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TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd...

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. '" -- - ~.~-._- .- --- ----- - .III-C.l .~ TRUCKEE RIVR AGREEMENT Appioec as to fa=. by HAOLD 1. ICKS SECRARY OF TH INOR UDi Sla 01 Ameri June 13, 1935 I .,1 tt) .. ~ ~ '-J? . " ,. "- .- of
Page 1: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st

.'" -- - ~.~-._- .- --- ----- -




Appioec as to fa=. byHAOLD 1. ICKS


June 13, 1935I


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Typewritten Text
Exhibit App./Pet. Joint-6
Typewritten Text
Page 2: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st




Iii-C. 2





1- :i .

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c= oJ Añ.

." AIoc ., Dln Fl ,(Ao (1 AJOCUOl to Tr~ Disetai pow CO~ iCAl c: AloctI to COZUm Dimd. _ ;iCBI Prmtia II

I DelbtkDlve :Fow . ._..""Nati nøPrvatd 0W Sto w.te~ii !" lbte

1I PuD aD Supleieili ~D!I 3- 4CA) co oi Pcndõie 3æ) Cø ii SUeiientI Rell _ :i(0 m Opti of Paie aD Suppe-øii: Rel. :I

OL 0w of Pc ~ Suppe-i:Clta .B1D :ICD) ~ of ReUJ ReIi _ 3

VI .

m bl or Flaw la 'l EI'I .. ,(A M.'rirn... ot FlcrU !lta :id a..dii F1 Rata 4CB) .B wh La baow lI 4- ~CO Re_ of ,.. fr' ~ ai Sup~==1: 1l to ma1' Rata _ 5CD) Bi ei uo .c: fet ii Trck caw_ ,(E Re_ to Ice F1'Ø1 ~ e(F Be to pr taih wate 4ale it,. . .(0) :a r: Addlti SUti Slo.lEe wa G-l


Al 01 Co~ Db: LINo "rrioa i. li Prni 0lSto Wat ;i

rv sto 01 W&l In SupQOe: Iltr _ ,.CA) Ii Sie:ti Slu~ w.te_ T(B) Sto wh mgn UW Ul e. t L it"" ,(C) Cc Ca1: T

" SUpli IIl ml 01 ~ BI'f F1Dec lltO

v DI~ b1 I' Cøpa far 1i1lpaat Da 11. T- atA ai Dlva ir Tnc: lUY' _ ,.(A (2 Wat oi ei I"Cb by pClCQpa 7- 8æ) ie i' II(C) Ptnn fn Himte Cr tor CIties _ 8

XI J" li t: ~ "

VI l,LLLO kn Fed lor i' UN II(A Sto of UO a= t-i b7 Pv CQI-- .em Be of 4. ien lee I(0 Pv COpuJ' to Obta DD Rii of~ to t.0J ac i.. I

Xl WUbdnwa ci pmlDl ot AppllcatlOl .18' ..ss ca IH". DI W~ BJIl "

¡o ~ 01 'Tab ea 10

"' z: '(I ÍI.pe.- ,tl 10-11

XV 19 De tll 1fni 11

XV De_ - ia is aeai ii

XV 1'nN Copø ii ti _ 'i IDI PiGa 11XV Wal ~ I: ea__ ii

XI 1l ot Gl'l Noll n

XX Opall Da 01 ~ 11-12

XX Ai=mt 'l 1I S__ "XX ObU_ U' Se 1'

xx PJn.UI, Owa BIo W~ 12

= NomSJ. DO ..-= 't Aø 17

XX M1...".-- .. 1't13

XX z-ii DI A.i 'bI~ t3

XX DI &II' =M to bo a. b7 elle '3xx Ma:be Df co ei '3

Page 3: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st





.rTm AGJl Ine uw _~ L_.. cl,. or_~_._ 1a3 by im ble=

rh STA'! OF AlCA ~ i:ed Ibe.,~te si~. pi ti tb fl pøTRucN iiC,.uON DlSCT, u. in

t1 di IZ ai ø: UD th 11.. a:th S~ of Nna (~ca th -IrtliiDl. i- a. '! wC pu

W_'5OE co WA'1 CONSVA:ON DISTRCT. II lrt1cill ~ gr aD øiim tb ia of th Sta of Nev (bei: tI "C__tl Dis. PD of th--

SI J'ACC POWE CQJiAN. ì=iuG' n-Tn :a_ ci ~ c:¡i. . ec.ti lIie 1m ti la.. ol Ib~ Stbi ofxm (~ cs th ~ compg.pu ot ti lou pa

St OT US OF '% WA'n OF 11 mveiæ BI aA\gi- ltl iria' wiUl tn covil1 DI u =i __ pa ti th qluial by Ii th i:l: berto pu a: th"" -

WB th pa hll (ot th tl ComUo Di. an UK ai!or dlVI of .-tc ø-tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ hedes to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st lb __ ~ oftM wa mr of Sl 1A .i or lbt øi pa IIUI 0W a: W: ti oa or li th Tlt7 ei aii. _7 citi th betl ar ~ ai

ws It II ~ _ th ai:p1'dimert ot tbforlD objec tJl:11 .dUci fitl~ tc l! st ii:D _te oi th Tn IUnr ii 1l l: 'b eø'ø= udlor ac tat n,te of 11_ Il Wite dnir ~ Ta be rei: _ uu tht th paø IM ~opæ with ad in as pn bc ai"j Ui Uiitc $bti 101 tb pI ot pri. Car ti. 1ntk cd 1a wlUi tb New ~ti l'l! 1I ti Stte 01 Nev an ~ ØI U. prv1 a. th Ad oi c= !I tb Uidte Slale appJim IT, uo ezti "AD Ac appti UI reP'tr th .. ui dl of pi i. Ii ~ s&tiai teti to ti cc of lrptl= wob JJ UMftt1 or u1 la-, (3 'DDlta Slate Stabn at LaPo 3l: tri:te SCita CO TtUe l3. Se 4U li -i ai Ktuøto tb aD ircm 1b be -ci\t a. a-t aD rtt at ad~ ¡: i'.. ad --jQ7 Ui Of iu up wr la lllI ti duiu o;!r _al it lb ou at La Ta 'I aDpum tv a Jui I: de ontc b1 tb ÐICgw gf th tJD.te Stat. li :m lor tb NOI Dlof ca Se Divl GI Jim .. ISU, aD a ii CIde gf =nd..""t1 c.i. J'1l 2l ui~ li Ut ca ~li øi il8 tit b7 I, trD1 SClte .. p1tIaø AI ne ~ B.-i 0c ÐeCl Ca IIdaeø b, -. ~t ød dI ~ ø: at up_ii at A1 da md ec WG by tb 0Ø udumb li t! tJDlte St: w lb Zl aI -= IIiI aI ~. tJDli. si_ ai al 'n Tn RlYe a-en æ. CG La ud 10 tb we oi ib _te u-iado _ ~ lIWH tM Jnli D\ co aI ..pptil! 87.5 ac at tn ia IIbi lz th CO ai~ Qr Wai aD SIa lz U. si oi Hefcc tb Tnee ea DI'r of'UU N-iBeUoa Pr aU a! wb1 ia II ft:r .. pa~EI ICl 1It: Up _te di ir tb TnDe Ri lA Its l:ta Laio Uu Tr C& IAIGJ.ti :icllr ID sa ~jK aD af th miQ1 ci


.Id JudÐiii ui .: ui Ui:tc Staic eD~ Iiio aDaa_t with tb lrgiUG Diset. d.ie Ilbe ie.Ill wlub:r iJ Ui:ied Statl ir_Cn 10 Ui liailciDlct ai the lrUcm Dlsci ~ lb. ~ opG-ÙOD lA ir 0' sa d: 1A_ cntrll1 warD imot ¡: im I1 th ~opaUon an m$t=ctci aid N_1I ReUO PrIed IY of wot. aDCI pC ir'. tt a:d

wi UI tJiltei SQtm bertofom toed i IIt ID thDlci e- of tb tJritD Stl. lz ud 'or th Dii: eiNev wbØ' lb 'Drile St:\. ia plaii a.d On w..tcDILc co an oth II at Ui ini. ii ti ~1U an d~ti (wbJ .wt b rdef 10 ha- ., tæ"'cn RI MJudleat1ii Suit'" aad i. i::nmi.be In there ci A! eo Ii F.ti A. a:d ia nO' ~I 'liD. !M: ui pui GI obi: I. Id!uUoa at th rilbtJGI Ite us 1i th Stai. at NCQ ui Ui 'ltl of th Trc-be lU a: 11. trbaia la u:i St:ta ei Nevda li ..iisit sad Cø CD th 13 d. af FebN. 19. ..lm .. ruii at th pil! tD a1d, sun. made ~ cnzsed to be emi. & TmpM ~ ar. In wt:cb b lit 'or1th ~UVII ritl iId prO'ti ot tt pan ui s: JUt inui ui Ui 'Wti 01 i. Ta ui of th TNcQl R1 aiIts trblts u '0I bT aid Cø llWB th Coi:t1 DI 'I ~ fci1b pi lamw¡ otb ei c:Pta 5i ai coIi _te 01 th 'n 1UVU ai Ita tn'tt=Cl to supple-i: Ui mpJ,. 01 Irti w:ta fM: u:. bet of iadrwitl ItJ ba UIi.dii u: 1a cooa ÐilJU th Tr MeOW dtmta w1U1 a1 Coti ctWai u: Sb:I. ai = \hii fia- pu: ot 1:i-li tbii øti d .. fI d,ec li A! Trcl Rive ~ud.ca&u SuiL aD li tu 01 A1 t1 m=iii puhu ~ii iC' ca nliibl. ..pp ritl tist imui ;nta 01 tb Trc. Blve .a Its tr...ouwi th Po CCp. 11 th (l1Z øi cerits li ai to wa 01 La 'h1O ui th Trck RlVGui ttl ~ an 0w IC opta ce ~~tr po plti dtu CD AI a,VC ui ~ eiec~ th to Uu pu iz ui Sbita GI c. .IN_dI an to th iziats 01 tb Clda of lio .mSpaki ai V1tJ. :a i. ai1l wa 'l aI fDiu for mi: aD ~ _ ui 'i; 1i a:.._... 'W th ¡:e 01 t!e ii pa bii or uipr-= 1t mt I: ~ Ii a1 "lee B1YeAdc: SWL aD an ow af l1 li ui tD ....ci th 'ncl R1 a: Itt ~ fe thii 1r at1a I!m.æ wU1:1z Ui Ii of tb Ccdoa D1tr li Ui !Itai. of Nen ai ii bc ii a: wibe bate bT Ui __t100 at ..ti nsit ir tb.It1ir 01 eo~ GI U. wab IM pi tobe acq an,=, ø: an 'b 't ~I oi ai thpr øi ti aiat iuWB th c:r in iz \he pr iz Ui~ wi UI li ~ th _mr GI lld Laaa lUvw ..d Itl trb1i: ai wf iilite upve I:cit1llue lltlptl_ ai ai II euKt 1lec no CQQ' of th Wltø ai AJ I"ft ai Its tH_ .NOW. TBRE TB AGB. WI

ABCL L Dcd-.Tb to1ci kr us 1i Ui qrt, wlm capI.Iu :i ha for ti ~ of ih q:t, th m_

in lmbicn ii for 1i tI ut(A) DiVDt:r FLW Zl th to amolU lot aI.,ed tte at il _i. d.ve rn Ui TrcØ Bl""(d,et b7 aI~ metI iz i:c fee pC~. at pal.ts bi i~ QAO!: ai J: DUlUiilucl ... d.vu lI th Trcl Ca II th --ll b:r.pi at Du Da bi ø_ li lmUo ~meU bilow De Da 1. pred 1I ti TRUci RIFIAL DEC. co of (1 NAT' n.W. Wurla re bv Lae TUoe IS) wale re ~


Page 4: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st

. soPPUAL R£VOIR and W PRIVATEYOWN STORE WA'n rd ii Iii sibll:V:ii:pb (4\ atPUi:pb (Al of ilcl m 01 Il ;lrtO:1t: proided thlDIVTE FLW .i im Laclø: m 1"e:ud PRIA'JLY OWN srRE W"A'T (oUlii WQ PRIATEYOWN STRE WATE nden to bi 5lbp:rnpb. (4 ofPalrPb CAl at-Are!, m btf. (21 NATtU, FLWii ex ol 1"JUON BATE it ICED GAc. (31wate dlvc far the JeU- of eli:ca tim- :igth pó. aDar fin th rcøn r¡ Icc .. ~ liPapb CE at A.e m ~ _Papb CBI oi Mte Vhe wh1 b ~ to u. Trcn 1lft.

The lIoi at DIYLRm FLW at 1l'l qill tieØl be ~ 1: ad en the miti of ;i w:tcdln: at a= tme tr th Tr Blve b7 e=ulb" ii.,.1I thei plce of d1nrim In AI fUve bitwc LC!:GAGE aiil De D; (Liw:( Tnee C;) .i (:, thiilNi of Vole (If aDJ 'b-pud. It Dn-by D: b: e:cecit lrtlOD rellltl beow si Der D: u pred1i 011 TRUCK RI FIAL tlEC :l sWtrfn th rat of iucb- Iiddlt1 th a:te of (1) the.mo ol w.tc d.ft It su ti to th 'i:met! atelKtca ei:T ci otu JI. ui!lU -far the re atlee at rnttlio!1 bl Pagnpb (E 01 A.-icI m an Pa-Ilpb. CDl of Aicl V at th iiin:ai:t. an': wb bi renied to Sl RIve. (1) th NATU FLOW lit ii"DGAGE 1n __ of n.RIN RATE (3) the l.out ofPRA'lY OWN STRE WATE (oth th PH-VA'Y OWN S' WA'l ~ to ID sWirii (4) of P.iiipb CA. of Ar m bsi: d1ve-u atsu t!i by i;d eodl 'l ri Il bt tbii RDcrl ofDlYJUlW FLOW it SI ui For th pi 01 the tClIO i:put:UOlU air inm:t: ot ""ta: m: be i;In eubl~ t~ po se

æ) FIOP.IN llTE _ the r.te ol fl !: u:Trft River ii th_ ho of th d1 petk at !'to Caci Cbut iias at tb IC GA. CI"sI of ii :ivve nø of Ml i: tft at w:tt: pe ~gi ..di dZ d'le th pe colØi: t. 1 IIe:db Sct! 30 oi ID YE im en av i: otol eml~ tm or ,.te pe a=d nd d: clYr the peod~=aicmir Odo_ 1 a.d ~ th 1u daJ' of th 1ilolloWúr Febr of &l ya.

