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TRF Trustee Chairman’s Message...3 TRF Trustee Chairman’s Message - August 2018 Without The...

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Rtn. Barry RassinPresident 2018-19

A well-known saying goes, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” That doesn’t mean people should ignore the needs outside their own homes; instead, they should pay attention to the needs within.

It can be tempting, when our priority is service, to focus only on the things that look like service: the projects, the planning, the work that yields a visible benef it to those who need it. But to do that work effectively, we need to keep our own house in order. In Rotary, that means conducting ourselves in accordance with the principles of Rotary, treating others with respect, and following The Four-Way Test. It means maximizing our impact by planning carefully and stewarding our resources wisely. And it means looking after the long-term health of our organization by ensuring that our membership is strong, engaged, and healthy.

Our membership has hovered around the same 1.2 million mark for 20 years. We aren’t growing, and our membership is getting older. We have too many clubs that don’t have the knowledge or motivation to have an impact: clubs that don’t know what we’re doing on a global level, clubs that don’t know about our programs or our Foundation, that don’t even know how to get involved. And with a membership that is still mostly male, we clearly aren’t doing enough to become the organization of choice for women who are seeking to serve.

We are a membership organization f irst. If we want to achieve the goals we’ve set for ourselves, we need to put membership f irst. All of us have a responsibility to take membership seriously, not only by inviting prospective members, but also by making sure new members are welcomed into clubs that offer them something of value. If you see someone walk into a meeting and hesitate, be sure that person has a place to sit and is par t of the conversation. If you’re enthusiastic about a Rotary program, make sure your club knows about it and knows how to get involved. If you see a need in your community, talk about it at this week’s meeting. If we want to be par t of an organization that’s strong, that’s active, that’s having an impact – star t at home, and Be the Inspiration in Rotary.

RI President Barry Rassin Honoured

RI President Barry Rassin was honoured recently by the Bahamas Government with the Order of Distinction for his exemplary services to The Bahamas.


TRF Trustee Chairman’s Message- August 2018

Without The Rotary Foundation’s Endowment Fund, our effor ts would be for naught. The endowment is the backbone of Rotary’s effor ts around the world, providing access to the time, talent, and resources needed to make a difference. Our goal of building the Endowment Fund to $2.025 billion by 2025 and this year’s fundraising goal of $380 million are surely some of the most impor tant tasks at hand for our organization.

Your f inancial suppor t has made possible every single thing that Rotary has done over the years. But what’s equally essential – and might sometimes be in danger of being overlooked – is your par ticipation.

Without you, Rotary is nothing. The Foundation needs your presence, your input, and your creative mind just as much as it needs your generous f inancial backing. Your Rotary club needs you to be there at meetings – not to warm a chair, but to engage, to inspire.

I shared last month how my relationship with Rotary changed when I went from being a tepid (at best) seat-warmer to a committee chair who was engaged and focused. You don’t need to wait for someone to ask you to chair a committee or be a club off icer to begin to transform your Rotary journey. There’s a place in Rotary for all of you to step up and become people of action.

Be engaged. Working with your club on service projects that qualify for District Designated Funds is one way to par ticipate and use your voice to make a real difference. If your club has no service projects that interest you, work on getting some new ones underway. Carry out community assessments to f ind out how we can best use our resources to create positive change.

This month, I invite you to transform the way you think about your involvement with Rotary. Consider every meeting a chance to discover new channels for your energy and to brainstorm with like-minded Rotarians about how you can work together for a better world.

Trustee Chair 2018-19

We’re very excited to let you know that RI’s Intellectual Proper ty team won the World Trademark Review Industry Awards for Best Nonprof it Team 2018, beating out the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, the American Red Cross, the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH and the Scotch Whisky Association. Please share in this recognition with us because the trademark protection effor t extends to each and every one of the members!


District Governor’s message- August 2018

My dear Comrades

Greeting to your family !!

