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CaatlaarB Trata t^rmt Takte. _ Z 77J.- rônt A H. Kilty, wn» lett at i _«« Kr^SUaaaaWA *^%S» bM p.iTt, _*.¿Safer «pain; the Cincirnu'.! waa -^crTd^nieaui their MrvBea.MVeeheahl BO We "^livssBB the ians, nn.hr »he mmmwtti riOA. .Pet viboiseiitirtlv iiidepeiideo. tLe Hot. Il.-t. Bad without lather*-, or «ousul'iati'-n with ¡any ma. Bo tiidaud 1-tii, «lowii to Pillow, and mm oceapj Be ii«« tort when .h* gaoh an.« aoehssad out m the Ne eat mm le »r RbeB i IHew whoa it bb BB eui rseotrntl Kverj aoWier «ted com svraylbe ri*i¿Li .-ixvi(»:.T un«! " «Rebel saobooie «i Fulton iini ina «I« potted uii'it-r "ht «-1 tht Bight. ii- i;,,h, i. ¡uns «*e¡.. eorlj on .!,'. grooad, «ead In-, »til lOUlhlillR "l' blA doWB the Li o. U.I- Igh Ml'lMO IB rim Mill, UM boUeriM aBssted nnastj tai i rail I harraehs, shel ti.« mi ia'.«m. satesBa nigarinM, Badeón | *¦' Be asnarMT] ; Begfeeebh dmien n.ai ippeitoB u* ti eil aeooatioa. m roarnoa um *-.ri noth of nUtOtr. Tbe Mlaalioo ol Un Miarierdi ;i 11 Pillow. M hm warn -t'-'i Mated, i-» non favorable toroetente. Tin Htm el <'¡--.i,.'iK'i l PoiB na*M a oaty eadden head, ; ¡ii'.-..: o. irly nortb Bad sooth, sod ¡oexterw- ii. o nu irl ablv, that m the !o'»«r«;«l « in -*. ra. is ii. t nore thoB Bdf ¦ «nOo wide, ladl8 ti., r-'irs* I BtoriM ¡hi.'"mt Ihreoqai rtereof aanlei bii.ii.i..rf eli boots «i,Ti,ivyi-iir''i'i n.-'u'in«. end Mndt-riiiBtbeireeMpe alnoM M imposa lüiiy, I!, low ti.«- point rtif-rr are two lane mu hu wbkBitjtaferaaviffalwaqoite üficalt. Ibc Port, b\ wtii-h I mena tan aerlea of toritie-ition", is on ti» l'irst C'iick.tt'aw Bluff, taeonpoaed ti mam m- tarem noahs. «»Mpncin^ about boo a Bun. The Hl-it! ii .-« -cr :r'-' . <". Idab, very predpi'i m ami m*.-.'-«».!, ». ii.¡.¡dim' one ¡i i_o-..l «i.-i.l ««' ti.r river heahs atar Conuubu, ¡ty., famishing n m iIImB 1ot_- ti< n foi ii. t-t fe. fheeooatr. ahoB thi Port i exceedlnßly mi«-*ve-.. «i,«, rouirt'. sad ri«-'**-*Jt^ Bo ir."«' foroaidal I obsta» 4-lre «o pedestrisM ererjmbere. Then me deep ni»iu«s, Meep ¡ MB -. sriM (elgee, snl.ien arid raasxpeeted eerhvitiM «eo atan baodj wUleiothe r..: oft: Kort i lien» is nillir, ken li: e oi he-ivy ami coiefnUy-bnill breaatvrorks, wie sesea rain. i'i .Booth, to rast ans ead all etta ki hy 'a--3'1» ii istvrorks ure fur superior, considering t'i '-.- lenKth, I have SIM di log U .. war. I il- m erelythr np « nhmenti al earth, Li- bom ate regalar.*- . I. t Ij made, witt br mi peiepete, hei -.*. nearem. ¦ u >."i watei Mons 11 . 11 v hoed with lineer mm firmly sa wy (l«4->iv-.lrive:i pesta «Vc Ihelabor ofcooMroet- iii'., itie mtemm ssaol boss t.een Irsaaenee, and I son .a »li shove, 1 mu told by penoea living m th vi.'.niiy, that (he woik -ivan began ByoMago bel > in!, "and thal sometime fo.'.r or ti*.-- Ihoasaad aegr<>ee bava b«en SSapaOyed u|»on tt-e Pillow nt «me lime. The ¦fproashM B the tam of tl.r «fort in inacces¬ sible B i-iiv.lrv n «artiUerr, for B addition to the ei.'reme roggedoen A tin» viriniiv, large ire«»» ba*rs bi-sit cb «¡oiin oeeiywbeN for ihattis, ¦ ihlog it ¦ ii. *t aogtetafol tab's to reacti the breannvoiks at almopt a»i_v > oiot. We llaiheiiiiaiip. before m- lui been'. d-aiiii.' ths ISBMforhalf Ml hoar, wer» H-i MMM in lb«» EMS and as jndeo iii limb us ii wi hi.-i t-i « i. ..iii»; ii-r iwtnty lour hours BeaoOjaa« to-iiil mihi. Two or IhlM of our rie.-uiutis, v»i*(j cli_.nced to be lethy lad Beeaohhl of any «-»n-iit se« duiuuci'. wtre sjut-ilily ei.baustd*d, und ii.uld hardly get back to t lie üo'iilh. TaatBMMkBMhetBi ltd-'-n.-l biOMtworhewoeM he the eton Brien el Brisen hören, and their p-s- sessicn lay au t. el y WOold reijiiiiv ti «* iuvinciLle ejii-it H««! aaneraB aoorsge ««t the eslgina] Eubbsb or liiicos, or Hapohxn'l * »Id (¡Laid. Titi' KI BEL IMTT! lill *-. The Merin bj lerti i M tli<- bran el ii«»- Bluff, a*-d on »lie li- ni. ' s-hj« «.ii-'a.'.re I'rotu ths river. iai«s sara m,-, i radou*cfally tdttiot .atft** .-».-, the iga it ii not ¡ lobaUethM iiie-eth .:. Maty were marnte I. A MB! "1 t. «; lune been lOtOUied, other*« bant, a: d «11 iii-inoiiiittd, it iur, o.eiblw to determine WhBVM 'ho larmBineTil of Allow; but I will.-ii- t.... ,rtn j,.-n i...;,!,.« ni the atisnath of ib».* lort:- fiiii".ions ni tut'the river. The f-iA wesa ¡- ». hahe* tottii..,'<. n <<ieaitb uui¡ ¦and nod boft, which lia-- eoatBood a veto bugs gun, probably ft l^mnader, lu: which Ins bunt, «-.; - - ti" i-itili lo lull laandaroaad it, and render» ¡BBthl caliber of th«. ria I th« MtM «-. The ie-uiiil work is a fortification (i the MOM kind, with ei¡ibr__-ii!'. foi um gem,rdz32-poond riC «I pieces, I jad^e, froni the one di uioa itod, Bad the fragmenta at two othenthst had b< laeotbu tw » aro net vi-;.l»le. uni it is ioj thi.t t: j tu.v-1.« «.-:¦ (. irrisd otl' by the ..>.- 'Ibettiird Mork Dai euit-rdkiire- :o; »eici The gen. arti.i_,».. Mi bni.iid, uni !,..t tang ri«ty«two esBMth»hoTo iimmmj ths othn rix, ¡t le i_ypeeed, Btvisg heea boreed. Tina o\ it enid, tun;-.-ino and louuuLit.mu ol' tl.eni »rifl.d. The fourth WOSt 0MMBB five i.-'-( «,ni, 1 .¦...- bores. TWO Of then liai-ediíui.'e.ircd. SSM Is 1*1»- n.o.iiiteil, and IBs fourth Mas bant. 'Hie tilth is a -.late:-battery, that beais tli« scir.- blaui'c of never havirg Ltc-u mounted, though there on- pla .= in live or eut guiis. l-i the -i.\-.!i nish IhSN m et huvs been four o-t- po'.ind«n, two of IhMB rifled, whüs two are (fone, maniii».', atcordiu« to the MltMSaies, the BOnbet ni Six guns, whi« h il"- noik tuné". Laie contain, d. The seventh work in a large fort, thut wau l-nilt for tevm guns, but not one of the fBBeBM ban left. 'ih«y were jiroba'aly .i-,'-i(i:inders, ja'liiiij from the (fun-cjirriui.es. Al tho ujij.er end of this Lint vn¡k Bs I «Mach DahBna gun, for tliro\ijug shelle, uli, ), di». niiiuntt-d end l.'ing ingloriyusiy on tbe "inva'ied soil of Teune»f>tr«ï. .\enr Be liret battery is an S-inch ritied i,'«ilnml i- od, exjilcKlt-d, and I M neb CoIonbMd, BMOOth hoi«, which has Leen dismoimted an 11- »¡.lkr-il. All the ¦.jina that lime been lett behind are spiked, but no uoubl they con BO restored to UM.f.i!ii(re_-. The gnr.s ai« noôtly fia.m the Iredegar work «it If Tin.mili \a. eoiii« lew bnaruig the mnrk ol hleuij .Mc inaiiulacluii-ie. I in the suminit of Hie bluff « oirirniiinüiig a \ iew ol Ibe river for MMSal mile» and overlitokiuK C'raiu- Lead Nat. are et.itioned two 1<»-.m h BMStaia, naae with chamlieia after the oil fashion. They are t>o Slueed that ii oar elells fell short, tiny WOald drop own the b.utf hd-1 be theitfoie «ntirtly Laiiiue»». Oui »boaibs mutt fcave buist ¡n this vic»"my often, for we «aw a gi«*at many DMJBMB oa the groud. _t the lower end o»" the lowaM batten,«. MB ¦-. lu inch iitoitar, MhOM ex] ludion 1 u,ei*ti"ue'l ia a previous letter, split in twain like a'ni-.k ol' een- soued wood from a WO.«dJieotod blow ol an iir. The gun» that have »allen iiito our poMMSMO OM of little vfilue. anil i iimhei' little MON than twelve in all. Ttepietes nix tw«, 12B.pesod if, two IO» intli neston, two (rifled) S&poanáen ¡.mi Bve (stiiOajth hore) -At, ivi'h two or thiee obi gnus ol'lit¬ tle if air, use. A i|uautiiy of round ebot, »hell, i.i.d araraoailioo blas l»*luiid, widen th« enemy would not or uid i ot have tun» ' o «airy oil'. lilli «,«f:i;i-(i\ or un; i OtCt. In re«*i..!ii t-i ti.«- sarrisoo of POlow ne leora that. it had onie iucii. !e.i It," ,. men, and that wheo the I'ni «n in lill Brsteemed wales rivei the di onaanbered sons 12,000. DariaE the w--ks IB force hMBot exceeded 15,0 0, lloaaay thoM ba-ff bent ho 100 m «900. Gen.Vil« lii-i.ue ivitb bli »until "waanad nfl ibefoi 9oiivjik -/ostordsy .teroooo, but Jeff. Tho tunied at Paitoa, sweoriag he wool i give the ion« kee.a fi-ht wbi-m.-v« r .:.> appeared« i;. T-Uthees.howevqi. eoaldloarh the town ii which was, he flea enth Ungi Memphis. Iiunngo.il liiinble» about Pillow, webe «. I -' -.eral rendent» «,i Loderdali Conntv.wh that inn i, .:. «,i [leviileil ht ti «-fort! ad thB Liuti.-.i« r bit« . enrei re»« ElcMmm BM MB nan j u li-, »I soldier to bia lonu «.m.», as lurioua gmvM brnmmty. The troups have sobaisted o.« bah ratioi s, i d n . Th . **cre .ii- a| denorolized, aod eaaMef the fimfidnrai j iMpnliM They an tin ead dtrajosBd witt tbe war, ead anas ad ii,,,,, «aasemid tiiey would rathol i-t j ¡i- aiieir ni the No h tliup ».»..¡14.1* ii, !.. .-..i-h. The camp« ami bonaeki do i, ; .' IM -.« .oiiduioii. r_i<> must buve Iimii hi want of i ««..nlorts W..-1 hot Ht«r iv ne,. .-.«. 1. pty | en tbe piBeiaal i itara ol thei rai they wt»e »,,(,v ,.,_, ,_. . > UM'. OIII.OBI,,t/.,..,. reRrt.ti A] ¡ ,|: aai'iyuiil,.!,,!,!,,.,,, bno ..arvel th.-1 «.molaiijedaud dMUedtoiiM theaaelv«,froi . jbui of San« esaiou. Kiery recnt act of the Roath hui *,-1(] . .,, j, _. sheniiteits peeple,anj ... ., «,ru»oeti(mwitJ i IMPORTANCE HF THE POSITION. Fr« ni "I.«: M ot whflM I BBS writing, I me the gun* heat» bel» '-V na prapanag t-«) eontinne taeirozpadi- tim; »o I ma: t noa d> meemi tie Bluff, aid |oin wy Virtui n ..ii.*.' " MB vvitli t! e. 'I.itiüu; if niiirk Og that t'.llj-T", iii ccr-t I'.'.di.s »ii ii« faataattoa cn th« rivir. lind ti ó n itara of it» sBriaaaataa a untry, i-, flritit timiti-ugajt|w«tt»oaoathi M ''¦''¦' Win-, i!t- aaenj io-.tii.it wa» a lo«., ii.ueed, far I v.itl« !. Jarve nrriflOB bo might ptataat biuisrlt here nu ceo*fully ii.Jin a force len limes largtr thau Ins own. . Tl.e (Balks ure -, entmsive tbut fifty tlionroind tnoi, weald be Baal to garriaoe it properly, arti ti -t thai with «nidi eoa sal la Uara th« rn* walwa. ¦ i«; Itlt pravn thfl ile-p.*ritiori of their unholy «.au«'. Th . dfaad cann of thfl a. " *"¦'."¦'. "' \\*wm wa>í Iba " atti ". ot Oori ib. fiad not Baa¦."»£»'!* p.bi «I--.-! M iMi-',t.-, in Mi rd-anrpi, Geuer«l Vii«* ., .,. .,.. i,,.,- da-fl-D] d iron bkaa UM ....... he mt» drWn. ont by_a» ftsw»». .,.i('.-,. Dark ujeotii fef*T« ssnaBlW a ig» . ht«rt« inya. But waar new at ¡el »i,-<1 :i billen vi.'C.iy, md, k-lnegt barren of an* mai i rain Han gama, nppliw.ty arm., itgivn m ti,. m t ¦! At tim 111 lia ippi, with Batt ¡«I u-Uboni ... ,,. (. t it!-- North. vr.- .íiiii'.'t too rall] vninaUsa imp«.rtaaca al Ihfl I full al Püsow, "f which, bj t ho by. ¡i tory c nari ..«..v wat »oil von in a oini.T_.ni v. hile wa tv« re V : i.-, d No. IO, ma! wo hiiv-t-I'o-.ii t.) be *!i.»i kful the f «i i- in our baa. a' «so » null it once. Bed ra Um flotilla «real M PUtew, we heard thlBl ,,.,r m Bad Bsartar-boafaB would have a gran ni* ..'.fuit «i (he Kabel» on tic- ont al the po_d toa of tim tatt. Tim binti' woald saahlstsar fosan», ti v\ ;:>. .i.i '., to tbiow i-li«"ll- over tile Hebel \v< : ka BBd Um «ib«, ttri_iii_rtii<- blab hmd. sraald roll d -«vu lato ti '. i sjntin and « bj wdm wi-h fniul aft t, Tbh [would probablt bino asea Iba munit, ii ii'" tata tv!; - miríñírd Um D-t-rtan had kaawa thfl position of ii e f. it, and tin» potal al «rhieh to -Bra t than ibella. B l Cn ..'pl.t I'.i'i" to ii.i.ij-I.-'olv bteMOOBSed tin ir ?ian tliixt rhey Tvere foinpell«*d to fin at randon, ¦ad henea Un gunnan mci the- wnha aacapai arith little it:jury. I!.»-.( of *;!:p «fallntal ahaHi »vaia thaowa toa fas», [for we parked np tlieir fragiMiiti u;, ir* thanhaUa aiQe lu".mai sv!. ra tiny shoold bar* a'igbted. Paw of tie Rebela wire «roBadaa, and stUTta-rst wen killed, pr.'.¡il'Iv bawan Ila atmeey't comte aad but icks ure n potdtkni thal oarahol sad sai ll-*-4*rald i*.,; rasoh hn.d ha >>¦.¦¦¦ ¡ i*ahan«lad ti-- rdioatio» thoroughly, wa etrald ¡ty karn (Hti b thfl Kb« fro n ti lr worin¡ but a.« ir mm. n. wan Baa» da» | In thfl .¡ark. Ni-aiv rio illa, Mimttirri Rirsa > | ,,. *.). .... ....... r ..,.... hil 1" .:._,»' V_! "..Ijiie .".. Ö. J : ,!. ,, i!! i left lilb-vv Bl one oYlii W tbifl ul" i- ii »00, the Hinton V B.BB oil us he.'ot»- aithtBfl otber u -pnb-at-, on«-' ia -ha nan, aad a sanhsr al ii« Btortara, aad noaad slawlyaloflsjIhraagh Um delightfnl day, «ad taalioaalj re<oin.o'terea Um river. When ara <_i_e to a baaoa <-i chata, Um lii.i woulsi tiiviii.", past g«.a* theirragalarway, Lull parí koepiag iba -¡real roana« We pMosed Kill¬ in,., and K.tsv i iilîii:-.- ,,f I'leKclel goal "ii'«. TlM li ii.i riHagc vv.,.1 ti«u»iii. lv .juit't. aud I liitilv ¡ins «mm vs.,a v aibla. }«».iii ettie wa ttaaandbj Baa « ... Iph, alii obaaraad Um earthsrorha thai one«) vas noTOtad. but pareaiaad oalj Iwoof uatrgnn. I Al'lt Bl Ol' A I'KI/E. Above I.liii'l So. o7 we »aw a bontilo tiW-fa-fMloi in tbe distance, and nur nahoats f'.i*"'! at her m risral tinta Bha icui,«: annaad aad hmaaafld her apead, bat wi nan aaarhanlad Um atatt, and, saad- log tba Hn-Flj altar har. aha taaahed tin Teanee* an si ora, when bar captain« ui.itc, aad two or three other otBcer« jumped npoa laa t.u.k aad _a apad Into the wot '-. Ihfl ranaining offl endi-played a vnn- mt tra.«*, aad aoon the Baaeraign mu nanwynsg down ths MLssii ii'ii vvi'.L the nee t, havina a prise i awf-oto t!,c Beuton pi .' - -ii i«« * ka bos uni uleil Mi m- I Li.- ou WadatB-B) li^'il am! u.-.-eil up tbe rivei lor the parpan of baraiaB wanam r*ottoa she iuiijibi Bud, iu ii ol dlaeovariag two pit-Ha, John J' ti i i«, «a Mad Shua \\ iilii.T.iiiin, WBO had pt.irifi BOWB i be river la a i Bam ti.m Unj Blight rossch Farroi ii aad a* i*«i Lim m ti aa s il of I ¦>. Mini »i¡ pi. kor* tell ."-.¦>. bad .ii rand ta.ih.- two l*ra»raaad pun.oui- i.il.i-v», aad had than sa ths ii..'.iii«, ino -.