(0 ICE GAGE iiean a iia..:;! ~~ locleil the Tnelat Rlve brt th pol.t of dl a thpe it Flor C¡ Iimt1d In the 19U D!:c: aid th, pol.t ot ecl2Uøi at Gn;r, c: im th'Ick RIVEr. .ti :::ie ii tr to dette th n.te ofnow at "IW .i th 'i 1U at ia po

(1) MUAL AM DO:MC USW o~ WIle mcath us of wate. cleU~ tm Uu mal ot th d."t1oi ~ of the Po Co. for iiUDpe cl.a1m. fi pnte lawn ui n==t ¡a"' L'Tpot1oi i.clim iid!oi lI ot di UI azu=ve bo-is, oi \i to¡ th lit1 af .f ue

eE NA'l !'W m_ .n wate (lachclC ..tiDØ ø:irbir w i. 'r ii i. th TnRive ID Jte tltaes ~ oi

(l wate arJ.da b:pc Li La TD su.PLAL imVOm, ar dHhe: -= i-lus Into ai BJVU. or Il$ iiii e.d wai.dJve in a! _ta -abed (oter tb th Tr.!t Rive wati .e) ad re Into ~ B.ft,II lte ~ ii

(z) tht pooi: at tI 00. Li Hite Cr ~dlva by th PD CGpaJ' li .cici -.lhai fii Ui us pr ii the TBUc: RIFIAL DEC

Wate dive tn ll Treb BM adler Its trafOZ Iipt1 domo: mllpa aDar 1i w.teJN wheh. at us .. n=ed Uilh seei or albcr to i:d Rive sb ii Ib: I"bI to A1 Blft. bedecll pa ot the NATU:FW Úll! prded iiow.if. úi,i i. c:~ at ..ta dl'l la th.. &CD


.. \eJ


UOD of clctU-lc: ercr: or oUlci pa'l PWlr. sh nat,3l1~r the retur or sucl Vo1m to sa Rive, be ebed b,.nasn ar ~ul: d.ve

(F) 101:' DEC me:iDS ÙlI Ju~t ii dKr 1lreIn UlCI Di.irci CGun or th U.it. Stta Li ii for úieNert.. DIs af C~ori Sc Dlviao. OI Ji¡ "is15. ui Ui c:=i tb -UUe "'i:te SLite ii Amii~liu. v. ~ Tn RInr ei ElKt COp1 1:1cgiir;tlCl¡il, ddmci", DU loØ. . coJ' al .1ijud,'"cni ii deø .l Iitti ~ iike -£b.t C'iid by mer m:i a p; ba, IG) OPET1 DATE -OF Tm ~ .. Uieèa 'lhci al al tb Ar li tb ~ ar eUedve

as prvUed Ia Põ:rpb CA) of Ar xx(It) ~PerD" an ". i.alud tid1vldii puer-

Ibl¡n ~t10Dl *;oi C'rpUO baUi pul =: pr.=..ni PONDAG! m_ fat1ei aiC or II iilrØI rerv crud bJ a da or da ai C'Dlz wala

DD otler D8 eaPt_ ~ ai lm fiiUlc ~ af reUi th no of th.. Tr Rlvv ItICE O/.E -= of str ..tc of sad llve .udii: ltl-=(J) PRATEY OWN ST WA'1 mWl 'Ile

(Dot Li~ud1& wate I:po li ~.\L :REDVOIR afer Its reeu li th ': BlV1 or Itl trbu-Ur CI!' w:m- mR ii RDloi 1l"" eotrti ti th 'i-ie of La 1'ci af ii rdeu ID Di Blvel !mpiii:d-~ bY an i- uiu iw eaii tmt th.. rJt to thU$ of sucl wate ma be ft In -e po ~ ni~-IO II ii "(10 iu'D FLRI ~ _ ..~ of 0091at WitC In Ui Tn IUve. i: at tb IClCAO dfq a. La ~ di tl i-oc miadiNovmib= 1 AD ai UM De ~ :a :n 01 ea'l.. de u f.ii "l

(1 :s cubi ff.pc se wlti tI"tltion of!l ..te II of La nh b be 82 fiiabo _ ki P2 nat ba s: fe ab IC_..

(D 30 cu fee pe Re ~ th ..ic su-face e1tlCl ii I. Taii .. ba 5: fei '-.._in

CL SlAL llVoIR i: fat1 CDth IJrt.. 'I R1'V eo oi a Rt re bu.J. i eapaclty at DO ia tI lO,r ac fe la tb sw~iu amtl GI v.ta aD tb ni. th Ji th IJWeTrck Bt.QD (l stAL srBA WA' D1 th11 25 AC fe of ". (OZ, It a i- qgt1tJ be d1.vv ad It th au i- aib') ci aiJt b: SUAL :RVOm di ., 7tcumd Ocbc 1 AD ød ~ 3D .n iilie tilr th ~ at P:ph fA GI Aicl. N of.....(J CZ ADmONAL ~ srGEW AT! ¡i:dDll aD __ d1Ye ID .. fi SUMEAL BEVom La ac GI ~ALsrRAGE WA%

em '1OCm c:AL WATE _ tht pa ci thi1w at th "l 1Uft, to 1b øl ii ~ cu mtpe MC de to tb tJi:Ud stte by tI 'rtl1U FIAL DEC far di'l b:to tb 'n Ca(0) 'Ici RI J'AL Du: __ ti. f1de wli b7 Ar :x be tI pa ai im be~ Ia Il _ pe& lD Ui Dl co ii" thtJDite Sta=i hi me UI tb Db ii Nef emUe ~tti:ie Slate of Am pltU V. Or WIIll Di Cg-p;, et aL diimd...., La EqtJ No. A4.". (P) YE _ .. pt GI n.ve coth iioitibee 'i th data ii ID Li eaCb 1ice niwo ~flaz .. i: caplta &h i" to tb ca,..


Page 5: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st



.-- "\ei

AlCL n. eoet_ ~ ad ..p .,PONDAGE &I in~ EZmVOJL

(A) C= at l'AG"l Po Copl (mec to th te of U1 alPmmt) ae at ltl ow ez at MC al ~

pebi n= bF i-,. tD..c PdrOI co b: 8tel oi thii 'lcb Il or LItte 'fcl Rl'I m . Jocatioi iu ~ se~ '" It bc iCE GAGE aD .po De Bo eaon l'AG! .ha'l . da capaty (cipu 1F1h fN at nø lc th :a ~fee (If PONDA. be In tb cb of ii '1 B1.ar at no la th 80 Uf :i (I PONtAGl be fi tb i:nel at ti LitO. Trck Rlvel, .. ir Cltr wwhi'I ii die dl'padt: at iiat le th ~ ci fe;øsed. fa tb pa oi st im i: wa IDLa Tz or oth re iu wata ii fa !bTnek 1U. bY ra tb 110w at sad lUft ~ thl10w tiC" iI iiot aet !"IUON BA'I m .. tDcrte . nte ot ii at ICE GAG ..tlle!:l WD li amfom lI lieu17 I: ~ . .n. J' Coipm Ib at Iti i: .x ~ aD~ al aiilli;tloi to pub ~ b7 la fU Ui;;i:ti imdlci co CI PONDACE ~ PrCcrpa f' Il b:i:bjec to the ~ at th ~matl. to caplll tb i: at PONtAG 011 or befii :M 1, 11æ) ~ of 5tAL RE'JOm.n. ec0l Disct ~ CaIjec ti th tc attb alfCltl tit It wm 1: or ttii PI ~ OE

urii 'ltb Uie Umte Sbiti Gr oU~ .ith c.pm to th Intk DI or th io COpi, aia. IJ aD peb: ~ bY law. IS to be camuct em or beøn li L U3 S"AL iuDV 0Z the tJtt 'r IUve au Bo C.J1fmllt¡. i' c:iity at i: 1I th ~ ac tæ wttioaet c:l wwk: b.YI . ~ i:tT cd ii 1elh 50 CI tn pi -= 1mCZ . stUc ba at :s fe:ied ti_. tbt ti eot1oa Dl si DO bo.. i. orll ti ce ~.A m:~VOæ. ti ciDtale ItR to th 1Jii St.te iz m Im l!-:f ODIi MI= Di aD If a ~ wtth a ci-t: Gl lO.o i~ fe i: mii ~t be CD. rw øJin OZ ie ~ II Ui ev tb aøee ii be 1iaDiu "l .im oth az bT th 'T~ !rriit Di. aD th WIl C0u Wat 0i=D"" .niii ma Gl IJ rn by th UD1te &tw at ~tor iu eoOl Ih be c:us trdeee t! SO-PLAL REom CL be ~ tGi ii _wttl Ui mll Gl tb pa¡i aii. 'I ~DIs sb at lbi ØW ø: ta aD pwcu arCl tø ti ma an prti aD a¡tlll fi: pm"~ li 1z far ti actl aiJar ci GlSOAL m:om .Not li th PI~pb lBl i:~. Il~ to aeipi er ia b; ir b pat af aita ar --eiti 1a lr ar ti bI le' ui AI

pr of Iteh ¡i. ui IU tu Ul .-at. IIiiot li deeed ai ~ 'lti Ui me: at tb pairii æ).(CI OiUoa Owp ai Kat: at PONDai SDi:AI BEvom.m Optl at PONDAG ai ~R!VQm.

!' aD af th OPETI DATE OF TH AGI:m PONDAG ma 'b opte by th Po Ciat LIS _ ap fo th _~i. 1D .. fu . ~tlbl af ti pu fo vh th _ II to be eauali b Iti. ta papl W of t! Mt n. mbed to tbUmtatl ID eoti pnbe In th ai1!t. At altb_ dmic th peod cca:d. .A 1 II e: 0ctobe 31 ii foUin ui Ul 'Y wl1 ti ii el ti"NCRe RlYG at ICE GAGe ii iiot øm n.roN B. POND id be ., op as tz mi'iita!i


II II i. U 'Pctc:ble. tmor ni~ of fl li ¡aId lUft .t~ GAGE. Dm th peod ;oei N~1 aD CD Ma :n ii 10Uo of Ul 'l WI :PCØ mo JD iiw PONnAGE as to f1tI th o_af ti Ti Bh at IC GAG'£ ailor at It otpoblt si 11 it. to mm cØ ii U ma,. dii i!li =ee wttb tb optiOl ii III bJeee p1ta!" ai ~ *b OPDTI DATE OF 1'~ .sAL BEvom sb be op

ate by th eoti Dt it ILL OW ~ IUllCto U. Uzbtlii am cgtI ~ li tb aimiTb Po COpa ll ir lt _ ci ma aDre ~ li or to mata PQNDAG ii ai .m_dent optl CØlSoi ÐI ~tr. Uie COtlllDl sb at li I7 ~ ma al rç Dlli Grer to mata SlAI EJOIK II aD ef.flt o- colSoiPQGZ ai .~AI :mERvOm i: be~ec ti th ti 0: th lirt. iiDt ii:r wb owedb1 Ui ~ ci aD Ui Cct1 Dls (u Uic: 1I bel. ba ~ ~ DW b7 thár Iwpeve 110mii_ aifa ~ b II(2 ~ i: POAlJ aId ~AL1lIB

'l inp ci PONPAG di bc ~ ii ui PO~ Gi oU J! tI Dr emt1im ii~ o:dete b: It 1m tht pi .m i: pe fi ailorca oth Ui th Pv Ci railor tl pi-. ft ei cotl 10 Dlte ar date li 1UIt ~ ui inp Ui ar ei of 8~1 Uiemb1 ra of Ui ~ of tb qii:Tb OWp" of A! S'AI BEOIKIb hl:il! .. b: th tJmd Stte b1 re oi th eo.stet of 11 -i 11 Ui tnta 5titi)" be va liii ~ Dl ar ot pa &m QI eitlao.na Gr d~ bT It fa ih ~ llld.;lI -.cip Ii II ve ii tie 'Ote State 110 pa fIailo egti ~ ti th ~tl DletClIii th pc ii or i=tl . 12 ar i1~el 11 ft) - Il ac a: cnp th i: ci to 1St1tbi= b' 1' of Ui ØIim of t! unt.If POAG _1Dr ~ H!vomdi be ~ ai 0W b1 ai II at th PoCc Of th ~ DUi: (as .ti ei i: be)-t Pi Ca i: 1h ~ DIi (u Ui CZi: be .m piPU c: iu ii Of i: a1 apa Iu ii bo heN) lD .m im 11 ~t'ltl th oter ¡: heN t! PONDACE or. SOMEAL BEVOm Cu th cs 1I be dD be opt-ed i: i:d lIec to aw ta at ih ai If II~ di ta eo pr at IItd Wd qnei wlth at i- ~ II i: Ib 1M IDni.__C) CØ at ~_ ii(l '11 Po Ca~ ai it ti fl _tPQAG b ac ar CO b: tI ch -l tbIJU1 'l iu. bi IC wlUi Pacnph (a) ofAr II tt wI .i Itl ~ øi ii ~C ia i:ei pe ~ by la, ~ a.lor cvc: 1Dth eb ii th '1 IU It a 1ot1i; ta be seb1 It be ri ca ai Ui lita, of UieWuh.Po Dl bi Nir . ftUi ~ harir. i: .,d'c1cm to ru tl it of ti Tnet Jldu t! pe eim= A; 1s a: oe Ocbe31s at iu n: wb \b fl_ at AI 1U dD iiot e:.c: n.1UN ll'D '% Po Copz f'aø to i: tI c: oi m= i;tl ~'W o: or bi Ka 1. U3m i' aD .a tb QP DA: OF 'tAGD. ih Po co qr to opte meiq ¡uue.ot It It ~ e: il th pei:dnr Apr 1s aD ei 0eba :n o: I. nAII Oi th ib iits i: th Do at aJ Tnelee1U at il pot .. II~ øc Il (0' pi Cft Uf II_.


