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TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator...

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Vol. 2 Issue 25 JANUARY 2013 TRIALS & TRIBULATIONS THE EASTERN FOURSTROKE ASSOCIATION & THE ANGLIA CLASSIC TRIALS CLUB MONTHLY MAGAZINE The E.F.A. Club Stand at the Kempton Park Bike Show Displaying the new Club Banner Photo Neil Canham.
Page 1: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


Vol. 2 Issue 25JANUARY 2013





The E.F.A. Club Stand at the Kempton Park Bike ShowDisplaying the new Club Banner

Photo Neil Canham.

Page 2: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


El PresidentLife Vice PresidentVice PresidentChairman

Club Secretary


Championship Recorder

Trials & Tribulations Editor& Website Administrator

Membership Secretary

ACTC Secretary

Ian PreedyWilf BraybrookChris Kearney

Ted Smith

Rob Sayers29 Roman Way, Long Melford,Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9LN

Tel: 01787 370180 Mobile: 07855 607492E-mail: [email protected]

Dave KentBrian Fletcher, Bob Drane,

Graham Braybrook, Chris MaceColin Taverner

Chris Canham10 The Close, Waldingfield Road,

Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 2QATel: 01787 374399 Mobile: 07963 467922

E-mail: [email protected]

June Kent30 Clayhall Place, Acton,

Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 0BTTel: 01787 379192

E-mail: [email protected]

Kevin DavieMobile: 07801 138769

E-mail: [email protected]


Disclaimer - The articles and comments published herein do not necessarily represent the viewsof the Eastern Fourstroke Association, they are the opinions of individual contributors and are

published with a view that free expression promotes discussion and interest.

www.eastern-fourstroke-association.co.ukVisit the Eastern Fourstroke Associations website for a wealth of

club information, results, pictures and videos of club trials.(all submissions gladly accepted - keep your club alive)

Page 3: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


Happy New Year to you all Ihope you had a good Christ-

mas and the waist band hasn’t in-creased by too much, just think ofit as a bit of extra grip!

As some of you may know Ihave more than a passing interestin mountain biking/cross countryriding (mtb/xc) and over the lastten years or so have occasionallycompeted (in the loosest of terms)in the ‘Winter Series’ held in Thet-ford Forest and the ‘Mud SweatGears’ series of races held at vari-ous venues in East Anglia. In Aprillast year after the first 2012 M.S.Grace held in Rendlesham Forest Iwrote a short piece about my raceprimarily for the group of XC ridersI ride with and I’ve included it inthis months T&T, not motorcyclerelated I know but there’s twowheels involved.

Anyone else out there with astory or two? I know for certainyou’re not a dull lot, a hand writtennote is all that’s required.

If there were a Trials & Tribula-tions New Year Honours list forcontributions received two peoplestand head and shoulders abovethe rest - John Daly & Pedro (whofor this month has supplied a mam-moth Pedros Patter.) Closely fol-lowed by Dabber. Thank you. Andthank you to all contributors, with-out you the T&T would just be anentry and results form. (It doesn’thave to be words a picture or two

especially from trials is always nice.I/we missed not having one fromBoxford it would have been nice forthe front cover.)

Back at the October committeemeeting Ted brought up the idea ofthe EFA having a club bannerwhich the ‘Kempton Gang,’ organ-ised and cajoled by Don Daly, en-quired about for their/the EFAstand at the Kempton Bike Show &Jumble. Reading between the linesthough the idea of having a clubstand was more to do with the‘Kempton Gang’ getting free entryfrom the organisers of the showand having a bit of a jolly than any-thing else! but I digress. I’m nographic designer/computer expertbut as I had already made up a‘banner’ for the website I was quitehappy to have a go at designing aclub banner from that. But an 8inch web banner graphic doesn’ttransfer easily to an 8 foot printedbanner. Needless to say the oldlaptop was close to frying its in-nards as it worked at turning aweb thumbnail to something PaulHoughton of Anglia Vinyl Art coulduse on an eight foot banner. Tedtook the first design/s to theThumpers working party for approv-al, from there Paul suggested sometweaks to the text, four further vari-ations were produced before Paulprinted the final design. It had it’sfirst outing at the Thumpers beforebeing shown at the Kempton BikeShow (where next? top of Ben Ne-vis?) My amateurish transforma-tion of the EFA graphics was nevergoing to be perfect but, I hope


Cont’d over

Page 4: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


PlonkaroundRaydon Pit, Wades Lane, Raydon, Suffolk (Grid Ref TM043389)

Saturday 19th January 2013Gates will open at noon.

Trials practise for:Pre 65 solos • Pre 65 sidecars • Twin Shocks

Youths/Juniors • Twin Shock sidecars

For further information contact:Mike Harden 01473 310537

Email: [email protected]

The Mid Anglia MCCpresents for your enjoyment

you’ll agree, Paul has done a grandjob in printing the banner.