Thanks to each one of you for attending my installation function “Corona”at Coimbatore on 1st July 2018. Your presence made all the difference to mark the new beginning of the Rotary year 2018-19 . Congratulations to all the Miracle Maker Presidents and Secretaries and team for being installed and beginning the year with zeal and enthusiasm. We have set foot on this Rotary journey with hopes that we will do our jobs well. I am sure that - because of our effor ts and good work through this year, we will leave off ice at the end of the year, with clubs and our District larger and stronger, more eff icient and more effective and more fully committed to the work and values of Rotary.

Our RI president Barry has chosen the Theme “Be the Inspiration”. True to this theme we have begun by showing our concern to the community. Rotarians have reached out to communities that were affected by f loods and battered by heavy rains in par ts of Kerala, some even outside the district. My appreciation to all Rotarians who have helped out in this time of need and are an inspiration to me and several others . Almost all clubs have been doing projects of Nakshatram and others, in all earnest . We have done almost 60,000 trees and we only have a nine lakh and for ty thousand to go. We have done extremely well in feeding the needy. The blood banks are working round the clock to suppor t our blood donation camps. Smiles aplenty has given us the miles of happiness. We have been providing several litres of safe drinking water to those affected in the f loods and am sure Rotarians will make this facility in public places to enhance our public image. We have star ted of with a head star t for the million dollars and I thank friends who have contributed to the foundation on the day one - of our journey and fur ther on. A million is not far for us. The installation has been a fabulous family time for us taking stock of what we did last year and team introduced for this year with plans in place, all the while, with lots of fun and frolic with our kin and kith.

Wishing you all more such good times and memorable meaningful service to our community. I welcome all new members who have brought new ideas and warmth to our organisation. The “TRF seminar” is just around the corner and let us par ticipate to understand the oxygen of our organisation - TRF . Wishing you all a happy month of membership and TRF. Thanks to the Editorial team with Rtn Suresh at the helm, as a team, they have been tracking the entire district for what’s happening around . Great work ! Regards

Rtn. A V PathyDist. Governor 32012018-19

Veena Pathy

Dear Annes in Rotary,

Greetings to all of you !!

Your presence and best wishes during the Installation function “CORONA” of District Governor Rtn Pathy, was really overwhelming. Thank you. Your club installation must have been a memorable function and now the year has begun with new projects and new ideas.

Rotary, everyday gives us new oppor tunities to serve... this attitude to serve binds people in a beautiful bond of love, mutual trust, understanding, loyalty and affection. Rotary also gives us wonderful oppor tunities to bond with members and their families. Friendship is a beautiful feeling of companionship and with like minded people in our Rotary family, we can increase our circle of good friends. Attend good speaker meetings organized by your club and also par ticipate in projects along with your family. Enjoy Rotary, celebrate friendship in Rotary !!

First Lady’s Corner


From the Editor’s Desk

Rtn. Suresh Lund

Rtn. Ann. Amritha Lund

Dear Friends,


August is Membership and Extension Month when Rotary Clubs focus on membership in Rotary. All Rotarians are ambassadors of Rotary and the focus is on building strong, vibrant clubs by inviting prospective members to join Rotary. Membership in Rotary fulf ills the basic human need of friendship. In fact, it was one of the primary reasons Paul Harris star ted Rotary in 1905. We create lifelong friendships in our local and international communities.

Rotary gives our members the ability to make a difference and follow their passion in helping others. Rotary empowers our members to dream large in addressing needs in local and international communities. August worldwide is a friendship month. Through Rotary new friends await in every corner of the world. Let’s bring in more members and make more friends!

Wishing you all “JUST A MILLION” bright lights of friendship in Rotary and through Rotary!

Co editor’s musings...