Page 6: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st



(3 'n :P Cøa Cmbee to th ti of th~U Ih bi imt1ti ab at Il: Oltlei to coclDt reruUU ~ it polltl ui tl eJ of. tbTr R1vi ti Fl eaci J. .id1t1oz to thniti re ta mbpl (1 of UW PuplCD) I" to ai to ~ aD n¡utb ~ r-fen to J: th ,~pt (0) dUl th peod ~B&N~ 1s im eId1 Mu 31s ri UI nA to thpu of !Iiutm ii fk ii th_ 't_ B1'f lD -~ w:th th iitl oi Ib: po pltz

AJ'DCL m. E& at n- il '% BIni.W Mat= at J'RI 1l'n AN uzlJUCE J"N BA'1

(1 E:pt )I oU~ prded 1z iJ 11fl, ù1Wltl! li 1. Tùoe wblcb 1. cipablt of ~ rees li:totl Trcl R1 br thl! vpti at ti pta it th oillthcw .i fJ ed af th OPETI DAn: orTH AGRE be R1 1Dti Ai KI 'U oi to tha-x ~ to ii FLRIION R. or. 'BDoc FLBIN RA'1 (wbch sh be \a fiilii .i: 'ltb the pr ai Ui ~mi

(2) iw ii .-te fr La 'lge -=!a at wateImpccm J. ~AL m:OI I! i:øt. (un-1_ olb mu aç by th Cat1oa Dtthe Po Coipa &D tb Irt1 JJ be ma .taiJ' Um it . rate VibJ ,. i: i ii d. ICGAG li øæ at n.ø.N B. Of REUCE FLB-ISN ~ (wh~ 1M thai be li fo, cu uo~ prded i. th aisl

r.U Du the peod eii! Ap 1 ai miOd 31 Ile; lal of iu YE noBIN iv.i Il al ti wb pi be i:ta ii . te~ ftII tber fOf pa o. tJ.~ ints_so ih be mii,. ur to b7 th Pa Cl. tlCotl DIn ad U:i 1lti D1 ID bt ..tht ni tm'P iiuc li n.N B. I!be mat qr to by th Po ~. th ~t1 D1m an ti lr Dbtct th PO Q:~ ni the t1ii~ Slate im th 1r 'Dispa ta the p: ii iiirphl (a ;a (b) oi AZti nt at th U1Ul :c to re Il ii i. -ea 'lth iu acmt(l) WJ.._ FL a. ør m:Oc:FLRIN'RA lI th l2 m. be an be m'i,hied i. wbi;i: ar i. pu by ~ fn t. Ta .u tbCimtlou Dis ii :P CO -I" tb IitI Dú Ih hl lD t! 1' Blft cr tt t:ta PJA1'Y OWN ST WATE 1m lb piP* ot mata In wbo cr i. ii n.N B.ar iuoc n. RA (~ I: be iif~). DI uie P' CQpa st Up re at bPI øili mch ri nq ui 1J 5td ad bIntI tils bi .~ wttb th pr=- of ~Inpi (;i) ui fb) oi Arci nt oi th. Dl in toI1t tb dn :e La Taoe l: m I: of 'Weqi: to tle &mon at ne PRA'1Y OW5T WA'r ao ft ;m t! tmtill Dls~ ahif resich nq tf (hii Pv ~, li Gper~ t. cl ii c: wo II th oit at øJiILa u to nid:ace ui dr fr -.it '1 di th ¡ioioi 1U:-_ at PIA:Y OWN srOBE WAn bJaD m:ci ~ so :f ZI rabl inbl to tb_t øt st PBA'IY OWN 5T WA'1 mr. ar. 51 tt bi Imll1 to ni U. i! fr øtI. to Ui ti m: oi it Pm.MY O'WS1BE WATE 10 rt th by Ui lI reof dr .. it b po to ti ¡:ilei ~. tbwc PaA'IY OWN S'" WAT£ 10 ra...i to ti ci of Ui amaa at w=ta by ~ tbit fr La '1 .. m re be DI9:i'n.W.(5) th Ül pe i:_dn N_be i aDi: Ma 31 iiøt flDa of sd YE (a tJOPETI :DATE or nu AC' wl tMwa iu eit1im ci La Ta Ih \i ~ Ui-4


az feet ~ _ -in rtRIN RA'! .i ~ I.ton: ii .d be :ia'ii..'nld

an llta of now at ic GAGZ wt iøw oJ L.T;i Is be lI ie iibi .. le

(l ~ 1M ia t;mdnC No= 1 uii: U. nø fi Ma 31 oi øc 'Y ii thOPE'1 DATS QJ' 'r AGRIT. "bei~ tbw:ti ~ .inr ot LI 'l dW be 10'l (hanma fel al _ i~ KEtJ n.BIN B.1'ii bo i. ~ II Jb bI in~ to Ui øt posß su to Ui IppIa pr oi tk aeL

CZ Ðu th pe ..mmdnll Nii 1 anøil: Mi 31 ri foll of I: Y2 1fta \b G:O~-ETI PA'1 OF '1 .i wtt REUCEFLaI RATE ue In .i l"bl gf flO" fn ai gfQt I.. Ui RE1J J"N II C1 not to e:--. !'aIN 1t'I) IJ be =-t:i: 1I rei:at th Po COpa to tt trte stte a: tb lr-tI '0 IIIc b ~ I) 'l Ib i.SI ta u prbI ma IU ni oi øti f: Lae'h mdw oi S'AL STRAGE WATE lm-po dvl U. t- mo c4 :5tibe 30 De_prc II pe -elci AtDmONAL ~-TAL STGE WIi'1 ftax iu ~ ",th the~ at Pa (C) 0: ai Ar Il U" IN r-uJ.: to ma It rees ra of Dow plu.lde,

Ca '1 tI tø Cl II rt to inb. sii:.e: ma of fi dm" sU pi sbiit em I. ~ date ae bJ ii th 6,.OO 1m te th ai Cl _= whd! wawit~ be n=i= to Sld! ~ be IU~ dai. UI tl OPZTI DATE OF"'D ~ If ll efvi raw gf flO111 Ri i: ha bi ~ed to th i:tP* :I pr In tI qi ..t:

Cb) 'it tb tO ci ia re to i: sichnc ..te ci flci dar IU pe shDO on Il qi date be i- b1 mo tt5, ac fee Ui ii iiir gf wa wtdi-i ti be n. ti su _ beto 1'd! ~ da IJ t! 0PT1DA: or 1' At; 51 th etii.,~i- of f1 iu II 8i l: be iita tnt! mm ~.. ~ 1n th ~t;

(el PBAiY OW S1BU WA'I :i bezo 1i tb 0' tl li im of nliiof -æ ir La Ta adlci st.TAL m:vom II to th pnun of supu (4) G1 Plpb CA) of Ui Ar II

CcD AD 'i ft fr ~AL iiEJvom tJ b pr of tl pipl(B Jb be m! to Ül ~ of 1J-DQ (5 af Pu CC) of Ui Ar ui

(e) Ttt Ui ai oi..t: re tm tl ~I~ of ~ (l CI ti Fupl æ)az at ~ (E of Ui Ar m sl iibe mclD ti ~tI oi th imts li_t. ~ .. pn iu it Pu em.

m AI riuet lD J' :B Ih b8 ef.te pit to ~ fa ad Cb) oi Ancl FU liti Uli: DEC ai bY nq of Ih Po CiJl iutb C -mtlon DI fø :n of wa fr siKEAL iaqOm. ii Ui i: ~ m w1t;

(a J' UM JI oi ii th pd'"øm Inn.BIN DA u pr 1z ~Q) aø (2 of tl pa æ), th Pi ()"f di II" ao to Ui Urd Stte aD diim ni .. pi DI 5C~ (a)a: Cb af ø1 .M nr oi tt Ulil DECto m op Ui da aD co WI il tMou ot-La Ta.. fa df~ th ~ 1nit be n.BIir BATE re i: ir't"øz am lb pr ot Ui .. pr

Page 7: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st




vt ~. tht It th tv Cap& dita .i th OPETI DAr 01' '1AG to p_ UJ aoUc ~ bJ tIte of tb urea tb tt ai Ibbr deald b' aU ~ . øø ti th PuCøm to ui Or:bl Slate an ti lrDis li ~ witb lb pn of iiiiØ"iib. Ia) ad (b) or AI i" of Uu liDEC to 10 gpte ii dm an tOa ","I1Iks a, to ru th pnlX of i. ai¡ail:ro tl Jlii at etec ti .._ of Do of tb'Ii: R11r :at 1cn GAGE ~ priled Ui .¡ubølPpb (1 ad (Z at tb 'Puph æi.lh Pøer COpi &h Rq Ow Coitloii Disct to :rea 'Wte tr st~T.U. ium hi:bJec to iu~ph (5) ofPaph (I: øl tb Ande'II at il ra 01dllp u th Pc Ct!l m. dcs 1I.lle ~. to iu ui ue to maiaFLRIN RATE pr bø. th Uth Poii COpa &h i: b: ti. gp ofth CorYUoi D\ to ¡In IUdi nci 1Dti to lIow th Cout1 Dbtn to eciiJ''lUi lb. ¡ecmi=bJ or iub'lpti (4) of Paan IC) at i. AI. m th th rit ii !bPo Ciipa to II -= nq ma te._ti fl sa Y! md th eotllR :Dimih iubie tD ~¡i (~ at :PinDb et=or th Aio m. ~ al .sALSTRA~ WATE ","!Inr ir ~.TAL:im lD ac wltb riphCol at Pa It: ci ui Ai m

Cll Du. th pi cmcl Ncrbf 1 uiei4bg ~ 31 11m io at Il YE ..be REut.'E FLTSN RATE 1f ti eUKt _ti fm La Ta.ho ailm' 51AL S" WATE I:po .di tbii t-ni m- GI Se 31 nes pnJ. su peod sb be nieu b1 ti ~ DIsr: ortlll Cct1oi Dbtet loU ib cu .,. bel up ftof th PG Compl m aD am 'l to Rr ao ex.li¡) 1S :icn te lor th ~ of m.tKiDb1l: ¡g nteof fl ~ ø:~ 01 RE'D Ft RATE ib i:tli ~ or l'ORIN UTE. .. I: W ~ b7th p~ ~. ~ th fo" ca a:.itaeoca TIe 'el mi rr th ~ ai

at po p1ti øt th Pø CIiII:peQ'_bl with Ui e1ei eler b" ot øiw: 11 ii tb emu. tv ft ID II ,qlti.. b,. re at p¡ er ~ i-td liacftl to mee th iw 1ci 4t. at ti Po.er cc~ UM

(bl n. Pa CaJ* il ru li ri"lpo ",le at fl_ ..te Itt IØI ir farpo pi .ii It CI ui 1D tI tmoi Ui anait II "1_ iw ai pi

(C) Re_ of _tf fr La Taoe iii at S1MEAL srRAGE WA't fO pI at ma-taN' PLIUN !t'i ai R!'D n.a.isRA=

Uiies the Cotlaa IH th PI e: uidti lrptk:Dct aa ~ stALSTRAGE WATE ai _. fr' La ~ di bt ,.ie 1Dto th "1 Rive 10 th ø:t pol1 or Dee...-d iein vtm 'I ~t1 DIzet di di, Uil pI.lXca Api i aD IId. Ocba :n ii to atIA 'Y IJ ri of tt !' Copi,. re~AL STIlGE WA'1 ii lD 1I00t'i to biIl v; 4D ac fRe dlD a. ~ pcod ii iati .u ii Ii "'te of FLW U ml,. be ~ to tbpu at nct1 tb fl at b Tn IU b7 Ibgpti of PONDACOE u pmded 1D Pu¡r ICI gf At.ii II at tb qrmt; prdtd hc. i.i U' FLiU


. .

TON RATE cii:t .. inlntaed :it al Uie duinc suchpe 'Ith other water a~o far Uil pur Uill uilID 1Ui: _I th ,.id 40 1C! teet or any pa theRf albe us 10 mata 'FLORISTN R.'\~ III lho.n;tit poIlblear~.

(2) If tb _ic nirface elniUon at Lake T:boe at an:ti dlll the piod coir Api i an cid1 ()be :n Da fotlin at iu YE shD be iihi ÜU iafll .bø _ leL lb ai In thR "lIt. ll\blKt to thpr of IUbpai:ph m 0' lb!a P:ripopb (iI. .s lodDiu Dd pcod u AId e1evti sh be hibe thli iii aba =i liit. dr tr t. Ta sh bend tD -ih iiw: ~ It.y ~e aDstAL STRAGE WATE st be reea toth ezeil poblii.'ln o-ar ic inti ",OmSTN RA'%:pi ÙII If web renx ab1 be 1Mch=lit to ru!lta FLBIN RATE the Irdo Disct Jb --ku _iI ir i. Ti to tho ext reqiI so ruu rubly prøble. 10 ii \I su detlclt In FLit.isN It'': IDd prcd tul! 1bt 40 len feet cr~AL SIBAOE WATØ mblec to re unil th prin of th IIbp~pb (2). sb be reti stAL REVOæ fci ib ¡n pivil!ii io-sulipb m of lb Painpl (C).

lii U Uu watv suce el~Ul1 at La Ta~ it aDt!ii d'l the peod eoencllt Apr 1 an md Oc-to :n nex foDowr of lI Y£ bi ~ fit ab. pSirn lI i_._ tb aid In tbt "lit (sbjec III !h pr1_ of JIb-pph ru o~ th Paph ro. .s lll dur!D s: peod u sad ~tlon sb be 52 fe abie aiino or kr..v. ..te tr I.e Taboe ah ti n¡us, IDth IØt po to iniiita FLRIN BA'1:- prvided thll If Stch nlii ah be lmeii to fu tD-1a FLBIN RATE. the COtlOl Dlsct lI reI.. ~AL STOR/GE WA't to tb ua n.qi an AJDmONAL stAL STRAG! vtli-TE NbJee tD th pI01l ol PaJ) (C) of lb 10-ti m. ID in Up suh deQdt In FLlUN B. lI.If 1t :b impobli ID fully i:e up nch defldt by IU n-li tb Ui C~t111D D1s dI ~ 1D1D thTr BJ~ th iaKt aiowt of sud! .. tr so- .PLAL iæVOm .bl a. be racu

(4) Du the plod eoai Ocbi 31 a.d ei.~~~~~.:ti~~.iio ~~1:' oeba I. ..hl si raa1 In 5tliitOm OI OCbe 31 0' mc nA di be roluby 1he- citl DIs ii th Tr rove: iOZ ti. ~ of iiD1C FIN EAT! lI REUCEn,JUN RATE (wh1ebau di be ID ro at thetb). Abjec he~. ti 1h pIli gf Pupt em.~ (51 of ~pb (C) 1Dd Pa~ eE 0' th..m.