The Eastern Centre website hashad a make over, Paul Sewter hasbeen hard at work and it now con-tains a ‘Community’ area with vari-ous pages for individual clubs,disciplines and a forum for you to‘interact with other members.’ Onthe subject of interacting the clubhas a facebook page for those inter-ested in social media. Search for‘Eastern Fourstroke Association,’‘Like’ the page, start posting andkeep up to date with Ted’s posts.

I’m sure you’ve all heard the sadnews by now that Colin Armes ‘hastaken the chequered flag’ when hepassed away on the 20th December,our thoughts are with his family.There is a tribute to Colin in theEastern Centre Gazette.

Page 5: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


PEDRO’S PATTER(S)Saturday 8th Dec. saw an EFA

promotion team set forth earlyto Kempton Park off road show andjumble, Don Daly the instigator ofthis venture took his Velocettesprinter/ racer, son John his trialsAJS, Neil Canham dazzled punterswith the mighty 600 Gold Star theother BSA was Dave Field's trialsBantam. Gary Eaves suppliedshades to viewers of Eurowassellwhilst Dad Peter let the side downby not taking a duster or polish tohis Ajay oh dear! However, thisexercise was backed by our worthycommittee who commissioned PaulHoughton to produce a very goodclub banner (designed by yourstruly, ED) this will be available toany club member for similar promo-tions, don't let it waste wave thebanner!

It was generally felt it was aworthwhile effort and the sprintingscene definitely benefited!!! Howabout a sprint meeting on Clactonseafront, I'll organise the ice creamkiosk! Ok Don. Many thanks to allparticipants several memberspassed by and bought us beer (Itell lies!) and I think it met approv-al with visiting committee watch-dogs. The following day Boxfordwas the more normal venue, theman of the meeting 'bionic' irre-pressible Geoff Daw who felt thepressure in last sections, another'in the spotlight' Roger Gulliverapart from completing the trial hewasn't last, well done young manthose 3 decades (30 years) of prac-tising haven't been wasted! Only

joking Roger!! Best of the hard rout-ers a result for trier Trevor Hillhope it raised smile! The new glass-es are definitely helping Dave Spur-geon on his way to celebrating 50yes 50 years of trials competitionand I can tell you he has alwaysbeen a competitor not just loadingthe bike up by habit for a Sundayride? I hope the Southend club rec-ognise his loyal clubman support,may I come to the party? Anotherworthy Competitor 'our' Grahamwho kicked off in the same era asDave maximised on experience andBantam power finished on the podi-um on 5 very close run well doneall. On the 'big un's' Trevor gotback to more normal form and Gor-don continues improving as doesColin (I recently read results in a60/70’s trials press report showingColin gaining a 2nd class award)come on Colin tell us your story,the editor needs it. Greg has beenpracticing on Xmas puds and hada lapse! So did girl friend Lesliewho as always cycled off on a nor-mally lengthy ride whilst Greg didhis thing, she came across a coun-try market at Assington, chainsbike to sign post wanders off pro-cures bargains returns to resume,ah! key, no key! Thinks! It's inGreg's land rover, oh dear. Tis saidthat 'two old ladies' knew whereBoxford was and returned the er-rant damsel safely. Question doesthis qualify for 'that' annualaward? Another having a good day(but you wouldn't know it) GaryMarchant (6) another Bultaco (has

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wizard Daw laid hands on thisone?) another Gary on (9) still lick-ing the fab Fantic into shape andtalking himself out of 'fiving' whilst'veteran' Guy is missing that 3rdwheel but enjoys hard route chal-lenge, keep going! 50/50 another'veteran' of grass and trials TerrySewell bested 'units' Alan and Colin.Ryan Maggs had a result on hisCub whilst Brian had that extraone to steady the Henfield. Dam-aged son Mark was on observerduty, hope your soon mendedyoung man! Roger Finch unusuallyhad a 5. Scrambler Richard Wreath-all put it across brother Bob, inanother family duel Elliot beat dadPhil 24/26 whilst elder sibling Joshcouldn't shed his enduro/mx modebut no doubt he enjoyed. On theeasier route I guess Richard was'miffed' with his 2 behind Geoff,good to see Steve Page active againwith a respectable 7.