We as Rotarians, have a responsibility to preform and that is “sharing Rotary”. We should share this privilege of being a Rotarian with other qualif ied individuals by invit-ing people of all businesses and professions into Rotary. If we do our share of “sharing Rotary”, membership development will scale new heights. Once we star t getting more members , the miracle of friendships happen.“ Friendship was the foundation rock on which Rotary was built and tolerance is the element which holds it together”. We in Rotary can be good friends when we ...Find something in common (service)Respect each other’s -space, proper ty and ideasInvite and include to par ticipate in different events Empathise & encourage new ideaskNow when to suppor t each other Do the right things even if no one is lookingStand by each other, say sorry when needed....

To hear what is unspokenTo see what is invisibleTo feel without even touching ....Is the miracle of friendship !

Wishing long friendships in Rotary!


Installation of Rtn. A V Pathy

“CORONA” – The Coronation of the Young Prince

DG RtnVinod Krishnan Kutty Installed Rtn Anantha Ramasubramania VenkatachalPathy as the 9th District Governor of RI District 3201 for 2018-19 on the 1st of July 2018 at a grand function at Hindusthan College, Coimbatore. The audience consisted of a galaxy of Past Dist Governors from RIDist 3201 and other Districts , Family members, invited Guests, Rotarians , Anns and Annets

DG Rtn A V Pathy graciously accepted the mantle of leadership and in his acceptance speech he showcased TRAILS OF NATURE- all the training programs conducted till date; his mission’ Nakshathram’ - the projects for 2018-19 and shared his Vision ‘JUST A MILLION’. He emphasized on the importance of Reclamation - of Relationships, Nature and Service to make life better.

Rotary Club Of Coimbatore West - the Home club of DG Rtn A V Pathy star ted their Golden Jubilee celebrations by installing Rtn. Shashi Kumar as the 50th President along with his team for 2018-19. DG introduced his core team led by


DGS Rtn ChellaRagavendra, Secretariat Team, Dist. Directors and Asst Governors. Chief Guest Past Rotary International Director Rtn.Dr. P C Thomas in his address went down the memory lane on how District 3201 was formed and spoke about the Polio Eradication challenge taken up by Rotary. He also emphasized that the future of Rotary lies in the hands of Rotarians.

RAF commandant Sathish Kumar Dubey was presented the ‘Green Ambassador Award’ for his excellent work done in making the city greener.

Rtn.Ramasubramanian, father of DG Rtn AV Pathy, PC Bala - Friend from college days, PDG Rtn Raja Michael RI Dist 3202, Rtn Ramjee - Family friend, Ooty , PDG Rtn. Baby Joseph, First Governor of RI Dist 3201, DGE Rtn. Madhav Chandran, DGN Rtn. Joshy Chacko, Past President of Rotary Ootacamand and many close friends from around the world felicitated the newly elected District Governor Rtn. A V PATHY.


Rotary Club of Cochin United initiated the f low of Contribution to TRF by their contribution of $ 150,000. Followed by Rtn.Adv.Sundravadivel $ 50000/- Rtn.Rajsekar $ 30000/ and many other Rotarians taking the total to $ 300,000/-.

IPDG Rtn. VinodKutty released the f irst copy of the District Directory.

The f irst issue of GML – ‘HORIZONS’ was released by IPDG Rtn. Vinod Kutty.



Governor on the move

Rotary International’s National Polio Plus & MR Orientation Meet was held on 27th & 28th July 2018 at Hotel Novotel New Delhi, was attended by DG.Pathy, District Polio Plus Chair PDG.V.Rajkumar & District MR Coordinator PDG.Kamlesh Raheja.

The meeting was crucial for understanding our strengths, limitations and reinforcing Rotary’s will to ‘Keep India Polio Free’ and strengthen Measles, Rubella and Routine Immunization with the resources available. Rotary has extended its suppor t to the Govt. of India for Measles Rubella elimination by 2020.

