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Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 1090 Recueil des Traites Traites et accords internationaux enregistre's ou classes et inscrits au rpertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies United Nations Nations Unies New York, 1986
  • Treaty Series

    Treaties and international agreements

    registeredor filed and recorded

    with the Secretariat of the United Nations

    VOLUME 1090

    Recueil des Traites

    Traites et accords internationaux

    enregistre'sou classes et inscrits au rpertoire

    au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

    United Nations • Nations UniesNew York, 1986

  • Treaties and international agreements registeredor filed and recorded with the Secretariat

    of the United Nations

    VOLUME 1090 1978 I. Nos. 16706-1674211. No. 808



    Treaties and international agreementsregistered from 26 May 1978 to 6 June 1978


    No. 16706. Spain and Chile:Agreement on trade and economic co-operation. Signed at Madrid on 9 March

    1977 .............................................................. 3

    No. 16707. Spain and Portugal:Treaty of friendship and co-operation. Signed at Madrid on 22 November

    1977 .............................................................. 23

    No. 16708. Spain and San Marino:Exchange of notes constituting an agreement establishing diplomatic relations.

    Madrid, 1 March 1978, and San Marino, 31 March 1978 ................ 37

    No. 16709. Multilateral:

    Convention on mutual recognition of the equivalence of documents relatingto the completion of secondary, secondary specialized and higher edu-cational establishments and to the awarding of academic degrees andtitles. Done at Prague on 7 June 1972 ................................. 43

    No. 16710. Multilateral:

    Convention on fishing and conservation of the living resources in the BalticSea and the Belts. Signed at Gdansk on 13 September 1973

    Declarations by Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics relatingto the declaration made upon ratification by the Federal Republic ofGermany concerning application to Berlin (West) ...................... 54

    No. 16711. United Nations (United Nations Development Programme) andUnited Republic of Tanzania:

    Agreement concerning assistance by the United Nations Development Pro-gramme to the United Republic of Tanzania. Signed at Dar es Salaam on30 M ay 1978 ....................................................... 107

    Vol 1090

  • Traits et accords internationaux enregistrfsou classes et inscrits au r~pertoire au Secretariat

    de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

    I. N0 s 16706-16742VOLUME 1090 1978 II. NO 808



    Traitis et accords internationauxenregistrs du 26 mai 1978 au 6juin 1978


    N' 16706. Espagne et Chili:Accord de commerce et de cooperation 6conomique. Sign6 i Madrid le 9 mars

    1977 .............................................................. 3

    N0 16707. Espagne et Portugal :

    Trait6 d'amiti6 et de cooperation. Sign6 Madrid le 22 novembre 1977 ....... 23

    N0 16708. Espagne et Saint-Matin :

    tchange de notes constituant un accord 6tablissant des relations diploma-tiques. Madrid, Ier mars 1978, et Saint-Marin, 31 mars 1978 ............. 37

    N0 16709. Multilateral :

    Convention relative h ia reconnaissance reciproque de l'6quivalence des certi-ficats de fin d'6tudes d~livr6s par les 6tablissements d'enseignementsecondaire, secondaire sp~cialis6 et sup~rieur et des titres et grades uni-versitaires. Faite h Prague le 7juin 1972 .............................. 43

    N0 16710. Multilateral :

    Convention relative aux pcheries et la conservation des ressources biolo-giques dans la mer Baltique et les Belts. Sign~e h Gdansk le 13 septembre1973

    Declarations par la Pologne et l'Union des R~publiques socialistes sovi~tiquesrelatives h la declaration faite lors de la ratification par la R~publiquef~d~rale d'Allemagne concernant i'application h Berlin-Ouest ........... 55

    N0 16711. Organisation des Nations Unies (Programme des Nations Uniespour le developpement) et Republique-Unie de Tanzanie :

    Accord relatif une assistance du Programme des Nations Unies pour led~veloppement t la R~publique-Unie de Tanzanie. Sign6 h Dar es-Salamle 30 m ai 1978 ..................................................... 107

    Vol. 1090

  • United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis


    No. 16712. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland andUnited Republic of Tanzania:

    Agreement concerning public officers' pensions. Signed at Dar es Salaam on24 M arch 1976 ..................................................... 131

    No. 16713. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland andFrance and Switzerland:

    Agreement regarding the status, privileges and immunities of the Court ofArbitration on Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between the UnitedKingdom and France and persons participating in the work of the Court.Signed at Bern on 14 January 1977 ................................... 147

    No. 16714. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland andCuba:

    Agreement concerning scientific and technical co-operation (with annex).Signed at Havana on 21 April 1977 ................................... 165

    No. 16715. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland andSyrian Arab Republic:

    Cultural Agreement. Signed at Damascus on 27 April 1977 .................. 189

    No. 16716. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland andEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts:

    Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning social securityarrangements for staff at the Centre. London, 22 April 1977, and Bracknell,19 M ay 1977 ....................................................... 197

    No. 16717. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andSyrian Arab Republic:

    Loan Agreement-First Livestock Development Project (with schedules andGeneral Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 22 July 1976 ................. 203

    No. 16718. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andSyrian Arab Republic:

    Loan Agreement (Intermediate term loan)-First Livestock DevelopmentProject (with schedule and General Conditions Applicable to Loan andGuarantee Agreements dated 15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on22 July 1976 ....................................................... 205

    No. 16719. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andUnited Republic of Tanzania:

    Loan Agreement-Morogoro Industrial Complex Project (with schedules andGeneral Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 6 April 1977 ................. 207

    Vol. 1090

  • 1978 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites V


    No 16712. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord etRepublique-Unie de Tanzanie :

    Accord relatif aux pensions des fonctionnaires. Sign6 h Dar es-Salam le 24 mars1976 .............................................................. 13 1

    N0 16713. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Franceet Suisse :

    Accord concernant le statut, les privileges et les immunit6s en Suisse duTribunal arbitral charg6 de la d6limitation du plateau continental entre leRoyaume-Uni et la France et des personnes participant aux travaux duTribunal. Sign6 A Berne le 14 janvier 1977 ............................ 147

    N0 16714. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord etCuba :

    Accord relatif h ]a cooperation scientifique et technique (avec annexe). Sign6a La Havane le 21 avril 1977 ........................................ 165

    N0 16715. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord etRepublique arabe syrienne :

    Accord culturel. Sign6 A Damas le 27 avril 1977 ........................... 189

    N0 16716. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord etCentre europeen pour les previsions meteorologiques a moyenterme :

    tchange de notes constituant un accord concernant le regime de pr~voyancesociale applicable au personnel du Centre. Londres, 22 avril 1977, etBracknell, 19 m ai 1977 .............................................. 197

    N0 16717. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Republique arabe syrienne :

    Contrat d'emprunt- Premier projet relatif au d~veloppement de I'Olevage(avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux contrats d'em-prunt et de garantie en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 h Washington le22 juillet 1976 ...................................................... 203

    N0 16718. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Republique arabe syrienne :

    Contrat d'emprunt (Emprunt interm~diaire)- Premier projet relatif au dive-loppement de I'glevage (avec annexe et Conditions g6n6rales applica-bles aux contrats d'emprunt et de garantie en date du 15 mars 1974).Sign6 4 W ashington le 22 juillet 1976 ................................. 205

    N0 16719. Banque internationale pour Ia reconstruction et le d6veloppementet R6publique-Unie de Tanzanie :

    Contrat d'emprunt - Projet relatif au complexe industriel de Morogoro (avecannexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux contrats d'emprunt et degarantie en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 A Washington le 6 avril 1977 .... 207

    Vol. 1090

  • Vi United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 1978


    No. 16720. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andUnited Republic of Tanzania:

    Loan Agreement (Intermediate term loan)-Morogoro Industrial ComplexProject (with schedule and General Conditions Applicable to Loan andGuarantee Agreements dated 15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on6 A pril 1977 ....................................................... 209

    No. 16721. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andUnited Republic of Tanzania:

    Guarantee Agreement-Third Tanzania Investment Bank (TIB) Project (withGeneral Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 28 December 1977 ............ 211

    No. 16722. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andPanama:

    Guarantee Agreement-Second Livestock Project (with General ConditionsApplicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 15 March 1974).Signed at Washington on 28 April 1977 ............................... 213

    No. 16723. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andParaguay:

    Loan Agreement-Second Rural Development Project (with schedules andGeneral Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 18 May 1977 ................. 215

    No. 16724. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andParaguay:

    Loan Agreement-Industrial Credit Project (with schedules and GeneralConditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 15 March1974). Signed at Washington on 18 May 1977 .......................... 217

    No. 16725. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andCosta Rica:

    Loan Agreement-Agricultural Credit and Development Project (with schedulesand General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreementsdated 15 March 1974). Signed at San Jos6 on 2 June 1977 ............... 219

    No. 16726. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andCosta Rica:

    Loan Agreement-San Josi Urban Transport Project (with schedules andGeneral Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 4 November 1977 ............ 221

    Vol 1090

  • United Nations - Treaty Series o Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites


    No 16720. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Republique-Unie de Tanzanie :

    Contrat d'emprunt (Emprunt interm~diaire) - Projet relatif au complexeindustriel de Morogoro (avec annexe et Conditions g~n~rales applicablesaux contrats d'emprunt et de garantie en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6i W ashington le 6 avril 1977 ......................................... 209

    No 16721. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Republique-Unie de Tanzanie :

    Contrat de garantie - Troisibme projet relatif 6 la Tanzania InvestmentBank (TIB) [avec Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux contrats d'empruntet de garantie en date du 15 mars 1974]. Sign6 i Washington le 28 d6cem-bre 1977 ........................................................... 2 11

    N0 16722. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppementet Panama :

    Contrat de garantie -Deuxime projet relatif 6 l',levage (avec Conditionsgqn6rales applicables aux contrats d'emprunt et de garantie en date du15 mars 1974). Sign6 Washington le 28 avril 1977 ..................... 213

    N0 16723. Banque internationale pour ia reconstruction et le d6veloppementet Paraguay :

    Contrat d'emprunt - Deuxibme projet relatif au diveloppenent rural (avecannexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux contrats d'emprunt etde garantie en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 i Washington le 18 mai1977 .......................................................... .... 2 15

    N0 16724. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Paraguay :

    Contrat d'emprunt - Projet relatif h des credits industriels (avec annexes etConditions g6n6rales applicables aux contrats d'emprunt et de garantie endate du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 t Washington le 18 mai 1977 .............. 217

    No 16725. Banque internationale pour ia reconstruction et le d6veloppementet Costa Rica :

    Contrat d'emprunt - Projet de cridit agricole et de diveloppement rural (avecannexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux contrats d'emprunt et degarantie en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 h San Jos6 le 2 juin 1977 ....... 219

    N0 16726. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppementet Costa Rica :

    Contrat d'emprunt - Projet d'amlioration de la circulation urbaine de SanJos, (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux contrats d'em-prunt et de garantie en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 Washington le4 novem bre 1977 ................................................... 221

    Vol. 1090

  • VIII United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1978


    No. 16727. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andSenegal:

    Loan Agreement-Petite C6te Tourism Project (with schedule and GeneralConditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 15 March1974). Signed at Washington on 7 June 1977 ........................... 223

    No. 16728. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andSenegal:

    Loan Agreement (Intermediate term loan)-Petite C6te Tourism Project (withschedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and GuaranteeAgreements dated 15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 7 June 1977. 225

    No. 16729. International Development Association and Yemen:Development Credit Agreement-Port Development Project (with schedules

    and General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agreementsdated 15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 8 June 1977 ............ 227

    No. 16730. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andYugoslavia:

    Guarantee Agreement-Second Power Transmission Project (with GeneralConditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 15 March1974). Signed at Washington on 11 July 1977 .......................... 229

    No. 16731. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andPhilippines:

    Guarantee Agreement-Seventh Power Project (with General ConditionsApplicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 15 March 1974).Signed at Washington on 9 August 1977 .............................. 231

    No. 16732. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andAlgeria:

    Loan Agreement-Port of JUel Project (with schedules and General Condi-tions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 15 March1974). Signed at Washington on 30 September 1977 .................... 233

    No. 16733. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andColombia:

    Loan Agreement-Integrated Nutrition Improvement Project (with schedulesand General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreementsdated 15 March 1974). Signed at Washington on 10 November 1977 ...... 235

    Vol. 1090

  • 1978 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s IX


    N° 16727. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Senegal :

    Contrat d'emprunt - Projet d'aminagement touristique de la Petite C6te(avec annexe et Conditions g~n~rales applicables aux contrats d'empruntet de garantie en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 i Washington le 7 juin1977 .............................................................. 223

    No 16728. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Senegal :

    Contrat d'emprunt (Emprunt interm~diaire) - Projet d'amonagement touris-tique de la Petite C6te (avec annexes et Conditions g~n~rales applicablesaux contrats d'emprunt et de garantie en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 aW ashington le 7 juin 1977 ........................................... 225

    N0 16729. Association internationale de developpement et Yemen :

    Contrat de credit de d~veloppement - Projet d'amiinagement portuaire (avecannexes et Conditions g~n~rales applicables aux contrats de credit ded~veioppement en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 iL Washington le 8 juin1977 .............................................................. 227

    N0 16730. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Yougoslavie :

    Contrat de garantie - Deuxibme projet relatif 6 la transmission d'dnergieIectrique (avec Conditions g~n~rales applicables aux contrats d'emprunt

    et de garantie en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 h Washington le 11 juillet1977 .............................................................. 229

    No 16731. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Philippines :

    Contrat de garantie - Septibme projet relatif ti la production d' nergie jlec-trique (avec Conditions g~n~rales applicables aux contrats d'emprunt etde garantie en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 h Washington le 9 aoCit1977 .............................................................. 23 1

    N0 16732. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Algerie :

    Contrat d'emprunt - Projet relatif au port de J~iel (avec annexes et Conditionsg~ndrales applicables aux contrats d'emprunt et de garantie en date du15 mars 1974). Sign6 h Washington le 30 septembre 1977 ............... 233

    N0 16733. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Colombie :

    Contrat d'emprunt - Projet intgrant divers programmes en vue de I'ame-lioration de la nutrition (avec annexes et Conditions g~n~rales applica-bles aux contrats d'emprunt et de garantie en date du 15 mars 1974).Sign, i Washington le 10 novembre 1977 ............................. 235

    Vol. 1090

  • United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis


    No. 16734. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development andColombia:

    Guarantee Agreement--Second Small-scale Industry Project (with GeneralConditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 15 March1974). Signed at Washington on 27 September 1977 .................... 237

    No. 16735. International Development Association and Lao People's Demo-cratic Republic:

    Development Credit Agreement-Agricultural Rehabilitation and DevelopmentProject (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Develop-ment Credit Agreements dated 15 March 1974). Signed at Washingtonon 5 January 1978 .................................................. 239

    No. 16736. United Nations and Mexico:Agreement regarding the arrangements for the fourth session of the World

    Food Council of the United Nations. Signed at Mexico City on 2 June1978 .............................................................. 24 1

    No. 16737. United Nations (United Nations Social Defence Research Insti-tute) and Italy:

    Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the modalities ofapplication to the United Nations Social Defence Research Institute of theConvention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations.Geneva, 18 October 1977, and Rome, 16 November 1977 ............... 243

    No. 16738. Brazil and Bolivia:Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the demarcation of bound-

    aries. La Paz, 29 M arch 1958 ........................................ 251

    No. 16739. Brazil and Portugal:Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on a common aeronautics policy.

    Lisbon, 25 February 1966 ........................................... 259

    No. 16740. Brazil and Paraguay:Convention on technical co-operation in the field of telecommunications and

    postal services. Signed at Asunci6n on 11 February 1976 ............... 269

    No. 16741. Brazil and Venezuela:Agreement concerning health matters in the tropical environment supple-

    mentary to the Basic Agreement on technical co-operation. Signed atBrasilia on 17 November 1977 ...................................... 283

    No. 16742. Brazil and Norway:Agreement on trade and economic, industrial and technical co-operation.

    Signed at Brasilia on 5 April 1978 .................................... 297Vol 1090


  • 1978 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites XI


    No 16734. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le developpementet Colombie :

    Contrat de garantie - Deuxiime projet relatif aux petites industries (avecConditions g6n~rales applicables aux contrats d'emprunt et de garantieen date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 h Washington le 27 septembre 1977 ..... 237

    No 16735. Association internationale de developpement et Ripubliquedemocratique populaire lao :

    Contrat de credit de d~veloppement - Projet de relance et de doveloppementagricole (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux contratsde cr6dit de d6veloppement en date du 15 mars 1974). Sign6 h Washingtonle 5 janvier 1978 .................................................... 239

    N0 16736. Organisation des Nations Unies et Mexique :Accord relatif aux arrangements de la quatri~me session du Conseil mondial

    de l'alimentation des Nations Unies. Sign6 h Mexico le 2 juin 1978 ...... 241

    No 16737. Organisation des Nations Unies (Institut de recherche des NationsUnies sur ia defense sociale) et Italie :

    tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif aux modalit~s d'applicationh l'Institut de recherche des Nations Unies sur la defense sociale de laConvention sur les privileges et les immunit~s des Nations Unies. Gen~ve,18 octobre 1977, et Rome, 16 novembre 1977 .......................... 243

    N0 16738. Bresil et Bolivie :

    tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif au trac6 des frontieres. LaPaz, 29 m ars 1958 .................................................. 251

    N0 16739. Bresil et Portugal :lchange de notes constituant un accord pour une politique a~ronautique com-

    mune. Lisbonne, 25 f~vrier 1966 ..................................... 259

    N0 16740. Bresil et Paraguay :Accord de cooperation technique en mati~re de t~lkcommunications et de ser-

    vices postaux. Sign6 h Asunci6n le 11 f6vrier 1976 ..................... 269

    N0 16741. Br6sil et Venezuela :