Work force was sadly depletedcontrary to the turn out for

'thumpers' the lads 'who did' bigthank you: C of C Phil Smith, sonJosh, Ian Preedy, Colin Sadler & Sof M, Peter Sigournay. You at theback there couldn't you havespared 3-4 hrs? Mike Harden ranhis last Raydon practice of 2012 28bodies utilising this valuable facili-ty, couple new faces, John Daleyhad a big smile on when GaryEaves was seen 'throwing' the Ajayup the slopes proclaiming that hedaren't drop it 'cos he'd never pickit up!! No sale there John but morerespect! Dad Don's latest Norton'off road' project continues to im-press the older observers, it's luve-

ly! Several members were seenvying for a turkey at Braintree'sturkey trot trial at Beazley End onthe 23rd as this accommodated allclasses it wasn't easy but I thinkI'm right in saying they enjoyed it,no turkeys, Gary missed out onXmas pud by 1 mark ho, hum! Thecircus moved to Raydon on Boxingday for Ipswich's annual return tofitness do, again the mix of classes,of the 3 routes most did the 'easy'!!Which was sensible not only fromthe personal point of view but fromthe practical aspect. One problemthe sun a rare feature of but hey!Just as you dragged over the lip ofthe hole it hit you in the eyes. As Iwasn't observing' officially it wasvery interesting noting 'mono' per-formances both machinery and 'pi-lots,' fantastic they pull! leave theclutch turn it on and off they griptorque and torque that apart I ob-served some fine performances byour pre-65's and twin shocks, noresults at time of writing, don't beshy in coming forward to help atLittle Bealings, have good NewYear! I'm sure you'll all wish lifemember Wilf Braybrook all the best,due to him caring for his poorlywife (a past loyal observer) we don'tsee the grand enthusiast, you'renot forgotten Wilf!

With Turkey Trot results availa-ble the pre-70's was taken by

G (?) Brown (Bantam) very well rid-den for 3 dabs this saw him departwith turkey under arm, Gary Baker(Cub) on 4, Dave Spurgeon re-lapsed into his workaday safe modefor 22 two ahead of Trevor Hillwhilst Mike Smith threw caution to

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the wind 33 Greg lapsed intoscramble mode 44. Twin shockeasy route taken by G (?) Rank 18from Gary Eaves 20. The 'chair'route was trying for the 7 crewsbut extremely so for messr'sWilson/Gray on theHardy/Triumph last but hey theytried! Boxing day results showedanother trier Richard Whreathallfinishing on 25, midfield in thenovice class keep going man you'reimproving! The twin shocks on r/broute had Chris Collins topping outon 9 whilst on the popular whiteroute veteran Dave Cordle dabbedtwice to Trevor Harvey's 4, an un-welcome 5 shot Gary Eaves scoreto 12 behind, either Dave Fieldneeds a 'booster' or the Bantamdoes to offset those 44 marks. Pre65: young Daniel Carter upgradedto r/b which challenged to extract29 all others opted for white routeGordon Blackburn aced it on 11.Great ride, John Daley still on ahigh, 18, one ahead of Greg Radleywho was one ahead of 'Stumpy'Colin Rose close competition eh! Allwell worth watching on a variety of'bikes AJS, Cub and Greeves. 'Big'John Carter enjoyed piloting hisB40 around up and down for 24that would have been more present-able minus the two 5's. oh dear!Trevor Isaacs clocked 30, GrahamAndrews 39, Chris Chapman dam-aged himself finishing on 49. All inall an enjoyable day crackingweather. Mark Fletcher is unfortu-nately nursing a damaged shoulder,all the best young man!

Woodbridge DMCC presentedanother Laurie Bird memorial

trial 30th Dec. well worthy of him,a great parcel of land being usedfor trials for 1st time. C of C TrevorAndrews and his hard working crewproduced 15 very sensible sectionsnot much queuing, young DanielCarter won the Laurie Bird trophy(best W D MCC member.) E.F.A.was well represented and I enjoyedthe observing, company and theweather. Interesting results CliveDopson completed the pre-unithard route on a incredible 8 aheadof Trevor Baker 28. Joe Stollery didwell to muscle his Indian to firstplace on the intermediate route 34.Not his usual style of trial still en-joys the 'long distance traditional'press on young man! He left ourBob Whreathall trailing on 65! Ex-cuses on a post card please Bob!On the easy route Nick Dyblethroopnebitted the BSA C10 roundfor 15 no mean achievement. ChrisCollins topped the hard route on 4,unit BSA neat as ever. Unit classintermediate route saw PaulHoughton take it on 6 Bob Clarkeon 14 had 3 less than GordonBlackburn, Colin Rose and BrianFletcher 18 good rides gents! In theunit easy class Bruce Davie en-joyed his day on 17, twenty aheadof Trevor Isaac. Two stroke hardroute Daniel Carter and PeterBavin on 12 streets ahead of DaveSpurgeon 52, I don't believe it,back to Spec-savers get your mon-ey back! Good 'ole Terry saved theSouthend old boys pride by takingt/s intermediate on a good 15 fromJohn Chapman 17 no doubt GregRadley enjoyed losing his 30 andmotoring along, soon be scrambletime Greg! Twin shock intermedi-

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ates won by Kevin Bishop 5 goodride putting him 4 better than theother Kevin (Plummer) one behindOliver Tibenham was one ahead ofthe feuding Chelmsford residentsHoward Plush, Gary Eaves both ontwelve, on 13 Doug Theobold andStephen Parker. I think the clubprovided a good do. It was enjoyed.Harking back to our Kempton Parkclub stand, news for the lads who

are going to man it this year wordis the committee are to arrange forsome 'bunny' girls! In the mean-time your resolution for the year dosomething for the club, ok! Have agood 013 !

