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Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations Recueil des Traitis Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris ou classjs et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies
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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreementsregistered

or filed and recorded

with the Secretariat of the United Nations

Recueil des Traitis

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistrisou classjs et inscrits au repertoire

au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

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Copyright © United Nations 2001All rights reserved

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Copyright @ Nations Unies 2001Tous droits rdserv6s

Imprimd aux Etats-Unis d'Amdrique

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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreementsregistered

or filed and recordedwith the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traitis

Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistrisou classds et inscrits au rdpertoire

au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations e Nations UniesNew York, 2001

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Treaties and international agreementsregistered or filed and recorded

with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 1657 1991 I. No. 28521



Treaties and international agreementsregistered on 13 December 1991

No. 28521. United States of America and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:

Treaty on the elimination of their intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles(with memorandum of understanding, site diagrams and photographs, proto-col on procedures governing the elimination of the missile systems, protocolregarding inspections and annex thereto, exchange of notes and agreed minutedated 12 May 1988 and exchange of notes dated 28 and 29 May 1988). Signedat W ashington on 8 Decem ber 1987 ........................................................................

Vol. 1657

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Traites et accords internationauxenregistris ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire

au Secritariat de I'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 1657 1991 I. NO 28521


ITraitds et accords intemationaux

enregistris le 13 d~cembre 1991


NO 28521. Etats-Unis d'Amkrique et Union des Republiques socialistes sovi6-tiques :

Trait6 sur r'61imination de leurs missiles A port6e interm6diaire et A plus courteport6e (avec mdmorandum d'accord, diagrammes d'emplacement et photos,protocole concemant les proc6dures r6gissant l'61imination des syst~mes demissiles, protocole concernant les inspections et annexe y rattach6e, 6changede notes et procs-verbal approuv6 en date du 12 mai 1988 et 6change de notesen date des 28 et 29 mai 1988). Signd A Washington le 8 d6cembre 1987 ........... 3

Vol. 1657

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Under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations every treaty and every international agree-ment entered into by any Member of the United Nations after the coming into force of the Charter shall,as soon as possible, be registered with the Secretariat and published by it. Furthermore, no party to atreaty or international agreement subject to registration which has not been registered may invoke thattreaty or agreement before any organ of the United Nations. The General Assembly, by resolution 97 (1),established regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter (see text of the regulations, vol. 859,p. VII).

The terms "treaty" and "international agreement" have not been defined either in the Charter or inthe regulations, and the Secretariat follows the principle that it acts in accordance with the position of theMember State submitting an instrument for registration that so far as that party is concerned the instru-ment is a treaty or an international agreement within the meaning of Article 102. Registration of aninstrument submitted by a Member State, therefore, does not imply ajudgement by the Secretariat on thenature of the instrument, the status of a party or any similar question. It is the understanding of theSecretariat that its action does not confer on the instrument the status of a treaty or an internationalagreement if it does not already have that status and does not confer on a party a status which it wouldnot otherwise have.

Unless otherwise indicated, the translations of the original texts of treaties, etc., published in thisSeries have been made by the Secretariat of the United Nations.


Aux termes de I'Article 102 de la Charte des Nations Unies, tout trait6 ou accord internationalconclu par un Membre des Nations Unies apr.s l'entr6e en vigueur de la Charte sera, le plus t6t possible,enregistrd au Secr6tariat et publid par lui. De plus, aucune partie A un trait6 ou accord international quiaurait dd 6tre enregistr6 mais ne l'a pas 6td ne pourra invoquer ledit traitd ou accord devant un organe desNations Unies. Par sa rdsolution 97 (I), l'Assembl6e g6n6rale a adoptd un reglement destin6 A mettre enapplication l'Article 102 de la Charte (voir texte du r6glement, vol. 859, p. IX).

Le terme < traitd >> et I'expression v accord international o n'ont 6t6 d6finis ni dans la Charte ni dansle r~glement, et le Secr6tariat a pris comme principe de s'en tenir A la position adopt6e A cet dgard parl'Etat Membre qui a pr6sent6 l'instrument A l'enregistrement, A savoir que pour autant qu'il s'agit de cetEtat comme partie contractante l'instrument constitue un trait6 ou un accord international au sens del'Article 102. 1l s'ensuit que l'enregistrement d'un instrument pr.sent6 par un Etat Membre n'implique,de la part du Secrdtariat, aucun jugement sur la nature de l'instrument, le statut d'une partie ou touteautre question similaire. Le Secr6tariat considare donc que les actes qu'il pourrait &re amen6 A accomplirne conf'rent pas ?i un instrument la qualit6 de < traitd >> ou d'<< accord international >> si cet instrumentn'a pas d~jA cette qualit6, et qu'ils ne confarent pas A une partie un statut que, par ailleurs, elle neposs&lerait pas.

Sauf indication contraire, les traductions des textes originaux des trait6s, etc., publi~s dans ce Re-cueil ont 6t6 6tablies par le Secr6tariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies.

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Treaties and international agreements


on 13 December. 1991

No. 28521

Traitis et accords internationaux


le 13 dcembre 1991

NO 28521

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No. 28521



Treaty on the elimination of their intermediate-range andshorter-range missiles (with memorandum of under-standing, site diagrams and photographs, protocol onprocedures governing the elimination of the missile sys-tems, protocol regarding inspections and annex thereto,exchange of notes and agreed minute dated 12 May 1988and exchange of notes dated 28 and 29 May 1988).Signed at Washington on 8 December 1987

Authentic texts: English and Russian.

Registered by the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Social-ist Republics on 13 December 1991.

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N0 28521



Traite' sur l' limination de leurs missiles 'a portee inter-mediaire et 'a plus courte portee (avec memorandumd'accord, diagrammes d'emplacement et photos, pro-tocole concernant les procedures regissant l' limina-tion des systemes de missiles, protocole concernant lesinspections et annexe y rattachee, echange de notes etproces-verbal approuve en date du 12 mai 1988 etechange de notes en date des 28 et 29 mai 1988). Signe aWashington le 8 decembre 1987

Textes authentiques : anglais et russe.

Enregistr par les btats-Unis d'Amirique et I'Union des Ripubliques socia-listes sovioftiques le 13 dcembre 1991.

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitis


The United States of America and the Union of Soviet SocialistRepublics, hereinafter referred to as the Parties,

Conscious that nuclear war would have devastating consequences

for all mankind,

Guided by the objective of strengthening strategic stability,

Convinced that the measures set forth in this Treaty will helpto reduce the risk of outbreak of war and strengthen internationalpeace and security, and

Mindful of their obligations under Article VI of the Treaty onthe Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.3

Have agreed as follows:

Article I

In accordance with the provisions of this Treaty which includesthe Memorandum of Understanding and Protocols which form an integralpart thereof, each Party shall eliminate its intermediate-range andshorter-range missiles, not have such systems thereafter, and carryout the other obligations set forth in this Treaty.

Article II

For the purposes of this Treaty:

1. The term Oballistic missileO means a missile that has aballistic trajectory over most of its flight path. The term"grotnd-launched ballistic missile (GLBM)" means a ground-launchedballistic missile that is a weapon-delivery vehicle.

2. The term "cruise missile" means an unmanned, self-propelledvehicle that sustains flight through the use of aerodynamic liftover most of its flight path. The term "ground-launched cruisemissile (GLCM)" means a ground-launched cruise missile that is aweapon-delivery vehicle.

3. The term "GLBM launcher" means a fixed launcher or a mobileland-based transporter-erector-launcher mechanism for launching aGLBM.

I Came into force on I June 1988 by the exchange of the instruments of ratification, which took place at Moscow, inaccordance with article XVII (I).

2 Text provided by the Government of the United States of America - Texte fourni par le Gouvemement desEtats-Unis d'Am6rique.

3 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 729, p. 161.

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4. The term "GLCM launcher" means a fixed launcher or a mobileland-based transporter-erector-launcher mechanism for launching aGLCM.

5. The term "intermediate-range missile" means a GLBM or a GLCMhaving a range capability in excess of 1000 kilometers but not inexcess of 5500 kilometers.

6. The term "shorter-range missile" means a GLBM or a GLCMhaving a range capability equal to or in excess of 500 kilometersbut not in excess of 1000 kilometers.

7. The term "deployment area" means a designated area withinwhich intermediate-range missiles and launchers of such missiles mayoperate and within which one or more missile operating bases arelocated.

8. The term "missile operating base" means:

(a) in the case of intermediate-range missiles, a complexof facilities, located within a deployment area, atwhich intermediate-range missiles and launchers ofsuch missiles normally operate, in which supportstructures associated with such missiles and launchersare also located and in which support equipmentassociated with such missiles and launchers isnormally located; and

(b) in the case of shorter-range missiles, a complex offacilities, located any place, at which shorter-rangemissiles and launchers of such missiles normallyoperate and in which support equipment associated withsuch missiles and launchers is normally located.

9. The term "missile support facility," as regardsintermediate-range or shorter-range missiles and launchers of suchmissiles, means a missile production facility or a launcherproduction facility, a missile repair facility or a launcher repairfacility, a training facility, a missile storage facility or alauncher storage facility, a test range, or an elimination facilityas those terms are defined in the Memorandum of Understanding.

10. The term "transit" means movement, notified in accordancewith paragraph 5(f) of Article IX of this Treaty, of anintermediate-range missile or a launcher of such a missile betweenmissile support facilities, between such a facility and a deploymentarea or between deployment areas, or of a shorter-range missile or alauncher of such a missile from a missile support facility or amissile operating base to an elimination facility.

11. The term "deployed missile" means an intermediate-range missile located within a deployment area or a shorter-rangemissile located at a missile operating base.

12. The term "non-deployed missile" means an intermediate-range missile located outside a deployment area or a shorter-rangemissile located outside a missile operating base.

13. The term "deployed launcher" means a launcher of anintermediate-range missile located within a deployment area or alauncher of a shorter-range missile located at a missile operatingbase.

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14. The term "non-deployed launcher* means a launcher of anintermediate-range missile located outside a deployment area or alauncher of a shorter-range missile located outside a missileoperating base.

15. The term "basing countryu means a country other than theUnited States of America or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicson whose territory intermediate-range or shorter-range missiles ofthe Parties, launchers of such missiles or support structuresassociated with such missiles and launchers were located at any timeafter November 1, 1987. Missiles or launchers in transit are notconsidered to be 'located.*

Article III

1. For the purposes of this Treaty, existing types ofintermediate-range missiles are:

(a) for the United States of America, missiles of thetypes designated by the United States of America asthe Pershing II and the BGM-109G, which are known tothe Union of Soviet Socialist Republics by the samedesignations; and

(b) for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, missilesof the types designated by the Union of SovietSocialist Republics as the RSD-10, the R-12 and theR-14, which are known to the United States of Americaas the SS-20, the SS-4 and the SS-5, respectively.

2. For the purposes of this Treaty, existing types ofshorter-range missiles are:

(a) for the United States of America, missiles of the typedesignated by the United States of America as thePershing IA, which is known to the Union of SovietSocialist Republics by the same designation; and

(b) for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, missilesof the types designated by the Union of SovietSocialist Republics as the OTR-22 and the OTR-23,which are known to the United States of America as theSS-12 and the SS-23, respectively.

Article IV

1. Each Party shall eliminate all its intermediate-rangemissiles and launchers of such missiles, and all support structuresand support equipment of the categories listed in the Memorandum ofUnderstanding associated with such missiles and launchers, so thatno later than three years after entry into force of this Treaty andthereafter no such missiles, launchers, support structures orsupport equipment shall be possessed by either Party.

2. To implement paragraph 1 of this Article, upon entry intoforce of this Treaty, both Parties shall begin and continuethroughout the duration of each phase, the reduction of all types of

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their deployed and non-deplcyed intermediate-range missiles anddeployed and non-deployed launchers of such missiles and supportstructures and support equipment associated with such missiles andlaunchers in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty. Thesereductions shall be implemented in two phases so that:

(a) by the end of the first phase, that is, no later than29 months after entry into force of this Treaty:

(i) the number of deployed launchers ofintermediate-range missiles for each Partyshall not exceed the number of launchers thatare capable of carrying or containing at onetime missiles considered by the Parties tocarry 171 warheads;

(ii) the number of deployed intermediate-rangemissiles for each Party shall not exceed thenumber of such missiles considered by theParties to carry 180 warheads;

(iii) the aggregate number of deployed andnon-deployed launchers of intermediate-rangemissiles for each Party shall not exceed thenumber of launchers that are capable ofcarrying or containing at one time missilesconsidered by the Parties to carry 200 warheads;

(iv) the aggregate number of deployed andnon-deployed intermediate-range missiles foreach Party shall not exceed the number of suchmissiles considered by the Parties to carry 200warheadsl and

(v) the ratio of the aggregate number of deployedand non-deployed intermediate-range GLBMs ofexisting types for each Party to the aggregatenumber of deployed and non-deployedintermediate-range missiles of existing typespossessed by that Party shall not exceed theratio of such intermediate-range GLBMs to suchintermediate-range missiles for that Party asof November 1, 1987, as set forth in theMemorandum of Understanding; and

(b) by the end of the second phase, that is, no later thanthree years after entry into force of this Treaty, allintermediate-range missiles of each Party, launchersof such missiles and all support structures andsupport equipment of the categories listed in theMemorandum of Understanding associated with suchmissiles and launchers, shall be eliminated.

Article V

1. Each Party shall eliminate all its shorter-range missilesand launchers of such missiles, and all support equipment of thecategories listed in the Memorandum of Understanding associated withsuch missiles and launchers, so that no later than 18 months after

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entry into force of this Treaty and thereafter no such missiles,launchers or support equipment shall be possessed by either Party.

2. No later than 90 days after entry into force of this Treaty,each Party shall complete the removal of all its deployedshorter-range missiles and deployed and non-deployed launchers ofsuch missiles to elimination facilities and shall retain them atthose locations until they are eliminated in accordance with theprocedures set forth in the Protocol on Elimination. No later than12 months after entry into force of this Treaty, each Party shallcomplete the removal of all its non-deployed shorter-range missilesto elimination facilities and shall retain them at those locationsuntil they are eliminated in accordance with the procedures setforth in the Protocol on Elimination.

3. Shorter-range missiles and launchers of such missiles shallnot be located at the same elimination facility. Such facilitiesshall be separated by no less than 1000 kilometers.

Article VI

1. Upon entry into force of this Treaty and thereafter, neitherParty shall:

(a) produce or flight-test any intermediate-range missilesor produce any stages of such missiles or anylaunchers of such missiles; or

(b) produce, flight-test or launch any shorter-rangemissiles or produce any stages of such missiles or anylaunchers of such missiles.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this Article, each Partyshall have the right to produce a type of GLBM not limited by thisTreaty which uses a stage which is outwardly similar to, but notinterchangeable with, a stage of an existing type ofintermediate-range GLBM having more than one stage, providing thatthat Party does not produce any other stage which is outwardlysimilar to, but not interchangeable with, any other stage of anexisting type of intermediate-range GLBM.

Article VII

For the purposes of this Treaty:

1. If a ballistic missile or a cruise missile has beenflight-tested or deployed for weapon delivery, all missiles of thattype shall be considered to be weapon-delivery vehicles.

2. If a GLBM or GLCM is an intermediate-range missile, allGLBMs or GLCMS of that type shall be considered to beintermediate-range missiles. If a GLBM or GLCH is a shorter-rangemissile, all GLBMs or GLCMs of that type shall be considered to beshorter-range missiles.

3. If a GLBM is of a type developed and tested solely tointercept and counter objects not located on the surface of theearth, it shall not be considered to be a missile to which thelimitations of this Treaty apply.

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4. The range capability of a GLBM not listed in Article III ofthis Treaty shall be considered to be the maximum range to which ithas been tested. The range capability of a GLCM not listed inArticle III of this Treaty shall be considered to be the maximumdistance which can be covered by the missile in its standard designmode flying until fuel exhaustion, determined by projecting itsflight path onto the earth's sphere from the point of launch to thepoint of impact. GLBMs or GLCMs that have a range capability equalto or in excess of 500 kilometers but not in excess of 1000kilometers shall be considered to be shorter-range missiles. GLBMsor GLCMs that have a range capability in excess of 1000 kilometersbut not in excess of 5500 kilometers shall be considered to beintermediate-range missiles.

S. The maximum number of warheads an existing type ofintermediate-range missile or shorter-range missile carries shall beconsidered to be the number listed for missiles of that type in theMemorandum of Understanding.

6. Each GLBM or GLCM shall be considered to carry the maximumnumber of warheads listed for a GLBM or GLCM of that type in theMemorandum of Understanding.

7. If a launcher has been tested for launching a GLBM or aGLCM, all launchers of that type shall be considered to have beentested for launching GLBMs or GLCMs.

S. If a launcher has contained or launched a particular type ofGLBM or GLCM, all launchers of that type shall be considered to belaunchers of that type of GLBM or GLCM.

9. The number of missiles each launcher of an existing type ofintermediate-range missile or shorter-range missile shall beconsidered to be capable of carrying or containing at one time isthe number listed for launchers of missiles of that type in theMemorandum of Understanding.

10. Except in the cane of elimination in accordance with theprocedures set forth in the Protocol on Elimination, the followingshall apply:

(a) for GLBMs which are stored or moved in separatestages, the longest stage of an intermediate-range or shorter-range GLBM shall be counted as acomplete missilel

(b) for GLBMs which are not stored or moved in separatestages, a canister of the type used in the launch ofan intermediate-range GLBM, unless a Party proves tothe satisfaction of the other Party that it does notcontain such a missile, or an assembledintermediate-range or shorter-range GLBM, shall becounted as a complete missile; and

(c) for GLCMs, the airframe of an intermediate-range orshorter-range GLCM shall be counted as a completemissile.

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11. A ballistic missile which is not a missile to be used in aground-based mode shall not be considered to be a GLBM if it istest-launched at a test site from a fixed land-based launcher whichis used solely for test purposes and which is distinguishable fromGLBM launchers. A cruise missile which is not a missile to be usedin a ground-based mode shall not be considered to be a GLCM if it istest-launched at a test site from a fixed land-based launcher whichis used solely for test purposes and which is distinguishable fromGLCM launchers.

12. Each Party shall have the right to produce and use forbooster systems, which might otherwise be considered to beintermediate-range or shorter-range missiles, only existing types ofbooster stages for such booster systems. Launches of such boostersystems shall not be considered to be flight-testing ofintermediate-range or shorter-range missiles provided that:

(a) stages used in such booster systems are different fromstages used in those missiles listed as existing typesof intermediate-range or shorter-range missiles inArticle III of this Treaty;

(b) such booster systems are used only for research anddevelopment purposes to test objects other than thebooster systems themselves;

(c) the aggregate number of launchers for such boostersystems shall not exceed 35 for each Party at any onetime; and

(d) the launchers for such booster systems are fixed,emplaced above ground and located only at research anddevelopment launch sites which are specified in theMemorandum of Understanding.

Research and development launch sites shall not be subject toinspection pursuant to Article XI of this Treaty.

Article VIII

1. All intermediate-range missiles and launchers of suchmissiles shall be located in deployment areas, at missile supportfacilities or shall be in transit. Intermediate-range missiles orlaunchers of such missiles shall not be located elsewhere.

2. Stages of intermediate-range missiles shall bc located indeployment areas, at missile support facilities or moving betweendeployment areas, between missile support facilities or betweenmissile support facilities and deployment areas.

3. Until their removal to elimination facilities as required byparagraph 2 of Article V of this Treaty, all shorter-range missilesand launchers of such missiles shall be located at missile operatingbases, at missile support facilities or shall be in transit.Shorter-range missiles or launchers of such missiles shall not belocated elsewhere.

4. Transit of a missile or launcher subject to the provisionsof this Treaty shall be completed within 25 days.

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5. All deployment areas, missile operating bases and missilesupport facilities are specified in the Memorandum of Understandingor in subsequent updates of data pursuant to paragraphs 3, 5(a) or5(b) of Article IX of this Treaty. Neither Party shall increase thenumber of, or change the location or boundaries of, deploymentareas, missile operating bases or missile support facilities, exceptfor elimination facilities, from those set forth in the Memorandumof Understanding. A missile support facility shall not beconsidered to be part of a deployment area even though it may belocated within the geographic boundaries of a deployment area.

6. Beginning 30 days after entry into force of this Treaty,neither Party shall locate intermediate-range or shorter-rangemissiles, including stages of such missiles, or launchers of suchmissiles at missile production facilities, launcher productionfacilities or test ranges listed in the Memorandum of Understanding.

7. Neither Party shall locate any intermediate-range orshorter-range missiles at training facilities.

S. A non-deployed intermediate-range or shorter-range missileshall not be carried on or contained within a launcher of such atype of missile, except as required for maintenance conducted atrepair facilities or for elimination by means of launching conductedat elimination facilities.

9. Training missiles and training launchers forintermediate-range or shorter-range missiles shall be subject to thesame locational restrictions as are set forth for intermediate-rangeand shorter-range missiles and launchers of such missiles inparagraphs 1 and 3 of this Article.

Article IX

1. The Memorandum of Understanding contains categories of datarelevant to obligations undertaken with regard to this Treaty andlists all intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles, launchersof such missiles, and support structures and support equipmentassociated with such missiles and launchers, possessed by theParties as of November 1, 1987. Updates of that data andnotifications required by this Article shall be provided accordingto the categories of data contained in the Memorandum ofUnderstanding.

2. The Parties shall update that data and provide thenotifications required by this Treaty through the Nuclear RiskReduction Centers, established pursuant to the Agreement Between theUnited States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicson the Establishment of Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers of September15, 1987.1

3. No later than 30 days after entry into force of this Treaty,each Party shall provide the other Party with updated data, as ofthe date of entry into force of this Treaty, for all categories ofdata contained in the Memorandum of Understanding.

4. No later than 30 days after the end of each six-monthinterval following the entry into force of this Treaty, each Partyshall provide updated data for all categories of data contained in

United Nations, Treaty Senes, vol. 1530, No. 1-26557.

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the Memorandum of Understanding by informing the other Party of allchanges, completed and in process, in that data, which have occurredduring the six-month interval since the preceding data exchange, andthe net effect of those changes.

5. Upon entry into force of this Treaty and thereafter, eachParty shall provide the following notifications to the other Party:

(a) notification, no less than 30 days in advance, of thescheduled date of the elimination of a specificdeployment area, missile operating base or missilesupport facility;

(b) notification, no less than 30 days in advance, ofchanges in the number or location of eliminationfacilities, including the location and scheduled dateof each change;

(c) notification, except with respect to launches ofintermediate-range missiles for the purpose of theirelimination, no less than 30 days in advance, of thescheduled date of the initiation of the elimination ofintermediate-range and shorter-range missiles, andstages of such missiles, and launchers of suchmissiles and support structures and support equipmentassociated with such missiles and launchers, including:

(i) the number and type of items of missile systemsto be eliminated;

(ii) the elimination site;

(iii) for intermediate-range missiles, the locationfrom which such missiles, launchers of suchmissiles and support equipment associated withsuch missiles and launchers are moved to theelimination facility; and

(iv) except in the case of support structures, thepoint of entry to be used by an inspection teamconducting an inspection pursuant to paragraph7 of Article XI of this Treaty and theestimated time of departure of an inspectionteam from the point of entry to the eliminationfacility;

(d) notification, no less than ten days in advance, of thescheduled date of the launch, or the scheduled date ofthe initiation of a series of launches, ofintermediate-range missiles for the purpose of theirelimination, including:

i) the type of missiles to be eliminated;

(ii) the location of the launch, or, if eliminationis by a series of launches, the location ofsuch launches and the number of launches in theseries;

(iii) the point of entry to be used by an inspectionteam conducting an inspection pursuant toparagraph 7 of Article XI of this Treaty; and

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(iv) the estimated time of departure of aninspection team from the point of entry to theelimination facility;

(e) notification, no later than 48 hours after they occur,of changes in the number of intermediate-range andshorter-range missiles, launchers of such missiles andsupport structures and support equipment associatedwith such missiles and launchers resulting fromelimination as described in the Protocol onElimination, including:

i) the number and type of items of a missilesystem which were eliminated; and

(ii) the date and location of such elimination; and

(f) notification of transit of intermediate-range orshorter-range missiles or launchers of such missiles,or the movement of training missiles or traininglaunchers for such intermediate-range andshorter-range missiles, no later than 48 hours afterit has been completed, including:

i) the number of missiles or launchers;

(ii) the points, dates and times of departure andarrival;

(iii) the mode of transport; and

(iv) the location and time at that location at leastonce every four days during the period oftransit.

6. Upon entry into force of this Treaty and thereafter, eachParty shall notify the other Party, no less than ten days inadvance, of the scheduled date and location of the launch of aresearch and development booster system as described in paragraph 12of Article VII of this Treaty.

Article X

1. Each Party shall eliminate its intermediate-range andshorter-range missiles and launchers of such missiles and supportstructures and support equipment associated with such missiles andlaunchers in accordance with the procedures set forth in theProtocol on Elimination.

2. Verification by on-site inspection of the elimination ofitems of missile systems specified in the Protocol on Eliminationshall be carried out in accordance with Article XI of this Treaty,the Protocol on Elimination and the Protocol on Inspection.

3. When a Party removes its intermediate-range missiles,launchers of such missiles and support equipment associated withsuch missiles and launchers from deployment areas to eliminationfacilities for the purpose of their elimination, it shall do so in

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complete deployed organizational units. For the United States ofAmerica, these units shall be Pershing II batteries and BGM-109Gflights. For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, these unitsshall be SS-20 regiments composed of two or three battalions.

4. Elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range missilesand launchers of such missiles and support equipment associated withsuch missiles and launchers shall be carried out at the facilitiesthat are specified in the Memorandum of Understanding or notified inaccordance with paragraph 5(b) of Article IX of this Treaty, unlesseliminated in accordance with Sections IV or V of the Protocol onElimination. Support structures, associated with the missiles andlaunchers subject to this Treaty, that are subject to eliminationshall be eliminated in situ.

5. Each Party shall have the right, during the first six monthsafter entry into force of this Treaty, to eliminate by means oflaunching no more than 100 of its intermediate-range missiles.

6. Intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles which havebeen tested prior to entry into force of this Treaty, but neverdeployed, and which are not existing types of intermediate-range orshorter-range missiles listed in Article III of this Treaty, andlaunchers of such missiles, shall be eliminated within six monthsafter entry into force of this Treaty in accordance with theprocedures set forth in the Protocol on Elimination. Such missilesare:

(a) for the United States of America, missiles of the typedesignated by the United States of America as thePershing IB, which is known to the Union of SovietSocialist Republics by the same designation; and

(b) for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, missilesof the type designated by the Union of SovietSocialist Republics as the RX-55, which is known tothe United States of America as the SSC-X-4.

7. Intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles and launchersof such missiles and support structures and support equipmentassociated with such missiles and launchers shall be considered tobe eliminated after completion of the procedures set forth in theProtocol on Elimination and upon the notification provided for inparagraph 5(e) of Article IX of this Treaty.

8. Each Party shall eliminate its deployment areas, missileoperating bases and missile support facilities. A Party shallnotify the other Party pursuant to paragraph 5(a) of Article IX ofthis Treaty once the conditions set forth below are fulfilled:

(a) all intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles,launchers of such missiles and support equipmentassociated with such missiles and launchers locatedthere have been removed;

(b) all support structures associated with such missilesand launchers located there have been eliminated; and

(c) all activity related to production, flight-testing,training, repair, storage or deployment of suchmissiles and launchers has ceased there.

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Such deployment areas, missile operating bases and missile supportfacilities shall be considered to be eliminated either when theyhave been inspected pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article X1 of thisTreaty or when 60 days have elapsed since the date of the scheduledelimination whLch was notified pursuant to paragraph 5(a) of ArticleIX of this Treaty. A deployment area, missile operating base ormissile support facility listed in the Memorandum of Understandingthat met the above conditions prior to entry into force of thisTreaty, and is not included in the initial data exchange pursuant toparagraph 3 of Article IX of this Treaty, shall be considered to beeliminated.

9. If a Party intends to convert a missile operating baselisted in the Memorandum of Understanding for use as a baseassociated with GLBM or GLCM systems not subject to this Treaty,then that Party shall notify the other Party, no less than 30 daysin advance of the scheduled date of the initiation of theconversion, of the scheduled date and the purpose for which the basewill be converted.

Article XI

1. For the purpose of ensuring verification of compliance withthe provisions of this Treaty, each Party shall have the right toconduct on-site inspections. The Parties shall implement on-siteinspections in accordance with this Article, the Protocol onInspection and the Protocol on Elimination.

2. Each Party shall have the right to conduct inspectionsprovided for by this Article both within the territory of the otherParty and within the territories of basing countries.

3. Beginning 30 days after entry into force of this Treaty,each Party shall have the right to conduct inspections at allmissile operating bases and missile support facilities specified inthe Memorandum of Understanding other than missile productionfacilities, and at all elimination facilities included in theinitial data update required by paragraph 3 of Article IX of thisTreaty. These inspections shall be completed no later than 90 daysafter entry into force of this Treaty. The purpose of theseinspections shall be to verify the number of missiles, launchers,support structures and support equipment and other data, as of thedate of entry into force of this Treaty, provided pursuant toparagraph 3 of Article IX of this Treaty.

4. Each Party shall have the right to conduct inspections toverify the elimination, notified pursuant to paragraph 5(a) ofArticle IX of this Treaty, of missile operating bases and missilesupport facilities other than missile production facilities, whichare thus no longer subject to inspections pursuant to paragraph 5(a)of this Article. Such an inspection shall be carried out within 60days after the scheduled date of the elimination of that facility.If a Party conducts an inspection at a particular facility pursuantto paragraph 3 of this Article after the scheduled date of theelimination of that facility, then no additional inspection of thatfacility pursuant to this paragraph shall be permitted.

5. Each Party shall have the right to conduct inspectionspursuant to this paragraph for 13 years after entry into force of

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this Treaty. Each Party shall have the right to conduct 20 suchinspections per calendar year during the first three years afterentry into force of this Treaty, 15 such inspections per calendaryear during the subsequent five years, and ten such inspections percalendar year during the last five years. Neither Party shall usemore than half of its total number of these inspections per calendaryear within the territory of any one basing country. Each Partyshall have the right to conduct:

(a) inspections, beginning 90 days after entry into forceof this Treaty, of missile operating bases and missilesupport facilities other than elimination facilitiesand missile production facilities, to ascertain,according to the categories of data specified in theMemorandum of Understanding, the numbers of missiles,launchers, support structures and support equipmentlocated at each missile operating base or missilesupport facility at the time of the inspection; and

(b) inspections of former missile operating bases andformer missile support facilities eliminated pursuantto paragraph 8 of Article X of this Treaty other thanformer missile production facilities.

6. Beginning 30 days after entry into force of this Treaty,each Party shall have the right, for 13 years after entry into forceof this Treaty, to inspect by means of continuous monitoring:

(a) the portals of any facility of the other Party atwhich the final assembly of a GLBM using stages, anyof which is outwardly similar to a stage of asolid-propellant GLBM listed in Article III of thisTreaty, is accomplished; or

(b) if a Party has no such facility, the portals of anagreed former missile production facility at whichexisting types of intermediate-range or shorter-rangeGLBMs were produced.

The Party whose facility is to be inspected pursuant to thisparagraph shall ensure that the other Party is able to establish apermanent continuous monitoring system at that facility within sixmonths after entry into force of this Treaty or within six months ofinitiation of the process of final assembly described insubparagraph (a). If, after the end of the second year after entryinto force of this Treaty, neither Party conducts the process offinal assembly described in subparagraph (a) for a period of 12consecutive months, then neither Party shall have the right toinspect by means of continuous monitoring any missile productionfacility of the other Party unless the process of final assembly asdescribed in subparagraph (a) is initiated again. Upon entry intoforce of this Treaty, the facilities to be inspected by continuousmonitoring shall be: in accordance with subparagraph (b), for theUnited States of America, Hercules Plant Number I, at Magna, Utah;in accordance with subparagraph (a), for the Union of SovietSocialist Republics, the Votkinsk Machine Building Plant, UdmurtAutonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Russian Soviet FederativeSocialist Republic.

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7. Each Party shall conduct inspections of the process ofelimination, including elimination of intermediate-range missiles bymeans of launching, of intermediate-range and shorter-range missilesand launchers of such missiles and support equipment associated withsuch missiles and launchers carried out at elimination facilities inaccordance with Article X of this Treaty and the Protocol onElimination. Inspectors conducting inspections provided for in thisparagraph shall determine that the processes specified for theelimination of the missiles, launchers and support equipment havebeen completed.

8. Each Party shall have the right to conduct inspections toconfirm the completion of the process of elimination ofintermediate-range and shorter-range missiles and launchers of suchmissiles and support equipment associated with such missiles andlaunchers eliminated pursuant to Section V of the Protocol onElimination, and of training missiles, training missile stages,training launch canisters and training launchers eliminated pursuantto Sections II, IV and V of the Protocol on Elimination.

Article XII

1. For the purpose of ensuring verification of compliance withthe provisions of this Treaty, each Party shall use nationaltechnical means of verification at its disposal in a mannerconsistent with generally recognized principles of international law.

2. Neither Party shall:

(a) interfere with national technical means ofverification of the other Party operating inaccordance with paragraph 1 of this Articles or

(b) use concealment measures which impede verification ofcompliance with the provisions of this Treaty bynational technical means of verification carried outin accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article. Thisobligation does not apply to cover or concealmentpractices, within a deployment area, associated withnormal training, maintenance and operations, includingthe use of environmental shelters to protect missilesand launchers.

3. To enhance observation by national technical means ofverification, each Party shall have the right until a treaty betweenthe Parties reducing and limiting strategic offensive arms entersinto force, but in any event for no more than three years afterentry into force of this Treaty, to request the implementation ofcooperative measures at deployment bases for road-mobile GLBMs witha range capability in excess of 5500 kilometers, which are notformer missile operating bases eliminated pursuant to paragraph 8 ofArticle X of this Treaty. The Party making such a request shallinform the other Party of the deployment base at which cooperativemeasures shall be implemented. The Party whose base is to beobserved shall carry out the following cooperative measures:

(a) no later than six hours after such a request, theParty shall have opened the roofs of all fixedstructures for launchers located at the base, removed

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completely all missiles on launchers from such fixedstructures for launchers and displayed such missileson launchers in the open without using concealmentmeasures; and

(b) the Party shall leave the roofs open and the missileson launchers in place until twelve hours have elapsedfrom the time of the receipt of a request for such anobservation.

Each Party shall have the right to make six such requests percalendar year. Only one deployment base shall be subject to thesecooperative measures at any one time.

Article XIII

1. To promote the objectives and implementation of theprovisions of this Treaty, the Parties hereby establish the SpecialVerification Commission. The Parties agree that, if either Party sorequests, they shall meet within the framework of the SpecialVerification Commission to:

(a) resolve questions relating to compliance with theobligations assumed; and

(b) agree upon such measures as may be necessary toimprove the viability and effectiveness of this Treaty.

2. The Parties shall use the Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers,which provide for continuous communication between the Parties, to:

(a) exchange data and provide notifications as required byparagraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Article IX of this Treatyand the Protocol on Elimination;

(b) provide and receive the information required byparagraph 9 of Article X of this Treaty;

(c) provide and receive notifications of inspections asrequired by Article XI of this Treaty and the Protocolon Inspection; and

(d) provide and receive requests for cooperative measuresas provided for in paragraph 3 of Article XII of thisTreaty.

Article XIV

The Parties shall comply with this Treaty and shall not assumeany international obligations or undertakings which would conflictwith its provisions.

Article XV

1. This Treaty shall be of unlimited dtiration.

2. Each Party shall, in exercising its national sovereignty,

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have the right to withdraw from this Treaty if it decides thatextraordinary events related to the subject matter of this Treatyhave jeopardized its supreme interests. It shall give notice of itsdecision to withdraw to the other Party six months prior towithdrawal from this Treaty. Such notice shall include a statementof the extraordinary events the notifying Party regards as havingjeopardized its supreme interests.

Article XVI

Each Party may propose amendments to this Treaty. Agreedamendments shall enter into force in accordance with the proceduresset forth in Article XVII governing the entry into force of thisTreaty.

Article XVII

1. This Treaty, including the Memorandum of Understanding andProtocols, which form an integral part thereof, shall be subject toratification in accordance with the constitutional procedures ofeach Party. This Treaty shall enter into force on the date of theexchange of instruments of ratification.

2. This Treaty shall be registered pursuant to Article 102 ofthe Charter of the United Nations.

DONE at Washington on December 8, 1987, in two copies, each inthe English and Russian languages, both texts being equallyauthentic.

For the United Statesof America:

[Signed - Signe' IPresident of the United States

of America

For the Union of SovietSocialist Republics:

[Signed - Signe12

General Secretary of the CentralCommittee of the CPSU

I Signed by Ronald Reagan - Sign6 par Ronald Reagan.2 Signed by Mikhail Gorbachev - Sign6 par Mikhail Gorbachev.

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Pursuant to and in implementation of the Treaty Between theUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States ofAmerica on the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range andShorter-Range Missiles of December 8, 1987, hereinafterreferred to as the Treaty, the Parties have exchanged datacurrent as of November 1, 1987, on intermediate-range andshorter-range missiles and launchers of such missiles andsupport structures and support equipment associated with suchmissiles and launchers.

I. Definitions

For the purposes of this Memorandum of Understanding, theTreaty, the Protocol on Elimination and the Protocol onInspection:

1. The term "missile production facility* means afacility for the assembly or production of solid-propellantintermediate-range or shorter-range GLBMs, or existing typesof GLCMs.

2. The term 'missile repair facility' means a facility atwhich repair or maintenance of intermediate-range or shorter-range missiles takes place other than inspection andmaintenance conducted at a missile operating base.

3. The term *launcher production facility* means afacility for final assembly of launchers of intermediate-rangeor shorter-range missiles.

4. The term 'launcher repair facility* means a facility atwhich repair or maintenance of launchers of intermediate-rangeor shorter-range missiles takes place other than inspection andmaintenance conducted at a missile operating base.

5. The term 'test range' means an area at which flight-testing of intermediate-range or shorter-range missiles takesplace.

6. The term 'training facility" means a facility, not at amissile operating base, at which personnel are trained in theuse of intermediate-range or shorter-range missiles orlaunchers of such missiles and at which launchers of suchmissiles are located.

7. The term 'missile storage facility' means a facility,not at a missile operating base, at which intermediate-range orshorter-range missiles or stages of such missiles are stored.

8. The term 'launcher storage facility' means a facility,not at a missile operating base, at which launchers ofintermediate-range or shorter-range missiles are stored.

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9. The term *elimination facility' means a facility atwhich intermediate-range or shorter-range missiles, missilestages and launchers of such missiles or support equipmentassociated with such missiles or launchers are eliminated.

10. The term *support equipment* means unique vehicles andmobile or transportable equipment that support a deployedintermediate-range or shorter-range missile or a launcher ofsuch a missile. Support equipment shall include full-scaleinert training missiles, full-scale inert training missilestages, full-scale inert training launch canisters, andtraining launchers not capable of launching a missile. Alisting of such support equipment associated with each existingtype of missile, and launchers of such missiles, except fortraining equipment, is contained in Section VI of thisMemorandum of Understanding.

11. The term *support structure* means a unique fixedstructure used to support deployed intermediate-range missilesor launchers of such missiles. A listing of such supportstructures associated with each existing type of missile, andlaunchers of such missiles, except for training equipment, iscontained in Section VI of this Memorandum of Understanding.

12. The term Oresearch and development launch site* meansa facility at which research and development booster systemsare launched.

II. Total Numbers of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Rangemissiles and Launchers of Such Missiles Subject to theTreaty

1. The numbers of intermediate-range missiles and launchers ofsuch missiles for each Party are as follow:


Deployed missiles 429 470

Non-deployed missiles 266 356

Aggregate number of deployedand non-deployed missiles 695 826

Aggregate number of second stages 238 650

Deployed launchers 214 484

Non-deployed launchers 68 124

Aggregate number of deployedand non-deployed launchers 282 608

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2. The numbers of shorter-range missiles and launchers of suchmissiles for each Party are as follow:


Deployed missiles 0 387

Non-deployed missiles 170 539

Aggregate number of deployedand non-deployed missiles 170 926

Aggregate number of second stages 175 726

Deployed launchers 0 197

Non-deployed launchers 1 40

Aggregate number of deployedand non-deployed launchers 1 237

III. Intermediate-Range Missiles, Launchers of Such Missilesand Support Structures and Support Equipment AssociatedWith Such Missiles and Launchers

1. Deployed

The following are the deployment areas, missile operatingbases, their locations and the numbers, for each Party of alldeployed intermediate-range missiles listed as existing types inArticle III of the Treaty, launchers of such missiles and thesupport structures and support equipment associated with suchmissiles and launchers. Site diagrams, to include boundaries andcenter coordinates, of each listed missile operating base areappended to this Memorandum of Understanding. The boundaries ofdeployment areas are indicated by specifying geographiccoordinates, connected by straight lines or linear landmarks, toinclude national boundaries, rivers, railroads or highways.


Missiles Launchers and Equipment


(i) Pershing II

Deployment Area One

The Federal Republic of Germany

Boundaries:The territory of The Federal Republic of Germany bounded on thenorth by 51 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds north latitude; on theeast by 012 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east longitude; on thesouth by 48 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds north latitude; andwithin the national boundaries of The Federal Republic of Germany.

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Missile Operating Bases

Schwaebisch-Gmuend 40 36 Launch Pad(includes Shelter - 04 spares) Training Missile

Stage - 24

48 48 54 N 009 48 29 E

Neu Ulm 40 43 Launch Pad(includes (includes Shelter - 04 spares) 7 spares) Training Missile

Stage - 2448 22 40 N 010 00 45 E

Waldhelde-Neckarsulm 40 36 Launch Pad(includes Shelter - 04 spares) Training Missile

Stage - 2449 07 45 N 009 16 31 E

(ii) BGM-109G

Deployment Area One

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Boundaries:The territory of The United Kingdom bounded on the north by52 degrees 40 minutes 00 seconds north latitude: on thewest by 003 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds west longitude;on the south by the English Channel; and on the east by theEnglish Channel and the North Sea.

Missile Operating Base

Greenham Common 101 29 Trainingwith launch (includes Missile - 0canister 5 spares) Training(includes Launch5 spares) Canister - 7

51 22 35 N 001 18 12 W

Deployment Area Two

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Boundaries:The territory of The United Kingdom bounded on the north by53 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds north latitude; on the westby 002 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds west longitude; on thesouth by 51 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds north latitude; andon the east by the English Channel and the North Sea.

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Missile Operating Base

Molesworth 18'with launchcanister

52 23 00 N 000 25 35 W

TrainingMissile - 0

TrainingLaunchCanister - 7

*In preparation for operational status.

Deployment Area

The Republic of Italy

Boundaries:The territory of The Republic of Italy withinIsland of Sicily.

Missile Operating Base

Comiso 108 31with launch (includescanister 7 spares)(includes12 spares)

36 59 44 N 014 36 34 E

Deployment Area

The Kingdom of Belgium

Boundaries:The territory of The Kingdom of Belgium.

Missile Operating Base

Florennes 20with launchcanister(includes4 spares)

12(includes8 spares)

the boundaries of the

TrainingMissile -

TrainingLaunchCanister -

TrainingMissile - 0

TrainingLaunchCanister - 7

50 13 35 N 004 39 00 E

Deployment Area Two

The Federal Republic of Germany

Boundaries:The territory of The Federal Republic of Germany bounded on thenorth by 51 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds north latitude; on theeast by 009 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds east longitude; onthe south by 48 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds north latitude; andon the west by the national boundaries of The Federal Republic ofGermany.

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Missile Operating Base

Wueschheim 62with launchcanister(includes14 spares)

21(includes9 spares)

TrainingMissile - 1

TrainingLaunchCanister - 10

50 02 33 N 007 25 40 E

Deployment Area

The Kingdom of the Netherlands

Boundaries:The territory of The Kingdom of the Netherlands bounded on thenorth by 52 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds north latitude andwithin the national boundaries of The Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Missile Operating Base

Woensdrecht 0with launchcanister

51 26 12 N 004 21 15 E

TrainingMissile - 0

TrainingLaunchCanister - 0


(i) SS-20

Deployment Area


55 12 13 N54 52 4754 43 5855 01 13

027 00 00 E026 41 18026 04 07026 03 43

Missile Operating Base


55 09 47 N 026 54 21 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9Missile TransporterVehicle - 0Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


55 28 44 N55 01 0355 01 1655 16 22

028 42028 15027 48027 49

29 E034605

Missile Operating Base


55 24 19 N 028 33 29 E

Deployment Area


55 37 36 N55 28 0754 32 1554 39 32

028 23029 20029 09028 10

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

49 E254740

Missile Operating Base


55 22 34 N 028 44 17 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

Deployment Area


54 37 43 N54 22 3754 37 1854 45 21

Missile Operating Base


54 36 16 N 026 23 05 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

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026 52026 52025 41026 15

34 E375813

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


54 29 01 N54 05 0454 24 1454 35 27

026 26 40 E025 53 59025 31 18026 19 10

Missile Operating Base


54 31 36 N 026 17 20 E

Deployment Area


53 45 24 N53 34 0053 42 2553 58 05

025 29024 49024 38025 10

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

02 E351517

Missile Operating Base


53 47 39 N 025 20 27 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

Deployment Area


53 38 53 N53 23 4853 12 4653 22 57

025 25025 26025 08024 35

38 E123843

Missile Operating Base


53 32 50 N 025 16 48 E

LaunchCanister - 6

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 6

TrainingMissile - 0

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


52 58 15 N52 45 0253 04 0853 08 45

025 55 42 E025 31 08025 09 00025 30 20

Missile Operating Base


52 55 54 N 025 21 59 E

Deployment Area


52 55 21 N52 46 3252 45 5253 07 34

9 LaunchCanister - 9Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

024 58 40 E024 48 25024 16 26024 22 14

Missile Operating Base


52 49 29 N 024 45 45 E

6 LaunchCanister - 6

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 6

TrainingMissile - 0

Deployment Area


52 37 55 N52 22 0052 32 3652 45 52

Missile Operating Base


52 30 38 N 024 08 43 E

6 LaunchCanister - 6

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 6

TrainingMissile - 0

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024 48024 10023 56024 16

50 E525426

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


52 05 31 N 029 13 04 E51 39 05 029 39 3151 42 00 029 01 3051 52 57 028 51 32

Missile Operating Base


52 02 27 N 029 11 15 E

Deployment Area


52 16 29 N 029 03 04 E52 08 06 028 48 4052 08 33 028 13 3752 27 47 028 28 17

Missile Operating Base


52 10 29 N 028 34 52 E

Deployment Area


52 23 40 N 028 10 31 E52 08 35 028 10 0752 08 55 027 14 0152 24 01 027 14 06

Missile Operating Base


52 11 36 N 027 48 07 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

LaunchCanister - 6

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 6

TrainingMissile - 0

LaunchCanister - 6Missile TransporterVehicle - 0Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 6

TrainingMissile - 0

Vol. 1657. 1-28521

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30 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 1991


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


52 26 34 N 030 21 10 E52 05 27 030 43 2651 47 47 030 23 2752 13 08 030 00 53

Missile Operating Base


52 ii 58 N 030 07 11 E

Deployment Area


53 28 29 N53 02 3153 13 3553 28 40

027 57028 07027 25027 28

6 LaunchCanister - 6

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 6

TrainingMissile - 0

50 E590955

Missile Operating Base


53 14 20 N 027 42 15 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

Deployment Area


51 08 14 N 025 54 51 E50 50 45 025 34 4951 16 24 025 16 4951 20 51 025 26 59

Missile Operating Base


50 56 07 N 025 36 26 E

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


51 10 05 N 025 27 21 E50 43 54 025 07 4950 47 35 024 33 3851 11 22 024 35 49

Missile Operating Base


50 50 06 N 025 04 02 E

Deployment Area


50 14 00 N 025 29 11 £50 00 46 025 09 3050 17 32 024 41 5550 22 10 024 58 33

Missile Operating Base


50 06 09 N 025 12 14 E

Deployment Area


50 41 07 N 024 33 58 E50 13 10 024 38 4550 19 02 024 11 3050 36 26 024 17 15

Missile Operating Base


50 22 45 N 024 18 16 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


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32 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

Su'prSt ructuresMissiles Launchers and Eguipmenr

Deployment Area


50 18 55 N 027 03 22 E50 08 07 027 03 2150 07 59 026 16 2250 29 38 026 29 34

Missile Operating Base


50 17 05 N 026 41 31 E

Deployment Area


51 10 19 N 028 12 04 E50 51 05 027 51 0751 21 28 027 01 4351 21 22 027 37 54

Missile Operating Base


51 10 45 N 028 03 20 E

Deployment Area


51 11 38 N 029 10 28 E50 52 28 028 55 5651 05 53 028 22 1451 20 57 028 26 07

Missile Operating Base


51 12 22 N 028 26 37 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traits


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area

Vysokaya Pech'

50 29 13 N50 09 4950 10 1050 29 33

028 21028 20027 40027 43

10 E371958

Missile Operating Base

Vysokaya Pech'

50 10 11 N 028 16 22 E

Deployment Area

Vysokaya Pech'

50 13 33 N49 56 0749 52 4250 07 39

029 01029 10028 06028 20

LaunchCanister - 6

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 6

TrainingMissile - 0

05 E234733

Missile Operating Base

Vysokaya Pech'

50 05 43 N 028 22 09 E

6 LaunchCanister - 6

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 6

TrainingMissile - 0

Deployment Area


50 54 31 N50 41 3450 42 0550 55 01

Missile Operating Base


50 52 22 N 028 31 17 E

LaunchCanister - 6

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 6

TrainingMissile - 0

Vol. 1657,1-28521

029 02 51 E029 02 16028 28 20028 28 44

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34 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


50 35 26 N50 12 1050 14 2550 35 42

034 41034 00033 50034 21

41 E312821

Missile Operating Base


50 33 06 N 034 26 02 E

Deployment Area


52 02 16 N51 36 2151 34 22S2 02 21

033 52033 55033 27033 38

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

28 E264228

Missile Operating Base


51 41 00 N 033 30 56 E

Deployment Area


51 42 59 N51 23 3151 23 3751 43 02

033 27033 37032 56033 10

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

47 E563325

Missile Operating Base


51 36 44 N 033 29 17 E

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


50 17 58 N 034 54 32 E49 49 59 034 50 0550 10 03 033 57 0650 18 24 034 24 13

Missile Operating Base


50 16 01 N 034 49 53 E

Deployment Area


50 10 43 N 035 34 34 E49 54 08 035 00 1650 18 24 034 24 1350 26 42 034 48 07

Missile Operating Base


50 21 59 N 034 57 03 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

Deployment Area


55 51 09 N 083 52 28 E55 14 33 083 49 4955 21 52 083 08 4155 30 29 083 09 09

Missile Operating Base


55 22 05 N 083 13 52 E

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

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36 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


55 06 17 N 083 34 11 E54 57 40 083 33 3855 04 53 082 52 4555 24 16 082 53 40

Missile Operating Base


55 22 57 N 082 55 16 E

Deployment Area


55 31 47 N 084 08 57 E55 13 26 082 56 5555 20 01 082 49 4155 40 13 084 00 42

Missile Operatino Base


55 19 32 N 082 56 18 E

Deployment Area


55 08 01 N 083 53 07 E54 52 56 083 52 0255 11 17 082 56 4955 22 00 083 01 07

Missile Operating Base


55 18 44 N 083 01 38 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


55 03 58 N 084 18 27 E54 53 12 084 19 1055 04 49 082 56 3055 22 00 083 01 07

Missile Operating Base


55 19 07 N 083 09 59 E

Deployment Area


51 44 02 N 113 08 33 E51 22 28 113 07 3251 22 49 112 46 5251 44 16 112 54 39

Missile Operating Base


51 27 20 N 113 03 42 E

Deployment Area


51 37 34 N 113 08 14 E51 22 29 113 07 3251 18 39 112 36 2351 27 14 112 40 08

Missile Operating Base


51 26 i0 N 113 02 43 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

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38 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991


missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


51 24 52 N51 20 3651 18 5451 23 13

112 53112 50112 15112 15

51 E134451

Missile Operating Base


51 22 59 N 112 49 55 E

Deployment Area


51 26 54 N51 18 1351 18 4751 29 39

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

113 00 50 E113 03 54112 26 03112 19 29

Missile Operating Base


51 20 18 N 113 00 54 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

Deployment Area


51 33 19 N 113 0451 22 32 113 0451 22 49 112 4651 33 36 112 47

Missile Operating Base


35 E055217

51 23 49 N 112 52 13 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


53 54 32 N 084 01 02 E53 43 46 084 01 4853 35 30 083 43 0753 44 16 083 36 24

Missile Operating Base


53 46 08 N 083 57 11 E

Deployment Area


53 29 21 N 084 31 45 E52 58 43 083 47 5753 13 47 083 48 5653 29 02 084 17 18

Missile Operating Base


53 18 21 N 084 08 47 E

Deployment Area


53 16 38 N 084 43 16 E52 59 32 084 51 2052 55 09 084 47 5853 16 02 084 14 31

Missile Operating Base


53 13 29 N 084 40 10 E

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

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40 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traits 1991


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


084 49084 46084 14084 21

55 E523102

Missile Operating Base


53 18 47 N 084 30 27 E

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

Deployment Area


096 12095 34095 20095 36

14 E541313

Missile Operating Base


56 22 31 N 095 28 35 E

Deployment Area


56 30 47 N56 19 5356 13 4556 31 03

095 12095 19094 59094 56

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

33 E415858

Missile Operating Base


56 20 09 N 095 16 34 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

53 27 33 N53 16 4253 16 0253 26 58

56 32 14 N56 15 1656 28 3056 34 39

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


56 19 29 N 096 20 56 E56 08 43 096 21 4156 08 17 096 02 2456 19 14 095 50 42

Missile Oeerating Base


56 11 19 N 096 03 13 E

Deployment Area


56 14 50 N 096 05 46 E55 59 57 096 14 3555 59 41 096 03 0356 15 00 095 46 30

Missile Operating Base


56 02 19 N 096 04 58 E

9 LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

LaunchCanister - 9

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 9

TrainingMissile - 0

(ii) SS-4

Deployment Area


55 05 33 N 021 52 38 E55 03 22 021 56 2054 57 04 021 29 5855 01 23 021 26 16

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42 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitks 1991


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Missile Operating Base


54 59 07 N 021 36 36 E

Deployment Area


54 46 02 N54 24 1454 20 0154 43 58


MissileTransporterVehicle - 11

MissileErector - 7

PropellantTank - 52

TrainingMissile - 6

022 07 07 E022 28 42022 21 10021 55 53

Missile Operating Base


54 43 59 N 022 03 27 E


MissileTransporterVehicle - 12MissileErector - 7

PropellantTank - 52

TrainingMissile - 7

Deployment Area


51 53 50 N51 43 0951 42 5951 53 45

024 05024 09023 57023 57

39 E490750

Missile Operating Base


51 51 47 N 024 01 55 £

Vol 1657, 1-28521


MissileTransporteVehicle -MissileErector -

PropellantTank -

TrainingMissile -

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area


52 15 03 N52 04 0952 03 5652 14 54

025 49025 39025 22025 35

43 E300040

Missile Operating Base


52 10 56 N 025 41 27 E

Deployment Area


57 49 33 N57 43 0557 43 0457 49 32

027 00027 00026 43026 43


MissileTransporterVehicle - 13

MissileErector - 6

PropellantTank - 47TrainingMissile - 6

00 E005451

Missile Operating Base


57 45 47 N 026 47 13 E


MissileTransporterVehicle - 11

MissileErector - S

PropellantTank - 51

TrainingMissile - 6

Deployment Area


57 25 51 N57 21 3257 17 12S7 25 49

026 56 00 E026 56 01026 40 06026 40 01

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44 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Missile Operating Base


57 25 04 N 026 49 46 E

Deployment Area


57 38 21 N57 21 0457 21 1457 38 28

028 20028 23028 07028 08


MissileTransporterVehicle - 12

MissileErector - 6

PropellantTank - 45

TrainingMissile - 6

22 E434719

Missile Operating Base


57 31 53 N 028 12 19 E


MissileTransporterVehicle - 12

MissileErector - 7

PropellantTank - 48

TrainingMissile - 6

Deployment Area


55 06 12 N54 57 4954 55 0055 01 28

Missile Operating Base


55 00 51 N 024 14 16 E


MissileTransporterVehicle - 13MissileErector - 6

PropellantTank - 47

TrainingMissile - 6

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

024 22024 33024 04024 03

04 E510536

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Deployment Area

Ukme rge

55 17 41 N55 04 2555 08 3555 19 43

024 59 06 E024 40 58024 33 12024 51 26

Missile Operating Base


55 07 51 N 024 38 36 E

Deployment Area


55 18 07 N55 09 3055 03 1055 13 35


MissileTransporterVehicle - 14

MissileErector - 7

PropellantTank - 50

TrainingMissile - 6

022 30 42 E022 30 22022 18 52022 21 01

Missile Operating Base


55 04 58 N 022 19 38 E


MissileTransporterVehicle - 12

MissileErector - 6

PropellantTank - 47

TrainingMissile - 6

Deployment Area


48 45 01 N48 36 2348 36 0448 44 42

024 55 59 E024 56 20024 40 04024 39 40

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Missile Operating Base


48 39 32 N 024 48 04 E

Deployment Area


49 19 59 N49 11 2249 21 0949 29 46

023 58023 58023 31023 32


MissileTransporterVehicle - 12

MissileErector - 6

PropellantTank - 46

TrainingMissile - 7

46 E295724

Missile Operating Base


49 25 23 N 023 34 56 E


MissileTransporterVehicle - 12

MissileErector - 7

PropellantTank - 49

TrainingMissile - 7

Deployment Area


48 54 37 N48 48 0948 48 0248 54 30

026 17026 17026 01026 01

Missile Operating Base


48 51 02 N 026 08 36 E


MissileTransporterVehicle - 12MissileErector - 6

PropellantTank - 46

TrainingMissile - 5

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

26 E321204

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 47

2. Non-Deployed

The following are missile support facilities, their locationsand the numbers, for each Party of all non-deployed intermediate-range missiles listed as existing types in Article III of the Treaty,launchers of such missiles and support structures and supportequipment associated with such missiles and launchers. Site diagramsfor agreed missile support facilities, to include boundaries and centercoordinates, are appended to this Memorandum of Understanding.


Missiles Launchers and Equipment


(i) Pershing II

Missile ProductionFacilities:

Hercules Plant #1Magna, Utah

40 39 40 N 112 03 14 W

Launcher ProductionFacilities:

Martin MariettaMiddle River, Maryland

39 19 N 076 24 W

Missile StorageFacilities:

Pueblo Depot ActivityPueblo, Colorado

38 19 N 104 20 W

Redstone ArsenalHuntsville, Alabama

34 36 N 086 38 W

WeilerbachFederal Republic ofGermany

49 27 N 007 38 E

0 Launch PadShelter -

TrainingMissileStage -

0 Launch PadShelter -

TrainingMissileStage -

120 Launch PadShelter -

TrainingMissileStage -

0 Launch PadShelter -

TrainingMissileStage -

0 Launch PadShelter -

TrainingMissileStage -

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48 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Launcher StorageFailities.

Redstone ArsenalHuntsville, Alabama

34 35 N 086 37 W

Missile/Launcher StorageFacilities:


Missile RepairFacilities:

Pueblo Depot ActivityPueblo, Colorado

38 18 N 104 19 W

Launcher RepairFacilities:

EMC HausenFrankfurt, FederalRepublic of Germany

50 08 N 008 38 E

Redstone ArsenalHuntsville, Alabama

34 37 N 086 38 W

Ft. SillFt. Sill, Oklahoma

34 40 N 098 24 W

Pueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo, Colorado

38 17 N 104 20 W

Launch PadShelter -

TrainingMissileStage -

Launch PadShelter -

TrainingMissileStage -

0 Launch PadShelter -TrainingMissileStage -

10 Launch PadShelter -TrainingMissileStage -

Launch PadShelter -

TrainingMissileStage -

Launch PadShelter -

TrainingMissileStage -

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 49


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Missile/Launcher RepairFacilities:


Test Ranges:

Complex 16Cape Canaveral,Florida

28 29 N 080 34 W

Training Facilities:

Ft. SillFt. Sill, Oklahoma

34 41 N 098 34 W

0 Launch PadShelter -

TrainingMissileStage -

38 Launch PadShelter -

TrainingMissileStage -

Elimination Facilities:

(Not determined)

Missiles, Launcherssand Support Equipmentin Transit:

(ii) BGM-109G

Missile ProductionFacilities:

McDonnell-DouglasTitusville, Florida

28 32 N 080 40 w

General DynamicsKearney Mesa,California

32 50 N 117 08 W

0 TrainingMissileStage - 4

52with launchcanister

48with launchcanister

0 TrainingMissile -TrainingLaunchCanister -

0 TrainingMissile -

TrainingLaunchCanister -

Vol 1657, 1-28521

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Launcher ProductionFacilities:

Air Force Plant 19San Diego,California

32 45 N 117 12 W

Missile StorageFacilities


Launcher StorageFacilities:


Missile/Launcher StorageFacilities:


Missile Refair

SABCAGosselies, Belgium

2with launchcanister

16with launchcanister

50 27 N 004 27 E

Launhe ;!pairFTilties:


Missile/Launcher RepairFacilities:


Test Ranges:

Dugway Proving Grounds,Utah

0with launchcanister

40 22 N 113 04 W

4 TrainingMissile - 0TrainingLaunchCanister - 0

TrainingMissile - 0TrainingLaunchCanister - 0

0 TrainingMissile - 0

TrainingLaunchCanister - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis


missiles Launchers and Equipment

Training Facilities:

Davis-Monthan AFBTucson, Arizona

32 11 N 110 53 W

Ft. HuachucaFt. Huachuca,Arizona

31 29 N 110 19 W

0with launchcanister

0with launchcanister

TrainingMissile - 2

TrainingLaunchCanister - 27

TrainingMissile - 0

TrainingLaunchCanister - 8

Elimination Facilities:

(Not determined)

Missiles, Launchers,and Support Equipmentin Transit:

15with launchcanister

TrainingMissile -

TrainingLaunchCanister -


i) SS-20

Missile ProductionFacilities:

Votkinsk Machine 36*Building Plant


57 01 30 N 054 08 00 E

*In various stages of manufacture.

Launcher ProductionFacilities:Barrikady Plant


48 46 50 N 044 35 44 E

LaunchCanister - 36

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 0

LaunchCanister - 0Missile TransporterVehicle - 0Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 0

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52 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991


Missiles Launchers and Equipment

missile StorageFaciri-ties:


eLauncher StorageFacilities:


missile/Launcher StorageFacilities:

Postavy 2 3 LaunchCanister - 3

55 10 N 026 55 E Missile TransporterVehicle - 10

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 1

Gezgaly 2 2 LaunchCanister - 6

53 36 N 025 28 E Missile TransporterVehicle - 10

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 4

Mozyr' 2 2 LaunchCanister - 4

52 03 N 029 11 E Missile TransporterVehicle - 10

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 2

Lutsk 1 1 LaunchCanister - 3

50 53 N 025 30 E Missile TransporterVehicle - 10

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 2

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment


51 09 N 028 00 E

LaunchCanister - 3

Missile TransporterVehicle - 10

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 1


50 36 N 034 25 E

LaunchCanister - S

Missile TransporterVehicle - 10

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 3

LaunchCanister - 3

Missile TransporterVehicle - 10

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 2


55 16 N 083 02 £


51 30 N 113 03 E


56 16 N 095 39 E

LaunchCanister - 4

Missile TransporterVehicle - 10

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 2

LaunchCanister - 2

Missile TransporterVehicle - 1Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 1

LaunchCanister - 1

Missile TransporterVehicle - 3Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 0


53 34 N 083 48 E

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Missiles Launchers and Equipnent


53 31 N 026 55 E


47 51 N 029 54 £

0 LaunchCanister - 144

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 0

0 LaunchCanister - 21

Missile TransporterVehicle - 2

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 1



Launcher Repair


Missile/Launcher RepairFacilities:


47 08 N 039 47 E

Test Ranges:

Kapustin Yar

48 37 N 046 18 E

LaunchCanister - 2

Missile TransporterVehicle - 4

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 2

LaunchCanister - 0

Missile TransporterVehicle - 3

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 1

TrainingMissile - 0

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Training Facilities:


54 54 N 037 28 E


45 03 N 038 58 E

Training Center atTest RangeKapustin Yar

48 38 N 046 10 E

6 LaunchCanister - 4

Missile TransporterVehicle - 1

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 4

LaunchCanister - 2

Missile TransporterVehicle - 1

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 2

7 LaunchCanister - 12

Missile TransporterVehicle - 1

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 3

TrainingMissile - 12

Elimination Facilities:


51 21 N 026 35 E

LaunchCanister - 32

Missile TransporterVehicle - 35

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 3

LaunchCanister - 0

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 0

Kapustin Yar

48 46 N 45 59 E

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment


52 22 N 113 17 E


56 20 N 095 06 E

0 LaunchCanister - 0

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 0

o LaunchCanister - 0

Missile TransporterVehicle - 0

Fixed Structurefor Launcher - 0

TrainingMissile - 0

Missiles Launchers,and Support Equipment

in Transit:


(ii) SS-4

Missile ProductionFacilities:


Launcher ProductionFacilities:


Missile StorageFacilFities.


Launcher StorageFacilities:


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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Missile/Launcher StorageFacilities:


53 31 N 026 55 E


47 51 N 029 54 E

Missile RepairFacilities:


47 08 N 039 47 E




MissileTransporterVehicle - 9

MissileErector - 10

PropellantTank - 59

TrainingMissile - 31

MissileTransporterVehicle - 5

MissileErector - 4

PropellantTank - 11

TrainingMissile - 30

MissileTransporterVehicle - 0

MissileErector - 0

PropellantTank - 0

TrainingMissile - 6

Launcher RepairFacilities:


Missile/LauncherRepair Facilities:


Test Ranges:

Kapustin Yar

48 35 N 046 18 E


MissileTransporterVehicle - 4

MissileErector - 2

PropellantTank - 4

TrainingMissile - I

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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Training Facilities:


Elimination Facilities:


52 59 N 025 46 E


MissileTransporterVehicle - I

MissileErector -

PropellantTank -

TrainingMissile -

Missiles, Launchers,and Support Equipmentin Transit:


(iii) SS-5

Missile ProductionFacilities:


Launcher Production




53 31 N 026 55 E

Launcher StorageFacilities:


Missile/Launcher Storage




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Missiles Launchers and Equipment

Launcher RepairFacilities:


Missile/Launcher RepairFacilities:


Test Ranges:


Training Facilities:


Elimination Facilities:

Lesnaya 0 0

52 59 N 025 46 E

Missiles, Launchers,and Support Equipment

in Transit:


3. Training Launchers

In addition to the support equipment listed in paragraphs 1 and 2of this Section, the Parties possess vehicles, used to train driversof launchers of intermediate-range missiles, which shall be consideredfor purposes of this Treaty to be training launchers. The number ofsuch vehicles for each Party is:

(a) for the United States of America - 29; and

(b) for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - 65.

Elimination of such vehicles shall be carried out in accordance withprocedures set forth in the Protocol on Elimination.

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IV. Shorter-Range Missiles, Launchers of Such Missiles and SupportEquipment Associated With Such Missiles and Launchers

1. Deployed

The following are the missile operating bases, their locationsand the numbers, for each Party, of all deployed shorter-range missileslisted as existing types in Article III of the Treaty, and launchersof such missiles, and the support equipment associated with suchmissiles and launchers. Site diagrams, to include boundaries andcenter coordinates, of each listed missile operating base are appendedto this Memorandum of Understanding.

SupportMissiles Launchers Equipment


(i) Pershing IA

Missile OperatinS Base:



(i) SS-12

Missile Operating Bases:

Koenigsbrueck, GermanDemocratic Republic

51 16 40 N 013 53 20 E

Bischofswerda, GermanDemocratic Republic

51 08 33 N 014 12 18 E

Waren, German DemocraticRepublic

53 32 40 N 012 37 30 E

Wokuhl, German

Democratic Republic

53 16 20 N 013 15 50 E

MissileTransporterVehicle -TrainingMissile - 1(

MissileTransporterVehicle -TrainingMissile -

MissileTransporterVehicle - S

TrainingMissile -

MissileTransporterVehicle - CTrainingMissile - 7

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Supportmissiles Launchers Equipment

Hranice, CzechoslovakSocialist Repuolic

49 33 00 N 017 45 00 E


55 16 37 N 082 59 42 E


51 33 10 N 113 01 30 E


53 25 30 N 028 30 00 E


39 38 18 N 065 58 40 E


44 31 58 N 077 46 20 E


44 11 58 N

MissileTransporterVehicle - 15

TrainingMissile - 13

MissileTransporterVehicle - 1

TrainingMissile - 5

14 MissileTransporterVehicle -

TrainingMissile - 1(

MissileTransporterVehicle - 1

TrainingMissile - 10

5 MissileTransporterVehicle -

TrainingMissile -

15 MissileTransporterVehicle -TrainingMissile - 11

MissileTransporterVehicle - 5

TrainingMissile - 17

133 26 05 E

(ii) SS-23

Missile Operating Bases:

Weissenfels, GermanDemocratic Republic

51 11 50 N 011 59 50 E

MissileTransporterVehicle - 3

TrainingMissile - 18

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SupportMissiles Launcher-s Equipment

Jena-Forst, GermanDemocratic Republic

50 54 55 N 011 32 40 E


53 38 30 N 027 13 20 E


53 23 38 N 028 28 06 E


52 30 30 N 024 31 30 E

MissileTransporterVehicle - 8

TrainingMissile - 3

18 MissileTransporterVehicle - 18

TrainingMissile - 10

12 MissileTransporterVehicle - 11TrainingMissile - 9

MissileTransporterVehicle - 12TrainingMissile - 10


37 36 18 N


50 23 00 N

062 10 40 E

12 MissileTransporterVehicle - 12TrainingMissile - 0

12 MissileTransporterVehicle - 12

TrainingMissile - 4

080 09 30 E

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2. Non-Deployed

The following are missile support facilities, their locations andthe numbers, for each Party of all non-deployed shorter-range missileslisted as existing types in Article III of the Treaty, and launchers ofsuch missiles and support equipment associated with such missiles andlaunchers. Site diagrams for agreed missile support facilities, toinclude boundaries and center coordinates, are appended to thisMemorandum of Understanding.

SupportMissiles Launchers Equipment


(i] Pershing IA

Missile Production Facilities:

Longhorn Army AmmunitionPlant

Marshall, Texas

32 39 N 094 08 W

Launcher Production Facilities:

Martin MariettaMiddle River, Maryland

39 19 N 076 24 W

Missile Storage Facilities:

Pueblo Depot ActivityPueblo, Colorado

38 19 N 104 20 W

Launcher Storage Facilities:


Missile/Launcher StorageFacilities:


Missile Repair Facilities:


0 TrainingMissileStage -

0 TrainingMissileStage -

0 TrainingMissileStage - 63

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Supportmissiles Launchers Equipment

Launcher Repair Facilities:

Pueblo Depot Activity 0Pueblo, Colorado

38 19 N 104 20 W

Missile/Launcher RepairFacilities:


Test Ranges:


Training Facilities:


Elimination Facilities:

(Not determined)

Missiles, Launchers 0and Support Equipmentin Transit:


ii) SS-12

Missile ProductionFacilities:

Votkinsk Machine 0Building Plant


57 01 30 N 054 08 00 E

Launcher ProductionFacilities:Barrikady Plant 0


48 46 50 N 044 35 44 E

TrainingMissileStage - 0

TrainingMissileStage - 6

MissileTransporterVehicle - 0

TrainingMissile - 0

MissileTransporterVehicle - 0

TrainingMissile - 0

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Supportmissiles Launchers Equipment

Missile StorageFacilitiies


48 55 N 036 22 E

MissileTransporterVehicle - 0TrainingMissile - 12


54 35 N 020 12 E

Bronnaya Gora

52 37 N 025 04 E


46 50 N 075 36 E

Launcher Storaqe

MissileTransporterVehicle - I

TrainingMissile - 11

0 MissileTransporterVehicle - 0

TrainingMissile - 3

0 MissileTransporterVehicle - 0

TrainingMissile - 47

15 MissileTransporterVehicle - 10

TrainingMissile - 0



50 20 N 028 26 E

Missile/Launcher StorageFacilities:


Missile Repair Facilities:


Launcher Repair Facilities:



Repair Facilities:


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SupportMissiles Launchers Equipment

Test Ranges:


Training Facilities:


51 34 N 046 01 E


55 58 N 049 11 E


53 11 N 044 04 E

Elimination Facilities:

Saryozek (Missiles)

44 32 N 077 46 E

Stan'kovo (Launchersand Missile TransporterVehicles)

53 38 N 027 13 E

3 MissileTransporterVehicle -TrainingMissile -

2 MissileTransporterVehicle -

TrainingMissile - I

MissileTransporterVehicle -TrainingMissile -

0 MissileTransporterVehicle -

TrainingMissile -

0 MissileTransporterVehicle -

TrainingMissile -

Missiles, Launchers,and Support Equipmentin Transit:


(ii) SS-23

Missile Production Facilities:

Votkinsk MachineBuilding Plant


57 01 30 N 054 08 00 E

0 MissileTransporterVehicle - I

TrainingMissile - I

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SupportMissiles Launchers Equipment

Launcher Production Facilities:

V.I. Lenin Petropavlovsk Heavy 0 0 MissileMachine Building Plant Transporter

Petropavlovsk Vehicle - 0Training

54 54 20 N 069 09 58 E Missile - 0

Missile Storage Facilities:

Ladushkin 33 0 MissileTransporter

54 35 N 020 12 E Vehicle - 0TrainingMissile - 42

Launcher Storage Facilities:

Berezovka 0 13 MissileTransporter

50 20 N 028 26 E Vehicle - 5TrainingMissile - 0

Missile/LauncherStorage Facilities:


Missile Repair Facilities:


Launcher Repair Facilities:


Missile/LauncherRepair Facilities:


Test Ranges:


Training Facilities:


51 34 N 046 01 E

3 MissileTransporterVehicle - 2TrainingMissile - 0

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SupportM1issiles Launchers Equipment


55 58 N 049 11 E


53 11 N 044 04 E

Elimination Facilities:

Saryozek (Missiles)

44 32 N 077 46 E

Stan'kovo (Launchersand Missile TransporterVehicles)

53 38 N 027 13 E

3 MissileTransporterVehicle - 2

TrainingMissile - 0

MissileTransporterVehicle - I

TrainingMissile - C

0 MissileTransporterVehicle - i

TrainingMissile -

MissileTransporterVehicle -TrainingMissile - I

Missiles, Launchers,and Support Equipmentin Transit:


V. Missile Systems Tested, But Not Deployed, Prior to Entry intoForce of the Treaty

The following are the missile support facilities, theirlocations and the numbers, for each Party of all intermediate-rangeand shorter-range missiles, and launchers of such missiles, whichwere tested prior to entry into force of the Treaty, but were neverdeployed, and which are not existing types of intermediate-range orshorter-range missiles listed in Article III of the Treaty. Sitediagrams for agreed missile support facilities, to includeboundaries and center coordinates, are appended to this Memorandumof Understanding.

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SupportMissiles Launchers Equipment


(i Pershing IB

Missile ProductionFacilities:


Launcher ProductionFacilities:


Missile StorageFacilities:


Launcher StorageFacilities:


Missile/Launcher StorageFacilities:


Missile Repair


Launcher RepairFacilities:


Missile/Launcher RepairFacilities:


Test Ranges:


Training Facilities:


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SupportMissiles Launchers Equipment

Elimination Pacilities:


Missiles, Launchers,and Support Equipmentin Transit:



(i) SSC-X-4

Missile ProductionFacilities:


Launcher ProductionFacilities:

Experimental Plant of the 0 0Amalgamated Production withWorks *M. I. Kalinin launchMachine Building Plant,* canister


56 47 24 N 060 47 03 E

Missile StorageFacilities.


Launcher Storage


Missile/Launcher StorageFacilities:

Jelgava 84 6with

56 40 N 024 06 E launchcanister

Missil Repairties


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SupportMissiles Launchers Eq~uipment

Launcher RepairFacities:


Missile/Launcher RepairYacilities:


Test Ranges:


Training Facilities:


Elimination Facilities:


56 40 N 024 06 E

Missiles, Launchers,and Support Equipmentin Transit:



VI. Technical Data

Following are agreed categories of technical data for missilesand launchers subject to the Treaty, support structures and supportequipment associated with such missiles and launchers and the relevantdata for each of these categories. Photographs of missiles,launchers, support structures and support equipment listed below areappended to this Memorandum of Understanding.

1. Intermediate-Range Missiles

P-II BGM-109G SS-20 SS-4 SS-5 SSC-X-4

(a) Missile Characteristics:

i) Maximum number ofwarheads per missile

(ii) Length of missile, withfront section (meters)

(iii) Length of1st stage2nd stage (meters)

1 1 3 1 1 1

10.61 6.40 16.49 22.77 24.30 8.09

3.68 - 8.58 18.60 21.622.47 - 4.60 - -

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(iv) Maximum diameter of1st stage2nd stage (meters)

(v) Weight of GLBM,in metric tons(without front section;for liquid-fueledmissiles, empty weight)

1st stage2nd stageMissile in canister

(vi) Weight of assembled GLCM,in metric tons (with fuel)

In canisterWithout canister

(b) Launcher Characteristics:

(i) Dimensions (maximumlength, width, heightin meters)

(ii) Maximum number ofmissiles each launcheris capable of carryingor containing at onetime 1

(iii) Weight (in metric tons) 12

(c) Characteristics of Support Stand Launchers

Dimensions of support structuheight in meters):

(i) Fixed structure fora launcher

(ii) Launch pad shelter 74




0. 52

6.78 -4.15 -2.63 -

- 1.71- 1.47











3.35 4.99 -

S - - 2.44S - 1.70

.60 10.80 16.81 3.02 -2.49 2.44 3.20 3.02 -2.86 3.50 2.94 3.27 -


4 1 1 -

.04 14.30 40.25 6.90 - 29.10

ructures Associated With Such Missiles

res are as follows (maximum length, width,

- - 27.709.076.82

.00 - -14.6010.00

(d) Characteristics of Support Equipment Associated With Such Missilesand Launchers

Dimensions of support equipment are as follows (maximum length, width,height in meters):

i) Launch canister - 6.97 19.32 - - 8.39(Diameter) 0.54 2.14 0.65

(ii) Missile transporter - 17.33 22.85 - -vehicle (number 3.20 2.72of missiles per 2.90 2.50vehicle) (1) (1)

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P-I! BGM-109G SS-20 SS-4 SS-5 SSC-X-4

(iii) Missile erector

(iv) Propellant tank(Transportable)



- 15.623.153.76

- 11.382.632.96

- 10.702.633.35

Pershing IA

2. Shorter-Range Missiles

(a) Missile Characteristics:

(i) Maximum number ofwarheads per missile

(ii) Length of missile, withfront section (meters)

(iii) Length ofst stage

2nd stage (meters)

(iv) Maximum diameter of1st stage2nd stage (meters)

(v) Weight of GLBM,in metric tons(without front section)1st stage2nd stage

(b) Launcher Characteristics:

(i) Dimensions (maximumlength, width,height in meters)

(ii) Maximum number of missileseach launcher is capableof carrying or containingat one time

(iii) Weight (in metric tons)








Pershing IB SS-12 SS-23








1 1

12.38 7.52

4.38 5.175.37 -

1.01 0.971.01 -

8.80 3.994.16 -4.64 -

13.26 11.763.10 3.133.45 3.00

1 1

30.80 24.07

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Pershing IA Pershing IB SS-12 5S-23

(c) Characteristics of Support Equipment Associated With Such Missilesand Launchers:

Dimensions of support equipment are as follows (maximum length,width, height in meters):

Missile transporter - - 13.15 11.80vehicle (number 3.10 3.13of missiles per 3.50 3.00vehicle) (1) (1)

VII. Research and Development Booster Systems

Following are the numbers and locations for each Party oflaunchers of research and development booster systems.

Number ofLaunchers

1. Research and Development Launch Sites


Eastern Test Range, Florida 1

28 27 N 080 42 W

Eglin APB, Florida 5

30 36 N 086 48 W

White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico 4

32 30 N 106 30 W

Green River, Utah 2

38 00 N 109 30 W

Poker Flats Research Range, Alaska 6

65 07 N 147 29 W

Roi Namur, Kwajalein 3

09 25 N 167 28 E

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Number ofLaunchers

Barking Sands, Kauai, Hawaii

22 06 N 159 47 W

Western Test Range, California

34 37 N 120 37 W

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

42 01 N 070 07 W

Wake Island

19 18 N 166 37 E

Wallops Island, Virginia

37 51 N 075 28 W



62 53 N 040 52 E

Kapustin Yar 2

48 32 N 046 18 E

Each Party, in signing this Memorandum of Understanding,acknowledges it is responsible for the accuracy of only its owndata. Signature of this Memorandum of Understanding constitutesacceptance of the categories of data and inclusion of the datacontained herein.

This Memorandum of Understanding is an integral part of theTreaty. It shall enter into force on the date of entry into forceof the Treaty and shall remain in force so long as the Treatyremains in force.

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DONE at washington on December 8, 1987, in two copies, each inthe English and Russian languages, both texts being equallyauthentic.

For the United Statesof America:

[Signed - Signel'

President of the United Statesof America

For the Union of SovietSocialist Republics:

[Signed - Signe]2

General Secretary of the CentralCommittee of the CPSU

I Signed by Ronald Reagan - Signd par Ronald Reagan.

2 Signed by Mikhail Gorbachev - Sign6 par Mikhail Gorbachev.

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Missile Operating BaseSchwaebisch-Gmuend

48 48 54N 009 48 29E

PaxerHaaa Onepaumoanai Ea3aIUBe6HU-FMoLI

48 48 54 c.iu. 009 48 29 B.a.

[Base d'op6rations de missilesSchwaebisch-Gmuend

48 48 54 N 009 48 29 E]

4,/a so 160

Scale in Meters(Echelle en mbtres)

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Missile Operating BaseNeu Ulm

482240N 0100045E

[Base d'opdrations de missilesNeu Ulm

482240N 0100045E]

~5 1("

0 120

Scale in Meters[Echelle en metres]

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Missile Operating BaseWaldheide-Neckarsulm49 07 45N 009 16 31E

PaKerHa OnepaunoHHa Ba3aBajiEbAxe ie-Heiap3yLM

49 07 45 c.uw. 009 16 31 B.A.

[Base d'op6rations de missilesWaldheide-Neckarsulm

49 207 45 N 009 16 31 E]

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

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Missile Operating BaseGreenham Common

5122 35N 001 18 12W

PaKeTHaA OnepaRHoHnax Ea3aFpHH3M-KoMMOH

5122 35 c.m. 001 18 12 3.g.

[Base d'op6rations de missilesGreenham Common

512235N 001 1812W]


0 80 160

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

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Missile Operating BaseMolesworth

52 2300N 0002535W

[Base d'opdrations de missilesMolesworth

52 23 00 N 000 25 35 W]


/0 100 200

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

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82 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traits 1991

Missile Operating BaseComiso

365944N 0143634E

[Base d'operations de missilesComiso

365944N 0143634E]

0 40 s

Scale in Meters(Echelle en mbtres]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

Missile Operating BaseFlorennes

50 13 35N 004 3900E

[Base d'op6rations de missilesFlorennes

50 13 35N 004 3900E]

0 5o 100

Scale in Meters[Echelle en metres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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84 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Missile Operating BaseWueschheim

50 02 33N 007 25 40E

[Base d'optirations de missilesWueschheim

5002 33 N 007 25 40 E]

0 so 100

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mitres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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Missile Operating BaseWoensdrecht

512612N 0042115E

PaxeTHaA OnepatUHonHaH Ba3aBYc pexT

5126 12c.in. 004 21 15 B..

[Base d'oplrations de missilesWoensdrecht

512612N 0042115E]


0 40 so

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres)

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86 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueii des Traitks 1991

Missile Storage FacilityPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo, Colorado38 19N 104 20W

[Installation de stockage de missilesPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo (Colorado)38 19N 104 20W]

0 1455

Scale in Meters[Echelle en m~tres]

N -O -- 4

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s

Missile Storage FacilityPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo, Colorado3819N 10420W

[Installation de stockage de missilesPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo (Colorado)3819N 10420W]

o 200

Scale in Meters[Echelle en m~tres]


N u4..-

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

- I I - I

Page 94: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

88 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

Missile Storage FacilityRedstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama

34 36N 086 38W

[Installation de stockage de missilesRedstone Arsenal Huntsville (Alabama)

34 36N 086 38W]


o ioooI L

Scale in Meters[Echelle en metres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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Missile Storage FacilityRedstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama

34 36N 086 37W

Mecro CruraacKoro XpaHeHHA PaKeTApceHaii "PeAcToyH", XaHTCBHJUI, HIT. Aiia6aMa

34 36 c.u. 086 37 3.A.

[Installation de stockage de missilesRedstone Arsenal Huntsville (Alabama)

34 36N 086 38W]

o eNScale in Meters

[Echelle en mttres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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90 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Missile Storage FacilityRedstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama

34 35N 086 37W

MecTo CriuaacKoro XpaHeHHA PaKeTApceHaji "PeqcTOyH", XaHTCBHJUI, rT. Aiia6aMa

34 35 c.ui. 086 37 3.9.

[Installation de stockage de missilesRedstone Arsenal Huntsville (Alabama)

34 35N 086 37W]

0 40

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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Missile Storage FacilityRedstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama

34 33N 087 38W

MecTo CuxiacKoro XpaHeHHq PaKeTApceHai "PeacToyH", XaHTCBHJULI, LuT. Ajna6aMa

34 33 c.m. 087 38 3.A.

[Installation de stockage de missilesRedstone Arsenal Huntsville (Alabama)

34 33N 087 38W]


0 80

Scale in Meters[Echelle en m6tres]

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92 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Missile Storage FacilityWeilerbach, FRG

49 27N 007 38E

[Installation de stockage de missilesWeilerbach (R6publique f&l6rale d'Allemagne)

49 27N 007 38E]

0 No

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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Launcher Storage FacilityRedstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama

34 35N 086 37W

MecTo CunaacKoro XpaHeHHa nyApceHaji "PegcTOyH", XaHTCBHJMI, riT. Afla6aMa

34 35 c.w. 086 37 3.A.

[Installation de stockage de lanceursRedstone Arsenal Huntsville (Alabama)

34 35N 086 37W]

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94 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Missile Repair FacilityPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo, Colorado38 18N 104 19W

(See Next Sheet)

MecTo PeMOHTa PaKeTCuiag rly36io,

Ily36.IO, LuIT. Koropaao38 18 c.m. 104 19 3.,a.

[Installation de reparations de missilesPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo (Colorado)38 18N 104 19W

(Voir feuille suivante)]

0 1455

Scale in MeterslEchelle en mbtres]

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Missile Repair FacilityPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo, Colorado3818N 104 19W

MecTo PeMOHTa PaKeTCKiia fly36jio,

-ly36.ro, lri. Konopago38 18 c.m. 104 19 3.R.

[Installation de r6parations de missilesPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo (Colorado)3818N 10419W]

N -dM---r

0 260

Scale In Meters[Echelle en mAtres]

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96 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

Launcher Repair FacilityEMC Hausen Frankfort, FRG

5008N 008 38 E


O6cyxcu-BaHHIO Xay3eH, DpaHK4)ypT, (Dpr50 08 c.m. 008 38 B.A.

[Installation de r6parations de lanceursEMC Hausen Francfort (Rdpublique f~ddrale d'Allemagne)

50 08N 008 38E]


0 40

Scale in Meters(Echelle en m~tres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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Launcher Repair FacilityRedstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama

34 37N 086 33W

(See Next Sheet)

MecTo PeMOHTa lIycKOBbIX YCTaHOBOKApceHan PexacToyH, XaHTCBHJMI, ruT. Ana6ama

34 37 c.m. 086 38 3.At.

[Installation de r6parations de lanceursRedstone Arsenal Huntsville (Alabama)

34 37N 086 38W

(Voir feuille suivante)]

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98 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Launcher Repair FacilityRedstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama

34 37N 086 38W

MecTo PeMOHTa 'lyCKOBbIX YCTaHOBOKApceHaji "PegcTOyH", XaHTCBHJUI, urT. Aina6aMa

34 37 c.in. 086 38 3.A.

[Installation de reparations de lanceursRedstone Arsenal Huntsville (Alabama)

34 37N 086 38W]

0 20

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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Launcher Repair FacilityFt. Sill, Oklahoma34 40N 098 24W

(See Next 2 Sheets)

[Installation de r6parations de lanceursFt. Sill (Oklahoma)34 40N 098 24W

(Voir les deux feuilles suivantes)]

0 1000$ 4

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

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100 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

Launcher Repair FacilityFt. Sill, Oklahoma34 39N 098 24W

[Installation de r6parations de lanceursFt. Sill (Oklahoma)34 39N 098 24W]



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Launcher Repair FacilityFt. Sill, Oklahoma3441N 098 25 W

[Installation de reparations de lanceursFt. Sill (Oklahoma)34 41N 098 25W]


20 meters[20 m~tresJ

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102 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

Launcher Repair FacilityPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo, Colorado38 17N 104 20W

[Installation de r6parations de lanceursPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo (Colorado)38 17N 104 20W]

0 1485

Scale in Meters[Echelle en m~tres]

N -*-

Vol. 1657. 1-28521

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

Launcher Repair FacilityPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo, Colorado38 17N 104 20W

[Installation de r6parations de lanceursPueblo Depot Activity

Pueblo (Colorado)3817N 10420W]


Scale in Meters[Echelle en m~tres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


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104 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Test RangeComplex 16,

Cape Canaveral, Florida28 29N 080 34W

(See Next 2 Sheets)

[Polygone d'essaisComplex 16,

Cape Canaveral (Floride)28 29N 090 34W

(Voir les deux feuilles suivantes)]

N .4-.4K

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

a m .COM

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Test RangeComplex 16,

Cape Canaveral, Florida28 29N 080 34W

[Polygone d'essaisComplex 16,

Cape Canaveral (Floride)28 29N 080 34W]

N 4=

0 i00 200 M

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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106 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

Test RangeMissile Assembly Building Area

Cape Canaveral, Florida28 29N 080 34W

[Polygone d'essaisZone de construction et d'assemblage des missiles

Cape Canaveral (Floride)28 29N 080 34W]

0 200 MI I

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 107

Training FacilityFt. Sill, Oklahoma34 41N 098 34W

(See Next 2 Sheets)

[Installation d'entranementFt. Sill (Oklahoma)3441N 098 34W

(Voir les deux feuilles suivantes)]

U 5000

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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108 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traits 1991

Training FacilityFt. Sill, Oklahoma34 40N 098 23W

[Installation d'entrainementFt. Sill (Oklahoma)3440N 098 23 W]


0 40

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

Vol 1657, 1-28521

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Training FacilityFt. Sill, Oklahoma34 39N 098 26W

[Installation d'entranementFt. Sill (Oklahoma)34 39N 098 26W]

o 401 I

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtresl

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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110 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des iraitis 1991

Missile Repair FacilitySABCA, Gosselies, Belgium

5027N 004 27 E

MeCTO PeMOHTa PaKeTLjeHTp TexHHlecKoro O6Cy- HBaHMIA, Foccei, EejrmrHiA

50 27 c.m. 004 27 B.,R.

[Installation de r6paration de missilesSABCA Gosselles (Belgique)

50 27N 004 27E]


0 100

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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Test RangeDugway Proving Ground, Utah

4022N 11304W

HCMnTaTejmHbrdi -omiroHAary3fi, rT. IOTa

4022c.m. 1130 4 3.A.

[Polygone d'essaisDugway Proving Ground (Utah)

4022N 11304W]

40 25 N 40 25 N113 07 W 113 00 W

40 20 N 402 0 N113 07W 0 2 3 4 5 113 00 W

Scale in Kilometers[Echelle en ilom6tres]

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112 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Training FacilityDavis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, Arizona

3211N 11053W

MecTo O6yeHnABHa6a3a JeBHc-MoHTaH, TycoH, rUT. ApH3oHa

3211c.m. 110533.A.

[Installation d'entrainementDavid-Monthan AF,Tucson (Arizona)

3211N 11053W]

N240 n

Vol. 1657. 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 113

Training FacilityFt. Huachuca, Arizona

3129N 11019W

MecTo O6yneHH51'DopT-XaynyKa, LuT. ApH3oHa

31 29c.w. 110193.A.