«m. dangt r or (ron bau:,.. Tie Si'ViTiigu is mi ...M lad B v.»D-worti Bad Baa tu n ab.a ryiacBatd troa|a «cr iona anana» aha li aot wolta a grsat Baal, bat 11 .u ko tuadc ol i.ervi, t' tfl HI I iiii-e. Am AKVM Ml «».-. mm.I.I.. .'ib,ni* tbo sli'T. -, thfl ,'ivcr Lad » -, I r; '¡nit-t ap- pflannrfl sa wa psirgsraaad It neandaall the Old i>»i-.-!pj.i hail ol.«, ist.! Thursday, Handajt allai ; ,». primhire nahna« Thfl boaan aad plantauos s, nad looked rinnt and daaaitad« Boan '¦! tiieni am eu | 'He,,!!., tut thoy wert MiSBRBfl BBd [omi u- u apas, \ iw i lain ; eopleaad i.ei/ri)«-. nanoo) on lha 'a.'. Bud v\nsi"ii theil un'« un we vi an,ed alosar« onr rece] lioa, if not cordial, was v.ijr giic.iel, baa an u »ci.t ol ail iien¡o:iMi!.:i.ii. DE8TNI « i ¡on op ii,i ins. At mmiy pfliats oi thfl Aik.«i:t__e aad Ian. UaflflwaaoU rd I » al IBs di traothntd eottaa, Um ii» pi eed Rebel King, vv bo wa bi r< r au. lit bal tba King'« fool. «aw Um muka ti b niagc-t* lea Hi Wfl tiiliis. \S hw i..tl«:i whi»ei.iu^ tl.e banka« Waaaw eettea taasiai latas tfatar« So IIllllll H'l SStx tine, Ilia! s\ e ",v ,. iu.Vf lllOliylit a:i«. ii La«l becu ¡BBafltoaWwlha Vui.k« i s th«' BoaUnraan wan datnuiiuud lo aaaihslata lb» t n.v.i.- by«loetoying a t«-sv laii.-e«! eottaB. 'lu phnete -.s-t,ii!«l not describe their órbita, the Roath I'.llik». Wlllidiit flfltlflai the law» of elrt tin lix Ulai I «ii v\ ti i|,i tit- si'iiul'il bal tor AOttOB« Cot* ' I -*1V win :¦-, Bad ye" n.ieery ntl ruin to t!,o '¦< fenden ol the ottaa eaaas. Wa anrral' di as wa went !._, thnt v.n anbitioni hutt« u.ni día bar-.*-.-«! bin rule ,-r shcrtegBB at ti.« Ill >¦; ..»i; paaaadj but ha 'iii Bat» Wa wara matad m ii wa nat tba aacant priaatfl ol L.is dneaadiog il,.- Nile. Wapareflhrad no eon-mu-Mioa ol tba atdrii tliut ha-i pioni] ted the I;, beb at Pillow 'o oti ii ui ,. ,.ii_. an! to liuihl lire« unikr tiicin iii.«I poiál than np. Um ni with laa hops of Bttr___sJag ni I !¦_, tie Iii.lue» <i:iil it, ,ii,l. ring tiri m their tight. IV INI. AIIOV 1. Ml MEHI-. 1 ntlll ira siartrt la raalrj. and aaght rntlílj baa« brill in Me.a| I.:.. h..,,i. .!,,«_. I..:.I nil ail -'','. i.. o. . sachar oil t,,«- groap "i irb.u.i» kaawa hy t iLi-Hit.il titi..- ap Paddy'i Hea un.l ( h-rkuno, au«] wa ¦till lying then-, wabbtb bo Isadloron han y bat troopM an aa taa way Basra, aad ti.y v. .ii lha ..-m to Manpy thfl »iiy, we n.al! await at.on until tba] uii'ive. V»f uri-wit bin Ita iiiib-H ol Mein; hi-, ¡.ud BBTfl nsraad thal lha pla >.;. m 'si!, den m* I, thal b1) tim eottaa, aad aaaar. Bad luina <> I...» bean ). irai tbut ¡i iiun.be:- oi boam biise i,t-.-i, Ired bi tba i. !., sad II .. etty ha» h<-< n .u,«'<l with dUBi Ity. J-;.h! Bight, Wfl nW I.irj;e li^;! t iu ti .. din li'-n ot 'lii'ii.pt.i.i, bat wa kaaa Bal «te asna«, ..* waitiog i'.iii'iiiiy tin ti.i; ni....r«,".v, wheo wa « »p<'it t,. j lan our Can opon the ina. er,,,is ii] ..r .\¡. ¡,. j-!-, and i/i-* ,.- ,...:.¦., ,,i aapport to Um loyal titi/.« ni tbut i.avi. Li cn i J«,;.^ i.istiunoitd, ootragi d. i..i ! oppreajadi Misuitirn Ftorn u sraooin y, ¦.¦¦¦¦¦ Fiafau i. .u ¦, i, m i The rnoiTOW to wlii. !, my lu. i lett« B-Iadfld has floasa, and rowae ! oar a_ktranee bto Manpl ii with a Si.Ta¦!, ll'P'.l.t, .'I -I nservv li« I: .11').; vi toi « . . The great goaboat bottle of tàe twtilla baa beeo foo [bl ob Um Mina i¡'; i. opposite Um City o! phi un i Um _____Jotia im",-« of Uañsaadaol d Um Hebel temi mat hat n deetroyed by iii foi y before the eye» «ii lu friend.. \. .g*. ..» Tftit a rmlirlny ipaofarlfl thfl p -, I- >'", phis wen gathered u¡*on the lilnlTto witnen e Union ti lilla, and tin ... 'ti .-¡I ov.il. 'ii,.--, huW t|.- jl... ; |_| tbey had been taught U> believe eunld and wonld Itbetoara,aad"driaabMek tba Battitnula* radon fian Um «aerad nilal tin- Boa . ;i und eos_qaaiad la the rary wat,*r.« ihaj ha! «tnvi o j-, vi.in t'. "i.itrol. TIM peo M -.I«! .-.I Um >i.',e| .¡¡.Im. I an oi llalial cities, who had been ,. .. again thal lb« raak, waa i n.i arable, < iii. rfor nee, who aaaar essnld obtain a foothold in H. i««, wl o wo lid i,'-ver dan to o ,- within an- of Man in« mi' i al Unir gaaeassadiag ankwieati and doi linn. Tin t. ¦¦ ! ol all Mu rt ,r Mein i li '!. i...)i.«'.a"..t..(i. iii,- re !<ir deoeptioB and b itrayai, rai bed t-ieory, and lili do d ; re* a Hot work and hard nowa auppretv«*_ .- ¦: sod n id.' ern tim tanti rabid ¡ii '.. Mei ¦. bow Indlcmua they ai d Un « illgar t-4-aaluig ha i ba mm la lbs eve» oi Um ei, ¡re t. :. doo ..'u. iifier ib« i mm ed a art ¦.¦. |«cilii*«l|*, m gnch r off the eily '"¦' Um i'..-', o .¡li reata on Menpi ,1! aroatrd. «i'l'iti'M h or Jin lunn i \ m i,u , i s,. " " Is m.mihi.j.-, oar ti .nil. wii -i,.,! inihor, and »lowly dropped down towai ; Mempj u nibs broad li.'-' of Um aaw«honi aad beauiiiul '-;. l_«.i' para (Its ta otaVfOBbaata, lbs Bsataa, Çgtaa, CWIB lilli. :<:>''!", ;.nd /.<. I-ouii w.t',- :', p .uri, the Moca: L, Laaclitrr,No. ', uni l¿.« .. »f the Weat. «. « , , fue river ««en ed «'ka:. No louie of any kind . vitre vieillie r, .il thry lied WeBBBW opr-O'ii-. tl.e ,c ara pariel Ita iwy, sbe-s^eo nantarvhsdUta t. 44»m' mir BBseea-b beea d-nwWa,Bawwwgad bl itt' v.ere. f',,!-«l r-itli BSbsIb, a BB-BBare. BBBB. .r. neu, 14.ti ".i* '.Lu early hen.- of the BMndaf. The -Sûwe then sereeiVed tri«) Resal lest lytag in a hrnti of tit- river, on tun Arkania- »l.or»-. in front -M the 'own, aivl, a fow maint«?«, after, the gBBbaalssf !i»e enenry giaaaai-g to ftvti b.tttle i»nr fliiü'if .i:T it cipeti Ira. bssgaai Oaamwlwa i).i le wee su tree tbst tho at, era wad wena abesM BBSS Kraab-aSt bef.re .oin« into action, km.44 ing, natertal -* t'.e Set i», Uni (lu- ni»-n ili/bt better wi-h fall tbaa with OWfgy »'»-»muoíit. Intleed, IbbBWBB.I ,., i, ibis les, he lignsllod » bli cesses to lea ad ttto river, muí tLoy ili'l m». The eui wy no goabt nar-] »..-.I tbk te « Fvmptoni «.f leur, and followed np, Ibe lotllta »-till Weasdaf -irainH*. ihi. < urrtnt. vj ¡li. Ill -ilSMN«. «li IHK I! UTI II. The iK'»¡ii"ii »»i te f. e aaas t«ta Aikaaaai aVwa WBI in two line«, in rn'ilur .»r.ler, the li»-' BBS obi . ti-.-uf the nsaBisgaid. Uttta Hebel, Gasend Prit» ;ii..l General Bn ., Bail lbs eeesad ot tim Grunt -1 Lovell, «« t. ral Van Horn, Jet« ThW-fBBa arti fowler; lae Uttta I»'»t>*i bri-p lbs tagaaie, 4viii¡ Coaunodon KiLMeulgusswy sa begad aad it. nd. The laaBBBSB BSSl »till uilvHtieed sod ti.« Nii- Itúnel tetilla i'i.l istraated, though \«ry ai«i4s =>, b to gela a Bttle lian f r iba eesesnattas n the ii..»i: 'n'« mesL 'li»e eaany grew i;t.pani-iit ead tali adent. I he obi ead oaeonqeerabta l»»4e ol atas- tar sisdoBMBSted, sad ti.«' l-it!e Ki lui lin d a ih«.' ,1. {be Bestes. 44in.h. with lbs Loata-tUe, ann '.clow the reoiiiiiiiler of it* BOBS] dni'-n-. Ni. reily win waSS Ironi our nile, Then the I Rebota tab i»".'.i»m we taara atansad, aad Bfata a ..m ihe hoelita tagridf «si.td tar awsj from il a toa, sad fell tato the tien aarftaabovs. Still the .¡'nilli., »teamed np the StaaeBdipi Bsd B thfard tlaM th. foe discharged ¡» g .in a: ihi- VhiiL.ee n ait without i Um!. i .. Cutas offleerewere foo well disciplined i<> i-- ii. bsttbeaeaswa wen laming for u f»«;h. ii.i i,;¡,| ii.ii ed losdl*. When t.-M that the CSa. swdsrs desired thor abosld base bnabtan befara gi |_j ibu) action, tliey wasted lbs idea, aad add a battle woul'i .'. tbsaa bieakfiwtj Ibatthay ¦v. ni only bung y to .. aay tanti», tin b-sg-Ofieei bfasaaU wui lot-in« 11-.-, ami be ordered the istmM tobeeheched and the artion t-- bogia. Pbe Gabo opened the a .i'ii ti estoriafoisent oa onr aide bj sending ashall al .'.' Litik Hebel, end plneiugil triihia sfsw Mai of bar hull, l iii»«) V4HM followed by Ula other Na* ,.i n Is, and m. »4-rf'i by lbs aas.iy,aad a , .. it ead ¡i 1.1| aw v, tal ap irom ihe daw li .. ¡¡Di-.ii,- tag Do.n tt.e »».Fi¬ ls» BEAM OB THE MIFIHI. \t (bia ttaw the Iwe aV ali west ah ni three- [Bar¬ ton of i nita apart, bat were gnataslly decreasing .. <i¡ .'m es. I be ¡iiiiii,' °" both eiei"! win raj i.I m..i ila »'»r» a:it. All our M-astrli» were eiiglkg.il, uni ti ¦.» t then t tim en ny. Onr boala geseridly trad tbelr bon or eteragnse, bsl dsrtag the m'ion tee C: .... Louleillta, Hi.«! st. i ....!. tirt-ii broadaidea two I or three liawa Iba Hebel le.a'i had bwei gaai t.¡m «.". iun><iii/ geaeraD« frew three la wal 11 ii i.,, lei' ontnnml ered sa l>> three,aad this oddi t'a'*- '¡¡. 4 h»« a. After tgiitingfor Iltoon minute«, Ibadfataaa be tween the ont» «tanti eOBld bo! I nv« li-aii ui<»re iii,.u liiili i. iiiii.-, h. ii »till tim battle isfodteteely in f;-il 41.4V ..! issetswdofl the Mrmphia levee, -.4 t-r lane l-een iiiteii-.-ly BSBBBW BfBI Ihe » anea on the near« Hi tir wai blas with iuu»lie, ami ibiaashthe , -. '. tim . m.« ware 4.1 Ibis !»»».- laing through the saat ol' the descending rti.ri--. 'Hu rl.i.li* wara berat-M ereiTeeeooda the atsioepbere und sadd the wal!»- of lae devoted eity. .1 ... ¡,i! t. ; e h'viüe abete f. II ii »i a of the .- o, ear beale a a «irvu.it, c >r-, ibídIj ..« ii "¡nil. whiktheMatiecaltcBbsboftoo ¡i t] 1 Rebel eraft, fron 44 h'»«* lidea I nur -h'i in ii» en-i ead Baas,caaaaaBaawaad tbtfl ibe 1 -p.tr. eted *t.- w el a i,»-1 »a tag j- m, I'-iin 1. IFATIOM d 'nu ¦ mi. Th 1 Dgagi ans! bsd eesttased abes! half an es1 the M nan ha ih. w»»'. 4-i»i bad been Ivm.' es the Arbaseaa »I a..- la ie»-.r ni ... 1... a I .«»I. «t..«i....l ia.I I. ii- ... 1 ii'iiuu. Ai Bess sa Iba asanj ¡aaw lb .. in ii .-.ti in retire tn 1 Ibe resten, it.-¡.kin bia line« til on » ill ''ii j ,- a 1 .... ad. » i«1 ''en f lbs », . led direrI ly for I 0 Bsseiagard and lbs gssboal i.n 1 at i'ii- tee« .iel »11 » »ni k (I r ... b it iii-! ¡n"i bo tajari. bi ita '. I' . 111 . li,-' J larithis ton feetof lb» Besnregar«] tbetaitei I Bwaag reaad aad the raw adaeed beraeay« la as I hi 11.T dil -. bowevei . -, 4-. . the I Price, which »¦ J 1 bnt did en damage, end Ihi Ita -i «,in a a we - t. li t<» ;«.< -, ead wah . her to ¡> » li a a a ¦.'¦.i- ¡t '" ibe v i- lo preresl her liiihing, and aba bow baa >!. :i>, aiily ii'4.a.l (r»»m »iiikmif coi d'.TA h hy rnesB of the a .'1 -, i, Ba a »""D na tiAt eeearred, deter lo ret be I'riee, aad aged Mwaid bn .1 ran, ia rall nation, wea daahiag tewaid .¡..-.i n >i¡ ¡h h a-, brareli, »im the ihillfnl 1.1"! f the easa y 1 mtrir.d i». ei asi the »'a h «»i the ». otat.ead itmcw. h»r ui*. m -i til ibal tin raw wai dwabtad, aid beñataali iiij/. The Al aemg IhsceBdttiese at'...u*. e galbally ti¡>, asd stnaaed toward IbeB wn »/urd. re olese beehoaldso! tang enjoy ber tri mpb. the Besare ¡"I lied bar ttawa bi the. ran aad ». .. dwaibi oura, the ball gtaaeing hann- .». She« 11 Id no1 ernid ihe iineiiing aiw id »he I. wl ashed thmagh ber bow with th« ¡.-i .»..:._-¦ e, a- BBseed 1er t«. BO bi 1. taw I minute«, sad go doers aa inn»/ beeesbi the abai* ¦ ¦I m- nv.r ni titftt 1 .int prereatiag bei el he 4' bite I'.." h'.e liad I..1. HJ. tl".i, irlhl-I Iii« Hi lilli.. I tetilla . nita I to lia a' tbeesewy.bsl 4vfcie ¡it. ¡ni .»i withhold ti.» ir trswbaaat a rsawaad ihe boolite gsahoalawere,aa Ibayeftea .".«. ... iti .< p.. - J !... M ¡un', now lui.ii.I I,cr ¡.it.nt »in lo h. r disabled eonsort. the Qsees el the \\e«i, asd b w< »I bar aabore, , tai ». I ». la u poad! n of ti mitr ami ..- re .ia al daager. PBOOBE8B m lilli UN»,«.i,i vii vi. Benton, Lmiiarille and the othei ihm National gBiiboati inen .' tell Fire, stribing .- ... .'... inte, ead le n ing h to ii« ¡--ne fl tin, con) bat. The '¦. bip ¡..».4 ..ht aine.l excel toni ranga ol the General «-avril, aad ( apt. W. I.. !': alps inn -i li mi, . ,i ¡, rifled Parrotl al the iàeneral Lovell, strib vmwlafl above bei water 1 ne, and g a «¿real hole in » which the watet rashed >ri« ii». She ' .-. t»< »it k :c otu e, p. te lb» .' leers and .»»-»i lian lo aivs Ibeswehres. la li tbsi -if ni la -I.'- vessel had tah tai 1 '. til,. .i | -: .- ,|. i fl ¦' "1 MAUBAXIMII . «ii THE glOBIgTl«. >f the »ei v 4-, et.t down H bol ..i out fifty d the crew leaped iutotbi we .ne,«i ling in the water, wheo ntl » arrived on the n;.«»t m .¦; f aevcial r cutters . 1 seetbecb of iii imtil onl 11-.iii the water. Aonwber ol iba . II I ...... r lie. t. every» t>.t, . i., .¡. ii I1- in it. to r- i the »if |. nate wri-iii-. « ia the ii«*. Boose six »ves of the .a ,a-. «-.e,.- j h i. »i op bo the . iirrsnt 4 «« thal h I rge nilli.Im were csrrfed off and drog :' ... of those who atarted foi the .¦,».. i tain, ih.».. ii theawift wraun bore il n oui i .:.¦!'! . i'- 44»- .',1 ¡i -tai »! «.: fate, < »,. i't I ht.n ii . na did their i the Urea of eos i"i.. , it,ey Lad Lie i their oin .»¦ ¡. Bei -.¡ 1 d till -. bul 4-. :.i ¡i they 4-, - I wa the !»'¦ '. ni a .. »ora » --¦¦¦. nt, the« row loba fib tot ISroqgb ., ornum .'. nso ' ¡. Iwi woi lo be ». ... a .i 'mili., an i the ( rta of the Union..!, i K . rom a water] grass. '1 be; I :'. "til» und il v ai n dei làdlj ta Ibe < .. ii their brotben b-aandbeaa is da ... I hi ¡i nui .1. mimn of opinion u ,. .- II a i- rgol .nt ila ». 'I wa tallis er I Ij lifted I'.en ais ato gribe and kill, 'I lol Ol ¡.II aa e Ibe ii. lulen n| li .niau,r .,, ,, prifad I." »"I Lue. lu.y eZpOBtid lilt «MB i.i « a, freej U i.id lbs inflbran aa tbe) had a tan ini .:,:«-«. i. '. na.I ii en H-iil.T. \\ ¡, t ¡i i.'iir.ii.i.i, tim io the ilutul.Tit.!, taratta« and tai«deni diatriba at tim Meeiphia |> h ugaiu ii « NorthI l ha pen t » wi.»» bad ti aa toid a iboo- w wea of the in muí, pitileee. bsrhsriine, b''.