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TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING PULCHOWK CAMPUS DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING A FINAL YEAR REPORT ON SoC Approach in Designing Vision Based Robot By: Bishesh Khanal (Exam Roll No 16113) Deepak Parajuli (Exam Roll No 16115) Dinesh Twanabasu (Exam Roll No 16116) Suman Raj Bista (Exam Roll No 16138) Kathmandu, Nepal March, 2009







SoC Approach in Designing Vision Based Robot


Bishesh Khanal (Exam Roll No 16113)

Deepak Parajuli (Exam Roll No 16115)

Dinesh Twanabasu (Exam Roll No 16116)

Suman Raj Bista (Exam Roll No 16138)

Kathmandu, Nepal

March, 2009







SoC Approach in Designing Vision Based Robot


Bishesh Khanal (Exam Roll No16113)

Deepak Parajuli (Exam Roll No 16115)

Dinesh Twanabasu (Exam Roll No 16116)

Suman Raj Bista (Exam Roll No 16138)




Kathmandu, Nepal

March, 2009



While working with our project, we have received immense help and support from staff at

department of electronics and computer engineering, students at Robotics club and our parents

and friends. From the department we would like to thank our project supervisor Prof. Dr.

Shashidhar Ram Joshi for his guidance and support, as well as Mr. Dipen Chapagain and

Associate Prof. Dr Jyoti Tandulkar. From robotics club we would like to thank our juniors

Bikram Adhikari, Bikrant Gautam, Chandra Prakash Thapa, Deepak Gurung, Giresh Singh

Kunwar, Kapil Pudasaini , Nawaraj Gurung, Prashant Gyawali and Sumit Kumar Bum for their

persistent curiosity and interest in our project, and ever ready helping hands. Working in robotics

club lab would not have been such a fun without them.

We would also like to thank our seniors Ramesh Chaudhary and Suraj Karki for their advice and

support while working in the robotics club for more than two years. Finally, many thanks to our

parents who have always supported and encouraged us and never complained about so many

sleepless nights during the project.



Vision system is an important part of autonomous robots. Adding a vision system onboard to a

robot requires a control system with a lot of processing power at high speed. Traditional systems

with microprocessors or DSPs find it extremely difficult to meet real time requirements of high

speed vision systems for small robots. This project demonstrates the use of SoC approach in

designing vision based robots. The video data is passed directly from CMOS image sensor to the

FPGA where preprocessing of the data is done. Color recognition and edge detection is

implemented in hardware. This relieves CPUs or DSPs from tedious repetitive tasks and allows

them to focus on more complicated tasks. Software written to MicroBlaze, a 32-bit soft-core

RISC processor, within the same FPGA then performs object recognition and provides

commands to stepper controller. Stepper controller, a hardware module implemented within the

FPGA, generates required signals to drive different motors present in Microbot TeachMover for

a desired motion.

The system at present recognizes objects of red, white and black. The complete system stands as

a starting base platform for more complex vision tasks and planning of control actions for

autonomous robots.








1.1 Motivation....................................................…..........................................................................1

1.2 Background....................................................................................................................1

1.3 Objectives.................................................................................................................….2

1.4 Design Methodology..................................................................................................…2

1.5 Design Decisions...........................................................................................................3

1.5.1 Xilinx’s FPGA..........................................................................…............…..3

1.5.2 C3038 image sensor module...........................................................................3

1.5.3 Color Space..........................................................................................................…...4

1.5.4 Microbot TeachMover....................................................................................4


2.1Integrated Software Environment...................................................................................5

2.2Embedded Development Kit....................................…...................................................5

2.2.1Xilinx Platform Studio.....................................................................................5

2.2.2 Software Development Kit......................................................................…...5

2.2.3 Other EDK Components..........................................................................…...6

2.3 ChipScope Pro..................................................................................................….........6


3.1 FPGA and SoC..........................................................................................................….8

3.2 MicroBlaze.....................................................................................................................9

3.3 Color Spaces.........................................................................................................…...10

3.4 Edge Detection.............................................................................................................11


3.5 Object Recognition .................................................................................................…11

3.5.1 Hough Transform..........................................................................................12

3.6 VGA Display.........................................................................................................…..12

3.6.1 Signal timing for 640*480 VGA display...............................................…...13

3.6.2 Synchronization signal timing......................................................................14

3.7 Stepper Motor........................................................................................................…..15

3.8 MOSFET......................................................................................................................16

3.9 I2C Interface..........................................................................................................…...16


4.1 System Block Diagram................................................................................................18

4.2 Hardware Implementation.................................................................................…......19

4.2.1 I2C Interface........…................................................................................…19

4.2.2 Framegrabber...................................................................................….......20

4.2.3 UV_Separator.....................................................................................................…22

4.2.4 Color_Recognition............,..............................................................….....…23

4.2.5 Edge Detector................................................................................................25

I) Moving Window....................................................................................25

II) Sobel Edge Calculation.......................................…........................…..27

4.2.6 Video Display System.......................................................................…........29

I) Memory Controller.................................................................................30

II) VGA Controller...............................................................................….32

4.2.7 Motor Control Module...................................................................…......….33

4.2.8 Motor Driver Circuit and PCB fabrication...................................................36

I) Driver circuit..........................................................................................36

II) PCB fabrication ....................................................................................37

4.3 Software Specification.................................................................................................38

4.3.1 Edge Detection....................................…......................................................38

4.3.2 Object Detection...........................................................................................40

4.3.3 Color Detection.........................................................................................…42




6.1 Conclusion ........................................…................................................................…..44







Figure 1 Microbot............................................................................................................................4

Figure 2 Basic Embedded Design Process Flow.............................................................................6

Figure 3 MicroBlaze Core Block Diagram....................................................................................10

Figure 1 YCrCb BARS....…..........................................................................................................11

Figure 2 The Hough Transform................................................….................................................12

Figure 3 VGA output.....................................................................................................................13

Figure 4 VGA Display Timing......................................................................................................14

Figure 5 VGA Control Timing................................................…..................................................15

Figure 6 Schematic diagram of N-channel Power MOSFET........................................................16

Figure 7 Transmitting address sub-address and data...................................................................17

Figure 8 System Block Diagram..................................................................................................18

Figure 12 Block Diagram of the I2C module.................................................................................19

Figure 13 Simulation of I2C module............................................…..............................................20

Figure 14 Block Diagram of the framegrabber module ................................................................20

Figure 15 Simulation of framegrabber module....................................…......................................21

Figure 16 Real-time signal capture of framegrabber module........................................................22