The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment:Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of

it. The next day, the kids came back and one by one,began to tell their stories.

There were all the regular types of stuff: spilled milk andpennies saved. But then the teacher realised much to her

dismay, that only Janie was left.

"Janie, do you have a story to share?"

'Yes ma'am. My daddy told me a story about my Mummy. Shewas a Marine pilot in Desert Storm and her plane was hit. She

had to bail out over enemy territory and all she had was aflask of whisky, a pistol and a survival knife.

She drank the whisky on the way down so the bottle wouldn'tbreak and then her parachute landed her right in the middle of20 Iraqi troops. She shot 15 of them with the pistol, until she

ran out of bullets, killed four more with the knife, till the bladebroke and then she killed the last Iraqi with her bare hands."

''Good Heavens,' said the horrified teacher. What did yourDaddy tell you was the moral to this horrible story?"

"Don't mess with Mummy when she's been on the piss."

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Page 12: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


The entry form is signed and postedA list of things to do is notedChains are oiled liberally coatedRoll on Sunday can’t wait to getstarted

Sarnies made and flask is filledOnto the trailer AJAY is wheeledDad’s with me! Mum is thrilled!Out for the day so she can chill

Pull up in the paddock alongsideEave’syShiny shiny lemon squeezyFirst time kick AJAY breathsSign on number fifty three

Tyre pressures, petrol, tickover,plugsPaddock filled with thud, thud,thudRiders meeting, Ted calls for hushAway we go through deep deep mud

Section one trickey and tightLug over the roots with all yourmightBlues on the left reds on the rightSection end cards now in sight

Halfway round and feeling puffedChecking the section this onestoughBut AJAYOn songThis is the stuffThrough with a clean and feelingchuffed

Tucked away on section nineStands the observer on the steepinclineThrottle back to make the climbHard on the brakes, just in time!

Slipping sliding into the dipFeathering throttleAnd feeling her gripNow well off the pilot, giving it stickCan’t beat this ‘I’m a pig in shit!’

Flying exit from section twoStraight to the back of a bloodygreat cueI was clean on that one! How didyou do?Dropped a five! I need a brew

Silly dab lost while twisting andturningLast lap jitters can be unnervingA courteous nod, thanks for observ-ingPraise indeed no less deserving

Loading up while laughing and gig-glingRelating tales of clutches slippingChoked up plugs and missed gearfiddlingHow did you do? Oh fair to mid-dling

Back at home with a glass of beerChristmas over and January hereI raise a glass and raise a cheerTo the E.F.A. – HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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Page 14: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


Entry declaration: I/we the undersigned apply to enter the event described above and in consideration thereof:l I/we hereby declare that I/we have had the opportunity to read, and that I/we understand the National Sporting Code of the

ACU, the ACU Standing Regulations, such Supplementary Regulations as have or may be issued for the event, and agreeto be bound by them.

l I/we further declare that I/we are physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and I am/we are competent to do so.l I/we confirm that I/we understand the nature and type of event we are entering and its inherent risks and agree to accept

the same notwithstanding that such risks may involve negligence on the part of the organisers or officials.l I/we confirm that the machine(s) as described below which I/we compete on shall be suitable and proper for the purpose.l I/we confirm that if any part of the event takes place on a public highway, the machine(s) described below shall be insured

as required by the Road Traffic Acts, or equivalent legislation, and that it/they will comply with the regulations in respectthereof.

l I/we agree that I am/we are required to register our arrival by "signing on" at the designated place not less than 30 minutesprior to commencement of my/our practice or first competition, whichever occurs first.

l I/we enclose the entry fee of £ . . . . . . . . . . .Acknowledgement of the risks of motorsport: I/we understand that by taking part in this event I/we are exposed to a risk ofdeath, becoming permanently disabled or suffering some other serious injury and I/we acknowledge that even in the event thatnegligence on the part of the ACU, the promoter, the organising club, the venue owner, or any individual carrying out duties ontheir behalf were to be a contributory cause of any serious injury I/we may suffer, the dominant cause of any serious injury willalways be my/our voluntary decision to take part in a high risk activity.

I/we have read the above and acknowledge that my/our participation in motorsport is entirely at my/our own risk.

