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TRIAL OF HER CARGO HAYWOOD IN A BLAZE No.NeatLot€¦ · nature is radiant in autumnal tints, the...

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TRIAL OF HAYWOOD Large Number of Character Wltnesses Examined. GOVERNOR ON THE STAND Aycock Proves the Character of Wit- neosea R. N. Semmes and Wlllls Q. Briggs. Young Baltlmore M»n Tells of Shooling. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlnpatch.) RALEIGH, N. C, Oct, 0,-In the trlal cf Ernost Hnywood for tho kllllng of Ludlow Sklnner, three Important wlt¬ nesses for the defense.R. N. Slms, well known lawyer; Wlllls O. Briggs, young newppeper man, and Bernard B, Schmltz, of Baltlraore--were examined, the testl¬ mony of thc.a-, together wlth a largo number ot character wltnesses, con- .umed the eotlre day's session. 81ms testlfled to havlng seen a dlffl- culty between Haywood and Bklnner. He Bald he saw Haywood nnd Sklnner at the- southern steps to tho poBtofDce. Saw Sklnner strike Haywood, knocklng hlm partly over. Haywood steadled him- eelf, came up wlth hls revolver, and flred when Sklnner was noar the curb, havlng sprung away whon he struck the hlow. Tho second shot waa flred ¦when Sklnner had passed behlnd a car- rlage ln the street. He could not say whether Sklnner trled to draw hls plstol or not, owlng to his positlon, right side belng to Slms (Sklnner was loft-handed). WHEM SHOT XVAH FIRED. Wlllls G, Brlggs testlfled that he was talklng wlth Slms at the tlme the shoot¬ lng occurred, hls back belng toward the ecene of the _hootin_, so he saw nothing untll nfter the first shot, Ho sald the plstol shot caused me to look around. As I turned to south tho flrst thlng at- traeted my attentlon was Mr Sklnner leav- Ing the sldewalk. He was on the grass plet. Sklnner's back was rather towards mo as ho was leavlng the sldowalk. Ho turned hls head towards mo. At that tlme Haywood was a short dlstancc from the parapet, about on a llne wlth me. I saw the plstol extended and the flash of the second shot. When I looked back Sklnner was near tho street car track, about two-thlrds the diatance to curb to track. He was golng ln northea'st dlrectlon. He passed over the wagon between mo and Sklnner when he crossed the track. 1 saw him when he fell, first on bls knoes, then hls face; fell on the rall. Sllghtly turnlng of Sklnner's head caused me to look back to Haywood. l STRUCK HAYWOOD. Bernard S. Schmltz, ot Baltlmore, tes¬ tlfled that whlle at the Cltizens' Bank corner wlth C. B. Hocutt he saw Skvnncr have Haywood by the lapel of hls coat. Then Sklnner struck Haywood, who fell back toward the postoffice. Sklnner then sprang back about elght feet. Hls loft hand was td hls hlp pocket. He took two or throe steps toward Haywood as though to renew the attack.' Then ,.the flrst shot was flred by Haywood and Sklnner stnggered. He was about where tho flaggijig and the grass plot Jolns. The cross examination of Schmltz was very rlgl3, effort bemg made to break down hls character. Later the defense introduced affldavlts from Governor Smlth, of Maryland; Mayor McLane, of Baltlmore; Judgo Hlnsler. Congressman Denny, Wachtov, and a large number of other prominent Marylanders. all te.tlfylng to the hlgh character of Schmltz. The characters of R. N- Slms and Wll¬ lls G. Briggs were proven by Governor Aycock, Judgo Connor and a large num¬ ber of'the most prominent men Vn tho clty. NORTH CAROLINA TOBACCO Annual Meeting of the Winston Asso¬ ciatlon.The New Crop. (Spoclal to The Times-DIspatch.) WINSTON-SALEM. N. C, Oct. 5.-The Winston Tobacco Associatlon hold Its annual meotJng thls afternoon. Presl¬ dent A. M. Coleman was re-elccted, J. R. Green was chosen vlce-presldent, Z. T. Bynum was re-elected secretary and troasurer and supervlsor of sales. In hls annual report, President Cole¬ man says last year's crop "Is conceded to have been tbe best grown in ton years, and that tho average prlce pald for lt ehoujd be n sufflclent guarantee to the farmers that n crop of tobacco of good quality wlll always pay them a proflt over cost of productlon. There has been a very decldod lncrease, "A rag. a bone and a bank of halr; The fool, he calle her Iils lady falr." This Conception of Lovely Woman we do not cndorse. To us she seems not the rude skcleton of the modern poet of materialism, but rather "a thing of beauty and a joy forever." At this season, when even nature is radiant in autumnal tints, the rich, mellow blend- ings of rare color combiriations surely "add a perfutne to the rose." A season richcr in tone and tint we have never seen. Entire suits of the same material is the rule, and the fabrics in mode vary like the seasons.brown, green and blue seem the favorite shadings, and rough and smooth faces each has its advocate. New and smart effects come all the way from 50c. to $2.50 the yard. Sllk and Tytice Bands are in voguo for dressy garnlture. Even¬ ing use gives wldo latltude for taste and frugallty allke. Volleu, Etamlnes, Albatross, and even tbe homely Cotton Crepona form flttlng adjuncts for the witchery of home. Thus you have Uie entlre gnmut of color tone wlthln easy range of l_J-.c. to *M,-0 the yard. Sllk and Wool OlorUts and the famoua Lansdownes appear in all the wanted shades.?1.00 and *l,_B. Street service affords scope for scrcne as well as savage riot in colors. The Corded Velvets are about the most wcar-resisting surfaces, and they come in all shad¬ ings. Smooth surface nonpareil effects in Velveteen are very modish and correct. Black is easily prime favorite. Any article YOU want and WE haven't we cheerfully summon by those subtle servitors.telegraph and express. Suits of correct cut are coming in daily now. These Suits and Separate Coats have the endorsement of the New York mode. lr. the o-utput of our manufacturles, and all of our factorlos are runnlng on full time wlth orders ahead. Thero should be some ray of comfort In this to leaf dealer and farmers, who have been ln the dumps slnce tho deellne ln leaf as a contlnued. good trado to the manufac- turers will eventually mean a more ac¬ tlve demand for the raw materlal. As to tho new crop, tho reports aro not so favorable as they were before lt began to rlpen, and lt does not seem to be curlng as well as the growth In the field would lndlcate. There seems to.be a lack of body, and the yleld per acreo is Bald to be far below that of last year. Presldent Coleman referred to the pro¬ posed tohacco exhlblt nt the St. Louls Exposltlon. and Imprcssed upon the asso- clation the Importance of a creditabie exhlblt from the most important tobacco produclng and tobacco manufacturlng State in the Union._ THE FEDERAL COURT Greensboro to Vote To-Day on a Blg Bond Issue. (Speclal to Tho Times-DIspatch.) GREENSBORO, N. C, Oct. B..The Federal Court convened thls mornlng. Thore are 114 crlmlnal cases on tho docket, mostly agalnst dlstlllers for fraud agalnst the government. Several Indlctments are agalnst storeke. pers and gaugers for polluslon wlth owntrs. The most Important cases on the docket are two agalnst John L. Casper Co.. of Winston, These cases are at- tractlng more consideratlon than usunK just now, because of the fact that Mr. J Wlloy Schook. who haa Just left the revenue servlce, has located ln Winston to practlce law, nnd ls the regularly re- tained attorney for the Casper Company .it a reported large annual salary. IIls management of these cases this week is looked -forward to wlth much Interest. In addition to the regular crlmlnal docket, tbere are 118 sultB entered on bonds of dlstlllers. The North Carollna Industrlal Asso¬ ciatlon has secured the servlces of Booker T. Washlngton to speak at the educational rally to be held at the State Negro Falr on Education Day, October 30. 1003. , , , Thore ls to be a very Important elee- tlon to-morrow on the queBtton of votlng a $250,000 clty hond issue for water- works, sewers and streets. There Is no organlzed opposltlon to " The Leading Plano House of Rlchmond. Speclal Bargains This Week in Slhhtly Used Vpright Pianos Chase*fiackley Piano Co., 603 East Broad. Do You Wanl Boarders? HaveYouRoomsloRenl? It pays to use Times-Dlspatoh "Want Ads ,THE QU1CKE8T AND 8UBEST WAY TO BKOURB BOARDEH8 OR RENT YOUR ROOMS,IS THROUGH A TIMES-DISPATCH WANT AD. the bond Issue, but a_ a majorlty of the rogistered vote has to approve the Issue, erforts are belng dlrected toward. get- tlng the necessary vote out. Mayor Os- born. who ls manager of the campaign organlzatlon, has built up a spIendM forco of workera, and thls mornlng every quallfied voter In the clty received through the mall two ballota and a strong letter of appeal not to forget to vote one of them to-morrow. NEW ENTERPRISES The Manufactures' Club of Hlgh Polnt Social and Buslness. (Special to The Times-DIspatch.) RALEIGK, N. C, Oct 5.-_he Secre¬ tary of State Issued to-day a charter to the Mahufacturer's Club, Incorporated, of Hlgh PoJtjt, the club havlng for lts ob- Ject the promotion of the interests of manufaeturera , soclally and ln buslness, also the romoval of any impedlment to the natural growth to the manufacturlng Interests of the clty. The Incorporatorg are J. J. Farrlss, Westoott Roberson, C. F. Long, Fred. T. Tate. Wllber Jonea, S. L. Davls, W. C. Jones, E. Elwood Cox, Percy V. Klrk- man, E. M. Armfteld, J. A. Turner, R, II. Wheeler, W. G. Bradshaw; S. H. Tomlinson, J. P. Redding, Charles Ragan, j. S. Lowe, W. J. Wrenn, E. A. Snow and L. E. Tate. Another stock company cbartered Js the Eartern Arm and Pln Company, of New- bern. The speclal object of the company belng to do a general lumber buslness and manufacture insiilar plns and croEs- arms. The autborl.cd capital ls 1100,- 000. The Connelly Mlneral Sprlngs Hotel Company, of Connelly- Sprlngs, Burke county, was cbartered to develop tho Con¬ nelly Sprlngs Hotel property, the capital Is $20,000 subscrlbed. The Incorporators are AV. H. Connelly, Dr. W. M. McGll- land and M. D. Blngier. The last two from Donaldsvllle, La. BISHOP HOSS IN DURHAM Attends Benefactors* Day at Trlnlty College.Depot Slte. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) DURHAM, N. C, Oot. 5..Blshop E. E. Hoss filled the pulplt of Maln-Street Methodlst Church Sunday mornlng and Trlnlty Methodlst Church at nlght. Saturday was Benefactors' Day at Trlnlty College. Thls day waa set apart as a porpotual hollday ln the hlstory or the oollege to be celeforated on October 3d In commomoratton of those who glve of thelr means ln eupport of the college. He lectured at Trlnlty Saturday nlght and on that occaelon a llst of the donora to the college durlng the past year was read out. The llst ls a long one and the total value of glfts, all emall, amounted to atoout $30,000. Dr. J. C. Kilgo, presldent of Trlnlty College,, was qulte elck yesterday and la*t nlght, A physlclan attended hlm yes¬ terday afternoon. Ho oxpects to be out ln a. few days. The questlon of securlng a slte for tho unlon depot lu now an absorblng one. It ls thought that the depot wlll be located wlthln a week or so. Some of the prop¬ erty owners are charglng exoTbltant prices whlle other sltes are belng offered at prices that are reusonablo. .1 ... Blew Child* Head Off. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) GOLDSBORO, N. C. Oct. 5..Jacob LltUe. an old negro Ilving on Neiue Rlver. came to the clty to-day and re- portPij that hls thlrteen-year-old son, john, kllled the seven-year-old daughter of hls slster yesterday wlth a shotgun. The boy had the gun In the kltchen and wns olllng wjth the trigger Jn suoh a manner nn caused the gun to flre, tearlng off the top part of tlio chlld'a head. PEOPLE MADE OF OOOD MATERIAL IN BEDFORD (Speclal to The Tlmee-Dlspatch.) MONTVALE, VA., October 6,-Carrle, tlie sfx-year-old daughter of Mitchell Chll- ton, who fell off of a second story poroh fifty feet last week on her head, Is rest- ing comfortably, and no fatal roaultls expected. Jolin Lynch, a hlghly respected colorod mart, who was knocked off the rallroad track on Tuesday nlght last, wlll recover. . m .i Sunclay-School Institules. (Speclal to The Tlmes-Dispatcli.) LYNCHBURO, VA. Oct. B.-The ,SUH- day-schoo! Institute of the Sunday-school and Ulble Board was held Sunday ln the Flrat Baptlst Churoh by Rev. J. M, Pllcher nnd Rev. ll, W. Sptlman, A great lnterest ln Sunday-school work hns been awakened and tho coiigregatloiin aro large. To-day they conducted three meetings at Chotnom. uesday they go to Danvllle and Wednesduy Uiey hold two at South Boston, HER CARGO IN A BLAZE German Steamship Erlca Races for Norfolk Harbor. F1RE IS STILL RAG1NO Wharf Owners Fear to Let Vessel Come Alongsfde.Strike at Shlpyards. Collision During Dente Fog. Seaboard Maeting. (Speclal to The Tlmes-tMspatch.) " NORFOLK. VA., Oct, 6.-TI10 German steamship Erlca from Wllmington, N. C, for Llverpool wlth 4,900 bales of cotton put lnto thls port this en-enlrig' -wlth her cargo ablazo. The flro waB discovered whllo the shlp was 185 miles enut, south- oast of Cape Henry, Captaln Rlchmann lmmedla_ely battened down all hatches and turned Bteam lnto the hntches-., As the vessel passed tho capes she slgnallod hor pllght and tug3 wero swlft- ly dlspatched to her rellef. She was brought lnto port where sho now ls wltb the flre stlll in her. The wharf owners and the clty authorltles allke are afrald to permjt her to como alongsldo the clty wharves to dlscllargo her cargo. Bteam is stlll on the cargo, and It ls probablo that lt wlll be necessary to keep lt on all nlght as the flre appears to be al ln the lower layers of cotton. The cargo wlll bo lightercd ashore If tho shlp ls stlll de- nled the wharf. The cook, Stowart, was o-vercome by smoko nnd was resc«Kid from the hold wlth dlfflculty by a wlr,e. He wlll llve, however. The Erlca was two days out from Wll¬ mington when tho flre was flrst discofc-er- ed. She had a thrllllng race for llfe to the Vlrglnla Capes. Her englnes were pushed to the utmost to make port bofore the entlre cargo was ignlted^ the shlp belng loaded to her decks, and even the cablns balng filled with cotton, Captaln^ Rlch¬ mann says lt wlll bo lmpossible to estl- rnuto the damage to shlp or cargo untll the blaelng cargo ls taken out. The Erlca ls ln charge of the German vlce-ConBul Colonel Wllllam Lamb. She ls from Hamburg and Ib owned by M. Jep. son.. She is of 1,201 tons reglster. WANT AN INCREASB. The shlpwrlghts, calkers and jolners have struck in two shlpyards here for an mcrease of from $2,00 to $2.70 per diem. One yard granted the lncrease and Its force ls stlll at work. One day's tlme was glven the employers. Taylor's shlpyard, ln Norfolk, suid W. IJ. Thomas & Companw, ln Borkley, are holdlng out agalnst the-demand. The three Colonntt shlpyards aro un- affected by the demands of the men. Purlng the dense fog thls mornlng the Norfolk and Portsmouth ferry Btejunor Superlor crashed into the tug Katle, of the Lambert's Pomt Tow Boat Com¬ pany, carrylng away a good portlon of her deck. The ferry steamer waa untn- Jured. Owlng to the dlfflculty. of- navlgatton, both boats' were proceedJrjs .nde'r grroatly" reduced speed. There will be a meeting of the Sea¬ board and Roanoke Railway Company's dlreotors and stockholders held ln thls clty to-morrow. No meeting of tho Sea- board Air Line Railway has been called, however, and none i's expected to be held. At the general offlces of the system to- day lt was stated that the' meeting of the Seaboard and Roanoke \ has absolutely no slgnlficance, and that no effort wlll at thls tlme be made to perfect Its merger with the remainder of the Seaboard sys¬ tem, of which lt ls at present a most Important actual physlcal part, although It has never been legally merged wlth the other properties. The meeting- wlll, ln all probablllty, be adjourned untll a later date. It is understood that the actual merger of the Seaboard and Roanoke, which was formerly the parent road of the blg Sea. board system, ls held up by a compara- tlvely small Interest, and that thls wlll scarcely be acqulred ln tlme to effect any merger at thls year's annual meeting. RELKASB DEEDS FILED. The release deeds, accompllshlng- the dlssolutlon of the street railway Interests of tlie Willlams nyndlcate and the house of Alexandcr Brown and Sons, of Baltl¬ more, went to record to-day ln the clerk's ofllce of the Norfolk County Court. They were flled by Judge D. Tucker Brooke, counsel for W. J. Payne, presl¬ dent of the Penlnsula roads, which drow out of the Norfolk, Portsmouth and New¬ port News Company. Tho deeds aro from the Rlchmond Trust and Safo Deposlt Company, and release the property and securities pledgod under a doed of trust to secure an issue of two mlilion dollaiB of incomo bonds, issued June 30, ma*. The consideratlon named in ths release deed la five dollars nnd "the premlses." This deed relenses to thelr former owners the securltleH controlllng the Newport News and Old Polnt Railway and Eloc- tric Company and the Consumers' Llght, Gas and lee Company, of Newport News, No mentlon ls made ln the deen of the Norfolk and Atlantlc Termlnal Company, another of the Brown properties which wlthdrew from the Willlams syndlcate, but which hns been for some tlme pnst ln the hands of Its former owners. The rea6on for thls is that tho securities con¬ trolllng thls property were never actually In possession of the Norfolk, Portsmouth ond Newport News Company, hut wore retalned by the banklng houso of Alexan- der Brown nnd Sons, ln Baltlmore. When thelr property reverted to them under the terms of the tentatlve consolldatlon, thereforo, 110 return of securities was necessary. The Willlams Company stlll retalns JSOO.OOO lntorost ln the Newport News and Old Polnt Rnllway. These securities were secured outsldo the terms of the deed of trust, and aro exempted from its pro- vlslons, There wlll.be Immedlately turned over to tho owners of tho Ponnsylvania llnes 10,736 shnies of the common capltal stock of thls company, representlng the absolute ownershlp, and to the Consum¬ ers' Llght, Oas and Ice Company $150,000 of Jte shares. The deed wlll be recorded ln Norfolk and Newport News, In War- wlck county and ln Ellssabeth Clty county. ALLECBD IRREGULABITY. The grand Jury of the Corporatlon Court was to-day asked to Investlgate the al- leged Ulegal r'ogistratlon ln the Second W'urd, where several hundred voters are nlleged to have been eolonlsed. The grand Jury wlll meet to-morrow to con- fljder the charges, nnd many newspaper clipplngs touchlng the situation will be ln evldence. Governor Monla-gue's acceptance of the Ir.vltutlon extended hlm to attend the Jamestown Exposltlon mass rnoetlng has been recelved hero. Mr. J. W, Perry wlll head a delogatlon to Ralelgh to Invlte Governor AycocTt, of North Carollna, who will also likely accept, The pollce ure lookhifj for J. C. Crout- licmel, sevenlean years o!d, of Phlladel¬ phla, who has run away from home. Mr. John Weslny Lash, of Portsmouth, ,ih dead. He w_* a famous Confederate Cured of Asthma After 35 years of Sufferlng. It ffUl bo gratifylng to Asthmatlo readers to learn that an absoluto cure has at last boen dlscovered by Ur. Schlllmann. That tho remedy Is nn nftVctual ono can¬ not bo doubted aftor porusal of such tosti* mony as thatof C. W. Van Antwerp, Ful¬ ton, N. Y., who says: "Your remedy (SchllTmann's Aathma Cure) Is tho bostl ovorused. I bought a package of our druggist and trlca It nnrl ono bo.ontlrely cured mo of Asthma, nnd I have not hnd It slnco. I can now go to bed and sleep all nlght wlth perfect comfort, whlch I havo not, dono beforo for 85 year. and Ithank you for tho health thnt I now enjoy. I hopo that you wlll publlsh thla letter, that othors may learn ol Its wonderful vlrtuos." Snld by all drugglsts at 50c nnd (1.00. Scnd.cstampto Dr.H.Scblt7marin,Box891, St. Paul, MInn., for u froe sample paekage. sharpshooter. Ho leaves a wldow and fciir children. Ho was slxty-thrco years oid. FELL UNDER TRAIN AND FATALLY HURT (Sner-liil to Tlie Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WINDSOR, VA., Oct. C.Mr. W. Fred Johnson, of thls place, attempted to board tlio Trilby excurslon traln for Rlch¬ mond Sundav nlght, whlle It was run¬ nlng nt a speed of fifteen or twenty mlles por hour. Ho was thrown undor tho car and hnd hls loft foot cut off and leg very badly crushed, collar-bone and skull fractured. Mr, R. XV. Atklns, who puiled hlm from under the traln, came very near loslng bls llfo ln tho attempt to save hlm. Mr. Johnson was taken to Norfolk. Mr. Johnson wns runnlng a bnrber shop here, but had a posltlon ln Rlchmond, and came down on nn excurston to vlsit hls wlfe and chlld. Tho trnln stopped ln the mornlng and ho was trying to return on the same trnln when tho accldent oc¬ curred. lt is not expected that ho can llve. UNIVERSITY NEWS A, L, Taylor Chosen Presldent of the Y. M. C. A..Personal News. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, VA., Oct. 5..Tho vacancy caused by the reslgnation of tho presldent of the Young Men's Chrls¬ tlan A-soclntlon has been fUled by the election of Mr. A. D. Taylor, of Mobllo, Ala. Mr. J. P, Smlth, Sao Paula, Brazll, voe then nomlnated and elected for the posltlon of vlce-presldont. A number of men havo enrolled for tho regular mlselon study work of the asso¬ ciation. Two classes have been organ¬ izod.one in medical mlssion and one In tho stufly of the soclal evlls of the non- Christlan world. Dr. Halstead Hedgos wlll lead tbe former and Mr. W. M. For- rest the-latter. Captaln and Mrs. Thomas Pinckney and Mlss Josephlne Pinckney, of Charleston, S. C, aro spendlng a few days wlth Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Renshaw. Mlss Lindsay Walker ls the guest of Representatlvo and Mrs. James Hay, ln Washington. Mlss Lily HIH. of Rlchmond. ls the guest of Mlss Marguerlte Roeser at "Rug- by," near the Unlverslty. Mlss Grace Shlelds, of Rlchmond, is vls¬ ltlng Miss Smlth, who resldes near Mon¬ tlcello. Mlss Lightle, of Annapolls. Md., la vis- Iting frlends atThe Unlverslty. Mlss Renshaw has returned home from Altoona, Pa., after an absence of sev¬ eral months. Dr. and Mrs. E. Roland Mulford, ot Phlladelphla, are on a vislt to the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Carrle Anderson, at Red Hill. ¦ MALFEASANCE ALLEQED Justlce of Peace Must Show a Cause Why He Should Not Be Dismissed. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) NEWPORT NEWS', VA.. October B.. The grand Jury of Ellzabetn Clty county to-day adopted a recommendatlon that Justlce of the Peace T. H. Saundera, of Wythe District, be summoped before the court to Bhow causo why he should not removed from offlce for malfoasance. The case grows out of the trlal of a num¬ ber of boys for mlsdemeanor. The Justlce tieclded the boys wero not guilty, but as- .csged costs agalnst them. John Teemer and Mlss Mamle Brigge- man, ot Phoebus, were secrotly married in old St. John's Church, Hampton, two weeks ngo by Rev. C. B. Bryan. Detalls of the affalr leaked out to-day. Unlted StateB CommiBsloner Packard to- day eent an artllleryman from Fort Mon- roe to the Federal grand Jury on the chargo of ateallng lead from the dlsap- pearlng gun mounts at tho fort. The man was taken to Norfolk, and the oulclols dld not glve out hls name. The prlnclpal wltness was a Phoebus Junk dealer named Mayo, who testifled that he bought the lead from tho artllleryman. Judgment Rendered. Judgment has been rendered ln the Law and Bquity Court ln favor of the Mer¬ chants' Cold Storage and Ice Manufac¬ turlng Co. for $137.- vs. Mrs. Jane Klng. Judgment wns also rendered ln favor of R. T. Jennlnga agalnst H. S. Urban for *50. _ WORKMAN FALLS TO HIS DEATH Funeral of Mr. H. S. Whiting at Oakwood Cemetery Thls Mornlng. A belper named H. S. WhlUng, em- ployed by Contractor N. E. Ancarrow, was klllod yesterdny mornlng by Inju¬ ries Bustained through a fall from a bullding at Fifth and Byrd Streets, In his fall hls head and Jaw were Btriiek by beams. and upon examlna- tlon by the coroner the mnn'. nock wns found to havo been brokon. No inquust waa held, and tho body was prepared for burlal by Rlchardson and Chappoll. Mr. Whltlng was forty-flve yeara old. He was a natlve of Ontarlo, Canada. He purstied the buslness of piano sales- man and occaslonally helped Mr. An¬ carrow. He wus known as a eober, at- tentlve and pollte man, well educated. He was a'wldower, with no children. The funeral wlll bo at Oakwood at 0 o'clock this mornlng. Frlends of tho dead mnn have made all arrangements for the burlal. flm Tf yo« »re .V troubled wlth V Constlpatlon, Hlliou-ncss, Slck l Iciidiu-hi.-, Kiiliu-y Allmciils Indlgv-tlon, Dy-p.pslu or MiilurUi, you n oo 4 tlio Bltti'i-s at onco. Itwill cure you ttiirl rostore you t o p o r f o o t health. A falr trlal wlll convlnoo you. AUCTION SALES.THIS DAY. Olver & Jones, Auctlopeors, <U8 W. Broad Street; 'Phone 2276. AUCTION BALE TO-DAY AT 10:30 A. M., Master Sawed Oak Chambor Furniture. Chlna Press, Sldebonrd. Mantel Mlrrors. 5 Rolls Now Mnttlng, Hall, Rtnir nnd other Carpet, Now BOd Lounges, Couchfts, Brass Trlmmed Iron Beds, 1 Parlor Or- can, Squa.ro Plano, Standard Slngor and Now Homo Sewing Maeltlnes, ln good ordor; Oak and other Bod-room Furni¬ ture, Wnrdrobos, Chairs, Extenslon nnd othor Tablos, Sldebonrds, Hall Rncks, Odd Bedsteads, Bureaus, Washslsmls, Cupboards, Kltchen Furniture, Cooklng nnd Heatlng Stoves. also a lot of othor goods too numerous to montion. Thls Is a rine lot of goods and wlll bo sold. Ladles lnvlted to nttond. OEO. V. OL1VBR, Saienman. By Sutton & Co., Real Estato Auctloncers. Corner Tenth and Bank Streets. RECEIVER'S SALE OF UNIMPROVED PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF LEWIS STREET, BETWEEN THE EABT.ERN LIMITS OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND AND THB NATIONAL CEMETBRY ROAD. In executlon of a decree ot thp Law and Equity Court, entered on the 16th day of August, 1003, ln tlie suit of H. S. Watklns vb. Charles II. Page Co. tho underslgned, as recelver appolnted by snld decree, shall offer tor salo at pub¬ llc auctlon. upon the premises, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER «, 1M3, at 4:30 o'clock P. JL. the property above descrlbed. 'ino property consists of two lota of vacant land, frontlng respectivcly, 07 and 628 feot on tha south slde of Lewls Street. and runnlng back between parallel llnes H0 feet to Centre Street. TERMB-One~thlrd cash. balance In three equal Instslments at 6. 12 and 18 months from dnte sale, wlth Interest added, and tltled retalned untll all the purohase money is pald and a conveyanco ordered by the court; or all cash, at the option of the purchaeer. FRANK T. SUTTON, Jr. Recelver. I certlfy that tho bond requlred of the Recelver by tho above-mentloned decree has been duly glven. octl-tds P. P. WINSTON. Clerk. By the Valentlne Auctlon Co., Auctloneers. AT AUCTION. On account of changlng hands, we wlll sell at auotlon, at tho Ford's Hotol, cor¬ ner Broad and Eleventh Streets, Rloh¬ mond, Va. THIS (TUESDAY) MORNINO, OCTO¬ BER 6TH, AT 10:30 O'CLOCK, Furniture, conslstlng of Oak and walnut Bed-rOom Suits, Wardrobes, Iron Beds, Mattressos and Sprlngs, Chairs, Conter Tablo, Bed Clothlng, Plllows nnd Bolsters. Crockery, Qlassware, Plctures, Mlrrors, &c. ' Salo posltlve: terms, cash. THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO., ocU&6. Auctloneers. AUCTION BALES.FUTURE DAYS. s TREET RAILWAY. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND ICE PLANTS AND REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, AT PUB- LIC AUCTION. More than slx months' default havlng been made in the payment of lntere3t on the bonds of tho Charlottesville Clty and Suburban Railway Company, secured ln the deed of trust from sald Railway Com¬ pany, dated September, IB. 1900, and re- corded ln the clerk's offlce of thp Cor¬ poratlon Court for tho- Corporatlon or Charlottesville, D. B. 11. pages 104 to 117, and clerk's offlce of the County Court of Albemarle county, D, B. 118, pages 145 to 162. at the wrltten request of the hold- ors of a majorlty of sald bonds, the un¬ derslgned, substltuted trustees under sald deed of trust, wlll on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1003. at 12 M., at public auctlon_ at tho front door of the courthouse of Albemarle County.'Court, ln the clty of Charlottes¬ ville, Va., exposQ to, sale all the prop¬ erty. real and personal, conveyed by snld deed of trust, conslstlng ln part of tho Streot Railway tracks,, wlth all Its sldlngs ana connectlons, an Ice Plant and an Electrio Plant, wlth all Its connectlng wlres, pples, &c,, together wlth all prlvl- lcges, leases. easements. rights, fran¬ chises and contracts rejating and pertaln- Ing to sald railroad or elther of sald plnntBj all equlpments, machinery. plants, poles, wlros and all property tanglblo and intanglblQ used ln connectlon wlth sald railroad,-electrio llght plant, ice plant, &o.; severa) pleces of Real Estate, some In tho county of Albemarle, and some Jn the clty of Charlottesville, espeelally about 110 acres of land along sald rail¬ way, on which there are mineral sprlngs and a valuabte hotel bulldlng. In short all the property covered by sald deed of trust wlll bo sold. Tbls is valuable and desirable property. TBRMS.As requlred by sald deed of trust, cash. Sale wlll be made subject to a mort¬ gage of the Pledmont Constructlon and Improvement Company, dated February 1, 1895, to secure $25,000, flrst mortgage bonds, and also subject to a Ilen to se¬ cure tho payment for new ralls recently bought by sald C. C. & S. Co. MICAJAH WOODS. R. T. W. DUKE, Jr.. C. GUY ROBINSON, ocU-4w. Trustees. FOR SALE. r__ C_|_ 325 ftoroaonfcheJamoa Rlver lOr OdlU, 10 miles from Rlohmond. Prlco 81,600. OEO. B. CRAWFORD c. CO, 803 E. Main Sb., Clty. FOR RENT. ¦riOR RENT. AT THE REQUEST OF MR. GEORGE I. HEN1NG, who ls dlsconttnuing house- keeplng, we offer for rent hls attractivo RESIDENCE, 2101 East Grace Stroet, con- talnlng 11 rooms, two bath rooms and de¬ tached kltchen wlth 4 rooms. JOHN T. OOPDIN & CO., Real Estate Agents, Bank and ISleventh Streets. pOR RENT, NO. 1606 WEST GRACE STREET. AN 11-room up-to-date, new brick dwelllng; all convenlences; firBl-class locatlon; rent ,0w' j. d. carnbal & son. ... leqalTnotice. .7 irginia-in the clerk's of- v fice of the corporatiom court of the city of manches- tf,r. va.. october 8. 