Figure 17 Block Diagram of theUV_separotor........................................................................…..22

Figure 18 Simulation of the UV_separator module................................................................…...23

Figure 19 Real-time signal capture of the UV_separator module.................................................23

Figure 20 Block Diagram of the Color_recognition..................................................................... 24

Figure 21 Simulation of the Color_recognition module................................................................24

Figure 22 Real-time signal capture of the Color_recognition module..........................................25

Figure 23 Block Diagram of the Moving_window module...........................................................25

Figure 24 The architecture of the 3x3 moving window.................................................................26

Figure 25 Simulation of the Moving_window module..................................................................27

Figure 26 Block Diagram of the sobel_edge module................................................................…27

Figure 27 Hardware implementation of Sobel Edge Detection................................................….28

Figure 28 Simulation of the Sobel_edge module...........................................................................29


Figure 29 Block Diagram of the Video Display system................................................................30

Figure 30 Block Diagram of the Memory controller module........................................................30

Figure 31 Simple dual port RAM core schematic symbol.........................................................…32

Figure 32 Simulation of the Memory Controller module..............................................................32

Figure 33 Block Diagram of the VGA_controller module........................................................…32

Figure 34 Simulation of the VGA_controller module...................................................................33

Figure 35 Block Diagram of the Motor Driver module.................................................................34

Figure 36 Block diagram of stepper motor controlling.................................................................35

Figure 37 Simulation of the stepper Motor Controller .................................................................35

Figure 38 Driver circuit for driving stepper motor coil.................................................................36

Figure 39 PCB layout of the stepper driver circuit........................................................................37

Figure 40 Horizontal and vertical operators..................................................................................38

Figure 41 Image and Convolution Mask................................................................................…...38

Figure 42 Simulation of Edge detection in Visual C++.................................................................39

Figure 43 Simulation of Object Detection in Matlab................................................................….41

Figure 44 YUV range................................................................................................................….42

Figure 45 Simulation of Color detection in Visual C++................................................................42

Table 1 640X480 resolutionVGATiming..................................................................................…14

Table 2 Comparison between hardware and software to determine whether the given pixel is

edge or not ........................................................................................................................43



ABU - Asian Broadcasting Union

ACK - Acknowledge

ADC - Analog to Digital Converter

ASM - Algorithmic State Machine

BRAM - Block Random Access Memory

CCD - Charge Coupled Device

CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Device

CPU - Central Processing Unit

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube

DAC - Digital to Analog Converter

DC - Direct Current

DSP - Digital Signal Processor

EDK - Embedded Development Kit

EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM

FIFO - First In First Out

FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array

FSL - Fast Simplex Link

FSM - Finite State Machine

HS - Horizontal Synchronization

IIC - Inter Integrated Circuit

IP - Intellectual Property

IOE – Institute Of Engineering

ISE - Integrated Software Environment

LMB- Local Memory Bus

MOSFET- Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

MSB- Most Significant Bit

NTSC - National Television System Committee

PAL - Phase Alternation Line


PCB - Printed Circuit Board

PCLK- Pixel clock

PLB - Processor Local Bus

RAM - Random Access Memory

RGB -Red Green Blue

ROM - Read Only Memory

SCL - Serial Clock

SDA - Serial Data

SDK - Software Development Kit

SECAM - Sequentiel Couleur Avec Mémoire or Sequential Color with Memory

SoC - System On Chip

SoPC - System on Programmable Chip

SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface

TTL - Transistor Transistor Logic


UART- Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter

VCC- Voltage Connected to Collector

VGA- Video Graphic Array

VHDL- VHSIC Hardware Description Language

VHSIC-Very High Speed Integrated Circuits

VS -Vertical Synchronization

VSYNC-vertical synchronization

XPS -Xilinx Platform Studio

XST- Xilinx Synthesis Tool



This report explains the objective and implementation of SoC approach in designing vision based

robotic system.

1.1 Motivation

Vision system can be a very important part of a robot in many applications. High speed image

processing is a crucial element in applications like autonomous robot navigation [1]. A robot can

get information about the surroundings, objects, and the path it is travelling with the help of a

vision system. However, adding a vision system to a robot demands a lot of computing power

and speed. Processing a large amount of image data in real time is a challenge that has interested

researchers all around the world.

A number of robots have been built in Robotics Club, Pulchowk engineering campus in the last

eight years. Most of these robots were primarily built for the ABU ROBOCON, an international

robotic competition for undergraduate students of Asia Pacific region. None of them had vision


A robot capable of tracking a specific colored ball was developed in 2005 that used a laptop for

the vision processing task [2]. This system was too bulky to be placed in small robots and too

slow for high speed navigation. Thus a new approach in designing vision based robots is


1.2 Background

Algorithms designed in software to work in a processor are not parallel in nature. Therefore,

using a single CPU for image acquisition and processing makes it extremely difficult to match

real time requirements [3, 4]. The limitations present in implementing real time image processing

algorithms in traditional CPU and DSPs have made researchers seek other options. The inherent

parallelism present in hardware designed within FPGA makes it one of the suitable alternatives

for image processing tasks. FPGA based vision systems can achieve speeds in orders of


magnitude faster than the traditional systems [5, 6]. This has increased the interest in developing

FPGA based vision system.

1.3 Objectives

The main objective of the project is to demonstrate the advantages of SoC approach in designing

vision based robot. The project creates a set of hardware and software modules integrated in a

single FPGA chip which can be used as a base system for implementing complex vision

algorithms and test it in real time robotic system.

The robot in which the system is implemented should detect an object with a specific color or

shape in a controlled environment, using data from image sensor in real time.

1.4 Design methodology

We broke down the system into a number of modules. Each module was tested and verified in

different levels before integrating with the higher level system components. An integration of

one module with another was immediately followed by testing of the combined modules before

integrating with the remaining system. This sort of incremental testing approach was very

important because testing and debugging of all the integrated hardware and software at once

would be extremely difficult.

When a hardware module was completed, we simulated its behavioral model using ModelSim.

Then we carried out post map simulation using ISE and ModelSim that uses netlists generated by

the synthesis tool XST. This model is most likely to imitate the actual working in FPGA than the

behavioral model used in simulation with ModelSim. For both of these simulations we developed

VHDL test benches of the corresponding hardware module being simulated.

We tested and debugged actual hardware designs with ChipScope pro, Logic analyzer and using

leds and push buttons available in the Xilinx development board.