, .(5) SUAL STRA WATa impodlU the i-od COmeel Oc_ 1 and eid1 Apr In- ioowC of :i nl Il Dø be reea il~ D1peod of pi 'Y ex ii th ci oi tiii e:-~D~ ,

CDl bln at 4,00"" ted of TiOem CAAL WA-TZ ll pa UJTI Po Capa io at a. t1 aT tl It dee

It hll or advlh111 10 to dg, ni ID the TnckRive dur th paoi COmd 0c i an uiCtI 1a da ci Feb ii foDow of lI YE aD in-: Of 1h l. KZ fll of _te renr 10 I: Aie VIber DOthcU rui; relu in,. ca i ii ID -Pd!l 1D ø:1Z of n.oRI RATE ar BEti FLR.ISN BATZ (whi;_ ah be the: 1D io~i; pri-. tht si reeue Jh not rat ID II n_ at. tleIDta of ti Trck cana In uc of the th Afo ca-ID eapAt7 of aid Ca

a:i :R or walei ior r- of 1c(1) WhIl dur the maai. iii Diw. Jaiua

aD Fiibn of an YE th It be nel ii lD &d.

Page 8: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st




t1 i: of ..ta to im th Pv CGpU to rei. liteer ..ib th aptloi of lts po p1ts or &Iot tbmi ii impts Di II re tr ~u ~nicb &ddlUoi aiow of W'ter .. ma bi ~ of ttUDite stria ri th Jrt1im D& In 't I' CO.pa ki tht ~ pitd ~. UW tI IrI'IUaDtict di ~i be re to ni t= a1 'P ii~w:te tb mme:t to mati"1 ii. nail! fw 1Mipti oi PG .t th ne: pt lD __ of th rawot nO' th bi far at ICEND ~ ui Ii DO evldi Ui i1 .t IC GAGZ ø; .5 CI fed pel..

(2) The COi:tlOl Dl Ib ii nq Of ~p_ COtI. ft 1Dto Ui ~ Rive. di: samonth of Dibo. Jaz ui J' ii rl YESOAL S'ltG! WA1'1m rd ti Oetabe i rim pr mcb re fo Ua pa of remO" lee pim. how. Uit tb eotlim D.trct 1D I. r;t Ib DO bi ~ to ie ID _leUw mMi:t to ir . flOW. nubl for th iitiof pc .t th FleW PlL b: ~ of th mi ,i; Doth=i lø fo at lCE GAG ai b: li .. ma thtlow .t ic CAGE øcn :i cab1 fll pe -=

m R& of 'lta fr La ~ to ¡i mpW.Ia~Th pies hSlo aI th th IZ DI at10 ø¡te th da md ectrDJ Wl It OR ci ciLa Tù u ti ~ir bi IC as pnIa th wamrce ot g1 lae tl ~ eIti e: fm ibsa ~ Tb ~~ for reiitm a1 la ta desu ret $a be u ~

m Eite of th ~ .it1 'I tb wate mr of La Ta Wl re i!iz the i= ..._ di be i:ii lI or a1 Mu i .u A; t ci ad:r uid _t md oi ti_ &l ma be qn ti li UuJrr1l I) pgW COpl im Clti nls't cstl 'r a1 tb wata si dn di be.. ."

(a).Th ..i. cc of th _ 11 La 'hÐi Bu u d8 ~ II :ft ID li.. a; the 't '%0' -. wt Jt be maebT the inti Db CcCl Dlm iaPo 0i oz ci Ibc 1i 1s aD Ap1s at ea 7d ui ll .ich oU tl .. bSI pz Ih ac 'Ø

Cb) 'I1 iiii prp1ta .i La 'r Iith dat. 01 we I1 mf ui tb DC ton!q Jii 1s

(CJ n. IIpts tht ZU wa wm be wtuwai ti -a pte of 1. TI Ii tlidam ii Nc alOW ~ mi pri: w Qw 4d o!t! atte mi:r ..te ir eltl fDtt Clt CleD :f.(d) E: ~ aD ei i:U- ~tb ~ intl ~ Ta

Pld.td mr =- ~ da .-e ui i~fr other reab si ~ aiat ti tt Jrlioii Dlsi: Po CoDT zi Ccti m= m.be m: lu LIeu CI data ..h1c: .. alll be se iith~ sa :Join ~ '1 e: of th Jab _ .uui e!t8 Il bi bc eq b7 tb lr :Dtr lb. Po cmpa ai f! eets Dl

(2 Wb1l th e-tl izmi -æ mr eJ_UO of La Taoe fø th cu ea ~. dll~ii as pr in IUb~ ru of tb pI (1.b ti th mio fe I~ le ~ ui AOthodln(th Ict è.entiCl of Ai la at IU t1 UI IntlDti: Ih op th cit1 pte of -. 1u ID re atUi i:ai nato 01 1:- po or it IU i_ .. ci. Dow al ii br .ir vi b7 Ui Iit! Dl co__UCl Diet ui Po COp;. aD a: of ..tieqvaim to UU lZou wl It b esl8 wv be cata Ii ai ~ ab eI i= iw ibø _ i.


Whnc' afer such equiwl1!t iiWlt of wate ~I NVCbN møte th :iewl wate iii1iiet elevtion ot :ad L3csill the' bi lll-w thii a: fcit ::bG _ ie s:ld Cltlet pta mi (unii 1i1b air ii th p.-= Ca-ii,.. lrrCl\1u Diñ an eøt1on DlU bi closii the Irtioc Disct o:ir oi,. IU i:7 be f~ii¿to inta nata oi iia. pr for ID th ~L

r3) \Vi: (b ""ta ru e1tioi lit L:1ce Ta-hoe &hß be 1:it tb mB ie ::~ Sl lIve t.'i ln.puø Di uiU rel_ fr ii ~ th ~u: DOS-s\le dlse thtl (li IU le nate 0. f1 u maTbe i~ up b1 th imøi01 'D th COJtillllDIsi: aD th Pi Co) mi pi!! uitl th laprou atte ci tt Ø1u: elentlim ii ,illd w:te nir-bci. u pred In IUbpaii (1) ll tb pa;rph (fl.corucl IA cclietØl ..th ~t u wt as iinti-pate 'Itb1n rr Ald lae i: I.Cla thl ~e rM:'-lmmn iipate ii~ ii e1evtl_ !ei the i;l i:-eida ye wU Ilot e:ee sm.i fee ob Rl 1erl1 'I aity of ii. wh! me bi rw ~Lab Taii 1m th i:dltlOl need La 1Ø~parn~(2) iP m oi th puicp! (! Ib Illlt øi the qu-Uti wbl lb. tliite Stl~ b eitlUed m retu fr "1o1l!La ader the prOl of th:ui: DI! prdedbin. tht ii lbe -i It .i be "De. ii or ti::iccDl th p; eoteta Ii ~phs (2)ii (3 of tt ~ m. ti re a IlW qitltyth the tJte Stife ir be mtill ti withdrw mier RJdm, :DEC th Pu CoJl im tb tliitf st:le:iin t:t ti wI ~ 1ite pfUOIl the i:cifi i te or pclt such ad\i ileery~ of ..te fr ai IU II si be re 'U¡it, SI fi 'U ~bI ~bI hI ""te l1i.lieti ii 1e eiUt1 ti pmOI fN iucb daie:PI Uii I:ii :D ii 10 oi th cdl' fa-tiC' u Ui aaec as ta .. pi Ib adtt re pe-mH or ~ Ii Cl II cø ei 1f" a. nel ~-"" ..(G) 1l of AJOmON ~ sm.

AG W A'Dm ei pm .._..1' Ai 1 ii ci Se~ 10 mi fo cd Ul '! (p: II St-

PI ST WA.TE ah hn be ti reJe. AJDmONAL SDAL srRA WA-TE dø bi ft ii 1h _ pi ai mit: th.m Clti ~ II th .v. m !o Uw re;m a. of SDAL srGZ WA'1Dm u. peod en..i:r ~ U &I IIJIl :n 1l for cd Il YE (prRd aD SO-P' STGE WATE Impa piOl"to oemti i oi Il 7B du Ii be ii re tr St-PLAL m:V0. aD ADmORAL SUMEAL STGZ WATt bDpod. prtl tD QNbii 10. mc YE mi rm \: Ih be reii iistAL HZvom pt tht th llt cit..te whdi wv ii ba bn renl tr taTa ii be reii di mc peod bT an 1:00tee U DØ al tiie ti tbe CIøu at ADONALStAL srRA WA. 10 nI il\D"" ""..Di th pe eom..d"i, !'eb i ui cø!4 :I Il fr of II n: ADDmONAL so.PLAL sr WA7 bipl pr to tlenRZ ~ Oc 1 AD r=11I1n( 1D stALR!\lOIR m."ii re__ tr or nt bi SUia :BVOIB d tb i: of th CitlDi II ti C:tk Dl Ih el Ui re si_ta iz whot. OZ iz pu tt .. m. u m:,. be ta-ibb prcteable. 10 re su ~ u In nte itpeod of ii IS Ui re ti &b crta po n=of _ta ii La 'lADDmONAL suÃì STRA WA'IretI 1D st msom af Ma 3:

of II JU ~re 1t dudflc:ti .. ADDmONAI-l

Page 9: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st




St1i.AI STRAGE WATt ai mi,. be ~.under thi pivlslaD of Ib PDi:li 101 ip0cibll to reoue of ADDmONAL SQAL S'BAG£ WATE

AECL IV. ~ 'n Ie.6~ JLOm(Ai ~AL srRA WA1''I Uaiti Stib! ai ~ I: Dbct qr UWth O;i:tiOD Df .i haft Ui nm to ImIn suPLAL 1lVam ch ih pcoc cm-øie:cl Octbe 1 _ cd ~ = ae 1o

of eaiñ 'Y af tI O~ DATe OF TBAG~. 25DC .e ie II 'mtJCK CAAL WA'IS\bl'l ii. to th I~ cot1 '

m sm TltJ CAAL WATE ma be 1m.pDWlded unde i:tl wbc1 wÐ i:ot rel b: tb NAT.UR n.W OF ui Tnck R1ft pi IC GAG beli re ~ FLN BATE at øa. czii ofreleP tr Lu TlOt

(2) 'r rit to iøpc 'n'Dc: CAAL WATELi SUAL BEVOm dii ID 5U pci; iete (uet u ¡i Li pa (81 of UtArdii IV .ti tlii II of S1AL STB-AGE WATE izpg dur sn pi ai tlci ir øi~. plus th amin ci mc wiia r' fn SOpt.AL iæm it Ma :u of sa piod fithe Pu of D'plnTtn'i:r FLN it ~ %5-000 ien fee

an ADDmONAL SCAL STB.G£ wNr.""It Is fu q: br th 'CD11z Staws Ul Jrt1i:~ me ~ Po Cipa ui tb Cati DII-

aiet at'!i ti rt at t! oPE DAD OJ': AGm: \l Iipo ~ Cm Wita 1D",'oPPLAL m;m i% to .w c:pitJ 01. Aite:av. Ii adti to II aa ."tu lipo 'Qer tbprOD ci papb (D -. (2 a: :E (A ci UiArde: p:ed' Uw II aitl TB CAALWA't i: CI be impoed wb tb ~ =-of wW iiClt re Ui __ avable = d1vu lI '!'I ca ~ th Ui .m cø capiaU:;,. ciAJd. e- Q1te hO'. to tb =ø d. ciUOO cuc IHt pl ~ Id tI bi ci ø. az.

(C) (1) GE COrrOBon eøti Dl ai tbt U wI us ev il_furl tg ii opsti It ~ E!Om as to

put Uu ~1I ~ d1ve of i::B:OCK CAALw A't b3 .Ui Im tl 1f 10 ii .. lø Ui iiii:t i: ti (:UC DIs ca ~ da wiUi de~t to th lipo fa SlAL ltVOmof wate wbfcl Ui eoUO DIs b..itJ to impi th .m tM ti of UW ~ r. oUz-.. .

(Zl It dii UU pi tm!!dn. O:bi 1 ane:di 5elibe 30 af tb 1IUa YE If tl OPE-'l :D..'l OF TH AOB (.) th am cd':tu imp0 1i ~AL BEVOm ~:.00 ac fed aD lDa II UOCX CAAL WU-Ef I1 ~) a abii ci _ta = ei Jrt1 af 1muncr t.=ta Be ~ ei " hmtnert dl. su1Dt1 \"E thci sacl e: wa C1te ~. tothe amt of TROrm CANAL WAT so im'P ashii~ pred m tI Pup! W. I! bi ""lusm ai si t= ei ti du: ia 1zu. nA uiDt Nd nito ei rata of t1. as =; 'b rete b7 tbIrUo :D1s

Q) Th coti Dbtd: .cr to opæ so.'L AL REm at .i t1 10 .. to ct th-er.i' thre of tb irtl quty of ..te pa.iu Ui ~ of th unt.


Aici V. Pi..ii by.. Onpa lrlZ 'rboK1"P' iD WPJ ¡111m .. in Bøi CnW D1vccm br Pø CO fn Tlck B1_

1M MOCIAL AN DOliC USEC1 ne ~ CQpR Ih ban th r1cbt ai thOPETI DAT OF TS AG to d1wr fr

Dlam1J YLW to ..h1 tb 'ODlie Stala Ui Itt1D"stct di CGt1 Dl _ ti pa of th fli. bI ua lDUu. .. quUtr of _ta (aN an1.tI \h1l 11 th _te ai to tb Pø CO-¡¡ fwo IiAL Am DQio OS ir tb'l lU9' ui ø:m:ta Cr mi tb '1 BIFtAL D'E aD ti. 1515 Di: as II be iipr ti aupPb th ~Il ii iach IU 1n th 0t ofRio ui th Citi a: Spa1i (b3i.l ti JU cd øIciti -= U' ~ tg QI De UU øz bI lii:thdr ren li ~ ..bi an DO oi bi-af milT be &8 b: th Po COpI ..tb 'I foimd us: pr ~. ÖA tb mill iaii of"Iie ..bfeb th Po_ Cap1 ma be eitl tD d1"lfI ti 'lcl 1U ior ii 1I m: ii i~¡:Cl md th T2tlcx BI FIAL DE IIUi ti15 DEC di ao ez . fl or lO i: fepe 1eiu iieu .t ti po ~i. po at d1vi trtb Tni= .Bln: W._ for m:CIAL AN DOKECus Ih be c1'i bT ti Po Co im tbfoU codlHO' m. ti wUw Ál waw d.9" fJ Ktci"u Al :D'o-ME 1J Ib b. dwbl to tb pm

of DIV an: FLW aIte lD th Pc O;pi ai lb lrp.t1 Db b7 ui FOcioi IUtrph en of Pcpb W of Ar."..(b) ~ \b quUtT of _t. dlvu bT thePOW Co fG UUCIAL AN DomTI US .. pmll Iz ~ (al of ih~ m b la tl lO ;uc f. pe lIOD an b i=mt to Ii mll th remaiti õt th ~ Capg fur md -. or.a _te Cor Ø7 ii ti b fo ui I'..b;ts no aft ia cI li lbm¡tlind D1td Ui aD 1I e1 at md eotith Po Co ma be ait1Ue tD dl Iitosa mib1iq Dt tr DlvEBtE FU .i. cite to tb Pø ii mmtl b: ~p-i; 12 of Pu W of .A VI be. Ðn or wa mfd.. tø su su il-cr ai . .(c) WI th qut1t: or wata ai to nwth riar at.tb Pø ~ to JimcAL AR DOME 1J re 'C 1Ath ~ (l ca be fu mi frDIV FLW lI pr I. IUvb (Ilaz (b) or th ~ (1. th ii Ca-pa ri ~ in 'tOOU CAAL WAn '~ -=t of ..te ., ma be re ti fImee hi nqi=ts 1M !iAL AN D(ME 'U ii to l: ng i= to cifee pe æc