[Installation d'entrainementFt. Huachuca (Arizona)

3129N 11019W]

31 31 N110 22 W

0 1000 2000

Scale in Meters3 [Echelle en mbtres]

31 2630 N110 22 W

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114 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Missile Production FacilityHercules, Plant 1, Magna, Utah

4039N 11203W

[Installation de production de missilesHercules, Plant 1, Magna (Utah)

4039N 11203W]



0 310 0 (Accbs]

• i• | % Exit

Scale in Meters%0 [sortie](Echelle en m~tresI

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

Launcher Production FacilityAir Force, Plant 19,

San Diego, California3245N 11712W

(See Next Sheet)

[Installation de production de lanceursAir Force, Plant 19,

San Diego (Californie)3245N 11712W

(Voir la feuille suivante)]

0 234I IScale in Meters

[Echelle en metres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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116 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

Launcher Production FacilityAir Force, Plant 19,

San Diego, California3245N 11712W

[Installation de production de lanceursAir Force, Plant 19,

San Diego (Californie)3245N 11712W]

* 4,

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

Launcher Production FacilityMartin Marietta, Middle River, Maryland

39 19N 076 24W

(See Next Sheet)

[Installation de production de lanceursMartin Marietta, Middle River (Maryland)

39 19N 076 24W

(Voir la feuille suivante)]

a -isi i

Scale in Meters[Echelle en mbtres]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


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118 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

Launcher Production FacilityMartin Marietta, Middle River, Maryland

39 19N 076 24W

[Installation de production de lanceursMartin Marietta,

Middle River (Maryland)39 19N 076 24W]

0 37.SiScale in Meters

[Echelle en mbtres]

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.. .: • ... ..... .....~i::i~ :,: : ...

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Vol. 1657, 1-28521

r ..0%








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,:4 Q0-4

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0 AD.0~ X

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ItX .. 1 ... 2.52

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==================== : ! i~ii:ii ::i ::::ii: :::::::i::i;j: ::": : -::?Vol. 1657,1-... .28521 /: : o

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- I3

-:I C)

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Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Pershing II IlepmIHr-2 [Pershing IIon Launcher fix6 sur son lanceur]

Page 130: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

124 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

........................ ... ............ :.

Pershing II: "Hepmimr-2" [Pershing II:Launch Pad Shelter YKpbITHe CTapTOBOR Abri d'aire de lancement]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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Pershing II:Launch Pad Shelter

(alternate view)

"IepmnIHr-2"YKpbITme CTapTOBOrI

njiouaucy(BHA c6oKy)

[Pershing II :Abri d'aire de lancement

(vu de c6t6)]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


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... .... .... .......... ..... ......... ....... ........

.. ...... ..... ....... ....... .. ... .......... ..... ... .......... ..... ... ......

................. ..... ....... ....... .

.... ............ ....... .... . ...... . ....... ....

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.. ... .... ............ .... ..........

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....... ............ ... .. ...... . . ......... ..... ... ..... ... ........... .. ... . ..... ........................ .. ...... ...... ......... .. .. ..... ..... ................ ......... .... .. .. ... ........ ...... ..... ..... .. .... ........... . .... ........ ................. ............. ...... ............ ....... ..... ............ ........ ... . .... ....... .... . ... .. ..... ..... ........... ... . ........ ....... ... .... ........ .......... .. ... ........ .................. ...... . . .. ......... ....................... ........ ...... .1 . . . : :: .. . ...... .....

BGM-109G: "BGM-109G" [BGM-109G:Fully Assembled Missile rIOJIHOCTbIO co6paHHaA Missile enti6rement assembl6]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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Pershing IA IepmlnHr-IAon Launcher


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Pursuant to and in implementation of the Treaty Between theUnited States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicson the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-RangeMissiles of December 8, 1987, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty,the Parties hereby agree upon procedures governing the eliminationof the missile systems subject to the Treaty.

I. Items of Missile Systems Subject to Elimination

The specific items for each type of missile system to beeliminated are:

1. For the United States of America:

Pershing II: missile, launcher and launch pad shelter;

BGM-109G: missile, launch canister and launcher;

Pershing IA: missile and launcher; and

Pershing IB: missile.

2. For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:

SS-20: missile, launch canister, launcher, missiletransporter vehicle and fixed structure for alauncher;

SS-4: missile, missile transporter vehicle, missileerector, launch stand and propellant tanks;

SS-5: missile;

SSC-X-4: missile, launch canister and launcher;

SS-12: missile, launcher and missile transporter vehicle;and

SS-23: missile, launcher and missile transporter vehicle.

3. For both Parties, all training missiles, training missilestages, training launch canisters and training launchers shall besubject to elimination.

4. For both Parties, all stages of intermediate-range andshorter-range GLBMs shall be subject to elimination.

5. For both Parties, all front sections of deployedintermediate-range and shorter-range missiles shall be subject toelimination.

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II. Procedures for Elimination at Elimination Facilities

1. In order to ensure the reliable determination of the typeand number of missiles, missile stages, front sections, launchcanisters, launchers, missile transporter vehicles, missile erectorsand launch stands, as well as training missiles, training missilestages, training launch canisters and training launchers, indicatedin Section I of this Protocol, being eliminated at eliminationfacilities, and to preclude the possibility of restoration of suchitems for purposes inconsistent with the provisions of the Treaty,the Parties shall fulfill the requirements below.

2. The conduct of the elimination procedures for the items ofmissile systems listed in paragraph 1 of this Section, except fortraining missiles, training missile stages, training launchcanisters and training launchers, shall be subject to on-siteinspection in accordance with Article XI of the Treaty and theProtocol on Inspection. The Parties shall have the right to conducton-site inspections to confirm the completion of the eliminationprocedures set forth in paragraph 11 of this Section for trainingmissiles, training missile stages, training launch canisters andtraining launchers. The Party possessing such a training missile,training missile stage, training launch canister or traininglauncher shall inform the other Party of the name and coordinates ofthe elimination facility at which the on-site inspection may beconducted as well as the date on which it may be conducted. Suchinformation shall beprovided no less than 30 days in advance ofthat date.

3. Prior to a missile's arrival at the elimination facility,its nuclear warhead device and guidance elements may be removed.

4. Each Party shall select the particular technological meansnecessary to implement the procedures required in paragraphs 10 and11 of this Section and to allow for on-site inspection of theconduct of the elimination procedures required in paragraph 10 ofthis Section in accordance with Article XI of the Treaty, thisProtocol and the Protocol on Inspection.

5. The initiation of the elimination of the items of missilesystems subject to this Section shall be considered to be thecommencement of the procedures set forth in paragraph 10 or 11 ofthis Section.

6. Immediately prior to the initiation of the eliminationprocedures set forth in paragraph 10 of this Section, an inspectorfrom the Party receiving the pertinent notification required byparagraph 5(c) of Article IX of the Treaty shall confirm and recordthe type and number of items of missile systems, listed in paragraph1 of this Section, which are to be eliminated. If the inspectingParty deems it necessary, this shall include a visual inspection ofthe contents of launch canisters.

7. A missile stage being eliminated by burning in accordancewith the procedures set forth in paragraph 10 of this Section shallnot be instrumented for data collection. Prior to the initiation ofthe elimination procedures set forth in paragraph 10 of thisSection, an inspector from the inspecting Party shall confirm thatsuch missile stages are not instrumented for data collection. Thosemissile stages shall be subject to continuous observation by such aninspector from the time of that inspection until the burning iscompleted.

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8. The completion of the elimination procedures set forth inthis Section, except those for training missiles, training missilestages, training launch canisters and training launchers, along withthe type and number of items of missile systems for which thoseprocedures have been completed, shall be confirmed in writing by therepresentative of the Party carrying out the elimination and by theinspection team leader of the other Party. The elimination of atraining missile, training missile stage, training launch canisteror training launcher shall be considered to have been completed uponcompletion of the procedures set forth in paragraph 11 of thisSection and notification as required by paragraph 5(e) of Article IXof the Treaty following the date specified pursuant to paragraph 2of this Section.

9. The Parties agree that all United States and Sovietintermediate-range and shorter-range missiles and their associatedreentry vehicles shall be eliminated within an agreed overall periodof elimination. It is further agreed that all such missiles shall,in fact, be eliminated fifteen days prior to the end of the overallperiod of elimination. During the last fifteen days, a Party shallwithdraw to its national territory reentry vehicles which, byunilateral decision, have been released from existing programs ofcooperation and eliminate them during the same timeframe inaccordance with the procedures set forth in this Section.

10. The specific procedures for the elimination of the items of-missile systems listed in paragraph 1 of this Section shall be asfollows, unless the Parties agree upon different procedures toachieve the same result as the procedures identified in thisparagraphs

For the Pershing II:


(a) missile stages shall be eliminated by explosivedemolition or burning;

(b) solid fuel, rocket nozzles and motor cases notdestroyed in this process shall be burned, crushed,flattened or destroyed by explosion; and

(c) front section, minus nuclear warhead device andguidance elements, shall be crushed or flattened.


(a) erector-launcher mechanism shall be removed fromlauncher chassis;

(b) all components of erector-launcher mechanism shall becut at locations that are not assembly joints into twopieces of approximately equal size;

(c) missile launch support equipment, including externalinstrumentation compartments, shall be removed fromlauncher chassis; and

(d) launcher chassis shall be cut at a location that isnot an assembly joint into two pieces of approximatelyequal size.

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For the BGM-109G:


(a) missile airframe shall be cut longitudinally into twopieces;

(b) wings and tail section shall be severed from missileairframe at locations that are not assembly joints; and

(c) front section, minus nuclear warhead device andguidance elements, shall be crushed or flattened.

Launch Canister:

launch canister shall be crushed, flattened, cut intotwo pieces of approximately equal size or destroyed byexplosion.


(a) erector-launcher mechanism shall be removed fromlauncher chassis;

(b) all components of erector-launcher mechanism shall becut at locations that are not assembly joints into twopieces of approximately equal size;

(c) missile launch support equipment, including externalinstrumentation compartments, shall be removed fromlauncher chassis; and

(d) launcher chassis shall be cut at a location that isnot an assembly joint into two pieces of approximatelyequal size.

For the Pershing IA:


(a) missile stages shall be eliminated by explosivedemolition or burning;

(b) solid fuel, rocket nozzles and motor cases notdestroyed in this process shall be burned, crushed,flattened or destroyed by explosion; and

(c) front section, minus nuclear warhead device andguidance elements, shall be crushed or flattened.


(a) erector-launcher mechanism shall be removed fromlauncher chassis;

(b) all components of erector-launcher mechanism shall becut at locations that are not assembly joints into twopieces of approximately equal size;

(c) missile launch support equipment, including externalinstrumentation compartments, shall be removed fromlauncher chassis; and

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(d) launcher chassis shall be cut at a location that isnot an assembly joint into two pieces of approximatelyequal size.

For the Pershing IB:


(a) missile stage shall be eliminated by explosivedemolition or burning;

(b) solid fuel, rocket nozzle and motor case not destroyedin this process shall be burned, crushed, flattened ordestroyed by explosion; and

(c) front section, minus nuclear warhead device andguidance elements, shall be crushed or flattened.

For the SS-20:


(a) missile shall be eliminated by explosive demolition ofthe missile in its launch canister or by burningmissile stages;

(b) solid fuel, rocket nozzles and motor cases notdestroyed in this process shall be burned, crushed,flattened or destroyed by explosion; and

(c) front section, including reentry vehicles, minusnuclear warhead devices, and instrumentationcompartment, minus guidance elements, shall be crushedor flattened.

Launch Canister:

launch canister shall be destroyed by explosivedemolition together with a missile, or shall bedestroyed separately by explosion, cut into two piecesof approximately equal size, crushed or flattened.


(a) erector-launcher mechanism shall be removed fromlauncher chassis;

(b) all components of erector-launcher mechanism shall becut at locations that are not assembly joints into twopieces of approximately equal size;

(c) missile launch support equipment, including externalinstrumentation compartments, shall be removed fromlauncher chassis;

(d) mountings of erector-launcher mechanism and launcherleveling supports shall be cut off launcher chassis;

(e) launcher leveling supports shall be cut at locationsthat are not assembly joints into two pieces ofapproximately equal size; and

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(f) a portion of the launcher chassis, at least 0.78meters in length, shall be cut off aft of the rearaxle.

Missile Transporter Vehicle:

(a) all mechanisms associated with missile loading andmounting shall be removed from transporter vehiclechassis,

(b) all mountings of such mechanisms shall be cut offtransporter vehicle chassis;

(c) all components of the mechanisms associated withmissile loading and mounting shall be cut at locationsthat are not assembly joints into two pieces ofapproximately equal size;

(d) external instrumentation compartments shall be removedfrom transporter vehicle chassis:

(e) transporter vehicle leveling supports shall be cut offtransporter vehicle chassis and cut at locations thatare not assembly joints into two pieces ofapproximately equal size; and

(f) a portion of the transporter vehicle chassis, at least0.78 meters in length, shall be cut off aft of therear axle.

For the SS-4:


(a) nozzles of propulsion system shall be cut off atlocations that are not assembly joints;

(b) all propellant tanks shall be cut into two pieces ofapproximately equal size;

(c) instrumentation compartment, minus guidance elements,shall be cut into two pieces of approximately equalsize; and

(d) front section, minus nuclear warhead device, shall becrushed or flattened.

Launch Stand:

launch stand components shall be cut at locations thatare not assembly joints into two pieces ofapproximately equal size.

Missile Erector:

(a) jib, missile erector leveling supports and missileerector mechanism shall be cut off missile erector atlocations that are not assembly joints; and

(b) jib and missile erector leveling supports shall be cutinto two pieces of approximately equal size.

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Missile Transporter Vehicle:

mounting components for a missile and for a missileerector mechanism as well as supports for erecting amissile onto a launcher shall be cut off transportervehicle at locations that are not assembly joints.

For the SS-5:


(a) nozzles of propulsion system shall be cut off atlocations that are not assembly joints;

(b) all propellant tanks shall be cut into two pieces ofapproximately equal size; and

(c) instrumentation compartment, minus guidance elements,shall be cut into two pieces of approximately equalsize.

For the SSC-X-4:


(a) missile airframe shall be cut longitudinally into twopieces;

(b) wings and tail section shall be severed from missileairframe at locations that are not assembly joints; and

(c) front section, minus nuclear warhead device andguidance elements, shall be crushed or flattened.

Launch Canister:

launch canister shall be crushed, flattened, cut intotwo pieces of approximately equal size or destroyed byexplosion.


(a) erector-launcher mechanism shall be removed fromlauncher chassis;

(b) all components of erector-launcher mechanism shall becut at locations that are not assembly joints into twopieces of approximately equal size;

(c) missile launch support equipment, including externalinstrumentation compartments, shall be removed fromlauncher chassis;

(d) mountings of erector-launcher mechanism and launcherleveling supports shall be cut off launcher chassis;

(e) launcher leveling supports shall be cut at locationsthat are not assembly joints into two pieces ofapproximately equal size; and

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f) the launcher chassis shall be severed at a locationdetermined by measuring no more than 0.70 metersrearward from the rear axle.

For the SS-12:


(a) missile shall be eliminated by explosive demolition orby burning missile stages;

(b) solid fuel, rocket nozzles and motor cases notdestroyed in this process shall be burned, crushed,flattened or destroyed by explosion; and

(c) front section, minus nuclear warhead device, andinstrumentation compartment, minus guidance elements,shall be crushed, flattened or destroyed by explosivedemolition together with a missile.


(a) erector-launcher mechanism shall be removed fromlauncher chassis;

(b) all components of erector-launcher mechanism shall becut at locations that are not assembly joints into twopieces of approximately equal size;

(c) missile launch support equipment, including externalinstrumentation compartments, shall be removed fromlauncher chassis;

(d) mountings of erector-launcher mechanism and launcherleveling supports shall be cut off launcher chassis;

(e) launcher leveling supports shall be cut at locationsthat are not assembly joints into two pieces ofapproximately equal size; and

(f) a portion of the launcher chassis, at least 1.10meters in length, shall be cut off aft of the rearaxle.

Missile Transporter Vehicle:

(a) all mechanisms associated with missile loading andmounting shall be removed from transporter vehiclechassis;

(b) all mountings of such mechanisms shall be cut offtransporter vehicle chassis;

(c) all components of the mechanisms associated withmissile loading and mounting shall be cut at locationsthat are not assembly joints into two pieces ofapproximately equal size;

(d) external instrumentation compartments shall be removedfrom transporter vehicle chassis;

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(e) transporter vehicle leveling supports shall be cut offtransporter vehicle chassis and cut at locations thatare not assembly joints into two pieces ofapproximately equal size; and

(f) a portion of the transporter vehicle chassis, at least1.10 meters in length, shall be cut off aft of therear axle.

For the SS-23:


(a) missile shall be eliminated by explosive demolition orby burning the missile stage;

(b) solid fuel, rocket nozzle and motor case not destroyedin this process shall be burned, crushed, flattened ordestroyed by explosion; and

(c) front section, minus nuclear warhead device, andinstrumentation compartment, minus guidance elements,shall be crushed, flattened, or destroyed by explosivedemolition together with a missile.


(a) erector-launcher mechanism shall be removed fromlauncher body;

(b) all components of erector-launcher mechanism shall becut at locations that are not assembly joints into twopieces of approximately equal size;

(c) missile launch support equipment shall be removed fromlauncher body;

(d) mountings of erector-launcher mechanism and launcherleveling supports shall be cut off launcher body;

(e) launcher leveling supports shall be cut at locationsthat are not assembly joints into two pieces ofapproximately equal size;

(f) each environmental cover of the launcher body shall beremoved and cut into two pieces of approximately equalsize; and

(g) a portion of the launcher body, at least 0.85 meters

in length, shall be cut off aft of the rear axle.

Missile Transporter Vehicle:

(a) all mechanisms associated with missile loading andmounting shall be removed from transporter vehiclebody;

(b) all mountings of such mechanisms shall be cut offtransporter vehicle body;

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(c) all components of mechanisms associated with missileloading and mounting shall be cut at locations thatare not assembly joints into two pieces ofapproximately equal size;

(d) control equipment of the mechanism associated withmissile loading shall be removed from transportervehicle body;

(e) transporter vehicle leveling supports shall be cut offtransporter vehicle body and cut at locations that arenot assembly joints into two pieces of approximatelyequal size; and

(f) a portion of the transporter vehicle body, at least0.85 meters in length, shall be cut off aft of therear axle.

11. The specific procedures for the elimination of the trainingmissiles, training missile stages, training launch canisters andtraining launchers indicated in paragraph 1 of this Section shall beas follows:

Training Missile and Training Missile Stage:

training missile and training missile stage shall becrushed, flattened, cut into two pieces ofapproximately equal size or destroyed by explosion.

Training Launch Canister:

training launch canister shall be crushed, flattened,cut into two pieces of approximately equal size ordestroyed by explosion.

Training Launcher:

training launcher chassis shall be cut at the samelocation designated in paragraph 10 of this Sectionfor launcher of the same type of missile.

III. Elimination of Missiles by Means of Launching

1. Elimination of missiles by means of launching pursuant toparagraph 5 of Article X of the Treaty shall be subject to on-siteinspection in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article XI of theTreaty and the Protocol on Inspection. Immediately prior to-eachlaunch conducted for the purpose of elimination, an inspector fromthe inspecting Party shall confirm by visual observation the type ofmissile to be launched.

2. All missiles being eliminated by means of launching shall belaunched from designated elimination facilities to existing impactareas for such missiles. No such missile shall be used as a targetvehicle for a ballistic missile interceptor.

3. Missiles being eliminated by means of launching shall belaunched one at a time, and no less than six hours shall elapsebetween such launches.

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4. Such launches shall involve ignition of all missile stages.Neither Party shall transmit or recover data from missiles beingeliminated by means of launching except for unencrypted data usedfor range safety purposes.

5. The completion of the elimination procedures set forth inthis Section, and the type and number of missiles for which thoseprocedures have been completed, shall be confirmed in writing by therepresentative of the Party carrying out the elimination and by theinspection team leader of the other Party.

6. A missile shall be considered to be eliminated by means oflaunching after completion of the procedures set forth in thisSection and upon notification required by paragraph 5(e) of ArticleIX of the Treaty.

IV. Procedures for Elimination In Situ

1. Support Structures

(a) Support structures listed in Section I of thisProtocol shall be eliminated in situ.

(b) The initiation of the elimination of supportstructures shall be considered to be the commencementof the elimination procedures required in paragraphl(d) of this Section.

(c) The elimination of support structures shall be subjectto verification by on-site inspection in accordancewith paragraph 4 of Article XI of the Treaty.

(d) The specific elimination procedures for supportstructures shall be as follows:

(i) the superstructure of the fixed structure orshelter shall be dismantled or demolished, andremoved from its base or foundation;

(ii) the base or foundation of the fixed structureor shelter shall be destroyed by excavation orexplosion;

(iii) the destroyed base or foundation of a fixedstructure or shelter shall remain visible tonational technical means of verification forsix months or until completion of an on-siteinspection conducted in accordance with ArticleXI of the Treaty; and

(iv) upon completion of the above requirements, theelimination procedures shall be considered tohave been completed.

2. Propellant Tanks for SS-4 Missiles

Fixed and transportable propellant tanks for SS-4missiles shall be removed from launch sites.

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3. Trainin9 Miasiles Training Missile Stages. Training LaunchCanisters and Trainin Launchers

(a) Training missiles, training missile stages, traininglaunch canisters and training launchers not eliminatedat elimination facilities shall be eliminated in situ.

(b) Training missiles, training missile stages, traininglaunch canisters and training launchers beingeliminated in situ shall be eliminated in accordancewith the specific procedures set forth in paragraph 11of Section II of this Protocol.

(c) Each Party shall have the right to conduct an on-siteinspection to confirm the completion of theelimination procedures for training missiles, trainingmissile stages, training launch canisters and traininglaunchers.

(d) The Party possessing such a training missile, trainingmissile stage, training launch canister or traininglauncher shall inform the other Party of theplace-name and coordinates of the location at whichthe on-site inspection provided for in paragraph 3(c)of this Section may be conducted as well as the dateon which it may be conducted. Such information shallbe provided no less than 30 days in advance of thatdate.

(e) Elimination of a training missile, training missilestage, training launch canister or training launchershall be considered to have been completed upon thecompletion of the procedures required by thisparagraph and upon notification as required byparagraph 5(e) of Article IX of the Treaty followingthe date specified pursuant to paragraph 3(d) of thisSection.

V. Other Types of Elimination

1. Loss or Accidental Destruction

(a) If an item listed in Section I of this Protocol islost or destroyed as a result of an accident, thepossessing Party shall notify the other Party within48 hours, as required in paragraph 5(e) of Article IXof the Treaty, that the item has been eliminated.

(b) Such notification shall include the type of theeliminated item, its approximate or assumed locationand the circumstances related to the loss oraccidental destruction.

(c) In such a case, the other Party shall have the rightto conduct an inspection of the specific point atwhich the accident occurred to provide confidence thatthe item has been eliminated.

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2. Static Display

(a) The Parties shall have the right to eliminatemissiles, launch canisters and launchers, as well astraining missiles, training launch canisters andtraining launchers, listed in Section I of thisProtocol by placing them on static display. EachParty shall be limited to a total of 15 missiles, 15launch canisters and 15 launchers on such staticdisplay.

(b) Prior to being placed on static display, a missile,launch canister or launcher shall be rendered unusablefor purposes inconsistent with the Treaty. Missilepropellant shall be removed and erector-launchermechanisms shall be rendered inoperative.

(c) The Party possessing a missile, launch canister orlauncher, as well as a training missile, traininglaunch canister or training launcher that is to beeliminated by placing it on static display shallprovide the other Party with the place-name andcoordinates of the location at which such a missile,launch canister or launcher is to be on staticdisplay, as well as the location at which the on-siteinspection provided for in paragraph 2(d) of thisSection, may take place.

(d) Each Party shall have the right to conduct an on-siteinspection of such a missile, launch canister orlauncher within 60 days of receipt of the notificationrequired in paragraph 2(c) of this Section.

(e) Elimination of a missile, launch canister or launcher,as well as a training missile, training launchcanister or training launcher, by placing it on staticdisplay shall be considered to have been completedupon completion of the procedures required by thisparagraph and notification as required by paragraph5(e) of Article IX of the Treaty.

This Protocol is an integral part of the Treaty. It shall enterinto force on the date of the entry into force of the Treaty andshall remain in force so long as the Treaty remains in force. Asprovided for in paragraph l(b) of Article XIII of the Treaty, theParties may agree upon such measures as may be necessary to improvethe viability and effectiveness of this Protocol. Such measuresshall not be deemed amendments to the Treaty.

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DONE at Washington on December 8, 1987, in tvo copies, each inthe English and Russian languages, both texts being equallyauthentic.

For the United Statesof America:

[Signed - Signel'President of the United States

of America

For the Union of SovietSocialist Republics:[Signed - Sign] 2

General Secretary of the CentralCommittee of the CPSU

I Signed by Ronald Reagan - Sign6 par Ronald Reagan.

2 Signed by Mikhail Gorbachev - Sign6 par Mikhail Gorbachev.

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Pursuant to and in implementation of the Treaty Between theUnited States of America and the Union of Soviet SocialistRepublics on the Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range andShorter-Range Missiles of December 8, 1987, hereinafter referredto as the Treaty, the Parties hereby agree upon proceduresgoverning the conduct of inspections provided for in Article XI ofthe Treaty.

I. Definitions

For the purposes of this Protocol, the Treaty, the Memorandumof Understanding and the Protocol on Elimination:

1. The term *inspected Party" means the Party to the Treatywhose sites are subject to inspection as provided for by ArticleXI of the Treaty.

2. The term *inspecting Party3 means the Party to the Treatycarrying out an inspection.

3. The term "inspector" means an individual designated by oneof the Parties to carry out inspections and included on thatParty's list of inspectors in accordance with the provisions ofSection III of this Protocol.

4. The term "inspection team" means the group of inspectorsassigned by the inspecting Party to conduct a particularinspection.

5. The term *inspection si ef means an area, location orfacility at which an inspection is carried out.

6. The term 'period of inspection' means the period of timefrom arrival of the inspection team at the inspection site untilits departure from the inspection site, exclusive of time spent onany pre- and post-inspection procedures.

7. The term "point of entry" means: Washington, D.C., or SanFrancisco, California, the United States of America; Brussels(National Airport), The Kingdom of Belgium; Frankfurt (Rhein MainAirbase), The Federal Republic of Germany; Rome (Ciampino), TheRepublic of Italy; Schiphol, The Kingdom of the Netherlands; RAFGreenham Common, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland; Moscow, or Ulan Ude,the Union of Soviet SocialistRepublics; Schkeuditz Airport, the German Democratic Republic; andInternational Airport Ruzyne, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.

8. The term "in-country period" means the period from thearrival of the inspection team at the point of entry until itsdeparture from the country through the point of entry.

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9. The term "in-country escort" means individuals specifiedby the inspected Party to accompany and assist inspectors andaircrew members as necessary throughout the in-country period.

10. The term Oaircrew member" means an individual whoperforms duties related to the operation of an airplane and who isincluded on a Party's list of aircrew members in accordance withthe provisions of Section III of this Protocol.

II. General Obligations

1. For the purpose of ensuring verification of compliancewith the provisions of the Treaty, each Party shall facilitateinspection by the other Party pursuant to this Protocol.

2. Each Party takes note of the assurances received from theother Party regarding understandings reached between the otherParty and the basing countries to the effect that the basingcountries have agreed to the conduct of inspections, in accordancewith the provisions of this Protocol, on their territories.

III. Pre-Inspection Requirements

1. Inspections to ensure verification of compliance by theParties with the obligations assumed under the Treaty shall becarried out by inspectors designated in accordance with paragraphs3 and 4 of this Section.

2. No later than one day after entry into force of theTreaty, each Party shall provide to the other Party: a list ofits proposed aircrew members; a list of its proposed inspectorswho will carry out inspections pursuant to paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 7and 8 of Article XI of the Treaty; and a list of its proposedinspectors who will carry out inspection activities pursuant toparagraph 6 of Article XI of the Treaty. None of these listsshall contain at any time more than 200 individuals.

3. Each Party shall review the lists of inspectors andaircrew members proposed by the other Party. with respect to anindividual included on the list of proposed inspectors who willcarry out inspection activities pursuant to paragraph 6 of ArticleXI of the Treaty, if such an individual is unacceptable to theParty reviewing the list, that Party shall, within 20 days, soinform the Party providing the list, and the individual shall bedeemed not accepted and shall be deleted from the list. Withrespect to an individual on the list of proposed aircrew membersor the list of proposed inspectors who will carry out inspectionspursuant to paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 of Article XI of theTreaty, each Party, within 20 days after the receipt of suchlists, shall inform the other Party of its agreement to thedesignation of each inspector and aircrew member proposed.Inspectors shall be citizens of the inspecting Party.

4. Each Party shall have the right to amend its lists ofinspectors and aircrew members. New inspectors and aircrewmembers shall be designated in the same manner as set forth inparagraph 3 of this Section with respect to the initial lists.

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5. Within 30 days of receipt of the initial lists ofinspectors and aircrew members, or of subsequent changes thereto,the Party receiving such information shall provide, or shallensure the provision of, such visas and other documents to eachindividual to whom it has agreed as may be required to ensure thateach inspector or aircrew member may enter and remain in theterritory of the Party or basing country in which an inspectionsite is located throughout the in-country period for the purposeof carrying out inspection activities in accordance with theprovisions of this Protocol. Such visas and documents shall bevalid for a period of at least 24 months.

6. To exercise their functions effectively, inspectors andaircrew members shall be accorded, throughout the in-countryperiod, privileges and immunities in the country of the inspectionsite as set forth in the Annex to this Protocol.

7. Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities,inspectors and aircrew members shall be obliged to respect thelaws and regulations of the State on whose territory an inspectionis carried out and shall be obliged not to interfere in theinternal affairs of that State. In the event the inspected Partydetermines that an inspector or aircrew member of the other Partyhas violated the conditions governing inspection activities setforth in this Protocol, or has ever committed a criminal offenseon the territory of the inspected Party or a basing country, orhas ever been sentenced for committing a criminal offense orexpelled by the inspected Party or a basing country, the inspectedParty making such a determination shall so notify the inspectingParty, which shall immediately strike the individual from thelists of inspectors or the list of aircrew members. If, at thattime, the individual is on the territory of the inspected Party ora basing country, the inspecting Party shall immediately removethat individual from the country.

8. Within 30 days after entry into force of the Treaty, eachParty shall inform the other Party of the standing diplomaticclearance number for airplanes of the Party transportinginspectors and equipment necessary for inspection into and out ofthe territory of the Party or basing country in which aninspection site is located. Aircraft routings to and from thedesignated point of entry shall be along established internationalairways that are agreed upon by the Parties as the basis for suchdiplomatic clearance.

IV. Notifications

1. Notification of an intention to conduct an inspectionshall be made through the Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers. Thereceipt of this notification shall be acknowledged through theNuclear Risk Reduction Centers by the inspected Party within onehour of its receipt.

(a) For inspections conducted pursuant to paragraphs 3,4 or 5 of Article XI of the Treaty, suchnotifications shall be made no less than 16 hours in

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advance of the estimated time of arrival of theinspection team at the point of entry and shallinclude:

(i) the point of entry;

(ii) the date and estimated time of arrival at thepoint of entry;

(iii) the date and time when the specification ofthe inspection site will be provided; and

(iv) the names of inspectors and aircrew members.

(b) For inspections conducted pursuant to paragraphs 7or 8 of Article XI of the Treaty, such notificationsshall be made no less than 72 hours in advance ofthe estimated time of arrival of the inspection teamat the point of entry and shall include:

(i) the point of entry;

(ii) the date and estimated time of arrival at thepoint of entry;

(iii) the site to be inspected and the type ofinspection; and

(iv) the names of inspectors and aircrew members.

2. The date and time of the specification of the inspectionsite as notified pursuant to paragraph l(a) of this Section shallfall within the following time intervals:

(a) for inspections conducted pursuant to paragraphs 4or 5 of Article X1 of the Treaty, neither less thanfour hours nor more than 24 hours after theestimated date and time of arrival at the point ofemntryl and

(b) for inspections conducted pursuant to paragraph 3 ofArticle XI of the Treaty, neither less than fourhours nor more than 48 hours after the estimateddate and time of arrival at the point of entry.

3. The inspecting Party shall provide the inspected Partywith a flight plan, through the Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers,for its flight from the last airfield prior to entering theairspace of the country in which the inspection site is located tothe point of entry, no less than six hours before the scheduleddeparture time from that airfield. Such a plan shall be filed inaccordance with the procedures of the International Civil AviationOrganization applicable to civil aircraft. The inspecting Partyshall include in the remarks section of each flight plan thestanding diplomatic clearance number and the notation:*Inspection aircraft. Priority clearance processing required."

4. No less than three hours prior to the scheduled departureof the inspection team from the last airfield prior to enteringthe airspace of the country in which the inspection is to take

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place, the inspected Party shall ensure that the flight plan filedin accordance with paragraph 3 of this Section is approved so thatthe inspection team may arrive at the point of entry by theestimated arrival time.

5. Either Party may change the point or points of entry tothe territories of the countries within which its deploymentareas, missile operating bases or missile support facilities arelocated, by giving notice of such change to the other Party. Achange in a point of entry shall become effective five monthsafter receipt of such notification by the other Party.

V. Activities Beginning Upon Arrival at the Point of EntrX

1. The in-country escort and a diplomatic aircrew escortaccredited to the Government of either the inspected Party or thebasing country in which the inspection site is located shall meetthe inspection team and aircrew members at the point of entry assoon as the airplane of the inspecting Party lands. The number ofaircrew members for each airplane shall not exceed ten. Thein-country escort shall expedite the entry of the inspection teamand aircrew, their baggage, and equipment and supplies necessaryfor inspection, into the country in which the inspection site islocated. A diplomatic aircrew escort shall have the right toaccompany and assist aircrew members throughout the in-countryperiod. In the case of an inspection taking place on theterritory of a basing country, the in-country escort may includerepresentatives of that basing country.

2. An inspector shall be considered to have assumed hisduties upon arrival at the point of entry on the territory of theinspected Party or a basing country, and shall be considered tohave ceased performing those duties when he has left the territoryof the inspected Party or basing country.

3. Each Party shall ensure that equipment and supplies areexempt from all customs duties.

4. Equipment and supplies which the inspecting Party bringsinto the country in which an inspection site is located shall besubject to examination at the point of entry each time they arebrought into that country. This examination shall be completedprior to the departure of the inspection team from the point ofentry to conduct an inspection. Such equipment and supplies shallbe examined by the in-country escort in the presence of theinspection team members to ascertain to the satisfaction of eachParty that the equipment and supplies cannot perform functionsunconnected with the inspection requirements of the Treaty. If itis established upon examination that the equipment or supplies areunconnected with these inspection requirements, then they shallnot be cleared for use and shall be impounded at the point ofentry until the departure of the inspection team from the countrywhere the inspection is conducted. Storage of the inspectingParty's equipment and supplies at each point of entry shall bewithin tamper-proof containers within a secure facility. Accessto each secure facility shall be controlled by a "dual key" systemrequiring the presence of both Parties to gain access to theequipment and supplies.

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5. Throughout the in-country period, the inspected Partyshall provide, or arrange for the provision of, meals, lodging,work space, transportation and, as necessary, medical care for tneinspection team and aircrew of the inspecting Party. All thecosts in connection with the stay of inspectors carrying outinspection activities pursuant to paragraph 6 of Article XI of theTreaty, on the territory of the inspected Party, including meals,services, lodging, work space, transportation and medical careshall be borne by the inspecting Party.

6. The inspected Party shall provide parking, securityprotection, servicing and fuel for the airplane of the inspectingParty at the point of entry. The inspecting Party shall bear thecost of such fuel and servicing.

7. For inspections conducted on the territory of the Parties,the inspection team shall enter at the point of entry on theterritory of the inspected Party that is closest to the inspectionsite. In the case of inspections carried out in accordance withparagraphs 3, 4 or 5 of Article XI of the Treaty, the inspectionteam leader shall, at or before the time notified pursuant toparagraph l(a) (iii) of Section IV of this Protocol, inform theinspected Party at the point of entry through the in-countryescort of the type of inspection and the inspection site, byplace-name and geographic coordinates.

VI. General Rules for Conducting Inspections

1. Inspectors shall discharge their functions in accordancewith this Protocol.

2. Inspectors shall not disclose information received duringinspections except with the express permission of the inspectingParty. They shall remain bound by this obligation after theirassignment as inspectors has ended.

3. In discharging their functions, inspectors shall notinterfere directly with on-going activities at the inspection siteand shall avoid unnecessarily hampering or delaying the operationof a facility or taking actions affecting its safe operation.

4. Inspections shall be conducted in accordance with theobjectives set forth in Article XI of the Treaty as applicable forthe type of inspection specified by the inspecting Party underparagraph l(b) of Section IV or paragraph 7 of Section V of thisProtocol.

5. The in-country escort shall have the right to accompanyand assist inspectors and aircrew members as considered necessaryby the inspected Party throughout the in-country period. Exceptas otherwise provided in this Protocol, the movement and travel ofinspectors and aircrew members shall be at the discretion of thein-country escort.

6. Inspectors carrying out inspection activities pursuant toparagraph 6 of Article XI of the Treaty shall be allowed to travelwithin 50 kilometers from the inspection site with the permissionof the in-country escort, and as considered necessary by theinspected Party, shall be accompanied by the in-country escort.Such travel shall be taken solely as a leisure activity.

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7. Inspectors shall have the right throughout the period ofinspection to be in communication with the embassy of theinspecting Party located within the territory of the country wherethe inspection is taking place using the telephone communicationsprovided by the inspected Party.

8. At the inspection site, representatives of the inspectedfacility shall be included among the in-country escort.

9. The inspection team may bring onto the inspection sitesuch documents as needed to conduct the inspection, as well aslinear measurement devices; cameras; portable weighing devices;radiation detection devices; and other equipment, as agreed by theParties. The characteristics and method of use of the equipmentlisted above, shall also be agreed upon within 30 days after entryinto force of the Treaty. During inspections conducted pursuantto paragraphs 3, 4, 5(a), 7 or 8 of Article XI of the Treaty, theinspection team may use any of the equipment listed above, exceptfor cameras, which shall be for use only by the inspected Party atthe request of the inspecting Party. During inspections conductedpursuant to paragraph 5(b) of Article XI of the Treaty, allmeasurements shall be made by the inspected Party at the requestof the inspecting Party. At the request of inspectors, thein-country escort shall take photographs of the inspectedfacilities using the inspecting Party's camera systems which arecapable of producing duplicate, instant development photographicprints. Each Party shall receive one copy of every photograph.

10. For inspections conducted pursuant to paragraphs 3, 4, 5,7 or 8 of Article XI of the Treaty, inspectors shall permit thein-country escort to observe the equipment used during theinspection by the inspection team.

11. Measurements recorded during inspections shall becertified by the signature of a member of the inspection team anda member of the in-country escort when they are taken. Suchcertified data shall be included in the inspection report.

12. Inspectors shall have the right to request clarificationsin connection with ambiguities that arise during an inspection.Such requests shall be made promptly through the in-countryescort. The in-country escort shall provide the inspection team,during the inspection, with such clarifications as may benecessary to remove the ambiguity. In the event questionsrelating to an object or building located within the inspectionsite are not resolved, the inspected Party shall photograph theobject or building as requested by the inspecting Party for thepurpose of clarifying its nature and function. If the ambiguitycannot be removed during the inspection, then the question,relevant clarifications and a copy of any photographs taken shallbe included in the inspection report.

13. In carrying out their activities, inspectors shallobserve safety regulations established at the inspection site,including those for the protection of controlled environmentswithin a facility and for personal safety. Individual protectiveclothing and equipment shall be provided by the inspected Party,as necessary.

14. For inspections pursuant to paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 7 or 8 ofArticle XI of the Treaty, pre-inspection procedures, including

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briefings and safety-related activities, shall begin upon arrivalof the inspection team at the inspection site and shall becompleted within one hour. The inspection team shall begin theinspection immediately upon completion of the pre-inspectionprocedures. The period of inspection shall not exceed 24 hours,except for inspections pursuant to paragraphs 6, 7 or 8 of ArticleXI of the Treaty. The period of inspection may be extended, byagreement with the in-country escort, by no more than eighthours. Post-inspection procedures, which include completing theinspection report in accordance with the provisions of Section XIof this Protocol, shall begin immediately upon completion of theinspection and shall be completed at the inspection site withinfour hours.

15. An inspection team conducting an inspection pursuant toArticle XI of the Treaty shall include no more than teninspectors, except for an inspection team conducting an inspectionpursuant to paragraphs 7 or 8 of that Article, which shall includeno more than 20 inspectors and an inspection team conductinginspection activities pursuant to paragraph 6 of that Article,which shall include no more than 30 inspectors. At least twoinspectors on each team must speak the language of the inspectedParty. An inspection team shall operate under the direction ofthe team leader and deputy team leader. Upon arrival at theinspection site, the inspection team may divide itself intosubgroups consisting of no fewer than two inspectors each. Thereshall be no more than one inspection team at an inspection site atany one time.

16. Except in the case of inspections conducted pursuant toparagraphs 3, 4, 7 or 8 of Article XI of the Treaty, uponcompletion of the post-inspection procedures, the inspection teamshall return promptly to the point of entry from which itcommenced inspection activities and shall then leave, within 24hours, the territory of the country in which the inspection siteis located, using its own airplane. In the case of inspectionsconducted pursuant to paragraphs 3, 4, 7 or 8 of Article XI of theTreaty, if the inspection team intends to conduct anotherinspection it shall either:

(a) notify the inspected Party of its intent upon returnto the point of entry; or

(b) notify the inspected Party of the type of inspectionand the inspection site upon completion of thepost-inspection procedures. In this case it shallbe the responsibility of the inspected Party toensure that the inspection team reaches the nextinspection site without unjustified delay. Theinspected Party shall determine the means oftransportation and route involved in such travel.

With respect to subparagraph (a), the procedures set forth inparagraph 7 of Section V of this Protocol and paragraphs 1 and 2of Section VII of this Protocol shall apply.

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VII. Inspections Conducted Pursuant to Paragraphs 3, 4or of Article XI of the Treaty

1. Within one hour after the time for the specification ofthe inspection site notified pursuant to paragraph l(a) of SectionIV of this Protocol, the inspected Party shall implementpre-inspection movement restrictions at the inspection site, whichshall remain in effect until the inspection team arrives at theinspection site. During the period that pre-inspection movementrestrictions are in effect, missiles, stages of such missiles,launchers or support equipment subject to the Treaty shall not beremoved from the inspection site.

2. The inspected Party shall transport the inspection teamfrom the point of entry to the inspection site so that theinspection team arrives at the inspection site no later than ninehours after the time for the specification of the inspection sitenotified pursuant to paragraph l(a) of Section IV of this Protocol.

3. In the event that an inspection is conducted in a basingcountry, the aircrew of the inspected Party may includerepresentatives of the basing country.

4. Neither Party shall conduct more than one inspectionpursuant to paragraph 5(a) of Article XI of the Treaty at any onetime, more than one inspection pursuant to paragraph 5(b) ofArticle XI of the Treaty at any one time, or more than 10inspections pursuant to paragraph 3 of Article XI of the Treaty atany one time.

5. The boundaries of the inspection site at the facility tobe inspected shall be the boundaries of that facility set forth inthe Memorandum of Understanding.

6. Except in the case of an inspection conducted pursuantto paragraphs 4 or 5(b) of Article XI of the Treaty, upon arrivalof the inspection team at the inspection site, the in-countryescort shall inform the inspection team leader of the number ofmissiles, stages of missiles, launchers, support structures andsupport equipment at the site that are subject to the Treaty andprovide the inspection team leader with a diagram of theinspection site indicating the location of these missiles, stagesof missiles, launchers, support structures and support equipmentat the inspection site.

7. Subject to the procedures of paragraphs 8 through 14 ofthis Section, inspectors shall have the right to inspect theentire inspection site, including the interior of structures,containers or vehicles, or including covered objects, whosedimensions are equal to or greater than the dimensions specifiedin Section VI of the Memorandum of Understanding for the missiles,stages of such missiles, launchers or support equipment of theinspected Party.

8. A missile, a stage of such a missile or a launchersubject to the Treaty shall be subject to inspection only byexternal visual observation, including measuring, as necessary,the dimensions of such a missile, stage of such a missile orlauncher. A container that the inspected Party declares tocontain a missile or stage of a missile subject to the Treaty, and

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which is not sufficiently large to be capable of containing morethan one missile or stage of such a missile of the inspected Partysubject to the Treaty, shall be subject to inspection only byexternal visual observation, including measuring, as necessary,the dimensions of such a container to confirm that it cannotcontain more than one missile or stage of such a missile of theinspected Party subject to the Treaty. Except as provided for inparagraph 14 of this Section, a container that is sufficientlylarge to contain a missile or stage of such a missile of theinspected Party subject to the Treaty that the inspected Partydeclares not to contain a missile or stage of such a missilesubject to the Treaty shall be subject to inspection only by meansof weighing or visual observation of the interior of thecontainer, as necessary, to confirm that it does not, in fact,contain a missile or stage of such a missile of the inspectedParty subject to the Treaty. If such a container is a launchcanister associated with a type of missile not subject to theTreaty, and declared by the inspected Party to contain such amissile, it shall be subject to external inspection only,including use of radiation detection devices, visual observationand linear measurement, as necessary, of the dimensions of such acanister.

9. A structure or container that is not sufficiently largeto contain a missile, stage of such a missile or launcher of theinspected Party subject to the Treaty shall be subject toinspection only by external visual observation includingmeasuring, as necessary, the dimensions of such a structure orcontainer to confirm that it is not sufficiently large to becapable of containing a missile, stage of such a missile orlauncher of the inspected Party subject to the Treaty.

10. Within a structure, a space which is sufficiently largeto contain a missile, stage of such a missile or launcher of theinspected Party subject to the Treaty, but which is demonstratedto the satisfaction of the inspection team not to be accessible bythe smallest missile, stage of a missile or launcher of theinspected Party subject to the Treaty shall not be subject tofurther inspection. If the inspected Party demonstrates to thesatisfaction of the inspection team by means of a visualinspection of the interior of an enclosed space from its entrancethat the enclosed space does not contain any missile, stage ofsuch a missile or launcher of the inspected Party subject to theTreaty, such an enclosed space shall not be subject to furtherinspection.

11. The inspection team shall be permitted to patrol theperimeter of the inspection site and station inspectors at theexits of the site for the duration of the inspection.

12. The inspection team shall be permitted to inspect anyvehicle capable of carrying missiles, stages of such missiles,launchers or support equipment of the inspected Party subject tothe Treaty at any time during the course of an inspection and nosuch vehicle shall leave the inspection site during the course ofthe inspection until inspected at site exits by the inspectionteam.

13. Prior to inspection of a building within the inspectionsite, the inspection team may station subgroups at the exits of

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the building that are large enough to permit passage of anymissile, stage of such a missile, launcher or support equipment ofthe inspected Party subject to the Treaty. During the time thatthe building is being inspected, no vehicle or object capable ofcontaining any missile, stage of such a missile, launcher orsupport equipment of the inspected Party subject to the Treatyshall be permitted to leave the building until inspected.

14. During an inspection conducted pursuant to paragraph5(b) of Article XI of the Treaty, it shall be the responsibilityof the inspected Party to demonstrate that a shrouded orenvironmentally protected object which is equal to or larger thanthe smallest missile, stage of a missile or launcher of theinspected Party subject to the Treaty is not, in fact, a missile,stage of such a missile or launcher of the inspected Party subjectto the Treaty. This may be accomplished by partial removal of theshroud or environmental protection cover, measuring, or weighingthe covered object or by other methods. If the inspected Partysatisfies the inspection team by its demonstration that the objectis not a missile, stage of such a missile or launcher of theinspected Party subject to the Treaty, then there shall be nofurther inspection of that object. If the container is a launchcanister associated with a type of missile not subject to theTreaty, and declared by the inspected Party to contain such amissile, then it shall be subject to external inspection only,including use of radiation detection devices, visual observationand linear measurement, as necessary, of the dimensions of such acanister.

VIII. Inspections Conducted Pursuant to Paragraphs 7 or 8of Article XI of the Treaty

1. Inspections of the process of elimination of items ofmissile systems specified in the Protocol on Elimination carriedout pursuant to paragraph 7 of Article XI of the Treaty shall beconducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in thisparagraph and the Protocol on Elimination.

(a) Upon arrival at the elimination facility, inspectorsshall be provided with a schedule of eliminationactivities.

(b) Inspectors shall check the data which are specifiedin the notification provided by the inspected Partyregarding the number and type of items of missilesystems to be eliminated against the number and typeof such items which are at the elimination facilityprior to the initiation of the eliminationprocedures.

(c) Subject to paragraphs 3 and 11 of Section VI of thisProtocol, inspectors shall observe the execution ofthe specific procedures for the elimination of theitems of missile systems as provided for in theProtocol on Elimination. If any deviations from theagreed elimination procedures are found, theinspectors shall have the right to call theattention of the in-country escort to the need forstrict compliance with the above-mentioned

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procedures. The completion of such procedures shallbe confirmed in accordance with the proceduresspecified in the Protocol on Elimination.

(d) During the elimination of missiles by means oflaunching, the inspectors shall have the right toascertain by visual observation that a missileprepared for launch is a missile of the type subjectto elimination. The inspectors shall also beallowed to observe such a missile from a safelocation specified by the inspected Party until thecompletion of its launch. During the inspection ofa series of launches for the elimination of missilesby means of launching, the inspected Party shalldetermine the means of transport and route for thetransportion of inspectors between inspection sites.

2. Inspections of the elimination of items of missilesystems specified in the Protocol on Elimination carried outpursuant to paragraph S of Article XI of the Treaty shall beconducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in SectionsII, IV or V of the Protocol on Elimination or as otherwise agreedby the Parties.

IX. Inspection Activities Conducted Pursuant to Paragraph6 of Article XI or the Treaty

1. The inspected Party shall maintain an agreed perimeteraround the periphery of the inspection site and shall designate aportal with not more than one rail line and one road which shallbe within 50 meters of each other. All vehicles which can containan intermediate-range GLBM or longest stage of such a GLBM of theinspected Party shall exit only through this portal.

2. For the purposes of this Section, the provisions ofparagraph 10 of Article VII of the Treaty shall be applied tointermediate-range GLBMs of the inspected Party and the longeststage of such GLBMs.

3. There shall not be more than two other exits from theinspection site. Such exits shall be monitored by appropriatesensors. The perimeter of and exits from the inspection site maybe monitored as provided for by paragraph 11 of Section VII ofthis Protocol.

4. The inspecting Party shall have the right to establishcontinuous monitoring systems at the portal specified in paragraph1 of this Section and appropriate sensors at the exits specifiedin paragraph 3 of this Section and carry out necessary engineeringsurveys, construction, repair and replacement of monitoringsystems.

5. The inspected Party shall, at the request of and at theexpense of the inspecting Party, provide the following:

(a) all necessary utilities for the construction andoperation of the monitoring systems, includingelectrical power, water, fuel, heating and sewage;

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(b) basic construction materials including concrete andlumber;

(c) the site preparation necessary to accommodate theinstallation of continuously operating systems formonitoring the portal specified in paragraph 1 ofthis Section, appropriate sensors for other exitsspecified in paragraph 3 of this Section and thecenter for collecting data obtained duringinspections. Such preparation may include groundexcavation, laying of concrete foundations,trenching between equipment locations and utilityconnections;

(d) transportation for necessary installation tools,materials and equipment from the point of entry tothe inspection site; and

(e) a minimum of two telephone lines and, as necessary,high frequency radio equipment capable of allowingdirect communication with the embassy of theinspecting Party in the country in which the site islocated.

6. Outside the perimeter of the inspection site, theinspecting Party shall have the right to:

(a) build no more than three buildings with a totalfloor space of not more than 150 square meters for adata center and inspection team headquarters, andone additional building with floor space not toexceed 500 square meters for the storage of suppliesand equipment;

(b) install systems to monitor the exits to includeweight sensors, vehicle sensors, surveillancesystems and vehicle dimensional measuring equipment;

(c) install at the portal specified in paragraph 1 ofthis Section equipment for measuring the length anddiameter of missile stages contained inside oflaunch canisters or shipping containers;

(d) install at the portal specified in paragraph 1 ofthis Section non-damaging image producing equipmentfor imaging the contents of launch canisters orshipping containers declared to contain missiles ormissile stages as provided for in paragraph 11 ofthis Section;

(e) install a primary and back-up power source; and

(f) use, as necessary, data authentication devices.

7. During the installation or operation of the monitoringsystems, the inspecting Party shall not deny the inspected Partyaccess to any existing structures or security systems. Theinspecting Party shall not take any actions with respect to suchstructures without consent of the inspected Party. If the Parties

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agree that such structures are to be rebuilt or demolished, eitherpartially or completely, the inspecting Party shall provide thenecessary compensation.

8. The inspected Party shall not interfere with the installedequipment or restrict the access of the inspection team to suchequipment.

9. The inspecting Party shall have the right to use its owntwo-way systems of radio communication between inspectorspatrolling the perimeter and the data collection center. Suchsystems shall conform to power and frequency restrictionsestablished on the territory of the inspected Party.

10. Aircraft shall not be permitted to land within theperimeter of the monitored site except for emergencies at the siteand with prior notification to the inspection team.

11. Any shipment exiting through the portal specified inparagraph I of this Section which is large enough and heavy enoughto contain an intermediate-range GLDM or longest stage of such aGLEM of the inspected Party shall be declared by the inspectedParty to the inspection team before the shipment arrives at theportal. The declaration shall state whether such a shipmentcontains a missile or missile stage as large or larger than and asheavy or heavier than an intermediate-range GLBM or longest stageof such a GLBN of the inspected Party.

12. The inspection team shall have the right to weigh andmeasure the dimensions of any vehicle, including railcars, exitingthe site to ascertain whether it is large enough and heavy enoughto contain an intermediate-range GLBN or longest stage of such aGLBM of the inspected Party. These measurements shall beperformed so as to minimize the delay of vehicles exiting thesite. Vehicles that are either not large enough or not heavyenough to contain an intermediate-range GLEM or longest stage ofsuch a GLEM of the inspected Party shall not be subject to furtherinspection.

13. Vehicles exiting through the portal specified inparagraph 1 of this Section that are large enough and heavy enoughto contain an intermediate-range GLEM or longest stage of such aGLEM of the inspected Party but that are declared not to contain amissile or missile stage as large or larger than and as heavy orheavier than an intermediate-range GLBM or longest stage of such aGLBM of the inspected Party shall be subject to the followingprocedures.

(a) The inspecting Party shall have the right to inspectthe interior of all such vehicles.

(b) If the inspecting Party can determine by visualobservation or dimensional measurement that, insidea particular vehicle, there are no containers orshrouded objects large enough to be or to contain anintermediate-range GLBM or longest stage of such aGLBM of the inspected Party, then that vehicle shallnot be subject to further inspection.

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(c) If inside a vehicle there are one or more containersor shrouded objects large enough to be or to containan intermediate-range GLBM or longest stage of sucha GLBM of the, inspected Party, it shall be theresponsibility of the inspected Party to demonstratethat such containers or shrouded objects are not anddo not contain intermediate-range GLBMs or thelongest stages of such GLBMs of the inspected Party.

14. Vehicles exiting through the portal specified inparagraph 1 of this Section that are declared to contain a missileor missile stage as large or larger than and as heavy or heavierthan an intermediate-range GLBM or longest stage of such a GLBM ofthe inspected Party shall be subject to the following procedures.

(a) The inspecting Party shall preserve the integrity ofthe inspected missile or stage of a missile.

(b) Measuring equipment shall be placed only outside ofthe launch canister or shipping container; allmeasurements shall be made by the inspecting Partyusing the equipment provided for in paragraph 6 ofthis Section. Such measurements shall be observedand certified by the in-country escort.

(c) The inspecting Party shall have the right to weighand measure the dimensions of any launch canister orof any shipping container declared to contain such amissile or missile stage and to image the contentsof any launch canister or of any shipping containerdeclared to contain such a missile or missile stage;it shall have the right to view such missiles ormissile stages contained in launch canisters orshipping containers eight times per calendar year.The in-country escort shall be present during allphases of such viewing. During such interiorviewing:

(i) the front end of the launch canister or thecover of the shipping container shall beopened;

(ii) the missile or missile stage shall not beremoved from its launch canister or shippingcontainer; and

(iii) the length and diameter of the stages of themissile shall be measured in accordance withthe methods agreed by the Parties so as toascertain that the missile or missile stageis not an intermediate-range GLBM of theinspected Party, or the longest stage of sucha GLBM, and that the missile has no more thanone stage which is outwardly similar to astage of an existing type ofintermediate-range GLBM.

(d) The inspecting Party shall also have the right toinspect any other containers or shrouded objects

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inside the vehicle containing such a missile or missile stage inaccordance with the procedures in paragraph 13 of this Section.

X. Cancellation of Inspection

An inspection shall be cancelled if, due to circumstancesbrought about by force majeure, it cannot be carried out. In thecase of a delay that prevents an inspection team performing aninspection pursuant to paragraphs 3, 4 or 5 of Article XI of theTreaty, from arriving at the inspection site during the timespecified in paragraph 2 of Section VII of this Protocol, theinspecting Party may either cancel or carry out the inspection.If an inspection is cancelled due to circumstances brought aboutby force majeure or delay, then the number of inspections to whichthe inspecting Party is entitled shall not be reduced.

XI. Inspection Report

i. For inspections conducted pursuant to paragraphs 3, 4, 5,7 or 8 of Article XI of the Treaty, during post-inspectionprocedures, and no later than two hours after the inspection hasbeen completed, the inspection team leader shall provide thein-country escort with a written inspection report in both theEnglish and Russian languages. The report shall be factual. Itshall include the type of inspection carried out, the inspectionsite, the number of missiles, stages of missiles, launchers anditems of support equipment subject to the Treaty observed duringthe period of inspection and any measurements recorded pursuant toparagraph 11 of Section VI of this Protocol. Photographs takenduring the inspection in accordance with agreed procedures, aswell as the inspection site diagram provided for by paragraph 6 ofSection VII of this Protocol, shall be attached to this report.

2. For inspection activities conducted pursuant to paragraph6 of Article XI of the Treaty, within 3 days after the end of eachmonth, the inspection team leader shall provide the in-countryescort with a written inspection report both in the English andRussian languages. The report shall be factual. It shall includethe number of vehicles declared to contain a missile or stage of amissile as large or larger than and as heavy or heavier than anintermediate-range GLBM or longest stage of such a GLBM of theinspected Party that left the inspection site through the portalspecified in paragraph 1 of Section IX of this Protocol duringthat month. The report shall also include any measurements oflaunch canisters or shipping containers contained in thesevehicles recorded pursuant to paragraph 11 of Section VI of thisProtocol. In the event the inspecting Party, under the provisionsof paragraph 14(c) of Section IX of this Protocol, has viewed theinterior of a launch canister or shipping container declared tocontain a missile or stage of a missile as large or larger thanand as heavy or heavier than an intermediate-range GLBM or longeststage of such a GLBM of the inspected Party, the report shall alsoinclude the measurements of the length and diameter of missilestages obtained during the inspection and recorded pursuant toparagraph 11 of Section VI of this Protocol. Photographs takenduring the inspection in accordance with agreed procedures shallbe attached to this report.

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3. The inspected Party shall have the right to includewritten comments in the report.

4. The Parties shall, when possible, resolve ambiguitiesregarding factual information contained in the inspection report.Relevant clarifications shall be recorded in the report. Thereport shall be signed by the inspection team leader and by one ofthe members of the in-country escort. Each Party shall retain onecopy of the report.

This Protocol is an integral part of the Treaty. It shallenter into force on the date of entry into force of the Treaty andshall remain in force as long as the Treaty remains in force. Asprovided for in paragraph l(b) of Article XIII of the Treaty, theParties may agree upon such measures as may be necessary toimprove the viability and effectiveness of this Protocol. Suchmeasures shall not be deemed amendments to the Treaty.

DONE at Washington on December 8, 1987, in two copies, each inthe English and Russian languages, both texts being equallyauthentic.

For the United Statesof America:

[Signed - Signe]'

President of the United Statesof America

For the Union of SovietSocialist Republics:[Signed - Signe 2

General Secretary of the CentralCommittee of the CPSU

' Signed by Ronald Reagan - Signd par Ronald Reagan.2 Signed by Mikhail Gorbachev - Signd par Mikhail Gorbachev.

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In order to exercise their functions effectively, for thepurpose of implementing the Treaty and not for their personalbenefit, the inspectors and aircrew members referred to in SectionIII of this Protocol shall be accorded the privileges andimmunities contained in this Annex. Privileges and immunitiesshall be accorded for the entire in-country period in the countryin which an inspection site is located, and thereafter withrespect to acts previously performed in the exercise of officialfunctions as an inspector or aircrew member.

1. Inspectors and aircrew members shall be accorded theinviolability enjoyed by diplomatic agents pursuant to Article 29of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961.1

2. The living quarters and office premises occupied by aninspector carrying out inspection activities pursuant to paragraph6 of Article XI of the Treaty shall be accorded the inviolabilityand protection accorded the premises of diplomatic agents pursuantto Article 30 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

3. The papers and correspondence of inspectors and aircrewmembers shall enjoy the inviolability accorded to the papers andcorrespondence of diplomatic agents pursuant to Article 30 of theVienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. In addition, theaircraft of the inspection team shall be inviolable.

4. Inspectors and aircrew members shall be accorded theimmunities accorded diplomatic agents pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2and 3 of Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on DiplomaticRelations. The immunity from jurisdiction of an inspector or anaircrew member may be waived by the inspecting Party in thosecases when it is of the opinion that immunity would impede thecourse of justice and that it can be waived without prejudice tothe implementation of the provisions of the Treaty. Waiver mustalways be express.

5. Inspectors carrying out inspection activities pursuant toparagraph 6 of Article XI of the Treaty shall be accorded theexemption from dues and taxes accorded to diplomatic agentspursuant to Article 34 of the Vienna Convention on DiplomaticRelations.

6. Inspectors and aircrew members of a Party shall bepermitted to bring into the territory of the other Party or abasing country in which an inspection site is located, withoutpayment of any customs duties or related charges, articles fortheir personal use, with the exception of articles the import orexport of which is prohibited by law or controlled by quarantineregulations.

IUnite Nations, Treaty Series, voL 500, p. 95,

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7. An inspector or aircrew member shall not engage in any

professional or commercial activity for personal profit on the

territory of the inspected Party or that of the basing countries.

8. If the inspected Party considers that there has been an

abuse of privileges and immunities specified in this Annex,

consultations shall be held between the Parties to determine

whether such an abuse has occurred and, if so determined, to

prevent a repetition of such an abuse.

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CoM3 COBeTCKHX CouHaacTiqecKHX Pecny6nRK K CoeAKHeHHbie

WTaTu AmepHKH, HH)Ke HeHye-le CTOpOHamH,

Co3HaaaR, qTo R4epHaR BoAHa Kmena 6bi Ana acero qefioae4ecraa

OnyCTOlMTebHbte nocneAcTsHR,


6ynI';;. v6eAAeHHbM, 47O iepw, H3noxeHHme B HacToRmem Zoro-

Bope, 6yyT cnoco6CTaOBaTb ymeHbweHHO onac-OCTH BO3HHKHOBeHHR

BOAHM H ynpOqeHHM meXZyHapomHoro mHpa H 6e2onacHOCTH, H

y4HTblBaR CBOH o6R3aTelbcTaa no CTaTbe VI foroBopa 0 Hepac-

npOCTpaHeHHH nzepHoro OPYItR,

cornacHnHCb 0 HH)ecneyowem:


B cOOTBeTCTBKH c nonoeHMAMH HaCTOauero forosopa, KOTOPblr[

aKnmqaeT AanARuixeCR ero HeoTbemnenoR qaCTbO MemopaHAyM o zoroao-

peHHOCTH H fpOTOKOr, Ka)flaR H3 CTOpOH RHKaltzHpyeT CBOI paKeTbl

coeAHek aanbHOCTII H eHbwert aanbHOCTH, He HtleeT TaKHe CpencTaa

a AanbHefiwen H BbinOnHReT ApyrHe o6A3aTenbCTBa, ;13AOKeHHble B

HaCToRe.m aoroaope.

CrarbA I

fnl ueneg HacToaLuero forosopa:

1. TePIHH "6annHCTqeCKaA paKera" o3HaLiaeT paKery, 6o0lb-

waA qacrb nonera KOTopo ocyweCTBn~ercR no 6annKCTHqecKoR rpaeK-

Text provided by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Texte fournie par le Gouverne-ment de I'Union des Rdpubliques socialistes sovidtiques.

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ropHvi. Tep-iH "6ann;itcr;Tqec.a paKera Ha3eMHoro 6a3KpoaHHR

(SHS)" o3Haqaer 6ann;tcr:c;ecKy: paKeTy Ha3emHoro 6a3;tpoBaHHR,

KoTopaA RBAReTZR cpencTBOM nOCTaBK4t opyAHR.

2. Tep-1HH "KpblnaTaR paKera" o3HaqaeT 6ecnIHnorHoe, ocHa-

aeHHoe co6CTBeHHo t ABHraTenbHOR yCTaHOBKOR cpecTrBO, noner KOTO-

poro Ha 6OnbeR qacrt ero rpaeKrop H o6ecneqHBaerCR 3a cLqer

4Ic.Onb3OaaHxR a3pozHHal,tqecKo-I ro=bemHor CHIbM. TepMHH "KpblnaraR

paKera Ha3eMHoro 6a3HpoaaHitR (KPHS)" o3Haqaer KpblnaTy1 pa<e:>

Ha3emHoro 6a3;lpOaHx, KOrOpa A sn~erC cpeAcrBoM AocraBa;

3. TepIKH "rlycKosaa YcTaHosKa SPHS' o3Haqaer c¢rauHoHap-


nyCKOBOH mexaH;13i Ha3e-lHoro 6a3upoBaHtR v nycKa SPHS.

4. TeplntH "nycKOsaA ycraHoSKa KPHB" o3Ha,4aer crautHoHap-

HylO nyCKOByo ycTaHOBKy HnH Oo6KAbHblft rpaHCIOpTHO-yCTaHOBO4HbI

nyCKOBOll iexaH%13l Ha3e.lHorO 6a3HpOBaHltR ZriR nyCKa KPH5.

5. TepilH "paKeTa cpeJZHek AaRbHOCTH" o3Ha4aer SPHS RAH'

KPHS, AaAbHOCrb KOrOpOP npeabImaeT 1000 KH1ometpoB, HO He npeasb-

waer 5500 KsnomeTpoB.

6. TeplttH "paKera -ieHbwert zanbHOCrT" o3Haqaer 5PH5 Rn;I

KPHS, AanbHOCTb KOTOpOR paBHa Hnit npeBblmaeT 500 KKfo-ierpoB, HO

He npeBbIwaeT 1000 K;inomeTpoB.

7. TepmiH "pariOH pa38epTbBaHllR" o3Ha4aeT cneuualbHO oE*o-

BopeHHbl pakoH, a npezenax Koroporo moryT 3KcnrlnyaTitpOsarbcA

paKerbI cpeAHea AanbHOCTH u nyC.KOBbe yCTaHOBKH TaKHx paKeT H B

npeAenax Koroporo HaxoARTCR OAHa 111111 HecKOnbKO paKeTHb[X onepa-


8. TepIKHH "paKeTHan orepaUHOHHaR 6a3a" o3Ha;aeT:

a) npHzeHHTeflbHO K paKeram cpeAHek AanbHOCTH - HaxoARaHRCR

B npezenax paloHa pa3sepTblsaHHn KOmrneKC o6beKTOB, Ha KOTOpOM

C6blqHO 3KCnyaTHpyOTCR paKeTbl cpe HeR AanbHOCTH K nycKOable YCTa-

HOBKH raKAX paKeT, a TaKxe HaxO RTCR CBR3aHHbe C TaKHmz DaKeTamH

A nYCKOBblMH yCTaHOBKamH scnomorarenbHbie coopyxeHHR H Ha KOTOZblX

oOblqHO HaxO1IrTCA CBA3aHHoe C TaK;InH paKeTamH H nyCKOBbIMH yCTa-

HOBKaIH acnOmorarewbHoe OO6ODVOBaHxe; m

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.) npHieHHTenbHO K paKeTam leHbLeR aabHOCTH - HaxoaAWOcAc

a mo6o mecTe KomnneKc o6-eKTOB, Ha KOTOpOM O6WL4HO 3KCnnyarHD%'-

OTCA paKebl .e4buek AalbHoCCT ;I nVCKOsbie yCTaHOaKH TaKHX paeT ;t

4a KOTOpbix O6W4HO HaxoaurcR CsA3aHHoe C TaKHMH paKeTam;t n.-

KOBtIH yCTaHoaKaIH acnomoraTenbHoe o6opyzoaaHHe.

9. Tepm;tH "paKerHbWI Bc'.ro-ioraTenbHbR o6*eKT" npitmeHW~ bHo

& paKeTam cpezHeR zanbHoCrx anii meHbWek zanoHOCTK H nyCKOSbzi

ycraHoSKal TaKax paKeT o3Haqaer o6beKr nO . OH380,aCTBy paKer HAH

O6beKT no npOH33OCTSy nyCKOBbIX yCTaHoaOK, 'ecro peMoHra paKeT

itntt mecTO pe!OHTa nyCKObIX yCTaHOBOK, ,ecr: o6yleHHA, mecro

cKnazcKoro XpaHeHHtR paKer Ha meCTO CKnazcKoro xpaHeH~tA nyCKObIX

vcraHOBOK. xclbTaTebHbiH riOmHroH, mecro hIHKBieaLRH, KaK 3T;t rep-

m;vHbt onpezeneHbI a MemopaHayme o zOrOBOpeHHOCT;I.

10. TepM11H "a nyTH cneeoaaH1n" o2Maiaer nepemeweH;e c yse-

zoneHHem 0 HeM a COOTeTCTBHH c nyHKTO.1 5 CTaTb;t IX Ha-

croRiero 2oroaopa paKeT cpenHei zanbHOCTH nH n'CKOBOfl yCTaHOSKII

raKoa paKerT me:Kzy paKeTH1it BCnOMOraTenbHb1H o6beivramu, mexmy

TaKil- o6beKro-1 i pafioHom pa3aepTblBaHKH HuH 'sexzy pafloxam" pa35ep-

TblBaHHR nit6o nepemeieHite paKerb meHbwer faabHOCTI! HAIlI 'VCKOBOrl

yCTaHOBK;I TaKoft paKierwb 13 paKeTHOrO BcnomorarenbHoro o~beKra nH

paKeTHOft onepau:ioHHoRI 6a3bl a meCTo flHKBHaau;lit.

11. TepmitH "pa3aepHyTaR paKera" 03HaqaeT paKerv cpel-eu

AanbHOCT;I, HaxosiawyoCR a npegenax paroHa pa3sepTblaaHllR, H1H paKe-

TY meHbmef flanbHOCTH, HaxozAwy*cA Ha paKeTHOa OnepauirOHH0HO 6a3e.

12. Tep,1HH "Hepa3BepHyTaR paKera" 03Haqaer paKery cpezHert

AabHOCTH, HaXOAlWyD¢C 3a npeienamH pagoHa pa3BepTbsaHHR. HnH

paKery meHbeg aanbHOCTH, HaXOIARyWOcR 3a npeaenamH paKeTHoR one-

pauHoHHoR 6a3W.

13. Tep-nHH "pa3aepHyraR nycKosaR yCTaHosKa" o3Ha4aeT nyC-

KOBylo ycTaHosKy paKerbTi cpeAHeR zanbHOCTH, HaxozwyocA s npeaeiax

pa;loHa pa3BepTbBaHRA, Htnit lVCKOByo yCTaHOBKy paKerb me~bweft zab-

HocT;t. HaxoanmymcC Ha paKeTHoR onepauuomHok 6a3e.

14. Tep HH "Hepa3BepHVraA flyCKosa ycTaHoaKa" 03HaiaeT

nyCKOByV yCTaHOSKY paKerb cpeAHeH zaubHOCTH, HaxozAtynCR 3a rpe-

zenamH paRoHa pa3seorblaaHlR, Hnnt rfyCKOBYI yCTaHOSKy paKers 'ei -

jeR ianbOCTH, HaxoAaVIOcA 3a npezenamH paKeTHOR onepaLzHoHH,:2


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15. Tep'itH "c-:raHa pa3me-,ei " o3Ha-4aeT KaKylO-jui60 c-.aHv.

Kpome Coo3a CoseTcK*!x CouHaimCTIH4eeCKHX Peczv6nHK wnit CoezHHeHHblx

lraros AiepItK;K, Ha repOpITopHi KOTOpOR 6bI.' pa3leiueHb Ha KaKOR-

n6o momeHT nocne 1 HoR6pR 1987 roza paKe:)I cpeAHeA zallbHOCTH

imlt meHbwek n abHOCT:: CTOpOH, nyCKOBbie yC-3HOBKH TaKHX paKer 1411.1

CBR3aHHbie C TaKH.MH paKera.m H lyCKOBbl~Hl yC.TaHOBKam1H sco.nooraTenb-

Hbie coopVyeH;t. PaKerbI ItiH lyCKOBbe yCTaHoBKII, Haxonzuw1ec. B

flyTH c, eloBaHlt, He CqHTa[0TCR "pa3meteHHb1l'-"

CrarbR [rr

i. ERA uereite HacroRtero foroBopa CVyeCTByelWMIl r;nanil

paKer cpeZHefi naJlbHOCTH RBARIOrCA:

a) AnT Colo3a CoBeTCK:tX CouitarHcT;tqecK;tx Pecn6YRn;K - paKe:bi

TuInoB, it.eHye~mbx B Co013e CoBerCKItX Couita cr4ecKItx Pecny6nuK

"PCfl-1O", '!PF-12'Ht It14 11l3BeCTHbIX a CoeaIrHeH~bix lrarax Amlep1imK

COOTBeTCTBeHHO KaK "CC-20", "CC-4" t "CC-5"; it

b) ARA, CoeaHHeHHbX WraTOB AlepHKH - paKeTbl TrOB, HmeHye-

blX B CoeAHHeHHbIX WlraTax A,epHKH "rlepW"HHr-2" it "BGM-109c" H &13Be-

CTHbIX B Coo3e CoBeTCKHX COU;I JI1HCTNecKdx Pecny6iNK no TenH )Ke

Ha HeHoBaHRni t.

2. JURA ueneg HacTonwero forosopa cywecTy1OlJ-tH TnamH

paKer meHbweA AanbHOCrH RB On rCA:

a) AlfRA Coo3a COseTCKHX CouHanHCTH4eCKHX Pecny6ni;K -

paKe~rl T;HfOB, HneHyeiblX a Coo3e CoBeTCKHX CouHanHCTHqeC.KHX PeC-

ny6nHK "OTP-22" m "OTP-23" H H3secrHbX B CoenHHeHHbIX Wrarax

AmepHKH cooraerCTBeHHo KaK "CC-12" H "CC-23"; K

z) ar.A CoeAt1HeHHb[x WTraro AmepHKH - paKerbI THna, H.e-

Hye.oro s CoeAlHeHHblX WraTax AlepHKH "flepwH1r-IA" H H3eCTHOrO B

Coio3e CoBeTK',X Cou;na-n:cr;IC4ec.Hx Pecny6nHK noA re. /Ae HaHveHo-


CTarbA rV

1. KaxzaA m3 CTopoH n1KsB~npyer ace c.aoH paKerb COeMHe',t

ZanbHOCTH H nyCKOble YC.aHOBKH TaKHX paKer, a raK)e ca3aHHbie c

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TaKm-m paKeramu R aycKosbiH yC-aHOBKaIH sae BcnomoraTenbHbiecoopyxeHKR K Bce BcnomoraTenbHoe o6opyzoB-He KaTeropHmi, KOTOpbe

npHsexeHbI B MemopaHiyme o AOroBopeHHOCTH, :aKHM o6pa3OM, 4To6bl

He no zHee 4em 4epe3 TpH roza nocie BCTyn-eHH s cHity HaCToRmero

2orosopa K B zanbHefimen HH y OZHOH H3 CropOH He HmenOCb TaKaX

paKeT, nyCKOBbIX yCTaHOBOK, BcnomoraTebHbIX coopy;KeHHf R Bcno.io-

raTenbHoro o6opyAoaaHKA.

2. ZnA ocyweCTBneHHR nOnOceHRiK nyHKTa I HaCTORwek craTbH

o6e CropoHbI no BCTynneHHH HaCToRwero forosopa* a CRAY ripRCTynalOT

K coKpameHHz acex TrMnOB caOux pa3sepHyTbIX X Hepa3aepxyr~bx paKeT

cpeZxeai aa'bHOCTH, pa3aepHyrTbX Hepa3aepHVrb~x nyCKOSbIX yCTaHO-

BOK TaKI[X paKer, a raKze CBR3aHHb[X C TaKum;t paKera-m m fyCKoBblIl

YCTaHoBKamH crno-oraTebHbX coopyxeHHA H BcnomoraTenlbHoro o6opy-

zoBaHHR r ipozonabDT OCyLUeCTBnIRTb TaKHe COKpaeHHR Ha acem npo-

TRxeHIH KaEzoro 3TaRa a COOTBeTCT-III c nO noxeHHR1H HaCTORAero

foroaopa. YKa3aHHbie COKpaweHuA ocyueCTBARsiOTC B zea 3Tana TaKHM

o6pa3oM, 4To6Ib:

a) K KOHLy nepsoro 3Tana, To ecTb He n03ZHee qem 4epe3

29 me¢cueB nocne BCTyn)eHIA B CHRy HacToRweEo ZoroBopa:

1) ~Kon1eCTBO pa3BepHyTbIX nYCKOBbIX yCTaHOBOK paKer cpezHeAzanbHOCTH y Kaxaok H3 CTOpOH He npesbliano KOnHqeCTBO


cozeDcarb paKer b, HecywHe, KaK 3ro cq~raerTC CropoHalH,

171 6oeronoBKV;

KonHtqecrso pa3BepHyTb[X paKer cpeAHeR zanbHocrH y KaAzo-i

;t3 &zOpoH He npeBbimaAo KOnR,4ecT5O TaKax paKeT, HeCY' 4Vx.KaK 3TO C ;traercA CropOHamH, 130 6oeronoBoK;

LL-) c.-iapHoe Kofl;t;eCBO pa3BepHyrb(x H Hepa3BepHyTbIx nycKo-

BbIX ycTaHOBOK paKeT cpegHek zanbHOCTH y Kaxaok H3 CTO-

POH He ntpeBblano KOnHaeCTBo nyCKOBbIX yCTaHOBOK, C1iO-

co6HbIX OzHoBDemeHHO HeCTH 14R conepDaTb paKeTbl, He:'.*-

nie. KaK 3To C4RTraeTC CropoHamH, 200 6oeronoBoK:

-) cy-i-taDHoe Koliaiec:Bo pa3BepHyTbIx H Hepa3BepHyTbIX :3a<eT

coaeHet zaibHOCT1 v <agnoR H3 CTOpOH He npeabimaio KOn;t-

teCTBO TaK;tx paKeT, HecytuHx, KaK 3TO C4HTaeTCA CTOpoHa-

mH, 200 6oeroRoBoK: H

oTHoweHe cymmapHoro KOnHmeCrBa pa3BepHyrbIX H Hepa3sep-

HyTbIX SPH5 cpezHea AanbHOCTH cy-::ayioWHX THnOB y Kay-

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Zof H3 CropOH K cymiapHo1," KOlH4eCTBy pa3aepHyTblX 'i

Hepa3BepHyTbIX paKer cpeaHef JaaIbHOCT t cymecr yioeWH

T;tros, nDHHaane:xatutx 3TOri CropoHe. He nesbilano OTHOwe-

H.te TaKHtx 5PHS cpeZHeA )anbHOCT.1 K TaK. I paKeram cpez-

Het ianbHOCTH y 3TOf CropoHbl no COCTORH1WO Ha i HOR6PR

19 7 roza, KaK 3"O yKa3aHO B Me.opaHzvn.e o aOroBopeH-


K KOHuy BTOporo 3Tana, To eCTb He no3ZHee qe.'1 4epe3 Tpu

roza nocne BCrynnleHlR B ctny Hac.To~ero llorzoopa, ace paKeTbi

cpeA4Het AaJIbHOCT,1 Kaxiofl 113 CropoH, nycKO~ble yCTaHOBKII TaKltX

paKeT, a TaKze CaR3aHHbie c raK;ulit paKeT3,Iiz it nVCKOBblf1.1 yCTaHOB-

Kanl ace BcnoloraTertbHbte coopy;KeHR H ace Bsno-oraTenlbHoe o6opy-

aOBaHHe KaTeropulri, KOTOpbe npHiseeHb B MemopaH. yme o AorosopeK-


CraTr V

1. Kaxi~aR H3 CTOpOH nHKBHfHpyeT ace CBOH paKeTbl , eHbueR

AaJIbHOCTH H nyCKOBbie yCTaHOBKH TaKHX paKeT, a TaKxe c8 3aHHoe C

TaKH mH paKeraH H nyCKOBbI'IH yCTaHOBKaI4 ace scnomoraTenbHoe 060-

pyaoBaHHe KaTeropHit, KOTOpbie ripwaezeHbl B MemopaHayme o zoroBo-peHHOCTR, TaK;t.y o6pa3o-1, 4706bi He no3ZHee qem qepe3 13 .ecAueB

nocne ac-.vlneH;1R a c.Ky HacroALuero floroBopa H B aanbHefuiell HH

y OHO ;t3 CTOpOH He amenoCb TaKHX paKer, nyCKOBbIX yCTaHOBOK H

scnomoraenbHoro o6opyDoBaHHR.

2. He nO3ZHee qem qepe3 90 ZHeA nocne BCTynneHHa Bc:,'

HacToR"ero flo:osopa KaACzaA ;13 CTopoR 3aaepaeT nepeieieHl~te B:ex

cBoKx pa3aepHyrbX paKer meHbmea Aa)nbHOCTH K acex pa3BepHybl.X H

Hepa3sepHyTbX ryCKOBb[X yCTaHoBOK TaKHX paKeT B iecra BI-1KBU23L-"H

H cogeDXHr HX 8 3THX .eCrax o rex nop, noKa OHM He 6yAyr AHKBH-HpOBaHbl B COOTBeTCTBHH C npouezypamH, H3-:)xeHHIMH B []pOTOKOne

0 RIHKBHauLitH. He naO32nee 4e1 epea 12 mecz:es nocre BCTynneHxi

a CIny HacToAuiero florosopa KaxzaA K3 CrOpCH 3aaepwaer nepemeIgeHHe

Bcex caoSIx Hepa3aepHVTblX pa.er meHbueR Aa,.HOCTH a mecea nHKBHza-

UHII H cooepHrT HX B 3TrX ecrax Zo Tex nop, noKa OHH He 6yAyrAlHKBH,;tpOBaHbI B COOTBeTCTBHH C npoLuegypamH. 83toleHHbI."IH B flpOTO-

Kone o n;1KaH. aLuH.

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3. PaKeTi -ieHbwek zanbHOCTI H nycKOBbie YCTaHO8KMi TaKilX

paKeT H-e Haxo2.ATCA B OIHOM H TOM xe mecTe i K aauHH. TaKle mecTaOTCTOAT apyr o: npyra He meHee qeI Ha 1000 <tnoieTpOB.


1.. L1o SCtynleH;Iu B C;uty HacTOniuero :Ioroaopa H a zanbHeftwem

Hi! OAHa ;13 CrOpOH:

a) He npo;t3BOfHT HIIKaKHX paKer cpeIHeR zanbHOCTH, He ripO-

BOHT nerHbie tCnblTaH;IR TaKsix paKeT H He fpOH38OaltT HHKaKHX Cryne-

Hell TaK;Ix paKeT H H HKaKHX nfyCKOBb[X yCTaHOBOK TaKHX paKeT; H

b) He npOH3BO HT HHKaKHX paKeT MeHbweg AanbHOCTH, He npo-

BOallT neTHbie HCnbITaHHR H He ocywecTanaer 1yCKH TaKIIx paKer i He



2. He3aHcH~o Or nOrOtKeHHK nyHKTa 1 HacTouleg craTbH Kax-

.aa H3 CropoH HeeT npaso npOH38OHrb THn EPHS, He orpaHH4HBaem-i

HaCTORuAM; :OrO3opoli, 5 KOTOpOR HCnOb3yeTcR CTyneHb, aHewHe cxoz-

HaR, HO He B3a;tmo3ameHRemaa CO CTyneHbIo cywecTBymwerO THna 5?SF5speHek zanbHOc-,a, ateewero 6onee OAHOA cTyeHH, npK yCflOBI;IX, qTo

3Ta CropoHa He npOH3BOHT HHKaKOR gpyrok cTyneH, KOTopaA aleWHe

CXOAHa, HO He B3aHMO3ameH~ema c nm6ok zpyrog cTyneHbO cymecrsy -

wero TrHna PH5 cpeaHea zanbHOcrH.

CrarbR VII

fnn uereIe HacroAuero forosopa:

1. EcnH 6antnicRHTecKaR paKera HfH -blfnaTaA pamera npowna

reTH-Ie HCnbITaHHR inHa 6b1 a pa3BepHyTa a ue-x AOCTaBKH OpyxHA,

To ace paKerbI 3rOrO rtna paccmaTDltBaoTCR KaK cpeAcTra AOCTaBKHODyXMA.

2. Ecn;t 5PHE HnH KPHB Bn~ercR paKeToA cpeZHeR uanbHOcr:I.

To ace 5PH5 H)Bt KPHS 3roro rHna paccmaTpHBaorcA KaK paKermb CpeA-

HeR AanbHOc;t. EcnH SPHS HnH KPHS RBRneTCR paKeTog meHbmek zanb-

HOCTRI, TO Bce 5?HS HnH KPHE 3TOrO Tana paccmarpHBaaoTcR KaK paKerb

.ieHbWeQ nanbHoCTi!.

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3. Ecnut 5PHS qsnjeTcR EPH5 Tna, co34aHHoro H Hcnb[TaHHoro

ltCKnIqHTelbHO ARA nepexeara H 6opb6m c o6be(TaMH, He HaxozRuotmitcR

Ha nosepxHOCrit 3enviu, ro TaKaA BPHB He pacctaTp staeTcA KaK paKe-

Ta, Ha KOTOpy1o pacnpocrpaHACA orpaHHqeHHR HacrOtuero florosopa.

4. fa.bHOCb0 EPHS, He yKa3aHHoA s CTaTbe III HaCTORmero

11orosopa, c41IraeTcA maKcHmanbHaR zanbHOCTb, Ha KOTOpy1O oHa 6bna

itcnbITaHa. fanbH-OCrbio KPHS, He yKa3aHHoR a CTaTbe III HacToRUqero

forosopa, C4HTaeTCR maKCHmanbHOe paCCTORHHe, KOTOpoe paKeTa moxer

nponeTeTb a HopmanbHOM npoeKTHOM pextime Zo noRHoro X3pacxO!OBaHvA

TOnjutBa, onpe~enRemoe no npoeKuH8 TpaeKTopHH noneTa paKeTbl Ha

3eMHy O cbepy Or TO4KA Crapra Ao TO4KH naAeHRA. EPHE Hin;' KPHS,

,anbHOCrb KOTOpbIX pasha HIM npesbluaer 500 KHfomeTpoa, HO He npe-

Bblfaer 1000 KHnOeTpOa, paccmaTpHsaaTcR KaK paKeTbi :eHbweQ zalb-HocrTI. 5?H5 ;ii KPH5, zanbHOCrb KOTOpblX npeablaeT 100O K'tnO'er-

POs, HO He npeSbwaer 5300 K:tomerpo, pacc.aT01aaerRC KaK paKerbi

cpezHe zanbHocrtt.

5. MaKcuilanbHb-l KOnItqeCTsO,1 6oeronosoK, KOTopoe HeceT

paKeTa cpeAHek zaRbHOCTH H.tur paKera -eHbweH AabHOCTH roro ilnt

;lHOrO :%' ecTavouiero :-ria, C4'ITaeTcR KO)H4eCTBO, yKa3aHHOe B

pa~zy'e o :OrOBOpeHH0CTt Z!A paKeT 3TOrO THna.

6. KaznaA 5?H5 Hni KH5 paccaTpHBaeTcn KaK Hecy!.aR '3Z-

-anbHoe Kor1,qec-.BO AoeronOBoK, yKa3aHHoe B MenopaHzyme o zO.:-aopeHHocr;1 ARA 5PH5 ;n;l KPH5 3roro Tra.

7. EcnA nycKosaa yCraHOaKa 6obna 148CTaHa ARA 3anycKa SPH5;LR KPU15, To ace ny:-oaCte yCTaHOBKH }TOrO :aina pacz laTpHsaloTcRKaK lCnb1:aHHbte iRa 3ariycKa 5PH5 KAnu KPHE.

3. EcA;t nycKoaaa ycTaHoSKa cozepwana 57H5 gnit KPH5 KaKora-i;t6o onZesereHHOrO Tana will .icnOb3osanacb ZAA ;Ix 3aryVCKa. TO

ace nycKOabie 'CTaHOBKI 3TorO THna paccmaTp;1sao.A KaK a CKO;b:

ycTaHOSK;1 3TOro Tana EPHE Hn KPHS.

9. Kon;tiecTaoM paKeT, KorOpoe Kazaa .Z1vosa2 :zTaHOBKa

TOr1O ;i!!i t!KOrO cyvzecrsayiouero r;aa paKeTbl cpeaHe-t .aaHOCTH ifl

paKeTbi meHbWea aanbHOCT11 c4uraeTCR cnoco6HO:i He:rIt ;Ii;it cozepKa-bOZHOBpemeHHO, BnAeIZA KOA;14eCTSO, yKaaHHOe a "! aopaHzyme o


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10. 3a "cKnoleHlle ro cny4aR, KOrZ3 oc%'eCTBAReTCA lItK-

siIaaLuR 5 COOTBeTCTStI C npouezypamit, aL3)ioeHHliit 8 (TpOTOKOne 0


a) npwteHHTebHO K SPHS, KOTOpbie HaxoARTCR H3 CK)aAcKOm

xpaHeHH11 Kn t nepemetaOTCR B Bhoe OTfelbHbX cryneHen, camaA 6onb-

i aR no zntHHe CTyneHb 5PHB cpeAHek AanbHOCT;i Hlt meHbweR zaJbHO-

CTH 3acIHrblaaerCR K3K uenaA paKeTa;

b) npHNeHHTenbHO K 5PH6, KOTOpble He HaXOArTCR Ha CKnaZCKO,1

xpaHeHHH H He nepemeaDTC.R 8 BHe oT~enbHbX C.TyeHek, KOHreAHep

rHna, HCnonb3yemoro npH 3anycKe BPHS cpezHek AanbHOCTH, - ecn~t

TOnbKO CrOpOHa He AoKazeT yzoBneTBOpRAIOw ApyryO CropoHy o6pa3oi,

qro oH He coaepAHT TaKvy1 paKery, - Hna SPHS cpelHeg Aanbxocr

HJ" meHbwek fanbHOCTH B Co6paHHOM BHe 3acqHTbasaeTCA KaK uenaA

paKera; K

C) npameHarenwo K KPH6 Koprlyc KPHS cpeAHeR AanbHOCTH AH

MeHbweg zanbHOCTH 3aC.'RTbIsaeTCA KaK uenaR paKera.

11. SannutCaniqeCKaR paKera, He AsnAOwaRcA paKeTOR AAR

HCnOb3OBaHHR B BapHaHTe Ha3eMHOro 6a3"poBaHHR, He paccmaTpHsa-

eTCR KaK SPHS, ecnH lCnblT3TenbHbi4 nyCK TaKoH paKeTbi npOH3aOa;lr:R

Ha CTapTOBOR nO3HU*lI 2nA HCnb[TaHtH CO crauHoHapHok nyCKOBO'.t yz:-a-

HOBKH Ha3eMHoro 6a3HpoaaHHK, KOTOpaR HCrOnb3yeTcR HCKA)04HTe.bHO

B ueinx HCnblTaHHR H KOTOpaA OTn14Hia OT ryCKoBsX yCTaHOBOK S?H5.