    Accord en matibre de sant6 en milieu tropical compl6mentaire h l'accord debase sur la coop6ration technique. Sign6 s Brasilia le 17 novembre 1977.. 283

    N0 16742. Br(sil et Norvige :Accord relatif au commerce et hs la cooperation 6conomique, industrielle et

    technique. Sign6 h Brasilia le 5 avril 1978 ............................. 297

    Vol. 1090

  • XII United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 1978


    Treaties and international agreementsfiled and recorded from 17 April 1978 to 6 June 1978


    No. 808. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-national Development Association and International Fund forAgricultural Development:

    Co-operation Agreement. Signed at Washington on 18 May 1978 and at Genevaon 20 M ay 1978 .................................................... 309

    ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerningtreaties and international agreements registered with the Secre-tariat of the United Nations

    No. 36. Agreement between the Government of the United States of Americaand the Government of the United Kingdom relating to airservices between their respective territories. Signed at Bermudaon 11 February 1946:

    Termination of the above-mentioned Agreement, as amended ............... 322

    No. 2299. Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland and Japan for air services. Signed at Tokyoon 29 December 1952:

    Exchange of notes constituting an agreement further amending the scheduleannexed to the above-mentioned Agreement, as amended. Tokyo, 15 April1977 .............................................................. 323

    No. 2695. Air Transport Agreement between the United States of Braziland Portugal. Signed at Lisbon on 10 December 1946:

    Revised schedule to the above-mentioned Agreement ...................... 330

    No. 6281. Agreement between the United Nations Special Fund and theGovernment of Tanganyika concerning assistance from theSpecial Fund. Signed at Dar es Salaam on 17 July 1962:

    Term ination ........................................................... 331

    No. 6552. Agreement between the United Nations, the International LabourOrganisation, the Food and Agriculture Organization of theUnited Nations, the United Nations Educational, Scientificand Cultural Organization, the International Civil AviationOrganization, the World Health Organization, the InternationalTelecommunication Union, the World Meteorological Organi-zation, the International Atomic Energy Agency and theUniversal Postal Union, and the Government of Tanganyikaconcerning technical assistance. Signed at Dar es Salaam on6 March 1963:

    Term ination ........................................................... 332Vol. 1090

  • United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis


    Traitis et accords internationauxclasscs et inscrits au ripertoire du 17 avril 1978 au 6juin 1978


    N0 808. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement,Association internationale de d6veloppement et Fonds interna-tional de developpement agricole :

    Accord de cooperation. Sign6 h Washington le 18 mai 1978 et h Gen~ve le20 m ai 1978 ........................................................ 309

    ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhesions, prorogations, etc., concernantdes trait~s et accords internationaux enregistris au Secretariatde I'Organisation des Nations Unies

    No 36. Accord entre les Rtats-Unis d'Am6rique et le Royaume-Uni relatifaux services de transports aeriens. Sign6 aux Bermudes le 11 fivrier1946 :

    Abrogation de I'Accord susmentionn6, tel que modifi6 ..................... 322

    N' 2299. Accord entre le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlandedu Nord et le Japon relatif aux services aeriens. Signe A Tokyole 29 decembre 1952 :

    tchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant i nouveau le tableau annex6h l'Accord susmentionn6, tel qu'amend6. Tokyo, 15 avril 1977 .......... 328

    N* 2695. Accord entre les ltats-Unis du Bresil et le Portugal relatif auxtransports aeriens. Signe a Lisbonne le 10 decembre 1946 :

    Tableau de routes r~vis6 de i'Accord susmentionn6 ........................ 330

    N0 6281. Accord entre le Fonds special des Nations Unies et le Gouverne-ment du Tanganyika relatif a une assistance du Fonds special.Signe a Dar es-Salam le 17 juillet 1962 :

    A brogation ............................................................ 331

    N0 6552. Accord d'assistance technique entre l'Organisation des NationsUnies, l'Organisation internationale du Travail, i'Organisationdes Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et I'agriculture, I'Organi-sation des Nations Unies pour l'ducation, la science et laculture, l'Organisation de I'aviation civile internationale, l'Orga-nisation mondiale de la sant6, l'Union internationale des t6le-communications, I'Organisation meteorologique mondiale,l'Agence internationale de I'6nergie atomique et l'Union postaleuniverselle, d'une part, et le Gouvernement du Tanganyika,d'autre part. Signe a Dar es-Salam le 6 mars 1963 :

    A brogation ............................................................ 332Vol 1090

  • United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis


    No. 7310. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Done at Vienna on18 April 1961:

    Ratification by Sri Lanka ............................................... 333

    No. 8026. Standard Agreement on operational assistance between the UnitedNations, the International Labour Organisation, the Food andAgriculture Organization of the United Nations, the UnitedNations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, theInternational Civil Aviation Organization, the World HealthOrganization, the International Telecommunication Union,the World Meteorological Organization, the InternationalAtomic Energy Agency and the Universal Postal Union, andthe Government of the United Republic of Tanzania. Signed atDar es Salaam on 14 May 1965:

    Term ination ........................................................... 334

    No. 8310. Convention relating to the unification of certain rules concerningcollisions in inland navigation. Done at Geneva on 15 March1960:

    Declaration by the Federal Republic of Germany relating to the declarationmade by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsconcerning application to Berlin (West) ............................... 335

    No. 8359. Convention on the settlement of investment disputes betweenStates and nationals of other States. Opened for signature atWashington on 18 March 1965:

    Ratification by Sam oa .................................................. 337

    No. 8638. Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Done at Vienna on24 April 1963:

    A ccession by Iceland ................................................... 338

    No. 8639. Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Consular Rela-tions concerning Acquisition of Nationality. Done at Vienna on24 April 1963:

    No. 8640. Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Consular Rela-tions concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes. Doneat Vienna on 24 April 1963:

    Accessions by Iceland .................................................. 339

    No. 9574. Agreement on the rescue of astronauts, the return of astronautsand the return of objects launched into outer space. Opened forsignature at London, Moscow and Washington on 22 April1968:

    Ratification by Belgium ................................................. 340

    Vol. 1090


  • United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites


    No 7310. Convention de Vienne sur les relations diplomatiques. FaiteVienne le 18 avril 1961 :

    Ratification de Sri Lanka ................................................ 333

    No 8026. Accord type d'assistance operationnelle entre I'Organisation desNations Unies, I'Organisation internationale du Travail, 'Orga-nisation des Nations Unies pour 'alimentation et l'agriculture,I'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'ducation, la scienceet la culture, 'Organisation de I'aviation civile internationale,I'Organisation mondiale de la sant6, Union internationale destel6communications, I'Organisation meteorologique mondiale,I'Agence internationale de i'6nergie atomique et i'Union postaleuniverselle, d'une part, et le Gouvernement de la R6publique-Unie de Tanzanie, d'autre part. Signe A Dar es-Salam le 14 mai1965 :

    A brogation ............................................................ 334

    N0 8310. Convention relative A l'unification.de certaines rgles en matiered'abordage en navigation int6rieure. Faite a Geneve le 15 mars1960 :

    Declaration de la R~publique f6d~rale d'Allemagne relative ]a declarationfaite par ie Gouvernement de l'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi&tiques concernant I'application Berlin-Ouest ......................... 335

    N0 8359. Convention pour le reglement des diff6rends relatifs aux investis-sements entre Etats et ressortissants d'autres Etats. Ouverte Aia signature A Washington le 18 mars 1965:

    Ratification de Sam oa .................................................. 337

    N0 8638. Convention de Vienne sur les relations consulaires. Faite A Viennele 24 avril 1963 :

    A dh6sion de l'Islande ................................................... 338

    N0 8639. Protocole de signature facultative A ia Convention de Vienne surles relations consulaires concernant 'acquisition de la nationalit6.Fait A Vienne le 24 avril 1963 :

    N0 8640. Protocole de signature facultative A ia Convention de Vienne surles relations consulaires concernant le reglement obligatoire desdiff6rends. Fait A Vienne le 24 avril 1963 :

    A dh6sions de l'Islande .................................................. 339

    N0 9574. Accord sur le sauvetage des astronautes, le retour des astronauteset la restitution des objets lanc6s dans l'espace extra-atmosph6-rique. Ouvert A la signature A Londres, Moscou et Washingtonle 22 avril 1968 :

    Ratification de la Belgique .............................................. 340Vol. 1090

  • XVI United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 1978


    No. 12407. Co-operation Agreement between the United Kingdom of GreatBritain and Northern Ireland and the Socialist Republic ofRomania. Signed at London on 15 June 1972:

    T erm ination ........................................................... 341

    No. 12968. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between theGovernment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland and the Government of Sierra Leone con-cerning officers designated by the Government of the UnitedKingdom in the service of specified organizations or insti-tutions in Sierra Leone. Freetown, 20 and 29 March 1971:

    Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending and extending theabove-mentioned Agreement. Freetown, 8 and 26 March 1976 ........... 342