W Tb io Ccpa,. IØ tht at ti OPETI :DATE or "i AG tht:(il IIl rlt. .. fi b7 tI 'mei BI FI-AL DEC cd th ~ to dI'f _ærinto U- HI"'!"' Dl far MtAL .ADOri US .- be Uite .. te Uli rlti

of th pa be II dc ii tb i:tJRI"E FIAL DE aior Kq UDer titi oi tb ~ to 40 cu flM pc ---

(b) Ii.wa al to UW,pI ti an. U1 aM.i rt 'I It UO I n ti dt lito Uimr:bm Ditc fli MUCIAL AM coriUS -= re tn La Ta im ii


Page 10: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st




i' E1'f i. ez oi ton ClØ cubic fee PeHC alJec hø. to ui. ~ of IIpaph II of.tt Pipl W: ai

(c) It -.ft u to ib pu b&to cm. ~ aDal ittJ 'Wcb It IlW ~ to \D fCl imt1..te (otE UW N:. n.Wl rte&1D tt ~ a.~ en La TU'ttiii ~ COlta b: th ~ ai~ til,

(b) an (cl cd th subpiiptl (D aR uit. to ni aiuii Pcr co~ oi a= iwth I. th su~(2 COta Jh tM eoiøec u. ~vU. or ittiii:i;ptewan:. by ti ii Copu ci ai ot th ri af Ofdmite m, ~ lrf1ior iu th B'çi''"d Dl~ gl gf ~pu oth tb it1

CD Dlnr \Iti mpi'.nd Dlt. to re IceTb Pc eo sh ii". ih npt to dive frUi 'r B1ft ii tb B1rb!.ni DItd ai I. ti ortm di th mitb of J). Jam md J'of ai 'Y.t tl OPE'r DATE OF TH AG!d. ai :i of _w i. ø. :E..b adti to Uit~ Ii tJ AJ V mt1i ..h1 1: DCtor tb ~ at revr ice fr ø1 KJ D1tdOi !ø Il ot pml: P"vided th ii Ule ev ot thiøer ai me r4t. tlll Pú COpa id ~IIte web us nt sm waUl. 01 . Wi qu ~ to.....(0 Dl ir Hwte cr fm :tAL .AOow=Notw~ U7 to th eo ccta =.Ui iiec tm Po co ii un ti rlt tod1vt "Wltc fn lllItc Cr fOT iiAL .A DO

:r os Ii Ull &DlJts aD "ltb th prtl pr-cd Ii Uu ntr BI FIAL DEC. .Ale: VL uo ac fll or 'mtr

ç.AL WA't for pø -.

CAl Sla of l, ~ f~ at TKOex CAAL WI.'! bT 'PCJ capa.'n Po ~ Ib u.'"l tl ri (to bi øudur the pegd coeDl Ma 1 ¡m ~ Aq i

d IU 'Y af tle OPE'l DAD 01' TB..~ to d.lr 'I'OCX CAAL WATD aDS\ lle _ l. aD rali or ~ b: ih 'iR1wr Wi_ Sl ItK iCE CAG (e:ii gf bLake Ta0l WI\e Sbtd. wt . prcitT 1u:ei ti SOJoAL STOE WATE up ta bi no .. ""1 4,ien 1- Iwhicb __ ~ bl 11 adti ti th .g se1m indiø in AJ V ti. aiti ~. to U.ioi i:lHnn . .

m Sa l, :rer 1e of wi =- be il udimpa im ft NATt no ii eø cd'PBIN ~ _cln 01 n1 ir,. ""IZ ne d1 .m s:ie ~ øI 4.~I .m led 01_=. or ID pu ~ m: be iø gi it IUcb

ti ei t1ei ai In me __ U DO 10 izw\tb th -= 01 S'AL stWA,TE .. pi to 1D Ar IV bI .

(3) U ii IJ IU YE tb ~ ~ Ih dl-ve :r st ID a: .ueh re ei ~ IIor im i- of AIlS 4.00 ac 1e of _ie. U id "ii \h peod ....=1 Ui li da of ~W ME ion øu d1 ai it miei tb lo i:y 01 tl ii su hl.ie tata Ui Trae B1 u. ~ of nrit CAAl WA'Ø ¡ !n!n!" In cd ~ei ~ wb .. .. dlft :r ñn =-in II YE

(4) No d1ve Ib bI in 10f th ~ cd Øiiiis It oi øJ 4.Cl KN ted oJ -- ei put= In tb n=t Ui tI ir Di ibde tlt ib d1"l ID .. at II 1D-0


1&1 toli fm Di pa ih .. be 4e.tr-ui to Its :ltm ~ W1LU :P~" duthe. paod comd Apr i øc ui Od31 of !hi YE 1D .,bl SI li\l'Sle 1. prpo to be øi..

(5) th d1ft aM ~e 1i Uie i'~ Coin1J ofAJI! UO ~ Ii:t of ~tI ei pu th li IJir .r \b il øc ßG 01 pJ 1A\l4, ac fei or pu tb di be IUble tithe eøUoo tht Ui Pø capI ma Ilt impo IJ I. J' . qia ar TBuc CAALwA' il ~ 01 th ai 01 _u= TC1!u: tb ~ ¡i YE Ji aco:d.".. ..thN~pt 01 01 Ih Papb (10. cxoi Wi -th ~ of th imt1 t)aD In eoi: 'lUi Ui ~tl xt io IAui ~pb (5, im 1D øipaClPh (II o.ui PUpà W.

(81 If th J' c:¡: =i biV1 tøpoed lDiIcl ~ =' ~ PRATEY oWNSTiu WA'T oUi t! 'lUei CAALWA'n im ih b: rr~ the .me Iita theTrck Ri (lci 4I= Into th Trck caat r.ta 01 J1 whld: .m DOt" rat tr i Oin it thlita oi mJ CB lD øe ii lt ùr Iõ eJ-i. gpaeit11 I!ii !h ptod comicnr.r CkbUI ai ed tl ia da ii th iir. foUD' F-=b-nø of IØ 'Y th aM lJ tbt ~t th Po-ti capa ib be aitluw (1IthGUt obt3 ta-ther palpl.. of 1b lnt\ Dls ii iiat-w1Uø ih ~ i: S\inph (5) ofth ~ W to IW o!ur tb piod co1:1I M= 1 lUl! md Au 1 at th tim~ 'Y In wh øi ~ie Ih hnbe øi ii pn ot nw CAAL WA-TJ QIti baaf to l. ii: fee eqttn Ut qgtu so ~ ID

(T Th I" c: ma It al tl~ l! Uibe ea te ø aptc it ø1 n: or toer u to pC th mai: pg clo:ot TBtr CAAL W A: 1: th Ir Dltrct In II fa lI Ji the Judei ot th PO cmpa su vptk 11 ¡ica 9rUi dlJi:ito th Im~ li sa ~ at ~ of..iø 'W th Po cøpa Is entled to in-pi ti ii Ui unt. or at

em Re oJ 4, ac f8 ot 'bCA c:AL W~TE/U Taoc CAAL W~ dl fr ti 'ri- BJnr aior LIS ~ II th oPE1' DAnOF 'I .-1 cm za lnei bT th Pv co

-p pa ti I' CA) of tb Ancl VI ma (mbia to ~pt (l) 01 PIpb W of .A im bcid im ø1 Bl lJ Ik ii i! !r Lu Taan11I ~AL srBA WM' ~ tiiøtl Dl ai th ii co II bo cøta lUeh re In bi eftt Uit th Izt1 Dl IIU. Pci e- II li md eø tb Pe ca-pV sh p.. Ui tJi:ti Slala an th Im :Dls¡u ~ nJ to th rc 01 fl be FLTON RATE 01 f1 u in bi i!Ñ b) It De to d_fee aw reueo: 'Ø th pr of th lill :D"E

(O'Pa eo to abli _ ri of 0W te4,00 IC ie of 'IUei CAAL WAm'!e Pn cø ø. ac DO rlt at ~D

li ci ta th øJ 4, le fee of 'tUcx CAAL WADnl by it i: to Pa tA at th .Ael VI biUu ~p ~ ma rm ii tb m:te Stita pmv:ec ~. lh øl wita di be siblcd to tb nJ InPaP tA of Ui ~ VI pr ne rit tD d1'Rii 4.00 un fed wi re sl -= oi7 to tb 1irido: :Dl&et aD th ~ copu. ad ii, w:tr..tii1'n bJ 1M Pø co ãa be i. Ici th i=.lUo 01 po mi.

Page 11: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st




Ji"nCU: VI ADoø 0' DI'Tm n.w ., 'tftIUnr &tie OPE'Ø DAn: OF '1AnET

CAl A1tioa.All at the partei her ur tht fn md aft \b

OPETI DATE OF TE AGBJI th ri to tbWl 1i.ll t1e: ot DivERIED n.w at th Tr B1sl for th pi oJ Ui ~ be .itc-d

(1 To tle InUø Di IQ l2 up tlii e:.nC: Tneke Dlvoi oi th N_1a !ltI Pran (to tle cxt pned .i ~pt m oi PapbfA) of Nte1 V of th 1ii ti tt Pa CO,aM thll re_ 1I~ m in w th im ba..

t'l To ti citl Dl and to th ow C..dei 1D tit TBt1 1U l'AL DE:. ui tb;ici la 1zt~ of rlptl ta I1 watl dl~ ii UiTrcEe Rive f(ß UI ii La _titled to wali 1D Uiproc: ot th 'tcm mv FIAL DEc: Ici IfrlCõtiii dømese ai it ".te 1J' ui 10tebttw lc: GAG! it DeT Dz C.idud II iiOI thi -.dit! 1;d. re to li Ar vm at th.~e:. nbec ~. to th rit: tJ the Pow co-¡¡ny fOZ MOC1AL AN DOME 'O u pz I.mbdv1cm (b) of iutian)l Ul of Pai"pb fAl øt Aztklli V at tI ~ em Ui ci bu fi Ui foinmacr, ti wi Tl rlct ti th ut ot t!-o 1311 p==i 0' web DL9El n. is 1ib7 idoc to Uipe Il fo th ID ¡icled bi sitrpl C1 ot thPampb CAl. ai U:t rit: tD th us of tbii remt-i:i 1m pa ce of lIeb DlVEaIED FL is tialOCted ti Ui ~ im ii th __ pn li ~aipt m of Ui Papt CA: pcdc IUWJ tht .ilI tie wh Ui rl to iø UJ po at ii iU-1i(og) DU eat of :DlVEElt: 'F Is ii ber tu,. ø:rr~ -Ior th us pr Ir ~ ai oi tb ~:iù. ai bt n: at me be tb Ih Ðd a ii ci -(I! na t.or d1OIl at De Dõ ID i: at uiiiin tD whch th Irtlot nid is eDtled ft SItie i. tI pI at tb 1KUcm BI :FALDEC aD~CI di qnmt tb Jrtio: Dl ~have th rI ti dJV1 aD uø ¡U e: tCl Ib 0_ pi-..Th ~tlOl :D Øa be enti (I tasibd"lii tøl tI siph m at ~pb (A) of.Ñ-

tlelii V b~ ta th ll cr al Witi Included 1# ~ si-ni en) pe c:l of DlvEJ FLW rdii to i. supa C2l tI ~h CA) at th Arcle, wh .b In "e:i: ol tb NA :& tb

Th wa ii lD t!" nucl iu (ll tJ"NATC !'W) to wt th COt1 Dl iibe eitiUe im th tm at t! qnii ma be d1ed e.cl dloc b7 It fll th ~ at ti I& wltl thiiCo ~ ÙI the ii pme4 bT la ii th1I1Icit.æi Pr..

'W.-. 1z Gt ta ei ou aD l! Ui .U!l.. "prde fCl ii Pa (10 of th Ar VI It .i be~ tht UI lli:ti be aw. ir tb qItlty atW1Q! 'lcb UI of th pc i: cn sudi Umtatiai be macl tl th aies of wate ..h1di tb peesof the Øf pa mi'" d1ft ui bi UI Gl of th prortiof Sõ paes at me tl pu .. aid! 'PUe D' cllltd "I. tb TRm: RI FIAL DEC aD i. md euD qwUb' or wata eq to th øil or mc lImUaUcnshlI :icaii aD be gp to tæ .. at tb Irti.. Dltrct an th ~ ~. u ¡ø1J 1D ~ph(11 at Paph (AI gf.tb Ar VI '

AiCL vm Um_ el _ 1fwlWl Ui Codo PbiThii paes hc ai ui lI ad~ 1a tlwh1 iu po at tb dz-D1 (S i- cm at DI.

iii-c. 11

ED FLW. u pnl! l. ~iipb ai of Ale: VIbeC anor m: PRATEY OWN STRE WATE orU111 CoasU_ Dbtct iu,. bi us II be 11tc tolancl _ CI herete Jltute ..llUt w!tt ui boof the ClIt1 Dbt &A i:ttua to 1a pøril"t1U to th ID of _ti d1ft ir th Tr Ri~=dU" tb ¡:lI of tb TROi: JU nNALDEC ptiñ h_. wt th toti _ of iueh al-d1ti 1A id II ue iivé C~ pe cil cr th to.n= ti iCE GAC i. DuJ: Il ezt1Ued to tIUR of Wile ci th Tr R1'I. U iu uø b dd toui TRUC' ar FI DZ

AKei I% B. ui iI'f_ o:PlATET OWN S'RE WA'E

WheD at th OPETI DA'! OF TfSA~. PRA'rY OWN STRE WATE belonl ia Of ci~td b: -= ot tbe paCI Ilno Ib benLe tota tb "Iek 1Uft 01 Its tni. al :auitof Wate l' to t! iuoal m re1S dW be i!to th pct ~ pa ii llYeoi tr Aid IU_ dl!~W" th pi mlJ lIdi NI_ ., piec Li tbe TRC-KE RI nNAL DEC Pfcled b_. !.t IK cle- "dueolU for b....bit1w Jo. Ib be \lL