1903-in vaca- TION. H, S. Bradloy, et als.Complalnants Agalnat , Tho Southslda Land end Improvement Compnny. Wllllam C. Seddon. A. H. Ruth¬ erford, Wllllam A. Marburg and Wlllum C. Seddon, trndlng as Wllllam C. Seddon Co.Dofondants IN CHANCERY. Tho object of thls suit is to have a re- oelver appolnted for the Southslde Land nml improvement Company to wlnd up Its affairs; and *li0 ,0 ascertaln and en- forco the llablllty of the said defendauts, Wllllam C. Seddon, A. H. Rutherford, W'lllium A. Marburg aiul Wllllam C. Sed- don, tradlng as Wllllam C. Soddon & Co., and eueh of thuin to sald Southslde Lnnd nnd Improvement Company, and tlio liiiljlllty of sald company to tlie sald Beddgn, Rutherford and Marburg, If any there bo. Aud afflduvlt havlng beun niiido and fii«-d, that tho sald defendant., Williiuii 0, Seddon, A. II. Rutherford aiid AVIlllam A. Marburg and William C. Sed¬ don & Co. are noiurosldentl of the state of Vlrglnla. thoy are requlred to appoar here wllhln flfleen duys after due publlcatlon of this order, and do what Is necessary to proteot thelr Interests In thls suit. A Cop>.Teste: H. E. T>V VAU Clerk. >PeBausaure & Curson, p. q. ocO-lawlw AUCTION 8A_.ES.FUTURE 0AY9,. By Real Estate Trust Company. Rest Estate Auotloneers. AUCTION BALB No. 1214 West Gary Sfre. Neat Frame Cottage, Lot 40x150 to Alley. On Wednesday, Ootober 7th, 1909 at 5 o'Clook, P. M. A. good Investment or comfortabli home. An Inspoctlon Is asked, whicl wlll convlnce you of lts merlts. TERMS.Uberal and announced nt aale; REAL ESTATE TRUST COMPANY. sun,tucs,wed By Auguatlna Royall & Co., Real Estate Agents and Auctloneera, i.puder Bullding, Manchester, Va. TRUSTEB'B SALE OF ONE OF TH1 MOST VALUABLB BUSINE8I B1TB3 IN THIS CITY ON WBDNES DAY, OCTOBER 14, 1903, AT C O'CLOC. P. M. ON THE PREMISBS. By vlrtue of a deed of trust, dated Feb ruary 23, 1*589, and reeorded In the Corpo rntlon Court for tho clty of Mnnchaater Va., ln D. B. 10, page 1C, axecuted to thi underalgncd tmstee, and on belng roq.ulre< ao to do by the beneflclary. I will aell a publlc auctlon, on tho day, hour and placi named above, that exeeedlngly valuabli lot, sltuated at the southeaat corner Flf teenth and Hull Streets, and frontlns ot Hull Street 93 feet, be the same more ol less, by 185 feet deep. Thls splendid bu»t nesfl site ahould attract atteptlon, TERMS.Cash aa to expenses of aale, t.-ixpa, lf any be due, and to pay off a note of $2,600. wlth' lnterest, from Marcl 6, M97, tlll pald; the realdue upon termi announced at sale. By conaent of all par tlea much moro Uberal tenna may b' made. AUGUSTTNT. ROYALL, TruaU-. oct 8,4,6,7^,9,10,U,13.14 By N. "W. Bowa, Real Estate Auotloneer. TRUSTEE'8 SALE OF THAT LAROB, SUBSTANTIAX, j_ND DESIRABL,- BRICK DWELLING, NO. J0O9 BABT CLAY STREET, BY AUCTION. In executlon of a deed of trust dated August 2S, WM. and duly reeorded ln tho clerk's offlce of Rlchmond Chancary Court In D. B. 143 "B," page 621, I wlll, at the request of the beneHelary, then bavlng been default ln the payment of the debt securad, sell, by publiq auctlon, on the premlses, on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1903, at 6 o'olock P. M.. the brlok houee above referred to, wlth the .lot upon whloh lt stands, frontlng 24 feet 6 (nchea on th* south sldo of Clay Street, between Tenth and Eleventh Streets. Tha housa h_*j three stories and basement and a large wing, contains about fifteen rooma »no should attraot the attentlon of buyors.*- TERMS: Cash sufficlent tp defray tha expenses of uxecutlng the trust, all taxea to dav of sale, and to dlBCharge the un¬ pald portlon of. the debt amo.ntln*r to J3.830, as of October 18, 1903; and the real¬ due upon credlts at one and two years, In eciual instalroents, for noteg wlth ln¬ terest added and secured by a deed ol trust upon the property. ALLEN FOTTS. Trustee. By E. A. Catltn, I North Eleventh Street No .0 I5~-._I-.SL, At Auclion for Division. At request of tho beneflclarles. who aire determlned to sell to wlnd up tne estate, I will on THURSDAY. OCTOBER 8, UVB, at 6 o'clock P. M., sell on the premlses*. the dwelllng, No. 3015 East Clay Street. There Is very llttle property of .thla charactor on the market, therefore, you should attend thls sale, lf you are in search of a home ajt a moderate oo»_ or wlsh to get good returns on your ln> vestment. E. A. CATLIN, Auctloneer. By J. D. Carneal and B<m, Roal Estate Agents and Auntionoers, 1106 Eaat Main Btreet. TRUSTEE'B AUCTION SALE OH" A MOST EXCELLENT DYVEL-IN. PBOPEBXY ON Montelro Avenue, Barton HeigbU. By Tlrtue of a certaln deed of trust, dated July 1, 1001, and recorded ln Henrico County Court, clerk'" offlce, ln D. B. 162 A, pago 14, de- foult bavlng beeo made ln the payment of s por¬ tlon of the debt soeured thereby, and bavlng been requlred liyjho beneflclary tborein «o to do, I wlll. on FHIDAY, Ootober 16, 1003, at 4:30 P. M., oo tli- premlsei, proceed to uoU by publlc auctlon, tlie property convoyed tliereln, Tli. : AU that certaln plcco or pareel of land, wlth all lm- provopienU thereou, lying ond b)lng Ia tbe coun¬ ty of Henrico, Va., and coaatatWK of tlie north 17 feet of lot No, 2, all of lot.No. 8, and tho south 22 feet of lot No'. 4, ln block "_,*" ln BRrton H-lghta, Va. The dwelllng has 8 rooma end overy neceasary convenlence. TEHM8.Caah. F. WTUL, Trnatee. N. B..An arrangement cau be made for long tlmo lf dealred._oct i>Ut- By Byrd & Baldwln Brothers, Auctioneers. Rare Opportunlty to Purchase Small- Truck Farma In the Direction of Nor-- folk's Growth and of the JamestowTr Exposltlon Grounds. '¦'' By vlrtue of authorlty vested ln us* ¦we wlll offer for aale. at publlo auotlon, on tbe promlses, on _ _.__>; TUESDAY, THE 20TH DAY OP OCTO- B_R, 1903, AT 11 A. M., the followlng property. to wlt: Those certaln tracts of land embrao* Ing about 46 Acres at Lambert's Polnt, on th_tj Norfolk and Atlantlc TerrnlnalCom- pany'a Electrlc Railway, whlch runs ontlroly through the tracta; lvlng north of the lands of James H. Sanimons and W. J. Vanderborry am* south of the lands of W. J. Roblnson and Shumadlno Brothers, and of th- power house of tho Electrlc Railway Com- pany, sald traot belng formerly owned by Welr and others, but latoly known aa the Tatt and Holmes tracts. These tracts have been sub-dlvlded Into eleven tracta» numbered A to K, and containing each from about 3 to 7 aores. At the aale the several tracts will bo offered separate- ly, and then the Talt tract wlll be offer- ed aa a whole, and the northern halr. and the southern half of the Holmea tract wlll bo offered aa a whole, and tha property wlll be sold whlchever way ag* gregatea the highest prlce. Thls land lles northwest of Norfolk clty, about one mlle from lts corporate llmlts, in the direction of the clty's most rapld growth. . . By the electrlc llne, for a 5-cent fare. the heart of the clty is reached ln 10 or 15 mlnutes. The 8-tnch water main ot the Norfolk County Water Company fol¬ lowlng the llne of the electrlo roads right of way, runs entlrely through tha The land belng ln a hlgh state of cul. tivation, is sulted for amall truck farms, poultry ralslng or dalry, nurserie*. green houses and hol-beds, etc, whlle Ita locatton, ln tlie direction of Norfolk a growth. wlll make lt of great value to >_e subdivided Into bullding lots. whlch tho electrlc line and water main will readlly make avnllable for dwelllngs. Plats of the property, wlth further par- tlculara aa to terms of aale and all other Informatlon, wiu be furnlshed by raall, or at our offlce, on appllcatlon. Free tranaportatlon from Norfolk wlll he furnlahed thone who attand the aale, by the car leavlng the station of the Norfolk and Atlantlc Terrolnal Sewella Polnt car. at 10:30 A. M. BYRD & BALDWIN BROS.. oc6.16,18. _Auctloneera. OLIVER AND JONES. Auotloneere..awabwk- er'a Auctlon Sale. We wiU_tell for L. 1-ving- uteln on TIlUllSDAV. October -th, at 10:30 A. M.. 31W Norlh blith Street, lot mwedeeineil gooda.Guiu, 1'Utole, Watcbea, Jewelry, ClotlJ- ing. aml many otber artlclea tbat »ut.t ba fiold. 0. C UKIHOES, State Auctipoaer. !«, L-vlDgalvln. Proprietor. FOR RENT. TfiOR RENT, No. i09 and 111 W-t Grace fltreet, two of the most dellghtful and up-to-date now brlck dwelllnga In the clty, wllh Vi rooms esoii; laigo halla, and cloc«ta every whero necoaeary; 2 bath-roouia; lo« celton flrat class. Wlll rent low. _ J. D. CARNEAL & SOW.
Page 1: TRIAL OF HER CARGO HAYWOOD IN A BLAZE No.NeatLot€¦ · nature is radiant in autumnal tints, the rich, mellow blend-ings of rare color combiriations surely "add a perfutne to the