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative - a par tnership between WHO, UNICEF, CDC and Rotary International - was launched to eradicate polio from the world and at the same time to strengthen health infrastructure. Polio is now gone from the America and Western Pacif ic region and there is no trace in Europe. There has been a

dramatic decline in cases everywhere in the last thir ty years since the target was set in 1988.Till date Rotary has contributed nearly US $ .7 billion (Rs.9350 crores @ 55) - Indian contribution stands at US $199 million (Rs.1095 crores). Rotarians have helped leverage a fur ther US $ 6.7 billion from the governments the world over for this cause. These funds are provided to UNICEF and WHO for Polio eradication activities.

Humanitarian organizations world over are par tnering with Rotary International in the biggest humanitarian initiative to rid the world of Polio. In a major boost to the eradication campaign, the Gates Foundation contributed a whopping US $ 355 million. Rotary International accepted to raise US $ 200 million against the Gates Foundation grant by June 2012. Rotary helped raise the matching grant exceeding the challenge to US $ 228 million. Going forward, the Gates Foundation will match two-to-one, up to US $ 35 million per year, every dollar

RI Polio Plus Planning & Orientation Meet

WINS Planning Meet

Rotary commits to reduce the funding shor tfall for polio eradication through 2020. Google.org inspired by Rotary’s effor ts has donated a sum of US $ 3.5 million to the Polio eradication effor t worldwide to Rotary Foundation. In India The Aditya Birla Group with its patron Smt.Rajashree Birla who is an honorary member of the Rotary Club Mumbai has contributed US $ 11 million. Ms.Usha Mittal (of Arcellor Mittal Group) has donated to Rotary a total of US $ 1.5 million towards Polio eradication fund. Rtn.Harshad Mehta, Chairman of Rosy Blue Diamond has contributed more than US $ 3.5 million.

In January 2014, India completed three years without a case of Polio and along with 10 SEAR countries was awarded the Southeast Asia Regional Polio-free cer tif ication by WHO on 27th March 2014.


On 28th and 29th of July , The Rotary and Rotaract joint Planning Meet- SPOORTI 2018 was held at Hotel Novotel , New Delhi . The training programme for the DRR’s and DRCC’s of Zone 4 , 5 and 6A was well attended by all DRRs and DRCCs with their respective District Governor. This meet was Chaired by our RI Director C.Basker accompanied with Rotary Coordinator for Zone 5 PDG R.Rajendra Rai and Rotary Coordinator for Zone 4 & 6A PDG DR.Ashok Gupta. A well organised training programme with breakout sessions handled by Assistant Regional coordinators and

good fellowship for the second consecutive year made the District Rotaract Representatives feel well connected to Rotary. Our ADRR Rtr Purushothaman with able guidance from our DG Rtn.Pathy and DRCC Rtn Godwin explained the vision of our District RI3201 which was well received and appreciated by all. Kudos to our RI Director C.Basker for his tireless effor t to bridge Rotary Rotaract Relationship in turn securing the future of Rotary.

Governor on the move


Flood Relief atAlleppey by Rotary Coimbatore Town

The annual southwest monsoon in July 2018 turned disastrous for the entire Costal region of Alleppey. The entire district was one of the worst affected regions. In the wake of f loods many villages of Alleppey, Kerala were badly affected. On 21st July 2018 Rotary Club of Coimbatore Town distributed f lood relief materials at Edathua Village one of the most affected villages of Alleppey, Kerala State.

They provided meals to approximately 12000 people. District Panchayat President (Alleppey) Mrs. Binu Issac Raju and Councilor of Edhathua village Mr. Betty Joseph were present at the event to oversee relief operations.

RCC Town members Rtn. Baburaj, Rtn. Benny Dan, Rtn. Jegadeesh Sivan, Rtn. Prakash Kuttappan, Rtn. Paramasivam Murugesan, Rtn. Prem Kumar, Rtn. Ramesh Kumar, Rtn. Senthil Kumar Daniel travelled from Coimbatore to Edathua for the project.

