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Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal

Date post: 02-Jun-2018
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  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


    !"#$%&'()* ,&-.%/"-()* 0&121-() $34 5&1163"74(Leveraging the Two-Year Effort Into An Aggressive Branding Platform

  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


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  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


    S#8=63;(' T3"?#;'.+ E'U=#'>&'. !/# E'U=#'Marketing alone, does not a sale make. More and more constituents (B2B and B2C) gravitate to brands whose repu

    been qualified by media, industry associations, bloggers, social networks, friends and family.

    While We Start With The Brand, Its The Public Relations E!ort That Establishes The Reputation-Based Content TThroughout All Marketing Initiatives.



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    Social Needs ToEngage TheInfluencers

    PR Strategy Drives TheReputation-Rich Content

    Through A Series Of Tactics

    Using Technology, Can Merchandise T

    Reputation Faste

    Brand MustResonate With

    Target Customer

    Third PartyAttribution Must BeWoven Throughout

  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


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  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


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    At this stage, we are providing preliminary recommendations collaborate with the executive management team and marketdepartment to support your e!orts to take the Brookhaven brof constituents while also ensuring that the current constituenvocally around the continued progress.

    Brand Position | Media Strategy | Thought Leadership | Dynamic Content | Market

  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


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    As you know, the brand position goes well beyond the identity and tag line. Acomplex entity that cannot be summed up and marketing one dimensionally. pronged approach to carry out multiple themes to multiple constituents. It maoverarching theme, but we need a series of short working sessions with key stabrands position going forward. Out of it will come a number of usable deliverforward.

    Core Elements

    Residents As Shareholders

    Business Friendly To Outside Industry

    Entrepreneur Empowerment

    New Urbanism | Green Inviting

    Transparent Stewardship

  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


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    Much like weve seen with the grassroots movement away from factory farmingfarm, consumers are exhausted with big city politics, congestion, financial oquality of life. Theres a movement towards the boutique city and Brookhavenin a great position to become a local, regional and national spokesperson for tBrookhaven front and center.

    Core Elements

    National Boutique City Tour

    Speakers Bureau Series

    Rise Of Americas Boutique Cities

    That Was Then, This Is The Future

    Dos and Donts of City Privatizing

    Taking Residents Out Of Comfort Zone

    Being Independent, But County Collaborative

  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


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    With the existing communications sta!, we recognize that its not in your best development, release distribution and incoming media inquiries. However, weagency focus on more strategic media/blogger targets for exposure within thebusiness sites and regional and national media. Other strategies like a radio mand/or City Manager can provide valuable marketing assets for the website anUltimately, we want the Brookhaven constituents to see and hear that their cityinfluential media outlets. In addition, the agency would be a resource for provon the ground resources in the instance of a crisis.

    Core Elements

    Major Media Bureau

    Mayor/City Manager Profiles

    Radio Media Tour

    Crisis Response

    Media Training

  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


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    Brookhaven already has a range of content they produce and it is not our intenbut instead serve as an additional creative resource for existing or new contenreport that can be printed and produced as a digital magazine. While much hyears, we know theres a bigger vision for the future. See the attached movie that can be produced to showcase Brookhaven 2025 http://www.alysbeachvideo/. On a smaller scale, we could see a series that profiles existing and newBrookhaven. The monthly series can include three to four businesses with all vBrookhaven YouTube Channel, the website and the participating company siteto explore other potential collateral needs in support of department initiatives

    Core Elements

    Brookhaven The Movie

    The Brookhaven Report

    Brookhaven Business Series

    Doing Business in Brookhaven Collateral


  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


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    Given all of the current programs in place, we want to explore innovative waysexisting programs. For example, we did not discuss what Brookhaven is doingstandpoint, but we should look at other markets and develop a mobile applicaresidents convenience and access to information. Much like the video we prodwe need to showcase the emerging incubator and a potential alliance with Ogcan become a concept focused exclusively on retailers, possibly with a ScoutMmuch has been accomplished in two years, but we need the business communthrough research that can be packaged and communicated.

    Core Elements

    Mobile Application

    Incubator Campaign

    Brookhaven Days

    Brookhaven Business Survey

  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


    2&.&63% T3"?#;'.+ J3&4 H(':&4#"3;(':

    Data-Driven Audience Buying: Leverage our proprietary data segments for specific demogr

    browsing behavior. This also helps us build the retargeting pool.

    FBX Retargeting: Serves right-rail Brookhaven ads to previous visitors of the Brookhaven s

    Pre-roll Video: Offers us :15s and 30s Preroll Video segments targeting sites that index high

    Geofencing: Tailor targeting to mobile users that are close to retail locations with Brookhav

    Theres a great deal that can be deployed from

    a digital marketing standpoint as a strategy to

    reach the defined Brookhaven marketplace

    and, if interested, the larger Atlanta

    community. Our recommendation at this

    stage is to let us explore what you are

    currently doing and propose tests with

    di!erent strategies to assess what is proving

    to be most e!ective.

    Test 60-90 Days





    Data-Driven Audience Buying

    FBX Retargeting

  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal



    Much of what we are proposing can be done as one-off projects during the calendar year. Some of it requires additional definitto finalize pricing.

    Brand Session/Discovery/Messaging $ 7,500

    Thought Leadership/Speakers Bureau $ 1,000

    Get The Word Out/Media Relations

    $ 2,000

    Dynamic Content $ 25,00

    Marketing Our Assets

    $ 25,00

    Digital Marketing ($5,000 each/month)

    $ 5,000

    Planning and Consultation $ 500

    Administrative Expenses (not including digital marketing)

    5% of F

    Online Media Distribution Tools $ 250 M

  • 8/10/2019 Trevelino/Keller Brookhaven Proposal


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