AJ'iCL X. ftUCE JU l" AL DECBTh 'P'" ben hlJb: ~t iucl ~ thl if

ili OPETI DATE OF TB AG~"T i CD cle-_ ma' be e: b: th DI Cøa ot th Unite StiteID mcl to th DI at N..di IA Aicl c:iw mtlt1""nlæd Slta ai ~ p1 VI 0i Wita D1tiCcp&. clet 1J Eab' No. A-3." ei CiioU .'P~ pn1;1 the C1il Rllh to th"rIlbts at Uie ,. ii fo IA aI Tei~ BeOner 1D tie ~ IU AdudtI Sat mod bow-ever." piec ÙI the,irpi ~ lD"ti..eX i:ent1oi '1 p: ii Il Jlte wttltbe ~oz ci th ~ tD e:ea 11 stptt1oz IItJe for ci iiputl :i beto ma a pø ~ii nike E:I1 A. i: tD th eDti ot ¡a a:~ wbe tb cot1øi ci .icl stPQtlmi bnii ~ iu-lI

Whca .id .ipitl ØI iw ba dpi II bi..bo plclii ii th Ar X b: t1e tIte SLLte tJeIriit1oi Db! tb c:ti DIsi: w Pv Ccn.'P aD b: tI pa at tl. mt pa ti who uie:the pi of Al 'IjlW :Rr Qn li ca.tltl to d1ft -n lr U: 'rck Rive for tl. lr-ptl at 1m wi tb euti DIs wlQR dlftslc: rietla Cuipiii ID aa fa P= iu a:ti DOle lb se t1 'P cm at u. lcta i:'f rtt¡CdrlY ccpU wiUi th COtlim Df 101lrt1aø 1n th 't BJ. er th ~ m bi-te -.cl iØpatlc: toat with tw ~ ~.. atti ~ ii fQfwiU1 ~ ilte w:th J' NlIti-a1 B& at ito. lcptb wl ai Wloz In sub-stt1a! the ta ci th es ~OD alt beeto :ucl ii ED B, de b: tb paes b. orthei dul IUth .e....Uve '1 -¡ of !b 1Upa iu ac at tbem hi lrbl,. author iud1 th COt1ci Dl tv s! ii 1D emUi. be ui I1 10 ii Ui iees beti li th.Vtcl X mmtl lo th _bT cd I: nz cl IA iicl'1cl B1 A4lI SGt.

Whii tie ii "cete UI peli rc tv IDsubppb W. (2. (3), (l) az CS) oi Pacnpb CDl ofAr XX .i 1i'n be eø iu Is r: DCeeo;te øc pm CI i: eg tl Il befi wltl Il Ba aD AI Bõ It tbe..¡i (1) c:aRca 01 AI dapCl18 ~ at t2 aøt to be reediD th ai at ti It ci WUb coty. Stlta ri Niind ud ci me wltl lb 'Di:ta S1Li Db CO fClth Dt 01 Nev to ai Tnee !U Add1ntloiSUIi the r.."fptll e: dito CO at Ui ~-l

Page 12: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st




iøthcr -1tl Al dlpitioi Iid 'lih th db) ~.i tlc 0U oi mid. stpulUo with i:id Cler ior .. -th as the ca~ 01 a1 UDl~ Si.te Di.Co .: iirmU tl pul: .ba rees AI Co toeiic .. D. d_ ii ¡;cl 'I lU Ad Su11 ac with ai ltputl Wb Sl d:plie lic:ie CO ci Iõ i. a! b.I1l be ni ø1CO sh be de io U: tJi:~ Si:_ im wh ..ce.:i: eO wil be obia La p1 1i UM ei atsa pn pl to be ~ii .l .mt! 11 tl imptk Dl ui c.uo Ðii ID tb Pa e.pI.. aD Ib be sgec at al ,.uh ha to it 1Dçc at PO pV to th ~ 'r euOllJoQ 10dtste ~ bi i: ir ~ io ti bJ' II ..st b1 ti intl Dli: th Coti Dl aDth Pa Ci. .

U sa co Ih dlC to etl fi l1Z 1D aecoee witl AI ItpuUO 1i th 1ii ii wb th --aI be so ti aD .i di tht 1i th Cl oi la de-~ PO cbli ii be m. .b ti ~ of Ia dKiiec th ri oi .i pa to lh qn tl aD iitbt ev mc cb ib be fowltb Kti to thpa or pa ~ II i=b7. uu II mc puIn pu toiotb 'I ~ UDlte Slate Ùl ~t1pl¡trl: th lcti Pl. ii U1 PIn teui. WJippr .u ct .. suemia stpUt1 im..dinii; ort øipUtl a= si bY tb UDU Sta tbCClwm D~ tb imt1oi: Dlci ui tt l"CCpi iu b1 su oth pa or" pU bc .. iibe d1 at 1i sw cb" ma i. :W w1tl siCC 'E ci a: ." 11 de ~ tb te olsad. orøn Itpu al i:al 11 aI suentwl,npitl sb ia al pu of tb ii ba t!øi df as bi FO iz tie _ ci me mD ci .fI de 1: icc -.lh sa ii 5Ipatl Iøth na ti& ow to th ..bK ii UJ ¡: cz Ui iipu or lo PO ot re It ii be Im~ b: tbìii of th CiUo ~ to pvc pe øito ui:r ii ~ Il IZ mi pr cb ~ i.pr of th An X. tI coùi Pi 1Iøu. to be pubii It le oa .. Wf far tw Wf lDa iivrpØ u1 im ~il ¡n b: '\ Cou1 Was stiia i: NIV a IU of mc pr åi=d mc publOD Ib be de tg al ~ theqvat ai ac DG to Sl ~.

..ci :I JUb of ti VDf sta CO _ or --of 'X B1n: 1I J' La lz-...

PN Ib be ma iz th 'I iu fb d&i: lo th rtti of th 'DEI Stti to me id of -,taii th Tr Elva =- tl Ii of lz lawtth the ~ La ID ~1i b1 i. izmi ti deee th io i.ce~ NQ. L B7 ii OJ tb ÇQml,..... of tb a-ei 'L OUee iz em Ðe L 1m. tb wi C!pi tl pt i. hi Betl we w:UtdnWZ tr th JNUc d= 1Cl mi aD bet of t=lDdi aD th witi .. ~ "" iø at tiPrdi1 011 Mu i3. lJl. 'lbT ui bT løplti udbT raUov u l1 ti i1ta ai Deba a. iæ i I"pv.bJpeit Qf th w:tu i: th Trck Rm. .. beto th 'DQitc Stita tu th CZoi of lamr bT lia:bi 184 an wbl .. th cmJ' _i. a'l 10r th lipdem or th iõ be ~ 1= th DB of thlDdI 01 th ret1FOI th lnt1 of 313 ~ or PT La IIiuti botu lP plt1 tb 'Diite Sta1l ofAmer i. eit1 aø ai to di :r th '1RIve' 1I 1Ia Ia Dild th IDla of w! II oatb 1d bI of tb i: ID Se ia "t z: It B. :M z.Mot Diabl Bu ai ~ i: eiCf =i:r eufee of W" pe Rc to ui UIt 1I0t -. ll,'lol-ien !e of _tI iz II e:d. 7a wW i prorti;r oio- .. 1M pn th ua oi watQ u ta lJ


dlvw shD Ilot e:ieo a f1 of OM ri1 lJcl 01 oi..!DrtCtl ll im cubic tea pe -= pm le %D the ~i:ie nllbo ll &CII ot th il bl. ~tc d.wil amc:eida 1cii ud th iu=t o. watc 1pp to IU i-iiß UI cstK IiÙO 100 oi a iii. ib i:~ es1CO of UI Inel ei 85100 of imto oi ODe cufoot pe II iø Ui toti I1wi of &O iri- uid.¡:ed uit UI' amoii of _te IV di'9 .:ur UQJ\cb 7U &h ii r.cn l.1 ac 1ee pC ac '1 Ui &I.~te Dl;be of &e at th ia be 1ntl d:uui ya. aid lw prde Lbt Ui lZiii at wiie ;lp-pl ti Uii Wi ah ai: øc ro ac iee pd "" feitI a.Le allZ of ac ai th ia bc .Itedurl ai a1 ,-.

ii Wilr II l1o' fei th 'Diite Sble :id io ti~ bd ai mid rati aD loi th usc anbe an II aot ¡iow fcr tr bY th UDitc Stita to~ eab'1. sett ar oth ui \h 1IID Ih ~ uii aa ba af nlØR ir Ui ~tioi ii th op to ai at oiJ ~ UI'" as=tCI in io the 1D

CW No. i. Ii addlt1 to ..m- ia 1I i.bo ms-Uoi :i13 ae of l'd. I.- Ir Resal:aUOf bola Ih ~t Is li~li ui wi be i.ow t: d1vmwate frm Uli Tndi Elv=. wlth a prt7 ai ~a. 15. to the amou ii ODtorth oi au CQe iooi peie pe Ae tei \h lr..t1 of Z'0l AB at J'dLa Iidl Reti bc 1a De 'nte so ~øwtar be 1a øi be dive in Ül Trck ai~th th 'lcU Ca or IU ot dlte aaw f' b_dta i:c: .. th pI ri dai or ~ prvided tht; ih aici oJ ..te 10r beeh 1a aI ai: c:.ccd i! aD (S 7D W ac fe pe ~ d1ventn 11. rt. aa c: il lI ca ,.ca 4. aiteet pe am app to ti Ia ti th apti iigf &c: af th 1a bd imte dt IJ pa- 'Th waic b ii 10r th Uill Sta_ ui fei th, ID be ~i aa ~ -. 1ii th \I a.but ai II no a1 1ei ti "" th 'DDite Statito bomcsln øic. si ai ot t! Ui ~1D Ui _t tb iad !a V' l" tn Uli riUIlar- aR th øp io Clt1 i: otb dI tb ame:tor ~ io tI liAaCL XI wiUldrwa cf prte ap ~ 01Appll N.. iS aD ¡s Di w:Ui ~OniDl of wa BI_

On CI beoR 1Ie OP! DATE OF TH AaiME tb 1rtl DJ ID tb :P Co JhwlUidro;w Ui pr Øl wi th Ca Dt aiWate ¡it: ap Ül ln oi APtl Nos ~....ABCL :s aet1 01 dc of 1r Db to

pI nt e- li . CStr oi mo dIfed pr .. ud to mi cai-ar i.iioea __.Tbe Po copa. Catl DI &a ih piUes oi tl nn :i aa -= oi Ui tn," ii o~to \h ~QI ui ii.I...ni ai Ui Tn Ca b1

1I Imptl DIs aDlo: th 'D.ate Stite to . i:i:pacii, oi lIi e: :i cW fee 'P ae TbPo CopU. Citl Dt aD Ui pa of tbaf pa aa ea or II iu wa ui_ o~ totb lJcr o. th itc e:pa of Laoi Re uiaa tht su ID oi at capa1: tt ui7 beii bY tb Iiti Dis Not iz 1: .A xmømia Ib opte u . -. bT th Cc pi.tr of ui riti If 11 ba mi A¡tioii louzti.$Iii ai GS !I wt th ci Dioi of "W.i....

ABCU XI. i: til _paii ID4e7 bi pcontlo pa be at be Ua 1w fi to peai 01£o c! m pc aI eoUo or aøc:: ~


Page 13: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st

.\. 'dii. If web iaui ib be due to ac of Co WU. eøqu ti 01 niia oi Ui pr l.uLbüe tø i. mr-pct, ccte 1It1 i;er (J dOCt. th ~ otorch In l;w 11 t6 J! be .. etlk pneai to th 1*-ror of su ma11 or qrem ~ Clorden wrm, pr or Siima. ci ot CS ~ -~oø the øm ot JU pa ailD ib -e tit ID- .u cius ah dc ti ~ at Gq eod'H" ai~i (0U tb th iimt lJ Pap! (u ciAr :. hi re\I to tb tb wi wt UIa;i= ma be oputlve wt QJ pa .i beoblii to psot IX CI to be pe ~ thi. a: Ud iat. th tb at IU pu tQ pctI .i pi be ~ ~ .. pmoi eq to Ui UØdur wb .u c: Ib be ~ft

.i XV. 19 DBC il to be aDed,W Ui.. ..

-Naib c:taed li Ui ~t b 1D~ 10 maU7. atP~ aL 01 i; to tb madlt.."on dO. .1.,or aI~ ot u: oi ti ia an pfOhl.. ot Ui 11DECB ii al ot Ui pa ba ir ui af 1:oPE DAD OF 'X AGB!T (b Da priieri. ci al th ir gf th tlQltm Sate md tb~ et .. di m4 .. tlJ lz ii DECn Alof Ulll pa be ta st¡ite I. l# ui th ft-u:t1oi aD i, cd th ca cd th ni J! ii Ittr (mdvdli, 1ã 'r 1z ~ wr 1!iiirl: ah i: bi c=ed a: c:f"clnC wt ar a:th ~ cir ~ 1815 DEC AD cd \b pø I=tier ~ aD qn \i th .m ut 11 -m ai ofth o1 CI ea I. I1 ~ or o1l ~ 0%~ tht th ni;tl 01 1~ oi th .. ci ~ '1-lii: iUvi am its trta "ndud!"1 lA Ta) u i:.vidJ Li tI ai b or 'W be InCler wltb ar b'b1ddr: 11 II pr ot Ül lI JJr.

ABCL xv ~ 1:ei tJid Sw. ..1rci DIØ d: ~ ii 1!ti ra Iø el

å betc th tJii State md tt I: D1ii of ti ¡: os tli çitn CI li beUi t1iite Sl;iø ui th Ia1l Dl da D-18, i. ii be df to baft bm mar"" a1cb~ ii ci a1 '" tb ØI at Wa astieDl; prded ba. Ui Ui Uii Stte ai t! ic-cI.ti Dl b.=ù cm to aD ct w: ai Ui blbi tb iiod of ratb t. tb ma at _ of u...ie of th 'l Wnr an lb tr (Iri1ni: LaTU Io al ti ui i: ci ~ of CI~ IØ OZ pr ti bi tb a¡Øl ai th ~ritlll :Dlrc: li Wlft aD ci i: th UaiSlatm OI ac QiAECL ri ft'l or II ~ DØ &0 Ui01 aiec npb of ia e-pi &0 .. id ..or LI 1: au 'E Bh. i.~ lI_cl po'Ie paos beto c: iu a& (na'bllcCllnc

a. tn th c: cita In th ~ Ui 11i: ties ~ th O::T! :DA1: OJ' TB AC~ tbe PI Cipl ih !l eitlUe to ii iø thdevo¡ oJ e1ecc pc an 1D me iu c=troblltlotl io RJ _te to cn WI Pape Capa, . De artl (A_ ci in LmUl Po Co an Fl Pup aD Pa Ca).an Its ~ im ib ei dlte NCM 2. UIbe Tnck Bi Geem E1 Cl. ~Lu iu Po Cipa iu nn Pap an PapaCapa ~ ~ in tb di of ti CcI: EtoJ Ui CC of Nii State Of Ca 1D IJ 1D ofDe .t pae 63 ai oi ui "i 1l ln tM Tr".l (IJlc'''dlnc PBATET OWN ST WAD..be Powe Coip: Ib Wi )¡ th øc ri tø iUva fi sa ¡i~ 01 depi ei pa aD 51 .