    No. 12969. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between theGovernment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland and the Government of Sierra Leone con-cerning officers and teachers designated by the Governmentof the United Kingdom in the service of the Government ofSierra Leone or employed in schools. Freetown, 20 and29 March 1971:

    Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending and extending theabove-mentioned Agreement. Freetown, 8 March and 26 March 1976 .... 346

    No. 13810. Convention on the international liability for damage caused byspace objects. Opened for signature at London, Moscow andWashington on 29 March 1972:

    Ratifications by Denmark and Greece and accession by Israel ............... 350

    No. 14463. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between theGovernment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland and the Government of the Republic ofAfghanistan concerning financial assistance by the Govern-ment of the United Kingdom to the Government of Afghanistan.Kabul, 24 August and 30 September 1974:

    Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentionedAgreement. Kabul, 14 August 1976 ................................... 352

    Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentionedAgreement of 24 August and 30 September 1974, as amended. Kabul,26 February 1977 ................................................... 354

    No. 14909. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between theGovernment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland and the Government of Bolivia concerninga grant by the Government of the United Kingdom to theGovernment of Bolivia. La Paz, 3 November 1975:

    A m endm ent ........................................................... 360Vol 1090

  • United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis


    N0 12407. Accord de cooperation entre le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagneet d'Irlande du Nord et la Republique socialiste de Roumanie.Signe a Londres le 15 juin 1972 :

    A brogation ............................................................ 341

    N0 12968. Echange de notes constituant un accord entre le Gouvernementdu Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord etle Gouvernement de ia Sierra Leone relatif aux agents affectesau service de certaines organisations ou institutions sierra-leoniennes par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni. Freetown,20 et 29 mars 1971 :

    Rchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant et prolongeant I'Accordsusmentionn6. Freetown, 8 et 26 mars 1976 ........................... 344

    No 12969. Echange de notes constituant un accord entre le Gouvernementdu Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord etle Gouvernement de la Sierra Leone relatif aux agents et auxenseignants affectes par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uniau service du Gouvernement sierra-leonien ou employes dansdes etablissements scolaires. Freetown, 20 et 29 mars 1971 :

    tchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant et prolongeant I'Accordsusmentionn6. Freetown, 8 mars et 26 mars 1976 ...................... 348

    No 13810. Convention sur la responsabilit6 internationale pour les dom-mages caus6s par des objets spatiaux. Ouverte a la signatureA Londres, Moscou et Washington le 29 mars 1972 :

    Ratifications du Danemark et de la Grace et adh6sion d'Isral ............... 350

    No 14463. Echange de notes constituant un accord entre le Gouvernementdu Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord etle Gouvernement de ia R6publique d'Afghanistan relatif aroctroi par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni d'une assistancefinanciere au Gouvernement d'Afghanistan. Kaboul, 24 aofitet 30 septembre 1974 :

    tchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant I'Accord susmentionn6.Kaboul, 14 aofit 1976 ............................................... 356

    1change de notes constituant un accord modifiant I'Accord susmentionn6du 24 aofit et 30 septembre 1974, tel que modifi6. Kaboul, 26 f6vrier1977 .............................................................. 358

    N0 14909. Echange de notes constituant un accord entre le Gouvernementdu Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord etle Gouvernement de la Republique de Bolivie relatif a un dondu Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni au Gouvernement de laRepublique de Bolivie. La Paz, 3 novembre 1975 :

    M odification ........................................................... 360Vol. 1090


  • United Nations - Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s


    No. 15521. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between theGovernment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland and the Government of the Republic ofEcuador concerning a development loan by the Governmentof the United Kingdom to the Government of Ecuador. Quito,7 August 1975:

    Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentionedAgreement. Quito, 19 November 1976 and 6 June 1977 ................. 361

    No. 15705. Convention on Road Traffic. Concluded at Vienna on 8 Novem-ber 1968:

    Accession by M onaco .................................................. 366

    No. 15749. Convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumpingof wastes and other matter. Opened for signature at London,Mexico City, Moscow and Washington on 29 December 1972:

    Ratification by M onaco ................................................. 366

    No. 15961. Grant Agreement (Potable water supply for three towns) betweenthe United Nations Capital Development Fund and theGovernment of Haiti. Signed at Port-au-Prince on 21 October1977:

    tter Agreement amending annexes I and II of the above-mentioned Agree-ment. Signed at Port-au-Prince on 29 May 1978 ........................ 367

    No. 16041. Agreement establishing the International Fund for AgriculturalDevelopment. Concluded at Rome on 13 June 1976:

    Ratification by Chile and accession by Gabon ............................. 368

    No. 16200. International Sugar Agreement, 1977. Concluded at Geneva on7 October 1977:

    Ratification by H onduras ................................................ 369

    International Labour Organisation

    No. 588. Convention (No. 5) fixing the minimum age for admission of childrento industrial employment, adopted by the General Conferenceof the International Labour Organisation at its first session,Washington, 28 November 1919, as modified by the Final Arti-cles Revision Convention, 1946:

    No. 594. Convention (No. 11) concerning the rights of association andcombination of agricultural workers, adopted by the GeneralConference of the International Labour Organisation at itsthird session, Geneva, 12 November 1921, as modified by theFinal Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

    Vol 1090


  • United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites


    No 15521. Echange de notes constituant un accord entre le Gouvernementdu Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord etle Gouvernement de la Republique de r'Equateur relatif aI'octroi d'un prit de developpement par le Gouvernement duRoyaume-Uni au Gouvernement de I'Equateur. Quito, 7 aofit1975 :

    tchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6.Quito, 19 novembre 1976 et 6 juin 1977 ............................... 364

    N0 15705. Convention sur la circulation routiere. Conclue A Vienne le8 novembre 1968 :

    Adhesion de M onaco ................................................... 366

    N0 15749. Convention sur ia pr6vention de ia pollution des mers resultantde I'immersion de dechets. Ouverte a la signature a Londres,Mexico, Moscou et Washington, le 29 d6cembre 1972 :

    Ratification de M onaco ................................................. 366

    N0 15961. Accord de don (Approvisionnement en eau potable de trois villes)entre le Fonds d'iquipement des Nations Unies et le Gouver-nement d'Haiti. Signe a Port-au-Prince le 21 octobre 1977 :

    Accord par lettre modifiant les annexes I et II de l'Accord susmentionn6.Sign6 ii Port-au-Prince le 29 mai 1978 ................................. 367

    N0 16041. Accord portant creation du Fonds international de develop-pement agricole. Conclu a Rome le 13 juin 1976 :

    Ratification du Chili et adhesion du Gabon ................................ 368

    N' 16200. Accord international de 1977 sur le sucre. Conclu Geneve le7 octobre 1977 :

    Ratification du H onduras ................................................ 369

    Organisation internationale du Travail

    N0 588. Convention (no 5) fixant l'fige minimum d'admission des enfantsaux travaux industriels, adopt6e par la Conference generale de'Organisation internationale du Travail a sa premiere session,

    Washington, 28 novembre 1919, telle qu'elle a 06 modifiee parla Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946 :

    N0 594. Convention (no 11) concernant les droits d'association et de coalitiondes travailleurs agricoles, adoptee par la Conference generale del'Organisation internationale du Travail a sa troisieme session,Geneve, 12 novembre 1921, telle qu'elle a kt6 modiflie par la Con-vention portant revision des articles finals, 1946

    Vol 1090

  • XX United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1978


    No. 595. Convention (No. 12) concerning workmen's compensation inagriculture, adopted by the General Conference of the Interna-tional Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva, 12 No-vember 1921, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Con-vention, 1946:

    No. 597. Convention (No. 14) concerning the application of the weekly restin industrial undertakings, adopted by the General Conferenceof the International Labour Organisation at its third session,Geneva, 17 November 1921, as modified by the Final ArticlesRevision Convention, 1946:

    Ratifications by Swaziland .............................................. 370

    No. 602. Convention (No. 19) concerning equality of treatment for nationaland foreign workers as regards workmen's compensation foraccidents, adopted by the General Conference of the Interna-tional Labour Organisation at its seventh session, Geneva,5 June 1925, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Con-vention, 1946:

    No. 609. Convention (No. 26) concerning the creation of minimum wage-fixing machinery, adopted by the General Conference of theInternational Labour Organisation at its eleventh session,Geneva, 16 June 1928, as modified by the Final Articles RevisionConvention, 1946:

    No. 612. Convention (No. 29) concerning forced or compulsory labour,adopted by the General Conference of the International LabourOrganisation at its fourteenth session, Geneva, 28 June 1930,as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

    No. 630. Convention (No. 50) concerning the regulation of certain specialsystems of recruiting workers, adopted by the General Con-ference of the International Labour Organisation at its twentiethsession, Geneva, 20 June 1936, as modified by the Final Arti-cles Revision Convention, 1946:

    Ratifications by Swaziland .......................................... 372

    No. 636. Convention (No. 59) fixing the minimum age for admission ofchildren to industrial employment (revised 1937), adopted by theGeneral Conference of the International Labour Organisationat its twenty-third session, Geneva, 22 June 1937, as modifiedby the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

