








"Chemical and Biological Survey of the Waters of Illinois", BulletinIIo. 6, of the Illinois State Water Survey.

Page 40: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 41: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


The scale formed varies with the amount of CaOOg, MeS04,

and MgCOs, as can be seen from the composition of the waters and

Plate I. The corrosion varies inversely as the amount of solid

matter in solution. Distilled waters are corrosive "because of their

tendency to satisfy their solubility properties.

Page 42: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 43: Treatment of water with boiler compounds



Treatment of University water with lJa2G03. Two liters of

the cold water were treated. Boiled down to 500 o.c.

Amount ofNasCOsadded


1 gm.

2 "

3 "

4 "

5 "


Iron Corroded,

.0148 gm.

.015S "

.0178 "

.0186 "

.0231 "

.0266 "

Scale Formed. Foaming.

.042 gm,

.038 "

.030 "

.026 "

.018 "

.206 "


very low

From this tahle it can he seen that the corrosion is

somewhat lowered as well as the scale formation, hut the foaming is

increased to a most undesirahle extent. The increased treatment,

however, tends to increase the corrosive powers of the water.

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Page 45: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 46: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 47: Treatment of water with boiler compounds



Treatment of University water with llaHCOs. Two liters of

the hot water were treated. Boiled down to 500 c.c.

Amount oflagCOsadded.

Iron Corroded. Scale Formed. Foaming.

.2 gm.

.4 "

.6 "

.8 "

1.0 "



,CE26 gm.

.0209 "

.0180 "

.0161 "

.0148 "

,0276 "

.054 gm.









very low

The corrosion is lowered as in Tahle II, although the

scale formed is lower and the foaming less. However, the results

are not as good as is desired for "boiler water purposes.

Page 48: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 49: Treatment of water with boiler compounds

U. OF I. S. S. FORM 3

Page 50: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 51: Treatment of water with boiler compounds



Treatment of University water with "Arcan-am." Two liters of

the hot water were treated. Boiled down to 500 c.c.

Amount of"Arcanum"added.

5 c .c


10 "

15 "

20 "

25 "


Iron Corroded, Scale Formed.

,0227 gm.

.0238 "

.0252 "

.0291 "

•0305 "

,0256 "

,158 gm,

.112 "

.108 "

,094 "

.068 "

.199 "





very low

The corrosion is not lowered appreciably. The scale

formed is almost unchanged in smaller treatments, while in the

higher treatments, where a change is noticeahle, the foaming is

too great.

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Page 53: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 54: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 55: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


At this stage it was thought best to run a rapid "boiler

water test in addition to the other so as to get the connection of

the two. This test consists of the following determinations: Hard-'*

ness. Alkalinity, Incrustants, and Magnesium.*

see Standard Methods of Water Analysis, page 55 - 66.

The hardness is determined hy means of the standard soap

solution. This solution is standardized with a standard calcium

chloride solution and a curve for the standardization of the soap

solution is drawn. 10 c .c . of the water are taken and soap solution

is added until a lather forms which lasts for at least five minutes.

By reference to the curve already mentioned, the hardness is parts

per million is found.

The alkalinity is determined hy titration with IT/50 sul-

phuric acid. IOC c.c. of the water are generally used. By multi-

plying the number of cubic centimeters of acid used by ten the al-

kalinity in parts per million can be found.

The incrustants are determined in the following manner:

Place 200 c.c. of the water in a 500 c.c. Erlenmeyer flask, boil 15

minutes to expel COg. Add 25 c.c. of IT/20 soda reagent (composed of

equal parts of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate). Boil ten

minutes and filter into a 200 c.c. graduated flask. Fill this with

distilled water to the mark, and use 50 c.c. for titration with 1T/5C

sulphuric acid using methyl orange as an indicator. Make a blank

determination using distilled water. Then the number of cubic cent-

imeters of acid required to neutralize the blank minus the number

required to neutralize the unknown gives the incrustants as CaCOg.

