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Treehouse Volume 2 Issue 20

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Dhaka Tribune's kid supplement. Where the fun is at
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Dhaka Tribune Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Volume 2, Issue 20 TALES FROM THE CITY TALES FROM THE CITY EPISODE 63: THE PLAN EPISODE 63: THE PLAN

Dhaka Tribune Wednesday, September 17, 2014Volume 2, Issue 20

Tales From The CiTyTales From The CiTyEpisodE 63: ThE planEpisodE 63: ThE plan

WEDN ESDAY, SEptEmbEr 17, 2014

1Jonaki's headquarters

A weekly production ofDhakaTribune

EditorZafar Sobhan

Executive EditorShahriar Karim

Managing EditorJahangir Hyder

Magazine EditorSabrina Fatma Ahmad

Asst Magazine EditorTahsin Momin

Treehouse TeamFuad M HossainNatasha RahmanSaudia AfrinBaizid Haque JoarderRad ShararRaisa Rahim

CartoonistSyed Rashad Imam TanmoyRio Shuvo

GraphicsTahsin MominMohammed Mahbub Alam

Colour specialistShekhar MondalKazi Syras Al Mahmood

ProductionMasum Billah

AdvertisingShahidan Khurshed

CirculationMasud Kabir Pavel

Email [email protected]


Enjoyed our last issue? This week, guess who is the world famous Dutch painter by connecting the dots in Bhootum’s Classroom (Pg 4). Also check out Discobang’s Pad (Pg 2) to find out more about the painter while also checking out a few of his popular

art works. Dr. Meow (Pg 6), has for you plenty of magic tricks that you can learn to impress your friends and family. Let this week’s issue inspire you to send in your drawing, poems etc. at [email protected]


hey friends,

Solution: Nephew #1 is the killer. Nephew #2 is simply too fat to be able to crawl under the car to cut the well-hidden wires.


2 disCobang’s padQuizWord on the street Life on a Wheel and the Precious Childhood

3 TalEs from ThE CiTyThe plan

4 bhooTum’s ClassroomAmazing factsConnect the dotsLearn English kids

5 spEEdy’s ZonEApp BrainwarsDIY Wall holderMovie Must watch list

6 dr mEow’s labTrivia TimeFictionGarden of friendshipMagicMove a toothpick without touching itFun ScienceMagic ink

WEDN ESDAY, SEptEmbEr 17, 2014

discobang's pad



ce: J











lifE on a whEEl and ThE prECious Childhood!We found this little boy playing in a busy alley in Dhaka – with little worry for world! How innocent childhood can be! We can only wish that this time remains with him forever! Sohana Mahjabin

who is ThE arTisT of This piCTurEs?

Word on ThE sTrEET

He was a Dutch painter whose work is known for its beauty, emotional honesty, and bold colour—had a strong affect on 20th-century art. He is famous for his self-portraits and drew 37 self-portraits between 1886 and 1889. Some of most well known paintings are The Starry Night, Starry Night over the Rhone, Cafe Terrace at Night and Portrait of Pere Tanguy.


suhadha afrin

WEDN ESDAY, SEptEmbEr 17, 2014



General Meow talks to Bhootum about his war plan.

EpisodE 63: ThE plan

Story and Created by Sabrina Fatma Ahmad Illustration by Syed Rashad Imam Tanmoy

Coloured by Rio Shuvo

TalEs from ThE CiTy

ThE sTory so fAr

WEDN ESDAY, SEptEmbEr 17, 2014

4bhootum's Classroom

TONGUETWISTERSTongue twisters are difficult to say. How fast can you say it without making any mistakes?

I can think of six thin things, but I can think of six thick things too.

Find lots more fun things to do atwww.britishcouncil.org/learnenglishkids © British Council 2013Colour iT in

Vincent Van GoGh

WEDN ESDAY, SEptEmbEr 17, 2014

Things you’ll need• Cardboard paper• Cute wrapping or printed paper• Superglue

How you will do it• Cut the cardboard paper and shape

it into a hollow bowl• Wrap the bowl with the printed

colourful paper• Hold the bowls side by side, with a

clip, to form a flower shape• Apply glue towards the side which

you want to stick• Stick it to the wall with glue or pins.

nuSrat nauShin

MusT Try APP



Ever wondered how that top student always stays first on report cards? You can be that person too. All you need to do is teach your brain and keep it sharp. And Brainwars is a really fun way of doing that, with your friends.

The game is a simple – beat your friends or random people in super fun brain puzzles. You can challenge your


friends, play around normally (the game is that fun), and rise in the world ranks! They even tell you what parts of your brain are strong or needs more training, like maths, how fast you make decisions, reasoning etc. Brainwars is free on iTunes and for Android devices, so go on! Its time to make your brain hit the gym.

rad Sharar

speedy's Zone


wall holdEr

hErE arE somE vEry funny and advEnTurous moviEs ThaT you should waTCh!

Jumanji (1995) How The Grinch Stone Christmas (2000)

Nanny McPhee (2005) Shrek (2001)

Toy Story (1995) Home Alone (1990)

Matilda (1996)

Up! (2009)

Monsters, Inc (2001)

WEDN ESDAY, SEptEmbEr 17, 2014

dr meow's lab


gardEn of friEndshipInayah loved living things but she had a special corner in her heart for plants and trees. In fact, she adored them so much that she would spend most of her afternoons in her mother’s garden.

One sunny day, she came across a super-cute caterpillar. Light green in colour, the caterpillar was munching happily on a big leaf. Delighted with her discovery, Inayah carefully plucked the leaf and carried it home. She put the caterpillar in a glass jar and from that day on took special care of her new friend. One day, Inayah woke up to find her jar open and the caterpillar gone. She was close to tears when her mother told her that the caterpillar had become a butterfly and had to be freed.

Inayah washed her face and went to the garden and ‘lo, the butterfly was already there! Inayah was all smiles as she was reunited with her friend.

nuSrat nauShin


What you will need• Flat toothpick• Clear plastic cup• Thumbtack• Balloon

What to do• Set the thumbtack on a flat

surface with the point facing up.

• Carefully balance the centre of the toothpick on the point of the thumbtack.

• Place the cup over the thumbtack and the toothpick.

• Blow up the balloon and rub it against your hair to “charge” it up with static electricity.

• Move the balloon close to the plastic cup and slowly around it.

• The toothpick moves without being touched!

nuSrat nauShin


magiC ink

What you’ll need• Half a lemon• Water• Spoon• Bowl• Cotton bud• White paper• Lamp or other light bulb What to do• Squeeze some lemon juice

into the bowl and add a few drops of water.

• Mix the water and lemon juice with the spoon.

• Dip the cotton bud into the mixture and write a message onto the white paper.

• Wait for the juice to dry so it becomes completely invisible.

When you are ready to read your secret message or show it to someone else, heat the paper by holding it close to a light bulb.

nuSrat nauShin


fun sCiEnCE


• Accurate clocks that measure hours, minutes and seconds have improved with the creation of sundials, water clocks, mechanical clocks, pendulums and hourglasses through to the digital displays and atomic clocks of today.

• A sundial is a tool that uses the

position of the Sun to measure time.

• The use of pendulums to measure time was better discovered by Galileo Galilei around 400 years ago. A pendulum is a free swinging weight hanging from a pivot.

• Scientists believe the moon was used as a form of calendar as far back as 6000 years ago. Calendars have been changing ever since and are very accurate in modern times.

• Different parts of the world are located in different time zones. This means that while you are having breakfast in the morning, someone in another part of the world is having dinner. nuSrat nauShin

movE a TooThpiCk wiThouT TouChing iT