    Vol. 1090

  • 1978 United Nations - Treaty Series e Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites XXI


    No 595. Convention (no 12) concernant la reparation des accidents du travaildans l'agriculture, adoptee par ia Conference ginirale de 'Orga-nisation internationale du Travail A sa troisieme session, Geneve,12 novembre 1921, telle qu'elle a k6 modifi~e par la Conventionportant revision des articles finals, 1946 :

    No 597. Convention (no 14) concernant l'application du repos hebdomadairedans les etablissements industriels, adoptee par la Conferencegenerale de lOrganisation internationale du Travail a sa troisiemesession, Geneve, 17 novembre 1921, telle qu'elle a W modifikepar la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946 :

    Ratifications du Swaziland .............................................. 371

    No 602. Convention (n0 19) concernant l'egalite de traitement des travail-leurs etrangers et nationaux en matiere de reparation des acci-dents du travail, adoptee par la Conference generale de l'Orga-nisation internationale du Travail a sa septieme session, Geneve,5 juin 1925, telle qu'elle a te modifiee par la Convention portantrevision des articles finals, 1946 :

    No 609. Convention (no 26) concernant 'institution de methodes de fixationdes salaires minima, adopt~e par la Conference generale del'Organisation internationale du Travail a sa onzieme session,Geneve, 16 juin 1928, telle qu'elle a W modifiee par la Conventionportant revision des articles finals, 1946 :

    No 612. Convention (no 29) concernant le travail force ou obligatoire,adoptee par la Conference generale de l'Organisation interna-tionale du Travail a sa quatorzieme session, Geneve, 28 juin 1930,telle qu'elle a te modifiee par la Convention portant revision desarticles finals, 1946 :

    N0 630. Convention (no 50) concernant la reglementation de certains sys-temes particuliers de recrutement des travailleurs, adoptee parla Conference generale de l'Organisation internationale du Tra-vail A sa vingtime session, Geneve, 20 juin 1936, telle qu'elle a

    te modifiee par la Convention portant revision des articles finals,1946 :

    Ratifications du Swaziland .............................................. 373

    No 636. Convention (no 59) fixant I'fge minimum d'admission des enfantsaux travaux industriels (r6visee en 1937), adoptee par la Confe-rence ge nrale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A savingt-troisieme session, Geneve, 22 juin 1937, telle qu'elle a Wmodifiee par la Convention portant revision des articles finals,1946:

    Vol. 1090

  • United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis


    No. 639. Convention (No. 64), concerning the regulation of written con-tracts of employment of indigenous workers, adopted by theGeneral Conference of the International Labour Organisationat its twenty-fifth session, Geneva, 27 June 1939, as modifiedby the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

    No. 640. Convention (No. 65) concerning penal sanctions for breaches ofcontracts of employment by indigenous workers, adopted by theGeneral Conference of the International Labour Organisationat its twenty-fifth session, Geneva, 27 June 1939, as modifiedby the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

    No. 881. Convention (No. 87) concerning freedom of association and pro-tection of the right to organise. Adopted by the General Con-ference of the International Labour Organisation at its thirty-first session, San Francisco, 9 July 1948:

    Ratifications by Swaziland .............................................. 374

    No. 1341. Convention (No. 98) concerning the application of the principlesof the right to organise and to bargain collectively. Adopted bythe General Conference of the International Labour Organi-sation at its thirty-second session, Geneva, 1 July 1949:

    Ratification by Swaziland ............................................... 376

    No. 1616. Convention (No. 97) concerning migration for employment(revised 1949). Adopted by the General Conference of theInternational Labour Organisation at its thirty-second session,Geneva, 1 July 1949:

    Ratification by Ecuador ................................................. 376

    No. 1871. Convention (No. 95) concerning the protection of wages. Adoptedby the General Conference of the International Labour Organ-isation at its thirty-second session, Geneva, 1 July 1949:

    No. 2125. Convention (No. 86) concerning the maximum length of con-tracts of employment of indigenous workers. Adopted by theGeneral Conference of the International Labour Organisationat its thirtieth session, Geneva, 11 July 1947:

    Ratifications by Swaziland .............................................. 378

    No. 5951. Convention (No. 114) concerning fishermen's articles of agree-ment. Adopted by the General Conference of the InternationalLabour Organisation at its forty-third session, Geneva, 19 June1959:

    Ratification by Ecuador ................................................. 378Vol 1090

  • United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites


    N0 639. Convention (n' 64) concernant ia reglementation des contrats detravail 6crits des travailleurs indig nes, adoptee par la Confe-rence g nrale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail a savingt-cinquieme session, Geneve, 27 juin 1939, telle qu'elle a Wmodifice par la Convention portant revision des articles finals,1946 :

    N* 640. Convention (n' 65) concernant les sanctions penales pour manque-ments au contrat de travail de la part des travailleurs indig nes,adoptee par la Conference generale de l'Organisation interna-tionale du Travail a sa vingt-cinquieme session, Geneve, 27 juin1939, telle qu'elle a W modifiee par la Convention portant r~vi-sion des articles finals, 1946 :

    N' 881. Convention (n* 87) concernant la liberte syndicale et ia protectiondu droit syndical. Adoptee par la Conference generale de I'Orga-nisation internationale du Travail A sa trente et unieme session,San Francisco, 9 juillet 1948 :

    Ratifications du Swaziland .............................................. 375

    N° 1341. Convention (n' 98) concernant 'application des principes du droitd'organisation et de negociation collective. Adoptee par la Con-ference generale de I'Organisation internationale du Travail asa trente-deuxieme session, Gen~ve, jer juillet 1949 :

    Ratification du Swaziland ............................................... 377

    N' 1616. Convention (n' 97) concernant les travailleurs migrants (r6vis~een 1949). Adoptee par la Conference generale de 'Organisationinternationale du Travail a sa trente-deuxieme session, Geneve,ier juillet 1949 :

    Ratification de l'Equateur ............................................... 377

    N' 1871. Convention (n' 95) concernant la protection du salaire. Adopt~epar ia Conference generale de l'Organisation internationale duTravail a sa trente-deuxieme session, Geneve, 1er juillet 1949 :

    N° 2125. Convention (n' 86) concernant la duree maximum des contrats detravail des travailleurs indigenes. Adoptee par la Conferencegenerale de 'Organisation internationale du Travail A satrentieme session, Geneve, 11 juillet 1947 :

    Ratifications du Swaziland .............................................. 379

    N' 5951. Convention (n' 114) concernant le contrat d'engagement despicheurs. Adoptee par la Conference generale de l'Organisationinternationale du Travail A sa quarante-troisieme session,Geneve, 19 juin 1959 :

    Ratification de l'tquateur ............................................... 379Vol 1090


  • United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites


    No. 7238. Convention (No. 118) concerning equality of treatment ofnationals and non-nationals in social security. Adopted by theGeneral Conference of the International Labour Organisationat its forty-sixth session, Geneva, 28 June 1962:

    Ratification by Iraq ..................................................... 380

    No. 8718. Convention (No. 121) concerning benefits in the case of employ-ment injury. Adopted by the General Conference of the Inter-national Labour Organisation at its forty-eighth session,Geneva, 8 July 1964:

    Ratification by Ecuador ................................................. 380

    No. 10030. Convention (No. 128) concerning invalidity, old-age and sur-vivors' benefits. Adopted by the General Conference of theInternational Labour Organisation at its fifty-first session,Geneva, 29 June 1967:

    Ratification by Ecuador ................................................. 382

    No. 11829. Convention (No. 130) concerning medical care and sicknessbenefits. Adopted by the General Conference of the Interna-tional Labour Organisation at its fifty-third session, Geneva,25 June 1969:

    Ratification by Ecuador ................................................. 382

    No. 16064. Convention (No. 141) concerning organisations of rural workersand their role in economic and social development. Adoptedby the General Conference of the International Labour Organ-isation at its sixtieth session, Geneva, 25 June 1975:

    Ratification by Spain ................................................... 384

    ANNEX C. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerningtreaties and international agreements registered with the Secre-tariat of the League of Nations

    No. 3119. International Load Line Convention. Signed at London, July 5,1930:

    Denunciation by Sweden ................................................ 388

    Vol. 1090


  • 1978 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites XXV


    N° 7238. Convention (no 118) concernant l'egalit6 de traitement des natio-naux et des non-nationaux en matiere de securitE sociale. Adoptiepar la Conference generale de l'Organisation internationale duTravail a sa quarante-sixieme session, Geneve, 28 juin 1962 :

    Ratification de l'Iraq .................................................... 381

    N° 8718. Convention (n0 121) concernant les prestations en cas d'accidentsdu travail et de maladies professionnelles. Adoptee par la Con-ference generale de l'Organisation internationale du TravailA sa quarante-huitiime session, Geneve, 8 juillet 1964 :

    Ratification de l'Equateur ............................................... 381

    N° 10030. Convention (no 128) concernant les prestations d'invalidit6, devieillesse et de survivants. Adoptee par la Conference generalede I'Organisation internationale du Travail a sa cinquanteet unieme session, Geneve, 29 juin 1967 :