We tested each of the vision algorithms in software either using MATLAB or Visual C++. After

the algorithms were found to be suitable for our experiment, we implemented them either in

FPGA hardware or in MicroBlaze processor,


The contributions of each of us to this project:

i) Bishesh Khanal : Overall concept of the project; device selection; learning using EDK, ISE

and ChipScope pro; framegrabber module and implementation of the selected image processing

algorithms in hardware (color recognition and edge detection).

ii) Deepak Parajuli: Implementation of video display system in FPGA hardware; External

interface and connection of camera with the FPGA through EXP prototype module.

iii) Dinesh Twanabasu: Stepper controller; Stepper driver circuit and PCB design; selection of

Microbot as the test robotic system; using motors of Microbot for required motion and I2C

interface for configuring camera.

iv) Suman Raj Bista: Selection of image processing algorithms and verification in software;

learning using EDK, XPS design flow; system integration and software development in


1.5 Design Decisions

1.5.1 Xilinx’s FPGA

Xilinx’s FPGAs have been used in IOE in previous years. Getting a complete system of

hardware and software to work in SoC design paradigm requires a lot of experience [7], well

developed and easy to use development tools. Xilinx provides a lot of application notes and

reference designs that are important while learning the tools and software to design a complete

integrated system. Thus we selected Xilinx’s Spartan 3A DSP 1800A development board for the


1.5.2 C3038 Image sensor module

We have used C3038 color module that uses OmniVision’s OV6630 CMOS image sensor.

CMOS image sensors provide data in digital form unlike CCD sensors. OV6630 sensor provides

the image of maximum size of 352X288 at 50 frames per second in progressive scan mode.

Moderate price of this particular sensor was also considered during the selection process.


1.5.3 Color space

The C3038 color sensor module used in our project gives data in two formats YUV and RGB. In

RGB color space luminance components are mixed with chrominance and therefore it is not

reliable for color segmentation in varying light intensities [8]. We have selected YCrCb (YUV)

color space to be used for color recognition and edge detection.

1.5.4 Microbot TeachMover

Figure 1 Microbot

Microbot TeachMover is a robotic arm used for the teaching of robotic fundamentals simulating

industrial robot operations. TeachMovers are used in elementary and secondary schools,

colleges, universities and industrial training programs [9]. Microbot uses six 4-bit stepper motors

to provide motion to different parts. The six parts controlled are Base, Shoulder, Hand, Elbow,

Left wrist, and Right wrist. Microbot is available in our department in IOE. Our major interest in

the project lied with the electronic system and we decided to test our system in Microbot because

we need not spend much time and effort in mechanical aspects of the robot.



We have used VHDL to describe the hardware designed and synthesize them in FPGA. Software

is designed using C language in the SDK that comes with the Xilinx’s EDK.

Embedded systems are somewhat complex. Getting the hardware and software portions of an

embedded design to work in an integrated form can be projects in themselves for people with no

previous design experience with HDLs and digital systems. Merging the two design components

so they function as one integrated system brings additional challenges. Making such designs to

work requires a good knowledge of design software tools. For systems with MicroBlaze, EDK

simplifies the design process. Along with EDK, Xilinx offers several sets of tools which are

briefly described below:

2.1 Integrated Software Environment

ISE is the foundation for Xilinx FPGA logic design. Xilinx has provided software development

tools that allow some simplification to the complex and involved process of designing hardware

to the FPGA. Various utilities such as constraints entry, timing analysis, logic placement and

routing, and device programming have all been integrated into ISE [10].

2.2 Embedded Development Kit

EDK is a suite of tools and Intellectual Property that enables to design a complete embedded

processor system for implementation in a Xilinx FPGA device. It can be thought as an umbrella

covering all things related to embedded processor systems and their design. The Xilinx ISE

software must also be installed to run EDK. It consists of:

2.2.1 Xilinx Platform Studio

The Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) is the development environment or GUI used for designing

the hardware portion of embedded processor system.

2.2.2 Software Development Kit


Platform Studio Software Development Kit (SDK) is an integrated development environment,

complimentary to XPS, that is used for C/C++ embedded software application creation and

verification. SDK is built on the Eclipse open-source framework.

2.2.3 Other EDK Components [10]

• Hardware IP for the Xilinx embedded processors

• Drivers and libraries for embedded software development

• GNU Compiler and debugger for C/C++ software development targeting the MicroBlaze


2.3 ChipScope Pro

ChipScope is a set of tools from Xilinx that allows monitoring signals and buses of the user

designed hardware system within the FPGA. Monitoring signals of the hardware within FPGA

chip is not possible with the conventional Logic Analyzers. This makes ChipScope an important

tool in debugging hardware designed in FPGA. However, sample memory of the analyzer is

limited by the memory resources available within the FPGA and the memory resources used by

the design being tested. It also cannot detect all the glitches in the system because it uses the

clock signal of the system being tested.

Figure 2 Basic Embedded Design Process Flow (from [10], page number: 14)


Besides above mentioned tools we used Matlab and Visual C++ for verifications of image

processing algorithms, ModelSim for the simulation of Hardware designs like frame grabber,

motor controller.



3.1 FPGA and SoC

FPGA is a semiconductor device that can be configured to realize digital systems ranging from

basic logic functions like NAND, NOR etc to some complex combinational and sequential

functions. It consists of a matrix of reconfigurable gate array logic circuitry. When a FPGA is

configured, the internal circuitry is connected in a way that creates a hardware implementation of

the designs that are usually described using HDLs. Unlike processors, FPGAs use dedicated

hardware for processing logic and do not have an operating system. Hardware designed in

FPGAs can be truly parallel in nature and therefore these hardware that can have different

processing operations do not have to compete for the same resources. Unlike hard-wired PCB

designs which have fixed hardware resources, FPGA-based systems can literally rewire their

internal circuitry to allow reconfiguration after the system is deployed to the field [11, 12].

A complex digital system needs different components like processors, memory, operating

system, electronic functions, timers, interrupt controllers, interfaces like firewire and USB, and

basic software utilities. [13] All the components of a complex digital system could be integrated

into a single chip. This is known as System On Chip (SoC or SOC). One of the most important

characteristics of SoC is that both software and hardware are in a same chip.

As [13] states a typical SoC consists of:

Processing unit- Microcontroller, microprocessor or DSP core(s).

Memory blocks - ROM, RAM, EEPROM and/or Flash.


Programmable logic devices like FPGA, CPLD or peripherals like counters, timers etc.

External interfaces like Ethernet, UART, VGA, SPI etc.

Analog interfaces including ADCs and DACs.


3.2 MicroBlaze

The MicroBlaze embedded processor soft core is a RISC optimized for implementation in Xilinx

FPGAs. Figure 3 shows a functional block diagram of the MicroBlaze core.

