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Tropical Rain Forest Biomes

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  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


    Swinging into the TropicalRain Forest Biome

    By: Alanna Cavallini and Maya King

    Period 6

  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


    What is the Tropical RainforestBiome?


    Tropical rainforest is earths most complex biome

    ! 50% of Earths biodiversity

    ! Abundant rainfall and year round warm temperatures

    ! Between 28 degrees N/S of the equator


    Average annual rainfall no less than 66 inches

    ! Among most threatened ecosystems

  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


    Types of Tropical RainForests

    ! Lowland equatorial evergreen rain forest: receive high rainfall,occur in a belt around the equator. Found in Amazon Basin, CongoBasin, Indonesia and New Guinea

    ! Moist deciduous and semi-evergreen seasonal forests: high overall

    rainfall with warm wet summer and cooler dry winter. Some of thetrees drop their leaves during dry season. Found in S America, CAmerica, W Africa and Indochina

    ! Montane Rain forests: aka cloud forests are found in cooler climatemountain areas between 1500-3300m in the mountain range


    Flooded forests: Forests with permanent water accumulationex. Lower floodplain forest, previous floodplain and seasonally

    waterlogged swamp forest

  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


    Tropical Rainforest Climate


    Very high precipitation, up to 250 cmper year

    ! Very humid and wet environment

    ! Equatorial location results in moistair and high temperatures

    ! Temperature is rarely higher than 93degrees F and rarely lower than 68

    degrees F

    ! Year- round warm temperatures


    Understory of tropical rainforestcooler because it receives less


  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


    Plant life of Tropical Rainforest

    ! Rainforests have 170,000 of theworlds 250,000 known plantspecies.

    ! A typical four-square-mile patch ofrainforestcontains as manyas1,500 flowering plants, 750speciesof trees

    ! Plants must adapt to the extremeamount of precipitation that occur

    in this biome! Emergent Layer-tallest trees, as

    much as 200 feet above the forestfloor. Sunlight is plentiful

    ! Canopy Layer-the primary layer ofthe forest and houses a largeanimal life

    ! Understory Layer-Little sunshinereaches this area, but there is alarge concentration of insectshere.

    ! Forest Floor-It's very dark soalmost no plants grow in this area.

    A mot of decomposition occurs inthis layer

  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


    Cacao Plant- Grows below altitudes of

    1,000 area that Needs about 4 inches of rain

    per month lowland rainforests of Amazon

    River basins

    Used in making chocolate

    Heliconia- colorful plant has 40 different

    species with paddle-shapedleaves

    part of the banana family Found in the tropics including

    southern Mexico, Central andSouth America and the WestIndies

  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


    Animal life in the TropicalRainforest

    ! An estimated 50% of Earths biodiversity is found in TropicalRainforests

    ! Estimates range from 3 million to 50 million species that inhabit theTropical Rainforest


    A typical four-square-mile patch of rainforest contains 400 species ofbirds and 150 species of butterflies.

    ! Animals in this biome must adapt to be very competitive because of thehundreds of others they are competing against for resources

  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


    Anaconda- large, non-venomous

    snake found in tropicalSouth America

    one of the largestsnakes in the world

    Poison Dart Frog-These frogs are considered one ofEarth's most toxic species, some

    have enough poison to kill 20,000mice. They have a range of brightcolors like yellows, oranges, reds,

    greens, blues

    Proboscis Monkey-Male proboscis monkeys

    use their fleshy,pendulous noses to

    attract mates. Proboscismonkeys are endemic to

    the jungles of Borneo

  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


    Human ImpactMillions and Millions of acres of TropicalRainforest are cleared every year for the

    benefit of humans.

    An area of a rainforest the size of a footballfield is being destroyed each second.

    the two main reasons for this forest clearingis to create land available for agricultural useand to harvest trees in the logging industry

    This deforestation results in massive habitatloss for millions of species and soildegradation

    Experts estimates that we are losing 137plant, animal and insect species everyday due

    to rainforest deforestation, or 50,000 speciesa year

    As the rainforest species disappear, so domany possible cures for life-threateningdiseases.

  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


    Fun Facts


    Rainforests are the oldest ecosystems onearth. Some rainforests in Southeast Asiahave been around for at least 100 millionyears, when dinosaurs roamed the earth.


    Giant bamboo plants can grow up to 9inches a day.

    ! The trees of a tropical rainforest are sodensely packed that rain falling on the

    canopy can take as long as 10 minutes toreach the ground

    ! Over 25% of natural medicines have beendiscovered in rainforests.

    ! Global oxygen is 28% from therainforests.

  • 8/10/2019 Tropical Rain Forest Biomes


    Hope you all had a wild time,

    swingin through ourpresentation!