<».t. ih'i'p'j i'unki-il, HiiW thofei, 4. ly l.nik».ii- I fion.illv i't ic(,'/j(jg totrnvi; |tii-aj- lernen t l.vti. THE EN1TWY TEKRIW.Y WOBSTED. The BSgafir.* * a«. .inaeil wann and destrate, the boat« thal were still ¡u actisn bein;* «io wrapi ? «1 in »noke tmtiejA -to dirt" rall see them at ai.y di*- lh(-i nu- ¡v..«*«1. oaaaea_B|jf, mid «t this time ti.« h ram m Maanhk was bla.-k *wi*.ii i»s throng of «hu» ¦an lega Ksary one bu«i heea atraheaei by tie liiiuilerot artilleiT, and had kit his couch to wit- ness Hie battle wftl B. as niauy thouKht, would tt> .Aile the tate of Mci.iphif. O-ir vrasels were not even once «truck, and when Ibtv wen-, s'lstaiued BO «EBBBSaa The ent'iny tired very wildly, either from ex. iienient or ili^-oiiruK«- la-t'it, mi.! had in nan bmbmmmj, us iu the (nee ol' the lams, shot at a distante of less than :ifl turds without bitting their object. The Rehala par r, -»vitl.'n ii.v knowledge, tired so ponte. 1 «wat surprised wheo 1 expected te hear a «ten enrhiug agi ¡n». our tin hera IB BIMI IB il M wide ibe murk. Oargaaasn antefand their ex«-« lient reput-tiop, mid were M OBOl Ufl if thev were wintern«-', i" I.ap- land. Very soon lb)* «Little lieh.-l wiis struck so fr.vi.'ii'ly mai so »t--.«r.«ly injuio«! tliiit BSB-MBUd gnarly, aad «tea eoansaaM «na hn on tiie A«r_aasaa i theoBben and crew leap.iik tEami labias «Bight our geatiaSa «fsaa tue NUeatlag Hebel« Ueveiiil eliots ho lbeys|rd liaron/;!, the «A»»«ids, hut with iNliül «li« I in k BBMBs 1 r «ni the lina the rutus bud B*a*ta thsir sbbssi* Din a the K. I,« I boat»» brid -Ven steadily falling luck, though «.< uiiiiuiii«-* io in heavily. Utore the «riete rion i«. Itaan of '''-1 «satleaal tl.-tiüa. Al ti.i» «parted ..! «the ti«'ion the «Sote tnu-t hue passed at least two mile» bel IM tbe town, a raft c;owd CoIlowioB «ti OB theTaUUMUMO el «.re, and watching the '¡.'ht with hnatl Ibm aatisty« 1 Killi' «Of Tilt: RI.HFI.S. IWJe£ThnBnea,the Qeaoaal Btagf, aalthe Bttnt«er, «sad «the Yaa Den teen iii«- ««ni> nsnlaol t!:o Ki bel II..-! nniaiiung, and ll.r-t«- were sol rc<|i.ent- lv etr.n «».uti«! aw so little opportunity oi es«u| laftbe tata of their na^eaunoatkat they turned lb» vhoads ¡.-i. .le, hi.<l boobneeten Ihe Aihaeen ttde,arlMa ofliiers' crew leaps«! oil «nd ran through the w< «k1», lou beete «-helling then m bobee, A matt haies« «1 laded on the Thonpeoe, ¡.mi «et her ee tire, hat ii wa« Ibooghl te he s-tiufaiabed, the Belilla fal« lowed iha othn seesole. but not «wiiily eaenrii te ,«tv\«-i.t th.- i'««;i|.i"Ol the crew, hSBBBM the Hebel li in were l««.'ti!er Bud of npOttor ti« ««»ness. lio lien, nil Stagg «us aaahlsd teat h the Arl ans «then abon hatt a atlla below the thean* ii, and oil bei-. ti W ipi intr >«n t> rr.i bru m, flv in«« in an b1 ...i fa-ion m.«I tallai like a ll.wk ot (ttgbtam .1 t .ei. I.e'.'ie a 1 k («f ra.ein nr Wiilvc». The Jinna' vs m aln i aa In hy » »bell, ar.d weeld have boob i «had not I.ie.it. Hiah «p of ti.«- Ural m cn I...UI.1 in ¡i tu;- muí «SXtil «¡altead «Uta -MBB0. The «Banter followed the asaanleedlMf peass» ¡nason, ead BaeoeasB ibateaeboaIhi eoanented ssrtheftha Boothera Onece(Arkaasaa). bn«tnw diapemd «with a tafktkty that «ms rael ebecked bj lae «Inila we ««-tit nl'er them. Hie H (»ti lia w11« i.ow hear l'r« -".'!« i.t a Island, and ha«l «wink, ÜaaMod <«r I la«a 1 ' ra it ci"il"it every one u! the BBOMt'l .le. i ex. .«pt the v .n Dara« wneh wa« -till bart] Eng «BO ii t\,t liver iiini. i- a tail anaaun <>t rlram, iii- ( nion «gaabeata flUO Ind al tbe Tea Data, a ni M..-Cain, nu I l't. rondelet, two ol the ladest of the fle. t, [i.isii« I her a niile Inrther than tl.-ir «un- i-«iii 'a», I"/ boobleturnfd, deo**ab*i_gof enreter»I lahiiiK her. OHtNl» KM'I.OMoN «Of THE Jl.il". THOMl'-iiN. UM tl.i'illn r'..:. .«I ill) the .M.S iseSppi a. aia, nail it hriive«! opposite the »¡.ot whr.-tlie Ac\ Thonpeoa whs. the BntQe craft wa» _ieeemed t. le «II Hl.lnre. 11«e lire, nnp|<«>»*'d tobeexliti-. roisbed. bad burst «.ut uiiew. ninl thus iber«- whs no possibility ol ntiaubee. Theaaabaol praaaated a .:. «nat ipwtacle, with the Buns runofaiBliko erio aea iru*|ntl all ..ver I.er, hh.1 lying ti i «rater with ti i',r bery tOafBM M R' tbey were fan i«'.ii >.- of thirst, ihe .!....,:¦«-!. iel said trembletj, and the Win IU, l'r«-«-at-.« e,.. e.i-ilaii« e.! i.'«.-!:. I'!.« ,«..« :,ie«l vi -el us : i rejoi« in/elie Was no li :.-. The criwil from ihi- Te-»,ne-'»"e "hore wnt« be I the barniof wreel w,tu urt-al interert. ami we« »ii.I se the | ¡-«.(le ^.« u. iil.uin and poiatiag their h tn «¦« .1J..1:im, il,..t tinsaaaaaldcob» locton whether ihee orrowed m htyai over the henN-y «ii'HSter ti ar huit !*f,lleti the if.nr»r««i»t Heit. I,..wer and later lunie.l the Thompson. Her a . :*'"i vse «foi e, i-i.l I.er siiiKle lunney bad .«.ni«'! '¦.¦¦ '«. 1 »»l«thahageeneb, eanrjriagwith ii tari ,,f t!..« «!«-'k. Tfii* flay.« h were «JBpbUj «imndlios llae little In-teBfBM were puitiriu" .".'- ihelr iritii iij; tierna by wnaaj«aaUUaa, «nsd paaalel ci i.- t mi..»; «jw ,y, believn,«- tb«- « <iiiH«i<ratiou li tul ti'-d, w t.»!,. «aaddealj »ml aaszasatadl/, a teaana» ripln .«i. real the m aad nooh tue waten ««t ..ii;;'i HS il UM tnylbi' BMMBBlBH were Le- « »url.tin. Ki ». 1 reen] ha.) Mows ui> aha the Itbbm had rn rd ha ¡-. i lae and aaadndeef sheila exploded stisr ti j nan threwa etta the sir, pre- .n aatraagea dttaraliugalbet,aad ii\ a 1 ia* ib- ranged teateaa iLeuwelvn non opeancterrett iaIbal erinapeotbo perfidú ia : it».! Mi t..- bisn«. li..1 ., bang, I -, wa« heard, and tn m"-«' dsii thirty Btaonda Ita- putt ol hita »11 "»e truai the n b>mbe wen nea hi ths ttill BasanMaii . -I, Us fell ia myriad« law the rrr, throwtas up lbs «.*. ten U n . II gi j aen had |y natural te the 9»thai oi \"»:!t('-«. in the rttompooa iiiiiiiii>; was Iori lim n law lad v'-ire»l '.mil«er», .in«! llieae v .-ii! «, I qi atlj ir« tie «gnatlasbld Snan.'lihe " '.ii'io: a Boree Moaater tbM had «ana nat to pnces n en ton) la the ancie ii fabln, by the l'K'bi- .. . u «t Jove. Ki I l!N ni I iii. I Mi.s i.l s li« i \ 11 i«i nu: cm. I a Flotilla, «««i tin}.'. f the Baa aaiajan bon!* thai Bad ».!)'. '«" »ti ti.« «SBgagB.BBt, wi.nli pied one bow ead thne niuaus« lef aiaed w¦¡.n iluu r oh ia- the g««««1 ai.«l fajiillhiit. M lag te r, nail M I'll Dort tri. >.i--.|> and | in- run out I oil ii." iij ««I» iag c'm uy.i «¡i pulled, bal r .«.«I '!!uiL'i-rniis, and well cakalated, «Hy i.it« i- ibeii ..!¦. peHbrBMaee to inspire respect even in the Indigna al hreeetaol the disloyal MefflphiaiM. 'I -,t.-|- e iiKiiit1 a^o t<>-uu\ T.-nne ree wnr carrie«! ..¦¦! "1 the «Union bj a j .a:.ni' «al aad ii.-»j« ute mi- aoritj (who «soatfaiaed to bully Bad beetor, drive «. i and .1 ¦.>( i ib«- loyal naionty ot tl.e Btetsj «sndM .-. :.«ti a ahoU ol uri l.lt-< OuL. I a h I rti'.t.tb» :;:«>. \. o «r ¡, t .¦!:- .»;.!>-. What s «ntributiou I Baw 'l iiiir, .it l.i.i, ii. biatsty or m poetry, Maali thii n ares '.iiiii ».¦ena. I«-, then Viiiik-« u aad nu chii '..a-., village v in a «tew bonn grown ss suiiuble and tac «".'¦«' lied luBpklfl «m bia ard vieil i«> in- 'ile, :>.; 'ill«, i iba «. leal Beeenloalate of Mees« IS b-ve believed n pi ai i.^., «thai a Beal «'¦ia- v «' '..« .i v. .' Id a their .il\ in j un .m ..t their tn. after it ttroy A »it, rotura Bad catt .«.««i without oppnitHia sod oodei t'. I' lion :. ia ¦.¦ «i j,i >Bn_ioua bul als .-. Ila im « bel et«.i ,', ib, ._ i- ii . » an plena «I lo temi ti, wi ...'-i .' aaa aw i ry. . «.un « «i\ un* n MIN «. ".i «mt side ».¦ . '..¦!' i -, nul,-.« a alight injury i I.'.« :... .' .OUI " « \«« I «In::: the la I i«! i|.- I, lt.- ll.r- ,.\ I),,. ,.,..., y. II lu :i !-.. hi.i, very «««- -i«.«-i:.l.t«". /. . of dale lya lu ii ni ' 1 lu- a Bo bul I D al-. na» kUBWU I" .1 IV! «a I.al » »¦trpabo «01s. Ii in], ««-.I .re u una- I !:' .. .-. .1 .111 ria BÍ-I mu \i I- 'li,,- bl « ...* ...-i 1.ii killed, a «i i.'i 11, iaod bi '.'.r ;l. taila ia ',- 'f He «VVstt, II) uet CoIIÍbÍOU ¦'" .I i* n». n bad be lind. Bbo ...1 ih .Ml. an I, i., «. ... ¦. "'." »ved o..! um K.- ». ii dédite, ¦I an ««i .-.'ir .1. t,..- i«, the collie u ninl»' I iliiiin,r tbe act ion bj I'oL I Iii Í Ila . .»1 Ion Bnugo ..-.¦ «.- ".¦ Hil m ;.,.- ,,|i«. ME PBDTTS ««I lill. Bl Bl -. 1 "' at li the angagetnnt to ihi Hi .>. «fortunate, a., will «he a-eu b Ihi 1 ( >-l ra em« ot: ,: Lei li . .. ., p, m * .1 «d Lune ii, ». .Thompson, burns 1 1.1 »-»..«. H "' '¦. .'.¦» ira - Tbbb. ( 1 ildaj «ve,.. . . 1 " V - au«, tbe 1. val .. ,.., m .'.I.! ., 1 ha o Mid, COUtil I'd a, ,l!s *"*.r«.".."»- !.-l..i,..;i.i.¡ to the Bo .... and «Bi»m h lbs .....e «bett «bal ""«:«i Ibe 1 »eelthe le'...'¿»..¦oe, atu.ed pim.|, ,. ,;.,. .,,., ,,.. .al «a -i- |,.,|,., >Uy.. p, iri|. S|, ,,,... ' ..«.I.W.. 1«,,,,,.,,, um ¿j,,. m u kiid w a ^ "J'Y »M'H' ' j fhone in the s»*-rri<t*e of the army, esme up to the wharf, and touched the shore, to disembark the troops and those who felt say desire to go on shore. PKCt'l.lAR R*.M EMBASSY. \!,.-«i I') «,'< b-.ck omi of the rams, the Lancas'or No. i, without the least anthoiitv <>r coiisulinrion with any ti its ar-ny or navy Pesons, went B Hie «Hy v, barf uuder a Haig of truce sod had, Baseeond to bave, a conference with s«iuieofthe citizens in maud B the fate ti Memphis. The proceeding was so informal and absurd that its exact niit'To ia not worth mentioning. Col. Kllet, by-the-'iye, though an energetic and able offi¬ cer, has MBB himself unpopular by arrogating to himsel1', because the rams belong to u.-iiher Bonah of the service, powers »hat are not his. and the cx- I erciee of which baa placed him mora» than once in a lidituloiiii p.i.'i i'-ii. A lgiiiiig the ram» to neither the anny nor i.aiy give use to much niii'ind« rr-t.jii- ing i.ud confiisi'ii, aii'l ought to be remedied at once. ¡Sich iniiepeiiiience is anomalous and oboord in the sxtlMBBi as an «.xp.rieni-t at Fort Pillow, Hatidolph, and Mi-niphi» las psavBL Ol It FOKMAI- ()(( I I'ATION Ol' TO CITY. S ion nt'er the ram liasco, Dr. Dickerton and aev- enriethM prominent citi/.cnaof Memphis went on board the llagrhin to ii.ijnire of (-'ora. Davis his in- leathBM toward tiie city, ami what would he bil fu¬ ture comee of aciion. The CeOBeOBOM replied that he would lend Cape I'la ¡in B «onler vtitli the j .Muyor, BthOBBBBtfaM iiifoim»ng the ie.rc.-euu* lives of Men ¡ihie that tbo !urr»-nder of the town Woul'l be ,!.--im al d. ( ¡¡[t. I'hi I; a soon after waited upon the Mayor willi the lelloimg note: i'«riT11> I, ti-«» B, m «Tst»tBii Boneo, I Or» Mmrin«, June.'. MB 5 Su I ha».- reil-e-t. illy la I. W Id.I tea trill MUTBalll the « i'yof Mem ali.« (. the »jtbcrity of the I Tied Sute, win, h I han- the honor j I taft! I «in. Mr. Major, w.th l.lîh ie>p». », t. H. IL« U-. Kll| Oftcnt uu..iiitliug, «te T«> Ii - Honor the M*yor of the ( ii y o, Al» B| i- Tl e uiiiivcr ot tho Mayor, whe i*, «.ml alv.ay« ha« beers, u UBoaiM. ea m Wlewe: Mavnars Owtca, Maa**ai% fan« S, ISB | l18! Vcur note of thii date iiiec«-ivi,! an I »tite.-tii noted. In r«-plv 1 have only to »av 'hat, th« «¡vi! a iti-onuei lute ron »tai o! de'« ui». by th«- forje ol lr, in*. ,i ce-, the y li in yow battit I 'meam Ita ly. JOH.'. P. it K Mnyai 'i,c ii. ii. .i- n._ or..-, r < L si it-,me. ( nraaaaof Da», also write li.i» note B the Mnyoi : Ukitsi» r-Tirri tlAQ BtBOM Bovn V, I Ort Haart «, J al. MM I Sis: Tie un :..-.in rd. catani ndlni the Kava rtillitary f, .-«e ,i ... I ,t. 4 ti, la» fin t of Men,phla, bat Maym u i ¦'¦ - By Ita) Col l ¦.¦¦!. i.e T iiai . brigade, »I.I tit.« military po«"-.a¡»ii imrn» unan ' »I ri:,h »til! be li»ppy to .»c.-ivetl» M,,, ¦.: » lan o li. ! I -!eM.v,*i »r.d IM ci-y »., «h, r'tie«. ii, a !-*a. ea id ord, r Wa omi ha tr|H b | «. «< d-o i.« »...¦!! i, lou or the .Major i' '¡,- Miiitaty Head , i -'era it o"T« i k kbliaRatOMB Y.in.eic, C.R.OAVI«*, Phi OR «ri san i ate. T i. - illOM IB Mayor of lB (Hy "I Me APII.M(AN( li li Ml Ml HI*«. TI i- «unterem« WM held at tho apl«<.i:.t"d hour, I irieiei. ..ii,I. and »uti-hu tory arning«UM BtS were neds hBwwn the niHterj power sad the eivil au- tboritiee. This, however, was baie bmm Miana iii r tbo people, Maerolly, were a- «met ead orderly ¡.h « ««ubi Lave been desired. At'er tim muai snRMtMMBt. a part of the rreat crowd cn ths Bluff sod mom dispersed, hut athen caine '«» fill their 1 MM, and the I üi.bcr Mas hardly «i« re «iv"l. rbeMMM ii Front Kow, Main, «Second, Poplar, w.itl i. gtoa, Ariane, Meorae, md ali ti s SBSOB. were closed, and UM city iiore a ii nat Bah« bi.th-lik' e< ml ian««-. Indee 1. «luring n walk «r»f lèv¬ erai boon tbroigh the town, I hardly ¡e kOMMW t-j bare bimi a riMsn Bmm epea, and 1 an «j it« »ure I bin.- kaewa Sundays BOMB hal «juiet li.au this day h is I con. ki »ii i li«.», in tim; cm. The (lily BeMMioa «olor» l-yii.g in | I bli 11 u iveie OM i.'.m ila POM I »Hu «-, MM 11 I OthM BOM a Migo mast-like im'o t«tiiti(liug on the Jti isti i'i lr«*-." ti thedty. Ibe first was riinoied hy a Licn.-iiunt of til«, banna brigade, with a soearief men, wi.oi Mel« t li .«ed by a I. rge <rov.-«i, who »«.. in« «I i in- tod, bu «.tiered neither MSBlt Mff BJ OSBV ¡I. Ti ere wereafewwink ipoiadli ii« «¦ f,,r .1« !f. I> n .*. hut tin y an/okt» no ri ii,,.,'.. y MtOOtly, ai the (roadle < [( I I mg out <d keb« li ««n «bed I t-lore ii Bl ¦» irlj i horn. I'I «. «I.ir. and baie w.ie bOOgfag "'it ot the oi!..e el Tot .»«'. *' I -I tit '-, on «le'.--.ii »ti.-.