Page 56: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 57: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


This result multiplied "by 20 gives the incrustants in parts per

million. If the water contains llasCOs the blank determination will

"be less than that of the unknown.

The magnesium is determined as follows: 100 c,c» of the

water is neutralized with IT/50 sulphuric acid using methyl orange

as an indicator. (This will give the alkalinity). This is heated to

expel the CO2. in a 200 c.c. graduated flask. 25 or 50 c.c. of a

saturated solution of lime water is added, and the whole is heated

on the water-hath for 15 minutes. It is made up to 5 c.c. ahove the

mark, shaken well and allowed to cool. Upon cooling the level will

have fallen to the required mark. The excess of lime water is de-

termined with 11/50 sulphuric acid and using methyl orange as an in-

dicator, 50 c.c. of the water is used for this purpose and a "blank

should always he run using distilled water. Use only the super-

natent liquid. The hlank determination minus the determination of

the unknown gives the magnesium as CaCOs. Tl^is result multiplied

hy 40 gives the magnesium (Mg) in parts per million.

Page 58: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 59: Treatment of water with boiler compounds



Treatment of University water with "ArGanum". Two liters of

the cold water were treated. Boiled down to 500 c.c.

Amount of"Arcamim" Iron Corroded, Soale Formed. Foaming. Inc. Mg. Alk.Hari-

added. ness.

10 c.c. .0231 gm. .103 gm. high -207 88 462 375

20 " . .0279 " .122 n n -282 104 644 350

30 " .0301 " .093 It n -327 96 844 295

40 " .0346 " .046 If n -372 80 1094 235

50 " .0372 " .009 It n -407 104 1296 170

untreated .0253 " .206 IT very low -82 112 348 390

The corrosion is increased considerahly . The scale form^-

ed is lowered, and decreases with the treatment. Foaming, however,

is too great for all practical purposes.

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Page 63: Treatment of water with boiler compounds



Treatment of University water with, lofo solution of potassium

fluoride. Two liters of the cold water

were treated. Boiled down to 500 c.c.

Amount offluoride Iron Corroded. Scale Formed. Foaming. Inc. Mg. Alk. Hard-

added, ness.

10 c.c. .0202 gm. .012 gm. low -210 73 332 310

20 " .0216 tf .004 n n -250 75 335 265

30 " .0229 n .001 n If -298 over 347 205

40 " .0256 tt .000 n If -337 treat- 347 165

50 "• 0262 n .000 tf n -376 ment 347 130

untreated .0251 It .194 n very low -79 114 347 385

The corrosion increases with increased treatment. The

amount of scale formed is lowered and foaming practically unchanged.

The 20 c.c, treatment gives the minimum Mg, result. The alkalinity

is decreased in the first two treatments "but after that is the same

as the original water. The hardness is lowered considerably. Tlie

over treatment could "be told "by the precipitation of the excess of

lime water so that one drop of acid gave a neutral result.

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Page 67: Treatment of water with boiler compounds



Treatment of University water with ITasCOs. 3,5 liters of

cold water treated, 500c .c. used up in maJking

determinations and rest "boiled to 500c .c.

Test A.Amount ofHagCOs Iron Corroded, Scale Formed, Foaming. Inc,


Mg. Alk, Hard-ness ,

•2 gm. .0327 gm. .224 gm. slight -130 76 408 365

.4 " .0338 " .200 " high -178 72 412 345

.6 " .0352 " .157 " " -222 76 426 330

.8 " .0391 " .132 " " -278 75 448 315

1.0 " .0402 " .121 " " -322 80 472 300

un urea ueo. -317 " very low -77

Test B.

110 356 390

.2 gm. ,0330 gm. .218 gm. slight -132 78 412 360

.4 " ,0335 " .201 " high -176 80 417 345

.6 " .0357 " ,163 " " "220 79 325

.8 " ,0380 " .152 " " -281 75 453 320

1.0 " .0412 " .126 " -330 78 476 310

untreated .0390 " .303 " very low -82 116 354 385

The corrosion increases with the treatment ( see Table II.)

although the scale forming is lowered. The foaming is also high, and

increased with the alkalinity. The hardness is not changed very


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Page 71: Treatment of water with boiler compounds



Treatment of University water with Sumach Extract (Tannin)liters of cold water treated. 500c .c, used up in making

determinations and rest "boiled to 500 c,c.