As [14] states, its salient features are:-

The fixed feature set of the processor includes:

• Thirty-two 32-bit general purpose registers

• 32-bit instruction word with three operands and two addressing modes

• 32-bit address bus

• Single issue pipeline

MicroBlaze, being a soft-core processor, can be parameterized with a number of choices to

enable/disable different functionality. Cache size, pipeline depth (3-stage or 5-stage), embedded

peripherals, Memory Management Unit, Floating Point Unit, and bus interfaces are some of the

aspects of the MicroBlaze that can be user configured [10].

The MicroBlaze core implements Harvard architecture. It means that it has separate bus interface

units for data and instruction access. Each bus interface unit is further split into a Local Memory

Bus (LMB) and Processor Local Bus (PLB) or/and On-chip Peripheral Bus (OPB). The LMB

provides single-cycle access to on chip dual-port block RAM. The PLB/OPB interface provides a

connection to both on-and off-chip peripherals and memory. PLB provides high speed interface

between processor and peripherals where as OPB provides low speed interface. The MicroBlaze

core also provides up to 16 Fast Simplex Link (FSL) interfaces, each consisting of one input and

one output port. The FSL channels are dedicated uni-directional point-to-point data streaming

interfaces [14].


Figure 3 MicroBlaze Core Block Diagram (from [14], page number 10)

3.3 Color Spaces

Red, Green and Blue are the three primary colors. RGB color space gives the relative amount of

each component in any color. PAL, NTSC and SECAM composite color video standards use

YUV color space. Y is the luminance while U and V are the chrominance information.

Y = 0.59G + 0.31R + 0.11B

U = R – Y

V = B – Y

YCrCb is the scaled and offset version of YUV color space. Y is defined to have values in the

range 16 to 235 while U and V are defined to have values in the range 16 to 240 for 8-bit range.

[15] Y = 0.59G + 0.31R + 0.11B

Cr = 0.713 (R – Y)

Cb = 0.564 (B – Y


Figure 4 YCrCb BARS (from [15] )

3.4 Edge Detection

Edge detection refers to the process of identifying and locating sharp discontinuities in an image.

The discontinuities are abrupt changes in pixel intensity which characterize boundaries of objects

in a scene. Classical methods of edge detection involve convolving the image with an operator (a

2-D filter), which is constructed to be sensitive to large gradients in the image while returning

values of zero in uniform regions. There is large number of edge detection operators available,

each designed to be sensitive to certain types of edges like horizontal, vertical or diagonal edges.

For example, Prewitt operator is more sensitive to horizontal and vertical edges where as Sobel

operator is more sensitive to diagonal edges [16].

3.5 Object Recognition

The object in the image has its own characteristics like shape, size, color, textures etc. The basic

object recognition involves using these one or more parameters to find what the image is and

where it is. Recognition based on each characteristic has its own techniques. For recognition of

simple geometric objects like squares, circles etc, the approach can be detection of edges

followed by extraction of boundary parameters and using these parameters to determine the



3.5.1 Hough Transform

Hough transform is a robust technique to detect straight lines which can be generalized to detect

the arbitrary shape. The main advantages are that it is relatively unaffected by gaps in curves and

by noise [17]. The straight line at a distance ρ and orientation θ can be represented as:

ρ = x*cosθ + y*sinθ where ρ is the line connecting the polar coordinate to the origin where the x-

axis intersects the y-axis, and where θ is the angle between the x axis and ρ.

The Hough transformation of this straight line is just a point in plane (ρ, θ).

Figure 5 The Hough Transform

When plotting the curves for the three points in polar coordinates, these 3 points will have three

curves that intersect at (ρ0, θ0). The intersection at (ρ0, θ0) confirms a, b and c as valid points.

Thus, a valid line will pass through a, b and c.

3.6 VGA Display

The major component inside VGA monitor is color Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). The electron

beam must be scanned pixel wise in manner over the viewing screen in a sequence of horizontal

lines to generate an image. The video signal must redraw the entire screen at least 60 times per

second to provide motion in the image and to reduce flicker [18]. The beam moves on the display

surface in a “raster” pattern, horizontally from left to right and vertically from top to bottom.

VGA controller generates two synchronizing signals – Horizontal Sync (HS) and Vertical Sync

(VS) to control the raster pattern and video data delivery. The VS signal defines the refresh

frequency of the display. The HS signal defines the number of horizontal lines displayed at a


given refresh rate. Both signals have the same waveform, but their timing is different. The pixel

clock defines the time available to display one pixel of information. Additionally there are three

color signals: R (Red), G (Green) and B (Blue).

The Spartan-3A DSP Starter Platform includes a VGA video output using a resistor-divider

network and 4-bits per RGB color as shown in figure 6. This resistor-divider network is 510, 1K,

2K, & 4K ohms for each color [19]. The outputs of the three resistor-divider networks are

presented to DB15 connector P1. Horizontal and Vertical synchronization signals are also

generated by the FPGA and provided to P1. Additionally, a 25.175 MHz clock is added to the

board, feeding directly to the FPGA at (P26) on Bank 1. This clock should be used in the FPGA

controller for timing the output and generating the image and syncs.

Each analog color input can be set to one of sixteen levels by four digital outputs using a simple

four-bit digital-to-analog converter (resistor divider network)( Figure 6).The sixteen possible

levels on each analog input are combined by the monitor to create a pixel with one of 2^4

× 2^4



=4096 different colors. So the 12 digital control lines (4 bit each R G B) let us select from a

set of 4096 colors.

Figure 6 VGA output (from [20], page 19)

3.6.1 Signal timing for 640*480 VGA display

CRT-based VGA displays moves electron beams (or cathode Rays) to display information on a

phosphor-coated screen. Within a CRT display, current waveforms pass through the coils to


produce magnetic fields that deflect electron beams to transverse the display surface in a raster

pattern, horizontally from left to right and vertically from top to bottom. As shown in Figure 7,

information is only displayed when the beam is moving in the forward direction - left to right

and top to bottom and not during the time the beam returns back to the left or top edge of the


Figure 7 VGA Display Timing (from [20])

3.6.2 Synchronization signal timing

Table 1 640X480 resolution VGA Timing (from [20])


Figure 8 VGA Control Timing (from [20])

The VGA controller generates two synchronization signals; the horizontal sync (HS) and vertical

sync (VS) timing signals and coordinates the delivery of video data on each pixel clock.