KObInaTaa paKeTa, He RalnomaRCR paKeToR AAA HCnOnb3OBaHHR B Ba-

p;taHre Ha3emHoro- 6a3atDoBaHHR, He pacclarp'3aeTC-R KaK KPHS, ecTn1

;tcnbTaTenbHblg nyCK TaKoR paKerbI fpOH3BOAR-.H Ha CTapTOBOR f!O3HULHH

AAR HcnbiTaHHR CO C.TautoHapHo.t nyCKOBOR yC-.:HOBKH Ha3e-1Horo 6a3H-



12. KaxaaR H3 CTopoH HmeeT npaao npOl3BOlITb H atcnoonb3osarb

AA yCKOpaTrefbHbIX cpecra, KOTOpble 8 npOTHBHOn1 cnytae mornt 6b1

paccmaTpHBaTbC KaK paKeTbl cpeAHeA zanbHOCTt aRt MeHbweg AanbHO-


yCKopKTebHbIX cpezcrB. flyCKu TaKIIX yCKOpHTeAbHblX cpeZCra He pac-

cmaTpBaeTCR KaK nevTibe HCnblTaHHR paKer cpezHerE laflbHOCTH H meHb-

ueft zanbHOCTH np11 yC.lOBliH, qro:

a) CTyneH;I, UC101COnb3yembie B TaKHx yCKOpSITenrbHbIX cpeACTsax,

OTRHqaOTCR OT cryneHeR, HcnOnb3yemibx B paKerax, KOTOpble B

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c:aTbe.EII HacTo ero foroaopa npHBezeHbi B KaqeCTBe cyweCTByloMHX

TInos paKeT cpeAHer aa;abHOCTII HAI! MeHbWeA AanbHOCTH;

b) TaKuie yCKODllTebHble cpencTra HCnOnb3yrTCR TOnbKO B

ueIRx HccneoBaHlk it pa3pa6oToK AnR HcnblTaHHR o6eKTOB, HO He

camHx yCKOpHTenbHb[X cpenCTB;

c) cyimapHoe KOnH4eCTBO nyCKOBWX yCTaHOBOK TaKRx yCKOpH-

TenbHbIX cpeACrs He npeablwaeT AAR Kaxzog H3 CTOpoH 35 e3HHHU B

ml6OH zaHHbIR mOmeHT; H


CTaunOHaDHblln, pa3meweHbi Ha noaepxHOCTR 3emnH H HaXOZATCR TOlbKO

Ha CTapTObIX nO3HHRX AR HccneaoaaHHR H pa3pa6OTOK, yKa3aHHblX B

Memopawayme o zOrOBCpeHHOCTH.

CrapToabie ('O3HUAH AAR HccnezoaHH H pa3pa6oroK He no~nexaT

;tHCneKUHH cornacHO CTaTbe XI HaaTowero RorOBOpa.


1. Bce paKerbi cpeAHea aanbHOCrH H fycKOBble yCTaHOBK;t -aZ'X

paKeT HaXOZATCR B paRoHax pa3RepTbiRaHHn, Ha paKeTHbX BcnOmo:a-

TenbHblX o6 eKrax nU6o B rlyTr cnezoBaHHR. PaKerbl cpexHefI zaniHOcT1



2. CTrYeHH paKeT cpezHek AaRbHOCTH HaxOZRTCR 8 paROHax

pa3sepTbsaHHR, Ha paKeTHbX BcfnOmoraTenbHbX o6 eKTax KnH nepeme-

waoTcR mexzy pagOHamH pa3BeprblBaHHR, mexny paKeTHbIMH Bcnomora-

TefbHbl;l o6beKTamH HnH mex4y paKerHblIH BcnOiorarenbHbl.fi o6beK-

TamH paoHamH pa3BepTblaaHHR.

3. no nepemeweHHR a mecra RHKBHKauHu, KaK 3rO Tpe6yeTcA

nyHKTOM 2 crazbK V Hacroauiero foroBopa, ace paKer b meHbwea ZanbHO-

Cr11 H ri'CKOBbie ycTaHoBKH TaK.IX paKeT HaXOZARTCR Ha paKerHbIX onepa-

4IIOHHbiX 6a3ax. Ha paKerHb[X BCflnOraTetbHblX o6beKrax n6o B nVTH

cgezoBaHHR. PaKeTbl meHbLueft zaAbHOCTH HRH riyCKOBbie yCTaHOBKI TaK;IX

paKer He HaxoaRTCA Kit a KaKom zpyrom mecTe.

4. fpe6blaHne B nyTu cneOBaHHR paKeTb UtiH nycKOBOg ycTa-

HOBKH, noanazamuek noz aeacrane fono4eHHA HacToRwero Zorosopa,

3aaepwaeTcR B 25-ZHebniw CpOK.

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5. Bce paAoHbl pa3aeFrbIBaHllR, paKeTHbte onepauloHHbie 6a3bl H

paKeTHble acnOlOraTenbHble o6 eKTbl yKa3WBaOTC s MeMopaHxyme o

AOrOBOpeHHOCTSI HH nptt nocne~y*Lutix O6HOBneHHRX zaHHbtX cornaCHO

nyHKTam 3, 5 "a" lns 5 "b" cTarblt IX Hacroquiero )oroaopa. Hit


pacnonoxeHHR HuH rpaHHUbt paROHOs pa3sepTblBaHHR, paKeTHbX onepa-

UHOHHblx 6a3 HnH paKeTHbX BcnoMoraTenbHbIX o6beKTOB, 3a HCKo4eHue1

mecT RHKBH~auHH no cpaSHeHHO C TeN, TO yKa3aHo a MemopaHAY e

o AOrOBOpeHHOCTK. PaKeTHbIg BcnOmoraTe)lbHblg o6beKT He paccmaTpul-

BaeTcA KaK 4acTb paRoHa pa3aepTbBaHHR, Aaxe ecnH OH reorpaiqecKit

HaxOAHTCA B npeaenax rpaHHU paRoHa pa3BepTbIBaHHR.

6. Go npowecrTB't 30 ZHeR nocue aCTynueHHR B CHly HaCTOR-

xero foroBopa Hi ozHa H3 CTOpOH He pa3mewaeT paKeTbl cpeAHea

2arlbHOCTit Hfil meHbweft =abHocrH, aKo44aR CTyneHM TaKHX paKer,

Hnu nycKOBbie YCTaHOBKH TaKHX paKeT Ha o61eKTax no npOH3BOZCrBy

paKer, o6beKTax no nOoH3BOaCTSy nyCKObIX yCTaHOBOK HIH Ha 11C1bl-

TaTmhbHbIX nou1roHax, nepe4eHb KOTOpblX npwaeAeH B MemopaH -yIe 0


7. Hi ozHa Ra CTODOX He pa3ewaeT HHKaKHX paKer cpez=ie-

zabHOCTit tnt meHbueit aa)IbHOCrH B mecTax o6y4eHHA.

3. Hepa3aBepHyraR paKeTa cpeAHeA Za-.HOCTH Kni meHbweR


H He cozepXHTCR B HeR, 3a HCKnmqeHHem nOrTe6HOCTeR o6cnyxHaaHHR,

npoaosAtoro s :ecTax peMoHra, HnH RHKBHt~aHH merooZi nycKa,

ocvumecTBnAemoa B mecrax nHKBHKau;iH.

9. Yqe6Hbie paKeTb H y,4e6Hbie nycKOble YCTaHOBKA paKer coea-

Heil AabHOcr;i HuH meHblbmeft za)bHOCTH noznexaT Tem xe orpaH;tqeHItA.

3 OTHOeH IH MeCT HX pacnonoxeHHR, KOTOpble VKa3aHbl AlfR paxeT cpea-

Heft nalbHOCTlH it leHbuer zanlbHOCTrH H nyCKOBbiX yCTaHOBOK TaKIIX

paKeT B nyHKTaX 1 it 3 HaCTOgweR craTbH.


1. B. MemopaHflvye o norosopexHocru coAep~arcq Karerop;lu


wItm 11orOaopoM, H nepe4HH Bcex paKeT cpenHeA AahbHOCTI H -leHbwek

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paKeTamH H nyCKOBbIMlt YCzaHoBKamH BCnoMoraTebHUX COOpyxeHilI &I


Ha 1 HoR6pA 1937 rona. 06HOBneHHe 3THX AaHHX H yBezonneHItR,

Tpe6yembie HaCroRueg cTaTbeg, ocyweCTBRnOTCR no KareropHwr AaHHbX,

conepxammmcA B MemopaHyme o AoroBopeHHOCTH.

2. CTOpOHbl o6HOBRROT 3TH AaHHwe H npeZoCrasnRT yBenom-

neHKR, Tpe6ye~bie HaCTORJHK Iloroopom, qepe3 UeHTpb no y-teHbweHH[O

RnepHoA OnaCHOCTH, Co3naHHbie B COOTBeTCTBHH C CornaweHKem memy

Co030M CoBeTCKHX COu anHCTtteCKHX Pecny6nHK H CoezRHeHHWMM -ITa-

TamH AmepHKH 0 C03AaHHH UeHTpOB no ymeHbweHHO RnepHOR onacHoCTH1

OT 15 ceHTR6pR 1987 rona.

3. He no3zHee qem qepe3 30 AHeA nocne BCrynneHHR B C:tny

HacToRero foroaopa KaAaA H3 CrOpOH npenocasnAer apyroi CTopoHe

O6HOaneHHbie AaHHble no COCTOHHIO Ha aaTy BCTynhieHKA 8 C)1y HacToR-

wero floroaopa no SCeM KaTeropKim zaHHUX, co.AepxaWxlCR B MemopaH-

nyme o AoroBopeHHOCTIt.

4. He nO3AHee iem qepe3 30 AHeg no DKOHqaHHH KaxAoro

6-mecR4Horo nepaoza nocne BCTytneHHR B CH77 HaCToRero Zoroaopa

KazfaR H3 CTopOH npeZocTaBReT o6HoBneHHble zaHHbie no Bceii KaTero-

PHRA1 naHHbtX, cozepxamumcR a MemopaHayme o gorosopeHHOCTH, coo6-

waR Apyrok CropoHe 0 Bcex npoHcwezwxx K npOHCXOARAHX B 6-meCRqHbIr

nepton t3:1eHeHttRx 8 3THX zaHHbIX C momeHTa npenblmywero o6HIeHa

zaHHb.IH 4 o6 HToroBom pe3ynbrae 3rX H3tteHeHHfi.

5. flo BcTynneHHH B CURY HaCroRwero RoroBopa H B AafbHek-

weM KacaaA R3 CIOPOH npeAoCraBnaeT Apyroa CropoHe cnenyowHe


a) yBezomneHHR, npeaoCraBnieMbie 3a6jkaroBpemeHHo He'meHee

qem 3a 30 ZHefi, 0 3annaHItposaHHOA AaTe rlKB;tzaum! KOHKpeTHorO

pafoHa pa3seprblBaHHR, paKeTHOR onepauHoHHo l 6a3b1 HuH paKerHoro

BCnomoraTebHOro o6beKra;

b) ysezoineH%1, npeAoCraanembie 3a6narospe1eHHo He

meHee 4eM 3a 30 niief, o6 113-teHeHItAX S KOnitieCTe HtI merCe pac-

nonoxeHIlA Meet TIHKBItAa"HH C yKa3aHHeM meCTa H 3annaHupoaaHHOfi

AaTl Kaxnoro H3meHeHHR;

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180 United Nations - Treaty Series o Nations Unies - Recueil des Mraitis 191

c) yBe~omneHHR, 3a HCKJ~o4eHHe-t yBejomneHKA np~meHKTenbHO K

nycKaM paKeT cpeAHeA AaRbHOCTH B ueax HX nHKBHnauHH, npeAoCraa-

nReMbie 3a6naroBpeMeHHo He MeHee 4eM 3a 30 AHeA, 0 3annaHKpOBaHHoA

zaTe Haqana AHKBHzauHH paKeT cpeZHek zanlbHOCTH K MeHbweA jjafb-

HOCTH, cTyneHek TaKHx paKer H nyCKoBbIX YCTaHOBOK TaKHX paKer, a

raKxe BcnoMoraTenbHbix coopyzeHH9 H BcnomoraTeAbHOrO o6opy~oaHKx,


.) Ko0HteCTBa t rHna 3nemeHToa nHKSHzupyeMblX paKeTHblX


.:) necra, r~e ocywecrsn~eTCA AHKBHgaHR;

)nA paKer cpeAHeA zabHocTH - Mecra, H3 Koroporo TaKHe

paKeTbl, fycKoable yCTaHOSKH TaKHX paKeT H EcnonmoraTenb-

Hoe o6opyzoBaHe, CaR3aHHOe c TaK}1MH paKeTaMH K n'cKo-


3a tcKnqeeHzei yae~omne~ua nPDHMeHHTe;bHO K BCrOOra-

TenbHbIM coopyxeHu1m - nyHKTa sbe3xia, HcnOfb3yemoro HH-

CneKUHOHHOR rpynnofl, npoBozRauef .IHCneKuHo cornacHo

nyHKTy 7 CraTH XI HacroRero 2:7osopa, H pac4erHoro

BpemeHH or6ubrHR HHcneKUl1OHHOA r::.'rlnbi H3 ryHKTa sbe3ma B


:) yBezomneHHR, npezocraBnembie 3a6naroBpeleHHO He meHee

qeM 3a 10 UHe.:. 0 3annaHHpOBaHHOa AaTe nyca HflH 0 3afnaHHpo-

BaHHOR AaTe Havana cepHH nycKoB paKeT cpezHeR zanbHOCTH B uenax

HX n)KB~aauHH c yKa3aH~em:

:) THrna nHKBHAHpyeMbIx paKer;

I) mecra nycKa HuH a cnyqae nHKBH~au;tH nocpeZCrnoM cepim

nyCKoB - mecTa TaKllX nyCKOB H KontqeCTBa nIyCKOB B zaH-Horl cepim$;

iz ) nyHKra Be3;a, ;tCnOnb3yiymoro HHCneKUHOHHOA rpynnofl,

nposozuefR llHcneKumo corflaCHo nyHKry 7 CTarbPH XI

Hacroswero forosopa; H

iv) pac4erHoro BpemeHi OT6bITItR HHCneKUHOHHOA rpynnbl H3

fyHKTa sbe3Aa B MeCTo nIIKBHnauHH;

e) ysezomneHHR, npeAocranAeMbie He no3AHee 'em qepe3

43 acoB nocne Toro, KaK nPORt30W11 1 H3meHeHHR B KOJIH'4eCTBe paKeT


paKeT, acnoMoraTenbHUbX CoopyxeHHA H 8cnomorarenbHoro o6opyzoBa-


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pe3yllbTaTe IIHKBH~aUHH, KaK 3TO H3noxeHO B npOTOKOne o IHKBHnIaH t,C yKa3aHHeI:

KOn4ecTBa K rHna 3ne.iewroe paKerHoro cpeAcraa, Kcropbie

6,OJI n1,tKBHlaHposaHb1: K

.-) natl bI .mec.ra raKOl nlIKBwnau 4H; H

:') yse-z.neHI4R 0 nDe~blBaHHH a nyTK cnefOBaHHR paKeT coe:-

He-. OeanbHocTrl a;I aeb ~ocT1 mi fyCKOBbX yCTaHOBOK T.,IX

paKeT, nt6o o lepemeuieHtut y4e6HbiX paKeT HH y'4e6Hbzx "lyCKOBbiX

VCTaHoBOK TaKlIX paKeT c.[enHeR /anbHOCTH H MeHbtzeH nanbHOCTH,

n.DeoC.Ta ,ei...be He nlO3ZHee (e.i 4epe3 468 4acos nocne ero 3aBe.-

jexqtR, c yKa3a4;tem:

KOnR4 JeCTBa paKer ,tn:t ryc.KosbX yCTaHOBOK;

U') r%'HK:OB, za ,t apemeH;t OTnDaBKH H npH6bITHR;

1L:) cnoca6a TpaHcnOpTI00aKH; H

4';) mec:a H BpemeHst fip;IeHrenbHO K 0roMy meCty He .eHee

onHOrO pa3a s qerblpe AHR Ha npOTz.;Ae.K nIpe6bisaHHR B

ny:c T cne.osaHHR.

6. [0 SCryflne-8i1$ a cBiny sazToqer0 ,iorosopa H s AanbHe',,,e1

Kaxzaa M3 CToroa yBezo.InReT Apyry4 CropoKy 3a6naroBpemeHHo He

.eHee e.I- 3a 1" nHeft 0 3annaHi1poBaHHOt are H .ecre nvc.Ka lpe.Ha-

3HaqeHHoro rtR ItccnezosaH t H pa3pa6oroK YC.KOpIIWenbHOrO cpezctsa,

O KoTopoa COBODIITCR B nyHKTe 12 caTbH V1I HaC.ToRero forosopa.

Crarba X

1. Kac.ai 13 CTopoH nHKB;l,'zpyeT CBO:I paKerbI cpenHei :anb-

HOCTH K meHbwe. AaabHOCTRH I flyCKOBbie yCTaHOBKI TaKHX paKer, a

raKze C.A3aHHbie C TaKIt114 paKeTaM&1 11 nyCKOBbIMItl yCTaHOaKaIH sBCno-

moraTenbHble coopyxeH11R a scnomorarefbHoe O6OpynoBaHHe B COOTaer-

CTBHH C fpouemypamH, 1u3floxeHHb|MH B OlpOTOKone 0 AIIKBItfauHH.

2. KOHTpOnb rnyTem HHcfleKL I Ha mecrax 3a nimKauauiteil 311e-

meHTOB paKerHbX cpeAcTB, yKa3aKHb[X 5 rpoToKone 0 JIHKBHaHH,

ocytueCTrn:erC a CCOTeTCTBHH CO Crarbeg XI Hacronero 2oroeopa,C flpOTOKOnO1 0 nHKBHnaLzHH H flpOTOKOnoM o6 HHcfleKuHRX.

3. fpeene,-eHHe paKer cpeaHeR fabHOCTH, ayCKOBbIX CTaHOBOK

TaKIIX paKer It Z5BS3aHHOrO C. TaK;tiH paKeTamH H lyC.KOeb]IH VCTaHOB-

Ka.H scnO.amorarenbHoro O6opvzoaaHR H3 paRoHOB pa3sepTbIaHR S

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necra n;t'.<B;1_-au;t a uenxx ax -i;iKBvrtauaa ocyLueCrranaerC. CrOpoHa-i;

Ha OCHOBe tierbix pa3aepHyTbIX opraHH3aUHOHHblX enHHHU. fl;IR Coi3a


nonK*S a cocrase zlvx ;In't T.;eX aHBH3.IOHOB "PC2-1O". flR COe-

HeHHb1X jTaos A.ep IK;f ra .tMt eiHHauamH RBfIRIOTC 6arapeH"rep,,,Hr-2" ',t orp~A1bl "E -3: X- 1")9 " .

4. lHK;taau;A pa<eT cpeflHe' nanbHOCrH a meHbweg z A HocrH

H nyCKOBblX yCTaHOBOK TaKHX paKeT, a TaKie aoC InOraTenbHoro o6o-

pynoBaHHR, CBR3aHHOrO C TaKamH paKera."n H ;.YCKOBbIH yCTaHOB:'aIH,

ocyauecTBnReCTCR a BecTax, KoTopbie yKa3aHb B MemopaH~yme o noroso-

peHHOCT ! niY! 0 KOOpbiX .peaocrasnTlT yBeZomi)eHHR B CooTBeTCTrBslt

C nVHKTOI 5 ":" ZTaTbH IX HacToquero foro8oa, ecnx TOYnbKO OHR

He AHKBHfHDOBaHb B CCOTBeTC.TBHH C pa3netamH IV Itnu V fIporoKohia

o nuKaaauaUti. flonhe~atume JIRKBHalaltl BC[nOraTelbHbe Co0ov;KeH;iJR,

CBS3aHHble C DaKeTaHH H nyc.KoBb-l: VCTaHOBKalli. -ioanaza,1;!oI11 noz

neflCrsHe HaC~r3oero forosopa, nAKBRZpvyTCA Ha. mec.e.

5. Kaxla w3 CrOpOH lueeT npaso B reqeHite nepebiX ,,ecra

mec.ues nocne BsTy.'n7eH1A B C:ly HacTommero -orosopa rtaKBvzlal;posaTb

meTo90o nyCKa He 6oree 100 cBOHX paKeT cpe-meQ xa;1bHOCTR.

6. PaKerb cae-zHek aa.IbHOCT;. HI 1eHb,,,e't a3;lbHOCTIl, Koropble

6binH HC.nblraHbI ZO 8CTvnneHR B CHay HaCToRuwero florosopa, HO pa3-

aepHyTbl He ObIR1, It KoTopbie He AB11RIrTCA cyuecTrBY1tULR.-1H Titnamit

paKeT cpeAHea anbHOCTR H MeHbwe fanbHOCTH, nepeHCrneHHbltM1 8

craTbe III HaCTORwero forosopa, a raKxe nyCKOBble YCTaHOBKH TaK;txX

paKeT AHKBHAHpyCTCR B 6-eCA4HblR CpoK nocne BC.TynneHHR a CHny

HaCToRero Zorosopa B C.OOTBeTCTKH C npouezypamH, u3noAeHHb1IH B


a) A7A CoX)3a COBeTCKHX COuIHaI;C.TH'{eCKHX Pecny6ntK -

paKeTbl rHna, H.eHye.Ioro B Co3e COBeTC.KHX CouHanHCTHqecKHX

Pecny6nHK "PK-33" H 3Bec-.HOrO B CoenHHeHHbIX [lTarax AmeDHKH KaK

ana CoealtHeHHbX iITaToB AmepHKH - paKerbl THna, H.meHVe-

M'oto B CoezxaHeHHblX JTarax A-ep;IKH ",leD.;Hr-IS" H H3aeCTHoro a

Coe3e COBeTCKHX COUllaRHCTIqeCKHX Pecny6nHK nOA Tem ze HaHmeHoBa-

HHem .

7. PaKeri cpezHe1t -anbHOCT:f H eHbWeA nanbHoCTH H nvz.xoBbie

yC.TaHoBKlI TaKaX paKeT, a raKxe C.BA3aHHbie c TaKRK paKeTaXH It

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nyCKOBbIH. ycTaHOBKatHt BcnomoraTebHbe coopyxeHHR H scnomoraTenb-

Hoe o6opyvoSaHe pacc'iarplaaioTcR KaK nHKBHAHpOBaHHbie noc.ne 3a-

BepUeHHR npoueAyp, lt3no;eHHbIX B fpoToKone 0 AItKBHaUHW, H npeao-

cTaBneHHR yBe~omneHtlA, npe4yCMOTpeHHorO B 7yHKTe 5 "e" CTaTbH IX

HacToRuero foroaopa.

3. KaxaaA K3 CropoH THKlBisipyeT CBc;t paAOHbl pa3BepTblBaHHR,

paKeTHbie onepaullOHHble 6a3b1 H paKerHble BCno-O raTelbHbie o6beKTbl.

CropoHa nzezocTasn~eT zpyroRi CTOpOHe ysezooneHue cornacHo fyHK-

Ty 5 "a" CTarb;t IX Hacronwero forosopa, KaK rOnhKO 6yZyT BblO-

HeHbl H3!O;I3 eHHble 4m)Ke yC1OBHIR:

a) oTrr' a yzaieHbl Bce HaxoitaHwecR TM paKeTb cpeAHe'i

ZaibHOCT;I t 1eHbmeete albHOCTH, nVCKoBble yCT3HOBKH' TaK;tX paKeT H

CBA3aHHoe c TaKIl-1 paKeTamit t nyCXOBb-IH yCTaHOaKa1&t BCr OOra-

TenbHoe o60pyAoaaHite;

) .RIKBiitpOBaHbI Bce HaxozitBalHecR Tam BCno-tOraTeIbHble

coopyxeHHR, CaR3aHHbie C TaK!IMH paKeTaMH K ([CKOBWMHR yCTaHOB-

KaIHH; it

C) Tan npeKpaweHa BcA AeRTefIbHOCrb, CBR3aHHaA C npo113Boa-

CTBOM, neTHbl |! HCrblraHHRmlH, o6yteHiem, peMOHTOl, CKna CKui xpa-

HeHHem iitit pa3sepTbBaHte-I TaKHX paKeT it nyCKOBbX yCTaHOBOK.

TaKHe paAOHbl pa3aepTbIBaHHR, paKeTHbie onepaUHOHHble 6a3b H

paKeTHble BCnomoraTenbHue o6beKTbl paCCaTpHBaoTCR KaK TtiKBHHpO-

BaHHbie nq6o nocne npoBeAeHHA Tan HHCneKUHH cornaCHO nyHKTy 4

CTaTbH XI HaCToRiero florosopa, 11H60 no npoweCTBHH 60 AHeR nocne

naTb 3annaHHpoBaHHOR nHKBHauHH, 0 KOTOpOR 6bII1 npezOCTaBneHo

ysezomneHHe CornaCHo nyHKTy 3 "a" CTaTbH IX HaCTORwuero foroaopa.

PaRoH pa3BepTblaaHHR, paKeTHaR onepauoHHaq 6a3a HiH paKeTHbIl

BCnomoraTebHbIg o6beT, nepeqHcneHHble a MemopaHzyme 0 AOrOBOpeH-

HOCTH, KOTOpble OTBeqanH BbmueyKa3aHHblI yCI0BHRM 9O BCTyneH1HHR 8

Caly HaCTORuero aorosopa K He BKo'eHb B nep8OHa4aIbHbiA o6meH

aaHHbIiH cornacHo fyHKTy 3 CTaTbH IX HacToRwero forocopa, paccmaT-

pHBaoTCR KaK nHKBHitpoBaHHble.

9. Ecam CropoHa HamepesaercR nepeo6opy~oaarb paKeTHyO

onepaHOHHym 6a3y, yKa3aHHyO B MemopaH~yme o goroBopeHHOCTH, .UJ!


K?HS, He nonnazaomiHmH no aeRCTBHe HaCTOAzerO florosopa, To 3Ta

CTOpOHa 3a6narospemeHHo He meHee q46e 8 a R ZHeA AO 3annaHHposaH-

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HOA 2laTbl Haaana raKoro nepeo6opyzoBaHHn y=eo:niaer Apyryo CrOpOHy

o6 3TOR 3annaHApoBaHHOA RaTe x o uena, fn KOTOpo 6yzer nepe-

o6opyAoBabCA. TaKaR 6a3a.

CrarbA XI

i. B uen~x o6ecneqeHIuR KOHrpOh 3a c.6oaeHxem nonoXeHHR

HacroRuero florosopa KaZa~a H3 CropoH RmeeT npaBo npOBOHlrb 1H-

cneKHH Ha meCrax. CropoHbl ocywecTBnAIOT lHcueKU:l1! xa H iecTax B

COOTBeTCTBHH C HacTo0R±eH CraTbeft, flpoTo~onom o6 ltHC[eKUIIRX It

npoToKoAoM 0 nHKBHAauuH.

2. KaxcnaR 13 CTOpOH umeer npaBo npoBonlt b HHCneKu1u, npe-

nyCloTpeHHue HacroRmefi crarbefi, KaK B npe~enax reppTOpHx zpyrorl

CTOpOHN, raK H B npezenax reppwropR ACTpaH pa3metueHHR.

3. no npowecTBHH 30 AHeR nocne BCTynneHH B CHny Hacronue-

ro florosopa Ka aaR 13 CrOpOH HmeeT npaBo npoBecTH HHCneKU;III Ha

acex yKa3aHHbIX a MemopaHxyme o zorOBopeHHOCTH paKeTHblX onepaLIXOH-

HbIx 6a3ax K paKeTHblX acnorioraTenbHbX o6 eKTax, Kpome o6-eKT:8

no npOH3BOACTBY paKeT, a TaKxe 80 Bcex mecrax AHKBKAaHH, BK'C-

4eHHbIX s o6 o neHHbe nepBoHaianbHbie zaHHbie, Tpe6yemiwe nyHKTom 3

CTaTbH 1X HaCTowero foroaopa. 3TH HHCneK"4H 3asepwaercA He no3z-

Hee qem qepe3 92 zHeA nocue BCrynJeKHR B CHny HacroRuero foroao-

pa. Uenb 3T;IX xHcneKUHft COCTOIT B TOM, qTo6bI npOKOHTpoR14posarb

KOnHqeCTBO paKer, nycKosbix ycTaHOBOK, acnoMoraTeubHbtX ccopyZeH14II

a BcnooraTenbHoro o opyaosaHKR H zpyrHe zaHHbie no COCTORHwo Ha

:ary BC-yflneHtR B c}tiy HaCToqalero foroBopa, npemocTaneHHble :o-

rnacHo nVHKry 3 crarb l IX HacroRmero ZoroBopa.

KaoaR H3 CropOH xmeer npaao ntpoBoaHTb HHCneKULItH B

LenRx ocv2 ecTBneHaR KCHTpOAA 3a nHKBHfauHeg paKeTHbIX onepatOHHbIX

6a3 i paKerHblX BcnomorarenbxblX o6-beKToB - K-oMe o6beKTOB no npO-

R3BOACTBY paKer, - 0 nHKBuzafUK KOTOpblx np:;I3BOaHTCR yBezoM-

neHme cornacHo nyHKry 5 "a" cTaTb IX HacrAluero foroBopa ii Ko-

Tooble raKAM o6pa3o He noznexaT 6onee HHCnzKKLRM ccrnacHo nyHK-

rV 5 "a" HacroRmek CTaTbH. TaKaA HHCneKuHR ocywecrBIRercA

60-AHe8HbiR CPOK nocne 3annaHApOBaHHOR zaTbI AHKsxtauKH TaKoro

o6beKTa. EcnTI CropoHa npoBoaHT o tHHcneKUXlo Ha KaKoM-t600 KOHKpeTHOM

o6beKTe ,:cracHo nyHKry 3 HaCroRweA cTaTbH ncCle 3annaH1IpOsaHHoR

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naTbl tK3itaauut, yKa3aHHoro o6beKra, To nposeaeHite ZnOnOH;tTenbHO

itHCneKU;t:t 3TOrO o6-eKTa ccrnacHo 3TOMY nyHKT' He pa3pewaerCq.

3. Kanaq ;3 CTopo itmeeT npaao np0BoaHTb HHCneKuHH CO-

rnaCHO HaCTowemy nVHKTy B TeqeHste 13 net nocne BCTyneHHR B C:mlf'

HacToRwero foroaopa. KaAnaR 113 CTOpOH HMeeT npaso npOOOHTb

20 TaKltX ;xcneKbu;tt 5 Kaxabll! KaneHzapHblR rOA B TeeHHe nepBbiX

rpex neT aone BCTynneHttA B C;:ny HaCTORuero forosopa, 15 Tamitx

uHCneKUltft a K3.Ablif KaneHnapHbia rO B TeteHHe nocneayclotx nRTit neT

l 10 TaKux HHCneKiIfi B KaXnbirt KaneHapHblA roA B TeqeHue nocneAHUX

nRTH neT. HH OaHa R3 CTOpOH He npOBOAHT 6onee ncnOal4Hbl or o6wero

4HCna nonaramuHXCR eR TaKHX HHcneKUH4 B Kaxzbi KaneHnapHbi roxt

a npeaenax TePPHTOPHH KaKOR-KfH6 OAHOR CTpaHbl pa3memeHHR. KaxaaA

H3 CTopoH Hmeer npaso npoBOnHrb:

a) HHCaeKuHH, no 0po0ecTBHH 90 AHeA nocne BCTyneHHR B C.l-

ny HaCTo~mero forosopa, paKerHblX onepauHoHHblx 6a3 K paKeTHbX

aCnomorarenHblX ob6eKroa, KDo-Ie -ecT YIHKBHaaLHH H o6beKTOB no

npO~t3BOnCTBy paKeT,B uenRx nozTsepzeHHR KonHwecra paKer, nyc.<o-

Bb[X 'CTaHOBOK, BCnomoraTe)ThHblx coopyxeHKA H acnomorarenbHOrO

b6opynoBaHuR, HaxoaARHXCR Ha KaxzoA paKeTHOR onepauHOHHOR 6a3e

HAH Kaxaom paKeTHOM BCnomoraTenbHOM o6beKTe Ha momeHr npoBeAeHHA

HHCneKUHH, no KaTeropHR"M AaHHblX, yKa3aHHbM a MeMopaHnyme o zoro-


) HCneKU tH 6lBW;lX paKeTHblX onepauHOHHbX 6a3 K OblBtltX

paKerHblX scnomoraren;bHbx 06beKTOB, RKKBHzHpoBaHHbX cornaCHo

fyHKTy i cTaTb'l X HacroRtuero loroaopa, Kpome 6bislHX o6beKToB

no npoHB3oACrsy paKer.

6. no pomeCTBiHK 30 zHeR nocne BCT'>q71eHHR B CHAy HacTORwe-

ro foroeopa KaxaR H3 CropoH HmeeT npaBo B reeHHe 13 neT nccne

BCrylneHHR a c;Ify HaCroliero florosopa HHCn6zKTHpOBaTb nyTei ocywe-


a) npoKoZHbte nyHKTbl nlo6oro o61beKra apyrok CropoHbl, Ha KO-

TOpOi npoll3Bolrc OKOHqarenbHaR c6opKa SPH5 Rt3 cryneHeR, KaKaR-

n116o H2 KOTOpblX Hmeer SHellHHee CXOICTBO CO CTyneHbe rsepaoronn111-

HbIX 5PHS. nepeilcneHHbX B ceaTbe III HaCro~Alero 11oroaopa; Kna

b) ecnit Y CTopOHbl He ameercR TaKoro o6beKTa, - npoxozHble

nyHKTbl cornacoaHHoro 6blawero o6beKra no npOR3AoCray paKeT, HE


Hel aaRbHOCTZ IIMH iexbeeR fabHoCrH.

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CropoHa, o6beKT KOTOpOa HaeqeH anR miHcneKUlut cornacHO xa-

czoAuemy nyHKTV, o6ecneqKBaer Apyrog CTopoHe BO3MOXHOCTb yCTa-


3TOM o~ieKTe B 6-mecR4HblR CFOK nccne BCTynneHSIR B cHny HaCToRwero

RoroBopa AH! B 6-mecR4HbR CPOK C mOmeHTa Ha,4ana npouecca oLoHqa-

TeJbHOR C6OpKH, 0 KOTOpOM FoBOpHTCR a nOAnyHKTe "a". Ecim no

npowecTsHH aToporo roza nocne BCTynneHHR B CHAY Hacrowero :loro-

sopa HK OaHa K3 CTOpOH B TeqeHHe 12 mecaues noApnA He ocymecrB-

nIer npouecc OKOHqaTenbHOR c6OpKH, 0 KOTOpOM OrBOpHTC B nOnnyHK-

Te "a", To HM ozHa H3 CTopoH He HmeeT npasa HHcneKTHpoBarb nyTeM

KOHTpOh!R Ha nOCTORHHOR OCHOBe KaKOk 6w TO HH 6ObnO o6beKT no npO-

H3BOZCTBV paKeT Apyro CTODOHbI, ecnH He 6yaer BO3o6HOBneH npouecc

oKOHqaTenbHOR C-OpKH, 0 KOTOpOm rOBOpHTC B ncnnyHKTe "a". flo

BCTynneHZHK B CKAy Hacrowero forosopa o6deKTamH, HaneqeHHM4 ZnrR


Co3a CoeeTCKHX Ccu anHcTmqeCKHX Pecny6nHK - B COOTBeTCTBHH C

rCnflyHKTOI "a" - BOTKXHCKHR -IEWHHOCTpOHTebHblg 3asoz, YamyprcKaA

ABTOHOMHaA CoBeTcKaA CcuHa,,icr.itec.KaR Pecny6nHKa, Pocc.:uRcKaR

CcBeTcKaR DezeparTXHaA Cou aHcTHrecKaR Pecny6nxKa; Znn Ccez:t-


8o':. 1 "CepKynec". r.MarHa, WraT Dia.

7. KaxaaR K3 CTOpOR npOBOntT KHCne-L:iHH npouecca nIHKBHna-

IHK paKer cpeaHeg zanbHOCTH a meHbweg zaIHOCTH, BKnoqaR nHKBHna-

wno paKer cpeAHeR zanbHOCrTi meTozom nycKa. nyCKOBbIX ycTaHOBOK Ta-

Kax paKeT H BcnomorarenbHorO o6opyAosaHKR, CBR3aHHoro C TaKHMH

paKerami K nyCKOBblIH yCTaHOBKamH, OCyweCTBnemoro B mecTax nHK-

sanaumlt B CCOTBeTCTBHR CC CTaTbeA X HacToRwero Rorosopa K c fIpo-

TOKOOM 0 RIHIKBHnauIH. HHcneKropwl, npoBompwte npeayCMoTpeHHbie

B HacToRuzem fHKTe HHCneKtIU, yC.TaHaBalBaeT aKT 3aBepweHHR npo-

ueccoB, vKa3aHHblX nnR IHKBirnaIHH paKeT, y1CKO.SbWX YCTaHOBOK i

BCnomorarenbHOrO o6OpyZOBaHuR.

5. KaxzaR 13 CTopoH ;tmeeT npaeo nFO5OnLTb HHCneKUllII C ue-

flb)O ncnTrepneHilA aKTa 3aseptEHHA npo.ecca ;IIKB11faut1I paKer

cpeAHea zaJbHOCrTt It meHbwefl aaIbHOCTH, nyCKOBbiX YCTaHOBOK TaK1X

paKeT H CER3aHHoro C TaKHm11 paKeTamK H nyCKOBb1II ycraHoBKamsI

BCnomcraTelbHOrO o6OpynosaHItR, KOTopble nHKB1IIlpOBaHbt CcrnaCHo

pa3neny V npoToKona 0 nIKBIIflauK, a TaKxe 4aKTa 3aBepweHHR npo-

uecca AHKBHnau11H y4e6Hbix paKeT, cTyneHe y,.e6HbiX paKeT, ytge6HbIX

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nyCKOBbIX KOHTerlHepoB it y4e6HbiX nyCKOBbIX yCTaHOBOK, KOTopwe IRK-

BIIAHpOBaHbl ccryacHo p3zenat E1, IV H V flpOrOKona 0 nHKBHzauttH.

CTaTbA Xri

1. B uen~x o6ecneqeHHA KOHTOnR 3a cO6noaeHHem nonoxeHitf

HaCToRLero f3)osopa KaxzaA H3 CTOpOH HCfOAb3yeT HKeiowHecA a ee


o6pa3ol, 4TOObl 3TO COOTseTCTBOBano o6wenpH3HaHHblM npHHUHna.M ne.-

ayHaponHoro nzaaa.

2. Hi oaHa H3 CrOpoH:

a) He 4HHHT nomex HaLHOHaAbHb1 TeXHH4eCKH-1 cpencaTan KcH7-


nyHKTOM 1 HaCTORieg cTarbH; H

oJ He ri 1ieHqeT meDp laCKXpOBKH, 3aTpyAH~iLOHe OC. ecze--

HHe KOHTDOlR 3a co6niozeHviem nOrzOKeHik HacroRmero floroBopa Hau-tO-

HanbHbMH TeXHiteCKHaml cpenCTsamA KOHTpOnR, ocyecTrBnRemoro 3

COOTBeTCTBHH C nVHKTOi 1 HacroRuea CTaTbH. 3TO o6R3arenbClBO He

pacnpocTpaHReTCA Ha nDaKTHKy yKpbITIR mit HH cKpOBKH B npezenax

paRoHa pa3BeprblaaHHR, CBR3aHHyO C O6b'l4HblM ::)oueccom o6y4eHHR,

o6cnv)BaH;IR H 3KCnnYaTaHH, BKno'aR npmme- eHiHe yKpblTHK ARA 3auiH-

Tbl paKeT H nyCKOBbIX vCTaHOsOK OT Bo3ze CTB.ia aTMoc4epHIX RBneHHH.

3. ]AR coaerCTBHR Ha6AineH~te HauKOHabHbiMH TeXHHqeCK;M.t


zoroaop iexzy CTOPOHa H o COKpauieHIH H orpaHteHKH cTpaTerHxeCKax

HacTynarenbHbX BoopyxeHHR, HO B no6om cnyqae B reqeHHe He 6onee

Tpex net nocne BCTyrineHHR B CHJy HaCro~Aero foroaopa, wieer ipaao

o6parTHrbC c 3anpocoi o6 OcYUIeCTBneHHH mep Ha OCHOe COTpyAHit4e-

cTsa Ha 6a3ax pa3sepTblsaHHR zOpOwHO-mO6HRbHb[X 5PH5 c AanbHOCTbM

Cablie 5500 Ktinonerpos, KOTOpble He RBnIRTCR 6IBwHH paKeTHbMlt

onepaUCOHHblMH 6a3aNit, AHKBuiOhpoBaHHb1H cornaCHO nyHKTY 8 CrarbH NHaCTORwero Zorosopa. CropoHa, npencraAxmwaR raKog 3anpoc, coo6-

aaer Apyrok CropoHe o 6a3e pa3sepTb[IBaHH, Ha KoTopOA ocyueCrTBY-

OTCA mepbl Ha OCHOBe COTpyAHvt4eCTBa. CropoHa, 6a3a KOTOpOA nogne-

RI1T Ha6JlOAeHtt, ocyweCriTReT cneAywie mepw Ha OCHOBe CorpyAH11-


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a) o6ecne4HseaeT He flo3AHee 'em 4epe3 6 4acoa nocne npeno-

CTaBeHHR TaKorO 3anpoca OTKpwTHe KpbIW acex HaxoARwHxcA Ha 3TOR

6a3e cTauLoHapHbIX COOpy;eHHR infR nyCKOBbIX yCTaHoBOK, niOnHoe yza-

neHHe acex paKeT Ha fyCKOBbiX yCTaHOBKax H3 TaKHX cTaUHoHapHbX


nyCKOBbIX yCTaHoBKaX nOI OTKpbITbM He6OM 6e3 npHmeHeHHR mep aCKH-


b) OCTaSaReT KpbiWli OTKpblTb.1H H oCTaBnReT Ha 'ecre paKerbl

Ha nyCKObiX YC:aHoBKax a TeqeHHe 12 qacoB CC BpemeHK flonyqeH;iq

3anpoca o npoBezeHHH TaKoro Ha6noaeHHR.

KaiaR K3 CTOpOH HmeeT npaso o6pawarbcR C TaKHM 3anpocom

6 pa3 8 KazKbik KaneH.apHbI ron. YKa3aHHbie mepb Ha OCHOBe c '-

HH4'ecTBa ocyLecTsnRlOTCR otHoBpeleHHO TOnbKO Ha OZHOR 6a3e pa3-



1. nn cczeRCTBrR OCVUIecTsneHMlo UeRE:! H nonoeHH9 HECTOR-

wero florOBOpa CTopOHbl HaCTORIUHI C03,a4T CneutanbHyo KOHTPOlbHyIO

KOMHCCHio. CTOpOHb ccrnawaCTcA, LITO nC npocb6e mo6ok H3 HHX OHM

npoBoAAT BcTpeqK s pamKax CneuHanbHoA KCHTpObHOR KOM;ICCHH B


a) pa3peweHHR BonpocoB, OTHOCRWHXCR K BbinonHeHaio npHHRTbIX

o6o3a-renbcrB; H

b) cornacoBaHHR mep, KOTOpbie -oryT 6blrb HeO6XOmH1bi a)iR

nOBbIeHHR )KH3Hecnoco6Hoct-H it 44eKTHBHOCTH HaCToRulero foroaopa.

2. CropoHbl Hcnonb3ylor UeHTpi no ymexb~eHn AepHoR onac-

HOCTH, KOTOpble o6ecneqrtsalOT nOCTOAHHYIO CBR3b mexAy CropoHalsl, B


a) o6MeHa aaHHbI.I; u npeaocraBneHHR yBemoneHflH, KaK 3TO

Tpe6yercA nyHKTaMH 3, 4, 5 i 6 CraTbH IX HacroAuero Qoroeopa H


b) riepeAaq H nonyqeHIR coo6weHHA, Tpe6yembix fyHKTOM 9

CTaTbH X HacToRAwgro forosopa;

c) npezocTaBneHHA H nonyqeHHA yaeoMfneHH o6 HHcneKLItRx,

KaK 3TO Tpe6yercR cTaTbeA XI Hacro~wero fOrOBOpa H flporoKooM 06

HHcneKuvHRX; H

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d) nepeaLH K nony'qeHHA 3anpocoa OTHOCHTenbHO 'ep Ra

OCHOBe corDyZHHecTaa, KaK 3To npeayCeoTpeHo a nyHKTe 3cTaTbH XrI HaCToawero !oroBopa.

C0opOHbl co6mOzaOT HaCTORWHtl .2oraop, He npHHH.maioT HHKaKHX

.e;KzvHaponHbrx o63aTenbcrs H He npezKpHHHtawT HltKaKHX .ie:g:'. .a-

pOnHbIx u , a.o<L-me , O''OO eq:n 6bi ero nono.KeMsR'1.

Cra:bA XV

1. :aCTOA~tfi ."oroBop SIBl~eCR 6e--:0oqHbl-1.

2. Kaxzaa H3 CTOpOH a nop;LZKe oc. :ecTBneHHR; caoero rocy-

,napcTSeHHOrO cyBepeH~rera vaeer npaso M .'i 13 HacroRwero floro-Bopa, ecnst oHa peuiwr, 4ro CB-a3aHHbie c co.zea:,caHHem HacroR,'ero

2orosopa cK.LoqtTenbHble 06¢OArOw:ebCraa nocraa;iist noa .v-Do." eeSblCU3"'e 'TCeDeCZbi. Oma vaezomnqer pv:v',.o C-oOOH%" 0 :7p;;HAT3N" EC

pe",eHitu Sb It1 H3 HacToAUlero I0CoBO-3 33 O2-zrb :e:A.ue _-0 sbIXol: .

B TaKO'n ysez0ineHHlIH coaep:K;!tTC 3aRBneHite o5 4IO'!bHbX .O-

cTORTelb,:."sax. KOTOpbie yseAOMnTlRbuaa CrOpOHa paZ-:'I.D:saer K.K

nocraeu s;ue noz yrpo3 ee sblIC:le HHTepecbl.


KaxzaA ;3 CTOpOH .O~er npeanaraTb rncnDaBKt,! Hc':aa-aa"

2oro8opV. CorfaCosa3HHble nOnpoaKu arTynaior 8 c:qrv S aOOTBe7,d7;HIt

C b3noA/eHHblt B CTaTbe X*I! npouezypam,, perynupyo.,it-itu BcT-:f

neHxe a citnv HacToAt±aero Ulorosopa.

CrarbR AVur

I. Hac"ow uw florosop, BKflIOqaR %lemopamaym o oroaopeHHocrui

f £pO.OKOn bI, -nIsoumHecA ero HeOTbemneleo '4aCTbO, noa e,%x z :2;t-.IKaLUHH B OOTseTCTBHH C KOHCTHTVUHOHHbMM npoienypa.ix KaA,,0o; ;t3

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C-opOH. HacroRWHR -torosop acrytnaeT a cKny a zeHb o6meHa paT;t;-

KaUHOHH5I,1H rpaIorama.

2. HacToRaM11 -loroBop 5v-eT 3apertcrpHpOaaH a CooTaeT:'Taft

Co zTazbe~l 1D2 YrCaa 0p."aHtt3auit;t Q6be.7HHeHHb( iauHt.

CoBeD.UeHO a BaiJHHrTOHe 5 ;eKa6pA 1917 roza a flBVX .K3 -

nRpax. KaAzbi2 Ha pyccK'<o ,t a 1i,91'0t CKO, R3blKaX, npH'qe. o -

HKelOT ozHHaKoayo cmny.l

3a Coo3 COBeTCKHXCoUxHajmcIHqeCKHX Pecny6mi:

[Signed - Signe] I

FeHepar6HbiH CeKpeTapbiu KHICC

3a CoeaHHeHHbieLHTaTbi AMepHKH:

[Signed - Signe]2

Hpe3HlaeHT Coe,4HHeHmlxLITaTOB AMepHKH

I Signed by Mikhail Gorbachev - Sign6 par Mikhail Gorbachev.2

Signed by Ronald Reagan - Signd par Ronald Reagan.

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B CooTseTCTBHH c nonoxeHKAMH H a ocymeCTeneHHe Ilorosopa

mexny Coa3on CoaeTcKHx CouHancTaqecKHx Pecny6nwK K CoeAxHeHHWMK

WTaTamH AMepHKH 0 nKKBKla"HH Hx paKeT cpezHeR AaAbHOCT H leHbmeR

AanbHOCTH OT 8 AeKa6pR 1987 roza, HHxe HmeHyemoro RorOBOpOM,

CTopoHM o6meHRRHCb zaHHbiMH no COCTORHHO Ha I HoA6pR 1937 roza a

OTHOweHHK paKeT cpeAHeR zahbHOCTH H meHbweg AanbHoCTH, nylKOBb[X

yCraHOBOK TaKHx paKeT, a TaKxe CBR3aHHX C TaKHH paxeamu a1

nyCKOBbIMH yCTaHOBKaIH BCnOMOraTebHWX CoopyxeHHA H acnonoraTen-

Horo o6opygoaaHHR.

I. OnpezeneHKA

ZnA ueneg HacToaqero MemopaHAyma o aorOBOpeHHOCTH, forcso3a,

flpoToKona o nHKBHAauHH H tnporOKOna 06 HHCneKuHKX:

1. TepnHH "o6*eKT no npOH3BOACTBY paKer" o3Ha4aeT o6beKr


AanbHOCTH HuH meHbeR AanbHOCTH nH60 cyueCTBYbuHX THnOB K(HS.

2. TepHK "mecTo peMoHTa paKeT" o3HaqaeT meCTo, rze ocy-

weCTanROTCA peMOHT HRH 06cnyxxaaHHe paKer cpeAHeR AanbHOCTA HnH


ocymecrTRReMWM Ha paKeTHOR onepaUHOHHOR 6aae.

3. TepniHH "06beKT 1o npOH38OACTBy nyCKOBMX yCTaHOBOK"


4. TepMHH "'eCTo penOHTa nyCKO8bIX YCTaHOSOK" o3HaqaeT

mecTo, r e ocy~aeCTBInRTCR peOHT HfnH o6cnyXHaaHHe nyCKOBbIX yCTa-


wHecR K OCMOTpy H 06cAyXzsaHHO, ocyweCTBnremWM Ha paKeTHOR

onepaUHOHHOR 6a3e.

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5. Tepnxx "xcnTaTenbxbH nonxroH" o3HaqaeT paRox, rie

ocyweCTBf*dTrA neTxbe HcnWTaHHR paKer cpenxeg AaAbxOCTH x n

meHbwek AaRbHOCTH.

6. TepmHH "meCTO o6yteHHA" o3Haqaer pacnonoxexHoe aHe

npeAenoa paKeTHoR onepauHoHHoR 6a3W mecTo, rze npOZHTCR O6yqe-

HHe nxHoro cocTaBa 3KcnnyaTaUHH paKeT cpeAHeA iafbHOCTH HRH

meHbweg ganbHOCTH nK6o nyCKOBWX YCTaKOBOK TaKHx paKeT K rae


7. TepixH ",eCTO CKnaaCKoro xpaHeHHR paKer" O3KaaeT

pacnonoxeHoe sHe npenenoa paKeTxoR onepauKoHxoR 6a3b mecTo, rze

HaxozATCR Ka cKnazCKO xpaHeHH paKeTi cpeZHeg AaRbHOCTH HuH

meHbweg aabHOCTH nH6o CTyneHH TaKHX p3KeT.

3. TepMHH "meCTO cKnazcKoro xpaxeHH nyCKOawX yCTamoaoK"

o3HaqaeT pacnonoxeHxoe aHe npezenos paKeTHOR onepaHOHHOR 6a3w

mecTo, rAe HaXOARTCR Ha cKnaalCKOM xpaHeHHH nycKoBBe yCTaHOBKH

paKeT cpeAHek aanbHOCTR HuH eHbwek zanbHOCTM.

9. TepnHH "mecTo nliKxcaaLsxH" o3HaiaeT meCTO, rze nHKBHAH-

pyOTCA paKeT cpenHeA jxanbHOCTH HKH meHbWeH AanbHOCrH, cryneHH

paKeT H nyCKOBme yCTaHOSKH TaKHX paKer HnH acnomorarenbHoe o6opy-


10. TepMHH "acnomoraTelbHoe o6opyzoaaHe" 03Ha4aeT cne-

uHanbHwe rpaxcnOpTH e cpeAcTSa m 106xnbHoe HnH TpaHcnopTa6enbxoe

o6opyAoBaxHe, KOTopme o6ecneRxBaT 3KcnnyaTauxe pa3aepxyToR

paKeru cpeAHeA zabHOCTM HnH meHbweR AabHOCTH nH60 nyCKOBoR

ycTaHOBKH TaKOR paKeTM. B cocTas acnomoraTenbHoro o6opyAosaHxR

SKnoqa*TcR nooHomacWTa6xHe y4e6hme paKeT 5 HHepTHoM cxapRXexHx,

noHomacuTa6Hwe cTyneHx yqe6xwx paKeT a HHepTHoM cHapRxeHHH,

nOnHoacWTa6Hwe y4e6xwe nycKoBbie KOTeRHepw a KxepTHOM Cxapqxelit.

K y4e6HMe nyCKoame ycraKOaKH, HenpHrOAHme AIR nycKa paKeTr.

flepeqeHb TaKoro BcnomoraTejbHoro O6OpyzOBaHMR, CaR3aHHoro C

Kazzmm cymeCTByOLU M THIOm paKer x nycKoaBMH YCTaHOSKaMH TaKHX

paKer, 3a HCKIAaeHHem yqe6Horo o6opyAosaHHR, coAePXHTCR a

pa3Aene VI HacroRwero MemopaHmyma o zoroBopeHHOCTH.

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11. TepiHH "BcnortoraTelbHoe coopyxeHHe" o3Ha,4aeT

cneumaRbHoe CTauHoHapHoe coopyxeHHe, Hcnonb3yemoe AAu o6ecne4eHHR

3KcnnyarauHH pa3aepHyTbIX paKeT cpemHeR aubHOCTH nH6O nyCKOBbIX

YCTaHOBOK TaKHX paKer. nepeqeHb TaKHX BCnOmoraTenbHblX coopyxeHHk.

CBR3aHHb[X C KaXIblM cywecTByUH, rHnoM paKer H nlyCKOBIMH

YcTaHoeKaMH TaKHx paKeT, 3a HCKnoqeHHem yqe6Horo o6OpyAOBaHR.

coaepxwTCR s pa3nene V! HaCToRmero MemopaHnyma o aOrOsOpeHHOCTH.

12. TepIHKH "CTapTOsaR n03HKUHR AR HcneoBaHHw H

pa3pa6o-rOK" o3HaiaeT O6beKT, Ka KOTrOpO ocymeCTBlRIOTCR IIVCKH

npeZxa3Ha4eHHbx AAR HccnezosaKKR w pa3pa6OTOK yCKOpHTenbHbIX


!I. 06mHe KOnHqeCTaa paKeT cpeflii ZabHOCTH H meHbwegnanbHocTH H nVfKOBbWX VCTaHoazK TaKHX paKeT,noznazaowHx nog ze~crsHe 26or3opa

I. HHxe npoHBOARTC KoflHqecrsa paKer cpeAHeR zanbHOCTH H

nyCKOBbIX yCTaHOBOK raKHx paKer ZnR Kaxncr -.3 CrOpOH:


paKerbI .70 429

Hepa3sepHyrwe paKerw 356 266

Cy1mapHoe KonmqecTao pa3sepHyrMx HHepa3BepsyrblX paKeT 326 695

CymmapHoe KonHqecTao BopWX cTyneHeA 650 238

Pa3BepHybe nycKOebie ycraHoaKH 484 214

Hepa3sepHyTre nycKosme YCTa~HOKH 124 68

CymmapHoe KOnwHecTao pa3BepKyTbiX HHepa3sepsyTmx nyCKOBUX YCTasooK 608 232

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194 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

2. HHxe nPKBOATCA KOAH4eCTa paKeT meHbwek aanbHOCTH H

nycKo0bIX ycTaHOSOK TaKHX paKeT AII Kazilog H3 CTOpOH:


Pa3sepHyrble paKeTbl 387 )

Hepa3eepHyTbe paKeTb 539 170

CyimapHoe KonHqecTBo pa3BepHyTbX K

Hepa3sepHyrblx paKer 926 170

Cy mapHoe KOnHqeCTBo BTOpWX cryneHeA 726 175

Pa3sepHyTbie nyCKoabie YCTaHOBKH 197 0

Hepa3aepHyTwe nycKoBe ycTaHOBKH 40 1

CymapHoe KonHmecTo pa3BepHyTrbx HHepa3asepHyTrbx nyCKOBWX ycTaHoBoK 237

III. PaKeTi coenHeg zabHOCTH, nycKoabe YCTaHOBKH:aKHX paKeT H CBA3aHHbie c T3KHMH PaKeTamH HnVCKOBblMH VCTaHOBKamH scno :'raTenbHlbe COOpyxeHHA HscnomoraTenbHoe o6opvz OaH;:e

1. ?a3aeoHvrbie

Hwxe npHBOnArCR paRoHW pa3BepTblBaHHR, paKerHbie onepauKoHHle

6a3bl, mecTa Hx pacnonoxeHHA K KOAHteCTsa X A Kaxzog H3 CTOpOH

Bcex pa3sepHyTbX paKeT cpeAHeR A3AbHOCTH, yKa3aHHbIX a Ka4ecTae

cywecTrylWHX TH1rOB B cTaTbe III lorosopa. nyCKOBblX yCTaHoBOK


scnomoraTenbHblx CoopyXeHHA H BcnomoraTenbHOro o6opyaosaHHR. fnaHbl

Kaxok H3 nepeqHcfleHHblX paKeTHbIX onepaKHOHHbiX 6a3 C yKa3aHKe- ee

rpaHH H KOpAHHaT ueHrpa np~naraOTcR I HaCToAuiemy MemopaHzymy o

AorOBOpeHHOCTH. rpaHH"W paRoHoa pa3BepTblBaHHR o6o3HaialrcR

yKa3aHHem reorpaHmecKHX KOOpAHHaT, coezHHeHHblx npRbmmH nHHHRMH,

HRH AHHeAHblMH OpHeHlpamH, BKnwqaA rocyzapcraeliiwe rpaHHubl, peKH.

vene3Hwe HKRH mocceRHe zoporH.

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

BcnoMoraTenbHwenycKoBwe coopvxeHwA K

PaKeTbI ycTaHoaKH o6opVZoBaHxe

a) Co3 CoBeTCKHX CouKanHCTHqecKHx Pecny6nHK

-) "PCD-10"

PaRoH pa3aeptblBaHKA


55 12 1354 52 4754 43 5355 01 13

c.w. 027 00 00 a.g.026 41 18026 04 07026 03 43

PaKeTxaA onepauHoHHaR 5a3a


55 09 7 c.m. 026 54 21 a.a.

9 9 fycKoBoqKoHTekHeD - 9


zn paKerW -0

CTauLOHapHoecoopyxeHHe anRnyCKOBORyCTaHOBKK - 9Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0

PaRoH oa3aeoTaaHHR


55 23 44 C.,1.55 01 0355 01 1655 16 22

023 42023 15027 48027 49

29 a.z.034605

9 9 lnycKosoRKOHTenHep - 9

TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcTrO AnApaKeT - 0

CTauosapHoecoopyxeHwe ARAnyCKOBOAyCTaHOBKH - 9

Yqe6HaApaKera - 0

PaKeTHaA onepauxoHHaR 6a3a


55 24 19 c.m. 028 33 29 B.A.

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196 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

Bcnomora rebHblenycKoawe coopy eHA H

PaKerW YCTaHOSKH o6opyaosaHHe

Pa&oH Da3seorblBaHHR


37 3623 0732 1539 32

c.w. 023 23029 20029 09023 10

49 B.A.25-72 0J

?aKeTHaR oneDauHoHHaR 6a3a

0o 2ouK

53 22 34 c.w. 023 44 17 B.c.

9 fnyCKOaOKoHTeftHep - 9

TpaHcnoprHoecpezcrao anRpaKerbl - -

CraumoHap oecoopyxeHHe anAnyCKO BC:;yCTaHOBK - 9

Yqe6HaRpaKera - 0



5- 37 .3 c.w.5.L 22 375- 37 i15. -3 21

026 52026 52025 41026 15

34 a.z.375313

?3Ke.HaR onepauHoxHax 6a3a

3 6opr2oxb

5 36 13 ¢.w. 026 23 05 B.A.

OycKoB0oKOHTeHep - 9

TpaxcnopTHoecpecrao AAApaKerbl - 0

CrauKoHapHoecoopyxeHe nAAnyCKoBaVCTaHoaKH -


pakera - 0

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 197

BcnomorareibxblenycKoBue coopyxe..HH

PaKeTb ycTaHoBKH o6opyzoaaHwe

PaRoH pa3aBepTb[laHHR


54 29 01 c.w.54 05 0454 24 1454 35 27

026 26025 53025 31026 19

40 8.A.591310

PaKeTxaR onepauoHHaA 6a3a


54 31 36 c.w. 026 17 20 B.A.

9 fnycKoaoRKoHTeAHep -

TpaHcnoprxoecpencTao ZAApaKerT - 0

CTauHoLapHoecoopyeHae e RAnyCKOaoAycTaHOBKH - 9

Yqe6xpaxeTa -


53 45 2453 34 0053 42 2553 3- 05

c.. 025 29024 49024 38025 10

02 B.A.351517

PaKeTHaR onepaUHOHNaA 6a3a

53 47 39 c.u. 025 20 27 B.A.

9 flycKoBoAKoHTeAxep - 9

Tpa~cnopTHoecpencTo ARApaKeTbM - 0

CTaUKoHapKoecoopyxeHxe An

nyCKOBORyCTaHOBKH - 9YLe6HaRpaxeTa - 0

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198 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s

Bcomo raTenbHb, eycKoBwe coopyxeA H

PaKeT ycTaHoBKt o6opynoBaHwe

PaRoH pa3Bepr~bsaHa

Ce3 r an bi

33 33 5353 23 4353 12 -653 22 57

c.w. 025 25025 26025 03024 35

33 B.A.123343

PaKerHaR onepaHoHHaR 6a3a

rVe3 ran bi

53 32 30 c.m. 025 16 4 a .A.

6 flycKoaoAKOHTeRHep - a

TpaHcnopTHoecpezcrBo anApaKerb -

CrauKoHapHoecoopyxeHxe znRnyCKOBO.1YCTaHO8KH - 0Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0

PaROH pa3sePrblBaHHR


15 . ,.

-. 5

025 55 42 a.025 31 08023 09 00025 30 20

PaKerHaA onepauHoxHaR 6a3a


52 33 54 can. 023 21 39 a. .

9 fnycKoaoftKOHTeRHep - 9TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcTBo AInRpaKeTW - 0

CraUHoapHoecoopyxeHme AnnnyCKOBORyCTaHOBK - 9

Yqe6HaApaKera - 0

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BcnomorarenbKweaycKoawe coopyxeHMA H

PaKebI YCTaHOSKH o6opyzosaHHe

PaRoH pa3aepTblsaHHR


52 53 2152 46 3232 5 5233 07 34

c.w. 024 33024 43024 16024 22

40 a.232614

PaKerHaa onepauHoHHaR 6a3a


52 49 29 c.m. 024 43 45 a..

6 fnycKoBoRKoHTeAHep -

TpaHcnopTHoecpeZcrSo ZqApaKerb -)

CTauHOHaDHoecoopy4Celie annyCKOBORyCraHOSKH -Yqe6HaApaKera - 0



32 37 5352 22 0052 32 3652 45 52

c.m. 024 43024 10023 56024 16

50 B.l.523426

PaKeTHaR onepauHoNHaR 6a3a


52 30 38 c.w. 024 08 43 B-.A

6 flyCKOBORKOKTeRxep - 6

TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcrao AAApaKer - 0

CraUHoHapHoecoopyxeHHe A7InyCKOBORyCTaHOBKH - a

Yqe6HaRpaKera - 0

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200 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 1991

ScnomorarenbHwbeflycKoBbie coopyxeHKR K

PaKeTW YCTaHOSKH o6opyaoaaH~e

PaRoH pa3aepTbIsaHHR


52 05 3151 39 0551 .42 0051 52 57

c.m. 029 13029 39029 01023 51

3 .4 .313032

?aKerHaA onepauHoHHaR 6aa


52 02 27 c.w. 029 11 15 8.n.

9 lnyCKoBoRKOHTeRHep - 9

TpaHcnOpTHCecpeacrso :=hpaKeTb - :

CTauHOHapHoecoopVweHate AJRAnyCKOBC;l

YCTaHOBK, -Yqe6Han

paKeTa - 0

PaRoH pa3seorbIsaHHR


32 16 2932 03 0652 03 3352 27 -7

c.m. 029 03023 4302Q 13023 23

04 a.n.40


PaKerHaa onepauHOHHa 6aaa


32 10 29 c.w. 023 34 32 a. .

'IVCKOBORKoHreAHep - 6TpaHcnopTHoecpenc-TBO AnpaKeTbI - 0

CTauKoHapHoecoopyxeHHe zAnnyCKOBORYCTaHO8KH - 6

Y4e6HaApaKera - 0

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 201

8cnomorarenbHwenycKoBbe coopyxeHHRA

PaKeTbI yCTamOSKH o6opvzosasxe

PaRoH pa3BepTbtaaHKR

32 23 4032 08 3352 08 5552 24 31

c.m. 023 10028 10027 1027 14

31 a.z.070106

PaKeTHaA OneDauwoHHaR 6a3a


52 11 36 c.w. 027 48 07 a.z.

o fycKoaoAKoHTeRxep - 6

TpaHcnOpTHoecpeACTBO RAlpaKeTb -CrauHOHapHoecoopyxeHHe znRnyCKOBO;lyCTaHOBKH - 0Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0

PaRox pa3aepTrBaaHK


52 26 3452 05 2751 47 4752 13 03

c.u. 030 21030 43030 23030 00

10 a.Q.262753

PaKeTHaA onepaUHOHHaR 6a3a


52 11 53 c.a. 030 07 11 Ba.

flVCKOBOAKoHreRsep - 6tpaHcnopTHoecpezcTao znApaKer - 0

CrauxoHapHoecoopyxeHe znanyCKO BOyCTaHOBKH - 6Yqe6xaApaKeTa - 0

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202 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

BcnoMoraTenbHueflycKosme cgoopI!eHR K

PaKeT YCTaHOSKH 0 56oaKe

PaAoH Da3seTbBaHHA


53 23 29 c.w.53 02 3153 13 3553 28 40

027 57028 07027 25027 23

50 B.A.590955

PaKerTaA onepauHoHxaA 6a3a


53 14 20 c.w. 027 42 15 s.z.

9 lnycKoaoRKOHTeAHep - 9

TpaHcnopTmoecpencrafo anpaKerbI - 0

CrauKouapHoecoopyxeHle AnRnycKOSORyCTaHoaKH - 9Y'e6HaapaKera - 0

PaRox Da3sePTBaHMR


025 34025 34025 16025 26

51 a.A.494959

PaKeTHaR onepauxoHiaA 6a3a


50 36 07 c.m. 025 36 26 s.A.

9 flyCKOBORKoHTeftxep - 9

TpaucnopTHoecpeAcTao nApaKeTW - 0CTauHoHapHoecoopyxeHxe ARAaycKOaoRycTaHoaKH - 9Yqe6HanpaKera - 0

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Bcno.oraTenbHbleflycKoable coopyxeH A K

PaKeTW yCTaHO8Kt o6opynosaNHe

Pa~oK oa3BeprbIsaHWR


51 10 0550 43 5430 . 7 3531 11 22

c.w. 025 27025 07024 33024 35

PaKerHaR onepaUHOHHaR 6a3a


50 50 06 c~m. 025 04 02 S.A.

9 flycKoaoRKOHTeRHep - 9TpaxcnoprHoecpencrao a1Apa~etbI -


coopyxeHHe znAnycKoBokyCTaHOBKH - 9

Yqe6HaApaKeTa - 0

PaRoH pa3seprblsaHH;

EpOnbI50 1- 0050 30 -650 17 L250 22 10

c.m. 025 29025 09024 41024 38

11 S.n.305533

PaKeTHaa onepaUHOHsaR 6a3a


50 06 09 c.w. 025 12 14 B.c.

9 flyCKOaORKoHreAHep - 9

TpaHcnopTxoecpezcrBo nARpaxer - 0CrauHosapHoecoopyxeKxe AnanyCKOBORyCTatOBKH 9

Yqe6KaRpaKeza - 0

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204 United Nations - Treaty Series o Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

BcnomoraTeAbHwenyCKOse SoyHjR

PaKeTbl yCTaHOSK4 aoloV o0aHKe

PaRoH pa3seOr~blaHHR


50 41 07 c.m. 024 3350 13 10 024 3330 19 02 024 1130 36 26 024 17

38 B.A.453015

PaKeTHaA onepaUHoHHaA 6a3a


50 22 45 c.m. 024 13 16 B.A.

9 [lycKOBORKoHTeAHep - 9

TpaHcnopTxoecpeZcTBO ZIApaKeTbl -

CTaumoHapHoeCoopyxeHme znAnyCKoBOAlyCTaHOBKH - 9

Yqe6HaRpaKera - 0



50 13 5530 08 0750 07 5950 29 33

c.w. 027 03027 03026 16026 29

22 a.A.212234

PaKeTHaA onepaUHoHHaA 6a3a


50 17 05 c.w. 026 41 31 B.A.

9 fnyCKOBORKoHreRHep - 9

TpaHcnopTHoecpeAcTao AARpaKeTW - 0

CrauKoHapxoecoopyxexe ZA)nycKoBoRyCTaHOBK - 9

Yqe6HaxpaKeTa - 0

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

BcnomoraTenrHbtefycKoabie coopy.xeH

PaKeTM YCTaHOBKH o6opymosaHxe

?atoH Da3seprbsaH4R

SenoKopO K.Hq

51 10 1950 51 3551 21 2;51 21 22

c.W. 023 12027 51327 01027 37

04 B.Z.07435

P3KersaA oneoauHoHHaA 6a3a


51 10 45 c.w. 023 03 20 a.z.

9 9 fnycKoBoRKoHTeAHep - 9

TpaHcnopTHoecpezcrBo alnpaKebf -CrauioxapHoecoopy;KeHe ZflRnycKOSOtYCTaHoaBK -

Yqe6HaRpaKera - 0

PaROH Da3aepTbIsaHwR


51 11 3550 52 2351 05 5351 20 57

029 10029 5302i 22023 26

23 a.z.3b1407

PaKeTHaA onepaUHOHHa 6a3a


51 12 22 c.ui. 028 26 37 s.z.

-LVC KO 8 0KOHTeRHep - 9TpaHcnoprHoecpeACTBO AARpaKerbl - 0CrauHoHapoecoopyxeHe AnRnyCKOBOAyCraHOBKH - 9

Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0

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206 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

BcnomoraTenbHWbIOycKOBble coopvxeHHA H

PaKerN YCTaHOsKH o6opvAosaHmHe

PaRoH Da3BepTblBaHHR

BbICOKaA ne4b

50 29 1350 09 '.950 10 1050 29 33

c.x. 023 21023 20027 40027 43

10 B.A.371953

PaKerHaA oneDaUHOHHaRi 5a3a

8bcOKaR fle4b

50 10 11 c.,u. 023 16 22 B.A.

6 6 1lycKoaoA

KoHreAHep -

TpaHcnoprHoecpeZCrBO Z.ApaKeri - -

Crau~oHapHoecoopyweHate AARnycKo8o;ycTaHosKg -


paKera - 0


BbICOKaA fle4b

30 13 33 -..•9 56 07-9 52 -250 07 39

029 01029 10023 06023 20

05 B.A.234733

PaKerHaA onepauKoKHaR 6a3a

BbiCoKaA neqb

50 05 43 c.w. 023 22 09 B.A.

6 6 nycKoBoRKoHTeAHep - 6

TpaHcnopTHoecpencrao AnIpaKeTbl - 0

CrauHoHapHoecoopyxeH~e zn

nycKoBORyCTaHORKH - 6Yqe6HanpaKera - 0

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 207

BcnomoraTeAbHbenyCKOmble COOPYjeHMR H

PaKeTbl YCzaHOBKH o6Opy4o0aRxe

Pa~oH Da3BepTblsaHHR


50 54 3150 .11 3450 42 0550 55 01

c.w. 029 02029 02023 23023 23

51 a.A.1620

PaKeHaR oneDaQHoHHaA 6a3a


50 52 22 c.w. 023 31 17 a.z.

6 6 nycKoaoRKOHTefuep -

TpaHcncp:HoecpezzsTB anApaKeTbl - 0

Cr autoHapxoe


Yqe6HaRpaKera -,3

Paox pa.38eOTblsaHHA


50 35 26 c.,.50 12 1050 1- 2550 35 42

034 41034 00033 50034 21

41 a.A.31232r

PaKerHaR onepauHoHHaA 6a3a


50 33 06 c.w. 034 26 02 s.A.

9 9 OycKoBoRKOHTeAHep - 9TpaucnoprHoecpeAcTro AARpaKeTl - 0

CTauoHapHoecoopyxeHne AARnycKoaoHyCTaHOSKH -

Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0

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208 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

BcnomoraTenbHuerlycKoBble c0oyXKeHA

PaKerN ycraHoSKH o6opyzoaaKHe

PaRoK pa3BepTBaaHHA


52 02 1651 36 2151 34 2252 02 21

c.w. 033 52033 55033 27033 33

23 S.A.264,223

PaKeTHaR onepauxoHHaR 6a3a


51 41 00 c.w. 033 30 56 S.A.

9 9 lycKoaoRKoHTeRHep - 9

TpaKcnODPHoecpez¢cBO Ana

paKerbl - 0Cr auHOHapHOecoopy4'eHHe lRRnyCKooRycraHOBKH -

Yqe6HaxpaKera - 0

PaRoH pa3sePTbiaHaJR


51 4,2 59 c.m.51 23 3151 23 3751 43 02

033 27033 37032 56033 10

47 B.A.563325

PaKeTHaA onepauHoH~aA 6a3a


51 36 44 c.w. 033 29 17 8.A.

9 9 nycK0BoRK0HTreHep - 9

TpaHcnopTHoecpencrao ARApage =I - 0

CraUKoHapHoecoopyxeKme AnanycKOBORyCTaHOBKH - 9

Yqe6HaapaKera - 0

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BcnomoraTenbHu.nycKoawe coopyxeH K

PaleM ycTaHoBKH o6opyzoaaHie

PaRoH pa3sepTuBaHMA

AXTrbp a

50 17 5849 49 5950 10 0350 18 24

c.m. 034 54034 50033 57034 24

32 a.z.050613

PaKeTHaR onepaUHOHHaR 6a3a


50 16 01 c.w. 034 49 53 a.a.

9 9 [lycKoaoRKOHTeRHep - 9

TpaHCnOpTHOecpeflCTBO ARApaKeTbl - 0

CTau loHapHoecoop)y eHHe AnnnycKoBoA


Ye6Ha 0paKe~a - 0

PaRoH pa3seoTbIsaHHa


30 10 4349 54 OS50 13 2450 26 42

c.w. 035 34035 00034 24034 48

34 B.C.161307

PaKeTHaR onepauKoHHax 6a3a


50 21 59 c.m. 034 57 03 B.2A.

9 9 nyCKOBORKoHTeRHep - 9

TpaHcnopTHoecpeACTBO AlnRpaKeb - 0

CrauKOHapHoecoopyxeHe AAA1nyc~oaok

YCaHOBKH - 9Yqe6HaRpaKera - 0

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210 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitis 1991

BcnomorarenbHueflycKoabie coopyxeHURKH

PaKerM yCTaHOSKM o6opVyoaaHHe

Pa~oH pa3sepTlBaHaHR


55 51 09 c.w. 053 5235 14 33 083 4955 21 52 083 0355 30 29 033 09

23 a.z.494109

PaKeTHaR onepauHoHHaA 6a3a


55 22 03 c.w. 083 13 52 s.g.



55 06 17 c.w. 083 34 1154 57 40 083 33 3855 0 53 082 52 4555 24 16 082 53 40

9 9 nVcKoaoRKOHTe !Hep -

TpaHCnOpTHoecpezcrso fn

paKerbl - 0CrauloHapHoecoopyxeHHe zntRnyCKOBORyCTaHOBKH - 9Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0


PaKeTHaA onepauHoHHax 6a3a


55 22 57 c.m. 032 55 16 a.A.

9 9 nycKoaoRKOHTeAHep - 9

TpaHcnopTHoecpeACTBO AnR

paKeTW - 0CrauosapHoecoopyxexHe znAnyCKOaORyCTaHOBKH - 9Y4e6HaApaKera - 0

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BcnomorarenbbinycKoawe coopyzexH H

PaKeTW YCTaHOBKH o6opyzosaxHe

Pa~ox pa38 epTbaaHH


55 31 47 c.w.55 13 2655 20 0135 4,0 13

034 08082 56082 49084 00

57 a.z.


PaKeTHaR onepauHoHHaR 5a3a


53 19 32 c.w. 032 56 13 s.z.

9 9 nycKoaogKoHTeRHep -

TpaHcnoDTHoecpezcTBo aARpaKetbl - 0

CTauHoKapHoecoopyxeHHe znRnyCKOBOAyCTaHOBKH - 9Yqe6HaApaKeTa - 0



08 0152 5611 1722 00

c.w. 083 53083 52082 56083 01

07 B.A.024907

PaKerHaA onepaUHoHHaA 6a3a


55 18 44 c.m. 083 01 38 B.A.

9 9 fycKoeoRKOHTeRHep - 9

TpaHcnopTHoeepeACrTO nApaceTbi - 0

CraQHoHapxoecoopyxeHxe AnyCKO8ORycraHOBKH 9

Yqe6HaApaKera - 0

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212 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

BcnomoraTebHeflycKoable coopy, eHHA H


PaAoH paaaepTusaHHR


33 03 33 c.w. 034 1354 33 12 084 1953 04 49 082 5655 22 00 033 01

27 a.u.103007

PaKeTmaA onepauHoxHaA 6a3a


55 19 07 c.u. 033 09 59 B.g.

9 9 IlycKosoRKOHreRHep - 9

TpamcncpTHoeCpeACrSO AAApaKe:b - 0


coopyxeHHe AAAnyCKOBOycTaHOBKH - 9

Yqe6HaxpaKeTa - 0

PaRoH oa3BeDrbaaHHR


44 0222 2322 49&- 16

c.m. 113 08113 07112 46112 34

33 a..325239

PaKeTHaA onepauxoHHaR 6a3a


51 27 20 c.m. 113 03 42 s.A.

9 9 nycKOBORKOKTeRHep - 9

TpaHcnopTHoecpezcTao ZAA

paKerbl - 0CrauKoHapHoecoopyxemHe znRnyCKOBORYCTaHOBKH - 9Yqe6HaApaKera - 0

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

Bcnomorarellb NnycKosble coopyxeHMA H


PaRox pa3aepTblaaHHR


51 37 3451 22 2351 18 3951 27 14

c.w. 113 03113 07112 36112 40

14 a.n.322308

PaKemaR onepauHOHHaR 6a3a


51 26 10 c.u. 113 02 43 S.A.

PaRoH pa3BeptbIBaHH


51 24 52 c.w. 112 5351 20 36 112 5051 13 5 112 1551 23 13 112 15

9 9 flyCKOaORKoHTeRHep - 9

TpaHCnopTHoecpemcTso AnapaKeTbl - 0

CTau~oHapHoecoopyxeHme anRnyCKOBORycTaHOBKH - 9

Yqe6HaRpaKera - 0

51 B.Z.134451

PaKeTHaA onepautHOHHa 6a3a


51 22 59 c.. 112 49 55 a.A.

9 9 flyccoSoRKOHTeftHep - 9

TpaHcnopTHoecpeACTSO AnapaKeTM - 0

CTauKoHapHoecoopyseH~e AnRnycKoaoRycTaHoBKm - 9

Yqe6HaApamera - 0

Vol. 1657. 1-28521


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214 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

BcnomoraTeAbflycKoBbe coopyv,3'eHKA K

PaKeTbl YCTaHOBKH o6opyoaaHHe

PaRoH pa3aeprbaaHHA


51 26 5451 13 1351 13 .751 29 39

c.w. 113 00113 03112 26112 19

50 B.z.540329

PaKerHaA onepauKoHHaA 6a3a

5 8poa1a5

51 20 13 can. 113 00 54 Ba..

9 9 fycKoaoAKoHTeAHep -

TpaHcnopruoecpencrso anapaKeTbl - 0CrauHoHapHoecooD.-eHxe znRflYCKOBOrtYCTaHOBKH -

Yqe6HaApaKeTa - 0

PaRoH pa3BepTbBaHH


51 33 19 c.w.51 22 3251 22 4951 33 36

113 )4113 04112 46112 47

35 B.a.055217

PaKeTraa onepauHoHiaA 6a3a


51 23 49 c.m. 112 32 13 s.z.

9 9 flycKosoKOHTeAHep - 9TpaHcnopTHoecpeAcTBo ZIapaKerT - 0

Crau oHapnoecoopyxeHme AnAnycKosOgycTaHOaKH - 9Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 215

BcnomoraTeRbHbIflyCKoabie COOpyKHHR K

PaKer~i YCTaHO8KH o6opvAoaaHe


GapHayn53 54 32 c...53 .-3 .4653 35 3053 --. 16

084 010-'4 01053 430A3 36

02 a.a.430724

PaKeTHaR onepaUHoHHaA 6a3a


53 46 03 c.w. 033 57 11 a.a.

PaRoH pa3aeprbIaaHHA


53 29 21 c.w. 054 3132 55 43 053 4753 13 -7 083 4353 29 02 084 17

9 9 nyCKOBOR

KOH:etHtep - 9TpaKciopTHoecpencraO AAApaKerbl - 0

CTau;toHapHoecoopyxeHie anRnyCKOBORYCTaHOBKH - 9

Yqe6HaApaKera - 0

45 a.n.5756is

PaKeTHaR onepaUKOHHaR 6a3a


53 18 21 c.u. 054 08 47 B.Z.

9 9 nycKoaoRKOHTeRHep - 9TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcTBO ARRpaKerT - 0Cra"soHapHoecoopyxeHHe annyCKOBORyCTaHOBKH -

Yqe6HanpaKera - 0

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216 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Bcnomo ra Ten b-nVCKOBbie SO

PaKerw yCTaHoBKH .opvnoBaHle

Pa~of pa3BeprbaaHHR


53 16 3352 59 3252 53 '953 16 02

c.m. 084 43084 51084 14

16 S.a.205331

PaKerHaA onepausoHHaA 5a3a


53 13 29 c.w. 034 40 10 B.a.

9 9 nyCKOBORKOHreRHep -

TpaicnOpTHOezpezcT:s aiA

paKe:l -sCrau~toHapHoe

cooDz'% eHHe :r,nycKOBOiyCTaHOBKH -

Yqe6Ha-paKera -,

PaRoH pa3aeD-bzisaHx


33 27 3353 16 -233 16 0253 26 33

c.u. 034 49084 46084 14084 21

55 B..523102

PaKeTHaR onepauHoHHaR 6a3a


53 13 47 c.w. 034 30 27 s.z.

9 9 fyCK080 t

KOHTeRHep - 9TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcTBO Z71RpaKeTbl - 0CrauxoHapHoecoopyxeHxe znR


Yqe6HaApaKera - 0

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

BcnomoraTenycKobile coopyxeHKIR

PaKeTW yCTaHoBKK o6o vaosaHxe

PaRoH Da3aeprbiaaHHi


36 32 1456 15 1656 23 3056 34 39

c.,,,. 096 12095 34095 20095 36

14 a.A.541313

PaKeTHaR onepauHoHHaA 6a3a

KaHCK 9 9

36 22 31 c.w. 095 23 35 B.A.


TpaHcopTHoecpezTo aflRpa~erbi - 1

Crau;ioHapHcecCo;.'KeHte raMflvZ:KOBOlVCTaHOBKH

Yqe6KaRpaKeTa - 0

PaRoH pa3BepTbBaHKR


56 30 .7 c.w.56 19 5356 13 4556 31 03

093 12 33 B.A.095 19 41094 59 58094 56 58

PaKerHaR oeoDaUKOHHaR 6a3a

KaHCK 9 9

56 20 09 c.m. 095 16 34 a.A.


TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcTSO AnApaKerbl - 0

CrauKoHapHoecoopyxeHe zApInYCKOBOAYCTaHOBKH -

Y4e6HaApaKera - 0

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218 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies-Recueil des Trait6s 1991

BcnomorarehbHbiClycKoswe coopvxeHA K

PaKeTbI ycTaHoBKH o6opvAoaaHxe

PagoH pa3sepTblaaHHR


56 19 2956 0 -356 03 1756 19 14

c.w. 096 20 56 s.a.096 21 41096 02 24:95 5) 42

PaKeTxaR onepauxoxan 5a3a


56 11 19 c.ji. 096 03 13 B.a.

PaAoH Da3eDThlaaHHR


56 1, 50 c.w. 096 0555 59 57 096 1453 59 41 096 03i6 15 00 095 46

9 9 (yCKOaOKoHTeRHeD - 9

TpaHcnOpTHOe¢peacTSO art

paKeTb - 0CTa ROHapHoecoopyxeHse nnR


Yqe6KaapaKeTa - 0

46 8.z.330330

PaKeTHaA onepauKOHmaR 6a3a


56 02 19 a.m. 096 04 53 a-..

9 9 (lycKOOKoHTeRHep - 9TpaxcnopTHoe

cpeflCTBO AA~RpaKeTbI - 0

CTauHOHapHoecoopyxeHHe AARnycKoaoyCTaHOBKH - 9

Yqe6HaRpaxeTa - 0

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 219

BcnomoraTenb,nycKoawe coopyxeHHR H

PaKeT YCTaHoBKH o6opv4o1aHHe

) "P-t2

PagOH a3BepTbaaHHR


55 05 3355 03 2254 57 0455 01 23

c.w. 021 52 3 sa.z.021 56 20021 29 53021 26 16

PaKeTHaA oneDaUHOHHaR 6a3a


54 59 07 c.w. 021 36 36 a.z.

5 6(nycKoBoA

CT On )

TpaHCnopTHoecpeaCnTo Z71RpaKe:st - 11


paKeTbl - 7EMKOCTb nAITonnHaa - 52

Yqe6HaApaKera - 6

PaRoH pa3BepTblaaHHR


5, ,6 0254 246 1.454 20 0153 43 53

c.. 022 07022 23022 21021 55

07 B.z.4 21053

PaKeTHaR onepaUHOHHaR 6a3a


54 43 59 c.m. 022 03 27 a.z.

5 7(nycKoaoRc-ron)

TpaHcnopTHoecpeACrSo AnRpaKeTW - 12YCTaHOBUHKpaKeTbl - 7EMKOCTb AnRTOnnHBa - 52

Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 7

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220 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 1991

BcnomoraTelHbflycKoBble coopye HR K

PaKerbI ycraHoBKK o6opyooaHle

PaRoH Da3aeOTbIsaHHn

C.w. 024 05024 09023 57023 57

PaKeTHaA onepauHOHHaR 6a3a


51 51 47 c.m. 024 01 55 s.'.


TpaHcnopTHoecpezc80O 971A

paKerbl - 14YCTaHOBWltK

paKerbi - 7EKOCrb AIIRTonnHBa - -

Yqe6 aRpaKera -5



52 1552 0452 0352 1-

c.w. 025 49025 39025 22025 35

43 s.n.300040

PaKeTHaR oneDaUHOHHaR 6a3a

56 c.w. 025 41 27 B.a.

5(nycKoaoRCTOR )

TpaHcnoprHoecpeacTso znApaKeTbi - 13



TOnrIHBa 47YAe6HaRpaKeTa - 6

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


51 53 3051 -3 0951 .2 5951 53 -5

39 a.z.-90750

5 micK

52 10

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BcnomoraTenb x 61flyCKOBbe NyxeH x

PaKeTbl ycTaHOBKX o6opyoa e

PaRox pa3sepraaHHA

BbI py57 49 3357 43 0557 43 0457 4,9 32

c.w. 027 00027 00026 43026 43

00 B.A.005451

PaKeTHaR OnepauHoHHaR 6a3a


57 45 47 c.w. 026 47 13 B.A.

5 6(nycKoBoRCTOI)

TpaHcnoprHoecpezcrso nnRpaKerbl - 11

Ycr aHoaWIKpaKeTbw - DEmKOCrb ARA

ronnzaa 51Y4e6HaRpaKera - 6



57 25 51 c.w.57 21 3257 17 1257 25 -9

026 56026 56026 40026 40

PaKeTHaR onepauxoHHaR 6a3a


57 25 04 c.w. 026 49 46 s.A.

3 6(nycKoBoRCTO)

TpaHcnopTHoecpeACrao A3RpaKeT - 12


paKerb - 6EMKOCTb AAR

ronnHa -!5

Yqe6maApaKera - 6

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

00 B.A.010601

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222 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

BcnomoraTenbHwenycKoBble coopyxeHHA H

PaKeTW yCTaHoBKH o6opyzoBaHHe

PaROH pa3BepTaaHHA

Ocr PO a

57 33 21 c.W.57 21 0457 21 1457 33 23

023 20023 23023 07023 08

22 B.A.43!4719

PaKeTHaR onepaUHoHHaA 6a3a


2 31 53 c.,u. 025 12 19 B.A.

5 3(nycKoaoRCro)

TpaHcnoprHoecpezc:ao iinRpaKeTrs - 12

YCTaHOaWHKpaeTbl - 7

ronn~iaa - 43Yqe6HaRpaKera -

?aRoH pa3Be6TWSaHHA


55 06 1254 57 4954 33 0055 01 2i

c.m. 024 22024 33024 04024. 03

04 B.A.510536

PaKerHaA onepauHoxxaR 6a3a


55 00 51 c.m. 024 14 16 a.A.

5 5(nyCKOBOR


rpaxcnopTHoecpeACTBO AARpaKerub - 13

YCTaHOBWHKpaKers - 6EMKOCTb ARronnaa - 47Yge6Haxpa~era - 6

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 223

Bcnomorare bHbieycKoBble COOpyXe!HK H

PaKeTW VCTaHOBKH o6opvnosaH~e

Pa~oH pa3sepbIaHMA


55 17 4155 04 2555 03 3555 19 43

c.u. 024 59 06 B.A.024 40 53024 33 12024 51 26

PaKerxaA onepaQHoHHaA 6a3a


55 07 51 c.w. 024 38 36 B.A.

5 6(nycKotocTon)

Tpawcn3DTHOecpenacTo AAApaKerb -lZ

YCTaHO9UHWKpaKerb - 7EmKOCTb AARTonAKBa - 50Yqe6KaApaKeTa - 6

PaRoH pa3BePTblaaHHA


55 1i 0755 09 3055 03 1055 13 35

c.w. 022 30022 30022 13022 21

42 a.z.225201

PaKeTxaR onepaUHOHHaR 6a3a


55 04 58 c.w. 022 19 38 B.A.

5 5(nycKoao


TpaHcnopTHoecpeACrTO AARpaKeT -12

YCTaHoamlKpaKeTbI - 6EmKOCTb AuR

TonnHua - 47Yqe6HaRpaKera - 6

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224 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

Pa KeT bI

BcnomoraTenbH blefycKoble coopyxe.HHHXcTaHOBKH ooopvzoaaH~e

Pa~oH Da3aepTbaaHw


c.w. 024 55024 56024 40024 39

59 B.A.2004-40

PaKeTHaR onepauHoHxaR 6a3a

KOO2b2 4

43 39 32 c.w. 024 4-i 04 a.z.

5 6(nyc~osoQ(ac011)

TpaKcnoOTHOecpezcTso AnRpaKeTbi - 12

YcTamo BaKpaKe:sil - 0

EMKOcTb AfRTonna - 46

Yie6xaRpaKera - 7

PaioH pas3eP8TBaIH1


49 19 59 c.w. 023 5849 11 22 023 5849 21 09 023 3149 29 46 023 32

?aKeTHaa onepauxoHxaA 6a3a

CT pbl A

49 25 23 c.m. 023 34 56 B.A.

5 7(nycKoeoA


TpaHcnopTHoecpeAcTBO ARApaKeTbi - 12



Tonflaa - 49Yqe6xaApaKera - 7

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

453 U5 0143 36 2343 36 0-2

46 a.295724

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueii des Trait~s 225


Bcnomorare bHbiecoopyxeHKA K

o6opyzoaaH e

PaRoH pa3aepTb, saHA


-3 54 37 c..w 026 17 26 a.a.43 43 09 026 17 3243 48 02 026 01 1248 54 30 026 01 04

PaKerHaR onepauHoHHaa 6a3a


48 51 02 c.w. 026 08 36 s.n.