Rider's signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DOB (under 18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

For riders under 18 years of age - I accept the above conditions of entry to this event and give my approval:

Signature of parent or person with parental responsibility: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Riders under 18 years of age who cannot produce a valid ACU Competition Licence/Trials Registration must also complete aParental Agreement form (Single Event) in addition to this entry form.

OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM CLOSED TO CLUBEASTERN FOURSTROKE ASSOCIATION DATE. 10th February 2013RAYDON PIT TRIAL ACU PERMIT No.This event is held under the National Sporting Code of the Auto-Cycle Union, the Standing Discipline Regulations of the ACU

and the Eastern Centre, Supplementary Regulations and any Final Instructions issued for the meeting.The ACU National Sporting Code and Standing Regulations are published annually in the ACU Handbook.


Surname: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .First name(s): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Postcode: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Email: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ACU Licence/Registration No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ACU Affiliated Club : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (of which I am a member)

Class/Grade Entered: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Make: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capacity: . . . . . . . . cc Stroke: . . . . . . . . . mm

Page 15: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


Sunday 8th December and 57riders, observers and support-

ers cram into the scout hutgrounds for the annual BoxfordBash.

Phil and his tea had laid out 10sections around the edge of thespinney to be visited 4 times. Bythe time we got over to see Peterand Jackie Sigournay to sign on allthe sections had been manned soDaff and I had a day off and wereable to watch the antics on eachsection.

We could often hear Roger al-though we couldn’t see him and hewas pleased to get round with lots

of dabs but only one 5. However acertain blue streak was flittingthrough the markers with feetglued firmly to the footrests andwhen the results came throughthey confirmed he hadn’t lost a sin-gle mark – well done Geoff – reckonit’s the 50/50 route for you nexttime!

Thanks to everyone who helpedmake the event possible especiallythe observers ‘cos it was a brightbut cold day back then.Looking forward to Little Bealingsand wishing you all a “clean” 2013.



EASTERN FOURSTROKE ASSOCIATIONRestricted to members of the Eastern Fourstroke Association


Sunday February 10th 2013, Start 10:30 am.TRIAL: CLOSED TO CLUBVENUE: Raydon Pit, Wades Lane, Nr. Hadleigh SuffolkGRID REF:ACU PERMIT No: TBAOFFICIALS:CLUB STEWARD: TBACLERK OF THE COURSE: Chris Mace (Licence No. 38767)SECRETARY OF THE MEETING: Tracey Henderson 22 Bouchers Mead, Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 6PJ Tel: 01245 460025

JURISDICTION: Held under the NSC and the Standing Discipline Regulations of the ACU and theEASTERN CENTRE, these Supplementary Regulations and any Final Instructions which will have the force ofthese Regulations. Open to members of the Eastern Fourstroke Association riding Pre-65 solo machines,twinshock machines and EFA Youth members only.COURSE: Approximately 4 laps of 10 sections - multi route course - all on private land.MARKING: As per TSR 22B - Non-stop basis.ENTRIES: To be made on the OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM and forwarded to the Secretary of theMeeting with a fee of £14.00 (adult), £10.00 (youth) which includes Insurance Premiums, Licence Subscription andall levies. Please make cheque's payable to the Eastern Fourstroke Association (EFA) If you require the results tobe posted to you please supply a S. A. E. Alternatively results will be posted on the EFA website at;www.eastern-fourstroke-association.co.ukENTRIES CLOSE: One Hour Before the StartCLASSES: SOLO, Rigid, Pre-unit, Unit, 2 Stroke, Twin Shock & Youth. All solo.ROUTE: Hard / 50/50 / Easy

Page 16: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


Horse races that is, trouble wasthe only horses at the venue

were statues!

Rog heard a rumour that the EFAwere having a stand at the Decem-

ber Kempton Park Show and BikeJumble, further investigation re-vealed that Don Daly had been intouch with the organisers and ar-ranged a stand in the show hall.What better place to show off thesplendid new club banner.

We had arranged to transport aSunbeam in the van for somefriends who are on the selling sideso the alarm was set for 4:30am(!!??) and a bleary eyed couple fromTotham rolled into the car park at8am. With some ‘enthusiastic’ helpfrom two passers-by the Sunbeamsort of careered out of the van andwe pushed it up to the entrance. A

quick phone call located ourfriends pitch and we delivered thebike to them and had a lookaround, although some stall hold-ers were still setting up.

Off to find the EFA – they had acosy corner away from the doorsand neatly lined up were an AJSwith discreet For Sale sign on itfrom Peter Eaves, Neil Canham’sbeautiful Catalina BSA, John Da-ly’s BOBB, Don’s Velo which lookedas though it meant business, GaryEaves shiny Wotnot (attracted a lotof attention from the show judges)and Dave Field’s Bantam. VariousBike Club Newsletters were scat-tered across the table and Johnhad written a witty placard explain-ing what the EFA was about (orsomething along those lines!) alllooked quite at home amongst theother Club Stands.