Large Number of CharacterWltnesses Examined.


Aycock Proves the Character of Wit-neosea R. N. Semmes and Wlllls Q.

Briggs. Young Baltlmore M»nTells of Shooling.

(Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlnpatch.)RALEIGH, N. C, Oct, 0,-In the trlal

cf Ernost Hnywood for tho kllllng of

Ludlow Sklnner, three Important wlt¬nesses for the defense.R. N. Slms, wellknown lawyer; Wlllls O. Briggs, young

newppeper man, and Bernard B, Schmltz,of Baltlraore--were examined, the testl¬

mony of thc.a-, together wlth a largonumber ot character wltnesses, con-

.umed the eotlre day's session.81ms testlfled to havlng seen a dlffl-

culty between Haywood and Bklnner.He Bald he saw Haywood nnd Sklnnerat the- southern steps to tho poBtofDce.Saw Sklnner strike Haywood, knocklnghlm partly over. Haywood steadled him-eelf, came up wlth hls revolver, andflred when Sklnner was noar the curb,havlng sprung away whon he struckthe hlow. Tho second shot waa flred¦when Sklnner had passed behlnd a car-

rlage ln the street. He could not saywhether Sklnner trled to draw hls plstolor not, owlng to his positlon, right sidebelng to Slms (Sklnner was loft-handed).

WHEM SHOT XVAH FIRED.Wlllls G, Brlggs testlfled that he was

talklng wlth Slms at the tlme the shoot¬lng occurred, hls back belng toward theecene of the _hootin_, so he saw nothinguntll nfter the first shot, Ho sald theplstol shot caused me to look around.As I turned to south tho flrst thlng at-traeted my attentlon was Mr Sklnner leav-Ing the sldewalk. He was on the grassplet. Sklnner's back was rather towardsmo as ho was leavlng the sldowalk. Hoturned hls head towards mo. At thattlme Haywood was a short dlstancc fromthe parapet, about on a llne wlth me.I saw the plstol extended and the flashof the second shot. When I looked backSklnner was near tho street car track,about two-thlrds the diatance to curb totrack. He was golng ln northea'stdlrectlon. He passed over thewagon between mo and Sklnner when hecrossed the track. 1 saw him when hefell, first on bls knoes, then hls face;fell on the rall. Sllghtly turnlng ofSklnner's head caused me to look backto Haywood. l

STRUCK HAYWOOD.Bernard S. Schmltz, ot Baltlmore, tes¬

tlfled that whlle at the Cltizens' Bankcorner wlth C. B. Hocutt he saw Skvnncrhave Haywood by the lapel of hls coat.Then Sklnner struck Haywood, who fellback toward the postoffice. Sklnnerthen sprang back about elght feet. Hlsloft hand was td hls hlp pocket. Hetook two or throe steps toward Haywoodas though to renew the attack.' Then

,.the flrst shot was flred by Haywood andSklnner stnggered. He was about wheretho flaggijig and the grass plot Jolns.The cross examination of Schmltz was

very rlgl3, effort bemg made to breakdown hls character.Later the defense introduced affldavlts

from Governor Smlth, of Maryland;Mayor McLane, of Baltlmore; JudgoHlnsler. Congressman Denny, Wachtov,and a large number of other prominentMarylanders. all te.tlfylng to the hlghcharacter of Schmltz.The characters of R. N- Slms and Wll¬

lls G. Briggs were proven by GovernorAycock, Judgo Connor and a large num¬ber of'the most prominent men Vn thoclty.


Annual Meeting of the Winston Asso¬ciatlon.The New Crop.

(Spoclal to The Times-DIspatch.)WINSTON-SALEM. N. C, Oct. 5.-The

Winston Tobacco Associatlon hold Itsannual meotJng thls afternoon. Presl¬dent A. M. Coleman was re-elccted,J. R. Green was chosen vlce-presldent,Z. T. Bynum was re-elected secretaryand troasurer and supervlsor of sales.In hls annual report, President Cole¬man says last year's crop "Is concededto have been tbe best grown in ton years,and that tho average prlce pald for ltehoujd be n sufflclent guarantee to thefarmers that n crop of tobacco of goodquality wlll always pay them a profltover cost of productlon.There has been a very decldod lncrease,

"A rag. a bone and a bank of halr;The fool, he calle her Iils lady falr."

This Conceptionof Lovely Woman

we do not cndorse. To us she seems not the rude skcletonof the modern poet of materialism, but rather "a thing ofbeauty and a joy forever." At this season, when even

nature is radiant in autumnal tints, the rich, mellow blend-ings of rare color combiriations surely "add a perfutne to

the rose." A season richcr in tone and tint we have never

seen. Entire suits of the same material is the rule, andthe fabrics in mode vary like the seasons.brown, greenand blue seem the favorite shadings, and rough and smoothfaces each has its advocate. New and smart effects come

all the way from 50c. to $2.50 the yard.Sllk and Tytice Bands are in voguo for dressy garnlture. Even¬

ing use gives wldo latltude for taste and frugallty allke. Volleu,Etamlnes, Albatross, and even tbe homely Cotton Crepona formflttlng adjuncts for the witchery of home.

Thus you have Uie entlre gnmut of color tone wlthln easy

range of l_J-.c. to *M,-0 the yard. Sllk and Wool OlorUts andthe famoua Lansdownes appear in all the wanted shades.?1.00and *l,_B.

Street service affords scope for scrcne as well as

savage riot in colors. The Corded Velvets are about themost wcar-resisting surfaces, and they come in all shad¬ings. Smooth surface nonpareil effects in Velveteen are

very modish and correct. Black is easily prime favorite.

Any article YOU want and WE haven't we cheerfullysummon by those subtle servitors.telegraph and express.

Suits of correct cut are coming in daily now. TheseSuits and Separate Coats have the endorsement of the NewYork mode.

lr. the o-utput of our manufacturles, andall of our factorlos are runnlng on fulltime wlth orders ahead. Thero shouldbe some ray of comfort In this to leafdealer and farmers, who have been ln

the dumps slnce tho deellne ln leaf as a

contlnued. good trado to the manufac-turers will eventually mean a more ac¬

tlve demand for the raw materlal.As to tho new crop, tho reports aro

not so favorable as they were before lt

began to rlpen, and lt does not seem to

be curlng as well as the growth In thefield would lndlcate. There seems to.bea lack of body, and the yleld per acreo

is Bald to be far below that of last year.Presldent Coleman referred to the pro¬

posed tohacco exhlblt nt the St. Louls

Exposltlon. and Imprcssed upon the asso-

clation the Importance of a creditabie

exhlblt from the most important tobacco

produclng and tobacco manufacturlngState in the Union._


Greensboro to Vote To-Day on a BlgBond Issue.

(Speclal to Tho Times-DIspatch.)GREENSBORO, N. C, Oct. B..The

Federal Court convened thls mornlng.Thore are 114 crlmlnal cases on tho

docket, mostly agalnst dlstlllers forfraud agalnst the government. SeveralIndlctments are agalnst storeke. pers and

gaugers for polluslon wlth owntrs.The most Important cases on the

docket are two agalnst John L. CasperCo.. of Winston, These cases are at-

tractlng more consideratlon than usunKjust now, because of the fact that Mr.J Wlloy Schook. who haa Just left therevenue servlce, has located ln Winstonto practlce law, nnd ls the regularly re-

tained attorney for the Casper Company.it a reported large annual salary. IIls

management of these cases this weekis looked -forward to wlth much Interest.In addition to the regular crlmlnal

docket, tbere are 118 sultB entered on

bonds of dlstlllers.The North Carollna Industrlal Asso¬

ciatlon has secured the servlces ofBooker T. Washlngton to speak at theeducational rally to be held at the StateNegro Falr on Education Day, October30. 1003. , , ,Thore ls to be a very Important elee-

tlon to-morrow on the queBtton of votlnga $250,000 clty hond issue for water-works, sewers and streets.There Is no organlzed opposltlon to

" The LeadingPlano House of Rlchmond.

Speclal Bargains This Weekin Slhhtly Used Vpright

PianosChase*fiackleyPiano Co.,

603 East Broad.

Do You Wanl Boarders?HaveYouRoomsloRenl?It pays to use Times-Dlspatoh "Want Ads



the bond Issue, but a_ a majorlty of therogistered vote has to approve the Issue,erforts are belng dlrected toward. get-tlng the necessary vote out. Mayor Os-born. who ls manager of the campaignorganlzatlon, has built up a spIendMforco of workera, and thls mornlng everyquallfied voter In the clty receivedthrough the mall two ballota and astrong letter of appeal not to forget tovote one of them to-morrow.

NEW ENTERPRISESThe Manufactures' Club of Hlgh Polnt

Social and Buslness.(Special to The Times-DIspatch.)

RALEIGK, N. C, Oct 5.-_he Secre¬tary of State Issued to-day a charter tothe Mahufacturer's Club, Incorporated, ofHlgh PoJtjt, the club havlng for lts ob-Ject the promotion of the interests ofmanufaeturera , soclally and ln buslness,also the romoval of any impedlment tothe natural growth to the manufacturlngInterests of the clty.The Incorporatorg are J. J. Farrlss,

Westoott Roberson, C. F. Long, Fred.T. Tate. Wllber Jonea, S. L. Davls, W.C. Jones, E. Elwood Cox, Percy V. Klrk-man, E. M. Armfteld, J. A. Turner, R,II. Wheeler, W. G. Bradshaw; S. H.Tomlinson, J. P. Redding, Charles Ragan,j. S. Lowe, W. J. Wrenn, E. A. Snowand L. E. Tate.Another stock company cbartered Js the

Eartern Arm and Pln Company, of New-bern. The speclal object of the companybelng to do a general lumber buslnessand manufacture insiilar plns and croEs-arms. The autborl.cd capital ls 1100,-000.The Connelly Mlneral Sprlngs Hotel

Company, of Connelly- Sprlngs, Burkecounty, was cbartered to develop tho Con¬nelly Sprlngs Hotel property, the capitalIs $20,000 subscrlbed. The Incorporatorsare AV. H. Connelly, Dr. W. M. McGll-land and M. D. Blngier. The last twofrom Donaldsvllle, La.