5 6(nycKosoR


TpaHcnopTHoecpeucrao AR

paKer i - 12YcTaHOBW K

paKerb - 0

EMKOCTb AARronna - -a

Yqe6HaApaKera - 5

0) CoezAHeHHble WTarbi AmepHKH

.) "eptUxHr-2"

PaRoH oa3BeprubaaHHR I

OeAepaTrwHaR Pecny6nmxarepmaH H


TeppHTopHA 0enepaKaHoO Pecny6nHKK repmaHHH, orpaHtteHHaR

c cenepa 51 rpaAycoM 00 MHHVTami 00 ceKyHnaH c..W., C BOCTOKa

012 rpanycamm 00 MHHYTaMK 00 ceKyHa a.n.', c *ra

48 rpaAycam 00 MHHyTamH 00 CeKyHaMaH c.m.. K B npeAenax

rocy~apcraeHmux rpaHiu Oe~eparTaHoR Pecny6nRKi repmaHw.

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226 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

PaKerw ycraHoaKH

BcnomorarenbHbcoopxeHRA K


E2KeTxble onepaUHOHHble 6a3bl

Mse6H- rOHA

48 43 54 c..u. 009 43 29 S.A.


43 22 40 c.m. 010 00 45 S.A.


-9 07 45 c.u. 009 16 31 S.A.

40 36 YKpblrHe(BKnemaa CTaPTOBO

4 nnoaZK- 03anacHble) Crynexb

yqe6HORpaKerbI - 2

40 43 YKprTHe(aKnloqaR (BKnoqaR CrapTOSO

4 7 nnomazKH - 03anacHme) 3anacHxX) CryneHb


paKeTI - 24

40 36 YKpbIT;te(sKnoqaR cTapToaoR

41n nomaZKH - 03anacHmbie) CTyneHb

yqe6HokpaKeT - 24

.z) " X ': ]


CoemHHeHHoe KoponescTro BenHKo6pHTaHKK .t CesepHog RpnaHxHH


TeppHropHA CoezHHeHHoro KoponeScrea, orpaHHqeHHaA c cesepa

52 rpazycamH 40 {Hyra1m 00 ceKyHamm c.w., c 3ana~a

003 rpaaycamH 30 M-HyramH 00 ceKYHAamH 3.A., c Qra nponHBO1

na-MaHM H C BOCToKa nponHaoM fla-MaHW H 2esepHUM mopem.

PaKeTHaR onepauHoHHaA 6a3a


51 22 35 c.w. 001 13 12 3.4.

101c nycKo-BAM KOH-





Y4e6HaRpaKera - 0

Yqe6sWAnycKOaORKOHTeRHep -

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

BcnOMOraTenbH ienycKoBwe OOpvxeHHA I

PaKeTW yCTaHOBKH o6opyosaxe

PaRoH pa3BepTbiBaHMR HI

CoezHeHXoe KoponeBcTBo BenRKo6pHTaHHH K CesepHoR HpnaHwHw


TeppHTOpHR CoeAHHeHHoro KoponeBcTra, orpaHKqeHaR c ceBeoa

33 rpanycamm 45 MHHyTamH 00 CeKyHzamH c.w., C 3anaza

002 rpazycamn 45 KHyra mH 30 ce~yxzamH 3.A., c ora 51 rpazyco

05 IHyTamf 00 ceKyHzamX c.. K c BocToKa nponiol4om Aa-MaHw K

CeBepHbIM mopeM.

PaKeTHaA onepaUHOHHaR 6a3a

MOnCY3pT 18* 6* Yqe6xaRC nycKo- paKeTa - 0BbIl1 KOH- Yte6HblTeRHepom nyCKOBOR

KoHreRaep - 752 23 00 c.m. 000 25 35 3.4.


KTanbAHCKaR Pecny6nHKa


TeppOTopHR HTanbRHCKOR Pecny6nxKi B npezenax rpaxHu ocrpoaa

PaKeTHaR onepauxoxaA 6a3a

KOMH30 108 31 Yqe6HaAc nyCKO- BKnoqaR paKeTa - 0SaM KOH- 7 Y4e6KMATewHepoM 3anacHWX) nycKoso(SKReqaR KOHTeRHep - 7

36 59 44 c.w. 014 36 34 a.z. 123anacHux)

*8 cTazHH rozrOTOBKH K 8sezeHHm s 6oesoR cocTas.

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228 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Bc nomoraTe bHb

flycKosbie coopyxeHHAPaKerw ycTaHoBKH o6opyzoBamHe

PaROK pa3BepTblsaHHA

KopoteBcTSo SenbrHA


TeppHTopKA KoponeacTaa 5enbr x.

PaKerHaR OnepaUHOHHaA 6a3aPnopeHH 20 12 Yqe6HaA

C nvcKo- (sKnt4aA paKera - 2

Bb1' KOH- a Y4e6HbR

TeRHepOM 3anacHMx) nycKoBoRSBK n wa4a KOHTe,1Hep 7

30 13 35 c..u. )0 39 0 sa.. 4&3anacHbie)

PaOH Da3aeDTbsastA [I

¢ezepaTHsmam Pecny6A;tKarepmaHHK

CpaHH L :

fecDKTopHR 'ezepaTHBHoA ?ecnv6nxKz [epmaHK, orpaHitqeHHa4 z

:eaepa 51 rpaaycom 25 MHHVTaH 00 CeKv'Hzam1 C.I., C SOCTOKa

. 7 paaycaMK 30 KHyraaii 00 ceKyHamH B.a., c ra 45 rpazyaast

-3 IHH%'Tai 00 ceKyHAam" c.m. I C 3anaaa "rocyAapCrseHHOA rpaHuek

$ezepaTHHo Pecny6nHKK repmaHmH.

PaKeraR oneDausioHsaR 6a3a

BowreRm 62 21 Yqe6maRc nycKo- (BKAo4an paKera - 1aWM KOH- 9 Yqe6HMTeAHepoM 3anacHblx) nycKOSOR

( BKnaR KoHTeHep - 150 02 33 c.u. 007 25 40 a. . 14


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United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis


Bc nomora TellJbHbIooooynoexo0_~oaa

PaRoH oa3aePr~maHK

Koponescrao HHaepnaHAoB


TeppHTopKR KoponeacTsa HflepnaHZo8, orpaHxxexxaR c cesepa

52 rpaAycamH 30 IxFTamx 00 ceKyHxam c.w., K a npezenax

rocyzapCTaeHbIX rpaxxu KoponeBcTaa HwzepnaxAOS.

?aKeTxaa onepaUKoHHaA 6a3a

ByxcnpexT 0 0c nyc-KOBbJ


Hepo p'

Ye6 MaRpagera -


nycKoBoAKoxTe.Hep - 0

2. HeDa3aeoHvTbie

Hixe npKaomATca paKeTHble a 1o:,ora~ebHbte o6beTKT. .ecra tx

pacnonoxeHR H KonKqecraa anA Kazozt ;13 ::OpOH acex Hepa~sepHyrblx

paKet pez"Heg AabHOCTH, yKa3aHHbIX a Ka~ecrse cvumecTSyOWtx Tanos

a ZraTbe I1 ioroBopa, nyCKOablX vcraHOBoK :aKIx paKeT H CBAR3aHHbIX

TaKHMKH paKeTaiH H nyCKOblH yCTaHOsKamK 3znomorarenbHbIX coopyxe-

HKAK s cnomorareAbHoro o6opynxoaammA. nna~bt cornacosaxxw paKeTxbIX

acnomoraTenbHbIX o6beKToa c yKa3aHeN Kx :paHu K KOOpAHHaT ueHrpa

npHnaralOrcA K KacToRwemy MemopaxnyMy 0 zrosopeHHOCTH.

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230 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

nycKoamePaKeTw ycraHoBKH

Bcaomorareb'coopvzeHR HO6ODYZOaaHxe

a) CO03 CoaeTCKHX Couxan~crHqecKHx Pecny6nHK

-) "PCZ-10"

06beKrbI no nDOH3BOACTSBpaKer

BOTKHHCKHR mawHHo-CTpotTenbHWl 3ason

' ypTCKaR ACCP. ?C$C?

3- -.1 3 c. . -05 D i 0 a.

06eKTS1 no rDOK38O1T7VnYCKOBb[X VcTaHoaK

3aBoz "SappHKazu"


Aq 4& 50 c.. OA4 35 44 s.n.


aycKoaoRKoHT elHep - 36

TpaHcnoPrHoecpeac:3o 2.1paKer i - )

CrauHoHa:HoeC KDOH ZHCOOD%,'eHe ziA

yCTaHoaKa - 0Y4e6HaRpaKera - 0

) I nycKoaoaKOHTeRHep - 0

lpaHCnOpTHOecpeZCrao ZARpaKerbI - 0

CraumoHapHoezoopy eHHeJAnR nyCKO8OVCTaHOBKH -

Y,4e6HanpaKera - 0





B pa3AH4HMX crazHRX npOH380ACTBa.

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BcnomoraTelbi-nycKoawe coopyxeHxH K

PaKeTW YCTaHO8K o6opyaosaHe

MecTa cKnaacKoro xpaHeHHRPaKeT/nVCKOBbX yCTaHOBOK


53 10 c.m. 026 55 a.z.


33 36 c.w. 023 23 a.n.


52 03 c.w. 029 11 B.A.


50 33 c.ux. 025 30 B~.

2 3

2 2

2 2

1 1

fycKOsooKOHTeAHep - 3

TpaHcnopTHoecpeAcTsO ARApaKeTbI - 10CTa4HoHapHoecoopyxeHHe Ana


Yqe6KaRpaKera - 1

fycKOBORKoHTe2Hep - 6TpaHcnopTHoecpeAcTso AnapaKeTbl - 10

CTauHOapHoecoopyxeHHe AnanycKOBOAyCTaHOBKH - 0Yqe6HaRpaKeTa -


KOHTelbep - 4TpaHCnopTHoecpeACcTo AnapaKeTW - 10

CrauMoHapHoecoopyXeHe AnRnycKoaoAyCTaHO8KH - 0

Yie6HanpaKeTa - 2

nycKoBoAKoHTeAHep - 3

TpaKcnopTroecpezCTSO AARpaKeTl - 10

CTauHoHapHoecoopyxeHHe AnanycKOSOAycTaHoaKM - 0Yqe6HaxpaKeTa - 2

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232 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

BcnomoraTenbHbl,flycKo abe coopyze HHi K

PaKeTbI yCTaxOBKH o6opyoaxHe


51 09 c.,. 028 00 s.c.


2 2


30 36 c.w. 034 25 Ba..


35 16 c.w. 083 02 B.A.


51 30 c.u. 113 03 a.n.

2 2

nycKoaoRKoHTeAHep - 3

TpaHcnopTHoecpeACTso AARpaKeTW - 10

CTauHoxapxoecoopyxeHxe AARnyCKoBoR

yCTaHOBKH - 0Yme6HaA

paKeTa - 1


KoHreRHep - 5TpaHcnOpTHoecpeZCTso AARpaKerbI - 10

CraunoxapHoecoopyxeHKe AAR(1yCKOB0O4yCTaHOBKH - 0

Yqe6HapaKera - 3

nycKOaOAKOH eRHep - 3

TpalcnoprxoecpencTro AAR

paKeTW - 10CrauMOHapHoecoopyxeHe A.RnyCKo0oRYCTaHOBKH - 0

Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 2


TpaKcnopTHoecpeC CBO AARpaKeTW - 10

CTauwoHapHoecoopyxeHxe AnnycKoeoilyCTaHOKN --

Yme6HanpaKela - 2

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Bcnomorarenb bteflycKoame cOOpyxeHA HK



56 16 c.w. 095 39 B.A.

1 1


53 34 c.w. 033 4 3 s.A.


53 31 c.w. 026 55 B.A.


47 51 c.w. 029 54 s.A.

(lyCKOBORKoHTeHep - 2

TpaHcnopTHoecpeACTBO ARApaKeTb - 1

CTauKoHapHoecoopyxeHHe znRnycKOBORyc.raHoBKK -.3Yqe6HaR

paKera - 1

nycKoBoRKoHTeaHep - 1TpaHcnoDrHoecpezcTaO ZnRpaKerbI - 3

CrauKoHapHoecoopyaeHHe zlnnyCKOBORycraHOBKH -0

Yqe6HanpaKeTa - 3

flycKoBoRKOHTeRHep -144

TpaHcnoprHoecpeZcrao ZnApaKeTb - )

CTauKoHapHoecoopyxeHe z IR

nyCKOBoRycraKOBK -

paKeTa - 0

0 fycKOBORKOHTeRHep - 21

TpaxcnoprHoecpeAcrao RApaKeTbl - 2

CrauHoHapxoecoopyzeH~e An.nycKoooYCraHOKH - CYqe6HaApaKera - 1

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234 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

Bcnomora'ren bHbie[lycKoBbie coopyxeHHR H

PaKefla ycTaHOSK o6opyzosaHHe

Mecra peMOHTa paKeT


Mecra peMOHTA nYCKOBbIXycraHoaoK


MecTa peMOHTa paKer/nyCKOablX yCTaHOBOK


47 08 c.w. 039 .7 B.A.

0 11

HcnrbTaebHbwe nonromb

KanycrHH ,p

48 37 c.w. 046 18 a.A.

MecTa o6yqeHHA


54 54 c.m. 037 28 s.A.

0 6

fycKosoKoHre.rHep - 2

TpaHcnoprHoecpezcrso AnapaKeTb - -1

CrauHoHapHoecoopyxeHHe zanaycKOBORycraHOBKH -

YLe6HaRpaKera - 2

aIcKO BOKoHTefiHep - 3rpaHcnoprHoecpeZcrso IhRR

paKerbl - 3CrauHoHapsoecoopyweHwe AnRnyCKO80YCTaHOBKK -2

Yqe6HaRpaKera - 0

fycKOsoRKoHreKHep -

TpaHcnopTHoecpeAcTsO AJnpaKeb - 1

CrauHOHapHoecoopyzeHHe AnnyCKOBORyCTaHOBKH -Yqe6HaxpaKera - 4

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Bcnomora Ten b leRyCKOsbie coopvxeHHR H

PaKerbl VCTaHOBKH o6opyzoaHHe


.5 03 =.w. 033 53 a.A.

0 1

Yqe6HbR uexpma nonxrOHe

KanycrxH Ap

4 33 c.Lu. 0-6 10 5.a.

0 7

MecTa nHKBHzauHx


51 21 c.o. 026 35 B.A.

KanycrHH go

48 !6 c.n. 045 59 B.A.



TpaHcnopTHoecpeACTBO ZnApaKerbl - 1

CraUHOHapHoecoopy)eKHe anRnyCKoBoRVCTaHOBKH - 0

Y. .e6HaR

paKera - 2

KoHTeH=e - 12TpaHcnOpTHOecpe~mc:3o znRpaKeTbl - 1

CTauHOHapHoecoopyxeHHe anRnyCKOSORvCTaHOBKH - 3

Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 12

* .'0 80O,1

KOKze!!H=- - 32

7pa xOD Hoe

zaKerbi - 33Crauxoxapmoec:OpyxeH~e anRnVCKOBO"VCTaHOBKH - 0Yqe6KaApaKeTa - 3


KOHreAKep - 0TpaHcnoprHoe

cpeflCTBO AAApa~eW - 0

CrauKoHapHoecoopyxexxe znRnycK o8oycTaHOBKH - 0

Y4e6HaRpaKeTa - 0

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236 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

BcnoMoraTe bHb,flycKoawe oopyxeHxA K

PaKeTr ycTaHoSK o6opyoBaHHe

0 02HT a

52 22 c.Lu. 113 17 a.A.

KaHCK 0 0

56 20 c.w. 095 06 a.z.

fycKoaoRKOHTeAHep - 0TpaHcnopTHoecpezcTao n'RpaKerbi - 0

CTauHoHapHoecoopyxeHKe AnAnycKOBORyCTaHOBKH - u

Yqe6HaApaKera - 0

nycKoBORKoHTeAHep - 0

TpaHCnopTHoecpeAcrao znAnycKo oyCTaHoBKH - 0

CTauHoHapHoecoopyweHe ananycKOSORyCTaHoBKH - 0

Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0

PaKeTW, nyCKObleYCraHOBKH H Bcnomora-TeAbHoe o6opyZoBaHHeB nyrH cnezoaaHHR





06%eKrbi no npo3aoAcTsYnYcKoaBx YCaHOBOK


MecTa CKnazcKoro xpaHeHHRpaKeT


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z .) Opp- 12"0

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BcnomoraTe bHbierlycKoable coopyxeHHR H

PaKeTbl yCTaHOBKH o6opyzoaaHxe

Mecra CKnaZcKoro xpaHeHHAnyCKOSbIX yCTaHOSOK


MecTa CKazCKOrO xpaHenapaKe?/nycKoaWx vcTaHO8OK


53 31 c.-. 026 53 a.z.


47 51 c.u. 029 54 s.A.

Mecra peMoHra paKeT

47 08 c.w. 039 47 B.A.

35 1(nycKoaoACTOrn)

56 3(nycKoBOA

C-.o )


TpaHcnopTHoecpencTao AAApaKerbl - 9

YCTaHOBWHKpaKeTbl - 10EMKOCTb AARTonnHBa - 59Yqe6HaApaKera - 31

TpaHcnopTHoecpeACTsO AR

paKerT - 5YCTaHOBWHKpaKeTw - -


TonnHBa - 11Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 30

TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcrao ARApaKerbl - 0YCTaHoBWHKpaKebl - 0EMKOCTb fAR

ronnxaa - 0Yqe6HaApaKera - 6



Mecra peMoHTa paKeT/nyCKOBbX ycaHoBOK


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238 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

BcnomoraTeAbHue(IycKoawe coopyxeHHR H

PaKerT yCTaHOBKH o6opyaosaii,-

IcnblraTen bHbie nonHroHvb

KanyCTHH ,p

48 35 c.w. 046 18 a.B.

MecTa o6vqeHHR




52 59 c.w. 025 46 s.z.

14 2(nycKOBOKCTOR)

0 0(nycKOBOR


PaKeTbI, nyCKOBweYCTaHOBKH K Bcnonora-renbHoe o6opyAosaKHeB nyTH cneaoBaHHA

06 beKTbIpaKeT

TpaHcnopTHoecpezcTso AnRpaKeTbl - 4


EmKOCTb ZRTonnHa -

Yqe6Hanpaxera - 1

TpaHcnOpTHoecpeZcrao AnApaKeTM - 0


ronAA1a - 0Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0

no f2) "P- 14 '




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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series - Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 239

flycKo abePaLetb ycranKOK(




53 31 C.- 026 53 a.A.



MecTa cKnaAcKoro xpaHeHHRpaKeT/nvcKoBbIX YCTaHOBOK

6 0

ecTa oeMOHTa paKeT




MecTa peMoHTa paKeT/nVCKOBbIX vcTaRoBoK


HCnMTaTeRbHe nOnurOHm

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240 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

BcnomorarejbnycKoswe coopyxeHHA H

PaKeTW YCTaHOOKH o6opy~oaaHe

MeCTa o6yqeHKA




52 39 c.w. 025 -6 aa.

PaKent, nycKOameVcTaHoSKH H scnoMora-TenbHoe o6opynosaHHea nyTH cnegosaHIIA


0 0

) CoezHHeHHbie JTaTb A~eptKH

06beKT nO iDO3socrBvpaKeT

3aBoA .. 1 "FepKynec"MarHa UIT. 'Ta


"NapTHH-MapH3TT3"MHnn-PHBep, wT. M3pHneHA

39 19 c.m. 076 24 3. A.

YKpbITHezraproaoH1ol~aflKH -



0 0

0 0

YKpbiTHeCTapTOORnnowaAKH -

Crynexbyqe6Ho 0paKerm - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

40 39 .0 c.,.. 112 03 1-1 3.Z.

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BcnomoraenbHbi eflycKose o.2xeHHA K

PaKeT yCTaHOBKM o6opyaoaaHHe

Mecra CKnaACKOrO xpaHeHHA


CKnan fly36nofly36nO, WT. Konopano

38 19 c.w. 104 20 3.A.

kpcexan "PezcToyx"XaHTCSBnn,WTr. Ana6ama

34 36 c-.=. 056 33 3..

Begnep6axteaepaTBa HaPecny6nHKa FepmaHKH

49 27 c.w. 007 33 a.z.

Mecra cKnaacKoro xpaseHHnVCKOBbIX VcTaHoBoK

Apcexan "FeAcToyH"XaHrcBKan.'JT. Ana6ama

34 35 c.u. '36 37 3.A.

ecra cKnaacKoro xpaseHxxpaKeT/nycKOBbX vcTaHOBOK


Mecra pemoHra paKer

CKnaA ay36nony3 6 no,Wr. Konopazo

38 13 c.m. 104 19 3.A.

YKPMTreCTapTOSoRnnouaAKH - 0

CryneHby4e6HoRpaKeTM -


Crynexby,e6HokpaKerb -

9 0 YKpMTHecraprosoAi

rnowazKK -0CryneHby4e6HoApaKerb - 0

YKpbITHezraprosoknnowaAKH -

C:vneHbyae6HoRpaKerbI - 4

0 0 YKpbTxecraprosoK

nnowaAKK - 0CryneHbyqe6KoRpaKeTM - 0

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BcnomoraTenb-fcKoshle ;oo9XjVZjHycaOK o~opyfoaaHxe


UPTO Xay3eHOpaHKxypT,OemepaTHBHdaPecny6nxKa repmaHKH

50 08 c.w. 008 33 a. .

ApceHan "PeACToyH"XaHTCBHK)n,WT. Ana6ana

34 37 c.w. 086 38 3.1.

DopT-CHRn$opT-CKnn,WT. OKnaxoma

34 40 c.M. 098 24 3.Z.

CxnaA fy36nony36no,WT. Konopazo

32 17 c.u. 104 20 3.A.



HcnbTraTenbHwe nonmroH

KomnneKc 16Mwc Kaxasepan,WT. OnopKAa

28 29 c.m. 080 34 3.A.

0 0

0 10

0 0

3 0


nnowaAKH - 0CTyneHbyqe6HoApaKerb - 0

YKpWTHeCTapToonnowazKm - 0

CTynesby'e6HoapaKerbi - 20

YKPbI ,tecTaprosogrunomaZKH -Crynexbyqe6HoKpaKeTM - 0


CTaPTO80Hnnowazxw - 0CryneHb

paKerb -

YKpMTHecTapTOSORnnomaaKH - 0

Crynexbyqe6HogpaKeTM - 0

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MecTa o6v4eHHR

OopT-CHnnOOPr-CHniR,wT. 0Knaxoma

34 41 c.w. 093 34 3.2.

BcnoMoraTebHweflVCKOSwe 02 .

PaKeTM ycraHoSKH o6opyAosam

0 38 YKpblTreCTapTo80A

nnowaAKH -

CryneHby4e6HOApaKeTbl - 76


(He onpe~eneHM)

PaKerw, nycKoaBeVCTaHoBKH K ScnoMora-renbHoe ooopvzosaHHeS nVTH cnezoaaHKR

06 eKTb no nDOH3BOnCTByDaKeT

"MaK OHHen -flyrnac"Ta recBHnn,

2i 32 c.u. 080 40 3.A.

'flxexepan flaRtt3MK KC"KepH-Meca,Wr. Kanl4opHHR

32 50 c.m. 117 03 3.A.

0 0

52c nyc-KOBbrMKoHTeA-Hepom

48c nyc-KO8 blMKOHTeR-Kepom

CryneHby4e6HoHpaKeTbl - -

Y,4 e 6 H a Apa.Kera -



Y4e6HaApaKera - 0


rlyCKOSO -KONTeR~ep 0

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244 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 1991

BcnomoraTenb' enycKoable oopyxeIHjK

PaKeTM YCTaHO KH o6opyzosaHHe


3asoa BBC '.' 19CaH-ZHero,WT. KanKiopHxKR

32 5 c.w. 117 12 3.A.

MecTa CKflaACKoro xpaeHHA





Mecra cKna=cKoro XpaHeHHRpaKeT/nvcKOabIX VCTaHOBOK


MecTa oeMOHTa paKeT


50 27 c.m. 004 27 a.z.

MecTa peMONTa nycKoabxYCTaHOBOK


MecTa pemoHxa paKeT/



2c nyc-KOBblMKOHTeR-Hepom

16c nyc-KOBbl 1



Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0


nyCKOBOAKoHrewxep - 0

V,4e6HaApaKeTa - 0

Y,4e6HblAnyCKOBORKOHTeAHep - 0

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BcnomoraTe bHbienycKose coyxeHKA H

PaKeTw ycTaHoBKH o6opyzoaaHHe

WcnbiTaTenbHue nonxroHb

Hcnbw~aTenbxbg nonHrOHIlary3g, WT. IOTa

40 22 c.w. 113 04 3.A.

Mecra O6vqeHHR

AaHa~a3a !eBHc-MoHTaHTyCOH,WT. ApK3oHa

32 11 c.w. 110 53 3.4.


(opT-Xya4yKa,WT. ApH3OHa

31 29 c.m. 110 19 3.Z.

0c nyc-KOBWm



0c nyc-KOBbIMKOHTeA-


0c nyc-K0 B blI


Yqe6HaapaKeTa - 0


Yqe6HapaKeTa - 2



KoHTeRHep - 27

Yqe6HaApaKera - 0

Yqe6 HbI-fYCKOBORKOHreti~ep-

MecTa nltKsBHauHH

(He onpezeneHbl)

PaKeTbl, nyCKOBbieVcTaHOBKK H Bcnorora-renbHoe o6opvyoaaHHea nyTZ cAeaosaHKH

15c nyc-KOBIZ


Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0

Yqe6HbiaryCKOBOKoHTegHep - 2

3. Yqe6Hme nyCKOBbie YCTaHOBKH

nomHmo BcnomoraTenbHoro o6opyzoBaHHR, nepe4KcneHHoro a

nyrKTax I K 2 HaCToRwero pa3zena, CTopoHb HmeOT TpaHcnopTHwe

cpeAcTBa, KOTOpbie HCnOfb3IOTCR AIR o6yqaHHR BOAKTenek nycKoBMx

yCTaHOBOK paKeT cpeAHeft AAabHOCTH H KOTOpme AnR uenek forosopa

paccmaTpHbaaTCR KaK yqe6Hme nyCKosbe yCTaHOBKH. Y KaEAog H3

CTOpOH KmeeTcn cneyowee KOnH4eCrBO TaKHx TpaHcnopTHUX cpeAcTr:

a) Co3 CoBeTCKHX Cou~anHcTHmecKHx Pecny6nHK - 65; K

b) CoeAHHeHHue UTaT AlepHKH - 29.


cooTseTCTBHH c npoueAypamH, H3nOxeHHrH a fpOTOKOne 0 nHKBHAaUH

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IV. PaKeTbl meHbueX nanbHOCTH, nycKoawe ycTaHO8KM TaKmxpaKeT K CBR3aHHOe C TaKHMM paKeTaMH H nyCKOBwmHyCTaHOBKamM BCnonoraTenbHoe o6opy oAaHme

I. Pa3aepHyTble

HHxe nHBOARTCR paKeTHbe onepauHoHble 6a3w, mecra Hx pacnono-

)KeHHR H KOAlqecTaa AAR KazXog K3 CTOpOH scex pa3BepHyTbIX paKeT

meHbweg za)bHOCTH, yKa3aHHblX B Ka4eCTse cyuieCTByIOWHX THros B

CraTbe III 2orosopa, fyCKOBbIX VCTaHOOK TaKHx paKeT K CBR3aHHOrO C

TaKHmX paKeraml H nyCKOBbIMH yCTaHOSKamH BcnoMoraTenbHOrO o6opyao-

BaHHn. fnaHbl Kaxzog H3 nepeqHcneHHWX paKeTHblX onepaLHOHHblx 6a3 C

yKa3aHem ee rpaHKL H KOOpZHHaT ueHTpa npKnaralTCA K HaCTORwemy

MemopaHAYMy 0 zorOBOpeHHOCTK.

nycKoalePaKerbl YCTaHOBKH


a) Col13 CoBerCKHX CouHanHcTrecK1x Pecny6nHK

;) "OTP-22"

PaKerHbwe onepauKoHHble 6a3bl


19 1


51 16 40 c... 013 53 20 a.z.




51 08 33 c.w. 014 12 18 s.A.


22 12


53 32 40 c.m. 012 37 30 B.A.


5 6


53 16 20 c.m. 013 15 50 B.A.

TpaHcnoprHoecpencTBo AnRpaKerT - 9Yqe6HaRpaKera - 10

TpaHcnoprHoecpezcTBO DflRpaKerbl -3Yqe6HaRpaKera -

TpaHcnoprHoecpeACao AAApaKeb - 9

Yqe6HaRpaKera - 7

TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcTBO AApaKeTbl - 0

Yqe6HaApaKera - 7

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nycxoswe BcnomoraTenbHoePaKeTw yCTaHO8KH o6opyaoaaviste

rpaHHue4exocnoBau aACoUaanHCTmeCKaAPecny6nHKa

49 33 00 c.m. 017 45 00 B.A.


55 16 37 c.w. 082 59 42 B.A.


51 33 10 c.1. 113 01 30 B.A.


53 25 30 c.w. 023 30 00 Ba..


39 33 13 c.m. 065 53 40 B.A.


44 31 58 c.m. 077 46 20 B.A.


44 11 58 c.m. 133 26 05 B.A.

39 24

0 4

36 14

9 5

9 3

36 15

37 14

TpaCno prHoecpeACTSo AnRpaKeTW - 15

Yqe6HaApaKera - 13

TpawcnoprHoecpeACTSO Z7TApaKeTbl - 1

Yqe6HanpaKera -

TpaHCnopTHoecpezcTBO znpaKeri -


pagera - 10

TpaHcnopTHoecpezcTso AnApaKeTb - 1

Yqe6HanpaKera - 10

TpaHcnopTHoecpezcTo anApaKer - IYqe6HaRpaKera - 5

TpaHcnoprxoecpeACTBo ARApaKerbl - 3Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 16

TpaKCnopTHoecpeAerSO Ann

paKeTbl - 3YLe6HaRpaKeTa - 17

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248 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

nycKoaBePaKerW ycraHoBK

BcnomoraTenbxoeo6opyaosa He

ii) "OTP-23"

PaKeTxube onepauHoHHe 6a3M


6 4


51 11 50 c.,,. 011 59 50 B.A.


/7 12


50 54 55 c.,,. 011 32 40 B.A.


53 38 30 c.u. 027 13 20 B.A.


53 23 38 c.w. 028 23 06 B.A.


52 30 30 c.m. 024 31 30 a.A.


37 36 13 c.w. 062 10 40 B.A.


50 23 00 c.w. 080 09 30 B.A.

40 18

26 12

26 12

0 12

22 12

TpaHcnopTHoecpeACTBO AAApaKeTW - 3Yqe6HaApaKeTa - 13

TpaucnopTxoecpeAcTaO AARpaKeTbl - 3Yqe6HaApaKeTa - 3

TpaHcnopTHoecpenCTBo AARpazerw - 13Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 10

TpaHcnopTHoecpeACTao AAR

paKeb - 11Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 9

TpaxcnoprxoecpeACTBO ARpaKeTb - 12

Yie6HaRpazeTa - 10

rpaHcnopTHoecpeAcTao AnRpaKeb - 12

Yqe6HaApaKeTa - 0

TpaHcnoprxoecpeACTS0 AARpaKeT - 12

Yqe6HaRpaxera - 4

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z) CoeAKteKHbie UiraT AmepKKx

* ) "epMKHr-IA'

PaKerHaA onepauHoHHaR 6a3a


2. HePa3aeDHvTwe

Haxe npKBOZRTCa paKerTHbie acnomoraTenbHibe o6beKTb, meCra ax

paconoxeHHR H KonlHeCrSa An Kazog K3 CTopoH acex Hepa3BepHyTNX

paKet meHbwek Aa~bHOCTH, vKa3aHHb[X 8 Kaqecrse cymecTBylOWX TrnOB

B CTaTbe II foroBopa, IYCK oMX yCTaHOBOK TaKx paKeT ;i :sa3aiHoro

C TaK1l paKeTaK K nyCKOBbI1H YCTaHOBKamH BcnomoraTebHO OOoDV,-

AOBaHHR. fnaHN cornacoBaHHbIX paKeTHblX BcnooraTenbxbix o6-eKToa

vKa3aHHem Hx rpaHti X KOOpZHHaT ueHTpa npHnaraCTcR K Hico~we y

MemopaHZyy 0 zoroBopeHHOCTH.

'cKOaBle BnomoraTenbHoe?aKeTbl :TaHOBKH o6opynozaHe

a) C0o3 CoBeTCKHX Cou&tanHcTHqecKHx Pecny6nHK

.) "OTP-22"

O06eKTbl no nOOH3BOfCTSYpaKeT



57 0L 30 c.m. 054 08 00 B.A.

061eKTbi no nPOK3ao0CT YnYCKOBblX ycTaHOBOK

3asoA "SappKazb"


48 46 50 c.m. 044 35 44 B.A.

TpaHcnopTHoecpencTBo AflpaKeT - 0Ye6a 0paKe~a - 0

TpaucnopTxoecpeACTSO AApaKeT - 0

Y4e6HaRpaKeTa - 0

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250 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traits 1991

nycKoame BcnomoraTenb~oePaKeTbl YCTaHOBKH o6opy~oaamKe

MecTa cKnaAcKoro xpaHeHHA


48 55 c.w. 036 22 *.A.


54 35 c.,.. 020 12 s.n.

TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcrSo AARpaKeTb - 0

Yqe6HaApaKeTa - 12

rpaHcnoprHoecpeAcTaO AAApaKeT - 0

Yqe6HaApaKeTa - 18

TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcrso nARpaKerbli - 0

Yqe6HaxpaKera - 3

TpaHcnopTroecpeJICBO AAApazKeT - 0

Yqe6MaRpazeTa - 47

SpoHHaA ropa

52 37 c.m. 025 04 B.A.


46 50 c.m. 075 36 a.z.

Mecra cKnaAcKoro xpaHeHH1fnVCKOBbiX YcTaHOSOK


50 20 c.m. 028 26 B.A.

Mecra cKnazCKOrO xpaseHHK



MecTa peMoHTa paKeT


MecTa peMoHTa nycKoeuxYCTaHOBOK


TpaHcnoprHoecpezCTBO AARpaKerT - 10Yme6lan

paKeTa - 0

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nycKosbePaKeTbl Yc~aHO KH


MecTa oeioHTa paKer/nyCKoaMX VCTaHOBOK


IcnbiTaTenbxbie nOnHrOlib


Mecra O6vqeHmR


31 34 c.w. 0-6 01 B.A.


55 53 c.,. 049 11 a.A.


53 11 c.w. 044 04 a.z.

Mecra nKKBmaumH

Capb[o3eK(ZnR paKer)

44 32 c.m. 077 46 a.A.

CTaHbKOBO(AnR nyCKOSBX ycraHOSOK XTpaxcnopTHb X cpeZcTr ZARpaKer)

53 38 c.m. 027 13 a.A.

PaKeTb, nyCKOee ycTa-HOSKK H 8cnomorarenb-Hoe o6opynoaaxxeB nyTH cneAosaHMR


TpaHcnopTHoecpeACT5O 27ApaKeTbI - 2Yqe6HaRpaKera -

TpaxcnoprHoecpeACrao fRApaKer - 2Yqe6HaxpaKeTa - 0

TpaHcnopTHoecpeAcTro ARApdKeTM - 0Yqe6xaRpaKera - 0

rpaHcnOprHoecpeAcTBO nRApaKerb - 0Yqe6HaRpaKera - 0

TpaxcnopTxoecpeACTaO ARApaKeTr - 0Yqe6xaRpaKeTa - 0

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252 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

nycKoswe BcnomoraTenbKoePaKeTw YCTaKOaKM o6 opyfosaaHHe

i ) "OTP-23"

06beKTl no nPOH3BACTSYpaKer



57 01 30 c.m. 054 08 00 s.g.

061eKTu no npoH3aoncTBynYCKOaWX VCTaHOBOK

aeTponaanoacKHA 3asoz 0rRxenoro ,aHHOCTpoeHHRHm.B.H.neHHHaneponasnoacK

54 54 20 c.m. 069 09 59 Ba..

Mecra cKnazcKoro XpaHeHHRpaKer

fazywKHH 33

5- 33 c.w. 020 12 a.A.

MecTa cKna~cKoro xpaHeHHR


5epe3oaKa 0

50 20 c.. 028 26 8.A.

MecTa cKnaxcKoro xpaHeHKRpaKeT/TFycKosux VCTaHOOK

0 TpaHcnopTHoecpeAcTBo AAApaKeTW - 0Yqe6HRpaKeTa - 0

0 TpaHcnopTHoecpezcrBO ARApaKeTbl - 0Yqe6HaApaKera - 0

0 TpaHcnopTroeCpe~crao AnRpaKeTbI - 0

Yqe6xaRpaKera - 42

13 TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcTmo AARpdKeTr -

Y e6xapaKeTa - 0

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nyCKOsbie BcnomorarenbHCPaKerbl ycTaHoBtK o6opyzosaHHe

Mecra peMOHTa paKer


Mecra peMoHra nVcKobIxVCTaHOBOK


Mecra peMOHTa paKeT/nyCKOebIX ycTaHoSoK


HcnlrarenbKbie noAHroHbl


MecTa o6y4eHHA


51 34 c.m. 046 01 s.z.


33 33 c.a. 049 11 s.a.


53 11 c.m. 044 04 s.A.

TpaHcnopTHoecpe£cTBo AfApaKeTw - 2

Yqe6HaapaKera - 0

TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcTBo AARpa~erb - 2

Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0

TpaHcnopTHoecpeAcrao AAApaKerbi - 1

Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0

TpaHcnoprHoecpeAcTao AARpaKerb - 0

Yqe6HaRpaKeTa - 0


Caplo3eK(AAR paKeT)

44 32 c.m. 077 46 B.A.

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OycKoawe BcnomorarebKoePaKerw yCTaHoaKH o6opygoeaHe

TpaHcnopTHoecpezcTso znApaKeTw - 0

Yqe6HaApaKeTa - 0


K rpaCnO THbX cpeAcTBZAA paKeT)

53 38 c.w. 027 13 a.a.

PaKeTbl, nVCKOBbie YCTa-HOBKs H BcnooraTenb-Hoe o6opvzoaaHnea nyTH cnezoaaHHR


3) CoezHHeHxbie I arbl AmepHKH

.) "feowHxr-IA"

06beKrwb nO nPOH3BOACTSV paKeT

3aaoa 6oenp~nacoScyxonyrHWX sO1CK CIIAloHrxopH,Mapwann, Jr. Texac

32 39 :.u ;94 08 3.4.


"MapHxH-'MapHTTa"MHA-PHeep,MT. M3pKneHA

39 19 c.m. 076 24 3.,.

Mecra CKnazcKoro xpaHeHmApaKer

CKnaA ny6no 11ny36no, WT. Konopaao

38 19 c.m. 104 20 3.A.

CTyneHby,;e6HoApaKerW -

CTyneHby e6HORpaKeiu - 0

Crynexby4e6HORpaxeTU - 63

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nfCKoBee BcnomoraTenbHPaKeTbI YCTaHOSKH o6opyosaHHe





MecTa peMoHTa paKeT


Mecra peMoHTa nVCKOBWXycTaHosoK

CKnaa ny36nony36no, WT. Konopazo

33 19 c.c. 104 20 3.Z.

MecTa oeMoHTa paKeT/nYCKOBbIX VcTaHOaoK


HcnbTaTenbKbie nonbroHb


MecTa o6ymeHHR


MecTa nHKalKaumH

(He onpezeneHu)

PaKeTr, nycKoameYcrTaHoBKK H acnomora-renbHoe o6oPVAosaHKea nyTH cnefosaHH

CTyneHbyqe6HORpaKeTbl - 0

CTynexbype6KORpaKe~T - 6

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256 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

V. PaKeTHbie cpe~CTsa, KOTOpbie 6M7n KCnWTaHM, HO He 6winw

pa3BepHyTbl O SCTynneHHA floroaopa a cjny

Hmxe npIBOARTCR paKeTHbie acnomoraTenbHe o6beKTW, mecTa Hx

pacnonoxeHHR K KORHmeCTBa AtRR Kaxfog H3 CTopoH acex paKeT cpenHeA


KOTopme 6blnH HcnbTaHb Ao BCTynneHHR florosopa B cKny, Ho pa3sepHyTbl


AanbHOCTH ;tytH meHbweg zanbHOCTH, nepelHCneHHbHH B CTaTbe IIforomopa. nnaHN CornacoBaHHbIX paKeTHblX BCnOmOraTenbHblX o6beKToB C

yKa3aHHem Hx rpaHHU H KOOpAHHaT ueHTpa npHnaraQTCR K HaCToRwemy

MemopaHxyAy o AoroeopeHHoCrH.

nycKoase BcnomoraTenbHoePaKeTbl YCTaHOBKH o6opvnosaH~e

a) Co3 COBeTCKHX CouHanHCTHqecKKx Pecny6nHK

-) "PK-55"

06beKTu no npOH3BORCTBVpaKeT



0InbITHbaIt 3asofl fpOH3BOfl-cTBeHHoro o6ieArneHKA"MawRHOCTpOHTe RbHb3asoA Hm. M.H. KaHHmHa" 0

c nyc-CBepzAOBCK KOBbr


56 47 24 c.m. 060 47 03 B.A.

Mecra cKnaACKoro xpaHeHKRpaKer




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nYCKosbie BcnomoraTenbHoePaKeTbl YCaHosKm o6opyAOaKHe


EnraBa 34 6c nyc-

56 40 c.tu. 024 06 a.A. KOablMKOHTeA-Hepom

Mecra pemoHTa paKer






HcnblTaTenbHbte nonwrOHb1


Mecra O6v'eHfR


MecTa nHKBHzauHH

Efraaa 0 0c nyc-

56 40 c.w. 024 06 B.A. KO8bNKOHTeK-Hepom

PaKeTM, nycKossbeYcTaHOBKW H acnoMora-Tenbloe o6opYAoaaHHea nyTH cneAOsaHHR


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258 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

nycKoBbiePaKerbi yCTaHOBKH


o) CoezHHeHHwe WTaT AmepHKH

-) "nepmwHr-IE"



06ieKTU nO npOH38OCTSV










MecTa peMoHTa DaKeT


MecTa peMoHTa nycKOsmXyCTaHoBOK


Vol. 1657. 1-28521

"'- t- .....

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nVCKOBble BcnomoraTenb~oePaKerbi yCTaHOBKK o6opyAosaH~e

MecTa pemoHTa paKeT/nVCKOBbIX ycTaHOBOK


HcnrTaTebHbe nOAHrOHb


MecTa o6vqeHHR


Mecra nmKBzHauHH


PaKeTbl. nyCKOBbievcTaHOBKH H Bcnomora-renbHoe ooopvnosaHleB rVTH cnezoBaHHR


V1. TexHH4ecKHe naHHbie

Haue npHBOZRTCA cornacoaHHe KaTeroptil TeXHH,4ecKbix zaHHbIX

paKer a nycKOBMX yCTamoaoK, noAnanaomwx noA zeACTBie florosopa.

BcnomorarenbHMx coopyxeHHA H acnomoraTenbHoro o6opynoaaHHx,

CBR3aHHbX C TaKHmx paKeTam H nyCKOBblMH ycTaHoBKamH, a raK)ue

COOTaeTCTBysHe AaHHwe no KaAnoA H3 3THX KaTeropHR. OOTorpaoHme-

CKHe CHHMKH paKeT, nyCKOBSX yCTaKOBOK, acnomoraTenbtbX coopyxeHHA

* BcnoMorarenbHoro o60pyAonawmR, nepeqmcneHHUx HHxe, npHnaraCTcA

K HacToumemy MemopaHAyMy 0 AorosopeHHoc1.

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260 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traits 1991

1. PaKeTu cpeAHeg AanbNOCTK

"flep- "SC:M-

"pC-10 p-1211 "P-14-1 .PK-55" WHHr-2" r, "

a) XaoaKTepIcTHKH paKeT:

.) laKcHManbHOeKORHfeCTSO6oeronoaoKHa paKeTe


aCTby, M

[ CTyneHHCI TyneHH

L-:) maKcHmalbHblgzHameTp, ir cTyneHH[i cTyneHH

sec 5PHE(6e3 rOROSKOR'4aCTH; AflRpaKer Ha xHtKOmTOnmHBe - Bec6e3 rOnnKBa), T

I CTyneHHEr crynesH.aKeTbl BKoHreRHepe

3 2, 1 1 0 1 1

16,.49 22,77 24 ,30 3,09 10,61 6,


1,791 ,47



2 ,70


13,60 21,62 3,63- - 2,7

1,63 2,40 0,51 - 0,52

- - - 1,02- - 1,::

3.33 -. ;g 6,73


':) sec co6paHHoKKPHS kC ronnhHao), TB KoHreRHepe -

5e3 KoHTeHepa -

D) XapaxrePKcTaKH nyCKOsbIx

.)ra6apHTM 16,51(maKcHmanbHaA 3,20ltn)Hsa, WHpKHa, 2,94abICOTa), m

ii) laKcHmaRbHoeKOnuvqeCTBO paKeT,Koropoe KaxzaRnycKosaA ycraHOS-Ka cnoco6Ha HeCTH

Hnn conepxamboAHoapemeRHo I





9,602 , 492,36

6 1

10,802 ,3,50


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" .le ,,,

"pCj-." "P- 12" "P-14" "PK-55" w-r-2" 7 ,,

40,25 6,90 - 29,10 12,04 14,30

C) XapaKTepHCTff sC nOOraTenbHMX coopyeHKHR, CBR3aHHbIXc raKH K paKeTa t H nyCKOBbmH ycTaHoBKamH

HHxe npKBOARTCR ra6apHTM (maKC1HanbHaA An2ma, wHpHHa, 8bICOTa

B eTpax) sCnomoraTeRbHUx coopyxeHHR:

.) cTau~oHapHoe 27,70coopyxeHue AAR 9,07nycKoBoR ycTa- 6,32HOBKH

.) yKpbITe CrapTo-sog nnoanKH

74,00- - - 1;,60


) ~apaKTeOHcTHKH BcnomoraTenbHoro o6opyAosaHA, C¢A3aHHOrOC TaKmH. oaKeTamH K nycKoSUMt ycTaHoSKamm

HIxe npHBoS TCA ra6apT (maKcHma:IbHaR AAKHa, wHpHHa, BbiCOra

a meTpax) scnomorarenbKOro o6opyAOsaw.ta:

L) nycKosOR 19,32KoHTeRHep 2,14


3,39- 0,65


6,97- 0,54


- ) rpaHcnopTHoe=peACTBo AAROaKeTb (KonK-qecTBO paKeTHa TpaHcnopTHOMcpeACse)

:) yCTaHOBMHKpaKerbi


22, 32,722 30( 1)

15,62- 3,15

3,76ii) eMKOCTb AJR Tonn sa





Vol. 1657, 1-28521

;i:.) sec, -r

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262 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

2. PaKeTb -exbweg alalbKOCTH

"flep- flep-"OTP-22" "OTP-23" xHxr-IA" wxtHr-16"

a) XapaKrepKCTKHx paKeT:

.) ,aKCHmafbHOe KOJIH'eCT8o

6oeroROSOK Ha paKeTe I1 1

i) inwHa paKeTa c rO-nOBHOR qaCTbO, M 12,38 7,52 10,55 3,13


I cryneHH 4,38 5,17 2,33 3,63II cTyneHH 5,37 - 2,67 -

iv) matcHmanbxbKAHamerp, -II c-ryneHM 1,01 0,97 1,02 1,02

II cryneHH 1,01 - 1,02 -

v) sec SPH5(6e3 rOROBHOR4acrH), r. 3,80 3,99 4.-39 4,15

I CryneHH 4,16 - 2,-,5

II CTyneHM 4,64 - 1,64 -

b) XapaKrepHcTHKH nYCKOBbIX vcraHOBC:

.) ra6apHr~b (maKcH anb- 13,26 11,76 9,98 9,60

HaR AnKxa, LuHpHRa 3,10 3,13 2,44 2,49

abIcoTa), m 3,45 3,00 3,35 2,36

zi) .aKcxmanbHoe KOnHqe-CTBO paKeT, KOTopoeKaxAaR nycKosaRVcragoBKa cnoco6xaHeCTH HnH cozepxaTboZHOape~eHHo 1 1 [ 1

ii.) TeC, T 30,80 24,07 3,33 12,04

c) XapaKTepHcTHKx cnomorarenbHoro oFopyjoaaHxA, CBA3aHHOroC TaKKMH paKeTammH n CKOBbIMH YCTaHOBKaaH

Hmxe npHBoARcA ra6apHxbI (MaKCHManbHaR AnKHa, wHpMHa, abICOTa

a mepax) scnomoraTenbHoro o6opyosaHH:

i) TpaHcnopTroe cpenctao 13,15 11,80Anst pazeru (KOnw- 3,10 3,134eCTSO paKer Ha 3,50 3,00rpaHCrlOpTHOM cpeACrae) (1) (1)

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 263

VII. YCKopHTenbHble cpeAcrsa, npeHa3HaqeHHie A)R HccneAOaaHmAm pa3pa6oroK

Hmxe npHBOnwRTCA KonHqecrsa H .ecra pacnonoxeHHR nR Kanok K3


pa3pa6oToK ycKopKreRbHMX cpeAcTB.


1. CTapToebie flO3HLLHH AAR HCCnezoBaHKHAw pa3pa6OToK

a) Coo3 CoBeTCKXX CouHanHcTrqeCKHX Pecrny6uHK

f'neceulKa 3

62 .3 c.,. 040 32 B.A.

KanycrhH [p 2

48 32 C.w. 0,6 13 B.A.

2) CoezHieHHbte WTarbi AmepilKH

3OC TO HqHbl9 1KCflblTaTenbHblA nOnHrOH,uT. nopHa

23 27 c.m. 050 -.2 3.Z.

AsHa6a3a "3rniKH",,,r. OnopHga

30 36 c.w. 036 4; 3.A.


32 30 c.m. 106 30 3.2.

rpHH-PHaep, 2

WT. lOra

33 00 c.w. 109 30 3.A.

HccneAosBaTenbCKHRt 6noHrOH "foKep-n3TC",WT. AnRcKa

65 07 c.w. 147 29 3.A.

Poa-Hamyp, 3aTonn KsanxanegH

09 25 c.'. 167 23 a.A.

5apKxHr-C3HA3, 4Kayag, IamaRH

22 06 c.,. 159 47 3.A.

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 270: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

264 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 19,

Konw'ec-TaOnyCKOBbiX yc-TaHOBOK

3ananHNIR 1HCnWbTaTenbHM floiHrOH,


34 37 c.w. 120 37 3.4.

Kegn-Koz, 1WT. MaccaqyceTc

42 01 c.,,. 070 07 3.A.

OcTpoB Y3K 219 18 c.,w. 166 37 B.A.

OcTpoa Yonnonc, 1WT. BHpAXHHHR

37 51 c.n. 075 28 3. .

KazzaR H3 CTOpOH, nOznKCbIBaR HaCTORWH1 MemopaHAyN 0 ar:-

BopeHHOCTH, npH3HaeT, 4To oHa HeceT OTBeTCTBeHHOCTb 3a lpaHSnb-

HOCTb TOnbKO CBOHX zaHHblX. flonHcaHHe HacTotuero MemopaHnyma o

zorosopeHHOCTH o3HaqaeT np1HHRTHe KaTero:.: AaHHMX H aKT BKnoqeHHR

zaHHbIX, KOTopmte a HeM CozepxaTCR.

HacToRHi MemopaHnyM 0 zoroBopeHHOC:H RBnReTCR HeOTieMneMok

qaCTbmO foroaopa. OH acrynaeT B CHny B 4 eHb acrynneHsR 8 CKny Zo-

roaopa H oCTaeTCR B cHne A o rex nop, floKa oCraeTcn a cHne .oroBop.

CosepweHo B BaMHHrTose 3 neKa6pA 1987 roaa B nAyx 3K3eMnnR-

pax, xaxANw Ha pyCCKOm H aHrnHRCKOM A3MKax, nptqem o6a reKcTa

HMeOT OKfHaKoayw cxny.

3a Coo3 COBeTCKIHX 3a CoeHIHHeHH:ie

CouHajHmCTwiecicMx Pecny6u: lilTaTbI AMepHKH:

[Signed - Signe]'] [Signed - Signe 2

FeHepa. bm i CeKpeTapb Hpe3HaeHT Coe,4HeHmBIxux KICC IIITaTOB AMepHKH

Signed by Mikhail Gorbachev - Signd par Mikhail Gorbachev.2 Signed by Ronald Reagan - Sign6 par Ronald Reagan.

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuell des Trait6s 265


(55 09 47 c.mu. 026 54 21 B.A.)

MacIuTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BasePostavy

(550947N 0265421E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Postavy

55 09 47N 026 5421EEchelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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266 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitis

FIjiaH PaKeTHOA1 OnepaUHOHnOri Ea3bBeTpHHo

(55 24 19 c.u. 028 33 29 B.A.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseVetrino

(55 24 19N 028 33 29E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'opdrations de missiles (plan)Vetrino

55 2419N 028 33 29EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657. 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 267

r[ilaH PaKeTHOi OnepauHOHHOfi Ba3bl

(55 22 34 c.m. 028 44 17 B.l.)MacInTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BasePolotsk

(55 22 34N 028 44 17E)Scale 1:5000]

(Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Polotsk

55 22 34 N 028 44 17 EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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268 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

HjiaH PaKeTHOi OnepalIHOHHOA Ea3blCMoprOHb

(54 36 16 c.tu. 026 23 05 B.A.)MacUrTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseSmorgon

(54 36 16 N 026 23 05 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Smorgon

54 36 16N 026 23 05EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series o Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 269

flriaH PareTHOA OnepaUHoHHoR Ba3bICMOprOHb

(54 31 16 ctu. 026 17 20 B.4.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseSmorgon

(543136N 0261720E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Smorgon

543136N 0261720EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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270 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

lIaH PaKeTHOil OnepaunoHHoi Ea3biJIHa

(53 47 39 c.m. 025 20 27 B.A.)

MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseLida

(53 47 39N 025 20 27E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Lida

53 47 39N 025 20 27EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series a Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 271

-IiaH PaKeTHOA OnepaunoHHorl Sa3blFe3rajimi

(53 32 50 c.m. 025 16 48 B.f.)MacUnTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseGezgaly

(53 32 50N 025 16 48E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'opdrations de missiles (plan)Guezgualy

53 32 50N 025 16 48EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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Unite Nato~ ~l~eay Se Ies * atio"5 Ujai .~ eui des 7Traitj,/-/ia j Pa~eT~ OeaO~

(52 s5s5 4 -~oflepa(55. CAUR 'fm. 052159,&a)

(5 s54 c l° mMacW- 025 215 9 B)(M a e G:5 00 0


(Msslpera Ba(52555 lOnim Rs(13 Scale 1:02 259 E

[ase d, OPdrab 0001le Iv rti~ns de mnissile

525554N 2 OnInm Pan)

Eche~le 50009


Voj 165? 1.2521

Page 279: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 273

nlnaH PaxeTHOJI OnepauHOHHOi Ea3EwPy)caHbl

(52 49 29 c.u. 024 45 45 B.A.)MactUTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseRuzhany

(52 49 29 N 024 45 45 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Roujany

52 49 29N 024 45 45EEchelle 1:5000]

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274 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991


(52 30 38 c.m. 024 08 43 BJI.)MaCIlTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseZasimovichi

(52 30 38 N 024 08 43 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'oplrations de missiles (plan)Zassimovitchi

52 30 38N 024 08 43EEchelle 1:50001

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

lrIiaH PaKeTHORi OnepaUHoHHoAi Ba3bMo3bIpb

(520227 c.t. 029 11 15 B.A.)MactTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseMozyr

(52 02 27N 0291115E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Mozyr

52 02 27N 0291115EEchelle 1:5000]

C 2N- f

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276 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

-InaH PaereTHOi OnepauHoHHoi Ba3bIH~eTpHKOB

(52 10 29 c.iu. 028 34 52 B.A.)MacIura6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BasePetrikov

(521029N 028 34 52E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Petrikov

521029N 028 34 52EEchelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657 1-28521

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(52 11 36 c.L. 027 48 07 B..)MacUrTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseZhitkovichi

(521136N 027 48 07E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Jitkovitchi

52 1136 N 027 48 07 EEchelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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278 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

lIaH PaKeTHOA OnepaIIIOnHoi Ea3bIPe'Hua

(52 11 58 c.m. 030 07 11 B.A.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseRechitsa

(52 1158 N 030 07 11 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Retchitsa

521158N 0300711EEchelle 1:5000]

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FjiaH PareTHoi OrlepauHoHHoi Ba3ElCJIyUK

(53 14 20 c.i. 027 42 15 B.I.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseSlutsk

(531420N 027 4215E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Sloutsk

531420N 0274215EEchelle 1:5000]



Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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280 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

rljiaH PaKeTHOA OriepatHoHHoi Ea3bI

(50 56 07 c.iu. 025 36 26 B.A.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseLutsk

(50 56 07 N 025 36 26 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Loutsk

50 56 07N 025 36 26EEchelle 1:50001

)F -4*-4 S

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HjiaH PaleTHOA OnepauHoHHol Ba3bJYyUK

(50 5006 c.w. 025 0402 Ba.)MacuTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseLutsk

(50 50 06 N 025 04 02 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Loutsk

50 50 06N 025 04 02EEchelle 1:5000]/ -

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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282 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

rlaiaH PaKeTHORi OnepauIonHoii ba3bifipoAbl

(50 06 09 c.u. 025 12 14 B.g.)MacurTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseBrody

(50 06 09N 0251214E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Brody

50 06 09N 0251214EEchelle 1:5000]

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-nlaH PaiCeTHOi OnepaLXoHHor Ba3bi4epBoHorpagl

(502245c.w. 024 18 16B.A.)MacLUTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseChervonograd

(502245N 0241816E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'opdrations de missiles (plan)Tchervonograd

50 22 45N 0241816EEchelle 1:5000]

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284 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

IlnaH PaKeTHOJI OnepauuOHHOA Ba3bICnaByTa

(50 1705 c.ui. 02641 31B.f.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseSlavuta

(501705N 0264131E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Slavouta

501705N 026 4131EEchelle 1:5000]



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(51 1045 c.m. 028 03 20 B.A.)Macm'Ta6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseBelokorovichi

(51 1045 N 02803 20E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op&rations de missiles (plan)Belokorovitchi

511045N 0280320EEchelle 1:5000]


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286 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

1-IaH PaKeTHoRi OnepauoiHorl Ea3biJIHIIHHKH

(51 12 22 c.u. 028 26 37 B.A.)MactuTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseLipniki

(51 1222N 028 26 37E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Lipniki

511222N 0282637EEchelle 1:5000]


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HJIaH PaKeTHOt1 OnepautHoHHoAi Ba3bIBblcoKas rlen

(50 10 11 c.tu. 028 1622 B.j.)MaciTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseVysokaya Pech

(501011N 028 16 22E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Vyssokafa Petch

501011N 028 16 22EEchelle 1:50001


Vol. 1657. 1-28521

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288 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

IIjaH PaKeTHOAi OnepaIuoHHoR BamBbicoKa rlen

(50 05 43 c.mu. 028 22 09 B.A.)MactUTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseVysokaya Pech

(50 05 43 N 028 22 09 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Vyssoka'a Petch

50 05 43N 028 22 09EEchelle 1:5000]


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IriiaH PaKeTHORi OinepaLHOHHOri Ba3bKopocTenb

(50 52 22 c.wU. 028 31 17 B.A.)Macurra6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseKorosten

(505222N 02831 17E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Korosten

505222N 02821 17EEchelle 1:5000]

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290 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

hJIaH PaKeTHOfi OnepauHOHori Ba3bf

JIe6eHH(50 33 06 cm. 034 26 02 B.a.)

MacIHTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseLebedin

(50 33 06 N 034 26 02 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'opdrations de missiles (plan)Lebedine

50 33 06N 034 26 02EEchelle 1:5000]

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuel des Traitis 291

I-iaH PaKeTHoAi OnepauHoHHori ba3biF~ryxoB

(51 41 00 c.w. 033 30 56 B.J.)MacWTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseGlukhov

(514100N 0333056E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op~rations de missiles (plan)Gloukhov

514100N 0333056EEchelle 1:5000]

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292 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991


(51 3644cm. 03329 17B. .)MacmUTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseGlukhov

(513644N 0332917E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Gloukhov

513644N 033 29 17 EEchelle 1:5000]

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s

nIaH PaKeTHOfi OnepaAHOHHOAi Ba3bIAXTbipKa

(50 16 01 c.m. 034 49 53 B.A.)MacWTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseAkhtyrka

(50 1601N 0344953E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'oprations de missiles (plan)Akhtyrka

50 1601N 034 49 53EEchelle 1:5000]

S --- N

Vol. 1657. 1-28521


Page 300: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

294 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueif des Traigs 1991

njIaH PaceTnog OniepaUHOHHoo Ba3wAxTbpjca

(50 21 59 c.ui. 034 57 03 ,.4.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseAkhtyrka

(50 2159 N 03 4 57 03 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Akhtyrka

50 2 159N 03 4 5703EEchelle 1:5000]

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United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s


(55 22 05 c.Lu. 083 13 52 B.a.)MacIHTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseNovosibirsk

(55 22 05N 0831352E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'opdrations de missiles (plan)Novossibirsk

55 22 05N 083 13 52EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


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296 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

FjiaH PaKeTHOA OnepauooHHoii Ea3biHOBOCH6HPCK

(55 22 57 c.. 082 55 16 B. .)MacWTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseNovosibirsk

(55 22 57N 082 55 16E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Novossibirsk

55 22 57N 082 55 16EEchelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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fInaH PaKeTHOi OnepaunoHHoi Ea3bIHoBocH6HpcK

(55 19 32 c.uj. 082 56 18 B.)MacWTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseNovosibirsk

(55 19 32N 082 56 18E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'opdrations de missiles (plan)Novossibirsk

55 19 32N 082 56 18EEchelle 1:5000]

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298 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991


(55 18 44 c.m. 083 0138 ..a.)Mactura6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseNovosibirsk

(55 18 44N 0830138E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Novossibirsk

551844N 0830138EEchelle 1:5000]

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HnaH PaKeTHORi OnepaUHOHHOti Ea3bIHoBoc16HpcK

(55 19 07 c.m. 083 09 59 a.A.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseNovosibirsk

(55 19 07N 083 09 59E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Novossibirsk

55 19 07N 083 09 59EEchelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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300 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991


(512720c.mu. 1130342 B..)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseDrovyanaya

(512720N 1130342E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Droviana'fa

512720N 1130342EEchelle 1:5000]


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l'hJiaH PaKeTnori OnepattHoHHoR a3bIApoB HaA

(5126 10c.u. 113 02 43 B.a.)MacWTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseDrovyanaya

(512610N 1130243E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op&rations de missiles (plan)Drovianaia

512610N 1130243EEchelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 308: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

302 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

'inaH PaKeTHO9 Onepa HOHHOl Ea3Ei

ApoBsqHaA(51 22 59c.m. 1124955 a.n.)

MacHuTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseDrovyanaya

(512259N 1124955E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Droviana'a

512259N 1124955EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 309: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 303


(5120 18C.wu. 113 00 54 B..)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseDrovyanaya

(512018N 1130054E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)DrovianaIa

512018N 1130054EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 310: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

304 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

rInaH PaieTHOA OrIepaUHoHHof4 ta3u

(512349c.m. 1125213B..A.)Mactmra6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseDrovyanaya

(512349E 1125213E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Droviana'a

512349N 1125213EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 311: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

199I United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueif des Trait~s 305

lJIaH PaKeTHOi OnepaunoHnoi Ba3bIB;apHayji

(53 4608 c.w. 083 57 11 B.z.)MacuTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseBarnaul

(534608N 0835711E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Barnaoul

534608N 0835711EEchelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657. 1-28521

Page 312: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

306 United Nations - Treaty Series - Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

fnIaH PaKeTHOAi OnepauHoHnori Ba3biBapHayji

(53 18 21 c.m. 084 08 47 B.Xt.)MactuTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseBamaul

(53 1821N 0840847E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Barnaoul

531821N 0840847EEchelle 1:5000]

Jr ~ - S

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 313: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 307

H-IjaH PaKeTHOA OnepanHoHHoRi Ba3bIBapHay

(53 1329c.w. 08440 10B.a.)MaclUTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseBarnaul

(531329N 0844010E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op~rations de missiles (plan)Barnaoul

531329N 0844010EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 314: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

fIIaH PaxeTHOil OnepaunHoHHofi Ba3blBapHayji

(53 18 47 c.Lu. 084 30 27 Bja.)MacLura6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseBarnaul

(531847N 084 30 27E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Barnaoul

53 18 47N 084 30 27EEchelle 1:5000]

• r £

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 315: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 309


(56 22 31 c.m. 095 28 35 B.L.)MactuTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseKansk

(56 22 31N 095 28 35E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Kansk

562231N 0952835EEchelle 1:5000]

S MD-1- Mr

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 316: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

310 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

lnIaH PaKeTHori OnepaUnHoHor Baa3bIKaHCK

(56 20 09 cmu. 095 16 34 B.A.)MacInta6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseKansk

(56 20 09N 0951634E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Kansk

56 20 09N 095 1634EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 317: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 311

rlIrni PaeTHORi OnepauHoHHofi Fa3bIKaHCK

(56 11 19 c.w. 096 03 13 B.A.)

MactuTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseKansk

(561119N 0960313E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Kansk

5611 19N 09603 13EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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312 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks


(56 02 19 c.w. 096 04 58 B.A.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseKansk

(56 02 19 N 096 04 58 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Kansk

56 02 19N 096 04 58EEchelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 319: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitis

flnaRt PaxeTHoR OnepaaHoHol Ea3uCoBeTcx

(54 59 07 c.m. 021 36 36 B~a.)MacuMa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseSovetsk

(545907N 0213636E)Scale 1:5000)

[Base d'opdrations de missiles (plan)Sovietsk

545907N 0213636EEchelle 1:5000)


Vol, 1657, 1-28521

Page 320: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

314 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

K jmcTy No. 313-IjiaH PaKeTHOA OnepaHooil Ba3bI

COBeTCK(8,4 KM Ha 3anaR OT 6a3b)

MacwTa6 1:5000

[See page 313Missile Operating Base

Sovetsk8.4 km west of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Compl6ment de la page 313)Base d'opdrations de missiles (plan)

Sovietsk(A 8,4 km A I 'ouest de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 321: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 315

IjaH PaKeTHOA1 OnepauHOHHOrl Ba3bIFyceB

(54 43 59 c.w. 022 03 27 BMacUIra6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseGusev

(54 43 59N 022 03 27E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op~rations de missiles (plan)Goussiev

54 43 59N 022 03 27EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 322: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

316 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

K jiHCTy No. 315FIJiaH PaKeTHOfi OnepaIIHoHHoi Ea3bi

ryceB(5,4 KM Ha IorO--BOCTOK OT 6a3a1)

MacurTa6 1:5000

[See page 315Missile Operating Base

Gusev5.4 km southeast of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Compi6ment de la page 315)Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)

Goussiev(A 5,4 km au sud-est de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 323: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 317

K AHCTy No. 318nJiaH PaKeTHOAi OnepatwoHHoii BaWbi

ManopHTa(4,2 KM Ha tor OT 6a3b1)

MacWTa6 1:5000

[See page 318Missile Operating Base

Malorita4.2 km south of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Complement de la page 318)Base d'optrations de missiles (plan)

Malorita(A 4,2 km au sud de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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318 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

lbiaH PaKeTHOR OnepaUHoHHoii Ba3iiManopHra

(51 51 47 c.m. 02401 55 B.A.)MaciUTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseMalorita

(515147N 0240155E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Malorita

515147N 0240155 EEchelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 325: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 319

flIaH PaKeTHOi OnepatIHoHHoi Ba3bInIHHCK

(52 10 56 c.u. 025 41 27 B.A.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BasePinsk

(521056N 025 4127E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Pinsk

521056N 025 4127EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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320 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

K incy No. 319rljIaH PaKeTHOA OnepaIHoHHoR Ea3ul

I-HHCK(4,6 KM Ha ceBepO-BOCTOK OT 6a3br)

Macnrra6 1:5000

[See page 319Missile Operating Base

Pinsk4.6 km northeast of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Compl6ment de la page 319)Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)

Pinsk(A 4,6 km au nord-est de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 321

H-IiaH PaKeTHOAI OnepauHoHHoR Ba3biBbpy

(5745 47 c.m. 02647 13 B.A.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseVyrou

(574547N 0264713E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Vyrou

574547N 0264713EEchelle 1:5000]Ir.

q3 'I(4


Vol. 1657. 1-28521

Page 328: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

322 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

K jmicTy No. 321nInaH PaKeTHOiA OnepaInoHHoff Ba3bi

Bbipy(6,1 KM Ha ceBepo-nOCTOK OT 6a3bi)

MacmTa6 1:5000

[See page 321Missile Operating Base

Vyru6.1 km northeast of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Compl6ment de la page 321)Base d'oprations de missiles (plan)

Vyrou(A 6,1 km au nord-est de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 323

rlIaH PaKeTHOA1 OnepaIHuoHHoi Ba3bIAJnyKCHe

(57 25 04 c.iu. 026 49 46 B.A.)

MacIUTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating Base)Aluksne

(57 25 04 N 026 49 46 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Alouksne

57 25 04 N 026 49 46 EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 330: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

324 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

K JIHCTy No. 323irlIaH PaKeTHOA OnepaunOHHOrl ba3bi

AJIyKCHe(9,2 KM Ha ioro-3anaa OT 6a3bi)

MacWTa6 1:5000

[See page 323Missile Operating Base

Aluksne9.2 km southwest of the base

Scale 1:50001

[(Compl6ment de la page 323)Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)

Alouksne(A 9,2 km au sud-ouest de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 331: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series 0 Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitis 32517f/aH PaeTHo# OnepatHHo Ea3EI

(57 31 53 c 02.812 08a.)MacrTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseOstrov

(5 7 3153 N 02 8 12 19 E)Scale 1:50001

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Ostrov5 7 3153N 0 28 1219E

Echelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 332: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

326 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 19,

K JmncTy No. 325HMai PaKeTHOi OnepauIoHHoi Ba3bI


(9,6 KM Ha ceBepo-3anag OT 6a3E)MacIUTa6 1:5000

[See page 325Missile Operating Base

Ostrov9.6 km northwest of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Compl6ment de la page 325)Base d'opdrations de missiles (plan)

Ostrov(A 9,6 km au nord-ouest de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657. 1-28521

6ram/< //

Page 333: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series o Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 327

-lJIaH PaKeTHoli OnepaUnOHHOii Ba3biKapMeJiana

(55 00 51 c.u. 024 14 16 n. .)MacwTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseKarmelava

(550051N 0241416E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Karmelava

550051N 0241416EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 334: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

328 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

K nmcTy No. 327HfIaH PaKeTHori OnepaunoHHoi Ba3b!

KapMeJiaaa(10,6 KM Ha Ioro--3anaa OT 6anbi

MacWTa6 1:5000

(See page 327Missile Operating Base

Karmelava10.6 km southwest of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Comp16ment de ]a page 327)Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)

Karmelava(A 10,6 km au sud-ouest de la base)

Echelle 1:50001

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 335: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

HIJiaH PaKeTHOAi OnepauiHoHHoR Ba3blYKMepre

(55 07 51 c.u. 024 38 36 B.A.)

MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseUkmerge

(550751N 0243836E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Oukmerge

550751N 0243836EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 336: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

330 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

K mclTy No. 329ljIaH PaKeTHOA OnepatXHOHnOr Ba3bI

YKMepre(8,8 KM Ha ceBepo-BoCTOK OT 6a3b1)

MacuITa6 1:5000

[See page 329Missile Operating Base

Ukmerge8.8 km northeast of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Complment de la page 329)Base d'op~rations de missiles (plan)

Oukmerge(A 8,8 km au nord-est de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 337: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 331

1-InaH PaKeTHOA1 OnepaUHoHHoi Ea3bITaypare

(55 04 58 c.i. 022 19 38 B.A.)MacurTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseTaurage

(55 04 58N 022 19 38E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Taurage

55 0458 N 022 19 38 EEchelle 1:5000]

l0I/ 0,35 "


Vol. 1657. 1-28521

Page 338: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

332 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

K JHCTy No. 331rIiiaH PaKeTHOii OnepaunoHHoii Ea3bl

Taypare(7,6 KM Ha ceBepo-BOCTOK OT 6a3b1)

MactuTa6 1:5000

[See page 331Missile Operating Base

Taurage7.6 km northeast of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Compl6ment de la page 331)Base d'opfrations de missiles (plan)

Taurage(A 7,6 km au nord-est de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 339: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 333

IniiaH PaKeTHOA OnepaunoHHoR Ea3biKosiOMMAs

(48 39 32 c.w. 024 48 04 B.f.)MacwTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseKolomyya

(48 39 32 N 024 48 04 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Kolomyia

48 39 32N 024 48 04EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 340: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

334 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

K iacTy No. 333rIJIaH PaKeTHOAi OnepauHoHHO i a3bI

KonoMb(8 KM Ha Ioro-3anaA OT 6a3bl)

MacLUTa6 1:5000

[See page 333Missile Operating Base

Kolomyya8 km southwest of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Compl6ment de la page 333)Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)

Kolomyia(A 8 km au sud-ouest de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]

S lot-

-------- ----

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 341: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series o Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 335

H.nIa PaKeTHOAi Onepa,1oHHoi Ba3bCTPhIr1

(49 25 23 c.u. 023 34 56 Bja.)MactuTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseStryy

(49 25 23 N 023 34 56 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Stryi

49 25 23N 023 34 56EEchelle 1:5000]

)r s- S

Vol 1657, 1-28521

Page 342: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

336 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

K Jmacry No. 335IiraH PaKeTHOA1 OnepauHonHol Ea3bi

CrpblA(14,1 KM Ha loro-BOCTOK OT 6a3M)

MacmTa6 1:50001

[See page 335Missile Operating Base

Stryy14.1 km southeast of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Compl6ment de la page 335)Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)

Stryi(A 14,1 km au sud-est de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 343: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unles - Recueil des Traitks

Hflan PaKeTHOAi OnepaunoHHoi Ba3EwCKaJna-rl-Ion,cKaA

(48 51 02 c.w. 026 08 36 B.A.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile Operating BaseSkala-Podolskaya

(485102N 026 08 36E)Scale 1:5000]

[Base d'opArations de missiles (plan)Skala-Podolska'a

485102N 026 08 36EEchelle 1:5000]

S4,S,, ~I-, . ...

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


Page 344: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

338 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

K JutcTy No. 337rIjiaH PaKeTHOAi OnepalnnOHHOi Fa3bI

CKaJna-HotomcKaA(7,2 KM Ha ceBepo-ana OT 6a31,)

MacuITa6 1:5000

[See page 337Missile Operating Base

Skala-Podolskaya7.2 km northwest of the base

Scale 1:5000]

[(Compl6ment de la page 337)Base d'op6rations de missiles (plap)

Skala-Podolska'fa(A 7,2 km au nord-ouest de la base)

Echelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 345: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 339

1InaH MecTa CKcnajxcoro XpaHeHHA PaiceTlIlycKoBblX YCTaHOBOKHIocTaBbi

(55 10 cau. 026 55 B.A.)MacInTa6 1:5000

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityPostavy

(5510N 02655E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Postavy

5510N 02655EEchelle 1:5000]

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 346: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

340 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

IJiaH MecTa Cr,.agcKoro XpaHeHHA PaKeT/IlycKoBbx YCTaHOBOKFe3ra.mi

(53 36 cam. 025 28 B.A.)MaCurTa6 1:5000

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityGezgaly

(53 36N 025 28E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Guezgaly

53 36N 025 28EEchelle 1:5000]


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 341

flnaH MecTa Cm.TagcKoro XpaHeHH PaKeT/rIyCKOBbX YCTaHOBOKMo3blpb

(52 03 c.m. 029 11 B..)MacWTa6 1:5000

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityMozyr

(52 03N 02911E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Mozyr

5203N 02911EEchelle 1:50001


Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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342 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

f-IiaH MecTa Cm.acKoro XpaHeHaH PaKeT/1-ycKOBbIX YCTaHOBOKJIyUK

(50 53 c.a. 025 30 B.A.)Mactura6 1:5000

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityLutzk

(50 53 N 025 30 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Loutsk

50 53N 025 30EEchelle 1:5000]

9 mN-- N

j"/ 1C53

f I

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitis 343

'InaH MecTa Crazcroro XpanieHHA PaKeT/nlycKoBbIx YCTaHOBOKEejfIOKOpOBHqH

(51 09 c.m. 028 00 B..)MacluTa6 1:5000

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityBelokorovichi

(5109N 02800E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Bielokorovitchi

5109N 02800EEchelle 1:5000]


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344 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

flIlaH MecTa CxItagcKoro XpaHeHnsl PaKeT/rIycKOBEIX YcTaHOBOxJIe6eAHH

(50 36 c.m. 034 25 a...)MactuTa6 1:5000

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityLebedin

(50 36 N 034 25 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Lebedine

50 36N 034 25EEchelle 1:5000]a

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-[naH Mec-ra Cc.JnaacKoro XpaHeHHa1 PaKeT/1-ycKoBbIX YCTaHOBOKHooocn6HpcK

(55 16 c.m. 083 02 B.J.)MacnTa6 1:5000

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityNovosibirsk

(55 16N 083 02E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Novossibirsk

5516N 083 02EEchelle 1:5000]

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346 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991


(51 30c.t. 11303 B.,.)MacmuTa6 1:5000

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityDrovyanaya

(5130N 11303E)Scale 1:50001

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Droviana'a

5130N 11303EEchelle 1:5000]


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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s

nnJaH MecTa CrJIaacoro XpaHeHnA PaKeT/HycCOBblX YCTaHOBOKKaHCK

(56 16 c.m. 095 39 B.A.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityKansk

(56 16N 095 39E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Kansk

56 16N 095 39EEchelle 1:5000]

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348 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991


(53 34 cm. 083 48 B.A.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityBarnaul

(53 34N 083 48E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Barnaoul

53 34N 083 48EEchelle 1:5000]


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nila MecTa CKiuancKoro XpaHeHHR PaxeTI-IycKoBwX YCTaHOBOKKonocoBo

(53 31 c.w. 026 55 B..)MacLUTa6 1:18150

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityKolosovo

(5331N 026 55E)Scale 1:18150

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Kolossovo

5331N 026 55EEchelle 1:18150]


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350 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

HlnaH MecTa Cma coro XpaHeHnA PaKeT/ycKoBbIX YCTaHOBOK)Kepe6KOBO

(47 51 c.m. 029 54 B..)MacmTa6 1:11250

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityZherebkovo

(4751N 029 54E)Echelle 1:11250

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Jerebkovo

4751N 029 54EEchelle 1:11250]


j 0 0 __ 0 fOt- .. .. . . .. .. . . -9

C 00:)!


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1jiaH MecTa PeMOHTa PaKeTBaTaficK

(47 08 cam. 039 47 B.g.)MacLnTa6 1:75000

[Missile Repair FacilityBataysk

(47 08 N 039 47 E)Scale 1:75000]

[Installation de r6paration de missiles (plan)Bataisk

47 08N 039 47EEchelle 1:75000]


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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

IRfaH MecTa 06yqeHHACepnyxoa

(54 54 cm. 037 28 B.A.)MacnTa6 1:5000

[Training FacilitySerpukhov

(54 54 N 037 28 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation d'entrainement (plan)Serpukhov

54 54N 037 28EEchelle 1:5000]

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354 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitss 1991

rliaH Mecra O6y"eHHaKpacHogap

(45 03 cII. 038 58 a..)MactuTa6 1:5000

[Training FacilityKrasnodar

(45 03 N 038 58 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation d'entrainement (plan)Krasnodar

45 03N 038 58EEchelle 1:5000]


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rlIaH MecTa 06y-qeHHAKanycTHH Sip

(48 38 c.m. 046 10 B.A.)MacWuTa6 1:5000

[Training FacilityKapustin Yar

(48 38N 04610E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation d'entrainement (plan)Kapoustine Yar

4838N 04610EEchelle 1:5000]


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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

nriaH cnb]TaTeo-Horo HomroHaKanycTHH Ap

(48 35 c.m. 046 18 B.A.)MacIJTa6 1:5000

[Training FacilityKapustin Yar

(48 35N 04610E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation d'entrafnement (plan)Kapoustine Yar

4835N 046 10 EEchelle 1:5000]


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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuell des Traltis 357

HjiaH PaKeTHOi OHepauHOHHOi BawiKeHHrc6pOK (FJ[P)

51 1640c.an. 013 53 20 B.A.)MacmTa6 1: 1000MacMTa6 1:6000

[Missile Operating BaseKoenigsbrueck (German Democratic Republic)

(511640N 0135320E)Scale 1:1000; scale 1:6000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Koenigsbrueck (R6publique d6mocratique allemande)

511640N 0135320EEchelle 1:1000; 6chelle 1:6000]


_.. / ,,-_...... .. j..i

VoL 1657, 1-28521

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358 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

HJIaH PaKeTHOfI OHepaUHOHHOui Ba3bIBHmo04cBepgia (IFJP)

(51 08 33 c.m. 014 12 18 B.i.)MacmTa6 1:0000Macurra6 1:6000

[Missile Operating BaseBischofswerda (German Democratic Republic)

(510833N 0141218E)Scale 1:1000; scale 1:6000]

[Base d'oplrations de missiles (plan)Bischofswerda (R6publique d6mocratique allemande)

5108 33N 014 12 18EEchelle 1:1000; 6chelle 1:6000]

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FljiaH PareTHoAi OHepauOHHHOi Ea3bIBapeH (17AP)

(53 3240 c.i. 012 37 30 B.jl.)MacwTa6 1:1000

[Missile Operating BaseWaren (German Democratic Republic)

(533240N 0123730E)Scale 1: 1000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Waren (R6publique d6mocratique allemande)

533240N 0123730EEchelle 1:1000]


Vol. 1657. 1-28521

L . .- , L -I F-1


-r !- J L 0_J LI


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360 United Nations - Treaty Series a Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitis 1991

InIaH PaKeTHOiu OHepaUHOHHOii ]a3bIBoKyju, (rAP)

(53 1620c.u. 013 15 50B.A.)Macurra6 1:1000

[Missile Operating BaseWokuhl (German Democratic Republic)

(531620N 0131550E)Scale 1:1000]

[Base d'op~rations de missiles (plan)

Wokuhl (R6publique d6mocratique allemande)531620N 0131550E

Echelle 1:10001

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IaH PaKeTHO1 OHepaXHOHHO1I Ea3blFpauue (qCCP)

(49 33 00 c.i. 01745 00 n.A.)MactuTa6 1:1000

[Missile Operating BaseHranice (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic)

(493300N 0174500E)Scale 1:1000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Hranice (R6publique socialiste tch6coslovaque)

493300N 0174500EEchelle 1:1000]


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362 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

K icry No. 361(25 KM Ha 3aflaAg)MactUTa6 1:3500

[See page 361(25 km west)Scale 1:3500]

[Complment de la page 361)(A 25 km A l'ouest)

Echelle 1:3500]


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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 363

K smc'y No. 361(14 KM Ha ceBepo-3anaA)

MacmuTa6 1:2500

[See page 361(14 km north-west)

Scale 1:2500]

[(Compl6ment de la page 361)(A 14 km au nord-ouest)

Echelle 1:2500]

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364 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

K imcry No. 361(25 KM Ha ceBepo-3anag)

MacIUTa6 1:3500

[See page 361(25 km north-west)

Scale 1:3500

[(Compl6ment de la page 361)(A 25 km au nord-ouest)

Echelle 1:3500]

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 365

FHjiaH PaKeTHOrf Ol'epaIXHOHHOii Ba3biI-IaUHHO

(55 16 37 c.w. 082 59 42 B..)MacLuTa6 1:1000

[Missile Operating BasePachino

(55 16 37 N 082 59 42 E)Scale 1: 1000]

[Base d'op~rations de missiles (plan)Pachino

55 16 37N 082 59 42EEchelle 1: 1000]

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366 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

flsiaH PaKeTHOR OnepauHoHHoA Ba3bIFopHbIi

(513310C.c. 1130130B.A.)MacmTa6 1:1000

[Missile Operating BaseGomyy

(513310N 1130130E)Scale 1:1000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Gorny

513310N 1130130EEchelle 1:1000]

--------- -------L1

2222..... ii

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

HI'aH PaKeTHOiR OnepaUHoHHoil Ea3bIJlanIH~

(53 25 30 c.u. 028 30 00 B.A.)MacMTa6 1: 1000

[Missile Operating BaseLapichi

(53 25 30 N 023 30 00 E)Scale 1:1000]

[Base d'oplrations de missiles (plan)Lapitchi

53 25 30N 023 3000EEchelle 1:1000]

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368 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitis 1991

IjIaH PaKeTHoi OnepanHOHHOi Ea3biKaTTacypraH

(39 38 18 c.iu. 065 58 40 B.A.)MactUTa6 1:1000

[Missile Operating BaseKattakurgan

(39 38 18 N 065 58 40 E)Scale 1:1000]

[Base d'oplrations de missiles (plan)Kattakourgane

39 38 18N 065 58 40 EEchelle 1:1000]

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 369

1-iaH PaieTHOAi OnepaUHOHHOui Ea3bICapwoeK

(44 31 58 c.m. 077 46 20 B.A.)Macurra6 1:7000

[Missile Operating BaseSaryozek

(44 3158 N 077 46 20 E)Scale 1:7000]

[Base d'opdrations de missiles (plan)Saryozek

443158N 0774620EEchelle 1:7000]Y

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370 United Nations - Treaty Series o Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

1IlaH PaieTHoAi OnepauHOHHOii Ba3bIHOBOcicoeBKa

(44 11 58 c.u. 133 26 05 B.f.)MacmTa6 1:10000

[Missile Operating BaseNovosysoyevka

(441158N 1332605E)Scale 1:10000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Novosyssoevka

44 1158N 133 2605 EEchelle 1:10000]

5 ,-I

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 371

H'LaH PaKeTHOAi OnepaIHOHHOi Ba3wBeiceH4bemc (F7P)

(51 1150 c.ui. 01159 50 B.A.)Macurra6 1:1000

[Missile Operating BaseWeissenfels (German Democratic Republic)

(51 1150N 0115950E)Scale 1:1000]

[Base d'oprations de missiles (plan)Weissenfels (R~publique d~mocratique allemande)

511150N 0115950EEchelle 1:1000]


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372 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

HnjaH PaKeTHOAi OnepaUHoHHoui Ba3bIHeHa-(opcT (FJP)

(50 54 55 c.m. 011 32 40 B.A.)MacmTa6 1:1000

[Missile Operating BaseJena-Forst (German Democratic Republic)

(505455N 0113240E)Scale 1:1000]

[Base d'oprations de missiles (plan)Jena-Forst (Rdpublique d6mocratique allemande)

505455N 0113240EEchelle 1:10001

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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait&s

fbiaH PaKeTmoi OnepaUHOHHOii Ba3b!CTaHBKOBO

(53 38 30 cm. 027 13 20 B.A.)MacmTa6 1: 1000

[Missile Operating BaseStankovo

(53 38 30N 0271320E)Scale 1: 1000]

[Base d'oplrations de missiles (plan)Stankovo

53 38 30N 027 13 20EEchelle 1:1000]


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374 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

HljiaH PaxeTHOiA OnepaiHOHHOA ]Sa3EiUei

(53 23 38 cau. 028 28 06 B.A.)MacIUTa6 1:2000

[Missile Operating BaseTsel

(53 23 38N 028 28 06E)Scale 1:2000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Tsel

53 23 38N 028 28 06EEchelle 1:2000]



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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 375

I[JIaH PaKeTHOAi OnepalHOHHOii Ba3b,Cjno6ygiKa

(52 30 30 c.m. 024 31 30 B4g.)MacmTa6 1:1000

[Missile Operating BaseSlobudka

(52 30 30N 0243130E)Scale 1:1000]

[Base d'oprations de missiles (plan)Sloboudka

52 30 30N 024 3130EEchelle 1:1000]

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376 United Nations - Treaty Series o . Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

FlJiaH PaKeTHOAI OnepaUnoHHorl Ba3EIEanpaM-AIn

(37 36 18 c.w. 062 10 40 B.A.)MaclUTa6 1:1000

[Missile Operating BaseBayram-Ali

(37 36 18N 062 1040E)Scale 1:1000]

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Bairam-Ali

37 3618N 0621040EEchelle 1:1000]


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(50 23 00 c.m. 080 09 30 B.A.)

MacmTa6 1:2000

[Missile Operating BaseSemipalatinsk

(50 23 00 N 080 09 30 E)Scale 1:20001

[Base d'op6rations de missiles (plan)Semipalatinsk

50 2300N 080 09 30EEchelle 1:2000]


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378 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

flnaH Mecra CmcaaxcKoro XpaHeHHA PaKeTJIo3OBaAl

(48 55 cam. 036 22 B.g.)MacWTa6 1:10000

[Missile Storage FacilityLozovaya

(48 55N 036 22E)Scale 1:10000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles (plan)Lozovaia

48 55N 036 22EEchelle 1: 10000]


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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series - Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 379

'IrIaH MecTa CKiuaacKoro XpaHeHHq PaKeTJla~yLUKHH

(54 35 c.un. 020 12 B.Jt.)MacLUTa6 1:10000

[Missile Storage FacilityLadushkin

(54 35N 020 12E)Scale 1:10000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles (plan)Ladouchkine

54 35N 020 12EEchelle 1:10000]

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380 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

fijiaH MecTa Cmuagwcoro XpaHeHmL PaKeTEpOHHaA Fopa

(52 37 c.mn. 025 04 B.A.)Macm'Ta6 1:10000

[Missile Storage FacilityBronnaya Gora

(52 37N 025 04E)Scale 1:10000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles (plan)Bronnaia Gora

5237N 025 04 EEchelle 1:10000]

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1[iaH MecTa CKiciaxicxoro XpaHeHHA PaKeTBan1xam

(46 50 c.w. 075 36 B.A.)MacmTa6 1:10000

[Missile Storage FacilityBalkhash

(46 50N 075 36E)Scale 1:10000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles (plan)Balkhach

46 50N 075 36EEchelle 1:10000]

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382 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

FlJiaH MecTa CmaaxcKoro XpaHeuHa ilyCKOBbIX YCTaHOBOKBepe3oBKa

(50 20 c.m. 028 26 B.j.)

MactmTa6 1:5000

[Launcher Storage FacilityBerezovka

(50 20 N 028 26 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de stockage de lanceurs (plan)Beriozovka

50 20N 028 26EEchelle 1:5000]

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rIuraH Mecra O6yqeHHCapaToB

(51 34c.t. 04601 B.A.)Mactura6 1:5000

[Training FacilitySaratov

(5134N 04601E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation d'entrainement (plan)Saratov

5134N 04601EEchelle 1:5000]

-- -1---

f 1D ,

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1an MecTa O6yqeHHAKa3aHb

(55 58 c.m. 049 21 B.4.)MacmUa6 1:1000

[Training FacilityKazan

(55 58N 049 21E)Scale 1: 10000]

[Installation d'entrainement (plan)Kazan

5558N 049 21EEchelle 1:10000]

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991 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

fIsnaH MecTa O6yieHHqKaMeHKa

(53 11 cm. 044 04 B.a.)MacLHTa6 1:10000

[Training FacilityKamenka

(53 11N 044 04E)Scale 1:10000]

[Installation d'entrainement (plan)Kamenka

5311N 04404EEchelle 1: 10000]


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386 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 1991

F[JiaH MecTa CKIcatcKoro XpaHeHHH PaKeT/IlycKoBbIX YCTaHOBOKEnraBa

(56 40 c.m. 024 07 B.f.)MacmTa6 1:5000

[Missile/Launcher Storage FacilityJelgava

(56 40 N 024 07 E)Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de stockage de missiles/lanceurs (plan)Elgaba

56 40N 024 07EEchelle 1:5000]

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InaH o6ierra no npOH3BOCTBy paKeT - BOTKHHCKHI MaIHHHOCTpOHTeibHA 3aBoA(57°02'17"c.m. 5408'00")

MacuTa6 1:5000

[Missile production facility - Votkinsk Machine Building Plant(57O02'17- N 54O08'00')

Scale 1:5000]

[Installation de production de missiles (plan)Usine de constructions mdcaniques de Votkinsk

57002'17" N 54o08'00" EEchelle 1:50001


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(CM. cJleAtyIomH JIHCT)fIIaH o61,eKTa no ripOH3BOACTBy nryCKOBbiX yCTaHOBOK - onblTHbIH 3aBOA


(56o47 ' c .ui. 60'47' B .A.)