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Early afternoon saw the Jumblerspacking up and leaving, we waiteduntil the Awards had been present-ed and then helped Neil load theBSA onto his pick-up. He reallywanted two strong young lads buthe had to make do with us two old

fogies, still we got the job done(thanks, ED.)

All in all a great day at the Races,no winners this year but maybenext time…….

Page 18: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


It’s January/February 2012 and acouple of the guys I regularly rideXC (cross country) with around theSuffolk tracks, trails & bridle pathsare talking about entering the forth-coming MSG series again. At firstI’m a bit hesitant at joining them asI’m a fair way off from being at ‘rac-ing weight’ (I suspect I always willbe!) and over the last few yearsthese races have clashed with trialsbut this time MSG races don’t soentry form and fee are sent off thena few weeks later my race numberarrives with it’s timing chip stuckto the back, all high tech stuff. It’sserious now better get out on thepush bike and up the fitness,there’s plenty of fitter and seriousXC racers out there and I wouldlike to be there or there aboutswith regards to the other guys fromour group and not last as I virtuallywas in the first race I entered aboutten years ago. That time I practical-ly just turned up and had a go notknowing what to expect. I soonfound out! Got lapped more thanonce and at the end of the race col-lapsed in the car for a couple ofhours before I could manage todrive home. As the weeks pass by Idon’t get out on the push bike asmuch as I’d like but I do loose acouple of pounds and feel a littlebit better prepared than previoustimes I’ve raced XC.

April 1st race day arrives andthe day starts well. I leave on timeand arrive with plenty of time inhand before the race starts. Bothunusual occurrences for me as for

most of my appointments I arrivewith minutes to spare when I’m notlate – not the best of preparation.Although during the drive there I dowonder whether it is a very elabo-rate April Fools joke as the roadsare virtually empty and you’d ex-pect to see the odd bike on theback of a car on the way there. Butno, the ‘village’ is just coming to lifewhen I get there and other than ashort queue, signing on is unevent-ful. A perusal of the course mapnext to the signing on tent showstwo pits marked along the 8km/5mile route which snakes its wayout into the forest and back to the‘village’ passing by itself in a coupleof places which can be either mo-rale boosters when you see peopleway behind you or real downerswhen they’re way in front of you.

I wander down to the startline and have a look at the firstpart of the course. 150m straightthen a right hand, right angle turnalong another fire road for about400m before a left hand turn intothe forest single track. I make amental note to start on the lefthand side and then go wide aroundthe first right hand corner hopeful-ly those on the inside will all getbunched up and I’ll get a few easyovertakes.

On the way back I stop for apee at the porta-loos. Only oneempty with the obligatory stinkingturd facing back at me, either theyhad a serious bowel condition orthey’d been eating red peppers!


Page 19: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


Back at the van I pull thebike out and with plenty of time inhand get togged up and go for aspin along a fire road. Finding a bitof single track diving into the forestI get a bit of practice in flickinground the trees. The single trackcrosses over a couple of fire roadswhich gets me a bit disorientatedand mild panic sets in not knowingwhich direction to get back to the‘village’ before I spot another riderin the distance and working on theprinciple of when lost ‘follow theone in front’ I find my way back –panic over.

At the start there’s a bit offlaffing about sorting whatclass/age/gender goes where onthe starting grid but eventually Iget myself on the left hand outsidewhere I wanted to be. I’m behind aguy on a single speed with oldschool toe clips and about twothirds from the front. I’d overhearda youth rider (obviously a seasonedracer) say to his pals “go fast at theoff.” Sounded like good advice tome.

The commissar gives out afew instructions asking faster rid-ers to let youths and slower classesstarting in front of us know whichside we want to pass them on whenwe catch them up and says some-thing about ‘alternative less techni-cal routes’ at the two pits ‘followthe sign of the chicken if you areapprehensive or haven’t ridden thecourse so you can have a look atwhat’s there first.’ Not having pre-ridden the course I wonderedwhether I should be taking these‘chicken runs’ on the first lap?We’re to do 3 laps, or at least the

faster front runners will do in thehour before the race ends.

A few moments later thewhistle goes and we’re off! Well eve-rybody else is. The guy in front ofme, on the single speed, is strug-gling to get his feet into his toeclips and I’m baulked for whatseems like an age. Riders arestreaming past me on my righthand side. At last a gap and I’maway. I pick off half a dozen riderson the straight and with a wide lineat the first right hand bend I pass aload more slowing down on the in-side. The next long straight is moreof a struggle as we are all pushinghard but I manage to get past a fewmore before the single track starts.