-'.hi I ihe Lo ni« nant, eiitt-jnig the establish« unir, ordere«l the symbol Of ISMeOB t- B lina down, whlsh wairiSMS accordingly, ami Otu »[Had mun Led ¡uietl) BWBJ« j mi. mi urina I'liir--. Ti MtmaAAt Atgmt displayed no flag, an I The Mtmpktt Appeal, whick I mentioned lo o Cm m lettes lad beeOBB the crgan ol'the nv.-t I'm Kbool ol BoetOsioBeM, ha« be«n removed |o lin-nuda, M:-*. nil w.i» mt of ««ni.».* tangible. '1 e-wure li.e I', ¡.iii-, j'airi ni» it-, the 11¡ i, K',«l t: t a-«.* in a bernsstlaj »tate «.f ¡iuai.i«-- at pesseaa, and biive l»ten siitt'eriiii* Iron the mow «-mise for niau y las A mai wa» pro.-'j'erin^ k'reiitly, aii'l ¡ roved ver» roh' ii le -i» aConsei uttive Dei.i",-.- itk ..-«.' i-i« instianoftheKabellieoi bBehanthaa been st« idily ead reeUlj iMBassoaey. ii.' I I WM a ii" cut Pro-Slavery ¡ourual « beginning, sod in extrañe advocaB of B Ktal« Pi (I te. and M COBtiaatri ttOtil BOM -ii oaths ago, whea M beeem ml mom mt vat i ve. nwlof to re nrnlhaad io e pietioM iMIn. Dr. It",u PoWllnS U the chief ¡rip.ietoi and I n- troller f V Armit* ' .endthen is littledeobth will iidvi» at-- the UoioO before ni ny weet-«. A ._' . < bad u brilliant pn .pett l.»r n »iew |oa '..ii. sad ana aoBg remarksnly weO until Ten-] m ee was carrie-! oui of the I "ni n. Sr.c Uno it lu grov. ii len- ei. alv. a,ni Skjeiiem ed BO little «¡ii- ICOBJ lu »uriliiiig iii all »beet! of ivinpiing- I'Uj. '. .\ «I ( 1 >-l(.N Fl 10 ( I I t.iiWN. I. e lag on the I birt lal be« t. t. lilod io the peta, and conhi not be naneed without rattlag down the I oie. I. n wa-not d'ne miiii S o'clock this after« uiMjii, a Mead ol iiif.iiitrv boeing been la ed then B gnsrd lao flea or proveot any :. bi soee. Tbe b'ebels ln«l lulled the SMMS to ii e le til ,. ii L'l.ion soMien night oB poll i*. to tbo gre I, r had billilly ¡liol« li .ile.I ti S MW ¡Og Ol the p. ti io IWO. A li cr«.ml «t,..«I areaari the li ;.. 1 Ila all the ifteraooawhM Ihey Isaraori it woaM <. ttttothe reub, Hunting then- it'ht bo tniille fh BO BOO knew exait'v bow «»r why. '1 lie jole lill, uml rhe K'Wii c1«*« it ti 'oudly, bm noone bnosri, aari BO one i i.« ii DoabtlsM 8 '..«*«i««n tings bad boee t!\ ..i Iron an« -.' - boUdiogs befors the an ..ii, is flotilla, h it lui bad been i ».m, ve«l oB of eoaeidorutloo Rw Y.iukce i.diij.iv.ii i, not Tookee l.nu.tv. 1 i. ihepe «. ». m le. -t a BUj ha K a ni tti were greatly anranri IsM the goa «t » i !,ii .uni teMi. i tb«- itv, iad imeial of i m n '.« i- liia i Kf,.iiy liked it h > 11 mío i on toe subject, ¦ad .('. mi t«. i-ii m ,(h e.teici whea the iriea wi 11- «. in« «i t, m d ni. l.i..' Maa ; ii« ved level! a ¡th lbs t ... « .i. rtnltj .t anny ««i ila ti cn-1« bo dm i. bal ti,,., w re « I ai ni i sadl «ii people bete wbehovs i BWed with the .. iad woald I .ive «m!.ml Mill moie had ax« l . l-l - I--, ii adopt«-,!. ni . \I«.N -: s khi n r ou MKMPIlia nn vex< o o Ibe extent of lb . phis bM In i, solved, -. i ', .il« ''..in 1 .i 1 .»«. ¡| ¦. d by tbe n iv«! :.,<;. ¦ "-¦'.. i. 1 hove ..roi» ii o. eel, «il> eke lira!, oa '.. n >.; i. ¡j- *i b ..i. :.i «i l.i I .«. 111 I ll< .,!.-. ,. V. '-. r, uki «l.i: resideute of the South, would i ecome el >»! m tin ii iatereel ..! r or wheo ti ey 11 rceived ibe com ol . I ,,-i . ,i i i.-i ,,; .-. « ol ttenpl.» an , m it of _ «¦ ;¦!. in-, tbe - Bd-iij ita« ii ... yean currad a ti, ... ¡«,-,a .-..- i i who w(." ela |-li ,i t.,.. ..i . ... in .... .in,! who «i nuil s were i oat vi. 'em sideraol in son, i i,i- l.i I ex| ci«-d wo tuai «.m- o «i ;..'. «n "i tbo city, oud 11 ¦«¦-- ,1 | .-111 Ipi« ... .. ,. ,. ,, v. Li WOy ««I e.\.IU!, I. ,-.il.il 111 I !,( ¦ ar con«»« [ttaidi al ><..- disappoint« > bal in. n o diaaj «au ... .. \.- i ¦«. i, km i-\, for bo n fratji otilly beeo in the eily, i di« i i. .I i un ¡i um ibei i i ii «. ... ,.i ill -, '.¦ re, ile lei li, ,| ni.t ... .,,... illili i' i .,.. ¡,, acre ( » .-in« sod « »i«(i U ni.-, iii, n general «leidnra- t'i.ii WM linn- .lie IWO l-kii.HI mr li lu .(.' «i| «i . lo e wry Si -- al e 'i -.: wat in si iwtm ox- plained oftarwurd by tbe tatement thal the people .«. ci«, vu no« t\ gutted v. th in.- -i . c 11 m in i uml, i martini law His i wera willi j ,.i ¡:. .,- m il s lb« na rum lie «-ii. it ti ralea I mm «. t n »ii.ii th.,i l auld n \«- ade in i'- Ide al il e ij r- aunv of the law aw iniiiiiiiiai'iiii in Memj bli. AH ia» dividual ne,,nu,i tv,,« ul io..,«. t«l a. Nu MSB "(¡Id Moah "l ivriir irtxily, un«) ¡til lill li lo he :,;i ¡gj_8U urv.'ti/l"'. nui'.k RVMv Uç.l.*.r*<;*J l)'«v wvnjd rather live ander the dominic« of Wm. Lloyd Gsrri*- con and a crew of free negroes than endue the eril, and abuses to which they had been anbjected for month«, witboat any appeal to juitice or any o*»or* tunity tor re drem. rr^ Many of that etasa, it waa ««aid, might not love the Union, but they ha»«*d the en ?roachmenti aad re¬ it rietion») of Jeir Davis and hu nnderlhv, and vital ly preferred the former to the latter. Citizens had boeii lined, impriiined, BMessed, rendered dee* p-arate io feeling and cireumatancee, and bad grown to abhor the source of the Uli from which they Buf¬ fered with an intensity that those who live in the Free Sta'efl tan not comprehend. I II.UULTTiIl 01" TIIK CONFEDERATE OFFICIAL*!. The men in oSee under the " Confederate" Govi ernmeut were for lue moat part devoid of principle* honoiiy, or character, ard io rendered an odiou, law doubly odi-ftia. Ilrihery of all kinds waa the rule and eearspttas crept into every nook nud corner oi tho adminiHtrative and executive affairs, kg an iuatiince, a highly talellgaat and respect »bl« citizen informed me it wm BBpssdbta to obtain payment ,»f a bill anbsa it were accompanied with a bettie el vv hi -ky. QCTETXEflg AND «ODD BEHAVIOR OF SHBSUHS No city eoabl be more BBSS than Meuipbii to. day. I have heard rumora of Miwal knixk-tlov-ui but I doubt, if they are corred. I have been io y¡¿. rioiii place»», an.1 i.i those where iM-i-nona iii-íiteon. giegela. and I hive ae»*:i no dtstaiassee of any kind I La4-1 not bearii <a uum halloo tor Jeff. Dan*. ,.,t' lad but one np»iking «liirenpeettully nf the Yankee,' at.d ho wau a yootig fool from »ho North, »o intoxi- csted th.tt he had ii» knowledge of wiiac Le wai iu> tag. 'I be fear of ¡-helling the city, and the reirect cre¬ ated bywfcaBaatag the gunboat Igbltatiw river this »liomin , may have a large influence; but I at- tribute tin- ^«.»«/-i behavior o: tiie people U) hiuber ano'nobler can**!. I btave not seen, nor »: > I h*, [iho ralbes. WMij Mena that gai met for months si eitry ti.in tit Nt. Loom Bad Biil'iiiiore. <>u '.tie çon- tr.tr;., ofvwy »»ne 1. oki ealw or ¡ leaned, and convey«, ijbyiiio-n.»ii»i ally, the idea at eutiafactloa wi:h the new order of tiiiojfi. You aaiaWgtao hoir grear the »Iteration is from the awl tina, se aewsboye ass eptbe wini.-f, a few inutei aller our arrival, «"tym .-out initiiy, " Ere ¦ lim bTbw»T0BE TSIBSBS, only ten cjut,.," Ä_d that yosr " special" io writing a lett*-r to Tm TatassB very eeaapeeedly. u..-l wi'h.»-ii tb« l«.«*t probability ot ssnoysseeed «-uy kind ia the ieid- E_g«roow oi the Gaye a li «j-^--- tot ¦sa-hi past, the , rincipal tea legrase <a pr «ninasl Babakh results or bbcesbiov. A .'.¦¦-. 11 .i... , >i. ie have left Mempiiii. Bad . na iii», r ol' 'ho n.-.-.it intelli.'iut and agreealle fatni* ita ave gaae to Sioaaaeippl and Atataaaa :o re.ide. Mo- :....... » Suieisniii.it«) hw..; en lor tame tin.« peet the weaw-aaw b1 leessala, und I len_ta_t nilttoBis! dotlaia* worth c eappltaeaia heil a raikaw »oint«" near the cen'er <-i' th») S'ate. All the uaroo« 1 met, however aident they were iti theil Liine.inn BSBtiwente, were phsiSBl, uni bated abäst " Lincoln bordee," the "bbMbbjb.sa of ti e Bestb," the " bsrasrasi TaBBsee, au we would je-t over a bettie ot wine at 'taylor i. n daring the ci.i.-i hat oi au evei.it.g »troll ,ip 1. ai ..4.-14. 1 int wilde bbtary of Besamos, revealed to mt IS day in glimpe»-», leeini like a «oloisal JaSB,aBg an.i mai BO one wai ever ni eitrne-t who BBMOTteE. TnuL it id not H", and ii sol tins regard«1.!, Iain ..ut. awir-. BSeeaataa io a ternLle and ferr,lusble reality.bat I »j "iik merely of it« «ceming lrooi roy prêtent »taud-point. nu BBWMMB and Tiir. WOMBS', If to»-» in ¡mt a gala day in .Mempbi«, it ih«wi Btraasely etbeewtaa It remindi «me of a Fourth of July 1 BBSWd here, a 1>'\t yottt mio. except thal B tur more o net uni civilu.-i. 1 tie peo} le atwai ¡n krot« and nesss, et-htaatly tateraeteg taostwwd iLOvemeiit », but n"t une»ty or '¡anoyed. The negro.'« lounge li.-r Ii-_r*.'y about, and ewm to rei-anl the tvhole tbtas ai a ¡à-niHnt joke or an ex .el ent event, it in di_u ill to * lim which. The wornt n are n I in ion e. bat mont of »hem are of that clan«, of which Mea ¡¡ii ha« ever had mi i'iorrä than her J .it proportion. Mill, riere are .¡ot tx towmoaaat asteaa,aada asa er, whom i uve ,,. ,, -."in;; in their parlor», or on ti.- door-i'epi. re en/n-'ii'ly oorrecr in eSBSB I an«l reipeitable in p«.»i. tin.i. No nark look.*, r.o ni le fattens, no Wadhd ii'iil! laiti them. I Ley ,ai tLeaivelve* in tee r¡ei'. l-ly-iike minner, arni oven me lore'-« clww ¡.re luti-ducd and it-servrd. Ile I lypriasi are olten pWBBJ and comely, and ire expemively attired, though lrei-jneutly -:'.- BBbas Bad ex.olUut Bnas Tney are tia) riatd'.i li um.! by ¦..li»:. .»1 cree«!« se l inii das Hier ur aahrsreeL Cartaabj anil ii.teie.t Bailed themibab tíialay. aal Passy ol' I nein linve been »¡r .;,i:,.^ nine morning BfSB the «a ne BOBJael.Ibssgb ¡"W- h .!:;'» -»-'m tiyo.tlnit ao jeijiexc«! the mind cf tia« anti ,'ie t. It,..la ¡it the lie^e ot «..¡¡.',.-4,. DECSBKBCB OB I ill. «Ti \. Memphis baa va.«tly taapissad vvi'biu three rear* .many of ita iarn-rt aiid lines!, buildings bastag boen erected during that j eri'il.ituu it in phiiifuJ the i iti/i ni to think how elie. tu*lly .ele'liin hat iiiarte.i the ).T04vth and pio-|»:¡ty al the cite ,! aü»l i he k«"<J it») aiJviittieUiiii' r UM next ten Wa... For lix moitli« Mcinj-hi« bat t-een Uke a grave- yan!, and I unuen hal l-e.i a n.i-re jireUt.-» a j cummer» o u iliallotv WSke-bsltave. Ihe i-'-er'.on UmBBj buill aoaaetaDy for a bead, Ima Imig been i.c, i..; it-1 a tiiih'ary l¡o«{ BsL and the dayoio, W..r- ihat.i and «.'"Uitueri lal BSfS Ml ne irly aitree ir- m g'ii-ita it they wer. pi«, t.inf.-i ed. lue \ IBf-L elora have nut pSSBBBtad lo keep bead, be«a«ire ii ey «.uni U' l psiewwe the an di.» i., pliee« Veor ui Ilnlieuii.in« wete gefaw lo ?Le UsyOBOIsSSB-Ba bia l»r» iLi;i-t lbBat eleven thfa iñormug, bul a Mem| liini u>-ire.i m there »va» nothing :o eat in ihn ii .-< ..» i'.¡¿h!ly e\..K.'. i..'. .I êtatimeu'i iv-'¡t im j ».» 44-- 4 Bated a iewasi-11 .. «l eosssn **<J edi! .. 4Mutii woi.ty-uve doiluir m ( ostadeiab a- taa nu DESTBC! noa or cottob bxaoobhatbd. To i- i.n.if '¡¡i. nscbatibnd .:' ieetm 'ion edi .'toe IBS I . .r, 1 I live milde Uli ...::" iaqi try, ¡_ud I han ihe I ..«' waaaas I>r elatnitf Hie am. un; has leen really e-ogiforeted. Vor} littlaaaBjarbaabeeadS itroy «1 though a ir<x-d dial tia*, l-eeu w.ut't.!, _.«: -i«..itii-, not it i-»- tt mi t.ve bssdrsd baba «.I eettn Tbare i- a tanja aaaa-Bj <-f bath -Maa itaplee i «w ia :t. . ,itv. I t;t they ut.' I iiici ».. at t») j ¡-event the Bsihaattaaof JaaT. Paabfrew wtaiaBapÍMb .»Jüler ¡Le wtaerabla prseeai .»! Cooloit tait law, DI C1 IBB OB Bl vi iii ..tai). H y Seseabas add we thor bad babttial c Betture ard, who waa now ts Corambee, \I¡-«.., .»no 'would I.ei«.,r,-r adapt the gnciilta eystom oi .-¦ tag --4 ! ively. believing thal -hey ¡the Hebeln Ij - ¡.-tai-i theil i"..¦'¦¦¦.¦ 'ti * '.at wjJ". Heinti-e- aid geaaraly baltavsd bj .en .»¦' adían u lieu ¿»nil to be «a entire yovi rated psrsos, wit n!i! »iii«-.i li¡ repstatiee wiwely by thssetad« M 'i-, -, [le h a .-« ni U mu I Me ¦ y portioBB ofTenatseai, Alabsaat, Anta» ¡i«, M .-f-i--i,.|.i. 1 aidsiane sad rezas; wl h.t ...! ibÜbboob are gone foraeer es n ses! .'i i failures in »bellell, and biatyisasksJ res ta the dta-*sttaa st .n-iailairu. i \n. .. »KDiNviFV id: v uf -iiitrn \. I'i evacBSiionof Co di ,Ihn bswaawdbytho ureaa asd p.-iiii.'i.«:.*» ta opea apeeeb tobes ¡. n »vi meut, ti ounced by l aw ii e, and a s, .-. ob editor told wa bl wa I-, aor ..i bad i«.'« »lone, and awald li Bl '.«"» uf 'Aw S ,-.'.T. Iba Merni ila i-ui uah. base preloaded to ti.:.t. had ti .. ,. e -.¦ mol i'til it a mi. -t*t l% r. .4.-.¡.. ¦).. At ti tat tai .-i narry.!). » « V ita» <¦'< »¦. ttsrwuri c u dean »yin rl i ibel, «nd I ^g Iau| oee,B dwyli-elha ... ..'. :. .¡: tm fort, we have no rs-aosto nae Isoli with it. I ¡- remeni bal tertaislj i*eu ¦. brae ha bataeesa ia Seaafaw Otm .-i..»".i. HOLUBe'g i: !.¦' "«_»« |-, .... iraitreetvrenh) snreee we h«4e ittu I thal what is bnown as Uolllns's test, sea ,i.i..,.: ¦..¦.¦."..v.wy_.-d.fyg: ,,,.. ..i .. ii vom Is, left Mcmp-nisiTbssBSy^ .uniingi wi -r tu.'- '.."*"'' S Bolilla ai N> bu«, rbeüow^«" tvill Mübshly aber his uiiud .I^t^t__a_d ,...!, uii.l »¦.-!.:: detsglorU* ;-"s"'v":i'.^wi ,,.,.:..! ,- | th. nniveita by I f^S»rS! ,,' ., nauii ;:e'-liM.tio.-»ut-in'e.T'rli-..t-'..J» ml i. n-, .4 here be will he wb I:,rH',i^ t ....i.ii.t.i.'.i.ue by the bee-wel I-'"»"1"* ¦» ¦ Ottld \',::;o7i:^^^^ m .. .,., i i,.! ii« dar audd.e.1 .j.s -i >'^ - ^ .ftbeKepoblie «.»aid be .ned '7 » iw*aja^ , ...tuiSeiiiouih peet badr ^*?¡¡J¿ Biocbsry and ino uiuiosi aueadiuahia^^i ipi t in lb« outr-grd, oppre»»ed, s. «1 nlo..4t i le <B M «in phil.