HS signal marks the start and end of a line and ensure that the monitor displays the pixels

between the left and right edges of the visible screen area. VS signal marks the start and end of a

frame made up of video lines and ensure that the monitor displays the lines between the top and

bottom edges of the visible monitor screen or VS signal defines the refresh frequency of the

display or the frequency at which all information on the display is redrawn.

Table 1 shows the relation between each of the timing symbols for a 640* 480 display using a

25 MHz pixel clock at 60 Hz refresh rate The timing for the sync pulse width (TPW) and front

(TFP )and back porch intervals (TBP) are based on observations from various VGA displays

.Information cannot be displayed during the porch intervals.

3.7 Stepper Motor

Stepper motors are the motors without the commutators. The stepper motor has number of

windings and rotation of the shaft is achieved by sequentially energizing the windings of the

motor. The motor shaft can be locked in position when the windings are energized. The speed at

which the stepper is to be operated is determined by the rate at which the sequence is provided.

However there is a maximum speed at which the motor can be run and beyond that speed the

motor starts loosing the steps and it becomes impossible for the controller to track the position of

the motor shaft. All of the commutation must be handled externally by the motor controller, and

typically, the motors and controllers are designed so that the motor may be held in any fixed

position or rotated in either direction. The direction of rotation depends on which winding is the

"leader" and which is the "follower". The rotation will reverse if the sequence of bits provided is


reversed. Stepping motors can be used in simple open-loop control systems; these are generally

adequate for systems that operate at low accelerations with static loads [21, 22]. If a stepper in an

open-loop control system is overtorqued, all knowledge of rotor position is lost and the system

must be reinitialized. Steppers move in small increments usually indicated on the label in



For driving the stepper motor coil we used high current IRF540N N-channel MOSFET. The

MOSFET is a device used to amplify or switch electronic signals. The MOSFET is composed of

a channel of n-type or p-type semiconductor material. A big advantage of MOSFETs for digital

switching is that the oxide layer between the gate and the channel prevents DC current from

flowing through the gate, further reducing power consumption and giving large input impedance.

The insulating oxide between the gate and channel effectively isolates a MOSFET in one logic

stage from earlier and later stages, which allows a single MOSFET output to drive a considerable

number of MOSFET inputs [23]. This isolation also makes it easier for the designers to ignore to

some extent loading effects between logic stages independently. However, the impedance of the

MOSFETs decreases with the increase in the frequency of operation.

Figure 9 Schematic diagram of N-channel Power MOSFET (from [24])

3.9 I2C Interface

The I2C is a multi-master communication protocol developed to connect the low speed

communication devices with motherboard. It uses two bidirectional lines and number of devices

is connected to the line. It uses seven bit address with 16 reserved addresses, thus maximum of


112 devices can be connected to the line. However, only one of them can be master. The system

uses two lines SDA and SCL with open drain. So pull up is required to get high logic in the line.

SDA is a data line and the validity of data in it is determined by the state of the logic level in the

SCL line. As all masters generate their own clock on the SCL line to transfer messages on the

I2C-bus, data is only valid during the HIGH period of the clock. A defined clock is therefore

needed for the bit-by-bit arbitration procedure to take place. Clock synchronization is performed

using the wired-AND connection of I2C interfaces to the SCL line. This means that a HIGH to

LOW transition on the SCL line will cause the devices concerned to start counting off their LOW

period and, once a device clock has gone LOW, it will hold the SCL line in that state until the

clock HIGH state is reached. However, the LOW to HIGH transition of this clock may not

change the state of the SCL line if another clock is still within its LOW period. The SCL line will

therefore be held LOW by the device with the longest LOW period. Devices with shorter LOW

periods enter a HIGH wait-state during this time. When all devices concerned have counted off

their LOW period, the clock line will be released and go HIGH. There will then be no difference

between the device clocks and the state of the SCL line, and all the devices will start counting

their HIGH periods. The first device to complete its HIGH period will again pull the SCL line

LOW. In this way, a synchronized SCL clock is generated with its LOW period determined by

the device with the longest clock LOW period, and its HIGH period determined by the one with

the shortest clock HIGH period.

Figure 10 Transmitting address sub-address and data (from [26])



4.1 System Block Diagram

Figure 11 System Block Diagram


4.2 Hardware Implementation

4.2.1 I2C interface

Functional description

The I2C controller module is used to configure C3038 sensor module in different modes as

required by the system. The module takes in control signals from the top level central control

system and configures the image sensor accordingly.

Figure 12 Block Diagram of the I2C module


We have implemented this module as a combination of finite state machine and data path model.

Different signals such as SDA and SCL are generated by different processes and a central finite

state machine controls those processes. The module keeps SCL and SDA high if its reset pin is

high. Once reset pin is low it waits for a start signal which if asserted it prepares to send data

provided in config_reg input. It first checks the status of the SDA and SCL signals to get access

of the communication line. If both SDA and SCL are high then the lines can be accessed for

communication. This module is used by the system to bring the CMOS image sensor in the

desired configuration mode.


A snapshot of post map simulation of I2C module


Figure 13 Simulation of I2C module

This module has not been used yet because we have used the CMOS sensor in default mode.

However, we have tested the module using different simulation levels so that it can be

implemented in real hardware whenever required.

4.2.2 Framegrabber

Figure 14 Block Diagram of the framegrabber module

Functional description

The framegrabber module interfaces camera with the rest of the system. This module uses

signals pclk, href, and vsync of the camera to infer which pixel data is present in Y and UV data

bus of the camera at any instant. It generates pixel_count and line_count to give the address of

the corresponding pixel data it sends out in data (16-bit) bus. Other modules can take the valid


data when data_valid output is asserted. For every new pixel data framegrabber issues a

data_valid signal for a single clock cycle.


We have implemented this module as a fsm. This module starts working only when start signal is

asserted for at least one clock cycle. It then waits until a new frame starts with vsync going high.

Every new pixel is latched into data out when pclk is high. Pixel_count is increased and

data_valid signal is asserted for a single clock cycle. Line_count increases for every new line and

pixel_count is reset to zero. Thus pixel_count gives the position of pixel on any line. It continues

until vsync goes high again characterizing the start of another frame.

Simulation snapshot

Since the camera was not available until the later stage of the project, we designed a VHDL test

bench that simulated the signals produced by the image sensor. This virtual image sensor was

used to test the functioning of the modules that depended upon the signals coming from the

image sensor.

Figure 15 Simulation of the framegrabber module

ChipScope was used to check the working of the module in actual hardware.