    Ratification de l't quateur ............................................... 383

    N0 11829. Convention (n° 130) concernant les soins m6dicaux et les indem-nites de maladie. Adoptee par ia Conference ginerale deI'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa cinquante-troisieme session, Geneve, 25 juin 1969 :

    Ratification de l']quateur ............................................... 383

    N° 16064. Convention (n 141) concernant les organisations de travailleursruraux et leur rble dans le developpement 6conomique et social.Adoptee par ia Conference generale de I'Organisation interna-tionale du Travail a sa soixantieme session, a Geneve, le25 juin 1975 :

    Ratification de I'Espagne ................................................ 385

    ANNEXE C. Ratifications, adhesions, prorogations, etc., concernant destraites et accords internationaux enregistres au Secretariat de laSociete des Nations

    N0 3119. Convention internationale sur les lignes de charge. Signie ALondres, le 5 juillet 1930 :

    D~nonciation de la Suede ............................................... 388

    Vol 1090


    Under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations every treaty and every international agree-ment entered into by any Member of the United Nations after the coming into force of the Charter shall,as soon as possible, be registered with the Secretariat and published by it. Furthermore, no party to atreaty or international agreement subject to registration which has not been registered may invoke thattreaty or agreement before any organ of the United Nations. The General Assembly, by resolution 97 (1),established regulations to give effect to Article 102 of the Charter (see text of the regulations, vol. 859,p. VIII).

    The terms "treaty" and "international agreement" have not been defined either in the Charter or inthe regulations, and the Secretariat follows the principle that it acts in accordance with the position of theMember State submitting an instrument for registration that so far as that party is concerned the instru-ment is a treaty or an international agreement within the meaning of Article 102. Registration of an in-strument submitted by a Member State, therefore, does not imply a judgement by the Secretariat on thenature of the instrument, the status of a party or any similar question. It is the understanding of theSecretariat that its action does not confer on the instrument the status of a treaty or an internationalagreement if it does not already have that status and does not confer on a party a status which it wouldnot otherwise have.

    Unless otherwise indicated, the translations of the original texts of treaties, etc., published in thisSeries have been made by the Secretariat of the United Nations.


    Aux termes de I'Article 102 de la Charte des Nations Unies, tout traite ou accord international conclupar un Membre des Nations Unies apr~s I'entrde en vigueur de la Charte sera, le plus t6t possible,enregistr au Secr6tariat et publi par lui. De plus, aucune partie A un trait6 ou accord international quiaur'ait dO etre enregistr mais ne I'a pas W ne pourra invoquer ledit traite ou accord devant un organe desNations Unies. Par sa resolution 97 (I), I'Assemble g~nerale a adopt6 un r~glement destine A mettre enapplication l'Article 102 de la Charte (voir texte du rbglement, vol. 859, p. IX).

    Le terme -4trait6> et ]'expression n'ont te d~finis ni dans la Charte ni dans leriglement, et le Secretariat a pris comme principe de s'en tenir A Ia position adopt~e A cet 6gard par l'EtatMembre qui a present& l'instrument A 'enregistrement, 6 savoir que pour autant qu'il s'agit de cet Etatcomme partie contractante l'instrument constitue un traite ou un accord international au sens de l'Article102. II s'ensuit que 'enregistrement d'un instrument present par un Etat Membre n'implique, de la partdu Secretariat, aucun jugement sur la nature de ['instrument, le statut d'une partie ou toute autre questionsimilaire. Le Secretariat consid re donc que les actes qu'il pourrait Etre amene A accomplir ne conf~rentpas A un instrument la qualit& de -trait&-ou d'"accord international, si cet instrument n'a pas dfjA cettequalit6, et qu'ils ne conferent pas A une partie un statut que, par ailleurs, elle ne poss~derait pas.

    Sauf indication contraire, les traductions des textes originaux des traitvs, etc., publis dans ce Recueiont W 6tablies par le Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies.

  • I

    Treaties and international agreements


    from 26 May 1978 to 6 June 1978

    Nos. 16706 to 16742

    Traites et accords internationaux


    du 26 mai 1978 au 6juin 1978

    NOs 16706 a 16742

    Vol. 1090

  • No. 16706



    Agreement on trade and economic co-operation. Signedat Madrid on 9 March 1977

    Authentic text: Spanish.

    Registered by Spain on 26 May 1978.



    Accord de commerce et de cooperation economique. Signea Madrid le 9 mars 1977

    Texte authentique : espagnol.

    Enregistr, par l'Espagne le 26 mai 1978.

    Vol. 1090, 1-16706

  • 4 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1978



    El Gobierno de la Reptiblica de Chile y el Gobierno del Estado Espafiol,Considerando la comfin raiz hispinica de ambos pueblos unidos por vin-

    culos de raza, cultura, lengua y civilizaci6n, la necesidad de una mi.s estrechacooperaci6n entre todos los paises del mundo como instrumento eficaz para elmantenimiento de la paz y el logro de los ideales de justicia y progreso de lospueblos, y que la intensificaci6n de las relaciones bilaterales hispano-chilenaspermitirfi, sin duda, el cabal aprovechamiento de beneficios, particularmentefrente a la actual situaci6n econ6mica mundial,

    Acordes en que el actual nivel de entendimiento alcanzado en sus rela-ciones bilaterales, las perspectivas que estas ofrecen, y la necesidad de sufortalecimiento constituyen un medio eficaz para el logro de los prop6sitosindicados y una preocupaci6n permanente y primordial de la politica exterior deambos Estados,

    Conscientes de que la consolidaci6n e intensificaci6n de dichas relacioness6lo ser~t posible a travrs de una real cooperaci6n en los campos econ6micos,y comerciales, tal como lo reconocen el Comunicado Conjunto suscrito enMadrid el 22 de enero de 1975, entre el Comandante en Jefe de la Armada deChile y Miembro de la Honorable Junta de Gobierno de Chile, AlmiranteJos6 Toribio Merino Castro y el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Espafia,Sr. D. Pedro Cortina Mauri, y el Acta Final de la la Reuni6n de la Comisi6nMixta Hispano-Chilena, suscrita en Santiago de Chile el 27 de junio de 1975, y en

    Cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en los citados documentos en orden a crearnuevos mecanismos de cooperaci6n entre los dos paises y sustituir los actualesinstrumentos juridicos vigentes por otros acordes a las actuales circunstancias,

    Han convenido lo siguiente:

    Articulo I. Las disposiciones del presente Convenio serfn aplicables atodas las formas de cooperaci6n econ6mica y comercial a que den origen lasrelaciones entre los Gobiernos de las Partes Contratantes.

    Articulo I. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, ninguna de sus disposicionespodrfin interpretarse en el sentido que impida la adopci6n y el cumplimiento delas normas y medidas relacionadas con la seguridad y defensa nacionales,sanidad pfiblica, defensa de la moralidad nacional y protecci6n del patrimonioartistico nacional.

    Articulo III. Ambas Partes acuerdan estudiar las f6rmulas posibles queconduzcan a una efectiva cooperaci6n econ6mica y comercial.

    En este sentido:

    1. Ambas Partes se comprometen a estudiar el establecimiento de meca-nismos comerciales que compatibilicen las necesidades de incremento del inter-

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    cambio con los efectos derivados de Acuerdos Preferenciales suscritos o quepuedan suscribir cada una de ellas con terceros paises o agrupaciones de paises.

    2. Asimismo, ambas Partes Contratantes se comprometen a apoyar la con-cesi6n de ventajas y facilidades crediticias, fiscales y administrativas para susexportaciones de bienes de capital, de suministros industriales y de estudiostcnicos, destinadas al territorio de la otra Parte, de acuerdo con las respectivasdisposiciones vigentes.

    3. Los capitales procedentes de una de las Partes Contratantes gozarfin,en el territorio de la otra, de un tratamiento no menos favorable que el que seconceda a los capitales procedentes de cualquier otro pais, de acuerdo con lasrespectivas legislaciones internas y lo establecido en el Articulo VIII. Asimismo,se facilitari en igual forma el flujo de aportes de capital entre uno y otro pais.

    4. Ambas Partes Contratantes concederfin el mejor trato posible a lasofertas de estudios, proyectos y suministros presentados por organismos oempresas de la otra Parte, dentro del marco de la legislaci6n vigente en cadapais.

    5. Asimismo, las Partes Contratantes se concederin el mejor trato posibleen los acuerdos de suministros a largo plazo de alimentos, materias primas,productos intermedios y/o elaborados de ambos paises, que permitan la planifi-caci6n de la producci6n y el abastecimiento del pais vendedor y que seancompatibles con la planificaci6n de la producci6n y consumo del pais comprador,con la evoluci6n de las condiciones vigentes en los mercados internacionales yel interns nacional.