CaatlaarB Trata t^rmt Takte._

Z 77J.- rônt A H. Kilty, wn» lett at i _««Kr^SUaaaaWA *^%S» bMp.iTt, _*.¿Safer «pain; the Cincirnu'.! waa

-^crTd^nieaui their MrvBea.MVeeheahlBO We

"^livssBBthe ians, nn.hr »he mmmwtti riOA..Pet viboiseiitirtlv iiidepeiideo. oí tLe Hot. Il.-t.

Bad without lather*-, or «ousul'iati'-n with ¡any ma.

Bo tiidaud 1-tii, «lowii to Pillow, and mm oceapjBe ii«« tort when .h* gaoh an.« aoehssad out m the

Neeat mm le »r RbeB i IHew whoa it bb BBeui rseotrntl Kverj aoWier «ted com svraylberi*i¿Li .-ixvi(»:.T un«! .« " «Rebel saobooie «i Fultoniini ina «I« potted uii'it-r "ht «-1 tht Bight.

ii- i;,,h, i. ¡uns «*e¡.. eorlj on .!,'. grooad, «eadIn-, »til lOUlhlillR "l' blA doWB the Li o. U.I- IghMl'lMO IB rim Mill, UM boUeriMaBssted nnastj tai i rail I harraehs, shelti.« mi ia'.«m. satesBa nigarinM, Badeón | *¦' BeasnarMT] ; Begfeeebh dmien n.ai ippeitoB u*

ti eil aeooatioa.m roarnoa um *-.ri noth of nUtOtr.Tbe Mlaalioo ol Un Miarierdi ;i 11 Pillow. M hm

warn -t'-'i Mated, i-» non favorable toroetente.Tin Htm el <'¡--.i,.'iK'i l PoiB na*M a oaty eaddenhead, ; ¡ii'.-..: o. irly nortb Bad sooth, sod ¡oexterw-ii. o nu irl ablv, that m the !o'»«r«;«l « in

-*. ra. i¡ is ii. t nore thoB Bdf ¦ «nOo wide, ladl8ti., r-'irs* I BtoriM ¡hi.'"mt Ihreoqai rtereof aanleibii.ii.i..rf eli boots «i,Ti,ivyi-iir''i'i n.-'u'in«.

end Mndt-riiiBtbeireeMpe alnoM M imposa lüiiy,I!, low ti.«- point rtif-rr are two lane mu hu

wbkBitjtaferaaviffalwaqoite üficalt. Ibc Port,b\ wtii-h I mena tan aerlea of toritie-ition", is on

ti» l'irst C'iick.tt'aw Bluff, taeonpoaed ti mam m-

tarem noahs. «»Mpncin^ about boo a Bun. The

Hl-it! ii .-« -cr :r'-' . <". Idab, very predpi'i m amim*.-.'-«».!, ». ii.¡.¡dim' one ¡i i_o-..l «i.-i.l ««' ti.r river heahsatar Conuubu, ¡ty., famishing n m iIImB 1ot_-ti< n foi ii. t-t fe.

fheeooatr. ahoB thi Port i exceedlnßly mi«-*ve-..

«i,«, rouirt'. sad ri«-'**-*Jt^ Bo ir."«' foroaidal I obsta»4-lre «o pedestrisM ererjmbere. Then me deepni»iu«s, Meep ¡ MB -. sriM (elgee, snl.ien arid

raasxpeeted eerhvitiM «eo atan baodj wUleiother..: oft: Kort i lien» is nillir, ken li: e oi he-ivy amicoiefnUy-bnill breaatvrorks, wie sesea rain. i'i

.Booth, to i« rast ans ead all etta ki hy 'a--3'1»ii istvrorks ure fur superior, considering

t'i '-.- lenKth, I have SIM di log U .. war. I

il- m erelythr np « nhmenti al earth,Li- bom ate regalar.*- . I. t Ij made, wittbr mi peiepete, hei -.*. nearem. ¦ u >."i wateiMons 11 . 11 v hoed with lineer mm firmly sa

wy (l«4->iv-.lrive:i pesta «Vc Ihelabor ofcooMroet-iii'., itie mtemm ssaol boss t.een Irsaaenee, and I son

.a »li shove, a« 1 mu told by penoea living m thvi.'.niiy, that (he woik -ivan began ByoMago bel> in!, "and thal sometime fo.'.r or ti*.-- Ihoasaadaegr<>ee bava b«en SSapaOyed u|»on tt-e Pillow nt «me

lime.The ¦fproashM B the tam of tl.r «fort in inacces¬

sible B i-iiv.lrv n «artiUerr, forB addition to theei.'reme roggedoen A tin» viriniiv, large ire«»» ba*rsbi-sit cb «¡oiin oeeiywbeN for ihattis, ¦ ihlog it ¦ii. *t aogtetafol tab's to reacti the breannvoiks at

almopt a»i_v > oiot. We llaiheiiiiaiip. before m- luibeen'. d-aiiii.' ths ISBMforhalf Ml hoar, wer» H-i

MMM in lb«» EMS and as jndeo iii limb us ii wi

hi.-i t-i « i. i« ..iii»; ii-r iwtnty lour hours BeaoOjaa«to-iiil mihi. Two or IhlM of our rie.-uiutis, v»i*(j

cli_.nced to be lethy lad Beeaohhl of any «-»n-iit se«duiuuci'. wtre sjut-ilily ei.baustd*d, und ii.uld hardlyget back to t lie üo'iilh.TaatBMMkBMhetBi ltd-'-n.-l biOMtworhewoeM

he the eton Brien el Brisen hören, and their p-s-sessicn lay au t. el y WOold reijiiiiv ti «* iuvinciLleejii-it H««! aaneraB aoorsge ««t the eslgina] Eubbsbor liiicos, or Hapohxn'l * »Id (¡Laid.

Titi' KI BEL IMTT! lill *-.

The Merin bj lerti i M tli<- bran el ii«»- Bluff, a*-don »lie li- ni. ' s-hj« «.ii-'a.'.re I'rotu ths river. iai«s saram,-, i radou*cfally tdttiot .atft** .-».-, the igait ii not ¡ lobaUethM iiie-eth .:. Maty were marnte I.A V» MB! "1 t. «; lune been lOtOUied, other*« bant,a: d «11 iii-inoiiiittd, it i» iur, o.eiblw to determineWhBVM 'ho larmBineTil of Allow; but I will.-ii-t.... ,rtn j,.-n i...;,!,.« ni the atisnath of ib».* lort:-fiiii".ions ni tut'the river.The f-iA wesa ¡- ». hahe* tottii..,'<. n <<ieaitb uui¡

¦and nod boft, which lia-- eoatBood a veto bugsgun, probably ft l^mnader, lu: which Ins bunt,«-.; - - ti" i-itili lo lull laandaroaad it, and render»¡BBthl caliber of th«. ria I th« MtM «-.

The ie-uiiil work is a fortification (i the MOMkind, with ei¡ibr__-ii!'. foi um gem,rdz32-poondriC «I pieces, I jad^e, froni the one di uioa itod, Badthe fragmenta attwo othenthst had b<laeotbu tw » aro net vi-;.l»le. uni it is iojthi.t t: j tu.v-1.« «.-:¦ (. irrisd otl' by the ..>.-

'Ibettiird Mork Dai euit-rdkiire- :o; »eiciThe gen. arti.i_,».. Mi bni.iid, uni !,..t tangri«ty«two esBMth»hoTo iimmmj ths othn rix, ¡tle i_ypeeed,Btvisg heea boreed. Tina o\it i» enid, tun;-.-ino and oí louuuLit.mu ol' tl.eni»rifl.d.The fourth WOSt 0MMBB five i.-'-( «,ni, 1 .¦...-

bores. TWOOf then liai-ediíui.'e.ircd. SSM Is 1*1»-

n.o.iiiteil, and IBs fourth Mas bant.'Hie tilth is a -.late:-battery, that beais tli« scir.-

blaui'c of never havirg Ltc-u mounted, though thereon- pla .= in live or eut guiis.

l-i the -i.\-.!i nish IhSN m et huvs been four o-t-

po'.ind«n, two of IhMB rifled, whüs two are (fone,maniii».', atcordiu« to the MltMSaies, the BOnbet ni

Six guns, whi« h il"- noik tuné". Laie contain, d.The seventh work in a large fort, thut wau l-nilt

for tevm guns, but not one of the fBBeBM banleft. 'ih«y were jiroba'aly .i-,'-i(i:inders, ja'liiiijfrom the (fun-cjirriui.es.Al tho ujij.er end of this Lint vn¡k Bs I«Mach

DahBna gun, for tliro\ijug shelle, uli, ), i« di».niiiuntt-d end l.'ing ingloriyusiy on tbe "inva'iedsoil of Teune»f>tr«ï.

.\enr Be liret battery is an S-inch ritied i,'«ilnml i-od, exjilcKlt-d, and I M neb CoIonbMd, BMOOth hoi«,which has Leen dismoimted an 11- »¡.lkr-il.

All the ¦.jina that lime been lett behind are spiked,but no uoubl they con BO restored to UM.f.i!ii(re_-.The gnr.s ai« noôtly fia.m the Iredegar work «itIf Tin.mili \a. eoiii« lew bnaruig the mnrk olhleuij .Mc inaiiulacluii-ie.

I in the suminit of Hie bluff « oirirniiinüiig a \ iew olIbe river for MMSal mile» and overlitokiuK C'raiu-Lead Nat. are et.itioned two 1<»-.m h BMStaia, naaewith chamlieia after the oil fashion. They are t>o

Slueed that ii oar elells fell short, tiny WOald dropown the b.utf hd-1 be theitfoie «ntirtly Laiiiue»».

Oui »boaibs mutt fcave buist ¡n this vic»"my often,for we «aw a gi«*at many DMJBMB oa the groud._t the lower end o»" the lowaM batten,«. MB ¦-.

lu inch iitoitar, MhOM ex] ludion 1 u,ei*ti"ue'l ia a

previous letter, split in twain like a'ni-.k ol' een-

soued wood from a WO.«dJieotod blow ol an iir.The gun» that have »allen iiito our poMMSMO OM

of little vfilue. anil i iimhei' little MON than twelvein all. Ttepietes nix tw«, 12B.pesod if, two IO»intli neston, two (rifled) S&poanáen ¡.mi Bve(stiiOajth hore) -At, ivi'h two or thiee obi gnus ol'lit¬tle if air, use.

A i|uautiiy of round ebot, »hell, i.i.d araraoailiooblas l»*luiid, widen th« enemy would not or uid i othave tun» 'o «airy oil'.

lilli «,«f:i;i-(i\ or un; i OtCt.In re«*i..!ii t-i ti.«- sarrisoo of POlow ne leora that.

it had onie iucii. !e.i It," ,. men, and that wheo theI'ni «n in lill Brsteemed wales rivei the dionaanbered sons 12,000. DariaE thew--ks IB force hMBot exceeded 15,0 0,lloaaay thoM ba-ff bent ho 100 m «900. Gen.Vil«lii-i.ue ivitb bli »until "waanad nfl ibefoi9oiivjik -/ostordsy .teroooo, but Jeff. Thotunied at Paitoa, sweoriag he wool i give the ion«kee.a fi-ht wbi-m.-v« r .:.> appeared« i;.T-Uthees.howevqi. eoaldloarh the town ii which

was, he flea enth Ungi Memphis.Iiunngo.il liiinble» about Pillow, webe «. I -'

-.eral rendent» «,i Loderdali Conntv.whthat inn i, .:. «,i [leviileil ht ti «-fort!

ad thB Liuti.-.i« r bit« . enrei re»«ElcMmm BMMB nanj u li-, »I soldier to bia lonu«.m.», as lurioua gmvM brnmmty. The troups havesobaisted o.« bah ratioi s, i d n . Th .

**cre .ii- a| denorolized, aod I«eaaMef the fimfidnraij iMpnliM They an tiny» ead dtrajosBd witt tbe war, ead anas ad ii,,,,,«aasemid tiiey would rathol i-t j ¡i- aiieir ni the No htliup ».»..¡14.1* ii, !.. .-..i-h.The camp« ami bonaeki do i, ; .' IM -.«

.oiiduioii. r_i<> must buve Iimii hi want of i««..nlorts W..-1 hot Ht«r iv ne,. .-.«. 1. pty |en tbe piBeiaal i itara ol theirai they wt»e »,,(,v ,.,_, ,_. .


UM'. OIII.OBI,,t/.,..,. reRrt.ti A] ¡ ,|:aai'iyuiil,.!,,!,!,,.,,, bno ..arvel th.-1«.molaiijedaud dMUedtoiiM theaaelv«,froi. jbui of San« esaiou.Kiery recnt act of the Roath hui *,-1(] . .,, j, _.sheniiteits peeple,anj ... ., «,ru»oeti(mwitJ i

IMPORTANCE HF THE POSITION.Fr« ni "I.«: M ot whflM I BBS writing, I me the gun*

heat» bel» '-V na prapanag t-«) eontinne taeirozpadi-tim; »o I ma: t noa d> meemi tie Bluff, aid |oin wyVirtui n ..ii.*.' " MB vvitli t! e. 'I.itiüu; if niiirk Og thatt'.llj-T", iii ccr-t I'.'.di.s »ii ii« faataattoa cn th« rivir.lind ti ó n itara of it» sBriaaaataa a untry, i-, flritit

timiti-ugajt|w«tt»oaoathi M ''¦''¦'

Win-, i!t- aaenj io-.tii.it wa» a lo«., ii.ueed, far Iv.itl« !. Jarve nrriflOB bo might ptataat biuisrlt here

nu ceo*fully ii.Jin a force len limes largtr thau Ins

own. .

Tl.e (Balks ure -, entmsive tbut fifty tlionroindtnoi, weald be Baal to garriaoe it properly, arti ti -t

thai with «nidi eoa sal la Uara th« rn* walwa. ¦

i«; Itlt pravn thfl ile-p.*ritiori of their unholy «.au«'.

Th . dfaad cann of thfl a. " *"¦'."¦'. "' \\*wm wa>íIba " atti ". ot Oori ib. fiad not Baa¦."»£»'!*p.bi «I--.-! M iMi-',t.-, in Mi rd-anrpi, Geuer«l Vii«*

., .,. .,.. i,,.,- da-fl-D] d iron bkaa UM....... he mt» drWn. ont by_a» ftsw»».

.,.i('.-,. Dark ujeotii fef*T« ssnaBlW a ig». ht«rt« inya. But waar new at ¡el»i,-<1 :i billen vi.'C.iy, md, k-lnegt barren of an*

mai i rain Han gama, nppliw.ty arm., itgivn mti,. m t ¦! At tim 111 lia ippi, with Batt ¡«I u-Uboni... ,,. (. t it!-- North.

vr.- .íiiii'.'t too rall] vninaUsa imp«.rtaaca al IhflI full al Püsow, "f which, bj t ho by. ¡i tory c nari..«..v wat »oil von in a oini.T_.ni v. hile wa tv« re V

: i.-, d No. IO, ma! wo hiiv-t-I'o-.ii t.) be *!i.»i kfulthe f «i i- in our baa. a' «so » null it once.

Bed ra Um flotilla «real M PUtew, we heard thlBl,,.,r m Bad Bsartar-boafaB would have a gran ni*

..'.fuit «i (he Kabel» on tic- ont al the po_d toaof tim tatt. Tim binti' woald saahlstsar fosan», tiv\ ;:>. .i.i '., to tbiow i-li«"ll- over tile Hebel \v< : ka BBdUm «ib«, ttri_iii_rtii<- blab hmd. sraald roll d -«vu

lato ti '. i sjntin and « bj wdm wi-h fniul aft t, Tbh[would probablt bino asea Iba munit, ii ii'" tatatv!; - miríñírd Um D-t-rtan had kaawa thfl position ofii e f. it, and tin» potal al «rhieh to -Bra t than ibella.B l Cn ..'pl.t I'.i'i" to ii.i.ij-I.-'olv bteMOOBSed tin ir?ian tliixt rhey Tvere foinpell«*d to fin at randon,¦ad henea Un gunnan mci the- wnha aacapai arithlittle it:jury.

I!.»-.( of *;!:p «fallntal ahaHi »vaia thaowa toa fas»,[for we parked np tlieir fragiMiiti u;, ir* thanhaUaaiQe lu".mai sv!. ra tiny shoold bar* a'igbted. Pawof tie Rebela wire «roBadaa, and stUTta-rst wenkilled, pr.'.¡il'Iv bawan Ila atmeey't comte aadbut icks ure n potdtkni thal oarahol sad sai ll-*-4*raldi*.,; rasoh hn.d ha >>¦.¦¦¦ ¡ i*ahan«lad ti-- rdioatio»thoroughly, wa etrald ¡ty karn (Hti b thfl Kb« !»fro n ti lr worin¡ but a.« ir mm. n. wan Baa» da» |In thfl .¡ark.

Ni-aiv rio illa, Mimttirri Rirsa >

| ,,. *.). .... ....... r ..,.... hil 1" .:._,»' V_! "..Ijiie .".. Ö. J: ,!. ,, i!! i left lilb-vv Bl one oYlii W tbifl ul" i-

ii »00, the Hinton V B.BB oil us he.'ot»- aithtBfl otberu -pnb-at-, on«-' ia -ha nan, aad a sanhsr al

ii« Btortara, aad noaad slawlyaloflsjIhraagh Umdelightfnl day, «ad taalioaalj re<oin.o'terea Umriver. When ara <_i_e to a baaoa <-i chata, Umlii.i woulsi tiiviii.", past g«.a* theirragalarway,Lull parí koepiag iba -¡real roana« We pMosed Kill¬in,., and K.tsv i iilîii:-.- ,,f I'leKclel goal "ii'«. TlMli ii.i riHagc vv.,.1 ti«u»iii. lv .juit't. aud I liitilv ¡ins

«mm vs.,a v aibla. }«».iii ettie wa ttaaandbj Baa«

... Iph, alii obaaraad Um earthsrorha thai one«) vas

noTOtad. but pareaiaad oalj Iwoofuatrgnn.I Al'lt Bl Ol' A I'KI/E.

Above I.liii'l So. o7 we »aw a bontilo tiW-fa-fMloiin tbe distance, and nur nahoats f'.i*"'! at her m risraltinta Bha icui,«: annaad aad hmaaafld her

apead, bat wi nan aaarhanlad Um atatt, and, saad-log tba Hn-Flj altar har. aha taaahed tin Teanee*an si ora, when bar captain« ui.itc, aad twoor threeother otBcer« jumped npoa laa t.u.k aad _a apad Intothe wot '-.

Ihfl ranaining offl endi-played a vnn- mt tra.«*,aad aoon the Baaeraign mu nanwynsg down thsMLssii ii'ii vvi'.L the neet, havina a prise i awf-otot!,c Beuton pi .' - -ii i«« r« * ka bos uni uleil Mi m-

I Li.- ou WadatB-B) li^'il am! u.-.-eil up tbe riveilor the parpan of baraiaB wanam r*ottoa she

iuiijibi Bud, iu ii ol dlaeovariag two pit-Ha, John J' ti

i i«, «a Mad Shua \\ iilii.T.iiiin, WBO had pt.irifi BOWBibe river la a i Bam ti.m Unj Blight rossch Farroi ii

aad a* i*«i Lim m ti <¦ aa s il of I ¦>. Mini »i¡ pi. kor*tell ."-.¦>. bad .ii rand ta.ih.- two l*ra»raaad

pun.oui- i.il.i-v», aad had than sa ths ii..'.iii«, ino-.«m. dangt r or (ron bau:,..Tie Si'ViTiigu is mi ...M lad B v.»D-worti

Bad Baa tu n ab.a ryiacBatd troa|a «cr

iona anana» aha li aot wolta a grsat Baal, bat11 .u ko tuadc ol i.ervi, t' tfl HI I iiii-e.

Am AKVM Ml «».-. mm.I.I..