I’m now in a long snake ofriders, the pace is easy and I takethe opportunity to get my breathback. I’m probably back to where Iwas, position wise, on the start grid.We all then come to a standstillnear the head of the first pit. Theguy in front of me says what I’mthinking ‘probably quicker to takethe chicken run’ but we don’t.Eventually I get to the top of the pitand I’m straight down a longishsandy decent with a nice bigbanked right hand turn at the bot-tom and then a shorter sharp climbout. Nothing like a drop at theSnaque Pit so it’s no bother really.A short bit of fire road and singletrack and I’m upon the second pit,no queuing this time just straightdown into it. This pit’s similar tothe first but smaller. There’s been abit of a pile up at the bottom, ridersare pulling bikes out of the wayand I’m almost stopped again, lum-mocks! This makes the climb outeven harder as all my momentum

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is lost. Back into the forest and thesnake of riders I find myself in areflicking left and right round thetrees at a reasonable pace (for methat is.) A guy up front seems toclip a tree and takes out anotherrider close behind him. They crashto the side of the track in a tangledpile of bikes and riders and as Iwhoosh past it looks as thoughstuff is bent and their race is over.It’s a strange feeling as you ride by,subconsciously you think youshould stop and help as if you areout on the trail but this is racing Isuppose (as I would find out later!)Another bit of fire road and I getpast a few more riders, as I passone he wheezes “I’m too old for this”I glance sideways at him and think‘jeeze he’s younger than me I mustbe nuts!’

Then, at the next bit of sin-gle track, I find myself with a bit ofspace in front of me. Pedalling hardI enjoy myself swooping throughthe single track amongst the trees,pushing into the berms and ‘slingshooting’ out of them. At a sectionof horrible ‘humps ‘n’ hollows’ I seeI’m pulling ahead of those behindme and slowly catching anotherlone rider up front. It seems for anage as he yoyo’s closer then furtheraway. I get closer on the twistystuff and he pulls away a bit onany incline (note to self; loose somelard – that note is even more appli-cable now!) He/we then started tocome up behind more riders andthose classes who’d started 3-4mins in front of us, youths andwomen. This means I get on his tail.He calls out ‘passing on your right’and passes a slower rider and pullsaway from me. When I get an oppor-

tunity to pass I then catch him up.This went on for the rest of our firstlap until on the fire road back atthe start ‘village arena’ and with abit of an effort I pass him (or helets me by being fed up with mywheezing and heavy breathing onhis back wheel.) I don’t look behindbut I sense he’s not far behind me.Thoughts of getting away from himare short lived when we comearound again to a section of thosehorrible ‘humps ‘n’ hollows.’ Ohhow I hate them! With fresh legs Ican just about get into theirrhythm but this is my second lap,my legs are starting to burn and hepasses and pulls away. Around thenext corner I find him at the side ofthe track chuntering and reachingdown at his front wheel with apuncture. His misfortune gives methe impetus to push on the pedalsa bit more and go after that groupof riders up front we had beencatching. Slowly I reel them in andtuck in behind them. They seem tobe a group of four mates going onthe barracking between them.

Back into the ‘village arena’for the second time and whilst stilltucked in behind this group of rid-ers one of the course officialsshouts out as we pass him “you atthe back, I want to see you at thefront next time round!” Okay Ithink to myself that must be me.So once around the corner and on-to the ‘start’ straight for the lasttime I pull out and with a surpriseburst of energy I pass them all. Tooeasily I think. I push down the fireroad and glancing back over myshoulder on the turn I can see I’vestrung them out as they come afterme. Another push down the long

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fire road and only one of them isreasonably close behind. Into theswooping single track pedallinghard I flick round the trees as fastas I dare, then I’m upon the firstpit for the last time and find I’mshooting down into it a bit too fast,struggling to stay upright on theway down on the loose sandy soilafter it having been churned up byseveral hundred wheels and thenwith heavy legs struggling to pedalout.

Back into more swoopingsingle track through the trees I can‘feel’ someone catching me up andthen on another section of thosebleedin’ humps ‘n’ hollows he’swith me and passed. It’s the guy I’dchased and passed earlier whenhe’d had trouble with his frontwheel. Where’d he come from? Bug-ger! He pulls away (again) and thensomeone else is catching me up.Pushing hard to stay ahead of him,swooping around a left hand bend,both wheels slide out from underme and I’m dumped in the dirt stillclipped into my pedals. As I’m lay-ing on my side scrabbling aroundtrying to get unclipped from mypedals my pursuer whips past call-ing out “you alright mate!” As if hewas going to stop! Just as I’d notstopped earlier on in the race. Withadrenalin pumping I get going fairlyquickly as nobody else comespassed and he’s still in sight, just.It was then a case of catching thehare in front. 3k marker board he’sin sight. 2k marker closer. 1k mark-er and I have a feeling I can catchhim. Just before the end of the sin-gle track I’m on his tail. We turninto the finishing straight and to

pass him I have to pull out onto thesofter stuff. And then why I say

“passing on the right” I don’t know!He pushes harder but I manage topush harder still and just manageto beat him to the finish line. Wa-hooo! Wait a minute was that thefinish line? Or is it around the cor-ner? I keep on pedalling like a de-mented demon just in case. Andthen I see a steward frantically ush-ering me off the course. Hauling onthe brakes I flick off the course andserenely pedal through the specta-tors as though that was the norm –what a plonker! The guy I’d raceddown the finish straight comes upbeside me “nice one” I say “yeahyou got me there” he replies and wemelt away into the crowd.