Figure 16 Real-time signal capture of the framegrabber module

4.2.3 UV_separator

Figure 17 Block Diagram of the UV_separotor

Functional description

This takes in data from framegrabber module along with the data_valid signal. It separates u and

v data from uv data bus. It takes in Y data to synchronize it with the separated u and v data. Thus

the module takes in YUV data in 16-bit and generates YUV data in 24-bit.


This is a fsm that basically transits between two states of assigning u and v data. U and V data

from framegrabber comes in alternately in a single bus. The module keeps track of U and V data

and outputs these data in separate 8-bit buses. When V data is being assigned in for_v state, a

register is used to output previous U data. Similarly, when U data is being assigned in for_u

state, another register is used to output previous V data. Signal data_valid_out is simply a single


clock delayed version of data_valid_in. Thus for every two data_valid_out signal, either

u_separated or v_separated will have the same value.

Simulation snapshot

Figure 18 Simulation of the UV_separator module

ChipScope was used to check the working of the module in actual hardware.

Figure 19 Real-time signal capture of the UV_separator module

4.2.4 Color_recognition

Functional description

The module takes in ranges of y, u and v values and counts total number of pixels lying within

the given ranges in each frame. It assumes higher value of the range is stored in upper byte (15 to

8) and lower value in lower byte (7 to 0) for y, u and v ranges. This gives total pixels lying

within the range in between every new_frame signal pulse.


Figure 20 Block Diagram of the Color_recognition


It takes in y, u and v data in three separate buses. It assumes data fed is in 4:2:2 YUV format and

therefore it checks if data is within the given range only for odd pixels of each line. U and V data

are not available for pixels in 2nd

, 4th

, and remaining even positions of each line and it makes no

effort of interpolating data at these pixels. It considers valid data at its input only at the assertion

of data_valid signal. It takes in U and V data alternately. Combinatorial comparators compares

whether the input Y, U and V are within the range specified in y_range, u_range and v_range

respectively. The fsm uses combinatorial output from these comparators y_inrange, u_inrange

and v_inrange only at appropriate times to decide whether each pixel has yuv data within range

or not.

Once new_frame pulse is asserted, total_pixels_in_range restarts counting from one.

Simulation snapshot

Figure 21 Simulation of the Color_recognition module


ChipScope was used to check the working of the module in actual hardware.

Figure 22 Real-time signal capture of the Color_recognition module

4.2.5 Edge Detector

This module consists of a moving window and a sobel mask operator.

I) Moving_window

Figure 23 Block Diagram of the moving_window module

Functional description

The moving window creates an effect of sliding through the pixels in a frame, covering each

time a window of 3X3 matrix. For each pixel in a frame, it provides surrounding eight pixel data

upon which a window operator may be applied to give a corresponding value for that pixel based

on the operation. In our case the output data of the moving window is used by sobel mask

operation. Y data from the camera is the input d_in for this module.



For the pipelined implementation of edge detection algorithm all the pixels in the moving

window operator must be accessed at the same time for every clock. In order to access all the

pixels in a moving window system, we implemented a design explained in [27]. FIFO buffers

create the effect of moving an entire window of pixels through the memory for every clock

cycle. We used a FIFO core provided by the Xilinx in the moving window module [28]. A FIFO

consists of a block of memory and a controller that manages the traffic of data to and from the

FIFO. The availability of multi-port BRAM in the Xilinx Spartan 3A DSP FPGA helps in

achieving the read and write operations of the BRAM in the same clock cycle [29]. This allows a

throughput of one pixel per clock cycle. For a 3x3 moving window two FIFO buffers are used.

Block Rams were used to generate two FIFO cores of size (352 – 3 =) 349 bytes. To access all

the values of the window for every clock cycle the two FIFO buffers must be full. Figure 24

shows the architecture of the 3x3 moving window. For every new data_valid pulse from

framegrabber module, y data is fed and placed into the register R9. The contents of the window

are shifted to the left, with the leftmost member being added to the tail of the FIFO. The top left

pixel is disposed after the computation on the pixels is completed, since it is not used in future


Figure 24 The architecture of the 3x3 moving window


Simulation snapshot

Figure 25 Simulation of the Moving_window module

II) Sobel edge calculation

Figure 26 Block Diagram of the sobel_edge module

Functional description

This stage calculates the vertical and horizontal gradients using 3x3 Sobel masks. The input to

the horizontal and vertical gradient calculation is taken from the output of moving window.


Since the design is pipelined, calculation starts once the 2 FIFO buffers are full. That is, the

output is produced after a latency of twice width of image plus two (2*width +2) cycles. For the

width of 352 pixels, the latency is 706 cycles.


Figure 27 Hardware implementation of Sobel Edge Detection

The gradient calculation introduces negative numbers. Here negative numbers are handled using

numeric_std package. In this design, the calculated gradient is represented by 10 bits. Two

gradient values are calculated for each pixel, one for vertical and other for horizontal. The

multiplication by two is achieved by a simple shifting of one bit to left. The 10 bits of vertical

gradient and the 10 bits of the horizontal gradient are compared with the input threshold value.

The outputs of the comparators are concatenated to produce two bits that represent presence or


absence of horizontal and vertical edge for the corresponding pixel. The calculation takes up

around 18 ns and therefore it is faster than data input rate from the image sensor.

Simulation snapshot

Figure 28 Simulation of the Sobel_edge module

4.2.6 Video display system

The main objective of the display system is to display the real time video coming from the digital

image sensor module C3038, which is useful for the analysis and debugging purposes of the

project. Figure 29 shows the higher level design of the video display system.

The main constituent blocks are the memory controller, simple dual port RAM, Y to RGB assign

module and VGA controller module. Memory controller is implemented in hardware module that

governs the timing and synchronization of writing the pixel data coming from the frame grabber

module to the on chip BRAM and it also governs reading the stored pixel data from BRAM where

it is stored. After reading the camera luminance(Y) data from the BRAM ,the 4 MSBs of the Y

are assigned to the RGB values which will produce the video in grayscale format because the

luminance(Y data) only contains the brightness information not the color. Ultimately the VGA

controller maps the time domain RGB data into the corresponding special domain RGB data with

the help of the two synchronization signals Vsync and Hsync.


Figure 29 Block Diagram of the Video Display system

I) Memory Controller

Figure 30 Block Diagram of the Memory controller module

Functional description

Memory controller is the interface between the frame grabber module and the on chip BRAM. It

writes pixel data at the rate of PCLK frequency of 8.9285 MHz and reads out the stored data at

VGA clock frequency.WEA is enabled according to the data_valid signal from the

frame_grabber module and writes the data in the location specified by address ADDRA. Rd_clk

governs the increment of the read address ADDRB.