.'ib,ni* tbo sli'T. -, thfl ,'ivcr Lad » -, I r; '¡nit-t ap-pflannrfl sawa psirgsraaad It neandaall the Oldi>»i-.-!pj.i hail ol.«, ist.! Thursday, a» Handajt allai

; ,». primhire nahna« Thfl boaan aad plantauoss, nad looked rinnt and daaaitad« Boan '¦!

tiieni am eu | 'He,,!!., tut thoy wert MiSBRBfl BBd[omi u- u apas,

\ iw i lain ; eopleaad i.ei/ri)«-. nanoo) on lha 'a.'.Bud v\nsi"ii theil un'« un we vi an,ed alosar« onr

rece] lioa, if not cordial, was v.ijr giic.iel, baa anu »ci.t ol ail iien¡o:iMi!.:i.ii.

DE8TNI « i ¡on op ii,i ins.At mmiy pfliats oi thfl Aik.«i:t__e aad Ian.

UaflflwaaoU rd I » al IBs di traothntd eottaa,Um ii» pi eed Rebel King, vv bo wa bi r< r au. lit baltba King'« fool. W« «aw Um muka ti b niagc-t*lea Hi Wfl tiiliis. \S hw i..tl«:i whi»ei.iu^ tl.ebanka« Waaaw eettea taasiai latas tfatar«So IIllllll H'l SStx tine, Ilia! s\ e ",v ,. iu.Vf lllOliylit

a:i«. ii La«l becu ¡BBafltoaWwlha Vui.k« i s

th«' BoaUnraan wan datnuiiuud lo aaaihslata lb»t n.v.i.- by«loetoying a t«-sv laii.-e«! eottaB. 'luphnete -.s-t,ii!«l not describe their órbita, the RoathI'.llik». Wlllidiit flfltlflai the law» of elrt tin lix Ulai

I «ii v\ ti i|,i tit- si'iiul'il bal tor AOttOB« Cot*' I -*1V win :¦-, Bad ye" n.ieery ntl ruin to

t!,o '¦< fenden ol the ottaa eaaas.Wa anrral' di as wa went !._, thnt v.n anbitioni

hutt« u.ni día bar-.*-.-«! bin rule ,-r shcrtegBB at ti.« Ill >¦;

..»i; paaaadj but ha 'iii Bat» Wa wara matad m iiwa nat tba aacant priaatfl ol L.is dneaadiog il,.-Nile. Wapareflhrad no eon-mu-Mioa ol tba atdriitliut ha-i pioni] ted the I;, beb at Pillow 'o oti ii ui

,. ,.ii_. an! to liuihl lire« unikr tiicin iii.«I poiálthan np. Um ni with laa hops of Bttr___sJag ni

I !¦_, tie Iii.lue» <i:iil it, ,ii,l. ring tiri m their tight.IV INI. AIIOV 1. Ml MEHI-.

1 ntlll ira siartrt la raalrj. and aaght rntlílj baa«brill in Me.a| I.:.. h..,,i. .!,,«_. I..:.I nil ail -'','. i..

o. . sachar oil t,,«- groap "i irb.u.i» kaawa hy tiLi-Hit.il titi..- ap Paddy'i Hea un.l ( h-rkuno, au«] wa¦till lying then-, wabbtb bo Isadloron han ybat troopM an aa taa way Basra, aad a« ti.y v. .iilha ..-m to Manpy thfl »iiy, we n.al! await at.onuntil tba] uii'ive.V»f uri-wit bin Ita iiiib-H ol Mein; hi-, ¡.ud BBTfl

nsraad thal lha pla >.;. m 'si!, den m* I, thal b1) timeottaa, aad aaaar. Bad luina <> I...» bean ). iraitbut ¡i iiun.be:- oi boam biise i,t-.-i, Ired bi tbai. !., sad II .. etty ha» h<-< n .u,«'<l with dUBi Ity.

J-;.h! Bight, Wfl nW .» I.irj;e li^;! t iu ti .. din li'-not 'lii'ii.pt.i.i, bat wa kaaa Bal «te asna«, W« ..*

waitiog i'.iii'iiiiy tin ti.i; ni....r«,".v, wheo wa « »p<'itt,. j lan our Can opon the ina. er,,,is ii] ..r .\¡. ¡,.

j-!-, and i/i-* ,.- ,...:.¦., ,,i aapport to Um loyaltiti/.« ni tbut i.avi. Li cn i J«,;.^ i.istiunoitd, ootragi d.i..i ! oppreajadiMisuitirn Ftorn u sraooin y, ¦.¦¦¦¦¦

Fiafau i. .u ¦, i, m iThe rnoiTOW to wlii. !, my lu. i lett« B-Iadfld has

floasa, and rowae ! oar a_ktranee bto Manpl ii witha Si.Ta¦!, ll'P'.l.t, .'I -I nservv li« I: .11').; vi toi «


. The great goaboat bottle of tàe twtilla baa beeofoo [bl ob Um Mina i¡'; i. opposite Um City o!phi un i Um _____Jotia im",-« of Uañsaadaol

d Um Hebel temi mat hat n deetroyed by iiifoi y before the eye» «ii lu friend..

\. .g*. ..» Tftit a rmlirlny ipaofarlfl thfl p -, I->'", phis wen gathered u¡*on the lilnlTto witnen

e Union ti lilla, and tin ...

'ti .-¡I ov.il. 'ii,.--, huW t|.- jl... ; |_|tbey had been taught U> believe eunld and wonld

Itbetoara,aad"driaabMek tba Battitnula*radon fian Um «aerad nilal tin- Boa . ;i ,¡

und eos_qaaiad la the rary wat,*r.« ihaj ha! «tnvi oj-, vi.in t'. "i.itrol.TIM peo M -.I«! .-.I Um >i.',e| .¡¡.Im. I an

oi llalial cities, who had been ,. '¦..

again thal lb« raak, waa i n.i arable, <iii. rfor nee, who aaaar essnld obtain a foothold inH. i««, wl o wo lid i,'-ver dan to o ,- within an-

of Man in« mi' i

al Unir gaaeassadiag ankwieati anddoi linn.Tin t. ¦¦ ! ol all Mu rt ,r tí Mein

i li '!. i...)i.«'.a"..t..(i.iii,- re !<ir deoeptioB and b itrayai,

rai bed t-ieory, and lili do d ; re*a Hot work and hard nowa auppretv«*_ .-

¦: sod n id.' ern tim tanti rabid ¡ii '..Mei ¦. bow Indlcmua they ai d Un

« illgar t-4-aaluig ha i ba mm la lbs eve» oi Um ei, ¡ret. :.

doo ..'u. iifier ib« i mm eda art ¦.¦. |«cilii*«l|*, m gnch r off the eily

'"¦' Um i'..-', o .¡li reata on Menpi,1! aroatrd.

«i'l'iti'M h or Jin lunn i \ m i,u , i s,." " Is m.mihi.j.-, oar ti .nil. wii -i,.,!

inihor, and »lowly dropped down towai ; Mempj unibs broad li.'-' of Um aaw«honi aad beauiiiul'-;. l_«.i' para (Its ta otaVfOBbaata, lbs Bsataa,

Çgtaa, CWIB lilli. :<:>''!", ;.nd /.<. I-ouii w.t',-:', p .uri, the Moca: L, Laaclitrr,No. ', uni l¿.« ..

»f the Weat. «. « ,,

fue river ««en ed «'ka:. No louie of any kind .

vitre vieillie r, .il thry lied WeBBBW opr-O'ii-. tl.e,c ara pariel Ita iwy, sbe-s^eo nantarvhsdUtat. 44»m' mir BBseea-b beea d-nwWa,Bawwwgadbl itt' v.ere. f',,!-«l r-itli BSbsIb, a BB-BBare. BBBB..r. neu, 14.ti ".i* '.Lu early hen.- of the BMndaf.The -Sûwe then sereeiVed tri«) Resal lest lytag

in a hrnti of tit- river, on tun Arkania- »l.or»-. in

front -M the 'own, aivl, a fow maint«?«, after, thegBBbaalssf !i»e enenry giaaaai-g to ftvti b.tttlei»nr fliiü'if .i:T it cipeti Ira. bssgaai Oaamwlwai).i le wee su tree tbst tho at, era wad wena abesMBBSS Kraab-aSt bef.re .oin« into action, km.44 ing,natertal -* t'.e Set i», Uni (lu- ni»-n ili/bt better wi-hfall tbaa with OWfgy »'»-»muoíit. Intleed, IbbBWBB.I,., i, ibis les, he lignsllod » bli cesses to lea adttto river, muí tLoy ili'l m». The eui wy no goabtnar-] »..-.I tbk te « i» Fvmptoni «.f leur, and followednp, Ibe lotllta »-till Weasdaf -irainH*. ihi. < urrtnt.

vj ¡li. Ill -ilSMN«. «li IHK I! UTI II.

The iK'»¡ii"ii »»i te f. e aaas t«ta Aikaaaai aVwaWBI in two line«, in rn'ilur .»r.ler, the li»-' BBSobi . ti-.-uf the nsaBisgaid. Uttta Hebel, Gasend

Prit» ;ii..l General Bn ., Bail lbs eeesad ot timGrunt -1 Lovell, «« t. ral Van Horn, Jet« ThW-fBBaarti fowler; lae Uttta I»'»t>*i bri-p lbs tagaaie,4viii¡ Coaunodon KiLMeulgusswy sa begad aad it.

nd.The laaBBBSB BSSl »till uilvHtieed sod ti.« Nii-

Itúnel tetilla i'i.l istraated, though \«ry ai«i4s =>,b to gela a Bttle lian f r iba eesesnattas n

the ii..»i: 'n'« mesL 'li»e eaany grew i;t.pani-iit eadtali adent. I he obi ead oaeonqeerabta l»»4e ol atas-tar sisdoBMBSted, sad ti.«' l-it!e Ki lui lin d a ih«.',1. {be Bestes. 44in.h. with lbs Loata-tUe, ann'.clow the reoiiiiiiiler of it* BOBS] dni'-n-.

Ni. reily win waSS Ironi our nile, Then theI Rebota tab i»".'.i»m we taara atansad, aad Bfata a

..m ihe hoelita tagridf «si.td tar awsj from il a

toa, sad fell tato the tien aarftaabovs. Still the.¡'nilli., »teamed np the StaaeBdipi Bsd B thfard tlaMth. foe discharged ¡» g .in a: ihi- VhiiL.ee n ait withouti Um!.

i .. Cutas offleerewere foo well disciplined i<>

i-- ii. bsttbeaeaswa wen laming for u f»«;h.ii.i i,;¡,| ii.ii ed losdl*. When t.-M that the CSa.swdsrs desired thor abosld base bnabtan befaragi |_j ibu) action, tliey wasted lbs idea, aad add a

battle woul'i .'. tbsaa bieakfiwtj Ibatthay¦v. ni only bung y to

.. aay tanti», tin b-sg-Ofieei bfasaaU wui lot-in«11-.-, ami be ordered the istmM tobeeheched

and the artion t-- bogia. Pbe Gabo opened thea .i'ii ti estoriafoisent oa onr aide bj sending ashallal .'.' Litik Hebel, end plneiugil triihia sfsw Maiof bar hull, l iii»«) V4HM followed by Ula other Na*

,.i n Is, and m. »4-rf'i by lbs aas.iy,aad a

,.. it ead ¡i 1.1| aw 1» v, tal ap irom ihe daw

li .. ¡¡Di-.ii,- tag Do.n tt.e »».Fi¬

ls» BEAM OB THE MIFIHI.\t (bia ttaw the Iwe aV ali west ah ni three- [Bar¬

ton of i nita apart, bat were gnataslly decreasing.. <i¡ .'m es. I be ¡iiiiii,' °" both eiei"! win raj i.I m..i

ila »'»r» a:it. All our M-astrli» were eiiglkg.il, uni ti¦.» t then t tim en ny. Onr boala geseridly tradtbelr bon or eteragnse, bsl dsrtag the m'ion teeC: .... Louleillta, Hi.«! st. i ....!. tirt-ii broadaidea two

I or three liawa Iba Hebel le.a'i had bwei gaait.¡m «.". iun><iii/ geaeraD« frew three la wal 11

ii i.,, lei' ontnnml ered sa l>> three,aad this oddi t'a'*-'¡¡. 4 h»« a.

After tgiitingfor Iltoon minute«, Ibadfataaa between the ont» «tanti eOBld bo! I nv« li-aii ui<»reiii,.u liiili i. iiiii.-, h. ii »till tim battle isfodteteelyin f;-il 41.4V ..! issetswdofl the Mrmphia levee,-.4 .¦ t-r lane l-een iiiteii-.-ly BSBBBW BfBI Ihe» anea on the near«

Hi tir wai blas with iuu»lie, ami ibiaashthe, -. '. tim . m.« ware 4.1 Ibis !»»».-

laing through the saat ol' the descendingrti.ri--. 'Hu rl.i.li* wara berat-M ereiTeeeoodathe atsioepbere und sadd the wal!»- of lae devoted

eity..1 ... ¡,i! t. ; e h'viüe abete f. II ii »i a of the

.- o, ear beale a a «irvu.it, c >r-,

ibídIj ..« ii "¡nil. whiktheMatiecaltcBbsboftoo¡i t] 1 Rebel eraft, fron 44 h'»«* lidea Inur -h'i in ii» en-i ead Baas,caaaaaBaawaadtbtfl ibe 1 -p.tr. eted *t.- w el a i,»-1 »a tag j- m,

I'-iin 1. IFATIOM d 'nu ¦ mi.Th 1 Dgagi ans! bsd eesttased abes! half an es1

the M nan haih. w»»'. 4-i»i bad been Ivm.' es the Arbaseaa»I a..- la ie»-.r ni ... 1... a I .«»I. «t..«i....l ia.I I.

ii- ... 1 ii'iiuu. Ai Bess sa Ibaasanj¡aaw lb .. in ii .-.ti in retire tn 1 Ibe resten,it.-¡.kin bia line« til on » ill ''ii j

,- a 1 .... ad. » i«1 ''en f lbs », .

led direrIly for I 0 Bsseiagard and lbs gssboali.n 1 at i'ii- tee« .iel »11 » »ni k (I r

... b it iii-! ¡n"i bo tajari. bi ita'. I' . 111 . li,-' J

larithis ton feetof lb» Besnregar«] tbetaiteiI Bwaag reaad aad the raw adaeed beraeay« la as I

hi 11.T dil -. bowevei . -,4-. . the I Price, which »¦ J 1bnt did en damage, end Ihi Ita .¦

-i «,in a a we - t. li t<» ;«.< -, ead wah .

her to ¡> » li a a a ¦.'¦.i- ¡t '" ibe v i-

lo preresl her liiihing, and aba bow baa>!. :i>, aiily ii'4.a.l (r»»m »iiikmif coid'.TA h hy rnesB of the a .'1 -,

i, Ba a »""D na tiAt eeearred, deterlo ret be I'riee, aad aged Mwaid bn

.1 ran, ia rall nation, wea daahiag tewaid.¡..-.i n >i¡ ¡h h a-, brareli,

»im the ihillfnl 1.1"! f the easa y 1 mtrir.d i». ei asithe »'a h «»i the ». otat.ead itmcw. h»r ui*. m-i til ibal tin raw wai dwabtad, aid beñataaliiiij/. The Al aemg IhsceBdttiese at'...u*.

e galbally ti¡>, asd stnaaed toward IbeB wn»/urd. re olese beehoaldso! tang enjoy ber tri mpb.the Besare ¡"I lied bar ttawa bi the. ran aad

». .. dwaibi oura, the ball gtaaeing hann-.». She« 11Id no1 ernid ihe iineiiing aiw id »he

I. wl ashed thmagh ber bow with th«¡.-i .»..:._-¦ e, a- BBseed 1er t«. BO bi 1. taw

I minute«, sad go doers aa inn»/ beeesbi the abai*¦ ¦I m- nv.r ni titftt 1 .int prereatiag beiel he 4' bite I'.." h'.e liad I..1. HJ. tl".i, irlhl-I

Iii« Hi lilli..I tetilla . nita I to lia a' tbeesewy.bsl

4vfcie ¡it. ¡ni .»i withhold ti.» ir trswbaaat arsawaad ihe boolite gsahoalawere,aa Ibayeftea.".«. ... iti .< p.. -

J !... M ¡un', now lui.ii.I I,cr ¡.it.nt »in lo h. r

disabled eonsort. the Qsees el the \\e«i, asd b w< »Ibar aabore, , tai i» ». I ». la u poad! n of ti mitr ami

..- re .ia al daager.PBOOBE8B m lilli UN»,«.i,i vii vi.

Benton, Lmiiarille and the othei ihm NationalgBiiboati inen .' tell Fire, stribing .- ...

.'... inte, ead le n ingh to ii« ¡--ne fl tin, con)bat. The '¦. bip ¡..».4

..ht aine.l exceltoni ranga ol the General «-avril, aad( apt. W. I.. !': alps inn -i li mi, . ,i ¡,

rifled Parrotl al the iàeneral Lovell, stribvmwlafl above bei water 1 ne, and i» g a «¿realhole in » which the watet rashed

>ri« ii». She ' .-. t»< »it k :c otu e, p. telb» .' leers and .»»-»i lian lo aivs Ibeswehres. lali tbsi !¦ -if ni la -I.'- vessel had tah tai

1 '. til,. .i | -: .- ,|. i fl ¦' "1

MAUBAXIMII . «ii THE glOBIgTl«.>f the »ei v 4-, et.t down H

bol ..i out fifty d the crew leaped iutotbiwe .ne,«i ling in the water, wheontl » arrived on the n;.«»t m .¦; f aevcial

r cutters . 1seetbecb of iii imtil onlI« 11-.iii the water. Aonwber ol iba K«

.II I ...... r lie. t.

every» t>.t, . i., .¡.

ii I1- w» in it. to r- i the »if |.nate wri-iii-. « ia the ii«*. Boose six oí »ves of the.a ,a-. «-.e,.- j h i. »i op bo the . iirrsnt 4 ««

thal h I rge nilli.Im were csrrfed off and drog :'... of those who atarted foi the .¦,».. i

tain, ih.».. ii theawift wraun bore il n ouii .:.¦!'! . !» i'- 44»- .',1 ¡i -tai »! «.: fate,< »,. i't I ht.n ii . na did their i

the Urea of eos i"i.. ,

it,ey Lad Lie i their oin .»¦ ¡. Bei -.¡1 d till -. bul 4-. :.i ¡i they 4-,

- I wa the !»'¦ '. ni a .. »ora 1» »--¦¦¦. nt, the« row loba fib tot ISroqgb ., ornum

.'. nso ' ¡. Iwi woi lo be .» ».

... a .i 'mili., ani the ( rta of the Union..!, i

K . rom a water] grass. '1 be; I :'."til» und ilv ai n dei làdlj ta Ibe <.. ii their brotben b-aandbeaa is da ... I hi

¡i nui .1. mimn of opinion u ,. .-

II a i- rgol .nt ila ». i» 'I wa tallis er I.¦ Ij lifted I'.en ais ato gribe and kill, 'I

lol Ol ¡.II aa e Ibe ii. lulen n| li .niau,r .,, ,,

prifad I." »"I Lue. lu.y eZpOBtid lilt «MB i.i « a,freej U i.id lbs inflbran aa tbe) had a tan ini .:,:«-«.

i. '. na.I ii en H-iil.T.\\ ¡, t ¡i i.'iir.ii.i.i, tim io the ilutul.Tit.!, taratta«

and tai«deni diatriba at tim Meeiphia |> h ugaiuii « NorthI l ha pen t » wi.»» bad ti aa toid a iboo-w wea of the in muí, pitileee. bsrhsriine, b''.<».t.ih'i'p'j i'unki-il, HiiW thofei, 4. ly l.nik».ii- I fion.illvi't ic(,'/j(jg totrnvi; |tii-aj- lernen t l.vti.