MacmUTa6 1:7500

[See next sheetLauncher Production Facility - Experimental Plant

of the Amalgamated Production Works"M.I. Kalinin Machine Building Plant", Sverdlovsk

(56o47 ' N 60o47' E)Scale 1:7500]

[Installation de production de lanceurs (plan)Usine exp~rimentale du complexe industriel

<« Usine de constructions m6caniques M.I. Kalinine >>Sverdlovsk

56o47, N 60°47 EEchelle 1:7500]


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I'rIaH o6TeKTa no npoH3BOACTBy nyCKoBbIX yCTaHOBOK - OnbITHlfi 3aBO npOH3BOatCTBeH-Horo o6eXHHeHHH "MaIIH-HOCTpOHTemHbli 3aBoa HM. M.H. KaJinnnHa", CBepUIOBCK

(56047' c.w. 60o47 , B.;j.)

Launcher Production Facility - Experimental Plantof the Amalgamated Production Works

"M.I. Kalinin Machine Building Plant", Sverdlovsk(56-47" N 60o47, E)

[Installation de production de lanceurs (plan)Usine exp&rimentale du complexe industriel

<« Usine de constructions m6caniques M.I. Kalinine >>Sverdlovsk

56o47 ' N 60-47 ' E]


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(cM. cjieJyiot1HA JIHCT)HrIiaH o61,eKTa no npOH3BOACTBy nyCKOBbIX yCTaHOBOK - 3aBOr "BappHKagbi"

(48047 ' c.Ln. 44°36' B.4R.)MacMTa6 1: 10000

[(See next sheet)Launcher Production Facility - Barricady Plant

(48047 "N 44036'E)Scale 1:10000]

[(Voir feuille suivante)Installation de production de lanceurs (plan)

Usine << Barrikady >>48047, N 44036 ' E

Echelle 1: 10000]

U7 '- -'-"

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IIlaH o6,eKTa no flpOH3BOqlCTBy nyCKOBbIX yCTaHOBOK - 3aBOR "EappHnaabl"

(48°47' c.lu. 44O36 ' Ba . .)

Launcher Production Facility - Barricady Plant(48047 ' N 44°36'E)

[Installation de production de lanceurs (plan)Usine <« Barrikady >>48047' N 44°36' E]


o /I L-, -

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(54054' c am. 69°10' B .A .)

MacmTa6 1: 10000

[See next sheetLauncher Production Facility - V. I. Lenin Petropavlovsk

Heavy Machine Building Plant(54054 ' N 69010'E)

Scale 1:10000]

[(Voir feuille suivante)Installation de production de lanceurs (plan)

Usine de constructions m~caniques lourdes V.I. Ldnine Petropavlovsk54054'N 690 10'E

Echelle 1:100001

C --------- C o


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InaJaH o6beKTa no IIpO3BOICTBy IyCKOBbX yCTaHOBOK - reTponaBrOBCKHri 3aBOATsnKeJloro MalUHHOCTpOeHHA HM. B.14. JIeHHHa

(54054 ' c.lu. 69010'B.A.)

[Launcher Production Facility - V. I. Lenin PetropavlovskHeavy Machine Building Plant

(54054 ' N 69010'E)]

[Installation de production de lanceurs (plan)Usine de constructions mdcaniques lourdes V.I.Lnine Petropavlovsk

54o54'N 69o10'E]

rj - i



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PCA-10 CTa.HoHapHoe [RSD-10 Fixed structure [RSD-10 Structure fixecoopyKenHe )jam nyc KoBoi for launcher] de lanceur]


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PK-55 PaKeTa [RK-55 Missile] [RK-55 Missile]

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PK-55 rlycKoBORI KOHTeIrep [RK-55 Launch canister] [RK-55 Conteneurde lancement]

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420 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitks 1991


B COOTBeTCTBHH C nOnO~eHA H B ocymeCTBneHxe foroBopa

mexny Coo30 CoBeTCKZX CouHanHCTHqecKHx Pecny6nHK K CoeAKHeH-

HblMH WTaTamH AMepKKH 0 RHKBHfauHH HX paKer cpeAHek AafbHOCTH

H meHbek AanbHOCTH OT 8 zeKa6pR 1987 rona, HHxe HmeHyeMoro

1orosopom, C7opoHbI HacToAHWI cornawaioTCA o apouezypax, pery-

nHpyiowHx HKaHzauHio paKeTHblX cpeACrs, noAnaAanwmx noA AeacTsHe


1. 3neieHTbl DaKeTHblX cpencTB, ncanexawHe xHKBHmauHH

KoHKpeTHbIMH 3nemeHTamH KaxAo7O rrna paKeTHbIX cpeACr8,

KOTopbte ZOnAHbi 6blrb rlHKaHnHpoBaHbl, RABTI.TCR:

1. An Cobo3a CoBeTCKHX CouxanKCTHqecKHx Pecny6nHK:

"Cf-1O" - paKeTa, nyCKoBoR KOHTe.,Hep, rlyCKOBaa

yCTaHO8Ka, TpaHcnopTHoe cpenCT5O AR paKeTbl H

crauHoHapHoe coopy~eHHe ARA nyCKOBOR YCTaHOSKH;

"P-12" - paKera, TpaHcnOpTHoe CpeCTBO DIRA paKebi,



"E-14" - paKera;

"PK-55" - paKera, nyCKoSoR KOHTrIHep K nycKoaaR


"OTP-22" - paKera, nyCKoaR ycTaHoaKa H TpaHcnopr-

Hoe cpecTao ARA paKeTb; H

"OTP-23" - paKera, nycKoBaR yCTaHOBKa H TpaHcnopT-

Hoe cpencTao DAR paKeT.

2. InR CoezHHeHH bX [rTaTOB AMepHKH:

"nepwHHr-2" - paKeTa, nycKoaan yC~aHoaKa H yKpbirHe

CraproBok nnomazKH;

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 421

"BGM-109G" - paKeTa, nyCKOBoR K oH eHep H nyCKosaA


"nepwHHr-TA" - paKeTa H nyCKOSaa ycraHoaKa; H

"nepwHHr-1S" - paKeTa.

3. RAR o6eHx CTOpOK AHKBHzaLHH nonnexaT ace y'e6Hbie

paKeTbl, CTyneHH yqe6Hb[X paKeT, yqe6Hme nyCKOble KOHTeRHepbl

H yqe6Hble nyCKOable yCTaHOBKH.

4. lRn o6eHx CTOpOH nHKBKzauH nonnexaT ace CTyreHH

SPHE cpeAHeA aRabHOCTH H meHbweg AanbHOCTH.

5. nAn o6eHx CropoH nHKaHmauHH 7onAeXaT ace ronOBHbe

'4aCTH pa3aepHyTbIX paKeT cpeAHeA zanbHOc-TH H meHbme AanbHOCTM.

II. npouezvpb nHKBHzaUHH B 'ecTax fHKBHfaUHH

1. :lnR o6ecneqeHHR HaAeXHoro onpezeneHHR THna H KOnHqe-

cTBa nHKBHzHpyemwx 5 aecTax RHKBHKaQHH paKeT, CTyneHek paKeT,

rOnOBHbX 4acTeA, nycKOBbIX KOHTeRHepoB, nycKoBblx yCTaHOBOK,

TpaHcnopTHbx.cpencTa n)Ra paKer, YCTaH0BWHKOB paKeT H nyCKOsbIX

CTOnOB, a TaKxe yqe6HbIX paKeT, CTyneHef y'ie6Hbx paKeT, y'4e6HbiX

nycKOBbIX KOHTeRHepoa H yqe6Hwx nyCKOBWX yCTaHOBOK, yKa3aHHbX a

pa3Aene I HacToRwero [poToKOna, H jRR HcKnoqeHHR B03MOXHOCTH

BOCCTaHOBneHHR TaKHX 3nemeHTOB zR Qenek, HecoBmeCTHX C nOnO-

zeHHRHH 4orosopa, CTOpOHb BrORHROT H3nOxeHHe HHze Tpe6oBaHR.

2. OcywecTneHHe npouezyp AHKBHga"HH 3nemeHTOB paKeTHbIX

cpeAcTS, nepe4HCneHHblX B nyHKTe 1 HacToiutero pa3nena, 3a HCKnO-

qeHem yqe6HMX paKeT, cTyneHeR yme6HbIx paKer, ye6Hwx nycKoabix

KOHTeRHepos H yqe6Hblx nycKoBbX yCTaHOBOK, noAnezHT HHCneKuHRm

Ha mecTe a COOTBeTCTHH CO CTaTbeR XI Aorosopa H C npOTOKOnOM

o6 HHCneKuHRX. CTopoHN HmeWT npaso nlOBOIHTb HHcneKUHH Ha mecTe

c uebO nOATaepXneHHR laKTa 3aaepueHHR npouegyp RHKBHAa4HH,

H3nOeHHbX B nyHKTe 11 HacToRwero pa3Aena AnR yqe6HbX paKeT,

cTynemeR y-4e6HbX paKer, y,4e6Hlbx rtyCKOBbIX KHTeftHepoa H yt4e6HWX

nycKOBb[X yCTaHOBOK. CTOpOHa, KOTOpog npHHaAneXHT TaKaR yge6HaA

paKeTa, TaKaR CTyneHb yqe6HOR paKeTb, raKoR y'4e6HbIR nyCKOBOR

KOHTeAHep HnH TaKaR ye6HaR nyCKOBaR yCTaHOBKa, coo6waeT ApyroR


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422 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

6blTb nposezeHa HHCneKLIKA Ha meCTe, a TaKxe ZaTy, Korza oHa MOAeT

6bITb npoBezexa. TaKoe coo6teHHe npeAocTaBnReTrC 3a6naropemeHHo

He meHee qeI 3a 30 aHeA 2O yKa3aHHOA AarbI.

3. fo npH6wrHR paKeTbI Ha MeCTo JKHKBHzauHH C Hee MoryT

6bITb CHRTbi ee RaepHoe 3apAZHoe yCTpORCTBO H 3neMeHTb C1tCTe~bl


A. Kacnai H3 CTOpOH Bbl6HpaeT onpexeneHHbie TeXHonor~tqec-

Kae cnoco6bi, Heo6xoKMbbie alA oCyweCTsneHHA npouezyp, Tpe~yembix

nyHKTa-H 10 H 11 HacTORtiero pa31ena, H anA o6ecneqeHHR BO30;-

HOCTH HHcreKTHpoBaTb Ha mecTe oCyweCTBr:HHe npouenyp YlHKBHzauxH,

Tpe6yebIx nyHKTOM 10 HaCToRmero pa3flena. B COOTBeTCTBHH CO

craTbeg XI Zoroaopa, C HacToRwHI fpOTOK:IOM H nporoKonom o6


5. Haqanom nHKBHzafHH 3nemeHroa paKeTHblX cpeACTB, nozna-

zaioumtx noz zeACrsBe nOnoxeHHA HaCToR4ero pa3zena, C'4HTaeT-r

Haqano ocyvueCTBseHHR npoue~yp, H3noxeHHb[X B lyHKTe 10 Hmut 11

HaCToRwero pa3zena.

6. HenocpeAcTBeHHO nepez Haqanom OcyweCTBneHHR npouezyp

RHKBl1aUHH, ll3JioxeHHbiX B flyHKTe 10 HacTopitero pa3aena, HHCneKTOp

CTOpOHbl, noryHBweR CooTaercrByowee yseiomneHHe, rpe6yemoe

nyHKT1 5 "C" CTaTbH IX Ilorosopa, nOATBep~aaeT H tItKCpyeT Tun

H KO)tqeCTB0 Hame'eHHblX K RHKBH~auHH 3vemeHTOB paKeTHbIX cpeACTS.

nepe4 nCteHHblX s nyHKTe 1 HaCToAwero pa3Aena. ECnH HHCneKrTlpyowa3

CTOpoHa CoqTeT Heo6XOAHMbIM, TO npOBOAHTCR TaKxe BH3yanbHblfi OCMoTp

coAepxaHmR nyCKoBX KoHTeflHepoB.

7. CryneHb paKeTm, AHKBH HpyeMaR nyTem CzHraHHA 8 COOT-

BeTCTBHH C npoeAypamH, H3nOxeHHblMH B nyHKTe 10 HaCTo~wero

pa3Aena, He ocHaaeTCR fnnapaTyPOR AnR c6opa zaHHX. Ito HaqaJ13

ocyueCTBneHHR npouenyp nHKBHwauHH, H3AoxeHHbX 8 nYHKTe 10 Ha-

CToRwero pa3nena, HHCneKTOp HHCneKTHpyowef CTOpOHbl nO TBepxzaeT,

TO TaKHe CTyneHH paKeTu He ocHaueHbj annapaTypoR AYIA C60Da naH-

HUX. 3TH CTyneHH paKeb noonexaT HenpepUBHoMy Ha6JHAeHHIO TaKI'l

HHCneKTOpOM c mOmeHTa zaHHOR KHCneKUHH 40 3aBepmeHHR CxHraHHA.

5. TaKT 3aBepweHHR npouezyp nHKBHnauHH, H3noXeHHbuX B

HaCToRlei pa3zene, 3a HCKn4qeHHem npouezyp AHKBHnauHH AnR v4e6-

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HbiX paKe!, CTyfneHe yie6HbIx paKer, ye6HbIx nyCKOBbIX KOHTe;t.ie:Oa

m y'e6HbIX nyCKObIX yCTaHOBOK, a TaKxe THn H KOnH4eCTBO 3ne.eHToB

paKeTHbX cpeZCTB, B OTHOweHHH KoTopblx 3TH npoueaypb 6bRZ 3aaep-

weHbi, nofroep xaeTrC B nHcbmeHHOA opme npeZcTaBHTenem C7:poHbl.

ocyeTsnRioek nRKBaHauiH, H pYKOBOAHrenem HHcneKUHROHHO:t :V n:bI

ZpyroQ CTopoHbl. RIIKBHauHR yqe6HoA paKeTb, CTyneHw yLe6Ho2 paKe-

Tbl, yve6Horo nycKoBoro KoHTeRHepa HnH yqe6HoR nycKosor v:aHOsKt

C4HTaeTCR 3aBepweHHOR nocne 3asepWeHMA npoueAyp, H3nOxeHHbX B

nyHKTe 11 HacTo~mero pa3Aena, H npe~oc:2BneHHA yBezoMfeHHA, KaK

3TO Tpe6yerTC nyHKTOm 3 "e" cTarbH IX :roBopa, no npowecTBHH

jaTbl, yKa3b[BaemoR cornacHo nyHKTy 2 Hac:onwero pa3Aea.

9. CropoHbi cornacHbl, 4TO ace coseTCKHe H amepHKaHCKHe

paKeTb cpezHek AanbHOCTH H meHbweg aanbHOCTH H C.B3aHHble C HHI1H1

6oeronosK t AHKBHZHpyOTCA B xoze coracoBaHHOrO o6i ero nepitoza

AHKBwtzauxHH. Kpome Toro, OHH cornaCHbl 8 TOM, 'TO Bce raKite paKeTbi

aKTwtqeCKH nHKBH.HKPYOTCR 3a fRTHaauaTb AHeQ AO 3aBepueHtR o6wero

nepxoza nuKsHzauHH. B re4eHHe nocneAHHX nATHamuaT1! AHew CTOpoHa

BbISOAUlT B npezeAb csoeR HauHoHanbHoR Tepp tTOp11H 6oeronoBK;I, KO-

TOpble OAHOCTOpOHHIIM peweHHem H3bimaOTCA H3 cvuLecTBv*lHx nporpamm


H3noxeHblMlt B HaCToRmem pa34ene npoueAypaIH.

10. KOHKpeTHbMiH npoueypamH AHKBHmauHti 3ne-teHTOB paKeTHbiX

cpeAC-T, nepeqHcneHHbIX B nyHKTe 1 HaCTORwero pa3Aena, ecnii

CTOpOHb He cornacy*r HHwe npouenypu nrt AOCTHxeHHR roro xe

pe3ylbTaTa, 4TO H npH npouenypax, yKa3aHHbIX a HacroRwem nyHKTe.

ABnARTCR cnezyotume:

f.I1R "PCI-10"


a) paKera HKBKnHpyeTcR nyrem noZpWaa paKeTW s ee nyCKO-

BOM KOHTeRsepe HnH nyTem cxHraHHR cTyneHeA paKeTW;

b) TSepAoe TOrnHBO, conna H Kopnyca paKeTHbX ZBHraTeneA,

He yHH'lTOeHHbte B xone 3Toro npouecca, cxHraOTcR, cmHHaoTCR,

crnVHwaOTCR HuH yHH'4TOxaOTcR C fOMOWb0 83pbIBa; H

c) rOOSHaR qacTb, BKno4aR 6oerOAO8KH 6e3 R~epHbIX 3apRz-

HbIX yCTpORCTB, H npH6opHbIA oTceK 6e3 3nemeHToB CHCTe~bl HaBezeHHA

CMHHa *TCA HH cnnxloHBaITcR.

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nfCKOBOR KOHreAHep yHH4TOxaeTCR nyreM noApbiaa Bmecre c paKe-

TOR HrH pa3pytuaeTC eb oTOefbHo C fOiOHW a3pblaa, pa3pe3aeTcR Ha aBe

npH6nH3HTenbHo paaHbie LaCTH, CMHHaeTCR 111H CflfLInHBaeTCR.


a) ycTaHOaO4HO-nycKOBOfl mexaHH3- yanAReTCR c waccH nyCKO-


b) ace 3nemeHTM yCraHOBO4HO-nyCKOaOrO mexaHH3ma pa3pe3a-

OrcA a mecTax, He AsnmwuHXC y3nanK coeAHHeHHR, Ha ABe npH6nt3;t-

TenbHo paaHbje qaCTH;

C) annapaTypa o6ecne4eHHn nycKa paKerbI, BKnoqaA HasecHbe

npH6opHbie orceKH, yzanAercR c waccH nyCKoBoR yCTaHoaKH;

S) y3nbl KpenneHHR yCTaHOBO4HO-nyCKOBOrO mexaHH3ma it

BbIpaaHHBaowHe YnCpbl nyCKOBOft ycTaHOKt cpe3a-TCR c waccit nyCKO-


e) 8blpaaH~IaituHe ynopb nyCKO0Ao yCTaHOBKH pa3pe3arTCR a

meCraX, He RBnRwAHU1XCR y3namH coeAHHeH~IR, Ha zae npH6nH3HTenbHO

paSHbe qaCTI; H

P) qaCTb waCCH nycKosok yCTaHOBKH AlHHOR He mesee

0,78 meTpa oTpe3aerCA 3a 3aAHeR OCbO.

TpaHCnopTHoe cpencTso AnA paKeTbi:

a) Bce mexaHH3Mbl, CBR3aHHbie C nOrpy3KoA H KpenleHHem

paKeTb, yaaROTCR C waccH rpaHCnopTHoro cpencraa;

) ce y3nw KpenneHHR TaKHX mexaHH3MOB cpe3aorCA C

IacCH rpaHcnoprHoro cpenCTBa;

c) Bce 3nemeHTbl iexaHH3-IOB, CBA3aHHbX C nOrpy3KOR H

KpenneHem paKeTbl, pa3pe3a*TCR a mecTax, He RBJARWHXCR y3namm

cOenHHeHHR, Ha aBe npH6ri3HTelbHO paaHbie qaCTH;

HaaecHbie npH6opHble oTCeKH yzanRTCA C waccH rpaHC-

noprHoro cpencraa;

e) abipaHKsaowHe ynopbl TpaHCnoprHoro cpencraa cpe3aorCA

c waccH TpaHCrOpTHoro cpencraa H pa3pe3aOTCR a meCTax, He

RaBnAWHXC v3namH coezHHeHHR, Ha ZBe npH6nH3HTeYlbHO paBHbae

qaCTH; H

f) qacTb wacc TpaHCnopTHoro cpeICTra AJIHHOA He meHee

0,73 merpa orpe3aerCR 3a 3aaHeg OCbO.

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JlnR "P- 12"


a) conna zaBraTenbHoA YCTaHOBKH cpe3aMTrR B mecTax, He


C) ace eMKOCTH A TOnnHBa pa3pe3a!OrcA Ha ZBe nPH6nAt3H-

TenbHO paaHbie 'aCTII;

c) npK6opHblk oTceK 6e3 3nemeHroa cRcTeMb HaBezeHRA pa3-

pe3aercR Ha Ae npH6nK3HTenbHO paSHble qacTH; H

d) COAOBHaR 4aCTb 6e3 RAepHoro 3apRZHoro yCTpOfiCTBa



3neMeHTbI nyCKOBOrO cTona pa3pe3aTcA B ,mecTax, He RBARO-

WHXCR y3naMU coezttHeHHR, Ha ABse npH6;H3IITenbHO paBKbie 4aCT1.

YCTaHOau tK PaKeTbl:

a) cTpena, BbpaBHHsaiotue ynopm ycTaHOBUIKKa paKer I It

mexaHH3M nonieMa paKeT OTpe3aTCR OT yCTaHOBWHKa paKeTW B


b) cTpena H 8bpaBHHsawie ynopbl yCTaHOBwHKa paKermb

pa3pe3a*TCA Ha Ase npH6nH3HrenbHO paBHwe qacr.

TDaHCnOoTHoe cpeAcrBO AuR paKer b:

3nemeHTM KpenneHHA paKeTb H MeXaHH3Ma nozbema paKerbi, a

TaKxe ynopl, yCTaHOBKH paKerb Ha nyCKOBylO yCTaHoBKy cpe3a4TcR

C TpaHCnOOTHOrO cpeZCTBa 8 MeCTax, He ABflAouHXCR y3nam1H


Rn. A"P- I"


a) conna zB;traTerlbHoa ycTaHOBKH cpe3aoTcR a mecrax. He

RBfRlAWHXCR y3na.H coeaHHeHHA;

-) ace emKOcT t ZIR TOflnHBa pa3pe3ao-rcR Ha ZBe l;5-

3HRTebHO paSHble iac-i. H

C) fpH6opHbI OTCeK 6e3 3nemeHTC= cHCrTembt HaBezeHHR pa3-

pe3aeTcR Ha zse npH6ni3HTeflbHO paBHbie -aCTH.

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426 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

flnR "PK-55"


a) KOpny¢ paKer b paape3aercA B fnBIHy Ha nae 4acrH;

3) nIOCKOCTII H XBOCToBaR qaCTb oTpe3aTCA OT Kopnyca

paKerb s mecrax, He BnfR)OUIHXCA y3nama coeguHeHHA; H

c) ronoBHaA qacTb 6e3 AzepHoro 3apRZHoro YCTpOflCTBa H

3nemeHTOB ClICTebI HaBezeHIIA C'IHaeTcn vimi cnmHowHuaercA.

fVCKOaOft KOHTeftHep:

nyCKOBOA KOHTerlHep CmHHaeTCA, cnnm:loLBaeTcR, pa3pe3aeTCR

Ha nae npH6nl:3HTenbHO paBHbie qac.-H HnH VHH4ToxaeTcR C flO11Owbo


1lycKosaA ycTaHoaKa:

a) ycTaHoBo4Ho-nYCKOBOfI texaHH3M yzanaercR c waccH


b) Bce 3nemeHTW yCTaHOBO4HO-nyCKOBoro MexaHM3Ma pa3-

pe3alerC a MecTax, He RBRAKWHXCR y3naMH coezHHeHHR, Ha zBe

npH6n)3HTeobHo paaHbie %laCTH;

c) annapaTypa o6ecne4eHHR nycKa paKeTb, BKfVaAR Haaec-

Hbie npH6opHme oTceKH, yaneTcA C wacc nyCKOBOR yCTaHOBKH;

d) y3RW KpenneHHR yCTaHOBO4HO-nyCKOsoro mexaHH3ma H

BblpaBHHBal0WHe ynopbi nlCKOBOA YCTaHOBKH cpe3aOTCR C waCCH nYCKO-


e) BblpaaHHBamwHe ynOpbl fyCKOBOR yCTaHOBKH pa3pe3aTo-cA 8mecTax, He RBnRIowHXCR y3naiH coeaHHeHHR, Ha zse npH6IH3HTeJbHO

paaHbie qaCTH; H

f) qaCTb maCCI fyCKOBO YCTaHOBKH OTpe3aeTCR B meCTe,onpegenReMom nyTem oTmepa He 6onee 0,70 meTpa OT 3azHek ocH a

HanpasneHHH Ha3az.

Bn "OTP-22"


a) paKeTa AHKBKHzpyeTCR nyTem no~pbtaa HiH CHraHHR CTy-

neHeR paKeTbl;

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b) raepnoe Tonnxso, conna H Kopnyca paKeTHbX ZeHraTeneR,

He yHH4ToxeHHbe a xoze 3Toro npouecca, c*HraoTCR, CMHHaoTcR,

cnn*wHBaTcR )R1 yHH4TOxaOTCR C nOMlOblO B.3pbisa; K

C) ronoBHaR qacrb 6e3 RAepHoro 3apRAHOrO ycTpOACTBa H

npH60pHbIR OTceK 6e3 3nemeHToa CKcTe.1bl HaaexeH;tA C-IHHalOTcR,

CRnIowHsal0TCR H yHHqToxaoTcA nyre nOnpbBa smecre c paKeroR.

nycKosaa VCTaHoBKa:

a) ycTaHoBOqHO-nycKoBoR mexaHH3M yAan~ercA c maccaI fyCKO-


b) ace 3nemeHrb yCTaoB04Ho-nyCKOBOro nexaHH3ma pa3pe3a-

ITCR a mecTax, He RSITRIOWLDXCR y3naH CoeAHHeHIR, Ha Ase rpH6nH31t-

TeRbHO paaBHe qaCTH;

c) annaparypa o6ecneqeHHa nycKa paKebi, SKI0'4aA HaseCHbie

npH6opHbie OTCeKl, ygan~eTCR c waccH nycKoBofi YCTaHOBKH;

d) y3Abl KpenneHHA yCTaHOBO4HO-nyCKOaOro mexaHH3ma K 1bl-

paSHaaowe ynopw nyCKOBOR yCTaHOBKH Cpe3a*TCA C waccit nlyCKO-


e) BbpaBHHaalwHe ynOpW nyCKOBOR yCraHOaKH pa3pe3aoTcR 8

meCTax, He ARBAAO2XCR y3namH COeAHeHHR, Ha Ase npH6H3HTelbHO

paSHbie qacrH; H

f) 4acTb waCc1 nyCKOBO YCTaHOBKM ZAHHOR He eHee

1,10 merpa orpe3aercA 3a 3azHeR OCbio.

ToaHCCoDTHoe coezcTso Ann paKerbI:

a) ace mexaHH3bI, CBR3aHHwe C norpy3KOA H KpenneHHeM

paKerb, yzanAiOTCa C waccH TpaHCnopTHoro cpeZcTaa;

b) ace V3Tbl KpeneeHHA TaKHx mexaHH3moB cpe3aoTCA C .acc;t

rpaHcnOpTHoro cpecraa;

c) ace 3nemeHTbl mexaHH3Mos, CBR3aHHMX C norpy3KoH

Kpenn1eHHel paKerbi, pa3pe3a4Tc a ieCTax, He aBnRoI1xcR y3uamm1

COezkHeHHR, Ha zse npH6nH3HTenbHO pasHbie qaCTH;

d) HaaeCHble npx6opHbe OTCeKX yzaAOTCR c wacCH rpaHc-

nOpTHoro cpeZ)CTsa;

e) BbipaBHH~aoHe ynOpb TpaHCnOpTHorO cpeZcrsa cpe3aOTCR

c waccH TpaHcnoprHoro cpeAcrsa K pa3pe3aoTCR B mecrax, He RB f O-

WHXCA ya3na" cOezHHeHHR, Ha ABe npH6AH3HTenbHO paaHble qacrH; 1

f) qaCrb wacch TpaHCnOprHOrO cpeZcrsa AJHHOH He meHee

1,10 merpa orpe3aercR 3a 3aAHeA ocblo.

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428 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1I

fRw "OTP-23"


a) paKera nuKaHuHpyeTcx nyTem nozpbiaa Hmn cxHraHR Cry-

neHH paKeTbi;

b) raepnoe ronARso, conno H KOpnyC paKerHoro 3HraTenR,

He yHH4ToxeHHble a xoze 3roro npouecca, cyc(ralorcR, CIHHaIOTCA,

crnioHsarcA HuH yHH4ToxaITcR C nOMOlb a3psa; K

c) ronOBHaR qacTb 6e3 RAepHoro 3apRAHoro ycrpoRcTaa H

npH6opHbtR oTceK 6e3 3nemeHrOB CHCTeMW HaaeneHHA CMlHaIOTcR,

cnnmlHBaTCR H71H yHH'4ToxaVTC nyreM nopblaa Bmecre c paKerog.

fyCKosaA yCTaHOSKa:

a) yCTaHOBO4HO-nyCKOBO MexaHH3M yanRerCR H3 Ky3OBa


ace 3neerbl ycraHoao4Ho-nycKoaoro mexaHH3Ma pa3pe-3a*TcR a mecrax, He snARoIuHXCR y3naMH coeAHHeHHR, Ha Ase npH-

6nH3HTenbHO paBHbie qacTH;

C) annaparypa o6ecneqeHHR nycKa paKer b y~anRerC¢ H3


d) y3nw KpenneHHR ycTaHOBo4Ho-nyCKOsoro mexaHH3ma K

abipaSHHsatowHe Ynopbl nyCKO80 YCTaHoBKH cpe3aMrcR C Ky3oBa


e) BblpaBHHaowHe ynopbI nyCKOBOR yCTaHOBKK paape3aorC a

meCTax, He ABnIRIwHXC y3naH cOezHHeHHR, Ha Ase npH6nH3aTeubHO

paaHbie qaCTH;

P) aa fpeAHa3HaqeHHa .IR 3aWHTbl Or Bo3AewcTBHR ar-io-

c~epHbX RBneHHA KpbuKa KY3os1a nyCKOBOR yCraHoBKH y~an~ercA H

pa3pe3aercR Ha Ase npH6nH3HTenbHO pasHmte qaCTH; H

g) 4acTb KY3oBa nyCKOBO ycTaHCBKH A)HHOR He MeHee

0,35 merpa orpe3aercA 3a 3aAHek OCbIO.

TDaHcnoPrHoe cDeZCTBO ARA paKerwb:

a) Bce mexaHH3Mbl, CBA3aHHbie C norpy3KO H KpenneHHem

paKerbI, yzanAOTcA H3 Ky3oaa rpaHcnOprHoro cpencTa;

:) ace y3flbl KpenneHHR TaKHX mexaHH3MOS cpe3aTCA c

Ky3osa TpaHcnOpTHoro cpeAcraa;

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C) ace 3nemeHTbl mexaHH3lOB, cBR3aHHbX C norpy3KOR H

KpenneHHem paKeTbI, pa3pe3aloTcR a mecTax, He ASnB1!RHXCA y3naMH

coeAHHeHHR, Ha Aae npH6nH3HTe)bHo paSHble qacTH;

d) annapaTypa ynpaaneHRA MexaHx3MOM, CBA3aHHb1M C norpy3-

KOR paKeTbl, yAan~eTcA H3 Ky3oBa TpaHcnopTHoro cpeAcTaa;

e) BblpaaHUtaaewe Ynopb TpaHcnOpTHoro cpeacraa cpe3aOTcR

c Ky3oaa TpaHcnopTHoro cpeAcraa H pa3pe3aOTcR a mecTax, He RBIRTO-

WHXCR y3naMH coeAHHeHHA, Ha Ase npH61lH3HTenbHO paaSHe 4aCTH; ;I

f) qaCTb Ky3Oaa TpaHcnopTHoro cpeACTaa AYTHHOR He meHee

0,85 meTpa oTpe3aeTcA 3a 3aAHeR OCbO.

flnR "[fepWHHr-2"


a) cTyneHH paKeb AHKBHKHApyTCA nyTeM noApbIa HnH cxH-


b) Taepzoe TOnnHBO, conna K Kopnyca paKeTHWx zBHraTenek,

He yHHTOxeHHbie B xone 3TOro npouecca, c¢HraOTcR, CMHHaOTcR,

cnl)IWHBaTCR HfnK yHH4o*oaTCR C nOMOWbQ B3pWBa; H

C) ronOBHaA 4aCTb 6e3 A~epHorO 3apRAHoro ycrpoRcTra H

3nemeHToa CHCTeMb! HaaeAeHKH C'HHaeTCR KnH cnnrlmoHaeTCA.

nycKoBaR yCTaHoBKa:

a) yCTaHOSO4HO-nyCKOBOA mexaHM3M yzanReTCr c acc'f nyCKO-

80 yCTaHoBKH;

b) ace 3nemeHTbl yCTaHOBO4HO-nyCKOBoro NexaHH3ma pa3pe-

3aercA s mecrax, He RBJReIHXCR y3naMK coeAHHeHHR, Ha ase npH-

6nH3HTenbHO paSHbe qaCTH;

c) annapaTypa o6ecne4eHHR nycKa DaKeW, BK1oqaR HasecHbie

npH6opHbie oTceKH, y~anerTCA c waccH nyZKOBOR ycTaHOBKH; H

d) waccH nyCKOBOR yCTaHOaKH pa3Ze3aercR B mecTe, He

R8nROwemcR y3no coeAHHeHHR, Ha zae npH6nH3HTefbHO paBHbe qaCTH.

IlnR '"BGX-109G"


a) Kopnyc paKerT pa3pesaercA B AAHHY Ha ABe qaCTH;

b) nROCKoCTIt H XaOCTOBa qaCTb OTpe3aOTCR OT KOpnyca

paKerbl B mecrax, He RABAOwHXCA y3naMH coeAHHeHHR; H

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c) ronoaHaR 4aCTb 6e3 A epHoro 3apARHoro ycTpoAcrTa H

3nemeHToa CHCTebl HaBeeHitA C,1HHaeTcR HnH cnnlowmBaeTcA.


nyCKOBOft KOHTeflHep CIHHaeTCR, Cn1oHBaeTCA, pa3pe3aeTcR

Ha nae npH6nH3HTelbHO paSHwe 4aCTH HIH yHH4ToxaeTcR C nONOrbio


fycKosaA YCTaHOBKa:

a) yCTaHOBO4HO-nyCKOBOA mexaHH3M yAanneTcR c waccH nycKo-


b) ace 3nemeHrM ycraHoBoHO-nycKoaoro MexaHH3a pa3pe3a-

OTCR a mecTax, He RBRROWHXCR y3namH coefHHeHHR, Ha ABe rKH6RH3H-

TenbHO paBHbe 4aCTH;

c) annapaTypa o6ecne4emH fycKa paKeTbl, BKio'~aA HaaecHbie

npH6opHble oTceKH, yzanRercR c waccH nyCKOBO yCTaHOBKH; H

d) waccH nycKOBOR YCTaHOBKH pa3pe3aeTcA a mecre, He

RBxRowemcR y37Otl coeAHHeHHR, Ha Ae fpH6H3HTenbHO paaHbe 4aCT.

flflR "(1epwHHr-rA"


a) cTyneHH paKerxi TlHKBHAHPYlOTCR nyTe no4pbiaa HIH CEX-


b) rsepoe ronnHo, conna H Kopnyca paKerHWx ABHraTeneR,

He yHH'4ToeHHbie B xoae 3Toro npouecca, CxHrarTcR, CIHHaOTCR,

nrewHaaloTcR HnH yHH4TozaOTCR C fOMOWbC B3pblaa; H

c) ronoaHaR 4acTb 6e3 x epHoro 3apAAHoro yCTPORCTsaa

3nemeHToB cHCreMbl HasefeHHA CMHHaeTCA HnH cnruLuOHBaeTcR.


a) YCTaHOBO4HO-nycKoBoA mexaHH3M yzan~ercA c waccH nyCKO-


b) Bce 3nemeHTbl yCTaHoaO4HO-nycKosoro mexaHH3ma pa3pe-

3aOTCA a Mecrax, He ABROWHXCR y3naMH coeAHHeHHR, Ha nae pH6nH-

3HTebHO paaHbie 4aCTH;

c) annaparypa o6ecneqeHIR nyc~a paKeb, BKnoqaR HaaeCHbie

npH6opHbie oTceKH, y~anReTcR c waccH nyCKOaOA yCTaHOBKH; H

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d) waccH nycKooa ycTaHOBKH pa3pe3aeTcR a MecTe, He

,sfiowemcR y3nOM coeHmHeHItR, Ha Ase npH6nI3HTenbHo paBHwe 4acT1.

lina "nepwHHr- 5"


a) CTyneHb paKerbl n1HKBHHpyeTCA nyrem nOApbIaa HnH cZH-

raxH R;

z) rsepnoe ronnKao, conno H KOpnyC paKerHoro #AxrarenA,

He yHH4TOxeHHbe B xo~e 3Toro npouecca, c*KraoTCR, CMHHaxoTcR,

cnn*W BaTcA HnH yHH4qToxaOTCR c nOMOLb 3pbiBa; H

C) ronoBHaR qaCTb 6e3 RAepHoro 3apRAHoro ycrpotRcTa K

3nemeHTOB CHCreMbl Haae~eHHR CMCHaeTcR HnH cnmclwsaeTCR.

11. KOHKpeTHbIH npouegypaiH flHKBH4auKH ype6HbIX paKer,

cryneHek yqe6HbIX paKer, yte6Hb1X nyCKOBbX KOHTeRHepoB H yqe6Hbix

nyCKO~blX yCTaHOBOK, yKa3aHHblX 8 nyHKTe 1 HaCToR~uero pa3Aena.

RBIRIOTCA cfleAylow~e:

Y'e6HaA paKera K CryneHb y4e6HoA paKErbl:

y'e6HaR paKera H CTyneHb y4e6HoR paKerbl CMHHaoTC, cnno-

HBaQrCR, pa3pe3aK)rCR Ha zae npH6AH3HTebHO paaHe qaCTH HAH

yHHK4ToxaTCA C nOMObIO a3pblaa.


yqe6HUR nyCKOBOk KOHTeRHep CMKHaeTCR, cnnooHsaeTCA, pa3-

pe3aer~c Ha ABe npH6H3HTe~bHO paBHble 4aCTH IVlH yHH4ToxaeTCR

c nO.'OEb1O a3pblaa.

Yqe6HaR nvcKoBaR yCTaHOBKa:

waCCH y4e6HoA nyCKOBOR yCTaHOaKH oTpe3aeTCR 8 TOM

) e meCTe, KOropoe yKa3aHO B nyHKTe 10 HacroRwero pa3gena annyCKOBOfl yCTaHoBKH paKerT Toro xe THna.


1. nHKBHaHR paKer MeTO OM nyCKa cornacHo nyHKTy 5

CTaTbH X 11oroBopa nonAneHT HHCneKUHH Ha Mecre B COOTBeTCTBHH C

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nyHKTOm 7 CTaTbH XI floroaopa H npoToKonoM o6 HHcneKUHAX. Heno-

cpecrseHHO nepea KaxiMb nyCKOM, nposofHmbim c Ue)bQ nHKBHmauHH,

HHCneKTop HHCneKTHpyioweR CTOpOHb nOaTrepxaer nyreM BH3yaAbHOrO

Ha6mozeHHA THn 3anycKaeMok paKeTbl.

2. fycKH acex paKeT, AHKnttaHpyeMbwX MeTOZoM nycKa, ocywe-

CTBJAIOTCR H3 cneuHanbHO oroBopeHHbX MeCT nHKBHAaUHH B cywe-

cTsylowiHe paROHb1 naeHHR 411A TaKHx paKeT. HH OAHa H3 TaKHX paKeT

He HCnOOb3yeTcR 8 KaqecTBe AnBKymewc mRHeHH AnR nepexa'-;.Ka

6armlHCTSHeCKHX paKeT.

3. fyCKH paKeT, flHKBHAHpyeMhiX meTOAoM nycKa, ocyteAAnIOr-

CA nOOAHH04HO C HHTepBanom meyA TaKHMH nyCKaMH He meHee wecTH


4. OpH TaKXX nyc~ax npoHCXo0HT BKnqeHHe AsHrareneg acex

cryneHeR paKeTb. HK OaHa K3 CropoH He nepezaer H He nonyqaer

zaHHbie C paKer, nHKBHAHpye-1b[X meToZoM nycKa, 3a HCK)laueHHem

Heaw posaHHbX zaHHbIX, HCnOrb3yeblX ZnIR o6ecfeqeHHR 6e3oacHOCT;!


5. 1DaKT 3aBepmeHH npouezyp nHKBHaqtHt, H3noxeHHbIX B

HacroRwem pa3xiene, a TaKxe TH H KOhHxeCTBO paKeT, B OTHOweHHli

KOTOpblX 3TH npouezypbu bl nH 3asepmeHbi, noZraepx=aDTcA a nHCbMeH-

Hog opme npecTasHTenem CropoHW, ocyqeCTarIRwweg RHKBH~auIu1, II

pyKOSOflHTele HHcneKUH0HHOi rpyrumi ApyroR1 CropoHwl.

6. PaKeTa CqHTaeTCR nHK9HAxpoBaHHoR meToom nyCKa nocne

3asepmeHHR npouenyp, H3noxeHHblX a HaCToRmem pa3Aene, H npeocTa3a-

neHHA yaeAomneHHR, rpe6yemoro nyHKTom 5 "e" craTbK IX oroaopa.

IV. npouezypw nHK8HKaUHH Ha mecT-e

1. BcnomorarenbHue coopyxeHHR

a) RHKBHzaUHR aCnOMoraTe~bHWX CoopyxeHHR, nepeHcc eHHb[X

s pa3ene I HaCToRAwero fpOrOKOna, ocyweCTBnReTCR Ha meCTe.

b) HaqanoM jHKBHKAaHH BCnoMoraTeRbHWX CoopyxeHHR CqHTaeTCA

Ha4ano oCyMeCraneHHR npouezyp nHKBHfaLHH, Tpe6yeMbX nyHKTO-I I

HaCToRmero pa3)ena.

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C) )IKBHauHR acnomoraTenbHbIX coopyeHHA noaneXHT KOHTpOn



d) KOHKpeTHbIH npouezypaiH AHKBH~a LHH scnomorarenbHbX

CoopyxeHH9 ABn)JTCA cneyowmHe:

i) HafICTOKa CTauHoHapHoro coopyxeHHA HnH yKpbITHA

eMOHrHpyeTrCR nH6o pa3pytuaerCR H y~aRxeTCR Co csoero


ii OCHOBaHHe HAH yHzameHT CTaUH.apHoro CoopyxeHHR HKH

YKpbITHR pa3pywaerCA nyreM H3a'eqeHHR H3 rpyHTa HH C

nomouibio 83pbiBa;

.i) pa3pyweHHbie oCHoBaHHe HAH yHzameHT CrauHoHapHoro



KOHTPOAR a TeqeHHe WeCTH mecAues HH ZO 3aBepweHHA


crarbek XI florosopa; H

:v) nocne aIlnonHeHHR BilWeyKa3aHHbX rpe6oaHHR npouezypbi

nl1KBHKauHH C4HTaOTCR 3aaepweHHbil-H.

2. E-tKOCTH nA TOnRHBa nAA paKer "P-12"

CTauHoHapHbe H TpaHcnOpTa6enbHe eMKOCTH AAA TOnnHBa nuA

paKeT "P-12" ynanRcIOrC Co Caproabix no3MUR.

3. Y.e6Hbie paKebi, CTyneHH yqe6HWX paKeT, yqe6Hbie nYCKOile

KoHreRHepi H yqe6Hwe nyCKoaBe YCTaHOBKH

a) Yqe6Hwe paKerW, CTyneHH yqe6HWx paKeT, yqe6Hbie nyCKO-

sble KOHTeRHepbl H yqe6Hbe nyCKOble yCTaHOaKH, He nHKBHllposaHHbie

B mecTax nHKBKnaUHH, nHKBHAHpyCTCR Ha meCre.

b) Yqe6Hbie paKebl, CTyneHH yqe6HWX paKer, yqe6Hble nyCKo-

Sble KOHTe4Hepb H y4e6Hbie nyCKoable yCTaHOBKH, AHKBK mpyembie Ha


H3nozeHHbH a nyHKTe 11 pa3zena II HaCroRwero nporoKona.

C) Kaxan H3 CTOpOH HmeeT npaBo poBeCTH HHCneKUH1 Ha

meCTe C uenb noZTepxneHHR 4aKra 3aaepweHHa npouenyp AHKBHna-

uHH nAA yqe6HbX paKeT, CryneHek ytle6HbIX paKer, yqe6HbX nyCKOBbIX


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) CropoHa, KOTOpOR npHHazneXHT TaKaR y,4e6Haa paKera,

TaKaA CTvrneHb yqe6HOR paKeTb, TaKoR y'4e6Hbi nyCKoBOR KoHreRHep

MRK raKaR y4e6HaR nyCKOBaA yCTaHOBKa, coo61aeT ApyroA CropoHe

Ha3aaHKe H KOOpAHHaTbl mecra, B KoTopoM noxer 6bTb npoaezeHa

HHCneIKUHR Ha mecTe, npeAYCMoTpeHHaR a ny.-KTe 3 "C" HacTo~mero

pa3zena, a TaKxe naTy, Korza OHa moxeT 6.dTb npoaeneHa. TaKoe

Coo6weHHe npezocTaBn~ercA 3a6narospemeHHo He meHee 4eM 3a

30 AHeR no yKa3aHHOR 4aTbl.

e) RIHKBHauKaH y'e6HoR paKeTbi, CTyneH yqe6HOA paKeTbI,

yqe6Horo nyCKosoro KOHTeRmepa HAH y'4e6HoA nvcKOBoR YCTaHOBKH

ClHTaeTrC 3asepweHHoR nocne 3aaepeHHA Tpe6yeMWX HaCTORWHM

nyHKTOM npouezyp H npeAoCTaaneHHA yBenomneHKR, KaK 3rO Tpe6yer-

cR r1yHKTOi 5 "e" CTaTbhK IX AoroBopa, no npomeCTSHH nar, yKa-

3blBaemok corJaCHo nyHKTy 3 '"d" HaCToR1uero pa3nena.


1. rK6enb HRH yHH4ToeHHe no npHqHHe aBapHH

a) Ecnut KaKoa-n160 H3 3nemeHro, nepeMHCneHHb[x 8 pa3zene I

HaCTo~wero npOrOKOna, norH6 HAH 6mn yHH4ToxeH B pe3yVbTare asa-

p H, To CTOpOHa, KOTOpOR npHHannexHt TOT 3nemeHT, yBeAOnMReT

npyrym CTopoHY a 43-qacosoA cpoK, KaK 3TO rpe6yeTCx nyHKTOm 5 "e"

CTaTbH IX Zorosopa, 0 TOM, ITO 3r r 3nemeHr AHKBHzHpOBaH.


anemeHra, ero npH6nH3HTenbHoe HmH npeAnonaraemoe meCToHaxox1eHHe

H O6CTORTeAbCTBa ero rH6eAH HAH yHHRTOxeHHR nO flpHHHe asaptHi.

c) B TaKOM cnymae ApyraR CTopoHa mmeeT npaao nposeCTH

HHcneKUHW Toro KoHKpeTHOro mecra, B KOTOpom npOH3owna asapHR,

a uenfx o6ecneqeHHR yBepeHHoCrH B ToM, qTo 3TOT 3nemeHT



a) CTOpOHbl HmeOT npaBo nRKBHHpoBaTb paKeTbi, nyCKOBbie

KOHTeRHepm H nyCKOBbie ycTaHoBKH, a raKxe yqe6He paKeTbI, yqe6Hbie

nycKoswe KOHTeRHepb H yqe6Hwe nyCKOsme yCTaHOBKH, nepeqmcneHHwe

B pa3Aene I HacroRuero fpOTOKOna, nyTem HX BKnIoeHHR B CTauHO-

HapHyo 3KCnO3HUHO. 06wee KOnHLeCTBO paKeT, nyCKOBWX KOHTe',HepOB


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3KCnO3HUHH He npesblwaer 15 paKeT, 15 nyCKOBIX KoHTeAHepoa H


b) 1o BKnIqeHHR B CTauKoHapHy0 ZKCnO3HUHl paKeTa, nyCKO-


HeapHrOAHOCTH yRR ee HcnOnb30saHHR B uenRx, HecOBMeCTHbIX C

DorOBOPOM. PaKeTHoe TonrHso H3bImaeTCR, a ycTaHoo4HO-nyCKOaue


c) CTopoHa, KoTopog npHHa~nexHT paKeTa, nyCKoaoR KOHTeAiHep

HnH nycKoaaR yCraHoaKa, a TaKxe yqe6xaR paKera, yqe6HblA nyCKoaori

KOHTegHep HnH yme6HaR nycKoBaR yCTaHOBKa, HameqeHHbie K nHKBKzauHH

nyTem 8Kn1qeHHR B CTaQUHOHaPHY 3KcnO3HUH*, coo6maeT ApyroRi CTo-


nyCKoBoA KoHTeRHep HuH TaKaA nyCKOBaR yCTaHOBKa 6yer abcTaBneHa

B KaqecTre 3KcnoHaTa cTaUKoHapHoR 3KCrO3HLHH, a TaKxe MeCTO, r~e

MozeT 6bITb npoaenexa npe~ycMoTpeHHaR aB nyHKTe 2 "d" xacroTuiero

paaena HHcneKUHR Ha mecre.

d) KaxnaA H3 CropoH HmeeT npaao npoaecrH HHcneKUIIIO Ha

mecTe TaKoft paKeTbl, TaKoro nycKoaoro KoHTeRHepa HRII TaKOR


yBezoMneHHR, rpe6yeMoro nVHKTOM 2 "C" HaCToRmero pa3Aena.

e) nHKBHzauHR paKeTl, nyCKOaOrO KOHTeAHepa HnH nyCKOBOA

ycTaHOBKK, a TaKse yqe6HOR paKeTM, yqe6Horo nyCKOBOrO KOTek-

Hepa Hnm y4e6Hog nycKosOg YCTaHOBKH ryTeM HX atKaIoqeHmR a CTa-

UHOHaPHYO 3KCnO3HUHO C4HTaeTcR 3aepweHHoR nocne 3aBepweHHR

npouezyp, rpe6yembx HaCTORAHM nyHKTOM, H nocne yBezomneHHR,

KaK 3TO rpe6yeTCR fyHKTOM 5 "e" CTaTbH EX Zorosopa.

HaCTORWHA OpOTOKOA RBnReTCR HeoTbemneMog 4aCTbo foroaopa.

OH BCynaeT B CH)y a zeHb BCTynneHHA a CHny Aorosopa H ocraeTcR

a c~ne zo Tex nop, fOKa ocraeTCR s cHne Rorosop. KaK 3TO npezy-

clorpeHo a nyHKTe I "'" cTarbK XIII loroBopa, CropoHm moryT

cornacoaaTb mepw, KOTopme MOryT 6blTb Heo6xoAHMbl ARA riOBblueHHR


mepbl He C4HTarTCR nonpaBKaMK K foroaopy.

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CoBepweHo a Baw;4HrroHe 3 aeKa6pR 1987 rona B zByx

3K3emnn~pax, Kaxz:i4 Ha pyCCKOM H aHlrfAMCKOi A3blKax, npwtem o6a

reKcTa Hme[OT ofmHaKOBy0 CHny.



[Signed - Signel'

FeHepaRmHbIA CeKpeTapbtK KfCC

3a CoeHmmeHlbIelUlTaTbi AMepHKMI:

[Signed - Signel2

l-pe3HneHT CoeaHeHHbIXIIITaToB AMepHm

Signed by Mikhail Gorbachev - Sign6 par Mikhail Gorbachev.2 Signed by Ronald Reagan - Sign par Ronald Reagan.

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B COOTBeTCTBHH c nonoxeHHRMH H B ocywecrsneue forosopa

mexgay Co3o0M CoseTCKHX Couanc%'4ecKXx Pecny6nHK x CoezHHeHHbmH

:TaTaMA AmeprH 0 n HBHzauHH Rx paKer cpeAxeR za~bHOCTrH lH

AanbHocrH OT 3 zeKa6pR 1937 rosa, HHxe HmeHyemoro forosopon. :rO-

pO~bI HaCTOAH,1 cornawaOrcA o npouezypax, perynHpyowHx npcaeHwe

aHcneKUHR. npemYcioTpeHHblx a CraTbe XI forooopa.

1. OnpeAeneHsA

2nA uenek HacTORLero 1pOTOKOna, :orosopa, MemopaHnyma o

zOrOsopeHHOCTH H npOTOKOna o nHKBKziauHH:

1. 1ep.iHH "HHCreKTHpyemaA CTOpoHa" o3Aaqaer piaCTHKa

loroaopa, o6beKTbl KoToporo, KaK 3To npeycmorpeHo CTarbek XI

florosopa, aoanexaT HHcneKuHH.

2. TepNHH "mHcneKTHpyio~ua CTopota" o3Haqaer yqaCrHHKa

floro1opa, nposoiRamero HHcneKUHIo.

3. TepMMH "HHcneKTOp" o3Ha4aeT RHUO, Ha3Ha4eHHoe o Hok

H3 CropoH AnR npoaeneHxa HHCneKUKA H BKR*4eHHoe 8 CIICOK HHCreK-


HaCToRLuero flpoToKona.

4. Tep-IHH "HHCneKLLHOHHaR rpynna" o3Haqaer rpynny HHcfeK-



5. TepmHH "1eCTo HHcfeKUHH ° o3HaqaeT pakoH, MyHKT HuH

o6,eKT, rze npOsOAHTCA HHcneKHR.

6. TepMHH "nepHoA HHCneKuHH" O3HaqaeT nepsoA apemeHH cmomeHTa npH6WrTH HHCneKUKOHHO rpynnM Ha mecro HHCneKHH zo ee

OT6bTHA C mecra HHCneKUHH, HCKmIqaR apeMs, 3aTpaqeHHoe Ha nio6we

npegswcneKUHOHHe K nOCneKHcneKIHoHHwe npoueAypw.

7. Tep-mm "nVHKT abe3aa" 03Haqaer: MocKsa HiH YnaH-Y13,


[epmaHcKaA leoparTHecKaA Pecny6nHKa; H MeEayHapo HblA a3ponopT

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?V3HHe, LiexocnosauKaA C3uHanHcr-THecKaA Pecny6nHKa; BatuzHrTOH

(oKpyr Konym6HA) mnH CaHm-paHuHCKO (UlTaT KanloOpHHR), CoeazHeHxbIe

LllaTm AmepHKH; Sploccenb (4auKoHanbHW a3ponopT), KoponescrBo

5ertbrR; :alilK PT .aza6a3a ?etH-MaAH), 0ezepaTHHaR ?eA v;1a

CepaHKK; ?K-i 1,qamniHHo), vlaibRHcKaR Pecny6flHKa; CxHnxon,

KoponeBCrao HepnaHzoa; H BoeHxo-ao3AywHwe ctnbi BenHKo6pHTaHHH.

FOHH3M-KO-I.1OH, CceziHeHHoe KoponeBcraO BenHKo6pKraHxH H :eaepHOR


i. Tep.nH "iepxoa ape6bisaHHR a CrpaHe" ;3Ha4aeT nepxoa

apemeHH C moieHTa npi6biT% HHn eKUHOHHOR rpynn:, a nyHKT Bae3na

ao ee OT6bITHR H3 C.paHb( -epe3 1YHKr lbe3za.

9. Tepm1HH "nua, onposoxnaow e BHyTDH CTpaHb" o3HalaeT

nHU, BbzaieneHHUX HHcneKTHpyetoA CTOpOHOR, KoTopbe -ipK Hee6xozz-

MocTH onposoxzia4T HCneKTOPOB K qneHoa AeTHorO 3KHnaAa a oKa3bi-

BBa1T ii coze cTa e a TekeHwe acero nep~oaa ipe6,iaHHv a crpaHe.

10. 7eptHH "qneH neTHOrO 3KHna)Ka" 03Haqae- utuo, abinOA"

HRIOuee o6A3aHHOCTH, CBA3aHHhie c 3KcnnyaTaumHe c:-oneTa, H BKY110-

qeHHoe B CKHCOK 'neHoB neTHOrO 3KHfaxa AaHHOR C:TDOHbl 8 COOT-

8eTCTBHH C nonoxeHHRt pa3zena IEI Hacro~wbro r.:oTOKOra.

EI. 06wuie o6A3aTenbcTaa

1. B uen~x o6ecneqeHHR KOHTPOnR 3a co6nloeHHem nonoxeHHR

forosopa KaxaA H3 CTOpOH coneRCTsyeT npoaeeHHn HMCneKQHg

npyrok CTOpOHOA cornacHo HacToRiemy npOTOKOAy.

2. KaxzaR H3 CTOpOH npKHHcaeT K cBeAeHH1 nonyqeHHbie ei

oT apyrok CTopoHbl 3asepeHHR OTHOCHTenbHO nOHXmaHHA, ZOCTHrHyTWX

mexixy zpyroA CTOoOHOR H CTpaHamH pa3meweHHR, 0 TOM, 4TO cTpaHb

pa3meueHHR CornacHnHCb Ha npoaezeHHe Ha KX TeppHTOpHAX HHCneKUHR


EE1. fLpezwHcneKURoHHwe Tpe6oBaHKR

i. HHcneKUHH, nposonHmiue c uenbe o6ecneqeHHR KOHTpOAA

3a co6neAeHHem CTOpOHamH o6R3aTenbcTa, npKHRTUX no 11orosopy,


nyHKTamH 3 H 4 HaCToRUero pa3nena.

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2. KaxzaR H3 CTopoH He no3AHee tiem qepe3 oAHH zeHb nozne

BCTvnneHA 8 , anv qorosopa npenocTaan.er zpyrok CTOpoHe: CnHCOK

npeznaraelbx ec qneHOB neTHbIX 3KHnaxe; C71HCOK apeAnarae.bix eo

HHcneKTopoa, KoTopbie 6AYnT npOOZHTb HHC7-zKUHH cornacHo nyHK-

ram 3, &, 5, 7 H 3 .TaTbH XI fLoroaopa; a :aKxe cnHCOK npeanara-

enbIX el HHcneKTOpOB, KoTopbie 6yayT ocyweczBnRTb HHCneKUHOHHYIO

zeATenbHOCTb cornacHo nyHKTy 6 CTaTbH XI orosopa. HH B OAHOM H3

3TRHX cnHCKOB He AOAXHO OAHOBpemeHHo 4HKCHTbC 6onee 200 4enoBeK.

3. KaxaaA H3 CTopoH pacclaTpHBaeT npeznoxeHHbie zpyrok


nHua, aKnioeHHoro B CnHCOK npeAnarae-IbiX HHcneKTOpOB, KOTOpbe6yAyT ocywecrBnRTb HHCneKHOHHyo zeATeAbHOCTb CornacHo nyHKTY 6

CraTbH XI forosopa, CTOpOHa, paccmaTpHsaowaR cnHCOK, a cny'ae

ecnH TaKoe nHluo AfnR Hee HenpHemneMo, B 20-LIHeBHblk CpoK coo6faeT

o6 3TOM CTOpOHe, npezocTaaHsBwe TaKOR CnHCOK, H 3TO RHUO C'4HTa-


qeHHoro a CnHCOK npeznaraeMbX 4neHOB neTHOrO 3KHnaxa HnH B crHCOK

npeAnaraembix HHCreKTOpOB, KOTopwe 6yAyT oc'uecTsnATb HHcneK1HH

cornacHo nyHKTam 3, 4, 5, 7 H 3 CTaTH XI 11orosopa, KaxzaR H3

CTOpOH B 20-AHeBHblR CpOK nocne fonyqeHK TaKHX cnHCKOB coo6waeT

Apyrok CropoHe 0 cBoem cornacnH C Ha3HaqeHHeM Kax~oro npeana-

raemoro KHcneKTopa H qneHa neeHoro 3KHnaxa. HHcneKTOpw AOXHW

6WTb rpaxzaHala HHcneKTHpyxweR CTOPOHW.

4. KaxAaa H3 CropoH HmeeT npaBo BHOCKHb H3meHeHHR a cnHCKK

CSOHX HHCneKropoS H qneHOS neTHUX 3KHnaxe. Hoame HHcneKTopb H

qeneHM neTHblX 3KHnazeR Ha3Ha~aOTCA TaKHM xe o6pa3oM, KaK 3TO H3fO-

xeHO 8 nyHKTe 3 HacToRtuero pa3Aena npHmeHHTe)bHO K nepBoHaabHbl1


5. B 30-HesHwR CpOK nocne nonyqeHMA nepSoHaqanbHbx CnHC-

KOB HHcneKTOpOB H 4neHO8 ,eTHbIX 3KHnaxeA nH6o nocne~ywHX H3'e-

HeHHR B TaKHx CnHcKax CropoHa, nonyqHBwaR TaKy1o HH OpMauiH, npe-

AOCTasnneT HH o6ecne4HaaeT npe~ocTaaneH8e KaxAomy nmHy, 8 OTHO-

IeHHH Ha3HaqeHHR KOTOporo nony-eHo ee cornacse, SH3 H apyrHX

AoKymeHTOB, rpe6ye*x Ann ae3za Kaxnoro HHCneKTOpa HnH qneHa

neTHoro 3KHnaxa Ha reppHTOpHW AaHHoA CropoHs HuH cTpaHb pa31e-


HaXOzHTbCR Tam 8 TeBeHHe acero nepsona npe6blsaHHR B crpaHe a


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fO iOxeHwRAH HaCTORwero flpOTOKOna. raKHe BH3bl K AOKy1eHTbl BbI.aioTc

Ka CpOK He meHee 24 lecRues.

6. B ueRAx 3eKTHBH~r0 ocvwecsniCxHR HCfeKTopamH H 4ne-

HamH nerHbX 3KHnazek CBOHX yHKUK B Te4EHae acero nepHoza npe6bl-

BaHHR B CTpaHe, r~e HaXOAHTCR ecro RHH uimHi, Wi npeAoCTaBnfRTTC

npxBmnerKH Z HMMyHHTeTbl, H3nOzeHHbie a npHnoxeHHH K HaCTORJemy


7. IHcneKTOpbl H 4neHbl neTHb[X 3KHna)ceH 6e3 ymep6a nfR Hx

npxsHaerKA H MMMYHHTeTOB o6R3aHbI yBaxaTb 33KOHbl H nocTaHoBneHHR

rocyzapcrsa, Ha TeppHTopHH KOToporo npOBOZHTCR HHcneKUtR, H He

AOAXHbl BleWHBaTbCA a ero BHYTpeHHHe zena. ECRK RHcneKTxpyemaR

CropoHa ycTaHaanHaaer, LTo HHcneKTOp HflH qeH neTHOrO 3KHnaxa

zpyrog CropoHbl HapyUzKn K3noxeHHwe s HacroRLeM flpOTOKOne yc)OBRA,

perynHpytowHe HHcneKUHOHHyI zeRTenbHOCTb, HrH KOrfa-1H60 coaepHn

yrOnOBHoe npecTynneHHe Ha TeppHTOpHH HnHceKTHpyemof CTOpOHN AHw

CTpaH pa3MeueHHR, HuH KOrAa-nH6o 6bn npirosopeH 3a coaepweHHe

yronoBHOro npecTyneHKA, KAK KOrza-nH60 Bblcbmancs HHCneKTHpyeMOk

CTOpOHOR Kinl cTpaHoR pa3meweHHR, TO KHcneKTHpyemaR CropoHa, ycra-

HOBHBmaA TaKog 4aKr, yseoMleRT 06 3TOM HHcneKTHpYMUYO CrOPOHY,


cnHcKa q4eHOB neTHX 3KHnaxek. EcnH B 3TO BpemR aHHoe nHuO


meweHHR, TO HHcneKTHpyxaa CTOpOHa HeMeAneHHO OT3bI5aeT 3TO IlHuO

H3 3TOR CpaHbI.

3. B 30-AHesHmA CpoK nocne BCTynneHHR B ciy foroaopa

KaxAaR H3 CropoH coo6waeT apyroR CTopoHe nOCTORHHblR Homep Atinno-

maTH4ecKoro pa3pemeHHR AnR caMoneTOa 3ToR CrlopoHM, AOcTaBnRowHx

HHcneKTOpOB H annapaTypy, Heo6xonHmyo AnR npose~eHKA HHcneKuHH,

Ha reppHTopHO H c TeppnropM CrOpOHbl HflH CTpaHl pa3meieHHR, a

Koropo HaXOAHTCR mecTo HHCneKuHH. Bo3yWHbe mapwpyTl K cne-

UHanbHO oroBopeHHOMy nyHKTy Bbe3Aa H H3 Hero ZO1XHb COOTseT-

CTsoBaTb yCTaHOaneHHbWM .1eEyHapoAHbi o3ZyWHbM Tpaccal, corna-

coBaHHbIM CTOpoHamH S KaqecTae OCHOBaHHR AJR BblaqH TaKoro zHflfnO-

maTrqecKoro pa3peweHHA.

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IV. YseAomneHHR

1. YsezomneH~e o HamepeHKH npoaecr HHCneKUHIO npeaocTaa-

nfeRTCA epe3 UeHTpbl no %'.'eHbweHHio RfepHol Oa3CHOCTH. fony4eHHe

raKoro ysezomneHHR noLrBepxOaeTcR HHcneK Tp'e:&ok CTOpOHog 4epe3

UeHTpbl no ymeHbtueHHlO AnepHoR OnaCHoCTH He n;3AHee .en 'epe3 OZHH

qac nocne ero nonygeHHR..

a) flpHeHHTenbHO K HHcneKUHAM, npOBonHbM cornacHo nVHK-

Tam 3, 4 HnH 5 cTaTbH XI forosopa, raKHe yaeonneHHR npeZocTaB-

hIROTCR He neHee qeM 3a 16 qaCOB 4O pacgeTHoro apemeHH npH6bITHR

HHcneKuHoHHok rpynnbl a nyHKT B-e3za; B HHX v'a3blsaOTCR:

) VHKT a-e3za;

ii) Aara H pacgerHoe apemR npH6bwTHR B nVHKT sbe3za;-z) aaTa H spemR coo6weHRA o mecTe HHC~eKUHH; H

i'/) noHMeHHbIR CnHCOK HHcneKTOpOB H qneHoB neTHorO 3Knaxa.

b) lpHMeHHTenbHO K HHcfeKiHKRm, npOBOZHblM cornacHo nyHK-

ram 7 HAH 8 cTar*b XI foroaopa, TaKHe yaeAomneHHR npeAoclaBARIotcR

He MeHee 'em 3a 72 4aca zo pacqeTHoro BpeMeHH npH6bITHR HHCneK-

HOHHOR rpynnbi B nylK-: Bse3za; 5 HHX yKa3blealOTCR:

) nyHKT a e3Aa;

1) Aara H pacqeTHoe spe iR nPH6bITHR 8 nyHKT sbe3Za;

.L) iecTo, rae 6yAeT fpOBOaHTbCA HHcneKuHR, H 8HA


',) ~oHmeHHwH CHCOK HHcneKTOpOS H 'qeHOB neTHOrO 3KHnaca.

2. faTa H BpeMR coo6eHHR o mecTe KHCneKUHH, yBeAomneHHe

0 KOTOpbX npOH380HTCA cornaCHO fyHKTy 1 "a" HaCTowero pa3zena,

npeAocTaSn7iRTcR s cneayiowHe CpOK:

a) npHMeHHTenbHO K HHcneKUHRM, apOBOAHMMM cornacHo nYHK-

Tam 4 KwH 5 CTaTbH XI f2oroBopa, - He neHee iem 4epe3 4eTblpe 4aca

H He 6onee qem qepe3 24 4aca nocne pacqeTHWX zaTW H speMeHH lpH-

6bITHA 8 nVHKT abe3za: H


Ty 3 cTraTbH XI oroBopa, - He meHee qem qepe3 qeTbpe qaca H He

6onee qem epe3 48 qacOB nocne pac4eTHbX zaTbI H BpeMeHH npH6bITHA

B nyHKT sbe3Aa.

3. ZHcneKTHpytaaA CTOpOHa npeZocraaAneT HHcneKTHpyeMoR

CTOpOHe qepe3 UeHTpbi no ymeHbweHHD RAepHok onacHOcTH nfaH noneTac nocneAHero a3poApoma nepez axoAoM s Bo03yHoe npocTpaHcTBO

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cTpaHb, B KOTOpOR HaxolTCR mecTO HHCne.IHH, AO fyHKTa Bbe3aa

He meHee qeM 3a 6 4acos 40 3annaHwpoBaHH3O BpeMeHH Bb)ieTa C

3TOrO a3pozpoma. TaKOR nnaH oopmn~eTCR 3 COOTBeTCTBHH C npo-

uezypamw MexZcyHaponoi opraHH3auHH rpaznaRcKoA aswauil AnR rpax-

naHCKHX camoneToB. HHCneKTHpyiowaR CropoHa BHOCHT B paazen npH-

1e4aHH1 Ka;Kzoro nnama noneTa nOCTORHHWR Homep Kn;loaTHqeCKorO

pa3peweHHR H cneym oyO 3anKHCb: "HCneKUHOHHbIH camoneT. Tpe6yeTcq

o#opmneHHe pa3peweHHA s nepsooqepezHom nopRfKe".

4. He meHee qeN 3a 3 qaca IO 3annaHHposaHHorO spemeHH Bbl

nera KHCneKUHOHHOR rpynnbi c nocnenHero a3poapoma nepeA BXOlO'l 8

8o3AywHoe npOCTpaHcTso CTpaHM, B KOTOpOk 6ymeT npOBOAHTbCA HH-

cneKUHR, HHCneKTHpyemaR CropoHa o6ecneqHaaeT yraepxzeHe nnaHa

nonera, O#opmneHHoro 3 COOTBeTCTBHH C nyHKrO-i 3 HaCTowero pa3-

Aena, c Tem 4ro6w HHCneKUHOHHaR rpynna morna npH6MTb S nyHKT

Sbe3za K pacqeTHOMY BpemeHH npH6MTHR.

5. A*6aA K3 CTOpOH moxeT H3meHHTb nyHKr H3H nyHKTM Bie3Aa

Ha TeppHTOpHO crpaH, a npezenax KOTOpWX HaxoARTCR ee paRoHN

pa3aepTaaHHR, paKeHwe onepauHoHHe 6a3b1 nxl paKeTHme acnomo-

raTenbHbie o6beKTbt, nyTem yBezomneHHR Apyro CTOpOHw 0 TaKOM

H3meHeHHH. A3meHeHHe B OTHOweHHH fyHKTa a-be3a BcrynaeT 5 CHh1y

4epe3 nATb mecRueB nocne nonyeHHR raKoro yaenomneHHR pyrok


V. ljeRTenbHOCTb, HaqHHaowaRc no npH6bITHH8 nVHKT sbe3za

1. B nyHKTe Sbe3za cpa3y xe no npH3emeHHH camonera mH-

cneKTxpymwek CropoHM HHCreKUHOHHyM rpynny H qneHOa neTHOrO 3KH°

naxa 5CTpe4a*T nHua, conpoBoxzawmHe aHyTpH CTpaHb, H conpoBox-

AaommH neTHbIH 3KHrax HnhnoMaT, aKKpeAHTOBBHHW flpH npaBHTelbCTBe

HHCneKTHpyeMok CropoHbl H1H CTpaHbl pa3meweHHR, B KOTOpO HaXoaHTCR

mecTo HHCneKUHH. qHCnO gneHoB neHoro 3KHnaza He AOAWHO npesiWartb

10 4enoseK Ha KaXAbR camoneT. JIlua, conposoxaiawHe SHVTPH ZtaHi,

o6ecneqHBaoT yCKOpeHHbiR sbe3a HHCneKUHOHHOR rpynnw H neTH:oo

3KHnaxa H BB03 HX 6araxa, a TaKxe Heo6xoAHmmX anAR npoBezeHK

HHcneKUHH annapaTvpbl H iaTepvtaftoB a crpa-v, B KOTOpOR HaxozHTCR

mecro HHCneKUHH. fHnnloaT, conpoeoxaaowui;: neTHbIR 3KHfax, HeeT

npaBo conpoaoxzarb 4neHOB neTHoro 3KHnaw3 H OKa3blaaTb Km cozeH-

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CTBHe B TeqeHe BCero nepxona npe6blBaHR 3 CTpaHe. B cjiyqae

npoBeneHHR HHCneKUwI Ha TeppHTOpHH cTpaHbl pa3metueHHR a 4 CO nHU,


zaHHOA CTpaHb pa3.eteHHR.

2. UiHcneKTOp pacc-maTpHBaeTcR KaK npllcTvnHBwl K :aOH

o6R3aHHOCTA,- no npH6b[THH B nyHKT abe3Aa Ha TeppHTOpHH KHCfeKTH-

pyemok CTopoHbl HRH crpaxb pa3meueHHR H KaK npeKpaTHBWHR Bhnon-

HeHHe 3THX o6A3aHHocTeA nocne Toro, KaK OH nOKHHyn TeppHTOpHIO

HHcneKTHpyemog CropoHW HRH cTpaHbl pa3MeteH .

3. KaxnaA H3 CTOpOH o6ecne4xaaeT, LTo6w annaparypa H

maTepxanbl ocao6oxnanKcb or acex TamoxeHHx c6opos.

4. Annaparypa K maTepHanw, Koropwe HHcneKTzpyowaR CropoHa

BBO3HT B cTpaHy, 8 KOTOpOR HaXOnHTCR mecTo HHCreKIHH, nonneyaT

OCMOTpy B nyHKTe sae3na npH KaAOlo HX SBo3e B 3ry cTpaHy. TaKOA

OCMoTP 3aBepmaeTcA Ao OT6WTHR HHCneKHOHHOA rpynnw H3 nyKTa

ase3Aa AnR fpoeneHHR HHcneKUHH. TaKHe annaparypa H maTepHanw

nonaepraocn OCROTpy nuaIH, conposoznaOaZHHx 8HYTPH CTpaHbl, a

npHcyTCTBHH qneHOB HHCneKUKHOHHO rpynnb, C Tem qTO6w nOATBepAHTb

yAoaneTBOpAOWuM Kazym K3 CTOpOH o6pa3oM, 4To 4aHwe annapaTypa H

maTepmanm He MOryT BmnonHRTb 4yHKUHR, He CBR3aHHWX C BbtnonHeHHem

3aza HHcneKuA, npenycMoTpeHHwx forosopom. EcnH npH OCMOTpe

ycTaHosneHo, To annaparypa Hnt maTepxaA He CsA3aHW C BbnonlHe-


3azepXHsaaTCR 8 nyHKTe a~e3Aa no OT6blTHA HHCneKLLHOHHOR rpynnw H3


aie3za annaparypa K maTepHanm HHcneKTHpywe9 CTOpOHbl XpaHRTCR B


BHYTPH 3awHaueHHoro cOOpyxeHxR. focryn 5 KaXAoe 3alHweHHoe coopy-

xeHHe KOHTpOnHpyeTrC CKcreMoA "SAOAHoro Kno'a", npH KOTOpOR ARA

nonyqeHHR ZOCTyna K annapaType H maTepHanaM Tpe6yercA npHCyTCTBHe

o6eHx CTopoH.

5. B TeqeHKe acero nep~ona npe6blaaxH B cTpaHe HHcneKTH-

pyemaR CTOpOHa o6ecneqxaaer HHCneKUHOHHyc rpynny H neTHblH 3KHnax

HHCneKTHpyxloeR CTOpOHbl HH opraHH3yeT o6ecneqeHHe HX nTaHxHem,

XHnbIMH H pa6o4HiH nomemeHHR1H, TpaHCnopTrO0 ;I npH Heo6XOAHMOCTH

mezHuHHCKOR fOmOwbo. Bce pacXonbl no npe6biaaHmo HHcneKTOpOB,

ocywecanRouiHx HHcneKuHOHHVO AeATenbHOCTb co:naCHo nyHKTy 6

ZraTbH XI floEBopa, Ha TeppKrOpHH HHcneKrHpyemok Cropox, BKuIoqaR

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pacxozbi Ha awraHme, o6cyyxwaaHHe, )XH;Ibie H pa6oHe nomeueHHt,

rpaHCnopT H 1eAHUHHCKyO nO Olb, HeceT HHCneKTHpyowaR CTopoHa.

6. IHCneKTHpyeiaR CTopoHa o6ecneqHaaer pa3meweHHe, oxpaHy,

o6cnvxHsaHKe H 3anpaBKY ronnHsom caonera HHCneKrHpycueR CTOpOHb1

B nyHKTe 8be3aa. PacxoAbl no TaKomy O6cnywHaaHtO H 3anpaSKe TOnrH-

01 HeceT HHCneKTHpyouiaR CTopoHa.

7. tlpHeHHTenbHO K HHCneKuHRN, npO3OZHb1.M Ha TeppHTopHH

CTOpOH, HHCneKUHOHHaR rpynna npK6bsaeT B 6nHxaRWHA K meCTy HH-

CneKUHH nyHKT B-be3Aa Ha reppHTOpHH HHCneKTHpyemok CropOHbl. B

cnyqae HHcneKuHR, npoBaoHbIX cor)aCHo nyHKrTam 3, 4 HnH 5CTaTbH XI Zorosopa, pyKOBOAHTeAb HHCneKUHOHHOR rpynnw a yKa3aH-

Hoe B yse~omneHHH, npeAoCTaBneHHOM cornacHo nyHKTy 1 ia. iii"

pa3zena IV HacToawero fpOTOKOna, spemx HAH AO 3Toro spemeHH epea

AHLI, conpoaBoAaowx 3Ty rpynny BHyTpK cTpaHM, coo6uaeT HHCneK-

THpyemoR CropoHe a nyHKre Bae3za BHA HHCneKHH H mecTo ee

npoaBeeHHR, yKa3WBaa ero Ha3saHHe H reorpaH'4ecKHe KOOPAHHaTw.

Vt. 06wHe npasHna nposezeHHA HHCneKUHR



2. HHCneKTopM He pa3rnawaOcr HHc opna"Hx, nony'4eHHy a xoae

HHCneKUHR, HHaqe KaK C %eTKO aBbpaleMHoro pa3peweHHA HHCneKTHpyO-

meR CTOpOHbl. OHH OCTaIOTCR CBR3aHHMH 3THM o6R3aTenbcTaoM H nocne

npeKpameHHR csoeR ZeATenbHOCTH 8 KaqecTre HHCneKTOpOB.

3. dHcneKTop npH OCyweCTBneHHH CBOHX yHKUHA HenocpezcT-

BeHHO He smewHBaOTCR B zeRTenbHOCTb, npOBOAHMyO Ha MecTe HHCfeK-

LHH, H H36eracT Co3AaHHR 6e3 Heo6XOAHMOCTH noMex HAH 3azepxeK

ARA pa6ar o6beKTa HnH AeACTBH, 3arparHaamwHx ero 6e3onaCHoe

yHKu HHHpOaaHHe.


HWMH B CTaTbe XI forosopa, apHmeHHTenbHO K BHZy HHCeKUHH. -.-.Ka-

3biaaemoy HHCneKTHpyowek CTOpOHOR cornacHo nyHKTy 1 " " pa3-

mena IV HnH fyHKTy 7 pa3Aena V Kacro~mero 1pOTOKOna.

5. lHua, CoapoBoxAaawHe BHyTpH CTpaHW, KmeT npaao conpo-

aoxcaTb HHcneKTopo H 4eHOS neTHbX 3KHna<eR H OKa3blBaTb H11 CO-

zeACTrHe, ecnH HHCneKTHpyeMaR CTopoHa coqret 3TO Heo6xOAHMb1,

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a TeqeHHe Bcero nepmona npe6waaHHa a cTpaHe. EcnH 8 Hacioawem

npOTOKone He npezycMoTpeHo "oe, nepeaHxeeHme H noe3ZKK KHHceK-

TOPOB H qneHOB neTHMX 3KSnaxeg ocywecTrnAOTCA no ycmoTpeHHK nIHU,

conposoxzaowwx BHYTPH cTpaHW.

6. ',HcneKTOpM, ocyweCTBnRowHe HHcneKUHOHHyIO eRTenbHOCTb,

cornacHo nyHKTy 6 CTaTbH XI foroaopa, moryT conepwaTb noe3AKH

a paAHyce 50 KHnomeTpoS OT mecTa HHCneKUHH c pa3peweHHm nHU,

conposo~zawuHx BHYTPH CTpaHbI, H, ecnH HHcneKTpyemaA CTopoHa

COqTeT 3TO Heo6xoAHmum, B HX conpoBOXIeHHH. TaKHe noe3AKH OCy-

weCTSAARTCA HcKnoqHTeflbHO AIfR npoBefeHHR Aocyra.

7. B TeqeHHe acero nepHoma HHCneKuHH HHcneKTopM HmeeT

npaso nOAfepxHaaTb CBR3b c nOCOnbCTSOM KHcneKTHpyoweR CTopoH,


noMOubI cpeZcTS TeneoHHoA CBR3H, npeAocraBnnembx HHcneKTHpyemok


3. Ha MeCre HHCneKUHH a 4HC.RO JIH, conpoOxAamewx BHYTPH

cTpaHm, BK)loqaK)TCR npeACTaSHTenH HHCneKTHpyemoro o61eKTa.

9. HHcneKUKOHHaR rpynna moxeT npHBe3TH Ha meCTO HHCneKuHH

ZoKymeHTbl, HeO6xoAHbe AnR npose~eHHR HHcneKUHH, a TaKxe npw-

CnOCO6neHHR zAn H3MepeHHR nHHeRHWX pa3Mepoa, oToan-napaTbl, nop-

raTHSHbie npH6opw nA onpeAeneHHR Beca, npH6opbl paAsHauHoHHoro

KOHTpOAR H mpyryo annapaVpy no cornacosaHHmo CTOpOH. XapaKrepa-

cTHKH repeqHcneHHoR aBwe annaparypW H meTOAKa ee HCnOfb3OBaHHn

TaKxe noanexaT cornacoaaHHe B 30-zHeaHwA CpOK nocne BcTynneHHA a

cHny forosopa. B xo~e HHcneKuHR, npOBOAKHMWX cornaCHo yHKTam 3,

4, 5 "a", 7 HRH 3 CTaTbH XI foroaopa, HHCneKUHOHHaR rpynna moer

HCnOfb3OBaTb no6y* H3 nepeqHcneHHOA Bmwe annaparypw, 3a HCKole-

HHem 4oToannaparos, KoTopble HCaOnb3y*TCA TOflbKO HHcneKTHp'eMo t

CrOpOHO nO npocb6e HHcneKTHpyoweg CTOpOHM. B xo~e HHCreKUHiI,

npOBOKHMOA cornaCHO yHKTy 5 "0" cTaTbH XI forosopa, ace t3me-

peHHR ocywec:SnnOrcA HHcneKTHpyemok CTOpOHOR no npocb6e HHcneK-

rtpyoweR CropOHbI. Flo npocb6e HHcneKTopoB niHua. ZonpOlloxalowHe

BHYTpH crpaHbl, npOH35OART OTocieMKy HHCreKTH:7emwx o6beKroB

npHHanexatuek HHcneKTHpyoeR CropoHe oroannaa:aVpoR, cnoco6HOR

npOH3BOAHTb HemezneHHO nDoRaBnaeMbie 0oTorrie'4a:K B AByx 3K3emnnR-

pax. KaxfaR H3 CropoH nony*4aeT no OZHOMy 3K3elnn~py Kaxaoro OTo-


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1v. npWieHHTenlbHO K HHCfeKUHR.1, nOBOLt1mbim :ornac.o fl'HK-

-Tam 3, . 3, 7 HnH 3 CraTbI XI florosopa, HHCne:Opbi pa3pewacT

nHuam, conposoaciumM BHyTpH cTpaHbI, Ha6nDouarb 3a. annapaTypOR,

Hcnonb3yemok HHCneKUHOHHOR rpynnok a xone HHCnaKUHH.

11. H3epeKKA, HKCHpyembe B xoae HHCneKLI;H, yVOCToaepRIOTCR

nOimCbi OAHoro H3 4neHoa HHcneKUHOHHOA rpynnw t nOnnHCbo ozHoro

H3 nmHu, conpoaoxzaiouix BHyTPH cTpaHbl, HenocpencaeHxo npH Hx

ocyuieCTsneHKH. TaKHe yzocToaepeHHbie AaHbie BK) o~qaoTCR 5 OTqeT


12. IHcneKTOpb* HeIT npaao 3anpawmBaTb pa3'cHeHA B cBA3H

C HeRCHbIMH MoneHTamK, 803HHKaICUHMK a xo~e HHcneKUHH. TaKHe 3a-

npOCbl npOH3BOZRTCA He3ame~nHTenbHO qepe3 nHU, conpOBoxzacioHx

BHyTpH cTpaHb. B xoze HHCneKuHH nHua, conposozaioHe BHyTpH

CTpaHbl, npeAoCTasARDT HHcneKLHOHHOA rpynne Heo6xotbIwe ARA ycTpa-

HeHHR 3TKX HeRCHblX momeHTOB pa3RCxeHHR. B cny4ae, eclH Bonpocw

OTHOCHTe~bHO npenmeTa HKII 3AaHHR, HaxoAuierocA a npenenax mecTa


H 4yHKUHA 3TOro npenmera KRK 3AaHHR HHCneKTHpyeMaA CTOpOHa no

npocb6e KmcneKTpyweR CTopoHN OTorpa KpyeT ero. EcnH yCTpaHHrb

HeRCHUR momeHT a xoze HHCneKUHH He yaaeTcA, TO Bonpoc, COOTseT-

CTByowHe pa31ACHeHHA H ODHH 3K3emnnnp scex 4OTOCHHMKOB BKnlqa0TCR

B orqeT 06 HHCaeKUHH.

13. fpH ocvweCTneHHH csoeR eATeRbHOCTH HHcneKTOpbl co6n-

ZaQT npassna TeXHHKH 6e3onacHOCTH, ycTaHOaneHHse Ha mecTe HHCneK-

LHH, 5 TOM qHCne B uen~x Co6nozeHHR Tpe6oBaHHR, npezIABnsebIX K

napameTpam aHyTpeHHeA cpeAw o6 eKTa, H B ueuAx o6ecneeHHR IK4-

HOR 5e3onaCHOCTH. npK Heo6xoAHMOCTH 3aWHTHaR ozexza H cpezcrsa


14. apHmeHHTenbHO K HHcneKUHRI, nposozmmum cornacHo nVHK-

Tam 3, 4, 5, 7 HRH 3 CTaTbH XI foroaopa, npezWHcneKUHOHHbie npo-

uenypbi, SKflo4aR HHCTpyKTax H epbi no rex.:.Ke 6e3onacHocrH, Ha4H-


3aaepwaaoTC a TeqeHHe OAHOrO qaca. HHcneKUHoHHaR rpynna HagitHaeT

HHCneKUHO cpa3y xe no 3asepweHmH npeAWHCneK4HOHHWX npouenyp.

fepHon HHCneKUHH He npeawwaer 24 gacos, 3a HCKnoeHHeM HHCneKuHA,

nposoaHmwx cornacHo nyHKTam 6, 7 HnH 3 CTaTbhK XI Rorosopa. no

CornacOBaHHO C rHuamH, conpoaOxza0WHIH BHYTPH CTpaHbl, nepmoz

HHcfeKuHH noxeT 6WTb npo~neH He 6onee qem Ka 3 qacoB. nocne-

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HHcneKuHoHHe npoue~ypw, BK;IoqaiOWHe 3aaepweH~e COCTaBneHHR orqera

o6 HHCneKUIH a COOTBeTCTBHH c nonoxexwiMi pa3,ena XI HacTo wero

npoTOKona, Ha4HHaeTcA cpa3y xe no OKOHqaHH HHCneKUKH H 3aaep-

luaOTCA a mecTe HHCneuKHH B 4-qacOBOR CpOK.

13. B COCTaB HHcneKuHoHHok rpynnw, npoBoARie HHCneKUHn

cornacHo craTbe XI foroaopa, BXOAZK He 6onee 10 KHCneKTOpOB,3a HCKnoqeHmeM HHcneKUHOHHOA rpynnw, nposonAmek HHcneKUHn co-

macHo nyHKTy 7 HnH 3 3TOR CTaTbH, B CocTaa KOTOpOR BXOAHT

He 6onee 20 HHcneKTopoB, H HHcneKUHOHHOg rpynnw, ocyweCTSaR~mek

HHCneKHOHHy 4eRTenbHOCTb cornacHo nyHKTy 6 3TOR CTaTbH, a

COCTaB KOTOpOR 8XOHT He 6onee 30 HHCneKTopoB. He meHee AByx


HHcneKTHpyemog CTOpOH. HHcneKuHoHHyc rpynny Bo3rnaanOT pyKoBo-

AHTenb rpynnm H 3aMeCTHTenb pyKoBOAHTenR rpynn. no npH6bITHH Ha

meCTO HHCneKuHH HHCneKUHOHHaR rpynna mOxeT pa3AnHTbCR Ha fo-

rpynnbl, COCTORwHe He MeHee qem H3 AByX HHCneKTOPOB KaxzaR. B

no6og zaHHWA moMeHT Ha KaxzoM mecTe HHCneKUHK moxeT HaxOaHTbCR

He 6onee oAHoR HHCneKUHOHHOR rpynnb,.

16. nto 3aaepmeHHH nocneHHcneKuHOHHX npouenyp, 3a HcKno-

qeHHeM HHCneKuHK, npOBOZHMWIX cornacHo nyHKTam 3, 4, 7 KnH 3

CTaTbH XI qoroaopa, HHCneKUHOHHaR rpynna He3ameznHTenbHO 803-

BpawaeTcR a yHKT Bbe3Aa, C KoToporo oxa Haqana HHCneKUHOHHYO

AeRTenbHOCTb, H He no3AHee qem qepe3 24 qaca noKm~aeT Ha caoem

camoneTe TeppHTopKM CTpaHbl, B KOTOPOR HaXOAHTCR mecTo HHcneKUHH.

npHMeHHTenbHO K HHCneKuHRM, npOBOHMwM cornaCHo nyHKram 3, -, 7

HJH 8 CTaTbH XI forosopa, ecnm HHCneKLHOHHaR rpynna HaMepeHa

npoBeCTH etue OfHY HHCneKUHO, TO OHa:

a) no Bo3BpameHHH B nyHKT ae3Aa ysezomnReT HHcneKTHpyeyvo

CTopoHy 0 csoem HamepeHHH; HAl

0) no 3aBepweHHx nocneHHcneKuHOHHb[X npouenyp ysezomn~eT

HHCneKTpyemyo CTopoHV 0 ahoe KHCneKuHH H -ecTe ee nposeAeHHR.

B 3 OM cnyqae HHcneKTHpyemaR CTOpoHa orBeqaeT 3a AOCTaBKY HHCneK-

UHOHHOR rpynn Ha cnenyowee mecTo HHCneKuHH 5e3 Heo6OCHOBaHHOA

3aaep&KH. HxcneK=;tpyeMaR CTOpoHa onpezenReT Bma rpaHCrnopTA H

mapWpyT raKol aOCTaBKH.

B cnyqae, yKa3aHHOM B nOflnyHKTe "a", npHmeHRI0TCR npoueAypm,

H3AO~eHHWe a nyHKTe 7 pa3Aena V H fyHKTaX 1 H 2 pa3zena VII

HaCroRwero npoToKona.

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VII. RHcneKuHH, npoaonHnme cornacHo nvHKTam 3, 4 HYN 5cra77 XI foroaopa

1. He no3AHee 4em qepe3 OAHH qac nocne yKa3axxoro a yae-

AomneHHH cornacHo nyHKTy 1 "a" pa3Aena IV Hacro~wero flporoKona

speneHM coo6weHHR o mecTe HHCneKUHH KHcneKTHpyeman CTopoHa BBOAMT

orpaxxqeHHs Ha nepememeHe B npenhHcneKuHOHHbU nepoA Ha mecTe


mecTo KHcneKUKHH. BwB03 c mecra HHCneKUHH paKeT, CTyneHeR TaKix

paKer, nyCKOBWX YCTaHOSOK H aCnomoraTenbHoro o6opynosaHHR, noA-

nanaowxX noa MeACTBe forosopa, 8 TeqeHHe cpoKa zeCTrBHR fleabiH-

cneKUHOHHbIX orpaHHqeHHA Ha nepememeHxe He AonyCKaeTCR.