Attends Benefactors* Day at TrlnltyCollege.Depot Slte.

(Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)DURHAM, N. C, Oot. 5..Blshop E. E.

Hoss filled the pulplt of Maln-StreetMethodlst Church Sunday mornlng andTrlnlty Methodlst Church at nlght.Saturday was Benefactors' Day at

Trlnlty College. Thls day waa set apartas a porpotual hollday ln the hlstory orthe oollege to be celeforated on October3d In commomoratton of those who glveof thelr means ln eupport of the college.He lectured at Trlnlty Saturday nlghtand on that occaelon a llst of the donorato the college durlng the past year wasread out. The llst ls a long one and thetotal value of glfts, all emall, amountedto atoout $30,000.Dr. J. C. Kilgo, presldent of Trlnlty

College,, was qulte elck yesterday andla*t nlght, A physlclan attended hlm yes¬terday afternoon. Ho oxpects to be out lna. few days.The questlon of securlng a slte for tho

unlon depot lu now an absorblng one. Itls thought that the depot wlll be locatedwlthln a week or so. Some of the prop¬erty owners are charglng exoTbltantprices whlle other sltes are belng offeredat prices that are reusonablo.

.1 ...

Blew Child* Head Off.(Speclal to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

GOLDSBORO, N. C. Oct. 5..JacobLltUe. an old negro Ilving on NeiueRlver. came to the clty to-day and re-portPij that hls thlrteen-year-old son,john, kllled the seven-year-old daughterof hls slster yesterday wlth a shotgun.The boy had the gun In the kltchen andwns olllng wjth the trigger Jn suoh amanner nn caused the gun to flre, tearlngoff the top part of tlio chlld'a head.


MONTVALE, VA., October 6,-Carrle,tlie sfx-year-old daughter of Mitchell Chll-ton, who fell off of a second story porohfifty feet last week on her head, Is rest-ing comfortably, and no fatal roaultlsexpected.Jolin Lynch, a hlghly respected colorod

mart, who was knocked off the rallroadtrack on Tuesday nlght last, wlll recover.

. m .i

Sunclay-School Institules.(Speclal to The Tlmes-Dispatcli.)

LYNCHBURO, VA. Oct. B.-The ,SUH-day-schoo! Institute of the Sunday-schooland Ulble Board was held Sunday ln theFlrat Baptlst Churoh by Rev. J. M,Pllcher nnd Rev. ll, W. Sptlman,A great lnterest ln Sunday-school work

hns been awakened and tho coiigregatloiinaro large. To-day they conducted threemeetings at Chotnom. uesday they goto Danvllle and Wednesduy Uiey holdtwo at South Boston,


German Steamship ErlcaRaces for Norfolk Harbor.


Wharf Owners Fear to Let Vessel ComeAlongsfde.Strike at Shlpyards.

Collision During Dente Fog.Seaboard Maeting.

(Speclal to The Tlmes-tMspatch.)" NORFOLK. VA., Oct, 6.-TI10 Germansteamship Erlca from Wllmington, N. C,for Llverpool wlth 4,900 bales of cottonput lnto thls port this en-enlrig' -wlth hercargo ablazo. The flro waB discoveredwhllo the shlp was 185 miles enut, south-oast of Cape Henry, Captaln Rlchmannlmmedla_ely battened down all hatchesand turned Bteam lnto the hntches-.,As the vessel passed tho capes she

slgnallod hor pllght and tug3 wero swlft-ly dlspatched to her rellef. She was

brought lnto port where sho now ls wltbthe flre stlll in her. The wharf ownersand the clty authorltles allke are afraldto permjt her to como alongsldo the cltywharves to dlscllargo her cargo. Bteam isstlll on the cargo, and It ls probablo thatlt wlll be necessary to keep lt on allnlght as the flre appears to be al ln thelower layers of cotton. The cargo wlllbo lightercd ashore If tho shlp ls stlll de-nled the wharf. The cook, Stowart, waso-vercome by smoko nnd was resc«Kid fromthe hold wlth dlfflculty by a wlr,e. Hewlll llve, however.The Erlca was two days out from Wll¬

mington when tho flre was flrst discofc-er-ed. She had a thrllllng race for llfe to theVlrglnla Capes. Her englnes were pushedto the utmost to make port bofore theentlre cargo was ignlted^ the shlp belngloaded to her decks, and even the cablnsbalng filled with cotton, Captaln^ Rlch¬mann says lt wlll bo lmpossible to estl-rnuto the damage to shlp or cargo untllthe blaelng cargo ls taken out.The Erlca ls ln charge of the German

vlce-ConBul Colonel Wllllam Lamb. She lsfrom Hamburg and Ib owned by M. Jep.son.. She is of 1,201 tons reglster.

WANT AN INCREASB.The shlpwrlghts, calkers and jolners

have struck in two shlpyards here foran mcrease of from $2,00 to $2.70 perdiem. One yard granted the lncreaseand Its force ls stlll at work. One day'stlme was glven the employers.Taylor's shlpyard, ln Norfolk, suid W.

IJ. Thomas & Companw, ln Borkley, areholdlng out agalnst the-demand.The three Colonntt shlpyards aro un-

affected by the demands of the men.

Purlng the dense fog thls mornlng theNorfolk and Portsmouth ferry BtejunorSuperlor crashed into the tug Katle, ofthe Lambert's Pomt Tow Boat Com¬pany, carrylng away a good portlon ofher deck. The ferry steamer waa untn-Jured.Owlng to the dlfflculty. of- navlgatton,

both boats' were proceedJrjs .nde'r grroatly"reduced speed.There will be a meeting of the Sea¬

board and Roanoke Railway Company'sdlreotors and stockholders held ln thlsclty to-morrow. No meeting of tho Sea-board Air Line Railway has been called,however, and none i's expected to beheld.At the general offlces of the system to-

day lt was stated that the' meeting of theSeaboard and Roanoke \ has absolutelyno slgnlficance, and that no effort wlllat thls tlme be made to perfect Its mergerwith the remainder of the Seaboard sys¬tem, of which lt ls at present a mostImportant actual physlcal part, althoughIt has never been legally merged wlththe other properties. The meeting- wlll,ln all probablllty, be adjourned untll a

later date.It is understood that the actual merger

of the Seaboard and Roanoke, which wasformerly the parent road of the blg Sea.board system, ls held up by a compara-tlvely small Interest, and that thls wlllscarcely be acqulred ln tlme to effect anymerger at thls year's annual meeting.

RELKASB DEEDS FILED.The release deeds, accompllshlng- the

dlssolutlon of the street railway Interestsof tlie Willlams nyndlcate and the houseof Alexandcr Brown and Sons, of Baltl¬more, went to record to-day ln the clerk'sofllce of the Norfolk County Court.They were flled by Judge D. Tucker

Brooke, counsel for W. J. Payne, presl¬dent of the Penlnsula roads, which drowout of the Norfolk, Portsmouth and New¬port News Company.Tho deeds aro from the Rlchmond Trust

and Safo Deposlt Company, and releasethe property and securities pledgod undera doed of trust to secure an issue of twomlilion dollaiB of incomo bonds, issuedJune 30, ma*.The consideratlon named in ths release

deed la five dollars nnd "the premlses."This deed relenses to thelr former ownersthe securltleH controlllng the NewportNews and Old Polnt Railway and Eloc-tric Company and the Consumers' Llght,Gas and lee Company, of Newport News,No mentlon ls made ln the deen of the

Norfolk and Atlantlc Termlnal Company,another of the Brown properties whichwlthdrew from the Willlams syndlcate,but which hns been for some tlme pnstln the hands of Its former owners. Therea6on for thls is that tho securities con¬

trolllng thls property were never actuallyIn possession of the Norfolk, Portsmouthond Newport News Company, hut wore

retalned by the banklng houso of Alexan-der Brown nnd Sons, ln Baltlmore. Whenthelr property reverted to them under theterms of the tentatlve consolldatlon,thereforo, 110 return of securities was

necessary.The Willlams Company stlll retalns

JSOO.OOO lntorost ln the Newport News andOld Polnt Rnllway. These securities were

secured outsldo the terms of the deed oftrust, and aro exempted from its pro-vlslons, There wlll.be Immedlately turnedover to tho owners of tho Ponnsylvaniallnes 10,736 shnies of the common capltalstock of thls company, representlng theabsolute ownershlp, and to the Consum¬ers' Llght, Oas and Ice Company $150,000of Jte shares. The deed wlll be recordedln Norfolk and Newport News, In War-wlck county and ln Ellssabeth Clty county.

ALLECBD IRREGULABITY.The grand Jury of the Corporatlon Court

was to-day asked to Investlgate the al-leged Ulegal r'ogistratlon ln the SecondW'urd, where several hundred voters are

nlleged to have been eolonlsed. Thegrand Jury wlll meet to-morrow to con-fljder the charges, nnd many newspaperclipplngs touchlng the situation will beln evldence.Governor Monla-gue's acceptance of the

Ir.vltutlon extended hlm to attend theJamestown Exposltlon mass rnoetlng hasbeen recelved hero. Mr. J. W, Perry wlllhead a delogatlon to Ralelgh to InvlteGovernor AycocTt, of North Carollna, whowill also likely accept,The pollce ure lookhifj for J. C. Crout-

licmel, sevenlean years o!d, of Phlladel¬phla, who has run away from home.Mr. John Weslny Lash, of Portsmouth,

,ih dead. He w_* a famous Confederate

Cured of AsthmaAfter 35 years of Sufferlng.

It ffUl bo gratifylng to Asthmatloreaders to learn that an absoluto cure hasat last boen dlscovered by Ur. Schlllmann.That tho remedy Is nn nftVctual ono can¬not bo doubted aftor porusal of such tosti*mony as thatof C. W. Van Antwerp, Ful¬ton, N. Y., who says: "Your remedy(SchllTmann's Aathma Cure) Is tho bostlovorused. I bought a package of ourdruggist and trlca It nnrl ono bo.ontlrelycured mo of Asthma, nnd I have not hndIt slnco. I can now go to bed and sleep allnlght wlth perfect comfort, whlch I havonot, dono beforo for 85 year. and Ithankyou for tho health thnt I now enjoy. Ihopo that you wlll publlsh thla letter, thatothors may learn ol Its wonderful vlrtuos."Snld by all drugglsts at 50c nnd (1.00.