THE EN1TWY TEKRIW.Y WOBSTED.The BSgafir.** a«. .inaeil wann and destrate,

the boat« thal were still ¡u actisn bein;* «io wrapi ? «1

in »noke tmtiejA -to dirt" rall t« see them at ai.y di*-

lh(-i nu- ¡v..«*«1. oaaaea_B|jf, mid «t this time ti.«hram m Maanhk was bla.-k *wi*.ii i»s throng of «hu»¦an lega Ksary one bu«i heea atraheaei by tieliiiuilerot artilleiT, and had kit his couch to wit-

ness Hie battle wftl B. as niauy thouKht, would tt>.Aile the tate of Mci.iphif.

O-ir vrasels were not even once «truck, and when

Ibtv wen-, s'lstaiued BO «EBBBSaa The ent'iny tired

very wildly, either from ex. iienient or ili^-oiiruK«-la-t'it, mi.! had in nan bmbmmmj, us iu the(nee ol' the lams, shot at a distante of less than :ifl

turds without bitting their object. The Rehalapar r, -»vitl.'n ii.v knowledge, tired so ponte. 1 «wat

surprised wheo 1 expected te hear a «ten enrhiugagi ¡n». our tin hera IB BIMI IB il M wide oí ibe

murk.Oargaaasn antefand their ex«-« lient reput-tiop,

mid were M OBOl Ufl if thev were wintern«-', i" I.ap-land. Very soon lb)* «Little lieh.-l wiis struck so

fr.vi.'ii'ly mai so »t--.«r.«ly injuio«! tliiit BSB-MBUdgnarly, aad «tea eoansaaM «na hn on tiie A«r_aasaa

i theoBben and crew leap.iik tEami labias«Bight our geatiaSa «fsaa tue NUeatlag Hebel«

Ueveiiil eliots ho lbeys|rd liaron/;!, the «A»»«ids, hut

with iNliül «li« I i» in k BBMBs1 r «ni the lina the rutus bud B*a*ta thsir sbbssi*

Din a the K. I,« I boat»» brid -Ven steadily falling luck,though «.< uiiiiuiii«-* io in heavily. Utore the «rieterion i«. Itaan of '''-1 «satleaal tl.-tiüa. Al ti.i» «parted..! «the ti«'ion the «Sote tnu-t hue passed at least two

mile» bel IM tbe town, a raft c;owd CoIlowioB «ti OBtheTaUUMUMO el «.re, and watching the '¡.'ht withhnatl Ibm aatisty«

1 Killi' «Of Tilt: RI.HFI.S.

IWJe£ThnBnea,the Qeaoaal Btagf, aaltheBttnt«er, «sad «the Yaa Den teen iii«- ««ni> nsnlaolt!:o Ki bel II..-! nniaiiung, and ll.r-t«- were sol rc<|i.ent-lv etr.n «».uti«! aw so little opportunity oi es«u| laftbetata of their na^eaunoatkat they turned lb» vhoads¡.-i. .le, hi.<l boobneeten Ihe Aihaeen ttde,arlMaofliiers' crew leaps«! oil «nd ran through the w< «k1»,lou beete «-helling thenm bobee, A matt haies««1 laded on the Thonpeoe, ¡.mi «et her ee tire, hat a»

ii wa« Ibooghl te he s-tiufaiabed, the Belilla fal«lowed iha othn seesole. but not «wiiily eaenrii te,«tv\«-i.t th.- i'««;i|.i"Ol the crew, hSBBBM the Hebelli in were l««.'ti!er Bud of npOttor ti« ««»ness.

lio lien, nil Stagg «us aaahlsd t» teat h theArl ans «then abon hatt a atlla below the thean*r« ii, and oil bei-. ti W ipi intr >«n t> rr.i bru m, flv in«« inan b1 ...i fa-ion m.«I tallai like a ll.wk ot (ttgbtam .1t .ei. I.e'.'ie a 1 a« k («f ra.ein nr Wiilvc». The Jinna'vs m aln e« i aa In hy » »bell, ar.d weeld have boob

i «had not I.ie.it. Hiah «p of ti.«- Ural mcn I...UI.1 in ¡i tu;- muí «SXtil «¡altead «Uta -MBB0.The «Banter followed the asaanleedlMf peass»

¡nason, ead BaeoeasB ibateaeboaIhi eoanentedssrtheftha Boothera Onece(Arkaasaa). bn«tnwdiapemd «with a tafktkty that «ms rael ebecked bjlae «Inila we ««-tit nl'er them. Hie H (»ti lia w11« i.ow

hear l'r« -".'!« i.t a Island, and ha«l «wink, ÜaaMod <«r

I la«a 1 ' ra it ci"il"it every one u! the BBOMt'l.le. i ex. .«pt the v .n Dara« wneh wa« -till bart] Eng«BO ii t\,t liver iiini. i- a tail anaaun <>t rlram,

iii- ( nion «gaabeata flUO Ind al tbe Tea Data,a ni M..-Cain, nu I l't. rondelet, two ol the ladest ofthe fle. t, [i.isii« I her a niile Inrther than tl.-ir «un-

i-«iii 'a», I"/ boobleturnfd, deo**ab*i_gof enreter»IlahiiiK her.OHtNl» KM'I.OMoN «Of THE Jl.il". THOMl'-iiN.UM tl.i'illn r'..:. .«I ill) the .M.S iseSppi

a. aia, nail it hriive«! opposite the »¡.ot whr.-tlie

Ac\ Thonpeoa whs. the BntQe craft wa» _ieeemedt. le «II Hl.lnre. 11«e lire, nnp|<«>»*'d tobeexliti-.roisbed. bad burst «.ut uiiew. ninl thus iber«- whs no

possibility ol ntiaubee. Theaaabaol praaaated a

.:. «nat ipwtacle, with the Buns runofaiBlikoerio aea iru*|ntl all ..ver I.er, hh.1 lying ti i «raterwith ti i',r bery tOafBM M R' tbey were fan i«'.ii >.-of thirst, ihe .!....-» ,:¦«-!. iel said trembletj, andthe Win IU, l'r«-«-at-.« e,.. e.i-ilaii« e.! i.'«.-!:. I'!.« ,«..« :,ie«lvi -el us : i rejoi« in/elie Was no li :.-.

The criwil from ihi- Te-»,ne-'»"e "hore wnt« be I thebarniof wreel w,tu urt-al interert. ami we« »ii.Ise the | ¡-«.(le ^.« u. iil.uin and poiatiag their h tn I«

«¦« .1J..1:im, il,..t tinsaaaaaldcob»locton whether ihee orrowed m htyai over thehenN-y «ii'HSter ti ar huit !*f,lleti the if.nr»r««i»t Heit.

I,..wer and later lunie.l the Thompson. Hera . :*'"i vse .¦ «foi e, i-i.l I.er siiiKle lunney bad.«.ni«'! '¦.¦¦ '«. 1 »»l«thahageeneb, eanrjriagwith

ii tari ,,f t!..« «!«-'k. Tfii* flay.« h were «JBpbUj«imndlios llae little In-teBfBM were puitiriu" .".'-ihelr iritii iij; tierna by wnaaj«aaUUaa, «nsd paaalelci i.- t mi..»; «jw ,y, believn,«- tb«- « <iiiH«i<ratiou li tulti'-d, w t.»!,. «aaddealj »ml aaszasatadl/, a teaana»

ripln .«i. real the m aad nooh tue waten ««t

..ii;;'i HS il UM tnylbi' BMMBBlBH were Le-« »url.tin.

I» Ki ». 1 reen] ha.) Mows ui> aha the Itbbmhad rn rd ha ¡-. i lae and aaadndeef sheilaexploded stisr ti j nan threwa etta the sir, pre-.n aatraagea dttaraliugalbet,aad ii\

a 1 ia* ib- ranged teateaa iLeuwelvnnon opeancterrett iaIbal erinapeotbo perfidú ia

: it».! Mi t..- bisn«.li..1 ., bang, I -, wa« heard, and tn m"-«' dsii

thirty Btaonda Ita- putt ol hita »11 "»e truai then b>mbe wen nea hi ths ttill BasanMaii

. -I, Us fell ia myriad« law therrr, throwtas up lbs «.*. ten U n . II gi j aen had

|y natural te the 9»thai oi \"»:!t('-«.in the rttompooa iiiiiiiii>; was Iori lim n law

lad v'-ire»l '.mil«er», .in«! llieae v .-ii!

«, I qi atlj ir« tie «gnatlasbld Snan.'lihe" '.ii'io: a Boree Moaater tbM had «ana nat topnces n en ton) la the ancie ii fabln, by the l'K'bi-

.. . a« u «t Jove.Ki I l!N ni I iii. I Mi.s i.l s li« i \ 11 i«i nu:

cm.I a Flotilla, «««i tin}.'. f the Baa aaiajan

bon!* thai Bad ».!)'. '«" »ti ti.« «SBgagB.BBt, wi.nlipied one bow ead thne niuaus« lefaiaed

w¦¡.n iluu r oh ia- the g««««1 ai.«l fajiillhiit.M lag ter, nail M I'll Dort tri. >.i--.|> and | in- run out

I oil ii." iij 1« ««I» iag c'm uy.i «¡i pulled, balr .«.«I '!!uiL'i-rniis, and well cakalated,

«Hy i.it« i- ibeii ..!¦. peHbrBMaee to inspirerespect even in the Indignaal hreeetaol the disloyalMefflphiaiM.

'I -,t.-|- e iiKiiit1 a^o t<>-uu\ T.-nne ree wnr carrie«!..¦¦! "1 the «Union bj a j .a:.ni' «al aad ii.-»j« ute mi-aoritj (who «soatfaiaed to bully Bad beetor, drive«. i and .1 ¦.>( i ib«- loyal naionty ot tl.e Btetsj «sndM

.-. :.«ti a ahoU ol uri l.lt-< OuL.I a h I rti'.t.tb» :;:«>.\. o «r ¡, t .¦!:- .»;.!>-. What s «ntributiou I Baw

'l iiiir, .it l.i.i, ii. biatsty or m poetry, Maali thii nares

'.iiiii ».¦ena. I«-, then Viiiik-«u .¦ aad nu chii '..a-., village

v in a «tew bonn grown ss suiiuble and tac«".'¦«' lied luBpklfl «m bia ard vieil i«>

in- 'ile, :>.; 'ill«,i iba «. leal Beeenloalate of Mees«IS b-ve believed n pi ai i.^., «thai a Beal

«'¦ia- v «' '..« .i v. .' Id a their .il\ in

j un .m ..t theirtn. after it ttroy A »it, roturaBad catt .«.««i without oppnitHia sod oodei t'.I' lion :. ia ¦.¦ «i j,i >Bn_ioua bul

als .-. Ila im « bel et«.i ,', ib, ._i- ii . » an plena «I lo temi ti, wi ...'-i

.' aaa aw i ry.. "» «.un « «i\ un* n MIN «.

".i «mt side ».¦ . '..¦!' i -, nul,-.«a alight injury i

I.'.« :... .' .OUI" « \«« I «In::: the la I i«! i|.-

I, lt.- ll.r- ,.\ I),,. ,.,..., y. II I» lu

:i !-.. hi.i, very «««- -i«.«-i:.l.t«". /.. of dale lya lu ii .»

ni ' 1 lu- a Bobul I D al-. na» kUBWU I" .1 IV! «a I.al »

»¦trpabo «01s. Ii 1» in], ««-.I .re u una-I B» !:' .. .-. .1 .111 ria BÍ-I mu \i I- 'li,,- bl «

...* ...-i 1.ii killed, a «i i.'i 11,

iaod bi '.'.r ;l. taila ia',- 'f He «VVstt, II) uet CoIIÍbÍOU

¦'" .I i* n». n bad belind. Bbo ...1 ih .Ml. an I, i., «. ...

¦. "'." »ved o..! um K.- ». ii dédite,¦I an ««i .-.'ir .1. t,..- i«, the collie u

ninl»' I iliiiin,r tbe action bj I'oL I IiiÍ Ila . .»1 Ion Bnugo ..-.¦

«.- ".¦ Hil m .¦ ;.,.- ,,|i«.ME PBDTTS ««I lill. Bl Bl -.

1 "' '¦ at li the angagetnnt to ihi Hi.>. «fortunate, a., will «he a-eu b Ihi

1 ( >-l ra em« ot:,: Lei li . .. ., p, m


.1 «d Lune ii, »..Thompson, burns 1


»-»..«. H "' '¦. .'.¦» ira - Tbbb. (1 ildaj «ve,.. . . 1

" V - au«, tbe 1. val .. ,.., m.'.I.! ., a» 1 ha o Mid, COUtil I'd a, ,l!s*"*.r«.".."»- !.-l..i,..;i.i.¡ to the Bo .... and

«Bi»m h lbs .....e «bett «bal ""«:«i Ibe 1 »eelthele'...'¿»..¦oe, atu.ed pim.|, ,. ,;.,. .,,., ,,...al «a -i- |,.,|,., >Uy.. p, iri|. S|, ,,,...


..«.I.W.. 1«,,,,,.,,, um ¿j,,. m u kiid wa ^

"J'Y I» »M'H''

j fhone in the s»*-rri<t*e of the army, esme up to thewharf, and touched the shore, to disembark thetroops and those who felt say desire to go on shore.

PKCt'l.lAR R*.M EMBASSY.\!,.-«i I') «,'< b-.ck omi of the rams, the Lancas'or

No. i, without the least anthoiitv <>r coiisulinrionwith any ti its ar-ny or navy Pesons, went B Hie«Hy v, barf uuder a Haig of truce sod had, Baseeondto bave, a conference with s«iuieofthe citizens inmaud B the fate ti Memphis.The proceeding was so informal and absurd that

its exact niit'To ia not worth mentioning. Col.Kllet, by-the-'iye, though an energetic and able offi¬cer, has MBB himself unpopular by arrogating to

himsel1', because the rams belong to u.-iiher Bonahof the service, powers »hat are not his. and the cx-

I erciee of which baa placed him mora» than once in a

lidituloiiii p.i.'i i'-ii. A lgiiiiig the ram» to neitherthe anny nor i.aiy give use to much niii'ind« rr-t.jii-ing i.ud confiisi'ii, aii'l ought to be remedied at once.

¡Sich iniiepeiiiience is anomalous and oboord in thesxtlMBBi as an «.xp.rieni-t at Fort Pillow, Hatidolph,and Mi-niphi» las psavBL

Ol It FOKMAI- ()(( I I'ATION Ol' TO CITY.S ion nt'er the ram liasco, Dr. Dickerton and aev-

enriethM prominent citi/.cnaof Memphis went on

board the llagrhin to ii.ijnire of (-'ora. Davis his in-leathBM toward tiie city, ami what would he bil fu¬ture comee of aciion. The CeOBeOBOM replied thathe would lend Cape I'la ¡in B «onler vtitli the

j .Muyor, BthOBBBBtfaM iiifoim»ng the ie.rc.-euu*lives of Men ¡ihie that tbo !urr»-nder of the townWoul'l be ,!.--im al d.

( ¡¡[t. I'hi I; a soon after waited upon the Mayorwilli the lelloimg note:

i'«riT11> I, ti-«» B, m «Tst»tBii Boneo, IOr» Mmrin«, June.'. MB 5

Su I ha».- reil-e-t. illy la I. W Id.I tea trill MUTBalllthe « i'yof Mem ali.« (. the »jtbcrity of the I Tied Sute,win, h I han- the honor j I taft!

I «in. Mr. Major, w.th l.lîh ie>p». »,t. H. IL« U-. Kll| Oftcnt uu..iiitliug, «te

T«> Ii - Honor the M*yor of the ( ii y o, Al» B| i-

Tl e uiiiivcr ot tho Mayor, whe i*, «.ml alv.ay«ha« beers, u UBoaiM. ea m Wlewe:

Mavnars Owtca, Maa**ai% fan« S, ISB| l18! Vcur note of thii date iiiec«-ivi,! an I »tite.-tii noted.In r«-plv 1 have only to »av 'hat, a« th« «¡vi! a iti-onuei luteron »tai o! de'« ui». by th«- forje ol lr, in*. ,i ce-, the e¡ yli in yow battit I 'meam Ita ly. JOH.'. P. it K Mnyai'i,c ii. ii. .i- n._ or..-, r < L si it-,me.( nraaaaof Da», i« also write li.i» note B the

Mnyoi :Ukitsi» r-Tirri tlAQ BtBOM Bovn V, I

Ort Haart «, J al. MM ISis: Tie un :..-.in rd. catani ndlni the Kava rtillitary

f, .-«e ,i ... I ,t. 4 ti, la» fin t of Men,phla, batMaym u i ¦'¦ - By Ita) Col l ¦.¦¦!.

i.e T iiai . brigade, »I.I tit.« military po«"-.a¡»ii imrn»unan

' »I ri:,h »til! be li»ppy to .»c.-ivetl» M,,, ¦.: » lan o li.! I -!eM.v,*i »r.d IM ci-y »., «h, r'tie«. ii, a

!-*a. e a id ord, r T« Wa omi ha tr|H b | «. «< d-o i.« »...¦!!i, lou or the .Major i' '¡,- Miiitaty Head , i -'era it o"T« i k

kbliaRatOMB Y.in.eic, C.R.OAVI«*,Phi OR «ri san i ate.

T i. - illOM IB Mayor of lB (Hy "I Me .«

APII.M(AN( li li Ml Ml HI*«.

TI i- «unterem« WM held at tho apl«<.i:.t"d hour, Iirieiei. ..ii,I. and »uti-hu tory arning«UM BtS were

neds hBwwn the niHterj power sad the eivil au-

tboritiee. This, however, was baie bmm Mianaiii r tbo people, Maerolly, were a- «met eadorderly ¡.h « ««ubi Lave been desired.

At'er tim muai snRMtMMBt. a part of the rreatcrowd cn ths Bluff sod mom dispersed, hut athencaine '«» fill their 1 MM, and the I üi.bcr Mas hardly«i« re «iv"l.rbeMMM ii Front Kow, Main, «Second, Poplar,

w.itl i. gtoa, Ariane, Meorae, md ali ti sSBSOB. were closed, and UM city iiore a ii nat Bah«bi.th-lik' e< ml ian««-. Indee 1. «luring n walk «r»f lèv¬erai boon tbroigh the town, I hardly ¡e kOMMW t-j

bare bimi a riMsn Bmm epea, and 1 an «j it« »ure

I bin.- kaewa Sundays BOMB hal «juiet li.au thisday h is I con.

ki »ii i li«.», in tim; cm.The (lily BeMMioa «olor» l-yii.g in | I bli 11 u e»

iveie OM i.'.m ila POM I »Hu «-, MM 11 I OthM BOM a

Migo mast-like im'o t«tiiti(liug on the Jti is ti i'i lr«*-." tithedty. Ibe first was riinoied hy a Licn.-iiunt oftil«, banna brigade, with a soearief men, wi.oiMel« t li .«ed by a I. rge <rov.-«i, who »«.. in« «I i in-

tod, bu «.tiered neither MSBlt Mff BJ OSBV ¡I. Ti ere

wereafewwink ipoiadli ii« «¦ f,,r .1« !f. I> n .*. huttin y an/okt» no ri ii,,.,'.. y a¡ MtOOtly, ai the (roadle< [( I I mg out <d keb« li ««n «bed I t-lore ii \« Bl ¦» irlj i

horn. I'I «. «I.ir. and baie w.ie bOOgfag "'it ot theoi!..e el Tot .»«'. *' I -I tit '-, on «le'.--.ii»ti.-.-'.hi I ihe Lo ni« nant, eiitt-jnig the establish«unir, ordere«l the symbol Of ISMeOB t- B linadown, whlsh wairiSMS accordingly, ami Otu »[Hadmun Led ¡uietl) BWBJ«

j mi. mi urina I'liir--.