The pixel data from the camera is provided at the rate of 8.9285 MHz that is PCLK of the camera

has pixel timing of 112ns at the rate of 50 frames per second in the progressive scan technique

[30]. The pixel timing information is observed from the logic analyzer but for the standard

640*480 display resolution at 60Hz refresh rate the standard clock is 25.175 MHz. Nevertheless

our objective is to display the real time video data. Due to the constraints imposed by the slow

data transfer rate of camera and fast data acceptance rate of VGA monitor, it is not possible to

give out the camera pixel data directly to the VGA monitor. So it is convenient to use the

memory for storing the pixel data for some reasonable time obtained from the timing calculation.

The use of the dual port RAM with two independent clocks are advantageous for our case, one

port is used for writing the pixel data and another for reading the same but with independent

clock speed.

Camera needs 64.1us (obtained from logic analyzer) to write the single line (with 352 pixels) in

the BRAM memory and for 640 *480 resolution VGA controller needs 31.77 us to scan a single

line in VGA monitor[31]. Since the VGA clock speed is very fast compared to speed of the

camera, computations show that if we start reading the data from the block RAM only after the

writing 4 lines of data from the image sensor module then the writing the data provided by

camera and reading the data for VGA will be synchronized. So additionally we need to plot the

same pixel twice in a line, so the resulting effect will be zoomed in format of video. But with this

algorithm we will be able to show only the 320 of 352 pixels of each line and 240 of 288 line of

each frame.

The Dual-Port Block Memory LogiCORE module provided by Xilinx uses on-chip FPGA block

memory resources to implement RAM functions. The core is fully synchronous and supports

three write mode options: Read-After-Write, Read-Before-Write, and No-Read-On-Write. Data

widths ranging from 1 to 256 bits and memory depths from 2 to 4M words can be supported

[29], depending on the selected target device family. The two ports of the Dual Port core are

completely independent.


Figure 31 Simple dual port RAM core schematic symbols

Simulation snapshot

Figure 32 Simulation of the Memory controller module

II) VGA controller

Figure 33 Block Diagram of the VGA_controller module

Functional description

It is an interface between Y to RGB converter and VGA monitor. Whenever the 8 bit luminance

data (Y data) is read from memory and converted to corresponding RGB by Y to RGB converter


by assigning 4 MSBs of Y to each of R, G and B. VGA controller simply plot the value on the

monitor screen in 640*480 resolutions with the help of two synchronization signals; Hsync and



This module is implemented with the help of two processes for controlling the timing of the

horizontal synchronization and vertical synchronization. For a 640*480 resolution of visible

window ,there we need 800 horizontal scanning so total horiz_scan is counted up to 800 which

includes the Hsync pulse width of 96 pix and the front porch and the back porch. Similarly for

the vertical synchronization it needs total of 521 vertical scan lines including the Vsync pulse of

2 lines equivalent and the front porch and the back porch.

Simulation snapshot

Figure 34 Simulation of the VGA_controller module

4.2.7 Motor control module

Functional description

The individual motor driver module is used for generation of the sequence required for driving

stepper motor. The 4-bit stepper motors in Microbot required 4-bit sequence. The stepper can be


driven in half step or in full step. However the module generates the sequence in half step which

increases the torque and also reduces the jerky motion.

Figure 35 Block Diagram of the Motor Driver module


We implemented the module (figure 35) as a combination of finite state machine and data path

model. Different signals such as ready control and drive_signals are generated by different

processes and a central finite state machine controls those processes. Upon reset the output

signals are set to zero logic so that all the windings of the stepper motor will be de-energized.

Once reset pin is low it waits for a start signal which if asserted it generates the drive signal

sequence according to the data in the speed_pin, no_of_degrees and direction signals and

indicates busy until the required no of degrees is completed. After the completion it issues

completed signal. Then it again asserts the ready signal to indicate readiness to accept next


To control six different motors of Microbot we created six instances of the stepper driver module

(Figure 36). The stepper driver module acts as a component and the motor controller module

uses six such components. Thus all the components can work in parallel which is an advantage

of FPGA over other microprocessor based system. The central controller controls the operation

all the stepper driver module. The stepper controller module acts as an interface between the


MicroBlaze system and different motor driver modules. It gets the necessary information such as

start, task to be performed, no of degrees to be rotated and also informs the MicroBlaze system

about the completion of the task, indication of busy signal.

Figure 36 Block diagram of stepper motor controlling

Simulation snapshot

Figure 37 Simulation of the stepper motor controller


4.2.8 Motor Driver Circuit and PCB fabrication

I) Driver circuit

We designed the driver circuit with necessary protection system and sufficient current driving

capacity. The designed circuit is shown below

Figure 38 Driver circuit for driving stepper motor coil

Components used in the driver circuit.


o R1=330 ohm.

o R2 = 2.2Kohm

o R3 = 2.2Kohm

o R4=2.2Kohm

Q1 is optoisolator.

Diodes D1, D4 are 1N4007.

Diodes D2,D3 are 15 volt zener diode.

Diodes D5 and D6 are leds.

Q2 is IRF540N n-channel MOSFET.

B1 is 12V Supply for motor.

GND1 FPGA ground.

GND2 MOTOR supply ground.



The MOSFET normally remains off due to the pull down of the gate voltage by the series

connection of the resister R3 and led D5. When the input from the FPGA is of high logic the

diode of the optoisolator is turned on biasing the transistor. Thus the gate voltage is increased

turning on the MOSFET. In this way the winding of the stepper motor is energized. When input

is low the MOSFET is turned of resulting in de-energizing of the winding.

The MOSFET is highly sensitive to high voltage and gets damaged if the gate to source voltage

exceeds 20 volt. So for protection we used the 15 volt zener diode. The protection from high

reverse voltage is obtained by using diode D1 and D4.

II) PCB fabrication

The schematic of the circuit layout was prepared using the software “Livewire-PCB-Wizard”.

Etching method was followed for preparation of the PCB.

Figure 39 PCB layout of the stepper driver circuit



4.3.1 Edge Detection

We tested some of the edge detection masks in software using visual C++ using the image of

objects taken from cell phone camera [1.3 megapixel camera from Nokia 3110c]. They are

Prewitt sobel krisch

-1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 0 1 -3 -3 -3 5 -3 -3

-1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 -3

-1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 -1 0 1 5 5 5 5 -3 -3

Figure 40 Horizontal and vertical operators

The calculation of central pixel value involves sliding a mask over the image repeatedly

performing sum of the products calculations between the mask and the values covered as shown


Figure 41 Image and Convolution Mask

For example a22 can be calculated by

a22 = a11*W11 + a12*W12 + a13*W13 + a21*W21 + a22*W22 + a23*W23

+ a31*W31 +a32*W32 + a33*W33


The horizontal and vertical gradient can then be combined together to find the absolute

magnitude using following approximation

|G| = |Gx| + |Gy|

If G is larger than a given threshold, that pixel is considered as an edge.