Amount ofExtract Iron Corroded,added.

Tost A.

Scale Formed. Foaming. Inc. Mg. Alk. Hard-nebo


.1 gm. .0570 gm. •271 gm. low -86 108 OOO

• 2 " .0596 " ,206 " " -86 98 ^ P

.3 " •0667 " .149 " " -88 84 OOO

.4 " .0744 "• 083 " " -92 78 ODsJ

• 5 " .0747 " ,052 " " -108 73 COO

untreated .0386 " .299 " very low «82

Test B.

112 353 380

• 1 gm. .0523 gm. • 276 gm. low -84 114 O 1 \J

.2 " •0592 " •212 " " -78 100 OoU

.3 " .0638 " .153 " " -84 86 3 DO

.4 " •0702 " ,094 " " -90 79 CC n PL

.5 " .0720 " ,061 " " -100 76 OOO

untreated .0380 " .304 " very low -82 118 355 385

The corrosion increases very rapidly, the amount in 0x16

higher treatment heing ahout twice that of the untreated water.

amount of scale formed is lov/ered and the foaming remains practical-

ly unchanged. Alkalinity and hardness remain unchanged, and Magnes-

ium is lowered only slightly. Prom the results ohtained after heat-

ing it appears that decomposition of the tannin has taken place

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Page 75: Treatment of water with boiler compounds



Treatment of Mississippi River water from Quincy, Illinois,

with UagCOg. 3,5 liters of cold water treated, 500c.

used up in making determinations and remainder

boiled to 500 c.c.

Amount ofUagCOs Iron Corroded. Scale Formed. Foaming. Inc. Mg. Alk.


.2 gm. .0326 gm. .116 gm. Slight -30 156 164 135

.4 " .0343 n .099 TT It -72 152 170 120

.6 " .0356 n .075 H high «110 148 183 100

.8 " .0383 n .031 11 n -160 128 202 95

1.0 " .0388 n .009 IT IT -194 124 223 70

untreated .0326 « .119 n low 24 168 116 150

The corrosion is slightly increased, and the scale formed

is lowered. Foaming is high in the higher treatments. The alkalin-

ity increases, and the incrustants are lowered. Magnesium is lowered

to a slight extent, and the hardness decreases regularly.

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Page 79: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


Analysis of Mississippi River water at Quincy, Illinois . (Filtered)


Ions Hypothetical Comtinations







Potassium K 2*7 Potassium nitrate 00 «» 4.9 •29

Sodium Ha 4*3 Potassium chloride KCl 1.5 .09

Magnesium Mg 9 .3 Sodium chloride NaCl 1.3 .08

Calcium Ga 18.4 Sodium sulphate IIa2S04 11.7 •68

Iron Fe .7 Magnesium sulphate MgS04 30.5 1.78

Alumina AI2O3 1.2 Magnesium carhonate MgCOg 11.1 .05

iritrate IIO3 3.0 Calcium carhonate CaCOg 46.9 2.08

Chloride CI 1.5 Iron carhonate FeCOs 1.5 .09

Sulphate SO4 32.3 Alumina AI2O3 1.2 .07

Silica SiOs 6.5 Silica

Total Mineral Matter

SiOs 6.5 .38

116.1 6.79

Municipal Water Supplies of Illinois - Bulletin IFo. 5, of the

Illinois State Water Survey.

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Treatment of Mississippi River water, from Quincy, Illinois,

with sumacti Extract. 3.5 liters of cold water treated,

500 CO. used for making determinations and the

remainder boiled to 500 c.c.