Scnd.cstampto Dr.H.Scblt7marin,Box891,St. Paul, MInn., for u froe sample paekage.

sharpshooter. Ho leaves a wldow andfciir children. Ho was slxty-thrco yearsoid.


(Sner-liil to Tlie Tlmes-Dlspatch.)WINDSOR, VA., Oct. C.Mr. W. Fred

Johnson, of thls place, attempted to boardtlio Trilby excurslon traln for Rlch¬mond Sundav nlght, whlle It was run¬nlng nt a speed of fifteen or twentymlles por hour. Ho was thrown undortho car and hnd hls loft foot cut off andleg very badly crushed, collar-boneand skull fractured.Mr, R. XV. Atklns, who puiled hlm from

under the traln, came very near loslngbls llfo ln tho attempt to save hlm. Mr.Johnson was taken to Norfolk.Mr. Johnson wns runnlng a bnrber shop

here, but had a posltlon ln Rlchmond,and came down on nn excurston to vlsithls wlfe and chlld. Tho trnln stopped lnthe mornlng and ho was trying to returnon the same trnln when tho accldent oc¬curred. lt is not expected that ho canllve.


A, L, Taylor Chosen Presldent of theY. M. C. A..Personal News.

(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, VA., Oct.

5..Tho vacancy caused by the reslgnationof tho presldent of the Young Men's Chrls¬tlan A-soclntlon has been fUled by theelection of Mr. A. D. Taylor, of Mobllo,Ala. Mr. J. P, Smlth, Sao Paula, Brazll,voe then nomlnated and elected for theposltlon of vlce-presldont.A number of men havo enrolled for tho

regular mlselon study work of the asso¬ciation. Two classes have been organ¬izod.one in medical mlssion and one Intho stufly of the soclal evlls of the non-Christlan world. Dr. Halstead Hedgoswlll lead tbe former and Mr. W. M. For-rest the-latter.Captaln and Mrs. Thomas Pinckney and

Mlss Josephlne Pinckney, of Charleston,S. C, aro spendlng a few days wlth Mr.and Mrs. Kobert Renshaw.Mlss Lindsay Walker ls the guest of

Representatlvo and Mrs. James Hay, lnWashington.Mlss Lily HIH. of Rlchmond. ls the

guest of Mlss Marguerlte Roeser at "Rug-by," near the Unlverslty.Mlss Grace Shlelds, of Rlchmond, is vls¬

ltlng Miss Smlth, who resldes near Mon¬tlcello.Mlss Lightle, of Annapolls. Md., la vis-

Iting frlends atThe Unlverslty.Mlss Renshaw has returned home from

Altoona, Pa., after an absence of sev¬eral months.Dr. and Mrs. E. Roland Mulford, ot

Phlladelphla, are on a vislt to the lat-ter's mother, Mrs. Carrle Anderson, atRed Hill.



Justlce of Peace Must Show a CauseWhy He Should Not Be Dismissed.

(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)NEWPORT NEWS', VA.. October B..

The grand Jury of Ellzabetn Clty countyto-day adopted a recommendatlon thatJustlce of the Peace T. H. Saundera, ofWythe District, be summoped before thecourt to Bhow causo why he should notb« removed from offlce for malfoasance.The case grows out of the trlal of a num¬ber of boys for mlsdemeanor. The Justlcetieclded the boys wero not guilty, but as-

.csged costs agalnst them.John Teemer and Mlss Mamle Brigge-

man, ot Phoebus, were secrotly marriedin old St. John's Church, Hampton, twoweeks ngo by Rev. C. B. Bryan. Detallsof the affalr leaked out to-day.Unlted StateB CommiBsloner Packard to-

day eent an artllleryman from Fort Mon-roe to the Federal grand Jury on thechargo of ateallng lead from the dlsap-pearlng gun mounts at tho fort. The manwas taken to Norfolk, and the oulclolsdld not glve out hls name. The prlnclpalwltness was a Phoebus Junk dealer namedMayo, who testifled that he bought thelead from tho artllleryman.

Judgment Rendered.Judgment has been rendered ln the Law

and Bquity Court ln favor of the Mer¬chants' Cold Storage and Ice Manufac¬turlng Co. for $137.- vs. Mrs. Jane Klng.Judgment wns also rendered ln favor ofR. T. Jennlnga agalnst H. S. Urban for*50.



Funeral of Mr. H. S. Whitingat Oakwood Cemetery

Thls Mornlng.A belper named H. S. WhlUng, em-

ployed by Contractor N. E. Ancarrow,was klllod yesterdny mornlng by Inju¬ries Bustained through a fall from a

bullding at Fifth and Byrd Streets,In his fall hls head and Jaw were

Btriiek by beams. and upon examlna-tlon by the coroner the mnn'. nock wns

found to havo been brokon. No inquustwaa held, and tho body was preparedfor burlal by Rlchardson and Chappoll.Mr. Whltlng was forty-flve yeara old.He was a natlve of Ontarlo, Canada.He purstied the buslness of piano sales-man and occaslonally helped Mr. An¬carrow. He wus known as a eober, at-tentlve and pollte man, well educated.He was a'wldower, with no children.The funeral wlll bo at Oakwood at 0

o'clock this mornlng. Frlends of thodead mnn have made all arrangementsfor the burlal.

flm Tf yo« »re.V troubled wlthV Constlpatlon,

Hlliou-ncss,Slck l Iciidiu-hi.-,Kiiliu-y AllmciilsIndlgv-tlon,Dy-p.pslu orMiilurUi,you n oo 4 tlioBltti'i-s at onco.Itwill cure youttiirl rostore yout o p o r f o o thealth.A falr trlal

wlll convlnooyou.


Olver & Jones, Auctlopeors,<U8 W. Broad Street; 'Phone 2276.


Master Sawed Oak Chambor Furniture.Chlna Press, Sldebonrd. Mantel Mlrrors.5 Rolls Now Mnttlng, Hall, Rtnir nndother Carpet, Now BOd Lounges, Couchfts,Brass Trlmmed Iron Beds, 1 Parlor Or-can, Squa.ro Plano, Standard Slngor andNow Homo Sewing Maeltlnes, ln goodordor; Oak and other Bod-room Furni¬ture, Wnrdrobos, Chairs, Extenslon nndothor Tablos, Sldebonrds, Hall Rncks,Odd Bedsteads, Bureaus, Washslsmls,Cupboards, Kltchen Furniture, Cooklngnnd Heatlng Stoves. also a lot of othorgoods too numerous to montion. ThlsIs a rine lot of goods and wlll bo sold.Ladles lnvlted to nttond.

OEO. V. OL1VBR, Saienman.

By Sutton & Co.,Real Estato Auctloncers.

Corner Tenth and Bank Streets.




In executlon of a decree ot thp Lawand Equity Court, entered on the 16thday of August, 1003, ln tlie suit of H. S.Watklns vb. Charles II. Page Co. thounderslgned, as recelver appolnted bysnld decree, shall offer tor salo at pub¬llc auctlon. upon the premises, on

TUESDAY, OCTOBER «, 1M3,at 4:30 o'clock P. JL. the property abovedescrlbed.'ino property consists of two lota of

vacant land, frontlng respectivcly, 07 and628 feot on tha south slde of Lewls Street.and runnlng back between parallel llnesH0 feet to Centre Street.TERMB-One~thlrd cash. balance In

three equal Instslments at 6. 12 and 18months from dnte o£ sale, wlth Interestadded, and tltled retalned untll all thepurohase money is pald and a conveyancoordered by the court; or all cash, at theoption of the purchaeer.

FRANK T. SUTTON, Jr.Recelver.

I certlfy that tho bond requlred of theRecelver by tho above-mentloned decreehas been duly glven.octl-tds P. P. WINSTON. Clerk.

By the Valentlne Auctlon Co.,Auctloneers.


On account of changlng hands, we wlllsell at auotlon, at tho Ford's Hotol, cor¬ner Broad and Eleventh Streets, Rloh¬mond, Va.THIS (TUESDAY) MORNINO, OCTO¬

BER 6TH, AT 10:30 O'CLOCK,Furniture, conslstlng of Oak and walnutBed-rOom Suits, Wardrobes, Iron Beds,Mattressos and Sprlngs, Chairs, ConterTablo, Bed Clothlng, Plllows nnd Bolsters.Crockery, Qlassware, Plctures, Mlrrors,&c. '

Salo posltlve: terms, cash.THE VALENTINE AUCTION CO.,

ocU&6. Auctloneers.



REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, AT PUB-LIC AUCTION.More than slx months' default havlng

been made in the payment of lntere3t onthe bonds of tho Charlottesville Clty andSuburban Railway Company, secured lnthe deed of trust from sald Railway Com¬pany, dated September, IB. 1900, and re-corded ln the clerk's offlce of thp Cor¬poratlon Court for tho- Corporatlon orCharlottesville, D. B. 11. pages 104 to 117,and clerk's offlce of the County Courtof Albemarle county, D, B. 118, pages 145to 162. at the wrltten request of the hold-ors of a majorlty of sald bonds, the un¬derslgned, substltuted trustees under salddeed of trust, wlll on

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1003.at 12 M., at public auctlon_ at tho frontdoor of the courthouse of AlbemarleCounty.'Court, ln the clty of Charlottes¬ville, Va., exposQ to, sale all the prop¬erty. real and personal, conveyed by snlddeed of trust, conslstlng ln part of thoStreot Railway tracks,, wlth all Its sldlngsana connectlons, an Ice Plant and anElectrio Plant, wlth all Its connectlngwlres, pples, &c,, together wlth all prlvl-lcges, leases. easements. rights, fran¬chises and contracts rejating and pertaln-Ing to sald railroad or elther of saldplnntBj all equlpments, machinery. plants,poles, wlros and all property tanglblo andintanglblQ used ln connectlon wlth saldrailroad,-electrio llght plant, ice plant,&o.; severa) pleces of Real Estate, someIn tho county of Albemarle, and someJn the clty of Charlottesville, espeelallyabout 110 acres of land along sald rail¬way, on which there are mineral sprlngsand a valuabte hotel bulldlng. In shortall the property covered by sald deed oftrust wlll bo sold. Tbls is valuable anddesirable property.TBRMS.As requlred by sald deed of

trust, cash.Sale wlll be made subject to a mort¬

gage of the Pledmont Constructlon andImprovement Company, dated February1, 1895, to secure $25,000, flrst mortgagebonds, and also subject to a Ilen to se¬cure tho payment for new ralls recentlybought by sald C. C. & S. Co.


ocU-4w. Trustees.


r__ C_|_ 325 ftoroaonfcheJamoa RlverlOr OdlU, 10 miles from Rlohmond.Prlco 81,600.