Rotary Spectrum Coimbatore @ 105 RAF Rotary Kovaipudur

Rotary in Action

Tree plantation Projects


Rotary Kattappana Uptown came up with a very unique project - collecting food from school students and distributing it to an old age home . They were able to inculcate the habit of service in the students and also make them realize the value of food. The students from Murickattukudy School had the satisfaction of feeding the inmates of Assisi Sneh Arshramam.

Rotary Club of Olavakkode Donated Rs.50,000/- to orphanage which is running under the help of Film Director Major Ravi.

Rotary inAction

Organised by:Rotary Club of CoimbatoreTexcity

The very f irst district event region wise, “Rotary District 3201 swimming competition Coimbatore Region 2018“ was inaugurated on 7th July 2018 at Lifespring, Coimbatore with over 300 par ticipants

‘Teaching themyoung’

Rotary District 3201Coimbatore Region Swimming Meet 2018


Mega blood camp, Rotary Kovaipudur & Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology with Shanthi Service

Blood camp at Trichur Corporative college

Rotaract District Assembly2018-19

Rotary inAction

Rotary International District 3201

The XI Rotaract District Assembly – NH47 was hosted by the Rotaract Clubs of Coimbatore Ikons, Government College of Technology, Karunya University and PSGR Krishnammal College for Women. The Assembly was conducted on two days at two different venues. The Day 1 of the Rotaract District Assembly included the inauguration ceremony followed by the Installation of the District Rotaract Representative of 3201 for the year 2018-19 and GLITZ – X Annual Rotaract District Awards of 3201. Rtn. Pathy A V – District Governor, Rotary International District 3201 was the Chief Guest for the Installation Ceremony and Rtn. Godwin Maria Visuvasm – District Rotaract Committee Chair, Rotary International District 3201 was the Guest of Honour.

Mega blood camp,Rotary Kovaipudur

Blood camp,Rotary Trichur Central


Rotary ClubCentralWhat is RotaryClub Central?

Rotary Club Central is an online tool used to enter club goals and track club achievements. RC Central can be found in Club Administration through Manage or under Develop Projects through Take Action. There are three areas in which goals may be entered - Your Club, Service and Foundation. Though achievements are tracked and updated daily by RI for Foundation Giving, achievements for Service and Foundation Giving must be tracked and entered by the club. The club leaders - President, Secretary, Treasurer, Foundation Chair, Membership Chair, Executive Secretary and Off icers-electwill have access to edit their club’s goals for the year of their term as off icer. All club members will be able to view their club’s goals and achievements in RC Central.

A Rotary Club has to update their goals in Rotary Central to be eligible for RI President Citation


Inputting Rotary Foundation goals in local currency Easy-to-read char ts and graphs make it easy to set goals and plan for the future A simpler way to track service activities and volunteer hours Plus, you can plan and track membership initiatives, service activities, and Founda-tion giving, as well as complete Rotary Citation goals.

Rotary Club Central is also a great tool for succession planning. As club leadership changes, having a historical record of goals and achieve-ments can make the transi-tion between leaders seam-less.


THE Rotary Wheel

The f irst design was made (1905) by Chicago Rotarian Montague Bear, an engraver who drew a simple wagon wheel, with a few lines to show dust and motion. The wheel was said to illustrate “Civilization, Movement and Service work in action.” Most of the early clubs had some form of wagon wheel on their publications and letterheads. In 1922, it was decided that all Rotary clubs should adopt a single design as the exclusive emblem of Rotarians. So, the present gear wheel, with 24 teeth and six spokes was adopted by the “Rotary In-ternational Association.” The gear teeth around the outside represent the fact that work is to be done. The six spokes represent the inner direction and path