Amount ofExtract Iron Corroded. Scale Formed. Foaming. Inc. Mg. Alk. Hard-


.05 gm. .0541 gm. .102 gm. low 22 145 116 150

.1 n .0525 n• 085 n n 23 103 118 145

•15 n• 0570 »t .063 TT w 20 88 117 155

• 20 n .0620 n • 041 If ti 18 75 116 150

.25 n• 0648 n

•026 n 16 70 115 150

untreated •0322 n•121 ti n 24 168 116 150

The corrosion increases very rapidly. The amount of

scale formed is lowered, and the foaming remains almost unchanged.

Alkalinity, hardness, and magnesium are practically constant. The

results of corrosion and amount of scale formed indicate that some

decomposition of the tannin has taken place after heating.

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1. From the experiments it is seen that the amount of scale

formed varies with the incrustants and. hardness, with the hardness in

particular. The corrosion varies with the alkalinity, showing that

an increase in alkalinity makes the water more corrosive, due prota-

Taly to the formation of hydrates.

E, The waters treated with sumach are an exception. In

such waters, alkalinity, incrustants and hardness are almost unchang-

ed, but the amount of scale formed is lowered. The corrosion in-

creases continually, showing that the tannin must undergo decomposi-

tion on heating.

3. The magnesium in all cases reaches a minimum, v/hich is,

however, above the point of solubility of the liydrate.

4. Wherever there is a decrease in the amount of scale

formed, the corrosion increases. When sodium carbonate is used, the

foaming becomes so prominent that it makes this method of treatment


5. In none of the experiments tried are the results ideal.

Further experiments should be carried on with waters of a different

character before final conclusions can be made.

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Page 87: Treatment of water with boiler compounds



Water Softening - Harold Collet, page 15, ^

Western Railway Clu"b - W, H. Edgar, page 250.(Boiler Feed Waters) Jan. 1900.

Western Railway Olub - G. M. Davidson, page 241.(Method of Purifying Water) Fet. 12, 1905.

Scientific American Supplement - J. C. Sparks, pages 25104-5.(Boiler Compounds) Jan. 13, 1906.

International Correspondence Schools Pamphlets ITos. 358, 359, 356.

Boiler Waters - W. W. Christie, page 137.

Examination of Water for Sanitary and Technical Purposes - Leffmann.

pages 120 - 123.

Biedermann^s Technique Chemisches Jahrbuch.Vol. 19, C. Abel, page 327.Vol. 18, Eieske, page 303.Vol. 18, Hagedorn, page 303.

Analysis and Softening of Boiler Feed Water - Wehrenfenning


(Patterson) pages 183-4-5, 31-42.

Engineering Hews - July 27, 1905.. page 112, May 24. 1890, page 497,

American Machinist, December 7, 1899, page 115.October 26, 1899, page 1014.

Power, Aug-ust 1903. August 1895, page 13, May 1896, page 16.

Engineering and Mining Journal, August 12, 1905, page 255.

Transactions American Society of Mechanical Engineers.9-247 and 11-937.

Locomotive. July 1890, page 97.

Eent-Steam Boiler Economy, page 318.

Marine Boiler Management and Construction, Stromeyer, page 81.

Engineering Magazine. 12:959; 13:74, 232, 419. (A.A. Carry)

(Cure for Corrosion and Scale Forming)


Journal Franklin Institute, 139:135, 215.

Railway Magazine, VIII-May-454 ; IZ-August-97


Page 88: Treatment of water with boiler compounds
Page 89: Treatment of water with boiler compounds


Purification of Boiler Feed V/aters - Dr. F. Wyatt.

Water Softening for Municipal Supplies - Fuller.

Report of Committee, American Railway Engineering and Maintenanceof Way Association.-Bulletin 83. pages 40-47.

Bulletins of Illinois State Water Survey.

Standard Methods of Water Analysis, pages 55-66.

Steam Power Plant Engineering - Gethardt - page 213.

Transactions of American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.LIV, p. 8.

(The Purification of Water for Production of Steam- J .O.Handy


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