Simulation in software

The algorithm shows how to move the 3×3 convolution mask (mask_x &mask_y) over the image

(gryimg) of dimension m X n.

a) Load the gray image.

b) For each pixel gryimg (x,y) in the image (from gryimg (2,2) to gryimg (m-1,n-1))

i) Initialize sx = sy =0

ii) for a = -1 to 1 perform

s1 = mask_x[a+2,b+2]* gryimg [x+a,y+b];

s2= mask_y(a+2,b+2)* gryimg [x+a,y+b];

sx = s1 +sx

sy = s2 +sy

iii) gryimg (x,y) = abs(sx) + abs(sy);

Figure 42 Simulation of Edge detection in Visual C++


Choice of masks

While choosing the mask it must fulfill some requirements. Masks should have noISE

suppression characteristics and easy to implement in hardware. After the experimentation and

reviewing various literatures regarding edge detection [17, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42], we decided to use

one of the most popular operator – Sobel operator. In this operator the arithmetic operation

involves only addition, subtraction and shifting which can be efficiently implemented in FPGA.

4.3.2 Object Detection

The result of edge detection is the binary image. We performed Hough Transformation to extract

the parameters of required line segments to determine whether the object is rectangular cube or


We used Hough Transformation because it is simple and fulfills our objectives. Besides that, it is

invariant to the orientation of the object


The Hough transform was first tested in Matlab and then implemented in MicroBlaze. Even

though Matlab has some built-in Hough functions, these functions were not used. The pseudo

code of the Hough implementation is given below:

a) Load binary image containing edge.

b) For all pixels in the image

If the pixel (x, y) is an edge

For the theta angles-90 to 90 degrees

Calculate rho for the pixel (x, y) and the angle (theta)

Increment that position (rho, theta) in the accumulator

c) Examine the votes of the accumulator cells for high edge concentrations. The reasonable lines

are detected by locating local maxima the Hough space. We have used 5x5 window to find local


Now we have (ρ1, θ1), (ρ2, θ2), (ρ3, θ3) and (ρ4, θ4) for four sides of rectangular cube. The

parallel sides have same θ where as difference between θ of adjacent sides is 90 degrees. Using


appropriate threshold limits we can detect cubes from spheres. For spheres there are no such


Hough Transformation requires floating point operations. To speed up the calculation, we have

used sine/cosine lookup table and floating point unit of MicroBlaze instead of software routines.

Simulation results

For case of sphere there as no such lines which fall on our threshold.

Figure 43 Simulation of Object Detection in Matlab


4.3.3) Color Detection

The detection of color is done from the chrominance data. Cr ranges from cyan to red where as

Cb ranges from yellow to blue. The ranges are shown in graph below:-

Figure 44 YUV range (from [35], page 5)

For detecting red color, Cr value must exceed lower limit above 128 (say 160) and Cb value

must be within the certain range around 100 to 150.The choice of threshold is determined by

tuning which depends upon how pure the particular color is. For detecting white and black color,

we must go for Y as Cr and Cb values for this color is around 128.

Simulation in visual C++

Figure 45 Simulation of Color detection in Visual C++



We have successfully demonstrated the recognition of objects of three different colors: Red,

white and black. We checked the range in which the sensor provided YUV data for different

colors. This image sensor did not give good response to blue and green.

Edge detection was implemented in hardware. A distinctive advantage of the parallel structure in

FPGA is shown with this implementation. Here is the comparison of the implementation of sobel

edge in hardware and software.

Time taken by Edge detector

hardware in FPGA using 125

MHz system clock

Time taken for Edge detection in

software using 2 GHz Pentium 4


Sobel Edge detection in

one direction

19ns 153.6 ns

Sobel Edge detection in

vertical and horizontal


19 ns 211.4 ns

Table 2 Comparison between hardware and software to determine whether the given pixel is

edge or not

We could not successfully implement following, in a complete system due to time limitation

thanks to the unprecedented power outage of 12-16 hours daily in our country for the last four

months of the project.

i) Integration of Object detection from MicroBlaze using edge data provided by the edge


ii) Displaying of video data from C3038 to the VGA monitor.



6.1 Conclusions

The system at present recognizes objects of red, white and black. The complete system stands as

a starting base platform for more complex vision tasks and planning of control actions for

autonomous robots. This system is a first step towards research and development of FPGA based

robots with real-time vision capability that can have wide range of applications like unmanned

ground vehicle (UGV), unmanned Air vehicle (UAV) etc in IOE. The results show that a choice

of hardware and software for the implementation of image processing algorithms provided by

this approach enables possibility of greater optimization for the designed system.

6.2 Recommendations

Designing and integrating a complete hardware and software system in a vendor specific FPGA

requires a significant amount of experience in using the development tools provided by the

vendor. SoC designs have a high learning curve for the software tools used. Instead of waiting

for the designs to complete and test them, starting with the reference designs and examples and

getting used to with the development tools early in the design process is important. Xilinx’s ISE

and EDK contain quite a few bugs and if one gets stuck with some strange problems, a

possibility of the problem with the tools themselves should not be ruled out. Since testing a

complete integrated system is quite cumbersome, extensive testing and verification of the

modules before system integration is very important.

Programming in MicroBlaze and designing user peripherals for the processor in hardware should

not be seen in an isolated manner. Any aspect of the system must be considered with its

advantages and disadvantages for the possible design in either hardware or software.



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39 C.T. Johnston, D.G. Bailey, K.T. Gribbon; “Optimisation of a colour segmentation and

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and Technology, Massey University, Palmerston North

40 A. S. Bishell, D.G. Bailey, P. Lyons; “Designing the Control Architecture forAlgorithm

Specific Custom Processors on FPGAs”; Institute of Information Sciences & Technology,

Massey University Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, New Zealand

41 www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~lyu/staff/SongJQ/Edge.ppt

42 “Comparison of Edge Detectors”; marathon.csee.usf.edu/~sarkar/PDFs/heath- cviu.pdf

43 http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/zhang/Papers/ZhangHeDSP07.pdf

44 Anthony Edward Nelson; “Implementation Of Image Processing Algorithms On FPGA



45 I. Navarro Oiza; “Digital Camera Interface”; http://www.robozes.com/inaki/dproject/