of our Vocational Service, through the representation of our membership via the classif ication system. Similarly, these same spokes represent an outward distribution path of Rotary’s ideals of service and the Four Way Test… going out toward the community, vocations and businesses that our members represent. A group of engineers advised that the geared wheel was mechanically unsound and would not work without a “keyway” in the center of the gear to attach it to a power shaft. So, in 1923 the keyway was added to signify the wheel was a “worker and not an idler”. The keyway in the center of the hub is of great signif i-cance, because it represents the individual Rotarian member, who is the key factor

in every club. Quality members are the keys, needed for the hub to engage with the shaft and turn, putting the energy into motion and creating the power for the gears to do their work. At the 1929 Rotary International Con-vention, it was determined that blue and gold would be the off icial colors of the organization, so the wheel was designed with these colors. The four blue bands within the outer radius of the gear repre-sent our four avenues of service. And the design which we now know was formally adopted as the off icial Rotary Interna-tional emblem.

A wheel has been the symbol of Rotary since our earliest days.

The Rotary wheel is also referred to as

“The Mark Excellence”of


The Beatles.

The primary role of the Friends of Rotary is to provide an oppor tunity that connects community minded people to our club. It is intended to provide an avenue of par ticipation to people who cannot or may not wish to join the club as a Rotarian (e.g. due to time and travel constraints and other commitments), but who never theless would like to help promote the Rotary ideals in our community and have a formal link to the club.

“Friend of Rotary”Privileges

“Friend of Rotary”Limitation

Application and Review

Duration ofstatus

A Friend of Rotary is invited andentitled to:

A Friend of Rotary shall:

Attend Rotary meetings, paying for meals on a pay as you go basisPar ticipate in activities and fund raisers Serve on standing or special committeesContribute to and solicit funds for Club projects

Receive the club newsletter andmagazineBe issued a Special badgeAttend a special orientation Actively par ticipate in at least one Rotary sponsored project or committee each year.Attend one or more meeting or event each yearPay “Friends” dues of $25 per quar ter Be obliged to comply with all applicable District Protection Policies with respect to programs and activities of the club that involve youth and vulnerable adults.

A Friend of Rotary is not a member of the Club or Rotary District and therefore is not entitled to:Vote on club issues a voting memberHold off ice in the Rotary ClubHold any District off iceA “Friend of Rotary” is not entitled to the rights nor subject to the responsibilities of membership of the club except to the extent provided in these guidelines.

“Friend of Rotary” may be maintained indef initely depending on annual reviews If at any time a Friend of Rotary expresses a wish to become a member of the club, the normal procedures for qualif ication as a member, nomination and acceptance by the Board of the Club shall apply

An application distinct from that of the Rotary membership application will be f iled by the individual wishing to obtain the “Friend of Rotary” status or by a sponsor member of Rotary with the applicants concurrenceThe status request will be forwarded to the membership committee for initial consideration and then referred to a subcommittee of last 3 club presidentsStatus must be approved by the membership committee on an annual basis on recommendation of the subcommitteeWhen considering the application the committee and subcommittee shall consider The intended manner of par ticipation by the applicantContributions to Rotary by the applicant in the form of f inancial suppor t, par ticipation in events, or other actions or activities of the applicant consistent the Four way test and the Spirit of service above selfFinancial concerns of the applicantAbility to attend meetings on a regular basis

“Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends,

Mmm, gonna try with a little help from my friends

Ooh, I get high with a little help from my friends

Yes I get by with a little help from my friends,

with a little help from my friends”


DG Pathy’s Musketeers

AG Rtn. Adv Manoj I M

AG Rtn. K C Nagaraj

Advocate Rtn Manoj running a successful Legal consultancy and specializing inArbitration.

Joined Rotary in 2008.

He believes…Be an inspiration to all by our Character Be an inspiration to all by our ActsBe an inspiration to all by Giving to NeedyBe an inspiration to all by our Services

Auditor Rtn. Nagaraj, a Leading Char tered Accountant joined Rotary Coimbatore South in 2008.