    Articulo IV. 1. Las Partes Contratantes se comprometen a Ilevar a cabo,en el marco de sus respectivas legislaciones, las acciones mfis efectivas paraconcretar la cooperaci6n econ6mica en aquellas Areas que ofrecen las posibi-lidades mds favorables para su ripido desarrollo, especialmente en sectoresbdsicos seleccionados de acuerdo a los criterios de prioridad establecidos porel pais receptor de tal cooperaci6n. Con tal prop6sito se concederin lasmayores facilidades posibles para el establecimiento reciproco de empresasespaiiolas, chilenas o mixtas, especialmente de aquellas que permitan un aumentode diversificaci6n de los intercambios.

    2. Esta cooperaci6n se efectuard, entre otras, en las siguientes Areas:

    - Mineria;- Industria forestal y papelera;- Industria pesquera;- Hidrocarburos y energia;- Industria naval (construcci6n de buques, industria auxiliar y astilleros);- Industria editorial y grifica;- Industria de alimentaci6n;- Industria del cuero, del calzado y textil;- Material ferroviario;- Industria sider6rgica;- Industria de fertilizantes;- Material de comunicaciones;- Servicios (banca, seguros, turismo, ingenieria);- Industria farmac~utica.

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    Articulo V. La cooperaci6n a que se refiere el presente Convenio, habidacuenta del desarrollo previsto de las relaciones econ6micas, se orientari,especialmente, hacia los siguientes aspectos:1) Desarrollo de las A.reas mencionadas en el Articulo precedente;2) Participaci6n en la instalaci6n de nuevas plantas industriales asi como en

    la ampliaci6n y/o modernizaci6n de las ya existentes;3) Intercambio de patentes, licencias e informaci6n t6cnica, aplicaci6n y per-

    feccionamiento de tecnologia existente y/o desarrollo de nuevos procedi-mientos tecnol6gicos, asi como prestaci6n de servicios t6cnicos por mediode envio de especialistas o de su formaci6n;

    4) Investigaci6n y desarrollo de proyectos en el campo de los recursos natu-rales y transformaci6n de materias primas;

    5) Intercambio de misiones econ6micas, cientificas, t6cnicas e industriales;

    6) Elaboraci6n y realizaci6n de proyectos e investigaciones para la colaboraci6nconjunta, en mercados de terceros paises, de las producciones obtenidasen el Ambito de la cooperaci6n que establece el presente Convenio;

    7) Constituci6n de sociedades hispano-chilenas de producci6n de bienes yservicios y/o comercializaci6n, asi como la realizaci6n de estudios para elaprovechamiento de los canales de comercializaci6n actualmente existentesen cada pais, para productos destinados a los mercados nacionales o inter-nacionales;

    8) Formalizaci6n de acuerdos de suministro a largo plazo en los t6rminosestablecidos en el prrafo cinco del Articulo III del presente Convenio.

    Articulo VI. En relaci6n con el tratamiento de la inversi6n en cada uno delos paises contemplados en los Articulos III y V del presente Convenio, ambasPartes Contratantes se comprometen a la fijaci6n y pago de indemnizacionesen caso de eventuales expropiaciones o nacionalizaciones.

    Articulo VII. 1. Las Partes Contratantes convienen en concederse reci-procamente el tratamiento incondicional e ilimitado de naci6n mis favorecida,tanto para la importaci6n como para la exportaci6n de los productos origi-narios del territorio de la otra Parte o destinado a 61, en todo lo referente aderechos de aduanas, impuestos y tasas adicionales, al modo de percepci6n delos derechos, a la custodia de productos en los dep6sitos aduaneros, al sistemade control y anAlisis, a la clasificaci6n de las mercancias en las aduanas, a lainterpretaci6n de las tarifas, como asimismo a los reglamentos, formalidades ygrav~imenes a los cuales puedan ser sometidas las operaciones de importaci6no exportaci6n, sin que sea hecha distinci6n alguna en relaci6n a la via y almedio de transporte empleado.

    2. Los productos originarios y procedentes de una de las Partes Contra-tantes, una vez importados en el territorio de la otra, no serhn sometidos,directa o indirectamente, a impuestos u otras tributaciones internas, de cualquierindole, distintos o mos onerosos que aquellos a los cuales quedan o quedarensometidos los productos nacionales de naturaleza similar, de acuerdo con lasdisposiciones del Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT).

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    Articulo VIII. El tratamiento de naci6n mis favorecida previsto en elpresente Convenio, no se aplicari, salvo com6n acuerdo y dentro de susrespectivos compromisos intemacionales:

    a) A los privilegios y ventajas otorgados, o que pudieran ser otorgados poste-riormente, como consecuencia de zonas de libre comercio, uniones aduaneras,regimenes especiales de comercio fronterizo u otras formas de integraci6necon6mica establecidas o que pudieran establecerse en el futuro por cualquierade las Partes Contratantes, con sujeci6n a las normas del Acuerdo Generalsobre Aranceles y Comercio (GATT);

    b) A los privilegios y ventajas de caricter especial otorgados o que pudierenser otorgados por las dos Partes, de conformidad con las disposiciones delAcuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio (GATT).

    Articulo IX. Las Partes Contratantes convienen en que todos los pagosderivados de operaciones realizadas en el marco de este Convenio serin liqui-dados en divisas de libre convertibilidad, de acuerdo con las leyes y reglamentosen vigor en los respectivos paises.

    Articulo X. 1. Las Partes Contratantes se reconocen mutuamente lavalidez de los certificados oficiales zoosanitarios, fitosanitarios y de inspecci6ncomercial y de andlisis cualitativos expedidos por las instituciones oficialesdel otro pais, que cumplan las normas internacionales y, en su caso, las que seconvengan por dichas instituciones de ambas Partes.

    2. Cada una de las Partes Contratantes se reserva el derecho de proceder,si lo cree oportuno y a su costo, a todas las verificaciones necesarias noobstante la exhibici6n de los documentos mencionados en el pirrafo anterior,sin que de ellas se deriven demoras o dificultades injustificadas que constituyanuna perturbaci6n para la importaci6n.

    Articulo XI. Los buques de cada una de las Partes Contratantes gozarinen la jurisdicci6n de la otra, del trato mis favorable que establezcan sus res-pectivas legislaciones en cuanto al regimen de puertos y a las operaciones queen ellos se verifiquen, de acuerdo con las respectivas legislaciones y lo esti-pulado en el Articulo VIII.

    Articulo XII. 1. Con el fin de intensificar el mutuo conocimiento de lasrespectivas estructuras econ6micas y posibilidades de intercambio comercial,ambas Partes Contratantes acuerdan estimular las acciones de promoci6n quepuedan producirse por uno de los paises en el territorio del otro.

    2. A tal efecto, se concederin mutuamente las miximas facilidades ten-dientes a

    a) Participaci6n en ferias y exposiciones que se celebren en sus respectivosterritorios;

    b) Organizaci6n de misiones comerciales;

    c) Concesi6n de importaciones temporales para muestrarios;d) Exenci6n del pago de derechos arancelarios para los folletos, prospectos

    y demis material publicitario destinado a ferias de muestras o a facilitar entales ferias la venta de mercancias;

    e) Promover contactos entre organizaciones, empresas y trcnicos de ambospaises;

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    f) Simplificar, dentro del marco legal de cada uno de los paises, las forma-lidades aduaneras;

    g) Utilizaci6n de zonas y dep6sitos francos;

    h) Cualquier otra medida de la que pueda derivarse un mayor conocimientode las respectivas economias y posibilidades de cooperaci6n econ6mica ycomercial, y que sea compatible con el inter6s nacional.

    Articulo XIII. En el marco de lo previsto en los Articulos III, IV y V,ambas Partes se comprometen a facilitar la realizaci6n de asesoramientost6cnicos y econ6micos por parte de expertos para la concreci6n de los pro-gramas de desarrollo.

    Articulo XIV. Las Partes Contratantes no transmitirin a terceros, sinprevia conformidad por escrito de la otra Parte, informaciones y/o conocimientosresultantes de la cooperaci6n econ6mica desarrollada en cumplimiento delpresente Convenio.

    Articulo XV. Ambas Partes convienen en que la Comisi6n Mixta Hispano-Chilena, creada en el Comunicado Conjunto de fecha 22 de enero de 1975que se menciona en el prefmbulo del presente Convenio, serA el 6rganoadecuado para la coordinaci6n de las acciones a desarrollar en funci6n delpresente instrumento. La citada Comisi6n estarA integrada por representantes deambos Gobiernos y, de comin acuerdo, con el asesoramiento de expertosoficiales y privados.

    Esta Comisi6n se reuniri alternativamente en ambas capitales, de com6nacuerdo y a petici6n previa de una de las Partes, y deberi proceder en particular:

    - A examinar la evoluci6n de la ejecuci6n del presente Convenio en el periodoinmediatamente anterior;

    - A estudiar el desarrollo de los intercambios comerciales entre los dos paisesy en especial aquellos problemas que se hayan planteado en los mismos;

    - A la individualizaci6n de los sectores de comin inter6s en los cuales esposible realizar formas de cooperaci6n;

    - Al examen de proyectos y de las iniciativas objeto de la cooperaci6n enetapa de estudio y/o de aplicaci6n o ejecuci6n;

    - A proponer a sus respectivos Gobiernos la adopci6n de medidas adecuadaspara la efectiva y eficaz aplicaci6n del presente Convenio.