I hang around the timingarea where a computer screenshows a rolling results table of allthe finishers, 27th place out of 66finishers in my class, a top midtable finish was better than I’d ex-pected and it was a good competi-tion nonetheless. I’ve done threelaps in 1hr 11mins with the winnerdoing it in 59mins. 12mins behinddoesn’t sound too much but in real-ity, at their pace, it works out I wasabout 3 miles behind, in one hour!Plenty of scope for improvementthen. And the other guys I ride with,where’d they come? Well technical-ly I beat them as for one reason oranother (scared of the competition?ha ha ha) they never made thestart.

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My best cracker joke this year!

Three trials mates had been go-ing to a Trials weekendin the West Country for manyyears.

This year, Dave's wife puts herfoot down and tells him he isn’tgoing.

Dave calls his friends and tellsthem the bad news. They under-stand and go as a 2-some.

When they arrive at  thecourse, Dave is sitting there smil-ing with his  bike unloaded,signed on, boots on and ready togo!

They ask: “Hey Dave, what didyou do to change the wife’smind?”

Dave said: “Well, last night mywife had just finishedreading Fifty Shades of Grey. Shepulled me into our bedroom. Onthe bed she had handcuffs andvelvet ropes. She told me to tieher up and cuff her to the bed,and I did.

Then she said, “Do whatever youwant.”

So, here I am.


Clerk of the Course Seminar

Ted informs me that for there is to be a Trials C of C seminar on the12th January at Great Blakenham Parish Rooms.

Phone Alan Penney 01473 658768 for further details.At the time of writing there was no information regarding this seminar

on the Centre website.

Page 23: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith


KEEPING TRACK! January 2013

Fixture list of Trials open to Classic Bikes in East Anglia & some further afield

These events have been supplied in good faith but neither the Editor nor theE. F. A. can be held responsible for errors, omissions or cancellations of any event.

Jan 12 Eastern Centre ACU CoC Seminar Gt Blakenham Parish Rooms (see Pge 22)Jan 13 Maldon British MOC Bike Jumble, British Legion Hall, Witham.Jan 19 Mid Anglia MCC AMCA Plonkers Practice, Raydon Pit, 12 noonJan-27 Talmag MCC ACU Talmag Trophy Trial, Hungry Hill, AldershotFeb 3 Castle Colchester MCC ACU Phil King East Anglian National Trial, Wakes ColneFeb 5 EFA & ACTC Club Night at The AlmaFeb-10 EFA ACU Raydon Pit Trial (venue change from Snaque Pit)Feb 17 Dabbers Trials Club AMCA Little Lodge Fm IP27 0TX (Closed to Club Members)Feb 24 Southend & DMCC ACU Royal Oak Pits, Danbury. Rnd 1 P70 ChampsFeb 24 Somerton Classic MCC AMCA Classic Trial, Binegar Quary, Nr. Shepton MalletMar 3 Pre-65 MXC AMCA Scramble Marks Tey, Nr. ColchesterMar 5 EFA & ACTC Club Night at The AlmaMar 10 ACTC AMCA Wrabness TrialMar 17 West of England MCC ACU SMP Vic Ashford Trial, Nr Ashburton, DevonMar 24 EFA ACU Chattisham TrialMar 24 Dabbers Trials Club AMCA South Runcton. (Closed to Club Members)Mar 24 Golden Valley MCC ACU SMP Cotswold Cup Trial, Disley Glos.Mar 29 Woodbridge & DMCC ACU Blaxhall Pits, Rnd 2 P70 ChampsMar 29/30 MCC ACU Lands End TrialMar 31 Pre-65 MXC AMCA Scramble, Maylandsea, Nr. MaldonApril 2 EFA & ACTC Club Night at The AlmaApril 7 EFA ACU Roger Birch Trial, Great Bromley

Trials and Tribulations would like to say a big “THANK YOU”To Pedro, John Daly, Mick Brown, Neil Canham, Don Daly,

El Presidente & Dabberfor their articles, results and photographs contributed this month,

those not used will be at a later date, “Thanks”

Page 24: TRIALS - Eastern Fourstroke Association...Trials & Tribulations Editor & Website Administrator Membership Secretary ACTC Secretary Ian Preedy Wilf Braybrook Chris Kearney Ted Smith