2. RHcneKTHpyemaR CTOpOHa AocaBnAer KHcneKUHOHHy* rpynny

R3 nyHKTa a-e3za Ha mecTo HHCneKUH, o6ecne4Haa npH6WTHe

HmHCneKuHOHHOR rpynnM Ha mecTo HHcneKUHH He no3AHee qem qepe3

9 qacoB nocne vKa3aHHOrO B yBeomneHHH cornaCHo nyHKTy 1 "a"

pa3zena IV HacToRAwero aIpoToKona BpemeHK Coo6weHHR o mecTe


3. B cnvyae nposeaeHHR HHCneKLHH B Crpaxe pa3meweHHR a

COCTaB neTHoro 3KHnaxa HHCneKrHpyeok Cropoub moryT BXOAHTb

npeACTaBHTeH CTpaHl pa3meweHHA.

.4. HK ozxa K3 CTOpOH He nPOBOAHT OAHOspemeHHO 6onee on-

HOR HHCneKLHK cornaCHo VHKTy 5 "a" crar ;t XI Rorosopa, OaHO-

apemeHHo 6onee OZHOR HHcneKUHH cornaCHo -VHKTY 5 "b" craTb X1

:loroaoDa H OAHOBpemeHHO 5onee 10 HHcneKU:It cornacHo nyHKTy 3

craTbH XI :lorosopa.

5. rpaHHuamH mecTa HHcneKUHH Ha o6beKTe, nonnexawem

HHcneKUHH, RBnROTCR rpaHHLU, vKa3aHHbie a MemopaHAyme o zorOaO-

peHHOCTH znR AaHoro o6beKTa.

6. 3a HCKAomeHHem HHCneKUHH, nposozHMoA cornacHo nyHKTan

HAM 5 ":" cTarbH XI 11oroBopa, no npH6blTHH HHCneKUHOHHOr rpynnbl Ha

NecTo HHCneKuRH nmHO, conposBoxfawee BHyTPH CTpaHw, coo6uiaeT


mecre paKeT, CTyneHeR paKeT, nyCKOBmX YCTaNoBOK, BCnOmOraTenbHbX

CoopyxeHKA H ecnomorareabHoro o6opyzosadR, nonnanawHx non

zeRCTBHe forosopa, H nepenaer pyKOBOAHTeR HHcneKUHOHHOR rpynn

cxemy mecTa HHCneKQHH C yKa3aHsem pacnonoxeHMA Ha naHHOM mecTe

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acnomoraTenbHbIX coopyseHHA H scnomoraTenbHoro o6opyAoBaHxR.

7. C cO6nOAeHmem npoueAyp, H3noxeHHbIX a nyHKTax 8-14

HacToRulero pa3zena, HHcneKTOpIm HmeeT npaao npoBoHTb HHcneKUHw

acero mecTa HIc eKUHH, B TOM 4Hcne BHyTpeHHero npocTpaHcTaa

coopyxeHHA, KOHTeRHepos HnI TpaHcnopTHUX cpencTS nH6o yKpbTbIX

npezmeTOB, ra6apKTb KOTOpWx pa8Hm ra6apHTam, yKa3aHHbM B pa3-

zene VI MemopaHyma o zOrOBopeHHOCTH ZRR paKeT, cTyneHeA TaKHx

paKeT, ayCKOBbIX yCTaHOBOK HlH BcnomoraTeJbHO1O o6opyzoBaHHR

HHCneKTHpyemok CTOpOHN, Hun npeswwaO KX.

8. PaKeTa, cTyneHb TaKOR paKeTW HnH nyCKosaA YCTaHOBKa,

nonnazaowaA noA zeRcTSHe Lorosopa, nozneXHT HHCreKUHH TOflbKO

nyTeM HapyxHoro BH3yanKHOro OCMoTpa, aKnoqaR npH Heo6xOZHMOCTH

H3mepeHHe ra6apHTOB TaKok paKeTbl, CTyneHH TaKoR paKerbI HH nyc-


KaK conepxawHA paKery HRH cTyneHb TaKok paKeT, no~nanawyo noz

ZeRCTBHe foroaopa, KOTOpbiR no CBOKI ra6apHTaM He moxer coneaTb

6onee OAHOR nonaaomek non ZeAcTsHe forosopa paKerb H H CT 'relH

TaKok paKeTbI HHCneKTHpyemok CTOpOHbl, nonneXHT HHCreKUKHH TOrlbKO

nyrea HapyXHoro BH3yalbHOrO ocMorpa, aKoD4aR f pH Heo6XOAHlO TH

H3mepeHHe ra6apHToa raKoro KoHTeRHepa AnR nOATsepxeHHR TOrO, 4TO

OH He moxer conepxarb 6onee oziok noznazaoet =R noz zeRCTBHe foro-

Bopa paKeTbI HH CTyneHn TaKOR paKeTbl HHCneTHpyeMOA CTOpOHI. 3a

HCKnmqeHHen npezycloTpeHHoro a nyHKre 14 Ha-roR~ero pa3nena,

KOHTeRHep, KOTOpWIR no CBOHM ra6apHTam mozer conepxaTb nonazaowyo

no AeRcTrHe forosopa paKery HH CTyneHb raKot paKerbI HHcneKTH-

pyemok CrOpOHbI K KOTOpbR 3aRB~TeH ;tHcneKTHD e'I0ot CTODOHOt KaK He

cogepxauu paKery 17H cryneHb TaKoR paKeTb, nonnazaowy* noz

ze~cTsHe fcroBopa, np Heo6xoAHlOCTH noAe(HT 1HcneKUHI TOtbKO

nyTem B3BewHBaHHR KOHTeRHepa HH B113yafbHOrO oC.oTpa ero BHVTpeH-

HeR qacTH znR nO TaepxAeHMA TOrO, ITO OH AeftCTBHTenbHO He CO-

zepXwT noznanaowy* no AeRCTBHe forosopa paKeTy HAH CTyneHb raKok


nyCKOBWM KOHTeRHepom, CBR3aHHbIM C THnom paKeTbi, He nonnanaaomi

noA AeAcrBe 11oroaopa, H 3aRBneH HHcneKTHpyemok CTOpOHOR KaK

conepxaLuHR TaKyo paKery, TO OH nonnexHT TOnbKO HapyxHof KHCreK-

HH, BKnboaR HcnOub3OBaHHe npH6opOB panHaUHOHHorO KOHTpOAR,

BH3yabHR OCMOTp H fpH Heo6XOnHMOCTH nHHeAHoe K3mepeHHe ra6a-

pHTOB TaKoro KOHTeftHepa.

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450 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1!

9. CoopyzeHHe HAM KoHTeRHep, KoTopwe no CBoHm ra6apHTam He

moryT coAepxaTb nonazaouyio nom AeAcTBHe foroBopa paKeTy, cTyneHb

TaKOR paKeTw HfnH nycKosylo yCTaHoaKy HHcneKTHpyemoA CTOpOHbl, noA-

nexaT HHCneKUHH TOnbKO nyTeM HapyXHOrO Bl3yanbHOro OCMOTpa,

BKRiqaA npH Heo6xoZHMOCTH H3MepeHHe ra6apTOS TaKoro CoopyxeHHR

HKH KOHTeAHepa anR noaTepxzeHHa roro, 4ro OHH no caoHm ra6apHTam

He MoryT cozepxarb noznanaemyio noz zegcTrHe ZorOBopa paKery,

CTrneHb TaKOR paKeTbl HH nyCKOBVl ycTaHOBKy HHCneKTHpyemok


10. flpoc~paHCraO BHYrPH c.oopyxeHHA, KOTOpoe no CBoK.i ra6a-

pHram .oxer coepxarb nonnanaewyo non zeC.sTHe foroaopa paKery,

crynexb raKok paxebI HuH nycKoay yCaHoaKy HHCneKTrpyemok Cro-


rpynny o6pa3O, He moxeT npoRTH HaHmeHbuaR no CBOKM ra6apHram

noznanaowaR non leRcTrHe foroaopa paKeTa, CTyneHb paKerb 1MM

nyCKOsaa YCTaHOBKa KHCneKTHpyemoR CTOpOHw, He nofneKHT zanbHekwek


HHCneKUHOHHyio rpynny o6pa3O nyTem 8H3ya-tHOR HHCneKUHH BHyTpeH-

HeR qaCTH 3aMKHYTOrO npocTpaHcrsa OT BXO:3 B Hero, 4ro TaKOe

3aIKHyroe npocrpaHcrSo He COaep(HT no60 noznazamueR non aeAcTme

floroBopa paKeT, CTyneHH TaKOR paKerbl mi nycKosok yCTaHOBKH


nonexHT anbHekweg aHlcneKUHH.

11. ,tHCneKUHOHHO rpynne pa3pewaercl naTpynHpOaarb nepp:merp

-ecra MHCneKUHH H CTasHTb HHCneKTOpOB y Bble3noB C -ecra HHCfeKIHH

a reqeHHe acero BpemeHH HHCneKLHH.

12. B n6oe spemr a xoae HHCneKUHH ;iHCeKUKHOHHOR rpynne

pa3pewaercA HHCneKTHpOaaTb n*6oe rpaHcnopTLoe cpencro, CfOcO6Hoe

nepeBo3KTb nonnanacwHe non AeCiTHe forosopa paKeT, CTynexH

TaKHx paKeT, nyCKOaBe YCTaHOBKH HnH BcnoMorarenbHoe o6opynOBaHHe

HHCneKTHpyeMoR CTOpOHb, K HHKaKoe TaKoe TpaHCnOpTHoe cpezcrBo He

nOKHzaeT meCTO HHCneKLHH So ape m ee nposezeHHR no rex nop, nOKa

OHO He 6yner npOHHCaeKTHpOsaHO HHCneKLHOHHOR rpynnoil y ame3AOB C


13. HCneK.HOHHaR rpynna moxeT no Haqana HHCneKKHH KaKoro-

nH60 3zaHHR, HaxoARwerocR B npezenax mecTa HHCneKUHH, pa3meCTHTb

nonrpynnbi Y rex swe3ZoB H3 3naHHR, pa3mepi KOTOPWX zonyCKa*r

npoxoA qepe3 HHX nv6o nonnaamwek non AeACrame foroaopa paKermb,

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CTyneHH TaKOR paKeTbl, nyCKOSOR YCTaHOBKH HnH nio6oro 8cnoMora-

renbHOrO O6OpyfosaHHR HHCneKTHPYeMOR CTOpOH. Bo apemA HHCneKuHi

raKOrO 3AaHHR ero He pa3pewaeTcA fOKHfaTb 6e3 HHCneKUHH KaKOMy 0bl

TO HS 6blnO rpaHcnoprHOMy cpencray KnH o6beKTy, cnoco6HoMy coAep-

xarb nc6yo nonaaowyo noA zeACrTae Aoroaopa paKeTy, cryneHb

TaKoR paKeTb, nyCKOBY0 yCTaHoBKy KnR no6oe acnomoraTenbHoe o6o-

pyoBaHHe KHcneKTHpyemog CrOpOHbI.

1-. Bo apems HHcneKUHK, npOBOlHMOR cornacHO nyHKTy 5

CTaTbH XI lorosopa, HHcneKTpyemaR CTOpOHa o6A3aHa noKa3aTl, qTO

3aqexneHHblH HuH 3awHueHHblH OT 8o3AeiCTBHR aTMoc~epHblX ABeHA

npezmeT, ra5apHTbl KOTOpOrO paBHbi ra6apHTam Him npeblwaloT :a6apHTbI

camoA mano H3 noznaacwmHx noz ne CTBHe foroBopa paKer, cryneHK


TenbHO He ABnaeTCA nonnanaweR no Ae~c:3KHe Loroaopa paKeTOR,


CrOpOHbl. 3TO moxer 6blTb o6ecnedeHo nyTem qaCTH4HOro CHRTHR qexna

tnH nOKpbITH alnR 3aWHTb| Or B03ReCcAHR aTMoC~epHbWX ABneHHH, H3me-

DeHHR HH B3aewHBaHHR YKpblTOrO npeamera IuH zpyrv1 cnoco6a1H.

Ecuw HHcneKTHpyemaR CTopoHa nyTem noKa3a y6e)aeT HHCfeKUllOHHVy

rpynny B TOM, vTO AaHHblA npezmeT He ABnAeTA nonaioweR noA

eRCTBHe forosopa paKeTOR, CTyfeHb) TaKOk PaKeTbI HflH fyCKOBOR

yCTaHOBKOR AHcneKTHpyeMoH CropOHb, TO 3TOT npeameT He nonneXKT


Hepom, CBR3aHHbIM C THnom paKebI, He nonnaamuHm no AeACTBHe

foroBopa, H 3aRaneH HHcneKTHpyemok CTOpOHOR KaK co~epxaMHt raKyO

paKeTy, TO OH noAnexHT TOfbKO HapyXHoA HHCneKHH, BKnoqaR HC-

noAb3OBaHHe fpH6OpoB panHauHOHHOrO KOHTpOAR, BH3yanbHbH OCMOTp H

npH Heo6xOHrOCTH RHHeRHoe HsmepeHHe ra6apKToB TaKorO KOHTeRHepa.

VIIi. kHcneKuHm, npoBozHmme cornacHo nyHKTam 7 HKH 3cTaTbH XI foroaopa

I. OcywecrBnleMbie cornacHo nyHKTy 7 cTarb XI 11oroBopa

HHCneKuHH npouecca nHKBHAaUHH 3nemeHTOB paKeTHKX cpeAcrB, yKa-


npouemypamH, H3nO~eHHbH B HaCToRwem nyHKTe H 8 npOTOKOne o


a) no npH6blTHH HHCneKTOpOB Ha mecTo AHKBHnaHH H nepe-

AaercA rpa HK uceponpHRHl no AHKBHzaLHH.

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452 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

b) HHcneKTopM caep T CooTsercTaHe AaHHbIx o KonxqecTae K

THne nognexammx JHKBHiiauHw 3nemeHTOS paKeTHbX cpenCTB, yKa3aHHbIX

a apeaoCTaBneHHOM HxCfeKTHpyemok CTOpOHOR yBeAoMneHKH, C KonHqe-

CTBOM H TlnOi aKHX 311emeHTOS, HaxozRLuHxCR a mecTe nHKBH.aUtH

ZO Haqana ,cyvwecTsneHKA npouenyp flHKaH2aUHH.

C) C co6nlczeHHel nyHKToB 3 H 11 pa3nena VI Hacro~wero

11pOTOKOna HHcneKTOpbl Ha6nmoalOT 3a ocytuec:3neHtel KOHKperHbX

npouenyp RHKBKauKHH 3nemeHTOB paKeTHblX C:eCTB, KaK 3TO npeny-

CMOTpeHO B 'IpOTOKOne 0 nHKHzauHH. B cnyvue o6HapyxeHHA KaKHX-

AH60 OTKnoHeHKA OT cornacoaaHHbiX npouezyp TlHKBHza HK KHCfeKTOpbl

iieOT npaao o6paTHTb BHHmaHHe nHU, COpOlB0oxLxaOWHX BHYTpH CTpaHbl,

Ha Heo6xoiHKoCTb TO4Horo BblnOHeHHR BbleyKa3aHb1X npouenyp.

<aKT 3aBepweHHR TaKHX npoueayp nfAsepxaeTACR B COOTBeTCTBKH

C npouenypa-iH, yKa3aHHblMH B npOTOKOne 0 AHKBHnaUIH.

::) LpiH lHKBHAaUKH paKeT .eroZoM nyCKa KHcneKTOpbl HieloT

npaso yAOCTOBepwTbCR nyTeM BH3yanbHOrO OC.MOTpa, LITO nonroToeneH-

HaR K nyCKY paKera RBaReTCR paKeToR THna, nonnexawero nHKBHzaUHH.

HHcneKopam pa3pewaeAcR TaKxe OcyuieCTBnRTb Ha6mozeHHe C 6e3onac-

HOrO mecTa, yKa3aHHoro HHcneKTHpyemoA CTOpOHOA, 3a TaKOR paxeTog

AO 3aBepmeHHA ee nycKa. B xoze HHCneKuKHH cepHH yCKOB a uenRx

hHKBHauHH paKer meTozOm nycKa HHcneKTHpyean CropoHa onpe~enRer

axK TpaHcnopra K mapmpyr An AOCTaBKK KHcneKTOpoB OT oAHoro mecra

HHcneKQHH K 4pyromy.

2. OcywecTnRembie cornacHo nyHxTy 8 CTaTbH XI forosopa

HHCneKuHH npouecca nHKBHAauHH 3nemeHToB paKeTHWX cpeACTB, yKa-

3aHHblX B fpOTOKOne 0 AHKBmzauHH, npoBOnnrTC B COOTBeTcTBHH C npo-

uezypamH, H3noxeHHbIMH a pa3zenax 11, IV HAH V nporoKona 0 AHKBH-

AauxH HH HHbIm o6pa3O no CornacosaHHO CTOpOH.

iX. HCneKUHOHHaA zeRTenbHOCrb, ocvweCTBnReMRcornacHo nVHKTV 6 Crarbv XI oroooa

1. HxcneKTpyemaA CTOpoHa coxpaHReT B HeH3meHHOm sze

CornacosaHHbIR BHewHHl nepmmerp ecra HHcneKumH H KOHKpeTHO vKa-

3blBaeT DOXOZHOR nVHKT, KOTODWIi moxer Hiterb He 6onee oaHOr: <a-

Ie3HoopOXHO-O n it:;i . He 0e OZHO aBTOoH7nbHOR zopor*I, H3XC-

zRWHXCA :a DaCCTOAHHH He 6onee 30 erpoa Apyr or apyra. Bce

TpaHcnoTpfble ::e)CTBa. KorCopbe moryT cozepxarb SPHB cpeZHet

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aanbHOCTH MHcneK py'eMoCI CrOpOHbl HnH cayo 6onbYIO no ZnIxe Ty-

neHb T3KO;1 5PH5, Bbe3xaMT TOnbKO qepe3 3 r npoxoAHOR nyHKT.

2. !Aa ueneR HacroR.4ero pa3.eena K SHE cpeAHeA AanbHOCrI

;tHcneKTHpyeeoR CTopoHhi H camok 6onrbWoR no nHHe cTyneHH TaKor

5PH6 npwmeHOTOCR nonoxeHHA nyHKTa 10 cTaTbH VII JloroBopa.

3. onaqecTBO ApyrHx Be3ZoS C MecTa KHcneKuHH He ZOAXHO

npesbnarb 2ayX. KoHTpOnb 3a TaKHKH abie3AamH ocytaecrBniReTCA C


Bme3Abi C Hero moryT KOHTpOIlHpOBaTbCA, KaK 3TO npezyCMoTpeHo

nyHKrom 11 pa3Aena VII HacToAWero fpOTOKOna.

4. HHcneKTHpywan CropoHa KLeeT npaao yCTaHOBHrb cpeACTaa


nyHKTe 1 HacToRAwero pa3zema, H COOTBeTCTByuHe AaTqHKH y 8me3AJO,

yKa3aHHMX B nYHKTe 3 HacToRwero pa3aena, a TaKxe npOBOAHTb Heo6-

XOAHmwe pa6oTm no TexHHqeCKoMy OCMOTpy, CrpoHTe~bCTBy, peMOHTy H

3ameHe cpeACTS KOHTpOnR.

5. HHcneKTrpyemaA CTopoHa no npocb6e H 3a cqeT HHCneKTH-

pyoweR CTopoHN o6ecne4KaaeT:

a) sce Heo6xoAHeme KOMMyHHKauHH AnR cTpoTeAbcTsa H

3KcnnyaTauKH cpeAcT8 KOHTpOIR, SKnogaR 3neKTpo3HeprHe, 8oAocHa6-

xeH~e, TOnnWBO, TennoCHa6xeHHe H KaHanH3auiHo;

b) HCXOAHme CTpoHTenbHbe maTepHanw, BKxnoaR 6eroH H Aeco-


C) Heo6xoAHmyo nOzrOTOBKy nnouaAKH AnR yCTaHOaKH nOCTORH-


nyHKTe 1 HacToRmero pa3Aena, COOTseTcTByWMHX AaTqHKOB AnR pyrHX

abe3zos, yKa3aHHMX a nYHKTe 3 HacToRero pa3Aena, a TaKxe AnR

pa3meweHHR ueHTpa c6opa zaHHWX, nonyqaemux a xone HHCneKUHH.

TaKaA noArroToKa xoeT BKnmoaTb 3enIRHme pa6oTM, yKnaaiy 6eTOHHbIX

yHAameHTOB, npoKnaAKy TpaHmek mezAy mecramH pacnonoxeHHR o6opy-


d) TpaHcnOprKpOBKY H3 ryHKTa sBe3Aa B CTpaHy Ha mecTo

HHcneKUHH Heo6xoAHmoro MOHTaXHoro HHcrpy~eHra, maTepanos H

o6opynoaaHKa; H

e) He meHee Asyx TeneOHH6X nHHHR H pH HeO6XOAKHOCTH

BWCOKO4aCToTHyO paA oannaparypy, KoTopme cnoco6HM o6ecneqHrb

np mym CBR3b C nocolbCBOM HHCneKTHpyoweg CTOpOHM 8 cTpaHe,

rae HaXOfHTCR mecTo HHcneKuHH.

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454 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 11

6. KHcneKTpyouiaR CTopoHa KmeeT npaBo sHe nepHMeTpa

mecTa HHcneKuHH:

a) nocTpOHTb He 6onee Tpex 3zaHHH o6wek nnotaab1o He 6onee

150 KBazpaTHbIX meTpoB AAR eHTpa c6opa zaH~b[X H UvTa6a HHCneK-

UHOHHOA rpynnw H ORHOrO AononHHTenbHorO 3AaHHR nnomal(b) He 6onee

500 KBazpaTHbX meTpos AAR XpaHeHHR aTepxanos H o6opyAoBaHHR;

0) yCTaHOBHTb cpeAcTsa KOHTponR 3a Bbie3AamH, 8KJioqaA

Aa4HKH Beca, AaT4KH AAR TpaHcnopTHb[x cpeactS, cpeAcTaa Ha6nio-

AeHHR H annaparypy AfR H3mepeHHR ra6apwToa rpaHcfopTHWx cpencrB;

C) ycTaHOaHTb y npoxoAHoro nyHKTa, yKa3aHHorO B nyHKre I

xacToawero pa3zena, annapaTypy AnA K3MepeHA AnHHW H AKamerpa

cTyneseA paKeT, HaxoARxuHxc BHYrpK nyCKObIX HAH TpaHCnOpTHWX


d) ycTaHoBHTb y npoxoAHoro fyHKTa, yia3assoro B nyHKTe I

HacToRuero palAjena, annapaTypy znA nonyqeHH HenonpexAamum mero-

A o K3o6paxeHHA coAepxaHH nycKOSMX HnH TpaHcnopTHbX KoHreRHepos,

3aRBAeHHWX KaK co~epsamxx paKeTy HnH cTyneb TaKOA paKeTM a

COOTBeTCTBHK C nyHKTOM 11 HacToRwero pa3nena;

e) yCraHOBKTb OCHOBHOA H pe3epHbl 3HeproHCTOHHK; H

f) wcnonb3osaTb npm Heo6xoAHMOCTH ycTpoicrsa OnO3HaHHA


7. Bo ape m ycTaHOBKH HH 3lKcnnyaTau cpeAcTr KOHTPOIIR

HHcneKrHpyomaA CropoHa He npenTCTByeT Aocryny KHcneKTspyemog

CTpOHN K n16blM cymeCTByCWHM COOpyxeHHMR HAH cHCTemam o6ecneqeHHR

6e3onacHOCTH. RHCneKTHpylOiaR CTopoHa He apeAnpHHNaeT KaKHX -bl

TO HH 6bJno AeACTBSI B OTHOweHHH TaKHx coopyxeHHR 6e3 cornacKH

HHcneKTHpyemok CTOpOH b. EcnH iexuy CTOpOHamH cornacoaaHo, qrO

TaK~e coopyxeHHA AOAXHb 6b[Tb nepecTpoeHwn1 H60 'aCTHqHO SHA

nOnHOCTbO CHeceH, To HHCneKTHpyowaR CTOpOHa npeAocTaBnReT Heo6-

XOAKHMy KomneHcauHm.

3. AHcneKTHpyemaR CTopoHa He HHHT nomex (yHKUHOHHpOaaHAO

yCTaHOBneHHoro o6OpyZOBaHHR H He orpaHH4HaeT AocTyn HHCneKUHtOH-

HOR rpynnbl K TaKOMy o6opyzoaaHD.

9. MHCneKTHpyiowaA CrOpoHa HmeeT npaao nOnb3oBaTbCR co6CT-


naTpynHylOwHKM nepmmerp, H UeHTPOM c6opa AaHHbIX. TaKwe cpeacraa



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10. locanKa neTaTenbHx annapaTos a npezenax nepHxmeTpa

KoHTPOnHpye-loro o6,eKTa He paapewaeTca, 3a RcK~nqeHem aBapH lHbX

CwTyauml Ha o6beKTe npH ycnosmi npenaapHTenbHOrO yseaomneMKR

HHcneKUHOHHOR rpynnu.

11. Jho6ok BbIBO3HMbA qepe3 npOXOHOR nyHKT, YKa3aHHblA B

nyHKTe 1 HacToawero pa3nena, rpy3, KoTopblA no csoHI ra6apHTam H

secy moxeT conepxaTb 6PHS cpeAxek nAabHOCTH HHcneKTrpye.1oR.Cro-

pOHbl HnH camyn 6 0nbMyio no AnHe CTyneHb TaKok SPHE, 3a~an~eTcR

HHcneKTHpyemok CTopoHoR HHCneKUHOHHOR rpynne Lo npH6bITHR 3Toro

rpy3a K 3Tomy npoXOlHOMy nyHKTy. B 3aRBeHHH v'Ka3blaaeTcR, conep-

XHT AH TaKOk rpy3 paKeTy HIH cTyneHb TaKOA paKerT, ra6apxrw H aec

KOTOpOR paBHbi ra6apHTam H aecy SPHS cpeAxeR anabHOCTH HHcneK-

T-pyemok CTOpOHM Kr camok 60RbWOR no AAKHe CTyneH TaKoR SPHS

Kn npeabwwaT HX.

12. gHcneKUHOHHaR rpynna HmeeT npaso H3mepRTb sec H ra6a-

pHT no6orO abe3xaouero c mecTa KHcneKUHH TpaHcnopTHOrO cpeAcrsa,

BKnoqaR xene3Ho~opoEHme BarOHN, 4To6bl yAOCTOSepHTbCR, nO38OnqT

flH ero ra6apHTM K aec conepxaTb SPHS cpeZxek AanbHOCTH HHCneK-

THpyemok CropoHxl MIN camyio 6onbWy* no AnKHe cryneHb TaKoR EPHE.3rH KH3epeHHR ocywecTBnR OTCR TaKHM o6pa3oM, 4To6w caeCTH K MHHH-

MyMy 3anepXKy rpaHcnopTHX cpencTs, sBe3alowHx c 3Toro necTa.

TpaHcnopTHme cpeCaTsa, Koropbie no caowm ra6apHTam HnH aecy He

moryT coAepxaTb EPHS cpeAHeR AanbHOCTH HHcneKTHpyemog CTopoHwHnH caiyo 6OnbWVD nO AAHHe CTyneHb TaKok SPHS, He noanexaT

AanbHekwek HHcneKUHH.

13. B OTHoueHHH Bbie3zalOUKx mepe3 npOXOAHOR nyHKr, yKa3aHHblR

8 nyHKTe 1 HaCTORwero pa3aena, TpaHcnOpTHbIX cpeAcTB, KOToobie n0

CBOHN ra6apHTam H secy moryr conepxarb SPHE cpeAHeA AanbHOcT;i

HHCneKTHpyemok CTOpOHb HH camyn 60byo no znxHe CTyneHb raKoR

SPHS, HO KOrOpbie 3aRaneHbi KaK He conepxawme paKery HKH CT'.:eHb

TaKok paKeTbi, ra6apHTbl H sec KOTOpOR paBHb ra6apHram H secy SPHE

cpenHeg zabHOCTH KHcneKTHpyemok CrOpOHbi ,ilH camoR 6OubOR no

ZInHHe CryneHx TaKoA SPHE KnH npesblma)0T HX. npHmeHROTCR cneyo He


a) HHcreKTHpyowaR CTopoxa HaeeT npaao HHCneKTHpOBaTb

BHyTpeHHloO qacTb Bcex TaKHx TpaHcnopTHbX cpeAcTB;

Z) ecnm nyTeM BH3yanbHoro ocNorpa H.1H H3mepeHR ra6apH-

TOB HHcneKTHpyowaR CropoHa moxeT onpe~eneHTb, LITO BHVTpH Toro HAH

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KHOrO TpaHCnOpTHOrO cpeACTaa HeT KOHTefHepOs HAH 3a4exneHHblX

npevieTos, KOTOpbie no CBOHMi ra6apttTam ioryr 6iTb 6?H6 cpeaHek

,abHOCTH HHCneKTHpyeMok CTopoHbl Knit camoR 60nbWOR no ZAiHe

cTVneHbO TaKoki 6PHS Kni couepxaTb HX, To 3To TpaHcnopTHoe cpez-

CTBO He noanexHT nabHeuieR HHcneKHH; H


6onee KOHTeRHepoB nAH 3a4exneHHblx npezmeToB, KOTOpbie no csoH-1

ra6apHTam ioryT 6b[Tb SPHS cpeaHek AanbHOCTH HcneKTpyemok Cro-

POH HJiH camok 60uiUOR no nHHe cTyneHbW TaKoR SPHS HRH cofepxaTb

HX, TO HHcneKTHpyemaR CTopoHa o6R3aHa noKa3aTb, TO raKxe KOH-

TeftHepW HRH 3a4exneHHue npeimerw He R5n7eTCA SPHS cpeHeR Aaab-

HOCTH HHcneKTHpyeMok CrOpOHN HnH caMog 6o0bwog no AnHHe CTyne~bO

TaKOR SPHS H He conepaT HX.

14. B OTHoweHHH sme3xaOluX 4epe3 npOXOAHOR nyHKT, yKa3aHHbIf

8 nyHKTe 1 HaCToRwero pa3zena, TpaHcnopTHWX cpeAcTB, 3a~sneHHNX

KaK co~epxaIHX paKeTy KAK cTyneHb TaKOR paKeTW, ra6apKTW H aec

KOTOpOR paSaH ra6apKTam H aecy SPHS cpeAHeAI AaAbHOCTH HCneKTH-

pyemog CrOpOHw Kni CaMOo 6OnbwOk no AIHHe CTyneHH TaKOR 6PH6 HIH

npeammaCT Hx, npHMeHRATCR cnezy WHe npoueAypM:


rHpyemok paKeM HAH CTyneHH TaKoR paKeTW;

z) H3mepHTeAbHaR annaparypa pa3memaeTcR TOnbKO sHe nyc-

KOBOrO HfH TpaHCnOpTHOrO KOHreAHepa; ace M3MepeHHR ocywecTnAR-

OTCR HHcneKTapyoiOeR CTOpOHOR C Hcnonb3OsaHHem annapaTypM, npe-

AyCMOTpeHHOA B nyHKTe 6 HacToRwero pa3Aena. TaKHe H3MepeHHAR

ocyueCTBnRTCR noA Ha6nozeHHem nHu, conpoaoxnaowHx BHyTPH CT)aHbl,


C) HHcneKTHpyowaR CTOpoHa HmeeT npaao H3MepRTb sec it ra-

6apHTW no6oro nycKoSorO KOHTeRHepa HH no6oro TpaHCnOpTHorO KOH-

TeRHepa. 3aRBneHHorO KaK conepxawero TaKY1o paKeTy HnH CTyneHb

TaKOR paKeT H nony4aTb H3o6DaxeHHR cozepk3HHR n)6oro nyCKOBoro

KOHTeRHepa HuH no6oro TpaHCnOpTHoro KOHTe;!Hepa, 3aRaneHHorO KaK

cozepxawero TaKyo paKeTy HAH CTyneHb TaKO;! paKeT; oHa TaKxe

HmeeT npaso ocmaTpHeaTb TaKHe paKeTb HRH c:vreHH TaKHX paKeT,

HaxoAR HecR a yCKOBWX KOHTeRHepax HfH TpaHcnopTHX KOHTeRHepax,

BoceMb pa3 s KaXAMA KaneHaapM ron. 'Hua, :onposoxaomHe BHVTPH

CTpaHW, npHCyTTByMT Ha acex 3Tanax TaKoro ocMorpa. npH TaKom


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) OTKpblaaeTc nepenHAR 4aCTb nyCKOBOrO KoHTeAHepa RH

KpblWKa TpaHcnopTHOrO KoHTeAHepa;

.i) paKeTa HKn CTyneHb raKOA paKeTw He BblnBHraeTCR H3"

nyCKOBOrO KOHTeRHepa HuH TpaHcnopTHoro KOHTeRHepa; H

i I) AHHa si AHameTp CTyneHef paKeTu H3epRITCR no corna-

coBaHHoR CTopoHaMH meToAHKe, C Te' gTo6bl onpezenTb,4TO 3Ta paKeTa HH CTyneHb TaKOR paKeTb He AsBnReTCA

SPHS cpeAHek zaRbHOCTH HHCfleKTHpyemok CTOpOHN HRH camok

6onbo no nIuHie CTyneHbO TaKok PHS H 4To 3Ta paKera

Hmeer He 6onee OaHOR cTyneHH, KOTOpaR SHeMHe CXOAHa co

cTyne~bO cywecTayowero THna 6PHB cpeARek AaRbHOCTH;

d) HHcneKTHpyawaR CTOpOHa TaKxe HmeeT npaao KHCneKTHposarb

B GOOreeTCTBHH C npoueypaMH, yKa3aHHMMH 5 nyHKTe 13 HacToRwero

pa3Cena, 0n6bie Apyrxe KoHrefiepW KnK 3aexneHHwe npenAerw, Haxo-

nAWHecA BHyTpH TpaHcnopTHoro cpencrsa, conepxamero TaKy10 paKery

HflH c¢yneHb TaKOR paKeT.


XHcneKIHR OTmeHAeTcR, eCnH B cHny #OpC-maxopHblX o6cToR-

renbcTS oHa He moxer 6blTb nposezeHa. B cnyiae 3anepzKH, npenRr-

cTBymweg npH6MTH* HHCneKUHOHHOA rpynnw, npoBoRmeg HHcneKuHo

cornacHo nyHKTam 3, H1H 5 CTaTbK XI 1oroaopa, Ha MeCTo HHcneK-

UHH B Teqe He spemeHH, VKa3aHOrO B nyHKTe 2 pa3zena VII H3-

CToawerO CIpOTOKona, HHcneKTHpyouaR CTOpOHa MoxeT nH60 OTmeHHTb

HHcneKURHO, nH6o opBeCTH ee. B cnyqae oTmeHW HHcneKHH B xn

4opc-aAaopHbWX o6coRreubcTs HaH 3aaepxKH 4HCTIO HHcneKuHK, Ha

KOTOpoe HHcneKTHpy4waR CTOpOHa Hleer npaso. He ymeHbiaeTCA.

Xr. OrqeT o6 HHcneKL;tH

1. npHmeHHTeIbHO K HHCneKuH1A, npOBOAHMbIH COnaCHo nyHK-

Tam 3, -, 3, 7 HuH i CTaTbH XI :oroaopa, pyKoBowaTenb HHCrieK-

UHOHHOR rpvnbl B xo~e ooCneHHCneKUiHOHHb[X ipoueAyp H He no3ZHee

qem qepe3 2 qaca rocne 3aaepieHHR HHCneKLuHH nepenaeT nHuam, co-

npoBoxamtu1H SHYTPH crpaHbl, CoCraaneHHblR B KHCbmeHHoA opme Ha

pyCCKOM H aHlrHCKOM R3blKax OTqeT 06 HHCneKIHH. OTqeT HOCHT1aKTOuorHeCKHR xapaKrep. B Hem yxa3MaaiOrC 5Hf npoaeneHHoR

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458 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks 1991

KHcneKuLH, .ecTo HHcneKUHH, Konqecrao no nazamux no zeArc aKe

foroeopa paKeT, cTynexeR TaKHx paKeT, nyCKOBWX ycTaHOBOK K 3ne-

meHToS BcnomoraTeJbHoro o6opynosaHKA, KOTopbie Ha6nijxanKcb xone

HxcneKUH, a raKxe ace H3MepeHHA, 3a KKcxpoaaHlie cornacHo

nyHYTy 11 pa3Aena VI HacTO~wero OpOTOKona. K 3TOMy or4ery npHna-


cornacoBaHmK npouezypaMH, a TaKxe cxema Mecra KHCeKUHH, npe-

zycmoTpeHHaA nyHKTom 6 pa31ena VII HacToRAuero npoToKona.

2. fpHKeHHTenbHO K HHCrneKUHOHHOA AeRTenbHOCT, ocymecT-

BnReMoR cornaCHo nyHKTy 6 crarb XI foroBopa, pyKoaoAHrenb

KHCneKLKOHHOR rpynnu no OKOHqaHHK Kaxzoro MecRua 5 TpenHeBHMA

CpOK nepezaeT nmuam, conpoaoznaOMHM BHyTpK cTpaHub, cOCTaBrleHbIA


cneKuKK. OTqeT HOCKT aKTOJlorHqeCKHlR xapaKTep. B HeM yKa3blaeTca

KOnlHqeCTBO TpaHcnopTHbIX cpeAcTS, 3aRBAneHHUX KaK cozepsawHx paKeTy

HTIH CTyneHb TaKoR paKeTb, ra6apKrI H Bec KOTOpOR paaHW ra6apHTam

K aecy 5PHE cpeAHeg zanbHOCTH H~cneKTxpyeMok CTopoHu HYIK camof

6ofbwoR no AnHue CTrneHH TaKOR 5PHS KTnH npeablauaDr Kx, amexaewHx a

re4eHe AakHoro mecRua c. mecTa KHcneKUKM qepe3 npoXoH0oR nyHKT,

yKa3aHHMR B nyHKTe 1 pa3nena IX HaCToRwero npoToKona. B orTere

TaKxe yKa3bl aeTCa nio6bie 3a1 HKcKpoaaHHbe cornacHo nyHKTy 11 pa3-

Aena VI HacTonwero IpOTOKOna H3mepeHKR nyCKOBX KOHTeRHepoB anx

TpaHcnOpTHWX KOHTeRHepos, KOTOpe conepxanHcb B 3THX TpaHCtloprHblX

cpencrsax. B cnyqae ecnK kHcneKTHpyoaR Cropoua B COOTaeTCIaHM C

nonOxeHHRIH nyH:a 1, "c" pa3zena IX HacroAwero fpOTOKOna npO1l3-

aena OCioTp BHyTpeHHeA 4acrH nycKosoro KoHrekHepa K)H TpaHcnopr-

HorO KOHreRHepa, 3aRsneHHoro KaK conepxawero paKery KRH cTyneHb

TaKoR paKerb, ra6apHT H ec oropo paBHbI :a6aprTam K secy SPH5

cpeAsek aaAbHOCTH HHcneKTHpyemoR CTOpOHbl Hna camok 6OAbWOA no

AHHe cryneHH TaKOa SPHS HuH npesbwaCT HX, TO 8 oT-eTe TaKxe

VKa3Wsa0TCR pe3ynbTaTb H3mepeHHA ZnHHbI H HaieTpa crvneHeH pa-

KeTb, nonyqeHHue a xoAe HHCneKUH K 3a HKCHpOBaHHbie cornacHo

nyHKTV i pa3zena VI HacroRwero nporoKoua. K 3TOMV or4ery npHna-

raOTcR OTOCHHKKK, cnenaHHue B xoze HscneKu1iH 8 COOTseTCTBKH C

cornacOBaHHblMH npouenypaMK.

3. HscneKrKpyemaR CTopoHa v;meeT npaso aKnogaTb 5 OT4eT

cocTaBnesHbie a nHCbMeHHoR opMe 3aMeqaHKK.

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4. CTOPoHI no 8o3MOXHOCTH ycTpaHRT HeAcHwe momeHTM OTHO-

CKTenbHO HH opmauKH 4aKTonorHqeCKoro xapaKrepa, conepxame~cA a

oTqeTe o6 HHcneKuiH. CooTaeTcTsyowHe pa3bRCHeHHR HKCHpyOTCA B

orqeTe. OTqeT nofnxcwaaeTcR pyKOBOAxTenem HHcneKUKOHHOR rpynnb it

O HHM H3 nHu, conposozzaOwHX BHYTpH CTpaHbl. KaxnaA K3 CTOpOH

ocTaBnReT y ce6R OAHH 3K3efnnRp OTqeTa.

HacTORWHA npOTOKOn RBnRerCA HeoTbeMnemok qacTbO foroaopa.

OH 3cTynaer B cHny a AeHb BCTynneHHR a CHny RoroBopa H OCTae!cq

B C;tne o Tex nop, noKa ocraeTcR B cHne florosop. KaK 3To npeny-

CMoTpeHo a nyHKTe 1 "C" cTaTbl XIII forosopa, CTOpOHbl -1oryT

cornacoaaTb mepbl, KOrOpbie noryT 6blTb Heo6xOA xb AAR noBblueHHR

AbH3Hecnoco6HOCTH H 3oeKTHBHOCTH HacroRwero npoToKona. TaKHe

mepbi He CqHTaCTcR nonpaKaiH K RoroBopy.

CoaepweHo B

nRpax. KaZnbl Ha


BauKHrToHe 3 aeKa6pR 1987 roAa 8 AByx 3K3en-

DVCZKON H aHrnHcKoM R3WKax, np~qem o6a :KT3


3a CoI03 COBeTCKHXCouHajIHCTHIqeCKHX Pecny6nmc:

[Signed - Signel I

FeHepa IbHblAi CeKpeTapbUK KHICC

3a CoegHHeHHIbIem]TaTbl AMepHCH:

[Signed - Signe 2


I Signed by Mikhail Gorbachev - Signd par Mikhail Gorbachev.2 Signed by Ronald Reagan - Sign6 par Ronald Reagan.

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InA 34eTHBHorO ocywecTBneHKA HHCneKTopaMK H 4neHamw neTHbX

aKHnaxeH, ynOM1HRyTb-1H B pa3Aene III HacToRwero fpoToKona, CBOHX

,yHKUHR HM nDeAOCTaBnAOTCR B uenax ocymeCTBneHHAR orosopa. a ie

S HX lH4HblX HHTepecax, np MsmnerHH H HMMyHHTeTbl, yKa3aHHbie a

HaC.Toswem noHnoeHHH. fpHsHnerHH H HMMyHHTeTw npeAocTaBARO lc

Ha Becb nepoHo npe6blsaHHa B cipaHe, B KOTOPORi HaxoAHTCA mec-zo

HHCneKUHH, a B zaabHekweM - B OTHOweHHH AeACTBKA, coBepeHHbIX

HIH paHee npH ocvweCTBneHHH CBOHX o HUHaibHWX yHKUHA B a'e*.:=

HHcneKropa HnH 4neHa AeTHOrO 3KHmaxa.

1. tHcneKTOpbl H neHbl neTHbIX 3KHwamek nOnb3yOTcR :a~i xe

HernpHKOCHOBeHHOCTbO. KOTOpOR nOib3yVoTc zHnnomaTH4ecKHe areHTbi

cornacHo :raTbe 29 3eHCKOk KOHBeHUHH o n.rAomaTHqeCKHx CHOweHHRX

OT 13 anpenA 1961 roza.

2. iHnbie H pa6oqHe nomeweHHR, 3aHi;aembie HHcneKTOpOM,

ocywecTBnRWHM HHcneKlHOHHy* zeArenbHOCTb cornacHo nyHKTy 6

CTaTbH XI Zoroaopa, nOfb3yVTCR TaKOR xe HenpHKOcHoBeHHOCTbKO H

3atLHTOl, KOTOpOR nflOb3yOTCR nOme...CHHR zi noaTH'ecKHx areHroB

cornacHo CraTbe 30 BeHCKOA KOHBeHuHH o aHnnoMarH'4eCKHX cHoweHHRX.

3. Symarm H KOppecnoHzeHuHm HHcneKTOpOB H 74eHOB ieTHbIX

3KHnaxek nOnb3yoTcR HerpHKOCHOBeHHOCTbO, KOTOpOI flOnb3yMTCR

6ymarH H KoppecnrOHneHUHA AHnnOMaTHqeCKHx areHToB cornacHo

Crarbe 30 BeHOKOR KOHBeHLHH o AHnnOmaT'eCKHX CHOweHHRX. Camoner

HHcneKUHOHHoR rpynnb TaKxe nOib3yeTCA HerlpMKOCHOBeHHOCTbD.

4. HHcneKropam H qneHam neTHWX 3KHnaxeR npeAocTaanAOTCR

TaKHe xe HKMyMHTeTM, KoTopwe npe~oCTaBnArcR AHnnomaTHqecKHK

areHram cornacHo nyHKTam 1, 2 H 3 cTaTbH 31 BeHCKOA KoHBeHUHH

O AHnnomaTHqeCKKX CHOweHHRX. HHCneKTHpyowaR CrOpOHa moxeT OTKa-

3aTbCR OT HMMyHHTeTa OT *pHCAHKKHH HHcneKTopa H)H qneHa neTHoro

3Ksnaaa 8rex cnyqa~x, Korea, no ee MHemHm, HMMYHHTeT npenRT-

crsyer ornpaaneHmm npaocyzHR H OT Herd MOHO OrKa3aTbcR 6e3

ytaep6a AAR ocywecrsneHMA nonoxeHHK foroeopa. OrKa5 zofleH 6bTb

8cerza onpeaenexHo eblpazeHHblM.

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3. HHcneKTopbl, ocyecTsn~lOUlHe HHcneKUHOHHy1 aeRTenbHOCTb

cornaCHo nyHKTy 6 CTaTbK XI orosopa, ocBo6oxAaMTcA OT HanorOB,

Co0pOB " nOWnHH, OT KOTOpbX oCBo60xKai-R lAnRomaTHqeCKHe areHTbl

cornacko CTaTbe 34 BeHcKoR KOHBeHuHH 0 nHnRomaTHeCKHX CHOweHHX.

6. U|HCneKTopal K -4neHam neTHbIX 3KHnaxek Cropoxbl pa3peLua-

eTCA BBO3HTb Ha TeppHTopHO ApyroR CTOpOHw KnK crpaHbl pa3meweHR,

8 KOTOpOR HaXOAHTCR ecTo HHCneKUHH, 6e3 onnaTb KaKjx-nxi0

TamoxeHHbX nOWHX HnH CBR3aHHbx C 3THm C6opOs npezMeTb, npe:-

Ha3HaqeHHwe AR XX IHR4Horo ROb3OBaHHR, 3a HCKfoqeHHem npezmeTos.

8803 H)H Bbl803 KOTOpbIX 3anpeweH 3aKOHOM Him peryynpyeTci KaDaH-

TiHHWMH npaBsnamm.

7. HHCneKTOp huH qneH neTHOrO 3KHnaxa He AonxeH 3aHH~aTbCA

Ha TeppHTOPHH HHCneKTHpyemog CTOpOHbl Hh c:PaH pa3,meueHKa lpO-



3. Ecuw HHcreKTHpyemaR CTOpoHa C4HTaeT, 4rO Kmeno meCTo

3AoynoTpe6neHHe lpHBnReHRRH H HMMVHHTeTamH. VKa3aHHbINH B Ha-

cTonwem fpHOneHHH, meAy CropoHaiH fpOBOARTCA KOHCynbTauHH c

uenbO VCTaHOBHTb, HKeno nlH meCTO TaKoe 3noYnOTpe6neHHe, H, a

cnyqae 'CTaHOBaneHHR 3Toro, npeAo0BparHrb noarQpeHHe TaKoro


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in light of the discussions between the Secretary of

State of the United States of America and the Foreign Minister

of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in Geneva and Moscow

on April 14 and April 21-22, 1988, and the Foreign Minister's

letter to the Secretary of State, dated April 15, 1988, the

Government of the United States of America wished to record in

an agreement concluded by exchange of notes the common

understanding reached between the two Governments as to the

application of the Treaty Between the United States of America

and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination

of Their Intermediate-range and Shorter-range Missiles

(hereinafter referred to as 'the Treaty'), signed at Washington

on December 8, 1987, to intermediate-range and shorter-range

missiles flight-tested or deployed to carry weapons based on

either current or future technologies and as to the related

question of the definition of the term *weapon-delivery

vehicle' as used in the Treaty.

It is the position of the Government of the United States

of America that the Parties share a common understanding that

all their intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles as

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defined by the Treaty, both at present and in the future, are

subject to the provisions of the Treaty.

In this connection, it is also the position of the

Government of the United States of America that the Parties

share a common understanding that the term 'weapon-delivery

vehicle' in the Treaty means any ground-launched ballistic or

cruise missile in the 500 kilometer to 5500 kilometer range

that has been flight-tested or deployed to carry or be used as

a weapon -- that is, any warhead, mechanism or device, which,

when directed against any target, is designed to damage or

destroy it. Therefore, the Treaty requires elimination and

bans production and flight-testing of all such missiles tested

or deployed to carry or be used as weapons based on either

current or future technologies, with the exception of missiles

mentioned in paragraph 3 of Article VII of the Treaty. It is

also the position of the Government of the United States of

America that the Parties share a common understanding that the

Treaty does not cover non-weapon-delivery vehicles.

It is the understanding of the Government of the United

States of America that the above reflects the common view of

the two Governments on these matters. If so, the Government of

the United States of America proposes that this note and the

Soviet reply note confirming that the Government of the Union

of Soviet Socialist Republics shares the understanding of the

Government of the United States of America, as set forth above,

shall constitute an agreement between the Government of the

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United States of America and the Government of the Union of

Soviet Socialist Republics.

[Signed - Sign]

Geneva, May 12, 1988

1Signed by Max M. Kampelman - Sign6 par Max M. Kampelman.

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llpa3BTemcTo Comaa COBeTCX CouamCTnqecKX Pecny dim

nomepxzaeT no.yneue HoTu UpaBZTe.LcTBa CoezuexHux WTaTOB

AmepzFnU OT 12 max 1988 rosa czejUmero cozepamma:

"B CBeTe odcyxze1g Meari rocyzapcTBe m cempeTapem

Coez2aeHaux ZIITaTOB Amepnln Id MkiCTOM ZHOCTpaHa neA Com3a

COBeTCRC CouaamcTZqecKRx ?ecnydJMR B ZeHeBe H B 1TOCRBe 14 an-

peza z 21-22 anpejnq 1988 roza z nl cLMa ?YHRcTpa 2aOCTpaHHBX aeA

OT 15 anpein 1988 rona rocyzapcneamoMy cexpeTaDI IDpaBITejiLCTBo

CoezlzieHBx LTaToB AMepnn 7-exaeT 3axcmpoBaTB B corxame.Lez,3axmiaemom DYTeM OdMela HoTamm, Z0CTI'HYTe MeRq7 mymq fIlaBm-

TeucrBama odwee noHzmaiw e OTHOCUfTexbHO mpmeHe.MHf TiOrOBO~pa Me_%

Coe IieM)1-mn ETaTam .rvep1 2 Cow3OM COBeTCKZX COuzajmCTuqecxzx

Pec y mAx 0 xzxBf l ,a x paxeT cpezl.He ila.i{C0CTId 11 MeHmef gazB-

HOCTR (azze zMeayemoro "!10rOBOpOM"), 0 no!caworo B BaWzirToHe

8 zeRaOpR 1987 roza, K paxeTaM cpezHef ZaJIL HOCT2 id memef zaxB-

HOCT, npouiem x.neTue ZCaRTaHRA ZJ pa3BepHyTUM B xaqecTe Hocm-

TeAeg opyFJIi, OCHoBa{Horo jaido Ha cymecTmyMnx B HacToqmee BpemA,jmdo aa 6yXyiHiix TexiCoxormAx, a Taxxe OTHOCZTexBHO CBRasHHoro C

3TRM Bonpoca od onpeeHeZ TepMZHa "cpeacTBo ZOCTaBxz opyxaa",

Kax OH zcnoL3yeTCR B JlOroBope.flo32ma lpaBTeAcTma CoezHeHHkX UTaTOB AMepjSKI COCTORT B

TOM, qTO CTOpOH pa3ieLMT odmee nOimMaHue, nTO Bce zx paxeTH

cpeAler zaJuHOCTB z MeHRLme za8IhMOCTa, Kam OHn onpezexeia B 11oro-Bope, KaK B RaCTo~ee Bpema, Ta H B dy; meM noADAW T oz zee-

cTBe nxOoeaW .loroBopa.

B 3TO2 CBR3Z nouMixuR UpaBTeicTBa Coe=HeHmx 1UTaTOB Ame-

p9tH COCT02T Ta1wze B TOM, qTO CTOPOIW 90a3e e T odmee noazmaMe,%TO TepMwi "cpezcTBo AlOCTaBlR O0yZB" B 11oroBope osiaqaeT JM05yM

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oaLumc1C'Tecxym AL RpuzawTy paxeTy HaseMaoro daBpOBama c gam,

HOCTID OT 500 no 5500 FUimOMeTPOB, npome=©y AeTHue ZCnSTaH..q

wm7 pa3Bep~yTYM B KaqecTBe ROC2Te.I opyM U1 =A Zcno1O3OBaHnA

B KanecTme OpyEMR, TO eCTL 602 doerojoBxz, Mexaim3Ma =m

yCTpOtCTBa, XOTOpue, dyxirQ Hanpawielmumz IPOTZB maxot-imdo

ue.m, npeza3aaqeHu = ee noBpezzeana wm yHMITOxeiza. TaIxM

Odpa3om, ZoroBop npezycmaTp.MaeT njma m z anpeaaeT flpOM3-


pa3BepuyT1x B xatiecTme HOc2Temq opymm = =R Hcnojm3oBaHZq B

xaqecTBe ooy.=R, OcHOBaHHoro .m6o Ha cyUiecTByrmx B .acTomaee

Bpexq, jOo Ha 6yZ3y n TexHojoraqx, 3a HcxjmtieHaem paxeT, yno-

MARY1TX B fl3HKTe 3 CTaTLZ YE ZorOBOpa. Rlo3m=lA UpaiTeALcma


paze3LMT odmee nokLmax.e, ITO ZIOrOBOPOM He oxaT1aBDTCA cpen-

cTBa, He Fj.BmujecR cpeZCTBaUM flOCT2aKB OpyEMR.

UPaBTerLcTBo CoezHeRLx UITaToB AmepzRc npnrnepx aeTcR

TOfO nOHMaMiM , RTO Bume3ozeHHoe oTpa'aeT odmee mueHme zyx

IIoaBTei~cTB nO 3TeM BOnpocam. B TaKOM caryqae I~paBHTemBCTBO

Coe=Heamm OfTaTOB Amepi z npezaaraeT, qTOd O iaC o.aa HOTa z

oTBeTHa HOTa COBeTCROR CTOpOHH, nO;ITBepnaEaa, qTO llpauTem-

cTBo Comsa COBeTCKLX Cozajnmc .qecFx Pecnyd.zw pazixeizeT

mmeneecz y IDaBZTemcTBa CoeaaeHmix [9TaTOB Amepum nommaHme,

KaK OO X3AoxeHo BmLe, npeACTaBAum codog coraameime Mes?

fIpaBXTeamcTBOM CoeZHeHax UITaTOB kiepxz lpaEZTez CTBOM CoM3a

COBeTCXUDX Conma nCeciax Pecuydm u."

UIpaBZTexLcTBO CoD3a COBeTCI1X COmna=ACTimeCKx PecnydmK

3w8aReT, qTO OO IOJIHOCTLD coriiacio C TexCTOM Z coepxamem HOTH

DpaBZTexicTBa Coe:Hes.Mx MTaToB Amepxm, npBmeemoft Hme, m

nOAMOCTLM pamzejieT noxzMaHze flpaBTecTh-a CoemaeHHUX UITaTOB

Amepaxz, 3AoxeMHoe B yxaaBHo2 HOTe.

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fIoaBXTexLCTho COM3a CoBeTCRKX CoUBamCT2dqecKx Pecnydjmx

BmpaxaeT corzacme C Tem, qTOObl HOTa UpaBBTeji cTBa Coe.=HeHamx

UiTaTOB Amepoem OT 12 Max 1988 rona z HaCTOma HOTa, F-Biomaaac

OTBeTOM Ha Hee, cocTaBzjm coriameJze Me. DID8ETeALcBam Co103a

COBeTCKXX Co:amCTnecx Pecydm R CoenieHHx [UTaTOB AMeplam

0 TOM, tTO !OrOBOO mezn1 CODOM COBeTCKEX CoumajmCTZecxzx Pec-rydazx z Coe=.HeH bLmz WTaTamz AMepz.z o jum(nam a x pameT cpez-

Hefl zaAmHOCT a meHme.l fn-ILHOCTE fBMomeHzM K paxeTam coe.jiek

zaaHOCTu m meHwmeg n Ba7HOCTB, lo:0eztm xeTHLe ZCIIUTaiW1 Jm

pa3BepHyTblM B xaqecTBe HOCZTeze.l opy.o, OCHOBaHHorO jmdo Ha

cyMeCTBYMUI&X B HaCTOAee Bpema, nmdo Ha Oy/ja= TexioJIoor2c,

a TamEe OTHOCUTeJLHO CB3aHHoro C STEM BOflpoca od onpezemeHz

TepM&Ha "cpejcTBo IOCTaBK OpymZ2", Ray, oH zClOAJIZ3yeTcR B tOrOBO-


ZeHela, 12 ,iaa 1988 rona

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The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

acknowledges receipt of the note of the Government of the

United States of America of May 12, 1988, as follows:

[See note I]

The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

states that it is in full accord with the text and contents of

the note of the Government of the United States of America as

quoted above and fully shares the understanding of the

Government of the United States of America set forth in the

above note.

The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

agrees that the note of the Government of the United States of

America of May 12, 1988, and this note in reply thereto,

constitute an agreement between the Government of the Union of

Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the United

States of America that the Treaty Between the United States of

America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the

Elimination of Their Intermediate-range and Shorter-range

Missiles is applicable to intermediate-range and shorter-range

missiles flight-tested or deployed to carry weapons based on

I Translation supplied by the Government of the United States of America.

2 Traduction fournie par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Am6ique.

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either current or future technologies, and also regarding the

related question of the definition of the term "weapon-delivery

vehicle* as used in the Treaty.

Geneva, May 12, 1988

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GenevaMay 12,1988

Representatives of the United States of America and the

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics discussed the following

issues related to the Treaty Between the United States of

America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the

Elimination of Their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range

Missiles, signed in Washington on 8 December, 1987, during the

meeting between Secretary Shultz and Foreign Minister

Shevardnadze in Geneva on 11-12 May 1988. As a result of these

discussions, the Parties agreed on the points that follow.

1. In accordance with paragraph 7 of Section VII of the

Inspection Protocol, during baseline, close-out and

short-notice inspections, the Parties will be inspecting the

entire inspection site, including the interior of structures,

containers or vehicles, or including covered objects, capable

of containing: for the United States - the second stage of the

Pershing II, and the BGM-109G cruise missile; for the USSR -

the first stage of the SS-12 missile, the stage of the SS-23

missile, the SSC-X-4 cruise missile and the SS-4 launch stand.

2. Regarding the second stages of United States GLBMs, the

aggregate numbers of these stages are listed in the Memorandum

of Understanding and will be updated in accordance with Article

IX of the Treaty no later than 30 days after entry into force

of the Treaty and at six-month intervals thereafter. Except in

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the case of close-out inspections and inspections of formerly

declared facilities, the United States in-country escort is

obliged to provide the Soviet inspection team leader with the

number of such second stages at the inspection site as well as

a diagram of the inspection site indicating the location of

those stages. Finally, as set forth in the Elimination

Protocol, Soviet inspectors will observe the elimination of all

the stages of United States GLBbs.

3. The entire area of an inspection site, including all

buildings, within the outer boundaries depicted on the site

diagrams are subject to inspection. In addition, anything

depicted outside these outer boundaries on the site diagrams is

subject to inspection. Any technical corrections to the site

diagrams appended to the Memorandum of Understanding will be

made via the corrigendum exchange of notes prior to entry into

force of the Treaty. Such corrections will not involve the

exclusion of buildings, structures or roads within or depicted

outside the outer boundaries depicted on the site diagrams

currently appended to the Memorandum of Understanding.

4. The Soviet side assured the United States side that, during

the period of continuous monitoring of facilities under the

Treaty, no shipment shall exit a continuous monitoring facility

on the territory of the USSR whose dimensions are equal to or

greater than the dimensions of the SS-20 missile without its

front section but less than the dimensions of an SS-20 launch

canister, as those dimensions are listed in the Memorandum of

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Understanding. For the purposes of this assurance, the length

of the SS-20 missile without its front section will be

considered to be 14.00 meters. In the context of this

assurance, the United States side will not be inspecting any

shipment whose dimensions are less than those of an SS-20

launch canister, as listed in the Memorandum of Understanding.

5. Inspection teams may bring to the inspection site the

equipment provided for in the Inspection Protocol. Use of such

equipment will be implemented in accordance with the procedures

set forth in that Protocol. For example, if the inspecting

Party believes that an ambiguity has not been removed, upon

request the inspected Party shall take a photograph of the

object or building about which a question remains.

6. During baseline inspections, the Parties will have the

opportunity, on a one-time basis, to verify the technical

characteristics listed in Section VI of the Memorandum of

Understanding, including the weights and dimensions of SS-20

stages, at an elimination facility. Inspectors will select at

random one of each type of item to weigh and measure from a

sample presented by the inspected Party at a site designated by

the inspected Party. To ensure that the items selected are

indeed representative, the sample presented by the inspected

Party must contain an adequate number of each item (i.e., at

least 8-12, except in the case of the United States Pershing IA

launcher, only one of which exists).

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7. Immediately prior to the initiation of elimination

procedures, an inspector shall confirm and record the type and

number of items of missile systems which are to be eliminated.

If the inspecting Party deems it necessary, this shall include

a visual inspection of the contents of launch canisters. This

visual inspection can include looking into the launch canister

once it is opened at both ends. It can also include use of the

equipment and procedures that will be used eight times per year

at Votkinsk and Magna to measure missile stages inside launch

canisters (i.e., an optical or mechanical measuring device).

If it should turn out, in particular situations, that the

inspector is unable to confirm the missile type using the above

techniques, the inspected Party is obligated to remove the

inspector's doubts so that the inspector is satisfied as to the

contents of the launch canister.

8. The length of the SS-23 missile stage will be changed, in a

corrigendum to the Memorandum of Understanding, to 4.56

meters. The length of the SS-12 first stage will continue to

be listed as 4.38 meters, which includes an interstage


9. The sides will exchange additional photographs no later

than May 15, 1988. For the United States side, these

photographs will be of the Pershing IA missile and Pershing II

missile with their front sections attached and including a

scale. For the Soviet side, these photographs will be of the

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SS-23, SS-12, and SS-4 with their front sections attached, and

of the front section of the SS-20.

10. In providing notifications of transit points in accordance

with paragraph 5(f)(iv) of Article IX of the Treaty, the

Parties will specify such intermediate locations by providing

the place-name and its center coordinates in minutes.

11. The United States side has informed the Soviet side that

Davis Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona will serve as the

elimination facility for the United States BGM-109G cruise

missile. In order to address Soviet concerns on a related

matter, the United States will formally inform the Soviet side

before entry into force of the Treaty, of an elimination

facility for each of its Treaty-limited items.

These points reflect the understandings of the two Parties

regarding their obligations under the Treaty.

[Signed] [Signed]

Ambassador MAYNARD W. GLITMAN Colonel General N. CHERVOVUnited States Chief Negotiator Chief of Directorate

on Intermediate-Range General Staff of the SovietNuclear Forces Armed Forces

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*eHega12 maA 1988 rona

Bo apeMA BCTpenm MmMHmCTpa MHOCTpaHHwx nen Mevaplxan3e m

rocynapcTBeHHoro cexpeTapA Uynbua B Wemeue 11-12 MaR 1988 roa


CoeaMHeHMHX 1ITaTOB AMepmKm o6cyzMnm yxa3aHHWe HMee BOnpOCW B

CBR3M C ZOroBopoM mewny Coio3om COBeTCKMX CouManMCTM'ecKMX

Pecny6nMK H CoenmmHeHHWMH WTaTamm AmepMKm o nmKBMnauMM MX paxeT

cpe1Heg anbHOCTM m MeHhweg nanbHOCTM, nOnnMCaHHwm a Baun4HrToHe

8 nexa6pA 1987 rona. B pe3ynUTaTe 3THX o6cycneHRm CTOpOHW

cornacHnmcb e HHxiecnenyouem.

1. B COOTBeTCTBHH C nyHKTOM 7 pa3neaa VIx npOTOOna o6

MHcnexluxHx BO BpemA mHcneKuM no npoBepxe HcxozI4 x zaHMHx,

HcnexumR OaKTa nMKBMnauHm H mHcneKL1Mf C yBeoMoneHmeM 3a KOpOTKMR


TOM %imcne B yTpeH~ero fpOCTpaHCTBa coopyeeHMA, KOHTeftHepoB mnm

TpaHCnOPTHWX cpeaCTB nm60 yxpuTx fpeameTO, cneco6Hwx

conepwaTb: anA CMA - BTOPy10 CTyneHb paxeTw "nepMHHr-2" H

xpwnaTyso paxeTy "BGM-109G"; AnA CCCP - nepsyo cTyneHh paxeTu

"OTP-22", cTyneHh paxeTw "OTP-23", xpbinaTyio paxeTy "PK-55" K

nycKoBoR CTOn paKeT "P-12".

2. B TOM, MTO KacaeTCA BTOPWX c-yneHeg BPHB CiA, TO cyzeapHwe

xonMnecTBa 3THX cTynexeR yxa3aHw B MeMopaHnyme o norOBOpeHHOCTM X

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6yayr o6HosneHW B COOTBeTCTBHH CO CTaTbeM IX AoroBopa He flo3LHee

nem nepe3 30 zHeR nocne acTynfeHRH Aoronopa B ciny H B zanhHewem

KaILble wecTb Mec~ueB. 3a McKxcOeHMeM HHcneKUHm OaXTa nm1KuBaumm

H MHcneKL/MR paHee 3aRABeHHWX o6ueKTOB, AMUO, conpoBotaowee



cTyneHeR B MeCTe HHcexuKHH m nepenaTb emy nnaH meCTa HHcneuKHmm C

yxa3aHmem pacnonoweHMR 3THX cTyneHeA. K HaKoHeu, KaK 3To yxa3aHo

9 npOTOKOne o lKaBmzaumH, COeTCX.Me HHcneKTOPW 6yZyT Ha6njoaTh 3a

nmxKBmnaumef Bcex cTyneHeA 5PHB CMlA.

3. HHcnexumm noanelMT 9CR TeppHTOPMR MeCTa HHCneKMm, BKrn oaR

ace 3aaHmm, HaXoaRUA4eCA B npenenax DHe~mHx rpaHMU, yxa3aHHWX Ha

nnaHe MecTa HHcfexumH. Kpome Toro, HHcnexKum nonnefMT Bce, %TO

0603Ha'eHo Ha nnaHe mecTa kHcneKWH BHe 3TMX BHeI UMx rpaHmu.

Ro6we Tex~mwecxme M3meHeHMR BHOCRTCR B npxnaraemme K MemopaHaymy

O aOrOBOpeHHOCTH nnaHh MecT mHcnexKuxm nocpeaCTBOM o6MeHa HOTaMM,

coaepa-fuK TaXze H3MeHeHMR, zo aCTynneHMA Aoroaopa B cMny. apM

4HeceHM TaKmx H3MeHeHHR He 6yzeT AonycKaTbCA mcKxmoeHme 3zaHHm,

coopyieHHR HM zopor, HaXo0 RUXCA B npeaenax SHemHmX rpaHHU MM

O603HaneHHUX BHe BHeLHHX rpaHMU, KOTOpwe yxa3aHb Ha nnaHax MeCT



4. CoBeTcKaR CTOpOHa 3aaepmna aMepHxaHCXYIC CTOpOHy B TOM, nTO 8

TeneHme npezycMoTpeHHoro foroaopom nepmona ocyUeCT9neHwA KOHTpOnR

Ha fOCTORHHOR OCHOBe o6bexToB, HmKaKom rpy3, ra6apHTW XoToporo

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paDHw xnH npeBWla)OT ra6apHTu "PC-10" 6e3 ee rOJoBHOR taCTS, HO

MeHbe ra6apHToB nycKoBoro KOHTeAHepa "PCB-10", KaK 3Tz ra6apiTw

npmBeneHW a MemopaHayme o noroaOpeHHOCTH, He 6yzeT noKHfaTb


KOHTpOnh Ha nOCTORHHOR OCHOBe. An ueneM naHHoro 3aBepeHMA ziHHa

"PCZ-10" 6e3 ee rOnOBHOR maCTm npHHHmaeTCR KaK paBHaA 14 MeTpaM.

B KOHTeXCTe naHHoro 3aBepeHHX amepmxaHcxaA cTOpoHa He 6yaeT

HmcneKTHPOBaTb rpy3w, ra6apHTW KOTOPWX MeHbwe, 4eM ra6apmTw

nycxoBoro KOHT6RHepa "PCA-10", xaK OHH nplBeDeHW B MemopaHnyme o


5. HHcneXUlHOHHwe rpynnw moryT nPHUO3HTb Ha MeCTO HHCneKUHH

annapaTypy, npeayCMOTpeHHyI0 B npoToxone 06 HHCeKLIHAX. Taxax

annapaTypa 6yneT Hcnonb3OBaTbCR B COOTBeTCTBHH C fpoueaypam,

H3nO~eHHWM11 B 3TOM 17pOToKone. Hanpwmep, ecn HHcneKTmpyOiaA

CTOpOHa C4HTaeT, NITO HeACHUR MOMeHT He 6un ycTpaHeH, To no ee

npocL6e HHCeKTHpyeMaA CTOpOHa OOTorpabHpyeT npenmeT HuM 3naHme,


6. B xoae HHcneKHm no fpogepKe HCXOnHWX AaHHWX CTOpOHaM Ha

OAHopa3oson OCHOBe 6yaeT npeAocTasneHa BO3MO5HOCTU

npOKOHTpOHpoaaTb TeXHH4ecKMe xapaKTepHCTHGI, yKa3aHHwe B pa3aene

VI MemopaHnyma 0 n OrOBOpeHHOCTH, BKxniOaR Bec H ra6apHTW cTyneHeR

paKeT "PCZ-10" a mecTax nmKxHnauHH. anA a3seunmBaHHm H H3mepeHHR

HHCneKTOpW BW6OpONIHO O6paoT no OHoA eauHHHue Kaxnoro T~na H3

4Hcna 3K3emnfApoB, fpeaCTaBneHHWX HHcneKTHpyeMog CTOpOHOR Ha

cfeUHanbHo oroBopeHHOM HHcneKTHpyeMoR CTOpOHOR MecTe. fLnR

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o6ecnelteHMA Toro, oT06 OTo6paHHwe eAHXUIW 6wnH neACTBHTenbHO

ThfH'CHW?, HCno npeacTaBneHHWX HHcneXTHpyeMoR CTOpOHOR


He MeHee 8-12, 3a HCKIIeHmeM fycxonoR yCTaHOBDH amepmxaHcxoR

paxemu "repZIuHr-lA", XOTOpaA cyzqecTnyeT 9 eaHHCTueHHOM


7. HenocpencTBeHHo nepea HaanoM npoueayp nmxamaauxH MHcnexTop

noaTsepznaeT x oHKCmpyeT Tfn H KOnxeCTBO eDHHHU paxeTHzX

cpeaCTB, HameleHHWX x nuxnauHK. Ecrn MHcneXTpy10qaA CTOpOHa

C4UTaeT 3TO Heo6xoaOhIlM, TO fpOSOnHTCR Taxe BH3yanbHaR HHCneKxuHA

conep)aHMA nycxoBwx KOHTeRHepoB. TaxaA BH3yanbHaA MHcneXIUHR

MKOeT DxmcOaTb OCMOTp BHyTpeHmero npocTpaHCTBa nycxoBoro

KOHTegHepa, nOCJ1e Toro Kax 6ynyT OTKPWT o~a ero KOHua. npm

Taxof HHceKIHmH moryT Taxwe Hcnoh3oBaTUCA annapaTYa H

npoueaypw, XOTopwe 6ynyT pwHmeHRThCR nO BoceMb pa3 B ron B r.

BOTXMIHCXe x r. MarHa nR H3MepeHHR cTyneHeR paxeT BHyTpH nyCKOBWX

KOHTeAHepoB (T.e. onTHecxoe xnK MexaHHecxoe H3MepHTenlHoe


mHcneXTopy He ymaeTcA fOATBepaXTb THR paKeTbi, rpxMeHAA yxa3aHHwe

Bhwe cfoco6w, TO HHcneKTmpyeMaR CTopOHa O6A3aHa YCTpaHHTb

yAoDneTBOpHTenl6Ha o6pa3om COMJeHHA HcneKTopa B OTHomeHHX

coaepzaHmA nycxonoro KOHTeRHepa.

8. B H3memeH x MemopaHwyMy o AoroBopeHHOCTK 6yzeT yxa3ama

TOHeH~aA AnKHa cTyneHM paxeTm "OTP-23" - 4,56 m. finHa nepsog

TyneHM paxeTw "OTP-22" no-npewxemy 6yneT yxa3wBaTUCR xax

:OCTaBnm=ouaA, BKAca fepexoAHOR OTceK, 4,38 m.

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9. He Ro3Axee 15 MaA 1988 rona CTOPOHW o6meHmoTCR


ipeAcTasneHI *OTOCHKMXH paKeT "nepuwmHr-1A" t 'repzHr-2" c

ipHcTwKOsaHHlMM ronoBHbrmm naCTRM H C yKa3aHHeM Mactua6a. C

ZOBeTCKOR CTOpOHW 6yayT npeAcTaBneHl *OTOCHHMXC4 paxeT "OTP-23",

"OTP-22" H "P-12" C npmCTwKoBaHHiMm rOnoBHlM maCTArm , a Taxoe


10. npH npenOCTaBneHm yBeaomJeHHR o MeCTax sO BpeMR rpe6wBaHKR

3 fyTm cnenoBaHHR 8 COOTBeTCTBKH C nyMKTOM 5 "f.iv" CTaT&h IX

Aoroaopa CTopOaw yKxa3w1aUT Taxue npoMe /TomHue mecTa, coo6uzaA NX

Ha3BaHmA H KoopamHaTw uemTpa a MumuyTax.

11. AmepHxaHcxaR CTOpoHa coo6wnza cOseTCKOR CTOpOHe 0 TOM, 'ITO

MeCTOM nKDHauHH xpwnaToR paxeTm CfA "BGM-109G" 6yneT RBnTbCR

aDKafa3a AeSBc-MOHTaH, mr. Apm3oHa. AAR Toro, %i'rTo CHRTU

o3a6o'eHHOCTh coDeTCXOR CTOpOHw no CDR3aHHOMY C 3TOR npo6nemoR

Bonpocy, CIRA Ao ncTynneHKA floronopa 9 cuny o0mumanI.HO cooaT

cOueTCXOR cTOpOHe meCTO nxHxBmaUHm xa zoR csoeR eAHHRL i,

orpaHmHmaaemoR no oroaopy.

BwweH3noxeHHoe oTpaiaeT n OHMaHHe o6eHx CTOpOH OTHOCHTenhHO

CBOXX o6A3aTenbCTB no fOlOBOpy.

[Signed - Signel [Signed - Signel


Ha neperoeopax no RaepHIM cHJIaM reHepaMIHoro IlTa6a BoopyceHmbsxcpeAHeH RuajHOCTH CHII CCCP

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Moscow, May 28, 1988

No. MFA/148/88

The Government of the United States of America has the

honor to refer:

1) to the notes exchanged in Geneva on May 12, 1988,

between the United States and the Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics concerning the application of the

Treaty between the United States of America and the Union

of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination of Their

Intermediate-range and Shorter-range Missiles (the INF


2) to the agreed minute concluded in Geneva on May 12,

1988 concerning certain issues related to the Treaty; and

3) to the agreements concluded by exchanges of notes,

signed on May 21, 1988, in Vienna and Moscow, respectively,

correcting the site diagrams and certain technical errors

in the Treaty.1

The Government of the United States proposes, in

connection with the exchange of the instruments of

I The said corrections have been incorporated in the text of the Treaty and in the site diagrams as submitted forregistration by the parties. Thus the text of the Treaty, and the site diagrams published herein, include the saidcorrections.

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ratification of the INF Treaty, that the two Governments

signify their agreement that these documents are of the

same force and effect as the provisions of the Treaty, and

that this note together with the reply of the Union of

Soviet Socialist Republics, shall constitute an agreement

between the two Governments to that effect.


JOHN M. JOYCEChargd d'Affaires a.i.

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IpaBHTe.abCTBO Cov3a COBeTCKHX CopacT ecKHx

PecrryAHK nOATaepuaeT noy'meHme HOTM flpaBwTeAbCTBa

Coe mHembrx IUTaTOB AMepHKC P MPA/148/88 OT 28 MaR

1988 rosa cneAymmero coiepxamni:


MOCKBa, 28 max 1988 roJa

flpadBHTeAbCTBO CoeHeH bIX ITaTOD AmeprxH HueeT

qeCTb cocAaTbCR:


H CO3 COBeTCKHX CoLx.aaHCTHecKHx PecrxydAwx B ;ieHese

12 maA 1988 rosa, OTHOCHTeAbHO npHmeHeHHW Aoronopa Me,(.Y

Coe mHeHbnuw WTaTam AiiepHKH H Coo ConeTcxx CoUt.tMi-

CTIqeCKHX PecnydAMx 0 .MKBHlzaL;HH Hx paKeT cpeAHeA -aa.b-

HOCT4 H MeHbmeg AaabHOCTH (Aoroaop o PCM!);

2) Ha corzacoamoe nOHHmaKe, AOCTHrHyToe B dexeae

12 maR 1988 roAa, OTHOCHTe JbHO onpeAeie x BonpocoB,


3) Ha corameHHH, 3awimvemie rnyTe odueHa HOT3Mit

21 maa 1988 rosa COOTBeTCTBeHHO B BeHe H MocKxe, I4CnpaB-

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.i.Rume rzaHu odbeKToB K onpe~eseHmU TexHm,4eCKHe oCWHKX

a Aorosope.'

[IpaBaTezAbcTBo CoenmHeHmux WITaTOB npe jaraeT a CBR3H

c o6MeHoM paT#qaoHwa rpaPoTadaw )AoroBOpa o PCMA1,

UT06u oda [lpaHTeJbCTaa Bbipa3HHI caoe cornacme c TeM, qTO

3TH AOKyMeHTU MmeCT Ty te CwJAY H ,eACTBze, KaK 9 noAoeHxAR


CoImancTHqecKxX Pecny6ARK COCTaBAT coriiamewe Me.y aByMR

fIpaBHTeJIbCTBaam 110 aHHOMY BOnpOCy."


Pecny6nnK BhipazaeT cornacme c Teu, MTo AOKyeHTU, ynOu.R-


:^ MFA/148/88 OT 28 MaR 1988 rOlka, HmeOT TY Ke cmny H

,AePCTBze, KUK H noAoxeHHx Aoroopa ueM.W CoDaoM CO~eTCKAX

Co ma.!HcTHmecKHX Pecnyd5mx H Coe7HHemibrw WJTaTamm ,AepHKZA

0 AZKBH!3aL4H HX paKeT cpeAHeA Aa.IbHOCTMH MeHbweg dA-bHOC7T.


com'ameHHe Mev..y FIpaBHTeAbCTBamm Co3a COBeTCKHX COil/ia.IA-

CT'I eCKIlX Pecny6nvx H CoeAHHeHmbX ITaTOB AmepHmiI ro no -,"


MooIsa,"2.3 " Max 1988 ro~a



I The said corrections have been incorporated in the text of the Treaty and in the site diagrams as submitted forregistration by the parties. Thus the text of the Treaty, and the site diagrams published herein, include the saidcorrections - Les corrections dont il s'agit avaient dtd incorpordes au texte du Trait6 et dans les diagrammes des sitesqui ont 6t6 soumis pour enregistrement par les parties. Le texte du Trait6 et les diagrammes des sites publids ci-avantcomprennent donc lesdites corrections.

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The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

confirms receipt of U.S. Government Note no. MFA/148/88 of May 28,

1988, which reads as follows:

[See note I]

The Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

agrees that the documents mentioned in U.S. Government Note no.

MFA/148/88 of May 28, 1988, are of the same force and effect as the

provisions of the Treaty between the Union of Soviet Socialist

Republics and the United States of America on the Elimination of

Their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles, and that this

note and the reply thereto shall constitute an agreement between

the Governments of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the

United States of America to that effect.


May 29, 1988

Embassy of the United States of America


I Translation supplied by the Government of the United of America

2 Traduction fournie par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amd-ique.

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Les Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et I'Union des R.ipubliques socialistes

soviitiques, ci-apres ddnommis Les Parties,

Conscients du fait qu'une guerre nucl6aire aurait des consequences

a6vastatrces pour toute l'humaniti,

Guid~s par lobjectif consistant A renforcer la stabiliti strat6gique,

Convaincus que les mesures 4noncies dans le present Traiti aideront i

riduire le rLsque de diclenchement d'une guerre et 1 renforcer la paix et la

s6curite internationales,

Tenant compte des obligations qui leur incombent aux termes de

larticle VI du Traitd sur la non-proliferation des armes nucl~aires2,

Sont convenus de ce qui suit :

Article premier

Conform~ment aux dispositions du present Traits, lequel comprend le

Mimorandum d'accord et les protocoles qui en font partie intigrante, chaquePartie 61iminera ses missiles h porte interm~diaire et i plus courte porte,n'aura pas par la suite de tels systimes et exicutera les autres obligations6nonc~es dans le pr6sent TraitS.

Article II

Aux fins du present Traiti :

1. Llexpression "missile balistique" d~signe un missile qui dicrit une

trajectoire balistique sur la plus grande partie de sa trajectoire de vol.

L'expression "missile balistique lancg i partir du sol (GLBM)" d6signe un

missile balistique lance A partir du sol qui constitue un vecteur d'armes.

2. L'expression "missile de croisi~re" d6signe un vecteur sans piloteet autopropuls6 maintenu en vol par une pousse a6rodynamique ascendante sur

la plus grande partie de sa trajectoire de vol. Lexpression "missile decroisikre lanci A partir du sol (GLO4)" d6signe un missile de croisiere lanc6

l partir du sol qui constitue un vecteur darmes.

3. L'expression "lanceur de GLBN" d6signe un lanceur fixe ou Un

mdcanisme transporteur-irecteur-lanceur mobile basi 1 terre et destin6 1

lancer un GLBM.

I Entrd en vigueur le 11 juin 1988 par I'6change des instruments de ratification, qui a eu lieu A Moscou, confor-m6ment au paragraphe I de l'article XVII.

2 Nations Unies, Recueildes Traitds, vol. 729, p. 161.

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4. L'expression "lanceur de GLQ4 disigne un lanceur fixe ou unmicanisme transporteur-irecteur-lanceur mobile basi & terre et desting 1lancer un GLO4.

5. L'expression "missile 1 portie intermidiaire" disigne un GLBM ouun GLCM dont la portie est igale ou supkrieure a 1 000 kilomitres mais nedipasse par 5 5U0 kilomitres.

6. L'expression "missile & plus courte portge" disigne un GLB4 ouun GLQ4 dont la portie est 6gale ou sup6rieure A 500 kilomitres mais nedipasse pas 1 000 kilom~tres.

7. L'expression "zone de diploiement* disigne une zone spicifiaielintgrieur de laquelle peuvent opirer des missiles a porte intermddiaire etdes lanceurs de tels missiles et o6 sont situdes une ou plusieurs basesd'opirations de missiles.

d. L'expression "base d'op6iations de missiles" disigne

a) Pour les missiles A porte intermidiaire, un ensembled'installations, situ6 A lintirieur d'une zone de diploiement, o6 opirentnormalement des missiles A portie intermidiaire et des lanceurs de telsmissiles, oi sont 4galement situis des ouvrages auxiliaires associis A de telsmissiles et lanceurs, et o6 se trouvent normalement des 6quipementsauxiliaires associis i de tels missiles et lanceurs;

b) Pour lea missiles a plus courte porte, un ensemble dinstallations,situi en tout lieu, o6 op~rent normalement des missiles 1 plus courte portieet des lanceurs de tels missiles et o6 se trouvent normalement des iquipementsauxiliaires associds 1 de tels missiles et lanceurs.

9. Lexpression "installation auxiliaire pour missiles" designe, dansle cas des missiles 1 portie intermidiaire ou i plus courte porte et deslanceurs de tels missiles, une installation de production de missiles ou delanceurs, une installation de riparation de missiles ou de lanceurs, uneinstallation d'entrainement, une installation de stockage de missiles ou delanceurs, un polygone d'essais ou une installation d'4limination, tels que cestermes sont difinis dans le Mimorandum d'accord.

10. Le terme "transit" disigne le diplacement, notifii conformiment auparagraphe 5 f) de l'article IX du prisent TraLti, d'un missile a portieintermediaire ou d'un lanceur de tel missile entre des installationsauxiliaires pour missiles, entre une telle installation et une zone dediploiement ou entre des zones de diploiement, ou le diplacement d'un missileA plus courte portie ou d'un lanceur de tel missile d'une installationauxiliaire pour missiles ou d'une base d'oprations de missiles 1 uneinstallation d'ilimination.

11. Lexpression "missile diploy6" disigne un missile 1 porteintermidiaire situ4 1 Vintrieur d'une zone de d4ploiement ou un missileplus courte portie situ4 dans une base d'opirations de missiles.

12. Lexpression "missile non diployi" d6signe un missile 1 portieintermidiaire situi &1 'extirieur d'une zone de diploiement ou un missileplus courte portie situs i 1'extirieur d'une base d'oprations de missiles.

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13. Llexpression "lanceur diployi" disigne un lanceur de missile Aport4e intermidiaire situg A llintirieur d'une zone de d4ploiement ou unlanceur de missile a plus courte port4e situ4 dans une base d'opirations demissiles.

14. L'expression "lanceur non diployi" disigne un lanceur de missile Aportie interm~diaire situ4 A l'extirieur d'une zone de diploiement ou unlanceur de missile A plus courte porte situ4 i l'extrieur d'une based'oprations de missiles.

15. L'expression "pays de mise en place" disigne tout pays, autre que

les Etats-Unis d'Amirique et l'Union des R4publiques socialistes sovietiques,sur le territoire duquel 4talent situis A une date post4rieure auler novembre l9d7 des ,issiles A port4e interm4diaire ou des missiles a pluscourte porte des Parties des lanceurs de tels missiles ou des ouvragesauxilialres associes a de tels missiles et lanceurs. Les missiles ou lanceurs

en transit ne sont pas considiris comme "mis en place".

Article III

i. Aux fins du prisent Traite, les types existants de missiles A portieintermidiaire sont :

a) Pour les Etats-Unis d'Amirique, les missiles des types disign4s par

ce pays sous le nom de Pershing II et BQ4-109G, qui sont connus sous la mCmeappellation en Union des R4publiques socialistes sovigtiques;

b) Pour l'Union des Ripubliques socialistes sovietiques, les missilesdes types d4sign4s par ce pays sous le nom de RSD-10, R-12 et R-14, qui sont

connus aux Etats-Unis d'Amrique sous l'appellation de SS-20, SS-4 et SS-5respectivement.

2. Aux fins du prisent Trait4, les types existants de missiles A pluscourte portee sont :

a) Pour les Etats-Unis d'Am4rique, lea missiles du type d4signg par ce

pays sous le nom de Pershing IA, qui est connu sous la mime appellation enUnion des Republiques socialistes soviitiques;

b) Pour I'Union des RMpubliques socialistes soviitiques, les missilesdes types d6signgs par ce pays sous le nom de OTR-22 et OTR-23, qui sont

connus aux Etats-Unis d'Amrique sous l'appellation de SS-12 et SS-23


Article IV

I. Chaque Partie 4iliminera tous sea missiles 1 portie intermidiaire ettous les lanceurs de tels missiles, ainsi que tous les ouvrages et lesiquipements auxiliaires des catigories 4numiries dans le Mimorandum d'accordqui sont associgs A de tels missiles et lanceurs, de maniure que trois ans auplus tard apris lentrie en vigueur du prisent Traiti et par la suite, aucunePartie ne posside de tels missiles, lanceurs, ouvrages et 6quipementsauxiliaires.

2. Afin d'appliquer le paragraphe premier du prisent article, lea deuxParties commenceront, dis l'entrie en vigueur du pr4sent Traitg, r4iduiretous leurs types de missiles A port6e intermidiaire d6ployis et non diployiset tous les lanceurs diployis et non diploy4s de tels missiles, ainsi que les

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ouvrages et lea iquipements auxiliaires associis i de tels missiles etlanceurs, et poursuivront ces rdductions pendant toute la dur~e de chaquephase, conformiment aux dispositions du prdsent Traiti. Ces riductionsseffectueront en deux phases, de manikre que :

a) Ala fin de la premiere phase, c'est---dire 29 mois au plus tardapris lentrie en vigueur du pr6sent Trait :

i) Le nombre de lanceurs d4ploy~s de missiles 1 porte intermidiairepour chaque Pattie ne dipasse pas le nombre de lanceurs capablesde porter ou de contenir en une fois des missiles considdris parlea Parties come portant 171 ogivesl

ii) Le nombre de missiles i porte intermidiaire d~ploy~s pour chaquePattie ne dipasse pas le nombre de tels missiles consid6rls parlea Parties comme portant 180 ogives;

iii) Le nombre total de lanceurs diployds et non d~ployis de missilesa portie intermidiaire pour chaque Pattie ne d4passe pas lenombre de lanceurs capables de porter ou de contenir en une foisdes missiles consid6rds par les Parties comme portant 200 ogives;

iv) Le nombre total de missiles A portie intermidiaire diploy~s etnon d~ployis pour chaque Partie ne dipasse pas le nombre de telsmissiles considiris par lea Parties comme portant 200 ogivesi

v) Le rapport entre le nombre total de GLBM A portie intermidiairedes types existants, d~ployis et non diployls, pour chaque Partieet le nombre total de missiles 1 portge intermidiaire des typesexistants, diployis et non diployis, que posside ladite Pattie ned~passe pas le rapport entre de tels GLEM i portie interm6diaireet de tels missiles A portbe interm6diaire pour ladite Pattie auler novembre 1987, comme il est stipuli dans le Mimorandumd'accord;

b) A la fin de la seconde phase, c'est-&-dire trois ans au plus tardaprcs Ventrie en vigueur du pr~sent Traiti, soient iliminds tous lea missilesa portie intermidiaire de chaque Pattie et lea lanceurs de tels missiles,ainsi quo tous lea ouvrages et lea 4quipements auxiliaires des cat6gories4numkr~es dans le M4morandum dlaccord qui sont associis A de tels missiles etlanceurs.

Article V

I. Chaque Pattie liminera tous ses missiles 1 plus courte portie etles lanceurs de tels missiles, ainsi que tous les lquipements auxiliaires descatigories 5num~roes dans le Mmorandum daccord qui sont associis A de telsmissiles et lanceurs, de manilre quo 18 mois au plus tard apris lentrie envigueur du prdsent Traitd et par la suite, aucune Partie ne posside de telsmissiles, lanceurs ou 4quipements auxiliaires.

2. Quatre-vingt-dix jours au plus tard apris lVentr~e en vigueur duprisent Traits, chaque Pattie achivera Vacheminement de tous ses missilesplus courte portie d~ploy6s et lanceurs diployis et non diploy4s de telsmissiles aux installations d'limination et lea y laissera jusqu'! ce qu'ilssoient iliminds conform~ment aux procidures 4noncies dans le Protocole concernantl'61imination.Douze moie au plus tard apr~s Ventr~s en vigueur du pr~sent Trait6, chaquePartie achAvera lacheminement de tous sea missiles A plus courte port e nond6ploy~s aux installations d'6limination et lea y laissera jusqu'& ce qu'ils

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aoient 61imin6as conform6ment aux procedures 6nonc6es dans le Protocoleconcernant 1'Alimination.

3. Les missiles i plus courte port~e et les lanceurs de tels missilesne seront pas situ4s dans la mime installation d'41mination. De tellesinstallations seront distantes les unes des autres d'au moins 1 000 kilomitres.