    En los periodos que medien entre las reuniones de la Comisi6n Mixta, lasPartes Contratantes se comprometen a suministrarse informaci6n de unaforma regular y frecuente y a tomar cuantas medidas sean necesarias parafacilitar el intercambio comercial y la cooperaci6n entre ambos paises.

    Articulo XVI. 1. El presente Convenio sustituye al Convenio Comercial yde Pagos entre el Gobierno de la Repdblica de Chile y el Gobierno del EstadoEspafiol, suscrito en San Sebastiin el 9 de agosto de 1950.

    2. Se aplicari provisionalmente desde el dia de la firma y entrari en vigoren la fecha del intercambio de las notas por las que ambas Partes se comuniquenhaber cumplido sus requisitos constitucionales.

    3. Este Convenio tendrAi una duraci6n de diez afios y se renovari porticita reconducci6n por periodos sucesivos anuales, salvo que una de las Partes

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    lo denuncie con una anticipaci6n de por lo menos tres meses a la fecha de suvencimiento.

    4. En cualquier momento de su vigencia el presente Convenio podrA sermodificado o ampliado de comin acuerdo.

    5. Si a la terminaci6n del presente Convenio existiesen pagos u otras obli-gaciones pendientes, estos se efectuarfn aplicfindose las disposiciones estipuladasen el mismo.

    EN FE DE LO CUAL lOS Plenipotenciarios designados al efecto firman el pre-sente Convenio en dos ejemplares originales igualmente v~lidos, en idiomaespafiol, en la ciudad de Madrid el dia nueve del mes de marzo de mil nove-cientos setenta y siete.

    Por el Gobiernode la Reptiblica de Chile:


    Ministrode Relaciones Exteriores

    Por el Gobiernodel Estado Espafiol:


    Ministrode Asuntos Exteriores

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    The Government of the Republic of Chile and the Government of theSpanish State,

    Considering the common Hispanic roots of the two peoples, united bybonds of race, culture, language and civilization, the need for closer co-operationamong all countries of the world as an effective means of maintaining peace andachieving the ideals of justice and progress of peoples, and that stronger bilateralHispano-Chilean ties will undoubtedly contribute to the full enjoyment of benefits,particularly in the present world economic situation,

    Agreeing that the level of understanding they have now reached in theirbilateral relations, the prospects offered by these relations and the need tostrengthen them constitute an effective means of achieving the above purposesand a permanent and primary concern of the foreign policy of the two States,

    Aware that the consolidation and strengthening of these relations will bepossible only through real co-operation in the economic and trade fields, as isrecognized in the Joint Communiqu6 signed in Madrid on 22 January 1975 byAdmiral Jos6 Toribio Merino Castro, Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Navyand Member of the Honourable Government Junta of Chile, and Mr. PedroCortina Mauri, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Spain, and in the Final Act of theFirst Meeting of the Joint Hispano-Chilean Commission, signed at Santiago,Chile, on 27 June 1975, and

    In implementation of the provisions of the above documents with regard toestablishing new machinery for co-operation between the two countries andreplacing the legal instruments in force by others in keeping with the presentcircumstances,

    Have agreed as follows:

    Article I. The provisions of this Agreement shall apply to all forms ofeconomic and trade co-operation arising from the relations between the Govern-ments of the Contracting Parties.

    Article H. Without prejudice to the above, none of the provisions shallbe construed as being an impediment to the adoption and implementation ofprocedures and measures in respect of national security and defence, publichealth, the protection of national morality and the protection of the nationalartistic heritage.

    Article III. The two Parties agree to study possible procedures for effectiveeconomic and trade co-operation.

    I Applied provisionally from 9 March 1977, the date of signature, and came into force definitively on 3 March1978, the date of the last of the notifications by which the Parties informed each other of the fulfilment of theirconstitutional requirements, in accordance with article XVI (2).

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    To that end:

    1. The two Parties undertake to consider the establishment of trademachinery for the purpose of balancing the need for more trade with theeffects of preferential agreements that have been or may be signed with thirdcountries or groups of countries.

    2. Each of the two Contracting Parties also undertakes to support thegranting of credit, fiscal and administrative advantages and facilities for itsexports of capital goods, industrial supplies and technical studies to the territoryof the other Party, in accordance with the respective provisions in force.

    3. Capital from one of the Contracting Parties shall, in the territory of theother Party, enjoy treatment no less favourable than that granted to capitalfrom any other country, subject to the respective domestic legislation and theprovisions of article VIII. The flow of capital inputs between the two countriesshall be likewise facilitated.

    4. Each of the two Contracting Parties shall grant the best possible treat-ment to tenders for surveys, plans and supplies submitted by agencies or enter-prises of the other Party, subject to the legislation in force in each country.

    5. The Contracting Parties shall also grant each other the best possibletreatment in agreements for the long-term supply of foodstuffs, raw materials,intermediate and/or finished products from the two countries, which are con-ducive to the selling country's production planning and supply and compatiblewith the purchasing country's production and consumption planning, with thechanging conditions prevailing in the international markets and with the nationalinterest.

    Article IV. 1. The Contracting Parties undertake, within the frameworkof their respective legislation, to take the most effective action possible topromote economic co-operation in those areas which offer the most favourableprospects for their rapid development, especially in basic sectors selected inaccordance with the priority criteria established by the country receiving thisco-operation. To that end, they shall grant the best possible facilities for thereciprocal establishment of Spanish, Chilean or joint enterprises, particularlythose which allow for greater trade diversification.

    2. This co-operation shall be carried out in the following areas, amongothers:

    -Mining;-Forestry and paper industry;-Fisheries industry;-Hydrocarbons and energy;-Shipping industry (shipbuilding, ancillary industries and dockyards);-Publishing and printing industry;-Food industry;-Leather, footwear and textile industry;-Railway equipment;-Iron and steel industry;-Fertilizer industry;-Communications equipment;-Services (banking, insurance, tourism, engineering);-Pharmaceutical industry.

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    Article V. The co-operation constituting the subject of this Agreementshall, having regard to the anticipated development of economic relations, bedirected especially towards the following:

    (1) Development of the areas mentioned in the preceding article;(2) Participation in the installation of new industrial plants and in the expansion

    and/or modernization of existing plants;(3) Exchange of patents, licences, and technical information, application and

    improvement of existing technologies and/or development of new tech-nological processes, and provision of technical services through the sendingor training of specialists;

    (4) Research and development of projects in the field of natural resources andprocessing of raw materials;

    (5) Exchange of economic, scientific, technical and industrial missions;(6) Preparation and implementation of projects and research for the joint

    marketing in third world countries of the production resulting from the co-operation established under this Agreement;

    (7) Establishment of Hispano-Chilean companies for producing and/ormarketing goods and services, and studies on the use of the marketingchannels existing in each country for products intended for national orinternational markets;

    (8) Conclusion of long-term supply agreements in conformity with the provisionsof article III, paragraph 5, of this Agreement.

    Article VI. With regard to the treatment of investment in each of the coun-tries referred to in articles III and V of this Agreement, both ContractingParties undertake to determine and pay compensation in the event of expro-priation or nationalization.

    Article VII. 1. The Contracting Parties agree to grant each other uncon-ditional and unlimited most-favoured-nation treatment, applicable to both theimport and the export of products originating in or sent to the territory of theother Party, in all matters relating to customs duties, additional taxes andcharges, mode of levying duties, custody of products in customs warehouses,inspection and analysis systems, classification of goods for customs purposes andinterpretation of tariffs, and to the regulations, formalities and fees to whichimport and export transactions may give rise, without distinction as to the routeand means of transport used.

    2. Products originating in and coming from one of the Contracting Parties,which have been imported into the territory of the other Party, shall not be sub-ject, directly or indirectly, to taxes or other domestic levies of any kind dif-ferent from or heavier than those to which national products of a similar natureare or may be subject, in accordance with the provisions of the General Agree-ment on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).'

    Article VIII. The most-favoured-nation treatment provided for in thisAgreement shall not apply, except by common agreement and subject to theirrespective international commitments, to:

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    (a) Any privileges or advantages which are or may later be granted as a con-sequence of free trade areas, customs unions, special border trade rules orother forms of economic integration which have been or may be establishedin future, by either of the Contracting Parties, subject to the provisions of theGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT);

    (b) Any special privileges or advantages which are or may be granted by thetwo Parties in accordance with the provisions of the General Agreement onTariffs and Trade (GATT).

    Article IX. The Contracting Parties agree that all payments occasioned bytransactions carried out under this Agreement shall be made in freely con-vertible currencies, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in theirrespective countries.

    Article X. 1. Each Contracting Party shall recognize as valid officialanimal health, plant health, trade inspection and qualitative analysis certificatesissued by the official agencies of the other country which conform to interna-tional standards and, if appropriate, standards agreed upon by the said agenciesof both Parties.