'PAL STOl\G& WATE .t Pl pat or pota Intbe tJtte Trkt Biwr .iilci ti. TrH, B1YU bistAL :aom aa xcr GAGE No-Uú coluaiDe 1i Ih açllt ib eiIULI . ~or lb_eø of UI u1 r!u of lb Po Copa to th '1 of watu nJea ir t. Ta 1Z=Onr.tc oC th Tr KIva fll Ui denioei oi e1~p:. paVl. ALWAYS. HOWE WI ..ta uøli th po Co fo th~' of ei.ii-.i Im ..ta i; bY ø1 c: W'It Pape. Oip;.lI iU IlII" ta th o¡tl at iø AI =I lI 'Ial bi ~ to tb 'i B1 Jmte af Ii--

Aaci XV rr-m reYl to tI apnhnndd wai ......Iplst aD toO"I."'I .i 4a

W ~ of WI.t& Mm'n'rttn.U tJ catl :Dls U: Irtin Plsi: aith Po ca,. is at at tl ~ dcc lL de-~ U:t . wai A.it be ~ 1m tb ¡i~po of um In èa ou In Ui Sl&ti ci eaii tbpr_ of WI ~ 5I t2 pu ID, bT lI!Jt iø wrtI ii bY tI ci II Mminia (wt ma, bu di DO be re to be th Wdc~ a¡lnla UD th ,~ of th TBOci:a FIAL :Dzc. ui ab ik b. d:clties f1 baeoP"pHi aD ~ b tm am cotlou ci b...(B QipIt! oi da

'n WI." M: .~Ud tmda.lh ~ ci th'1tr RI FIAL DE sb be pcft bY thpu ~ to hn I. at .i iuDa ha to \b~ an data ke or ac bT th rift 1Dc:Ol wiUi Ui ~ti tmda th ~ Ii 0lder tb pl Wat Mu I~ c:pD Ni c1la aD IJnitl u I~ be II lI 1I lz cøor with thalocU- II d1 of wate it pi to tt~ ot tb ~cit ai 'I th fl In tbTn lU IJ it ~AiCL ic lWoc oi pt DO 01 i: re

MJ Ilut r, lI ¡i=b b.lI pred ki bipft OZ i: S! be c1vm or i: In wr an aP bielUi io bT ~ Sta ii or dd In t!pa ci pu tD ci ta wt it ma 1: ilvm lI i:deim eo OZ gN at aD sm ni ie ci pei: s! be ii maed or d~ to dM UDSlate tl COtl t11s U: ii J:im UIPo Comp'lI md tb Wa1 !i n: to ii PBir æJ i: Ar xv an If D1 'Wat !c!lll'st-&b !:ft be ~ pi tø 1M pZ of Jitlcl xv bs tb ii tø mc ~

AJ'DCI Xl I' nift tv U- wli -.""Mm i: wl .. c "ø_o-W on yb Ar L Pu W an an ai

~ii in of Pa CD) ot Ar n azAr %I at tb ~ be optl1J¡i tJ qr aD Ui. at¡rtlca tci e:ti of =ed-= i:citl 1i Ar X hc be dii ~

iiot tø Di:n 18 (CI if mi tI bo ø+"cd in &C~ .. th ~ of Ul qn th witlIU ~ b7 tbe Ua1iM Sm_ ti lrtli: PIUM COtl DiSct th Pø Copi ad bT piof th f1 pØ Ii wto" mi t= ~ of th ~pi ft Or in a1 Tn Blvc JitlSuit an GUUed to dlvu wate ir Ai iu fll tb If-pdOG of la wiUi th Çøon Pb ui ~d1vc Ñb (~ II .c: fe pe am ~iit _ th Mmt1 rI pe ci i: t! to d.ø=aDr1ts cid _piUc wttb tb COdon Dilo irtk ir th '1 Bl. or tI Ui sa: a,In li U- ~ of .A 1, ~ W. æJ


Page 14: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st




an si~ W oi ~pb €D) of Añ .D Arxi Ant1 XI .i .A XLV ol th -ieat, an 1\I~ äI JD Jmtd ii ai boi: cUccve....-

au Tf wl railplnr piii of th ~ti opUftni ~ 8b bi opeV' .. tø ei I.

eVC ",'lntpi pil.oWll tG wbn or DÐ It bi ..~-ri i. wo OZ suCIiI"fl tUt mà ~ma be ~ ir aD ai LI OPi;VE ii.u or'I .AGPn:. _ i.po Ib be II ie ope.at1 al ia al of 11: ~ 'I aD 0D g: th ioio cut1 bd empi wW i; ØI pn \0 I!1. UI ~ØI ti II ei be ~ 1A ~ .u UI~ U: 'I IU Giendon), tøw11:

(lJ ne Sefl oi ~ iiic ii tb UD.le St&lasD I:Yl iø . eue;w IE _11 øali uiSUPLAL Jlvom 11 ¡n to u:ii a! ii

CO ~ ~ li Pu WØZD ii \b siati iiCi"tal. lar ot of bU ØI c:i".nnct ÙI Bi oi eaom ~ futl ..ib 1: Ui au by ¡a ~ JAi. baft lm its ii pm Ipp \hCVoi of \h d. at ui ~ Di== ai sti. m;VOm, 11 sipc l: nq b1 lawr

(l 'I ~t li .P Wi: a1 the Sta ate. ar ti 5t=i. ~ ai th su ot~ lI \h 5i :E ai ib St oiNev or ti Ol Ei af tI Ba: oi~Uø at th Ui:te si (or oU ~b\ lI com!:..OO ~ ~ ~ui ~ iø tQ ai ~ CI la J:~ ia1NI 1I' ban Iø . c:cai. th ~ im ba i-copl I. bu ti estT an cc toth i:_ c=t1 n==i tb ~ Irpa æ) oi A. II i=

(l) 'l De of Pu Wi; D1 th sia oic. (ar at ot tNu or ..Iplanof th State of Ca ex fu id11 ti tb CK bT Ia DeSWmi .iban 1A iØ ti pc ~ tb --~ oi th da d tb PONDAC ¡em iOU cd.~ Ccpa. ii RØ i- be re b7laW; ai

(~ 'I ~ oi ~ Wcñ at th si ofC8 or \h Stn i: ai tb Sti -ciCI ar th 8tUi it of ui Star. ofNev or th Cb ~ at 1M BQ aineti at tb tIte St Iv ot i;.bu or ==f:cc aø fw.. mito iø eu by øf ~t 01 .a J:~ N1po' tb 8," is'i' ~Ui PONnAG ba be ~ I. CCiinf"m"to !h =z ni Uæ sp iz ¡wqnpt W. aD ~pb CD of PaCD) CI Az II :i~

'1 da wb aD of AI rT'n1n: ~ di ~__ ~ve u ~ pr b ~ ~ to.. th oPE DA or 'I ,.çi': pe ci UØ ii pn 1rit wt th.&I a! be eu _101 Ui DO ~

.ødci pct1 ~ t: 1ø niph Ul. CD. m. (l)II (5 gf th Pm em di be eu aD bm-. be ~ tl UD t: tI b! i, wr sI byti I:t1 ~ 1b Catl_ m. ai !b piii Co ai bi th en aii th e-ti Dbor Ui PO ~ (.. u- _ i: M) 1: .c eo~.bi ~ ."tJ dUt dD!..'''.. tl woli gf -~ suAL R£Om m PONDAG (aU. ca ~ be. AJ pae: ie:pedvet. dI be cit1


01 r1pt il' ~ El t1 tor !he ccpliltlon tbe. ef.te~ so ion al gi wik gi be so prtcPONDAGi; Jl ti deocd io lave be e="I~Le wltb.

i. th m~ cit th IgrEQ wb~ii tb 1IU'!ite ..pat nier to li IUbpçipb (4) ad m cit th Pa'gnpb. æi ib have be IA~AL BEVOm sh be de to tivebe capleW 'lUi tbe i:a. ci ti ailEt wbcth IiC1t1 c:tc aø pcts rdøm to bi ~.papI (1. (2) ai (3) gf th ~pb. æi ¡D b,w bo-=_..U. al 01 ii ld 1. IlI lil If 1Ui; dati be exed \b i. w cxti or it c:asClII) tb ;oii-t1C1 ~ li 1u'bi:p! (1. (2). (3). (tl ii ('1 ciPaph (HI 01 th Arcle XX sh DCI have be ha.tI c1tb th imtlci :Dldcl th C~UCI DJsctli th l'OW copa IU: il b: defult b: th pe~aat Its abüpt ~) Ib 1l citlUcd D.t Its ontW toiuta th açt "" ¡ivii 'Itt DCltl El si ær.'Øl:aD to ~ øter p:e- to it .i:cmeit (~ ofID pøci at th tl pa aD ii ai _ uc ii tIpu Un uid1 tI paes of th il pu &hbt ra to ti ni1J ui potioi as tle -" øl Itth date ii imee b1 I: of th prons at th~ provtde ~. tht DClt! I1 ~ntacdJh cut& II be dRe i dWV b1 .i ci tb ~ba at mr r1 su pa n: hI~ to ne iWtr ær pa ..li Ih b&ni f& w1t=t 1:i:riii v:.-. ta pe tb ar on its pa or to Iivgke 1Ui;at :r ii Rlt1 ~ u it in d. ad

.uCU :i Pnom of ~ to apply 10 -bl bd ~ A~ IQiu li paci

n.e pr gf I1 ~ sI be ti t1potI pu be U=udl tb """'nee reer ti in Art1 II ~. th bei a~ IUCl Ul asdl -i 'Ibm ID th i',iee reerCl II ma toms at th pa ti or to lZ si iici SleI ~e= Ih ii si pa au ii bl li adbtt= II . or ua tm th coiiia stli.a....

AECL Di Otil1 or paes ~ tIaø er la iw~ olitl 01 ti pa ta tb i¡rt b Slad ii 1O en DO pa hc ma be Ua d1 ar1D = ei bi rm 01 II ac ta or ti be tutie '.. CI iw ~ mv boo.li II tD be '""..o.ed liJJ ID II aø CI to be ~ or amby lI i: pø 1i UDnd ia ~ rder tob: Mt tt li = tb pi at ~ oi tb ac1I ar ~ bm Da ti tI Ar CCta wigp tD øept 3r pa ii rm u. ~ ot amt: li .. .. iawt 1eed 01 iø bt 1c on m:¡i of IQ i-.AKCL xi 1'.&"f OWN stBE W.ui: u at ~ 'ped ii ii açmalt. PBAiY OWN sr WA'I Ib ii be

IlbJei to tb ta at ti urt: aD 'Ia.u titl ..ii _!m -rta ot ti an us ba ..thau.. ez 1Dt1 tb mc ta re to or ar.dö 1D wh or 1D p: fr PKA'IY OWNsr WA'r wc ~ ah be dee 1I to lDdud ar re tD PBAn:Y OWN STRE WA:AB :i: Ja ot N_S1pi 01 Aøi.. &I ii aØeo ba.:Nir be cc Ih be ~ to Umt tlerits of ai _ (I die oi tb '1ck Jl ..bo ab~ i= Ul q; cent .

.aCL m. iinaD"a;w 'O ¡; tie: aa iW7 aD bi lo tatbto co witb uo: ou:et ti ti pu of ~ wi


Page 15: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st




the prOii iir thlJ i~era:t. :ud ti tht en 1b Irtlgn Disct sh so ¡me :a It lU Il pctt to ~in collU'I thl!t, ~li Ui poW ai cmua 1Vli ilttlii ou;Uet or Lik: T3 iì tilø ptded ai iiand ii. Cgnætlan t)Lset ~d th Pa Cl1'P. n-~Uvd:r. 5h iipftl stAL m;vom aipoNDACE li .ciiiCl wltl th ~ baea uu .igf tho paa h~tø iú Ii I- ~tb pe aD ~menta oblUOD I. eø tw ase4 =' aato be pncr b1 them lE$patlvel.Tb Iii5 D\m ti eoti J) an th

Po'l C=¡3 ib ødi kee adeqte re ~~o thee opu imi: th qn pil up nqof øq of a. paei or t! Wite !l re tD 1iPa~lIb CD) ol .i XV ~ II re ii bei:de ilVI'i1a to the pi m. ~ ti.

CBI NotD coiiWiid m'th qrcø si pRudlII i; the pues bcr fl a. he i. the~ pmed by law. iilhtl to tb us oi wate I. ad-d1tl_ ti the ri II ~ by tb ~'f,..