OEO. B. CRAWFORD c. CO,803 E. Main Sb., Clty.



I. HEN1NG, who ls dlsconttnuing house-keeplng, we offer for rent hls attractivoRESIDENCE, 2101 East Grace Stroet, con-talnlng 11 rooms, two bath rooms and de¬tached kltchen wlth 4 rooms.

JOHN T. OOPDIN & CO.,Real Estate Agents,

Bank and ISleventh Streets.


11-room up-to-date, new brick dwelllng;all convenlences; firBl-class locatlon; rent,0w'

j. d. carnbal & son.

... leqalTnotice.

.7 irginia-in the clerk's of-v fice of the corporatiomcourt of the city of manches-tf,r. va.. october 8. 1903-in vaca-TION.H, S. Bradloy, et als.ComplalnantsAgalnat ,

Tho Southslda Land end ImprovementCompnny. Wllllam C. Seddon. A. H. Ruth¬erford, Wllllam A. Marburg and WlllumC. Seddon, trndlng as Wllllam C. Seddon

Co.DofondantsIN CHANCERY.

Tho object of thls suit is to have a re-oelver appolnted for the Southslde Landnml improvement Company to wlnd upIts affairs; and *li0 ,0 ascertaln and en-forco the llablllty of the said defendauts,Wllllam C. Seddon, A. H. Rutherford,W'lllium A. Marburg aiul Wllllam C. Sed-don, tradlng as Wllllam C. Soddon &Co., and eueh of thuin to sald SouthsldeLnnd nnd Improvement Company, andtlio liiiljlllty of sald company to tlie saldBeddgn, Rutherford and Marburg, If anythere bo. Aud afflduvlt havlng beunniiido and fii«-d, that tho sald defendant.,Williiuii 0, Seddon, A. II. Rutherford aiidAVIlllam A. Marburg and William C. Sed¬don & Co. are noiurosldentl of the state ofVlrglnla. thoy are requlred to appoar herewllhln flfleen duys after due publlcatlonof this order, and do what Is necessaryto proteot thelr Interests In thls suit.A Cop>.Teste:

H. E. T>V VAU Clerk.>PeBausaure & Curson, p. q. ocO-lawlw

AUCTION 8A_.ES.FUTURE 0AY9,.By Real Estate Trust Company.

Rest Estate Auotloneers.


No. 1214 West Gary Sfre.Neat Frame Cottage,

Lot 40x150 to Alley.On Wednesday, Ootober 7th, 1909

at 5 o'Clook, P. M.A. good Investment or comfortabli

home. An Inspoctlon Is asked, whiclwlll convlnce you of lts merlts.TERMS.Uberal and announced nt aale;REAL ESTATE TRUST COMPANY.


By Auguatlna Royall & Co.,Real Estate Agents and Auctloneera,i.puder Bullding, Manchester, Va.


B1TB3 IN THIS CITY ON WBDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1903, AT C O'CLOC.P. M. ON THE PREMISBS.By vlrtue of a deed of trust, dated Feb

ruary 23, 1*589, and reeorded In the Corporntlon Court for tho clty of MnnchaaterVa., ln D. B. 10, page 1C, axecuted to thiunderalgncd tmstee, and on belng roq.ulre<ao to do by the beneflclary. I will aell apubllc auctlon, on tho day, hour and placinamed above, that exeeedlngly valuablilot, sltuated at the southeaat corner Flfteenth and Hull Streets, and frontlns otHull Street 93 feet, be the same more olless, by 185 feet deep. Thls splendid bu»tnesfl site ahould attract atteptlon,TERMS.Cash aa to expenses of aale,

t.-ixpa, lf any be due, and to pay off anote of $2,600. wlth' lnterest, from Marcl6, M97, tlll pald; the realdue upon termiannounced at sale. By conaent of all partlea much moro Uberal tenna may b'made.

AUGUSTTNT. ROYALL, TruaU-.oct 8,4,6,7^,9,10,U,13.14

By N. "W. Bowa,Real Estate Auotloneer.


In executlon of a deed of trust datedAugust 2S, WM. and duly reeorded lntho clerk's offlce of Rlchmond ChancaryCourt In D. B. 143 "B," page 621, I wlll,at the request of the beneHelary, thenbavlng been default ln the payment ofthe debt securad, sell, by publiq auctlon,on the premlses, on

TUESDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1903,at 6 o'olock P. M.. the brlok houee abovereferred to, wlth the .lot upon whlohlt stands, frontlng 24 feet 6 (nchea on th*south sldo of Clay Street, between Tenthand Eleventh Streets. Tha housa h_*jthree stories and basement and a largewing, contains about fifteen rooma »noshould attraot the attentlon of buyors.*-TERMS: Cash sufficlent tp defray tha

expenses of uxecutlng the trust, all taxeato dav of sale, and to dlBCharge the un¬pald portlon of. the debt amo.ntln*r toJ3.830, as of October 18, 1903; and the real¬due upon credlts at one and two years,In eciual instalroents, for noteg wlth ln¬terest added and secured by a deed oltrust upon the property.


By E. A. Catltn,I North Eleventh Street

No .0 I5~-._I-.SL,At Auclion for Division.

At request of tho beneflclarles. who airedetermlned to sell to wlnd up tne estate,I will on

THURSDAY. OCTOBER 8, UVB,at 6 o'clock P. M., sell on the premlses*.the dwelllng, No. 3015 East Clay Street.There Is very llttle property of .thlacharactor on the market, therefore, youshould attend thls sale, lf you are insearch of a home ajt a moderate oo»_or wlsh to get good returns on your ln>vestment.

E. A. CATLIN, Auctloneer.

By J. D. Carneal and B<m,Roal Estate Agents and Auntionoers,


EXCELLENT DYVEL-IN. PBOPEBXY ONMontelro Avenue, Barton HeigbU.By Tlrtue of a certaln deed of trust, dated

July 1, 1001, and recorded ln Henrico CountyCourt, clerk'" offlce, ln D. B. 162 A, pago 14, de-foult bavlng beeo made ln the payment of s por¬tlon of the debt soeured thereby, and bavlngbeen requlred liyjho beneflclary tborein «o to do,I wlll. on FHIDAY, Ootober 16, 1003, at 4:30 P.M., oo tli- premlsei, proceed to uoU by publlcauctlon, tlie property convoyed tliereln, Tli. : AUthat certaln plcco or pareel of land, wlth all lm-provopienU thereou, lying ond b)lng Ia tbe coun¬ty of Henrico, Va., and coaatatWK of tlie north17 feet of lot No, 2, all of lot.No. 8, and thosouth 22 feet of lot No'. 4, ln block "_,*" lnBRrton H-lghta, Va. The dwelllng has 8 roomaend overy neceasary convenlence. TEHM8.Caah.

F. WTUL, Trnatee.N. B..An arrangement cau be made for long

tlmo lf dealred._oct i>Ut-By Byrd & Baldwln Brothers,


Rare Opportunlty to Purchase Small-Truck Farma In the Direction of Nor--folk's Growth and of the JamestowTrExposltlon Grounds. '¦''

By vlrtue of authorlty vested ln us*¦we wlll offer for aale. at publlo auotlon,on tbe promlses, on


B_R, 1903, AT 11 A. M.,the followlng property. to wlt:Those certaln tracts of land embrao*

Ing about46 Acres at Lambert's Polnt, on th_tj

Norfolk and Atlantlc TerrnlnalCom-pany'a Electrlc Railway,

whlch runs ontlroly through the tracta;lvlng north of the lands of James H.Sanimons and W. J. Vanderborry am*south of the lands of W. J. Roblnsonand Shumadlno Brothers, and of th-power house of tho Electrlc Railway Com-pany, sald traot belng formerly ownedby Welr and others, but latoly known aathe Tatt and Holmes tracts. These tractshave been sub-dlvlded Into eleven tracta»numbered A to K, and containing eachfrom about 3 to 7 aores. At the aale theseveral tracts will bo offered separate-ly, and then the Talt tract wlll be offer-ed aa a whole, and the northern halr.and the southern half of the Holmeatract wlll bo offered aa a whole, and thaproperty wlll be sold whlchever way ag*gregatea the highest prlce.Thls land lles northwest of Norfolk clty,

about one mlle from lts corporate llmlts,in the direction of the clty's most rapldgrowth. . .

By the electrlc llne, for a 5-cent fare.the heart of the clty is reached ln 10or 15 mlnutes. The 8-tnch water main otthe Norfolk County Water Company fol¬lowlng the llne of the electrlo roadsright of way, runs entlrely through tha

The land belng ln a hlgh state of cul.tivation, is sulted for amall truck farms,poultry ralslng or dalry, nurserie*. greenhouses and hol-beds, etc, whlle Italocatton, ln tlie direction of Norfolk a

growth. wlll make lt of great value to >_esubdivided Into bullding lots. whlch thoelectrlc line and water main will readllymake avnllable for dwelllngs.Plats of the property, wlth further par-

tlculara aa to terms of aale and all otherInformatlon, wiu be furnlshed by raall,or at our offlce, on appllcatlon.Free tranaportatlon from Norfolk wlll

he furnlahed thone who attand the aale,by the car leavlng the station of theNorfolk and Atlantlc Terrolnal SewellaPolnt car. at 10:30 A. M.

BYRD & BALDWIN BROS..oc6.16,18. _Auctloneera.OLIVER AND JONES. Auotloneere..awabwk-

er'a Auctlon Sale. We wiU_tell for L. 1-ving-uteln on TIlUllSDAV. October -th, at 10:30A. M.. 31W Norlh blith Street, lot mwedeeineilgooda.Guiu, 1'Utole, Watcbea, Jewelry, ClotlJ-ing. aml many otber artlclea tbat »ut.t bafiold. 0. C UKIHOES, State Auctipoaer. !«,L-vlDgalvln. Proprietor.


TfiOR RENT,No. i09 and 111 W-t Grace fltreet, two

of the most dellghtful and up-to-datenow brlck dwelllnga In the clty, wllh Virooms esoii; laigo halla, and cloc«taeverywhero necoaeary; 2 bath-roouia; lo«celton flrat class. Wlll rent low.