Article VI

1. Dis Pentr4e en vigueur du prisent Trait4 et par la suite, aucunePartie :

a) Me produira ou n'essaiera ec; vol de missiles i port4e interm~diaire,ni ne produira d'itages ou de lanceurs de tels missiles;

b) Ne produira, n'essaiera en vol ou ne lancera de missiles i pluscourte port~e, ni ne produira d'itages ou de lanceurs de tels missiles.

2. Indipendamment des dispositions du paragraphe I du prisent article,chaque Partie aura le droit de produire un type de GLBM non limiti par leprisent Traiti qui utilise un itage extirieurement semblable 1 un typeexistant de GLBM i portge intermidiaire ayant plus d'un itage, mais noninterchangeable avec lui, 1 condition que ladite Partie ne produise aucunautre etage extirieurement semblable a tout autre itage d'un type exIstant deGLBM & port~e interm4diaire, mais non interchangeable avec lui.

Article VII

Aux fins du present Traiti :

I. Si un missile balistique ou un missile de croisi&re a t4 essayi envol ou d~ployj en tant que vecteur d'armes, tous lea missiles de ce typeseront considiris comme des vecteurs d'armes.

2. Si un GLBM ou un GLCM est un missile a port4e interm4diaire, tousles GLBM ou lea GLO4 de ce type seront consid~ris come des missiles a port4exnterm4diaire. Si un GLBM ou un GLOi est un missile i plus courte portie, tousles GLBM ou les GLC4 de ce type seront consid4ris comme des missiles i pluscourte portie.

3. Si un GLBM appartient A un type mis au point et essay4 uniquementpour intercepter et combattre des objets qui ne sont pas situ4s i la surfacede la Terre, il ne sera pas considiri come un missile auquel s'appliquent leslimitations stipul4es dana le prisent Trait4.

4. La port4e d'un GLBM qui nlest pas vis4 par l'article III du prisentTraiti sera considirie comme tant la portie maximale i laquelle il a etessay4. La portie d'un GLQ4 qui nest pas vis4 par l'article III du pr4sentTraitg sera consid4rie commc itant la distance maximale que peut parcourir lemissile dana sa version standard en volant jusqu'A apuisement du combustible,qui est diterminie par la projection de sa trajectoire de vol sur le globeterrestre depuis le point de lancement jusqu'au point d'impact. Les GLBM oules GLCM dont la portie eat igale ou superieure & 500 kilomitres mais ned~passe pas 1 000 kilom~tres seront consid4ris comme tant des missiles i pluscourte portie. Lea GLBM ou lea GLCM dont la port~e est sup4rieureA 1 000 kilom&tres mais ne depasse pas 5 500 kilom~tres seront considerdscommc itant des missiles 1 portie intermediaire.

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5. Le nombre maximum dogives que porte un type existant de missile aport~e intermidiaire ou 1 plus courte porte sera considire comme itant lenombre indiqui pour les missiles de ce type dans le M6morandum d'accord.

6. Chaque GLBM ou GLQ4 sera consid4ri comme portant le nombre maximumd'ogives indique pour un GLBM ou un GLC4 de ce type dans le M~morandumd'accord.

7. Si un lanceur a t6 essay6 pour lancer in GLBM ou un GLOM, tous lealanceurs de ce type seront consid6ris comme ayant itL essayis pour lancerdes GLBM ou des GLO4.

8. Si un lanceur a contenu ou a lanc4 un type particulier de GLBM oude GLCM, tous les lanceurs de ce type seront considirds comie 4tant deslanceurs de ce type de GLBM ou de GLCM.

9. Le nombre de missiles que chaque lanceur d'un type existent demissile i porte interm4diaire ou i plus courte port~e sera jug6 capable deporter ou de contenir en une fois est le nombre indiqui pour lea lanceurs demissiles de ce type dans le M~morandum d'accord.

10. Sauf si l'1imination est effectuee conformement aux proc~dures6nonc~es dans le Protocole concernant l'61imnation, les modalitds suivantesseront appliqu~es :

a) Pour les GLBM qui sont stock~s ou d6plac6s par 6tages sipar~s,l'tage le plus long d'un GLBM A port~e intermidiaire ou 1 plus courte portiesera compt6 comme un missile complet;

b) Pour les GLEM qui ne sont pas stock6s ou d6placis par itagess~par~s, un conteneur du type utilis4 pour le lancement d'un GLEM 1 portgeinterm~diaire - A moins qu'une Partie prouve i la satisfaction de l'autrePartie qu'il ne contient pas un tel missile - ou un GLBM i portgeinterm~diaire ou 1 plus courte portge assembld sera compt6 cone un missilecomplet;

c) Pour lea GLCM, la cellule d'un GLCM 1 portde intermddiaire ou i pluscourte portde sera comptie comme un missile complet.

1I. Un missile balistique qui n'est pas destin6 i itre utilisi en tantque missile bas4 au sol ne sera pas consid4ri come un GLEM s'il est lanc4 ides fins d'essais sur un polygone d'essais A partir d'un lanceur terrestrefixe servant uniquement 1 des essais et pouvant itre distingug des lanceursde GLBM. On missile de croisiire qui n'est pas desting i dtr- utilisi en tantque missile bas au sol ne sera pas considdri come un GLM4 s'il est lanc4 ades fins d'essais sur un polygone d'essais A partir d'un lanceur terrestrefixe servant uniquement A des essais et pouvant Stre distingud des lanceursde GLCM.

12. Chaque Partie aura le droit de produire et d'utiliser pour dessystimes de propulseurs d'appoint - qui pourraient itre autrement considirdsconme des missiles A porte intermddiaire ou i plus courte port6e - uniquementdes types existants d'4tages de propulseurs d'appoint pour de tels syst~mes depropulseurs d'appoint. Les lancements de tels systomes de propulseursd'appoint ne seront pas considdr4s comme des essais en vol de missilesporrte interm6diaire ou A plus courte portde A condition que :

a) Les 4tages utiliss pour de tels systimes de propulseurs d'appointsoient diff4rents de ceux qui sont utilises pour les missiles enumeres

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l'article III du prisent Trait6 comme types existants de missiles A port6eintermddiaire ou i plus courte port6e;

b) De tels systimes de propulseurs dappoint ne soient utilis6s qu'ades fins de recherche-d6veloppement pour essayer des objets autres que lessystimes de propulseurs d'appoint eux-mmes;

C) Le nombre total de lanceurs destin6s de tels systemes depropulseurs d'appoint ne dipasse A aucun moment 35 pour chaque Partie;

d) Les lanceurs destines 1 de tels systimes de propulseurs d'appointsoient fixes, places au-dessus du sol et situ6s uniquement sur les sites delancement pour la recherche-ddveloppement qui sont spicifies dans leMemorandum d'accord.

Les sites de lancement pour la recherche-diveloppement ne seront pas soumisaux inspections visdes par larticle XI du prdsent Traitd.

Article VIII

1. Tous les missiles 1 port6e intermddiaire et les lanceurs de telsmissiles seront situds dans des zones de diploiement ou des installationsauxillaires pour missiles ou seront en transit. Des missiles a portdeintermddiaire ou des lanceurs de tels missiles ne seront situis en aucunautre lieu.

2. Les tages des missiles A portie intermidiaire seront situgs dansdes zones de diploiement ou des installations auxiliaires pour missiles ouseront en transit entre des zones de ddploiement, entre des installationsauxiliaires pour missiles ou entre des installations auxiliaires pour missileset des zones de ddploiement.

3. Jusqu' leur acheminement aux installations d'61iminationconformiment au paragraphe 2 de larticle V du prdsent Traiti, tous lesmissiles S plus courte portie et les lanceurs de tels missiles seront situdsdans des bases d'opdrations de missiles ou des installations auxiliaires pourmissiles ou seront en transit. Des missiles 1 plus courte port6e ou deslanceurs de tels missiles ne seront situes en aucun autre lieu.

4. Le transit d'un missile ou d'un lanceur relevant des dispositions duprdsent Trait6 sera achevi en 25 jours.

5. Toutes les zones de deploiement, bases d'operations de missiles etinstallations auxiliaires pour missiles sont spdcifides dans le Mdmorandumd'accord ou dans les mises A jour ultdrieures des donnies conformement auxparagraphes 3, 5 a) ou 5 b) de l'article IX du prdsent Traitd. Aucune Partienaugmentera le nombre des zones de ddploiement, des bases d'operations demissiles et des installations auxiliaires pour missiles ni n'en modifieralemplacement ou les limites, i l'exclusion des installations d'11mination,par rapport i ce qui est indiqu4 dans le Mdmorandum d'accord. Une installationauxilialre pour missiles ne sera pas considirde come faisant partie d'unezone de ddploiement mime si elle se trouve dans les limites gographiquesd'une telle zone.

6. A compter de 30 jours apris lentrie en vigueur du prdsent Traitd,aucune Partie ne mettra en place des missiles L portde irtermidiaire ou a pluscourte portde, y compris des itages de tels missiles, ou deb lanceurs de telsmissiles dans les installations de production de missiles, les 'nstallations

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de production de lanceurs ou lea polygones d'essais 4numris dans leMimorandum d'accord.

7. Aucune Partie ne mettra en place des missiles porte intermidiaireou A plus courte porte dans lea installations d'entrainement.

8. Un missile a porte intermediaire ou i plus courte portie nonddploy4 ne sera pas port4 sur un lanceur d'un tel type de missile ou n'Y serapas contenu, sauf pour lentretien effectui dans lea installations dereparation ou pour l'4limination par lancement effectude dans leainstallations d'dlimination.

9. Lea missiles d'entrainement et les lanceurs d'entrainement pour lesmissiles i porte intermidiaire ou i plus courte porte seront soumis auxmimes restrictions en matiire d'emplacement que celles qui sont stipulges auxparagraphes 1 et 3 du prdsent article pour lea missiles i port~e interm6diaireet a plus courte port~e et lea lanceurs de tels missiles.

Article IX

I. Le Mmorandum d'accord 4nonce des catdgories de donnies ayant traitaux Obligations contractdes en vertu du prisent Trait6 et inumire tous lesmissiles A portge interm~diaire et A plus courte portie et lea lanceurs detels missiles, ainsi que lea ouvrages et lea 6quipements auxiliaires associisA de tels missiles et lanceurs que possdaient lea Partiesau ler novembre 1987. Lea mises 1 jour de ces donn6es et lea notificationsrequises par le pr~sent article seront effectuies selon lea catigories dedonndes enonc~es dana le Memorandum d'accord.

2. Lea Parties mettront A jour ces donndes et fourniront leanotifications requises par le pr~sent Traiti par l'intermidiaire des centresde r~duction du risque nucliaire cr44s conformiment aux dispositions de1'Accord entre lea Etats-Unis d'Amirique et I'Union des Republiquessocialistes sovi~tiques prdvoyant la criation de centres de riduction durisque nucliaire, en date du 15 septembre 19871.

3. Trente jours au plus tard apris l'entrde en vigueur duprisent Traiti, chaque Partie fournira A l'autre Partie des donnies A jour ila date d'entr~e en vigueur du prisent Traiti pour toutes les catdgories dedonnies 4noncdes dans le Mimorandum d'accord.

4. Trente jours au plus tard apres la fin de chaque p~riode de six moiss'4coulant apris lentrde en vigueur du present Traitd, chaque Partie fournirades donnies mises a jour pour toutes les catigories de donn6es 6noncees danale M6morandum d'accord, en informant l'autre Partie de toutes leamodifications, effectives ou en cours, concernant ces donnees survenues durantla periode de six mois qui s'est icoul~e depuis le pr~cident ichange dedonnges, et de l'effet net de ces modifications.

5. DEs l'entr~e en vigueur du prisent Trait4 et par la suite, chaquePartie adressera A lautre Partie lea notifications s'iv.ntes :

a) Notification, au moins 30 jours A l'avance, de la date pr~vue delelimination d'une zone de d~ploiement, d'une base d'op~rations de missilesou d'une installation auxiliaire pour missiles;

I Naions Unies, Recueil des Traitis, vol. 1530, nO 1-26557.

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b) Notification, au moins 30 jours A l'avance, des modificationssurvenues dans le nombre ou l'emplacement des installations d'l6imination,y compris lendroit o6 se produira chaque modification et sa date privue;

C) Notification - sauf dans le cas de lancements de missiles a port~eintermddiaire aux fins de leur 41imination - au moins 30 jours A l'avance, dela date prdvue du cormmencement de l'1imination des missiles A porteinterm~diaire et A plus courte porte, des 4tages et des lanceurs de telsmissiles, ainsi que des ouvrages et 4quipements auxiliaires associ4s A de telsmissiles et lanceurs, notamment :

i) Le nombre et le type des 41ments des systimes de missiles Aeliminer;

ii) Le site d'41imination;

iii) Pour les missiles A portde interm~diaire, le lieu A partir duquelde tels missiles, les lanceurs de tels missiles et les4quipements auxiliaires associ~s A de tels missiles et lanceurssont achemin~s A l'installation d'41imination;

iv) Sauf dans le cas d'ouvrages auxiliaires, le point d'entrde quedoit utiliser 1'4quipe d'inspection qui effectue une inspectionconform~ment au paragraphe 7 de larticle XI du pr~sent Trait4,et l'heure probable de ddpart de l'quipe d'inspection du pointd'entrde vers 1'installation d'41imination;

d) Notification, au moins 10 jours A l'avance, de la date pr~vue dulancement ou de la date prdvue du commencement d'une s~rie de lancements demissiles i portie intermddiaire aux fins de leur 41imination, notamment

i) Le type des missiles A 41iminer;

ii) Le lieu de lancement ou, si l'41imination est effectu~e au moyend'une s~rie de lancements, le lieu et le nombre des lancements decette sdrie;

iii) Le point d'entrde que doit utiliser 1'4quipe d'inspection quieffectue une inspection conformdment au paragraphe 7 del'article XI du present Trait4;

iv) L'heure probable de ddpart de l'quipe d'inspection du pointd'entr~e vers linstallation d'41imination;

e) Notification, au plus tard 48 heures apris qu'elles sont survenues,des modifications du nombre de missiles A portee intermidiaire et a pluscourte port6e et de lanceurs de tels missiles, ainsi que d'ouvrages etd'equipements auxillaires associes a de tels missiles et lanceurs, quiresultent d'une operation d'4limination telle que decrite dans le Protocoleconcernant l'elimination, notamment :

i) Le nombre et le type des 414ments des systimes de missiles quiont 4t4 elimin~is;

ii) La date et le lieu de cette operation d'41imination;

f) Notification du transit de missiles A porte interm~diaire ou A pluscourte portge ou de lanceurs de tels missiles, ou du ddplacement de missiles

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d'entrainement ou de lanceurs d'entrainement pour missiles i porteintermidiaire ou i plus courte porte, au plus tard 48 heures apris sonachevement, nota~mment :

i) Le nombre de missiles ou de lanceurs;

ii) Le point, la date et l'heure de depart et d'arrivie;

iii) Le mode de transport utilises

iv) Lemplacement et l'heure A cet emplacement au moins une fois tousles quatre jours durant la piriode de transit.

6. D~s l'entr~e en vigueur du present Traiti et par la suite, chaquePartie notifiera A l'autre Partie, au moins 10 jours A l'avance, la date et lelieu pr~vus de lancement d'un systeme de propulseur d'appoint pour larecherche-d~veloppement tel que d~crit au paragraphe 12 de l'article VII duprsent Trait4.

Article X

1. Chaque Partie 4liminera ses missiles A porte interm~diaire et Aplus courte portie et les lanceurs de tels missiles ainsi que les ouvrages etles 4quipements auxiliaires associ~s A de tels missiles et lanceursconform4ment aux proc~dures 4noncies dans le Protocole concernant1'41imination.

2. La v~rification par inspection sur place de l'41imination desil~ments des systZmes de missiles spicifigs dans le Protocole concernantl'1imination sera effectu4e conformiment A Varticle XI du prisent Trait6, auProtocole concernant lVelimination et au Protocole concernant les inspections.

3. Lorsqu'une Partie acheminera ses missiles A portie intermidiaire etles lanceurs de tels missiles, ainsi que leas quipements auxiliaires associgsA de tels missiles et lanceurs, des zones de d4ploiement aux installationsd'elimination aux fins de leur 41imination, elle devra d4placer des unitdsorganiques diploydes completes. Pour les Etats-Unis d'Amirique, ces unitisseront des batteries de Pershing II et des escadrilles de BGM-109G. Pourl'Union des Republiques socialistes soviitiques, ces unitds seront desr4giments de SS-20 composs de deux ou trois bataillons.

4. L'elimination des missiles i porte intermddiaire et a plus courteport4e, des lanceurs de tels missiles et des iquipements auxiliaires associds1 de tels missiles et lanceurs sera effectude dans les installations qui sontspeciflies dans le Mdmorandum d'accord ou qui font l'objet d'une notificationconform4ment au paragraphe 5 b) de Varticle IX du prisent 'Irait4, A moinsqu'il ne s'agisse d'une glimination effectuie conformement aux se..ions IVou V du Protocole concernant Vlimination. Les ouvrages auxiliaires associgsaux missiles et lanceurs vis4s par le prisent Trait4 qui sont soumis1'41imination seront 4liminis in situ.

5. Chaque Partie aura le droit, durant les six premiers mois quisuivent llentr4e en vigueur du prdsent Traiti, d'liiminer par voie delancement au maximum 100 de ses missiles A port4e intermddiaire.

6. Les missiles A portie intermddiaire et A plus courte porte qui ontitg essayis avant 1'entrie en vigueur du prdsent Traiti mais n'ont jamais 4t4ddployds, et qui ne figurent pas parmi les types existants de missiles 1

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port6e intermwdiaire et 1 plus courte porte inum~r~s dans l'article III dupresent Traiti, ainsi que les lanceurs de tels missiles, seront limin~s dansles six mois qui suivent l'entr~e en vigueur du pr~sent Traiti, conformdmentaux proc~dures d~finies dans le Protocole concernant l'1limination. Cesmissiles sont :

a) Pour les Etats-Unis d'Amirique, les missiles du type ddsigng par cepays sous le nom de Pershing IB, qui est connu sous la mime appellationen Union des P6publiques socialistes sovidtiques;

b) Pour lI'Union des Rpubliques socialistes sovidtiques, lea missilesdu type dsign4 par ce pays sous le nom de RK-55, qui est connu aux Etats-Unisd'Amrique sous lappellation de SSC-X-4.

7. Les missiles A porte intermidiaire et 1 plus courte portie et leslanceurs de tels missiles, ainsi que lea ouvrages et lea 4quipementsauxiliaires associ~s A de tels missiles et lanceurs, seront considir~s comme4liminis l'issue des procddures difinies dans le Protocole concernantl'1limination et apr~s notification adresse conformment au paragraphe 5 e)de larticle IX du pr~sent Trait6.

V. Chaque Partie 41iminera sea zones de d~ploiement, sea basesd'oprations de missiles et ses installations auxiliaires pour missiles.Chaque Partie adressera une notification a Vautre Partie, conformiment auparagraphe 5 a) de Varticle IX du pr~sent Trait6, une fois remplies leaconditions gnoncies ci-apris :

a) Tous les missiles 1 portge intermddiaire et A plus courte port6e etlea lanceurs de tels missiles, ainsi que les 4quipements auxiliaires associ~sA de tels missiles et lanceurs, qui y 6taient situis, en ont 4t6 retirgs;

b) Tous lea ouvrages auxiliaires associds A de tels missiles etlanceurs qui y itaient situgs ont it6 41imindsi

C) Toute activit4 ayant trait i la production, aux essais en vol,l'utlisation pour lentrainement, A la rcparation, au stockage ou aud~ploiement de tels missiles et lanceurs y a cesse.

De telles zones de diploiement, bases d'oprations de missiles etinstallations auxiliaires pour missiles seront considiries comme 4lLminiessoit apris avoir 4t4 inspecties conform~ment au paragraphe 4 de l'article XIdu pr4sent Traiti, soit A lexpiration d'une p4riode de 60 jours i compter dcla date de l'41imination pr4vue qui a 6t4 notifi4e conform~ment au paragraphe5 a) de larticle IX du present Trait4. Une zone de ddploiement, une based'oprations de missiles ou une installation auxiliaire pour missiles figurantdans le Memorandum d'accord qui remplissait les conditions pr4cities avantlentr~e en vigueur du pr4sent Traits et qui nlest pas incluse dans l4changeinitial de donnees privu au paragraphe 3 de Varticle IX du present Traitisera consid4r4e comme 4limin~e.

9. Si une Partie compte transformer une base d'opirations de missilesfigurant dans le Mdmorandum d'accord pour l'utiliser comme base associde a dessystimes de GLBM ou de GLQI qui ne sont pas visis par le pr~sent Trait4, ellenotifiera Jautre Partie, au moins 30 jours avant la date prvue ducommencement de la transformation, la date en question et l'objet de latransformation.

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Article XI

I. Afin d'assurer la vdrification du respect des dispositions duprdsent Traiti, chaque Partie aura le droit d'effectuer des inspections surplace. Les Parties effectueront des inspections sur place conformiment auprisent article, au Protocole concernant les inspections et au Protocoleconcernant l'41imination.

2. Chaque Partie aura le droit d'effectuer les inspections pr~vues parle present article aussi bien sur le territoire de l'autre Partie que surcelui des pays de mise en place.

3. A compter de 30 jours apris lentrie en vigueur du prdsent Trait6,chaque Partie aura le droit d'effectuer des inspections dans toutes les basesd'operations de missiles et les installations auxiliaires pour missilessp~cifi~es dans le Memorandum d'accord, i l'exception des installations deproduction de missiles, et dans toutes les installations d'41iminationmentionn~es dans les donnies initiales mises i ]our qui sont requises auparagraphe 3 de larticle IX du present Traiti. Ces inspections s'ach~verontau plus tard 90 jours apr~s J'entr~e en vigueur du pr~sent Traiti. Cesinspections auront pour objet de v6rifier le nombre de missiles, de lanceurs,d'ouvrages et d'4quipements auxiliaires, ainsi que les autres donn~es sur lasituation 1 la date d'entr~e en vigueur du pr6sent Traiti, qui ont itifournies conformiment au paragraphe 3 de larticle IX du pr~sent Trait6.

4. Chaque Partie aura le droit d'effectuer des inspections pourv~rifier lelimination, notifi~e conform~ment au paragraphe 5 a) delarticle IX du pr6sent Trait4, des bases d'opirations de missiles et desinstallations auxiliaires pour missiles - autres que les installations deproduction de missiles -, qux ne seront donc plus soumises i inspectionconform4ment au paragraphe 5 a) du pr~sent article. De telles inspectionsseront effectuies dans les 60 jours qui suivent la date prdvue delelimination des installations en question. Si une Partie effectue uneinspection dans une installation particuli~re en vertu du paragraphe 3 dupr6sent article apris la date fix~e pour l'61imination de ladite installation,aucune inspection suppl~mentaire de cette installation au titre du pr6sentparagraphe ne sera autorisie.

5. Chaque Partie aura le droit d'effectuer des inspections au titre duprisent paragraphe pendant 13 ans i compter de lentrde en vigueur du prisentTrait4. Chaque Partie aura le droit d'effectuer 20 inspections de ce tipe parann6e civile durant les trois premi~res ann6es qui suivent l'entr~e en vigu.a"du present Trait4, 15 inspections de ce type par annie civile au cours descinq ann~es suivantes et dix inspections de ce type par annge civile durantles cinq derniires annies. Aucune Partie n'effectuera plus de la moitii dunombre total d'inspections autoris6es par annie civile sur le territoire d'unseul pays de mise en place. Chaque Partie aura le droit d'effectuer :

a) A compter du quatre-vingt-dixi~me jour apr~s lentrde en vigueur dupr6sent Traiti des irspections, des bases d'opirations de missiles et desinstallations auxiliaires pour missiles autres que les installationsd'glimination et les installations de production de missiles, afin devdrifier, en fonction des catigories de donn6es spdcifides dans le Mdmorandumd'accord, le nombre de missiles, de lanceurs, d'ouvrages et d'iquipementsauxiliaires se trouvant dans chaque base d'opdrations de missiles ouinstallation auxiliaire pour missiles au moment de ces inspections;

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b) Des inspections d'anciennes bases d'op~rations de missiles etd'anciennes installations auxiliaires pour missiles 41iminies conformiment auparagraphe 8 de l'article IX du prdsent Traitd, i l'exception des anciennesinstallations de production de missiles.

6. A compter du trentiime jour aprEs l'entrde en vigueur du prdsentTrait6, chaque Partie aura le droit, pendant 13 ans apris 1'entr4e en vigueurdu prdsent Trait4, d'inspecter au moyen d'une surveillance continue :

a) Les acc~s de toute installation de l'autre Partie dans laquelle esteffectu lassemblage final d'un GLBM utilisant des 4tages dont l'unquelconque est ext4rieurement semblable i celui d'un GLSM A propergol solidementionng i larticle III du prdsent Trait6; ou

b) Si une Partie ne dispose d'aucune installation de ce type, les accisd'une ancienne installation convenue de production de missiles dans laquelleetaient fabriquds des types existants de GLBM i portge intermddiaire ou a pluscourte portde.

La Partie dont une installation doit itre inspect4e conformement aupresent paragraphe fera en sorte que l'autre Partie soit en mesure de mettreen place un systime permanent de surveillance continue de ladite installationdans les six mois qui suivent llentrde en vigueur du prisent Trait4 ou danslea six mois qui suivent le ddbut du processus d'assemblage final d4crit Al'alinia a). Si, A la fin de la deuxi~me annde qui suit lentrde en vigueurdu prdsent Traiti, aucune Partie n'entreprend le processus d'assemblage finalddcrit A lalinea a) pendant une pdriode de douze mois consdcutifs, aucunePartie n'aura alors le droit d'inspecter au moyen d'une surveillance continueune installation quelconque de production de missiles de l'autre Partie,i moins que le processus d'assemblage final ddcrit A l'alinda a) ne soit remisen route. Au moment de l'entrde en vigueur du present Traite, lesinstallations i inspecter au moyen d'une surveillance continue seront : pourles Etats-Unis d'Amdrique, l'usine num6ro I Hercules, i Magna (Utah),conformdment A l'alinda b); pour l'Union des Rdpubliques socialistessovidtiques, l'usine de constructions mecaniques de Votkinsk, en Republiquesocialiste sovidtique autonome d'Oudmourtie (RMpublique socialiste f4d4rativesovidtique de Russie), conformdment A l'alin4a a).

7. Chaque Partie effectuera des inspections durant le processuso'411mination, notamment pour l'41imination des missiles i portdeinterm4diaire par vole de lancement et des missiles A port4e interm4diaire etA plus courte portde et des lanceurs de tels missiles, ainsi que desequipements auxilialres assoclis A de tels missiles et lanceurs, qui seraeffectude dans des installations d'41imination conformement l'article X dupresent Trait4 et au Protocole concernant l'j1imination. Les inspecteurs quieffectuent les inspections privues dans le present paragraphe d4termineront siles processus spdcifids pour l'1imination des missiles, des lanceurs et desequipements auxiliaires ont 4t4 men4s A bien.

U. Chaque Partie aura le droit d'effectuer des inspections pour obtenirconfirmation de l'achevement du processus d'41imination des missiles A portgeIntermdiaire et A plus courte portge, des lanceurs de tels missiles, et desequipements auxiliaires associds A de tels missiles et lanceurs ilimingsconformdment A la section V du Protocole concernant l'1imination, ainsi quedu processus d'dlimination des missiles d'entrainement, des 4tages de missilesd'entrainement, des conteneurs de lancement d'entrainement et des lanceursd'entrainement eliminds conform6ment aux sections II, IV et V du Protocoleconcernant l'limination.

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Article XII

1. En vue de v~rifier 11observation des dispositions du present Trait4,chaque Partie aura recours aux moyens techniques nationaux de virificationdont elle dispose, d'une manikre compatible avec les principes g9n~ralementreconnus du droit international.

2. Aucune Partie :

a) Ne fera obstacle aux moyens techniques nationaux de vdrification del'autre Partie agissant conform4ment au paragraphe I du prdsent article;

b) Naura recours i des mesures de dissimulation qui empicheraient lav~rification, par les moyens techniques nationaux, de l'observation desdispositions du present Trait4, conformdment au paragraphe 1 du prisentarticle. Cette obligation ne slapplique pas aux pratiques de protection ou dedissimulation, dans une zone de d~ploiement, qui sont liies A des activit~sd'entrainement et d'entretien et a des op~rations normales, y comprisl'utilisation d'abris pour protiger les missiles et les lanceurs contre lesintemperies.

3. Pour contribuer au processus d'observation par lea moyens techniquesnationaux de v~rification, chaque Partie aura le droit, jusqu'i Ventrie envigueur d'un trait4 entre les Parties sur la r~duction et la limitation desarmements stratigiques offensifs, mais en tout 4tat de cause pendant trois ansau maximum apris Ventr~e en vxgueur du pr~sent Traite, de demander que solentappliqu~es des mesures de coopiration dans les bases de d~ploiement de GLBMmontes sur vjhicule routier d'une porte supdrieure 5 500 km qui ne sont pasd'anciennes bases d'op~rations de missiles elimin~es conform~ment auparagraphe U de larticle X du pr~sent Traiti. La Partie qui formule une telledemande informera lautre Partie de la base de d6ploiement dans laquelle desmesures de cooperation seront appliqu~es. La Partie dont une base doit itreobserv~e appliquera les mesures de cooperation suivantes :

a) Au plus tard six heures aprs r~ception d'une telle demande,la Partie aura ouvert le toit de toutes les structures fixes de lanceurssitudes sur la base, aura retir4 complitement tous les missiles sur lanceurdes structures fixes de lanceurs et aura expos4 ces missiles sur lanceurciel ouvert sans recourir i des mesures de dissimulation;

b) La Partie laissera les toits ouverts et les missiles sur lanceur enplace pendant 12 heures apr~s riception d'une demande d'observation.

Chaque Partie aura le droit de formuler six demandes de ce type par anniecivile. Les mesures de coop~ration pr~cit~es s'appliqueront A une seule basede deploiement i la fois.

Article XIII

1. Pour promouvoir les objectifs du pr sent Traits et l'application deses dispositions, les Parties cr~ent par lea prdsentes une commission sp~cialede v~rification. Les Parties conviennent que, si l'une dentre elles enformule la demande, elles se rduniront dans le cadre de la Commission sp~cialede v~rification pour :

a) R~soudre lea questions relatives au .espect des obligationscontractees;

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b) Slentendre, le cas ich~ant, sur des mesures propres i am6liorer laviabilit4 et 1'efficacit4 du pr~sent TraitS.

2. Los Parties auront recours aux centres de r4duction du risquenuclaire, qui assurent une communication continue entre les Parties, pour

a) Echanger des donnees et adresser des notifications ainsi qu'il estprdvu aux paragraphes 3, 4, 5 et 6 de larticle IX du prdsent Trait4 et dansle Protocole concernant l'51imination;

b) Fournir et recevoir les renseignements requis au paragraphe 9 delarticle X du present Trait4;

C) Adresser et recevoir des notifications d'inspection sinai que lepr~voient larticle XI du prdsent Trait4 et le Protocole concernant lesinspectionsl

d) Adresser et recevoir des demandes concernant l'application demesures de coopration ainsi qulil est pr~vu au paragraphe 3 de l'article XIIdu present TraitS.

Article XIV

Les Parties respecteront le pr~sent Trait4 et ne contracteront pasu'obligations ou d'engagements internationaux allant j i'encontre desdispositions du prcsent Trait6.

Article XV

i. Le present Traits est conclu pour une dur~e illimite.

2. Chaque partie, dans l'exercice de sa souverainete nationale, a ledroit de se retirer du present Traits si elle juge que des 4v~nementsextraordinaires, en rapport avec l'objet du present Trait4, ont compromis sesinterets supremes. Elle avisera l'autre Partie de sa d4cision six mois avantde se retirer du present Trait6. Ladite notification contiendra un expos4 desevenements extraordinaires qut, S son avis, ont compromis ses inteietssupremes.

Article XVI

Chaque Partie peut proposer des amendements au pr~sent Traiti. Lesamendements convenus entreront en vigueur conform~ment aux procedures fix~es ilarticle XVII qul regissent l'entre en vigueur du present Trait.

Article XVII

1. Le present Traits, y compris le Memorandum d'accord et lesprotocoles qui en font partie int~grante, sera soumis i ratificationconform~ment aux proc4dures constitutionnelles de chaque Partie. I. entreraen vigueur S la date de lechange des instruments de ratification.

2. Le present Trait4 sera enregistr4 conform~ment i l'Article 102 de laCharte des Nations Unies.

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FAIT 1 Washilngton le 8 ddcembre 1987, en deux exemplaires, en languesanglaise et russe, les deux textes faisant 6galement foi.

Pour les Etats-Unisd'Am6rique:

Le Pr6sident des Etats-Unisd'Am~rique,


Pour 'Union des R6publiquessocialistes sovi6tiques :

Le Secr6taire g6n6ral du Comitcentral du Parti communiste

de l'Union sovi6tique,


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Conform~ment au Traiti entre les Etats-Unis dlAz4rxque et l'Union desRipubltques socialistes sovixtiques sur l'limination de leurs missiles

porte intermdiaire et i plus courte port~e en date du 8 d~cembre 1987,ci-apris d~nomm6 le Trait4, et en exicution de celui-ci, les Parties ontAchangi des donn~es valables au let novembre 1987 sur les missiles i portgeintermidlaire et a plus courte p0rt~e, les lanceurs de tels missiles et lesouvrages et iquipements auxiliaires associis A de tels missiles et lanceurs.

I. O6finitions

Aux fins du pr6sent M4morandum daccord, du Traiti, du Protocoleconcernant l'l1imination et du Protocole concernant les inspections :

I. Les termes "installation de production de missiles" disignent une

installation destin6e j l'assemblage ou i la production de GLSM i portetnterm~diaxre ou A plus courte portie A propergol solide ou de types existantsde GL4.

l. Les termes "installation de riparation de missiles" disignent une

installation o a lieu la reparation ou 1'entretien de missiles A porteLntecm~diaire ou a plus courte port~e, autre que 1'inspection ou l'entretien

effectue dans une base d'op4rations de missiles.

3. Les termes "installation de production de lanceurs" d4signent uneinstallation destinge A lassemblage final de lanceurs de missiles a port~eintermdiaire ou A plus courte port4e.

4. Les termes "installation de r4paration de lanceurs" disignent uneinstallation o a lieu la r4paration ou lentretien de lanceurs de missiles iport~e intermidiaire ou i plus courte portie, autre que 1'inspection oulentretien effectud dans une base d'op~rations de missiles.

5. Les termes "polygone d'essais" disignent une zone o6 ont lieu des

essais en vol de missiles i porte intermidiaire ou a plus courte portee.

6. Les termes "installation d'entrainement" disignent une installation,

non situie dans une base d'op4rations de missiles, ou du personnel estentralne a l'utilisation de missiles A porte intermediaire ou i plus courteporte ou de lanceurs de tels missiles, et oa sont situ~s des lanceurs de telsmissiles.

7. Les termes "installation de stockage de missiles" disignent uneinstallation, non situie dans une base d'operations de missiles, of sontstuck4s des missiles A porte interm~diaire ou A plus courte port4e ou des6tages de tels missiles.

8. Les termes "installation de stockage de lanceurs" ddsignent uneinstallation, non situqe dans une base d'opirations de missiles, o6 sontstocks .des lanceurs de missiles A port~e interm6diaire ou A plus courtepor tee.

9. Les termes "installation d'4limination" d~signent une installationa sont glimin~s des missiles A porte interm~diaire ou i plus courte port~e,

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des itages de missiles et des lanceurs de tels missiles ou des 4quipementsauxiliaires associis A de tels missiles ou lanceurs.

10. Les termes 'iquipements auxiliatres" disignent les vdhicules et les4quipements mobiles ou transportables uniques qui servent A un missile Aport4e interm~diaire ou i plus courte port4e diploy4 ou A un lanceur de telmissile. Les 4quipements auxiliaires comprendront les missiles dentrainementinertes A 4chelle r~elle, les 4tages de missiles d'entrainement inertes A4chelle rcelle, les conteneurs de lancement d'entraTnement inertes A 4cheller4elle et les lanceurs d'entrainement qui ne sont pas capables de lancer unmissile. La section VI du present Mimorandum d'accord contient une liste deces iquipements auxiliaires associis A chaque type existant de missile et auxlanceurs de tels missiles, h l'exception des 4quipements d'entrainement.

11. Les termes "ouvrage auxiliaire' disignent une structure fixe uniqueutilisie pour servir A des missiles A portie intermdiaire d~ploy~s ou A deslanceurs de tels missiles. La section VI du present MKmorandum d'accordcontient une liste de ces ouvrages auxiliaires associgs A chaque type existantde missile et aux lanceurs de tels missiles, A lexception des 4quipementsd'entratnement.

12. Les termes *site de lancement pour la recherche-diveloppement*d~signent une installation oi sont lanc4s des systimes de propulseursd'appoint pour la recherche-diveloppement.

II. Nombre total de missiles A port4e interrmdiaire et A plus courte porteeet de lanceurs de tels missiles vis4s par le TraitA

1. Le nombre de missiles A porte intermddiaire et de lanceurs de telsmissiles pour chaque Partie s'4tablit comme suit

Etats-Unis URSS

Micz,1es d.'2loyes 429 470

Missiles n~- d4ployis 260 356

Nombre total de missiles d4ploy~set ...n ,'4nioyds 6B9 826

Nombre total de deuxi~mes 4tages 236 650

Lanceurs d4ployis 214 484

Lanceurs non d4ploy4s 68 124

Nombre total de lanceurs diploy~set non diploy~s 282 60u

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2. Le nombre de missiles i plus courte porte et de lanceurs de telsmissiles pour chaque Partie s'itablit comme suit

Etats-Unis URSS

Missiles diploy~s 0 387

Missiles non d~ployis 170 539

Nombre total de missiles d~ploydset non d4ploy~s 170 926

Nombre total de deuximes 4tages 175 726

Lanceurs diploy~s 0 197

Lanceurs non ddploy~s 1 40

Nombre total de lanceurs d~ployiset non d~ployis 1 237

li. Missiles i port~e interm~dialre t lanceurs de tels missiles et ouvcages etiquipements auxiliaires associes A de tels missiles et lanceurs

1. Diploy~ s

Sont indiqu~s ci-apris les zones de diploiement, les bases d'op~rations

de missiles, leur emplacement et le nombre, pour chaque Partie, de tous lesmis-iles port~e interm~dialre d~ployis, 4numiris en tant que types existantsdans l'article III du Traiti, des lanceurs de tels missiles et des ouvrages et4quipementb auxiliaires associgs i de tels missiles et lanceurs. Les sch~masde site, incluant les limites et les coordonndes centrales, de chaque based'opkrations de missiles 4numkr6e sont joints au prdsent Mgmorandum d'accord.Les limites des zones de d~ploiement sont indiqu~es i Vaide de coordonneesg6ographiques, religes par des lignes droites ou des rep6res liniaires, qui

incluent les fronti6res nationales, les cours d'eau, les chemins de fer etles routes.

Ouvrages et4quipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires


i) Pershing II

Zone de d~ploiement No I

R~publique f~ddrale d'Allemagne

Limites :

Le territoire de la ItRpublique f~dirale d'Allemagne, limit4 au nord par

51 degr~s 00 minute 00 seconde de latitude nord, i Vest par 012 degr~s00 minute 00 seconde de longitude est, au sud par 48 degr~s 00 minute

00 seconde de latitude nord, et 6 l'int~rieur des frontiires nationales dela Ripublique f6d4rale d'Allemagne.

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Ouvrages et

4quipementsMissiles Lanceurs auxiliaires


4d 4d 54 N 009 4d 29 E

Neu Ulm

48 22 40 N 010 00 45 E


40(y compris4 missilesde riserve)


(y compris4 missilesde riserve)

40(y compris4 missilesde r4serve)

36 Abris d'aire

de lancement - 0Etages de missile

d'entratnement - 24

43(y compris7 lanceursde r~serve)

Abris d'aire

de lancement - 0Etages de missiledentralnement - 24

36 Abris d'airede lancement - 0

Etages de missiled'entrainement - 24

49 U7 45 N 009 16 31 E

ii) BG4-109G

Zone de d6ploiement No I

Royaume-Uni de GLcnde-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord

Limites :

Le territoire du Royaume-Uni, limiti au nord par 52 degris 40 minutes et00 seconde de latitude nord, i l'ouest par 003 degris 30 minutes00 seconde de longitude ouest, et au sud par la Manche et lest par laManche et Ia mer du Nord.

Base d'oarations de missiles

Greenham Common 101

avec conteneurde lancement(y compris5 missiles deriserve)


(y compris

5 lanceursde r~serve)

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 7

51 22 35 N 001 18 12 W

Zone de diploiement No 2

Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord

Limites :

Le territoire du Royaume-Uni, limiti au nord par 53 degrgs 45 minutes

00 seconde de latitude nord, i l'ouest par 002 degr~s 45 minutes 00 secondede longitude ouest, au sud par 51 degris 05 minutes 00 seconde de latitude

nord, et A Vest par la Manche et la mer du Nord.

Vol. 1657. 1-28521

ases . o rat -. e missiles

Page 511: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 505

Ouvrages et6quipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Base d'opkrations de missiles


avec conteneurde lancement

Missilesdentrainement - 0

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 7

52 23 00 N 000 25 35 W

Zone de d6ploiement

Ripublique Ltlxenne

Limites :

Le territoire de la Ripublique italienne dans les limites de la Sicile.

Base d'oprations de missiles

Comiso 108avec conte-neur delancement(y compris12 missilesde rdserve)

31(y compris7 lanceursde riserve)

Missilesdlentrainement - 0

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 7

36 59 44 N 014 36 34 E

Zone de diploiement

Royaume de Belgique

Limites :

Le territoire du Royaume de Belgique.

Base d'oprations de missiles

Florennes 20avec con te-neur delancement(y compris4 missilesde rechange)


(y compris

8 lanceurs

de rechange)

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 7

50 13 35 N 004 39 00 E

* Pas encore opirationnels.

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


Page 512: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

506 United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Ouvrages et

4quipementsMissiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Zone de diploiement No 2

Rdpublique f[d~rale d'Allemagne

Limites :

Le territoire de la R6publique fiderale d'Allemagne, limite au nord pat

51 degr~s 25 minutes 00 seconde de latitude nord, a Vest par 009 degr~s30 minutes 00 seconde de longitude est, et au sud par 48 degrds 43 minutes0U seconde de latitude nord, et A l'ouest par la frontikre de la P4publiquefid~rale d'Allemagne.

Aa ml ei a

62avec conte-neur delancement(y compris14 missilesde rechange)

21(y compris9 lanceursde rechange)

Missilesd'entrainement - 1

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 10

50 02 33 N 007 25 40E

Zone de diploiement

Royaume des Pays-Bas

Limites :

Le territoire du Royaume des Pays-Bas, limite au nord par 52 degris30 minutes 00 seconde de latitude nord, et i l'intirieur des frontikresnationales du Royaume des Pays-Bas.

Base d'op~rations de missiles

Woensdrecht 0avec conte-neur delancement

0 Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 0

51 26 12 N 004 21 15 E


I) SS-20

Zone de d~ploiement


55 12 13 N 027 0 00 E54 52 47 026 41 1854 43 58 026 04 0755 01 13 026 03 43

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


A 4 4 1ase . o rai-.,. e m as es

Page 513: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 507

Ouvrages etiguipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Base d'ogrations de missiles


55 09 47 N 026 54 21 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de ddploiement


55 28 44 N55 01 0355 01 1655 16 22

Aase d'o ratiai

028 42 29 E028 15 03027 48 46027 49 05

de misqiles

Vetr ino

55 24 19 N 028 33 29 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesdentrainement - 0

Zone de d~ploLement


55 37 Jb N55 28 0754 32 1554 39 32

028 23 49 E029 20 25029 09 47025 10 40

Base dopkrations de missiles


55 22 34 N 02d 44 17 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vihiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structuresfixes dede lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Vol 1657, 1-28521

Page 514: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

508 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

Ouvrages et4quipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Zone de diploiement


54 37 43 N

54 22 37

54 37 18

54 45 21

52 34 E

52 37

41 5815 13

Base d'op~rations de missiles


54 36 16 N 02b 23 05 E

Zone de dploiement


54 29 01 N 0:54 05 04 0.54 24 14 054 35 27 0.

Conteneurs delancement - 9


de missiles - 0Structures

fixes delanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

26 40 E53 59

31 18

19 10

Base d'op~rations de missiles


54 31 36 N 026 17 20 E

Conteneurs de

lancement - 9



de missiles - 0



dc lanceurs - 9


d'entrainement - 0

Zone de d4ploiement


45 24 N34 0042 2558 05

025 29 02 E024 49 35024 38 15025 10 17

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 515: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

Ouvrages etiguipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Base d'opirations de missiles


53 47 39 N 025 20 27 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structuresfixes delanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de ddploiement


53 38 53 N53 23 4853 12 4653 22 57

025 25025 26025 08024 35

Base d'opirations de missiles


53 32 50 N 025 16 48 E

Conteneurs delancement - 6

Vihiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 6

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de d~ploiement


52 58 15 N52 45 0253 04 0853 08 45

025 55025 31025 09025 30

442 E080020

Base d'opirations de missiles

S Ion im

52 55 54 N 025 21 59 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vihiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structuresfixes delanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


Page 516: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

510 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

Ouvrages etiguipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Zone de diploiement


52 55 21 N 0252 46 32 0252 45 52 0253 07 34 02

58 40 E48 2516 2622 14

Base dopkrations de missiles


52 49 29 N 024 45 45 E

Conteneurs delancement - 6

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structuresfixes delanceurs - 6

Missilesdentrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


48 50 E10 5256 5416 26

Base d'oprations de missiles


52 30 38 N 024 08 43 E

Zone de d4ploiement

Conteneurs delancement - 6

Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structuresfixes delanceurs - 6

Missilesdlentrainement - 0


029 13 04 E

029 39 31

029 01 30

02a 51 32

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

52 37 55 N

52 22 00

52 32 36

52 45 52

Page 517: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series o Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 511

Ouvra4es et

4quipementsMissiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Base d'op~rations de missiles


52 02 27 N 029 11 15 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

V4hiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structuresfixes delanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


52 16 29 N52 08 0652 0U8 3352 27 47

Base d'op~rations de missiles

Petr ikov

52 1U 29 N 028 34 52 E

Conteneurs delancement - 6

Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 6

Missilesd'entralnement - 0

Zone de d4ploiement


52 23 40 N

52 08 35

52 08 55

52 24 01

020 10 31 E028 10 07027 14 01027 14 06

6 Conteneurs delancement - 6

V~hiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structuresfixes delanceurs - 6

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Base dopdrations de missiles


52 11 36 N 027 48 07 E

Page 518: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

512 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recneil des Traitks

Ouvrages et4quipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Zone de diploiement


52 26 34 N

52 05 27

51 47 47

52 13 08

030 21 10 E030 43 26030 23 27030 00 53

Base d'oogrations de missiles


52 11 58 N 030 07 11 E

Conteneurs delancement - 6

Vihiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 6

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


53 28 29 N53 02 315J 13 3553 28 40

0027 57 50 E028 07 59027 25 09027 28 55

Base d'oprations de-missiles


53 14 20 N U27 42 15 E

Conteneurs delanement - 9

Vihicultstransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs -

Missilesd'entratnement - 0

Zone de diploiement


025 54 51 E

025 34 49

025 16 49

025 26 59

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 519: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 513

Ouvrages et4quipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Base d'op~rations de missiles


50 56 07 N 025 36 26 E

Zone de diploiement


51 10 05 N50 43 5450 47 3551 11 22

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

025 27 21 E

025 07 49

024 33 38

024 35 49

Base d'op4rations de missiles


50 50 06 N 025 04 02 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vihicui~stransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de d4plolement


5U 14 00 N

50 00 46

50 17 32

50 22 10

Base d'opirations de missiles

Brody 9

50 06 09 N 025 12 14 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9


de missiles - 0

Structures fixes

de lanceurs - 9


dentrainement - 0

Vol. 1657. 1-28521

025 29 11 E025 09 30

024 41 55

024 58 33

Page 520: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

514 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

Ouvrages etiguipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Zone de diploiement


50 41 07 N50 13 1050 19 0250 36 26

33 58 E38 4511 3017 15

Base dopkationn de missiles


50 22 45 N 024 18 16 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


50 18 55 N50 08 0750 07 5950 29 30

03 22 E03 21

16 22

29 34

Base d'oprations de missiles


50 17 05 N 026 41 31 B

Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestranaporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


51 10 19 N50 51 0551 21 2851 21 22

028 12 04 a

027 51 07027 01 43027 37 54

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 521: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 515

Ouvrages et4quipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Base dlop6rations de missiles


51 10 45 N 028 03 20

Zone de diploiement


51 11 38 N50 52 2851 05 5351 20 57

Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteusde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

10 28 E55 5622 1426 07

Base d'opirations de missiles


51 12 22 N 028 26 37 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vihiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesdentralnement - 0

Zone de diploiement

Vysokala Petch

50 29 13 N50 09 4950 10 1050 29 33

6 Conteneurs delancement - 6

Vghiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 6

Missilesdentrainement -

Base d'opgrations de missiles

Vysokala Petch

50 10 11 N 028 16 22 E

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 522: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

516 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Ouvrages etiguipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaites

Zone de diploiement

Vysokala Petch

50 13 33 N49 56 0749 52 4250 07 39

029 01 05 E029 10 23028 06 47028 20 33

Base d'opgrations de missiles

Vysokaa Petch

50 05 43 N 028 22 09 E

6 Conteneurs delancement - 6


de missiles - 0Structures fixes

de lanceurs - 6Missiles

d'entrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


50 54 31 N50 41 3450 42 0550 55 01

029 02 51 E029 02 16028 28 20028 28 44

Base d'o)rations de missiles


50 52 22 N 028 31 17 E

6 Conteneurs delancement - 6

Vihiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 6

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de d~ploiement


50 35 26 N

50 12 10

50 14 25

50 35 42

034 41 41 E

034 00 31

033 50 28

034 21 21

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 523: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traits 517

Ouvrages et

iguipementsMissiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Base d'opgrations de missiles


50 33 06 N 034 26 02 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


52 02 16 N51 36 2151 34 2252 02 21

033 52033 55033 27033 38

Base d'oprations de missiles


51 41 00 N 033 30 56 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entratnement - 0

Zone de diploiement


51 42 59 N51 23 3151 23 3751 43 02

27 47 E37 5656 3310 25

Base d'oprations de missiles


51 36 44 N 033 29 17 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entratnement - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 524: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

518 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

Ouvrages et6quipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Zone de diploiement


50 17 58 N49 49 5950 10 0350 18 24

54 32 E50 0557 0624 13

Base d'oprations de missiles


50 16 01 N 034 49 53 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9


de missiles - 0Structures fixes

de lanceurs - 9Missilesdentrainement - 0

Zone de d~ploiement


50 10 43 N49 54 08

50 18 24

50 26 42

035 34 34 E035 00 16034 24 13034 48 07

Base d'op4rations de missiles


50 21 59 N 034 57 03 E

9 Conteneurs de

lancement - 9



de missiles - 0

Structures fixes

de lanceurs - 9Missiles

dentratnement - 0

Zone de diploiement


083 52 28 E083 49 49083 08 41083 09 09

Vol. 1657. 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 519

Missiles Lanceurs

Ouvrages et4quipementsauxillaires

Base d'opirations de missiles


55 22 05 N 083 13 52 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs -

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de diPloiement


55 06 17 N54 57 4055 04 5355 24 16

34 11 E33 3852 4553 40

Base d'op6rations de missiles


55 22 57 N 082 55 16 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


55 31 47 N55 13 2655 20 0155 40 13

08 57 E56 5549 4100 42

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesdentranement - 0

Vol. 1657. 1-28521

Base d'oarations do missiles


55 19 32 N 082 56 18 E

Page 526: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

520 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

Ouvrages eteguipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Zone de diploiement


55 08 01 N54 52 5655 11 1755 22 00

53 07 E52 0256 4901 07

Base d'oprations de missiles


55 18 44 N 083 01 38 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


55 03 5u N

54 53 1255 04 4955 22 00

Base d'oprations de missiles


55 19 07 N 083 09 59 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


51 44 02 N51 22 2851 22 4951 44 16

113 08 33 E113 07 32112 46 52112 54 39

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 527: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

Ouvrages et4quipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Base d'opirations de missiles


51 27 20 N 113 03 42 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesdlentrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


51 37 34 N51 22 2851 18 3951 27 14

08 14 E07 3236 2340 08

Base d'opirations de missiles


51 26 10 N 113 02 43 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de d6ploiement


51 24 52 N51 20 3651 18 5451 23 13

53 51 E50 1315 4415 51

Base d'opirations de missiles


51 22 59 N 112 49 55 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 528: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

522 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Ouvrages et4quipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Zone de diploiement


51 26 54 N51 18 1351 18 4751 29 39

00 50 E03 54

26 03

19 29

Base dop~rations de missiles


51 20 18 N 113 00 54 E

Conteneucs delancement - 9

V6hiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesdentralnement - 0

Zone de diploiement


51 33 19 N51 22 3251 22 4951 33 36

113 04 35 E113 04 05112 46 52112 47 17

Base d'opdrations de missiles


51 23 49 N 112 52 13 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


53 54 32 N53 43 4653 35 3053 44 16

084 01 02 E084 01 48083 43 07083 36 24

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Page 529: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 523

Missiles Lanceurs

Ouvrages et6quipementsauxiliaires

Base d'opirations de missiles


53 46 08 N 083 57 11 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesdentranement - 0

Zone de diploiement


53 29 21 N52 58 4353 13 4753 29 02

31 45 E47 5748 5617 18

Base dloprations de missiles


53 18 21 N 084 08 47 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entralnement - 0

Zone de diploiement


53 16 38 N52 59 3252 55 0953 16 02

43 16 E51 2047 5814 31

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vghicu lestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesdentralnement - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Base doPirations de missiles


53 13 29 N 084 40 10 E

Page 530: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

524 United Nations - Treaty Series • Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Missiles Lanceurs

Zone de diploiement


53 27 33 N53 16 4253 16 0253 26 58

Base d'op4rations de missiles


53 18 47 N 084 30 27 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vihiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de d~ploiement


56 32 14 N56 15 1656 2b 3056 34 39

Base d'op6rations de missiles


56 22 31 N O5 2d 35 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entranement - 0

Zone de d4ploiement


30 47 N19 5313 4531 03

12 33 E19 4159 5856 58

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Ouvrages et4quipementsauxiliaires

Page 531: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 525

Missiles Lanceurs

Ouvrages etiguipementsauxiliaires

Base d'op~rations de missiles


5b 20 09 N 095 16 34 E

Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesdentrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


56 19 29 N

56 08 43

56 08 17

56 19 14

20 56 E21 4102 2450 42

Base d'op4rations de missiles


56 11 19 N 096 03 13 E

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

VhiculestransporteurSde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Zone de diploiement


56 14 50 N55 59 5755 19 4156 15 00

03 46 B14 3503 0346 30

9 Conteneurs delancement - 9

Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceurs - 9

Missilesdentralnement - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Base d'operations de missiles


56 02 19 N 096 04 58 E

Page 532: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

526 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

Ouvages etquipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

ii) SS-4

Zone de diploiement


55 05 33 N55 03 2254 57 0455 01 23

Base d'oprations de missiles


54 59 07 N 021 36 36 E

6(tables delancement)

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles -11

Erecteurs demissiles - 7

Rservoirs de

propergol - 52

Missilesd'entrainement - 6

Zone de diploiement


54 46 02 N54 24 1454 20 0154 43 58

07 07 B28 4221 1055 53

Base d'opgrations de missiles


54 43 !9 R 022 03 27 E

7 VWhicules(tables de transporteurs

lancement) de missiles -12Erecteurs de

missiles - 7

R.servoirs de

propergol - 52

Missilesdentralnement - 7

Zone de d~ploiement

Malor ita

51 53 50 N51 43 0951 42 5951 53 45

024 05 39 E024 09 49023 57 07023 57 50

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 527

Missiles Lanceurs

Ouvrages etiguipementsauxiliaires

Base d'opgrations de missiles


51 51 47 N 024 01 55 E

6(tables delancement)

Vghiculestransporteursde missiles -14

Brecteurs demissiles - 7

Riservoirs depropergol - 4B

Missilesd'entrainement - 5

Zone de diploiement


52 15 03 N52 04 0952 03 5652 14 54

025 49 43 B025 39 30025 22 00025 35 40

Base d'opirations de missiles


52 10 56 N 025 41 27 E

5(tables delancement)

VWhiculestransporteursde missiles -13

Erecteurs demissiles - 6

RMservoics depropergol - 47

Missilesd'entrasnement - 6

Zone de diploiement


57 49 33 N57 43 0557 43 0457 49 32

O0 00 E00 0043 5443 51

6 VWhicules(tables de transporteurs

lancement) de missiles -11

Erecteurs de

missiles - 5

Riservoirs depropergol - 51


dentrainement - 6

Vol. 1657. 1-28521

Base d'o4rations de missiles


57 45 47 N 026 47 13 E

Page 534: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

528 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Tlrait~s

Ouvrages etiquipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Zone de d~ploiement


57 25 51 N57 21 3257 17 1257 25 49

56 00 E56 0140 0640 01

Base d'opirations de missiles


57 25 04 N 026 49 46 E

6 VWhicules(tables de transporteurslancement) de missiles -12

Erecteurs demissiles - 6

Riservoirs de

propergol - 45Missilesd'entrainment - 6

Zone de d~ploiement


57 38 21 N57 21 0457 21 1457 38 28

028 20 22 E028 23 43028 07 47028 08 19

Base doprations de missiles


57 31 53 N 028 12 19 E

8 VWhicules(tables de transporteurslancement) de missiles -12

Erecteurs demissiles - 7

Riservoirs depropergol - 48

Missilesd'entrainement - 6

Zone de diploiement


55 06 12 N54 57 4954 55 0055 01 28

22 04 E33 5104 0503 36

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 529

Ouvrages et4quipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Base d'op4rations de missiles


5500 51 N 024 14 16 E

5 Vihicules(tables de transporteurslancement) de missiles -13

Erecteurs demissiles - 6

Riservoics depropergol - 47

Missilesd'entrasnement - 6

Zone de d~ploiement


55 17 41 N55 04 2555 08 35

55 19 43

59 06 E40 5833 1251 26

Base d'op4rations de missiles


55 07 51 N 024 38 36 E

6 VWhicules(tables de transporteurslancement) de missiles -14

Erecteurs demissiles - 7

Riservoirs depropergol - 50

Missilesd'entralnement - 6

Zone de diploiement


55 18 07 N55 09 3055 03 1055 13 35

022 30 42 E022 30 22022 18 52022 21 01

5(Tables de


Vihiculestransporteursde missiles - 12

Erecteurs demissiles - 6

Riservoirs depropergol - 47

Missilesd'entrainement -

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Base d'opkrations de missiles


55 04 58 N 022 19 38 E

Page 536: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

530 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

Ouvrages etiguipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Zone de d6ploiement


48 45 01 N 02448 36 23 02448 36 04 02448 44 42 024

Base d'opkrations de missiles


48 39 32 N 024 48 04 E

Zone de diploiement


49 19 59 N 02349 11 22 02'49 21 09 02349 29 46 02'

5 6 VWhicules

(Tables de transporteurslancement) de missiles - 12

Erecteurs demissiles - 6

Riservoirs depropergol - 46

Missilesd'entrainement -

58 46 E58 2931 5732 24

Base d'operations de missiles


49 25 23 N 023 34 56 E


(Tables delancement)

Vihiculestransporteursde missiles - 12

Erecteurs de

missiles - 7PRservoirs depropergol - 49

Missilesd'entralnement -

Zone de diploiement


54 37 N48 0948 0254 30

026 17 26 E

026 17 32

026 01 12

026 01 04

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 531

Missiles Lanceurs

Ouvrages et6quipementsauxiliaires

Base d'opirations de missiles


48 51 02 N 026 08 36 E

6 Vhicules

(Tables de transporteurslancement) de missiles - 12

ErecteurS demissiles - 6

Riservoirs depropergol - 46

Missilesd'entrainement - 5

2. Non diployis

Sont indiquis ci-apris les installations auxiliaires pour missiles,

leur emplacement et le nombre, pour chaque Partie, de tous les missiles

portie interm~diaire non d6ployis, inum~ris en tant que types existants a

larticle III du TraitS, des lanceurs de tels missiles et des ouvrages et

iquipements auxiliaires associis a de tels missiles et lanceurs. Les schimas

de site, incluant les limites et les coordonnies centrales, des installations

auxiliaires pour missiles convenues, sont joints au present Mimorandum



i) Pershing II

Installations de production

de missiles :

Hercules Plant 1Magna (Utah)

40 39 40 N 112 03 14 W

Installations de productionde lanceurs :

Martin MariettaMiddle River (Maryland)

39 35 N 076 24 W

Installations de stockagede missiles

Pueblo Depot ActivityPueblo (Colorado)

38 19 N 104 20 W

Redstone ArsenalHuntsville (Alabama)

34 36 N 086 38 W

Abris d'aire delancement - 0

Etages de missiled'entrainement - 0

Abris d'aire de

lancement - 0Etages de missiledlentrainement - 0

1 0 Abris d'aire de

lancement - 0

Etages de missile

dlentrainement - 4

0 Abris d'aire de

lancement - 0Etages de missile

d'entrainement - 20

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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532 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1991

Weilerbach (R~publiquef~dirale d'Allemagne)

49 27 N 007 38 E

Installations de stockagede lanceurs :

Redstone ArsenalHuntsville (Alabama)

34 35 N 086 37 W

Installations de stockagede missiles/lanceurs


Installations de r~parationde missiles :

Pueblo Depot ActivityPueblo (Colorado)

38 18 N 104 19 W

Installations de r4parationsde lanceurs

EMC HausenFrancfort (Ripubliquef4dirale d'Allemagne)

50 08 N 008 38 E

Redstone ArsenalHuntsville (Alabama)

34 37 N 086 38 W

Ft. SillFt. Sill (Oklahoma)

34 40 N 098 24 W

Pueblo Depot ActivityPueblo (Colorado)

38 19 N 104 20 W

Installations de r4parations demissiles/lanceurs


Ouvrages etiguipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

12 0 Abris dtaire delancement - 0

Etages de missiled'entrainement - 0

0 1 Abris d'aire delancement - 0

Etages de missiled'entrainement - 0

0 0 Abris d'aire delancement - 0

Etages de missile

d'entrainement - 0

0 0 Abris d'aire de

lancement - 0

Etages de missile

dlentrainement - 0

0 10 Abris d'aire de

lancement - 0Etages de missile

dlentrainement - 0

0 2 Abris d'aire de

lancement - 0

Etages de missile

dlentrainement - 0

0 0 Abris d'aire de

lancement - 0

Etages de missile

dlentrainement - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuel des Traits 533

Missiles Lanceurs

Ouvrages etiquipementsauxiliaires

Polygones d'essais

Complex 16Cape Canaveral(Floride)

28 29 N 080 34 W

Installations d'entrainement

Ft. SillFt. Sill, Oklahoma

34 41 N 098 34 W

Installations d'4limination

(Non d6terminies)

Missiles, lanceurs, et iguipements

auxiliaires en transit

ii) BGM-109G

Installations de productionde missiles :

McDonnell-DouglasTitusville (Floride)

28 32 N 010 40 W

General DynamicsKearney Mesa(Californie)

32 50 N 117 08 W

Installations de productionde lanceurs :

Air Force Plant 19San Diego(Californie)

32 45 N 117 12 W

Installations de stockagede missiles



conteneurde lancement


conteneurde lancement


conteneurde lancement

0 Abris d'aire delancement - 0

Etages de missile

d'entrainement - 0

39 Abris d'aire delancement - 0

Etages de missile

dlentrainement - 78

Etages de missile

d'entrainement - 4

0 Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 0

0 Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Conteneurs delancementdentrainement - 0

4 Missilesdlentrainement - 0

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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534 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis

Installations de stockagede lanceurs


Installations de stockagede missiles/lanceurs


Installations de riparationde missiles

SABCAGosselies (Belgique)

50 27 N 004 27 E

Installations de riparationde lanceurs


Installations de r[parationde missiles/lanceurs


Polygones dlessais

Dugway Proving Grounds(Utah)

40 22 N 113 04 W

Installations d'entrainement

Davis-Monthan AFBTucson (Arizona)

32 11 N 110 53 w

Ft. HuachucaFt. Huachuca(Arizona)

31 29 N 110 19 W

Installations d'ilimination

(Non ditermin~es)

Missiles, lanceurs, etiguipements auxiliairesen transit :

Missiles Lanceurs


conteneurde lancement


conteneurde lancement


conteneurde lancement


conteneurde lancement


conteneurde lancement

Ouvrages et6quipementsauxiliaires

0 Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Conteneurs de

lancementd'entrainement - 0

0 Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 0

7 Missilesd'entrainement - 2

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 27

6 Missilesdlentrainement - 0

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 8

0 Missilesd'entralnement - 0

Conteneurs delancementd'entrainement - 2

Vol. 1657. 1-28521

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Missiles Lanceurs


i) SS-20

Installations de productionde missiles :

Usine de constructionsmicaniques de Votkinsk(RSS autonome d'Oudmourtie,RSFSR]

57 01 3U N 054 08 00 E

Installations de productionde lanceurs :

Usine BarrikadyVolgograd

4d 44 N 044 32 E

Installations de stockagede missiles


Installations de stockagede lanceurs


Installations de stockagede missiles/lanceurs


55 10 N 026 55 E


53 36 N 025 28 E

36* 0 Conteneurs de lancement - 36vihicules transporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixes delanceur - 0

Missiles d'entrainement - 0

1 Conteneurs de lancement - 0VWhicules transporteursde missiles - 0

Structures fixesde lanceur - 0

Missiles d'entrainement - 0

3 Conteneurs de lancement - 3VWhicules tiansporteurs demissiles - 10

Structures fixes delanceur - 0

Missiles dlentrainement - 1

2 Conteneurs de lancement - 6VWhicules transporteurs demissiles - 10

Structures fixes delanceur - 0

Missiles d'entrainement - 4

* A divers stades de fabrication.

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Ouvrages et4quipementsauxiliaires


Page 542: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

536 United Nations - Treaty Series a Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1991

Missiles Lanceurs

Ouvrages et



5U 53 N 025 30 g


50 53 N 025 30 E


51 09 N 028 00 E


50 36 N 034 25 E


55 16 N 083 02 E


51 30 N 113 03 E


56 16 N 095 39 E


53 34 N 083 48 E

2 Conteneurs de lancement - 4Vihicules transporteurs de

missiles - 10Structures fixes de

lanceur - 0

Missiles d'entrainement - 2

Conteneurs de lancement - 3Vihicules transporteurs de

missiles - 10Structures fixes de

lanceur - 0Missiles d'entratnement - 2

2 Conteneurs de lancement - 3

VWhicules transporteurs demissiles - 10

Structures fixes delanceur - 0

Missiles dentralnement - 1

Conteneurs de lancement - 5VWhicules transporteurs de

missiles - 10Structures fixes de

lanceur - 0

Missiles d'entrainement - 3

Conteneurs de lancement - 3V6hicules transporteurs demissiles - 10

Structures fixes delanceur - 0

Missiles dlentrainement - 2

2 Conteneurs de lancement - 4VWhicules transporteurs

de missiles - 10Structures fixes de

lanceur - UMissiles d'entra:nement - 2

Conteneurs de lancement - 2Vhicules transporteurs

de missiles - 1

Structures fixes delanceur - 0

Missiles d'entrainement - 1

Conteneurs de lancement - 1Vihicules transporteursde missiles - 3

Structures fixes delanceur - 0

Missiles d'entrainement - 0

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 537

Missiles Lanceurs

Ouvrages etequipementsauxiliaires


53 31 N 026 55 E


47 51 N 029 54 E

144 0 Conteneurs de lancement - 144

V~hicules transporteurs

de missiles - 0

Structures fixes de

lanceur - 0

Missiles dentrainement - 0

0 Conteneurs de lancement - 21Vihicules transporteurs

de missiles - 2Structures fixes de

lanceur - 0

Missiles d'entralnement - 1

Installations de riparationde missiles


Installations de r~parationde lanceurs


Installations de riparationde missiles/lanceurs


47 08 N 039 47 E

Polygones d'essais

Kapoustine Yar

48 37 N 046 18 E

11 Conteneurs de lancement - 2VWhicules transporteur,.de missiles - 4

Structures fixes delanceur - 0

Missiles dentralnement - 2

8 Conteneurs de lancement - 0VWhicules transporteursde missiles - 3

Structures fixes delanceur - 1

Missiles d'entrainement - 0

6 Conteneurs de lancement -VWhicules transporteurs

de missiles - 1Structures fixes de

lanceur - 0

Missiles d'entrainement - 4

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


54 54 N 037 28 E

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Missiles Lanceurs

Ouvrages etiguipementsauxiliaires


45 03 N 038 58 E

Centre d'entrainementdu polygone d'essaisKapoustine Yar

48 38 N 046 10 E

Conteneurs de lancement - 2VWhicules transporteurs

de missiles - IStructures fixes de

lanceur - 0Missiles d'entrainement - 2

7 Conteneurs de lancement - 12Vhicules transporteurs

de missiles - IStructures fixes de

lanceur - 3Missiles d'entrainement - 12

Installations d'1limination :


51 21 N 026 35 E

29 68 Conteneurs de lancement - 32VWhicules transporteursde missiles - 35

Structures fixes delanceur - 0

Missiles d'entrainement - 3


46 50 N 61 18 E

Tch i ta

52 22 N 113 17 E


56 20 N 095 06 E

0 Conteneurs de lancement - 0Vhicules transporteurs

de missiles - 0Structures fixes de

lanceur - 0

Missiles d'entrainement - 3

0 Conteneurs de lancement - 0Vhicules transporteurs

de missiles - 0Structures fixes de

lanceur - 0

Missiles dentrainement - 3

o Conteneurs de lancement - 0V~hicules transporteurs

de missiles - 0Structures fixes de

lanceur - 0

Missiles d'entralnement - 3

Missiles, lanceurs, et iQuipementsauxilialres en transit


ii) SS-4

Installations de production de missiles


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1991 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 539

Missiles Lanceurs

Installations de production de lanceurs


Installations de stockage de missiles


Installations de stockage de lanceurs:


Installations de stockagede missiles/lanceurs


53 31 N 026 55 E


47 51 N 029 54 E

1(Tables delancement)

VWhicules transporteursde missiles - 9

Erecteurs de missiles - 10RMservoirs de propergol - 59Missiles d'entrainement - 31

3 VWhicules transporteurs(Tables de de missiles - 5lancement) Erecteurs de missiles - 4

PRservoirs de propergol - 11Missiles d'entrainement - 30

Insta1la tions de r~naration

Batalsk 0(Tables delancement)47 0U N 039 47 E

VWhicules transporteursde missiles - 0

Erecteurs de missiles - 0Rservoirs de propergol - 0Missiles d'entrainement - 6

Installations de riparation de lanceurs


Installations de riparationde missiles/lanceurs


Polygones d'essais

Kapoustine Yar

4 35 N 046 18 E

2 Vihicules transporteurs(Tables de de missiles - 4lancement) Erecteurs de missiles - 2

RPservoirs de propergol - 4Missiles d'entrainement - I

Vol. 1657, 1-28521

Ouvrages eticuipementsauxiliaires

de missiles :

Installations d'entrainement


Page 546: Treaty Series - russianforces.orgrussianforces.org/v1657.pdf · Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United

540 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1991

Ouvrages et

iguipementsMissiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Installations d'1limination :

Lesnala 0 0 VWhicules transporteurs(Tables de de missiles - 0

52 59 N 025 46 E lancement) Erecteurs de missiles - 0Riservoirs de propergol - 0Missiles dentrainement - 0

Missiles, lanceurs, et iguipementsauxiliaires en transit


iii) SS-5

Installations de productionde missiles


Installations de productionde lanceurs


Installations de stockagede missiles

Kolossovo 6 0

53 31 N 026 55 E

Installations de stockagede lanceurs


Installations de stockagede aissiles/lanceurs


Installations de reparationde missiles


Installations de riparationde lanceurs


Installations de riparation demissiles/lanceurs


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United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks

Ouvrages eteguipements

Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Polygones d'essais


Installations d'entrainement


Installations d'ilimination t

LesnaLa 0 0

52 59 N 025 46 E

Missiles, lanceurs, et iguipementsauxiliaires en transit


3. Lanceurs d'entrainement

Outre les equipements auxillaires 4num4ris aux paragraphes 1 et 2 decette section, lee Parties possedent des v6hicules utilisds pour entralner leaconducteurs de lanceurs de missiles a port~e interm~diaire, qui sontconsid~ris aux fins du present Traiti comme des lanceurs d'entrainement.Lo nombre de vdhicules de ce type, pour chaque Partie, est indiqu4 ci-dessous

a) pour lea Etats-Unis d'Amrique - 29;

b) pour l'Union des Rgpubliques socialistes sovi~tiques - 65.

L'glimination de ces vdhicules se fera conform~ment aux proc~dures pr~vues icet effet dans le Protocole concernant l'1limination.

IV. Missiles i plus courte port4e, lanceurs de tels missiles et iouipements

auxiliaires associgs & de tels missiles et lanceurs

1. Dployis

Sont indiqugs ci-apris lee bases d'opirations de missiles, leuremplacement et le nombre, pour chaque Partie, de tous lee missiles 1 pluscourte port6e d~ploy6s, gnumir~s en tant que types existants danel'article III du Trait, des lanceurs de tels missiles et des 4quipementsauxiliaires associgs A de tels missiles et lanceurs. Les sch4mas de site,incluant les limites et lea coordonnges centrales, de chaque base d'opgrationsde missiles gnumr6e, sont joints au prisent Mgmorandum d'accord.

Vol. 1657, 1-28521


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542 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuell des Traitks 1991

Missiles Lanceurs


i) Pershing IA

Base d'opirations de missiles



i) SS-12

Base d'operations de missiles

Koenigsbrueck (Ripublique dimocratiqueallemande)

51 16 40 N 013 532 0 E

Bischofswerda (RMpublique d~mocratiqueallemande)

51 08 33 N 014 12 18 E

Waren (R~publique d4mocratiqueallemande)

53 32 40 N 012 37 30 E

Wokuhl (Ripublique dmocratiqueallemande)

53 16 20 N 013 15 50 E

Hranice (Ripublique socialistetch4coslovaque)

49 33 00 N 017 45 00 E


55 16 37 N 082 59 42 E

11 Vihiculestransporteurs de

missiles - 9


d'entrainement - 10

5 WVhicules

transporteurs demissiles - 0


dentralnement - 4

22 12 Vhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 9

Missilesdentrainement - 7

5 6 WVhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 0

Missilesdlentranement - 7

39 24 Vhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 15

Missilesd'entrainement - 13

VWhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 1

Missilesd'entrainement - 5

Vol. 1657. 1-28521



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51 33 10 N 113 01 30 E


53 25 30 N 028 30 00 E


39 38 18 N 065 58 40 E


44 31 58 N 077 46 20 E


44 11 58 N 133 26 05 E

ii) SS-23

Bases d'opirations de missiles

Weissenfels (Ripublique dimocratique


51 11 50 N 011 59 50 E

Jena-Forst (RWpublique d4imocratiqueallemande)

50 54 55 N 011 32 40 E


53 3 30 N 027 13 20 E

Missiles Lanceurs

36 14



transporteurs de

missiles - 4


d'entrainement - 10

9 5 VWhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 1

Missilesd'entratnement - 10

9 5 VWhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 1

Missilesd'entrainement - 6

36 15 VWhiculestransporteurs de

missiles - 3Missiles

d'entrainement - 16

37 14 VWhiculestcansporteurs demissiles - 5

Missilesd'entratnement - 17

6 4 VWhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 3


d'entratnement - 18

47 12 VWhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 8

Missilesd'entratnement - 3

40 18 Vhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 18


dentralnement - 10

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Missiles LanceursEquipementsauxiliaires


53 23 38 N 028 28 06 E


52 30 30 N 024 31 30 E


37 36 18 N 062 10 40 E


50 23 00 N 080 09 30 E

26 12 VWhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 11

Missilesd'entrainement - 9

26 12 Vhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 12

Missilesd'entrainement - 10

0 12 Vhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 12

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

22 12 Vhiculestransporteurs demissiles - 12

Missilesd'entrainement - 4

2. Non d~ploy~s

Sont indiquis ci-apris les installations auxiliaires pour missiles, leuremplacement et le nombre, pour chaque Partie, de tous les missiles a plus courteport4e non diploy4s, 4numkr4s en tant que types existants dans l'article III duTrait4, des lanceurs de tels missiles et des 4quipements auxiliaires associ~s Ade tels missiles et lanceurs. Les schemas de site des installations auxilialrespour missiles convenues, incluant les limites et les coordonnees centrales, sontjoints au pr4sent Memorandum d'accord.

Missiles LanceursEquipementsauxiliaires


) Pershing IA

Installations de production de missiles

Longhorn Army Ammunition PlantMarshall (Texas)

32 39 N 094 08 W

0 Etages demissiled'entrainement -

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Installations de production de lanceurs

Martin Marietta 0Middle River (Maryland)

39 35 N 076 24 W

Installations de stockaqe de missiles

Pueblo Depot ActivityPueblo (Colorado)

38 19 N 104 20 W

Installations de stockage de lanceurs


Installations de stockagede missiles/lanceurs


Installations de r4paration de missiles


Installations de riparation de lanceurs

Pueblo Depot ActivityPueblo (Colorado)

38 19 N 104 20 W

Installations de riparationde missiles/lanceurs


Polygones d'essais


Installations dentrainement


Installations d'ljimination

(Non ditermin4es)




0 Etages demissiled'entrainement - 0

169 0 Etages demissiled'entrainement - 53

0 1 Etages demissiled'entranement - 0

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Missiles, lanceurs et iguipementsauxiliaires en transit :

Missiles Lanceurs Equipementsauxiliaires

1 (1 Etages demissiledlentrainement - 0


i) SS-12

Installations de production de missiles

Usine de constructions m4caniquesde VotkinskRSS autonome d'Oudmourtie, RSFSR

57 01 30 N 054 08 00 E

Installations de production de lanceurs

Usine BarrikadyVolgograd

48 44 N 044 32 E

0 0 WVhiculestransporteurs

de missiles - 0Missilesdlentrainement

0 0a V hiculestransporteursde missiles -


Installations de stockagede missiles


48 55 N 036 22 E


54 35 N 020 12 E

Bronnala Gora

52 37 N 025 04 E


46 50 N 075 36 E

126 0 Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Missilesd'entrainement - 12

72 0 Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Missilesd'entrainement - 18

170 0 Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Missilesdlentrainement - 3

138 0 Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Missilesd'entralnement - 47

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EquipementsMissiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Installations de stockagede lanceurs

Berezovka 0 15 V~hiculestransporteurs

50 20 N 028 26 E de missiles - 10Missilesdentrainement - 0

Installations de tockagede missiles/lanceurs


Installations de riparationde missiles


Installations de r parationde lanceurs


Installations de r~parationde missiles/lanceurs :


Polygones d'essais


Installations dentrainement

Saratov 0 3 VWhiculestransporteurs

51 34 N 046 01 E de missiles - 2Missiles

d'entrainement - 0

Kazan 0 2 VWhicules

transporteurs55 58 N 049 11 E de missiles - 2

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Kamenka 0 0 VWhiculestransporteurs

53 11 N 044 04 E de missiles - 0Missiles

d'entrainement - 0

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Missiles Lanceurs



Installations d'4limination

Saryozek (missiles)

44 32 N 077 46 E

Stankovo (lanceurs et vihicules

transporteurs de missiles)

53 38 N 027 13 E

Missiles, lanceurs et 4quipements

auxilxaires en transit


ii) SS-23

Installations de productionde missiles :

Usine de constructionsmecaniques de VotkinskRSS autonome d'Oudmourte,RSFSR

57 01 30 N 054 08 00 E

Installations de production

de lanceurs :

Usine de constructions

micaniques lourdes V.I. LninePetropavlovsk

54 51 N 069 09 E

Installations de stockagede missiles :


54 35 N 020 12 E

0 Vhiculestransporteurs

de missiles - 0Missilesdentralnement - 0

0 Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

Vhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

0 VWhiculestransporteursde missiles - 0


d'entrainement - 0

0 Vihicules


de missiles - 0


d'entrainement - 42

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EquipementsMissiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Insallations de stockaqede lanceurs


50 20 N 028 2bS

Installations de stockagede missiles/lanceurs


Installations de riparationde missiles


Installations de riparationde lanceurs


Installations de riparationde missiles/lanceurs


Polyqones d'essais


Installations d'entrainement


51 34 N 046 01 E


55 58 N 049 11 E


53 11 N 044 04 E

13 VWhiculestransporteurs

de missiles - 5


d'entrainement - 0

3 Vihiculestransporteursde missiles - 2

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

3 Vhiculestcansporteursde missiles - 2

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

V1hiculestransporteursde missiles - 1

Missilesd'entrainement - 0

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Missiles LanceursEquipementsauxiliaires

Installations d'41imination

Saryozek (missiles)

44 32 N 077 46 E

Stankovo (lanceurs et v~hiculestransporteurs de missiles)

53 38 N 027 13 E

0 Vihiculestransporteursde missiles - 0

Missilesdlentrainement - 0

o0 V hicules

transporteursde missiles - 0

Missilesd'entranement - 0

Missiles, lanceurs et iruipementsauxiliaires en transit


V. Systimes de missiles essay6s mais non diployis avant lentrie en vigueur

du Traits

Sont indiqu~s ci-apr~s les installations auxiliaires pour missiles, leur

emplacement et le nombre, pour chaque Partie, de tous les missiles a porte

intermidiaire et A plus courte porte, et des lanceurs de tels missiles, qui

ont 4ti essay's avant Ventrde en vigueur du Trait4 sans avoir jamais ietdiploy4s, et qui ne sont pas inumir4s en tant que types existants de missiles

port6e intermidiaire ou plus courte portie dans larticle III du Traitg.

Les schemas de site des installations auxiliaires pour missiles convenues,

incluant les limites et les coordonn4es centrales, sont joints au pr4sent

Mimorandum d'accord.

Missiles LanceursEquipementsauxiliaires


1) Pershing IB

Installations de productionde missiles


Installations de productionde lanceurs


Installations de stockagede missiles


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Missiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Installations de stockaqede lanceurs

NEANTInstallations de stockagede missiles/lanceurs


Installations de riparationde missiles


Installations de r~parationde lanceurs


Installations de rtparationde missiles/lanceurs


Polygones d'essais


Installations d'entrasnement


Installations d'ilimination


missiles, lanceurs et iquipementsauxiliaires en transit



i) SSC-X-4

Installations de productionde missiles


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Missiles Lanceurs auxtliaLres

Installations de productionde lanceurs :

Usine expirimentale du complexeindustriel "Usine deconstructions micaniquesM.I. Kalinine"


56 47 24 N 060 47 03 E

Installations de stockage

de missiles


Installations de stockage

de lanceurs


Installations de stockagede missiles/lanceurs


56 40 N 024 06 E

Installations de r4parationde missiles


Installations de riparationde lanceurs


Installations de riparationde missiles/lanceurs t


Polygones d'essais


Installations d'entrainement



conteneurde lancement


conteneurde lancemient

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EquipementsMissiles Lanceurs auxiliaires

Installations d'ilimination :


56 40 N 024 06 E


conteneurde loncement

Missiles, lanceurs et iquipements

auxiliaires en transit


VI. Donnges techniques

Sont indiquies ci-apris lea catigories convenues de donn~es techniques

pour lea missiles et les lanceurs visds par le Traiti, les ouvrsges et lea

4quipements auxiliaires associ4s i de tels missiles et lanceurs et lea donnies

pertinentes pour chacune de ces catdgories. Des photographies des missiles,

des lanceurs et des ouvrages et 4quipements auxiliaires gnumdras ci-apris sont

jointes au prisent m~morandum d'accord.

P-II BQ4-109G SS-20 SS-4 SS-5 SSC-X-4

1. Missiles i portie interm~diaire

a) Caract~ristiques des missiles :

i) Nombre maximum d'ogivespar missile

ii) Longueur du missile, avecla section avant (mitrea)

iii) Longueur due 6 tage (mitres)

2&me stage

iv) Diamtre maximum duler 4tage (mitres)2ime etage

v) Poids du GLBM,en tonnes mitriques(sans la section avant;pour lea missiles icombustible liquide,oids 1 vide)ler 4tage2&me itageMissile en conteneur

vi) Poids du GLCM assembl,en tonnes mitriques(avec combustible)En conteneurSans conteneur

1 1 3 1 1

10.61 6.40 16.49 22.77 24. 30

3.68 -2.47 -

- 0.531.02 -

1.02 -

6.78 -

4.15 -

2.63 -


8.58 18.60 21.624.60 - -




1.65 2.40 0.51

3.35 4.99 -

- 1.71 - - 2.44

- 1.47 - - 1.70

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b) Caract4ristiques des lanceurs

0) Dimensions (longueur,largeur, hauteur maximums,en mitres)

ii) Nombre maximum de missilesque chaque lanceur estcapable de porter ou decontenir en une fois

P-II BGM-109G SS-20 SS-4 SS-5 SSC-X-4

9.60 10.64 16.81 3.02 - 12.802.49 2.44 3.20 3.02 - 3.052.86 2.64 2.94 3.27 - 3.80

1 4 1 1 - 6

iii) Poids (en tonnes mitriques) 12.04 14.30 40.25 6.90 -

c) Caractiristiques des ouvrages auxiliaxres associ~s a de tels missiles


et lanceurs

Les dimensions des ouvrages auxiliaires sont les suivantes (longueur, largeur,hauteur maximums en mitres) :

i) Structure fixe de lanceur

ii) Abri d'aire de lancement


74.00 -


d) Caractiristiques des iguipements auxiliaires associgs i de tels missileset lanceurs

Les dimensions des iquipements auxiliaires sontlargeur, hauteur maximums, en mitres) :

les suivantes (longueur,

i) Conteneur de lancement(diamtre)

ii) VWhicule transporteurde missiles(nOmbre de missilespar vihicule)

iii) Erecteur de missiles

iv) Riservoir de propergol(transportable)Combustible


- 6.94 19.320.53 2.14



- - 8.390.65


- 15.62


- 11.38


- 10.70


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Pershing IA Pershing IB SS-12 SS-23

Missiles 1 plus courte Portge

Caracteristiques des missiles

i) Nombre maximum dogivespar missile

ii) Longueur du missile, avec lasection avant (mitres)

iii) Longueur duler itage2ime itage (metres)

iv) Diamitre maximum duler itage2 me irage (metres)

v) Poids du GLBM, en tonnesmitriques(sans la section avant)ler itage2ime itage

1 1





8.13 12.38 7.52

4.38 5.175.37 -

1.01 0.971.01 -

8.80 3.994.16 -

4.64 -

b) Caeract~ristiques des lanceurs

i) Dimensions (longueur, 9.98 9.60 13.26 11.

largeur, hauteur maximums, 2.44 2.49 3.10 3.en mitres) 3.35 2.86 3.45 3.

ii) Nombre maximum de missilesque chaque lanceur est capablede porter ou de contenir en

une fois 1 1 1 1

iii) Poids (en tonnes mitriques) 8.53 12.04 30.80 24.(

C) Caractiristiques des iguipements auxiliaires associ~s 1 de tels missileset lanceurs

Les dimensions des 4quipements auxiliaires sont lea suivantes (longueur,largeur, hauteur maximums, en mitres)

Vhicule transporteur - 13.15 11.de missiles 3.10 3.

(nosbre de missiles 3.50 3.

par v~hicule) (1) (1




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VII. Systimes de propulseurs d'appoint pour la recherche-d~veloppement

Le nombre et lemplacement, pour chaque Partie, de lanceurs de systimes depropulseurs d'appoint pour la recherche-d~veloppement sont les sulvants :

Nombre delanceurs

1. Sites de lancement pour la recherche-diveloppement


Eastern Test Range (Floride) 1

28 27 N 080 42 W

Eglin AFB (Floride)

30 36 N 086 48 W

White Sands Missile Range (Nouveau-Mexique) 4

32 30 N 106 30 W

Green River (Utah) 2

38 00 N 109 30 W

Poker Flats Research Range (Alaska) 6

65 07 N 147 29 W

Roi Namur, Kwajalein 3

09 25 N 167 28 E

Barking Sands, Kauai (Hawa%) 4

22 06 N 159 47 W

Western Test Range (Californie)

34 37 N 120 37 W

Cape Cod (Massachusetts)

42 01 N 070 07 W

lie de Wake 2

19 18 N 166 37 E

Wallops Island (Virginie) 1

37 51 N 075 28 W

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Nombre de



62 53 N 040 52 E

Kapoustine Yar 2

48 32 N 046 18 E

Chaque Partie, en signant le prisent Mimorandum d'accord, reconnalt itreresponsable de 1'exactitude de sea propres donnies seulement. La signature duprisent M1imorandum d'accord emporte l'acceptation des cat6gories de donnies etde l'inclusion des donnies qui y figurent.

Le pr~sent k4morandum d'accord fait partie intigrante du Traiti. Iientrera en vigueur i la date d'entr~e en vigueur du Traits et le restera aussilongtemps que le Traiti.

FAIT i Washington le 8 d~cembre 1987, en deux exemplaires, en languesanglaise et russe, lea deux textes faisant igalement foi.

Pour les Etats-Unisd'Am6rique:

Le Pr6sident des Etats-Unisd'Am6rique,


Pour l'Union des R6publiquessocialistes sovi6tiques :

Le Secr6taire g6n6ral du Comit6central du Parti communiste

de l'Union sovi6tique,


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Conform4ment au Trait4 entre les Etats-Unis d'Amdrique et l'Union desRdpubliques socialistes sovlitiques sur l'limination de leurs missiles aport6e intermediaire et a plus courte portee en date du 8 d6cembre 19b7,ci-apr~s d6nomm4 le Trait6, et en exdcution de celui-ci, les Partiesconviennent par les prdsentes des procddures d'61imination des systmes demissiles vis6s par le Trait6.

I. El4ments des systemes de missiles i 61iminer

Les 414ments specifiques de chaque type de systime de missile A 6liminersont les suivants .

1. Pour les Etats-Unis d'Amdrique

Pershing II : missile, lanceur et abri daire de lancement;BGM-109G : missile, conteneur de lancement et lanceur;Pershing IA : missile et lanceur;Pershing IB : missile.

2. Pour l'Union des Rdpubliques socialistes sovidtiques

SS-20 : missile, conteneur de lancement, lanceur, vihiculetransporteur de missile et structure fixe de lanceur;

SS-4 : missile, vdhicule transporteur de missile, 6recteur demissile, table de lancement et r4servoir de propergol;

SS-5 missile;SS-X-4 missile, conteneur de lancement et lanceur;SS-12 missile, lanceur et vdhicule transporteur de missile;SS-23 missile, lanceur et vihicule transporteur de missile.

3. Pour lea deux Parties, tous lea missiles d'entrainement, itages desmissiles dlentrainement, conteneurs de lancement d'entrainement et lanceursd'entrainement seront soumis A 4limination.

4. Pour lea deux Parties, tous les 4tages des GLBM A porteinterm4diaire et i plus courte port4e seront soumis A glimination.

5. Pour les deux Parties, toutes lea sections avant des missilesporte intermddiaire et A plus courte porte ddployds seront soumises Ailimination.

II. Procedures d'ilimination aux installations d'61imination

1. Afin de ddterminer de mani~re fiable le type et le nombre demissiles, 4tages de missiles, sections avant, conteneurs de lancement,lanceurs, vihicules transporteurs de missiles, 4recteurs de missiles et tablesde lancement, ainsi que de missiles d'entranement, 4tages de missilesd'entrainement, conteneurs de lancement dlentrainement et lanceurs

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dentralnement, indiqu4s A la section I du present Protocole, i1iminis auxuistallations d'1imination, et pour ecacter la possibilit4 d'unereconstitution de ces e1ements i des fins incompatibles avec les dispositionsdu present Trait4, les Parties observeront les rigles ci-apris.