Noth bER cota al pr Im ól Ui pahef tI 4l~ 'Ite IDto Uw Tnee R1'V waishe tr ancta' w;ta ib aiiS Ui i: ii 41vi Ulsa'" st ha al ot ui rii: In re of wat2 so 41-vered wb.ch An 01 ii be prde b1 law.cc: 'l. pats bno i. th b: tb tf1 th PoCOpa di d=! ber to dW tb place oi d1.vara at wate prd. to be d.vi tc i.ALAM DOI\C US by me of th mp',nd Ditc Itma ma IU eh li U. pI oi 4lnn pr4a!low. th su ehled pl or df 'I ~ i:wa c=ltloi ..li wm be iSete:ta tø U' cd th iiti oithe other p:-t bcr aneS tl qnmt(0) Wh uu wi "fow or "nll at DO ar us1i tl aieD mi ui amou ther II mte ii ~bIfnt pe æe iu wo Ib mu' nota of fl dtieacb ci eaftt to . ~t Ul gi fl U thrate rltll

CE) 'Fiõ th ~ of tI ~ . de of oifoot .I La Ta si bi aa to I: . capa of120.00 ac: te .en Por tb pU of Ih ~ II .it1mi

her.l rnUei :d be ilbmed bT ~ to thtc= bm i: 1dctl1l ii th 1915 DEC .. ui talIi1Cl of a ~l"mW ti bot !i" i. cl pildi" tr UJ 'lci tI of"the i.r ti or SQthii7 _.e: Ilut .. of \; ¡it a:c La 'l il:ii appmxiie,. :t fe beow th ti th az ap.mateb' in &e bo bi; i. -nøD. 'Ith th iisi md or "i:iwti of th ~ pk be I1.iu(~ of AI da wb Al be mi dill be -dusve pu¡snn UI" be 82Jl ff a't _ 1nfa) rr øi øf th O~ DAn OF 'rA~'T. al of th paes :t qr a foI Q)'lt th aaia coiuoa obta oa ai ibie i. th bean b& of Lake TaQl ui at tbe Trck Bl at u4 iltbe vl~ of tb oliUei of i. TI at- tlte; d. this ai ar l: ti. pø ft sa La az 1D tbTnek Rlov ad! 'l City. P1a Cat: Ca5b Dot be" dl or iater by ID ¡; th pR ~'Ithoi the iipp of tb A. ~ o: th S~ie o:Calom1: 'Prode bCl. tbt iz Ut Il tmt A1CQl1 G1r ØI sa d;t: ii iab! or di fa -.ci\, or re thei * paes ~to ruft malivi Ute rl;bt to ri Ia ~ C2 Ui d: wmflat Ø"tw = ca to be ente UO ~ of Iõ i.Ill ;udlHoi to tie ~t iiti ouil tI an en thtth 'I li r' ".tU tr La 1' ta LrCIt' po us b: Ai m_ ci th in. e: aptie coiit1 Uit th se CI th Iaar of tb 'tte5tlte s! ti ti da Ui II . ~. a:tht thll wW Ilt ri _te Er t. '1 tm øror damer \I br =i ii_ atb Uw crtr. a=upa COtlOI tbt th ~Ii li Hetb ~ \b St31:at Ner ii Ci~ or Gt om ~ åiauti;t;. Il ti bá91 ii aD fD with Ui At

_ _11-

Ill-C. 15

Gc of th State of N~da and \h Atif1 Qcen attie Slate of Caci çtea 1bll tht . iieçt;lor !.e =- øiAB JX Esøi CI accÎ\ ti_..

ni ~ ai1lR thi lUpiti nW II i.' M-Uel. I hcof ii be ui 1i U1 flii gf coliea of ..bidi Ih to al ~. IN. de to be tbar ad 5l eite diT OC ta~ Il eo.Ittl _ aø th __ iit. Tb ~ Distrct tbi Irtl Di. ai tb Po Ci:PI ih beciued to" aU to Ii di¡te ~ co or eopl ofai apUlrl1i ib idtt .m to su cote IJci to tata th ._t.U.. ih/i i¡ of th w:te at ib 't iuvu ~f Itstriiia w:tb ti. eøtk DIct ..1l 1Wha be . i- ta t1 apar b: dCr bb Dabere prar ID th OPE11 D~ OF TB AGitYE DI iie1 be . pu he a. be _-HUe to tI tits ~ b1 thtc .ic ti Wiliieit. pr ui C=1l Di di Çl...ABCL :a JnOQ ÐI co aii. tieldW ai cø b1 co

'l ex 'l!GO at Ui eo .I be aut bY tIqiWed el-= at th Ir D!. aD ~UaDi .t elecoi he fo tit pi Tb wUde th hr di ab PfU1 ti de pr=r1'"pi. c: !a . :Iu4da cøtl 'of the .U1 atth cct1 n. lJ.ate st ah Ilot be bc i. II~ to ¡i im th tG of Ui i: iies aiwi cdtø 'Bm j~ of iu pl" 5h"ban ti ~ i.i: . &i iI ii Ul .pp~ Ui 't tw d1 di witi de~ t1 U.ate Sta for 1t fi ce:dfld: ca of alpr rel1 to. tb clec 1ß= th citn ait& CD(l p:m "rø ii ~.~

ABCL xx li al cø ciNo iici at or dete IG Ca or NIe: ce

m'sscm.. Ib be adt= ti ai sb Q: pm of th cot: or ti aT bet tI I1 .m ~ Nøthe co ma be i: to cd to tb eatnU iide wi . çat1 f¡ lt 'ieo bet.

m wr wmO'P tb paei b.~ !Rve ce~ th ~ th da -= 7I f1 ø! ..ti ST.u OF AK~1 Pu ai th :F PC'I1JN IB~ON Dtsct.,., pa øf ti !k PuWASOE coUN WA' CONSVA'ONPIScr,.,., Pa ii tb Tb PuSI PACIC poWE COKPAN.


B1 :P o: th Fou Pa

Page 16: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st



.'/"" W.kr BJrlil An




...:r. -,,--

Page 17: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st





0. w.. Ill Ar


Page 18: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st





0- Wik ii Ar

Page 19: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st







F:xe.Bll A.


ORR WATE DIT COMPAN. et aL .""....S'I1J'l0NS FOB. ENY or FIAL DEciWH t!e aba citlUed cou af i. ru bcal

of th ~ hotare ma an c:ti to be m~ hue-Li . tm ra, oi date FIibr U. 19 def1 th ri¡hll i; tb pi to aid caus In an to th wi-te oi th Treb :BV2 ud re sa paa tr 41-ver W wilD, water cr pJd RiYm e:=it u thii pr-ed whil: orer i: DOW ii fim an is ~ ~ to _mae . pa ti_t;

AN WH fQ th pu at COIC the w.tiof Lake Taoo aiid the Tro:ke IUver Il!! 1~i l:.. I:tor albl! ~ ui tJilUcd Stiti ot Amerca 'Ieu Itp.ti= DIsct Was Coub' Walf Cctlcn D1s Slem PlcUe Po Cø~ ui vaou othllURn of ti. _te of Uw Tnel R1nr have nte li orar _bot to enter Iitn aD ac:_t ~ ~Bf toas the ~ 1UVl Apimi-. . alPT 01 .,bJ Ili:en ii amed buto ai ma. a pa li .

AN 'W ii Trck RI'V A.eit prdetht . UD de dl be ata tict u prvided li tbrtiiubtl=,-

NOW. 'IOeJ lD coiauitlOl at lb. ueiaa ofth sUputlci by the undened and al Uw mutu p:.1s 01 tte pali heii _~ IT IS HEY S'-

Nam or hr

LlT! bY ai ti te aidlpe pues to sa caus~fo~ .L Tht . Øi dec fD ait1 th fann al Ui

for of fl d_ atl!m b.E1 aid. make -Elt 1--e mae . pa hll. :PQ' be mti herLi

2. Ti It sa CO Il dece ii eit8 f1al jUl-mnt ht iD tlii ror of mil det att hQ" aJfl "Elt 1". &I :i d1 tht ID th _tL (I A1de I. dwce ah be iie ii th ~ of Iõ de-_ d1 atee tbe ittl ci II sl of th st~lati tb iud i. tbt en mc di .s be rorwltißlti to the pu ar pu dl af ~bT.aJ ii mi pu lI pa tal't! wl tt UIiU0: Stteof Amerca ~ ~ Ir DIa ii WuhoeCOtT Witi c.tloi Di.ct a: th Si PaPo CC~ Jh ~ IU dW .. itemstpuUoi aiead. -. ~ stputli: aD Id bTthe 'CDitm Stite t9 ~ IrU= Di.ct tbWuboe cotJ W..ta ~ DW aD tb Stiioe Po Copm ui 11 IU ci pu or -peiba ..ii di bi di afli 11 su dW¡e sh be1U with ia CD

3..Ii v:.. at th ta tbt I2 st¡: b tb buor oU Ict btli ta 'b cm ir tJ pu to ø1'I Rive Ait u ti pi n b 1lifit im ai tbi ~ ~ ci UL ItpuUi Jh wllh-cS hI .dp:tu th am tt == "i~ of th .tt1ci .i bi ~l. 'l itpaUc I! DO be ~ fo my papo uz an imtl lb .- di baVi be mi ID s:co u pick IG I: 'I 1l Aieit. bu iibi 10 med th _ 5b be et!Cvi ii ac withIb ""D.to iæ

Al fQl !V .~......._"~... ._..~~.._._~___~_.__._____.___H._.__.


...."_._-,_._---~_.._.___...' .__._.R.._________.___.__..__ ,.-:------.-....-.--....-------~-.-.._-----


Page 20: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st

.. .j



Na- '" i'


A~ for Pv

'!e wieni= pa ci t! tI i- ii i: ~RIve ~ Ii ~ .~ aD 4I1h Wam Cin WIU ~.:D to ftai CG ci Ul be ta CZ Ia ai d~ to b,mt he li ac: wltb tl stpuUCI



Page 21: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st






7l NitI Ba 1i Re_N.... 0si

~ ni ~ ba :r herw1ii(A) SUpillOD fo tb e:1: li . ai dec La U:

i: i- ID th UiiUed Stata DIE Cour lo thDI. of lfi: eaUt. ~ V.ite Staia of Amcr

pI '1. On Wita :Dld Copa, d ai defmdb".ui ai lD Z.t: No. A-3 ii th RC of AiCD (lI CI i. bc ia to u th ~ckRive Adudtl Sl.æJ Tw dapl ~ cu of ~t date

ii Ii Uiite SbiLe llAI pu r: Lb ii PQ '1 InptlDU pU oi tt Ie ~ Was Cot7 Wi. coKnti .Di. pa of ib th pu Sl I'


Page 22: TRUCKEE RIVR...WB th pa hll (ot th tl Com tr :t 'I 1.\C ii th Töke JUG' .I Itl tr'! tD th Staæ cd NlMda I: al at ti ~ he des to ~ th _te CI Di la im B1'1 II ltltria II to im im st




Power Copa, pa cd th foui ¡. lo i: olhwe of tho ..te oi th 'l BJve Gdlor It. tnbui:iipa CI th an pa (A qr bd, bed= ..fene to as th. -rd: :E Acmn.

You U' hcbJ im .. folL To reta Li 70 iiot ai ttpulllii ai

dupUcti aartl =t th lAllwl acUgu oJiicnti o: cee4 coplea ~ ii ban bn ti with'OU t~ tit th lIe ab be Wed -.tb :J OD 01pr to 14 1. 11l OZ 'ltl UI aW of s: åte..."'.

Cal Halea or ccte ii th Se cit 11~I' lAIO!g¡of tM Uiite siia stt1 ttt st.i imvom di= .I ~ph CDI ot /ucll! n 01 AITrck R1'1C1 ,Aai '" .vab1i far ti rttalll of-..(h) :F pet at th ~ini of 'Pllc -Warlavf th State of Ca (W ot ot. buu en -mbn at s: State e: .tOD mn to Ul~be ti sad Depall app th eoiictl ofthe Ib ai the C~Uo: Dl at AI SU.AL REOm ut aieh pe be ~ ""law):h:l Ceca of th Dtmt ot Puc Wi:ia or

t. Sl:te £iee ot th Stite eaii or th State b,.ØJee of th Stale of N~ or of tb Chll EDLiee CIth Biiu ot ~t1oi II tbo 'ti:te Sl:te (or olboiti:. biu. or i:i: aad f\o; ~ totbOR aer bi ai Owe:t 01 Did tDee ni~vels) abo.. tht A1 SOI..'ù REVOmha be copla ..d ii tho eapac: ai ce to thgther coad1t1 rwlaÚl tler sped tI Pulnp! (Blof Ari: D ot ø. Tr R1va Anez

(d) I' Pet of Ui Det ei PI'b Wi:liof the SlaW at c:ii (oi- oUi otce, li cir._ii ot sU stte ~ ~ dm to tia~ b,. ia DçcaU app Ui coC' ofi. d: lit lli POlmAGE ~ o: th Po CØTd~be i. Papt (A) of Ar n of Ai 'lR1va Açeemt Ut nc pet be nq b7 Iawl: an

Ie) euc:te OJ th t)t of PibU Woila Clth SLaLa ~ec at th stti of caom or \b StateEDec of L1 S~te -Gt Neq or tM CI ~ ot tbBuru of RI!\1 Gt 'le 'Oiite Siite (01 ot oi.hun.or romls"" ~ tu_ .m ti UI ex.e: ti ia deUit CI Ai ~ rapetiri)showi th PONDAai ha i- eop1 bi a=w:th 'le amdJtllU ~tI. t! çe~ In Pu(A) ot Arcl II i:f .. Ti Blvv .-

2. U an wleD aD of sa dots qi Li pnirii (l beR hlvw 11 øIll with ,-w pr. ti Mu i.111 (or sucb !.te elw to wbJ th Uø fi: ii th __nu7 be ai.ed :r.l

r.) dlivu on dupte lrette CO of IId Tn1UYe A¡mt to ib CountJ Rea' of th CotJ otWuh. Si.te of Nev tor rerdt1ii ui

rb¡ delve to ui tie .nth th Clk of the Ul;teState Dgad Cour for the Disct of NevcL bi laTnclee ro.. Jijiidlatici Suit the r= execte cowof Aid TNebe R1Wf ~iriit. toift :wth A1 ÃlPt


Irt10a ao ai i!ø."mli.atI ~ to bi ll~ph (ailb). (e). Id) aD (e) ti:i If 1& ~ re to lr øf iip!-fa), lb). leI. fi!) ii fe) oi Pupl i be .i IICbe iied .Ub. J' wlth tb tI be pded (0.&i ~ lb. 7V ab pf retu to thimcnpi ~ bTUo D1 WI.Cout7 Waær e-tI Di. md Si P.df J'.C=~ al of ti dota ~ f'er tD A. reocept to aJ papc id b7 ib att far Ai Trek.Ca IøI1 tlls Wut COQ' Waær CGtiorD~ ui Si Pa ~ CC~ ma coti1a mmdw acqultt iø 70 thw.

You mu ac . wrtt 0' st b7 Ih attC7tor Wii COt1 Waie c=Uø DIei TrdcCa IrI1 DI aø Sl Pa 1" Copa:.. CO_ nl th th ti tOl tt ai Yith J".of IJ of ia åOCmtl re to li mi mbpara). (h). fel. (4) md (e) bi 01 ti 12 bt øo a=U I~ U tø th elte tø wi Uu _II bu be a:ll:m al U iø wbthll or _ ~i of ia i:o~ Pfb 0;eec:tl i' tø ii mbpu ni) ai (d) ar i'.qUi b7 i.... UI ai u ti wtitbll lU ot thii føoiAi:t1 pob aD eeta an (I an 1It. ii due toaD pri: ~ or al iø im ot i:tl ar,uill _ th_ ø: lrdS

"lou ~ 1:.TRUCXN DUATION D:icr.