He thinks…..The Rotary Year 2018 – 2019 Will Be A Successful Year Under The Able Guidance Of Our District Governor Rtn. Dr. Pathy. “Be The Inspiration” By RI President Rtn.Barry Rassin,Invites All The Rotarians To Be The Inspiration To Others And Let All Of Us Pledge For The Same.

We The Rotarians Unite To-gether For Achieving Various Targets And Goals Of Rotary And Let Us Render The Maximum Service For The Society And Community.

For thComingEvents


Sat, 11/08/2018TRF Seminar,Coimbatore.

Aug 15th Rotary Spectrum CoimbatoreAug 23rd Rotary Millennium CoimbatoreAug 23th Rotary Heritage Coimbatore



Membership Development10 Easy Ways to Attract and Retain Rotary Members

Promote Ask









via the media - club and district activities which address important community issues - Each time Rotary is mentioned in the news, hundreds, thousands, and sometimes millions of people are reached. Rotary news must be presented properly.

the benef iciaries of Rotary service to speak on behalf of the club or district - No comment is more powerful than one made by a person or a family that has benef ited from Rotary’s work For exam-ple, at a press conference to announce housing units built or suppor ted by Rotary, have the head of household or a child speak instead of a Rotary off icial. People watching the repor t on television or reading about it in the newspaper will be much more moved by their testimony.

a video of club and district activity - Many Rotary clubs have members who have the equipment and knowledge necessary to produce a video, and editing can often be donated. A compelling video depicting hands-on activities is a good way of telling the Rotary story

Rotary’s work with and for young people - The media is often interested in programs relating to young people. They are par ticularly interested in projects being carried out by young people such as Rotaract and Interact activities and the Ambassadorial Scholarship program. Promoting the work of young people to the media is also a good way of updating the image of Rotary.

oppor tunities for Rotarians to speak at community events and in schools - Visibility is an important prerequisite to membership recruitment. Be proactive! Don’t wait to be invited. Organizers will be glad that you called!

to the local press club — Every major city has a local press organization. Learn about yours and call them to see if it might be possible to come and speak at an upcoming meeting. Tell them you’d like to talk about Rotary’s role in impor tant community issues.

a Rotary web site and encourage com-munity organizations to link to it - In this technological age, it’s impor tant to keep pace with the times. The Internet is a powerful tool for sharing club and district activities. Consider developing your own club or district web page. Rotary sites help at-tract and retain members, improve club communications across the globe, and make club project information available to your local media.

member par ticipation in club and district activities in business and trade periodicals - Rotary members spend a lot of time volunteering in their communities. Have their work recognized among their pro-fessional peers by sending a press release to various industry publications.

for Rotary displays in local libraries, banks, city halls, etc. — Many organiza-tions will permit community groups to put up displays in their buildings.

third par ty endorsements of Rotary proj-ects — It’s impor tant for Rotarians to share the good work of Rotary. But it is more credible, more believable and more impressive to have others talk about our good deeds. An organization with which Rotary par tners is an excellent source for a third par ty endorsement. Ask executive directors of organizations and community leaders to talk up Rotary at events, in organizational publications and through the media


What’s the difference between active andhonorary members?

How did Rotary Club get its name?

Is Rotary religious?

1. Was Paul Harris the f irst president of a Rotary Club?

2. Was Paul Harris the f irst president of Rotary International?

Rotary International def ines active members as those who meet the requirements for membership, pay RI dues, are eligible to vote on district matters, and are eligible to hold a club off icer position. Honorary membership is used to recognize people who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service and embody Rotary ideals, or those considered friends of Rotary for their suppor t of Rotary’s causes. They are exempt from paying RI dues, have no vote in Rotary matters, are not eligible to hold any club off ice, and are not included in a club’s membership numbers. Active members are called Rotarians, while honorary members are called honorary Rotarians.

“Rotary is a non-political, non-religious humanitarian organization,” the Chicago-based group said in a statement. “Each Rotary club uses its own judgment in conducting its meetings in a manner that ref lects Rotary’s principle of tolerance and emphasizes shared Rotarian service ideals and projects.”