Ti MtmaAAt Atgmt displayed no flag, an I TheMtmpktt Appeal, whick I mentioned lo o Cm mlettes lad beeOBB the crgan ol'the nv.-t I'm Kboolol BoetOsioBeM, ha« be«n removed |o lin-nuda,M:-*. nil w.i» mt of ««ni.».* tangible. '1 e-wureli.e I', ¡.iii-, j'airi ni» it-, the 11¡ i, K',«l t: t a-«.* in a

bernsstlaj »tate «.f ¡iuai.i«-- at pesseaa, andbiive l»ten siitt'eriiii* Iron the mow «-mise for niau y

las A mai wa» pro.-'j'erin^ k'reiitly, aii'l¡ roved ver» roh' ii le -i» aConsei uttive Dei.i",-.- itk..-«.' i-i« instianoftheKabellieoi bBehanthaa

been st« idily ead reeUlj iMBassoaey.ii.' I I WM a ii" cut Pro-Slavery ¡ourual

« beginning, sod in extrañe advocaB ofB Ktal« Pi (I te. and M COBtiaatri ttOtil BOM

-ii oaths ago, whea M beeem ml mom mt vat i ve.nwlof to re .» nrnlhaad io e pietioM iMIn. Dr.It",u PoWllnS U the chief ¡rip.ietoi and I n-

troller f V Armit* ' .endthen is littledeobthwill iidvi» at-- the UoioO before ni ny weet-«.

A ._' . < bad u brilliant pn .pett l.»r n »iew

|oa '..ii. sad ana aoBg remarksnly weO until Ten-]m ee was carrie-! oui of the I "ni n. Sr.c Uno it

lu grov. ii len- ei. alv. a,ni Skjeiiem ed BO little «¡ii-ICOBJ lu »uriliiiig iii all »beet! of ivinpiing-I'Uj. '.

.\ «I ( 1 >-l(.N Fl 10 ( I I t.iiWN.I. e lag on the I birt lal be« t. t. lilod io the peta,

and conhi not be naneed without rattlag down theI oie. I. n wa-not d'ne miiii S o'clock this after«uiMjii, a Mead ol iiif.iiitrv boeing been la ed thenB gnsrd lao flea or proveot any :. bi soee. Tbeb'ebels ln«l lulled the SMMS to ii e le til ,. ii

L'l.ion soMien night oB poll i*. to tbo gre I, r

had billilly ¡liol« li .ile.I ti S MW ¡Og Ol the p. ti io IWO.A li a« cr«.ml «t,..«I areaari the li ;.. 1 Ila all the

ifteraooawhM Ihey Isaraori it woaM <. ttttothereub, Hunting then- it'ht bo tniille fh BOBOO knew exait'v bow «»r why. '1 lie jole lill, umlrhe K'Wii c1«*« it ti 'oudly, bm noone bnosri, aari BOone i t« i.« iiDoabtlsM 8 '..«*«i««n tings bad boee t!\ ..i Iron an«-.' - boUdiogs befors the an ..ii, is flotilla,

h it lui bad been i ».m, ve«l oB of eoaeidorutloo RwY.iukce i.diij.iv.ii i, not Tookee l.nu.tv. 1 i.

ihepe «. ». m le. -t a BUj ha K a ni ttiwere greatly anranri IsM the goa «t v« » i

!,ii .uni teMi. i tb«- itv, iad imeial of i m n '.« i-liia i Kf,.iiy liked it h > 11 mío i on toe subject,¦ad .('. mi t«. i-ii m ,(h e.teici whea the iriea wi11- «. in« «i t, m d ni.

l.i..' Maa ; i« ii« ved level! a ¡th lbst ... « .i. rtnltj .t anny ««i ila

ti cn-1« bo dm i. bal ti,,., w re « I ai ni isadl «ii people bete wbehovs i BWed with the

.. iad woald I .ive «m!.ml Mill moie had ax«l .l-l - I--, ii adopt«-,!.ni . \I«.N -: s khi n r ou MKMPIlia

nn vex< o o Ibe extent of lb.phis bM In i, solved, -. i', .« .il« ''..in 1 .i 1 .»«. ¡|

¦. d by tbe n iv«! :.,<;.¦ "-¦'.. i. 1 hove ..roi» ii o. eel, «il> eke lira!,

oa '.. n >.; i. ¡j- .¦ *i b ..i. :.i «i l.i

I .«.

111Ill< .,!.-. ,. V. '-.

r, uki «l.i: resideute of the South, wouldi ecome I« el >»! m tin ii iatereel ..! r .¦

or wheo ti ey 11 rceived ibe com ol. I ,,-i . ,i i i.-i ,,;

.-. « ol ttenpl.» an , mit of


«¦ ;¦!. in-, tbe - Bd-iij ita« ii... yean currad a ti, ... ¡«,-,a .-..-

ii who w(." ela |-li ,i t.,.. ..i . ...

in .... .in,! who «i nuil s were ioat vi. 'em sideraol in

son, i i,i- l.i I ex| ci«-d wo tuai«.m- o «i ;..'. «n "i tbo city, oud 11¦«¦-- ,1 | .-111 Ipi« ... .. ,. ,. ,, v. Li

WOy ««I e.\.IU!, I. ,-.il.il :¦ 111 I !,(

¦ ar con«»« [ttaidi al ><..- disappoint« > balin. n o diaaj «au ... .. \.- i ¦«. i,

km i-\, for bo n i» fratji otilly beeo in the eily, i di«i i. .I i un ¡i um ibei i i ii «. ... ,.i

ill -, '.¦ re, ile lei li, ,| ni.t ... .,,...

illili i' i .,.. ¡,, acre( » .-in« sod « »i«(i U ni.-, iii, n general «leidnra-t'i.ii WM linn- .lie IWO l-kii.HI mr li lu .(.' «i| «i . lo

ewry Si-- al "» e 'i -.: wat in si iwtm ox-

plained oftarwurd by tbe tatement thal the people.«. ci«, vu no« t\ gutted v. th in.- -i

. c 11 m in i uml, i martini law His i

wera willi j ,.i ¡:. .,- m il slb« na rum lie «-ii. it ti ralea I mm «. tn »ii.ii th.,i l auld n \«- m» ade in i'- Ide al il e ij r-

aunv of the law aw iniiiiiiiiai'iiii in Memj bli. AH ia»dividual ne,,nu,i tv,,« ul io..,«. t«l I» a. Nu MSB

"(¡Id Moah "l ivriir irtxily, un«) ¡til lill li lo he :,;i

¡gj_8U urv.'ti/l"'. nui'.k RVMv Uç.l.*.r*<;*J l)'«v wvnjd

rather live ander the dominic« ofWm. Lloyd Gsrri*-con and a crew of free negroes than endue the eril,and abuses to which they had been anbjected formonth«, witboat any appeal to juitice or any o*»or*tunity tor redrem. rr^

Many of that etasa, it waa ««aid, might not love theUnion, but they ha»«*d the en?roachmenti aad re¬it rietion») of Jeir Davis and hu nnderlhv, andvital ly preferred the former to the latter. Citizenshad boeii lined, impriiined, BMessed, rendered dee*p-arate io feeling and cireumatancee, and bad grownto abhor the source of the Uli from which they Buf¬fered with an intensity that those who live in theFree Sta'efl tan not comprehend.I II.UULTTiIl 01" TIIK CONFEDERATE OFFICIAL*!.The men in oSee under the " Confederate" Govi

ernmeut were for lue moat part devoid of principle*honoiiy, or character, ard io rendered an odiou, lawdoubly odi-ftia. Ilrihery of all kinds waa the ruleand eearspttas crept into every nook nud corner oitho adminiHtrative and executive affairs, kg aniuatiince, a highly talellgaat and respect »bl« citizeninformed me it wm BBpssdbta to obtain payment,»f a bill anbsa it were accompanied with a bettie elvv hi -ky.QCTETXEflg AND «ODD BEHAVIOR OF SHBSUHSNo city eoabl be more BBSS than Meuipbii i» to.

day. I have heard rumora of Miwal knixk-tlov-uibut I doubt, if they are corred. I have been io y¡¿.rioiii place»», an.1 i.i those where iM-i-nona iii-íiteon.giegela. and I hive ae»*:i no dtstaiassee of any kindI La4-1 not bearii <a uum halloo tor Jeff. Dan*. ,.,t'lad but one np»iking «liirenpeettully nf the Yankee,'at.d ho wau a yootig fool from »ho North, »o intoxi-csted th.tt he had ii» knowledge of wiiac Le waiiu> tag.

'I be fear of ¡-helling the city, and the reirect cre¬ated bywfcaBaatag the gunboat Igbltatiw riverthis »liomin , may have a large influence; but I at-tribute tin- ^«.»«/-i behavior o: tiie people U) hiuberano'nobler can**!. I btave not seen, nor »: > I h*,[iho ralbes. WMij Mena that gai met for months sieitry ti.in tit Nt. Loom Bad Biil'iiiiore. <>u '.tie çon-

tr.tr;., ofvwy »»ne 1. oki ealw or ¡ leaned, and convey«,ijbyiiio-n.»ii»i ally, the idea at eutiafactloa wi:h thenew order of tiiiojfi.You aaiaWgtao hoir grear the »Iteration is from

the awl tina, se aewsboye ass eptbe wini.-f, a fewinutei aller our arrival, «"tym .-out initiiy, " Ere ¦

lim bTbw»T0BE TSIBSBS, only ten cjut,.," Ä_dthat yosr " special" io writing a lett*-r to TmTatassB very eeaapeeedly. u..-l wi'h.»-ii tb« l«.«*tprobability ot ssnoysseeed «-uy kind ia the ieid-E_g«roow oi the Gaye a li «j-^--- tot ¦sa-hi past, the, rincipal tea legrase <a pr «ninasl Babakh

results or bbcesbiov.A .'.¦¦-. 11 .i... , >i. ie have left Mempiiii. Bad .

na iii», r ol' 'ho n.-.-.it intelli.'iut and agreealle fatni*ita ave gaae to Sioaaaeippl and Atataaaa :o re.ide.Mo- :....... » Suieisniii.it«) hw..; b» en lor tame tin.«

peet the weaw-aaw b1 leessala, und I len_ta_tnilttoBis! dotlaia* worth c eappltaeaia heil a

raikaw »oint«" near the cen'er <-i' th») S'ate.All the uaroo« 1 met, however aident they were

iti theil Liine.inn BSBtiwente, were phsiSBl, unibated abäst " Lincoln i» bordee," the "bbMbbjb.saof ti e Bestb," the " bsrasrasi TaBBsee, au we

would je-t over a bettie ot wine at 'taylor i. n

daring the ci.i.-i hat oi au evei.it.g »troll ,ip 1. ai..4.-14.

1 int wilde bbtary of Besamos, a« revealed to mtIS day in glimpe»-», leeini like a «oloisal JaSB,aBgan.i mai BO one wai ever ni eitrne-t who BBMOTteE.TnuL it id not H", and ii sol tins regard«1.!, Iain..ut. awir-. BSeeaataa io a ternLle and ferr,lusblereality.bat I »j "iik merely of it« «ceming lrooi royprêtent »taud-point.

nu BBWMMB and Tiir. WOMBS',If to»-» in ¡mt a gala day in .Mempbi«, it ih«wi

Btraasely etbeewtaa It remindi «me of a Fourth ofJuly 1 BBSWd here, a 1>'\t yottt mio. except thal B ;»

tur more o net uni civilu.-i. 1 tie peo} le atwai ¡nkrot« and nesss, et-htaatly tateraeteg taostwwdiLOvemeiit », but n"t une»ty or '¡anoyed.The negro.'« lounge li.-r Ii-_r*.'y about, and ewm to

rei-anl the tvhole tbtas ai a ¡à-niHnt joke or an ex.el ent event, it in di_u ill to * lim which.The wornt n are n I in ion e. bat mont of »hem are

of that clan«, of which Mea ¡¡ii ha« ever had mii'iorrä than her J .it proportion. Mill, riere are .¡ot

tx towmoaaat asteaa,aada asa er, whom i uve,,. ,, -."in;; in their parlor», or on ti.- door-i'epi. re

en/n-'ii'ly oorrecr in eSBSB I an«l reipeitable in p«.»i.tin.i. No nark look.*, r.o ni le fattens, no Wadhdii'iil! laiti them. I Ley i» ,ai tLeaivelve* in teer¡ei'. l-ly-iike minner, arni oven me lore'-« clww¡.re luti-ducd and it-servrd.

Ile I lypriasi are olten pWBBJ and comely, andire expemively attired, though lrei-jneutly -:'.-BBbas Bad ex.olUut Bnas Tney are tia) riatd'.i F«li um.! by ¦..li»:. .»1 cree«!« se l inii das Hier uraahrsreeL Cartaabj anil ii.teie.t Bailed themibabtíialay. aal Passy ol' I nein linve been »¡r .;,i:,.^nine morning BfSB the «a ne BOBJael.Ibssgb ¡"W-h .!:;'» -»-'m m« tiyo.tlnit ao jeijiexc«! the mind cftia« anti ,'ie t. It,..la ¡it the lie^e ot «..¡¡.',.-4,.

DECSBKBCB OB I ill. «Ti \.

Memphis baa va.«tly taapissad vvi'biu three rear*

.many of ita iarn-rt aiid lines!, buildings bastagboen erected during that j eri'il.ituu it in phiiifuJ t«the i iti/i ni to think how elie. tu*lly .ele'liin hatiiiarte.i the ).T04vth and pio-|»:¡ty al the cite ,!aü»l i he k«"<J it») aiJviittieUiiii' r UM next ten Wa...For lix moitli« Mcinj-hi« bat t-een Uke a grave-

yan!, and I unuen hal l-e.i a n.i-re jireUt.-» a j

cummer» o u iliallotv WSke-bsltave. Ihe i-'-er'.onUmBBj buill aoaaetaDy for a bead, Ima Imig been i.c,

i..; it-1 a« a tiiih'ary l¡o«{ BsL and the dayoio, W..r-ihat.i and «.'"Uitueri lal BSfS Ml ne irly aitree ir- mg'ii-ita a» it they wer. pi«, t.inf.-i ed. lue \ IBf-Lelora have nut pSSBBBtad lo keep bead, be«a«ire ii ey«.uni U' l psiewwe the an di.» i., pliee« Veor oí uiIlnlieuii.in« wete gefaw lo ?Le UsyOBOIsSSB-Babia l»r» iLi;i-t lbBat eleven thfa iñormug, bul a

Mem| liini u>-ire.i m there »va» nothing :o eat inihn ii .-< ..» i'.¡¿h!ly e\..K.'. i..'. .I êtatimeu'i iv-'¡tim j ».» 44-- 4 Bated a iewasi-11 .. «l eosssn **<J edi! ..

4Mutii woi.ty-uve doiluir m ( ostadeiab a- taanu DESTBC! noa or cottob bxaoobhatbd.To i- i.n.if '¡¡i. nscbatibnd .:' ieetm 'ion edi .'toe

IBS I . .r, 1 I live milde Uli ...::" iaqi try, ¡_ud I hanihe I ..«' waaaas I>r elatnitf Hie am. un; has leen

really e-ogiforeted. Vor} littlaaaBjarbaabeeadSitroy«1 though a ir<x-d dial tia*, l-eeu w.ut't.!, _.«:

-i«..itii-, not it i-»- tt mi t.ve bssdrsd baba «.I eettnTbare i- a tanja aaaa-Bj <-f bath -Maa itaplee i «wia :t. . ,itv. I t;t they ut.' I iiici ».. at t») j ¡-event theBsihaattaaof JaaT. Paabfrew wtaiaBapÍMb .»Jüler¡Le wtaerabla prseeai .»! Cooloit tait law,

DI C1 IBB OB Bl vi iii ..tai).H y Seseabas add we thor bad babttial c

Betture ard, who waa now ts Corambee, \I¡-«.., .»no'would I.ei«.,r,-r adapt the gnciilta eystom oi .-¦

tag --4 ! ively. believing thal -hey ¡the HebelnIj - ¡.-tai-i theil i"..¦'¦¦¦.¦ 'ti * '.at wjJ". Heinti-e-

aid i« geaaraly baltavsd bj .en .»¦' adían u

lieu ¿»nil to be «a entire yovi rated psrsos, wit

n!i! »iii«-.i li¡ repstatiee wiwely by thssetad«M 'i-, -, [le h a .-« !¦ ni U mu I Me

¦ y portioBB ofTenatseai, Alabsaat, Anta»¡i«, M .-f-i--i,.|.i. 1 aidsiane sad rezas; wl h.t

...! ibÜbboob are gone foraeer es n ses!.'i i failures in »bellell, and biatyisasksJ

res ta the dta-*sttaa st .n-iailairu.i \n. .. »KDiNviFV id: v uf -iiitrn \.

I'i evacBSiionof Co di ,Ihn bswaawdbythoureaa asd p.-iiii.'i.«:.*» ta opea apeeeb tobes

¡. n »vi meut, ti ounced by l aw ii

e, and a s, .-. ob editortoldwa blwaI-, aor ..i bad i«.'« »lone, and awald

li Bl '.«"» uf 'Aw S ,-.'.T.

Iba Merni ila i-ui uah. base preloaded to ti.:.t.had ti .. ,. e -.¦

mol i'til it a mi. -t*t l% r. .4.-.¡.. ¦).. At ti tat tai.-i narry.!). » « V ita» <¦'< »¦. ttsrwuri c

u dean »yin rl i ibel, «nd I J» ^gIau| oee,B dwyli-elha

... ..'. :. .¡: tm fort, we have no rs-aosto nae

Isoli with it. I ¡- remeni bal tertaislj i*eu

¦. brae ha bataeesa ia Seaafaw Otm.-i..»".i.

HOLUBe'g i: !.¦' "«_»«|-, .... iraitreetvrenh) snreee we h«4e ittu

I thal what is bnown as Uolllns's test, sea,i.i..,.: i« ¦..¦.¦."..v.wy_.-d.fyg:

,,,.. ..i .. ii vom Is, left Mcmp-nisiTbssBSy^.uniingi wi -r tu.'- '.."*"'' S

Bolilla ai N> bu«, rbeüow^«"tvill Mübshly aber his uiiud .I^t^t__a_d,...!, uii.l »¦.-!.:: detsglorU* ;-"s"'v":i'.^wi,,.,.:..! ,- | th. nniveita by I f^S»rS!,,' ., nauii ;:e'-liM.tio.-»ut-in'e.T'rli-..t-'..J»ml i. n-, .4 here be will he wb I:,rH',i^ t

....i.ii.t.i.'.i.ue by the bee-wel I-'"»"1"* ¦»



m .. .,., i i,.! ii« dar audd.e.1 .j.s -i >'^ -^.ftbeKepoblie «.»aid be .ned '7 » iw*aja^, ...tuiSeiiiouih peet badr ^*?¡¡J¿Biocbsry and ino uiuiosi aueadiuahia^^iipi t in lb« outr-grd, oppre»»ed, s. «1 nlo..4t

i le <B M «inphil.