2. Le deroulement des proc4dures d'4limination des 414ments dessystimes de missiles 4num4r~s au paragraphe I de la presente section, AL'exception des missiles d'entrainement, des itages de missilesd'entrainement, des conteneurs de lancement d'entrainement et des lanceursd'entrainement, fera l'objet d'une inspection sur place conform~ment Al'article XI du Trait4 et au Protocole concernant les inspections. LesParties auront le drcit d'effectuer des inspections sur place pour s'assurerde i'achevement des proc~dures d'4limination decrites au paragraphe 11 de lapresente section pour les missiles d'entrainement, les srages de missiles*'intrainement, les conteneurs de lancement d'entrainement et les lanceursd'entrainement. La Partie qui poss6de un missile d'entrainement, un itage demissile d'entrainement, un conteneur de lancement d'entratnement, ou unlanceur d'entrainement de ce type, informera lautre Partie du nom et descoordonnies de l'installation d'elimination o6 linspection pourra avoir lieuainsi que de la date i laquelle elle pourra se d~rouler. Ces renseignementsseront communiqu4s 30 jours au moins avant la date en question.

3. Avant l'arriv~e d'un missile i 1 installation dlilimination, ledispositif de son ogive nucl6aire et ses 414ments de guidage pourront en etreretir6s.

4. Chaque Partie choisira les moyens techniques particuliersn4cessaires A lapplication des proc4dures prescrites aux paragraphes 10 et 11de la pr~sente section et A l'inspection sur place du d4roulement desproc4dures d'4limination requises au paragraphe 10 de la pr6sente sectionconform4ment A I'article XI du Trait4, au pr4sent Protocole et au Protocoleconcernant les inspections.

5. Par d~but de l'e1imination des 414ments des syst~mes de missiles':Lses par la pr~sente section, on entend le commencement des procdduresdecrites au paragraphe 10 ou 11 de la pr~sente section.

6. Irm diatement avant le d~but des procddures d'dlimination d~critesau paragraphe 10 de la presente section, un inspecteur de la Partie ayant requla notification pertinente exigde l'alinda c) du paragraphe 5 del'article IX du Trait4 confirmera et consignera le type et le nombred'e41ments des systimes de missiles, 4numiris au paragraphe 1 de la pr4sentesection, A e1iminer. Si la Partie inspectante le juge n~cessaire, il pourraAtre proc~d4 1 cet effet A une inspection visuelle du contenu des conteneursde lancement.

7. Les 4tages de missiles 41imin4s par incingration conformement auxprocddures d~crites au paragraphe 10 de la pr~sente section ne seront pas4quip~s d'instruments pour recueillir des donniea. Avant le d~but desprocedures d'l6imination d6crites au paragraphe 10 de la pr~sente section, uninspecteur de la Partie inspectante confirmera que lesdits 4tages de missilesne sont pas munis de tels 4quipements. Lesdits 4tages feront lobjet d'uneoaservation permanente de la part de l'inspecteur susdit depuis cetteinspection jusqu'i lachivement de l'incinkration.

d. Le representant de la Partie qui procide i l1limination et le chefoe l'quipe d'inspection de l'autre Partie confirmeront par 4crit lachivementdes procedures d'elimination d~crites i la pr~sente section, i l'exception decelles concernant les missiles dlentrainement, les 4tages des missiles

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d'entralnement, les conteneurs de lancement d'entrainement et les lanceursd'entrainement, ainsi que le type et le nombre d'6l1ments des systmes demissiles qui ont fait l'objet de ces proc~dures. L'ilimination d'un missiled'entrainement, d'un 4tage de missile d'entrainement, d'un conteneur delancement d'entrainement ou d'un lanceur d'entrainement sera considir~eachevie lorsque les procedures ddcrites au paragraphe 11 de la prdsentesection seront termin~es et apris la notification exig6e i 1alin~a e) duparagraphe 5 de l'article IX du Trait4 suivant la date pr~cisie, conform~mentau paragraphe 2 de la pr~sente section.

9. Les Parties conviennent que tous les missiles A porte interm~diaireet S plus courte porte des Etats-Unis et de l'Union sovi~tique ainsi queleurs v4hicules de rentrde correspondants seront 41imin~s dans un d4lai 4tablid'un commun accord. Il est en outre convenu que tous les missiles de ce typeseront en fait 41imings 15 jours avant la fin de la p~riode globaled'4limination. Au cours des 15 derniers jours, une Partie ram nera sur sonterritoire national les v~hicules de rentr6e qui, par d~cision unilatirale,ont 4t4 libdr6s des programmes de coopration existants et les iliminera dansle mime intervalle de temps, conformement aux proc6dures 6noncaes i lapr~sente section.

10. Les proc~dures sp~cifiques d'41imination des 61ments des systamesde missiles 4numkras au paragraphe 1 de la prisente section seront lessuivantes, i moins que les Parties ne conviennent de procadures diffdrentespour aboutir a un rdsultat identique

Pour les Pershing II

Missile :

a) Les 4tages de missile seront datruits par explosion ou parincinaration;

b) Le combustible solide, les tuyares de fusee et le corps despropulseurs non datruits dans le processus seront br~lis, 4crasds, aplatis ouditruits par explosion;

C) La section avant, a 1'exception du dispositif d'ogive nucliaire etdes 41ments de guidage, sera icras4e ou aplatie.

Lanceur :

a) Le mecanisme grecteur-lanceur sera retir4 du chassis du lanceur;

b) Tous les 41ments du mdcanisme irecteur-lanceur seront ddcoupis,ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille i peu pris4gale,

c) Le mat~riel auxiliaire de lancement de missile, y compris lescompartLments des instruments exterieurs, sera retir6 du chassis lu lanceur;

d) Le chassis du lanceur sera decoupe, ailleurs qu'aix Jointsd'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille peu pres egale.

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Pour les BGm-OG9G


a) La cellule du missile sera d4coupee dans le sens de 1a longueur endeux morceaux;

b) Les ailes et la queue seront separees de Ia cellule du missile,ailleurs qulaux joints d'assemblage;

c) La section avant, l'exception du dispositif d'ogive nucl4aire etdes elements de guidage, sera 4cras4e ou aplatie.

Conteneur de lancement :

Le conteneur de lancement sera 4crase, aplati, coupe en deux morceaux detaille i peu pr~s 4gale ou d~truit par explosion.

Lanceur :

a) Le micanisme 4recteur-lanceur sera retir4 du chassis du lanceur;

b) Tous les il~ments du m4canisme 4recteur-lanceur seront d~coup~s,ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille A peu pras4gale;

C) Le matiriel auxiliaire de lancement du missile, y compris lescompartiments des instruments extirieurs, sera retiri du chassis du lanceur;

d) Le chassis du lanceur sera d~coupi, ailleurs qu'aux joints

d'assemolage, en deux morceaux de taille a peu pras egale.

Pour les Pershing IA


a) Les 4tages du missile seront d~truits par explosion ou parincin4ration;

b) Le combustible solide, les tuyires de fusie et le corps despropulseurs non ditruits dans le processus seront br ls, 4cras4s, aplatis oud4truits par explosion;

C) La section avant, i l'exception du dispositif d'ogive nuclaire etdes 414ments de guidage, sera ecrasee ou aplatie.

Lanceur :

a) Le mecanisme 4recteur-lanceur sera retir4 du chassis du lanceur;

b) Tous les il4ments du m~canisme 4recteur-lanceur seront d~coup~s,ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille a peu pres6gale;

c) Le matariel auxiliaire de lancement du missile, y compris lescompartiments des instruments ext4rieurs, sera retir4 du chassis du lanceur;

d) Le chissis du lanceur sera d4coupi, ailleurs qu'aux jointsd'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille A peu pros egale.

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Pour les Pershing IB

Missile :

a) L'4tage du missile sera d~truit par explosion ou par inciniration;

b) Le combustible solide, les tuyires de fusie et le corps despropulseurs non d~truits dans ce processus seront br ls, 4cras~s, aplatis oud~truits par explosion;

c) La section avant, l'exception du dispositif d'ogive nucliaire etdes 414ments de guidage, sera 4cras~e ou aplatie.

Pour les SS-20

Missile :

a) Le missile sera d~truit par explosion du missile dans son conteneurde lancement ou par incin~ration des etages du missile;

b) Le combustible solide, les tuyires de fusie et le corps despropulseurs non ddtruits dans ce processus seront br ls, 4cras~s, aplatis ouditruits par explosion;

c) La section avant, y compris les v~hicules de rentr6e, i lexceptiondes dispositifs d'ogive nuclgaire, ainsi que lea compartiments desinstruments, i Vexception des 414ments de guidage, seront icrasds ou aplatis.

Conteneur de lancement :

Le conteneur de lancement sera ddtruit par explosion en mime temps qu'unmissile, ou s~pardment, d~coup4 en deux morceaux de taille i peu pris igale,4cras4 ou aplati;

Lanceur :

a) Le m~canisme 4recteur-lanceur sera retir du chassis du lanceur;

b) Tous lea 414ments du mecanisme 4recteur-lanceur seront d~coup~s,ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille A peu pris4gale;

c) Le mat6riel auxiliaire de lancement du missile, y compris Lescompartiments des instruments ext~rieurs, sera retir4 du chissis du lanceur;

d) Les fixations du m4canisme erecteur-lanceur et les supports de miseOe niveau du lanceur seront detaches du chassis du lanceur;

e) Les supports de mise de niveau du lanceur seront d~coupes, aileursqu'aux joints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille A peu pras igale;

f) Une partie du chassis du lanceur, d'une longueur au mons 4gale

U,78 matre, sera d4tach~e i l'arriire de lessieu arriire.

V4hicule transporteur de missile :

a) Tous les m~canismes associ~s au chargement et au montage du missileseront retiris du chassis du v~hicule de transport;

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b) Toutes les fixations de ces micanismes seront ditach~es du chissisdu v~hicule de transport;

c) Tous les 41ments des m~canismes associds au chargement et A la miseen place du missile seront ddcoupis, ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage, endeux morceaux de taille a peu pris 6gale;

d) Les compartiments des instruments extdrieurs seront retirds duchassis du vdhicule de transport;

e) Les supports de mise de niveau du vdhicule de transport serontddtach4s du chissis du vdhicule de transport et ddcoupds, ailleurs qu'auxjoints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille peu pris igale;

f) Une partie du chassis du vdhicule de transport, d'une longueurd'au moins ,7b mitre, sera d~tachde l'arriire de lessieu arriire.

Pour les SS-4


a) Les tuyires du systime de propulsion seront dicoupdes, ailleursqu'aux joints d'assemblage;

b) Tous les r4servoirs de propergol seront ddcoupgs en deux morceaux detaille i peu pris 4gale;

c) Le compartiment des instruments, i lexception des 41ments deguidage, sera ddcoup4 en deux morceaux de taille & peu pris 4gale;

d) La section avant, i l'exception du dispositif d'ogive nucldaire,sera 4crase ou aplatie.

Table de lancement

Les 16ments de la table de lancement seront ddcoupds, ailleurs qu'auxjoints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille i peu pris 4gale.

Erecteur de missile :

a) Le bras du treuil, les supports de mise de niveau de l'recteur demissile et le mdcanisme 4recteur de missile seront d6tachis de l'recteur demissile, ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage;

0) Le bras du treuil et les supports de mise de niveau de l'drecteur demissile seront d6coupds en deux morceaux de taille a peu pris egale.

VWhicule transporteur de missile :

Les 4ldments de fixation d'un missile et d'un mdcanisme erecteur demissile ainsi que les supports pour 6riger un missile sur un lanceur serontdetachds du vehicule transporteur ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage.

Pour les SS-5


a) Les tuyires du systime de propulsion seront ddcoupdes, ailleursqu'aux Joints d'assemblage;

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b) Tous les riservoirs de propergol seront dicoup4s en deux morceaux detaille a peu pros igale;

C) Le compartiment des instruments, a l'exception des 4lments deguidage, sera dicoup4 en deux morceaux de taille i peu pris egale.

Pour les SSC-X-4


a) La cellule du missile sera d~coup~e dans le sens de la longueur endeux morceaux;

b) Les ailes et la queue seront d~tachdes de la cellule du missileailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage;

C) La section avant, a l'exception du dispositif d'ogive nucl~aire etdes 4lments de guidage, sera 4cras4e ou aplatie.

Conteneur de lancement

Le conteneur de lancement sera 4cras4, aplati, coup4 en deux morceaux detaille A peu pris 4gale ou d~truit par explosion.

Lanceur :

a) Le m~canisme 4recteur-lanceur sera retir4 du chassis du lanceur;

b) Tous les 41ments du mdcanisme 4recteur-lanceur seront dicoupds,ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille i peu pris4gale;

C) Le matdriel auxillaire de lancement du missile, y compris lescompartiments des instruments ext4rieurs, sera retir6 du chissIs du lanceur;

d) Les fixations du m4canisme 4recteur-lanceur et les supports de misede niveau du lanceur seront detach4s du chassis du lanceur;

e) Les supports de mise de niveau du lanceur seront decoupes, ailleursqu'aux joints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille A peu pr~s egale;

f) Le chassis du lanceur sera sectionn4 & 0,70 m~tre au plusl'arriire de l'essieu arrlre.

Pour les SS-12

Missile :

a) Le missile sera d4truit par explosion ou par incineration de ses4tages;

b) Le combustible solide, les tuyires de fus~e et le corps despropulseurs non ddtruits dans ce processus seront brulds, 4cras4s, aplatis ouddtruits par explosion;

C) La section avant, a lexception du dispositif dlogive nucleaire, etle compartiment des instruments, a Vexception des elments de guidage, seront4crasds, aplatis ou ditruits par explosion en mime temps que le missile.

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Lanceur :

a) Le m~canisme irecteur-lanceur sera retire du chassis du lanceur;

b) Tous les 6lements du m~canisme 6recteur-lanceur seront d4coupes,ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille i peu pries4gale;

c) Le materiel auxilxaire de lancement du missile, y compris lescompartiments des instruments ext~rieurs, sera retir4 du chassis du lanceur;

d) Les fixations du mncanisme krecteur-lanceu" et les supports de misede niveau du lanceur seront ddtachds du chassis du lanceur;

e) Les supports de mise de niveau du lanceur seront dicoup4s, ailleursqu'aux joints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille a peu pris 4gale;

f) Une partie du chissis du lanceur, d'une longueur au moins 4gale1,10 matre, sera d~coup~e en arriire de lessieu arrite.

V~hicule transporteur de missile :

a) Tous lea m4canismes associgs au chargement et au montage du missileseront retirgs du chissis du vehicule transporteur;

b) Toutes lea fixations de ces m~canismes seront d4tach~s du chassis duv~hicule transporteur;

c) Tous les il4ments des m4canismes associ~s au chargement et aumontage du missile seront dicoup6s, ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage,en deux morceaux de taille a peu pris 4gale;

d) Les compartiments des instruments extirieurs seront retires duchassis du v4hicule transporteur;

e) Les supports de mise de niveau du vihicule transporteur serontditach4G du chassis du v~hicule transporteur et d~coup~s, ailleurs qu'auxjoints d'as-emblage, en deux morceaux de taille 1 peu pras 4gale;

f) Une partie du chassis du v4hicule transporteur, d'une longueur

au moins 4gale i 1,10 matre, sera d~coupie en arriate de lessieu arriare.

Pour les SS-23

Missile :

a) Le missile sera ditruit par explosion ou par incineration de l'tagedu missile;

b) Le combustible solide, la tuyire de la fusee et le corps dupropulseur non datruits dans ce processus seront bra1ds, 4cras~s, aplatis ouditruits par explosion;

c) La section avant, i lexception du dispositif de l'ogive nucliaire,et le compartiment des instruments, i l'exception des il4ments de guidage,seront icrasis, aplatis ou d4truits par explosion en mime temps que le missile.

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a) Le m~canisme 4recteur-lanceur sera retir4 du corps du lanceur;

b) Tous lea 41ments du micanisme irecteur-lanceur seront d4coupis,ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille i peu pris4galei

c) Le matiriel auxiliaire de lancement du missile sera retir4 du corpsdu lanceurl

d) Les fixations du mecanisme 4recteur-lanceur et lea supports de misede niveau du lanceur seront d~tachds du corps du lanceur;

e) Les supports de mise de niveau du lanceur seront d~coupis, ailleursqu'aux joints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille a peu pris 4gale;

f) Chaque protection anti-intemp~ries du corps du lanceur sera retirgeet dicoupie en deux morceaux de taille 1 peu pris igalei

g) Une partie du corps du lanceur, d'une longueur au moins igale0,85 mitre, sera ddtach~e en arriire de llessieu arriere.

Venicule transporteur de missile :

a) Tous les m~canismes associis au chargement et au montage du missileseront retir4s de la caisse du vehicule transporteur;

b) Toutes les fixations de ces mdcanismes seront d~tach4es de la caissedu vehicule transporteur;

C) Tous les 614ments des micanismes a3socis au chargement et aumontage du missile seront d6coup~s, ailleurs qu'aux joints d'assemblage,en deux morceaux de taille A peu pris 4gale;

d) Le mat~riel de commande du m~canisme associ4 au chargement dumissile sera retir6 de la caisse du v~hicule transporteur;

e) Les supports de mise de niveau du v~hicule transporteur serontd~tach~s de la caisse du vihicule transporteur et d~coupis, ailleurs qu'auxJoints d'assemblage, en deux morceaux de taille i peu pris 4gale;

f) Une partie de la caisse du v~hicule transporteur, d'une longueurau moins 4gale 0,85 m, sera ditachie en arriste de lessieu arrikre.

11. Les procedures specifiques d'ilimination des missiles d'entrainement,etages de missile d'entrainement, conteneurs de lancement dlentrainement etlanceurs d'entrainement indiquds au paragraphe 1 de la prisente section serontles suivantes

Missile d'entrainement et 4tage de missile d'entrainement

- Le missile d'entrainement et lVtage de missile d'entrainement serontecras4s, aplatis, ddcoup4s en deux morceaux de taille a peu pris 4galeou d4truits par explosion.

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Conteneur de lancement d'entrainement- Le conteneur de lancement dlentrainement sera crasi, aplati, d~coup4

en deux morceaux de taille 1 peu pris 4gale ou ditruit par explosion.

Lanceur dlentrainement :

- Le chassis du lanceur d'entrainement sera dicoup4 au mime endroit quecelui disigni au paragraphe 10 de la pr4sente section pour le lanceurdu mime type de missile.

III. Elimination de missiles par lancement

1. L'41imination de missiles par lancement, en application duparagraphe 5 de L'article X du Traiti, sera soumise i une inspection sur placeconformiment au paragraphe 7 de larticle XI du Trait6 et au Protocoleconcernant les inspections. Issmdiatement avant chaque lancement effectue auxfins d'elimination, un inspecteur de la Partie inspectante 6onfirmera parobservation visuelle le type de missile i lancer.

2. Tous leas missiles ilimin~s par lancement seront lanc~s 1 partird'installations d'61imination d~signies vers des zones d'impact existantespour ces missiles. Aucun de ces missiles ne sera utilisi comme vdhicule cibled'un intercepteur de missile balistique.

3. Les missiles ilimin~s par lancement seront lancds un a la fois, etsix heures au moins s'4couleront entre deux lancements.

4. Ces lancements impliqueront la mise A feu de tous les itages desmissiles. Aucune partie 'e transmettra ni ne r6cupirera des donn~es provenantde missiles 41imin~s par lancement, i l'exception des donn~es non chiffreesutilisies pour les besoins de la s6curit4 du polygone.

S. L'ach~vement des procidures d'l6imination inoncies dans la prisentesection, et le type et le nombre de missiles pour lesquels ces procidures ontt4 achev6es, seront confirm~s par icrit par le repr~sentant de la Partieeffectuant l'41imination et par le responsable de 1'4quipe d'inspection deLautre Partie.

6. Un missile sera considir4 comme 4limin4 par lancement apresachivement des procidures 4nonc6es dans la pr~sente section et une foiseffectuie la notification requise au paragraphe 5 e) de l'article IX du Traiti.

IV. Procidures d'6limination in situ

1. Ouvraqes auxiliaires

a) Les ouvrages auxiliaires inumr4is A la section I du prisentProtocole seront iliminis in situ.

b) Le d~but de l'limination des ouvrages auxiliaires sera considirgcomme 4tant le commencement des proc4dures d'l6imination requises auparagraphe I d) de la prdsente section.

c) L'41imination des ouvrages auxiliaires sera soumise A virificationpar inspection sur place conformdment au paragraphe 4 de larticle XI duTraiti.

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d) Les procidures sp6cifiques d'ilimination des ouvrages auxiliairesseront les suivantes :

i) La superstructure de l'ouvrage ou abri fixe sera dimontde oudimolie, et retirge de sa base ou fondation;

ii) La base ou fondation de l'ouvrage ou abri fixe sera ditruite parexcavation ou explosion;

iii) La base ou fondation ditruite d'un ouvrage ou abri fixe resteravisible par lea moyens techniques nationaux de virification pendantsix mois ou jusqu'! l'achivement d'une inspection sur placeeffectuie conformiment 1 l'article XI du Traitii

iv) Une fois exicuties les prescriptions ci-dessus, lea prociduresd'1limination seront considirges comue achevies.

2. R~servoirs de propergol pour les missiles SS-4

Les reservoirs de propergol fixes et transportables pour lesmissiles SS-4 seront retires des sites de lancement.

3. Missiles d'entrainement, keages de missile d'entrainement,conteneurs de lancement d'entrainement et lanceurs dentrainement

a) Les missiles d'entrainement, 4tages de missile d'entrainement,conteneurs de lancement d-entrainement et lanceurs dlentrainement non iliminisdans les installations d'6limination seront eliminds in situ.

b) Les missiles d'entrainement, 4tages de missile d'entrainement,conteneurs de lancement d'entralnement et lanceurs d'entrainement 4limindsin situ le seront conform4ment aux procedures specifiques 4noncdes auparagraphe 11 de la section II du present Protocole.

C) Chaque Partie aura le droit d'effectuer une inspection sur placepour confirmer lachivement des procidures d'41imination des missilesd'entrainement, itages de missile d'entrainement, conteneurs de lancementd'entrainement et lanceurs d'entrainement.

d) La Partie possidant un tel missile d'entrainement, itage de missiled'entrainement, conteneurs de lancement d'entrainement ou lanceurd'entrainement informera l'autre Partie du nom et des coordonnges de lendroito pourra etre effectude l'inspection sur place prdvue au paragraphe 3 c) dela pr~sente section, ainsi que de la date i laquelle elle pourra l'etre.Cette information sera fournie au moins trente jours avant la date en question.

e) L'ilimination d'un missile d'entrainement, 4tage de missiled'entrainement, conteneur de lancement d'entrainement ou lanceurd'entrainement sera considgrie comme achevie une fois terminies les proceduresrequises au prisent paragraphe et une fois effectuie la notification requiseau paragraphe 5 e) de larticle IX du Traiti suivant la date spicifide enapplication du paragraphe 3 d) de la prdsente section.

V. Autres types d'limination

1. Perte ou destruction accidentelle

a) Si un article 4numr6 i la section I du prisent Protocole est perduou ddtruit 1 la suite d'un accident, la Partie a laquelle il appartient

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notifiera l'autre Partie dans les 48 heures, comme requis au paragraphe 5 e)de larticle IX du Trait4, que l'article a iti 41imin4.

b) Cette notification inclura le type d'article g1imini, sonemplacement approximatif ou supposg et lea circonstances de la perte oudestruction accidentelle.

c) En pareil cas, l'autre Partie aura le droit d'inspecter l'endroitprdcis oa laccident s'est produit pour s'assurer que Varticle a t4 elimine.

2. Exposition statigue

a) Les Parties auront le droit d'41iminer les missiles, conteneurs delancement et lanceurs, ainsi que lea missiles d'entrainement, conteneurs delancement d'entrainement et lanceurs d'entrainement, 4numd6rs i la section Idu pr4sent Protocole en les exposant statiquement. Chaque Partie sera limit~e

un total de 15 missiles, 15 conteneurs de lancement et 15 lanceurs ainsiexposes statiquement.

b) Avant d'itre expos4 statiquement, un missile, conteneur de lancementou lanceur sera rendu inutilisable i des fins incompatibles avec le Traite.Le propergol du missile sera retir4 et les micanismes 4recteurs-lanceursseront mis hors dtat de fonctionner.

c) La Partie poss6dant un missile, conteneur de lancement ou lanceur,ou un missile d'entrainement, conteneur de lancement dentrainement ou lanceurd'entrainement qui doit itre 61imin4 par exposition statique informera l'autrePartie du nom et des coordonndes de Vendroit o6 ce missile, conteneur delancement ou lanceur doit itre expos4 statiquement, ainsi que de Vendroit o6pourra avoir lieu V'inspection Sur place prvue au paragraphe 2 d) de lapr~sente section.

d) Chaque Partie aura le droit d'inspecter sur place ce missile,conteneur de lancement ou lanceur dans les 60 jours suivant la notificationrequise au paragraphe 2 c) de la prdsente section.

e) L'limination par exposition statique d'un missile, conteneur delancement ou lanceur, ainsi que d'un missile d'entrainement, conteneur delancement d'entrainement ou lanceur d'entrainement, sera consid~rde commeachevde une fois terminies les proc~dures requises au pr~sent paragraphe etune fois effectu~e la notification requise au paragraphe 5 e) de Varticle IXdu Traiti.

Le pr4sent Protocole fait partie int~grante du Traiti. II entrera envigueur 1 la date d'entr~e en vigueur du Trait4 et le restera aussi longtempsque le Traiti. Coame privu au paragraphe 1 b) de l'article XIII du Traiti,les Parties pourront convenir des mesures iventuellement n~cessaires pouram6liorer la viabilitd et l'efficaciti du prdsent Protocole. Ces mesures neseront pas considgr~es comme constituant des amendements au Trait6.

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FAIT 1 Washington le 8 ddcembre 1987, en deux exemplaires, en languesanglaise et russe, lea deux textes faisant ggalement foi.

Pour les Etats-Unisd'Am6rique:

Le Pr6sident des Etats-Unisd'Am6rique,


Pour I'Union des R6publiquessocialistes sovi6tiques :

Le Secr6taire g6n6ral du Comitcentral du Parti communiste

de l'Union sovi6tique,


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Conform4ment au Trait4 entre les Etats-Unis d'Am4rique et

l'Union des R~publiques socialistes sovi4tiques sur l'l1iminatioia de

leurs missiles A porte interm4diaire et i plus courte portee, en dplo

du 8 d4cembre 1987, ci-apr~s appel4 le Traiti, et en ex4cution de celui-Ci,

les Parties conviennent par les pr4sentes des procidures r~gissant le

d4roulement des inspections pr4vues a l'article XI du Traiti.

I. Definitions

Aux fins du pr4sent Protocole, du Trait6, du M4morandum d'accord et

du Protocole concernant l'411mination :

1. t'expression "Partie inspectee" d~signe la Partie au Traits dont les

sites sont soumis A inspection cormne pr4vu i l'article XI du Traite.

2. L'expression "Partie inspectante" d4signe la Partie au Traite

effectuant une inspection.

3. Le terme "inspecteur" ddsigne une personne disignie par l'une des

Parties pour effectuer des inspections et figurant sur la liste d'inspecteurs

de cette Partie conformement aux dispositions de la section III du pr4sent


4. L'expression "6quipe d'inspection" disigne le groupe d'inspecteurs

chargi par la Partie inspectante dleffectuer une inspection particuliere.

5. Llexpression *site d'inspection" disigne une zone, un endroit ou une

installation o6 une inspection est effectu4e.

6. L'expression "p4rinde d'inspection" d4signe lintervalle de temps

s'4coulant entre Varriv4e de l'1quipe dinpection au site d'inspectin et

son depart du site, l'exclusion du temps passi i toutes procedures avant ou

apres inspection.

7. L'expression 'point dlentr4e" ddsigne . Washington, D.C.,

ou San Francisco, Californie, Etats-Unis d'Amirique; Bruxelles (Agroport

national), Royaume de Belgique; Francfort (base a4rienne de Rhein-Main),R~publique f4dirale d'Allemagney Rome (Ciampino), R~publique italienne;

Schiphol, Royaume des Pays-Bas; RAF Greenham Common, Royaume-Uni de

Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord; Moscou, ou Irkouktsk,Union des R~publiques socialistes sovietiques; Aroport de Schkeuditz,

R4publique d4mocratique allemande; AMroport international Ruzyne,

Ripublique socialiste tchicoslovaque.

d. Lexpression "p4riode de s4jour dans le pays" disigne lintervalle

1! temps s'4coulant entre larriv4e de l'iquipe dinspection au point d'entr~e

et son dipart du pays par le point d'entrde.

9. L'expression "escorte dans le pays" d4signe les personnes sp6cifiges

par la Partie inspectie pour accompagner et assister les inspecteurs et les

membres dliquipage selon lea besoins tout au long de la p4riode de sgjour dans

le pays.

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10. L'expression "membre d'4quipage" d~signe une personne qui remplitdes fonctions lies A l'exploitation d'un avion et qui figure sur une liste demembres dliquipage d'une Partie confoctrrment aux dispositions de lasection III du prdsent Protocole.

II. Obligations gqndrales

1. Afin d'assurer la vdrification du respect des dispositions duTrait4, chaque Partie facilitera l'inspection par lautre Partie conform~mentau pr4sent Protocole.

2. Chaque Partie prend acte des assurances reques de l'autre Partieconcernant Les accords conclus entre l'autre Partie et les pays de mise enplace aux termes desquels lesdits pays de mise en place ont accept6 que desinspections soient effectudes sur leur territoire, conformdment auxdispositions du pr6sent Protocole.

III. Prescriptions prdalables j V inspection

I. Des inspections ayant pour objet d'assurer is vdrification durespect par les Parties des obligations contractdes en vertu du .Trait4 seronteffectudes par les inspecteurs ddsignds conformment aux paragraphes 3 et 4 dela presente section.

2. Au plus tard un jour apris lentrde en vigueur du Trait4, chaquePartie fournira A lautre Partie : une liste de ses membres d'4quipageproposes, une liste de sea inspecteurs proposs qui effectueront desinspections en application des paragraphes 3, 4, 5, 7 et 8 de l'article XIdu Trait4, et une liste de sea inspecteurs proposds qui executeront desactivit4s d'inspection en application du paragraphe 6 de i'article XIdu Trait4. Aucune de ces listes ne contiendra i aucun moment plusde 2U0 personnes.

3. Chaque Partie examiners les listes dinspecteurs et de membresd'equipage proposs par hautre Partie. En ce qui concerne une personnefigurant sur la liste d'inspecteurs proposs qui exdcuteront des activitisd'inspection en application du paragraphe 6 de larticle XI du Trait4, sicette personne est inacceptable pour la Partie qui examine la liste, cettePartie en informera dans lea 20 jours la Partie qui fournit la liste, et lapersonne sera considir4e comme nd4tant pas acceptie et sera supprimde de laliste. En ce qui concerne une personne figurant sur la liste de membresd'4quipage proposs ou la liste d'inspecteurs proposs qui effectueront desinspections en application des paragraphes 3, 4, 5, 7 et 8 de Varticle XIdu Trait4, chaque Partie informera iautre Partie, dans les 20 jours suivantla rdception de ces listes, de son accord pour la disignation de chaqueinspecteur et membre d'4quipage proposs. Les inspecteurs seront des citoyensde la Partie inspectante.

4. Chaque Partie aura le droit de modifier ses listes d'inspecteurs etde membres d'equipage. Les noueaux inspecteurs et membres d'iquipage serontddsign4s de la mime mani re que celle 4noncde au paragraphe 3 de la prisentesection en ce qui concerne les listes initiales.

5. Dans les 30 jours suivant la reception des listes initialesd'inspecteurs et de membres d'4quipage, ou de modifications apporteesulterieurement A ces listes, la Partie recevant ces informations fournira ouveillera i ce que soient fournis i chaque personne ayant son agrement lesvisas et autres documents qui pourront 4tre nicessaires pour que chaqueinspecteur et chaque membre d'6quipage puissent entrer et rester sur le

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territoire de la Partle ou du pays de mise en place dans lequel se trouve unsite d'inspection tout au long de la p~riode de s~jour dans le pays afind'exdcuter des activitds d'inspe-tion conformdment aux dispositions duprisent Protocole. Ces visas et oocuments seront valables pour une pdrioded'au moins 24 mois.

6. Pour exercer efficacement leurs fonctions, les inspecteurs etmembres d'6quipage se verront accorder, tout au long de la pdriode de s4)ourdans le pays, des priviliges et immunit6s dans le pays du site d'inspectioncomne indiqu4 dans lannexe du prdsent Protocole.

7. Sans prijudice de leurs privil~ges et immunit6s, les inspecteurs etmembres d'4quipage seront tenus de respecter les lois et r~glements de V'Etatsur le territoire duquel une inspection est effectu6e et de ne pas s'ingdrerdans les affaires intirieures de cet Etat. Au cas o6 la Partie inspect6econstaterait qu'un inspecteur ou membre d'4quipage de lautre Partie a viol6les conditions rdgissant les activit6s d'inspection 6noncies dans le prisentProtocole, ou a un jour commis une infraction sur le territoire de la Partleinspect~e ou d'un pays de miss en place, ou a un jour it4 condamn4 pour avoircommis une infraction ou a 4ti expuls6 par la Partie inspect6e ou par un paysde mise en place, la Partie inspectie qui fait cette constatation le notifieraA la Partie inspectante, qui radiera immidiatement la personne des listesd'inspecteurs ou de la liste de rembres d'4quipage. Si, A ce moment-li,la personne est sur le territoire de la Partie inspect6e ou d'un pays de miseen place, la Partie inspectante retirera inmsndiatement cette personne du pays.

8. Dans les 30 jours suivant l'entr~e en vigueur du Trait4, chaquePartie informera l'autre Partie du numiro de l'autorisation diplomatiquepermanente pour les avions de la Partie transportant les inspecteurs et lemat6riel n~cessaires i l'inspection et gagant ou quittant Is territoire de laPartie ou du pays de mise en place dans lequel se trouve un site d'inspection.Les itinkraires des avions jusqu'au point d'entr6e d~sign6 et i partir de cepoint suivront les routes adriennes internationales 4tablies approuvdes parles Parties comie base de Vautorisation diplomatique en question.

IV. Notifications

1. L'intention d'effectuer une inspection sera notifiee parl'intermidiaire des centres de riduction du risque Aucldaire. La Partieinspectde accusera reception de cette notification, par l'intermediaire descentres de r6duction du risque nucldaire, dans l'heure qui suit sa r6ception.

a) Dans le cas des inspections effectudes conformdment auxparagraphes 3, 4 ou 5 de larticle XI du Traitd, les notifications serontenvoydes au moins 16 heures avant l'heure privue d'arrivde de 1'dquiped'inspection au point d'entrge et comprendront les indications suivantes

i) Le point d'entre;

ii) La date et l'heure privues d'arrivde au point d'entrde;

iii) La date et l'heure auxquelles le site d'inspection sera specifi4;

iv) Le nom des inspecteurs et des membres d'dquipage.

b) Dans le cas des inspections effectuees conformdment auxparagraphes 7 ou 8 de Iarticle XI du Traitd, les notifications seront

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envoyies au moins 72 heures avant l'heure prdvue d'arrivde de l'4quiped'inspection au point dentrie et comprendront les indications suivantes

1) Le point d'entrde;

ii) La date et l'heure prdvues d'arrivde au point d'entre;

iii) Le site i inspecter et le type d'inspection;

iv) Le nom des inspecteurs et des membres d'4quipage.

2. La date et l'heure auxquelles le site d'inspection doit itrespdcifid, telles qu'indiques dans les notifications vises au paragraphe 1 a)de la prdsente section, seront fixdes dans les limites des intervallessuivants :

a) Pour les inspections effectudes conformment aux paragraphes 4 ou 5de l'article XI du Trait4, quatre heures au moins et 24 heures au plus apresla date et l'heure prdvues d'arrivie au point d'entre;

b) Pour lea inspections effectudes conformiment au paragraphe 3 del'article XI du Traiti, quatre heures au moins et 48 heures au plus apris ladate et l'heure privues d'arrivde au point d'entre.

3. La Partie innpectante communiquera 1 la Partie inspectde, parl'intermidiaire des centres de rdduction du risque nucidaire, le plan de volde l'4quipe d'inspection entre l'arodrome dont elle ddcollera avant sonentrie dans lespace adrien du pays o5 se trouve le site d'inspection et lepoint d'entrde dans ce pays, au moins six heures avant l'heure prdvue duddpart de cet airodrome. Le plan de vol sera ddposg conformiment aux riglesde l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale applicables aux adronefscivils en la matiire. La Partie inspectante indiquera dans la section.observations" de chaque plan de vol le numnro de lautorisation diplomatiquepermanente, avec la mention : "Avion d'inspection. Procddure d'autorisationprioritaire demandde."

4. Au moins trois heures avant l'heure prdvue du dipart de l'6quiped'inspection de Vairodrome dont elle dicollera avant son entrde dans l'espaceagrien du pays oa se trouve le site d'inspection, la Partie inspecties'assurera que le plan de vol ddpos conformiment au paragraphe 3 de laprdsente section est approuv4, afin que l'quipe d'inspection puisse arriverau point d'entrde 1 l'heure privue.

5. Chaque Partie pourra modifier le ou les points d'entree dans leterritoire des pays o se trouvent ses zones de deploiement, ses basesd'oprations de missiles ou ses ouvrages auxiliaires, en avisant lautrePartie ce ce changement. Toute modification de point d'entrie prendra effetcinq mois apris la rdception de la notification pertinente par Vautre Partie.

V. Activitds debutant A larrive au point d'entre

1. L'escorte dans le pays et une escorte diplomatique des membresd'equipage accrddit4e aupris du gouvernement de la Partie inspectee ou du paysde mise en place oi se trouve le site d'inspection accueilleront l'4quiped'inspection et les membres d'equipage au point d'entr4e, dis latterrissagede l'avion de la Partie inspectante. L'4quipage de chaque avion ne comprendrapas plus de dix membres. L'escorte dans le pays accilrera les formalitisd'entrde dans le pays o6 se trouve le site d'inspection de l'iquiped'inspection et de l'4quipage, de leurs bagages ainsi que du matiriel et des

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accessoires n4cessaires pour 1'inspection. Une escorte diplomatique seraautoris~e accompagner et A aider les membres de l'1quipage durant toute lap~riode de s~jour dans le pays. Dans le cas d'une inspection sur leterritoire d'un pays de mise en place, des repr~sentants de ce pays pourrontfaire partie de l'escorte dans le pays.

2. Un inspecteur sera consid4re comme 4tant en fonctions d~s sonarrivee au point d'entr~e dans le territoire de la Partie inspect~e ou d'unpays de mise en place et comme cessant dletre en fonctions d s qu'il quitte ceterritoire.

3. Chacune des Parties veillera A ce que le matiriel et les accessoiressoient exempts de tous droits de douane.

4. te mat~riel et les accessoires apport~s par la Partie inspectantedans le pays o6 se trouve le site d'inspection seront examinis au pointd'entrie A chacune de leurs arrivies dans le pays. Cet examen s'ach~veraavant le d4part de l'iquipe d'inspection vers le lieu de 1'inspection. Lematiriel et las accessoires seront examin4s par lescorte dans le pays enpresence des membres de l'quipe d'inspection pour 4tablir i la satisfactionde chaque Partie que le mat4riel et les accessoires en question ne peuvent pasetre utlils~s pour des fonctions n'ayant aucun rapport avec la procddured'inspection pr4vue dans le Traiti. Sil est 4tabli i l'issue de cet examenque des 4lments du materiel ou des accessoires ne sont pas destines i laproc4dure d'inspection, leur utilisation ne sera pas autorise et ils serontconfisques au point d'entree jusqu'au ddpart de l'dquipe d'inspection du payso6 s'effectue linspection. A chaque point d'entrde, le matdriel et lesaccessoires confisquds A la Partie inspectante seront entreposs en lieu sardans des conteneurs protdgis contre toute intrusion. L'accis a chacun de ceslieux s~rs daentreposage sera contr816 par un systime de "double clef", laprdsence des deux Parties 4tant ndcessaire pour avoir accis au matdriel at auxaccessoires.

S. Durant toute la pdriode de sijour dans le pays, la Partie inspect4efournira ou prendra des dispositions pour que soient fournis des repas, unlogement, des locaux de travail, des moyens de transport et, le cas 4chdant,des soins mddicaux aux membres de I'4quipe d'inspection et de l'iquipage.Toutes les d4penses relatives au sjour des inspecteurs effectuant uneinspection conformament au paragraphe 6 de l'article XI du Traite, sur leterritoire de la Partie inspectie, notamment le cot des repas, des services,de l'hbergement, des locaux de travail, des moyens de transport et des soinsm6dicaux, seront i la charge de la Partie inspectante.

6. La Partie inspectde fournira une zone de stationnement pour I'avionde la Partie inspectante et assurera la sdcurit6 et l'entretien de cetappareil et son ravitaillement en carburant, au point d'entre. La Partieinspectante prendra en charge le coat du carburant et des services dlentretien.

7. Pour effectuer des inspections sur le territoire des Parties,l'quipe d'inspection p6ndtrera dans le territoire de la Partie inspectie aupoint d'entr4e le plus proche du site d'inspection. Dans le cas desinspections effectudes conformdment aux paragraphes 3, 4 ou 5 de lVarticle XIdu Trait6, le chef de l'quipe d'inspection, 1 la date et A lheure notifidesconformdment au paragraphe I a) iii) de la section IV du prdsent Protocole oua un moment antirieur, informera la Partie inspectie au point d'entr4e, parl'interm4daire de lVescorte dans le pays, du type d'inspection prdvu et dusite d'Lnspection, en donnant le nom du lieu et ses coordonndes giographiques.

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VI. Rkgles ginkrales applicables aux inspections

1. Les inspecteurs s'acquitteront de leurs fonctions conformement auxdispositions du prdsent Protocole.

2. Les inspecteurs ne divulgueront pas les renseignements regus aucours des inspections, sauf avec l'autorisation expresse de la Partieinspectante. Ils resteront lids par cette obligation apris l'achivement deleur mission d'inspection.

3. Dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions, lea inspecteurs ninterviendrontpas directement dans le d6roulement des activitds en cours sur le sited'inspection et iviteront de giner ou de retarder inutilement la marche del'installation ou de prendre des mesures affectant la sicuriti de sonfonctionnement.

4. Les inspections seront effectuges en fonction des objectifs 4noncesA l'article XI du Trait4, tels qu'applicables au type d'inspection specifiepar la Par tie inspectante conformiment au paragraphe 1 b) de la section IV ouau paragraphe 7 de la section V du prisent Protocole.

5. Wescorte dans le pays aura le droit d'accompagner et d'aider leainspecteurs et lea membres d'4quipage, ainsi que la Partie inspect6e le jugeran~cessaire, durant toute la piriode de sijour dans le pays. Sauf dispositioncontraire du prdsent Protocole, lea d4placements des inspecteurs et desmembres d'dquipage seront A la discrition de 1'escorte dana le pays.

6. Leas inspecteurs effectuant une inspection conform~ment auparagraphe 6 de l'article XI du Traiti seront autorisis A se diplacer dans unrayon de 50 kilomitres autour du site d'inspection avec lautorisation dellescorte dans le pays et, si la partie inspectie le juge nicessaire, ilsseront accompagnis par 1'escorte dana le pays. Ces d~placements seronteffectuis uniquement A des fins de loisirs.

7. Durant toute la pdriode d'inspection, les inspecteurs auront ledroit de se maintenir en contact avec l'ambassade de la Partie inspectante surle territoire du pays o s'effectue l'inspection en utilsant les lignestilphoniques mises i leur disposition par la Partie rnspectee.

8. Sur le site d'inspection, des repr6sentants de l'installationinspect~e feront partie de l'escorte dans le pays.

9. L'4quipe d'inspection ;ourra apporter sur le site d'inspection lesdocuments ncessaires au ddroulement de l'inspection, ainsi que des appareilsde mesure linialre, des appareils photographiques, des balances portatives,des appareils de d6tection de la radioactivite, et d'autres apparels, ainsique les Parties en conviendront. Les caractristiques et le mode d'emploi desappareils enumer6s ci-dessus seront 6galement arret6s d'un commun accord dansles 30 jours qui suivent l'entrde en vigueur du Trait6. Au cours desinspections effectu6es conformdment aux paragraphes 3, 4, 5 a) , 7 ou 8 del'article XI du Trait4, l'iquipe d'inspection pourra utiliser l'un quelconquedes appareils 4numkrds ci-dessus, i l'exception des appareils photographiques,qui ne pourront etre utilises que par la Partie inspecte A la demande de laPartie Inspectante. Au cours des inspections effectuees conformnment auparagraphe 5 b) de l'article XI du Trait4, toutes les mesures seront rialisespar la Partie inspect~e, sur la demande de la Partie inspectante. Ala demande des inspecteurs, l'escorte dans le pays prendra des photographiesdes installations inspecties avec les appareils de la Partie inspectante, qui

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seront des appareils A d~veloppement instantan4 capables de produire desipreuves positives en double exemplaire. Chacune des parties recevra un

exemplaire de chaque photographie.

10. Pour les inspections effectudes conformement aux paragraphes 3, 4,5, 7 ou 8 de larticle XI du Trait4, les inspecteurs autoriseront l'escortedans le pays j examiner le mat4riel utilis4 au cours de Ijinspection parl'4quipe d'inspection.

11. Les mesures enregistrdes au cours des inspections seront certifieespar la signature d'un membre de 1'4quipe d'inspection et d'un membre del'escorte dans le pays au moment o6 elles seront prises. Ces donndescertifides seront incluses dans le rapport d'inspection.

12. Les inspecteurs seront autoris4s a demande r des explications ausujet des points obscurs relev4s au cours d'une inspection. Ces demandesd'explications seront adresses sans retard par l'intermedialre de l'escorte.Celle-ci fournira i l'4quipe d'inspection, au cours d'une inspection, lesexplications ndcessaires pour 4claircir les points obscurs. Slil n'est paspossible de rdpondre de maniire satisfaisante 1 des questions relatives a unobjet ou un bitiment situ4 sur le site d'inspection, la Partie inspectdephotographiera l'objet ou le bitiment en question, i la demande de la Partieinspectante, afin que des explications puissent itre obtenues en ce quiconcerne sa nature et sa fonction. Si un point obscur ne peut pas etre4clairci au cours d'une inspection, la question s'y rapportant, lesexplications correspondantes et un exemplaire de toute photographie prisel'endroit concern4 seront inclus dans le rapport d'inspection.

13. Dana l'exercice de leurs fonctions, les inspecteurs se conformerontaux reglements en matiire de scurit4 4tablis au site d'inspection, notaimmentaux dispositions visant i assurer la protection d'emplacements surveill4s dansune installation donn4e ainsi que la s4curit4 des personnes. La partieinspect4e fournira, le cas 4chdant, A chaque membre de l'4quipe d'inspectionles v~tements et le mat4riel de protection ndcessaires.

14. Pour les inspections effectu4es conformament aux paragraphes 3, 4,5, 7 ou 8 de l'article XI du Trait4, la procddure prdalable i linspection,y compris les r4unions d'information et les activitds lides A la s4curit4,ddbutera d,&s l'arrivde sur place de ld4quipe d'inspection et ne durera pasplus d'une heure. L'4quipe d'inspection commencera son inspection dislachivement de la proc4dure prdalable i l'inspection. L'inspection ne durerapas plus de 24 heures, sauf dans les cas des inspections vises auxparagraphes 6, 7 ou 8 de l'article XI du Trait4. En accord avec lescorte dansle pays, la durde de Vinspection pourra &tre prolongde de huit heures aumaximum. La proc4dure suivant l'inspection, qui comprend notamment la mise aupoint ddfinitive du rapport d'inspection conform~ment aux dispositions de lasection XI du pr4sent Protocole, d4butera imm4diatement apris linspection etsera achevde dans un ddlai de quatre heures, au site d'inspection.

15. Une 4quipe chargde d'effectuer une inspection conformdment Alarticle XI du Trait4 comprendra au maximum 10 inspecteurs, sauf s'il S'agitd'une inspection effectude conformdment aux paragraphes 7 ou 8 dudit article,pour laquelle l'iquipe pourra comprendre 20 inspecteurs au maximum, ou d'uneinspection effectu4e conform4ment au paragraphe 6 dudit article, pour laquellel'dquipe pourra comprendre 30 inspecteurs au maximum. Dans chaque 4quipe, deuxinspecteurs au moins devront parler la langue de la Partie inspecte.Une equipe d'inspection sera placie sous la direction d'un chef d'4quipe et deson adjoint. A l'arrivde au site d'inspection, l'iquipe d'inspection pourra

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se diviser en sous-groupes comprenant au moins deux inspecteurs chacun.Deux iquipes d'inspection ne pourront pas se trouver dans un mime lieud'inspection, au mizue moment.

16. Sauf dans le cas des inspections effectu~es conformgment auxparagraphes 3, 4, 7 ou 8 de lartlcle XI du Trait4, i la fin de la prociduresuivant l'inspection, l'4quipe d'inspection regagnera sans retard le pointd'entrie i partir duquel l'inspection a dibuti, puis elle quittera dans les24 heures le territoire du pays o6 se trouve le site d'inspection, a bord deson propre appareil. Dans le cas des inspections effectuies conformgment auxparagraphes 3, 4, 7 ou 8 de l'article XI du Trait4, si l'quipe d'inspectionsouhaite procdder 1 une autre inspection, elle devra :

a) En informer la Partie inspectde, dis son retour au point d'entrde; ou

b) Informer la Partie inspect~e du type d'inspection et du sited'inspection privus, 1 la f.in de la proc~dure suivant l'inspection. Danscette iventualiti, il incombera A la Partie inspectde de faire en sorte quel'iquipe d'inspection atteigne sans retard le site d'inspection suivant. LaPartie inspectie d~terminera les moyens de transport que devra utiliserl'iquipe d'inspection et litingraire qu'elle devra emprunter pour ced~placement.

S'agissant de lalinda a) ci-dessus, les dispositions enoncees au paragraphe 7de la section V et aux paragraphes I et 2 de la section VII du pr~sentProtocole sont applicables.

VII. Inspections effectudes conform~ment aux paragraphes 3, 4 ou 5 del'article XI du Traite

I. Dans l'heure qui suit le moment de la sp6cification du sitedinspection, tel que notifi6 conformdment au paragraphe 1 a) de la section IVdu pr~sent Protocole, la Partie inspect4e appliquera, au site d'inspection,les restrictions de mouvement pr4alables i 1inspection qui resteront envigueur jusqu' l'arriv4e sur place de l'iquipe d'inspection. Durant lap4riode d'applxcation de ces restrictions, les missiles, i.ages de missiles,lanceurs ou equipements auxiliaires visas par le Traite ne pourront pas sortirdu site d'inspection.

2. La Partie inspect4e assurera le transport de l'4quipe d'inspectiondu point d'entr~e jusqu'au site d'inspection afin que cette 4quipe arrive surplace neuf heures au plus tard apr~s le moment de la sp~cification du sited'inspection, tel que notifzi conform~ment au paragraphe 1 a) de la section IVdu present Protocole.

3. Dans le cas des inspections effectuies dans un pays de mise enplace, 1'equipage de bord de la Partie inspect4e pourra comprendre desrepresentants du pays en question.

4. Aucune Partie n'effectuera plus d'une inspection a la foisconform~ment au paragraphe 5 a) de larticle XI du Trait4, plus d'uneinspection i la fois conformiment au paragraphe 5 b) de larticle XI du Trait4ou plus de 10 inspections A la fois conformiment au paragraphe 3 del'article XI du Traite.

5. Les limites du site d'inspection au lieu o6 se trouve linstallationA inspecter seront celles de 1'installation en question, telles que d~finiesdans le Memorandum d'accord.

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6. Sauf dans le cas d'une inspection effectuee conformement au

paragraphe 4 ou 5 b) de ]'article XI du Traite, dis l'arriv~e de l'quipe

dinspection au site d'inspection, lescorte dans le pays informera le chef de

l'quipe d'inspection du nombre de missiles, d'4tages de missiles, de

lanceurs, d'ouvrages et d'4quipements auxiliaires visas par le Trait4 qui se

trouvent sur les lieux de linspection et communiquera au chef d'4quipe un

sch6ma du site d'inspection indiquant lemplacement de ces 4i1ments.

7. Sous riserve des modalitis 4noncies aux paragraphes 8 i 14 de la

pr~sente section, les inspecteurs auront le droit d'inspecter Vensemble du

site d'inspection, y compris l'intirieur des ouvrages, conteneurs ou v~hicules

et les objets couverts, dont les dimensions sont 4gales ou sup~rieures A

celles pr~cis~es dans la section VI du Memorandum d'accord pour les missiles,

les 4tages de missiles, les lanceurs ou les 4quipements auxiliaires de la

Partie inspectie.

U. Un missile, un 4tage de missile ou un lanceur visa par le Trait4 ne

pourra tre soumis qu ' un examen visuel externe, y compris, selon qu'il

conviendra, des mesures de ses dimensions. Un conteneur dont la Partie

• spect~e d~clare qu'il contient un missile ou un 4tage de missile vis6 par le

Trait6 et qui n'est pas suffisamment large pour pouvoir contenir plus d'un

missile ou irage de missile de la Partie inspectee vis4 par le Trait4, ne

pourra itre soumis qu' un examen vLsuel externe, y compris, selon qu'il

conviendra, des mesures des dimensions de ce conteneur pour s'assurer qu'il ne

peut pas renfermer plus d'un tel missile ou itage de missile. Sous r~serve des

dispositions du paragraphe 14 de la pr~sente section, linspection d'un

conteneur suffisamment large pour renfermer un missile ou un itage de missile

de la Partie inspectee vis4 par le Trait6 et dont la Partie inspectie diclare

qu'il ne renferme pas un tel objet ne pourra consister qu'en un pesage ou un

examen visuel de l'int~rieur du conteneur, selon qu'il conviendra, pour

confirmer que ce conteneur ne renferme effectivement pas de missile ou d'6tage

de missile de la Partie inspectee vis4 par le Trait6. Si le conteneur est un

conteneur utilisi pour le lancement d'un type de missile auquel le Trait4 ne

s'applique pas et si la Partie inspectee declare qu'il renferme un tel

missile, il ne sera proc~d6 qu'A une inspection externe comprenant notamment

l'emploi d'appareils de d~tection de la radioactivit4, un examen visuel et des

mesures lin~aires, selon qu'il conviendra, des dimensions du conteneur.

9. Un ouvrage ou un conteneur qui n'est pas suffisanent large pour

renfermer un missile, un 4tage de missile ou un lanceur de la Partie inspectee

vIs6 par le Trait4 ne sera soumis qu'A une inspection visuelle externe

comprenant, selon qu'il conviendra, des mesures des dimensions de cette

structure ou de ce conteneur pour confirmer qu'il nest pas suffisamment large

pour renfermer un tel missile, 6tage de missile ou lanceur.

10. Lorsqu'une 4quipe d'inspection aura obtenu la preuve que, dans un

ouvrage donne, un emplacement suffisamment large pour contenir un missile, un

etage ae missile ou un lanceur de la Partie inspectee vise par le Traite est

en fait inaccessible au plus petit missile, 4tage de missile ou lanceur de

cette cat~gorie, cet emplacement ne sera pas soumis A une inspection plus

poussee. Si la Partie inspectee prouve i la satisfaction de l'iquipe

d'inspection qu'un espace clos ne contient pas de missile, dVtage de missile

ou de lanceur de la Partie inspectee visi par le Traiti, sur la base d'un

examen visuel de l'int4rieur de cet espace A partir de lentree, l'espace en

question ne sera pas soumis A une inspection plus poussee.

11. L'4quipe d'inspection sera autoris~e A patrouiller le p~rimitre du

site d'inspection et A poster des inspecteurs aux issues de ce site durant


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12. L'4quipe d'inspection sera autoris~e 1 inspecter tout v4hiculesusceptible de transporter des missiles, des 4tages de missiles, des lanceursou des 4quipements auxillaires de la Partie inspect4e visis par le Traiti, itout moment au cours d'une inspection et aucun vdhicule de cette nature nepourra quitter le site d'inspection durant le ddroulement de l'inspectionmoins d'avoir 4t4 inspecti i la sortie du site par 11quipe d'inspection.

13. Avant l'inspection d'un bitiment sur le site d'inspection, l'quiped'inspection pourra poster des sous-groupes aux issues du bitiment qui sontsuffisamment larges pour permettre le passage d'un missile, 4tage de missile,lanceur ou 4quipement auxiliaire de la Partie inspectie vis4 par le Traitd.Durant l'inspection du bitiment, aucun vdhicule ou objet susceptible decontenir un missile, dtage de missile, lanceur ou 4quipement auxiliaire de laPartie inspectde visi par le Traits ne pourra quitter le bitiment sans avoirt4 contr6li.

14. Durant une inspection effectude conformiment au paragraphe 5 b) del'article XI du Traiti, il incombera i la Partie inspectde de prouver qu'unobjet camouf14 ou protdgi contre les intemperies dont les dimensions sontegales ou superieures i celles du plus petit missile, tage de missile oulanceur de la Partie inspect4e vis4 par le Traitd W'est pas en fait unmissile, dtage de missile ou lanceur de cette nature. A cet effet, on pourraenlever partiellement le camouflage ou la protection anti-intempdries, mesurerou peser l'objet recouvert ou encore utiliser d'autres mdthodes d'inspection.Si la Partie inspectie ddmontre i la satisfaction de l'dquipe d'inspection quel'objet en question n'est pas un missile, itage de missile ou lanceur vis4 parle Traitd, cet objet ne sera pas soumis i une inspection plus poussie. Si leconteneur est un conteneur utilis pour le lancement d'un type de missileauquel le Trait4 ne s'applique pas et si la Partie inspectde diclare qu'llrenferme un missile de cette nature, l'6quipe d'inspection prociderauniquement a une inspection externe comprenant notamnent lemploi d'apparellsde ddtection de la radioactivitd, un examen visuel et, selon qu'il conviendra,des mesures lindaires des dimensions du conteneur.

VIII. Inspections effectudes conformement aux paragraphes 7 ou 8 delarticle XI du Trait4

1. Les inspections du processus d'elimination des elements des systemesde missiles spdcifids dans le Protocole concernant 1-elimination qui sonteffectuies conformdment au paragraphe 7 de l'article XI du Traiti sederouleront selon les procddures expos4es dans le prdsent paragraphe et dansle Protocole concernant l'limination :

a) A leur arriv6e dans 2installation d'dlimination, les inspecteursrecevront un calendrier des activitds d'41imination.

b) Les inspecteurs compareront les donndes specifi6es dans lanotification fournie par la Partie inspectde et qui se rapportent au nombre etau type d'41ments des systimes de missiles A 41iminer avec le nombre et letype de ces didments se trouvant A 1'installation ddliimination avant le debutdes procedures d'ilimination.

c) Sous reserve des paragraphes 3 et 11 de la section VI du prisentProtocole, les inspecteurs surveilleront l'excution des procdduresspecifiques d'dlimination des 4diments des systimes de missiles privues dansle Protocole concernant l'41imination. Au cas oi ils dicouvriraient desdirogations aux procddures d'4limination arritdes, les inspecteurs auront ledroit d'appeler J'attention de l'escorte dans le pays sur la nicessiti de

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respecter rigoureusement les procidures susmentionnies. L'accomplissement deces procidures sera confirmi selon les procidures spcifides dans le Protocoleconcernant 11.limination.

d) Au cours de ldlimination des missiles par lancement, lesinspecteurs auront le droit de v4rifier par observation visuelle si le missilequ'on se pripare i lancer est un missile du type 1 iliminer. Les inspecteurspourront aussi observer ce missile, jusqu&i ce que le lancement en soitachevi, A partir d'un lieu sar spicifii par la Partie inspect4e. Pendantl'inspection d'ane sirie de lancements en vue de l'41imination de missiles parlancement, la Partie inspectie diterminera les moyens de transport etl'itiniraire qu'emprunteront les inspecteurs entre les sites d'inspection.

2. Les inspections de l'1imination des il6ments des systmes demissiles spdcifi4s dans le Protocole concernant l1imination qui sonteffectu6es conformdment au paragraphe 8 de l'article XI du Trait4 sedirouleront selon les proc6dures exposies dans les sections II, IV ou V duProtocole concernant l'41imination ou de toute autre manikre convenue paries Parties.

IX. Activitds d'inspection effectudes conformiment au paragraphe 6 delarticle XI du Traitd

1. La Partie inspectde riservera un pirimitre convenu au-deli de lapiriph6rie du site d'inspection et d6signera un acc~s par lequel ne passerontqu'une voie de chemin de fer et une route situdes i 50 mitres l'une del'autre. Tt.us les vdhicules qui peuvent contenir un GLBM A portieintermidiaire ou l'tage le plus long d'un GLBM de ce type appartenant i laPartie inspect4-? devront sortir par cet accis.

2. Aux fins de la prdsente section, les dispositions du paragraphe 10de larticle VII du Traiti s'appliqueront aux GLEM i portde intermidiaire dela Par-. nspectie et i l'tage le plus long de ces GLBM.

3. Le site d'inspection ne comportera pas plus de deux autres issues.Ces issues seront surveilldes au moyen de d6tecteurs appropriis. Le perimitreet leS issues du site d'inspection peuvent itre surveillds conformdment auxdispo ,-ions du paragraphe 11 de la section VII du prdsent Protocole.

4. La Partie inspectante aura le droit d'4tablir des systimes continusde surveillance i Vaccis difini au paragraphe I de la prisente section ainsique des ddtecteurs approprids aux issues ddfinies au paragraphe 3 de laprisente section, et d'entreprendre les levis d'4tude, les travaux, lesrtparacions et le remplacement des systimes de surveillance qui serontncessaires.

5. La Partie inspectie devra, 1 la demande et aux frais de la Partieinspectante, fournir ce qui suit :

a) Tous les services de distribution ndcessaires pour la constructionet le fonctionnement des systimes de surveillance, y compris l'nergie4lectrique, leau, le combustible, le chauffage et Vassainissementl

b) Les matiriaux de construction de base, y compris le biton et le bois;

C) L'amenagement du terrain n6cessaire pour installer des syst~mes desurveillance de l'acces ddfini au paragraphe 1 de Ia prdsente section quifonctionneront en continu, des ditecteurs approprids aux autres issues

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ddfinies au paragraphe 3 de la prisente section et du centre de collecte desdonn~es obtenues au cours des inspections. Cet am~nagement peut comprendre destravaux d'excavation, la pose de fondations b~tonnies, le creusement detranch~es entre lea lieux o6 se trouve le matiriel et les branchements desservices de distribution;

d) Le transport depuis le point d'entr~e jusqu'au site d'inspection desoutils, des matdriaux et des 4quipements n~cessaires pour linstallation;

e) Deux lignes tiphoniques au minimum et, selon lea besoins, dumatdriel radiophonique A haute fr~quence qui permette d'assurer descommunications directes avec I'ambassade de la Partie inspectante 4tablie dansle pays oa se trouve le site.

6. En dehors du p~rimitre du site d'inspection, la Partie inspectanteaura le droit :

a) De construire trois bitiments au plus dont is surface-planchertotale n'exc6dera pas 150 m2, qui abriteront un centre de donndes et le siigede l'4quipe d'inspection, et un bitiment supplmentaire dont lasurface-plancher ne d~passera pas 500 m2, lequel servira au stockage desfournitures et du mat~riel;

b) Dinstaller des syst~mes de contr8le des issues qui comporteront desd4tecteurs de poids, des appareils d'identification des v4hicules, dessyst~mes de surveillance et des instruments de mesure de la dimension desvehicules;

c) Dinstaller A laccis d~fini au paragraphe 1 de Ia prdsente sectiondes instruments de mesure de la longueur et du diamitre des 4tages de missilesque renferment les conteneurs de lancement ou lea conteneurs de transport;

d) Dinstaller i l'accis ddfini au paragraphe 1 de la pr6sente sectiondu matiriel de production d'images ne causant pas de dommages pour visualiserle contenu des conteneurs de lancement ou des conteneurs de transport dont ilest d~clar4 qu'iis renferment des missiles ou des 4tages de missiles, commepr~vu au paragraphe 11 de la pr4sente section;

e) Dinstaller une source d'4nergie 41ectrique primaire et d'appoint;

f) D'utiliser, si besoin est, un dispositif pour itablir l'authenticitedes donn~es.

7. Pendant l'installation ou en cours de fonctionnement des systimes decontrole, la Partie inspectante ne refusera pas A la Partie inspectde laccisaux ouvrages existants ou aux syst~mes de s~curiti, quels qu'ils soient.La Partie inspectante ne prendra aucune mesure touchant ces ouvrages sanslassentiment de la Partie inspect~e. Si lea Parties conviennent que lesouvrages en question doivent itre reconstruits ou ddmolis, soit en partie soitentiirement, la Partie inspectante versera l'indemniti voulue.

a. La Partie inspect4e ne touchera pas au mat~riel install et nelimitera pas laccis de l'4quipe d'inspection A ce materiel.

9. La Partie inspectante aura le droit d'utiliser sea propres systimesd'4metteurs r~cepteurs pour assurer lea communications radiophoniques entreles inspecteurs qui patrouillent le p~rimitre et le centre de collecte des

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donnies. La puissance et lea friquences de ces systimes seront conformes auxrestrictions itablies sur le territoire de la Partie inspect~e.

10. Les avions nlauront pas lautorisation d'atterrir i lintgrieur dup6rim~tre du site surveill4, except4 s'il y a urgence au site et moyennantnotification pr~alable de l'lquipe d'inspection.

11. Tout convoi assez grand et assez lourd pour contenir un GLEM iportde intermediaire ou l'tage le plus long d'un tel GLBM de la Partieinspectde qui passe par Vacc&s ddfini au paragraphe I de la pr~sente sectionsera d~clar4 par la Partie inspect~e &1 '6quipe d'inspection avant qu'il neparvienne 1 cet accis. La ddclaration pr~cisera si le convoi contient unmissile ou un 4tage de missile aussi grand ou plus grand et aussi lourd ouplus lourd qu'un GLBM i port~e interm~diaire ou que l'1tage le plus long d'untel GLBM de la Partie inspect~e.

12. L'4quipe d'inspection aura le droit de peser tout v~hicule,y compris lea wagons de chemin de fer, et de mesurer lea dimensions de toutv~hicule sortant du site pour vdrifier s'il est assez grand et assez lourdpour contenir un GLBM i porte interm~diaire ou l'4tage le plus long d'un telGLEm de la Partie inspect6e. Ces mesures seront prises de mani~re i retarderaussi peu que possible les v~hicules sortant du site. Les v~hicules qui nesont pas assez grands ou pas assez lourds pour contenir un GLBM 1 porteintermddiaire ou 11tage le plus long d'un tel GLBM de la Partie inspectie neferont pas l'objet d'une inspection plus approfondie.

13. Les v~hicules sortant par l'accis d~fini au paragraphe 1 de laprdsente section qui sont assez grands et assez lourds pour contenir un GLBMporte intermddiaire ou 1'4tage le plus long d'un tel GLBM de la Partieinspect6e mais dont il est ddclar4 qu'ils ne contiennent pas de missile oud'6tage de missile aussi grand ou plus grand et aussi lourd ou plus lourdqu'un GLBM i port~e intermidiaire ou 1'4tage le plus long d'un tel GLEM de laPartie inspect6e seront soumis aux procedures suivantes :

a) La partie inspectante aura le droit d'inspecter l'int~rieur de tousles vdhicules de ce type.

b) Si la Partie inspectante peut d~terminer par observation visuelle ouen mesurant les dimensions d'un vihicule donn4 que ne sly trouvent ni desconteneurs ni des objets recouverts assez grands pour &tre ou pour contenirun GLEM i port6e interm~diaire ou l'tage le plus long d'un tel GLEM de laPartie inspect6e, le v~hicule en question ne fera pas l'objet d'une inspectionplus approfondie.

c) Si un vdhicule transporte un ou plusieurs conteneurs ou objetsrecouverts assez grands pour tre ou pour contenir un GLEM i port6einterm6diaire ou l'4tage le plus long d'un tel GLEM de la Partie inspectde, ilincombera 1 celle-ci de prouver que ces conteneurs ou objeta recouverts nesont pas des GLBM 1 port~e intermediaire ou l'tage le plus long de tels GLBNde la Partie inspectde et qu'ils ne contiennent pas de tels conteneurs ouobjets recouverts.

14. Les vdhicules sortant par laccis ddfini au paragraphe 1 de lapr~sente section dont il est d~clar4 qu'ils contiennent un missile ou un 4tagede missile aussi grand ou plus grand et aussi lourd ou plus lourd qu'un GLBMporte interm~diaire ou que-1'4tage le plus long d'un tel GLEM de la Partieinspect~e seront soumis aux procddures suivantes :

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a) La Partie inspectante priservera Vintigrit4 du missile ou delVtage de missile inspect4.

b) Les appareils de mesure ne seront placis qu'i l'extirieur duconteneur de lancement ou du conteneur de transport; la Partie inspectanteproc~dera i toutes les mesures au moyen des instruments prdvus au paragraphe 6de la pr~sente section. Lescorte dans le pays assistera i is prise de cesmesures et en certifiera Ilexactitude.

C) La Partie inspectante aura le droit de peser tout conteneur delancement ou tout conteneur de transport dont il eat d~clar4 qu'ilscontiennent un tel missile ou itage de missile et d'en mesurer lea dimensions,ainsi que de visualiser le contenu de tout conteneur de lancement ou de toutconteneur de transport dont il eat d~clarg qu'ils contiennent un tel missileou tage de missile; elie aura le droit, huit fois par annie civile, de voirlea missiles ou srages de missiles que renferment leas conteneurs de lancementou les conteneurs de transport. Lescorte dans le pays sara prdsente & toutesles itapes de cette observation. Pour l'examen du contenu s

i) L'extr~mit4 avant du conteneur de lancement ou le couvercle duconteneur de transport seront ddgag~s;

ii) Le missile ou l'tage de missile ne seront pas extraits duconteneur de lancement ou du conteneur de transport;

iii) La longueur et le diamitre des itages du missile seront mesuresselon les mithodes arrit~es par les Parties de maniire id~terminer que le missile ou l'tage de missile nest pas un GLBMi port~e interm~diaire de la Partie inspect~e ou 1'4tage le pluslong d'un tel GLBM, et que ce missile n'a pas plus d'un stageext~rieurement semblable i l'4tage d'un type existant de GLBM iporte interm~diaire.

d) La Partie inspectante aura aussi le droit d'inspecter tout autraeconteneur ou objet recouvert se trouvant i Vintirieur du v~hicule quicontient un tel missile ou stage de missile conform~ment aux proc6duresexposies au paragraphe 13 de la pr4sente section.

X. Annulation de l'inspection

Une inspection sera annul~e si, en raison de circonstances d~coulant d'uncas de force majeure, il n'est pas possible de leffectuer. Au cas oa unretard empicherait une 4quipe d'inspecteurs chargie d'une inspectionconform~ment aux paragraphes 3, 4 ou 5 de l'article XI du Trait4 d'arriver ausite d'inspection dans lea d6lais indiqu~s au paragraphe 2 de la section II duprisent Protocole, la Partie inspectante pourra soit annuler soit effectuerlinspection. En cas d'annulation d'une inspection en raison de circonstancesdicoulant d'un cas de force majeure ou d'un retard, le nombre d'inspectionsauxquelles a droit la Partie inspectante ne sara pas r~duit.

XI. Rapport d'inspection

1. Pour les inspections effectu~es conform~ment aux paragraphes 3, 4,5, 7 ou 8 de larticle XI du Trait4, dans le cadre des proc~dures suivantlinspection et deux heures au plus tard apris la fin de celle-ci, le chef de1'4quipe d'inspection communiquera i l'escorte dans le pays un rapportd'inspection r~digi en anglais et en russe. Ce rapport sera factuel.

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I1 portera sur le type dinspection effectuie, le site d'inspection, le nombrede missiles, d'6tages de missiles, de lanceurs et d'4quipements auxiliairesvis~s par le Trait4 qui ont 6t4 observds au Cours de 1'inspection et surtoutes les mesures qui ont pu etre enregistr4es conformdment au paragraphe 11de la section VI du pr4sent Protocole. Les photographies prises pendantV'inspection, conformement aux proc4dures arritges, ainsi que le sch4ma dusite inspect4 fourni en vertu des dispositions du paragraphe 6 de lasection VII du present Protocole seront annexes a ce rapport.

2. Pour lea activit~s d'inspection effectu~es conform~ment auparagraphe 6 de larticle XI du Trait6, le chef de 1*4quipe d'inspectioncommuniquera A Vescorte dans le pays, dans les trois jours suivant la fin dechaque mois, un rapport d'inspection r4dig4 en anglais et en russe.Ce rapport sera factuel. Il portera sur le nombre de v~hicules dont il a it6ddclar4 qu'ils contenaient un missile ou un dtage de missile aussi grand ouplus grand et aussi lourd ou plus lourd qu'un GLBM i porte intermddiaire oul'4tage le plus long d'un tel GLBM de la Pactie inspect6e et qui ont quitt4dans le courant du mois vis4 le site d'inspection par l'acc~s ddfini auparagraphe 1 de la section IX du prdsent Protocole. Dans ce rapportfigureront aussi toutes les mesures des conteneurs de lancement ou desconteneurs de transport que renfermaient ces vihicules qui ont pu itreenregistrees conformment au paragraphe 11 de la section VI du prisentProtocole. Au cas oa la Partie inspectante aurait, en vertu des dispositionsdu paragraphe 14 c) de la section IX du pr4sent Protocole, vu l'int4rieur d'unconteneur de lancement ou d'un conteneur de transport dont il avait 4t6d4clard qu'is contenaient un missile ou un dtage de missile aussi grand ouplus grand et aussi lourd et plus lourd qu'un GLBM i portie intermediaire oul'itage le plus long d'un tel GLBM de la Partie inspect4e, le rapportindiquera aussi les mesures concernant la longueur et le diamitre des dtagesdu missile prises au cours de l'inspection et enregistr4es conform4ment auparagraphe 11 de la section VI du pr4sent Protocole.

Les ptotographies prises pendant l'inspection conform4ment aux proc4duresconvenes seront annexdes i ce rapport.

3. La Partie inspectde aura le droit de prdsenter ses observations par4crit dans le rapport.

4. Sil y a dans le rapport d'inspection des ambigut4s touchant'information factuelle prdsentie, les Parties les liveront dans toute la

mesure du possible. Les 4claircissements apportds seront consign4s dans lerapport. Celui-ci sera sign4 par le chef de l'iquipe d'inspection et par l'undes membres de lescorte dans le pays. Chaque Partie gardera un exemplaire durapport.

Le pr6sent Protocole fait partie int6grante du Traiti. Sa date d'entr6een vigueur sera celle de lentr6e en vigueur du Traiti et le Protocole resteraen vigueur aussi longtemps que le Trait4. Comme prdvu au paragraphe 1 b) delarticle XIII du Trait6, lea Parties pourront convenir des mesureseventuellement nicessaires pour amiliorer la viabiliti et l'efficacit4 dupr4sent Protocole. Ces mesures ne seront pas consid6ries comme constituantdes amendements au Trait6.

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FAIT 1 Washington, le 8 ddcembre 1987, en deux exemplaires, en languesanglaise et russe, les deux textes faisant igalement foi.

Pour les Etats-Unisd'Am6rique:

Le Pr6sident des Etats-Unisd'Am6rique,


Pour l'Union des R6publiquessocialistes sovi6tiques :

Le Secr6taire g6n6ral du Comit6central du Parti communiste

de l'Union sovi6tique,


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Afin de s'acquitter effectivement de leurs fonctions, aux fins delapplication du Trait4 et non dana leur intgrit personnel, les inspecteurs etles membres d'4quipage visas i la section III du pr~sent Protocoleb~ndficieront des priviliges et immunits 4numdris dans la pr~sente annexe.Ces privil~ges et immunitds leur seront accord~a pour toute la p riode qu'ilspasseront dans le pays ox se trouve un site i inspecter et, au-deli de cettepiriode, pour lea actes qu'ils auront accomplis dana l'exercice de leursfonctions officielles d'inspecteurs ou de membres d'4quipage.

I. Les inspecteurs et lea membres d'4quipage b~n~ficieront del'inviolabilit4 dont jouissent lea agents diplomatiques en vertu deI'article 29 de la Convention de Vienne sur les relations diplomatiques endate du 18 avril 19611.

2. Le logement et les locaux de travail occupds par un inspecteurexergant ses activitis d'inspection conformdment au paragraphe 6 delarticle XI du Traitg jouiront de la mime inviolabiliti et de la mimeprotection que lea locaux des agents diplomatiques conformment a larticle 30de la Convention de Vienne sur lea relations diplomatiques.

3. Les documents et la correspondance des inspecteurs et des membresd'iquipage jouiront de la mime inviolabilit4 que lea documents et lacorrespondance des agents diplomatiques conform4ment 1 l'article 30 de laConvention de Vienne sur les relations diplomatiques. En outre, l'avion de1'4quipe d'inspection sera inviolable.

4. Les inspecteurs et lea membres d'4quipage jouiront des immunit~saccorddes aux agents diplomatiques conform4ment aux paragraphes 1, 2 et 3 del'article 31 de la Convention de Vienne sur les relations diplomatiques.L'immuniti de juridiction d'un inspecteur ou d'un membre d'4quipage peut itrelevge par la Partie qui inspecte au cas o6 celle-ci estime que cette immunit4ginerait le cours de la justice et qu'elle peut itre leve sans prejudice del'application des dispositions du Trait4. L'immunit4 doit toujours itreexpress~ment levee.

5. Les inspecteurs qui s'acquittent de leura activit~s d'inspectionconformiment au paragraphe 6 de l'article XI du Trait4 jouiront de l'exemptiondes droits et taxes accord~e aux agents diplomatiques confortdment Al'article 34 de la Convention de Vienne sur lea relations diplomatiques.

6. Les inspecteurs et membres d'4quipage d'une Partie aurontlautorisation d'apporter sur le territoire de lautre Partie ou d'un pays demise en place o6 se trouve un site d'inspection, sans payer de droits dedouane ou de redevances connexes, des articles destinds A leur usagepersonnel, h lexception d'articles dont l'importation ou l'exportation eatinterdite par la loi ou contr6lie par une riglementation de quarantaine.

I Nations Unies, Recuei des Traits, vol. 500, p. 95.

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7. Les inspecteurs ou lea membres d'4quipage ne se livreront dans leurint~rit personnel, a aucune activiti professionnelle ou comerciale sur leterritoire de la Partie inspectie ou sur celui des pays de mise en place.

8. Si la Partie inspect~e estime qu'il y a eu abus des priviliges etimmunitis spkcifiis dans la prdsente annexe, les Parties se consulteront pourditerminer s'il y a bien eu abus et, au cas o6 cela serait 4tabli, pour iviter!a r~pitition de tels abus.

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A la lumiire des discussions entre le Secrdtaire d'Etat des Etats-Unis d'Am6-rique et le Ministre des affaires 6trang~res de l'Union des R6publiques socialistessovi6tiques qui ont eu lieu A Gen~ve et A Moscou le 14 avril puis les 21 et 22 avril1988 et de la lettre du 15 avril 1988 adress6e au Secrdtaire d'Etat par le Ministredes affaires 6trangires, le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis a souhait6 fixer dans unaccord conclu par un 6change de notes l'opinion commune A laquelle sont parvenusles deux Gouvernements concernant l'application du Trait6 entre les Etats-Unisd'Am6rique et l'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi6tiques sur I'61imination deleurs missiles A port6e interm6diaire et A plus courte port6e (ci-apr~s d6nomm6 < leTrait6 >>), signd le 8 d6cembre 1987 A Washington, touchant aux missiles A port6eintermtdiaire ou A plus courte portde essay6s en vol ou ddploy6s en tant que vecteurd'armes en fonction de la technologie actuelle ou de technologies futures, ainsi querelativement A la question connexe de la d6finition du terme «< vecteur d'armes >> telqu'employ6 dans le Trait.

La position du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique est que les Partiesconviennent d'un commun accord que tous leurs missiles A port6e interm6diaire etA plus courte port6e, tels que d6finis par le Traitd sont r6gis, aussi bien A l'heureactuelle que dans l'avenir, par les dispositions du Traitd.

Dans ce domaine, la position du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amdrique esten outre que les Parties conviennent d'un commun accord que l'expression <« vec-teur d'armes >> vis6e par le Trait6 s'entend de tout missile balistique ou de croisi~red'une port6e de 500 kilom~tres A 5 500 kilom~tres essay6 en vol ou d6ploy6 en tantque vecteur d'armes ou en tant qu'arme, c'est-A-dire, toute ogive militaire, toutm6canisme ou tout appareillage qui, lorsqu'il est point6 vers un objectif, est conqupour l'endommager ou pour le d6truire. C'est pourquoi le Trait6 exige l'61iminationet interdit la production et les essais en vol de tout missile essay6 ou d6ploy6 en tantque vecteur d'armes ou en tant qu'arme en fonction de la technologie actuelle ou detechnologies futures, A l'exception des missiles vis6s au paragraphe 3 de l'article VIIdu Trait6. La position du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique est 6galementque les Parties sont convenus d'un commun accord que le Trait6 ne s'applique pasaux engins non vecteurs d'armes.

Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique estime que les dispositionsci-dessus 6noncent les termes de l'entente intervenue entre les deux Gouvernementssur ces questions. S'il en est bien ainsi le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Am6riquepropose que la prbsente note et la r6ponse sovi6tique confirmant que le Gouverne-ment de l'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi6tiques partage l'opinion du Gou-vernement des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique telle qu'expos6e ci-dessus, constituent unaccord entre le Gouvernement des Etats Unis d'Am6rique et le Gouvernement del'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi6tiques.


Gen~ve, le 12 mai 1988Vol. 1657, 1-28521

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Le Gouvernement de l'Union des R~publiques socialistes sovidtiques accuser6ception de la note du Gouvemement des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique du 12 mai 1988dont la teneur suit :

[Voir note I]

Le Gouvernement de l'Union des Rdpubliques socialistes sovi6tiques dclareque le texte et la teneur de la note du Gouvemement des Etats-Unis d'Am6riquerecueillent pleinement son accord et qu'il partage totalement l'opinion du Gou-vernement des Etats Unis d'Am~rique expos e dans ladite note.

Le Gouvernement de l'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi6tiques accepteque la note du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Am~rique du 12 mai 1988 et lapr~sente note de confirmation constituent un accord entre les Gouvernements del'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi6tiques et des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique auxtermes duquel le Trait6 entre les Etats-Unis d'Am~rique et l'Union des R6publiquessocialistes sovi~tiques sur l'dlimination de leurs missiles A port6e intermdiaire et Aplus courte port~e est applicable aux missiles A port6e interm6diaire et A plus courteport~e essay6s en vol ou d~ploy6s en tant que vecteurs d'armes en fonction de latechnologie actuelle ou de technologies futures, ainsi que relativement A la questionconnexe de la ddfinition du terme « vecteur d'armes > tel qu'employ6 dans le Trait6.

Gen~ve, le 12 mai 1988

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Gen~ve, le 12 mai 1988

Au cours de la r6union qui s'est tenue entre le Secrdtaire Shultz et le Ministredes affaires 6trang~res Chevardnadze les 11 et 12 mai 1988 A Gen~ve, les repr6sen-tants des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et de l'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi6-tiques ont discut6 des probl~mes ci-apris relatifs au Traitd entre les Etats-Unisd'Amdrique et l'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi~tiques sur l'61imination deleurs missiles A port6e interm6diaire et A plus courte port6e sign6 le 8 d6cembre 1987A Washington. A la suite de ces discussions les Parties se sont entendues sur lespoints suivants.

1. Conform6ment au paragraphe 7 de la section VII du Protocole concemantles inspections, au cours des inspections de v6rification des donn6es pr6liminaires,de v6rification de l'ach~vement des op6rations d'61imination ou des inspectionseffectu6es sous pr6avis limitd, les Parties inspecteront l'ensemble du site d'inspec-tion, y compris l'int6rieur des ouvrages, des conteneurs ou des v6hicules, et lesobjets couverts susceptibles de contenir: pour les Etats-Unis, le deuxiRme 6taged'un Pershing II et le missile de croisi~re BGM-109G; pour I'URSS: le premier6tage du SS-12, l'6tage du SS-23, le missile de croisi~re SSC-X-4 et la table delancement du SS-4.

2. Concernant le deuxi~me 6tage des GLBM am6ricains, leur nombre totalfigure dans le M6morandum d'accord et sera mis A jour conform6ment A l'article IXdu Trait6 30 jours au plus tard apr~s l'entr6e en vigueur du Trait6 et ensuite A sixmois d'intervalle. Except6 pour les inspections de v6rification de l'ach~vement dutravail d'61imination et les inspections de vdrification des donn6es fournies pr6-c&Jemment, l'escorte am6ricaine est tenue de communiquer au chef de l'6quiped'inspection sovi6tique le nombre des deuxi~mes 6tages se trouvant sur le site d'ins-pection ainsi qu'un diagramme du site d'inspection indiquant la localisation de ces6tages. Enfin, comme indiqu6 dans le Protocole concernant l'61imination, les ins-pecteurs sovi6tiques observeront l'61imination de tous les 6tages des GLBM am6-ricains.

3. Est soumis A inspection l'ensemble du site d'inspection, y compris tous lesbitiments situ6s dans l'enceinte ext6rieure figurant sur les diagrammes des sites. Est6galement soumis A inspection tout objet figurant sur les diagrammes des sites endehors de cette enceinte ext6rieure. Tout rectificatif technique aux diagrammes dessites annex6s au M6morandum d'accord sera effectu6e par 6change de notes rectifi-catives avant l'entr6e en vigueur du Trait6. Aucun de ces rectificatifs ne se traduirapar l'61imination de batiments, structures ou routes situ6s dans l'enceinte ext6rieureou en dehors de cette enceinte telle qu'elle figure sur les diagrammes des sites actuel-lement annexds au M6morandum d'accord.

4. La Partie sovi6tique a assur6 les Etats-Unis que, pendant la p6riode dev6rification des donn6es sur les installations fournies conform6ment au Trait6,aucun chargement ne quittera une installation soumise b surveillance continue sur leterritoire de l'Union sovi6tique, les dimensions dudit chargement 6tant sup6rieuresou 6gales A celles du SS-20 sans sa section avant mais inf6rieures aux dimensionsd'un conteneur de lancement de SS-20, dimensions qui figurent dans le M6moran-dum d'accord. Aux fins de cette assurance on consid~re que la longueur du SS-20sans sa section avant est de 14,00 m~tres. En cons&luence de cette assurance, la

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Partie am6ricaine n'inspectera aucun chargement dont les dimensions sont inf6-rieures A celle du conteneur de lancement du SS-20 telles qu'elles figurent dans leM6morandum d'accord.

5. Les 6quipes d'inspection peuvent apporter sur le site d'inspection les 6qui-pements mentionn6s dans le Protocole concernant les inspections. L'utilisation deces 6quipements est effectu6e conform6ment aux proc6dures pr6vues par le Proto-cole. Par exemple si la Partie inspectante estime qu'un point obscur n'a pas 6t6dclairci, le Partie inspect6e prend A sa demande des clich6s de l'objet ou du bitimentqui constitue un point obscur.

6. Au cours des inspections de v6rification des donn6es pr61iminaires, lesParties ont la possibilit6, une seule fois, de vdrifier les caract6ristiques techniquesfigurant dans la section VI du M6morandum d'accord, y compris le poids et lesdimensions des dtages du SS-20, dans une installation d'61imination. Les inspecteurss6lectionnent au hasard un exemplaire de chaque type parmi les 6chantillons pr6sen-t6s par la Partie inspect6e pour 6tre pes6s et mesur6s dans un site sp6cialementd6cid par cette Partie. Pour s'assurer que les exemplaires choisis sont vraimentrepr6sentatifs, les 6chantillons pr6sent6s par la Partie inspect6e doivent 8tre en nom-bre suffisant (de 8 A 12 exemplaires au moins, sauf en ce qui concerne le lanceur duPershing IA am6ricain dont il n'existe qu'un seul exemplaire).

7. Imm&iiatement avant d'entreprendre les proc6dures d'61imination, un ins-pecteur confirme et note le type et le nombre d'exemplaires de syst~mes de missilesqui doivent 6tre 61imin6s. Si la Partie inspectante l'estime n6cessaire il peut 8treproc6d6 A une inspection visuelle de l'int6rieur des conteneurs de lanceurs, apr~souverture aux deux extr6mit6s. I1 peut 8tre 6galement fait usage des 6quipements etdes proc&iures qui seront mises en ceuvres 8 fois par an A Votkinsk et A Magna pourmesurer les 6tages de missiles A l'int6rieur des conteneurs de lancement (c'est-A-direun instrument de mesure optique ou m6canique). S'il s'av6rait dans des situationsparticuli~res que l'inspecteur n'est pas en mesure, avec les techniques employ6es,de confirmer le type de missile, la Partie inspect6e est tenue d'6claircir les doutes del'inspecteur concernant le contenu du conteneur de lancement.

8. Par un rectificatif au M6morandum d'accord, la longueur de l'6tage du mis-sile SS-23 sera modifi6e pour passer A 4,56 metres. La longueur du premier 6tage duSS-12 sera toujours indiqu6e comme 4,38 metres, y compris la structure interm6-diaire.

9. Les Parties 6changeront des clich6s additionnels au plus tard le 15 mai 1988.Pour les Etats-Unis, ces clich6s seront ceux du Pershing IA et du Pershing II corn-portant leur section avant et avec indication de l'6chelle. Pour l'Union sovi6tiqueces clich6s seront ceux du SS-23, du SS-12 et du SS-4 comportant leur section avantet ceux de la section avant du SS-20.

10. Au cours de la notification des points de transit conform6ment A l'ali-n6af, iv) du paragraphe 5 de l'article IX du Trait6, les Parties sp6cifient les emplace-ments interm6diaires en communiquant leur nom et les coordonn6es du centre enminutes.

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11. La Partie am6ricaine a inform6 ]a Partie sovidtique que l'installation pourl'61imination du missile de croisiire am6ricain BGM-109G sera la Base a6riennede Davis Monthan (Arizona). Afin de r6pondre A l'inqui6tude de la Partie sovi~ti-que relative A ce type de questions, les Etats-Unis notifieront A la Partie sovi6tiquel'emplacement pr6vu pour la liquidation de chacune de leurs pi&ees limit6es par leTrait6.



M. B. GLITMANN6gociateur en chef des Etats-Unis sur

les forces nucl6aires port6e interm6-diaire

Le G6n6ral des arm6es,


N. TCHERVOVChef de la direction de l'Etat-major

des forces arm6es de l'URSS

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Moscou, le 28 mai 1988

No MFA/148/88

Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Am~rique a 'honneur de se r~f~rer auxdocuments suivants :

1. Les notes 6chang6es le 12 mai 1988 A Gen~ve entre les Etats-Unis etl'Union des R~publiques socialistes sovi~tiques concernant 'application du Trait6entre les Etats-Unis d'Am~rique et l'Union des Rdpubliques socialistes sovi~tiquessur l'6limination de leurs missiles A port6e interm6diaire et A plus courte port6e(trait6 INF);

2. Le proc~s-verbal approuve convenu le 12 mai 1988 A Genive relatif A cer-tains probl~mes concemant le Trait6;

3. Les accords conclus par un 6change de notes signd le 21 mai 1988 res-pectivement A Vienne et A Moscou, rectifiant les diagrammes des sites et certaineserreurs techniques relev6es dans le Trait61.

Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis propose qu'au moment de 1'6change des ins-truments de ratification du Trait6 INF, les deux Gouvernements d6clarent convenirque ces documents ont m~me valeur et m~me effet que les dispositions du Trait6, etque la prdsente note et la rdponse de l'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi~tiquesconstituent sur ce point un accord entre les deux Gouvernements.


JOHN M. JOYCECharg6 d'affaires par int6rim

I Les corrections dont il s'agit avaient 6td incorpor~es au texte du Trait6 et dans les diagrammes des sites qui ont 6tdsoumis pour enregistrement par les parties. Le texte du Traitd et les diagrammes des sites publi6s ci-avant comprennentdonc lesdites corrections.

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No 2/upovr

Le Gouvernement de I'Union des R6publiques socialistes soviAtiques accuser6ception de la note du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique no MFA/148/88du 28 mai 1988 dont la teneur suit:

[Voir note I]

Le Gouvernement de l'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi6tiques d6clareconvenir que les documents mentionn6s dans la note n° MFA/148/88 du 28 mai 1988du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique ont m~me valeur et force que lesdispositions du Trait entre les Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et l'Union des R6publiquessocialistes sovi~tiques sur l'61imination de leurs missiles A port6e interm6diaire et Aplus courte port6e, et que ladite note et la pr6sente r6ponse constituent sur ce pointun accord entre les Gouvernements de l'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi6-tiques et des Etats-Unis d'Am6rique.

Moscou, le 29 mai 1988

Ambassade des Etats-Unis d'Am6riqueMoscou

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