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Triptico Ingles 2013 - dolr.org · The fire of evangelism is composed of three flames The heart and...

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Go out to the whole world; proclaim the ospel to all creation. Mark 15:16 There are more than 2,000 Schools of Evangelization in 63 countries, which share the same vision, methodology, logistic and formation program. CALL FROM POPE JOHN PAUL II New Evangelization; New in its fervor, new in its methods, new in its expression. The Church lives to evangelize: Paul VI. E.N 14. The command of Jesus Christ to His disciples “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the ospel to all creation” has transformed into “Go and Evangelize the Baptized.” But even more so into “Go and evangelize the Ordained” because many of them are only reporters and not witnesses of having lived their salvation experience. The Churches' drama is not that they do not evangelize, but that those who have not lived their own Pentecost or their Damascus; personal encounter with the risen Jesus, are the ones who try to do it. The pedagogy of faith has a journey that we cannot betray; first thing is first, first the Kerygmatic Announcement of the Good News, and then, only then, Catechesis.The ew evangelization is not a concept, but an urgent action that we have to undertake.Evangelic-Action the Gospel in Action or an Evangelic Action. Woe to me if I do not preach the ospel. 1 Corinthians 9:16 Mexicaltzingo 1957 Col. Americana. C.P. 44160 Guadalajara, Jal. México. Tel. 52 (33) 3826 0274 Fax. 52 (33) 3826 0275 Mission Our name, “Saint Andrew” was taken from the apostle Andrew, because we look for “Peters” to serve, to love and to preach the name of our Lord Jesus Christ more, and even better then ourselves. J n 1 40-42 Objective To have an evangelized and evangelizing Church, that evangelizes with great power, with the strength of the Gospel and with the parresia of the Holy Spirit. Our Dream To have a school of evangelization in each parish of the Catholic Church We help you initiate your own School of Evangelization St. Andrew School f Evangelization 2500 N. Tyler St. Little Rock, AR 72207 (501) 664-0340 E-mail: [email protected] www.saarkansas.com International Office Forming New Evangelizers for the New Evangelization of the Third Millennium

Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Gospel to all creation.

(Mark 15:16)

There are more than 2,000 Schools of Evangelization

in 63 countries, which share the same vision,

methodology, logistic and formation program.


New in its fervor, new in its methods, new in its expression.

The Church lives to evangelize:Paul VI. E.N 14.

The command of Jesus Christ to His disciples

“Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Gospel

to all creation” has transformed into “Go and

Evangelize the Baptized.” But even more so into

“Go and evangelize the Ordained” because many

of them are only reporters and not witnesses of

having lived their salvation experience. The

Churches' drama is not that they do not

evangelize, but that those who have not lived

their own Pentecost or their Damascus;

personal encounter with the risen Jesus,

are the ones who try to do it. The pedagogy

of faith has a journey that we cannot betray;

first thing is first, first the Kerygmatic

Announcement of the Good News, and then,

only then, Catechesis.The new evangelization

is not a concept, but an urgent action that we have

to undertake.Evangelic-Action the Gospel in Action or

an Evangelic Action.

Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel. 1 Corinthians 9:16

Mexicaltzingo 1957Col. Americana. C.P. 44160Guadalajara, Jal. México.

Tel. 52 (33) 3826 0274Fax. 52 (33) 3826 0275

Mission Our name, “Saint Andrew” was taken from the apostle Andrew, because we look for “Peters” to serve, to love and to preach the name of our Lord Jesus Christ more, and even better then ourselves. (John 1:40-42)

Objective To have an evangelized and evangelizing Church,

that evangelizes with great power, with the strength

of the Gospel and with the parresia of the Holy Spirit.

Our DreamTo have a school of evangelization in each parish of the Catholic Church

We help you initiate your own School of Evangelization

St. Andrew School of Evangelization2500 N. Tyler St.

Little Rock, AR 72207 (501) 664-0340

E-mail: [email protected]

International Office

Forming New Evangelizers

for the New Evangelization of the

Third Millennium

The fire of evangelism is composed of three flames

The heart and foundationof evangelization of all times, because introduces Jesus himself.

Signs of the Lord's faithfulness that let us experience that He is alive in our midst.

Fruit of evangelization and environment where the Kingdom of God is lived.

Evangelizing with great power, proclaiming Jesus Savior and Lord, proclaiming the


Evangelizing with great power, proclaiming Jesus Savior and Lord, proclaiming the


With the power of the Holy Spirit and the use of charisma

With the power of the Holy Spirit and the use of Charisma

To build the body of Christ in the KoinoniaTo build the body of Christ in the Koinonia

Multiplier factorAs for you, my dear son, take strength from the grace which is in Christ Jesus. Pass on to reliable people what you have heard from me through many witnesses so that they in turn will be able to teach others. (2 Tim 2:1-2)

For I see no reason to be ashamed of the Gospel; it is God's power for the salvation of everyone who

has faith -- Jews first, but Greeks as well-(Romans 1:16)

New MethodologyThe Church does not fail because the message it proclaims, but it can fail because of the way it

proclaims it. If you want a simple but effective method to

evangelize, our Active-Participatory methodology is based on six pedagogical


Pedagogical PrinciplesPaul's Theological Principle I planted, Apollo watered and God made it grow (1 Cor 3:6). Jesus' Evangelical Principle "Learn" from me - Jesus is as much Teacher as the teaching. Philosophical (epistemological) Principle Nothing is in the understanding that was not earlier in the senses Jeremiah's Prophetic Principle No longer shall they teach one another, or say to each other, "Know the Lord," for they shall know me: (Jer 31:34 NRSV) Pragmatic Principle New wine in new wineskins: New mentality. Pedagogic Principle Educate from didactics to mathetics.

Formation Program

Pe P S Irmanent, rogressive, ystematic, ntegral

1. New Life: Fundamental Evangelization. 2. Emmaus: The Word of God. 3. John: Formation of Disciples. 4. Jesus: In the Four Gospels. 5. History of Salvation: Our Own History. 6. Moses: Formation of Liberators. 7. The Beatitudes: The Road to Happiness.

Fundamentals of the Christian Life





8. Paul: Forming Evangelizers. 9. Timothy: How to Read, Highlight and Memorize the Bible. 10. Apollo: Formation of Proclaimers. 11. Paul's Secret. 12. Pentecost: Evangelizing with Great Power. 13. Introduction to the Bible. 14. Luke: Apologetics

How to Evangelize





How to Form Evangelizers 15. Mary: Christ's letter. 16. Biblical Theology. 17. Maranatha: Apocalypse. 18. Peter: Ecclesiology. 19. Melchizedek: Liturgy. 20. Nehemiah: Doctrine of the Church's Social Justice 21. Jethro: Ecumenism. 3




MANDATORY COURSES FOR TEAMS A. Andrew: Vision and Methodology

B. Joseph Barnabas: Formation and Training

OPTIONAL COURSES A. Seven Young Men in the Gospel.

B. Lordship of Jesus: Evangelizing Tithes. C. Tetelestai: Passion, Death and Resurrection

of Jesus.D. Joseph the dreamer: Interior Healing

To evangelize

is learned evangelizing

