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Trivadis TechEvent 2016 Introduction to Lagom - another microservice-based framework by Thomas Graf

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Page 1: Trivadis TechEvent 2016 Introduction to Lagom - another microservice-based framework by Thomas Graf



Introduction to Lagomanother microservice-based framework

Thomas GrafConsultant

Page 2: Trivadis TechEvent 2016 Introduction to Lagom - another microservice-based framework by Thomas Graf


Introduction to Lagom2 9/23/2016

1. What is Lagom?


Running in Produktion

2. Lagom Framework


Under the hood / Future Roadmap

Lagom design philosophy / Lagom core concepts

3. Lagom API

Anatomy of a Lagom project

ServiceCall explained

4. Demo

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Introduction to Lagom3 9/23/2016

What is Lagom?

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Introduction to Lagom4 9/23/2016

Lightbend, formerly Typesafe

Open Source / most part in Scala

Swedish word [lah-gome]

– enough, sufficient, adequate, just right just the right amount

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Running in Production

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sbt-native packager is used to produce zip, MSI, RPM, Docker

Lightbend ConductR* (container orchestration tool)

– Free during development

Lightbend Reactive Platform

– Split Brain Resolver (for Akka cluster)

– Lightbend Monitoring

– Requires a Lightbend subscription

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ConductR* / Reactive Plattform

Introduction to Lagom6 9/23/2016

source: http://thenewstack.io/lightbends-lagom-offers-microservice-framework-java-developers/

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Service Locator / Gateway

Introduction to Lagom7 9/23/2016

Service Locator

– discovers services and allows to communicate

Service Gateway

– Querying different services

– No direct access to endpoint

– Acts as a proxy; services have a different port

Result: running on the same port and assigned constantly

Idea: ConductR* is scalable because of Service Gateway

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Similar products like ConductR*

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Cloud Foundry

Kubernetes / Vert.x

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Lagom Framework

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Introduction to Lagom10 9/23/2016

Lagom is a framework for creating microservice-based systems. It offers four main


Service API

Persistence API

Development environment

Production environment

(introduction well documented)

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Introduction to Lagom11 9/23/2016

Each service owns its data

Only the service has direct access to the DB

Its advocated to use Event Sourcing (ES) and CQRS

– Out of the box / optimized

– Highly opinionated on that subject

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Event Sourcing (ES)

– Capture all state’s changes as events

Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)

– separate models for write and read

Idea: substitute for transactions in distributed systems

1 2 3 n…

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Benefits of ES / CQRS

Introduction to Lagom13 9/23/2016

Allows you to time travel

Audit log

Future business opportunities

No need for ORM

No database migration script, ever

Performance & Scalability

Testability & Debuggability

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Under the hood

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Current version 1.0.0

– Java API, but no Scala API yet

sbt build tool (developer) / Activator 1.3.10

Play 2.5

Akka 2.4 (clustering, streams, persistence)

Cassandra (default data store)

Jackson (JSON serialization)

Guice (Dependency Injection)

Architectural concepts: immutability, circuit breakers, Event Sourcing (ES) /

CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)

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Future Roadmap

Introduction to Lagom15 9/23/2016

Maven support

Support for other cluster orchestration tools

– new project / module for Kubernetes

Swagger integration

– Which also removes binary coupling!

Support for writing integration tests

Message broker integration

Scala API

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Lagom design philosophy

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Asynchronous by default, both IO and communication

Reactive Microservice Architecture, report by Jonas Bonér

Distributed persistence

High productivity

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Lagom core concepts

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Tools and APIs

Good architecture

Microservices concepts and best practice

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Lagom API

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Anatomy of a Lagom project

Introduction to Lagom19 9/23/2016

sbt build

Scala 2.11 and JDK8

Each service definition is split into two sbt projects:


– Implementation

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ServiceCall explained

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ServiceCall can be invoked when consuming a service:

– Request: type of incoming request message (e.g. String)

– Response: type of outgoing response message (e.g. String)

JSON is the default serialization format for request/response messages

There are two kinds of request/response messages:

– Strict

– Streamed

interface ServiceCall<Request, Response> {CompletionStage<Response> invoke(Request request);


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Strict Messages

Introduction to Lagom21 9/23/2016

ServiceCall<FriendId, NotUsed> addFriend(String userId);

@Overridedefault Descriptor descriptor() {return named("friendservice").withCalls(

pathCall("/api/users/:userId/friends", this::addFriend),).withAutoAcl(true);


Strict messages are fully buffered into memory

– e.g. create a user after transaction information are not needed anymore

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Streamed Messages

Introduction to Lagom22 9/23/2016

A streamed message is of type Source (an Akka streams API)

– e.g. chat stream message and forget; cached on client side

It allows asynchronous streaming and handling of messages

Lagom will select transport protocol (currently WebSockets)

ServiceCall<NotUsed, Source<Chirp, ?>> getLiveActivityStream(String userId);

@Overridedefault Descriptor descriptor() {

return named("activityservice").withCalls(pathCall("/api/activity/:userId/live", this::getLiveActivityStream)


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Event Sourcing: Write Side

Introduction to Lagom23 9/23/2016

Create your own Command and Event classes

– Command: system has to do, may trigger an event

– Event: system has done (past), is stored

Subclass PersistentEntity

– Define Command and Event handlers

– Can be accessed from anywhere in the cluster

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Event Sourcing: Read Side

Introduction to Lagom24 9/23/2016

Tightly integrated with Cassandra

Create the query tables:

– Subclass CassandraReadSideProcessor

– Consumers events produced by the PersistentEntity and updates tables in

Cassandra optimized for queries

Retrieving data: Cassandra Query Language

– e.g., SELECT id, title FROM postsummary

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Introduction to Lagom25 9/23/2016


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Introduction to Lagom26 9/23/2016

Friend: handels users and relation among them.

Chirp: allows to create and retrieve

chrips (i.e., messages).

ActivityStream: allows to retrieve

history or live chrips of a user

Frontend: Play + Javascript UI

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Introduction to Lagom27 9/23/2016

Lagom: http://www.lagomframework.com/

Lagom Git: https://github.com/lagom/lagom

Lagom Chriper: https://github.com/lagom/activator-lagom-java-chirper

Report by Jonas Bonér, free book, Reactive Service Architecture:


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Thomas Graf


Tel. +41 58 459 53 38

[email protected]

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