Rotary’s name came from the group’s early practice of rotating meetings among the off ices of its members.



- No -

- Yes -

There is an easy explanation to this apparent contradiction. Although Paul Harris was the founder and organizer of the f irst Rotary club in Chicago in 1905, the man selected to be the f irst president was one of the other founding members, Silvester Schiele.

By the year 1910 there were 16 Rotary clubs, which linked up as an organization called the National Association of Rotary Clubs. Two years later the name was changed to the International Association of Rotary Clubs, as Rotary was organized in Winnipeg, Canada, and then in England, Ireland and Scotland. In 1922 the name was shor tened to Rotary International.When the f irst organization of Rotary clubs was created in 1910, Paul Harris was selected as the f irst president. He served in this position for two years, from 1910 until 1912. Thus, the founder of the Rotary idea, who declined to be president of the f irst club, became the f irst president of the worldwide organization, Rotary International.


Inauguration Of Project Nethra Of Rotary Club Of Cochin Under The Global Grants Program

Sri. Mohammed Y Saf irulla, the District Collector of Ernakulam andRtn. A.V. Pathy, our District Governor jointly inaugurated the major serviceproject “Project Nethra” of Rotary Club of Cochin by handing over the keysof the mobile eye clinic commissioned at a cost of Rs. 55 lakhs.The District Collector lauded the commendable work done by Rotary Clubs and congratulated Rotary club of Cochin for implementing this project.District Governor Rtn. A.V. Pathy, who was the chief guest for the functionmentioned that the project aims to conduct eye screening camps with the

purpose of preventing avoidable blindness. The project is implementedunder the Global Grant Program of Rotary Foundation in par tnership withRotary District 1200 ofUK.The mobile eye clinic, has all the latest eye testing and examinationequipment’s. SSM Eye Research Institute, which is a registered CharitableTrust formed by Giridhar Eye Institute is the par tner in this project and willbe responsible for the running and maintenance of the mobile eye clinic.DGE Rtn Madhav Chandran,

Rtn Venugopal C Govind Past DistrictGovernor and Trustee of SSM Eye Research Foundation and Rtn.R.Jayasankar, District Rotary Foundation Chair also spoke on theoccasion.

Great Work done by PresidentRtn Manomanan,Secretary Rtn Dr Puneet and the members of Rotary Club of Cochin.


The Germany you don’t know

When people think about traveling to Germany, cer tain images may spring to mind: Oktoberfest in Munich, dramatic Alpine landscapes, the Romantic Road with its medieval towns. But as those who attend the 2019 Rotary Internation-al Convention in Hamburg from 1 to 5 June will discover, there’s another side to Germany that is equally captivating.

Home to Europe’s second-largest por t, Hamburg is known for its cosmopolitan outlook. The city offers enough canals and bridges to rival Amsterdam; two inviting lakes in the hear t of the city; and easy access to nearby North Sea and

Register for the 2019 Rotary Convention in Hamburg at riconvention.org.

Baltic beaches that stretch for miles.

You’re not likely to run into any lederho-sen-clad polka dancers in Hamburg, but you can visit a world-class concer t hall; you might not f ind Wiener schnitzel on the menu, but the seafood is fresh and abundant; and any thoughts of castles on the Rhine will be forgotten when you catch sight of the huge ships plying the Elbe.

Of course, some stereotypes of Germa-ny do hold true, even in Hamburg: The public transpor tation system, for instance, is eff icient, clean, and easy to navigate. Convention goers will f ind it even easier to use, thanks to an all-access transit pass that will be included with registration.

Future Conventions

2019Hamburg, GermanyJune 1-5

2020Honolulu, Hawaii,USAJune 6-10

2021Taipei, TaiwanJune 12-16

2022Houston, Texas, USAJune 4-8


Rotary Convention

